The Dark World - Super Smash Bros. Brawl - that was so funny

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019

The Dark World - Super Smash Bros. Brawl

  1. Shomen Crapper: This has a Professor Layton Fell To It....
  2. GanonAkumaFan: @jason31898 He's really low-ranked in SSBB, but I kinda like it too ^_^
  3. Ren-Sensei: I would play that game.
  4. BitchChill: it's the same
  5. raedenjay: Then you're missing out on the best zelda game of all time! :O :(
  6. furonet138: Wish they hadn't botched this remix. The original is over 9000 times better.
  7. Big Boy Pants: The original version is hardly what most people would call "dark".
  8. YoshiCrossing 1: I hear yoshi in the background lol
  9. InfernapeYoshi: what is Yoshi doing here?
  10. sasa3298: This is one of two songs put in Armed with wings 2. Its the MAIN MENU song. The second is SNOWMAN
  11. ☆~°•MissCierra•°~☆: @ShiraTheZeldaFan sounds.....AWESOME AND DARK!!! :D
  12. cul e.: k
  13. GameDjeenie: It's best played on the real console but it's not cheap. So if you can't buy it, try VC or emulator as second best choice.
  14. Xaddgx Absol Brasse: Sorry guys, I prefer this over the original. Maybe it does not fit in with evil, but it is a really beautiful song in my opinion. And it really fits the Bridge of Eldin stage more than the original would.
  15. GokaiiRed: This is a great remix of one of my favorite songs.
  16. willhelm the great: can someone post the original ? ive never heard it
  17. Dante Emmett: I know people have opinions but I love this theme.
  18. Alanna Smith: @Nintendo1104 lol Yeah because there's a rule stating every youtube comment has to be in English. ;)
  19. Nackols: yes please :3
  20. On Break Since 9/11: memories of beating tabuu.. long, long, mazes... hard days of efort...
  21. Dexxus: Man, I'd totally go eat at a place like that.
  22. gael gonzalez peña: like my photo Toon Link and Link
  23. DekuHero: Just because COD is overrated doesnt mean that all of todays games are bad, and if you enjoy NES/SNES games, then Nintendo still makes those franchises, like Super Mario Galaxy, or Zelda: Skyward Sword, these games have good graphics (for the wii, I know they arent HD) and still manage to be excellent!
  24. Dante Emmett: It's the same to me.
  25. ThexCloakedxSchemerx: It might not be the original, but they bring out the harmony much more in this version; it's a beauty in itself as a remix! <3
  26. Jacob Collazo: fuck majoras mask!!! I want link to the past remake now!!!!!!
  27. Black Wolf Bowman: 0:35 to 0:55 is the best part.
  28. Hawkjedi: Actually, I think MM was a bit overrated. It came out only a year after OOT and wasn't very good. They even used like half of the songs from Ocarina. Not saying it's bad, just saying that it could have been a lot better.
  29. Reixes: Could someone tell me what that instrument is at 0:56? I wanna say accordion, but I have no real clue >.>
  30. MindyFS: I think this is the best version of the dark world.
  31. Jimmy: The good old as in 4 years ago?
  32. Usahi: I've never played A Link to the Past (I don't really play Zelda games, even though I want to ;~;) But this is one of the best tracks in the game. It doesn't capture the original atmosphere at all, but personally, I prefer this.
  33. Taliesin Charles: It was. For the GBA.
  34. angelshadow3593: Now this is a traveling song or a wait in line song or an elevator waiting song lol
  35. terryandcarol1: y u no top comment XD you made me die laughing XD
  36. Retrorob58: I think the new Lorule/ Dark World version sounds incredible.
  37. bruh: I hope they bring back the Dark World in a New 3D zelda game. 3D adventures in the Dark world.....*fangasm*
  38. Owen Edwards: The name is slightly missleading, but never the less, a perfect fit for when it was used in game. ;D
  39. TheNinwii: yoshi would make a good ally
  40. hungry_box: Get back to work, Mr. Squidward
  41. OnTheRoad: Hey guys i have a suggestion why dont we stop wrtitting comments and listen to the song is that a good idea?
  42. Manaphy 448: +SilverDiamonde07 The Dark World and Lorule aren't the same thing. Lorule is a world parallel to Hyrule like Termina is. The dark world is the corrupted sacred realm.
  43. MacyPooh196: Gawd, I love this theme. It sounds so mystical and cool
  44. Rookie Kills: I used to hate this but now I love it
  45. Aysha Wattellier: This song would have been perfect for Zelda:Skyward Sword.
  46. jdawg746: holy crap! this is the worst remix of the most awesome video game song ever! it barely even sounds like the original!
  47. Madi: @MrSureyoucan Really? Really? You must be like those other idiots who think the world is controlled by the goverment. It's fucking Zelda and it has nothing to do with the masons.
  48. poger: I can hear a little Faron Woods in the from TP.
  49. Jake Greer: You are great! See people CAN like multiple system exclusive franchises! Just because someone likes a XBOX or PS3 exclusive franchise doesn't mean they hate Nintendo franchises haha. I tip my hat to you, sir!
  50. Kzinssie (porygonlover322): Incidentally, Pink Hair Link should totally be a pallet swap in SSB4.
  51. Dexxus: Back in those days, you weren't a real man unless you were killing people with Kirby.
  52. Masamune Okami: my favorite theme from Zelda :)
  53. xbox875: link is not even human - hes an elf
  54. im2hot4thou: Needs more Bunnies
  55. kaizoisevil: @DarkZoroark11 but they should have named it differently. It is more like "Light world" than "dark world"
  56. Aerodynamic111: Who else love the guitar in the back ground?
  57. Seth Carricato: you still can
  58. Exalius0ll: i think your the kid
  59. Z-95SkyHunter: "Hello, and welcome to Ganondorf's house of Chicken and Waffles, how may I help you?"
  60. 574LK3R: 65 people transformed into a pink rabbit
  61. Kelvin Cius: @luckjes112 Talk to the woman in the house all the way at the top of the village.
  62. Dayala Singh: +Owaito the Mage of Hope arguably hotter
  63. Mika Nidorina: The theme from the dark world, the theme from the dark world, the theme from the dark world, the theme from the dark world.
  64. epiccarrot88: Yes, there are Sonic fans. And Zelda games can be over rated in some people's opinions, and not in others. Saying they can't be over rated is wrong, as it depends on someone's opinion.
  65. GTPlanet1™: +Jeffrey Gao Why the fuck is everyone talking about France. this song is from....japan
  66. Legend- Skillz: This will probably get lost in the comments with no replies or likes lmao but I honestly love 0:55 anyone else agree with me?
  67. burntmario: you people do know that Nintendo just announce a sequel to a link to the past right?
  68. ShadowZone1996: Compared to other Zelda games, I'd say there are some that are overrated. Majora's Mask is probably the most overrated one. The most underrated would probably be Four Swords Adventure.
  69. warringah08: @25rhombus oh my good, everything i thought i knew was a lie
  70. ScottMtc: @kingsploder1990 You probably didn't know this, but originally Epona was going to be Mario's horse in Super Mario 64, but then they decided to put her in a Zelda Game. True Story.
  71. Porygon777: It plays in the great maze
  72. MooseAteMyScarf: @Last4xis it is :)
  73. Glucose Guardian: I'm sorry ma'm (or sir) but i'm not following you at all...
  74. Daemous: A great game that is highly popular doesn't always mean it IS overrated. TLOZ: MM got the popularity it rightfully deserves because the people behind the game knew what they were doing when they made the game to let it become a classic game, unlike some truly overrated games like a lot of generic FPS's that came out.
  75. MetaKnighttime: This reminds me when I played the great maze... Good times
  76. Cyberguy64: Just remake all of them. It's not that hard, people.
  77. Ras Hoxton: I'm sorry, but I think some Zelda games can't excluded from the overrated list, as other games can't be either.
  78. thiccsnake_45 •: +Godot ~ The Fragrance of Dark Coffee you have an anime profile so no one cares about your opinion
  79. Sahfarry: a link to the past sequel anybody?
  80. ArtXploud random: +Paco Ruiz Arnal With Mila's Divine Protection (Celica Map 1)
  81. Raging: This versions sucks compared to the original IMO
  82. DesuFuck: Klavair89 I did too
  83. Cian B: +SuperNintenDOS Luigi It's actually a wood block, a type of a percussion instrument.
  84. DesuFuck: Homicidal damn
  85. 60secondrhymes: Love this! All versions of this song are amazing. From Link to the Past until now....
  86. MisterM2402: Reminds me a little of the Gerudo Desert theme from Twilight Princess in parts :)
  87. ღLaurette Faron ルマღ: The viola (or violin) part is my favorite part :)
  88. 松本優姫: they're jelly, I don't care of them, I WANT ZELDAs lol
  89. CaptCooldude: @BlueRayFlash I would say not. But this version is nice, too
  90. ShadowZone1996: I'd like a remake of A Link to the Past, in 3D. Twilight Princess colours, The Wind Waker's design.
  91. Yutodx: これ聴いてると、森や山の中に住みたくなる・・・
  92. steezy879: Sounds like a post-apocalypse zelda world theme
  93. DesuFuck: No it's from Breathe of the wild
  94. AwesomeSauce: It's going to be called "A Link between worlds" :D
  95. TwilightLink293: A Link to the Past Wii U - Remake. Nintendo! Make it happen!
  96. nsm54: not as gud as the original
  97. pianofinger: its mainly background guitar -_-
  98. Irvin94 Tkd: what kinds of music is?
  99. MrKeyblademaster1992: That's an alright remix, but I think the original was much better.
  100. Rocket Chris: I think both.
  101. GoldenBear92: Yeah but I still prefer Scott Menville. Voice of Robin.
  102. Vector3: they better keep all this awesome SSBB music in the next smash!!
  103. Final Resistance Productions: SAME
  104. amyfan9000: Same :)
  105. Manaphy 448: I love it too but it's mainly because it doesn't retain the same atmosphere as the original so it's not really suited to be a 'dark world' theme but it's still great nonetheless.
  106. abby A: this song makes me want to cry
  107. Ryan Thompson: @KomedyNewsNetwork TROLL!!!
  108. Alex1514: Noooooo... I couldn't discard my Grapha!
  109. L - Boi: I completely understand why some people aren't fans of this remix. It doesn't really have any of the feel the original had. However, I don't think that's what they were going for. I think they were trying to capture a different feel, almost like a different perspective. Same song, different way of seeing it. I don't really want a remix to be the exact same as the original. I want to hear the artist create something new out of something original and treasured. Whether or not they do a good job is a different story. So I for one, like this a lot.
  110. The ElectrOStudios: +Reed White Good point
  111. GanonAkumaFan: @silvRboLt95 What?
  112. Felixir: @Duskool If I recall it's SilvaGunner's alt?
  113. bruh: except EXCEPT Zelda II. I don't wanna go through side scrolling temples EVER AGAIN. 3D was ok but in 2D????
  114. VentusAirMan: I liked Skyward Sword.. It's not the worst bro.
  115. SnitchSeeker: @TheAwesomeTyranitar This is one of the people,who believes that the world is controlled by a Satanic organization,called the Masons.Tha Masons brainwash us by putting their Satanic image - the triangle,in everything they create.The Zelda series focuses on triagnles and the Triforce,ergo Zelda is Satanic.I don't believe in this bullcrap,just stating it.
  116. Fernando: I think they fucked up this one
  117. Jamison Junkrat: something i noticed about this song is if you listen carefully you can hear yoshi saying "ha!"
  118. Sunrider!: @TheZeldaCinema long life to Hyrule Royal Family and long life to The Hero Of Time
  119. epiccarrot88: Yes they can. e.g Ocarina of Time. You Zelda fans are starting to sound like Sonic fans recently.
  120. Ty Black: Not all games need to have good graphics to be great. also Skyward Sword beats Twilight princess.
  121. SCREEN LOOKER: I didn't know the Dark World was in Louisiana. X)
  122. sebagamer08: yoshi? :v
  123. sasook: You're entitled to your own opinion and I'm not going to attempt to change it. But for me: Graphically? Agreed. Musically? Completely disagree, TP had like...4 memorable songs for me at best. One of them being a remixed OoT track. Gameplay? Completely disagree again. Superior visual design, sure, but difficulty? The most frustrating thing about the game for me was how painfully easy the game was; the game even autoshielded for you. Running outta space, see my next comment below.
  124. Christian Espinoza: @millsberry6199 Nah, a bit more like Spain, oh and I accidently flagged your comment, sorry. It's that I'm use to the reply button being at the right of the comment, YouTube updates a lot now haha.
  125. RockmanBrawler44: Zelda Sound & Drama's version of Dark World > SSBB's version of Dark World
  126. julex234: @hotrod506 How do people even do that?
  127. rihildreth evenstar: the music makes me happy
  128. Dante Emmett: Same here.
  129. Tea Straws: Y U NO TELL ME HOW TO DO THT 3 (* >< o o
  130. DarkChaoto: Check out artificialfear channel to hear his version of this song if you haven't already. He has many other songs, mostly zelda and I'm positive they won't disappoint.
  131. sevan grigoryan: And they had to title it the dark world! Thought the song would have a good name to it or a name that wouldn't make you feel dark, but now I feel like I like being on the dark side! Thanks to the name! But I still kind of think the song matches the name
  132. Nick Politis: A link to the past is for sure on my top 3, majoras mask would have to be number 1. OoT was overrated as people said, it was good but not as good as majoras mask, which was very underrated
  133. Rango: This song is in A Link to the Past, Four Swords Adventures, Brawl, Phantom Hourglass' first trailer, and A Link Between Worlds.
  134. Cyrilcynder: @msx629 so true!!
  135. juanchol21: 0:34 <3
  136. Alexy Rivas: The Legend of Zelda : A Link To The Past = Best 2D Zelda game ever
  137. FraT29: Hey ! I made a remix of this theme on my channel. Come listen ! :)
  138. Ollie Nwose: Why do people think this is good? It's the exact opposite of what the original was: fast-paced and exhilarating. ALttP's Dark World was incredibly damaged and depressing, something that this song doesn't grasp. It completely lightens the mood of the entire thing, which is something I absolutely despise. Trust me when I say Smash 4's version is miles better than this one.
  139. Kathrin F.: playing it now second time and I must admit that it isn't so hard to me as the first time.. I died 72 times on my first playthrough.. I'm really ashamed for this... And I thought that I'm good at Zelda games! I see there's a lot of work to do.
  140. metafag: He's Hylian.
  141. Richard Del Canto: @porygonlover322 Ah, sorry, I´m saying "I don´t words" or something, I dont know ._.
  142. sasook: All of those aside, you didn't even touch on the analytical part of the game, which to me was its biggest downfall. The buildup to Zant was amazing, and then at the very peak, fell apart. He went from being one of the coolest villains to a laughable psycho, and then they were like "oh, btw, Ganon." Who, in my opinion, shouldn't be in the game at all. That's not everything that bothers me, there's tons more, but that's just an example. But like I said, if you like it more than OoT, that's fine.
  143. Jordan Segal: I hate ALLTP with a passion, but this song is really great. The Dark World theme is the only thing that makes me want to keep playing.
  144. Cyberdemon Cyndi: Link was so hot in Brawl
  145. VGames: It should be the other way around ALOT more people play Oot A link to the past The wind waker Twilight princess ect. when they should be playing Majoras mask
  146. Graphomite: For some reason, I dislike the little offkey "hup" noises in the background. I dunno what it is about it, but it distracts me. Maybe because it sounds too much like Yoshi noises. Ha!
  147. Felicia: ....It`s actually harder than you think it is -_-
  148. quoro very cool guy: @InfernapeYoshi That's the question I asked when I saw him sleeping there
  149. sasook: I don't think OoT or MM is overrated, I think both of them are fantastic, legendary even. That being said, Zelda "fans" who only play those games and think the rest of the series sucks are absolute idiots.
  150. navataru: ლಠ益ಠლ Legend of ZELDA WHY NO REAL?!
  151. julex234: @hungryhungrymetroid :D
  152. Tesla38: @GanonAkumaFan I linked you. :)
  153. omgcandy16Kimicari0: Did I say anything about Twilight Princess being the best Zelda title because it had the best graphics, dumbass?
  154. Balta Bueno: One of my favorite mixes from all the Smash games :')
  155. Rocky28447: I could not disagree with you more.
  156. Cyberguy64: I mean it's not worth fighting over.
  157. Crescendo's Domain: I did the same, but with Marth. I miss being a kid :/
  158. Steven: SSBB music is really nostalgic for me <3
  159. Cynthia Perez: this feels more like a Mexican song
  160. SirCommoner: @Canadianabanana Not really. Just the comments from E.U.A., England, and other's videos must be in english. I'm Brazilian and I don't type all comments in english, obviously.
  161. Videos Media Top: a link to the past¡¡¡¡¡
  162. Bösil: Let's see then. Graphically? Far superior to OoT, even if I didn't like the color scheme. Musically? Much superior to OoT. Gameplay? Much more varied. Harder battles, tougher puzzles, superior design. It improved on everything that was in OoT. It cannot possibly be worse than it from an objective point of view. And it's not even my favorite 3D Zelda.
  163. Pancake Slice: @PikaPro789 True.
  164. Paco Ruiz Arnal: whats the name of a song which its a guitar and its played in story mode when meta knigth y marth are in a desert?
  165. ultimatenoir: @monkeyseevideosful It allows us to express a little better.
  166. Noah Angott: No, it would have to be from a top-down perspective. Perhaps with Twilight Princess textures, but in the Phantom Hourglass style of gameplay. A 3D remake would be a massive undertaking, and impractical in my opinion. A Link to the Past was designed as a top-down game.
  167. Matt King: good music to go hunting with.
  168. MrFlareon136: Played it, and it was soo time consuming D: I was stuck on one of the dungeons I still can't figure it out
  169. Cyrilcynder: @msx629 no, the #1 most underrated zelda game would have to be......Oracle of Seasons/Ages
  170. YamiAura: @metalsonic641 There's some hints that Link may be an estranged member of the royal family.
  171. Regamular C.: I wish I played A Link to the Past:(
  172. BitchChill: Salami Sandwich The fuck
  173. Prince Ghidorah: @magicslinky I all ready said fuck it :D
  174. ProjectJ: It could just be that you have a really low quality standard, y'know.
  175. mariposa: I actually like this. Its like mysterious and stuff gets me goosebumps
  176. Garrosh Hellscream: Why not a remake of Twilight Princess in A link to the past style?
  177. Serrydartman: +Evan Simanto Everybody fucking knew it when the game released
  178. Galileo21: Robbie is a math teacher in 2001
  179. hotrod506: whats with ლಠ益ಠლ
  180. Youssef Lucas Barbosa: In SSF2 the music is good too
  181. Sabino Antonio: I think It's not that people hate them. Brawl's songs are awesome on their own. But even though the bunch of nostalgic songs is orgasmic, it is merely quantity over quality when compared to Melee's very detailed and instrumentally dense remixes. Plus, some songs do not fit on their stages (I like the Kirby songs, but Nature area on Halberd instead of Fountain of Dreams?...) But that's my personal thought, because honestly I was waiting some orchestral power in brawl.
  182. Cylis: But you know what the *REEEL* best song is that nobody has even heard of? King Dedede's Theme (Specifically Brawl's remix.)
  183. GoldenBear92: Did you know that his VA in ToS2 is the same guy that does the voice for Fry in Futurama?
  184. noobhero21: Feels like im taking a stroll through Downtown during a sunset
  185. sasook: Meh, that's a pretty weak build-up then. Remember the previous major Zelda before TP was WW, and WW's Ganon was /amazing/. THAT is how you build up a villain. Honestly those scenes you mentioned seem more like just plain references to him than an actual build-up. Like, "oh cool, he's related to Ganon" not so much "oh cool, Ganon shows up later."
  186. Kzinssie (porygonlover322): I love this mix.
  187. Elzonire: +markscool33 Lorule overworld 2 sounded like Pokemon. In a Zelda game. Ugh.
  188. TheMonipig: Pure Epicness!
  189. blackbox64: Then Listen to the Original, really, do it. Just type it in, won't waste much of your time
  190. Gemini Extra: OMGZ, i want an alttp remake with an ugly brown filter and the start takes forever
  191. GanonAkumaFan: @neofrodo Sry, but I still don't understand... Is it a Wi-fi quote?
  192. MariachiOverkill: This was my favorite Zelda remixed song in the game.
  193. Sun E.: @MrSureyoucan So basically, you're hating just about everything then? You know, just because it has ONE TINY little detail about them doesn't make it a full reference. Just like the swastika. Just because Romans or some other place uses it doesn't mean they're connected to the Nazis. Especially the fact that Romans predates the Nazis by thousands of years. You should research more before talking or quit assuming that video game developers actually think this deep when making entertainment.
  194. Angel Flash: where the fuck are people hearing yoshi
  195. Shut Up and Drink: I noticed this when I was high.
  196. Galileo21: Link Harari was born in November
  197. Breann Tobias: I'm playing Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess, and Minish cap.
  198. leon4000: same here. the gaming for zelda game is near endless. I just can't stop playing the games from NES to the current Wii.
  199. Justible: AH SHIT, I REMEMBER.. Back when I would play the arcade mode where you progressed and fought people as you went, i would pray that this track was playing when i fought link..
  200. Ender: Pretty underwhelming.
  201. oldchannel: In corporate youtube, song finds YOU
  202. Immortal Avenger: Memes are stupid, and The Legend of Zelda rules! , enough said.
  203. IndyCotton: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST ENJOY THE MUSIC ლಠ益ಠლ Come on!-
  204. RBGX1998: Professor Layton & The Triforce Mystery
  205. Masckerdoom: Crash's Underwear Holy fuck It's you
  206. DIGAUbrawl: @kingsploder1990 I didnt understand?
  207. HydraHunterMkII: @kingsploder1990 Hahaha. I named the Horse in twilight princess Yoshi
  208. bruh: This song was made to sound like it was for Toon Link, Not Normal Link.
  209. Zero: I agree with you so much.
  210. Shipy: +Usahi why you dont play zelda games?
  211. Dr. Friendzone: Zelda games can't be "overrated".
  212. xbox875: BEST SONG EVER way better than the original - this the real original
  213. markscool33: lorule overworld 2 would have a word with you my friend.
  214. Minene Uryuu922 I PC Masterrace I: +OgnarPliskin including all Games that will EVER Be Created in the Future 
  215. MLG 420 Reker: I always loved hearing this song especially because I still have Brawl. Man this song brings back memories of when I was 12 because I loved hearing this song a lot then
  216. Spencer W.: Why is Link's hair color so light here? It's normally more of a dirty blonde, not a yellow.
  217. Meas: why is there a yoshi screaming in bakcground ?
  218. Glucose Guardian: thumbs up for rabbit link!
  219. Blaziken: Why melee isn't that good 1.shit mechanics 2. Rushed development They have made no improvements in development or mechanics for the new players. *COUGH* COUGH* *BRAWL* (I fucking love brawl, it might be unbearably slow but that's like our tutorial and later on in smash 4, we will gradually get better until we're ready. Go brawl. Fuck yeah!)
  220. Danielle Alford: PIKITS! Y U STEAL MY SHIELD? ლಠ益ಠლ
  221. masterrasciel: the legend of zelda a link to the past (in my opinion) its still the best zelda ever created. ALTTP is the only zelda (that i know) in which link´s father is part of the story,he dies at the begining...
  222. Vince Barry: I liked it more in a link between worlds for Lorule
  223. seriousbees: i like the original more
  224. George Garrity: Quite so.
  225. Zero: IMO, I think Dark Pit's Theme sounds sorta like this.Maybe Dark Pit is from the Dark World.
  226. InvisibIeMan: I agree KyubiMaster100, but all the other games were a little, well... boring. I found my N64 with OoT MQ in it about a week ago and I haven't stopped playing it since. But I'm not saying that only one game is good and i totally agree with you both. But everyone is different. I've played all the LoZ games to date and i see where you are coming from. P.S. MAJORA'S MASK IS SHITTY! jks, its just not my cup of tea, that's all. Not "Ganondorf" enough for me
  227. AdvancePlays: @InfectiousShroomKid Yep, you summed it up nicely. It's a Dark world, not an Evil one if that makes sense.
  228. terryandcarol1: @Tonypikmin lol
  229. f_red: Anyone who isn't me is completely wrong about everything. I win at youtube.
  230. Victorious Vehicon: “A magical trip through France.”
  232. Clout Gang: Zelda music
  233. creepygames: they reused this song in link to the past
  234. FourPartPlan: @X09xheroes Because your taste in music is horrible, similar to Skrillex' dubstep and Lil Wayne.
  235. AlliroG98: Well, excuse me, but that thumbs-up thingy just needs something more original to make it deserve them.
  236. TheAwesomeDarkNinja: My Junior High friends would play Smash all the time. This was our favorite stage and this song popped up a lot. Now that we have all grown apart, listening to this brings a tear to my eye.
  237. eviltendo: Overrated? As far as i know, Majora's Mask has been living on OoT's shadow for long enough by now. It's underrated, i tell you. Furthermore, it's dark and eerie atmosphere seemed to push some of the LoZ fan away from this title, altough, i love it :D
  238. bruh: Nope, To awesome for noraml Link. He to slow.
  239. Youssef Lucas Barbosa: 00:00-00:06 Yoshi Island Castle Theme
  240. Pharrelliper: wish half granted
  241. JAYtheMAN2121: This song sucks dick!! WHAT HAPPENED??? This WAS like the best zelda song...
  242. MacyPooh196: Yup...I think it's time for and adventure
  243. DesuFuck: Kyler Rodgers Me too
  244. Camilo Adrián Escamilla Mendoza: @alexnobody1 No, "Enviromental Noises" it's REALLY out of place in a game called "Brawl"
  245. Wade Wilson: link to the past still holds up great, i think 3D/modern gen graphics would ruin its charm
  246. Shogun_Turnip: It is indeed, diddly-dark.
  247. CrankyMoogle: @SHARDK2 My friend did that when he dressed up as link at Video Games Live and the guy on stage asked what his name was. :)
  248. T SMACKS: this and hyrule temple are the only songs I like. zledas music plain suck
  249. TheAllstarMario: Atleast they're making a much needed remake of Wind Waker, I can't wait
  250. Hansu Dracula: The Forest xd
  251. Wyatt James: ye, this is good, but don't forget the original track from lttp on the snes
  252. 1krubby: This is only semi-relevant but I felt that Brawl discouraged exploring different Zelda games, having only trophies for Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, the games which the Brawl designs are from. It's always gotten under my skin.
  253. Grunt Grunt: I'm probably the only one that likes this above any other remake of Lorule theme. :/
  254. Tonykeke: Magical Journey or not, this remix is pretty fucking good.
  255. frycook48: Solemn Judgement!
  256. kingsploder1990: @DIGAUbrawl You didn't understand? Fine, I'll explain it. Link replaces Epona, his horse with Yoshi. In the song, you can hear that kind of sound that Yoshi makes in the song right? Well he keeps doing that and Link's like SHUT UP!!!
  257. froggy9710: Honestly, it seems to me like although OoT was rated above MM, now it's that MM has a larger fanbase (or a more vocal one?) - I see more Majora's Mask comments that Ocarina of Time ones.
  258. ninjanunchucks4 :The Game Master: dark world theme begins to play as Link flies through the roof to get you
  259. IndyCotton: Very peaceful rendition of the epic original. (-lvl-) Link To The Past's in my opinion, kinda underrated. OOT took elements from that game, but it seems many don't acknowldge that until play Link To The Past.
  260. Dante Emmett: *54
  261. JustARTificial: @kingsploder1990 I've hated Yoshi since SM64 and Yoshi Island (or story, whatever it's called). Yoshi just sounds like he's always constipated, and the fact he can shit out eggs doesn't help either.
  262. kaizoisevil: @Keybladezeldaawesome great remix? The song was great, this remix turned that great song into shit!
  263. Usahi: +shipy. all of the Zelda games I had disappeared. I would just rebuy but im broke lol definitely getting Zelda wii u/nx release day
  264. victor arana: best version
  265. Prince Ghidorah: Y U NO SOUND EPIC ლಠ益ಠლ
  266. tawny: Is it just me or are Zelda games too short? I kinda want them to make one with a very long and in-depth plot and about thirty dungeons, with a massive and complex overworld as well. For me total play-through came out to about sixty hours for Twilight Princess, but I left the Wii on for good stretches of time accidentally while I was not there, so it is actually more like forty hours. I want one where total play-through is one hundred hours or more.
  267. Seth Carricato: oh hell yeah the original was much much better then the wii u or 3ds
  268. Gregiferous: It's funny because your profile pic is Halo...
  269. Declawed: @usrules84 same, it whacked me in the face like Peach's frying pan.
  270. Angel-C: this son is just amazing
  271. Majora: Z-95SkyHunter whu ???
  272. Michael Bridges: +May Sapphire music is cool
  273. Ice Boy2121: @uggdance827 ? link has a last name
  274. sylinmino: And it looks GLORIOUS.
  275. olddad54: Y U DO THIS ALL THE TIME?! ლಠ益ಠლ
  276. Yutodx: 「森の中いるような~」て感じですかね~?
  277. -Lord: I cant believe cant tell this is a joke
  278. Emily Beinke: mahboi
  279. poger: This make ALttP even more epic! <3
  280. Martin9172: @BehindTheLunarLife The problem is that it doesn't have the same touch as it did in ALttP. Maybe they should've used other kinds of instruments? I don't know. The Brawl version fits Brawl well, though. I agree with you there.
  281. ragekage209: @Naruto3913 Ohhhh. Thanks for clearing that up. Why did he get banned?
  282. brandonholtuin: no
  283. Dante Emmett: Beautiful...
  284. epicman6751: For people who are like "halo youtube pic" back off cause its fine to like xbox and nintendo both so really if you say otherwise just dont ok
  285. Harry Ciphers: *45
  286. bruh: Please Put Llyod Irving in Super smash Bro's and Don't make him like in soul Calibur legends. I will be happy if his VA was the same one from ToS 2 but would be better if he sounded like Robin from teen titans. :D
  287. TheZeldaCinema: Great Life to Queen Zelda!!!
  288. DesuFuck: Raul Munwalker weeb
  289. stalextana: would've been better if it sounded more epic but still beautiful ;')
  290. froggy9710: I don't see how I was being a dick? All I said was essentially "I didn't like it, even if you did."
  291. Pepsi Man: y is this music so upbeat for such a dark place?
  292. jesse ferreira: OMG no wonder i thought it felt familiar
  293. Pragmatic Tornado: +Reed White Proto Man & Proto Man are right. This game is worth the purchase of a 3ds alone. If you already have a 3ds, you can probably find a used copy for around half the price.
  294. LGDXJawsdakiller: @zeldamaster18 You shouldn't have said that...HAHA ALEX JEANNNNNNNNNNNNN
  295. Paco Ruiz Arnal: finally found it, thank you :)
  296. superSonicA2B4000: It makes me remember for the last stage of the subspace emissary.
  297. DoubleC: 13 people broke the magic mirror and got stuck in the dark world.
  298. ashtindo64: 66 people stayed a bunny.
  299. Alex G: This sounds a bit like Song of Storms
  300. EnderPvper: y u do dis marvel
  301. MKHCFIRE: I can't remember exactly why, but when I was around 8 or 9(around the time I got Brawl), I used to despise this song, it wasn't as fast paced as some of the songs from the F-Zero or Sonic stages, and I didn't like hearing it in the SubSpace Emissary. But now that I have actual taste in BGM, this is a great remix of the Dark World theme.
  302. bruh: > Shit happen's >Scene missing >Zelda Four swords is now Online.
  303. Francisco Maciel: Because there are no ways to overrate the perfection.
  304. Special Agent Washing Tub: Although, I do love YOUR pic XD
  305. Toon Snowy: Majora's Mask is almost released I think. I would really love to see A Link to the Past in OOT/MM Style
  306. HT82 Smash: So relaxing...
  307. SprinkleMuffin: MM has been slowly crawling out of OOTs shadow, but the real ´underrated´ zelda game truly still and will probably always will be ALTTP.
  308. Alex1514: Me: "I play.... Dark World Dealings!!!!!!" Other Yugioh players: "fuuuck...."
  309. Schnickelo: Reminds me of the Great Maze level in Adventure Mode.
  310. Shien ™: Lorule <3
  311. arickettsf16: I agree with the part about Ganon. I mean, yeah, put him in the game. Just make him play a bigger role. He doesn't even show his face until the very end, preferring to hide inside his castle. It just makes him seem unimportant in the overall plot, which I thought was fantastic otherwise.
  312. Jules Sylvester: And just how old are you? I didn't think 4-6 years ago were the "good old days". Hahaha!
  313. jimmyyjams: In Soviet Russia, song find YOU
  314. hip indeed: yeah, I don't get it. If there's one thing I can say about Brawl, it had a magnificent soundtrack. I actually grew up with LttP and the Dark World was always my favorite song in the game, and one of my favorite video game songs of all time easily; first hearing this remix I felt a little disappointed that it didn't have nearly the same strong, imposing, adventurous presence as on the SNES, but it very quickly grew on me, and for years now I've loved it.
  315. eltacodorr7: ლಠ益ಠლ Y U NO STOP SPAMMING THIS MEME?!
  316. imSulfurate: Ah, sorry man haha
  317. Disgruntled Automated bunny: Nintendo really brought their A+ game when they created the Smash Bros Brawl Soundtrack.
  318. MrDevilsbrood1012: yeah a remake but in the style of twilight princess would be nice
  319. OrdinaryMagician: Dude, he is not alone there, I'm a fan of TF2 UT Mario and Zelda
  320. Darling Clementine: Some people cant get ahold of the games or cant afford a lot of games or the system to play them on.
  321. Gilberto Aspericueta Sillas: Lorule Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Since 2008...
  322. ShadowZone1996: As much as I do see why some poeple could dislike this, I think it was pretty good. It gave me the same feeling as it did when I heard it when I played through A Link to the Past.
  323. creepygames: +Bruce Wayne   |:(                                          
  324. terryandcarol1: @CrimsonDragon298 ummmmmmmmmm
  325. Hansu Dracula: Brawl is Awesome :D
  326. Kazuki: Perfect ;)
  327. Ice Boy2121: i hate the dark force but i love the dark world
  328. Zachary Betters: they totaly ruined this intense song!
  329. Tonykeke: ლಠ益ಠლ Y U NO SHUT THE HELL UP?!
  330. Vortex Blurr: ? His pic is Zero from Megaman...
  331. Cedric Baker Jr.: Dude I remember hearing this like 5 or more years ago
  332. Regamular C.: Thanks for reminding me :)
  333. TheBrawlingTaco: Well, I kinda consider it both, and here are my reasonings: 1. The sequel takes place in the exact same world, and it will have a Light/Dark World again... 2. It has a very similar boss fight, no? Lol I know it's a sequel, though, with the drawings thing (a tad bit gimmicky) and a slightly altered temple.
  334. niiayi916: Not even a chuckle. See, Squidward? He didn't laugh because he couldn't laugh because he's...a robot.
  335. Mr.Ridley: @julex234 Miyamoto said he plans on making a 3ds version.
  336. Ultimateshadow9: sounds like a deep voice yoshi throwing an egg?
  337. Kathrin F.: Please look at this magnificent game. You have to know that it was just the third Zelda-game they made. The development of everything was unbelievably. But you must admit it was extremly hard to beat!
  338. Steven Pineiro: WTF is this,this doesn't sound like I'm playing brawl it sounds like I'm playing assassins creed
  339. Maxssx3: They should make a new zelda game with all the song in Super Smash Bros. Brawl!
  340. Youssef Lucas Barbosa: Dark World = Dark Aether (The 2 Worlds are DANGEROUS!)
  341. 97alexk: I love all zelda games as much as any other. I love A link to the past, i love ocarina of time, i love majoras mask, i love windwaker, i love Twilight princess, i love skyward sword.
  342. Rat Hours: I like the legend of zelda because of their BEAUTIFUL sound tracks, And still it's all worth having every game of it.
  343. Kyler Rodgers: I loved this song while I was playing the Subspace Emissary.
  344. Erik: even the cd-i one, damn you must really love zelda.
  345. LEPrecon: Why the fuck is everyone talking about France.
  346. Universe 108 Official: A comment like this gives me hope about fans nowadays.
  347. Zellow38: +GodOfTheCreepers So basically you're saying 'If you're smart, you'll like ALttP more, if you're dumb, you'll like OOT more'. That is the worst thing I have ever heard. I played beat both games and I really don't see how maturity and intelligence have anything to do with it. People should just stop the conflicts and see my first comment.
  348. Legend- Skillz: Homicidal that's crazy
  349. Tesla38: @GanonAkumaFan Its a Brawls Taunts reference. :P
  350. Jugglebrosjr2: +markscool33 that didn't even stay true to the tune.
  351. Richard Del Canto: @porygonlover322 Forget it, my english is not good
  352. Entaru: Anyone hear the Yoshi sound board in this? 'Cause I can... :D
  353. royalmyeon: This shit used to be my ish.
  354. arickettsf16: Played every one of them lol. Except for Oracle of Ages
  355. xEpTICSHOTZz: You better like it. It's like with songs that you never give a chance, but find out it is in turn awesome
  356. bkmu: Epic games should be as they are. So, poser gamers and hipsters will never play them.
  357. The Beast Within: AAAYYYYY WHEEEEYYYYYY!
  358. Ziv Priel: so... beautiful...
  359. Mego's Hideout: Reggie himself confirmed
  360. Ingsoc Puppet: This version works fine in comparison to the original. The Dark World wasn't evil, it was a place twisted by evil and warped. This conveys the foreign nature of Dark World and Link continuing his quest through a strange but familiar new world. At least that's my opinion.
  361. Klavair89: idk why but i hear yoshi in the begining
  362. ThePikachumaster222: @MrSureyoucan youre a weirdo....
  363. Dennis Thomas: I cant hear the yoshi :-\
  365. reinaD 93: *cough**cough* i am talking about other user....(epicman6751)
  366. ProjectJ: Oh yes they can. OoT isn't even the best in the series, let alone the "Best Game of All Time" as it's so often claimed to be. And then there's people who actually claim Skyward Sword was good =P
  367. Serena Oxton: I only play this song in Bridge of Eldin, just relaxin even during fight. I even used this on one of my stage with lots of springs, cuz I wanna feel like flying as I listen to this, lol
  368. Mr.Dorito: Kyler Rodgers same
  369. ProjectJ: Yeah, except replace best with worst =P
  370. Link trotacielos: no, nada que ver, musica mexicana de que estilo?
  371. Tornado AoT: all brawl songs feel nothing like their original versions, you need to listen to them as unique songs, not as high quality versions of the original
  372. Dual Screen: I remember hating this theme when I first heard it way back when, but now I simply can’t enough of it.
  373. BorisJohnson: I just found out how scary Link's stare is 8O
  374. IxMyBloodyPaintxI: *grabs some popcorn* *goes through all comments in video* Gotta love how the patience of people is going down steadily on this website. Especially since some people don't have a life. *troll face*
  375. Jinteresting: i love LoZ music but not the games i just cant take te targeting system! T3T
  376. MisterDarkButSometimesALittleGray: I agree. What is the point in liking only one game in such an amazing series?
  377. 1234567891011121314151617181920: seqel?
  378. George Garrity: Not as good as the original.
  379. LuluComplexion: @ReldWolf You know how lots of people get annoyed with Navi's consistent "HEY! HEY! LISTEN!"? The "Ha!" is supposed to be something like that. :3
  380. firedragon 5633: Faith Simpson BRUH THAT ONE SUCKS
  381. Oscar Brittain: No remix is as good as it's original:)
  382. SegaRox 91: One question though. I hope this interest you guys. Links era in each ssb game. 1st: Ocarina of time link Melee: Ocarina of time link (updated) Brawl: Twilight princess link 4th: Skyward sword link maybe?
  383. Ignacio: original is over 9000 times better, why so calm? the original was epic =(
  384. mouth: replace links hat and sword with a beret and baguette and you've go what this song sounds like
  385. Darktree6621: Maybe if there will be a Majora's mask map next game it could be in the moon? Or Clock town?
  386. Cottontail: Y U NO ALL TREND MY FACE!? ლಠ益ಠლ
  387. SirCommoner: @DarkHadouken007 Verdade.
  388. Indigo Ponce: But will it blend?
  389. Rubén Jorge: I prefer this remix compared to the original.
  390. AdmiralTrainstorm: 0:35 isn't that bad, the rest is just kinda.... Not the same incredible song I remember when I first landed on that pyramid. I knew that song off by heart within minutes XD
  391. Purple Smart: >implying it wasn't random
  392. aegaeon: this remix is better than the original.
  393. ganondorf66: says the one with the halo icon.
  394. ANIME KING: this song and mute city and ike theme are the best from super smash bros
  395. Caroline: J adore c trop beau .
  396. kingsploder1990: @JustARTificial Finally, another person who understands!
  397. Shipy: if u want to play some ,install a emulator and just play it in pc
  398. Tekeii: This song and Twilight Princess remind me of sunsets. The sun is setting outside right now and now I feel like playing TP. Or even being lame and roleplay outside. >_> LOL
  399. PureMadness! Productions: I agree with you as well.
  400. Ghost: i need arata iiyoshi to make the music for every game
  401. greg: I love it.<3
  402. The Amazing Tatsuo: Subspace Emissary had some of the best tracks in the story mode
  403. George Alatini: Out of all the soundtracks in all the nintendo franchises, I think Brawl has the best!!!
  404. Starr Viscacha: I like the little touch of Yoshi in there. Brawl > Sm4sh
  405. Katsmeaow :3: +DucksBeDancing Smash Bros. 4 Oh Right Thanks I Never Knew XD I Must Of Never Unlocked It
  406. ultimatenoir: @X09xheroes ¬¬
  407. Bill Rizer: this music makes me want to hurl
  408. phenixofroses: Good work, GilvaSunner. :D
  409. alexnobody1: This is a great remix, but it's really out of place in a game called "Brawl."
  410. Mleml 27: Honestly one of the best parts of brawl was the story mode. Unfortunately they don't have that in smash 4. But in brawl they used all of the soundtracks in the story mode and I think that is the most nostalgic part about it. It just fits so perfectly
  411. Duskool: @ragekage209 it's just a reference or tribute to SilvaGunner, i believe
  412. it me: >About to look for this song >First recommended Youtube you scary
  413. Gabe Pike: No he's not... he's Hylian and they have pointed ears so they can here the gods "speak" to them.
  414. RyoHawk: Link in italian restaurant 8)
  415. Kzinssie (porygonlover322): @jacketron86 And Bunny Link!
  416. emmanuel dom: Link to the past > orcarina of time hands down
  417. ultimatenoir: @X09xheroes Y U NO APPRECIATE GOOD MUSIC?! ლಠ益ಠლ
  418. •: On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you bro?
  419. ligepith: @InfectiousShroomKid Its the prophet!
  420. dr pepper that's my dogs name: Friendly Cordyceps ex de
  421. CarlosTheNinteNerd: Homicidal it's ten years old now
  422. Dank puma: OoT was designed that everyone could play it and it had a set path to go. It was rather short compared to ALttP. ALttP was made for high intellectual people since it was rather hard and tricky with its puzzels but was also more open since you had the choice what dungeon you pick. It was designed for skill and strategy. If you're an inexperienced and not a smart person, OoT is for you. If you're mature, skilled and have a sense of strategy, ALttP is the choice. But they are both amazing. And I recommend playing both. That's all I have to say.
  423. Prince Ghidorah: @ultimatenoir I was joking around :D It's a great a remix of the original. It isn't that bad
  424. Kzinssie (porygonlover322): @jacketron86 Actually, your english is fine. I just don't know what you mean by "0 responses".
  425. UsernameGoesHere: this is A Link To My Past!
  426. Purple Smart: ok
  427. dnmstarsi: @msx629 and still one of the best games in the Zelda library.
  428. eduard dot.: @VRPcheatmaster13 yore mother sucks
  429. asoluto infinito: sin duda alguna...... brawl tiene el mejor y más orgasmeante OST en cualquier smash hasta la fecha ♡
  430. Zed: @OrangeGingerSpice 0:00 - 2:06 is my most fave.
  431. Big Boy Pants: I've looked at your comment history, all you do is go around and troll. The thing is, it's not the funny kind of trolling, it's the "I'll go around and use as many crude insults as I can because I'm too stupid to come up with anything more subtle" trolling. Grow the fuck up, mate.
  432. LGDXJawsdakiller: @zeldamaster18 Dark mountain and forest original is beast ALEX JEANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
  433. Mr. Roosterr: Ocarina of Time is the best LoZ game until they remake Majoras mask and try prove me wrong.
  434. Bösil: Music: I can possibly agree. TP does have far crisper sound, though. Gameplay: Sorry, not giving you that point. If you took more damage in an average OoT run than in TP, you are doing something really, really wrong. OoT had slow moves, and every move was clearly shown to be launched. TP had much faster attacks, much higher frequence of enemy attacks(OoT was glacial). The low damage in TP, and the auto-shield, still leaves it a harder game. And that's not due to TP being hard.
  435. SpyCrabsUnited: *cough**cough* He wasn't talking to you...
  436. Boo Buddy: Why not both?
  437. Mr. Roosterr: do i really need to play link to the past? is it one of THE best? it seems like another LoZ adventure. can it top OOT?
  438. Soitisisit: It's hmm... Interesting. Much subtler than the original, like to relax to almost. :) :)
  439. Matthew BR Sims: This always makes me think of the Edge Chronicles books for some reason. I even remember creating a stage based on one of the skyships from the series with this music.
  440. NapalmMan10: @KamikazeTheCat Or better yet, have both Ganondorf and Ghirahim for a double threat.
  441. KingCrimson: +Dalma Estefania Søbstad Brene i was just confused
  442. Pancake Slice: @ShiraTheZeldaFan Sounds like a desert too.
  443. Ominous Cap: I liked how this was in the Adventure Mode, it fit well. But using it as music for the typical Vs. fighting, I don't think it fits well.
  444. ScornMuffins: Anyone who dislikes Stickerbrush symphony has a wrong opinion.
  445. Tea Straws: ლಠ益ಠლ
  446. Spoopy Sauce: Your comment makes me want to hurl.
  447. ProjectJ: On one hand, fair enough, the NES Zeldas were pretty shitty (at least Zelda 1 was, I never played Zelda 2), but on the other hand, you really can't have both a high quality standard and an appreciation for Skyward Sword. Just impossible, dude =P
  448. Scott Wong: TLOZ UNDERATED if anything. They are te best imo
  449. MetroidsEATYou: 0:34 the tingling of the spine!
  450. Blankface: "Opens door and show a bunch of oot fanboys" ."Closed the door" See what i mean?
  451. Carmatic frua: this is better than the versions in A Link Between Worlds .... 
  452. helloimawesome77: It's the 13th of June, and it's been officially retitled "A Link Between Worlds"
  453. Rocket Chris: The is one for the 3DS coming out in Autumn.
  454. The Sibearian Bearserker: you can hear the Yoshi :/
  455. The Alpha Meme: Playing SSBB with my friends was so much fun back in Primary School... (Primary School is a British thing, if you didn't know) I used to beat them all the time with Link... good times...
  456. DarkThanatos18: what's with the hate? this is fucking beautiful.
  457. mukmuk723: This sounds like a long, long journey through the night.
  458. soxo 22515: i love the harp sounds if those are harps or guitars idk
  459. DekuHero: This song here sounds like its been remixed in the style of Twilight Princess
  460. Ash19256: Zant is basically someone who THINKS they have the answer to everything, who then absolutely LOSES it when they find out they don't have the answer to everything. That, and he had an immature egotistical personality to begin with.
  461. Tyler Few: 41 people got lost in the woods
  462. Lilc433: @SHARDK2 LMFAO that comment made me laugh haha. Really though everyone else talks but not Link, the hero. what's up with that? O.O
  463. sasook: Yeah I guess we just disagree. Not about Ganon (except for me he should just be taken out entirely), but the plot being fantastic. Idk, the game was just meh to me, a real letdown. Like, how after a dungeon, you'd basically never use the item found there ever again, except for like, the bow and clawshots. Or the randomness of some things (while I did love the Hidden Village part, it really is completely unnecessary). I don't find Twili lore interesting either. Just...meh.
  464. Kro Dragon: Yoshi? Why are you in the background music?
  465. ZayLong: @kingsploder1990 shit i dont get it :/
  466. ragekage209: GilvaSunner? Really? Make an original name at least. >_>
  467. Dmc4554: So many kills
  468. hungry_box: I've got a joke, Why couldn't the eleven year old get into the pirate movie?
  469. Samurai Konk: WHY U KEEP SPAMMING THIS MEME!?!??!?ლಠ益ಠლ
  470. Richard Del Canto: @porygonlover322 Maybe Wolf Link too?
  471. wzxdtcufiygvohbjknl: Majora's Mask was extremely UNDERrated
  472. Shipy: +Kathrin F. nah, it wasnt hard
  473. MacyPooh196: one of my fav brawl themes ^.^
  474. imSulfurate: I was being sarcastic...
  475. The ElectrOStudios: Except it's a remake of The Dark World, not Lorule
  476. willhelm the great: @angelshadow3593 waiting in elevators... LIK A BAWSS
  477. CustardPot: Pussys play COD
  478. Friendly Cordyceps: Okay, I'm gonna be the first to say it. WTF is this remix? This sounds more like a magical journey through France than anything else to me.
  479. Mr. Roosterr: I really want to play MM. OOT and MM mechanics and scenarios are both insane for each game. I hope there's a remake in the works for MM because I have exhausted all other options.
  480. BitchChill: mouth bro
  481. C0 Assassin: Considering that you think it's a Zelda theme that originated in 2013, I'm inclined to agree with you.
  482. bruh: Anyone wholikes Super Smash Bro's melee better then brawl, Need's to suck it up and move on.
  483. Pancake Slice: Sounds like desert song.
  484. Vortex Blurr: Well, I wasn't talking about epicman6751, so I became kind of confused XD
  485. Baby Metroid: I don't like this song as much as the original, but I still think it's awesome!
  486. Pit_Solitayrh: Considering that the artist only made music for one game, being Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, I wonder why he has not made more soundtracks. SSB4's version is a good song on itself, but just is a nearly straight remaster of ALTTP which is not something fairly creative. Brawl's version sounds like a sorrowful unknown land, especially towards the ending 1:20 with mostly drums. I don't despise your opinions guys but that's how I see it....SSB4's still is enjoyable ^^
  487. TheShadowTreasurer: @MrCoolblue72 I like the Original Version more than the Remix >.> <,<
  488. God spelled backwards is doG: ALTTP memories
  489. Vasana: hated that level
  490. KAZ: then why is your profile pic halo
  491. Maurice Guerrilla: @Pedro1997RJ Sim, verdade.
  492. nicolas callisto: 2 true
  493. MadHatterMan: GOLLY!
  494. Alex Orozco: all the legend of zelda games are awesome including twilight princess because all the secert moves are amazing but im still working on skyward sword so i will be busy
  495. Owain d'Ylisse: They actually do. You should try harder to find them.
  496. carrett 50cal: FUCK ALL OF YOUR FACES
  497. McDerpalds: I swear to god, I hear Yoshi in the background of the song.
  498. E43: My favorite song from brawl, even though I think Link's Awakening is the superior 2d Zelda game from what I've seen of either game.
  499. TheBrawlingTaco: Your pleads have been answered, Rummy.
  500. eltacodorr7: I just copied and pasted.
  501. SilverDiamonde07TM: Yeah, but I think you're forgetting that game predates A Link Between Worlds.
  502. Jatin Jasser: in link between worlds, the dark world theme in lorule was the sickest. ever. period.
  503. LuluComplexion: @ReldWolf Malon is the lil' ranch girl from Ocarina of time.
  504. BaconEggnCheeze: @JAYtheMAN2121 i legit agree with him...this was a bad ass track and brawl kinda pussified it. im actually disappointed, and im a die hard LoZ fan
  505. mrtacoman10: Why wouldn't it be?
  506. MarioFanGamer: +SuperZeldaBound "aged VERY POORLY" Actually, I don't find it really aged besides for the semi-existant Z-axis and perhaps the one or other thing. And no, I'm not a nostalgic possesed guy because how can I have nostalgy when I never played it as a child?
  507. Rasenshuriken90: @Thesims7murdoch I resent that. It is possible for a person to like the CoD series AND games like Brawl. I happen to be one of those people.
  508. Katsmeaow :3: +Tainted Splash Ok But The Title Is Missleading If It Says Super Smash Bros
  509. JabuJabule: @jdawg746 You better be joking o__o
  510. Jeffrey Gao: Bonjour Madeline! I'm on a magical journey through Paree!
  511. rummythedummy2: a link to the past remake anybody?
  512. itaav91112: Skyward Sword was one of the best Zelda games ever!
  513. DekuHero: Whats wrong with better graphics, they let developers be much more creative with the games they make. If you want to play a 16-bit game, then break out the SNES, and play Link to the past presumably!
  514. it me: >making an unnecessary argument
  515. julex234: A Link to the Past deserves a remake... and I hear Yoshi! :D
  516. DragonTamern8g1: Who thinks the original was 10 times better.
  517. xOmniCloudx: I hope they bring back the Dark World for A Link Between Worlds. Also, I BETTER see Link's, UNCLE! It's Dangerous to go alone! Take your uncle! PERFECT EXCUSE FOR HIM TO BE THERE!
  518. BalmungMP5: they ruined my favorite theme in brawl...
  519. SSBFWU: @JAYtheMAN2121 you shouldn't have done that...
  520. Felicia: oh. True.
  521. Pancake Slice: @UzumakiJuanCarlos Arghim? XD
  522. BlissCloudz: The reason people like the original more is because they played the original during their childhood. People get very picky over things from their childhood. I like this remix. It's beautiful and mysterious, like the world of zelda x3
  523. it me: actually, y'know? I was about to use the same argument on you. But then I realized greentexting isn't annoying, or unprofessional, unlike most 4chan fads. Troll harder next time! <3
  524. Ty Black: You obviously misunderstood my comment what I meant to say was any remake of ALTTP would not have to have graphics like TP I then stated SS had better graphics then TP not once did I insult you or say you said anything for that matter.
  525. poger: :yuno?:
  526. YourAverageLink: What's that instrument that sounds like Yoshi's forward smash?
  527. Ameen Ahmed: I felt that the original one had a more epic/heroic "hue" to it. This remix definitely did NOT keep said hue.
  528. angelshadow3593: @shabadude88 HELL YEAHZ!!! LOL
  529. imSulfurate: I guess you can only like one franchise now?
  530. Nyan Mario: This was actually originally in a link to the past which was made in 1992
  531. VentusAirMan: No.. I don't think it's that. I've played OoT, LttP, and TP. I honestly believe the worst of the series would have to be Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link.
  532. Ice Boy2121: if there was a download link
  533. poop pooop: I keep hearing yoshi lol
  534. bruh: AWESOME SO LLOYD = FRY? :D The game has gotten 100 times more awesome now.
  535. TheCaptinhazmat: yeah they can be you biased fanboy.
  536. Putnam: It's not a remake, it's a sequel.
  537. GregarLink5: Did someone saw the pics on the background?
  538. bruh: ugh I hate people like that. They think they are "Troll".
  539. Taliesin Charles: Oh you mean a total remake? Oh yeah, that'd be fuckin' awesome
  540. DekuHero: If Nintendo remade all every Zelda game, all the Playstation and Xbox fanboys would be like "FUCK YOU NINTENDO, RE-HASHING ALL YOUR OLD SHIT BECAUSE YOU'VE RUN OUT OF IDEAS!!!"
  541. Z Khan: isnt the darkworld remix supposed to b a metal one
  542. tehiratepirate: Make sure you give the NES and SNES ones a go again too! Currently playing through Zelda 2!
  543. ShadowTaco: I still love Zelda and Nintendo, altho i have a xbox 360 now. (Got cause my friends mostly have one and yeah) But i've kept my Gamecube and played Melee, Wind waker and twilight princess occasionly
  544. Sun E.: Graphics in TP vs SS is much more subjective than say, OOT vs TP. Between Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, they're both on the 480p line, which are both high for standard definition (because the Wii cannot exceed that). SS uses a more pastel colored atmosphere while the latter used a darker tone. Each to their own, it is up to you to what you like best. You can't compare if they're basically the same.
  545. MacyPooh196: some themes on brawl are good, and others, well they tried. This one on the other hand, is really good : )
  546. AAA Battery: I went to hear the original... yeah I think I liked the SNES version better. This one actually sounds weird now.
  547. Paynekiller: Same. Zelda games give you a challenge, rather than letting you slip away onto an easier struggle. ALttP still annoys me, particularly the third and sixth bosses who force you to observe every part of the area. The third is annoying for making you restart after every fall, and the sixth is annoying for forcing you to constantly move unless you want to be impaled or fried (the moving floor doesn't help either).
  548. BitchChill: Nintendo Fan Fuck outta here
  549. sasook: So that being said, no I disagree that it still leaves it as a harder game. 2) When I say harder, I'm not talking only combat. The puzzles, the dungeon layouts, even the treasure hunting....all much too easy. Idk, I'm not good at putting things into words. But I do remember at the end of the game I was like "that was just...way too easy." The single slightly challenging one was the Master Sword puzzle, that's about it. Btw, Idk if it makes a difference, but I played the GC version.
  550. TaintedRain22: its a remix of the dark world theme from legend of zelda a link to the past.
  551. Proto Man: You can't like Xbox anymore because of the Xbone's wonderful techonlogy that watches you 24/7 and needs you to be connected to the internet every 24 hours.
  552. joostoboy: well we still got mario galaxy and zelda skyward sword. and those are pretty great.
  553. marthXemblem1990: 321Tdog look, we can all agree that zelda game & watch is the best game hands down
  554. ziggy7200: i think of running through a forest as the sun is going down
  555. Lord Nagaviper: One of my favorite pieces of zelda music. Nostalgia settling in!
  556. VGames: Majoras Mask is one of the best You probobly didnt 100% it
  557. poger: @superaziz14 kinda in the beginning.
  558. Rodolfo Salinas: Love this theme song ;) my #1 Favorite
  559. Giovani Diaz: Put the speed at 0.75, reminds me of a song
  560. _ ranotraino _: The Dark World? Ain’t that that one sucky Thor movie?
  561. indigograves: @FallenAngel951000 I think its sounds humble because of how ravaged the dark world was compared to the Light World (such as upon reaching the counterpart of Kakariko Village). Also, since it was from Link's point of view upon entering the world, the world became another adventure to take part in- setting the tone of the theme.
  562. Scotch German: Bramble Blast?
  563. Porygon777: Omg same I hated that part
  564. Richard Del Canto: @porygonlover322 And SS Link ^w^
  565. ocean man: the theme from the dark world the theme from the dark world the theme from the dark world the theme from the dark world the themeeeeee song from the dark world it's a dark place and menacing, it's dark (really dark)
  566. The Hero Time: I think mm was good but it's way to short.
  567. Rodolfo Salinas: love this theme song its Beautiful :)
  568. Luffy1045: Why does everyone hate on this version? It has the feeling of a dark, mysterious world. Sure, it's not the epic one we are used to, but that one if EFFIN GOOD.
  569. Sonicfan640: それは別の曲だ
  570. Alvy: A Link To The Past: 1991 Super Smash Bros. Brawl:2008 A Link Between Worlds: 2013
  571. Mego's Hideout: Link is hot
  572. Vinnilicious: Lord Goodra The Bleachnator I can't decide which is better. This one's more suited for an outside environment but smash 4's is better for like a dungeon or something
  573. UnknownArtist 720: I already knew about the legend of zelda but armed with wings 2 brought me to this specific version of dark world
  574. Bösil: Ganon was built up from Zant's first appearance(that wasn't in a flashback), and appeared himself in a flashback in the very next dungeon after that.
  575. mariuskyle: Just go and play it on an emulator : )
  576. asd: This remix was meant for certain forest levels of SSBB, which have a much different feel than link to the pasts's dark world feel.
  577. Kzinssie (porygonlover322): @jacketron86 Nah, Wolf Link's more of a transformation/FS to me. Alternate costumes still have to fit the original's animations.
  578. Meg A.: vacation in the dark world
  579. dnmstarsi: yeah, but some overshadow others that are equally good if not better.
  580. Jamison Junkrat: +Cian B i kinda figured but it sounds like Yoshi.
  581. Kolchakk: 'Twas a joke
  582. MariosNum OneFan: The original from a link to the past is 10x better
  583. dekulink213: The original is better
  584. VGFreak100: My opionion of this song is it isn't as good as the original, I really think they could've made it sound more evil but heroic like the original. I mean REALLY Miomoto?
  585. laurenprzybylsucks: Loved Dark World in 4SA
  586. Raikiel: Hmmm... is it just me? Or does this song seem more adventurous than dark? :3
  587. Richard Del Canto: @porygonlover322 Sorry, it´s because I have 0 RESPONSES ._.
  588. jeanna86x: I love this version of the Dark World too!
  589. ultimatenoir: @ratyrandy AMEN
  590. omgcandy16Kimicari0: How? Link to the Past was very minimalist on style, whereas Twilight Princess is still the most graphically advanced Zelda title.
  592. skivit: Why would Zelda ever be on the Xbox or PS3?
  593. Jack Jackson: TheAwesomeDarkNinja stay strong and keep your head up blessings and better times are otw✊
  594. Amanda Adorno: i have not heard the original song but this one is pretty good
  595. Disgruntled Automated bunny: Magical trip through France.
  596. Nox Scourge: Fkin love it! <333 MY FAVOURITE!
  597. verdez sellier mickael: Best music ever
  598. RaptorRoll: Agreed. I think they did a good job of making it different but still keeping the same atmosphere.
  599. Legend- Skillz: ah man I love your name, you're just like me, you love super smash bros AND overwatch
  600. andres castellanos: Cannot be unheard. Thanks man
  601. Thats ReZ: were still good and old and the best days lol
  602. KingCrimson: Lorule?
  603. Nintendo Fan: Meh,alttp version was better
  604. lucariofan3893: It's good that nintendo still loves the old games.
  606. Felferis: why do people hate all these remixes so much? this and bramble blast are my personal favorites and on both people complain about them
  607. sasook: I'll have to address each point individually, or else it'll seem like a really inconsistent paragraph. 1) I'm not saying I take more average damage in OoT than TP. But what I'm saying is that on my first run-through of each game (& I played both at roughly the same age, I was a latecomer to OoT) I came closer to dying more times in OoT than TP. I just never really felt threatened TP...ever. Even in the final room of the Cave of Ordeals. Continuing in my next comment, replying to myself.
  608. Psycho: +gamecrazy1750 A Link between worlds... Get it? Because he's in Smash and his own series
  609. Bösil: MM may get overrated a bit, but compared to OoT, not much at all. You know, what with the claims of OoT being the best game of all time. It's the worst 3D Console Zelda made, and not a single one of the Zelda games can honestly make a bid for Best Game Ever Made to begin with, so yeah.
  610. BuffaloMike007: Oh please. If anything, A Link to The Past and Ocarina of Time, while great games, are overrated.
  611. SirCommoner: @LetsongaAkemi That's right. (Pelo menos eles entendem.)
  612. phantomlight: LOL,in the description it says: "TimmyTurnersDad" xD
  613. Jeffrey Gao: Is the original scarier? 
  614. ZeldaFan01 ·: This was one of the songs that got stuck in my head after playing Adventure Mode for so long.
  615. Alex Orozco: same here legend of zelda is awesome
  616. FourPartPlan: @Zeppelin2501 He was clearly speaking of the song itself, bro.
  617. Dayala Singh: As a Canadian... What's junior high?
  618. Pancake Slice: @JAYtheMAN2121 100,000,000,000 Zelda fans and 100,000,000 SSBB fans are gonna kill you for saying that.
  619. MrAvalerin: @KonaKonaKaabisteru That's quite true. In fact the main storyline of OoT is based on A Link to the Past's prologue, because it's supposed to be a sequel.
  620. pkleee: Why did they have to remake this? The original dark world theme was perfect, just like the Gerudo Valley theme, and Nintendo didn't remix THAT.
  621. to3food: That's the internet, they know you better, than YOU
  622. froggy9710: It's not like I choose whether or not a like a game. I played both OoT and MM (as well as other games in the series) and didn't really like Majora's Mask. So?
  623. Ninjaparkour41: They should have used this for the song for Lorule instead of the one that they put.
  624. JustARTificial: @sj58lilley He's just referring to how annoying Yoshi is.
  625. bumbruh: This sounds like it's being played at some sort of camp in the Dark World. I love it.
  626. MariosNum OneFan: Looks like the nostalgia is coming back to u kid, huh?
  627. aabb3ElOriginal: @ChaloLaMarmota i know right... *dissapoint*
  628. kaizoisevil: They totally took a perfect song, and turned it to shit. At least they could have left the song unremixed, but no, they are like "WE MUST REMIX". And if you do remix, then at least make it good! This does not even sound dark, this should be titled "Light world" Ah nintendo, I guess no person (or company) is perfect.
  629. Samee: That happened to me but it was 3rd recommended ._.
  630. matt g-h: You sir, have great taste!
  631. epiccarrot88: Yes they can. Any game can be overrated.
  632. girly554: oh nevermind
  633. MrAaron1503: beautiful song (:
  634. Glucose Guardian: say what?
  635. Phaaze: "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" is my favorite Zelda Game of all time. <3 All love everything about this game: The dungoens, the secrets, the music etc. I'm so glad they put some songs in Brawl. But i still want the "Hyrule Castle Theme" for SSB4.
  636. AlliroG98: Thumbs down for commenter who doesn't use imagination.
  637. Hernán Naveas: S.S.D.? Is that you? This remember me the songs composed by him in BEMANI. Great Remix. <3
  638. bruh: Fuck that I like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Black ops 1 and 2 for the zombies, Skyrim, Metalgear solid, FFVII and IX, many more I got a ton of old ROMS and emulators on my PC now. :D
  639. Bella Akel: nOOOOO YOSHI!!!!!! This song was my first Zelda like the athletic theme from new super Mario bros Ds ahhhh goooood tiiiimmmmmeees ;)
  640. Bob Saget: @usrules84 Lucky! i was hit by a wall of pain.
  641. MsUsagi513: I love this song, so mysterious. 0:33 my favorite part
  642. Prince Ghidorah: ahh fuck it it's Great :D
  643. Kzinssie (porygonlover322): @jacketron86 wut
  644. Gilberto Aspericueta Sillas: Yep, but this version was similar at ALBW
  645. Carl Jhonson: Beautifull song
  646. kingsploder1990: Malon: Here's a new horse to replace Epona. It's called Yoshi. Link: (snatches Yoshi off Malon) Ok! 2 hours later... Yoshi: Ha! Ha! Ha! Link: SHUT UP!!!
  647. Alex Johnson: Ok
  648. Evan Simanto: +Serrydartman Just in case
  649. bruh: Yep. Except I haven't played the ones for Gameboy or Gameboycolor V___V
  650. Zed Davenport: I just melted upon hearing this one. This is one of my most favourites song from Zelda saga, along with Song of Storms.
  651. James Foxworth: Other way around.
  652. Pedro Cavalcante: O original é melhor...
  653. Pancake Slice: Sounds...HAPPY!
  654. thetriforcewizard: @Fuzzer56 lol But it true.
  655. Alexander Blatchford: @JAYtheMAN2121 You shouldn't of said that ლಠ益ಠლ
  656. MysteryJogo: Story of my life...
  657. simon: Brawl had the best remixes.
  658. TheGameBoyTV: That was just racist ಠ_ಠ
  659. James Murdoch: 6 people play COD ~
  660. ShayMay: Actually, the reason I prefer the original more is because I feel it had more impact and a more menacing feel. I certainly don't hate this version, it's really amped up the mystery which I like, but I do feel that it doesn't capture the other elements that made the Dark World so memorable. I can't help but disagree with the Spanish guitar, as well; it seems too chirpy for such a menacing tune. Still, this is far from a bad remix.
  661. jk611: It is one of the two laws of video games. The other is that yoshi-cide is punishable by capital punishment AKA Losing a life in mario.
  662. El Pan Ligero - Videos rabdom y mas :v: I need this for Ultimate.
  663. K-leb: +Leonard Ababio Well, it's less of a remix and more of a rearrangement, or rendition, or remake, or something like that. That's why it doesn't sound similar.
  664. jason31898: Link is a fucking awesome character, he's my fav <3
  665. ZeldaFanGirl87: So far, this is still my favorite rendition of the Dark World that I've heard.
  666. Huurme: Why not both? :P
  667. Mario Mario: The theme tune from the Dark World It's a dark place That's menacing And dark It's dark It has mature themes Like an anime In Japanese With subs (fansubs, even!) It is dark, like a scary thing Like a teenager from DeviantArt It is dark, it writes poetry And it wears half its hair over One eye
  668. Purple Smart: >2012 >still green texting outside of 4chan SHIGGETY DOO BE DOO
  669. Irvin94 Tkd: my dog likes it
  670. SCREEN LOOKER: Nice. :)
  671. HitodamaKyrie: I haven't read any of these comments, but since there seems to be controversy... It's not a Zelda game song. It's a SSB song. Get over it. :|
  672. frycook48: This song is beautiful. One of the greatest gaming tracks of all time!
  673. julex234: I want A Link To The Past remade into a 3d zelda
  674. Son Kakaroto: Nostalgia...
  675. yaboyJG: Wolf and Diddy Kong Are My Best Characters
  676. ThunderbirdIV25: Says the guy with a Halo profile pic :P Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm glad to see someone who's an FPS fan that also loves Zelda.
  677. VentusAirMan: Meh, I'm just saying I enjoy playing it man. Your opinion, my opinion. I don't think I have low quality standard bro. Just a wide appreciation for many video games.
  678. ishbeasty56: duuhhh >_>
  679. markasscop Arev: +Paco Ruiz Arnal "and the other guy" *soul dies*
  680. Zachary Betters: @BrandonHedgehog yeah! it was way better in a link to the past!
  681. RatedRLoquender: oi ese cumbion :v
  682. jo Ben: L - Boi agreed
  683. FeFishChannel: well there both good in there own ways
  684. Gingerham: To this very day, I can't decide if I like MM or OoT more. It would have to be a perfect tie for me. They're different and unique in their own ways. Majora's Mask is darker and a bit more challenging while Ocarina of Time is more bright and adventurous! Both have great music, characters, and gameplay. Majora's Mask might just be in the dark compared to Ocarina of Time because it's different.
  685. Pablo Acevedo: I personally love the fuck out of this. A lot more than the actual one. It doesn't sound like a full-blast orchestra, just nice and soft.
  686. bleep196: @AMNlinkinparkfan115 The 25th Anniversary Arrangement of it seems to restore that...
  687. Homicidal: Ahhh brawl is going to be fucking 10 years old next year o.0
  688. Lord Goodra The Thiccest: Ssb4 sounds way better then this one sorry guys😬😬😬
  689. Pierce Boyd-Bagby: dont you think a link to the past would make a bad ass ds remake
  690. Hadyn Clark: No way. Link to the past is amazing on the snes. I recently completed it again for the 6th time. They shouldn't remake such a classic. Majoras mask though I agree on.
  691. cul e.: 🤦🏾‍♂️
  692. Felferis: i think they get too nostalgic and go all WTF THIS NOT ORIGINAL SO IT CRAP HURRDURR which is ridiculous in my opinion
  693. julia: Go operation Moonfall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  694. Alpha Magos: because it was rated ARRRR
  695. GangstaKenny10: ALTTP is win omg 1st game Master Sword Appeared in thats why its so awesome and a SNES Classic.
  696. Evan Simanto: Hyrule and Lorule HIGH-rule and LOW-rule In case no one knew
  697. loserkid182lr: link to the past is awesome! thinking youve beat the game in the light world, then you get sucked into the dark world and have 8 more!? crazy.
  698. omgcandy16Kimicari0: You're gonna have to do some explaining before you convince me that Skyward Sword had better graphics than Twilight Princess.
  699. Kolchakk: Says the man with the halo profile pic
  700. Nolan Campbell: This song is great although it doesn't sound like the original it just sound like another Legend of Zelda song not a big deal...
  701. Seba C.: Fuck is ...
  702. _Theo: wand of gamelon > Link to the past
  703. kc rodriguez: sounds like this song is made from cuba
  705. M. M.: I wonder if the next Smash Bros will have such great music ...
  706. matt g-h: +Raul Munwalker (Rashield) i know right
  707. devilukas: bad cover
  708. 松本優姫: OOT still has been overrated, now TP is too, I think ALTTP is also overrated but I'd love a remake or something because I was too young so I played to it like only 2-3 times, but I'd love to finish it and a remake of LA, because this game is so amazing but so underrated, I started to (re)play MM on the Wii (I've downloaded it) and I think it also need a remake :P
  709. Owaito the Mage of Hope: I love this medieval tone, I think It fits The Legend of Zelda pretty well. Also, damn, this remix is so good.
  710. DbBoomstick: I like the original better.
  711. Owaito the Mage of Hope: He's still hot now in Ultimate
  712. Geeky Nerdy: I like ssb4's version better <3
  713. Kayoyo H: This one is nice but I prefer that amazing endgame one you get after getting the triforce of courage in ALBW
  714. Special Agent Washing Tub: Don't judge a book by it's cover.
  715. SCREEN LOOKER: This is a pretty good theme, although what I've heard of the "A Link to the Past" version seemed better.
  716. Tomberry: same
  717. Nick Baelemans: @dalektaliban i totally approve :P
  718. Proto Man: This remix kept the theme of Hopelessness in the music just like the original. The ALBW remix still had that theme but it was just a little bit more upbeat, kind of like there was still hope for Lorule.
  719. Jane Doe: SSBB is my favorite game on the Wii.
  720. JakeKyuukaga: If only this was the 25th anniversary version
  721. AdmiralTrainstorm: @UzumakiJuanCarlos That's better, the extra g on "fagg" can stand for "gravity"
  722. Ryan Thompson: @homedoug217 best comment of the 21st century
  723. TheNintendo777: i played Zelda 2. Not the best game i played, but a good game. Just need to get used to it to enjoy it :D
  724. BlackDeity12: HYAAAA
  725. Paco Ruiz Arnal: nope, its when meta knigth, marth and the other guy (i dont remember his name) are outside the castle in a like desert or something, did you know whats the name? i would apreciate it
  726. girly554: LttP?
  727. froggy9710: I played it through, and didn't like it. Don't expect your subjective opinion to apply to everyone else.
  728. GanonAkumaFan: What they did for the 25th Anniversary Medley was good too. But, of course, not as good as the original...
  729. Oddlem: I don't know why, but this song always made me sad when I was little.
  730. spacepuppy720: i love link to the past!! :) so happy theirs going to be a sequel
  731. MasterMisha: This sounds like Celtic music to me!
  732. PizzaDan167: No wonder why they named the 2nd Thor movie after a level in Zelda games...
  733. t0nyhawk368: Memories...
  734. Norberto Perez: Me: I play inzektor dragonfly You: Fuck... lol
  735. TheZeldaExperienceWithin: It's not a fair comparison. One's in 2D the other's in 3D. If you want to though...Ocarina of Time is better because the dungeons make better use of environmental and clever puzzles than A Link to the Past because Ocarina of Time is in 3D, and the world, characters, story, music, locations, and atmosphere are better and more memorable and makes the game much more immersive.
  736. TheGreenShyGuy: *Yaaaawwn*
  737. Pulse Tone ♫: I'm sampling the guitar of this version, I will release a music soon , I hope you will like it :)
  738. Kegin Ayers: This is when the game got real.
  739. Salami Sandwich: I have a small orgasm every time the beginning plays
  740. Dillon Summers: I agree completely as well. This newer version kinda bleeds the original feeling of adventure from the song.
  741. Michael Sadaka: Why is it that every brawl remix I like, people don't like it?
  742. Danae Bradley: this doesnt sound dark at all.... MISLEADING TITLE!!!! but i like it!
  743. I want to Die: That wrong note pisses me off so much
  744. LetsongaAkemi: @SirCommoner I totally agree with you! ( as vezes é um saco ter que ficar postando comentários em inglês só pra maioria entender...como se não tivessem brasileiros/latinos/portugueses no youtube o bastante!><)
  745. Samuel Johnson: true that. i really cant name that many people who have played any other zelda games than OoT and MM. a link to the past is by far my favorite. dont know why but it is
  746. epicman6751: Zelda is my favorite video game franchise of all time!!!
  747. mrbisshie: >You will never get to play The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures online =(
  748. Andrew Collins: They did a good job making the Dark World's theme feel dark, as it should, in this arrangement. I give them credit for exploring. And Bramble Blast is my favorite song from that game.
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The Dark World - Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Music Upload TimePublished on 23 Dec 2010

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