for fallout & elder scrolls live streams
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Music fallout 1,2, & digital nightmare
Getting the best performance for NV
Detail guide on how to install enb
Overgrowth ENB by tru3th http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting by Sal203 and xCamoLegend http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
NMC http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
HQ Dust Storm FX by Drumber http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
Wasteland Flora Overhaul by vurt http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
Ojo Bueno http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
New Vegas Redesigned 3 by Dracomies and Weijiesen http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mod...
- Mtndewgang: Holy shit how many mods do you have installed?
- Alejandro the Starving Anthropologist: Maybe I'm just REALLY an asshole for lore but why did the author of this graphics mod make Vulpes wear a bear skin even though Vulpes means wolf in Latin? Yes I know that he wears a coyote skin in vanilla but at least they're both canines.
- skin09588: what mods r u using
- falsinar: 11:49 God damn you really meant that.
- Leberon Jamames: dammm! i never knew there's so much interesting shit with that perk! gotta replay nv again, tnx man
- ValtrossXM8: "Another kill to my name!" *Turns and flees*
- Anton Die Gut Boy: What mods have u used?
- Crostil: nice lewd mod
- Commando 723: Harvie B134 yeah its a mod
- nehpets: ur game looks dope asf
- The Lone Wanderer: Your game looks awesome! As well as your character
- android 69: +Unidentified Being fallout 4 more like bootleg mass effect.
- SS Man: B R O T H E R S H E L P
- Tom Franck: All right that arm is DISTURBING, it should NOT bend like that 0_0
- Gumball watterson: is that like 2k craphic? O.o
- RMR JMR: Goddamn I need a PC. This looks so fucking good.
- Survivor 2021: I just love these option texts.I just wish they actually ran and say "oh sheeeetttt!!!".
- GamezForFunz: Can someone tell me which mod changes the sounds for VATS and killing, the guitar! The one from RvB!
- Æsir: VanGraffs Agreed but at least I can fucking see 1 feet infront of me in Fallout 4.
- randomguy6679: Much better voice acting than Fallout 3
- Spuddle: Nice background music
- John Douglas: what high res texture pack are you using?
- Yeetus Feetus: Brother hood of steel:Oh no this guy is threatening us whatever will we do! I’m so scared!!! (Is with a full gang and all wearing power armor) “PLS DONT KILL US Me: I only have a knife... bruh 🙄
- MeatSim64: Get fucked.
- EZ PZ: I really like this graphics mod
- BruceTheMantis: really like the Riddick Mod
- The311 Man: Wow you did decorate that tent with his guts
- Doug Dimmadome: Doomsday Orange How can someone not have "good taste"? Taste is subjective, idiot.
- Nyaru Kosan W #ConTV: What's the minigum mod
- Connor Fox: Why does vulpes have a bear on his head and not a dog
- Opaxas: What are the musics ?
- NxT Bman: is this like a remastered version of new Vegas? or is it mods?
- Tana Thaku: "Cash me outta this mess" Benny started the meme
- MKXSCORPION: So badass, the courier is badass. I know I typed “badass” twice because it’s true. WE NEED THE TRUE FALLOUT MAKERS BACK!!! OBSIDIAN WHERE ARE YOU?!
- MakinThatMoneyRain: TheTriangle444 unfunny joke
- Simon The Digger: These apparel replacing mods make the video less enjoyable. By a long shot. Why would you want to replace Vulpes' dog headgear to a bear? It's so horrible.
- Ryani Wischefski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b95sXKmANKI
- ExternalBoss 666: Ew mods
- TheNWOKOFan: You literally decorated Caesar's tent with his guts.
- Señor Silverio: I know is almost 2019 and I don't know what mods did you use... but wow
- R. DeMora: Holy shit dude, that Riddick companion is BADASS!
- Bidirektional: Did someone just change his wolf pelt to a bear belt and fucked the whole thing up?
- Alexander Falk: That was my exact thougt...
- N'gasta Kvakis: Wow this game has fucking horrendous voice acting...
- Hoshpakk: Why look this Game with Mods bether then Fallout 4? lol
- Edwin Cheesecake: +Alex Crowder They also handicap themselves by disallowing the use of chems, including stimpaks, favouring healing powders. And their armour is made from leftover sport clothing stores. They handicap their ability to transition into an actual Roman style empire by pretty much only acting out the campaign style of the Romans, without a proper civilian class in a home province that isn't made up of non-slaves. They use machetes intentionally whenever it is possible instead of rifles (at least, that's what is told to you in game, in reality the legion mooks usually have ranged weaponry). It's implied they kill or abandon people with slight health conditions (like heart problems) rather than attempting rehabilitation, even if that person has other major benefits (perhaps teaching Latin, or battle strategy) They handicap themselves in many ways. That's kind of the point though; they can achieve so much despite not using certain advantages. It's actually reminiscent of manipular organisation, where you don't put all your soldiers in the battle immediately, you keep many of your best troops in reserve so you can "go to the triarii". You keep them in reserve even in extremely important crisis battles. It's likely that (despite not being mentioned at all) Caesar has some secret power armour trained troops who usually don't use it. That means that if the shit really hits the fan, he has somewhere to go and regain the advantage. The reason I think this is likely is because having spies seems to go entirely against the philosophy of the legion, or at least the philosophy the common foot soldiers are instilled with, and yet sure enough the legion has spies anyway. The same is probably true for power armour; it's taught as being a bad thing to use it, to the common troops, but a select group of highly trusted soldiers are taught somewhat differently.
- Jim Fancy-pants: Nvm i see he has them
- Bill: i have completed the game 2 times and still dont know how to play that fucking caravan game
- makitstop: +NcrVet lol no problem
- Century Nostalgia: Uliiizaer This place is the B E E S K N E E S
- Joseph seed: I think fallout 4 is better.
- Sable: 7:47 well I might have just found a new wallpaper for my desktop
- Adeveth The Dong: I know i'm late but what did you wear ? searching for this clothing long.
- Anirudh Pai: 11:55 Holy shit he did decorate the tent with his guts.
- Anno Nymus: 1:13 was that riddick?
- Dirtman: this place is the Bee's Knees!
- Gavin Luhezz: Oh my God what mods do you use?
- PikaXU PlayS: I Think that Your Mod has a Fallout... LMAO
- NcrVet: cool:D
- Jonathan Tatum: I love how you actually painted the tent with his guts. How fitting! XD
- D4RK 5TORMS: Late comment but holy hell the graphics on this are *AMAZING*
- Antonis Mitsos: How moded can a game be I love it not only like this What a beautiful mod but it doesn't load
- kaltram IV: Infinite DoF mod
- TheLoneWarrior: How can you even play this game at this level of modded
- Huldah Cripps: "Lets keep this in the groove hey like smooth moves smooth little babies" What the fuck
- Juan Gone: what version of fallout nv is this
- Daniel Vasconcelos: Can you give us a list of the mods you use?
- Valthorix: That's one dope ass ENB
- Eddie Lee: "Raise that gun, and I'll kill EVERYONE in here.."
- JH vibes: Idk why but that head tilt and smile part tickled my fancy
- Semisi Tuitupou: By far the best mod I've seen aesthetically
- SilverLuck: yo who was that companion there
- Voltulasp Voltulaentertaiment: When you have Speech 70 and Level 8, you can choose the perk normally when you level up.
- combustinghandshakes: this looks like Fallout to me
- Antonio Aiello: Could you tell me what mods you used to make the character models look this nice?
- Grim Reality: Chris Heil I don't even think a remaster on consoles could handle these kind of mods
- German Hockey: what mod is this?
- martin: actually, what is your mod list?
- Bart Something: +حفيد صدام اخو هدله الكرار Well, it does that regardless of how it looks.
- Maybenexttime: Did you die again?
- retIcle_1999: 5th11th RIGHT?
- Augusto Orias: I couldn't help bit notice that the Brotherhood paladins from Veronica's quest are all wearing T-51b PowerPoint armor but their helmets are T-45 power armor
- Mauro Molinero: wow that retexture mod is fucking awesome. how its called?
- Kevin C: glorious ending
- Yandere Kitsune trap: the terrifying presence perk is so enthralling to say the least I love to hear their reaction as you continue to slaughter them and their family. I may have a mental problem but I swear I'm -NOT- fine
- medibooty: Watching this made me realize my graphics in-game are fucking atrocious
- billy bob: don't like the mods :/
- StrawberryJuice Knight: What's your mod list?
- AyyLMAO3: *benny gets attacked* this place is the bee's knees!
- NcrVet: :)
- Forrest Cashion: These mods look really bad...just my opinion
- The Keanu: Any video that ends with Legion scum being massacred is a good video
- claire macfarlane: therandomdot gets you out of some like with jacklyn
- rezaloan: Oh so you just become edgy
- Yekkow: I hate to be that guy but does anyone know what armor he was wearing in this video?
- Louis Caputo: Kisar lol
- WoodDavers: “I started collecting these neat rare caps and made a necklace out of them!” “fucking give them to me”
- NcrVet: yup
- Jasin Kurti: What’s this texture mod he’s using? Looks beautiful
- V-jes: So 1 half is Yosuke's from persona 4 and other Akihiko's from 3? That should really be a mod.
- Penguin Casserole: "I'm here to relieve you." "Oh thanks, I was getting so sick of this." "The sad news is I'm here to relieve you of your life."
- D Vill: 9:53 what
- NcrVet: he is following me around lool
- Keyser Soze: uhm. why does this look so fresh?
- NcrVet: lool
- Rooster Floyd: Paraphrased: Give me the contract or I'll cut off your face and make your sister orgasm while I'm wearing it. Fine, but I'm not happy about it! Cool, now that that's over, what's for sale, my good man? Now I just paraphrased, but can you fucking imagine that in real life? I love that you can just go back to business as usual after making a threat with merchants. I think terrifying presence would be a lot better if it burned bridges. Like you can threaten a bloke with it to get what you want but good luck ever eating or gambling there again. Even better if they occasionally sent hitmen after you a few days later, like a pussy guy who you emasculated would. I imagine he would be saying to himself later before bed, staring at the ceiling, that's probably rotting, "My sister can't even have an orgasm, I tried! Damn, why do I always come up with the perfect comebacks too late!"
- Doctor_Enthusiastic: Swinelias Rosas My favorite is 6:48 when the powder gangers want to rob you
- SpyroSfilms: 0:36 "that dog"
- Apollo Stratis: Powder Ganger- "Give us everything you have and we might let you live" Courier- *Smiles weird* Powder Ganger- FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK
- punishedsuperdragon: i wish i was the courier. i have these sort of thoughts running through my head all the time, but if i said them aloud or acted upon them id either go to jail or have my guts be the ones decorating tents. and i dont get to have any saved games to go back to, at least as far as i know.
- FuryFox: What’s that power armor mod
- StrawberryZA: i dig this crazy slang!
- FIRE3FLY: what do you use for all the plasma effects and stuff in the first clip?
- Hector Suarez: Heartagram it's the better boot sound fx mod on the nexus
- Joffasaur: Hey everyone, a little over 2 years ago NCRVet posted a video titled "Fallout New Vegas Mods: La Longue Carabine Moddable, MD Nurse, Shifting Shadows" I need some help. I cannot find the La Longue Carabine mod (as seen in the video) at all. I know it's been taken down from the nexus, but I was hoping maybe someone here had access to it still. Also, NCRVet if you see this, help would be appreciated.
- Black Inferno: your game would look good if you could see more than 3 feet in front of your face without it being blurry
- Karken: A lot of this comment section is a pissing competition between fanboys
- Insert Clever Name: Why when you get a quest Tex's theme from RvB plays?
- MaverickOrange: @0:42 Important.
- Blind Roach: This perk is alright and all, but if you have that amount of speech *why not persuade them to gtfo*
- MaverickOrange: @5:21 Important.
- Bartolomé Garay: You really saved the best for last. Fucking brutal
- Yeeto Mosquito: With this Perk, You can Become a Bogeyman
- Krismer: what mods do you use?
- Corey Cushinan: yes they truly sound terrified if only they had this dialogue option in fallout 4
- 7 inches soft: the women in your game are quite ample
- Gabriel Meitner: Nice graphics man, which mods did you use for it?
- Farnese Vandimion: Are you using CBBE? Or doesthe Standard game have such a horrible neck seem?
- Bane Pepe: Son of a bitch!
- NcrVet: o_O
- Robbie Phillips: That last one was the best, using turbo + a minigun = maximum carnage... Seriously good looking graphics mods though, If you see this could someone tell me what it's called? I tend to replay this game and favourite DLCs every couple of years. At the minute I'm going for independent vegas but best possible ending for everyone in it. What a game this is
- TheReddDynasty: what's your recommendation for mods bro?
- Axzx xzxA: How do you slow everything down like that while in combat? I just started playing the game.
- bitch: Just the mods you have you probably have a separate computer for playing new vegas lmao
- Kai The Wolf: Le Memestar 😏
- Charlsgunz: Hey dude, do you mind sending me a list of the mods used in this vid?
- Smith Wesson: Ok what's the point of having Terrifying Presence if it doesn't even work half the time?
- Uncle Fester: sweet grafix mods. Looks like Fallout 4
- acevitamin: Bad boy
- alex: his game looks like shit because of the mods
- Jesus Hong: Omg what kind of mods do you have installed? This game looks so good now
- Venge Ance: Dat power armor...
- Commando 723: Where do you get that companion and the plasma rifle and how'd you get terrifying persistence because that's something you get later on the game as a perk?
- Blauze: Not a huge fan of the improved graphics here. removing the HUD in combat doesn't do much for immersion (I mean you're supposed to _know_ if you're hurt anyway) and replacing it with unrealistic blood photoshop brushes... eh. Aside from that, great video.
- Brandon Gonzalez: Wow, that was fucking perfectly executed - that last one with Caesar.
- Michael Cain: 7:42 benny done the cash me ousside before it was cool 😂
- Auxilium: Holy shit your mods
- white hole: what mod did you use
- Abdul Masaiev: Well, see, he just remembered he made a kill that was so good he absolutely has to run back to his people to brag right this instant. It was just this amazing. It's not that he was scared of the courier, he just had this important shit to do, and the fact that it took him in a direction away from the courier (of whom he was TOTALLY NOT SCARED) was obviously just a coincidence
- thechuckman5000: Your mods are dope
- Enclave Dave: What is this legiiiion? Hmmmmmm?
- Saturn Gold: Is this the Ps4 version? Looks pretty sweet.
- Kilo: It's the reaction you have when the guy is looking to snap you in two, pour your blood into a cup, and make a smoothie from your organs.
- Aren Sereathy: ALL THE HOMO
- lone wolf: +Archnid 001 What's the problem with being sad over your dead son?
- Nucleus Tech Guides: the mods tho
- Rod Griese: The Dennis Reynolds perk
- hunter: yo... your shit looks nice
- Sebastian Söze: This is BY FAR the most GORGEOUS mod I’ve ever seen. What on earth do you have?!
- Mr. Yeet Man: Why is this suddenly so different
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- Cozplays: would you tell me your mod list please, the game looks amazin & really nice video thanks :)
- Ragna Bloodedge: how many fallouts do you use in your mod?
- Diego Forth: What are the visual mods usef in this video? :D
- DGneoseeker1: So how did you get combat to go into slow motion without being in VATS? It's been a while since I played this.
- Bahadır Kelav: O my god game looks amazing! Please someone give me mod lists
- YoBoi Frie: The graphics are amazing,how did a modder do this..
- RyanNoBrain 68: How do you do that?
- Agent1W: 11:54 Yeah, that's how the wrath of Caesar really rates before *Frank Horrigan*.
- Awlkd Ural: The real world isn’t a nuked out wasteland filled with giant lizards with big claws or robo-men who kill you for your stuff on a bad day. Besides, the game isn’t meant to be realistic.
- sandfly115: how the fuck is Vulpes gonna have a bear hide hood when all of the bears are mutated af. plus his coat cant be that fresh
- Mr Rieper: "Raise that gun and I'll kill everyone in this room." Now that is badass.
- kiss10354321: perfect decoration in the end...
- DutchGabbers: 10:03 Strong greatly approves.. Seriously man, if I miss one thing in Fallout 4 it is these kinds of dialogue options.. Or with the low intelligence for example.. Those were the things that made Fallout New Vegas as great as it was and still is..
- NcrVet: nasty grandpa its in my top 10 weapon video
- Frosty_TheGreat: what power armor mod is that
- Kesateria Matahari: im too lazy to mod. wish they made enhanced edition already.
- RadRich: 7:40 - cash me ousside girl's father, lol
- Pyrite: what mod you use to the plasma dust?
- BAKASURA: weaaak. I'm way edgier, they should have hired me to write those dialogue options.
- pooD retooP:
- SISYPHUS: Good video but the music is just a bit too loud
- yhx: *degenerates*
- Tran Quang: Is this a graphics mod? Because the game looks awesome
- Complete Satire: Small violin for how bethesda is today
- Some random Templar guy: Is... Is that MOTHERFUCKING *RIDDICK!?*
- ClaytownUSA: I can barley download 10 mods without this damn game crashing constantly and this motherfuckers game runs like a charm lol im cursed
- Josh Siebenthall: Flowers of pock lips
- rlrl2011: What is that power armor mod!? that 51's in 4:53 and that walking animation are awesome !!!
- Jarczenko: Elsa Polindo Pc MaStErRaCE
- Lamp: you quite literally decorated the tent with Caesar's guts.
- Awesome Sauce: Cash me out of this mess....
- Sirduck Ouf The North: what are those mods?
- KoeSeer: is that Fallout 4 PA texture?
- PEPSI MAN: this is gonna be a funny story, so one time when i was playing the original fallout new Vegas, just like the first one in this video i came across these ceases legioners and talk to the idiot that say "oh i not gonna hang you on a cross" so i selected the text that allowed to fight just in time i pulled out my pump action shot gun loaded with AP round shot him in the head and he went flying.
- Mox ಠ ᴥ ಠ: >setscale 1.2
- Tuco Imposter: That's not a dog That's a bear
- James: :)
- c0c0nut: [Terrifying Presence] Nothing personnel, kid.
- kifird: Damn, new vegas is fucking pretty. Too bad I can barely run it over 60 on medium settings. RIP
- Joseph Stalin: is this a mod? the graphics look amazing
- c1ang3r: Your game looks beautiful
- ThatPerson: do you not stream anymore?
- Tyler The Ultimate Badass: 11:48 Welp, he certainly wasn't exaggerating
- Broadcast John: If the game had been developed properly in 64 we wouldn't need a fucking 4GB patcher.
- baldy hardnut: Riddick in the back at 2.08 lol
- Dukhxristov: Dang I did not know you could make fallout new vegas look that good.
- John: Those are some mods
- Doctor: mods please
- Yairo Nieves: 5:17 When the teacher asks a question and everyone tries to avoid eye contact
- VanGraffs: Brothers, help!
- Troodon: "Quest failed: Caesar's Favor" Hmm, wonder why.
- Where's the Freedom?: Wtf did you do to this game? It looks beautiful and ugly at the same time
- Devin Berry: Fudge...because why not.
- Iván Recio: how do i get the terrifying presence perk?
- Xiaoqiu Zheng: Who was the scarred mute girl?
- A Majestic Goose: What is the name of the race you are using that has the shaved head at the beginning? I have drags races but I don't recognize it from the mod
- Darkcelestrian: 11:52 is by far the funniest one to me.
- Toxic Hazza: Courier six is siegepilled
- UnnamedBeast: I think you need a little bit more of DoF
- Keiko: This graphic mod is amazing
- IronMadDog: Take off that skull bandanna, Lame AF. only see that on modern day Anarchistic wannabes( that always get stomped). Good video, nice graphics, funny content.
- Terrible Tanner: The real question is: What was Caesar thinking allowing a power-armoured guest to walk in with a minigun...?
- Neptune. Chill: What is the mods u use
- zmatt007: Well, you didn't lie...you did indeed paint Caesar's tent with his own guts.
- Primm: How do you manage to miss at point blank range with bullet time activate?.. Multiple Times.
- Doctavius: No. NO!
- S T E A M E D H A M: Fun fact=the whole video is just to show off his mods
- NcrVet: who?
- ThatRandomDude Ok: That was a nice paint job shame that was your only one but eh I loved the cherry red painted among caeser's flags of his own kin and to become paint.
- Archnid 001: @lone wolf dude if you know that your child is being kidnapped and you are trapped for a thousand of year you will lost hope and move on in life either you only know about your son from history or lore. have you been see some people in real life that lost there son over kidnapping? within 2 years or 5 years above they already losing hope to find there child seeing fallout 4 story about lost child for a thousand of years is a joke, your son have no lore to connect from the outside world to track down his path or history in order to find him. yet you find him in institute so easy and the worse is the facial animation of your character and dialogue choices is shit instead of become shock all he/she did is cringe face. it looks like a downgraded version of Fallout 3 except for the shiny and shimmering graphics.
- Rodd Howard: Modded game from 7 years ago? Still better graphics than the next Bethesda game.
- 神影Kamikage: "SAND BURIAL!"
- Colton Williams: I like the fashy skull mask.
- One Kek Paddy: Anyone else notice that when he crits someone with an energy weapon, you hear Stinkmeaner's scream from the exorcism?
- SuperShotgun300: NO YOU JUVENILE DELINQUENT IT’S... Riddick
- Theunforgivensoldier: He actually did pretty good with were the red should have gone
- Is Me: Just this makes me wish I could play it.
- Allan Wong: The graphics literally look better than fallout 4
- Stefos: NcrVet, What mod are you using? The current one I have is nice but is still dated graphics wise as well as the interface too.......Thanks
- XenoPrym: Wait why are the graphics so good
- Herr Doktor von Nuremberg: There was another kill to his name. Both he AND his name got fucking wrecked.
- Evan Cooper: Those are some sweet-ass graphics!
- ViNcEnT RoSs: What graphics mod are you using?
- NcrVet: vulpes replacement if he dies in the strip
- Dyslexic: Obviously bait.
- Arkhamfreak217: Gabban? Who is that? How did you get him there?
- no nickname: riddick companion mod?
- DatIsDerGarry: You have some awesome visual mods! Would love to see more gameplay :) Instant Sub!
- Logan: your mods ruined it
- BlueGreyWolf: 5:20 - Oh, Veronica! lmao
- Comrade: Now that is some sexy New Vegas
- Kenichi Abrar Danuardi: It appears your version have way better graphics then mine, which device do you play in?
- Wesgu Meya: There a mod list for what you used for the video, wouldn't mind my hands on the minigun..
- Sanjak Pitakrat: Reminds me of the good old days in Mass Effect when being a renegade shepard was still a thing
- ZTG: The visuals are so good!
- Dizzyfatpigeon: Vulpes look like he switched to pimping with that fur headdress
- Lawrenz Adlawan: mod list please
- PrezidentTrump: Please for the love of god what mods are these?
- Kira: 5:02 power armor mod?
- Joe Pesci: 8:20 who the fuck is this guy lol
- jose jimenez: can we get as Mod list please i want whatever you have it would butter my toast and boil my tea
- jordi elbo: +Killer4741 a truly beautiful comment
- Todd Blackmon: You better hide ya little rascals when ol' Benny rolls into to town. He'll charm those dames right outta the cradle.
- Ass Balm: hahah best ending; love that mod too
- Jonathan Huerta: "You've got five seconds to get out of my sight before I shove that rifle where the Sun don't shine." "Son of a bitch!"
- wuffmeister 55: The "terrifying presence" dialogue options are just cringy. Even some of the normal ones seem more threatening. And that is supposed to be good writing?
- Outcast Next door: is that a ps4
- cyberianrave: am i hearing the fo1 soundtrack
- Volder: does eneyone have a copy of the bos power armor mod he used with a link pls
- IamCmD: doesnt the voice actor for tomas do reverse flash also in injustice?
- Mir-Khayr Tillah: You have a fine collection of mods there! Can I ask? what are those mods?
- mean mole: The ending was a masterpiece!
- Matt Jusserand: *Brothers, help.*
- MA_DD: These mods man WHOA, makes everything amasing!!!
- b r u h: Yooooo what type of texture pack do you have? Its soooo fukin clear man
- AKlover: Bad writing in an otherwise serviceable story.
- Austrian Leninist: Why the hell is Vulpes wearing a bear on his head? Like I get it, fuck the NCR, but he is called Vulpes for a reason.
- Jmanuiop YT: Legionaries, we have a problem!
- Jeremy Sullivan: That was sad when you took the dudes necklace
- Uncle Fester: I will cast down your codex and bask in the agony of all those who hold it dear
- Wasteland Cookie: I prefer original astetics
- Heinrich Sallows: Awesome!
- Floofie kun: 6:48 *Cock your head and grin* Shit man, that was just a gesture and the dudes fucking crapped themselves.
- RedReign: Why does this have better graphics then Fallout 4? Good job Bethesda
- PapaBray: Damn these graphics mod packs are fantastic
- Caleb Calvert: Hi there, I just messaged you (privately) on YouTube, and look forward to hearing back soon!
- Theunforgivensoldier: How’d you get the details like they are currently please tell me
- Big Smungus: Too many mods
- Slothman 17: What kind of free download game is this I don’t know if it’s computer that’s messed up or what but it doesn’t look right and it looks animated weird
- Chaos Wolf: NcrVet what is the armor in the video?
- Deniz Julian T.: Butterbrot
- Zenpai mN: “Like smooth babies” Wtf Benny
- Mitch Roha: They look great mofo
- funnyman: "gonna wear your head like you wear that dogs" >boy thats a bear
- NcrVet: lool
- LightwithintheShadow: NCRVet where did you get the Power Armor replacer that makes them more akin to Fallout 4? I'd like to give it a whirl.
- Doom Guy: it's a mod. not sure which one but he has several mods he uses listed in the description
- MrChickenStrips: I don't like this mod.
- Scottish Enshightenment: I haven't played/watched someone play FNV in a long while, and by Adnraste's panties, what are these mods? The game looks so fresh!
- Mauro Batista: What's the name of that Fallout 4Power Armor mod?
- Jehova's Abettor: Didn't know one could make New Vegas look that good. Cheers!
- Implzcity: Modding older games like this makes them look better than some of the newer games. This looks so much better than my vanilla new Vegas version haha 💪
- tbhnkleeh: 2:20 what is riddick doing there?
- NekoFoxLvr: what gun is he using in that first scene? I want
- Kassandra M: some of the worst voice acting i've seen. they seem far more bored than they do scared.
- Uliiizaer: *Cash me outta this mess!*
- pancakeman54: B-B-BLOODY SCREEN (so real)
- Connie: B-but... 'Vulpes' means 'fox...' why is he wearing a bear? Looks cool, though. Thanks for the horror.
- Emppu T.: 5:17 lol those guys in power armor
- NcrVet: 980ti with a i7
- ᅚ ᅚ: AAND the legionaries
- Theboy202: @NcrVet can you please make more NV videos man theres no goods with your flavor of having a heavily modded game by the way do you have TTW installed?
- Paladin Ezrah: why do you hardly ever make videos anymore???
- memes on the go: 1:13 r/hmmm
- Aidan Lol: VanGraffs You can just hear the emotion radiating and filling your ears with the simple cry of "no". It brought me to tears the first time I witnessed it, and it still does that to me today.
- Aaron Kanala: Cock your head and grin.
- Nikola Petrović: I tried modding my game to look like this, it crashed every 5 minutes.
- RadRich: Lol, 02:09 - what is Riddick doing there?
- king budley: I need this game remastered god damnit
- Caesarslegion1: ITwas Chill out buddy.
- soldier660: Run...
- Entity: They don't sound very terrified XD
- Bluemilk92: Holy shit, it looks amazing!
- anothersettlement: 11:59 you weren't kidding
- Keter Op: Music name that starts at 3.21?
- The Murk: your game looks great, could I ask what mods you are using. Or do you have like a video with all the mods you use. I'm kinda new with modding.
- p4p #1 casual mma fan/mcgregor army general: I'm a new sub and I have a quick question, which enb do you prefer? Overgrowth or oxide?
- Sock: Lasroha Panjaitan "Graphics are even better than FO4," I really hope you're joking.
- SneakyBeaky1: Osmaer It is
- Werewolf Hoster: where did u get the outfit?? mod??
- Mizchief: Sometimes, you just got to shut the fuck up. Lmao
- Adebayo Akinfenwa: What in the GoDdAmN
- Reaper Panda: Except for the ending.
- trapbuilder2: 1:58 Alright, hand over your valuables, or i'll gut you like a fish.
- T.M.I Xen0: i miss you daddy come back
- FRAQ: 10:20 *dab*
- DJ Weapon: What mod is that f4 power armor redesign?
- Jonathan Fey: I’m still amazed by how mods make the game look
- Peyton Fitchie: Lmao having the black widow perk and meeting Benny really gets some amazing dialogue
- Drinkin Buddy: You did end up decorating the tent with his guts 😂
- supleted: 5:19 Brotherhood Paladin: ...okay, so we have 4 well armed men with high tech weapons going up against a wastelander who threatened us out of nowhere. The best course of action at the moment would be to surrender and hope I don't get killed.
- Gavin Deerwesterg: Any other mods you used in the video other than the visuals
- BigDADDY40592: it's too much mods in my load manager to think and not enough liquor in my bottle to drink
- 0ktober: 07:25
- Slender Spy2: what in the gosh dang?
- Knightfr: Terrifying Presence perk is something i will miss in fallout games
- epicfortnitegamer2321: I wish my NV looked like that
- tatuira93: Edgy as a bag of razorblades, but I'll be damned if it ain't Fallout-y.
- Deidre The Humble: +memes on the go same...
- X hard rocker: whats the background music
- Alexander Plechov: WHAT ARE THOSE MODS. This game looks better than fallout 4 lol
- BTC: I would support a patreon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Javier Thompson: dying light outfit
- leloopwoMemes: The moment after terrifying presence dialogue they just duck xD
- Greavios Greave: Sorry for the late comment but what mod/mods do you use
- Hollow Knowledger: bad luck for me cause i kill all of the brotherhood of steel cause they are just as same as the communist only the ncr is nice so fuck the brotherhood of steel and legion
- Foxtrot Gaming: That outfit looks like the one from dying light
- Lemons: Is that fucking Riddick as your companion?
- LibertySandwich: this looks better than FO4
- Il Lupo Lucio: *click* noice
- Professor Eggnog: Vin '' Mudafukin' '' Diesel
- Mercury: Im kind of meh on these graphics you know, on one hand irs awesome, looks like FO4, but there are a ton of things that dont load in b/c the graphics are so high, idk
- Arbiter: God damn, I don't know how you made the game look worse, but you did.
- Kuriz Guy: "I am pale Death come to bear you to perdition." *CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN*
- Die TV: 7:10 best voice acting in video game history
- FreedomPuppy: 0:40 Does that problem include the Courier not knowing the difference between a bear and a dog?
- Paul Abe: Vulpes had a bear on his head due to the mod so the dialogue makes no sense
- Semi Retard: whats the song playing from 6:18 onwards?
- Henry Do: +4f52 Uhm No... you can explore the wasteland as much as you like, even completing the Auld Lang Syne/BOS quest thingy + any DLC before you even cross the damn river to meet Ceasar salad guy. So it's not broken, it's just they had to cut half of the game so many features might had actually taken into account the player's gears
- Anubhav Chaudhary: how the hell is it looking so high def!?
- Grand Master Autist Wizard: Read siege?
- Robert johnson: Fallout new vegas? this is real life recordings how can you believe this is a game when this is clearly the real deal
- Key Lime: Unidentified Being fallout 4 is garbage
- Xanderex: Who wouldnt be scared of somebody with Riddick following them.
- Ludarito27: [Confirmed Bachelor] Kiss NCRvet for releasing a mod video.
- Big Fat Juicy Wang: 7:18 that man sounded like he was in a lot of pain
- Eggswardon: NcrVet yeah im looking at ur mods you really made it look great jesus
- Green Beats: so how exactly would i apply this graphical mod for new vegas? it looks amazing, it would definitely make me want to play the game again
- The Conquistador: Courier: *cock your head and grin* Chavez: Run!!! Lmfaoo one of the most badass moments
- erttheking: "I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog." Vulpes: *Is wearing a bear skin*
- Gorkinou: Clint motherfucking Eastwood
- Mordec 101: Kaiser's Legion huh?
- picklesrevenge: 11:54 til the end was just so badass.
- 311 Man: Looks like you did decorate the tent with his guts
- Zach Steiner: An interior decorator is you!
- ShumaiAxeman: I need Riddick as a companion. I didn't know this until now hahahahaha
- William Chadwick: 12:10 Just a misunderstood interior decorator.
- The Big Picture Of Reality: Oh God, Oh Man, Oh God, Oh Man, Oh God, Oh Man × 💯!
- Jamie c: No its a toaster obviously
- SCP-049: No. Even though you'll probably get it soon anways because you're at 9.5k likes. I hate the mods you have installed that make FO:NV look like some brand new game. The regular FONV looks is classic and gives the game a lot of charm.
- GoksengWeneng: Why does his fallout look so good? Is it mod?
- Naichin: PRX He has a video detailing his mod setup
- One Metal Boi: No, I came seeking yours skirt boy.
- RustColoredTampon 69: So people really say catch as cash
- Daniel Frohm: 11:48 And so you did.
- Alec Azadi-Hocking: 7:17 what plasma rifle variant is that??
- Connor Quarmby: Wow...dude would you be able to tell me or maybe make a video (unless you already have) about the mods you use? This looked awesome.
- Snazzy Feathers: What are your computer specs?
- Mr Rieper: That last one was like something out of Rambo.
- The Ranger: Hey NcrVet, what are your specs?
- maxumusprime: "Another kill to my name!" *RUNS THE FUCK AWAY*
- Matthew Melange: Are you playing with some sort of VFX mod?
- UberChili: >"The name's Thomas" That lowers your intimidation to like 1/10
- EndLessDream: "That i decorate this tent with your guts" I thought he meant that _figuratively_ not _literally_
- Nol Dragon: Oh god the madman, he really DID decorate the tent with his guts !
- Skull Bulldozer: the mods he used or some of them are in the description
- Mark Esmond: AMAZING
- Toucan Sam: I had that same thought
- Redelex: any chance you can tell me what armour your character is wearing please would really appreciate a response thank you :D
- Matthew Porras:
*thinks of majin vegeta* - AnimeLover 7372: The terrifying presence is kinda pointless because by the time I actually unlocked it I already encountered all the people it can be used on
- Sebastian G.: This motherfucker has Vin Diesel as his companion
- Things seen: Almost 7 years later and I'm still irrationally angry that "Vulpes Inculta's head" isn't a wearable helmet
- Razi: lol its just way overdone man. sounds really unimmersing to have all those instruments constantly playing. seems too dramatic at some parts, like there's constantly supposed to be some ominous tension or action going on. a lot it might just be the volume too though
- Focus Support pls: this looks better than fallout 4 wtf
- Holy Powerade: Holy cow what mods do you have installed?
- BSWL Black: what mod made the remnants power armor look so good?
- Insane Yuri: Shit
- PRX: hey what graphical mods do you use?
- Overwatch Support Main: 0-100 Real quick perk
- ITwas: Went from this to fallout 4 huh...
- southparkkenny2: Terrifying Presence isn't a mod, its part of the regular New Vegas as a perk. Once you have completed Cass' quest, the Silver Rush remains permanently hostile towards you. The only way to stop that is to load a save from before finishing the quest or to start a fresh game. If you kill the Silver Rush owners, their weapons should show up in the vendotron's inventory (the robot outside the Gun Runners) after a few days.
- Benjii: The mods you use make your game look so ugly
- Crimson Crawling: And the male protag And some of the npcs Fuck it, 50% of men are sasuke!
- Scout Pilgrim: Holy shit how does ur NV look so good? What mods do u have?
- First Last: Which badass mods are you using?
- Arthur Igino: Yeah, he definetely is e..e'
- Fiodor Marandici: Well you really decorated his tent with his guts and with extra blood. (Terrifying Presence)
- DJ Jacket: What Combat mods are in this video?
- NEON NEON: What mods do you use
- Pager Guy: Tobisaru he died a hero
- FuryFox: What are your pc specs and are those all your mods
- cyberianrave: graphical mods list?
- มะนาว แป้น: This is why vegas is better than 4
- Alec Jacobsen: Your game looks absolutely stunning. What mods do you have to make it look that amazing?
- Asbestos Fish: holy fπck *I'M TAKING THAT PERK*
- Raeku: Seems like a pretty shit perk.
- Daniel Bintang: Doom guy incarnate in earth...
- Dark Hellsong: did you have to remove the *21 days later* theme song? duude... fuck youtube.
- Lime: *This is a fucking mailman*
- Sweepy: 7:13 "skirt boy" im fuckin dead
- The Chosen Moose: Sounded like Oblivion
- Closo Tezuka: Toaster he's intimidating not smart
- Vittor De Castro: Wtf, how modded is this Fallout NV?
- tataveve_angel 大火: 11:53 ... again. who the fuck let the minigun wielding walking tank enter the fucking ceasar tent without being striped first?
- CaptainJaxParrow: god, so ugly
- Veteran Decanus: ApocalypticFallout I know this comment is 6 months old but thanks! I’ve been looking for that.
- Christian Abbott: HD New Vegas? How?
- Wanye Kest: if trevor phillips played fallout
- retIcle_1999: Holy Shiva what are your mods?! I want my NV to look and play like yours!
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- dethcon5002: "Im going to wear your head like you wear that dog's." *Vulpes is wearing a bear pelt* What a strange looking dog.
- Badger Airsoft: Why does it play the RVB Tex fight music?
- Absolute Heretic: "OH GOD HELP US!" "ANOTHER KILL TO MY NAME!" *Runs in terror, gets shot with Fatman*
- Pizza Parker: 0:37 is that...? Isn't that from the Song: Agent Tex? From Red Vs Blue?
- scraggle and the 27: funnyguy3D creative. Come up with that one yourself?
- Nope Nothing: What mod is this
- Eggswardon: what mod do you use for your power armor????
- Neon Eclipse: 11:51 and he did
- Somewhat Shallow: your game looks terrible...
- Miguel Ângelo: Which mods you use?
- sir cartman: NcrVet That sucks dude
- The Entire State of Minnesota: Tomas in Fallout New Vegas is like Kent Connolly in Fallout 4. You just like him because there is something about him that’s different. Kent for some reason hasn’t met Vault-Tec Rep even though they are like 1 building apart which makes no sense
- kmz: "Another kill to my name!" **runs away**
- Racko's Lair: This guy has a fucking Vin Diesel following him EDIT: Holy shit the likes
- David Mailloux: what is your mod for those badass power armors ? *_*
- Lev Blank: NcrVet what is the kill music mod?
- Your Friendly Neighbourhood Slav: That name is perfect
- Wateo: He meant it when he said he'll paint the tent with his guts LOL!
- Mr. Cheemps: Go commit die
- Archnid 001: @lone wolf now we have Fallout 76 which has no more great story and the S.P.E.C.I.A.L will be useless anymore, perks are no longer unlockable through S.P.E.C.I.A.L. But you need to grind for a perks or buy it in micro-transaction and they called it a "Cards Packs" good job bugtestda.
- MajorLamb: This is how the game should look when the fallout 4 New Vegas remake is finished
- Siegberg91: Lordmastermind 1 thats the worst kind of people you know they should be no Problem but they really are
- 4f52: +Everyone's favorite neighbourhood nazi It's not a design problem when you have to cheat to reach such ridiculous situations.
- Swinelias the Gamer: 1:13 mah kind of place (sees skeleton head spining)
- geckOS: reupload?
- Alex Seriath: 1:27 This is Yasuo before he traveled to the Summoner's Rift, feel old yet?
- Ivan Solodyankin: Why the fuck everything is so bright?
- Jim Fancy-pants: Your mods are fucking awsome it looks like it was made in 2015-2016 instead of 2010. Please add your mod list plz
- Meh: 5:25 are they shitting themselves inside those suits?
- Jimmy De'Souza: Those visual mods really look nice together.
- NcrVet: they are ports from fo4
- Yuu Takemiya: NV Special Edition Please!
- fairNhight: i fucking knew that was yasuo
- Lewis Archer: “Did you come seeking your death profligate?” “I came seeking yours, skirt boy.” Oh how I love the terrifying presence perk
- HOSS_PLAYS __: Seeing this makes Fallout 4 almost unplayable
- jUUlian: Why the reupload?
- prone2 laff: why does the graphics look soooo great
- Reacionário Marcio: Whats is the music theme in 04:33?
- Henry Wray: this looks ugly. High Rez Dog Turd
- AquaticSkipper: Joj oh you're one of those people, I hope no one ever has to work with you
- Lust Noel: Why do I remember seeing something like this years ago instead of last year
- Cowboycomando54: 12:00 Thumbs down you son of a bitch!
- TAW Exoskeleton: dude wtf is that mods. too beautiful to be played again!. can you tell me the name of the mods you are using in the video ?
- Ncr veteran ranger: Decade Gamers could you send me the link to his channel
- Chase D.: The music really added a lot of emotional value. Nearly shit myself reading the lines, goddamn. Five fucking gold stars, soldier.
- Hikage of Crimson Squad: Yeah, the game is basically Yuri Lowenthal and Liam O' Brien simulator lmao
- Jane Poliski: Is that Digital Nightmare I hear? Nice soundtrack isn't it?
- Unidentified Being: Nick Valentine >>>>>>>> Any character in New Vegas
- Nova: I think that music that randomly played was from Red vs Blue.
- Dabbing Vault Boi Puppet: that power armor mod is inacurate x01 and advanced power armor arent the same
- Hat Man: *brothers help*
- HoteliouS: Whats the hud tho
- SolnijkoLuchistoye: This is so fucking badass
- Karl Mosbo: Oh my god what mods are you using I want them I need them
- CryoOptimistic: THOSE GRAPHICS THOUGH. What mod did you use to make it look like fucking Arma 3?
- Abyssmo: I could have sworn you uploaded this kind of video before, the only difference here is the ENB and some of the armor some of the characters are wearing.
- heirofaniu: Why have I never taken this perk before?
- Bread George: no mods
- NcrVet: & like a million other roles lool
- Lupo Exulans: ahhhh Thats "Digital Nightmare" in the background, I love it...and the whole video shows well why you dont mess With The Courier Six
- S T E A M E D H A M: jk its sarcasm dont get angry
- chad wizzle: Anybody else just completely waste these idiots everytime you show up to nipton?
- Lew Avenue: RIDDICK?! IS THAT YOU?
- Animal Peeper: Who Is A Good YouTube Comments Section? Yeaahhh.... Who Is A Good YouTube Comment Section That Wants Check Out My Channel? Yeahhhh.....
- Mikołaj Smoleński: What was that voice that said 'my kind of place' in 1:14
- Muhammad Alam Khan: Can ya list all the mods you used?
- POINT/LESS: When you have so much mods, that courier starts to talk like Riddick
- ShadowGamingHQ: Hello
- nick: what mods do you have?
- NcrVet: I actually have tons of gameplay & previous streams on my channel thanks for the sub:)
- Robert: Whats the fuck power armor mod are you using i need it!
- Slidy Lizard: That, is one beautiful ENB
- Chris Burns: Lent you ot Sofia for different aior
- 12BJJohnson: Some sick fuck came up with these lines lmao.
- Wolf Gangster: The "-Cock your head and grin-" is fucking amazing.
- Rowan Martineau: This... is much better graphics than I get ;v
- Memezeek: 3:20 Soundtrack is godlike. What's it called?
- GODZILLADRAGON111: Nice decorating.
- FauxTomBrady: Shit graphics shit broken game
- Smith Wesson: +android 69 k there's that
- Game Junky: So this where riddick chose to hideout.
- Gigi: ''Get Fucked" -Driver Nephi
- Owen Razmus: < Cock your head and grin. >
- cats playing jazz: *S K I R T B O Y*
- KitKatAlex: How are the graphics so good? Mod?
- Crimson Soldier: I want your mod list.
- The Conductor: D o m i n a n c e.
- Shark Raven: What graphics mods are these
- Reese Overington: jesus christ how many mods
- Jake781268162 81279: What sort of daemon did you create
- N0MAD3 The Mad Lad: What mods do you use?
- Hello There I’m shrek: Your new Vegas doesn’t look like new Vegas
- DainBramaged 4Lyf: [Cannibal/Terrifying Presence] It's so nice to MEAT you! >:D
- Merium II: 7:34 I dug myself out of that grave to plant you in yours... alive, Benny
- Зачем мне имя?: Oh, i've got it.
- Serasia: Nice. You really gave it to those Brotherhood freaks. They deserved it. The other Brotherhood guys are okay, but those four either deserved death or a good soul crushing.
- Claudio Diegoli: +XenoX Bot >hopefully Fallout 76 won't sucks Damn boy
- Will Volkman: get fucked
- jeFF Fury: Hahahahahaha 10:13 - "Another kill to my name!" *while running away from the potential kill... And then "the kill" whips out the Fat Man and blast them off the face of the planet, brilliant moment! :D
- Armonis: ...this doesn't even look like New Vegas. Well done with those mods.
- Syropek 555: What's the music on 3:29
- TheGuyWhoCantFly: The one at 6:38 is still my favourite
- Coffee Fox: Why is Vulpes wearing a bear?
- Nipple Collector: anyone know the mod/perk that turns people into skeletons when they die by energy weps? i got nearly 120 hours and havent seen ti before
- Brother Of Steel: What armor is Vulpes wearing ? I need that mod !!!
- mrquackadoodlemoo: 0:37 Is.....Is that the Agent Tex theme?
- Michał Suntharam: Oh, so he cracked his neck?
- I lost my diamonds in minecraft pls help me: Four brotherhood of steel paladins in a full power armor are scared shitless when some little wimp comes around and says something mean to them.
- Enderborn: Imagine tying someone up then putting a goddamn bullet in his head and then burying him six feet deep only for him to come back from the dead a few years later with a thirst for your blood and one sentence : "I dug myself out of that grave to plant you in yours, Benny ..."
- Charlie Murphy: Terrifying presence is so badass
- kevin beem: This is beautiful gameplay
- NcrVet: I got doom sounds installed lool
- Nick Lanni: I love the concept of this perk but can't bring myself to use it, cuz holy shit some of that dialogue was written by a bleeding edge 2009 school shooter with at least 9 trenchcoats in his closet
- Buske: *B R O T H E R S , H E L P*
- Mack Masters: Dude that power armor scene was seriously fucking menacing, damn.
- Corporal Betsy: Is there any place I can find this guys mod list?
- crackshack2: strong aesthetic mods
- ARCH DORNAN: the words were so scary he was forced to go after his teammates. what a noob.
- Nick Pennisi: why does it look so different??? it looks so much better!
- Zachery Weaver: god those talking animations are better than the actual video
- jeffrey murray: What fucking mods do you use
- Tyler Jaynes: Your game looks BEAUTIFUL I could easily see myself conceiving a strong beautiful son to your videos
- Aidan Lol: Hurricane must've been one hell of a scary grin.
- Doomtrigger: "Cocks head and grins" RUN!
- Mysterious Person: WHAT KIND OF CRAZY SHIT HAVE YOU PUT ON THAT COMPUTER? Because its really nifty :D
- Fëa: What visual(s) mod did you use in 10:55 to make the Remnants Power Armor look like an actual power armor?!
- Kemal Farezy: amazing mod
- TNO x Retro: I’ve never seen nv this mod heavy I always enjoyed playing and watching the vanilla but this looks cool I should try
- Manuel Tokić: Why do people feel the need to ruin a good video with shitty music? I will never understand that. I liked the video, but here, have a dislike.
- A: Which graphics mod is the one making this look like 4?
- Bowsette the Princess: I hope you upload more. I like these videos
- TebowJitt: Mods, because new vegas is garbage on its own.
- I CantFindMyDad: did u re up?
- Xiphos: I've looked through the mods you listed, but can't figure out which one it was that made your character models look so good. What mod affected the character models like that?
- Niko: "What were you thinking?" "That i'd decorate this tent with your guts" *proceeds to mutilate him with a minigun, yet somehow getting him to FUCKING EXPLODE INTO A RED FOUNTAIN*
- MOON CITY GAMING: Dam jacklyn you looking fine
- Dr_ Richtofen: Or it could be Duke Nukem possessed by the devil, although that is technically Doomguy.
- Luke Vu: my favorite is *cocks head and grins*
- X War killer: I like the mod it makes everything cooler
- Isaac Chay: SON OF A BITCH
- TrojanPiece: wow I'd like your modlist
- NcrVet: its in the nasty grandpa mod
- Jimmy McJonkins: HOLY mods. & that original Fallout ost... noice 👌
- DJQ 15: 4:19
- king tiger: To be fair, bears are just big fat dogs
- Nick Jones: Are you using Riddick's voice?
- Lev Blank: sound mod?
- cr4yv3n: Dude! Sick mods
- Hollow Knowledger: The Book Nerd sad but true
- Julian Strong: Benny basically said cash me ousside howbowdah
- Cagan Oz: "Brothers, help." The fear that lies within his voice... Incredible.
- Triozero1: 12:00 Did exacly what you promised few seconds before....
- Mustang Rider: Whats the first soundtrack ?
- Mauricio Aguilar: Still wondering. :(
- Cole Philip: Æsir Well, yeah, that may be a bit unnecessary for me to say it's shitty, but to be frank, there is a (slight) positive correlation between using an outdated engine and of it being shitty (aesthetically at least).
- MisterEffYou: This fucking skin is awesome Looks better than fallout 4
- ezra: your mods are awesome dude
- The uggster: Why does new vegas look better than 4
- Huesudo: "Im going to decorate this tent with your guts" 12:16 tent decorated with guts
- blyat: Om gawd tee gafics
- Molech Siren: i love ur mods set up <3
- El Jefe: The graphics were so good I thought it was fo4
- Fairbank Otter: Wow, the updated graphics look like arse.
- Makenzie Brennan: The voice acting in this game goes from bad to decent.
- nevermore: why the fuck did i hear vin diesel
- Derek Miller: How many mods did it take to achieve this look for New Vegas? Its like a totally different game.
- AquaticSkipper: Joj maybe I've gotten too used to being around adults?
- Leo Ghiran: What footstep mod are you using?
- LightwithintheShadow: @ThisIsNotMyRealSelf Funny enough, I got that already a bit after I made this original comment. :3
- Cowtastic: when u angery!!1!11!
- JustSomeGuy: it's like playing Krieg from borderlands 2
- EH7: God damn your game is beautiful.
- MrGunnyjack11: What mods are you using???
- sweatermonster: what mods were used?
- Robert: I'll send you the link. The mod was originally on 'Gunetwork' But you can download it of Reddit thankfully.
- lainoobx: Gimme that mod
- N8THEGR8: 12:16 nice renovation
- Michał Suntharam: what does "cocking your head" mean?
- Nathan D'Eon: wtf is that overhaul
- Past Outcast: Your mods 😍
- the real slim shady: Doomed Gamer Fuck off
- Arshad Hoque: 2:15 is that Riddick?
- Mark Baker: lmao!
- Edward Polo: Lol, no matter what mod you install, Grecks head still looks like it's attached to his body
- Tirion Fordring: brothers help
- Itz Sosa: Is no one gonna notice Tex's theme when hes about to say something?
- dat one thicc gurl: what the hell did you do to the game?!
- NeuroXtreme: The last scene is just glorious.
- Fiona Fox: Great video but I'd never do that to Christine in Sierra Madre
- TheGreatestWorldFox: He sure knows where a hit to the psyche is the most painful. Poor paladins.
- AyyLMAO3: 7:43
- Spaceman: now the new solid project is here ncr vet
- Riothead: Mods??
- jadhsyjhduyhjy: list of all mods pls
- Kilo: PM two options with clearly labeled black and white morality that lead to the same result as long as you are either a goody two shoes or an absolute asshole the entire game. There’s almost no room to make mistakes, there’s no gray choices, you can’t a total asshole to everyone and everything but as long as you’re good at it people will still love you which is retarded. It’s so hard to fail winning the respect of your team that the suicide mission is a walk in the park. Just as long as you don’t dare play a character who is actually complex with a morally grey outlook as you switch between nice and asshole choices. Compare it to something as simple yet beautiful as Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s dialogue system and tell me which one you prefer.
- Lex Mark: Cool, mods are absolutely badass. Looks amazing!
- Dev Nord: Wtf Vulpes Inculta looks so different
- U562: Ugh. Those mods are gross.
- Elsa Polindo: What the hell? I have this game for xbox 360 and it doesnt look anything closer to this. This graphics are way improved. Is this PC?
- AquaticSkipper: Can you give me your mod list?
- J Williams: Raka Pratama plot holes
- FallensAnger: I seen si many off these videos over does 5 years why don't they ever end
- Ihndcihbde hxubdeihcbdeih: Maybe he is related to Chuck Norris
- derby: awesome texture quality, what mod is it?
- Deus ex Capsicum: *Que os follen* Yeah, Spanish, don't like it? Then fuck off
- Зачем мне имя?: how did you get that beautiful power brotherhood's armor? what's that mod?
- Naomi !: Big dick energy
- Matthew Fiore: great job with the video. also what mini gun is that?
- Dick Dastardly: *
* - Little Ant: That second time on the legionary outpost your guy said I will wear you like you wear that dog's. The thing was the guy you were talking to didn't have a dog hat...
- dotEXCEL: what mods are you using, can you make a modlist, please?
- zonilo1: I guess Terrifying Presence perk are for those who are doing a "Kill Everyone" playrhrough making your character into a monster.
- southparkkenny2: Its really just for roleplaying as a psychotic character, its only really helpful a couple of times outside of that reason.
- Diego Rodriguez: Dem ghraphics
- Reality Check: Jacklyn I remember was black
- RAGE AGAINST THE WORLD: The fuck kinda heroine-hashed mods did you plague your game with?
- ngentotsemua: \*cock your head and grin\*
- Arseniy Yavorśkyi: .::: 💀💀💀 Darker, edgier 💀💀💀 :::.
- Blanco: yo ncrvet there is a guy stealing your videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsGIDy0U2yOGMBrBKEe64Sw yo someone confirm this so i does not look like im a liar
- Benjamin Rogoff: What's the name of this mod?
- zermal 330: Hey man I've been watching your channel for a while and love your videos!, can you tell me your pc specs? Plz reply
- Tʜᴇ Pʀoxʏ Ⓧ: Loved the Vin Diesel (Riddick) mod. I wonder why no one has made it for Fallout 4 yet.
- Felipe González: What mod do you use for that energy weapon-deaths? EVE?
- HunterTheAndrew: I hate this with mods u ruined it
- Rogueixpresents: Tomas' voice sounds like Yasuo from league of legends hmmm
- Snoop Bubbles: this makes me realize how much of the game you are gonna miss on a random playthrough. the mojave looks and feels completely empty sometimes but really its filled to the rim
- Luke Bryer: i like to imagine characters with the terrifying presence perk covered in blood and gore, and any response other than the terrifying presence ones are more out of fear than cooperation.
- Jack Gale: ur mods make the game look trash
- fortnite gang gang: Um, was that Riddick? There's a mod to have him as a companion?
- broadcalf31181: Why does the game look terrible
- Logan Burnette: This is the coolest fallout video I’ve ever seen holy shit
- Laura VB.: Will definitely be looking into some of these mods. But I love that you decided to literally paint Caesar's tent with his guts~ that made me indescribably happy.
- GooseTeamSix: "Cock yoir head and grin"
- Nitrocide: What in the actual fuck did you do to peoples faces? Vulpes looks borderline repulsive, goddamn
- Grim Reaper: First off, it's I've heard, not seen. You don't see voices. Second thing. I am sick and tired of seeing this for every fucking game. Love the fact that everyone is a god fucking movie and acting critique master. Point out a fucking game with better voice acting then. Because I can point out at least a dozen way worse. Front mission evolved, Spiderman Web of Shadows, most Metal Gear games. These are a few examples.
- Fawkes.: Van diesel -'FUCK"
- The Precursor: Does it look this good because of mods?
- Game Junky: Vulpes: *holds up a traffic cone* protect me cone!!
- Everyone's favorite neighbourhood nazi: Because the game doesn't expect you to wear it that early lol. Same reason a group of granny's thouged they could best me up or a thug with a rusty revolver could mug me. Top notch game design lads!
- cyanogen_iodide: Liek sm00th little baybees ;D
- Timmothee Walton: It's just very very enhanced graphics
- majomember1000: I must know your modlist
- funnyguy3D: Kassandra M प्रियदर्शी Kill yourselves.
- Mr Homosexual: You should tongue his mouth for making that video
- Michael Hutchinson: How did you get that gun
- Seth: Music too loud and annoying. Mods were kind of annoying too. Didn't even look like the original game at all
- Maxobb: Why do you sound like Vin Diesel?
- Steven Bonnell: *cocks head and grins* heh....... *teleports behind you* *sheathes blade, causing you to explode in a shower of blood* easy........ *dashes away*
- joacovo1: "Nothing personal, kid"
- Ikitojo -_-: why does vulpes look like tom hardy? XD
- Timmothee Walton: Stop......Just......Stop
- Grim Reality: 3:21 What's that song called?
- Jojo Hoochimama: I don't remember a NV expansion for skyrim, that shit looks too good
- Mr.RedpandaTM: this look like fallout 4 graphic omg,
- Killa Beans: Lululul “Skirt boy”
- makitstop: thats a nice graphics overhaul
- Asbestos Fish: To make a _legionary,_ who will walk to their own death with sword raised, who use crucifixion and torture as a regular punishment, to cry for mercy? Christ, you must look like death itself. Or a pissed off deathclaw on psycho.
- Terry Valencia: what's the graphics mod
- BZAKether: can you put the mods and ENB that you are using in the description of your video? I think that I know which ones are but I bet you'll have people asking about it in no time.
- Suds: The new fallout is fucking shit compared to Nv and 3.
- Azax: Why do mutated people like Grecks seem to value life so much? I mean he's been turned into a monster for crying out loud, and his eyes look useless.
- Houston Helicopter Tours Inc.: unrealistic violence 😂
- android 69: You get to roleplay as a pyscho.
- Don Qco: 11:56 at least you kept true to your word.
- Fruitcalculus: Jeez this looks terrible, the contrast is all fucked
- The Eggplant Mage: brothers help
- S.S Bathtub: From what I seen the Legion is the only one that attacked
- Dirtperson789: Sick never even new that existed
- ShuffleTheF0x: Dude your mod setup is beautiful
- Manomed: >ncr vet
- Kyle Isbart: It’s bullshit I did not hit her, I did not.
- Prpdod: Oblivion npc.
- The Real Elvis: Whoa, whoa... you're using some detail mods here, right? Doesn't look normal.
- urmintrude: i wish i had a smart pc just to run this game with nice mods
- Kaden Smidt: 7:40 "Cash me outta this mess, howbou dah?"
- Lord Solaire: There should have been a perk with this one : overkill
- James Mcbrierty: This is possibly the greatest perk in Any fallout game well this and wild wasteland.
- VISUAL Blood: Wheres the full mod list?
- Kilo: I'd take some bad voice acting if it means I get actual choices dialogue trees and not the mass-effect style BS that is 4.
- KomoWp: Is that a fucking riddick?
- Mauricio Aguilar: +The Auburn Beard Thank you!
- android 69: D I E
- Danplays: 0:01 Why does you guy sound like his is a combine soldier from half life?
- Furio Giunta: 5:43 MMMEEDICCC!
- jeFF Fury: How modded this NV game is, ffs??
- Sky not the one that does minecraft: Why does it seem that Liam O'Brien voices half of the characters that can be scared?
- antonio39777: *ANOTHER KILL TO MY NAME*
- Wileblock: I never heard some of the those song before, what are they from?
- Just Justin: By all that is unholy, what did you do to this poor game?!
- anymonouse: terrifying presence aka cringy angsty edgelord
- Heartagram: Ay thanks, bud. Appreciate it.
- Lasroha Panjaitan: Graphic even better than FO4, this makes FO4 look like a kitty to lion
- MercenaryFox: for some reason everytime i see those skull mask i imagine some edgy cod teenager or something, it's kinda cringy
- Robert West: I recommend making more New Vegas videos. They get the most views and your subs apparently love them, with good reason.
- Geo Boy: Maxie Karn howwwww
- Dirtperson789: Is this fnv remastered or something?
- Pupper: 7:15 The most emotional line in video game history.
- Joshua Escobedo: Your mods are amazing
- Justin Quach: What are gud mods for fallout new vegas and how does one use nmm?
- The_Real_Big_Boss: Great mods!
- SwankBones: It pains me that i will never be able to have the game looking like this
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- NcrVet: I'm trying!! maybe I should ebeg on patreon??
- Ghost 2204: 4:26 Song name?
- Austin Williams: What are your mods
- Harrison DeJaco: I'd be very interested in getting a copy of that mod list
- Ollie Kiwi: ile put that rife were the sun never shines
- conskimask: i was confused, i didnt recall the legion being in fallout 4, awesome mods!
- Scream Of Sodak: The graphics seem kind of over the top but they look even better than fo4, if that game had this kind of gameplay, similar modded graphics, the same story and mechanics/RPG elements, I’d get it in a heartbeat. Hope Fo5 uses a new engine
- Zeyad Fayez: I don’t get it , does he change his appearance when he says it or something ?
- Geo Boy: Noobie gamer kid 18 why my bad
- Le Memestar: That guitar sound when you get a quest is fucking orgasmic holy shit and the voice of your companion... oh my god. when both happen at the same time I kinda cream myself
- sword of war: oh god that mod looks terrifying
- Илья Зыков: Nice graphics! Mods?
- Bryan T: The writing in this game is great.
- connor cher: 5:00 Those suits of power armor and that gauss rifle slightly off screen are so goddamn crisp. I need these mods right now.
- Icy Cold Hands: Goddamn this looks fucking beautiful
- Magnus Peccatori: Jesus fucking christ! It looks better than FO4
- spookwagen second: **tilts his head and smiles like a fucking edgelord**
- Jean Valjean: You got some sick mods!!! Cant i get i list of your load order so i can make mine like that?
- Big Tone: Alex Crowder some sicko shit but who am I to judge 🤷🏻♂️
- jpwoody188: Am I missing out on something or does new vegas look remastered
- Fritz Gallo: wait a minute this doesnt look like New Vegas
- n10cities: I didn't know Vin Diesel was a voice actor in the game? Or was that dubbed in?
- Daniel Chavez: jeezuz what mods are you suing?!!
- heat465: Oh damn, still was fun to watch it again :)
- Snoop Bubbles: the sky's rim....
- Logan Young: "I am pale Death come to bear you to Perdition." Fuck, that's awesome.
- BlackFlagAntiFa: Why is this graphics mod so popular? It looks bad and foggy, I'll never understand it.
- Gonçalo Carneiro: In Fallout 4 your character is always sort of good no matter the shit you do, In New Vegas your character could truly be a monster.
- Alex Crowder: Wolfie Yes.... Counterintuitive, as in, contrary to common sense.
- Geo Boy: Man very badass man but wtf how is this possible,this is veryyy different then the game version I played ,is this a new version on Xbox one or what
- Razi: whats with the incredibly unfitting music
- NcrVet: looks cool
- Ca Ad: nice
- Joseph McGuffin'in Kanalı: What is the music
- YouTube Judge: Doomsday Orange fuck are you talking about it looks great
- Richard Holloway: You decorated the wall with Caesar
- Dog of Wisdom: Kinda' pointless if it just causes enemies to attack or if you're expected to attack them. I can attack just fine without needing a perk.
- Jonathan Tromp: Is it just me or is that the outfit of dying light
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- Jack Harvey: The mods you have used look sick!
- Nemegan: Nice graphic mods
- Jack Daniels: how did u make the graphics so flawless?
- Fart Windblows: What mods do you use for characters in this video?
- NcrVet: hello
- BZAKether: I know, I've watched them, but you know how this is, in music compilations the authors list all the songs used but still there is someone who asks "What is the song at 2:14?", so, I know someone is going to ask about the mods used. Nice videos, btw.
- Elias Kechter: Did he really speeled "Ceasar" as "Kaisar"?
- thot slayer: Do you have a mod that increases bust
- James Harden: very nice vid
- L Anonymous: It freezes most of them.
- therandomdot: Normally a social skill gets you OUT of combat. Terrifying Presence? ATTACK!
- Mark Baker: these are some gruesome responses lmao only a psychopath would think of these things lol an intelligent one too haha
- FinickyFennec: nice fucking graphics. Must have a powerhouse of a PC; quite envious.
- Greggory Lee: "brothers help"
- fnafguy fnaffan: 4:12 what's that music
- Boxes: What is with these gay graphic mods you have
- bradhuygens: What game is this? Looks nothing like my Fallout New Vegas
- Kango Bango: Nice graphics mod
- Alberth Purba: Can someone please tell me all the mods that are used in this video? Cause the game looks perfect. Graphic mods, Skeleton, Slow-mo. Please someone tell me the name of the mods.
- Ulysses Divide: I can't bring myself away from New Vegas. Fallout 4 sucks. Begfesta completely fucked Fallout 4.
- tastelessjunkie: How the fuck did he get that x-01 like that?
- Daniel Smith: nice video mate just wanted to ask about the mask your wearing what mod is it from, also a source for the quotes like the one after you killed benny "death has no favorites"
- poppamies: New Vegas has better ass than 4
- NcrVet: please subscribe for more Fallout New Vegas videos:)
- Susboyardee: Damn the mods you have on the game look nice af
- Hugh Janus: How often is this perk actually useful? It seems like most of the time, it just triggers a fight with their lackeys or whatever, while I guess making you feel badass.
- unbridledenthusiasm: I love this perk. I am pale death come to bear you to perdition made me LOL
- DeadyBear: question, why are there no comments? second question, which mod allows for FO4 armor?
- Greg Plaza: Ncrvet What system was this played on? It looks like either an XboxOne or an upgraded PC..the graphics look way crisper than on my PS3 😯❔❔
- NcrVet: I have a 980ti
- Max Mccafferty: Get fucked.
- Random Me: "Traveling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter." [Terrifying Presence] "I'll kill you so fucking hard, That you will freeze from the pain and fear I cause to you!" NCR Trooper: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!"
- ThisIsNotMyRealSelf: https://www.reddit.com/r/modpiracy/comments/5k575e/request_gun_fnv_upgrades_from_the_commonwealth/ddrx0wt/
- Vega Valentine: Oh shit, you *quite literally* decorated the tent with his guts.
- Stefan SSW 135: [Terrifying Presence] "Give me all your caps now or I'll make you play Fallout 76."
- Collin Bong: You have terrible fucking mods on
- Dr. Fun: I think the modder may have not fully understood the significance of the name "Vulpes".
- Badolf Pittler: you really did decorate that tent with his guts
- the overseer: Jesus Christ 5:14 looks like fallout 4 graphics but somehow better
- Adam Xei: *cocks head and grins*
- mkzhero: Pretty amazing fallout 4 looks so bad that you can barely tell modded fallout3/nv from it. Heck, lots of games looked better than fo4 even back 5 or more years ago
- matty d: He's terrifying sure, but obviously had low intelligence in his first interaction with Vulpes. That wasn't a dog, that was a bear.
- Zac Hawkins: This looks amazing! Great job, modders!
- LegendOfSonic: Wait so what you're telling me is you can keep both Cass and the Van Graffs alive with T.P? Shit thats awesome, do you also get Cass' new perk or no?
- Thomas Spettel: The power armor suits look amazing, sadly NMC link takes me to an error page
- The Frozen Juggernaut: this is not new vegas anymore.....
- Choose the name of First and last: *melts a guy to his bones* Let's continue to rush him with our bats
- Mr.Meanor: is that jeb bush at 5:42?
- Chris Heil: i swear to god if they dont remaster this game im gonna smash my ps4 and just stay with my 360
- Adauto Pereira da Silva: The last part with that Roman Ceasar bullshit was AMAZING
- Noah B: NcrVet never changes
- Skee S: Everyone was talking about 7:14 like it was literally a good acting moment, then I got to it.
- The Lightning Bolt: 7:14 The voice actor genuinely seemed scared there...Really conveys the feeling of fear.
- spicygavin: i still hate the way they say KAY-ZAR.
- ChiefChizzy: This game looks so good
- Dough Boyy: Should've enabled the option to run it in windowed mode and downloaded this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42956/ for some reason NV and FO3 work better in windowed mode
- Xis: I thought he meant only Caeser's guts.
- Jonathan Gagnon: Wow the graphics mod(s) = incredible
- random person: What is the name of the mod that gives you the skull bandanna at 0:01?
- p4p #1 casual mma fan/mcgregor army general: NcrVet Thank you for the quick reply! Also I wanted to say I really love your channel and videos on overhauling games, they helped me make my ideal version of each game
- TheStopShort: Caesar’s guts really tie the place together, huh?
- XenoX Bot: +Claudio Diegoli they fucked that shit up.
- blick beared: the last one made me say Christ
- SageSaiyanGod: the damn mods
- Epic HotDog: Wow best mod I ever saw.
- Osmaer: Sounded like Vin Diesel
- joel 56: AAAAAH, the graphics confuuuuuse me
- HOB1022: Looking at these crazy mods make me wanna traverse the wasteland again
- Nick Jones: +NcrVet Seems like an awesome mod! I love the Riddick movies. I'm a cinemaphile at heart, so although the Riddick films aren't technically "high cinema" or whatever, I cant help but love them.
- Project: Zed: I always get attacked when i use this...
- M64: What fov settings are you using? Also, how do you have that reticle?
- it just a cat: "Another kill to my name" *runs*
- SanguineSam: The mods you have look absolutely amazing I'm going to have to get them. Do you have any other smaller mods Ive only really played nv on console so im not the most educated in the mod department for nv.
- Nicklaus Kindelberger: Man, he really did decorate that tent with Caesar's guts.
- Jazzy 42: what happened to these perks that made you color your character's dialogue differently?
- johngeiger117: Lol that one legionairy fucking yelled another kill to my name while running in terror
- ShayFeral: I would love to see that modlist of yours!
- Roarke: That first clip looked nothing like fallout new Vegas
- killermen962: 11:50 LOOK AT DAT FOOT FLY oh hey nice paint.
- Nick Jones: brothers, help.
- LEGEND NEVER DIES: Nibba what mod did you use for the power armor when fighting Caesar?
- CitrusRepublic: i have no words it looks so Uber mate
- LukeZeArtist: i never expected akihiko/yasuo's voice to be in so many npc's
- reluctant mage: What kind of armor mod is this gyu cuz I need some of that
- lukazz434: what is that armor mod?
- Gavin Luhezz: myles samonset Link PLEASE IF YOU CAN
- Cowboycomando54: This the fallout 4 engine?
- Yuki Terumi: Jesus this is so modded, are you sure this new vegas xD! Also, is that Vin Fking Deasel xD
- Joseph c.: Yeah it looks kinda like shit too
- Thegreat Rab: What mod is that? I need to know
- Hugh Min: What is that god awful graphics mod?
- Rory Iron: I imagine all these lines being said with James hellers voice (prototype 2)
- Ana Johnson: They really weren't trying with that voice acting. Choosing a Terrifying Presence speech option should result in a voice line from the NPC with clear, unmistakable fear in their voice. They failed at that here.
- Travis Jayne: Brothershelp
- Koal Stolz: I guess they never miss, huh?
- Darlaimerner: If the wanderer cocked his head and grinned at me EVER, I'd give him fucking everything like legit that was SCARY for /ME/
- Truly Infamous: Fallout New Vegas is my favorite, but damn does it have some bugs.
- acevitamin: U dead? Or finally got a girlfriend? Sorry :D
- Bunny McBunnerson: Why does Vulpes have a fucking bear hide?
- Miner Moleman: how much can i roleplay as Hannibal lector in this game?
- ZippyLemon: watching this really brings home what a fucking amazing RPG New Vegas is
- NcrVet: yes I had to remove the other one
- Leebron Jemas: this game has the most badass and most amusing lines ever in any fallout game
- Wuregon: You have Terrifying Presence thanks to Vin Diesel standing next to you..
- purevermin: Spice of Life
- Decade Gamers: A channel called bill fisher is stealing all your content
- Jack Baker: this is why Bethesda hates NV: because of how good it was (and still is). Fallout 4 will never measure up to the classic Fallout games, or this game, no matter how much content Bethesda adds to their little two-way ripoff *cough* *cough* Creation Club.
- 4f52: +Unidentified Being << Fake, troll/shill account. Please ignore it.
- Ded: 3:21 ( Fight ) [ *Reload* ] ( Run ) Dude why did you reload
- ApocalypticFallout: What mod are you using that changes the sounds of footsteps? EDIT: I found it. For anyone else wondering, its "better boots sounds" on the Fallout NV nexus.
- Aizec300: *punches psycho with power armor and minigun while wearing a skirt and a baseball helmet* Yeah, good luck with that buddy.
- INF1D3L010: Only in video games can you bravado your way out of a shit-fight. If you try any of that "terrifying presence" shit IRL, it's bound to make your life very, very short. In the real world, that shit doesn't scare people. It just pisses them off.
- Sharc Blazer: I love the one with chavez, cock your head and grin, yes.
- GSMillion: What is that mini gun you were using
- Kendra Mordan: This is a lovely video but I just can't stop LOOKING AT THE BLOODY GRAPHICS!!! It looks as good as Fallout 4, god damn.
- Kopie: Beautiful.... I cried with happiness as I witness Caeasar splat with a minigun.
- Grognak The Breathclaw: The NCR is now the Negan California Republic. All between California & Colorado now belongs to Negan. All local... and travel groups, as specially caravans have been instructed to surrender their allegiance & half their shit. The Legion & BoS will also surrender to Negan. Our 2nd in commend, Lucille shall settle any grievances you may have. Welcome to the Negan Order and half fun.
- SnowyThePyroBear: Wait, there was a Bear skin hat in Fallout New Vegas? D; Well, maybe there's a mod for Fallout 4.
- Peka Silk: I wish Fallout 4 had more thought and care put into it
- Fred Edmilson: I usually don't play modded games, but damn this looks beautiful 😍 I'll replay FNV just test them out 😁
- Colin McMahon: Check out my channel I do New Vegas and more
- Alirio Ruediger Junior: and they say new vegas is not cool
- android 69: W H A T I N T H E G O D D A M N
- NINΣ ΓIVΣS -神は死んだ-: Go play C.O.D or something, jackass.
- Wesley Darnell: 9:20 That's a thing? Holy Shit this is the best Fallout XD
- Big Blue Boat: Jesus, I feel like I'm staring into the face of god. How do you get your game that bright?..
- Ethan Barrett: So what do they say?
- David Butt: What mods are you using to make the game look so good?
- Zheng Wen Yu: For some reason, I imagine the terrifying presence speech with X6-88's voice. Calm, and cold.
- clout god: brothershelp.
- commiemanche: 1:13 lmao it sounds like Vin Diesel
- Volker van Hellsing: *B R O T H E R S H E L P*
- Norman Khajiit Dragonborn: I hate this perk. "Conflict just ain't in my nature."
- Hayley Gallant: Better quality mod? What you did is ruined a perfectly good Vulpes is what you did! Look at him, he has anxiety!
- Richard Holloway: You decorated the wall with Caesar
- Classified Info: I want my New Vegas to look like this, I'm not sure if my 360 can support the graphics. My Xbox one should though.
- Bobo Wontons: Just imagine the song "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" playing the whole time
- J Sparks: Courier: I'm gonna wear your head like that dog on yours Vulpes: But it's a bear * gets wrecked*
- The Guy: What mod is that?
- Lloyd Nix: Why is he wearing a bear like the NCR?
- NcrVet: cbbe isn't available for fnv
- Joshua Heuer: This dude plays new Vegas 2
- Seth Hackley: I love doing a high carma terrifying presance run.
- Ioan Proth: 6:10 Krusty the clown isnt looking to good after the nuke i see
- NcrVet: LOL
- VanGraffs: Æsir Fallout 4 is fucking ugly
- Alex Crowder: Too weird seeing legion wearing a bear pelt. The NCR is called the bear, so its kind of confusing lol. They should wear brahmin bull pelts instead
- David Bueso: Is it me or does the companion looks like RIDDICK!! 2:15 Lmao😂😆
- Toaster: "i'm gonna wear your head like you wear that dogs" *that's a fucking bear.*
- Canadian_ Power5746: RackiPlaysGames or Chuck Norris
- PowerDoggo21: at 10:11 you can hear the fear in his voice as he runs to be inevitably slaughtered
- TheFaNgEdShAdOw: damn i wish they would remake fnv and make it look close to this.
- Wassup Then: Commhughnism lol no
- русский язык: What game is that that doesn't look like fallout new vegas at all
- PaperPotatoCorder: This looks like Fallout 4! :O
- NarakunoHana100: 10:04 "S-Sasuke?!" 😂😂😂
- Childish Kek Frog: Why the fallout 1 music friend?
- After Dark: 10:12 "ANOTHER KILL TO MY NAME!" *runs in opposite direction*
- Slavic Debil: Fucking Christ how many graphics overhaul mods do you have holy shit. Cool video though
- The Auburn Beard: Digital Nightmare
- Benjamin Chance: the mods though! cant tell whats vanilla anymore *psychotic breakdown
- Chris Burns: Utopia dream am very street sweep I ali
- Sylvester Savage: what is the armor mod you are using at the beginning? i have been looking for so long and still cant find it
- Calamity: I laughed my fucking guts off in this video
- Haven Sisk: what did you do to the game???? it looks crazy diffrent?
- Eli Odum: Hey what mod gives the legion that armor?
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- raulprima: Watched one minute and I already want to know which mods he's using. People literally desintegrate after getting shot with the plasma rifle! Does anyone know?
- Pedro Portela: What's that mod with the minigun at 09:22?
- Fürchtegott Gellert: Benny is the original cash me outside gal? Cool.
- Liam O'Brien: The graphics looked amazing on this. HOW!? Just with mods!? And I didn't know you could actually stop the Silver rush guy from trying to kill you> I'd always just kill them all since I had no way of avoiding it. Now I just have to find a way to use mods on my xbox 360 so that I can have that perk. Also if you do Sharon Rose's companion quest and go it the passive way the Silver Rush will hate you despite them not supposed to know anything about you sending NCR the damning info. I need to find a way to reset their rep with me so I can still buy energy weapons, mods and the unique weapons.I forgot to buy before I finished the mission meaning I can never get them since they are now hostile with me for no proper reason.
- rakkatytam: Damn your fucking mods make me want to upgrade my shitty graphics card so I can replay New Vegas
- Ray S: Thought it was fallout 4 for a sec lol dem mods are so good
- Ebad Athar: The mods that make the legion armor look like actual roman legion armor defeat the whole post apocalyptic version of rome that caesars legion represents.
- Xiphos: Did you get both of those to work together? I kept having issues with the two conflicting and it caused huge texture issues with eyebrows in game
- Bob: That music has always been annoying me... It's in a Fallout 4 mod, Fusion City. And it's pretty much the only song that plays there, and somehow also in the Prydwen.
- Experience Master: So is no one gonna bring up that his mods changed different voices or.....................? I understand this game was one of the best and I love it, but it's let down by it's bugs and even things like not being able to target the spore enemies in V.A.T.S but this game had effort put into it and it would've had so little bugs that it wouldn't be as bad, but Obsidian jumped the gun and now we can fall through the world for using Melee in V.A.T.S in certains, or random crashes, or having Entitie's models half way in the ground, stuff like that though sounds small, would've made all the difference (Note: adding this because I saw the guy above me get roasted so I need to clarify, i'm not saying it's perfect, i'm just saying with time and effort this game could've been better, everything can be improved because nothing is perfect, the original voice acting is pretty bland, example, I wanted to put Vera's dress on the chick at Vault 22 but got caught because RNG (level 49 with most of my stats except 3 at max) and was just standing there after a good 5 minutes of getting punched she only did 1 damage due to me having the health regen implant and I was wearing the Dessert Ranger armor that has 22DT, but I was listening to her taunting and it just didn't feel like an entertaining fight, most of my fighting because of this is with the Holorifle and scope modded rifles like the trial and hunting because i'm not entirely excited to start most conversations with people, but when i do I like to explore the Lore, anyway just thought i should add this before people miss my point "the games not perfect, but we can appreciate it for what it is")
- TheFallenAlice: Reminds me of Todd Howards voice acting in Oblivion "Oh no Im so scared"
- PM: +Kilo Whatd wrong with Mass Effect?
- Generic Flasher: [Terrifying Presence] "If you don't watch this video, like, and subscribe, then I'll tear off your head. Then I'll take a photograph. Then I'll convince the Youtuber who made this to use this photo as a profile picture, so every person who watches sees your lifeless ftck of a head whenever they look at it."
- Mark Baker: Cash me ousside -Benny 7:444
- Daniel Fox: What bloody mods are you using mate?
- joey morgan: the graphics look like shit
- Raka Pratama: man, thanks a lot, you know, for "some" reason, I can't open reddit, cuz it got banned in here
- NcrVet: it is lool
- Brandon Gonzalez: 10:10 was actually great voice acting. "Oh God help us!!!"
- RedMedsRedemption: Please teach us how to install your mods!
- Harvie B134: How the hell do you change the text box like that
- ᄃ ᄃ: Is it newvegas?? OMG i thought it was Fallout4
- redsun1211: I....I want this
- 1.048596β: is that fucking vin diesel as a companion???
- Geek W.: what dog head?
- GROWING STRUGGLE: better graphics than fallout 4
- Marty: not sure if you're still looking for a reply but it's the Riddick companion mod, you find him in the NCR correctional facility in the basement after installing it
- Paladin Ezrah: how come you hardly ever make videos anymore?
- MarQ Acuna: Is that the voice of Yasuo???????
- ArtificialDjDAGX: 10:20 death dab
- zyreiironana: Yo what power armor mod isthat
- NcrVet: cuz he is awesome!
- Justin Hemboorger: Is this a perk i havent unlocked yet?
- ► Ymirheim Music ◄: "brothers help" hahaha
- WrongKindOfPot: Holy shit that looks amazing
- Heartagram: What is the mod you use to get those dope footstep and movement sounds?
- Thomas: holy shit the graphics, someone please tell me how this is possible
- steve exe ru: LucianHector thanks
- Bite Me: How did you get that explosive death thing
- nih sa: wait, how did you make the t51 armors look like that? it looks closer to fo4? I use most of your mods in the description (no ENBs) but I've never seen the t51 armors, what mod is that? Edit: woops nevermind, it's in Gunnetwork xD all the good mods are there xD
- Mario Jump-man: My kinda place.
- tataveve_angel 大火: yep... its natural , we are born , we grow ...and then a mini nuke lands in our heads, its the cicle of life
- A horny Cat: god damn i dont know how many mods you are using but the game looks better than falput 4
- RAUL akid: Whats your load order dude
- Wubz Megaplier: Damn these visuals are nice
- Dr_ Richtofen: Can't tell if this is Fallout New Vegas or Doom 2016
- jeFF Fury: Loving this!
- Brandon Dinh: Imagine saying these in the Silver Shroud voice
- Maxie Karn: Not a huge fan
- Larson Racing.: Damn, if only the game looked like this when it came out
- TrolololololololoMan: Chosen music fits this video extremely well. I love it.
- NcrVet: no he is just following me around
- Mr. Lahey: I don't remember new Vegas looking this good
- Old Couches: Why would you ever want to do this to your game?
- Colin Bennett: My favorite part is where he killed that guy.
- Evil Person: Brøthers help
- Gaming 4 life: Let me ruin it, S U C C O F F
- Atlas Lawden: I thought this was FO4 for a second, i love the mods you got goin
- seth price: Vin Diesel as a follower? Didn’t know you could go all the way to Hollywood in NV
- Eggswardon: jesus fucking christ the game looks amazing
- Jesus Christ: Nigga what did you do to vulpes inculta
- Thomas Spettel: Which of the mods did you use specifically to make the texture,s characters and backgrounds in good quality like that? :)
- Rookiereece: This Is What a Remaster should Look like, I would pay For this as A Official Release
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- Freezie Pop: The best shall always be *cock your head and grin*
- Kev_ Bot: Whats the mod to make power armor look godly like in the video
- bill billson: I fucking hated the way it was said as 'KI-SAR' in this game. It drove me nuts. So fucking dumb.
- Æsir: Raka Pratama You realize you can use a word without knowing what it actually means, right? Besides, it's not like you need to know what a fish is to know that "gutting" is not something pleasant.
- Lev Blank: What sound mod
- CGPrime: Well... he didn't lie when he said he was going to decorate the tent with Caesars guts.
- 100,000 subscribers with no videos: The legion was a really weird faction they freaked me out
- Day One Crew: 1:19 the voice actor for tomas is also Gaara in Naruto, Vincent in Ergo Proxy, and Yasuo in League of Legends o____o
- IPIAIRIAIDIOIX: What mod makes Caesar look like 11:00 ? I feel like you're playing Fallout 4 New Vegas 2.0 or some shit hahaha
- Apollo Actual: oh man. i want a pet riddick
- AquaticSkipper: Joj You know your outbursts reflect more on you than me right?
- Courier Six: [Terrifying Presence] Im take your Kleenex BOI
- Evil Person: They all failed their wisdom saving throws
- pizza gui: Holyshit I want the most that makes this game and characters look so clean and up to date
- GreenTea: I wish I experienced new Vegas the same way you did with all these mods.
- SPACEMAN0012: Were you using the Multiplas around Nipton?
- Mr Pirouy: wow your game look's gorgeous !
- Corktail: and you actually did decorate the tent with his guts
- Lil MiCC: Cash me out of this mess how bout dah
- Ale Radd: What Legionnaires mod is that? The Re-texture uniforms?
- Mikołaj Smoleński: Marty thanks
- Nischey Sachdeva: which mods are you using for enhanced graphics?
- kotsoteka: What have you done to your game?
- RinkyDink Productions: Grim Reaper Edition
- android 69: You can hear the fear in his voice.
- Enigma El: I like when they say :caesars legion
- J Palmese: 11:56 HOLY SHIT
- Edesse Sapere: You really did decorated his tent with his guts. Literally!
- Jarred Arcand: jesus Christ the amount of fucking mods 😂 it's looks so goood
- ThE_JaGgEd_ EdGe: What is the mod that gibbed enemies?
- Charles Ashley Cruz: I didn’t know that there’s a polished version of new vegas... Nice
- Burned roses: Why are these like fallout 4 graphics wth
- fault3k: whos the modded follower you got
- Hector Suarez: got here just in time love your videos by the way also have you heard of the Commonwealth surplus mod it's a weapon pack on the gunetwork which add most of the weapons from fallout 4 to new Vegas
- Mr. Chibiterasu: 0:32 “I’m going to wear your head like you wear that dog’s” Uh my nigga that’s clearly a bear pelt.
- Cato Sicarius: What is this graphical mod? I still actually have this game on my steam but i haven't played it in years
- The Man In the Gas Mask: “He kept shouting about stars or something. Does that make any sense to you?” Did he happen, by any chance, to be wielding a rocket launcher?
- HDAnime: shouldnt Npc in fallout 4 that randomly attack the player be move careful? when they dont know what kind skill set i or you have .
- ZaLewdWarudo: Damn, watching this makes me want to re-install NV and mod it all over again. My man, you may have just opened me up to the abyss again. Have a like.
- hisoj: [Terrifying Presence] This is your bread and butter, you will never be able to leave it behind
- NcrVet: one of the songs had a stupid copyright
- Tobisaru: "Another kill to my name" Runs away like a bitch
- Kyle Medina:
Chavez: OMG RUN. LMAO - Tyler Edson: Is that on pc
- Big Tone: Subscribed
- Sinan Uygur: You know a game is good when youtubers can create entertaining content like this... almost a decade after its release, mind you. Muchos Kudos to NcrVet for making us reinstall the game, I actually got work to do yo.. hey ok ok here have all my caps
- dorek9999: The fuck, this game is so modded that I can't even watch this :(
- Arthur Igino: Cool video and all, but why is Vin Diesel your companion ?
- VanGraffs: Fairbank Otter Have you seen Fallout 4??
- Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor: I wish fallout 4 had stuff like karma and this
- BlitzKrieg: mod list??
- Heart _: I wish I had a PC look at how awesome it looks with mods
- Edward Polo: What's the music mod and vin diesel companion mod
- Agumon Rookie: that was... vin diesel over ther
- William Woods: Is that a Vin Diesel companion?
- heat465: I thought you did this video a while back, something happen to it?
- Maybenexttime: I knew you'd come back to NV. This is your bread and butter, you will never be able to leave it behind
- Tremere: How come my modded NV keeps stuttering even with a tweaked NVSR?
- xRiptidez: Is this a perk?
- justin case: But ... that trait should give you ability to make others fear you. not attack you.
- N1ght44: Those graphics tho
- NcrVet: how is it unfitting?
- Airwolf10002: What mod is that?
- Patrick Jones: What mods are you using the picture quality is top notch
- Miguk Moonpark: That red splatter is a nice touch to Caesar's tent.
- Juguz Jota Pe: +Alex Crowder i thought you needed training to use power armor.
- hazeman671: "What were you thinking?" "[I thought] I'd decorate this tent with your guts" *Proceeds to decorate tent with guts*
- scraggle and the 27: Although fo4 is a great game, I find that the speech doesn't leave much to the imagination which can kind of ruin roleplay which doesn't really affect me but can other people. Just my opinion.
- Gene: Background music starting at 4:00 is fucking loud🔊& annoying. At 6:18 gets somewhat bearable, still shitty sound quality🔇 though.
- lone wolf: Don't get me wrong, I don't like Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 is going to be shit. But if your child gets kidnapped, you're not going to just go, "Oops, my son got kidnapped. Guess i'll just forget about him." No, you're going to feel sad. If someone you love goes missing, you become sad. Plus, he does have one lead to find Shaun. Kellogg. And it's from Kellogg that you find out that Shaun is in the Institute. So no you don't just "find him in the institute so easy. And for the Sole Survivor, It wasn't hundreds of years for him. It was more like yesterday. So obviously he's going to try to find Shaun. And what's wrong with the facial expressions? It's a game, it's not going to be realistic.
- outeast7: brothershelp
- Lucas Jordan: Is there a way for me to have all the perks in the beginning of the game? It doesn't matter if it's cheating. I already ended the game, now I just wanna do everything again but with every perk in the game.
- Alex Ferguson: Are you using mods
- Brian Yousef: +Unidentified Being are you retarded? fallout 4 is not even comparable to fucking fallout 3 and New Vegas
- Steven7: What gun was that?
- Yael De La Fuente: AHHHHH! THE MODS!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!
- Jo Tuyor: do you have your modlist shared somewhere? Your game looks fantastic.
- alex jasso: Damn gotta get a pc
- Pantheon: What mods were used here? Game looks so much better
- Patrick Star: Is that.... Vin Diesel?
- LightwithintheShadow: That's *NEVER* a good idea.
- Zeredek: Most of these are actually really embarrassing, wow
- NcrVet: overgrowth but it comes down to personal preference
- OnlyANewbie: May I ask what UI is that ? That font.
- Baby Giraffe: It's a somewhat old video but is there a way you can list out the mods you have for new vegas?
- FISH like you MEAN IT: is that riddick?
- W H: What mods are you using? Holy shit!
- Alexandrewvice: Is that Vin fucking Diesel?
- Zacoman222: Lol this shit is funny!!
- 「AROUND THE WORLD」: needs tiny tim in the background
- ape: What are your mods in this vid? Its so good..
- Edwin Cheesecake: "like you wear that dog's". - clearly wearing a bear's head on his head.
- Glock Crusader: 0:45 oh shit it’s Tex
- Crimedian b: Cock your head and grin RUNNN!!!! 6:48
- lRaziel1: benny has like 1 or 2 extra terrifyng prescense dialogues but you have to chat with him first for them to pop out instead of that one you choose. That or they pop op randomly regardless of what you said.
- Lipandros: 12:15 nicely decorated
- Valkyries733: Hey man! What's the mod for that power armor. Ik it's fallout 4 power armor, and I like that. I like how the brotherhood uses the T-51b armor from fallout 4. Looks great. And that's exactly why I want the mod. Do you have a link?
- Mad Friend: love the video but can we get a list of the mods you use?
- Grahame Luck: What graphics mods?
- Seditious Spyke: WOAH! what mods are these!? Your FNV looks amazing!!
- Anthony Ortiz: please give us a list of mods you use ill kiss you no homo
- Lens Perspective: I want a Remastered fallout NV so bad
- Ye4rZero: 6:46 LOL
- akimboo: That fucking music please get rid of it
- Libsy2112: This is what I miss when I play 4 haha
- A Nobody named Josh: When a whole group of people in power armor are afraid of you, you know that you are truly a monster
- Flor Contreras: What mod was he using
- Fluffy Puro: dude the mods you have on makes new vegas look kinda like fallout 4, even the power armor at the end has some weight to it than just some good heavy armor
- Raka Pratama: huge HUGHES glad I'm not the only one who thought that
- Jackson Sailer: 11:53 DID YOU GET HIM?!
- UndyingHunter1: Man what mod made this look so good?
- anon deilvers: 11:55 damn. O_O... decorated the the tent with his guts you did.
- Faded Kai: Skirt boy LOL
- Corktail: how do enemies die so spectacularly what mod are you using
- Marius1 DK: Is this even Fallout anymore
- Yannkam 212: It's those perks that are very situational but add so much to the character. I mean you play as an intimidating person
- Seann Thompson: yo ur mods make this game shine
- Kolbo: I know this is about perks and all but all I care about is how your game looks nicer than Fallout 4
- Jose Crisostomo: http://DollarinPocket.com/?taskid=42927 easy money bruh
- Glen Dorner: i have all the mods in the description my new vegas doesnt even have shadows anymore
- It Was Me, Dio!: 10:04 Sasuke?!?
- Jason Kribs: I guess that bandana is a mod, right?
- Benzzodude: What power armor mods are used here?
- Mr Potato: 1:04 That man saved That dogs life
- Wveth: Oh god it's the attack of the terrifying stands-out-like-a-sore-thumb mod faces again. Could they have at least TRIED to make them fit the style?
- Acura TL GTLM: The first time I did a “Total Psycho” playthrough (played the nice guy until I got pissed off, then slaughtered my enemies like they were mere ants), I got a little too in-character and laughed maniacally when I started a fight with Terrifying Presence.
- ThatSpicyBoi 705: I hope they remaster fallout New vegas
- southparkkenny2: *but the courier don't know what a fish is* *yeah, but when talking to cass, the courier didn't know what a fish is* Put your courier's intelligence a little higher, then check again.
- Driver Nephi: What was the mod he had that added the guitar Rift when he got the quest
- Autist-Chan: Hey is it possible to get that texture on Xbox 360, it looks really nice
- NcrVet: thanks:)
- Commando 723: Harvie B134 go into settings it will give you options you have like four colors white, green ,blue and orange
- TheRubsi: What mods do you have installed?
- Michael Ulf Jonsson: Wait, what? Haven't I seen this video before? Was it re-uploaded?
- Todd Blackmon: A modern Roman bathhouse. :]
- Alex: How did you use NVR 3 with an ENB? Also what are the BOS mods and the other ones?
- Its Dobbie: Wow! Your game looks unbelievable!
- Alexa: "I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's." >is wearing a bear head
- Ian7557: This mod makes my eyes hurt
- Midnight Frostklaw: *ANOTHER KILL TO MY NAME*
- Irubbbz: Good lord that plasma weapon is terrifying
- Logan Burnette: NcrVet I mean it, I’ve watched a lot of fallout videos but this was SO entertaining. Thank you!!
- Jacob Jimenez: "I am become pale Death, come to bear you to Perdition." Anyone know where this is from?
- Joj: retIcle_1999 check description, geez why don’t people check sometimes?
- Isaac Clarke: Nice mods.
- NcrVet: :)
- namekman01: is your companion fuckin riddick? i want that mod lol
- pizza gui: Mods*
- ReedyJRsup: Didn’t just decorate the tent with Caesar’s guts, you decorated it with everyone’s guts XD
- spitfire: Why would gulped inculta be wearing a bear hat
- The Real Duckman: That snippet from Tex's theme in the beginning made me wet.
- Just in Time: So it took 2 years for YouTube to make a copyright claim
- Flippy Ded: Holy shit! how did you make this game look that good!
- Asura Shun: 6:47 to make it better,just picture the scariest anime bloodlust driven head tilted insane smile you can in your mind
- Patrick Daniels: Is that why everything looks different? Mods?
- SuperSix4: Is this terrifying presence a perk or perhaps a mod?
- jackson: yall really need to cut it out with these crazy visual mods, vulpes is really here with a rugged 5:00 shadow wearing an entire bearskin rug on his head
- NcrVet: & there is much more
- KelpNougatCrunch: so...you're an ass? thats all the video showed me
- Sgt. Pepper: do these mods take a lot out of the computer?
- Eight Bit Morph: What in the god damn...?
- Disciple of the Holy Peanut: 10:12 quite possibly one of the more realistic reactions from this perk... ... if only he didn't yell "another kill to my name!"
- Brent Boomer: 7:42 cash me outside how bout dah!
- Vanboneio \ | The gamer with oldschool wheels | /: 10:08 *"Another kill to my name"* *Runs off getting detonated shortly.*
- Riley Rucchin: The graphics 😍😍
- LIL_J_HILL: 1:14 that skull can dance!
- Andrew O'Malley: Whatever you're using the game looks amazing
- Gavin Dillon: Well... he DID paint the tent with his guts.
- Thatdeal79: These graphics!!!
- Hater 9/11: Woah whats the name of this beautiful mod
- NcrVet: silently kill the guard leave & come back
- kDewCommando147: 6:38 - 6:51
- Luscinia: at 5:06 why is he wearing T-51 Armor with a T-45 Helmet
- Big Tone: Alex Crowder it’s wearing the skin of an enemy
- Quazwa: Is that an ENB? Shit, I should install one.
- Octavio89: what's with the ugly text boxes?
- Lone Sorcerer: That’s a lot of mods
- Nicklaus Kindelberger: 3:35 "The fuck are you looking at?"
- Dover: brothershelp
- DogeEatsToast: Oof
- Juan Gone: can yall tell me if this a pc mod for graphics or what
- NcrVet: its an i7 16 gigs of ram asus motherboard I think
- Killian Pottorff: How are you going to give vulpes inculta a bear pelt? He's /vulpes/ inculta, not ursidae inculta.
- Nols: 7:40 cash me outa this mess , how bou tha
- Slow-wipe: dat graphics hnnnnngggg
- Nick DiCarro: What mods did this guy use!?
- AESTHETIC AsTrOnAuTa: Yooo what’s with these fallout4 graphics
- NcrVet: I made a video on that
- MsJeniferDilan: damn textures spoil everything
- A.M. Arteaga: Holy shiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt, after this video I'm going back to NV and modding the shit out of it!
- Nixowns: "Dis plas iz deh beez neez" Not anymore it isn't.
- j biz: Holy fuck
- singularity1024: q u e s t f a i l e d
- xxplvb: Brothers help
- Meme Edits •.•: “You were kidding just now when you said that thing about the codex, right?”
- dragonslayermaster ornstein: 10:10 this one sounded like he actually tried not like the rest of these not even half assed voice actors
- Skylar Knowlton: So I can have like 12 mods and crash about every 10 mins?
- Mr. Inspector: “Gotta be careful with people like that”
- NcrVet: yup
- Bobo Wontons: Who's this vin? And who's diesel? Are they fucking?
- Bernardo Garcia Marques: the music is so fucking loud
- Jacob Carvell: I'm glad you still make great videos like this.
- LG: Now that I’m looking back at this, it’s not the ending, the absolute worst change they did in Fallout 4 was to the dialogue system. I know I didn’t like it before, but oh my god, this is so much better! I’d rather have more lines for me to choose with real impact when said than a voiced protagonist with a generic voice...
- Drizzy: These dialogue options are absolutely hilarious
- your boye oye: What a cute dog
- Jrew: Was hoping this would be a re upload but without the terrible graphics mod
- Fireflux: Dya reckon you can put all your mods sin the description? I know you have a few of them in there, but no mention of your follower mod? *Just FYI I know Riddick when I hear him, but still, other people might not recognize his voice.*
- Zeke Vesva: i can see Zaeed Massani saying some of these
- Axel: Ugly mod tbh
- Edvin: Does anyone have a collection of the mods the creator of this video used? Thank you.
- ich bin das: Wow, you managed to make the game look worse than it looks without mods.
- Soulkius: Hey! Great video you have there! I was wondering if you could do all terrifying presence dialogues for Fallout 4 as well. Oh wait...
- TheTriangle444: 7:41 cash me ousside
- The LPXD: Wow man, are you sure that mods listed in description are the only ones you're using? Cause your NV looks better than 4th one
- Adam Ambrus: so, uh... which (texture) mods were used here?
- Thomas: OH YEAH YEAH
- Geo Boy: Things seen exactly man whoaaaa
- Specially Trained Derp: Wow, your game looks awesome!
- Noobie the lost spirit: +Geo Boy ?
- Negative Effector: 11:54 Courior wins, flawless victory, Miniguntallity
- Theboy202: duhhh
- Jay Boxerr: Fuck oof
- NcrVet: yes
- Loong Zai: This is a redesign? So it's not a real game?
- NINΣ ΓIVΣS -神は死んだ-: Man, you really fucked up your game with all those shitty mods. Seriously, what the fuck. If you're really that annoyed with how the game looks don't even play it. No need to butcher it and turn it into a completly different game, geez. I do like mods but when you're gonna rape it like that.
- TheLindeN: Da fuck are this graphic mods? i want them! i want them all!
- anonymous anonymous: Michał Gryżniewski kinda, ye. Same motion.
- Resdyne: Yeah it's nice
- Marc Shlyshen: Garret's pretty brave to tell the guy that just casually threatened to rip his spleen out to choke on a contract.
- tyranitararmaldo: "What are you thinking?" "I am thinking I know how to pronounce Caesar correctly fuck-nut..."
- Neurotic Sos: Hahaha listen here shitwad
- ThisIsNotMyRealSelf: Do these voice actors care at all?
- Smurfferdid: If people think this is what "realistic" looks like, they really need to invest in some glasses. It's like everything outside of a 40 degree cone in front of you is just a massive blur.
- theburgerfarm: Nice video, but it should only have been done in vanilla New Vegas. Your mods turn this game into a horrendous mess, terribly offensive to the eyes.
- PM: My PC is smoking just watching this video
- Comment Section Man: *When you proceed to use Terrifying Presence on a Deathclaw*
- The real pizza boy: death grips I've beat it five times and have never played Caravan
- Rocky: +Bart Something it really does not tho
- Rapture: So thats what overmodded lools like
- Yena Hwang: Slow mo? Why....
- Quadrenaro: **Proceeds to decorate tent with guts**
- DolphinEquality: Do you have graphics mods on??
- GeneticAlgorithm11111001000: You have... Riddick as companion??
- Cazador: O god the mods, it's so obnoxious, where is fallout New Vegas?
- Joj: Haha, it's ok i wouldn't want to work with a person so daft as you. I was genuinely being polite too lmao. I mean sorry for telling you the obvious, it's your incapability for being unable to do the simple. 凸(`0´)凸
- Paladin Cross: That's what i call mod cancer. Lol to much mods bro
- Just in Time: feels bad man
- Briannalive: The original was perfect X.X what was the song on it? I was going to look it up eventually but...
- Kanga: Can somebody tell me what mod is being used for Lt. Haggerty's appearance?
- Random Nonsense: Technically, you solved Caesar's tumor. I mean... It's gone isnt it?
- Scott Thomson: Man what graphics mod is being used on this, this looks amazing
- Aesthetic ツ: Amazing video man!!!
- dragonslayermaster ornstein: 1:12 "My kind of place" *skull breaks dances around on the floor*
- zenmashine: don't understand how can you make this game looks so good without it running out of memory and crashing. Kudos to you! Looks awesome.
- rip the baguettes: Is this a perk?
- Doug Dimmadome: AH PUCH Yeah I think the terrifying presence options should've been more savage and brutal.
- Doomed Gamer: Gaming 4 life Fuck off
- Gott des Zorns: What armor/mod are using for the attire? Looks perfect for a evil character
- luizbiel: I think your character just has a permanent shadow that covers his eyes jojo style at this point.
- Dragon Blooded: The legion looks ugly as fuck it's so unrealistic for a post-apocalypse
- Elmar Mol: what is the name of that mod with the energy weapon that one shot everyone?
- Aydee Nguyen: You really decorated his tent with his guts....
- blue endo: what mod?
- VanGraffs: AKlover *nigga get off the drugs*
- nukeman1303: I took this perk a week ago or so but people keep laughing at me. I think it’s bugged. Hope they fix it soon
- b r u h: Jesus, thats what the minigun i think of shouldve been on fallout, its sexy af anf powerful unlike that actual ones that take forever to kill one freaken deathclaw
- Thomas N: Thank you for making new content from New Vegas and past Fallouts. It just feels refreshing and different especially due to the mods. It's just so calming and entertaining. Thank you for everything.
- Purple Moon: What armor mod did you use for that badass skull bandana?
- michael isaac: this graphics mod... wow
- Harvie B134: It doesn't change the graphics at all just the hud color
- Justin O'Toole: Good if they had this in Fallout 4.
- Martin Fornůsek: That's a bear
- MetallicRevengeance: Careful we got a badass over here
- Willy Bonka: *Cock your head and grin* “RuN”
- Geo Boy: RobinoK lol
- DGneoseeker1: But... isn't that a bear head?
- JFJ: How is there a new guy in nipton instead of vulpes?
- NcrVet: a stupid song forced me to get rid of it
- Tai-nin Inazuma: holy shit this is some quality High Def modding you got goin on
- Thaedrax Games: Someone have te link to the power amor mod like fallout 4 that have appear in video? (sorry my bad english)
- Thornhillproductions: I love the Red vs blue Agent Tex theme. :')
- The real pizza boy: I need to play NV again
- Armin Cal: This mother fucker is scarier than cook-cook
- Unidentified Being: In all honesty does anybody (from both sides of the argument) even go a day without arguing over Fallout 4? On one hand, you have the people that hated Fallout 4, which show their opinion in the most douchey, obnoxious, smart-ass and broad way possible, than wonder why they aren't persuading anyone. On the other side, you have the people who enjoyed Fallout 4 who let their emotions get the best of them and, just like people tell you not to retaliate against bullies, they get themselves into an argument using hostility. In other words, Fallout easily has the gaming community to have ever existed.
- Reaper Panda: NcrVet, you kinda downgraded the terrifying presence video. Private Davey has a downgraded face, so does Vulpas Inculta. The music plays less loudly, and you started the most badass song later on in the video. Why?
- davidpiksi: I guess you really did paint the tent with Caesars guts
- Joshua Bassett: Nibba this aint fallout😂😂
- TheGrouchyGamer: The real pizza boy Well over 1000 hours, played it once and lost, don't know how or why. Wish everyone just played blackjack instead. Or poker.
- Rick J-420: This is beautiful. I need to play this game like this
- Jonathan Soholt: How does NV look so good?
- Smokeycemetery: Is that a real perk?
- Youtube Dota Psychologist: Thanks for having all your mods in the description
- Donald Trump's Immigration Adviser: Please post the mod list!! I added a ton for my NV replay but it still doesn't look nearly as good as this.
- Canadian_ Power5746: The real pizza boy same
- anonymous anonymous: Michał Gryżniewski He turned his head to the side. Probably at a 45 degree angle on its y-axis.
- Hunter -: Good god all that blood on the screen is absolutely awful, how could anyone play like that
- V-jes: And that's why people shouldn't take ideas for realism from cod.
- the minutemen republic: You made this game look beautiful, it almost looks like fallout 4. And the brotherhood and ceasers legion outfits look so great.
- C T: what mods are there is this one? Graphics seem a lot better
- M. Gökmen: Any chance you'll reupload the old versions?
- VanGraffs: Manuel Tokić Good luck with finding another video with the glorious "brothers, help!" Line, you dimbo
- Marty: it's a private mod only higher ranks on gunnetwork have access to it and I'm pretty sure it's called something like RYSE Legion
- Vault Boy: 5:22 power armor mod?
- Carlos colon: Nice mod you have on
- Yannkam 212: +Kirill Marine You Sort of get it that they are freaking out
- some rando: wtf game is this? i just played NV on 360, is this the xbox one version or something?
- Lawrence Reamon: HOSS_PLAYS __ Yes No Yes, but with details (Sarcastic)
- peter chumpis: holy crap i had no idea ENB for NV looked so good
- q q: What are your PC specs?
- A random Butterfly Cat: What happened to the original video
- Robert: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B45SllNAhiQseVhqRlBoTTBCazA Download the Fallout 4 Power Armor Overhaul Mod as well as the telsa fix. The armours do cover your pipboy so i recommend getting a mod like A Familiar Friend, or the dozens more pip boy mods you can install. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/searchresults/?src_order=1&src_sort=0&src_view=1&src_tab=1&src_name=Pipboy&src_language=0&src_showadult=1&page=1&pUp=1
- southparkkenny2: *causing you to explode in a shower of blood* That's the norm in Fallout combat.
- brad potts: who is the deep raspy guy who says "my kind of place"
- HeroOfTrains7 ___: This isn't FNV
- xXtentionKord: That feeling when game looks better than fallout 4
- Danger is like chicken 12e Ocean man: You have mods cool
- Yika Magika: Whos your companion?
- Brandon Vistan: " Et tumor, Brute?" (And you too, Brutus?)
- Proxy: Many I really need the whole list of mods for this. That Remnant Armor at the end looked sick af.
- NcrVet: yes
- Lachlan Hurburgh: I burst out laughing when you turned Caesar into a flesh smoothie.
- martin: whos that follower u have
- vikke: Oh please please tell us your modlist you modding god. Looks better than modded F4 :D
- James Roberts: <
> - HMS Hood: those graphics....
- DR. Lasagne: Nice shaders
- diego collantes: Riddick feeling in home haha
- DJ Black: is this a mod of fallout new vegas or fallout 4? am just wandering
- TheSkrubPlays: Holy fuck those graphics are good!
- RobinoK: When modders make New Vegas look like fallout 4
- Alex Zandate: Yep.
- SomewhereFarBeyond29: What mod gives that western music when you receive a new quest?
- Chris Burns: Sia ikia
- प्रियदर्शी: Anyone else come here to see stuck-up retards crying and moaning about Fallout 4?
- Ligma man: Whats that mod to make the people like that
- i am the one dont need a gun: 3:37 did he just put his finger inside NcrVet's mouth?
- Dumbapanda: I could use the link aswell
- Alex Leon: This place is the bee's knees!
- حفيد صدام اخو هدله الكرار: Without it fucking crashing every 2 minute.
- 8bitfrenzy: skirt boi LOL
- Eddie Westby: huuum the mods are heavy with this one
- Ken Rea: Make it so
- 1van Makenz1e: Nice bad karma and that mod make the game looks like killing floor 2
- soggy cereal: end your life
- Cam Bellman: Jesus christ what mods do you have installed. This looks beautiful.
- Until Dusk: I like the part where you killed those legionnaire scumbags
- Paradox Meddler: What’s all the different mods here?Looks almost as good as Fallout 4.
- Uma pessoa muito legal: Yeah we went from this to a game that is better in every aspect minus story and dialogue. Real bad uh.
- spookwagen second: Ill kiss him for you
- Lord Tony: What mod is this? WHy do the graphics look so good?
- Vape-Dude-Nude: Love you're mods what are thet
- That mask you wanted but the game crashed: "I'm going to kill you, eat your dog, and murder your family!" "Brothers, help! ._."
- MyUsernameIsReallyFuckingLongForNoFuckingReason: What mod is making the game look like that?
- Butthole Tickler: 5:06 that looks soooo cool, what graphics mod do you use? I might be getting a PC soon.
- ElectroSky: When the ghouls say Oh God Help Help ! Its obviously a reference to the zombies in half life 2
- Dover: the worst mods
- Valkaerie: God that mod is beauitiful!
- Shepherd Wu: What mod is this?
- Jonas G. De Souza: Miles Edgeworth OBJECTION!
- Sister Mortis: lol Vin Diesel's Riddick xD great character!!
- Lime: Unidentified Being Tbh? Better than "4" (lol fucking two) dialogue options that don't get you anywhere. Yes, no, sarcastic no, and sarcastic yes. And they all lead to the same thing most of the time. That's my opinion, hope you don't throw a temper tantrum over it
- iAmLithan: Are there any spec requirements to run these mods?
- UNnaturallyBlue: Vulpes Or ursa?
- Talon Lowitz: What mods is he using (graphics and dialogue)
- Hans: Why have I never gotten this perk?
- Guilherme: What is this graphical mod which you are using?
- Sara3346: Maybe he stole it from a surviving Museum ?
- Elisabeth Ann: I want to play new vegas with this soundtrack on the radio
- Robbie Phillips: Nice mods
- Dead Fox: your game looks so so SO good
- Rick J-420: 2:20 Is that fucking Riddick?
- BTC: Wish you would have more frequent and structured uploads :(
- Lev Blank: Anthony Ortiz what sound mod
- Elimin8or 2000: This graphics mod looks better than fallout 4
- Blazer: What are your PC specs?
- MikoCell: My computer can barely withstand my settlement in fallout 4 Why do I want to play fallout nv with these mods
- J. R.: What mods are those?
- Kelton Cook: 7:40 Cash me ouside howbowbat?
- The Masked Aussie: How did you get HD graphics on fallout new Vegas and Fallout 3?!
- Steak n Gravy: the mods look like crap
- Joshua Maddox: What's with all these mods? At this point it is pretty much a different game lol
- EricPaz: Which mod give your that nice X-01 tho?
- UntouchedWagons: Holy shit that caesar "fight" was nuts.
- Radiation King: Nice mod specialy the power armor the brotherhood now looks like more than Guys in slim suits with medal on it
- Phagia: Christian Abbott Mods...
- pikachu: 7:43 This place is the bee's knees!
- old meeseeks: Why does it look so good
- Pager Guy: *brothershelp*
- Lorenzo Ayala: Lol mods
- AngeLoL: brothers help
- Martian Buddy: Is that reddick follower?
- unknown guy: So much blood.
- Sergeant Winters -: +NcrVet what mod makes the quest sound at 0:34
- Doctor Monty: *cocks head and smiles*
- Nicholas Whaling: SparkyINC I swear for about half the game all I was hearing was Akihiko from Persona 3.
- Haleria: Nice!
- Connor Hargis: How does your game look so much better graphic wise? I'm in highest settings and still don't get that good
- NcrVet: I made countless videos on my games graphics
- Colonel Autumn: 3:40 I'd knock his teeth in.....
- NcrVet: yup 800,000 views & over 7000 likes
- 358thorn: That last one was very apt.
- nuclearjanitors: The gunfight at the Silver Rush with Cass is one of my favorite quest crescendos.
- NcrVet: thanks for the support:)
- Miko Espenilla: This shit looks like fallout 4 holy shit
- Рак Дно: 2:19 Riddick behind
- NcrVet: I made countless videos listing the mods I have
- Big Serg: this on pc? graphics look amazing
- war funder: What mods are he using?
- Bread George: Looks shittier that the original game honestly
- That One Orang: One complaint is you tryed too hard to make you character look bad ass
- M. Gökmen: This's a reupload? I liked the old version better.
- Zentoonz: The great war might have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction, but this dudes come to finish the job.
- The Real Duckman: "Another kill to my name!" *Runs away.*
- Ryan Torres: Truly terrifying 😈. Caesar decorated hit tent well.
- Dadiso TheGod: *b r o t h e r s h e l p*
- Letys: This critical death from plasma is so beautiful! ;.) <3
- Daniel DeMayo: Wow those mods make a night and day difference....
- William Brasky: damn your modded vegas looks sooo good
- El Lumbago: Damn Headhunter outfit in all its beauty.......
- PEPSI MAN: 7:37 I jizzed myself damn what a line
- Chris Burns: Ititre
- DNB120: 7:14 This voice actor deserves an award for his performance. Really captured the essence of fear within the character. 10/10
- john gun: lol is that vin diesel?
- AirCooledMan2006: The TP check in Nipton makes me wish they'd gotten Jon Lovitz to voice Vulpes Inculta.
- AlliedAardvark: what are your computer specs?
- Joseph seed: प्रियदर्शी do you play assassins creed unity
- Ricky: Those grafics are amazing. Just goes to show what mods can do for you
- AuroraxShadow: "ANOTHER KILL TO MY NAME!" He says as he runs for his fucking life.
- Rebel Yell: Any one know where or how to get that footstep mod Vet is using I cant find it and its driving me up the damn wall.
- Archnid 001: @Alex Crowder a Courier can stand a bullet in the head, the sole survivor can't even stand losing a thousand year old son lmao. Spoiler also courier brain and heart is an artificial there original hearts and brain is connected in other machine play the dlc if you want to know.
- S.S Bathtub: Where the fuck did he get a bear with actual fur Maybe he just found it in some lodge or something
- Resora Shikaru: *B R O T H E R S H E L P*
- Mountain Troll: read siege
- laura Glancy: Big fat cunt
- dude567880: what were the weapon mods and visual mods for the vaporization effects were you using along with the power armor mod that looked like it was ripped straight from fallout 4
- Help me: can anyone tell me some of the name of the missions?
- Ryan: What graphics mods and enb you using? Looks great
- VanGraffs: Dank I mean, anything is better than F4
- KOー RU: way better than fallout 4
- Bitcritic: Chicken n' chips!
- SparkyINC: I love how the first 3 minutes almost every character is voiced by Liam O' Brien
- Hello There I’m shrek: L I S T E N H E R E S H I T W A D
- Geo Boy: SinceCeleryUrGarden very true
- DoggoOnXbox: dude you should start a lets play withs these mods
- nein nein: Those graphics made me orgasm
- Koateh Kush: you aren't a real gamer unless your FOV is so damn high that you can see your shoulders
- memes on the go: I can get it to work but when I look at the floor it drops to 40 fps
- Jakeasaur: Benny with the original cash me outside
- Maximum Effort: Fallout: New Vegas "say it witcha chest" edition
- Gape Station: this looks like shit lol
- VanGraffs: Shawn Elmore Tell me about gross when you play an unmodded Fallout 4
- Kung Fu Lemon: wow, the game looks great, what mods did you use?
- Solike 20XX: Bethesda would make billions if the Re mastered this game
- Kamren Greydanus: he uses mods in the actual game its a mongrel
- Todd Blackmon: Sadly... the exact same thing went through my mind when Benny said that. lol
- crqf2010ruler: When people are scared they get Christian real damn fast.
- Yatolcharles: Frank Horrigan 2.0
- KitNip OG: The CZ something Avenger
- Cheshire Reborn: does anyone know what mods he used to change the text like that? thanks before
- NcrVet: :)
- jayive34: 5:12 really saved my ass. I wasn't ready to deal with 4 BoS Paladins. Also, 10:13 'Another kill to my name' he said, running like bitch.
- Raka Pratama: "I will gut you like a fish" but the courier don't know what a fish is
- Алексей Свиридов: Shiet, these shitty graphic mods fucking burn my eyes out.
- Doomsday Orange: You dont have a very good taste in mods
- Thomas Martin: I want this version of new vegas
- Shawn Elmore: Gross mods
- Brandon Parnell: Well I know what my next playthrough is going to be thanks for the advice By the way you sure did spread Caesar guts across that tent
- Marcin Łentek / Ningen Black: 0:34 what's the mod for this sound
- Thesamon: I've never been a fan of mods, this just looks weird in my opinion
- Кровать: I had to subscribe just because the video's quality
- nik Bahtin: and then some
- redwed6: Well you definitely covered his tent alright
- Joj: oh stop trying to play the victim, you know it's a shame when someone tries to be kind but in a sarcastic manner you take it to a personal offense. Probably "reflects" you have little to no experience with friends lol.
- Harvie B134: I wish that was in the vanilla base game
- term3092: What's terrifying presence ? A skill ?
- 7TerabyteMeme: T H I S P L A C E I S T H E B E E S K N E E S
- huge HUGHES: 0:34 agent Tex?
- Sonny James: Thought that was just a random Riddick quote, didn’t know he was your damn follower haha
- Will Menendez: Your mods are fucking dope
- 10KChromosomes: Why do the graphics not look like shit?
- duskfang1998: Anyone else think his game looks terrible?
- Gah Fawkes: modded so much it became disgusting
- shrey naidoo: Looks like Fallout 4
- Tacojesus17: what mod is it for the remodel of power armor?
- Pending Storm: Anyone know what the song that starts at 3:20 was?
- Joseph McGuffin'in Kanalı: THİS GAME İS BEST
- Red: I actually never knew Jacklyn could survive, It was always the person running up to me randomly talking about some girl two loading screens back
- Bread George: everything? Yeah, metal gear solid 1, pac-man, wolfenstein 3d, all of those are better than fallout 4?
- PandasDontShare: I love Fallout New Vegas, but some of the fans are toxic. Same way you guys shit on 4 is the same way Fallout 1 & 2 players shit on NV.
- Neurotic Sos: New vegas never looked so great
- Magic Gnome: "I came seeking yours, skirt boy"
- Asbestos Fish: am I allowed to say that I fucking hate that graphic mod?
- Sol Invictus: Whats with the graphics. Looks like what a game would look like if someone jacked the brightness setting to max. How the hell do you see anything?
- Ramadingos Chromosome: marvellous
- Dennis the Dark Lord: What were the soundtracks used?
- First Last: NcrVet which badass mods are you using?
- Marco: Holy fuck this mod looks crisp
- Goggles Tigerkhan: *cock your head and grin*
- Caligvla Caesar: What's that mod that gives legion Roman armor
- LordExecutor0824: Is this a texture mod?
- Illiminatie overlord Gurglekoks: Man, the voice acting is just horrible.. But at least they got the pronunciation of Caesar right.
- AToast Toaster: What mod do you use for the graphics, it looks amazing!
- GreatestThingsEver: The mods were shit I agree
- Matthew Sumner: what reatecture are u using
- Some random Guy: 1:02 that legionary that jumped in the way dabbed durining death and that i find funny
- 2016 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R: Oscar goes to.... Some generic black guy with his deeb masculine voice, repeating the following voice that trembles with fear... “Brothers.... help”
- The Grubby Hydra: the first one makes the courier deem like a retard XD
- Miles Edgeworth: *cocks gun and grins* *tips fedora*
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Fallout New Vegas: All Terrifying Presence Dialogue/Encounters | |
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Fallout: New Vegas Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 17 Jun 2017 |
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