Arranger(s): Various Artists
Developer(s): Sora Ltd, HAL Laboratory, Game Arts, Monolith Soft, Paon, Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Purchase, pre-order, and/or download this game here: http://tinyurl.com/k3zbgum
This video was uploaded from http://www.smashcustommusic.com/3906
This stream was submitted by SSBB.
Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
- Matt Xd: Yay I have to go to bed talk to you in the morning bye
- BenjaminPollockGaming: +Kyon the Brigader I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that there are 13 now.
- Mamoru Mizuno: +Weeaboo Chan I always called him Ganon because it's his original name after all
- Ben R Tist: THERE are 6 now :(
- chauncey freeman: -_- tis a sad day
- Ann Nieman: Galdr I know. When I played the game and heard this song, I found peace, power, sorrow and determination written all over this song. One of my all time favorites!
- carloscreate100: Link will get his Pokeball, Pikachu, and get his sword and shield to fight the enemies!
- Michael Gillespie: Geeky Metalhead my body is ready
- thomas few: +Darkspine16647 u mean what GlacialCavern said
- Kyon the Brigader: 7 now Is the darkness spreading?
- Pierre Begley: Jon the Alpha Yes they did.
- A: Ringabel nasty 😂😂😂
- EmpoweredSonicPlayz: me too
- Fangame Empire: +Sarutys999 this sounds more like ALBW than ALTTP
- klol thxbye: It sounds a bit like Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake at the crescendo
- Darkspine16647: DONT SPOIL IT FOR ME
- YOUNG LION: this ain't death mountain, play Twilight Princess
- Not A Prophet: Acid. It's the acid I gave him.
- Diedrich: I think it's supposed to say "Death mountain"
- Felicia W.: PUPPITS. INSANE DIFFICULTY. THEY LIKE TO SMACK FACES AND SHOOT LASERS. 2 of em at once is hard enough so have 3
- Nathan Dean: Went back down to 7, at least...
- Mamoru Mizuno: +Weeaboo Chan of course , it was Ganon
- Crystalluss: Reminds me of the Hyrule Castle theme in Breath of the Wild a little bit.
- Brenton Taylor: Link pulls out a sword for his intro in the SSE Yoshi sleeps
- Aiden Inoru: I play this when ever I climb mount lanayru in botw or in a snowy mountain in the elder scrolls
- Thomas Raftery: Thank you
- Geeky Metalhead: When your girl is "ready" *puts on this song*
- Matt Xd: Lord Sairight love this song
- Katy Perry's katycats: So true
- espeonranger: When I hear this, I imagine Link stealthily invading an enemy's forest stronghold.
- Emmanuel Brijandez: Crossing fingers for a link to the past/worlds stage in ultimate. Especially thta can go with Zelda's new design.
- Fangame Empire: +Silver Storm no in skull woods
- Matt Xd: +Lord Sairight ok
- SpiceBread: Thank god this is back in Smash bros Wii U. Perfect for Bridge of Eldin :D
- Darkspine16647: Ah, this song is stuck in my head and i love it. UwU
- Scuford Stomm: What who the hell disliked this
- EpsilonChurchRVB: I'm not much of a Legend of Zeda fan, but this one really stands out as being one of the best remixes I've ever heard. ^^
- PhasePrime: Maybe it's because of ALBW, but now, when I hear this version, I think of scaling a giant, snowy mountain.
- Hammer Bro 19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leaG6d5uBHg This "link" brought me here.
- Binary Kitsune: Does anyone else hear Pokemon Colosseum?! No? ok.
- Ben Brown: You fool! You've doomed us all to an imperfect realm of hate and irony. O_O
- TitanGamer70 Logan702214: Yes
- tedy gaming 2018: VERY DANM EPIC
- Ben R Tist: Only 6 now
- FreakfanDa101: I'll give you the answer "Nintendo logic"
- Septimus: +Sun E. Indeed xD
- Mihir Raut: 👋
- Greg249: Lol at all the fake comments
- The G-Wing: *hidden *They're both massive locations on the map. Make up your mind zelda series.
- Pin head: Pierre Begley but how do you get to listen to it
- Sea Bear: +liam bobyk It does. That's why I'm here lol.
- DragonPupil 2345: there is not a single person that dislikes this song, its that awesome
- liam bobyk: What about for smash ultimate?
- rayen Paname: Master Smash 00:00 - 00:37 😍😍😍😍
- GlitterC0in: Heh, you and me both...-This is actually America's admin's regular account. XD-
- Darkk_est: How the fuck do you hide a mountain and a forest?
- Dark Storm: This one fits for a forest, which is what it was used for in subspace emissary.
- Megaboy X: UnovaKid 24 true dat
- Lauren Hedden: the beginning of the flute part kind of sounds like lost in thoughts all alone from fire emblem fates to me
- IBOXHEAD: me too
- Spider-Man 2099 Channel 2: Nostalgia
- Kyle Cunningham: Mario, Link, Kirby, Pit and Yoshi were like the NES Squad
- Kid Gamer: Literally my first reaction to the intro to this song was “THIS ISN’T ZELDA THIS IS POKÉMON”
- tmwamala601: Agreed. I always play this music in that stage as well.
- LennyFace 53: The perfect "Duel against yourself" theme.
- Diamond Duststorm: Yay! Zelda smash ultimate trailer!
- anime hunter864: yeah because their dashie's homies
- Wyatt Ward: Huh. I remember hearing it for the first time when I played A Link To The Past.
- Gunkfunkulous Munktrunkulous: GlitterC0in This song is -great- the fucking best!
- AliljJet: 9
- Croco 64: The beginning reminds me a lot the Airship Theme from Super Mario Bros. 3
- Just Daisy: No more like if you're traveling to another state/country
- ProtoBen: Subspace.
- MorphusFleebus: well it is from ALTTP so it makes sense.
- Fangame Empire: +李재성along with LTTP dark world and ALBW Hyrule castle
- Keelo: Scuford Stomm trolls
- Ken Farlez: I think Fox and Diddy Kong were better
- Clockbud Longpenilt: lol
- GlitterC0in: Yeah, I rarely use this one unless I feel like commenting or liking. :P
- PhasePrime: +MorphusFleebus The ALTTP version is awesome in its own right, but now, most version make me think of the snow covered Death Mountain from Lorule.
- KING NINTENDO: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- UnovaKid 24: The Subspace Emissary would make an awesome movie
- Septimus: Damn those 30 minutes went by like seconds!!
- Just Daisy: 8 dislikes? Wow
- Switch Speedster: There's not enough Zelda in Smash Ultimate comments. I'm disappointed, you had fail the pure cinnamon bun
- Cynder Block: Bridge of Eldin or the Subspace Emissary level?
- Gunkfunkulous Munktrunkulous: I used to be Mario (I never changed my name but just the pic for Google Hangouts... I'm sad)
- SaltyPiplup: not even one dislike. that's how awesome it is .D.
- TekDoug: Hands down the best Legend of Zelda remix ever
- Hyperblastbomb3395: Oh no i've been vanished to the phantom realm!
- Silver Storm: If you want to know where in the game it is, it plays when Link is in the Lost Woods or on Death Mountain in the Dark World.
- Master Smash: My favorite part 0:37-0:50
- Phillip Larsen: I apologize but I like the Zelda A Link to the Past game Mountain song better lol even though I do have to admit this beautiful :3
- 李재성: One of my top 3 zelda themes ever
- Brenton Taylor: *17* Zelda
- Juan Carlos Maas: Lord Sairight/Denny can't agree with you more
- Angry Commenter: 0:37 Zelda's SmUsh trailer theme! :O
- Sun E.: >Set video to play from 0:00 >Listen in awe and go and initiate in other computerly things >5 seconds later: Dang it! 30 minutes already went by! Does it go something like that?
- Gunkfunkulous Munktrunkulous: Nightprowler Gladius You take the mountain and push it somewhere else
- Kyon the Brigader: Zelda took a link between worlds for Smash Brothers Ultimate
- Brenton Taylor: 0:37) *17* *ZELDA*
- GlitterC0in: Why do I listen to this and other Zelda music while drawing Hetalia characters??...-I'm weird-
- Liam Seres: Barrjad _I'm not saying I don't believe you. I mean like, I just heard the normal dark world theme in the woods_
- Chelsea King: Great game and place. Only thing that annoyed me was those things that kiss me.
- Thomas Raftery: What game is this original from?
- AuraSphere01: I see 5 dislikes, though.
- Ruukoto Presents: *coughcoughgensokyocoughcough*
- Joey Roth: You get a REAAAALLLY big blanket, and cover the mountain or forest.
- Syed Muneer: 14 people couldn't find the hidden mountain and forest.
- NCC: I've been looking for this song for SO FUCKING LONG thank you YouTube!!!
- Jade Kaur: This song is so soft is the best remix of the mountain of death
- Alex's Art and Games Channel: 666th Like
- Lord Hector: +Kyle Cunningham Except Kirby was technically from the Gameboy era. Still, if you count Kirby's Adventure...
- TheHero136: Link and Yoshi were such an awesome tag team.
- Speedster 101: DARN FOREST DUNEGON!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ceri Handen: One of the few stages that I actually liked...
- Icyfire25: Really hope they bring this back in SSB for Wii U
- thomas few: +Darkspine16647 spoil what?
- Not A Prophet: +Pierre Begley oh
- FUNGO: This game was one of my first wii games, i'm so glad I played it.
- RedGhost2BlueToast: Come My friends! Let us go on a quest!!!
- Henry Gutierrez: It basically was. All the cutscenes add up to 1 hour of footage.
- Clockbud Longpenilt: 704 dumbass :P
- Armydillo62o: Favorite version of Death Mountain right here.
- Megaboy X: If there a story mode in super smash bros ultimate I want this music in story mode
- CybermanGT: Best music in the game. Goes well with the forest.
- Techhunter Talon: I legit hear something in this theme that sounds A LOT like a cell phone going off. XD I can't unhear it now that I noticed it.
- 緑 谷出久 Midoriya Izuku: I have my own Admin account I just don't feel like using.
- XxThePh4ntomxX: Legend of Zelda !! ^_^
- espeonranger: RedGhost2BlueToast Good idea. I'll play Lucas.
- sam ellis: YES finally!
- MeleeMan 14: Link is my favorite character in Smash Bros!
- Isaac Nevarez: What about Mario and Pit?
- Alex Ruiz: Whenever I hear this song I think about chasing rabbits...
- A really Cool hat: Wait a minute, there's a Brawl remix of Death Mountain and I didn't even know?!
- HyruleAssassin197: this song gives you such a sense of adventure, i love it!
- tedy gaming 2018: my favourite forest theme ever
- Pierre Begley: Galdr I find it's incredibly underrated.
- Czardonyx: I dunno, I just think of a jungle expedition.
- The Bun: +Hugo Royen likes
- Gunkfunkulous Munktrunkulous: Lord Sairight/Denny At long last I have found this beautiful song
- DylanBandicoot: Oh no! 666 likes.
- Liam Seres: _I don't hear the forest .- ._
- Johnbdm: What the flip
- Liam Seres: Barrjad _I didn't hear that theme when I was there. Or I'm dumb :v (which will probably be it)_
- Chasen playz: Hi
- Alpha: for a second , i though it said "High Mountain & Forest" . lmao
- ???????: That's the name of the dark world mountain and forest theme from loz lttp plus it can't be entered easily
- Abby The Cat: Remember when death mountain was just created and referred to as Hidden mountain? good times
- Darkspine16647: Spoilers for SSB.
- Oux: By Shota Kageyama Pokemon vibes haha
- 緑 谷出久 Midoriya Izuku: Well at least you don't draw and play Zelda games at the same time! I do that and my mom thinks I need help.
- Infernal Jazz: WOAH HEY YOU'RE RIGHT
- DylanBandicoot: Yay the curse is broken. Thanks for letting me know. :D
- Sharp Chess: OrionMagnus hard mode being the softest imo xD
- ReadyNotIt: playing shadow of the colossus going through the forest with this song playing 😍
- Kyon the Brigader: *GAME OVER* *RETURN OF GANON*
- Lord Sairight / Denny: My faborite SSBB song
- Tomas Manaut: my favorite song ever, its the best
- OrionMagnus: I remember hearing this for the first time when I played the event match where Link fought his shadow. This song holds a soft place in my heart.
- KermitMan: DUN DUN DUN!!
- TheRealDyna: +The Bun I was joking 8)
- Daniel Yang: Fits so well when you're just smashing through the stage, sending enemies flying. Love the music!!!!!
- Galdr: I seriously fell in love with this version. Smashing through Link's stage with this playing was so nostalgic, mainly for ALTTP. Then along came ALBW's version, and I love all versions of this.
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Hidden Mountain & Forest - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Music Extended | |
2,040 Likes | 2,040 Dislikes |
234,019 views views | followers |
Music | Upload TimePublished on 28 Dec 2013 |
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