Composer(s): Mahito Yokota, Koji Kondo, Shiho Fujii, Naoto Kubo
Arranger(s): Mahito Yokota, Koji Kondo, Shiho Fujii, Naoto Kubo
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Purchase, pre-order, and/or download this game here: http://www.nintendo.com/popup/retaile...
Purchase and/or download the album for this game here: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/JBCZ...
This video was uploaded from http://www.smashcustommusic.com/88762
This stream was submitted by TheUltimateKoopa.
Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
- Douglas Rodrigues: How about to go to Australia beach and play this music
- Robert Downey Jr.: **comment posted 3 months ago** **still not a single reply from this Rachel girl** Let us have a moment of silence for our brother in the friend zone. We here in Friendzone Land hereby elect you president.
- teknn0: I love this song
- dorourke105: Just makes me want to go sit by the beach on a chair while sipping a nice cool drink
- Treetops97: Sounds like De Blob music
- PC2000: Feels like my life has been a hellstorm lately. And as usual, Mario music manages to wash all my troubles away. Ahhhh...
- Skinny Daniel: That's proper English, what wrong with that
- Ben Dohm: Use cappy alone in two player, try that
- SmartJellyBaby2 Coming Soon: Wait what
- Jim Simeone: Love it
- Gregorio Jimenez: Sounds like Hawaii. Or Alolan vacations.
- NitroGaming: Nintendo's Elevator music
- Mike x: this song makes me feel like I'm seeing the sunset at the beach...
- It’schickenpuppy: Nice bossanova.
- Madeleine Cigan: This is my favorite song!! I also really like the staff roll music, but nothing can top this in my opinion. This is such a sweet song; relaxing and beautiful.
- ViperStar: This, Fossil Falls, Bowser's Kingdom, and New Donk City are my favorite themes in the game.
- Conn Toons: I literally play this during boss battles just for the fun of it lol
- RobinDoggy: WII U MII MAKER!
- MrGuy: +Starnana Oh, the boss music. I can see that. Also yeah, I guess there's probably inspiration from Sunshine for that capture. And the objective is to clean the boss off (then beat the shit out of him with... water?), so that's pretty Sunshine-y too.
- lucas lucas: Beautiful
- Leonardo Pascual: God music again
- Andrew Chavez: I can listen to that song is very good I can listen on summer 🏖
- PUJOL Antony: bossa nova is really life
- Jeremy Zorek: This is soooo relaxing. I love when you go underwater - now that's what I call chill music.
- Alejandro Silva: if i use this in something, will it get copyrighted
- Lily O: Very soothing in its original state, but x2 speed is actually rather jazzy and fun in a way. Might even prefer it over the original
- The Sky of Apocalypse: Best waiting room music of all time.
- CatoMax_lel el cato: relaxiiiiing
- Davi Alfredo: Mr. TeM Yeah, I know that genre because it's more common here in Brazil ( I'm brazilian).
- Ryuujin1078: My fiancé noticed the beginning part sounds very similar to Quando quando by Michael Bublè. Have a listen: https://youtu.be/HmxGxzY-iqg
- HyperInferno: This theme is so melancholic to me... Reminds me the old summer days...
- Isabella Smith: This is elevator music in a good way.
- GYMLIVE PERSONAL TRAINING: by far the best song in the Mario series
- ᗪᗩᐯIᗪᗰᗩᖇIO25: Relaxing!!!!!
- Nathan Umali: Combine normal and underwater
- zJamescube: Elevator music.
- john bvjb: no
- cliver: GregoryMom i don’t care it is so beautiful
- KingSkyLord: Welcome to Nintendo Support. How may we be of assistance?
- Ouch: *_B O S S A N O V A B O Y S_*
- MrGuy: That sentence could be used in a different Mario game as well...
- Dr.Gohan Ackerman: Because THIS IS BOSSANOVA.
- couldn't think of an username: Blessed
- Lord Helix: Elevator music
- Justin Richard EX: Sounds like a resort!
- A Simpleton :I: It reminds me a lot of the 5pm music from New Leaf, but that's probably because they're most likely in the same genre. I think.
- Angry Commenter: I really dislike the sunset in this world. It makes it feel cold. Wish it were always day or a way to make it day.
- CeeKachu: No,where is it?
- Michaelvuur: It sounds a little bit like virdian city from Pokémon soulsilver and heartgold
- BrawlBRSTMs3 X: First. Now you can all comment something relevant and meaningful to the video.
- gay: +Ben Dohm I beat it with one player. It's quite simple when you realize that tossing the hat is equal to hitting the ball so it's simply a matter of throwing the ball in the right direction. As for the other mini-game that gives people trouble believe it or not you can cheese it using the scooter and jumping with it. This makes it easier as you don't have to worry about Mario making higher double jumps and throwing off the rhythm as the scooter maximum height is always the same even if you use it in succession.
- DN thegood7: creative :)
- Tony Martinez: *POTATO!* ...Potato...tato...ato...to...
- Marmusic: 1:04 did i just hear a bit of jump up super star?
- Poultry: long, tan, and handsome
- Jeff wolfe: I love this song
- ThatCuteDinosaur: Chill af, my dude.
- Mateusz Baldowski: That's not Mario Odyssey music, that's Sonic Unleashed music!
- Thot patrol Officer: Brawl is a angry bot
- Uriel Septim: Get some flavor packs.
- Robert Downey Jr.: Very relaxing. But then comes that volleyball mini game. Eh. Still not as bad as the JUMP ROPE ONE
- cliver: I love this music it’s very relaxing
- Bmoney64: i want to get this to be elevator music. with nintendo's permission of course
- Electr_icity: Honestly I really hated this kingdom, but the music was pretty good.
- Zachary The Plumber: Since i'm mostly hawaiian this kingdom is my favorite.
- Dio Brando: I like that this song is like a chill remix of Muda Kingdom from Super Mario Land on the Gameboy.
- Pumpkin Eater: This is So underrated
- SonicChaocc: Even Bubblaine Boss theme had an Mario Sunshine vibes put into it. Still wish you can visit Isle Delfino
- Preston Lillis: 700th like
- Vissal: Hahahahahha right?
- TheShoe1990: Brochacho The steel drums
- Vergolophus: Hm, idk. Needs more watermelons. Big, physics ignoring, fragile watermelons.
- 4channel: Yeah that. I haven't played HeartGold in a while.
- Blake 98: Has a hint of sunshine vibe to it.
- Rêverie: Hmm... Animal Crossing anyone? Conveniently this song is more lively in the *evening*
- Ryan Carberry: This reminds me soooo much of animal crossing
- ♡Palutena Toadstool♡: Yoshiboy I didn't think I'd find you here😄😁🤗💚🌸
- Gaming With Noah: 0:00 to 1:17 is the best. After 1:17 is kinda meh.
- Charging Sleet68: The hot springs. Look, you’ll see him.
- I left this channel. I’m sorry, no more.: I fell asleep to this on a ten hour drive XD
- Dino the Betatt: Kind of sounds like something you'd hear from the modern Pokemon games, doesn't it?
- Avery Johnson: yes.
- 《Sakari 》: Hello! (sorry for my bad english)
- Dr. Whippersnatch: This level + Wooded Kingdom theme, dunevengemmestahded
- Charlie Flores: Try listening at x1.25 speed, sounds great!
- KitterBeast: Best elevator music
- music throwaway: this really bossas my nova
- CHS: hello thank you for calling nintendo support how can i help you
- alex 85120: Nice elevator music
- Megachamp: Welcome to Bubblaine, relax on beach and enjoy the sun. The water here is carbonated, like your favorite soft drink. How is carbonated? How does it make great soda? It's a mystery kept by it's inhabitants.
- Caleb Packer: Bossa Nova
- bethmoth: Josh: "Lavander breeze TAKE ME AWAAAAAY!"
- Shyrule: Works better when your actually at a beach illuminated by a pink sunset
- Sonic 06': Fells like a mix of Sonic Adventure 2 and the Hoenn region
- Splat Koopa: Elevator Music
- It Just Works: Davi Alfredo rekt
- saltyturtle: Take me to the Moon from the Evangelion OST
- Tommy & Tommy: Sounds like elevator music
- Jason Jimson: This is orgasmic
- xXzelda masterXx: This was by far my favorite part of game and one of my favorite moments in gaming
- JB: Really?
- Mikey: this video was posted a year ago... wow. holy shit
- Flowr Powr: This music reminds me of what Nintendo was like back in the Wii, DS, and Wii U days.
- Bea the Bee: So relaxing! I listen to this at school when teachers let you🙃🤓 Nov 2018 squad, where you at?
- GreaseHole: shut the fuck up mario
- dni3816: you're a genius
- Iambic Pentameter: I hope this becomes an available track for the New Donk City stage in Smash Ultimate.
- Video Relaxant: Mario Sunshine levels of relaxing.
- Blah: 1:06 "Let's do the Odyssey"
- UltimaPhoenix2405: 1:16 Kass? What are you doing here?
- LilMRB127: Epic elevator music!
- LuigiGeek: Does Brawl just have this message on his clipboard so he can copy and paste it for every video?
- Felix Espinal: But Bowser Was There , He Left Mollusque Lanceur in Charge of Getting the Sparkling Water.
- Jack Harvey: Idk why, but I always thought Champagne was a cleaning product
- Soupington: Is that the lick at 1:39 ?
- Kumail S.: There's Lake Lamode which literally translates to "Lake Beauty", but these two places are beautfiul for different reasons <3
- Maya Perez: GladeofDreams YT ikr? Sadly it's the 21st century
- Falx_: If ya like this, you might like Cal Tjader, Antonio Carlos Jobim and Stan Getz as well as some other bossanova legends., not to mention some of the music from SpongeBob. Not completely identical in the genre of music but very similar.
- kztar621: A generic song to go with the generic world. Seriously, WTF is up with this? This is what Nintendo musters up after Galaxy?
- Jakob Universe: Has anyone uploaded the music for the underwater cave in this area yet?
- eblu: Going up?
- HasanN 81: _How do you know it isn't an illusion?_
- Bruno Sosa: Que buenas Vacaciones para relajarse.
- Sidon: if the eshop on the switch gets music added to it this should definitely be a choice!
- Laszkowska: something relevant and meaningful to the video
- Alex Waddington: Best kingdom hands down!
- Spongeygirl14: I put this music on while taking a bath today. Felt like I was lounging in a hot tub at 5 star luxury beach resort given to me from people because I saved the planet. :)
- Ikablocky the loser: I’m going to listen the crap out of this if I ever go somewhere tropical
- Luigi 64DD: Ah, if only my man Kass were here rather than that annoying Talkatoo.
- YOU TRYIN TO KILL US: Wasn’t he relaxing?
- Robert Vandenberg: Matheus Ribeiro it surely is.
- Daniel B: Rock Oh, fuck off! What's the problem with Darkky having a Sonic profile picture??
- SuperGamer709: Summer 2018
- Kumail S.: This helps me so much when I have anxiety attacks, merci beaucoup for this lovely, mezmerizingly calm and beautiful track <3
- vgMaster749: Taking a vacation of course. I mean imagine being separated from your family and walking all over Hyrule with no home and only the knowledge of old songs your professor played/sung as well as the only belongs you have is your accordion. I sure would want a vacation too.
- Domingo Pimentel: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- HexaSwell: 1:07 Let's do the Odyssey
- GladeofDreams YT: I just love comment sections like these. Why do we argue all the time? There are some things we can agree on and disagree on, but there's no need to fight. Just be positive and there will be no conflict to assault someone else of.
- Starthing 125: I love this world.... i mean, i despise everybody here but everything else, perfect.
- iCaliver: Ah I love games with a generics Bossa Novas very unappreciated. ❤️ This would a good mix with Costa Del Sol
- TH Lis: RainbowDasher 2000 Dude... Search for Bossa nova and you will see. There's a lot of information about it. I would expect self centered ignorance from an American, but from an European...
- Pyrox: Need it for trophies gallery in the next smash
- LudwigRULEZ 1602: Lost Kingdom designed for Dk fans
- Potato Nugget: That fucking bassline!!!
- SparkTheLemur: Man I don’t want summer to end yet...summer is a stress-reliever...no school or anything, but school is starting in September, and school gives me so much stress and anxiety. The beach is my happy place and I’m pretty much being taken from it.
- B O N K O N T H E H E A D: *Jumps into water blaster towards Sparkle Water glass*
- sprandadventures: When I'm in stress and I need to calm down. This is the music
- Osom's Funhouse: I'm just going to say it delicately; *Fuck the volleyball minigame moon(s) and everything it stands for.*
- Max Hay: Always a sucker for bossa nova
- Happisona: Did you guys realize the beginning sorta sounds like Pewter City from Pokémon Silver/Gold?
- who ?: This or New Donk.... Fuck, it's all good!
- Allegra Longo: lol i listen to this while studying my Spanish verbs
- PalenceGamer3000: ahhhhh so relaxing
- Spyro: Soothing
- Wolfgang: I play this song when I’m at the mushroom kingdom 👌
- Starnana: This whole kingdom is just one big reference to Super Mario Sunshine and I love it for that.
- Swish Bomb: I was once extremely nervous to perform at a concert and I literally went straight to this to calm myself down
- Tad Strange: Where's my Isle Delfino DLC Nintendo?
- Sloth universe: Awesome to listen in the summer☆
- Anchor: Zoras domain
- Jimmy Saldana: I think it's just their fingers moving up and down the guitar strings but hey, I feel you.
- Aeroon: Wow... This music... These graphics... I need to play this game now... Congrats Seaside Kingdom, you just won my heart and my money!
- herooflegend27: Soda water tastes weird, but it feels really good down your throat.
- Rêverie: *Spends an hour doing the Volleyball minigame* *Ends up getting a rally of 98* (2 away from the moon) FRICK!
- NCC: Oh my god... Is this a remix of Light Plane from Smash Bros. Wii U?!
- TH Lis: RainbowDasher 2000 because almost all worlds in the game have multicultural references, like music, level design, etc. Like luncheon kingdom... the city have an italianesque vibe with the music, but the outside have an polinesian music. Bubblaine have a French art style but with Brazilian soundtrack.
- SparkTheLemur: And this is why my favorite season is summertime!
- Aryan Patel: I feel bad for anyone who doesn't have Odyssey or a Switch in general. You're missing out on great games. :(
- kirby's long lost cousin: I'd really hope the water is drinkable
- outofideasformyname: Reminds me of rayman.
- Croco 64: +Stickly McPaper sorry but I don't like eating snails xD Yeah it is possible
- Kid Racer: Third D:
- Skeeter Baba1: Didn’t think I’d find you here.
- shopping cart: Traxis Playground
- MaxBeast: Bossa ❤
- eee: 0.75 sounds slow and chill and 1.25 sounds like elevator music.
- BiGoldBear101: Dark Side and Darker Side: for those who really want a challenge [like me, because this game is actually really easy]
- TheNextNX: Delfino Plaza is still better
- Val Brun0: C'est vraiment touchant de la part des créateurs d'avoir une aussi belle et pacifique vision de la France, même si on peut dire qu'en ce moment c'est plutôt le chaos
- Kjetil Birkeland: Elevator music
- TickTokyo: 3rd again
- ShadoArceus144 YouTube: I NEED A TEN HOUR VERSION
- Olathian Whiskey: because he comments it on every video it's only bound to become a joke
- Kyle Cunningham: Like Viridian city
- Nick Storch: at the beginning yeah
- GregoryMom: I hate this song. You know why? It’s too damn good.
- CeeKachu: yes
- 4channel: Pewter City
- Kumail S.: This music soothes the pain of wanting to mutilate my Switch during the volleyball minigame 🎶
- Prot07ype: *Perfect elevator music.*
- JustinK 14: Elevator music
- Bill Moss: Who else is on vacation right now chilling out while listening to this??
- Jori the Great: *silence intensifies*
- Sorensic: I love this music
- It's Queball06: something relevant and meaningful to the video
- hax: thank you
- DawnRoyFire!: 0:46 is that a peice Chain link charge on the piano??
- Palpas: The home of the nipple suit
- Sergio Ruiz: I had this playing when my gf came home as we both have been super busy working and have very little time to relax and i had some candles lit in our little apartment with a homecooked dinner playing this when she came home. We may not go to Paris but I wanted to create something as magical as I could.
- Nabillio96: Does this remind anyone of Professor Layton a bit?
- Jori the Great: Agent 3 is correct, it's an octopus. Trust Agent 3, for they/he/she is a squid.
- LaSuperDisco: Nostalgic for me...
- Blupieity: relaxing music! cool!
- thatquirkyredhead: I finally remember what this song reminds me of. Does anyone remember Galdin Quay from Final Fantasy XV?
- Mr T: I like turtles
- Charlie So-and-so: That bassline though!
- Aldahir Cash: It calms me
- Natalie Kelemen: Just imagine lounging on the golden sand, a sparkling glass of carbonated water in your hand, watching the sunset in shades of peach, amber, and tangerine shining like jewels on the sea; admiring the beauty of the moment and just letting it all go......
- Oniplus: *birthday suit
- Uriel Septim: Featuring as Mario! Mario: Oh yeah!
- SupTestMan: Am i the only one who hears Viridian City from heart gold?
- Karyll Aguilar: Yusei x Jack's Theme
- Joel Martin: Nyxael's Hub or welcome to this elevator
- zatchfan202: Laying under an umbrella on a clear sunny day on the beach listening to this!
- Mike x: so calm and peaceful...
- Andrew Verni: X2 speed
- Ghostwolf34: My favorite part is from 0:00 to 0:14 . It kind of sounds like elevator music.
- TH Lis: JEWong47 but it is... After you beat the boss in this level the sunset is permanent.
- Frank Maka: Who else was thinking, "This would be great to listen if I was at the....." Then frown, realizing you don't go places :'(
- Boković: I think that my non existent Switch turned into an elevator.
- Ezequielsmash25: very very beautiful :D
- elisogay: Cappy: Bowser isn't here, should we move on to the next kingdom? Me: Not yet, Cappy. I wanna admire the sunset more
- Diana McDonald: What are you implying by saying first? You were second to comment.
- Mato32DX Swag: good, but still Dire Dire Docks=Bubblaine>Lake Lamode.
- Julio Cadenas: Most tedious level.... Finding those purple coins and hidden moons took a toll on me! Nintendo can't you let you have a game without the water level -_-
- Vincent Cioffi: Whenever I listen to this I see an ocean in my head
- Flophawk: gourmand land anyone?
- Robert Vandenberg: This one is more elegant and relaxing.
- Issac Meyer: I think 3D mario water levels are amazing, each one. Dire Dire docks for the music, Seaside Kingdom for the atmosphere and music, Bouy Base Galaxy is absolutely epic (if it counts as a water level). But they are superb.
- JimD Gaming: I hate that challenge with a passion! A couple of days ago I managed to hit the ball 98 times before my hands got sweaty from holding the controllers for a long period of time that it put me off guard.
- TofuGamer 208: This music is giving me flashbacks to the trip I took with my family to Disney World two summer ago. Best trip ever.
- Justin Nicholas Pek Sarmiento: So relaxing and calm.. Ah, I love the bea- IS THAT A GIANT SQUID?!
- AceTheSceptile: Justin Nicholas Pek Sarmiento it’s Squilliam Fancyson
- EV OPE: I mean, I could just start saying second
- SmartJellyBaby2 Coming Soon: Well thank u mate
- Harvey Sullivan: Elevator Music :')
- alessandro348: tall, tan, young and lovely
- HawlMastah: Can someone put this music over the Knuckles “awkward” moment from Sonic Boom?
- Davi Alfredo: Mr. TeM Hummmm... What? What is "rekt"? I searched about it, and it looks like it means "wrecked", but can you please explain me?
- Mastermind: The opening gives me serious Pokemon Black and White vibes from Undela Town.
- Jordan Perez: At 1.5 times the speed it sounds more like sunshine lol
- Penguin Dood: Here's your standard elevator music right there
- Lylac The Fox Loves Sans: I couldnt even get more than 10
- Henry Hendrix: My favorite song in the game
- Drotopolis: There is an ancient song about this place. WANT TO HEAR IT
- Jason Domican: A water level I actually liked!
- Arnav Chatterjee: what is this genre of music called?
- Brenton Taylor: I would use this as the music in a mall.
- Flame0326: Nyxael's Hub that always comes to mind
- Stickly McPaper: +Croco 64 oui oui, monsieur. I mean, escargot is a frech meal. Bubblanians seem French. It all adds up. They are your brethren monsieur
- PidgeyProwler: A moment of silence for the one wooded kingdom citizen who drowned in the water.
- JCMGeorge: HexaSwell glad i’m not the only one.
- Victor Hawkins: more like the sun that never sets!
- Daniela MoralesRamos: it sounds very animal crossingish
- Zachary Corona: I always playing this music when I'm just having my me time :)
- Doggo: First. Now you can all comment something relevant and meaningful to the video that isn't just "Something relevant and meaningful to the video" because that's a shitty and overused joke. *:)*
- Brunko Sproogle: Watch in 2X speed and suddenly it's a shop theme from pokemon or something
- YOU TRYIN TO KILL US: A water level that’s actually fun. *Holy shit.*
- Grace Young: Does this remind anyone else of Viridian City from Pokémon HeartGold?
- Zephyr Cat: Heavy insaniquarium vibes from this
- kittenlover 2065: Proof that Nintendo can make music for any situation.
- SparkTheLemur: I go to the beach like 90 times during the summer (Cuz I’m right near the beach) so rip my cellular data XD
- MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE: Why didn't the Pianats make a cameo in this kingdom?
- maecro: something relevant and meaningful to the video
- P-Duck: This song helps me poop.
- Yoshidex WGY: I like going to this kingdom and put on the boxers outfit and putting Mario to sleep next to the dog
- SparkTheLemur: El Stink like I said, time does fly and stress is forming again 😂
- i have no skin: 5pm from animal crossing
- Luka Rogic: Sounds like girl from Ipanema!
- NIN10: *Bubblaine* Kingdom
- A Mechanical Leviathan: 2x speed Bubblaine confirmed for Mario Kart 9
- 1GoldRunner: The genre of music this is called is *Bossa.* They typically play this in elevators, lobbies, and cafes! I recommend looking up the "Cafe Music BGM" channel because they upload hour long bossa tunes almost every week! Please like so everyone can find more music they like under this genre!
- Croco 64: +Stickly McPaper I'm French too, are the Bubblainians my brothers?
- Joakim Mårtensson: love this soft track !
- Michael Beauchamp: It's a Sonic profile picture; the problem with it, is that very few people have pleasant Sonic memories, whereas most people have unpleasant ones. I'm guessing you had pleasant ones, Ennard, and dislike that some people haven't.
- Darkky: Very relaxing.
- Hmaz: anyone else getting unova vibes from this?
- Cyan Koopa: something relevant and meaningful to the video.
- Novva: What elevator music is this
- UltimaPhoenix2405: I hope we have a Brazil-inspired kingdom in the next game, that'd be amazing.
- SparkTheLemur: I need to go there then! XD
- SparkTheLemur: I better here this at the cabana restaurant at the beach when I go... ~v~
- Killerwhale 6011: Listening to this while at the beach! It fits perfectly!
- TerraRiku: When I first heard the steam gardens theme I figured that for some reason Nintendo would repeat main level tracks and that the theme in question actually belonged to the seaside kingdom I knew existed before playing. While I suppose I should be happy it isn't the same theme I don't like what they went with here. Sitting back and relaxing is the adult thing to try and do on vacation but for kids it is to try and have a blast. Given how the gameplay here doesn't want you to relax either I actually find this track incredibly unfitting.
- NIN10: Nintendo is strict with there music
- Cat Goomba: This is a song that has honestly made me feel something I haven't felt in a long. Peaceful, and happy. I get emotional while listening to it, almost to the point of tears. Koji Kondo, you've truly outdone yourself
- GameCubeGuy01: If you don’t think this place is beautiful, then I don’t know what is.
- Bassi-Kun 99: Wait... You like water levels? I get why people can like Lake Lamode and Bubbline.... But water levels a a whole?
- George Wilson: Heaven's elevator music.
- DashingIb: TH Lis i actually heard it, but i don't think it's the same kind of music as that
- Nigel Fletcher: Waiting.....waiting......waiti..Oh hi this is Nigel speaking
- NightmareFueler: Come experience the relaxing atmosphere of our world-renowned beach resort, now in the comfort of your local elevator!
- Juan Diego Stefan: i loved odissey but seaside kingdom was by far my favorite
- Keyblader gameing: This sounds like Elivator music XDD but very relaxing
- Fierce Vinegar: good track though i think beach bowl is better
- Tad Strange: It’s not really an island. There’s islands in the area, but the whole place isn’t an island, unless the land behind the beach we can’t access is an island (which is most certainly is).
- Branny Cedeño: Mario's biggest adventure yet!
- MrGuy: lol
- Josh Frederick: I’m trying to pinpoint what song the verse melody from 0:25 to 0:29 sounds like... maybe Stardew Valley?
- Corey Fleck: Makes trying to hit the volleyball 100 times a tiny bit less rage inducing
- Douglas Rodrigues: This music is Light-years to the others soundtracks
- Louis Helmer: Similar songs to this one?
- Canana Man: 365th btw
- Miles Away: I feel nostalgic towards this theme, I have no idea why.
- Nashouu: This sounds exactly like the Galdin Quay theme from FFXV.
- Ki Stewart: How does Nintendo be coming up with music like this 😮
- SparkTheLemur: HmmmMMMMMmmmm I w0NDER whYY
- Stickly McPaper: And that's when I knew the Bubblainians were french
- SparkTheLemur: Funny how in real life, carbonated drinks can make you break out XD
- FTKB Gray: This sounds like bossanova from rhythm heaven megamix
- Jez: Favourite kingdom! Great view, great music, great atmosphere... man I want to live here
- Davi Alfredo: Mr. TeM Oh ok then
- Daddy Pattycakes: Favorite kingdom of mine despite the fact that my last(and HARDEST) moon to acquire(when I 100% completed the game) lives there lmao. And yes I meant the 100 Volleyball one.
- Egg boi: Tauntkriller I want to drink some of the sea there.
- Lil_A_20 2.0: Half an hour was spent getting 100 on the volleyball minigame
- A Regular Fan: There needs to be a 10 hour version, I'm tired of clicking replay. And don't you dare tell me to loop it lol
- Red Dasher: Sunset Bay, Aquarion Region (6 PM)
- The Church Vloggers.: Elevator Music Of 2018
- Jimmy Saldana: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- TurtleDragonSilent: 1:16 Kass is everywhere!!
- bethmoth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrMMrLO0x_o
- Foolishh: Sounds like that one animal crossing song...fuck I forgot the name
- яυвεη: This reminds me of the Wii U mii channel music
- Tiago Pascal: This is a music elevator lol
- Jori the Great: Seedless Poppy she ships a human with a HAT. Weird.
- LucasBoi: *hears Bubblaine from one of my classmates* DID SOMEONE SAY BUBBLAINE
- SmartJellyBaby2 Coming Soon: Ah. Yes
- Lucas: Looks like Isle Delfino has some competition when it comes to tourism!!
- Yoshibro26: Listening to music in game Upset drake Going to YouTube Happy drake
- XD COOL al xd: hhhh thet music cool
- Brett Bejna: Sounds like something Bob Ross would paint to. I love it.
- Yoshieclipse: yeah. helps me with my panic attacks too
- Marie: Seaside Kingdom is my favorite kingdom, not only for the music but... Isn’t the whole island basically filled with sparkling (carbonated) water?
- LiivaLike [Archive]: Two hundred and fourty-sixth. Now you can all comment something relevant and meaningful to the video.
- Alpha omega: I LOVE THIS LEVEL!!!!!
- Ouch: Bruv teach me the ways, how in the world do you find out the key of a song by ear
- Yoshiboygaming3200: First now you can comment relative and meaningful to the video
- Hadi Kassir: This so relaxing.
- [FG] Soapy: Elevator music
- A Lemon Citrus: bubblaine has seltzer for an ocean
- PTp1ranha: Such disrespect for the uploader's intent...
- Bryan Guilger: aii que delicia
- I left this channel. I’m sorry, no more.: Whoever decided to dislike this has no idea how to play a Mario game let alone even relax to a *Mario soundtrack.*
- BrochachoYT: well sorry i cant's slap a couple hundred bucks in Reggie's face.
- Rhett Robin: I cant get out of my head that this sounds almost exactly like the 8ball theme
- asfolt: nah, thats occerena of time.
- Mr.Wolfy: DaxterbeerGMS both
- Pumpernickel 54321: (< <3 luv it so much
- Skymations ;3: Agreed UvU
- Andrade Cien Almas Guy: Love this song, Beach-styled Super Mario music :)
- Is Ro: Sniff aaaahhhhh 🏝🏖🏖🏝🏝🏖🏝🏖🏝🏖🏖🏖🏝🏝🏝🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅
- IceFern: LuigiGeek Yes
- vomitmopperstreet: On that note, it really sounds like the Girl from Ipanema as well
- itsEthan: first thing I thought
- Cristian Ambrosio: Elevator music.
- Isaac Nevarez: I’ve heard this in a meme once...
- NIN10: Go to 10 hr loops bro they have a video ^-^
- The Anti-Person: Welcome to Corsica! Ergh, I mean Bubblaine. But I mean, c'mon, you can't deny this place is based of off the Meditarrenean Sea and its French regions. The boss has a french name as well so that's another thing prooving that this isn't just an ordinary island.
- Blink to the Future: I spotted the lick, where are my jazz points?
- Agent 3: *Runs Around Naked In A Bathing Suit* What?! I NEED CONTEXT!!!!!
- Adam Hyatt: Mario + Elevator Music = win
- Iggy Koopa: This reminds me of Costa Rica.
- Ace Hearts: No one's going to mention how the beginning up until 0:15 sounds like the beginning of Viridian City from Pokemon HGSS?
- Cam M: Perfect elevator music
- The samurai Speaker: Sounds like elevator music... (I notice more parts of the song) ok maybe I was wrong.
- andrew-reyes-cano 12558: ITS ELEVATOR MUSIC
- AceTheSceptile: SuperEESDESESESRDT just switch into 2P mode and make Cappy do all the work
- Zach: Second again ;)
- Mass Attraction: Every time i come to this kingdom i just jump on those water fixtures that lead me to the giant fountain and just chill there for hours on end, no other game has made be fall in love with a stage like this one did, the atmosphere, the people, the enemies, the shop location, the outfits, the sparkling water, not to mention the music. Play this at a beach full of people on speakers, you might go to jail but it's worth it.
- RandomMcSomethin: The marvelous city, land of sun and heat, with one of the most beautiful skylines in the world This is a prosperous city, that's where our story takes place, in the heart of this city, in a very famous and sophisticated restaurant
- Toast Kirby: Even a year later, this makes me nut every time
- Aye Jonny: Look up yaschas massif from the final fantasy 13 soundtrack. Similar tune!
- Masckerdoom: Fuck you
- Mashibro: Sounds like a Pokemon town tune
- 444: Reminds me of something from dream team, not sure what.
- Juan Diego Stefan: the world needs Mario Sunshine 2
- Javier Pajuelo: Naoto Kubo composed this!
- SuperEESDESESESRDT: Don't get me wrong, I loved this kingdom (especially for it being a water level), but... I hated that damn volleyball minigame. Getting 100 hits was ridiculous.
- stavros georgalas: Beautiful music !!!
- BoygeyMario: I'm noticing a pattern here. Mushroom Kingdom: Designed specifically for SM64 fans. Bubblaine: Designed specifically for Sunshine fans. Honeylune Ridge: Designed specifically for Galaxy fans.
- Darkrayquaza47: Reminds me of Viridian City from Pokemon Heartgold Soulsilver
- DashingIb: TH Lis i think the outside music of mount volbono is irrevelant from the italy side.. but let's say like new donk city has jazz music ( inspired from USA themselves), so bubblaine should be like the other kungdoms. There is always a song for kingdom that seems like it's took from the country it"s inspired from. Also, fossil falls and bonneton aren't inspired from any country and wooded kingdom seems like modern germany , like when there were a lot of movies about stuff like wooded kingdom (like islands in the sky or things like that)...so the song is from like 60s in wooded kingdom. .Then there are cloud, ruined and lost kingdoms... they don't have a style or real countries references.. i said all of this just to prevent other questions
- DaxterbeerGMS: Will I get a power moon, or a shrine?
- Creepaface ,: Elevator music
- Yushing: seventy seventh
- Sapphire Bullet Bill: Ah, secret lore eh? Well, I have my share of Secret Lore comments. Like how I have a grudge with a girl named Nikki.
- Grand Moff Porg: This music is like Animal Crossing music
- MrEpic7203: Perfect elevator music.
- Никита Кордонов: I love noon more than a sunset
- Maya Perez: #Cappyforsmash5
- Attorney_Majora: Elevator music
- Rock: Darkky Your profile picture on the other hand...
- Dan The man: Definitely the worst one no fun
- PMR Tadashi: It resembles like bossa nova...
- tdark987: Reminiscent of Viridian City from Pokemon G/S/C/HG/SS
- Jose Olvera: SonAze Tails fan hell yes. Super smooth.
- GameCubeGuy01: This gives me the chills (somehow)!
- RunningWithScissors: that's not the paint from sunshine, it's lava.
- FroakieTrainer54: This kingdom is so relaxing, running around a beach accompanied by a sunset will never fail to make me smile
- NIN10: Ikr music like this makes u calm and forget about your problems hope u nailed it :)
- JB: bossa nova
- simondomino: No joke, I fell asleep to this theme, it's so nice and calming, really gives the feeling of being in a tropical paradise.
- D.A. Studios (Masterdom18): In the Japanese version, The Sparkle Water was called “Water of Vows”.
- None of your Business: This is an incredible song, but just one tiny bit of criticism... WHY DO THEY HAVE TO INCLUDE THE AWFUL SCRAPING NOISES OF THE GUITAR STRINGS GAAAAHHHHHH
- Ryuujin1078: I’ll be playing this and the underwater version during my wedding cocktail hour 🤓
- Quincy.Seagull: Parker Snetting “naked” and “bathing suit” is kind of an oxymoron
- The Vault The Official Channel: Always makes me imagine a tropical resort with soft sand, colourful marine life, and sunsets that paint the blue sea orange-a stark contrast of these subzero winter solstice conditions I live in.
- Morteza Alavizadeh: Fantastic bossa nova track. Probably my favorite piece of music from the game.
- Nuno Osório: The chill is real with this one.
- Lilac Samurai: _I love Bossa Nova_ 🍃
- GeneralHappyDeath: I absolutely LOVE this soundtrack! <3
- SuperMarioT: Almost a year later and this song is becoming one of my favorites. So soothing, tropical, serene; perfect for the summertime & for relaxing & falling deep into imagination... I love it.
- Rawr209: Why did the intro remind me of HGSS Viridian City
- Albond: Tails Choking On A Thing & Knuckles Why Do You Feel The Need To Use A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word?
- Branny Cedeño: Dr. Mario Hospital's waiting room theme.
- • Sonja •: +Masckerdoom Woah, calm down there pal. What even are you mad about?
- wiisalute: A piña colada would go great with this right now
- DersperCenter: Elevator music for a water level? My kind of game
- Bass Maxine: Macri-Sama like this song XD
- FirestarThePegasus: *Beach Volleyball intensifies*
- The Internet Tour Guide: Ahh, Since I'm Here.. *Runs Around Naked In A Bathing Suit*
- Zesty12Gauge: Tauntkriller Well in NSMBU there was a lake of SODA that killed you. I don’t know why but it did
- Joel Lee: Girl from Petaluma has more percussive organ though
- Avery Johnson: My sister ships Mario x Cappy
- Rayquazagaurde 035: Sounds like an animal crossing track.
- JoelAug20 Studios: CC Aryan I want to get a switch like once when the price drops. Maybe during Christmas time.
- sharkshark sharkshark: Animal crossing vibes ~<3
- Rêverie: Even more ironic, we got 69 likes on the original poster. GG you all
- Max Hay: This would make a great mix layered with Twilight Princess' Zora's Domain.
- Charging Sleet68: It’s hard to see the beauty when your trying to beat that stupid volleyball game. WHY IS IT 100?
- Mcdoggy09 09: Yeah that sucks I love the switch
- ToxicityHazard-Lvl1: This will be my music for the summertime.
- Richie Dee: One of the best!
- Donovan Howes: I think this is my favorite kingdom, if only because I love the ocean.
- Emanuel Theodorus: Not to mention, just like Sunshine, this game has no power-up whatsoever, you have to rely on your buddy (Cappy) throughout the rest of your journey.
- TH Lis: Uriel Septim I don't think so... Bossa Nova became a worldly style of music just like tango from Argentina. Bossa Nova is really popular in Japan also.
- El Stink: September is long away. It's ok. Just relax.
- Davi Alfredo: It`s because I`m brazilian, so, if I made any mistakes, I could just say that.
- Davi Alfredo: Just kidding, guys
- Nyxael's Hub: I imagine that Pianta from the intro of Super Mario Sunshine saying: *"Welcome, to the sun drenched tropical paradise of the Seaside Kingdom!"* On a side note, the song is written in the key of *E Flat Major* which has three flats: *Eb, Ab and Bb.*
- It Just Works: Davi Alfredo i was trying to teach you about something you probably know even better than me, you know being brazilian and all. Without wanting you wrecked me 😂😂 im not upset or anything just...surpriced and a little embarrassed
- Lobster Dog: a fucking bop
- Bruno Sosa: Algún día podrían ir a Mar del Plata en Provincia de Buenos Aires en Argentina
- Dimentive: The beginning sounds like elevator music.
- Voltage Digital: Next vacation I take I am playing this on a boombox.
- Sapphire Bullet Bill: This is some damn fine music. I wish I wasn't depressed.
- Avery Johnson: indeed.
- Dyl5192: I guess Mario was going on an OdySEA when he went to the Seaside Kingdom.
- Ross Richards: ViciousTheHedgehog95 this song is better though...
- Agent 3: That's actually an octopus
- Kyle Cunningham: SupTestMan I hear it too
- ViciousTheHedgehog95: I can barely remember this song, because I got here right after the NDC Festival, and i couldn't get "Jump Up, Super Star" outta my head... ^_^;
- NOVA STRANGE: How is called this kind of music?
- Robert Baratheon: Porn music?
- BepistaRNR: comfy
- NECRO XIII: There's no such thing as a perfect so- Oh..there is
- LyLou: It really sounds like Pewter City's music in HeartGold & Soulsilver???
- SmartJellyBaby2 Coming Soon: 323rd. Now you can comment something relevant and meaningful.
- Dr.Gohan Ackerman: Bossanova...
- BrochachoYT: why does this sound like sonic 3 file select theme?
- CagedCookie6293 Channel: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GjNGLR2caLw#dialog
- shiftman52: The game is not even a year old and I already feel nostalgic
- Ross Richards: Morteza Alavizadeh same
- Tedd Verres: Tall and tan and young and lonely
- Toni Flamboni: "Thank you for calling Nintendo Support. Your call is important to us, and we will have an assistant with you shortly."
- Samuel Dunnicliff: why is this not the shop theme?
- LudwigRULEZ 1602: Wooded Kingdom and Sand Kingdom designed for Zelda fans
- CHASE GRAY: elevator music
- Melody Maldonado: me: *plays on 2x speed* ...I’m now dancing.
- Andrew Chavez: I fell the ocean
- sky 950: Elevator music This is elevator music
- Lylac The Fox Loves Sans: Thats an issue
- 🎀💟վօsհí💞cմԵíҽlօѵҽɾ🌸🎀: YoshiboyGaming3200 Found ya. LOL😊💚
- NinSane Eevee: I'll listen to this when I'm in an elevator...
- KingBowser 64: This sounds so relaxing and a little bit romantic.
- Sonia The Dark Fox: Elevator music.
- Country Folk: What genre is this
- Hoshiden Lycanroc: kinda reminds me of the heart gold and soul silver version saffron city from pokemon.
- Robert Vandenberg: Rachel will you marry me?
- Video Relaxant: *_R E L A X E D_*
- Magic owl of Bacon: has anyone found the secret Majora's Mask reference in this stage?
- Squib: Merci, Dorrie!
- Pink Kiss: IKR?
- Wiiknight: Welcome to Nintendo how can we help you
- KatZap: D O N T T H R O W S H A D E O N M Y S H A D E S
- J.J. Sedino: Happy Anniversary, Super Mario Odyssey! My favorite kingdom is Seaside Kingdom!
- Nall Calmer: After putting Bowser in his place and rescuing Princess Peach yet again, it's time to go on a vacation.
- Resa Alverston: Mashibro yup
- Charging Sleet68: Another thing, the NPCs are snails. Snails are a delicacy in France (escargot).
- Uriel Septim: I some cases that's a YES! This feels more like those exclusive USA Bossa Nova style for rich people. haha!
- Smooth4Lyfe: Love this song so much I did a vocal remix to this! Hope you guys enjoy! https://youtu.be/gXuheAOlDkg
- Renovator: Does this kinda remind anyone of Zora's Domain a little?
- dni3816: yeah reminds me of AC
- Tomate Hater Agressivo: on 0:22 to 0:26 give me a "your reality" vibe from doki doki
- Ace Hearts: HnG // Hypernova Gaming Viridian City in HGSS
- Xx_ TheBeatleManiac _xX: I'm gonna put this music when i'm with my girlfriend. Thanks Nintendo. I mean, really: Thanks.
- Tracker Gaming: i feel in heven
- SparkTheLemur: El Stink Yeah I’ll try but time does fly
- MrGuy: Miles Away true
- JEWong47: Bossa novas as such fucking mood music. My only gripe is that Seaside Kingdom is not in perpetual sunset. That would've made it a 10/10 designed world for me and would've fit the music a bit better
- SBPeebs: Seaside is the BEST Kingdom. Change my mind.
- Jsaking 11: A nice and relaxing theme for a nice and relaxing kingdom, and can I add that the song lapis sings in the new Steven universe has music identical to this.
- Natalie Kelemen: The girl from Seaside Kingdom goes walking
- DawnRoyFire!: Mashibro Well hello nice seeing you here 😂
- Patrick Does Stuff: shirtless mario 🤤😩
- Greyfade: Fuck the volleyball minigame. Oh yeah, so 15 hits for the first moon? Second one is probably 30 or 50... *sees 100* FUCK THAT.
- SonAze Tails Fan: Anyone else fall in love with this the 1st moment they heard it
- IceFern: YellowYoshi1022 Dude you answered at 4 am you made me jump out of the bed hehe :^)
- Killermike2178: I'm getting a major Mario Is Missing! SNES San Francisco/New York City theme vibe here. Yes, that game was shit, but the one thing it got right was the music!
- ♡Palutena Toadstool♡: Love it!😄🏖🍹❤❤❤❤❤💕
- Papa Shpee: GET ON THE COURT
- Zack Davies: I love ur name, lol
- Unstable Savage Productions: I went to the beach in Mexico and played this song
- Nintu !: i fell asleep while listening it's just so relaxing
- JB: I want to make love with this song playing in the background.
- Filthyscoutmain: What's with everybody here? You know the reason Brawl made his comment? So that you could comment something meaningful! You aren't gonna get much love from it, so why are you doing it? Stop it, get some help.
- Ouch: god i love bossa nova... like... A LOT
- Lylac The Fox Loves Sans: Bassi-Kun 99 because to me it feels like fliying and to me i *love* flying in open world games and sometimes platformers. but it depends.
- Bobbys11850: finally we get Super Mario Sunshine 2
- Ben Dohm: +gay looks like we each cheesed a minigame then
- That Birb: i just beat the game and i always go to this level, beautiful music and a beautiful fucking level. i may be an adult but this kids game is fucking awesome
- SparkBag: This song is a remix of Chainlink Charge from Mario 3D World, nice touch.
- Masckerdoom: +• Sonja • Implying the track is bad
- Diana loredo: Music romantic
- Albond: YoshiboyGaming3200 *relevant
- DashingIb: TH Lis tehy are similar, tho. Also, i'm just 12 , so relax man
- Silver Yote: The running bass sounds a LOT like Aquele Abraco (A Warm Embrace), a soft bossa that has been recognized as a theme of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. The musician wrote the song as a love letter to his home town of Rio while on a plane to London. And in Odyssey, you are off to new worlds...
- Frank C: I love it OH MY GOD
- Miles Away: MrGuy You can jet forward as FLUDD, using the turbo nozzle.
- Rock: P e r h a p s
- WanderingRandomer: Elevator Kingdom
- Ironicpolis: Four hundred and twenty eight!
- Dillon Smith: Third
- Oshawott315: My first thought: this sound like elevator music My second thought: we should play this in every elevator
- Uriel Septim: Hm. I feel like the people in Brazil feel challenged that Nintendo does it better. Sounds like a challenge to me. lol!
- Breno Soares: So Brazil :D
- The Indecisive Spycrab: Ouch Perfect Pitch
- Nick Cimillo: i used to read the hunger games series while listening to this song and listening to it now reminds me of the series
- The One And Only PixelBanana: Volleyball....fun? - Super Mario Odyssey
- A Mechanical Leviathan: Probably a bot that comments it, actually.
- Electr_icity: The Void This game pulled a Super Paper Mario and remixed one of the songs.
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Bubblaine - Super Mario Odyssey Music Extended | |
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YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 30 Oct 2017 |
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