Persona 5 OST - Tokyo Daylight [Extended] - that was so funny

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 3, 2019

Persona 5 OST - Tokyo Daylight [Extended]

  1. Labrys: I just realized the humming follows the same melody as "Freedom and Security"
  2. Knights Cross Holder: I like them, both Daylight and Emergency describe perfectly the feel of a busy metropolis. Kinda strange because I also didn't really like them at first but during my 2nd playthrough they became a lot better when you start appreciating all the subtle details of the instruments. Heartbreak is great but after 80 hours the magic doesn't remain the same way Daylight and Emergency do.
  3. Aroma: Bro, I played this game so much that every time I talk to someone I imagine confidant points over there heads.
  4. TriformTrinity: Somebody might have pointed this out...but imagine the chorus being sung as Peter Griffin.
  5. Oga Tatsumi: I searched Persona 5 Ost and listened one by one 'till I found this one
  6. Yassin Hassan: Listening to this song whilst shopping is actually kinda lit and I’ll never get why
  7. Hasan Naim: Moviejack I don't know a lot about Japan, and anything I do know about it is from anime/manga/video games, so I usually just think that they're made up lol
  8. The First of Us: “This bitch talking about making Kamoshida suffer for his sins n shit, how am I suppose to think of her, Akira?!”
  9. T'was an old username and I'll change it soon.: Personally, I don't really like this song.
  10. Lolz Gamer: Sega and Atlus-
  11. Qdobi Stromboli: My brothers and I were legit talking about the same thing yesterday!!
  12. Ya Boi: It's been 7 months. Any luck my dude? If not, go shower with old men. Trust me.
  13. High Wabbit: I just asked my sister to twerk to this song in my room but she just gets all mad, punches me in the face and calls me a creep. I mean damn what's her freaking problem?
  14. Arifin Then: 31 Shadows dislike this video. Seems like they're not into daylight.
  15. Verivik: I wish humans were real
  16. Lochlainn Healy: It's on the side. It's a kill shot.
  17. Daniel Salinas: es demasiado adictiva la canción xD, ayuda a pasar el rato en el metro
  18. Tsuna Zenithia: la pongo cuando tengo que caminar mucho
  19. Jodi Clark RN: Slow it down to X0.75 and ya got Persona 4 “Your Affection”
  20. Rodion Lee: I just dropped our relationship on that note, like "well, i rly tried my best, sry i'm out, Futaba is my bias anyways, see u next walkthrough" and maxed out Futaba instead. :D
  21. flob ll: I'm with ryuji, Ann has one scary finger
  22. Roland Makupo: I'm Coming Takemi!!!!
  23. Tobi Falekulo: This is it!!!!!!
  24. Matthew Coyle: Nah Ann is definitely a better grill than Ryuji. Electricity can't beat a genuine flame grill.
  26. VenomLeon: Makes me feel like I’m about to catch a plane to somewhere sunny 😊
  27. Adhddhdh3: Invert Brid This ones pretty good. Heartbreak, Heartbeat and When the Moon’s Reaching Stars just are so catchy that they’re practically unbeatable lol. I think Heartbreak, Heartbeat is the best.
  28. Yanet's Garcìa's Ass: Makoto Niijima = Best Girl
  29. Seliph The Prince of Light: that moment Makoto starts following you....
  30. ChiriConCarne: Thanks Cooptional Podcast for leading me to this song
  31. Gaming dude: sweet juhoney. I had the same idea! -little late to respond-
  32. Shinigami Shado: Hearing about the Atlus survey about possible future persona titles that includes remakes of 1,2, and 3, definitely feeds the hype for a possible remake. I've got a couple ideas on how they could do it. First off, while the art of the original is great, they could stand to have an update. P5 proves that even with the new art, you can portray pretty dark material and it still have an effect. Second, update the combat and dungeon mechanics. Allow you to be able to switch party members rather than having to pick one and never get anyone else. Remove the grid system, and make it more like P5, which would be easy since P5 brought back a lot of things that were present in P1. Make the dungeon mechanics more like 3,4, or 5, so that traveling in a dungeon is a lot more fun than the maze feel. Decrease encounter rate. Third, add a time system. The original P1 system happens in one-fell-swoop, and that seems very unlikely for highschool students. They could give players at least a week in between critical plot points so that you have time to interact with party members, train, or restock on gear. I mean seriously, they aren't adrenaline junkies pumping 5hour energies into their bloodstreams. Fourth, Add a few personal missions. This can play into the time system, and give more meaning to the party earning their ultimate personas. This leads into the next thing... Adding more choices and decisions. Adding more choices in conversations would be wonderful considering persona has become known for it's decision making. This would also allow players to flesh out the MC's personality, and make them more personalized. Fifth, they need to add to the base story. I liked how the manga fleshed out the story a little bit more and gave the MC some more back story with his twin brother's death and how he had to overcome it. This could be part of the MC's personal mission that would be integrated into the main questline. They could also stand to add a few of the recent personas, and maybe add some more gear. Sixth, add the ability to buy weapons, not just guns. It aggravated me that you couldn't buy those weapons except from that rigged ass casino. Finally, add a few more OST's, cause I got tired of hearing Let the Butterflies Spread, and make sure that the new models have the quality of the recent persona games. Done. Considering P5 is really close to what P1 could be, they could literally use the same engine and add a few tweaks, and they'll basically have it all made out. I based the time system idea off of the manga. While it may not be canon, there was an extra chapter where the party went to a bathhouse while fully aware of the threat Kandori posed. So, while it might not make sense due to the demons running around, the manga and game make it apparent that there are certain places that are safe enough to rest at (Doctors offices, the school, Mikage Mall, etc). The ultimate persona quest thing is indeed a "meh" idea, but I figured they could remove the fusion-made ultimate personas, and make them automatically awaken to them at make arcana affinity (simply to make it more like the recent games). All in all, I do think that if the course of the game at least expanded a month, it might give the story and characters time to flesh themselves out. It'd also give players more time to explore the setting, the characters, and more. What if each character's initial arcana was what determined their arcana affinity and thus their ultimate persona. Maybe once one maxes out an affinity, that character's initial persona will evolve into their ultimate persona. I've thought of an in-depth way dungeons and the Overworld map could work in a remake of P1. So dungeons would be more like P5 in the sense that it's more open, well-designed, and in 3rd person. Unlike P5 however, you won't be able to "reveal their true forms" to ambush them, rather, you would simply swing your weapon at their backs or something XD. There wouldn't be a cover option, but instead you would get to "sneak" around in place of the third eye ability. This will make demons only attack you if they see you. You would be able to run around freely, but nearby demons will hear you and attempt to check out the disturbance. It would be neat if you could do something like Mass Effect and send a teammate further ahead to scope out the area, thus adding a more realistic and interesting mechanic to dungeon crawling. For the overworld, things will be mostly the same, but with a lot more open space than the dungeons, and the city will be sectioned off into several pieces (as to not have one giant map). Maybe somewhere near the middle of the game your team can jack a car or something and that could help improve overworld map mobility or unlock fast traveling. What are your thoughts? Let's raise the hype #persona1remakehype #returnto1996
  33. YoshiNatsu: I played this when I went to Japan and the trip became a hundred times better. Thank you.
  34. Mishthecat: SOS Sama gotta get that arginale Man!
  35. 765Craven: Did anyone else notice that certain parts of Ark and this have the same rhythm?
  36. silontes: Hello people from Co-optional podcast.
  37. Legendary Kitsune: Lol sounds like a theme right out of Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare X3
  38. ᅚ: I wonder if this song's gonna get into Smash Ultimate.
  39. K.O.S. -: If persona were in fact real you know how horrible that would make most of the people in the world, seeing most of the people in game were either conscious of the fact they were hurting others or ignorant to the fact they were.
  40. Nycra: Me when I'm in Downtown LA and the hobos are tweaked out.
  41. INSTANT RAMEN: Hasan Naim *Nope shibuya does in fact exist in japan* ☺️☺️
  42. 胡龙豪: What would Chie do if she meets the Phantom Thieves?
  43. TheMasterEmerald: Lol
  44. Jenny shinu: that's the persona way
  45. Robo-Knight YT: +Zwei R congratulations.... next Persona character xD
  46. twitchykun: Ann: Ren, so that's it. We need you to start dating the student council president so she eases up on us. Ryuji: Should be no trouble for you, Renren. Ren: (Is my intelligence stat high enough?)
  47. sephirothkly: Wait, the composer is Shoji Meguro? Shoji (megu)ro = Shojiro!
  48. Gerry Senchaki: What is Gaya Gaya Gaya?
  49. anonimonovids: xd
  50. Hatty Hattington: Or he’s just talking out of his ass
  51. Psychedelic Zuki: I tried listening while walking around in Chicago, didn't work out so well because I guess I was fatigued from walking too much and it sounded slower
  52. Extra-Spoopy Horror Games: Ryuji and Ann are gonna end up married with a beautiful family. I ship that shit hard.
  53. enzo lumare: Michael L. It almost sounds like something out of Jamiroquai
  54. Its Harvv: Shadows music pack - Coconut Mall
  55. regularedit226: Coolmedina117 i typed in “Persona 5 central street song” This song so banger i stg omm
  56. memmori: Its kinda loud and repetitive compared to past persona games exploration themes. It didn't effect my enjoyment of the game though. Just would've been nice to have something more akin to Heartbeat Heartbreak or When the Moons Reaching Out Stars. Beneath the Mask is the best tokyo exploration theme in this game IMO, it kinda captures the feeling of the other two songs I listed while still following P5's jazzy style.
  57. Ender Of TimeLines: Nice prof pic
  58. #Captain Obvious: Lottery: Hi! Welcome!
  59. Luke Havelard: Im on train right now gonna buy some pc parts, not akihabara but damn this music feels
  60. Ya Boi: Ryuji best grill*
  61. Raging Raving: Am I a lunatic for actually liking these games more for the social aspect, with the actual Turn based combat and dungeons being a second?
  62. KurtGaming1: Won't lie, I just searched "persona 5 ba bada ba" to find this
  63. Stamos Kiang: When your going on a mass shopping spree.
  64. It'sJustJosh That'sIt: We did it boys. Joker is in Smash Ultimate.
  65. RudJohns' gaming channel: of course it does
  66. JuniorPunky: This goes from peppy and fun to unnerving when you realize that this is a letmotif in "Freedom and Security".
  67. Tweetug 36: Perfectly captured the feel of living in a busy metropolitan city.
  68. Damian Doez Gaming: They did an amazing job with the Bass in EVERY SINGLE SONG
  69. Jose Rdz: I thought too xd
  70. Matthew Wysong: If you put this on .75, it sounds oddly familar to Freedom and Security.
  71. Ian Mallet: *Makoto stalking intensifies*
  72. LJ3783: god I just love the music in this game >___<
  73. Joey •_•: kokubunji YUS I SHIP ANN AND RYUJI
  74. VenomLeon: SEGA _is_ Atlus' parent, after all..
  75. Cris Gerald Perez: *Door-kun is stalking you*
  76. Project Wraith: Kristrace RPG if they make a persona map I’m pretty sure kamoshidas castle would be great and awesome
  77. dadkwashere: Meanwhile, P3 protagonist (or Makoto judging by Dancing and the movie) is still dead
  78. _ Teller _: SOS Sama Yes, but goddamn Heat Wave
  79. Sir Z: I searched persona 5 school music
  80. HerraX1: Nothing beats listening to this after completing a palace.
  81. Michael L.: that bass riff
  82. GamerSlyRatchet1: I play this with my headphones on any time I'm walking around the city.
  83. VenomLeon: Have you seen how good she is with a whip? It's a fear worth having xD
  84. Silent Puppy: Who's here because of mkwii ctgp
  85. High Wabbit: She said she will not talk to me for at least a month curse my life.
  86. Grocery Store: Coolmedina117 I just searched up city theme persona 5
  87. venomstar 7700: When i walk i put this song
  88. Shanika Walder: Daniel L. Shut YOUR MOUTH
  89. KenpoKid10: Ryuji is comin for that booty.
  90. Shabab Chowdhury: This song is happiness
  91. Riyers: You also misspelled it, you forgot an extra i. It's Niijima.
  92. Invert Brid: actually heartbreak isnt really sunny exploration theme, your affection is. Well heartbreak also gud ofc, i like your affection better though. Someone need to nerf Shoji Meguro, he is too good.
  93. Invert Brid: Knights Cross Holder this song is chill and fitting to busy metropolis city. I dunt really like heartbreak for some reason, i think your affection is far better, like it more than this song too.
  94. Fly-boy: Hwah Taaaa!! *Kicks Ryuji*
  95. PotatoDeathLord: No it doesn't, like no.
  96. Bass: Same, I wish Japan was real too uwu
  97. Arthur Clark: Ryuji looks like he's really afraid of Ann....
  98. Patrick Bateman: She has a fingergun, I'd be scared too.
  99. Lord Zenghax: I spent so many nights studying cause I didn't bother with the knowledge stat at the time...
  100. kokubunji: Anne x Ryuji for life!
  101. Moviejack: +Hasan Naim oh my god, please tell me you are joking
  102. Joe: TB Podcast earworm winner
  103. JDINCINERATOR: Any reason why?
  105. ChaosGaming: kokubunji screw that. Ann is all mine/ Joker’s
  106. Game Hunter: No way anyone would concentrate with these sick beats a better one would be beneath the mask
  107. Absolutely Dreadful: uiuy1uyui don’t lower yourself to calling human beings 3D pigs dipshit
  108. Invert Brid: Psychedelic Zuki try your affection, might be better
  109. Donacdum: You misspelled Futaba Sakura.
  110. Hasan Naim: INSTANT RAMEN here comes another place that I'm going to want to go to for the rest of my life
  111. Andrew W: I think persona teaches you how to deal with real life lol...people gossip and spread rumors and they gain power and you have teachers like kamoshida..the only way to handle it is to put stock in your friends, learn from other people, better yourself and rebel from within lol
  112. Coolmedina117: Jesus I finally figured out the name of this song it took me forever
  113. Dan Coulson: I'm the same! I was so sad when I finished, I just wanted to keep spending time with the characters. Especially Futaba!
  114. Ropsu!: Btw I am in school rn✌️
  115. akihiro kina: Hmmmm what should i do? Should i raise my stats to raise the social link of haru? NOPE going to the doctor lady!
  116. MF DOOMGUY: na na na nana na
  117. fatshady 92: Lol i thought im the only one who think ann is the best grill..all of my fellow friends thought mona would be the best grilled chop
  118. Gentleman Gamer: PotatoDeathLord I love how she was actually reading Death note comic as she is following you
  119. ossie: i had the morgana ps4 theme on since december iirc, and when this theme played in game it felt so out of place lmao
  120. Rasslin fan and Animu watcher: Isn't this the music from a hentai game?
  121. shu nme: I often listen to this when I actually hang out at Shibuya. :D
  122. SuperFusionAJ93: *Find three pieces of the Master Emerald* Wait wrong games.
  123. Speeder: Been on Japan a week ago. I used to always play this when I took the subway and walked around the provinces such as Akihabara, Shibuya, etc. Such a fitting music for Tokyo.
  124. Estellise: that shouldn't work, surely. but it does!
  125. Swords Master11: +Khalid Tai true so true
  126. Matias Barrios: alguno que hable español y disfrute este tema bien shido? :v
  127. RudJohns' gaming channel: this is soooooooooo The Sims, aka brazilian bossa nova
  128. kokubunji: SuperFusionAJ93 yeah, Rouge’s music sounds too similar to Persona 5’s
  129. Kristrace RPG: This sounds like something that would be in a Mario Kart map
  130. channie babe: honestly kinda wish you had the option to hang out with multiple confidants at once and speak to them whilst walking around the town. that would be cool tbh
  131. Kira Moazaka: Reverse Freedom and Security?
  132. Mlewis: Ast0rga holy shit you’re right
  133. amilyester: Not sure if better than "Your Affection" or "When the Moon's Reaching Out Stars" for the sunny exploration theme, but I'll gladly add it to the Shoji Meguro collection. I haven't played P2 IS/EP nor P1 yet don't crucify me :(
  134. irvansn: Well it's a hard choice whether to choose P4 - "Your Affection" or P3 - "When the Moon's Reaching Out Stars", which one is better guys ?
  135. Gaming Zam: thank you Persona 5, for giving me a chance to experience an awesome high school life, the real one sucked bad; nothing interesting, shitty waifus.
  136. The Protagonist: I listen to this when I roam around school
  137. M W: i love this theme it reminds me of spring the good memories i wish persona was real😥😥
  138. Yassin Hassan: Well damn
  139. VeNeXo Cst: Lol this Music is already in Smash Adventure Music. Did you noticed it
  140. PlurmpleYT: I tend to take a city bus to my school and to the bus terminal pretty often. So the mornings I go to school, I listen to Beneath The Mask and then when I'm on the bus after school, I play this track. It's pretty damn fitting.
  141. Kofi Concubus: Changing Seasons from P3 will still be better.
  142. Patrick Grade: I just typed Persona 5 Shibuja soundtrack or smth like that
  143. Jimmy Fitzpatrick: M W I don't lol
  144. dootles: Ann best grill
  145. cardinal151515: when i was in japan last month, i play this music with headphones while walking around shibuya lol so amazing!
  146. Andrew W: Dadoo dadoo dahdah doo da dadoo da da daaahda dohhhhh....
  147. tomani02: I'm thinking so.
  148. Ariix: Im playing this while getting on a train alone to another city for the first time to relieve my anxiety lol
  149. BorkJerfkin: Best song on the OST fight me
  150. PotatoDeathLord: Man, that was so cute. That's why I decided I'd date her.
  151. *i'M sO pUrE*: "Please take your time" 🎁Insense perfume 🎁crimson lipstick 🎁branded perfume
  152. Flying Monet: I searched "Persona 5 school song" x)
  153. John Beadle: I find this music extremely relaxing. Thanks for posting!
  154. KrazAndy: Mozata FINALLY SOMONE ELSE GETS IT!
  155. Artificially Intelligent: Whenever i put this on when i play stuff i can't stop my legs twisting because of this greatness.
  156. StarForceKid194: Best studying music ever, had it playing in class and everyone was humming along. The magic of persona music.
  157. Kai Weiss: "What are your thoughts?"
  158. zeroxlulu: Almost time to go back to Japan and listen to this while walking around 👌
  159. Hype MyNizzle: So to find this...I simply searched Persona 5 Da da da da da
  160. SUPERCRASH: I just started playing.. this track already feels nostalgic.
  161. Elina -: Shinigami Shado nice ideas , but i like Kaneko's art and i really don't want to give up that element from P1 and P2. Kaneko's art has always stood out in a good way from the other persona game's art to me, because 3,4,5's art style just seems so bland and generic to me imo. Much as i would like for the possible remakes to be kind of similiar to P5, i think it would kind of take away the personality...? If that makes sense.
  162. Steampunk Otaku: I constantly play this when I take the light rale to class 👌
  163. Sailor Moon: **runs around exploring the Azabu-Juuban District while listening to this song**
  164. YoshiNatsu: yesssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssSSSSSSSS
  165. SirRayNeko: This is my "Walking around campus for no reason" theme
  166. Jenny shinu: I love this game
  167. Renata Grega: I loved that the date in the video is the date of my birthday! <3
  168. Kent Green: Well P1 PSP's theme for this kind of thing is School Days and it's a friggin' bop.
  170. Monkey D. "Straw Hat" Luffy: Where's my 30 minutes, you scr00b 😂
  171. jettmanas: Incredibly catchy. Sounds great extended, thanks! And that art- fantastic.
  172. Daniel L.: these lyrics kinda suck dude
  173. ヘレスケイレブ: Oh. I play Mementos Depths.
  174. RudJohns' gaming channel: lol claro que sim
  175. Toxic Lucio: +Hasan Naim lol yes
  176. SOS Sama: Run around the city while emptying every vendor machine in sight.
  177. Fathul 911: mantappp
  178. Zwei R: Gamma Ray Change of career to full time phantom thief at that point!
  179. Sack: I think the reason it works for animal crossing is it doesn't have any action-y songs really, persona has a lot
  180. Char Aznable: Dtskang21 I love how cringy has become a buzzword for literally everything.
  181. Charielity: This guy here has a class humming to this sick tune, and me? I cannot even find ONE guy/gal who even heard about Persona.
  182. Mozata: 0:29 Shido's palace theme
  183. FineCastle IRE: Playing it at x1.25 give me exactly whats going on in my head
  184. BorkJerfkin: Palace 7 pretty much confirms this
  185. Ya Boi: Charielity He probably means that the class wasn't familiar with the tune, but the repetition in the song is easy to grasp and catchy enough to hum along to, even if you don't know the song.
  186. ゴポッター: This sounds like Bossa Nova to you? lmao
  187. Nirr0: Me too about 8 months ago. Lol. I thought I was the only one XD
  188. audefic: Picking up that Dr. Salt yo!
  189. Antonio Allen: This Song reminds me of that one time I wasn't smart enough to ask Makoto Neijima out on a date
  190. Ast0rga: Ryuji lookin at the booty
  191. VenomLeon: Raging Raving No, you’re not crazy for that. Maybe Atlus needs to make a game fully focused on socializing! Including a deep plot, activities and game-changing decisions. Heck, they can easily beat Telltale Games if they made such a series.
  192. meowster: Get urself someone like Ryuji, boom best girl
  193. Kikoku LawgiC: r/thathappened
  194. kokubunji: The canon doesn’t care about what you want Ryuji and Anne were made to be together
  195. Flynn Ryder: Japanese word for background chattering sound
  196. Starboy 3027: The ultimate spring cleaning music. Gotta get that lemon pledge
  197. ᅚ: * Runs around aimlessly for an hour * "Who the hell am I trying to hang out with..?"
  198. Memerino Men: twitchykun AKIRA KURUSU
  199. _Fan_ FoRlYfE: Apparently you also weren't smart enough to know how to spell Makoto's last name right. It's *Nijima*. One does not simply misspell best waifu's last name. **Realizes that Sae is also a Nijima** Works for me
  200. Eric M: Gaya? What does that mean?
  201. Zwei R: StraySheep17 Great! It was the second time. Had good food lots of laughs and got to walk around with this soundtrack lol. I highly recommend visiting!
  202. Nirr0: I leave for Tokyo later today, excited to walk around Shibuya while blasting this :)
  203. EdenzeThompson: My friend said that this would be my theme song wow lmao
  204. StraySheep17: +Zwei R How was your trip to Tokyo?
  205. pedrofredo: Matias Barrios me compré el tema de Morgana solo por la canción 😁
  206. rohan: oink
  207. LimeFroge: I hope they pick some out of left field music for Smash We all expect stuff like Life will Change and Blooming Villian but how about they took a track like this and remixed it to make it suitable to Smash to They've done it with Animal Crossing music so it's definitely possible
  208. 1aundulxaldin: Reading your comment made me think back to my High School days. I think that by default, I was instantly popular with practically everyone in school, because they kept wanting me to hang out with them during lunch. But I was not interested. I only ever hung out with 3 other generic white kids on occasion. I guess what I am trying to say is that I lived a life where I did not take any risks or tried to make my life interesting. I was so much more focused on growing up. Too late to go back and undo my mistakes, I guess.
  209. Dontunes: I know how you feel.
  210. The price is rice: Sounds like wii sport resort to me
  211. FoxFyre: Listening to this song while making your way across a crowded college campus on a sunny day is magic
  212. Basilios Kostantinos Komnenos: Siscon
  213. Time Waster: Ann's ass is placed at her Head? No wonder why its non-existent
  214. EffervescentPhantasm: Who's to say it ISN'T real. For all you know, you're one of the protagonist's confidants or social links. When the end of the world is nigh, they'll use their bond with you to reach new heights and send it packing
  215. luca13knt: It was "Persona 5 streets theme" for me. Don't know what's so hard about it with so many options.
  216. Secret Scarlet: My go-to song after finishing work/school~!
  217. Dtskang21: It feels abit cringey, BUT MAN, IT SOUNDS SOOOOO GOOD.
  218. MegaAccf: this is my walking around buying stuff in a city theme
  219. kokubunji: ANNE Y RYUJI JUNTOS POR SIEMPRE <3
  220. CecDog3 Gaming: i have never played persona ever, but this music really makes me wanna play it.
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Persona 5 OST - Tokyo Daylight [Extended]

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Music Upload TimePublished on 25 Mar 2017

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