Music: Hidden Mountain & Forest
Arrangement: Shota Kageyama
Original Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Complete Playlist:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Arrangement: Shota Kageyama
Original Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Complete Playlist:
Part 1:
Part 2:
- The yuanman: Hyrule wars-Ganondorf's imperial march
- Wasabi Cookie Gay: 5 fairys dislike this
- Raul Munwalker: this theme is sounds so familiar to me...
- Ernesto Heredia Farías: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr =)
- MisterM2402: Shota Kageyama and whoever it is he's supervising are geniuses :D
- bruh: Never mind hiding a mountain, how in gods name do you hide a freaking forest? *Can't see the Forest for the Tress?*
- smoking zenamons: +Bailey McDermott smash
- Brandon Bianco Megastar8271: @GilvaSunner OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO BOMB SOME PLAYLIST'S! XD
- Julius Belmont: Hear the 3ds version of Gerudo Valley, that's even better.
- ThatGasMaskGuy Romanov: Using the power of the Triforce, you wish the mountain invisible.
- username48481: put a blanket over it
- KombatKid12: Loveless Kun me too
- Alrox97: At least NOW HE USES HIS SWORD
- Victor Hugo: man, It`s so stupid but I laughed very much hahahaha!
- Steven SU: With ma d!ck
- Eduardo Lopez: Give it to Osama
- Demyx No.IX: fan it away?
- Penelope Nurse-Pup: (Primids apppear) *growls* (Music plays)
- MoomKD: No no no. Nintendo Logic! If its secret, it cant be seen no matter HOw BIG it is! It makes PeRFEcT sense!
- tawny: Just decree nobody is ever to look up. That's why it's a top-down game.
- voloy: S U B S P A C E E M I S S A R Y
- Felferis: @dandeadly3 theres a donkey kong song, bramble blast, that plays for one (the swamp, where you fight the huge annoying diddy and get falco). it might be it if youre not positive its zelda
- Nintendo Fan: I remember telling my twin about operation moonfall(look it up)she said'lol who is that sadistic'
- Enius4300: Makes me want to play Brawl AND alttp
- bruh: No with a Dark forest. GOD get it right.
- frankman20: @zhu1dao4 No, it sounds BETTER than Star Wars.
- Sanguiluna: @blackhornet83 Yeah, but unlike Wind Waker Ganondorf, the extra pounds in TP seem to be muscle this time.
- lighth4zard: By surrounding it with many other mountains.
- Michael Blackmore: Hide the cloth?!
- Nathanael Kilgore: It's simple! We will just take it and push it somewhere else!
- Based God Zyzz: Do you know why Ganondorf hates the internet? Because there are too many damn Links there!
- YoshiLover122: @navataru I know right? The percussion and claps in the background are what make it a little more rythmic. Tottally agree with you.
- TheGreatValkyrie: And so the climb up Mount Doom begins.
- GroundPoundable: GOD!! This song makes me want to bust into someones place and wreck their pots n shit for hearts and possibly cash!
- Charlie Stevens: Put a cloth over it
- PlasmaFireBlast: You see, Ganondorf was introduced to Smash in Melee, and C. Falcon has been here since the beginning.
- Cryo: ...
- Strikerguy: Anyone notice how both this and the Song of Storms have castanets?
- Gizametalman: GOOD DAMN IT. it reminds me A link to the Past.... T_T Nostalgia!!!
- Baby Metroid: I think this version is better than the original, but just by a bit.
- ravi sahye: @superkeenenbell CHALLENGED ACCEPTED !!
- IcwuDIdthere: Ganon PAWNCH!!!
- Kzinssie (porygonlover322): BRAWL Y U NO HAVE LTTP HYRULE CASTLE
- LennyFace 53: Fighting Shadow Link in the Event Mission with this playing is way to epic.
- ElvenSpartan777: This song is epic. What better song to use during a team up of Link and Yoshi!
- lucariopikmin: xD
- Pure Soul: i think i heard the first few seconds from a strangely familiar game series..
- lucariopikmin: Well you put the Lost Woods in front of it and make the Woods in such a manner that you won't get through them.
- Guhtere: What is love?
- evalyptica: for me, the legend of zelda A link to the Past is the best, if nintendo do a remake in 3d will be awesome , anyway the snes game still greater
- tawny: Put it into orbit, disguise it as a moon.
- Nicholas Perrone: @sammyjohn32 retard...everyone on youtube knows what thats from...
- Ramses the broken fangirl: Yoshi and Link, the heroes of time.
- malryl: I may be all wrong here, but couldn't "hidden mountain" be referring to Turtle Rock, the last dungeon before Ganon's Tower? It was kinda "hidden" before you figured out how to get in...
- Natwin: @Flapcakes524 well thts ur opinion if u get to enjoy it to its fullest ur adicted
- Lazoraz: @14sweettooth More like built like a fucking tank.
- xXEdXx17: @sammyjohn32 LOL what a lame excuse. You still got pwned to an utter point by GilvaSunner and don't even try the attempts to deny it.
- Friendly Cordyceps: +CalianSonadora And Zumba.
- Jeronimo8001: This music reminds me of mountains and woods full of pines around them!
- Tezcatlepocatl: The name should be "Death Mountain and Skull Woods". No respect for A Link to the Past...
- Flapcakes524: This is shit. Sorry but nothing can stand up to the original. Also Brawl sucks!
- ScornMuffins: @SSBFWU Yes I've found it now. Thanks anyway.
- MetalKnick: I figured this sounded a lot like Pokemon Black and White. Shota Kageyama arranged it!
- Brysen G: My favorite song from this stage
- Gabbel: bonita cancion
- Alexis Garza: y la caraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Malo MartTM: +chill dude Really? That part was the biggest reason why that theme was so heroic to me. This one was a lot slower and lost the original feeling
- Justin Parsons: This isn't in Ocarina. It's from A Link to the Past, and they used it in Four Swords as well.
- Rockman X: +joão carlos Web Spidus on your face :)
- Fox Dragon: This track fits Final Destination more than the bridge level.
- erty80s: You can hide a mountain with a hidden forest but... Will it blend?
- Rage Hunta Red Muff: +ShadowZone1996 No thanks. Lol
- Parasiticus Pikminicus: I actually think this version is awesome. Probably because I never heard the original.
- steve reinhardt: je me demande si an pe modifier les personnage de super smash bros for wii u pour modifier leurs visages leurs cheveux et les yeux et pui la couleur des cheveux et une autre coupe de cheveux et changer leurs vêtements et leurs donner un autre prenons je ve modifier marth pour faire de lui roy vous avai compris vous pouvez le faire si vou avait super smash bros brawl :) sur wii
- TheGreatValkyrie: If John Cena was mountain, this would be his theme.
- Soupah Mario: I don't know why, but this song reminds me of Star Wars.
- Jamil O'Neal: Exactly!
- uiruu: Sorry for noobdom, but what game is this from? And I don't mean brawl. I mean, is this from ALTTP? LA? OOT? I have no freaking idea.
- NCC: Best fucking song ever.
- Ryan Thompson: @TheZoDT no Koji Kondo = Asian Beethoven
- RET80: The original was better. More menacing and catered to really no nationalistic twist, this one sounds like a Latin overtone.
- Riolin Riolu: +bryan salinas Wingardium Leviosa!
- KaptenKetchup: How do you hide a hidden mountain that hides in a hidden forest that is hiding a hidden mountain?
- uiruu: @uiruu Stupid me. I should learn to read the description before I comment.
- Alejandro Santiago: No one gets, but I do. "Try force". Get it now.
- Yoshisaur K. Fireball: You square it down.
- Blitz 'n Burst: Dammit I'm trying to come up with a witty Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference and failing. D:
- The gold crew: I love this song Fuck yeah
- Cyrilcynder: @arcshadow88 you never wondered that because you don't THINK!!!!!
- hyfynorris: @zhu1dao4 the Dark World rules the Dark Side
- Napsterr: I remember hearing this in Four Swords Adventures for the GameCube as well.
- King of Salt: My favorite song by far from Link to the Past.
- 치정: Mu fav zelda theme
- TNB12: I remember that in pokèmon Emerald somone said "to hide the tree, use the forest", so I suppose that for hiding a mountain we would need... more mountains?
- Simas Prime: Is this a tango?
- Baby Metroid: With a hidden forest. DUH!
- Toast with Jam: Super Dude surprise surprise, they revamped ganon :D
- Super Kami Guru: 2018!
- Flapcakes524: @ShedinjaSoul Hahaha you're a funny man.
- Angry Commenter: barely
- BlueKirby64: ...Airship theme, is that you?
- braylandstiggers: @GilvaSunner Oh good come back tuche
- Michael Blackmore: Not really. How do you hide a mountain and a forest?
- Nintendo Fan: Which is ur favourite version? Lttp or smash?
- Riclo500: LOL top comments are funny shit. I love going through this playlist and reading the top comments E:
- Nintendo Fan: Its easy capture ganondorf,rip off his cape,throw over the mountain and forest,and wait.
- Orquidea The Gamer: I love it so much
- StYcKz: I know this song on guitar! XD
- Justin Parsons: Death Mountain theme, so epic. The original is far better imo.
- Fred_oh_ohboy: its over 9000!!
- I will Mccloud you!: Best song ever in this game
- muchfaun0445: with a forest
- laurenprzybylsucks: I wanna live in Hyrule
- jstudios98: @blackhornet83 What about Wind Waker? He's a total fatass in that game. XD
- EICL2011: Love this song so much :D oh and it reminds me of super mario bros 3 the ship levels ;)
- Cryo: easy just get a CD/disc and hide it (since they have the same amount of particles as a mountain)
- Malo MartTM: Yes, it does! Also, both of them sound a lot like the Imperial March from Star Wars.
- Slickpacho146: @GilvaSunner THEN YOU WILL DIE
- Amir Arnold: 0:00
- lordzelos21: one of the best song in the game
- igamebro: P-Patrick?!
- Tenebris: All i can think of while i'm playing on this level are those stupid puppets with their annoying claws and laser beam...
- unknown no: with my cock
- Eduardo Lopez: Give it to.osama bin laden! He'll. Hide it!!!
- nicholas72611: Sounds like a Soul Calibur song
- MrThisucks: meh it was better in link to the past. it sounded more militaristic
- Boarbaque: That idea is crazy enough to GET US ALL KILLED!
- top tapu: Well, Falcikedorf is a start at least.
- OnionChoppingNinja: still don't know how the F*** you suppose to HIDE A MOUNTAIN!? but I'm not gonna complaint....
- xXEdXx17: @sammyjohn32 Freakin pwned ur ass right there.
- Tyke: Nintendo music
- Ender41948: How do you hide a mountain? In the Dark World.
- Ken Peeples: One of the most underrated and ignored songs from A Link to the Past. It wasn't a part of the ALttP movement at the Zelda concerts and that's a shame.
- Gecko 1993: Clouds?
- MrKeyblademaster1992: THIS is how a remix should be done!
- SonOfGasper: lolz me 2
- Carlos S.: Actually, for me this theme is a reminder of that Link vs Dark Link event.
- Alive4Metal: @reuben0110 uh no, Eiji Aonuma and Shigeru Miyamoto both confirmed that ocarina of time's timeline was split in an interview back in 2002, im sure you know what that means
- Your Neighborhood Femboy: Here from Zelda's 20 second SSBU trailer xD
- Hero of Light: you move it to the Dark World. That'll keep those Lightworlders from finding my pretty mountain.
- Quajeek99: brawl playlists are my laundry music
- Loran C: I shall slay you my evil Ganon!!.......WAIT!!! i just relized😱........😞😞😞😭😭😭😭im not in this game!!!!!.......😪😪im tired...later💗
- Lucas Knox: you're right
- The price is rice: 0:37 Zelda ssbu
- JeffriedRice: @TheCMVE The Dark World has one theme and one theme only. This music takes place in the Light world AKA Regular world if you didn't pay attention to the Game.
- Pablo Kipreos: @zhu1dao4 why the heck is this comment at the best ones? with no likes?
- Zorro: i think link & zelda disliked this because ganondorf was on the front
- ForeverCherryKirby: ...What happened to DeoxysPrime? Is GilvaSunner the new name of DeoxysPrime? I haven't listened to brawl music in a while lol.
- Lucas Exempli Gratia Smith: With circle logic.
- ItsFrankStyle: I remember when i was going to dark forest and dont know where's the 3rd dungeon and the hidden mountain was spectacular due the lightning strikes and the forest looking far away. this was on Alttp
- lordzelos21: One of the best songs in the game
- LastDarkBlade11: With a paradox, failing that magic usually does the trick. ;)
- Steven SU: If can HIDE your mountain with my d1ck, it's mean my is bigger than the mountain :D
- ScornMuffins: @beastological That's the one. Thanks alot!
- SquidGamerGal: Name: Ganondorf Alias: Ganon Gender: Male First Appearance: The Legend of Zelda (1987) Home: Dark World Occupation: Great King of Evil Skills: Dark Sorcery, immortality Items: Triforce of Power Nemesis: Link, Zelda
- kimzee59: with a sign saying "there is nothing here"
- Metal Gear Excelsus: Is that a bad thing? I don't think so Spanish music = epic because Brawl music = epic
- smoking zenamons: quite frankly this is one of the best songs in the game!
- Zaton Dylan: epicist shit ever the toilet broke
- 191694525: ALTTP have really an epic OST.
- Julius Cirkel: This Song is just beautiful.
- TheBox (Quinton T. Monroe): why would you fight Ganondorf on Final Destination whiling you're unlocking him but that makes no since
- islaybears: ganondorf is smelling a fart
- D. Casta: Emily Beinke Why is he the clone? (Forgive my ignorance) Why isn't Captain Falcon the clone?
- MushroomGuy12: @DeoxysPrimeJr gilvasunner did a lot of new things like putting falco,lucario,jigglypuff, and even ridley in the brawl vids
- Itsjustdamian _: Good song
- Demyx No.IX: write logic the draw a circle around it
- Kenneth Kaleita: Remaking a classic Zelda song the right way!
- Blizzstarlord: Only I have the rupees to rule Koredai!
- digimaster107: I don't really like the arrangements in Brawl for this or Dark World. (just my opinion, don't hate)
- tinkerbellcutie: This is the song that would play when you realize you have to trek ridiculously far through the mountains...
- TheGreenShyGuy: mehhhhhh
- MrWesdotcom: @Dalektopia If you mean Ganondorf, he's my second best too.
- LewiiG: Lol Ganondorf looks a bit short in this. Kind of like a little evil imp lord. Ganondwarf?
- Not your Waifu: Ganondorf is my third Main for Brawl. Bottom tier by definition, but theres just something so utterly satisfying on connecting with someone with 50% damage with a Perfectly timed Warlock punch. He may be slow and awkward, but he's still the King of Evil.
- HetaliaCalifornia: +popupssuck00 Now you're talking, amigo.
- jdawg746: all zelda music on the n64, snes, and tp are legendary! however brawl butchered dark world on their remix.
- xXxMindless: Y THIS SONG SO EPIC!!?
- Gingerham: With more mountains of course!
- Natwin: @SX195SID2 heres how u avoid them z target backflip ATTACK!!!
- Joaquin Poblete: How do you hide a Village?
- Misha: @GilvaSunner NOOOOOOOOOO! NOT INTO THE PIT, IT BURNSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- mrtacoman10: This sounds more like a hidden desert. IMO
- Jkiller117: I need high bpm songs to help me do homework efficiently. Brawl is the perfect solution. ^W^ But anyways thanks for helping me with my homework,BrawlBRSTMs and TimmyTurnersDad. Because of you, I may not fail this semester! :D
- Vih Lasezkad: Can someone Tell me how do you hide a Mountain and a Forest?
- Shadow426: @DeoxysPrimeJr what happned to him anyways :l
- Natalie Zubkova: It reminds me of the elite four chambres in Black and White
- TwoCool115: ARIBA!
- Nick Roeslein: @AidanzStuff True.
- Kvothe: kinton cloud's friend, kinton clouds
- Turki ALsaif: Nintendo Fan you should go see a doctor 😔
- muggtonp: @GilvaSunner You're supposed to throw the internet equivalent of a book at me which locks me in 4chan for all eternity or something like that
- abcdefghdumbo: Ganondorf came after Falcon.
- Poojan Raval: The begenning sounds like the airship theme...
- MariosNum OneFan: Finally someone who noticed that besides me! And thank god that's there also in brawl!
- Alex Hyatt: I'm from the future. Worry no more.
- MrSupaboy01: I went to Afghanistan on this track.
- JoJolion _: Death Mountain?
- Lrdstrkil19: Overlord logic:Create mountains around it and make your base operations a mountain between them :3
- Ioovle2: They got this theme wrong! It was supposed to be scary and threatening
- Andrea Abela: Probably by repeating the same thing over and over in the form of a bigger circle everytime. :)
- Koonker Wricksi: I really, REALLY like this song, it reminds of how the earth evolved over the centuries.
- jmassie2281: all u gotta do iz go and complete the dark link duel event on the hard difficulty and there u go..... the song pretty simple huh
- Ciel Mercury: I'll show you my Hidden Mountain and Forest. (cough cough, my hot tub xD.)
- Ben Smith: not just "kinda." You had to cause an earthquake
- Leo Martinez: +Thunder64 shreck is love shreck is life
- Eduardo Lopez: BUILD A STADIUM IN FRONT OF IT!!!!!
- Mad Warrior: Is this reminding anyone of Castlevainia?
- Jamil O'Neal: With magic.
- Lord of the B E L L Y L A U G H: How do you hide a Mountain? Simple A Portal to the Dark World
- jdawg746: a link to the past was such an epic game, now a lot of the graphic stuff is unremarkable, but back in 1992, the effects were never heard of in video games such as the rain, and the fact that it actually looked realistic. that is snes for you.
- MandalorTeSiit: I agree...but that seems excessive...
- Goldfencer: With a hidden mountain. Don't you just love circular logic?
- KombatKid12: WackyX I was never a fan of that part until I watched Zelda’s Trailer. That’s when it started getting catchy
- arcshadow88: Gee it sure is boorrrring around here. I just wonder what ganon's up to XD
- Michael Blackmore: Screw you all...
- LoneAce066 .AceMortal: God. The event match with dark link on hard mode just so I could get this track.
- ian kline: @superkeenenbell VERY CAREFULLY.
- Sarah M: @8redcoins sweet <3
- Jay Dub: is it just me or did ganondorf pile on a few pounds inbetween ocarina of time and twilight princess?
- jdawg746: y is human ganon in the pic. the pic should be a 2d blue-skinned pig just like in the game.
- Almond Joy: thatquirkyredhead I imagine a one on one fight between two powerful warriors during a lowering sunset.
- MooseAteMyScarf: @Lazoraz HAHA XD true true!!
- Sora_X5: Why the fuck is this song so beautiful?! I'm going to blow up now. Good bye.
- SCREEN LOOKER: Just call Frog from Chrono Trigger. He'll make it REAL tough to recognize.
- Sleepy Koala: The first time i told my friend about the Legend of Zelda she said Legend of Zendaya. I wanted to slap her.
- Osmarote: OMG this song the link to tha past more epic, cant decide between darkoverworld and this
- Firellius: I remember this song. It really made me feel like I wasn't supposed to be there, like it was some kind of forbidden land that I was forced to traverse anyway.
- E-Hero Stratos: Doesn't fit final destination at all really, fits perfectly fine with bridge of eldin
- Alpha: can someone extend this?
- AndreasZiagl: With a hidden mountain :D
- Le Dragon Slayah: Thumbs up if you can't unlock this track because Dark Link is a devil on Hard
- d3structi: Link and Zelda disliked because of pic...
- TheCosmicWhiplash: Absolute most favorite song in the game.
- ActionStar00: the beginning sounded exactly like Mario Airships
- TheLegendofZelda15: I like both versions :)
- HeckenSpanner: hahahahahahahah
- whostolecarlosrox: I love this track and used to hate the original SNES version!! I love when I dislike something and a remix makes me appreciate the track!!!
- CaptainChaser: damn this song reminds me of how long i had to go around as a fucking bunny. that should've been link's final smash lol
- Darkly: Oh man, the memories. I feel like playing LttP again. :C
- Emily Beinke: It's a pity that the mighty Ganondorf was reduced to becoming a Captain Falcon clone in Smash. Such a waste.
- Nick98: awesome song!!!!! glad i have it in my game!
- bruh: And if you EVER tell anyone, That that mountain is there, I will come to your house, and CUT you.
- IndyCotton: Maan, I totally forgot this was from Link To The Past... maybe because my bro played it so much... (-l,l-);
- Maavo!: Yup
- Tysamu Jonashii: what i love about this is that the theme just emerses you in a huge vast world
- LEPrecon: How in the name of all that's holy do you hide a mountain?
- ScornMuffins: @pateldelegend Yeah I know that now. You've just reminded me that I needed to delete that comment.
- VoidofImpulse: Wow, This ssong has no dislikes. And ya know what? That doesnt shock me. This songs too awesome.
- Malo MartTM: ALttP and ALBW versions are a lot better than this imo. This one lost a bit of the heroic and epic feeling that the other versions had. Maybe if it was a bit faster...
- Darkhuaza517: Ganondorf is the main reason why I like Brawl a bit less. They severely nerfed him, which I find utterly shameful. Ganondorf wasmy main character in Melee. And when I ever play Melee again, I'll do anything to unlock Ganondorf, he's great in Melee.
- Jon Of arc: Outro of joshjepson
- René Matta: The orchestra did a great job, wonderful!
- That Chimichanga: Hmmm I feel like doing the Tango...
- Frection: 2 people cant still made the event vs dark link
- Rage Hunta Red Muff: +ShadowZone1996 Wow, what?
- Garron Koehler: ha ha ha!
- Marcus Classon: You put it where no one could find it?
- shinyklefki: @zhu1dao4 Ganon:Link,I AM YOUR FATHER!
- gpoop23: But there were no Hidden Mountains and Forests in Twilight Princess.
- Aaron Rivera: Christian sharpia He's a clone. Dude should seriously have his own move set
- Johnnie G: Remixes dont need to be exactly like the orignal
- navytashigi: i wish he used his sword in Brawl...well atleast they tried a bit to change him from C.Falcon
- Brian Jones: Hmm...a remix of the mountains in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
- natesquared: ain't nobody got time for that
- Hooney2me: i like this more than the dark overworld music
- perryperez: @GilvaSunner OR ELSE YOU (sammyjohn32) WILL DIE!!!
- Michael Blackmore: You can't do that...
- ღLaurette Faron ルマღ: I liked 0:37 :P
- Raikiel: This is an awesome song! :3 Imma get it on my IPod and listen to it every time I take a hike in the woods. XD
- CaptCooldude: I can't stop listening to this music!! This is one of my favorites :D
- anitayeahh: waaaa que recuerdos¡¡¡¡
- Browser Jr: +Groucho Grumble *hairy
- Bailey McDermott: +cale long Or the dark world
- Cole Gendelman: godzilla 2000 vs king ghidorah unleashed destroy all monsters brawl
- Miles Quickster: YUP
- Cartoonguy133: It does play on Final Destination during the fight where you unlock Ganondorf.
- KellzRose1: I wish it was one day where I got some really good GC games for my wii so I could relive the nostalgia..
- BIG GUY: With circular logic.
- Masamune Okami: better yet, hide it with fog!
- Blue: oh, i knew it! lorule's death mountain song was a different version of this! it sounded so familiar!
- Regamular C.: It's not nice to take God's name in vain.
- DeoxysPrimeJr: @sab2fan24 I don't know. Japanese took him down.
- Agent 005: @muggtonp ...OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE
- cancer: Fog hides mountains.
- ninjanunchucks4 :The Game Master: Link is better at yoshing than Mario confirmed 2018
- Nintendo Fan: I have a joke Q.What did Zelda say when link cant open the door? A.Triforce
- MapleTreeXZ: Am I the only one who gets reminded of Dreamworks and Shrek from listening to this song?
- xXEdXx17: @sammyjohn32 Is it because it was the term "pwn" that made you lose your silly remark upon GilvaSunner? Lol you mad.
- Guille's work: with a REALLY big carpet... BWA! HA! HA!
- The gold crew: I love this song Fuck yeah
- Amir Arnold: i love this one, it helps u fight on
- Michael Blackmore: But what if someone sees you using the magic?
- Nintendo Fan: At school tne only thing people ever play is gta,cod,minecraft,flappy bird...Im rocking around the tv playing majoras mask and skyward sword,not to mention brawl,sm64,mk64...
- 0chowder: Ah, kids these days... All they care about is overrated apps and shit. We rock the tv doing the hardcore way
- Ryne: The beginning is a copy of Airship Fortress from Mario....
- SSBFWU: @dandeadly3 I think you're talking about another song... you probably mean "bramble blast" or something like that :)
- Michael Blackmore: How do you hide a forest?
- TokyoKami: Simply a masterpiece <3
- d3structi: @Fito4859 Why do you say Wind Waker? This was definitely in Link to the Past.
- ShadowZone1996: This is a Link to My Past!
- Delta 62: I trained my ass of for this song and it was WORTH IT!
- DeoxysPrimeJr: This is something that DeoxysPrime didn't do: put Ganondorf in one of his videos.
- Golden Goodra: God damn remember how much of a pain this music was to unlock
- Jakeb Lancaster: Changing the stats of some move sets might mix some things up a bit, but mimicking move execution just never really plays out, no matter what they do with it.
- Byakko: +Christopher Zou It's the dark world's mountain in a link to the past.
- Miles Quickster: They got quite a few song names wrong in this game, huh?
- Mosincrantz: Throw a cloth over top
- Ioovle2: in ALTTP
- Sean Marlisa: that's some old school shit right here, sooo fucking epic
- seth johnstone: Zelda has wonderful music
- Kay Michael: I remember the first time I saw Gannon Dork in TP and WW, my first thoughts were " it must take forever to do his hair in the morning!!!"
- _Theo: How do you hide a forest?
- Tony Kemp: @GilvaSunner Oh Lord, you bought a £600 CD game player..... :O
- itaav91112: No, it's hidden at the end of time.
- Xarcronium: This ruined the song for me
- Vaisin: Thumbs up if Zelda is better than Call of Duty!!!
- SonOfGasper: thumbs up if you liked playing the "Dark Link Duel" just because of this song
- schrinko: @TheBiggamer64 You know there was a brave man before him named SilvaGunner who went down in the name of video game music?
- stupidlylucky: No Link. I, am your father.
- Amanda Adorno: ...
- FriedApple: Those fucking puppets.
- Hawkjedi: Make it someone else's problem =D
- Matthew Mulkey: I can't wait for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2.
- smoke26100 *: death mountain in lorule
- bruh: Hide it behind a tree.
- Ameen Ahmed: Cue the Latino dance festival!!
- Zombies4 Evadude: That’s not too corny. Well done
- Miles Quickster's Audio Library: Sounds like Pokém- Wait. Shota Kageyama? I should've known!
- Michael Blackmore: Is something being referenced here that I don't know? I'm not so good with Zelda.
- Lyranne Leoni: @uiruu A link to the past. God, that game was so freaking hard. It took me a couple of years to beat it, just cause I never used a walkthrough and couldnt figure out the puzzle. Then one day, I picked up the game, walked over to kakariko, and tried playing the flute near the statue. I think I almost fainted from happiness. This was when I was 6-8 XD
- Oliver Dixon: well, the dutch almost won fifa and that they're just as equivilant in a war to switzerland only with a sea board. i think the netherlands is a good country to stay in when the world is at war. i do wonder why out of all of the wars europe has had in its history why no country has ever bothered to officially take over the swiss? does switzerland have the same policy as the french: IN A WORLD WAR, LOSER ALWAYS GETS FRANCE
- Rodolfo Salinas: Love this theme song ;) Beautiful music <3
- Michael Blackmore: And... How do you hide GMF (Ganondorf's Massive Forehead)?
- leav14: *Link* walks around the hidden mountain. Rocks falling down.. WTF!!! GAME OVER
- Natwin: @proballa27 lol
- GiantFightingRobot: Ganon tried disliking this but was stopped by Link.
- smoke26100 *: eh no promblemo
- MrThisucks: i was actually trying to find it. what is the track name?
- that guy with long hair: I play this song all the time on the Bridge of Eldin on Brawl... IT SOUNDS SO EPIC!!
- Riclo500: With a hidden village.
- Amaterasu1290: Mother of God!!!!! The Legend of Zelda, Link to the past!!!! it was really awesome!!! i remember a lot of fun in my childhood
- Megaboy X: Subspace emissary
- Shana Hager: Look, the worst character in Brawl.
- budder_recruit1357: or an invisible cloak
- Glordka: ahhh, the mountain top in the light world in A Link to the Past....
- AK47Productions100: It's also an Orcarina of Time.
- Regamular C.: Thumbs up if this theme sounds peaceful and heroic.
- Thunder64: +brolytriplethreat It means that you got shrekt skrub
- Lauren Hedden: wow so quirky and different aren't you
- SpectreKnight: @AidenzStuff Looks like that ReDead will never scare people ever again.
- Resident Weeaboo: anyone else have this remind them of death mountain in Zelda II
- MandalorTeSiit: John Williams and Koji Kondo are both much better than Beethoven.
- WackyX: 0:37 - 0:54 is 17:Zelda - Super Smash Bros Ultimate
- ay99: As much as I played Zelda, that joke actually made sense!
- Mega_Manley: Sounds like something from Pokemon stadium.
- Zero: Spongebob Joke.
- ActionStar00: @Dalektopia i think Ganondorf Kirby is great. Ganondorf Kirby gets a dark power punch, and gets the hammer. yet Ganondorf Kirby looks ugly. I like Ganon Kirby and Falco Kirby along with almost every other kind of Kirby. (yah, im addicted to the super tuff pink puff!)
- ThundertheDragon: Death Mountain :)
- terryandcarol1: ಠ_ಠ *dies because of epicness* x_x
- IA- *Amber*: Dude. My oldest brother fricking rekt face with Gannondorf.
- darkness1049: they should make a game where link and gannondorf have to team up to save the whole world. itd be beast.
- Blues Light: There's nothing wrong with Minecraft. There are many good reasons that it's a popular game.
- The crazy Major: Screw team link! With music like this I'm transferring to team ganondorf
- Axwell-May: By putting it in a parallel dimension. Sound familiar?
- Samcraft_10: Toon Link is in this level and the forest is where you unlock him by finding a secret hidden door
- Michael Blackmore: With logic, bad sir.
- SelenaRockz001: yeah it is from the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past :D
- Requierem: You must be kidding, right?
- Captain KillAssist: @DullBones He lived in Gerudo Valley dumbass
- Raúl Jiménez: fog? :D
- navataru: AMAZING! I love the remix's for this and Dark World in Brawl... Personally i like them more than the original. Much more emotion and meaning behind it... 2 reasons.. 1) the technonlogy wasn't as good back then... so music had to be a small files... 2) They really added small little things to the remix... its definetly living up as an awesome BG song
- Danae Bradley: (not trolling) You spelt versus wrong, and i think i spelt "Spelt" wrong, too. Im not being a troll. You cant be too careful not to sound like one on youtube.
- Gordy Harlow: paint over it, bob ross style.
- IT'S YA BOI: any1 100% A link to the past on their first go, or am i the only one?
- RaphSieg007: Wow, you go to listen to a piece of music you've never heard before, and you scroll down, and the first thing you see is people talking about their dicks. :(
- kuhndogg98: @GilvaSunner hoho
- Demisky ?: beautiful background and music *terrifying enemies*
- ZellDincht1226: Forget the remake, I want a 2D top down sequel of ALTTP. That was a choice too, you know.
- FalcoFox18: Tha only 2 that dislike this iz Ganondorf and Majora
- Matt King: links journey music.
- KurlyHairKenan: It is in smash 4
- Adam Bierstedt: A Link between Worlds flute kid fail version is better. It still makes laugh every time I trigger it.
- ActionStar00: i know! dress it up so it looks like a NORMAL mountain.
- Donnerbalken: Your wish is Sakurai's command. He got a sword now yeeeeeeeeeee
- Alex Michalowski: @Jkiller117 ikr!!! Same wit me
- PharaohMan135: Here's hoping that Ganondorf uses his sword in smash 4
- MobiusRazgriz: oh god, hearing this in a link to the past meant shit just got real...
- lucariopikmin: XD
- Cryo: I knew that.....................
- It's cheezetime: @dandeadly3 i believe it's "bramble Blast"
- N8: walk into forest... SHIT JUST GOT REAL!
- ShadowZone1996: Really hope this is in Smash 4
- Emboric: @enterprise0709 Actually, you just simply hide it in another world. =)
- Malo MartTM: +Rockman X Thanks for noticing. :)
- ShadowZone1996: +BloodyNinja64 Can I help you with something?
- Steven Treminio: Bigger mountains?
- Gozogo123 ,: ever since i heard this in story mode, i was trying to find the name of it, took me so many years
- Doctor Pancho VEVO: Please, the latin music is not the same in all the world...
- Kevinator64: Unlocking the CD for this on Events Hard Difficulty WAS SO REWARDING!
- A nude Edgeworth: Link vs Dark Link!
- Alive4Metal: @reuben0110 uh, not its not
- E-Hero Stratos: The original sounded pretty bad in comparrison to this IMO. I don't like the effects at the beginning that played throughout it just ruins it, haven't heard link between worlds version yet
- MrWesdotcom: @Dalektopia Yeah, his awesome power makes him a deadly foe if you know how to use him. The only one I'm better as is Fox
- MooseAteMyScarf: Those pants make Ganondorf look fat xD
- Sarah M: Listening to this while i play zelda on my 3ds
- Isaac Thompson: The original version is from a Link to the Past, right?
- SprayedNLaid: Spudtron98 call of duty ghost cloak
- PatrickJames233: With a logical circle.
- Keif: With a Hidden Mountain
- Nintendo Fan: +Regamular C. triforce Try force Get it?
- jmassie2281: i like it in brawl when gannondorf snagz his=z opponents by tha nekk and smashes there brutal when he doez it 2 link
- Taty G: with a hidden forest
- Tobi: Brawl Ganondorf can pretty much be considered the worst fighting game character that ever existed. He is so far away from everyone else.
- bluenova123: They need to do both
- Itsame steve: Dinklebergg.....
- Nicksolo85: To me, that goes to... Olimar.
- Nick Roeslein: So, the arrangement supervisor was Shota Kageyama. He did some of the songs for Pokemon Black and White! This arrangement reminds of his Route 10 composition.
- Lily Hogan: I haven't even finished story mode yet, but this is definitely my favorite song in the whole game. It gives me a sense of adventure. It really sounds like it would be from Legend of Zelda, but I've barely played any of the other games besides a few including Mario and Pokémon...
- Argentarus: *Listens to Realm of the Heavens* I wish they had a FFA-based stage...
- Tenebris: Vaati?
- Junayd100: All I'm seeing in the comment section is comments with Sponge Bob references and comments about needing more mountains and them disappearing. Anyone wanna fill me in here because this is shaping up to be a wonderful holiday and not your normal average everyday.
- inthenameofDT: @zhu1dao4 Koji Kondo = Asian John Williams?
- Dennis Thomas: I remember this from Oot,they reput this on hyrule warriors
- MrKeyblademaster1992: @zhu1dao4 I can definitely see the resemblance, but I still gotta say it's just you.
- Nintendo Fan: Im probably the only person in school that actually likes loz...shall i become a sage for my awesome hobby of playing zelda?
- d3structi: Magic.
- Gabriel Clamens: no it's the spirit in twilight princess !
- Michael Blackmore: How do you hide magic... Oh wait... Use magic... Use magic to hide all magic...
- Sun E.: Ⓛⓞⓖⓘⓒ
- RilesTheGuile: And why to this music? Aside that it's from the dark world.
- giancarlo marroquin espino: tanks mean exelent
- ravi sahye: @TeamTaijutsu i ll have to get to you on that :l goodbye friend ....
- TheChillarmy: Hopefully Falcondorf isn't back. Give Ganondorf his own moveset please!
- Christopher Zou: +Raul Munwalker I'm pretty sure that Death Mountain from A Link Between Worlds also sounds a lot like this So that's probably why Actually, I honestly think it's the same song tbh
- lucariopikmin: Good idea :)
- Sarah M: @zhu1dao4 it does sound like star wars. or something from star fox.
- Masamune Okami: i used to ignore this theme, but now it plays on my custom stages :p
- Marijn van Kekem: I see what you did there :D
- Tomtastic: With Ganondorf's massive forehead
- Gebirges' Gaming: I just hide in the shadows! >:D
- Bailey McDermott: Smash or ALttP?
- Kathrin F.: Do you know which music genre this is?
- julex234: This is slightly old, but for anyone who didn't know, Nintendo is trying to decide whether to remake "A Link to the Past" or "Majora's Mask" for the 3DS. I'm hoping for ALTTP.
- Bota64: It is. It's called "Dark World Mountain/Forest"
- Jay Dub: @jstudios98 lol yeah my bad, he was proper chunky in WW
- markasscop Arev: if only you knew what happened to your father
- Rainbow Runner: Chuggaaconroy: (blows up with smart bomb) Whoooooooah! Why do I keep blowing myself up? ProtonJon: Because I'm here. Chuggaa: I am a suicide bomber when Jon's around! (Gets blown up by Bomb Omb and dies)
- Alive4Metal: @reuben0110 AHHH, dude im such an idiot, i thought we were talking about twilight princess, my bad, yeah skyward sword comes before, before hyrule has been stablished as a kingdom and zelda became a princess,
- Dani D.: Puppets!
- MrMatt: This song and dark world has spanish aptitude
- Chokoboh: The first game of that legendary series that i played. I was.. 3 or 4 years old. This theme on Death Mountain actually caused me serious nightmares but now, im the greatest Zelda fan out there! You can say, i defeated my fear.
- 191694525: With a hidden forest.
- Skittle Remix: Magic *snort snort*
- username48481: only in the world in zelda!
- Higth115: Gannon can be good ( I prefer him over cpt Falcon thats for damn sure!!!)
- Ioovle2: They should have remixed a different song for this
- ArigatouFam: This has a bit of a sound like The Imperial March
- DeoxysPrimeJr: @xenasbards If Link killed DeoxysPrime then i'ma be on his ass.
- Isaac Thompson: Thanks!
- Sarah Ingram: I love this! ah those days playing SSBB with my siblings and best friends
- Black Vortex: @GilvaSunner I keep seeing your vids and im like "he is so awesome" and i llok up and see im not subbed WTF im changing that NOW!
- Douglas-Jay Falcon: @muggtonp OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE
- andrewjazzy: By circling logic. HUEHUEHUE
- Tony Kemp: @JirachiMaster007 It did. Take it from my dad who saw it advertised.
- Goku Black: Ganondorf: Link! Charging punch: HruuuRA!
- smoke26100 *: well it sounds awesomer in alink between worlds check it out
- TNB12: i'm playing a link to the past and i get ot the first dungeon of dark world. I have to admit it isn't too hard like link's awakening
- Cryo: Travel in time to were the mountain wasn't there find the source that created the mountain and move the source some where else i would suggest the ocarina of time and the golden gauntlets to do so
- Leo Martinez: i swear to god those puppets would kill me and i would rage so hatled
- -55 SSB: The start sounds like the airship levels from Mario Bros 3
- mrahmn: magic.
- Dhanesh Khemraj: @muggtonp GilvaSunner is already the best for vgm. He doesn't need help.
- erokk121: I'd call that recursive instead of circular.
- Majora: You, sir, are a true gamer
- lucariopikmin: With a hidden forest.
- OliRock92: Anyone ever noticed the resemblance with the Airship them from Super Mario?
- IxMyBloodyPaintxI: I can has more SSB?
- Meow meow.: Ils et elles ne parle pas francai, le tete de merde!
- LilDreamer: You hide a mountain with a larger mountain and as for a forest you use a maze NO ONE WILL FIND IT I GUARENTEEE
- King Toast: Nostalgia for Link and Yoshi running through the forest fighting terrifying puppets that shoot lasers from their eyes.
- VentusxBBSxSpero: @GilvaSunner Just wanted to say you're awesome. That is all, carry on.
- thatquirkyredhead: I've always loved this theme for how intense it sounds. I can see an open field of soldiers marching into a long and arduous battle with a rival kingdom, fighting to claim territory once lost. I know, I'm dramatic. ^_^
- muchfaun0445: with a hidden mountain
- Homura Akemi: Well...they gave him his sword. At this point, it’s like insisting Shadow deserves a non-Echo spot based on Sonic Battle...
- Biscotti: Why does this remind me of harry potter
- Demyx No.IX: I just realized every zelda song on brawl sounds spanish.....ish
- Martijn Spieker: Me too, I really like both games but Majora's Mask is a pretty recent one. A Link to the Past is old and my first zelda game, that's why I hope they'll remake it.
- ScornMuffins: @GilvaSunner Alas no. Altough great, it's not the one I'm looking for. Maybe there where 2 levels where you played as those characters.
- Mr. Hayabusa: I remember hearing this song when I was younger and I imagined that in my own RPG game that this was the music for the map screen :)
- Nintendo Fan: Part 2 Stab ganondorf in the chest Make zelda wrap ganondorf in cotton Eat a rupee Put ganondorf in basement Make a model of a mountain and forest Make ganondorf lie on top of it Now you have a hidden mountain and forest :D
- Caymos5: I always think of super mario bros 3, when you are on that airship...
- stwbmc98: But then it's not hidden. It's gone.
- lordzelos21: one of the best theme in the game
- YoungLink14: Yea ya
- D. Casta: VitorHugo HD hide those between a lot of mountains, preferably in a circle
- furydeath: @zhu1dao4 Link use the force!....the Triforce :|
- Brian Lee: @d3structi They hate GaymonDork O_O
- joyelfamily: I thought it was called dark world from link to the past.
- VinnDiddy: Morshu for the next SSB game!
- Youssef Lucas Barbosa: bahahahahahahahaha (Ganondorf Laugh)
- Moonkiller69: Songs from ALttP are my links to the past.
- AirJordan2380920: Both versions are awesome!
- Alonzo Underwood: Expand dong no he’s not look st the brawl tier list
- KrossoverGod: The first part is actually very similar to the airship theme from Super Mario Bros. 3.
- xXTheHeroicGamerXx: @GilvaSunner that was a Empire Strikes Back reference wasn't it :D XDD
- Super Dude: I want them to add Toon Ganondorf. He could USE HIS F***ING SWORDS, maybe be a really big yet speedy character. Or just revamp ganondorf's moveset. (which they won't do)
- FinallyJeremy: ikr
- Browser Jr: +silentsinger Shrek*
- muchfaun0445: with a forest, of course
- n3n3b3n3: I thought it was Death Mountain and Skull Woods
- GanonAkumaFan: @HTankGlory Is it a Link to your Past?
- Rising Hub - Bixxy.: if i ever go on a hiking adventure on my own this is definitely one of the few songs id download and listen to
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Hidden Mountain & Forest - Super Smash Bros. Brawl | |
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Music | Upload TimePublished on 23 Dec 2010 |
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