Music by Hitomi Sato, Junichi Masuda & Go Ichinose
Musique du jeu vidéo Pokémon Diamant, Perle et Platine de 2006, par Nintendo
Musique de Hitomi Sato, Junichi Masuda & Go Ichinose
To find a lot of discount video games : https://www.g2a.com/r/tantris
Tracks :
00:00-Opening Demo
03:18-After That Red Gyarados
03:39-Futaba Town(Day)
07:26-A Happening at the Lake
07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon
09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon
10:13-Item Get
10:18-Masago Town(Day)
11:18-Research Lab
12:31-Come On
12:59-Pokémon Center(Day)
13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid
14:12-Spotted Miniskirt
14:38-Battle Trainer
16:21-Victory Against Trainer
16:43-Kotobuki City(Day)
17:34-Key Item Get
17:39-Friendly Shop
20:03-Battle Rival
21:15-Kurogane Gate
22:42-Technical Machine Get
22:47-Kurogane City(Day)
23:36-Kurogane Mine
26:16-Battle Gym Leader
27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader
28:44-Badge Get
28:52-Spotted Twins
29:09-Level Up
29:13-Floaroma Town(Day)
32:07-Berry Get
33:06-Enter Team Galactic
33:31-Battle Team Galactic
34:49-Hakutai Forest
36:12-Let's Go Together
36:17-Hakutai City(Day)
37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building
38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin
39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic
40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution
42:08-Spotted Cycling
43:28-Yosuga City(Day)
45:59-Spotted Mountain Man
46:17-Zui Town(Day)
47:15-Poketch Ability Get
48:37-Tobari City(Day)
50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day)
51:35-Mio City
54:46-Kissaki City(Day)
56:42-Team Galactic Hideout
57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic
59:57-Deep Within the Hideout
1:00:30-Mt. Tenga
1:02:00-Spear Pillar
1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon
1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia
1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day)
1:08:16-Champions' Road
1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer
1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day)
1:10:42-Fight Area(Day)
1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night)
1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night)
1:17:32-WiFi Chat
1:17:52-Masago Town(Night)
1:18:56-Lucas' Theme
1:20:44-Kotobuki City
1:21:36-Television Channel
1:24:58-Mio City(Night)
1:26:27-Forget Technique
1:28:10-Spotted Karate King
1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night)
1:30:11-Spotted Sailor
1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night)
1:32:34-Underground Tunnel
1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag
1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl
1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night)
1:38:03-Forest House
1:39:52-Zui Town(Night)
1:40:52-Great Swamp
1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector
1:43:09-Tobari City(Night)
1:44:46-Game Corner
1:46:10-Win at the Slots
1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots
1:46:48-Spotted Gambler
1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night)
1:52:27-Crater of the Lake
1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome
1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore
1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night)
1:58:50-Spotted Artist
1:59:28-Meeting Plaza
2:00:29-Accessory Get
2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night)
2:01:47-Contest Hall
2:02:58-Super Contest
2:03:52-Contest Dress-up
2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement
2:08:00-Contest Victory
2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night)
2:10:45-Fight Area(Night)
2:11:52-Battle Tower
2:14:21-Hard Mountain
2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon
2:16:45-Mystery Gift
2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night)
2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League
2:19:50-Enter Elite Four
2:20:14-Battle Elite Four
2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four
2:22:56-Battle Champion
2:24:28-Victory Against Champion
2:25:09-Hall of Fame
2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame
2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain
2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina
2:35:50-Battle VS Regis
2:39:08-Contest -COOL-
2:40:21-Contest -CUTE-
2:41:27-Contest -SMART-
2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH-
2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain
2:44:16-Battle Castle
2:46:37-Battle Factory
2:48:17-Battle Roulette
2:50:05-Battle Stage
2:51:08-Cataclysm 1
2:52:24-Cataclysm 2
2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome
2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier
2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned
2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames
2:54:16-Fanfare Win
2:54:20-Move Tutor
2:54:48-Mystery Gift
2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival
2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY-
2:57:51-Resort Area House
2:59:02-Opening Title
3:00:42-Torn World
3:03:23-WiFi Minigames
3:03:57-WiFi Parade
3:04:53-WiFi Tower
3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- Neon_Haunter: 42:39 is the tune that makes me remember the whole game in a flashback
- PLKMeister: My turtwig :'(
- nirthpanter: to date no, but it'll always be counted as perfect in my opinion :) :D :3
- Darkrai1431: Canalave City's soundtrack is so beautiful
- Lucas Augusto: sadreaction
- TheSirSpider: I am home.
- matteste: To me, I think gen 4 had the best music with gen 3 close second.
- Wazzup: i love all the music but the quadrio themes ( Dialga Palkia Giratina Arceus )
- louis shiels: No matter where I am, I can't help but sing the Elite four battle
- Dumont: Why does the music sound like its on fast forward?
- Vasco Del Monte: i really really really like pokemon perla!!!,it was my first pokemon game and now i broked my nintendo:(((( i want remake!!!!!
- connor horman: +Swarm Striker I want it to come for Gen 8. We waited for 8 years whats 2-3 more
- Vjc 1128: Probably one of my favorite soundtracks to any Pokemon game makes me want to play right now
- Endothermic RS: I always say Gen 3 is trumpets, and Gen 4 is very clarinet/piano heavy. No one mentioned the synth clarinets :o
- Zafri .Z: what happens in veilstone stays in veilstone. 😉
- Gainstar: Except Gen 2 :P
- chicken tendies: holy shit i haven't heard that opening in >10 years
- blara2401: July 2009. On a trip to mainland France, I walked in a video game store, and saw a simple Nintendo DS Lite. Hesitating between Mario Kart DS and Pokémon Platinum, I chose the latter after about ten minutes as my first game on the console. I didn't regret it. Thanks to this game, I met a friend that made me discover roleplay, an interest that led me to meet some of my best friends. Literally, I owe this game a big part of my current life.
- ActionmanFX: +Golden Goodra but dem cash nintendo will get...
- Corrupt ‘: 2:22:57 I can see the spiritomb now, constantly barraging my level 67 golem with dark pulse, and the roserade plummeting hundreds of magical leaf at the face of my Alakazam. Wonderful memories gen 4, my first and favourite Pokemon game <3
- Zac Foelster: +Camos I've played a lot of spinoffs, but I was referring to the main games. Also, I didn't mean I literally played every game, I've just played a game per generation, and if the game had a good enough 3rd game (emerald, platinium) I played that too. So I've played enough for my opinion that sun and moon are my favourite pokemon games to have some validity.
- Darksunxxx: same ._.
- Superkelow: +a guy IK m8. This was before the games were announced.
- Rex Skywalker: Say wha?
- Danny 199: This is all my nostalgic feelings together! I love it!
- Andrew Clarke: I dont know about anybody else but I feel that Platinum Diamond and Pearl were the last of the "golden age" of pokemon so to speak. I mean after this is just remakes and Black and White which we all can agree were not the greatest in the franchise.
- raymond kelly: Them feels...
- Tombolt13 the Xehanort: My first game was Pearl and I still have the first story I ever had my pokemon name is Zek, and it has always been Zek, same as my Rival, his name has always been Luis. After all I've been through with the Sinnoh Region, I still can't bring myself to watch the anime because of Dawn, I hated her since I first saw her in my first pokemon game. Of course my starter was Chimchar, and it was a guy named Vicky and he is now level 100 after 6 years of tired-less work, and with no rare candies.
- adr b: black and white worst soundtrack.. everything else is just good
- Julian: soft cocc
- zaplepikachu: +Darticus the Great What about Champion?
- Jackwoll Raiken: this game was so revolutionary in 2007 !!!! Man... too many memories..
- The Not shiny hunter: Freind:why are you cryin- Me:(shows this) Me and my friend:(cries)
- Dachampster: This game has my favorite soundtrack of all of the games. Of course, almost all nintendo games have amazing soundtracks
- ThatGamerDude: Thats the closest we can GO, for now...
- Nick Alexander: well rip me
- David Baines: This is the game that got me into the series my first Pokémon game diamond then got platinum. I can't believe I had to lose my diamond copy because I love that game so much memories
- Arcryoshi: I totally agree! Because I play piano I just wanted to learn this. It's hard but possible! Sinnoh <3
- Darticus the Great: Favorites from this soundtrack (for my reference): 5:00 Rival *17:39**- Friendly Shop* 34:49- Hakutai (Eterna) Forest 43:28- Yosuga (Hearthome) City 1:04:07- Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:28:10- Spotted Karate King 1:29:17- Route 205 (Night) *1:32:34**- Underground Tunnel* *1:44:46**- Game Corner* 1:47:17- Route 209 (Night) 1:53:37- Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33- Route210(Night) 2:10:45- Fight Area(Night) *2:20:14**- Battle Elite Four* 2:22:56- Battle Champion *2:25:09**- Hall of Fame* 2:31:48- Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36- Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50- Battle VS Regis 2:48:17-Battle Roulette
- Bobby L.: Gen 4 is the best
- WondrousMoose: Each of these songs has so many memories attached to it. I played Diamond through high school, and it quickly became one of my favorite games. I played back through Pearl and was reminded of just how great of a game it is - the world, the music, the characters, the Pokemon, and of course Cynthia - the hardest champion of any Pokemon game. Overall, they're just incredible games.
- Gwen SleepyHead: I swear, this game kept awake so many players (including myself) I can't even--
- Nashi Block: Brocktimus Prime I’ve noticed that every one of my friends who has white DS lites has Diamond while others who had the Black DS Lite also had Pearl.....I had Pearl because I thought Palkia looked badass. And yes I had a black DS 😂
- Nick Rick: And you can still play it on the newest system :D
- DrakeDoesGamez: trumpets???? PIANOS ARE WAY BETTER
- Renee Wasser: 34:49 is my favorite.
- Kris: Omfg.. the nostalgia..it hurts
- Gainstar: Hahahahaha damn straight.
- Gavin PMF: 6:13 brings back so many memories 😢😢 the nostalgia is heartbreaking
- RStaR RaptoR: 2:14:21 HARD MOUNTAIN
- Floofable: Its very jazzy I now see
- Martín Zino: 47:20-48:36 music??
- Hospitab1e Nation: +Sharlontaee Harris I think Kanto had some pretty lame soundtracks. It had nothing really distinctive in my opinion.
- MushroomKiller: TOO MUCH NOSTALGIA AT 2:05 3:39 6:13 11:18 20:03 25:12 44:36
- Ramoth Fan: 2:22:12 is the best Theme in ALL Pokémon Games. (Second place is Alders Theme and the ORAS Rival Battle)
- Red: ChrisMKW Don't ask for likes
- Nic Simon: that could not be more true ;D
- Géléria Koyuki: ❤
- Jonathan Yerkes: +SeafoamSmiles I agree but its sad the the Game boy advanced sp have loud speakers.. BUT THEY WHERE TO LAZY TO BUT A HEADPHONE JACK IN IT!!!!
- Bilakos S: 1:15:27 im crying
- Ian Witherspoon: My first Pokemon game was Diamond, and this takes me back. My Chimmi is level 100 along with the rest of my team, and I have almost caught them all. This makes me feel GREAT!!!
- Chilled_Flames: why is the wifi tower theme so beautiful
- Johannes Faller: +Graphir PvP leet
- EL C: Pshhh i barely made it to 16 minutes....
- styles: Best in the series and best soundtrack 😍 love gen 4 !!
- Varegue: Now, he is erased and dead as is my old Nintendo DS, and even though he was just a line of 1 and 0 with some sprites, I still miss him as one of the best game companion I ever had. So many battles, so many enemies, so many adventures in the span of a sadly short year that is now far away in my past. It has been ten years, and I still can't find any pokemon that gives me the same feeling I had playing that game, that feeling that you gave me. We'll see eachother again one day, Infernape. And once again, we'll beat those weak Champions and claim our rightful spot at the top.
- Roo Gutierrez: Tracks : 00:00-Opening Demo 02:05-Opening 03:18-After That Red Gyarados 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 05:00-Rival 05:36-Route201(Day) 06:13-Lake 07:26-A Happening at the Lake 07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon 09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon 09:19-Hikari 10:13-Item Get 10:18-Masago Town(Day) 11:18-Research Lab 12:31-Come On 12:59-Pokémon Center(Day) 13:46-Recovery 13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid 14:12-Spotted Miniskirt 14:38-Battle Trainer 16:21-Victory Against Trainer 16:43-Kotobuki City(Day) 17:34-Key Item Get 17:39-Friendly Shop 18:32-Route203(Day) 20:03-Battle Rival 21:15-Kurogane Gate 22:42-Technical Machine Get 22:47-Kurogane City(Day) 23:36-Kurogane Mine 25:12-Gym 26:16-Battle Gym Leader 27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader 28:44-Badge Get 28:52-Spotted Twins 29:09-Level Up 29:13-Floaroma Town(Day) 32:07-Berry Get 32:11-Route205(Day) 33:06-Enter Team Galactic 33:31-Battle Team Galactic 34:49-Hakutai Forest 36:12-Let's Go Together 36:17-Hakutai City(Day) 37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building 38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin 39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic 40:12-Evolution 40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution 40:50-Bike 42:08-Spotted Cycling 42:39-Route206(Day) 43:28-Yosuga City(Day) 44:36-Route209(Day) 45:59-Spotted Mountain Man 46:17-Zui Town(Day) 47:15-Poketch Ability Get 47:20-Route210 48:37-Tobari City(Day) 50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day) 51:35-Mio City 52:55-Route216(Day) 54:46-Kissaki City(Day) 56:42-Team Galactic Hideout 57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic 59:57-Deep Within the Hideout 1:00:30-Mt. Tenga 1:02:00-Spear Pillar 1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon 1:03:28-Cataclysm 1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day) 1:08:16-Champions' Road 1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer 1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day) 1:10:42-Fight Area(Day) 1:11:50-Route225(Day) 1:13:11-Route228(Day) 1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night) 1:15:27-Route201(Night) 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night) 1:17:32-WiFi Chat 1:17:52-Masago Town(Night) 1:18:56-Lucas' Theme 1:20:44-Kotobuki City 1:21:36-Television Channel 1:22:41-GTS 1:23:29-Surf 1:24:58-Mio City(Night) 1:26:27-Forget Technique 1:26:32-Route203(Night) 1:28:10-Spotted Karate King 1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night) 1:29:17-Route205(Night) 1:30:11-Spotted Sailor 1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night) 1:32:34-Underground Tunnel 1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag 1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl 1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night) 1:38:03-Forest House 1:39:52-Zui Town(Night) 1:40:52-Great Swamp 1:41:52-Route206(Night) 1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector 1:43:09-Tobari City(Night) 1:44:46-Game Corner 1:46:10-Win at the Slots 1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots 1:46:48-Spotted Gambler 1:47:17-Route209(Night) 1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night) 1:50:35-Route216(Night) 1:52:27-Crater of the Lake 1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33-Route210(Night) 1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore 1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night) 1:58:50-Spotted Artist 1:59:28-Meeting Plaza 2:00:29-Accessory Get 2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night) 2:01:47-Contest Hall 2:02:22-Pofin 2:02:58-Super Contest 2:03:52-Contest Dress-up 2:04:54-Dance-Easy 2:06:17-Dance-Hard 2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement 2:08:00-Contest Victory 2:08:21-Route228(Night) 2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night) 2:10:45-Fight Area(Night) 2:11:52-Battle Tower 2:12:58-Route225(Night) 2:14:21-Hard Mountain 2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon 2:16:45-Mystery Gift 2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night) 2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League 2:19:50-Enter Elite Four 2:20:14-Battle Elite Four 2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four 2:22:12-Champion-Shirona 2:22:56-Battle Champion 2:24:28-Victory Against Champion 2:25:09-Hall of Fame 2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame 2:27:10-Ending 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50-Battle VS Regis 2:37:00-Opening 2:39:08-Contest -COOL- 2:40:21-Contest -CUTE- 2:41:27-Contest -SMART- 2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH- 2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain 2:44:16-Battle Castle 2:46:37-Battle Factory 2:48:17-Battle Roulette 2:50:05-Battle Stage 2:51:08-Cataclysm 1 2:52:24-Cataclysm 2 2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome 2:53:18-Epilogue 2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier 2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned 2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames 2:54:16-Fanfare Win 2:54:20-Move Tutor 2:54:48-Mystery Gift 2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival 2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY- 2:57:51-Resort Area House 2:59:02-Opening Title 3:00:42-Torn World 3:03:23-WiFi Minigames 3:03:57-WiFi Parade 3:04:53-WiFi Tower 3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- oscar parkinson: bruh same
- minh gia: Im loving it 16:43
- BOSduck: The music composers for this soundtrack must be wizards or something
- Geo The Poly: Honestly one of my best memories was finding a shiny geodude so early that I didn't even know about shinies, so I was like, "Ooh, golden geodude!" I caught it and told my friend, and he told me how insane that was
- Josh Hanukayev: HG/SS is also very nostalgic, highly recommend you play it.
- Shinxed: +Koh the Sekirei i like gen 3 but not love it as much as gen 4 and gen 5 only has a great story for me
- Togi4me: Felt nostalgic while listening to this so i found my old diamond cartridge, the diamond sticker is frayed at the edges from being so old and so much use. This was my favorite game when I was little.
- Dean Kim: I love 2:05
- Kathleen: I've played nearly every version of the game (Except the ones on game boy and Black/White 2)... Platinum was my first pokémon game... I had finished it, and I used to play with my BF... So many dear moments coming back, nostalgia! I can't play with my friend anymore, and I've lost all contact with her. (I changed country...)... This made me cry. THAT WAS THE STORY OF MY LIFE. If my friend reads this, she will probably recognise herself. She'll never read this. I wrote it all for nothing. T-T
- strikermi9 2: 16:43 was my favourite in the games bring me back memories 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😊😊😊👍🏾
- Kyra Hughes: feel so old :'( / :))
- SonaMiku11: OwO UwU the ost came from when giratina appeared you know the jump scare?
- necroplastful: The ultimate and flowless pokemon game! No pokemon game that followed this one ever matched the epicness this Generation was as a whole. Everything in gen 4 is a 20/20 in my book. I could talk for ages about how this game changed my life!
- Ajust: In my opinion the theme Cynthia has is one of the best music used in the game. I can remember when I was little I got so pumped by it and now a few years later it still pumps me up. I hope someday I can replay these games with better graphics and finaly understanding English.
- AtroSpecter: Genwunners couldn't possibly understand how a Gen 4 person feels.
- Kane the Primagen: My first Pokémon game :')
- Da Doggias of 2346: I dunno. From the reworked DPP tracks I heard in ORAS, I'm a bit hopeful for a remake of Gen 4 (as long as do pretty much the same thing with the soundtrack as what they showcased).
- Peardude89: Whether your facirote color is Red, Blue, Yellow, or even Green, no mater if your heart is made of gold, or if you have a soul of silver, click your platnium in respect, and HAIL LORD BIDOFF, WHO LEARNED HMS FOR OUR SINS!!
- Become Smoke: some music on this has really inspired me musically. My best bud doesn't even play pokemon and he points it out in my guitar improvision. It was my first main line pokemon game. XD Gale of Darkness will forever be my proud first
- Mar'kusi Rosenburg: Da kann ich nur zustimmen ^^ Es sind einfach die genialsten Editionen und Games überhaupt, die je erfunden wurden und das hier bringt einfach wieder alle Erinnerungen an diese Spiele zurück ;^;
- Isabel H: platinum will forever be the best pokemon game in my mind
- Tatsuya: I'd do anything for a remake please Nintendo
- Captain Dom1: I cant wait till they announce sinnoh confirmed so this music can re-appear
- TheTKDGamer: This has the best soundtrack
- Benjamin Delahaie: Just like me!
- MESCIZ: Underrated for sure. Best of the post-GBA Pokemon games.
- iiWolfpaq: 6:13- Lake 32:11- Route 205 (Day) 40:50- Bike 44:36- Route 209 (Day) These specific soundtracks played along my memory as soon as I heard the first second. I'm crying right now I miss the old days
- Storly & Co: I freaking love Tobari city's soundtrack ouo
- The Illustrator: The rival theme kinda reminds me of original Sonic, then there's new Sonic.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgwlJIo0In0
- SuomiLaava: If they make reamake its for Switch, and i dont own and will never own one, so idc if they dont do remake
- DRakeTR of KBam: There are three Legendary Pokemon in Gen 4. One is called Palkia and the other is Dialga. They both control time & space. Then there is the 3rd one called Nostalgia, that travels people back to the past internaly.
- RandomVideos: Pokemon Pearl was my first main line pokemon games and my third ds game (the other being PMD Blue and NSMBds).
- cadieux.: I was 8 years old in May 2009. I had just managed to buy a DSi with some money I had saved and I decided to get a new game along with it aswell. My family from Canada were visiting at the time and my Aunt bought me a copy of Pokémon Platinum when she asked what game I wanted. It was a tough choice between that and Rhythm Paradise but I chose Pokémon and ended up getting Rhythm Paradise about a year later. From the opening cutscene, I was in love. It was slightly scary, enthralling and made me feel something I'd never felt in a videogame before, and that was complete immersion. I didn't know if anyone at school even liked Pokémon, but to my surprise a guy I had known for quite a few years was an avid fan and his game of choice was Diamond. A friendship blossomed and to this day we're still best friends, and we still battle and trade as if we're still 8 years old. I'm so grateful for the memories this game has served me, and this music takes me right back. Thank you Nintendo.
- Poke Jun: I cried! REMAKE PLZ!
- Makoto Naegi: +Scoutfingers eh, nowadays i've harnessed the power of ROMs. still want to display the cases, even if i don't have a physical copy of the game.
- Mink Minaj: Yo también
- Delcotsu Tajiri: Don´t hate them... Their lack of taste doesn´t deserve your hate
- Wintericed: I started with Crystal, and I honestly think that I like Gen 4 better than Gen 2, even though I feel like I'm slightly betraying one of my younger selves saying so.
- RStaR RaptoR: Serena Diazzi dude when i got wood hammer for torterra, it was crazy!!! That's pretty much the end of the game though. I need like 200 battle points to get the rest of the weird items. Like power brace.
- Future Sentinel: +Percy Shaw Go to ORAS or HGSS
- Hanna Flood: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the nostalgia. :')
- Richard Asstit: There are very few themes from this soundtrack I can say I actually don't like.
- OLD BIRD CHOZO: And actually i heard that the creator of pokemon said gen 4 is the definitive pokemon game. If pokemon was to end, this woukd be THE BEST POKEMON EVER!
- sakilook: I caught my first shiny pokemon ever in platinum..... It was a bidoof....
- Theoretical Physics: best soundtrack of any pokemon game, gotta keep true to the music in a remake
- TimGaming88: My favourites are 2:15:38, 2:22:56 and 1:00:30
- ArkPulseblade: This game as well as Pokemon G,S nad R,B was a HUGE fraction of my childhood.
- Alejandro Gutierrez: Diamon and pearl my friend for something new and more challenging . Because x and y are to easy . Did you ever play Pokemon Fire red ? If you liked yellow then you would love those since they're remakes but for something new diamond and pearl won't fail you
- Frostbittenwinds: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Unova AND Alola have had remakes. Can we get a Sinnoh one yet?? (Maybe Kalos, but some re-balancing is in order for it.)
- nirthpanter: Woah, the music in this region is delicious awesomeness :3
- MrLinKRedZ xd: Nos vale nepe
- JESN: This OST is so nostalgic to me -- I'm seriously trying not to cry right now.
- David_Aug_101: Even though they are still my favourite Pokemon games, Diamond and Pearl had a lot of issues. The soundtrack was not one of them. It really highlights to me how boring some of the more recent games' soundtracks have been in comparison to earlier entries.
- Jasmine Tang: Haha hi! Sorry late reply is late, I don't go on Youtube as often anymore lol xD
- a Bear: OmegaSapphire :D
- Zherony: Pokemon me gustaba desde que salio la segunda generacion, pero el primer juego de Pokemon que tuve fue el diamante, lo recuerdo perfectamente... Me lo compraron con una DS Lite por navidad cuando tenia 7 años. Recuerdo la sensacion al oír la musica de fondo cuando Serbal te pregunta tu nombre y tal... Ahh, demasiados recuerdos con estas melodias ^^
- The GreenShawki: so nostalgic it really makes me wanna cry. so many good memories trying to grind exp, and getting yelled at by my mom... the music was incredible... pokemon now has gone to waste in my opinion
- Kimberly Palmer: You do
- Ina Verlinden: Diamond was my first pokémon game ever. My sister got pearl. We always tried to be further than the other. Soo much fun :) . In my opinion, the way you play the new games are less fun to play. just going up down right left was enough for me. But you know, the games have to change over years so I get why.
- Pan: My first Pokemon game. Still have my copy of Pearl from way back when.
- Angel _AnimeFriends: OMG, i remember playing platinum when i was a kid... this game is so amazing.
- MizManTheFryingP: Lake makes me super nostalgic
- Dark Storm: So melancholy about this game ! It was such a good time when I could play to Diamond for hours Thank you for this soundtrack !!!
- DawnDee CrazEdge: It was that sinnoh got a killer bass followed by Demigods Take notes sonic
- zuyurio: this game got me into pokemon as a huge thing :U
- Matthew S: Oh memories... I miss you
- Charmlly: Man this soundtrack reminds me when I stayed up super late to play Diamond.
- Sophia Willis: i love the lake wowow
- Love W: Pokemon diamond wasn't my first pokemon game but it's my most beloved, that's for sure.
- Armalitexelite11 Yveltal: Miss you Pokemon Diamond & Pearl please make a remake first ever game I bought on DS
- Leon K: - Gen 4 isn't a game. The games you're referring to are called Diamond and Pearl, Platinum, as well as HeartGold and SoulSilver.
- SwaggZ GT: I was so good at this game and i started this game when i was 5-6 years and when i completed it (litterly everything i had all my pokemons lvl 80+) my dad sold my Nintendo DS and later i got a new one not the LITE but the normal one and i played much again and i didnt get bored i loved it ! Still i love Pokemon ! it would be so cool if Pokemon was real !!
- Anchluss: Selecting Pokémon theme makes me cry
- Jackson Pickard: No pokemon game will ever beat this one
- Agent John: seriously tho. The amount of fun i had with this game with my friends in 2007 is unreal.
- Swallow_Skyla: idk man, Hell doesn't sound very relaxing
- Lewis Birkett: Rip DPP the last good Pokémon games
- Emma K.: Nice study music :)
- SuomiLaava: If they make reamake its for Switch, and i dont own and will never own one, so idc if they dont do remake
- Max: all this time i thought the gen 4 games were some of the most disliked of all the generations but when i look at all these comments it seems like one of the most loved
- SnoopDogg: I was around 8 years when I played the game... Hearing those songs just makes me wanna buy the gamr again! I miss it so much fml😭
- marshall hall: I wanna cry I am feeling really nostalgic and I can't find my pearl cartridge!
- Carlos Fernandez: best soundtrack made in a game
- Jayvee Baits: what's the difference between diamond,pearl and platinum? what's the best one to play?
- PANTSMONSTER: First Pokémon game I bought on my own, was a great time
- Arianella: Yes! Diamond and Crystal are my favorite Pokémon games of all time.
- neon mess: +Ramoranion Aw. :( I recommend that you do! I'm thinking about buying Pearl to add to my collection since I have Diamond and Platinum :)
- jefftheduck321: I know it's a cliche to say this, but it's so unnerving for me to think that these games are almost 10 years old. Emerald was my first, so I'm not even that old, but it's still terrifying.
- Robbe V: Is it okay if I use this in my videos as background music?
- Riccardo Peruzzo: My childhood :’(
- Pedro Alejandro Baenas Roig: Gracias por hacer este video recopilando tanta musica, se me han puesto los pelos de punta al oirla
- Bandicoot Bill: Don't feel bad about crying. I already did. Multiple times.
- Charlie Hayworth: remakes needed, temporal diamond, cellestial pearl, 3ds
- Zaknel: Nostalgia :')
- J C: That intro!!!!!
- Amug: The bike theme at 40:50 made me cry
- Glank: Many people talk shit about Sinnoh, particularly on 4chan maybe lol. So yea, I think it is kinda underrated
- Diya: Reading this comment reminded me that these games are 11 years old...
- Leon: A remake of DP would be my reason to buy a nintendo switch
- dtrain2495: I worked at a summer camp, and one of my past campers is a big Pokemon fan, but she never got to play any games older than Gen 5. Since I have Platinum and figured I would likely never play Diamond again, I gave her my copy so she could experience what I did in my childhood. Hopefully she enjoys Gen 4 as much as I did.
- TheGreatZandria: yeah true.
- Astrid: Pearl was the first Pokemon game I ever got. This music is making my nostalgic neurons throb.
- adre0421: Same
- Cyber Sorcerer: Pokemon league day is like the best
- Chris V: Tryin' hard to hold back the feels... This game travelled with me, at the age of 7, to Europe, Mexico, and California, and I remember how it kept me going, how much fun I had for endless hours, playing for fun and nothing else. I can still recall the feeling of having what I thought was "The perfect team", what I now know would be trash competetively. I didn't care. It's magic, and the music from this game brings me back.
- Anubis Deity: 1:04:08
- Óscar García Gallego: 45:59 best song ever
- Layman: Mainly piano, horns, and bass guitar.
- Lana Nieves: When I was a kid, my first Pokemon games were Pokemon Yellow and Gold. My friends all made fun of me for having the older games and I desperately wanted Diamond/Pearl to catch up to them... So when I finally got it, it was a momentous occasion for me and the game brings back nostalgia :3 Little did my friends know that RBY and GSC were magnificent classics, and I find it funny that people nowadays tease others for having NOT played the classics first.
- Alex Malone: These games had the best music. Btw what instruments were used to make this music? I hope someone answers...
- The Nobodycares Man: Shame the battles takes like 6 years each to finish
- Gwen SleepyHead: true..
- ArcticWP: The 'Twinleaf town' theme still hits me hardest! 03:39
- Sylvia: Guys, remember when this came out? That was almost EIGHT YEARS AGO. Wat.
- Epician24: First Pokemon game I ever played and after playing them all, still my favorite. I hope we get a remake of these games like Ruby and Sapphire did
- Dalr ór Vargar: SO MUCH NOSTALGIA!
- Crimson Red: The real og's use a gameshark : ^ )
- Sweetcommando: Goddamn this brings back memories!
- Yhonas: Platinum was my first and favorite Pokemon game to date, I have so many great memories as a little kid playing this 24/7 and my awesome team of Pokemon I had 😭😭 miss this game and my team who were more like friends too me 😀 nostalgia is a powerful thing.
- Rianne Caccamo: The feels, I remember walking into EB Games when I was 6 to get Diamond. I lost that game 3 years later so I lost all my pokemons :/
- JasonLFC: The best Pokemon Games ever.
- Rowlet: I will always love route 225 but i never understood why everyone loved 216 until i got to the good part a xD
- Mathis1207: +KingBalgoras 16:43 is still the best ...
- Grand Marabout: My first vidéo game, I'm crying juste for listening that <3
- Emmi-Louise Spark: The nostalgia I feel listening to this music is unreal. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, where do I begin? Through this game I found one of my favourite legendries - Palkia. This game was incredible, I love it to pieces. I remember playing the game whilst watching the anime as a child, oh man, where have the years gone? I was six back then and now I'm fifteen, where have the eleven years gone? This is so nostalgic, haha. I love Game Freak. I love Pokémon!
- Adam Sundquist: All of these songs have the same attachment to me as well. Now it doesn't even feel as if ten years have gone by, but but they are still one of my favorite pokemon series to date. Not only was it actually challenging, unlike today's Pokemon games, but it had an unforgettable storyline and character who later on, you had an emotional attachment to. Let's not forget the best music in a Pokemon game to date, as well. :)
- PT Yamin: Why cant they make music like this in the new games? (I'm talking about XY not ORAS). 6th gen overworld themes were pretty nice tho, but the battle themes couldv'e been better. And they screwed up the Gym leader's theme! damnit
- Max Wolter: I love how the Music changed when it was night. hope they will do that in Future games too
- Ephagon fra Østerrike: I think I found my childhood. It got locked in a Pokeball for some reason... I forgot all the names of the pokemon and stuff about the game. But dammit, I love it so much. This is my childhood. And WHAT WOULD I GIVE to just live in one strange pokeworld...
- Megawolfxxx345: am i the only one who finds this game relaxing as hell?
- Willi Wemi: Magic, remember so many memories..
- _Re-Volt_: Platinum was my first pokemon game and honestly it still is my favorite game in the series. My fondest memory is taking a stroll through Hearthome City and Amity Square (Amity Square's music: My favorite) with my Torterra during the afternoon. This game is so relaxing yet challenging at the same time and I will never forget playing countless hours (especially in the Battle Factory)!
- Reon Stewart: +Bee Ness Gen 4 and it's OST is friggin gold :')
- AtroSpecter: +Dark W The orchestration of the soundtrack really is mind-boggling.
- Bre Cheese: Ah! Aha! I finally found the song I was looking for! The time I spent looking for it was almost perpetual, but I found it! Oh sweet mother of Mary, happy days, cue the good times! I praise this video for existing! WORSHIP IT! Probably exaggerating my reaction a bit, but I've been looking for the 'Spotted Gambling Man' for the last, I dunno, 10 minutes, because it's been stuck in my head for days on end. Popping up randomly for literally years. That 10 minutes was worth it. If anyone's curious on what the heck I'm talking about, it's the song at 1:46:48. Dun nun duuuuuuun, dun nun duuuuuuuuun.
- AguAchAt: Ugh the feelings It's the first version of pokemon I've ever played to, I remember my parents bought it to me for the only reason that my big brother had diamond and he wanted me to have the other version to play with him, even though back then I had zero interest in pokemon x)
- Rianne Caccamo: +Rainstar The original ones with tonnes of glitches are only in Japan, although you can buy it from amazon. I haven't played it just yet, but the only downside to it, is that its all in Japanese so you have to know the placing of all the letters when you type your name and I think it would be easier to not nickname your pokemon.
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Zui Town(Night)
- romance dawn: Platinum was my first pokemon game and it's still my favorite pokemon game I was like in first grade or something and didn't really understand how pokemon worked but I loved this game There's just something about this soundtrack that's so beautiful and I can stop listening to it ahh also the story and characters in gen 4 are so amazing I love everything about it so much ♡
- dnr0915: maybe, but eh, you get used to it
- Pedro Borges: 29:09
- Cainyoyo: Christopher B. Boy were they wrong
- Geo The Poly: Swallow_Skyla well giratinas not the pokemon devil, lets say its darkrai before dark void got nefed (FOR CRYING OUT LOUD Y DARKRAI I KNOW YOUR MOVIES A LIE UR EVIL)
- TheGreatZandria: Yes you can trade between SS HG Pearl Diamond and Platinum to each other
- Mujtahid Haque: I like this OST better than any other gen.
- SoundMaster: here come the goosbumps
- Alpacal: me too, it was my favourite pokemon game of all time, the newer ones are bad in my opinion
- JaborB3: where do i get the notes to play the songs?
- uApollo: Nostalgia hits me so hard on this, Pearl was my first ever pokemon game, the feeling I had playing games like this back then when I was younger is something that cannot be described. I tried to re-live that by playing pearl on an emulator a little while back but I could no longer get the same feeling of happiness/excitement from the games which I played during my childhood. That's when I knew my childhood had ended. However listening to soundtracks such as this and Super Mario Galaxy e.t.c give me so much nostalgia that my whole body goes cold, the goosebumps take over and I feel that same feeling again. :')
- Ben Kasten: I'm a huge fan of sinnoh and I found that the soundtrack is great studying music. I just wrote a paper listening to this and never got sidetracked!
- Jan: OMG I'm going to cry
- Macy N.: I feel like I'm the only one who prefers replaying Gen 4 after 10 years to a remake of it.
- Jael Carmona: i know right my1st game too
- Jack Donnell: 2:22:56 the nostalgia
- canecoffy: Estúpido nostalgia <3
- Vast White: when i was little, i went to a friends house to see they had this game, at the time i didnt even know there were more pokemon besides pikachu and piplup omg when she let me play it i was super shocked because i didnt know the games were so fun (i only saw the anime when i was little, so-)
- barqueros2001: its perfect
- Moe M: I kinda want a remake but I don't. The game itself was good enough and it still feels new despite its been 8 years now (shit O_O). May be we get a for example the 7th generation's region and then we would be able to visit Sinnoh after completing the elite 4? and it would related to that region just like Kanto and Johto. This way we'll get a new story and it would make sense to see some changes in the region without getting pissed. and we don't have to live Dawn and Lucas's story again because it would be repetitive. I kinda got bored with ORAS. something wasn't right but i did enjoy it. Either ways I will fucking get the remake if they made it lol.
- T R Λ D Ξ S: The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day)
- 【Vocaloid English】: +Manga Tendo I've played through every game from Blue up to Alpha Sapphire, and Pearl is still my favourite <3 Love the Sinnoh region, love the music, love the story and the antagonist, and I LOVE the Pokémon! Best generation ever <3 well, minus the infamous surfing speed...
- Aweena et les Pokémon: Que de souvenirs :')
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:44:46 game corner is one of the best songs of every pokemon game!
- O_O ?!: I've always had to mute my DSI whenever this game starts because the beginning but the song scares the poop out of me and some parts just seem too creepy. not to mention I don't like the sudden blast of music.
- Bookish Gamer: I used to think that the only good team galactic themes were in their HQ but Enter Team Galactic isn't too bad, and neither is Cyrus's or the grunt theme too bad either.
- MOK: I used to have Gold when I was 4 but since the "internal battery has run dry" message kept showing up I thought my game would never work and I just never played. stupid decision I know. I skipped Gen 3 as well. I was seven when Pokémon Pearl/diamond came out and I instantly wanted to try it because I just got my first DS and remembered that pokemon games were a thing. I fell in love with Gen 4 and logged in hundreds of hours doing everything I could to catch them all. I got my younger brother to try it when he got a DS the next year and we couldn't stop trading, battling, and playing in the underground bases we set up (I even have a stash of Jewels underground somewhere all size 999 by now!) . Of course I moved on to play Platinum, Heart gold, Black, White 2, X, OmegaSapphire, and gen 1 and 3 ROMs later on making memories along the way. Its been ten years since the official release of D/P and I can already taste the bittersweetness of a remake. Sure id love to see my childhood remastered in stunning new detail, but nothing will give me the same feeling as I did before with the multiplayer experience because I know my close friends and even brother have all moved on not even caring about the nostalgia whatsoever. A sad revelation this is in my life especially when everyone's more concerned with PokémonGo at the moment
- Erimeraz: I still come back to this and get weepy. Sinnoh feels, man. Pokemon Diamond is my most played game with over 600 hours on it.. Man.
- Julia Graziela: pokemon platinum was my first pokemon game too!! And still my favorite after all this years <3333 besides being an incredible game has the best songs, and zelda is my favorite game in the world, all the franchise, nintendo has the best games in the world in all its features and never fails in this
- Dark Empress Aly: I'll always prefer the 2D Pokémon games to the 3D ones. So many memories and too much fondness to want to let go.
- rdmkskn1: +Dragax75 LOL
- Alexander Thompson: Nostalgia from when I was 8 and 9
- Ben S: Apparently this game was released 3 years before I got into Pokemon...
- Matt: 2:18:28 got me so pumped as a kid to kick some elite four ass.
- Party McFly: Its really funny that each handheld system that nintendo creates has a certain distinct music sound. This soundtrack captures the sound of the Nintendo DS perfectly.
- Maxilliana Sylveon: Ah nostalgia. Played this game 7 years ago. I've played every version of Pokemon (except pokemon X because I've Y) and now Im waiting for my Alpha Sapphire. POKEMON IS AMAZING.
- louis shiels: +Kimberly Chin (kimchi) true
- dillasbebs622: Memories...
- Potato/ RoadToPro: Me too
- DABEAST _NL: if they will make a remake of this ill be crying through the whole game! Pokemon Diamond was my first videogame ever, and after 6 years listening to these sounds/songs just makes me so emotional.
- Tullio Bordone: Who are those 76 people who don't like Pokémon Pearl? Well, I know. Those that started their Pokèmon life from ORAS, and think that these songs are too retrò. Fuck y'all.
- zuyurio: so many memories <33 i was really really into pokemon when this game came out!
- Ohmy God: Je suis entrain de me refaire le jeux :3 depuis 2 jours :3
- Eric Perez: really though, who else realized that they never truly appreciated Eterna Forest theme? :)
- Andreas Rask: I can't decide
- DankFrankTheTank: the song of my childhood :D
- Panos: Sinoh is the best region Hoping for Sinoh remakes this year
- UnchartedHD: Awesome!!
- Retired Channel: This soundtrack is something that I can listen to all day, I love it and its favorite gen :)
- I QRIS: Viridian forrest theme really hit home and summed up the region
- Sudher Kumar: I love pokemon movies. That's my favourite movie . I love to play this game.
- WallyRocket 87: 17:40, sounds like something straight out of Wario Land 4. This is a great OST!!
- Sean Galvin: i thought sinnoh was a great reigon, kind of a let down from hoenn, but still was good. only major knock i had on it was its rather dissapointing soundtrack. but i think its overrated to the the huge amount of praise it gets.
- Pierre Gaming54: I want the remake of these two wonderful games. I want them !!!!!!!!
- CheesyPies: I also love DPs sountrack. I hope the new Sun&Moon will have a good soundtrack too
- hacking into the mainframe: gen 4 music was literally the best you dumb shitter
- ༺ཱྀ༼Mitsuki༽ཱི༻ 은 미나: 4th Gen had the BEST SOUNDTRACK ever
- Fabian Anguiano: Que nostalgia
- TBNRcommunist: THEY HYPE FOR DPP WAS HUGE MATE...IT WAS THE ONLY POKEMON MAIN SERIES GAME TO INCREASE IN SALES FROM THE PREVIOUS MAIN SERIES GAME! Diamond and Pearl sold a million more than Ruby and Sapphire while Platinum also sold more than Emerald. Never has sales gone up as Red and Blue decreased a lot in sales to GSC then decreased again in RSE then (remakes obviously decreased) then DPP increased in sales, then BW decreased, B2W2 also decreased (sorta is a remake, continuation thing) and X and Y decreased in sales. DPP hype was pretty big, and its popularity surged it above Ruby and Sapphire.
- Tagträumerin: I love this! Pokemon diamond was the first game i've ever played :)
- cs:go media. cs:go media.: Rival cool miusic
- Fran Castello Llorca: En en el 2:35:00 hay una cancion que no se reconocerla cual es? What is the sound in 2:35:00?
- Maxilliana Sylveon: 3840-7609-6331 (IGN : Lieselotte) I am using ORAS. xD
- OG Aley: Gen 3 Trumpets Gen 4 Drums
- TheBrownLamb: Diamond and Pearl has the best soundtrack for any Pokemon game hands down. It's incredible. Time will tell if Sun and Moon will be just as good music wise.
- Turo Latias: Fucking ninjas cutting onions... These game were so good...
- RanDieBam: 2:33:36 Chaos -The Song
- Johannes Faller: 13:37 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Moron Mondays: Oh god, the nostalgia... I miss these games. ~Artie
- Francesco Tocci: LJ ten
- 〉Asuna〈: I just learned for a test tommorow and listened to this while learning... I sat there 1 Hour and 23 minutes!! And normally I would't learn more than 15 minutes and I am a girl xD Omfg what did I just do O.o I totally forgot the time... Who am I and what did they do to the real me?! ;) Thx soundtrack :D
- Yo Mama: why do i have 11 subs for no reason
- Christine Hajny: 7:45 <33 nostalgia
- Alejandro Gutierrez: All these positive comments . Pokemon community LETS GO. Let the world hear us
- Monkwy: i wish pokemon were real ;-;
- Geno Rivera: you know what! I think I didn't hear the GTS station music, perhaps this is for platinum and then on.
- Phoenix Eragon: nowadays pokemon games moreorless give you the win, you dont have to work for the levels, things arnt nearly as hard and because of that, not as fufilling. Pokemon also has seemingly forgotten how to make more evolutions for pokemon ;P. like they did in gen 4
- Steven xPRx: 2:22:56 thank me later
- ShinyHunterSquishi: this brings me back to that one random shiny bronzor i found..
- Lucio: 6:14 best one
- Bruno Fontes: Quem veio aqui por causa do camaleão
- MezmerKaiser: The DSi had pretty decent speakers, but the 3DS speakers are too quiet and make the bass instruments barely audible.
- AlphaOmegaSon: +Elvs77 What about Rubio and Bush?
- Retrauk: It's weird to think Diamond is 10 years old now. I got it for my 12th birthday. It really doesn't feel like it was nearly that long ago.
- LPSFILMS: I swear to god, if they don't make remakes, I will fucking cry.
- Sian Jones: Don't mind me, just here for the nostalgia! I remember going to the game shop with my dad and my brother because his friends told him to get pearl, well me being jealous, I wanted a Pokemon game too so I got Platinum... I never regretted it ! One of the best games I have ever played on any console! 😌 my childhood was this game and I genuinely feel sorry for those who don't get to grow up with it
- Tailsy: Ah, yet another game I really wanted to finish but took the fate of going missing along with many other games of my DS library. I miss this game and my team. Starting again won't be the same. I grew too attached to it.
- nanana anana: 懐かしすぎ
- Julinator Affolter: Aaaah...my first videogame...
- sonic won’t let me leave my room please help: amelia p SINNOH BETTER BE CONFIRMED
- Entropy: Emerald had something no other game has had since, the Battle frontier which offered endless replayability imo had the longest and best post game
- Sauce Knight: Cyrus, the only antagonist to come close to Giovanni in my opinion. But Giovanni is hard to beat since no other gen really had control over a region like Giovanni.
- Paul Batut: Palkia ? Are we talking about Palkia? Our Lord and savior Palkia that control space? Palkia fans, UNITE
- Kibant 45: They had better do a good job on the music in the remake, because it MADE this game.
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:11:50 I've never heard music so strongheaded!!!!
- Randomly0deliberate: How time flies...I still remember playing pokemon blue as a little kid outside with my friends on hot summer days.. Now even this game is 10 years old. Nostalgia is the worst pain in the world :(
- illogicalGhost: Diamond was actually my first game ever that I had all to myself uwu I still love it to death and we need a remake.
- Carphi2000: copy pasta tho: https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090418082740AAO4StK
- Alfaser: Eleven years later...
- Cryptic: I remember completing this game without even being able to speak English. This is my favourite game ever
- ivootje88: no way
- ExodiaSC: Discovered recently that my friend has a copy of pearl. Need to go home and just grab my ds and diamond so we can play against one another :)
- Ryaslin: Jayvee Baits platinum, came out a year after D and P
- a Bear: RIP...
- TheEmperorArcana: Real talk, who the fuck would dislike this?
- aaron stelmach: Route 201 ❤️❤️❤️
- Giorno Giovanna: +Kevin Tan Dude it's crazy how gens like 4 are already open to people having nostalgia. Good on you m8
- Noah: 3:20, so relaxing
- aidan kelly: this brings back so many memories I remember I first played it when I was 7 it took me about a year to beat ao many tries at Cynthia and catching Palkia man I can't believe it I first got pearl from a rent at blockbuster and couldn't stop playing it after that safe to say o bought it
- Tait Duncan: That's so true
- Keshav Kartik: The three things that describe my childhood: Chuggaaconroy's Pokemon Emerald Let's Play, Drake and Josh, and Pokemon Diamond
- Keith Bell: Gen 1 1.5 and 4 best gens yes I said 1.5 I only liked half of gen two simply because it was in leaf green
- Adolf hitler: I love route 228 ♡♡
- Mink Minaj: Me ;-;
- Marcus Drake: hey everyone! I'm currently making full band re-arrangements of these songs. check out Jamarcus Plays Junichi Vol. I https://grandpabay.bandcamp.com/album/jamarcus-plays-junichi-vol-i
- Primal Leafeon: Cool Cool i had all three for my first pokemon games (diamond, pearl, and platnium) it just brings happiness to my heart to hear these songs again
- Superkelow: For anyone thinking that the D/P remakes are not happening or will take a long time. Since 2010, We have not had to wait more than 2 years for a pokemon game to be released. The Pokemon Company wont just leave us fans waiting for a game for too many years. 2 at the most. They had a slight pattern going. (not counting B2/W2) They would make a new game, then a remake, then a new game. And Sun and Moon are the third pokemon game on the 3DS system. The most games they have had on the same system previously is the NDS, at 3 games. They will not make a new system for Generation 8 before remaking the gen 4 games. The gen 4 remakes are happening before gen 8 will and the Pokemon Company wont go more than 2 years to release a game. They haven't since 2010 and wont for a long time.
- Shantae: My childhood is contained in this video
- Archie Mottershead: Pokemon symphonic evolutions bud I cry every time
- Juke Shruge: I remember I woke up once at 4:00 am and I was holding l and r catching Legendarys in the grass over and over with masterballs. About 20 minutes later my mom came downstairs and yelled at me. Good times...
- gabriel daymond: Bouffon Vert tout à fait car pour moi c'est l'une des meilleurs version de pokemon et j'adorais les musiques du jeux
- Alice Destiny: The only reason I forget to play these games is because I have speed walking cheats for my white 2 and all my best breed Pokemon. Diamond and Pearl still have the best music of every generation and I always go back to battle the elite four. My favorite thing to do is imagine that my all my trainers over the years are related in some way giving me the chance to make up my own stories within all the games. So when is PlayStation going to buy the rights to the Pokemon franchise?
- Leonela Patricia: Wang Boy 2000's kid, because diamond is created in 2006
- Doctor Mitchell M.D.: Tree days ago exactly (at least in my time zone) was the exact ten year anniversary. I literally cried because I can't believe that it's been that long. These games made my childhood amazing My first game was pokemon sapphire and followed by diamond. I still have the original cartridges from both of them, even to this day. I got sapphire at the age of like 3 or 4, and I still play it to this day, and all I need is a new charger and I can play it on the very same exact system I played it on 13 years ago. Sadly my DSL which I still have somewhere in my house actually doesn't read games for more than 3 minutes sadly but it's still just amazing
- Geo The Poly: You know why Looker was so good? because all 4th gen characters are cool. And how good was he? Enough to make appearances in all 3DS releases currently
- Banjo Bananasnoop: +Rex Skywalker Is your name Landon?
- RStaR RaptoR: 36:17 hakutai is eterna city!!!
- Brett Stafford: YEs! 3:46 is twin leaf I know it by heart
- Marck991: I'm crying :')
- TylerTyg3r99: Literally did the same thing
- JoIsAwesome: If they're going to remake this game, they better make day and night versions of every damn song. ESPECIALLY ROUTE 228, NIGHT VERSION IS MY JAM
- Walrusberg: I get why people wanted Gen III remakes, they looked like ass and were mechanically dated, but Gen IV is absolutely timeless and seriously doesn't need one. Both visually and gameplay wise they're pretty much perfect. TBH I'd rather see them go back and give us a "20 years later" sequel in Kanto or something.
- XGN JS: Ive never been so happy hearing songs that i used to skip almost every time. Now there gone i want them back more than anything
- LJ: Dude... Route 209 44:36 The feels... So many memories! I can't believe this came out EIGHT YEARS AGO! These games will always be close to my heart. I will never forget them. This video just makes me cry ),:
- Rose Quartz: I recognized every one of these tunes and could sing along to them all. diamond was one of my first ever games for my DS. this is so nostalgic for me.
- Not your account Now leave: Hanna Flood I haven't started crying yet but humming all of it I'm only 45 minutes in
- Geo The Poly: If you're not having emotional flashbacks then you're not a genfourer obviously
- ACE Studio: Trying to do work with this on, but it's hard not to keep on looking back and checking the OST name of every single one while being hit with a wave of nostalgia every time
- Dairo Rojas Martínez: Que nostalgia!!! Me hace acodarme de cuando descubrí Pokémon Diamante (Mi primer y favorito juego de Pokémon) con mi primo <3
- Loxannah Shortridge: 10 years ago today in Japan...can't believe it. Makes me want to cry almost...Happy 10 Years Pokémon Diamond and Pearl <3
- mxpph: Rip saturo iwata :(
- Elysium Wolf: 2:07
- Ham Swaampy345: 2:22:12 prepare your anus if you don't have a water type or an ice type.
- Nate S: Mark my words, gen 4 remakes are coming, gen 1, fire red leaf green, gen 2, heart gold soul silver, gen 3 omega ruby and alpha sapphire, gen 4 is next
- Vyper Music: +Bandicoot Bill ikr!!!
- I think I Think.: Listening some ds soundtracks. The memories <3
- andyurnerd101: hearing my first pokemon game brings back so many memories ahh.. :")
- Zirc0n _: Gen 4 had the best music and was one of the greatest gens. If I had to, I'd place it behind Gen 1 and 2.
- Kieffer Balsomo: lake
- Rachel Giallella: my to go soundtrack to listen to while doing projects xD
- connor horman: I want to replay this game, but I lost my card.
- Gavyn Lamoureux: same
- El domador de creepers: Its peeeeerfect
- WhiteKyurem456: My first Pokemon games :) So much nostalgia!
- BrauGames: My home is sinnoh :)
- Isaac: nostalgia, ULTRA
- Lepran Jems: Ion think people understand how hard it was for a 8 yearold like me to beat cynthia. I beat hee the 2nd time but jeez was she hard. Diamond and pearl and platinum were the best pokemon games of all time. Throwback to a simpler time.
- SSounds.belgium: so im not the only one who took piplup also as im listening SEARCH FOR THE RED GYRADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!
- smiley king: Sinnoh> all others
- ChazmicSupanova: 1:33:58 *5 years ago* Seriously! Stop stealing my flag! me: *sweats*
- Universum: I've played many games in my life, and have several favorites. But this is the game that has the most best good feelings and memories. Even after halfway in the third playtrough i was just as hyped playing the game as the day that i played it the first time. Which is unique, and will probably never ever happen again in a different game.
- Kyra Hughes: i took pearl because my brother got diamond 1st gen four never fourget
- DoFLaGaMeR Le Démon Céléste: Leafgreen >Ruby>Emerald>Diamond>Platinum.... Diamond and Platinum was my fav ^^ so much nostalgia
- TantrisOST: Tracks : 00:00-Opening Demo 02:05-Opening 03:18-After That Red Gyarados 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 05:00-Rival 05:36-Route201(Day) 06:13-Lake 07:26-A Happening at the Lake 07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon 09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon 09:19-Hikari 10:13-Item Get 10:18-Masago Town(Day) 11:18-Research Lab 12:31-Come On 12:59-Pokémon Center(Day) 13:46-Recovery 13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid 14:12-Spotted Miniskirt 14:38-Battle Trainer 16:21-Victory Against Trainer 16:43-Kotobuki City(Day) 17:34-Key Item Get 17:39-Friendly Shop 18:32-Route203(Day) 20:03-Battle Rival 21:15-Kurogane Gate 22:42-Technical Machine Get 22:47-Kurogane City(Day) 23:36-Kurogane Mine 25:12-Gym 26:16-Battle Gym Leader 27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader 28:44-Badge Get 28:52-Spotted Twins 29:09-Level Up 29:13-Floaroma Town(Day) 32:07-Berry Get 32:11-Route205(Day) 33:06-Enter Team Galactic 33:31-Battle Team Galactic 34:49-Hakutai Forest 36:12-Let's Go Together 36:17-Hakutai City(Day) 37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building 38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin 39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic 40:12-Evolution 40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution 40:50-Bike 42:08-Spotted Cycling 42:39-Route206(Day) 43:28-Yosuga City(Day) 44:36-Route209(Day) 45:59-Spotted Mountain Man 46:17-Zui Town(Day) 47:15-Poketch Ability Get 47:20-Route210 48:37-Tobari City(Day) 50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day) 51:35-Mio City 52:55-Route216(Day) 54:46-Kissaki City(Day) 56:42-Team Galactic Hideout 57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic 59:57-Deep Within the Hideout 1:00:30-Mt. Tenga 1:02:00-Spear Pillar 1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon 1:03:28-Cataclysm 1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day) 1:08:16-Champions' Road 1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer 1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day) 1:10:42-Fight Area(Day) 1:11:50-Route225(Day) 1:13:11-Route228(Day) 1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night) 1:15:27-Route201(Night) 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night) 1:17:32-WiFi Chat 1:17:52-Masago Town(Night) 1:18:56-Lucas' Theme 1:20:44-Kotobuki City 1:21:36-Television Channel 1:22:41-GTS 1:23:29-Surf 1:24:58-Mio City(Night) 1:26:27-Forget Technique 1:26:32-Route203(Night) 1:28:10-Spotted Karate King 1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night) 1:29:17-Route205(Night) 1:30:11-Spotted Sailor 1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night) 1:32:34-Underground Tunnel 1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag 1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl 1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night) 1:38:03-Forest House 1:39:52-Zui Town(Night) 1:40:52-Great Swamp 1:41:52-Route206(Night) 1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector 1:43:09-Tobari City(Night) 1:44:46-Game Corner 1:46:10-Win at the Slots 1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots 1:46:48-Spotted Gambler 1:47:17-Route209(Night) 1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night) 1:50:35-Route216(Night) 1:52:27-Crater of the Lake 1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33-Route210(Night) 1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore 1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night) 1:58:50-Spotted Artist 1:59:28-Meeting Plaza 2:00:29-Accessory Get 2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night) 2:01:47-Contest Hall 2:02:22-Pofin 2:02:58-Super Contest 2:03:52-Contest Dress-up 2:04:54-Dance-Easy 2:06:17-Dance-Hard 2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement 2:08:00-Contest Victory 2:08:21-Route228(Night) 2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night) 2:10:45-Fight Area(Night) 2:11:52-Battle Tower 2:12:58-Route225(Night) 2:14:21-Hard Mountain 2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon 2:16:45-Mystery Gift 2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night) 2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League 2:19:50-Enter Elite Four 2:20:14-Battle Elite Four 2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four 2:22:12-Champion-Shirona 2:22:56-Battle Champion 2:24:28-Victory Against Champion 2:25:09-Hall of Fame 2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame 2:27:10-Ending 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50-Battle VS Regis 2:37:00-Opening 2:39:08-Contest -COOL- 2:40:21-Contest -CUTE- 2:41:27-Contest -SMART- 2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH- 2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain 2:44:16-Battle Castle 2:46:37-Battle Factory 2:48:17-Battle Roulette 2:50:05-Battle Stage 2:51:08-Cataclysm 1 2:52:24-Cataclysm 2 2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome 2:53:18-Epilogue 2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier 2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned 2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames 2:54:16-Fanfare Win 2:54:20-Move Tutor 2:54:48-Mystery Gift 2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival 2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY- 2:57:51-Resort Area House 2:59:02-Opening Title 3:00:42-Torn World 3:03:23-WiFi Minigames 3:03:57-WiFi Parade 3:04:53-WiFi Tower 3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- Riccardo Spadini: This games are so deep and scary... But at the same time funny and emotional. GG Game Freak.
- Nowhere Man: Memories... I started my freshman year with this game quite completed along with two of my friends, and we would be constantly grinding / EV training, getting legitimately acquired strong teams. BION one of said two old friends died a couple years back of a medical overdose. I'll always remember him, and this game is my key to unlocking a door which behind is nothing but great times.
- Prizm nV: i remember way back when i first got this game i was so happy and when i was facing cynthia the hardest champion of all of them i had my lvl 80 palkia and lvl 56 Torterraa lvl 50 Luxray lvl 57 mespirit and my 2 lvl 40 Puruglys it was so fun and i kept losing and when i finally beat her my friend shut down my game before i could save ;(
- Calvin hagen: I have more than 480 ours on this game i played it since 2007 when i got it for my birth day i was only 4 back then and i kept playing it until 2015 somewhere this is my youth
- Slize: JE PLEURE 2x plus que vous tous réuni, moi mon jeu a était effacer par ma daronne alors que j'avais presque fini .-.
- goji: description...
- Jack Myles: The nostalgic feels my god. Please be remastered soon. I miss you chimchar.
- COOKIE DOUGH DANCER: Going through all the comments and practically liking them all
- Arcryoshi: Can't stop hearing this soundtrack, good old times with Diamond, Pearl and Platinum... ^_^ Btw 02:43:31 epic!
- Lewis Birkett: +Koh the Sekirei hahahahaa
- Bryan Ye: 7:45 always reminds me of the countless Bidoofs and Zubats/Golbats I've encountered smh
- TheBundleOfJoy: anyone know a good place to get the midi files? i checked ninsheetmusic but they didnt have all the ones i was looking for.
- David Baines: Finals work that is going to take me 3 hours to do no problem puts on head phones and listens to sound track
- Space Lennin: +ActionmanFX that's true
- theoatmilk: Platinum for me represents so much... My dad made the effort to buy me a DSi and the platinum game,even if times were hard he made that effort for me because he knew how much I love Pokemon and I will forever do,this brings back so much memories I'm at tear right now,this music is so therapeutic and heartwarming for me like you have no idea especially that moment when I caught shaymin my favorite Pokémon..just I'm in awe
- SHARP angels: my days, i remember all of these. haha. 4th gen was my childhood - from primary school to high school. i first bought pokemon pearl then after got pokemon platinum because my friend said the story line was different.
- ur mom: I started playing Pokemon with pokemon Crystal, my favorite game, and havent not played a pokemon game since. its amazing that this game series has come so far and i cant wait till sun and moon.
- Cyrus: +Smash_24_Player Ohhh **** my childhood :')
- Kevin R. Serrano: 2:57:51 resort area house is a soft remix of Lilycove city from Ruby and sapphire.
- cabez16: 40:50, 52:55, 1:09:19, 2:08:21, 2:11:52, 2:31:48, 2:33:36 :)
- Tom Haverford: +Zac Foelster smh @ +camos tryna be a smartass
- ilikesanic: I remember playing this so much with my friends when I was 7
- ryuu 1000: 1:17:32
- Karina Yaotani: When you realize this game is a decade old 😭😭😭😭
- Annie Lu: 1:48:39
- Zherony: Madre mia, que recuerdos... Como pasa el tiempo...
- Jugglebrosjr2: Gen V became my new favorite gen when it came out, but listening to this reminds me not to forget about Gen IV as well...
- Tyler DaSilva: This game definitely came in handy during every car ride when i was in middle school
- Ricky Spanish: Me too 😂 it was my first pokemon (from France)
- BreakinVizon: The nostalgia is real... My favourite pokemon game of all time <3
- marshall hall: Nostalgia is a bittersweet feeling. It often happens when something is about to change. For instance, many people feel nostalgia when they graduate from high school or visit their childhood home. They are remembering the good times from the past, which is a good feeling, but realizing that those times will never happen again, which is sad.
- kid10j: I need to play through these games again, but with headphones on.
- Colerocks: This brings me back to when I was a young child
- Damon: Oh the memories, when pearl came out thats all I would play at school; under the desk, in the hallway, during P.E, and the whole lunchtime!
- RachalwithanA: I kept seeing people talk about the Route 209 music so I skipped to it and sure enough wow
- Yusuf Khan: All the city and town names are in Japanese. I don't know which is which...
- bill williams: I know, doyy, I just thought the publisher would have included the english names.
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:04:07 wow! I like the original palkia song!
- Timedsnow 557: +AnimeBiird me 2
- AsianBeard12: I used to go to canalave just to listen to the music. I really hope they remake these
- YOLO: Me too!
- IcedDare: These games just bring me back to so much good times. Like when I was clearing out those psyducks with Cynthia while my mum was driving up a mountain to a snow resort, or when I first encountered dialga, I was fucking intimidated by the Pokemon of time itself and when I caught him my self esteem went up so much haha. I can't believe three men can make 3 hours worth of songs that all have beautiful memory attached to them. It's been 10 years since this has come out and I'm sure I will keep returning to this game like I always have for many years to come.
- ばか: Game Corner theme.
- Doctor Mitchell M.D.: Since I started playing Pokémon at the age of 3 with the gen 3 games I've put into DPPt and HGSS Easily over 3330 hours If I include the time from RSE and ORAS, I've put in over 9000 hours and just since January almost 300 in SUMO. I've played every generation and currently own every generation except gen 2 but I have played the remakes so that kind of counts right?
- Zach A.: the cave music. and when you battle someone on the cycling road thingy, amazing music
- KiritoAnime: really perfect
- Nolan Donohue: 36:17 was my jam as a kid. I would just sit in this town and rock out
- Tree Dragon: 4th gen for best OST. It's simple enough to be proper game music, but then every song has a funky bassline, a warm and dark feeling that ties the whole region together, and a near-seamless transition between funky and happy to OH GOD THIS IS THE MUSIC THAT PLAYS BATTLING GOD. Too often, I've seen game soundtracks that have good ideas but don't realize their own full potential... Even the XY soundtrack, as good as it is, could have taken better advantage of all of its orchestral instruments.
- Kyle Cook: 2:17:05 I would leave my character outside the PL just to listen to this song :)
- hobo420: I just started reading the Dppt part of Pokemon Adventures, and I'm going to leave this on while I read on the chapters. This is going to be a decent night :D
- DerekTriForce: +Christian sharpia I was a Gen 2 person who was playing back around the gen remake era. Man I remember playing a lot of Gen 4 I cant wait for you to experience what I felt when my Gen got a remake.
- Delcotsu Tajiri: Que hermoso que otras generaciones disfruten este tipo de juegos/franquicias de igual manera.
- Brian Park: Because this is a Japanese game...?
- Vio O: This is 12 yrs old, what?
- Rico Rowe: These games will always hold a special place in my heart; they were the first ones I played since Red/Blue. One of the guys I worked with in 06 was playing on break and something about it compelled me to go out and impulse buy a DS and Diamond. Haven't looked back since.
- Vast White: do you realize D/P is close to 10 years old already? :"D holy shit
- Geo The Poly: Who else is going through the comments section while listening to the track?
- Esu: Same here, january 2018 still listening to these melodies <3
- Ziew DC: 2019, and here we are again
- Agent John: https://www.change.org/p/gamefreak-pokemon-gamefreak-never-to-remake-pokemon-diamond-pearl?just_created=true
- Jakob Kristiansen: Is it weird that i know every single one of thoes songs? The memories...
- Hello There: lol imagine all the drifloon and cleffa's faces
- HypeHuey: Not gonna lie, this is some good revision material.
- Penguin S.O: 51:36 ;-;
- Alison Berube: I wouldn't say Diamond/Pearl/Platinum had a bad soundtrack. In fact, it's pretty good, but compared to the other gens it's my least favorite.
- Coffii Corgii: So many memories I really need to replay this game
- Smitty Webermenjensen: +EndOfTime97 Awww, cool story bro, I love cool stories, let me call my buddy who's an expert on cool stories.
- captainrex717: HEY. I know this is an old video, but who out there is a true pokemon gen 4 fan that just wants to be able to talk and share their experiences like me? If you think i'm just hyping, let me tell you a story. Back in 2009-10. I got my first pokemon game; pokemon platinum. I loved it to DEATH. I got my DS Lite back when it came out in 2006, and wanted so badly to play pokemon, but my parents wouldn't let be get any of the games. So my only pokemon experiences for a couple years were begging y friends for their weak pokemon cards (I still have some like lanturn, crawdaunt, psycic arceus, etc to this day) and to battle some wild pokemon on their games. When I finally got platinum at a used games store when I went on a trip to tenesee, I was thrilled. I chose chimchar as my starter and started shredding through the game. Throughout my first file, I only used my infernape and staraptor, with various weak pokemon in my party not being used. I don't have many memories of the story, but I remember my friend loaning me an action replay before the pokemon league because I couldn't beat it. (My odd strategy was to use Giratina for aaron, staraptor for bertha, infernape for flint, and Giratina again for lucian) and so I leveled up my pokemon to level 100 and swept it. After beating the game throughout multiple files, years later I lost the case that had my 3ds, pokemon black, platinum, diamond, HG, mario bros DS, mario bros 3ds, etc. The only things I still had were the Namco museum DS game and my old DSi and DS lite. (I could go on a nostalgia rant about these systems alone) So quit pokemon for a while. Also during that period, I got my brother and friend into pokemon. me and my friend ot diamond and HG while my brother got Pearl and SS. We were obsessed with pokemon, and simply 2006-10 nintendo in general. I remember us spending hours battling pokemon, or using the DS pictochat feature. Or playing mario bros DS multiplayer and messing around with the DSI camera and sound recorder. I remember us also loving games like pokemon ranch and rumble for the wii. eventually, My friend dropped pokemon, he never got too into it. But my brother stayed ina huge pokemon faze while I zoned out for a couple years. I remember he blew through Pearl, SS, WHite, Black 2, Y, and now Omega ruby. And I was so sad that I missed out on this pokemon phase of his until 2016. Now I'm totaly back into it and he's out. :( EVentually, I bought a copy of platinum off ebay and continued my pokemon journey, I still didn't play it much, and it's only been years later that I've picked it up again. Now that I'm picking up platinum again. I made a first file that I was going to complete the sinnoh dex and transfer it to ORAS (I was trying to complete the national dex. As of now my sinnoh and hoenn dexes are filled while the rest are spotty) I never completed that task so I deleted the file of almost 130 hours. Later, I moved away from ORAS and back into platinum and made a new file. Boy have I have made some memories. My team is Infernape, drifblim, garchomp, gallade, magnezone, and milotic. (milotic was a pain lol. But i did it) I'm trying to complete everything in the game. (Mr goods is where I draw the line though lol) Specifically, I want to get all 5 stars on the trainer card. I have 2 right now. Beating the game, and obtaining 50 flags underground. (Doing base wars with myself isn't all too fun) I've been trying to make a trick team to beat the battle tower, and I've caught almost every pokemon available in platinum. (I used cheats to get the event ITEMS for arceus, darkrai, and shaymin on pearl. {Platinum won't work with my action replay for some reason} I don't consider it cheating because I battled and caught the pokemon legitimately. Plus you couldn't get them any other way. Right now my "seen" dex sits at 400, and i forget how many I've caught. I haven't evolved many of the ones I've caught so i definitely have pages to fill. I'm also trying to raise up various pokemon to competitive standard just for the heck of it. XD Unfortunately, in my pokemon career, I never made much use of multiplayer. I only rarely used the GTS, I never battled or traded online, and I didn't do many local multiplayer things. Heck, I didn't even know how to play underground. I never knew what the yellow blips on the screen were until like a year or two ago. And now that the wifi's shut down, I feel awful. I always watch gen 4 wifi battles online, and watch old LP's of it, pretending I experienced what they had. (I also missed out on every last event as well because I didn't know what they were) and seeing all the comments on videos like this really make me wish I was able to do what everyone else so fondly remembers. I would love to go back in time and make precious memories even more precious. Since I was too stupid to know what online play was like, the only memory I have of it is something involving a breloom and a flygon on the GTS. (Whether I traded for either of those or not, I don't remember. My memory of my childhood is hazy.) If you haven't figured it out, I'm a nostalgia freak. I always want the experiences of when I was little. Whether it was my star wars legos from age 4-14, pokemon from age 10-present, or my first worlds in minecraft. I wish I could have those times back. And what I'm commenting here today is not to simply share my story, because it's a rather pitiful one. No. I want to ask if anyone feels the way I do. If anyone longs to share their experiences of this game but can't. Neither my brother or my friend like pokemon anymore. Online is down. Everyone's all obsessed with gen 6. It's lonely back in gen 4. The only players I see are ones from my own diamond and pearl. It would be awesome if there were others who feel this way just to talk to. I know I won't get to play platinum multiplayer. I've accepted that. (unless there's like an event where everyone just brings their gen 4 games and has a party lol) But I would love to just talk to people about the gen 4 games. Specifically diamond, Pearl, and platinum. So, If anyone out there shares my experiences, reply to this post. I would LOVE to have a forum or chat room where this stuff can be discussed. (Not serebii, lol. That place's gen 4 forums are abandoned.) So, now that my nostaligia is to the max while I'm writing this and listening to the gen 4 soundtrack, I'll say this to finish it off. #PokemonGenFour4ever
- tejas talekar: Cynthia's granny's town tune makes me flow with Nostalgia! :))))
- Kami: +Luke Hensley What do you guys think of Pokemon Pearl.
- Floofable: I was 7 when I had this game, I remember ALL the music though, so beautiful! Oh the nostalgia!
- Arthur: Good Job !!! Bon travail !!!
- The Theodo: "rowan's laboratory" gets me right here (*points to heart and sobs*)
- Spoiled Milk: 😢
- G LENG: So many flashbacks
- HomieTheHomie: dang, my first pokemon game. : ')
- Rooboid: I think it's Canalave City? I think...
- daniel arnulfo garcia: 2:46:37-Battle Factory is DOPE
- Sir. Blinci: Gen4 ftw. Its 2018 and I'm still waiting for its remakes
- Zachar Art: Emerald and earlier games had soo much better musci, this is jts boring
- G1BBO5: +Aditya Bagchi are you saying you don't like the Hoenn soundtrack?
- KrimZ: Pokemon DP and the Sinnoh region was definitely one of my favorites... This brings back memories!
- Edgar S. Santos Neto: yeah,me too
- Snowhunter99: Kurogane/Oreburgh City. The only city in Sinnoh where the night theme is more lively than the day theme.
- O. Curtis: Listening and replaying the events of the games in my head as they happened. Going to go replay Diamond and Platinum now...
- The Spanish Inquisition: ;-; oh god the feels.. they're hitting me harder than a ten ton truck.
- Chevy123: Don't wanna get deep, but I think about my parents. I had two consoles, and both versions. I remember my parents helping me and playing. My dad picked chimchar, my mom piplup, and I picked turtwig. Such great memories, i love my parents
- Geo The Poly: Latimew333 Darkrai deserves to have his void nerfed, u dummy
- Not your account Now leave: s07195 it's so good
- Iesha Bush: route 209 just punched me with nostalgia
- HbChina: and where is the theme of Viktor?
- Geo The Poly: milah franco that was a quick reply
- Rachel: I started out about ten years ago on pokemon gold version, prior to my 25yo cousin finding her old gameboy color...Got absolutely hooked and would play every time we visited. A couple of years later I got a DS Lite for my birthday and wondered if the Diamond version would be any good...I was not disappointed, this soundtrack brings back so many memories, hell I wish I could be 12 again and play the games all day....I even proceeded to play my brother's Pearl version since it wasn't his thing xD Then played all the way through Platinum and clocked up hundreds of hours it's ridiculous lol Next got Soulsilver version which was just as awesome, I'm not sure which I prefer, but it was so cool to walk around with Lugia flying behind you :D and then the pokewalker hehe A little disappointed with White 2 version, just didn't have the same feel to it not sure why :/ haven't bought any of the newer ones since, maybe someday... Just turned 18 and leaving home now, a lot of studying ahead, will miss these :(
- Erick Dominguez: I remember those feeling I had when first playing this. I had Diamond but lost that so I got my sister's Pearl version. This is all just nostalgia. I had a great experience, better than when I first played Emerald. I finished both multiple times but, today I rarely play both sometimes since I can just listen to the music online.
- 1994 Toyota Supra MKIV Twin Turbo: Sinnoh fan this was my first and I am a gen Fourer SINNOH I LOVE YOU!!!!
- Marlow Pankewytsch: So much nostalgia make tears in my eyes if i remember the good old times i Played with my Best Friends in the School before 11 years..
- HaroMeister334: My childhood right here 😚
- Aryan Patra: I lost my platinum 5 or so years ago... alongside my heartgold and black. I'm still grieving...
- Gainstar: +Protector of Gray Haha thanks.
- WarGrape: amazing <3
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Victory Against Champion
- SoftEdgedStars: Personal favorite is Hakutai(or Eterna) Forest. Always a tad eerie and just lovely to listen to!
- goji: Best childhood game EVER (pearl)
- Just Moved In: +TheStoneBanana I never used the GTS, only local trading with my friends :P I also stuffed up big time when I defeated Giratina instead of capturing it, and when I bragged to my friends about it they looked at me as if I were stupid (which I was for not getting it) XD
- Lukas S.S: Who is the legend27?
- Dragax75: lmao I was reading the comments and got confused, I thought I posted your comment :P
- Katerza (Invisibleseeker): +EnclaveTesla I totally forgot about action replay haha. I almost bought won when I was little but was scared to because every kept saying their game broke bc of it
- Lance: Anybody got the nostalgia?
- -SECTION RATIO GENERAL-: i hate the pokemon official osts cos they dont loop them at all
- aroperdope: You forgot the music where you encounter team galactic at the lake...
- Surugo: I miss this Battle Tower music!
- Bri Blyden: What is the song at 2:18:30 called? I know it's when you enter the Elite Four's building (the point of no return), but I don't know what it's called.
- Diya: Oh hey look a tear dropped from my eye. Oh crap I'm crying. Sinnoh will always be my home
- MoeDro -: Platinum was my first video game on the ds and is still my fav
- Velocity: Route 203(Day) is so lit holy
- Critforce Doran of Blah: This is my childhood. Now I’m in college. Fuck man. I’ll always love these games.
- Not Quite Normal: 666K views.... Giratina?!
- CorazonFeathers: Holy shit... The resort area house's music is a remixed version of Lilycove city's theme!
- hmm: First games i ever beat, had fun with friends. I didn't even speak English back then so i didn't know what was going on, but it was fun.
- ToxicSound: Going home to play this after work now, nostalgia trip
- #1 Lee Chan Stan: I did that with super Mario bros 😂
- Docteurenart: Nostalgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
- Gainstar: +ObviousMcDerp Well I'm talking about five years ago, I obviously keep track of them better now.
- Oplars: everyone is training with blisseybases now, even me, but ill never forget how fuckin hard it was to get my empoleon on lv 100 back then. how often did i beat that farmerduo and the twins next to them? these games were great. after red, yellow and blue, i finally felt the hype again when i met piplup and the improved graphics. i swear, when they finally bring out the remakes of DPP, i'll buy it right of the bat.
- Joel Domenech: Studying for midterms rn. Started playing this to feel like like I'm in first grade again.
- Maurits Van Oers: I clicked on a random time on the video and it was was the *exact* beginning of my favourite sinnoh theme
- Nick Beilschmidt: Has anyone put their starter Pokémon in the Daycare with a Ditto? I did and now I have three little Fennekins and a Braxien! They are all so cute! I love playing with them all in Pokémon Amie, especially my good ol' Delphox!
- Charlie Hayworth: platinum was the first game i played, it brings back so much memories, it just gives you that feeling
- OLD BIRD CHOZO: Im using an emulator app on my phone now. I play my old ds, gba, and even n64 games no prob on my phone. Meanwhile i remember spending big money on a 512mb gamecube memory card. Now i just got a 256gig micro sd card for the same price! XD
- RStaR RaptoR: MrPhoenix theres a stupid adapter i think
- EndOfTime97: DPPT soundtrack is something amazing <3
- Brendan: 2:54:58
- Cainyoyo: 44:36 ONE TWENTY ONE GUNS
- BABAK: I cried listening to this. My first video game i had ever played. Beatiful and so nostalgic
- AA: omg 😢 this is beautiful
- SuperShinyScolipede: 1:04:07 FUCK ME ITS GOOD
- Emmi-Louise Spark: Sinnohfoetuses, I love it. I doted on this game as a 6 year old child. I don't understand how or why I got the game, much less remember, but I doted on it. I loved Pokémon Diamond + Pearl to bits and I still have Pearl plus many others. Where have the 11 years gone? Seriously, I feel old... #SinnohFoetus #SinnohNation.
- WhyamIaghost: Probably one of the only things that truly brings me nostalgia. D/P/P are the best.
- Breloom Plays Pokemon: 1:04:08 Epic
- ToadsWinningGoal: The legendary Pokemon battle theme gives me chills it's that good.
- Nexu Innovo: Probably my favorite Pokemon soundtrack. Can't wait for the remake, though we may have to wait for Generation Eight, if history repeats the events of B2/W2, as Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are on the horizon.
- A. N.: The 1997 boys reporting in for nostalgia. On another note, where are you, denizens of Snowpoint City?
- Diya: Mine was also diamond and I started sometime in 2007? I’m not sure I was 3
- dtrain2495: +Christian sharpia Aw, thanks! From what I've heard she was pretty hooked on it, haha. Which is good because Gen 4 was one of my favorites. I was definitely hooked as well the first time I played Diamond.
- Fagballs McAssbutts: gen 4 is pianos
- dazpage606: TURTWIG FTW
- Percy Shaw: I've only played blue and yellow, and have to admit I'm not excited about many of the Pokemon I've seen them add since then. But if I were to pick up a newer game (newer than yellow haha) which one should I play?
- Faerie Mayden: +sourcream uwu Oh my gosh, that sounds absolutely terrible! But I know your pain. My little sister constantly deleted my profiles on games varying from Pokemon to Harvest Moon. She was little at the time, though...so I can't really say if it was just to be an ass or if she simply didn't know any better.
- Ryan Kalagher: When you can tell the name of the town, just by the soundtrack
- DOUBLE LUCKY: quanta nostalgia meu deus ;-; eu amo esse jogo quero uma remake agora
- super chef: best pokemon game to exist ✨
- jjeop jjeop: *All-aboard the nostalgia train!* Prepare those tissues and handkerchiefs T^T
- Nicolas Lavoie: palkia will stay my favorite forever BECAUSE IT WAS my first cartridge that belongs to me. before that... i played on my brother's cartridge and emulators after he finished the game , i deleted his games ... i remember he was so angry at me xD
- Isaac: can i get this entire soundtrack on vinyl? the fuckin ds instruments sing to my heart
- Bro Rosenberg: I beat this game in 2000.
- Masoud Shairzadeh: train of nastolgia hitting
- Sizun Cho: My first pokemon game. I think I'll gonna cry a lot.
- Pedro Barbosa: Good ol days when the I got a ds with diamond and just didn't give a dam about the soundtracks, was I wrong ;(
- Eugene Debs: So I lost my Pokémon games and all my progress with first Pokémon game going all the way back to sinnoh and after that I stopped playing Pokémon because I was too sad to continue without my torterra. The only time I would start playing Pokémon again would be if they remake/remaster Pokémon diamond and pearl, until then I won't touch another Pokémon game. Ps. I cried when I couldn't find my alpha sapphire game because that's where all my Pokémon where since my first Pokémon game ever.
- Otto: The Team Galactic battle theme is so nostalgic oh my god. I remember that damn Purugly
- Drew Cristadoro: ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) F < ⌒ヽ A / へ\ B / / \\ U レ ノ ヽ_つ L / / O / /| U ( (ヽ S | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (_/
- joops feeler: what was every ones favorite song from the song list? My is Masago Town(Day)
- Cascading Greatness: I love this game but I cheated throughout most of it with Action Replay codes, so.
- Hurbii: god dam the forest music makes me hard
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:08:16 dude this is the best game music I've ever heard. Fuk u gies that don't like this game. Platinum is the best pokemon forever.
- eric_jsm2 Spaaam: i played all pokemon games and this games is the best one cause the ost
- burnt pillsbury doughboy: urggggg
- Superkelow: +Zero Knight Sinnoh was my least favorite region, barely losing out to Unova, but the music is the best out of all games
- SlimeWorks: Easily the best soundtrack of any Pokémon generation.
- Michael Burt: Gen 4? Eh, not my favorite generation ever. Gen 4 soundtrack? YES PLEASE
- Rvaj: I literally never noticed there were two different Pokemon Center themes
- Justin Nyugen: Diamond was the game that got me back into Pokemon. I missed out on Ruby and Sapphire when they came out but by the time Diamond and Pearl came out I was able to buy games for myself. I loved absolutely every minute of it. My favorite memory has to be arriving at Hotel Grand Lake after a long day, just as the sun was setting.
- Nick Alexander: s p a c e d o u t l e t t e r s
- Rony Sandoval: That opening is fucking legendary
- Dayskyki: I love the Rival one XD Maybe that's because Barry is my favorite rival from all generations =3 ( Gary and Shauna are awesome too)
- Cool Cool: Ah, my first Pokemon game ^.^ Also, anyone else like when games ave a somewhat "muffled" sound? A Link to the Past had it, too.
- SeafoamSmiles: The speakers on the DS really didn't do this music justice. Some of the tracks here are really fantastic.
- Gainstar: Top kek.
- kumaオルガ: that bass guitar sound is literally the best thing ever
- imy l: Oh, the nostalgia.
- Siggy TGX: Right in the childhood feels :(, Im 13 and I remember my dad got me it when i was 6 or so, played the living shit out of it.
- Devon Caine: You should stop talking trash about gen 4, i happened to enjoy it and much rather prefer it than gen 5 games even though iv played all gens and respect them all. I would love to see a gen 4 remake, so yeah screw you. PS. gen 5 pokemon suck for the most part I don't know how you could love them all.
- illogicalGhost: Can't believe its been 10 years since the release...
- Randy Drews: Relaxing songs is this playlist (will be edited as I continue listening): 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 06:13-Lake 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night)
- Sean Guest: My favorite soundtrack on my favorite pokemon game! I cannot wait for this amazing game to get its remake! Still playing it in 2015!!
- Alex: same lol. i hated most of the route songs but that one
- Rylade475: Ah Diamond, my very first Pokemon game. I remember getting that in summer 2007, right after fifth grade. I did watch the original series on TV as a kid, and while I liked it, it was still DP that made me obsessed with Pokémon. To think Gen IV is now 10 years old...yeah Diamond and Pearl had its issues, but the games still hold a place in my heart regardless. Happy 10th!
- a Bear: Just give up and have good cry :')
- William Shaughnessy: Absolutely beautiful soundtrack. Memories of being in elementary school and Pokemon Pearl start to flood my head from not even 5 minutes in. It was not the game that ignited my love for gaming, but it instead poured a metric ton of oil onto the flame to burn for years to come, creating a forest fire of a lifelong passion. After these years, I am in Highschool, still playing Pokemon and will still continue for years on. Continue on into my adult life, maybe with children or another to share my passions with. Pokemon is my comfort food, and I have a lifetime supply.
- Wasmachineman: Anyone know that one song that plays BEFORE you enter Victory Road? You know, at the Pokemon Center on the cliff. Can't seem to find it at all..
- Agent John: hahaha thanks bitch +Brock, The Pewter City Gym Leader
- Kenneth Putland: Nostalgia wave~~~~~
- DaisyPeach: I remember begging my mom to preorder these games for me back in 3rd grade when they came out and now I'm going into my senior year of high school. I don't think of these games as that old but holy shit man
- Plague Seeker: Am I the only one that doesn't want a remake. ORAS were good games, but they completely ruined the atmosphere of Hoenn. Also maybe it's because I played sapphire and emerald countless times, but ORAS was boring... P.s. Ruby is for scrubbz
- local cat: 2:22:56 My first win against a champion when I was young. ;)
- L Lawliet: D and P had some of the best music ever.
- erica elizabeth: This was the first video game I played when I turned 6. I have so so many amazing memories with this game, and some terrible ones of raging like a screaming 6 year old. I had cheat codes and walked through all the walls, and somehow NEVER BEAT CYNTHIA EVER. The game card doesn't work anymore, so I will probably never beat it. Diamond is still my favourite pokemon game, and now that I think of it, I might buy a new one
- Happy Pie: So could I... It's like etched in my head
- IcedDare: +justintimeplaya4 funner isn't a word
- Anonymous Hypersphere: Does seeing this as my childhood make me old yet?
- Ethan Russell: my Pokemon pearl broke but I still keep for old times sake
- tori ://: glad to see other gen 4 babies and also other people who just fucked up their games with an action replay lmao
- JustinNTW: Out of so many Pokémon games I've played, Sinnoh always somehow clings onto me, the memories, the soundtracks is da bomb 😭😭😭😭😭 after so many years....
- msboadas: 2:10:45. 7:45. 45:00. 40:50. 9:02. 12:59. 26:16
- Ray Callou: The best game and pearl
- Firty Ash: Thanks for the upload man
- Rex Skywalker: +RobotBird No one likes your rattata.
- Freeedom Minecraft: what song at 2:57:52? please tell me
- SuperShinyScolipede: Is is going okay?
- Chopperdragon39: +Rex Skywalker say WHAAAAAAAAAT!!?
- Rayclaw Games: Pierce Tanner im 15 and in 5th year. I played this game for the first time when i was 7 or 8.
- Lv Locks: Man its hard finding these games so expensive and so many fakes ugh why did I sell my games
- Blobstermob: but I had some great memories with this game I still have my very first starter I chose chimchar he is now a lv. 100 infernape and me and my sister and the neighborhood kids would all play in the underground tunnels
- Geo The Poly: Tree Dragon spoken like a true critic
- Oliver Kirkland: Oh my god, the nostalgia! I remember staying up until all hours of the night to play this game when I was little.
- leire: I'm studying with this on. Brings back memories :)
- . Spalmaer.: Want to cry as I listen to this :'( Don't know why
- MajinVepilo: Hakutai Forest soundtrack hard af
- Ricaria: love you pokemon for being amazing <3
- Red 27: when the sinnoh remakes happen (they will), i want them to keep the bass in the soundtrack! its a great part of what made the music to this game so amazing, also a bigger battle frontier (dont pull the no battle frontier crap again game freak) and a reverse episode, focused on giratina (like delta episode), let us go into the distortion world and fly on it freely, make it bigger and more twisted. also make the underground 3 times bigger, and online! so you go down, and can interact with other players who are mining. make available all the mega stones trough mining! so when you are digging, one of them could pop up but will be very difficult to pull out, it seems like the perfect way to get mega stones, and make the gems interchangeable for prices! like the battle points. you could built a gigantic underground world, with secret caves with rare pokemon (like mirage island on oras), make secret underground bases so you can visit your friends (like secret bases in oras) and you could even make a city! with an underground train conecting all the parts of sinnoh, improve the pokewatch, make it like a real life smart watch, with all kinds of apps, maybe even a real life chat sistem like whatsapp where you can talk with the people on your friend list in-game via text mesage, obviously with some parental control (because nintendo). just some wild ideas :P
- Sean Galvin: this soundtrack SUCKED imo sinnoh has the worst soundtrack
- FartingPanda: battle team galactic omg!!!!!! best song on here!! 2015 better bring me D/P remakes please Nintendo ;-;
- Sam Pound: the memories 😂
- Super Sand Lesbian: I'm sorry Diamond and Pearl. Gamefreak let you down...WE let you down. Goodnight, sweet prince. *cries silently in the corner*
- Bro Rosenberg: I would restart my pearl right now, but it has data from SoulSilver that I don't want to be loss. (by this I mean my save file on SoulSilver got corrupted and It would be very hard to get back all the pokemon that I had) I was so closs too.
- Dachampster: i feel like snowpoint was adapted from an unused mystery dungeon wip
- LunaKittyTheCute: Yeesh why would someone make this?!?!
- XRCBlue: Why do I see you everywhere?
- Glorry: I will always say that this game, super Mario galaxy, and fossil fighters will be my favorite video game soundtracks of all time
- Leonard Byrne: Grinding music
- Nicholas Reeves: Pokemon League (Night) Is just so beautiful
- Ari: I remember when I begged my parents to get me a Pokemon game, and how happy I was as a kid to be handed a preowned copy of Pearl one day after school. I remember figuring out the controls, trying over and over to beat the league, and finally decimating it over and over again in between trips to the safari zone. Truly a great game for its time with some of the most enchanting music in the series.
- Magma9567: +SuperVoltProductions How old were you when D/P came out?
- gifzzWerk: Lol it's easily considered the best
- a Bear: That's sweet.
- Alessandro Miroglio: After pokemon moon and Sun... I really hope.
- Mike 17: beste video auf yt <3
- Greg Bush: 1:30:51 you're welcome
- Rose Hardt: I've only been able to find action replay for DS that costs $130...I have an action replay for 3DS, but it doesn't backtrack. Anyone know anywhere I can get a cheap DS action replay? Really want the Spiritomb, but can't get it with Nintendo WFC having been shut down for the older gens years ago.
- M 0: Good memories....
- Brendan: These games have absolutely stellar opening music (although the whole OST is fantastic honestly)! It begins with a very mysterious, ominous tone building up to something then... BAM! 0:21 You're hit with the upbeat, chaotic, and adventurous medley, as we have heard before in other Pokemon games but with higher quality, building up to the title screen theme as usual, with the uplifting music of discovery and the obligatory villainous team theme... then 1:43 happens. Returning to the original mysterious, ominous tone but this time transcendent and with no more uncertainty in the space of the upcoming adventure, it that asks you, the player, "Are *you* ready to embark on this adventure?". I may be misremembering other Pokemon games' intros, but I think this sets these games' intros apart from the others. At least, that's my perspective lol. Damn, this sequential building up of emotion consistently gives me the chills once that climax at 1:43 hits every time I come back to this OST (nostalgia is in effect too, but still). The music really assists the immersion of the already immersive story.
- YungPupper: I would do anything to have my original copy of pearl back that I lost from my childhood. I remember 4 members of my team but not the other 2! The nostalgia <3
- Celine Gerlach: i have every single one of these songs internalized despite not having heard them for almost a decade, just from hearing them over and over and over when i played the games for hours straight. i still remember how amazing it felt when i first beat cynthia after many attempts.
- Koh the Sekirei: They should really skip remakes for these games unless they can somehow make them actually good or put in some good megas
- Lina Kent: This is my childhood.. <3
- mxpph: Kurogane City night theme tho... omg
- Jacob Rubenstein: anyone else listened to the whole video?
- No Name: even when it wasnt my first gen, its the best gen for me :) had so much fun playing Diamond & Platinum and loved the after games
- HyenaWhiskers: Route 201 :')
- Whip Kinppp: my childhood approves this
- Pichi2214: I played Pokemon Platinum as my first Pokemon game when I was 11 and know are only 4 year over and I already cry because of all the memorys when I started the game.
- CarnageReflux: Omg so many memories from my childhood, Pokemon Pearl was my first pokemon game ever it was my favourite and always will be xD but sadly I lost it in a move a few years back :'( I remember playing with my friends at lunch time in elementary school. Now I play Pokemon XY with them :) I also remember having a shiny Rayquaza on my Pearl
- Geld teller: Shiny Darkrai they say thelegend27 is born from fire
- Josh Shaun: +JentoSchaf | Gaming | Road to 300 subs You are 15, you are not old
- Vio O: definitely best pokemon game ever!
- surprisedn't: the hype for oras was so high but it died fast. the hype for dp Pl is a lot smaller... but... when these remakes come the hype won't die that easily
- 6jojomaster9: men thanks for this compil your awesome SNIF
- Kazam: +bill williams Because this is the Super Music Collection which was first published in Japanese.
- Marcelo Louiz: I loved diamond but I remember I forgot how to leave a Pokémon center
- AnTiGuMmY: Diamond is by far my favorite pokemon game to date i loved this game
- Grace Jung: T^T my first pokemon game ㅠㅜ thanks for the nostalgia bomb.... *cries*
- mxpph: +AgentJohn dont sign it!!!
- frydsaman: lol u must have cheated to catch shaymin
- NintendoGamerChris: This feels nostalgic but I've only played this for the first time a year and a half ago.
- TMC Productions: 1:44:46 PARTY! :D
- Sadon Al-Bader: Tweaking glitch
- Evan Mitchell: The wind Waker good 4 u
- Count Fabulous: This reminds me of when I first started playing Pokemon... So nostalgic <3!! Its almost killing me!! Unfortunately, my aunt got me this special thing called ttds that had, like, 70 games on it (including this) that can ONLY be played on DS Lite :(
- Onie Caurel: ../..
- VcMities: memories of childhood coming back to much feels.
- Teigan Theisen: This is, and always will be, my favorite Pokémon generation. 5:gen 2 4: gen 5 3:gen 1 2:gen 3 1:gen 4
- Alex: This makes me feel so nostalgic, when I was like 8 and got Pokemon Platinum along with a black DSi for Christmas, my brother got pearl, good times. ;)
- Matthew Animated: This brings back so many memories
- 1994 Toyota Supra MKIV Twin Turbo: The song that 16:03 made me so relaxed while laying and it's so nostalgic it makes me cry
- TheStoneBanana: I miss the days where I could sit down and play Pokemon Platinum for countless hours on my DS. Even after the main story was finished, I still explored and traded with people all around the world (GTS was the bomb). I remember the excitement of finally getting a Rotom and bragging to my friends about catching Giratina. I even remember the first time that I connected my copy of the game to Pokemon Revolution on the Wii, and how my mind was blown to see my Pokemon on screen in 3D! Good times, man. Good times.
- Delink: 9 years have pasted, and I still having my pokemon diamond game, I got my first shiny there, very good times...
- SwegKarp: Isn't strange that you realize you've actually memorized every single song while listening to this?
- Nadiyah T.: Diamond was my first pokemon game, so I've yet to really feel the nostalgia from current remakes (HG/SS & ORAS) so I'm really excited for a Sinnoh remake. I'd like to see Barry and Cynthia's battle theme improved too, also Luxray was pretty much the best pokemon I've ever had in any pokemon game, so I'm hyped for his reincarnation.
- Retry: TBH, Pokemon Platinum had some of the best soundtracks ever. IMO.
- Aurablasé: 3rd Gen: Epic marching band of trumpets 4th Gen: Smooth piano jazz
- RStaR RaptoR: ShadowLightMew EndlessOceanMew i agree. Sun and moon is actually a really weird revap. Feels very natural like gen 4. Kinda slow, but oh waut, i got lost 2 hours in and dont know where to go. I'll have to watch a youtube vid to find de way. (Uganda Knucles)
- aricente: I started with gen 2, so i was well underway when gen 4 came out, but man it was great. Although i prefer heartgold and soul silver (duh) i had a blast playing this in middle school and really did like the new pokemon that came out with gen 4. Gen 5 on the other hand, i couldnt stomach the ugly ass designs. im getting back to it now in college with ultra sun. the gap between gen 4 and 7 has left me a little behind and i dont know whats good and not but the jump to 3d models really makes me feel old.
- anon 1: The only video game that was epic in my childhood. Hope to see if a new pokemon game tops this one off.
- dzc4627: the ending credits theme...so good
- The Rogue Clan: My first pokemon adventure... it should be illigal to be this nostalgic
- SuperAdri335: 2:33:33
- Lydia_02: First game I ever had. I remember my brother buying me the game when I was 7. He convinced me that Pokemon was good after he played it in the 90s. Definitely some nostalgia
- iKraytPlays: The nostalgia is real. My first ever Pokemon was a turtwig called XOP and I got him to level 83 grinding out gravelers and stuff since I didn't know you could fight e4 again. Then I discovered GTS and put up XOP for my 2nd favourite, honcho row. Worst decision of my life ;( #RIPXOP well atleast I know some Chinese dude out there has it 😥
- a Bear: No wery relaxing indeed. Just watering and planting berries, flying around the region on my Crobat and surfing slowly (SLOWLY!) on the lakes of Sinnoh with my Empoleon. The aftergame is really relaxing... and I think the story mode is quite calming too until you fight Cynthia and her Garchomp or that damn team galactig Purrugly.
- joe clark: Video game music is great to revise to
- victoria cammarata: cryin
- ThaVillageGamers: Pokemon Pearl was my first Pokemon game, played it for days :P Got my Turtwig to a Torterra and grew him huge. Later I cheated Rare Candies though, which I feel very bad about... I ruined it for myself. Also the game froze a lot of times, which was annoying if I hadn't saved -.- And later my L key broke xD ..anyways, best game EVER!
- Joshua Morris: I love this compilation. For some reason, there's something very soothing and relaxing about listening to these Pokemon version soundtracks while I'm working and doing homework. I guess just hearing the music in the background brings back old memories and helps me stay focused. Weird huh?
- drumvis: My intire childhood
- RStaR RaptoR: 2:22:12 her name is Cynthia not shirona!!! XD
- Alejandro Gutierrez: Indeed
- My penis is unbelievably small, but: This was my shit as a child
- nsmc99: This game... I had so many Pokemon (nearly completed national Pokedex without a single trade). So many level 100's. Over 400 hrs int o this game.... so many memories and time. I LOST IT!!!! I lost the game in a hotel in Las Vegas. Gone forever! I vowed to never play Pokemon again. I couldn't do it.
- Emmi-Louise Spark: Narwhao (adorable picture there) I agree to some extent, but respect your opinion nonetheless. I have so many memories of playing Pokémon games as a kid that I still play now... I have no regrets, though, I love Game Freak + Pokémon.
- Paul Batut: +Eden Murfitt huuuuummmm you know, we never said Palkia was better or anything. It's just for Palkia fans. So if you're a Dialga fan, no need to come here and be rude. Thanks :) (we can do the same thing for Dialga btw)
- vivalalindsay356: Top 2 regions for music: Hoenn and Sinnoh :3 Granted, you have to take into consideration that the originals are what the other songs are built off of, but Hoenn and Sinnoh did it best. (And Unova music is undoubtedly the worst =_=)
- DoNY: 6000° like
- Paul Batut: Do you feel them tears of nostalgia?
- Mink Minaj: I feel so sad, when i remember me, playing pokemon diamond ;-;. For me, the best one :-)
- Hello There: +Adam Sundquist i agree! i got attached to looker and was kind of sad he left when he story at stark mountain finished. i was also sad when team galactic was over too :')
- DumpGaming: Pearl, Diamond, Platinum best Editions ever. I liked it so much <3
- Consy U: I guess so.
- Velociripper: Do you even know how fun the action replay was, coupled with the trading gen system. I beat the entire black and white with my lv 100 darkrai. Get Rekt Alder. You too Iris.
- OLD BIRD CHOZO: Best game ever
- uApollo: +RayQuaRave <3
- Mediocre Indigo: WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS THIS GAME!!!!!!!
- Annie: This game *needs* a remake. It was the game that I completed 100%. I did everything on that game and absolutely destroyed everyone online with my Metagross. Not to mention this game has one of the best stories and soundtracks!
- Ria: Best Victory Road music 10/10
- Jesslyn Olivia Bun: My first pokemon game. This made my ears tingle with joy. Thank you for making this.
- Andru (Zoular): DAHHHHHHH *Runs to Ebay orders brand new Platinum game* Screw the newer gens T_T
- TotalGamerHolic: All those hours I spent hanging out in the Underground Tunnel, farming hundreds of items from the wall.
- Vyper Music: i named my peplum PIPPY too XD
- Rex Skywalker: Too much brass in Hoenn.
- bill williams: why do the towns have their japanese names in desc
- Kendal Cobb: Gen 4 had a pretty great soudntrack.
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:38:03 1 hell of alot less scary than red / fire red version.
- Scrunchy Howard: ♫This will be the day♫
- Kels W.: We've had Kanto Remakes. We've had Johto remakes. We've had Hoenn Remakes. WE NEED SINNOH REMAKES!
- Jack Munsey: The nostalgia made my nipples hard.
- Kameryn Sabino: I hope they don't remake it so people can feel bad. I really don't like 4th generation fans. The ones that say they hate every other generation and the ones that have no reasons as to why Gen 4 is better than every other gen. Disregard the first sentence. Are there any actual 4th gen fans and not a bunch of bitches
- Greg Bush: if anyone is even still listening to this, lol
- Laddersmith Dodongo: Lake is by far the best track in my opinion
- Stanley Woodward: Eliot _ I am a Sinnoh lover my best is my 2nd favorite <3 but I am a Hoenn baby myself Hoenn is my region i fell in love with Pokemon even Though I was 90s kid and around middle school and High school I just love these games one got me through high scjool and the other cuz of childhood. I fell in love with both of there soundtracks <3 is it okay that I like both? these two generations mean a lot to me growing up. These generations made me hapoy to be a poje fan cause I got attach to the characters from the anime yo the Game. Wally Cynthia Steven May Dawn Lucas Barry Flint Winona Flanerry etc..
- Ephagon fra Østerrike: True! Es war so unglaublich aufregend!
- Katie Jones: Rad
- roger veldman: Its so weird how listening to this after like four years of never touching the game brings me back so vividly
- Jack Box: Sell your DS they said... You are getting too old for that they said.... I look back 10 years later and this one of the things I regret most. Lost a legit Cresselia, Darkrai, and Regigigas with that game.... To add to the blow I sold it all for $40 getting ripped off by Gamestop... Learn from my mistake if you're a kid reading this. 10 isn't too old for Pokemon.
- AlphaOmegaSon: The moment you stepped into the Pokemon world as a boy or a girl, you sure as heck, asked for nostalgia!
- RStaR RaptoR: 2:59:02 WTF?!?! THIS IS EMERALDS OPENING SONG!!! Gen 3 title theam remaster!
- JustHumanThingsYTP: I know they are Japanese translations, but seriously, CHANGE THE TOWN AND CITY NAMES IN THE DESCRIPTION TI THE ENGLISH NAMES WE KNOW, NOBODY KNOWS THOSE JAPANESE NAMES EXCEPT FOR THE JAPANESE. Like seriously, no one knows Twinleaf Town as Futaba Town. And Pokémon names too?! Yuxie, Emurit, and Agnome?! I mean really it’s nice to know what they say in Japanese, but that’s not what we go by and remember, what we are seeing is obviously in English. But don’t get me wrong, I still love the video and everything, I’m just stating my honest opinion.
- Geno Rivera: oh crap im wrong as fluck! here it is way way at the end!
- Jacob VanHook.: I agree with the first part of the statement.
- Nick Alexander: y e s
- Love W: Listening to this 10 YEARS after I first played them is such a powerful feeling. It's like opening a can of pure nostalgia. When I played this for the first time with my brother we were young kids and now I'm supposedly an adult?... Anyway. These games need remakes.
- Agent John: Happy 9th birthday Sinnoh <3 love you
- jxxrgelz: its A Favorite Video,nice game and Nice Music. =D
- Pepper Spray: so much nostalga
- Laurence Despert: 7:45
- Nuro: i grew up with gen 4 which is why i would never stop playing the remake when they make one
- I AM NINJA: pearl was my first pokemon game and also my first ever game ive owned since i was poor, literally my favorite game of all time cause my 8 year old mind was so happy.
- Kevin Tan: My room is actually flooded with tears. I remember getting Diamond as my first Pokemon game in Christmas 2007 and, being the crybaby I was, throwing a tantrum because I had no idea how the controls worked. Now, I am as avid a Pokémon fan as anyone else. Sigh...
- xx Frizzy: 44:36
- JentoSchaf: Anyone cried a bit ;u; ?
- Patrick: 1:02:00 is my favorite of the whole game
- aqla: Makes me want to dig up my pink DS Lite and my Pokemon Diamond game card...
- Nashi Block: Jesus I feel this pain. One of my friends snapped my DS cause I beat them one too many times in Pokémon (they had an Action Replay and I just grinded my way to the top and they still lost) and I game my Pearl copy to my other friend I asked for that game back two days ago hoping he would have it but he told me his parents sold it without his knowledge a year after I gave it to him (11 years ago)
- JentoSchaf: MONSTER!!!!! ;u;
- M: Best pkmn soundtrack by far
- Superpolloyin: Gamers rise up
- Random: I remember when i tried to catch dialga as young, then i fell asleep and woke up to the awesome theme
- Brendan: My action replay broke, and all of my gen 4 games, besides Platinum, are in a special case.
- Daanish Rashid: the ultimate best from this soundtrack were (no order) dialga/palkia battle theme (created a divine vibe) cynthia battle theme (best champion theme ever) old chateau (scary as fuck omg) twinleaf town (nostalgia facerape)
- Apo: Oh fuck I'm crying... I was 9 when I played this game... This themes are made me crying... ;'( Nostalgia...
- John Dou: Nintendo-branded nostalgia isn't like anything else
- JOHN AKUM: +Magma9567
- jarle van landeghem: yea me to haha
- rogan327: Nostalgia bro, nostalgia. I feel you
- a gnome: sameee
- Tip Ten: The nostalgia is real.
- Ashton Conley: A E S T H E T I C
- Latimew333: Layman A bit of timpani as well.
- Dayskyki: I like the 3rd one better (why? CHAMPION BLUE THEME!!), but gen 4's soundtrack is just awesome
- Das Strichmänchen: Gimme the Gen 4 remake now
- adoars: My first pokemon game 😢😢
- scorpiogoddess: I’m cryin in the club rn
- Trimmien: DOCTOR: You only have three hours and eight minutes to live! ME:
- CheesyPies: +Lucas Cast good to hear! I cant wait to hear it too
- RPGrün: Pokémon. I have been playing games of this series since February 2009, when I was nine years old. I have played the games of generation 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. But the fourth generation was where it all began. My first Pokémon game was Pokémon Pearl Edition. My very first Pokémon was a Turtwig. The perfect Starter Pokémon for me, not just because I love the color green, but because it was the very first Pokémon I ever saw or realised to exist. Together with it's evolutions Turtwig is until today my favorite Pokémon. For many weeks or even months, only Pokémon Pearl Edition existed to me and my Nintendo DS Lite. I played it over and over again, every day. It was such a glorious feeling, when I claimed my first badge, my curiosity about all the other Pokémon was overwhelming, I was shackled to my Nintendo DS Lite, when the final confrontation with Cyrus came, together with my first meeting of Palkia. And then, Pokémon Platinum Edition came out. I was truly captured by this game, I played it until I knew almost everything about it. All the Pokémon I found with the Pokédex in Generation 4 belong in my eyes there, I am unable to really connect them to other regions, because they all belong to Sinnoh in my deepest feelings about the fourth generation of Pokémon. While I played the other Pokémon games, they all shackled me to my Nintendo DS Lite and my Nintendo 3DS, but none of them was able to reproduce the feeling that the fourth generation gave me. Black and White had in my opinion the best story of all the main games, X and Y were exiting, because they were the first main games with 3D-modeled Pokémon, Sun and Moon are astounding in their tone, setting and story, but Diamond, Pearl and Platinum are still the games, I remember with most of my joy. I am one of those people who hope with all of their heart and mind, that there will be a remake of generation 4, but... would it still be the same? Would the remakes be able to capture the essence of the generation, that made me love Pokémon? Would playing them give me the same feelings I had, when I played Pearl and Platinum as a child? I don't know for sure, but when I see Sun and Moon today, I feel like something important is missing. It might still be Pokémon, but it doesn't feel the same, as when I played the games of generation 4, who were made with the limitations of the Nintendo DS Lite, but still had this certain charme I could never escape, that, when I look at this comment section, many other people couldn't escape as well. Generation 4 made me love this series and all of Pokémon so much and I will hopefully never forget, how much joy it brought to me, when I played the games.
- Azon: +Khoiruunisa RF what's that even supposed to mean
- CaptainScizor: Welcome to Hoenn where for some reason we like trumpets a lot
- feetus: thats just nostalgia
- go-king dead: Sinnoh honestly has the best soundtrack, in my opinion. Unova, Johto, and Hoenn had good ones too though.
- Demôn: So much good memories, almost tears :'(
- Trent unknown: nostalgia pls
- deathbunny: according to my friends i have weird taste , my favorite pokemon was kakuna , my favorite game was diamond ,and my starter was turtwig. on the other hand i disliked pokemon white , while they praised it and said diamond was boring
- AverageJoe5050: Gosh, I don't know much about the Pokémon games, but this soundtrack seems like an outstanding one~!!
- ayaz: Nice
- Cesar Martinez: what times the year 2006
- -: Gen 4 is one of the best games and has the best soundfront.
- Luke Hensley: I didn't find them boring but I don't like the addition of having every legendary available.
- Spencer: I miss my childhood. God why am I crying?
- Rick and/or Morty: Hakutai City has been a daydream anthem for years
- Sharlontaee Harris: +groudon4616 I loved Kanto's soundtrack. Well not really, but the Gym Leader music is EPIC. And for towns and such it was plaseant.
- Jed Mask: ... The last Pokémon hand-held game I played...
- BreakingDan: Jubilife city = MVP
- Mr. Dr. Professor Zaragoza: 1:53:37 Goosebumps...
- Fridge Ghost: gen 8 should be the remakes of diamond pearl and platinum
- Bakovian: These games were pretty much everything that makes Pokemon great. I owe them a lot of positive things in my life.
- Eetu Vilenius: This is the gold ages of pokemon ;_; I liked gen 1-4 the most. This brings back sooooooooo many good times ;D
- Anna Bergamo: NOSTALGIA. ...........
- DaisyPeach: Gen 3 was my first gen but gen 4 will always be just as memorable for me because when I played sapphire/leaf green/emerald I was still learning and getting into it but with pearl I KNEW what I was about. Still have the same file saved on there with my level 100 empoleon named Pippy (lmao) and almost 200 hours of gameplay logged. The Pokemon on that account are older than an 8 year old child oh my god
- Ethan Russell: Pokemon is liked by all people nerds and jocks. Pokemon is a master piece that everyone has liked at least once in their life
- Sharlontaee Harris: XY has the worst hands down. BW is second worst Then I put Hoen in third
- Dan Pewpewman: For mobile users: Tracks : 00:00-Opening Demo 02:05-Opening 03:18-After That Red Gyarados 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 05:00-Rival 05:36-Route201(Day) 06:13-Lake 07:26-A Happening at the Lake 07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon 09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon 09:19-Hikari 10:13-Item Get 10:18-Masago Town(Day) 11:18-Research Lab 12:31-Come On 12:59-Pokémon Center(Day) 13:46-Recovery 13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid 14:12-Spotted Miniskirt 14:38-Battle Trainer 16:21-Victory Against Trainer 16:43-Kotobuki City(Day) 17:34-Key Item Get 17:39-Friendly Shop 18:32-Route203(Day) 20:03-Battle Rival 21:15-Kurogane Gate 22:42-Technical Machine Get 22:47-Kurogane City(Day) 23:36-Kurogane Mine 25:12-Gym 26:16-Battle Gym Leader 27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader 28:44-Badge Get 28:52-Spotted Twins 29:09-Level Up 29:13-Floaroma Town(Day) 32:07-Berry Get 32:11-Route205(Day) 33:06-Enter Team Galactic 33:31-Battle Team Galactic 34:49-Hakutai Forest 36:12-Let's Go Together 36:17-Hakutai City(Day) 37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building 38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin 39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic 40:12-Evolution 40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution 40:50-Bike 42:08-Spotted Cycling 42:39-Route206(Day) 43:28-Yosuga City(Day) 44:36-Route209(Day) 45:59-Spotted Mountain Man 46:17-Zui Town(Day) 47:15-Poketch Ability Get 47:20-Route210 48:37-Tobari City(Day) 50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day) 51:35-Mio City 52:55-Route216(Day) 54:46-Kissaki City(Day) 56:42-Team Galactic Hideout 57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic 59:57-Deep Within the Hideout 1:00:30-Mt. Tenga 1:02:00-Spear Pillar 1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon 1:03:28-Cataclysm 1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day) 1:08:16-Champions' Road 1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer 1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day) 1:10:42-Fight Area(Day) 1:11:50-Route225(Day) 1:13:11-Route228(Day) 1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night) 1:15:27-Route201(Night) 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night) 1:17:32-WiFi Chat 1:17:52-Masago Town(Night) 1:18:56-Lucas' Theme 1:20:44-Kotobuki City 1:21:36-Television Channel 1:22:41-GTS 1:23:29-Surf 1:24:58-Mio City(Night) 1:26:27-Forget Technique 1:26:32-Route203(Night) 1:28:10-Spotted Karate King 1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night) 1:29:17-Route205(Night) 1:30:11-Spotted Sailor 1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night) 1:32:34-Underground Tunnel 1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag 1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl 1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night) 1:38:03-Forest House 1:39:52-Zui Town(Night) 1:40:52-Great Swamp 1:41:52-Route206(Night) 1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector 1:43:09-Tobari City(Night) 1:44:46-Game Corner 1:46:10-Win at the Slots 1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots 1:46:48-Spotted Gambler 1:47:17-Route209(Night) 1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night) 1:50:35-Route216(Night) 1:52:27-Crater of the Lake 1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33-Route210(Night) 1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore 1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night) 1:58:50-Spotted Artist 1:59:28-Meeting Plaza 2:00:29-Accessory Get 2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night) 2:01:47-Contest Hall 2:02:22-Pofin 2:02:58-Super Contest 2:03:52-Contest Dress-up 2:04:54-Dance-Easy 2:06:17-Dance-Hard 2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement 2:08:00-Contest Victory 2:08:21-Route228(Night) 2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night) 2:10:45-Fight Area(Night) 2:11:52-Battle Tower 2:12:58-Route225(Night) 2:14:21-Hard Mountain 2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon 2:16:45-Mystery Gift 2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night) 2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League 2:19:50-Enter Elite Four 2:20:14-Battle Elite Four 2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four 2:22:12-Champion-Shirona 2:22:56-Battle Champion 2:24:28-Victory Against Champion 2:25:09-Hall of Fame 2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame 2:27:10-Ending 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50-Battle VS Regis 2:37:00-Opening 2:39:08-Contest -COOL- 2:40:21-Contest -CUTE- 2:41:27-Contest -SMART- 2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH- 2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain 2:44:16-Battle Castle 2:46:37-Battle Factory 2:48:17-Battle Roulette 2:50:05-Battle Stage 2:51:08-Cataclysm 1 2:52:24-Cataclysm 2 2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome 2:53:18-Epilogue 2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier 2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned 2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames 2:54:16-Fanfare Win 2:54:20-Move Tutor 2:54:48-Mystery Gift 2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival 2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY- 2:57:51-Resort Area House 2:59:02-Opening Title 3:00:42-Torn World 3:03:23-WiFi Minigames 3:03:57-WiFi Parade 3:04:53-WiFi Tower 3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- MrQuack22: Gamers rise up
- Silverslipstream: what/where/when is the fuego ironworks theme?
- JayJaySauce: I must have played through platinum 5 times, and I could do it 5 more...
- Manon: Omg nostalgia ! The song of my childhood 😵😅
- mikey: god, hearing the first note to the opening demo gave me chills....my favorite pokemon game by far is platinum!
- Opal: Officer handsome?! The literal translation from Japanese to English for looker is handsome?! I know that looker can also be meant to say handsome.. but I NEVER understood it was reffering to it's secondary meaning! XD I suppose it has a double way of looking at it (No pun intended XD) I assumed his name was looker being an detective and all, looking into crimes... Guess he's quite the looker too haha
- erica elizabeth: +Allison Argent I was literally the worst at video games. Again, I was a 6 year old girl so don't judge me too hard for not ever beating the game even when I was 8.
- Dayskyki: +Aditya Bagchi ONLY THREE? HOLY... That's so freaking awesome!
- D. Estevez: Honestly, Hearing Twinleaf Town, the Pokémon Centre and Grotle's cry hits me in the feels. I remember being around 10 at the time, and I got my DSi with my R4 card waking up early in the morning to play. My Grotle, (Once a turtwig and now a Torterra) was called "Gaea" and hearing her in-game cry makes me so melancholic I can still taste the chocolate cereal I used to have every morning for breakfast. Any Psychologists out there? I believe this relates to Pavlov's conditioning theories, right? Anyway, yeah. That's my story.
- Co Rigby: Mon premier jeu pokemon... 😔
- a e s t h e t i c: Ashton Conley yes?
- claire_bc: I really hope we get a Sinnoh remake eventually.
- The Ricktator: I always feel that there was such a unique atmosphere to Sinnoh. Was it the new console? The new evolutions? The many Legendaries? Not sure, but 4th gen is definitely my favorite
- Josh Shaun: +Katnip Completely correct. Also that is the single worst spelling of biased I have ever seen :p
- Julienne Vargas: +Julia Estrada Gen V-VI Lots of organs and church bells
- Brendan: All of the fucking goosebumps.
- PT Yamin: DPPT had the best pokemart music. Its probably the nostalgia
- Robert Hernandez: Its so awsome 2 be around so many sinnohfetuses 😢. It just lets me know that I'm not the only who loves these games with all my heart. Sinnoh 4 life!! Let Sinnoh live on for ever, and let it floorish as to dates best Pokemon game.
- Gainstar: For me it's Crystal at #1 and Platinum at #2
- Aj: Nothing can beat this.
- NinjaNick96: I remember being excited for this with my friends towards the end of elementary school, having played the older games all the time together, we were excited for this. Going into college this fall and still just as into pokemon as I was when I was a kid.
- Raakxhyr: so much nostalgia I feel old af
- Arararararararagi: Annie Clear Pokemon is rather difficult, if you ask me. No need for the perfect IV bs (competitive play has nothing to do with regular gameplay anyway), but getting every Pokemon in the dex is a feat I was only able to make after about 5yrs of casual gaming, in my Alpha Sapphire save. And I still don't have Mew because it was never distributed online... 20th anniversary was my hope.
- Allyson Chan: Where's Old Chateau?
- Penguin S.O: Just playing the entire game in my head using the soundtracks
- The Rogue Clan: Here
- Just Moved In: The nostalgias are real, peeps. First Pokrmon game I've ever played... ;_; cri cri SINNOH 4 LIEF
- zaplepikachu: the last one
- Vittuu mun ovelta: 59:57 spooky shit
- Mr. Main: 1:32:33 and 44:37 when i hear this i must think to my childhood every fucking time as i played this game for fucking hours and hours. Pearl, Diamond and Platin was the best Pokemon game i have ever seen
- Nicholas Przeslawski: 1:33:58 who else has ever been underground with 7 other people? It's fun as all hell, and if you can, you should :D
- Zachary Zhao: What makes this in particular so special is the fact that you're listening to the music IN ORDER. This reminds you of how you're journey went (because the music goes in order of towns/cities you visit). So it's like you're reliving you're journey. And it's a special one because it was MY FIRST!
- tessa: When I first got a ds I got Pokémon pearl and that was also my first Pokémon game. I'm not English so when I played this game it needed to be in English. I came not far in the game but these songs remind me so much of how frustraded I was. (Sorry for bad English I'm still not good at it)
- Ryan Kalagher: Same! will never forget the first time I went out and bought the game
- A F: #4thgenpokemon
- KrimZ: 3:40 will always be stuck in my head.
- Lucy Heart: They got me into pokemon also
- ka de: When I heard Kotobuki City (1:20:44) in pokemon x and y again, I got so much memories back, pokemon diamond was my first game..
- Rank Baloney: Annie *Weakest story, but a fucking banger of a soundtrack.
- Silvia Larios: my fat fingers
- Hello There: +jefftheduck321 time flies.
- thirdculturdude: Pokemon Pearl was the first Pokemon game I ever played, and this music is bringing back all of the nostalgia feels!
- Leslie A.: THE FUCKING NOSTALGIA ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😭😭😭😭😭
- Jose Garcia: The soundtrack is so calm and relaxing
- Wazzup: +Rianne Caccamo my first pokemon game was sapphire and i was 4 and i got it from a friend
- Kaiser 960: mes préféré 2:22:56 , 2:26:23 est 26:16 merci pour le Upload
- victeldo: First game I played was Diamond. I was young so I messed up when I hit the 5th gym (Let's say my Infernape was level 53 and the rest of my Pokemon, 30 or less)
- Gainstar: Well, Emerald had annoying-ass trumpets and gen 1 had for the most part boring tracks excluding Champion Battle and Gym Leader Theme. Gen 2 had awesome music tho.
- Geo The Poly: Nick Rick Yea thats the 2nd gen remakes
- Linkendy: 2:21:52 always brings me chills, I can't await more for these remakes :)
- Aaron Le: Thought I was the only one listening to this. Today
- Nico: nessy nookingtons yes
- Tait Duncan: +Luke Hensley Same here it was better when the Pokemon you wanted you had to get through GTS.
- Gainstar: +NirthPanter Gen 2 is tha bomb.
- Fetalol: I don't think that gen4 stood out too much overall, but fuck the music was fantastic
- shinylux: Dont worry, you can copy that
- Thunder Boar Games: PLUS DIAMOND & MINUS PEARL 4 3DS in GEN 7 OR GEN8!!!!
- Layman: It's based on the standard 3 layer method, where you have different beats or melodies playing at different intervals, volumes, etc. to layer the sound. It's especially prevalent in cyrus's battle as well as the gym battle theme and cynthia's battle theme.
- Bean: Crap, this made me cry. Childhood memories, man.
- Geo The Poly: #Sinnohnation
- YoungSeTo: Ich hörte diese Lieder und hab angefangeb zu weinen.Sie erinnern mich an die tolle Zeit die ich in meiner Kindheit hatte und so tolle Erinnerung vergisst man auch nicht.Ich liebe diese Games❤❤❤❤❤❤
- bryan andrade: Pokemon DP are maybe the best of the series, but the only thing they are way behind 3rd gen is the battle frontier
- The legend of the Gamer: I miss the wifi modes
- Olly Keane: +Velociripper BEST EVER
- Pekka Rasvala: damn 11.30 right in the feels im having such good memories of picking turtwig
- Hospitab1e Nation: Loved the climactic songs with Girantina, Dialga and Palkia. And, some of the route/town themes are also great. Also the Cataclysm 1 song link is off by a little bit. 2:51:48
- José Baby: Gen IV is always the best to me. best music, best legendaries, best pokemon designs overall. (but the best story goes to Black/White2 tbh)
- 6jojomaster9: now i realize that 800 hours it is not time lost for nothing
- Sharlontaee Harris: Such an amazing soundtrack. I had to bust out my Dsi and Platinum just to experince it! Platinum will always be the best Pokemon game ever
- _Atreas_: the memories i miss
- Darren time: 34:49-Hakutai Forest omfg. <3333333333
- Thomas asdd: 56:42 <3<3
- fastpig productions: This is beautiful, just beautiful, I remember when I caught palkia with my master ball, best moment of my life
- Joel Schmidt: TantrisOST g
- Erik Does Stuff: Best pokemon soundtrack ever! Best pokemon game too. Shame they haven't remade it yet :(
- Tom Myers: The pokeradar brings back soooo many memories
- :3lackroom: I got this game back in 2006 (I was 7 years old) Listening to some of the remastered versions of these songs rekindled my love for pokemon (I stopped playing in 2010 time after Black and White) I have now bought from Diamod/Pearl up to ORAS and there is no way that either me as a 16 year old or the 7 year old inside of me is complaining
- Dåñk_Mëmës: "Introducing Pokémon Temporal Diamond and Celestial Pearl! Experience Sinnoh like never before! A New adventure! New Mega Evolutions! Mega Infernape! Mega Torterra! Mega Empoleon! Primal Dialga, Primal Palkia! Mega Giratina! Coming November 17! Only on Nintendo 2DS and 3DS." I want to hear those words in television.
- Rayan B: WHAT DE FUH
- bjdooi: why does this soundtrack want to make everyone cry... ....me included :')
- Brody C: re-bought all 3 so i could replay them! ... shame it takes so long for them to mail from china....
- Flguro Bxby: Sinnoh is the best region and thats a fact thats 100% accurate it also has the best soundtrack and best storyline anf the best legendary pokemons and one of the most creepy music,and the best starter pokemon and the best girl/boy partner i personally love dawn more than other girl partner in the series of pokemon and im proud i still have pokemon diamond,love sinnoh region💓😻💯
- Transflux: how not to censor a word
- JPFerreira: bruh i need them remakes plz
- F27: Still waiting for the remakes.
- Uberedspy64: 10:20 NOSTALGIA OVERLOAD
- Ezekiel Mohr: +Piaa2003 I'm guessing mostly cuz they had no pokeradar so it was much harder to find shinys
- Ratus: Gen 1 4th grade Gen 2 6th grade Gen 3 7th grade Gen 4 10 th grade Gen 5 fresman yr college Gen 6 failed out of college with debt. Gen 7 C'ed my way out of college ( i graduate later this year lol. Left mathematics for Computer Science after i failed. Found out I was missing a lower level class Descrete mathematics. When I transferred they didn't mention it and threw me into complex analysis and intermediate analysis first semester. No way I had a chance lol. I randomly ran to CS..that proof stuff I learned but didn't understand became useful as fk in those classes. ) Pokemon 4 life...
- Justin Moraal: This was my first pokemon game, I luv it so mahch!!!!
- Smøl Fren: Meme Lucario 😘
- ChazmicSupanova: +Velociripper We have Gallade. They have Gardevoir.
- Leonardo Farias: Captaincookieslap I played this game with all three starters already i cound't play the first two versions because they're really slow and there was only 2 fire types available for some reason
- nick jones: 20:03 best theme
- Palkia 892: +Paul Batut UNITE!
- J Alonso: Just wait till, I don't know, 2019? For the remakes
- Tiger Mitchell: The feels are strong with this one
- JustHumanThingsYTP: I like how they put each soundtrack in order of when you usually first encounter that soundtrack.
- Robert Rivera: I was 10 when I first played D/P now I'm 19
- ArtistLife 17: this moment if you buy this game starts it and hear the professor music...(thinking)(I have to play this game forever)then came into the city and you feel like you are at home...and then you finally arrive route 201 and you fall in love with the game <3
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:53:37 your description is wrong! It's uxie, mesprite,... and someone else!!!
- AlphaOmegaSon: I don't know if I want to see a remake, (Maybe just for the murchandise such as a piplup/turtwig/chimchar plushie). FRLG and HGSS were necessary remakes, but ORAS wasn't in my opinion. ORAS sort of butchered the essence of RSE in my opinion, but RSE was actually the second game that I played (borrowed) from a friend. IDK, but Platinum being my first pokemon game, makes me not want to see a remake, so that they don't butcher the essence of Diamond/Pearl
- Cyrus: 1:13:12 ;) good Times
- TeeTaan360: I think this game & soundtrack really shaped me and my music taste.
- oscar: ugh i miss platinum
- Theoretical Physics: One of the best soundtracks ever imo, only behind Halo, loz, crash twinsanity, and Spyro 1 2 and 3
- EzioAuditore1500: Pokemon's soundtracks has always been one of the best, and this one is no exception
- Lizard Punk: Note to future self, im at 1:25:28
- DoFLaGaMeR Le Démon Céléste: 1:04:07
- Turnkey eye877: What would make every human being happy, would be to only update the graphics and maybe make the soundtrack actual instruments. This would be the greatest game of all time!
- Dylan Haire: That opening gives me goosebumps... So many great memories playing this game...
- Jay- Jay: Nostalgie
- Norma Navarrete: I used to have pokemon pearl but then i lost it and this brings so much memories
- Ulgramoth: Gen 3 may have been the gen with the horns! but gen 4 was the one with the...KEYBOARDS!!!
- Nick Alexander: i went to gamestop because i was curious to see how much i could trade in heart gold for (not that i wanted to, i was just curious) and it actually turns out its worth more than platinum, which surprised me cause heartgold just felt kinda "meh" to me when I played it. the way I got it was trading my friend my platinum for his heart gold when i was a kid, which i regret dearly now that he has moved away. now that i think about it, maybe i will trade HG in and get platinum. anyways, love this music, loved the game, cant wait for the remake. i wonder if its gonna be for 3ds tho? the switch seems ok but i would love to not have to buy a new console just relive my childhood.
- Sally Pinecone: my childhood and anger of cynthia
- ZeD4world: j'ai pleuré
- Ethan Russelll I'm: when you cry yourself to sleep because you're an adult now and your kid flushed your Pokemon diamond down the sink. (I am 22 and without Pokemon my life would be a disaster)
- Dom: This is my special nostalgic gen 😢😢😢😢
- The Angry Martian NPC: Your face it utterly scary and predictable... begone green creature of the underworld! (''uses spaghettay spray'')
- Joris Harms: When I was young I used to binge this game, it's so awesome. Much nostalgia
- Bikelife Curtis: oh my lord the nostalgia ;-; my first pokémon game team:infernape,staraptor,dialga,gyarados,spiritomb,machamp never forget how happy i was when i first beat cynthia
- Lando D: I'm a Hoennbaby but this game has one of the best soundtracks totally my 3rd in the series. After Gen 5 and 3.
- Serpentine: 3 hours of pure gold
- Sif The Wolf: As soon as I heard the tune for twin leaf town and the first route you take, I just wanted to cry. I miss thiss <3
- Tim B.: What is that route called found in 35 minutes of the video?
- Annie Lu: the nostalgia ;A;
- PianoTutorials333: Hopefully the next Pokémon game will be a Diamond and Pearl remake! <3
- PeterThaBeater: Came here because I sold all pokemon games and want them back, super nostalgia, by far the best gen ever, I love scrolling down and reading everybody's memories with this amazing game, this was my first pokemon game and it will always hold a special place in me
- Carlos Alvarez: Cynthia's battle music gets me so fucking pumped
- Dan Davis: I want to play the game again. But I sold my ds and all my games except diamond or soul silver that I don't have a clue where it is sadly. I feel really sad that I can't play right now. I always feel like I'm going to cry when I hear this, it reminds me of my child hood memories when this game was the only thing I played as a kid and feel so bad that all of my work on this game is now gone. And if I get a ds again that I start over. It was just a really big mistake that I sold my ds and all my games so I lost my data and my games and I feel really bad, sad and angry for it. I'm in tears 😢
- Pit_Solitayrh: I cry ;-;
- Ramoranion: +neon mess My too :D I met a friend nearly every day just to play Pokemon D/P. Sadly I lost my Pokemon Pearl Edition :( I am thinking about buying a new one in the internet.
- Kebabrulle4869: They say a picture says more than a thousand words. If that's true, then music is more than words. It's more than a picture. Music are memories, brought back to life. Music is the distant memories of an experience. The distant memory of your childhood. The distant memories of your friends back then. Music is nostalgia. In its purest form. There for everyone to enjoy, remember and make connections to. These songs for me are indescribeable. The memories of my best friend and I, playing Pokémon Diamond on his light green DS Lite in his living room. Finding new Pokémon, evolving those we already had, and come up with new, wacky names for the ones we caught. Thank you, Nintendo, for making this game into an experience for so many of us. Thank you.
- Shae Francis: I need a remake to re-live my childhood
- Jango's Game Betas: favorite pokemon game. and honestly the best. It had the best music no doubt. I spent more time in this game more than any other. Love this game to death
- HappyMagikarp: Diamond and Pearl...Those were my favorite Pokemon games...When I was 9 I used to play the crap out of it. Some reason Diamond and Pearl means so much to me. Thanks for being around Gen four you were pretty awesome in my childhood. Even the anime....
- Magma9567: +SuperVoltProductions fag
- CJ Franks: AHHHHHHH!!!! Why did I get rid of my pokemon games? :'C
- 1994 Toyota Supra MKIV Twin Turbo: I cry of nostalgia as well
- dawnn: 0:00 ...oh the tears
- Arcryoshi: Spring Path has the theme of the old chateau. There are many places which share the same theme^^
- PC Fost: Pokemon diamond and pearl brings me back so many memories.
- Zeption: im listening to this whole ost
- Dringo: The same thing happened with Pokemon go. I was the one got instinct.
- Sasuke Shippuden: the best is at min 45:00
- Makkusu UnFilwin: Best Pokemon game in my opinion
- TYRAH 7: for all the people who says "I want a remake" We got a red/blue, a gold/silver remake, a sapphire/ruby remake so technically the next remake should be a Diamond/pearl remake :) i doubt that it will a 3ds game though
- Xandaya: Thats kool! 1 question though? How can u play on pc?
- Patrick: I remember fighting drapion for the first time in the elite four and I couldnt defeat it bc I didnt know its type although it seemed logical - BUT IT WAS FUCKING NOT haha
- Shadowww: why am i crying
- Ludovic: I want a remake !!!!!!
- Chevy123: AqUa Neptune ikr! Couldn't have said it better. I love dawn!
- kariem elhanan: Mt.TENGA 2 GUDDE
- preston marrott: wow, at 2:05 ... My first time beating any pokemon game, i was only 6 and i felt so strong. I still have my original team: Dialga, Swampert, Giratina, Palkia, Heatran, and Lugia. My friend got me a mudkip with his action replay. I transfered my original team to gen 5, then gen 6. They are now in Alpha Sapphire. I just beat the league a second ago :D
- pisces: D:
- HDCharloco: This was the first video game I ever played, I started it in third grade and didn’t complete it 100% until two years later with the help of three new friends that I had made whilst playing this game granted I was stuck in jubilife City for like 2 months but, it still changed me as a person, now every time I hear this soundtrack I cry a little thank you so much for posting. His and bringing all the good memories back. :)
- Digit: the memories <3
- Torchlava100: Urgh... The opening for Platinum is different from Dimond and Peral. It would be awesome if you put in the real Platinum opening because putting Dimond and Peral with Platinum is like disgracing the added features in Platinum.
- Vyper Music: 1:00:30 - OMG dem feels, platinum was my first!
- Cullen Bloodstone: in my opinion Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald had the best soundtrack while Diamond pearl, and Platinum had the worst.
- xPotatoxGod__69: RStaR RaptoR thats from a event that im pretty sure happened in like 2012
- Tropicance: I have no idea how, but it's been 5 years since I last played diamond and still have the soundtracks all memorized in my head. Not gonna lie, listening to this got me teared up.
- Rose Hardt: My first Pokémon game was Pearl version. I had it for several years, but one day in 2009 I accidentally left it and my DS in a restaurant, and when I freaked out and ran back into the building, my table hadn't even been cleared yet but my DS had been nicked off of it, and the front desk staff had no knowledge of it. I was completely distraught. Fortunately I'd by that point traded my first Pokémon ever--Empoleon--over to Heart Gold, but that didn't mean I wasn't upset to have lost all of my "friends", and years of progress on the game. To this day I can't understand how people can't like this generation--maybe I'm biased since it's my first, but it always struck me as the most unique (Empoleon, Staraptor and Luxray are my favorites--such cool designs!), aside from gen 5 (Unova). I've been anticipating a remake for years, now. I just hope that if it does happen, they do it justice and don't nerf everything like they do in the newer games. I remember Cynthia's Spiritomb spamming Double Team and mopping the floor with my Pokémon's faces--if I don't lose to her at least three times before finally winning, I'm gonna be upset. Hehe.
- 6jojomaster9: dit toi aussi tes venus ici par souvenirs
- Velociripper: Best game, best pokemon, best legendaries, heck, even best anime season. The starters were amazing. Don't care what anyone else says. Turtwig was the cutest turtle leaf thing in my 6 year old mind. And Torterra was scary and awesome as crap. Torterra destroyed 3 of 6 of Cynthia's pokemon. The legendaries. Fricken Time and Space. This game was the pokemon creation story. Does that mean nothing? The 2 best pokemon movies. Jewel of life, and fricken rise of darkrai. The anime, we had Paul, still a great trainer, we had Tobias, with his Latios and Darkrai. We had Cynthia. And also Gallade.
- Yakasov: Bike Theme is still nostalgic...
- Nick Rick: This was the only Pokemon game, were you disguised as a Team member. I loved that part of the game :D
- rdmkskn1: All Pokemon soundtracks must have been composed by some genius
- Bandicoot Bill: My favourite in this whole playlist, really brings the memories back... :)
- Thunderfly: Brooo is 10 years old already holly cowww
- name Jeffery: Sun and Moon is fucking awesome buddy
- SuperAdri335: 33:33
- D1MENSI0N: Barry vs Wally Wally; better character development and growth. Could easily defeat E4 and Steven. Barry; beat the E4 20 times sometime during post-game. Psychopath. I can’t decide man!
- Princess Crabcrotch: It's compression in the audio files. Honestly, I don't mind it, but it never has it in my head.
- ana condita: According to several Sinnoh myths, this region was the first of all the regions in the Pokémon world to have been created. In a void of nothingness, a single Egg came into being, which then hatched into Arceus, the first Pokémon to be in existence. Arceus created Dialga, Palkia, and possibly Giratina, and Arceus then gave Dialga and Palkia the abilities to control time and space, respectively. Giratina was banished to another dimension for its violent behavior. Then, during the very early formation of the world, Arceus created Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit to create willpower, knowledge, and emotion respectively, things that are in all modern humans and Pokémon. They dove to the bottom of present-day Lake Valor, Lake Acuity, and Lake Verity, an act which earned them the name "the lake trio". At that point, Arceus created the Sinnoh region and Mt. Coronet divided the region into two sections. During this violent procedure, Stark Mountain was created and Heatran was formed in lava. Arceus finally created the Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous Orbs before falling into a never-ending sleep at the Hall of Origin. Around this time, Mew was thought to have come into being by itself, containing the DNA of every Pokémon to exist and exist in the future. Human habitation of Sinnoh is estimated to have begun when Sinnoh was created, as said in myth. It is stated that Pokémon and humans led separate lives, but always helped each other. They supplied each other with goods, and supported each other. A Pokémon proposed to the others to always be ready to help humans, and that Pokémon be ready to appear before humans always. Thus, to this day, Pokémon appear to humans if they venture into tall grass. Later on came the events of Floaroma Town. According to the townspeople, Floaroma Town was once a barren and desolate hill. People started planting flowers around it to cheer up the place, but nothing would grow. Then, someone expressed thanks for a blessing of nature, and the whole hill burst into bloom. It is theorized that Shaymin was the cause of the sudden burst of flowers, given it being the Gratitude Pokémon
- Doom: I wonder how good the remakes will sound
- L Quasar: I lose my cartridge of platinum with over 500 hours ,my first pokemon on DS and with a figurine of Giratina... Imagine the suffering.... I was 10 I love this game so much.
- GameMaster Jack: This was the first real video game I ever played I hold it dear to my heart.
- Jaden: Diamond and pearl were the best
- Teris: What is the name of the music were the staircase appears after you play the azure flute?
- Bobby JCFHv Lichtenstein: 500,000th view lol
- Ethan Keller: Well they could/do understand the way you (Gen 4 fan) feel(s)
- RStaR RaptoR: 2:39:08 contests!!!
- Axel du 74: I already play these two pokemon games today <3 I started with diamond soulsilver and heartgold and then I got pearl in April 2018 because I always wanted to have palkia my favorite pokemon. And for me the most emotional song is 1:04:07 so beautiful :D
- Omni: I remember feeling so naughty using Action Replay.
- Cassee Haven: Good programming music
- Suzanne Dorleans: Thank you.
- Jaddy fromHaven: Diamond or Pearl?
- Rayan B: Love u
- darkherobrineita: Today is 4TH gen birthday Happy Birthday Sinnoh
- How2PeePee: I remember getting my ds when I was 6 and the first game I got was lego star wars the complete saga. Eventually my dad got me and my friend r4 cards and put a tonne of games on them, and I mostly played the lego games on it until Lewis told me about pokemon platinum. I got right into it and loved it. This brings back so many memories. Thank you for uploading this.
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Pokémon Center(Night)
- Cat: Me!
- My Name Is Strawberry: It's been 7 years since I last played this game, listening to this make me want to play it again
- Not your account Now leave: When I played this the internet was hardly a thing so I didn't know how to get to the last town so all my Pokémon are level 99 and it wasn't till years later the internet was a thing you could use to do anything that I found out how to get there but first I had to fight diagoa not even going to check if that how you spell but when I got there my marrall one shot it
- OLD BIRD CHOZO: In 11 years, pokemon has only gone downhill if you ask me. Gen 4 is definitely the best. Gen 4 was like melee to me. Everyone played it even if they didn't love it!!! (And gen 4's music is the best music in existence)
- boopitybap: Time sure went by real fast :\
- Bitzel: Fine
- Angel Patrow: +Keaton Coyne You mean the Hall of Origin theme? It's basically the Diamond and Pearl Menu theme, but reversed. I think you can just type in 'Hall of Origin theme' in the You tube search bar and find it pretty easily. Hope this helps!
- Hayden Bennett: By far the best soundtrack of any Pokemon game... I'd say that Platinum was probably the peak of Pokemon main series games, they haven't been able to match it since.
- Ethan Bailes: omg the nostolgia is over 9000
- erica elizabeth: +Allison Argent And I'm super excited for the remakes. Especially a mega Empoleon.
- RStaR RaptoR: Maxilliana Sylveon i don't like the new or old pokemonz 4rth gen is best without doubt. i need more copies of pearl and platinum!!!
- randomobscurity: This one really takes me back. I loved this game. I can just remember all those berries I kept forgetting. XD
- Keoraptor: 7:45 me hidden under the braid trying to train my pokemons so that they reach lvl 100 :')
- Blaze Quakes: This game was my first pokemon game!!!! i love this game to pieces!!!!.. i need to go back to it one day, this is soundtrack bringing back so many feels!!!! so many memories!!!!
- Banana Hat: Pokémon platinum costs, like, 50 dollars on amazon. How is it still so expensive T_T
- AntoEma Romano: I like and I love the music of Leaugue Pokemon(Day)
- Jaydith Ami: Ah, the memories are coming back.
- soniclover9000: im gonna get pearl as my first pokemon game and for me that's a win because I just got into pokemon 5 months ago
- Zergo_HD: Diamond was my first Pokemon game.I`ve played this so much
- adam saunders: I love platinum brings back so many memories of when i didn't know how to get passed the journal lol
- Booty Warrior: Is it weird that I solely remember all of these songs just by re-listening? lol
- UB CringeLord: I hope this gets remakes. I just want to go underground and make bases in 3d.
- Voix Tamer: Ce jeux est sortit il y a bientôt 13 ans et on a toujours pas les droits à un remeak? Alors que Pokémon Rouge et Bleu ont le droit à je ne sais combien de références alors que la région est plate et ennuyeuse!!! Aller games freaks faites quelque chose!!!!
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Floaroma Town(Day)
- valciajm: :\
- Samuel Carlos: Oh man, this was one of my first Pokemon games and had me enjoying it for many many hours when I was younger. By far my favorite pokemon game out of all the ones I have played so far. So much nostalgia! GAHH! I wish I could go back to the simpler times.
- OLD BIRD CHOZO: Metroid fusion and wario land 4 are build the same and editors can edit every block in both games into 1. That was when games were easy to make. Then came the best game ever paper mario ttyd and then pokemon platinum, and finally kid icarus uprising, the last best game ever... Well actually sins of a solar empire is the last best game ever...
- Alex Gamboa: Gen III - FireRed and LeafGreen (Gen I) Gen IV - HeartGold and SoulSilver (Gen II) Gen VI - Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (Gen III) Let's GO Eevee/Pikachu are the last in Gen VII, so my hopes are up for Diamond/Pearl remakes in Gen VIII(Even though Platinum should be remade but it's probably not gonna happen)
- Taikenshi: The 206 road omg , i listened this theme 50000 time , i used to turn on my ds just to listen it
- adam saunders: these are the best pokemon games by far 4th gen is awesome
- Maximiliano Castellanos: Go to 1:10. It brings back so much.
- ayy lmao: Pokemon Diamond will still be the best game ever made in history. <333
- Sigils, ETHEC.: +ShadowLightMew EndlessOceanMew No. jRed and Green released in 1996 in Japan. February 27th, 1996 to be exact. That's the reason they're waiting until that date in 2016 to release R/G/B/Y on the Virtual Console. It's for the 20th anniversary of jRed and Green's release. I assume you're young and do not understand the copyright and trademark system, causing you to be confused. Those are done BEFORE releasing a product because they are intended to protect the intellectual property of the creater. If they released the products without existing copyrights and/or trademarks and/or patents other people could legally do as they wish with them as part of the public domain. jBlue (what the international Red and Blue versions were based on) then released in October 1996. Red and Blue released in late 1998 outside Japan (except in Europe which was late 1999). I've been playing almost every day since then (for at least 55,000 hours so far), so I know with 100% certainty when they released from experience. Here's a hint to prevent such mishaps in the future, by the way. Google exists. You should use ALWAYS use it to verify what you believe is correct. Especially when trying to correct someone else. Don't have the time to fact check? Leave it to someone else who actually knows about the topic at hand or is willing to check it (not that you shouldn't check it even if you think you know it - you definitely should as your information might be outdated or your older source incorrect).
- PinaPerfect: So who's hyped for remakes next year?
- Clunt Stoophins: +Kimberly Chin i got all the pokemon games when x and y came out but have never got x and y though
- Juan Carlos Egea: A mi también tío!
- 815kitty: Pearl was my first Pokemon game. I was around for 1st Gen, but I didn't have my own Game Boy (I kinda leeched off my friends to play their Pokemon games) so Pearl will always have a special place in my heart.
- feetus: you could get an emulator but you do you
- Brian Lee: 10:10 makes me wanna sing
- ShadowLightMew EndlessOceanMew: +Gulls I am 25 and the first titles in the series were planned for 1995. Green and Red were meant to be released but experienced delay. I know my Pokémon facts since its pretty much a major part of my life and i don't like it when strangers tell me what to do since they got no right!
- Koh the Sekirei: I got these games when they first came out, and they still make me wanna vomit
- OmegaMetroid93: These games were far from my first Pokemon games. I did play Pearl as a kid but I only remember it vaguely. I went back and played Platinum a while back though, and I came out of it thinking it's the best Pokemon-game out of all of them. Like yeah, Emerald and Crystal come close, but Platinum is something really special. Listening to these makes me want a remake so badly.
- Chopperdragon39: Connichiwa watashi Cho desu. hajimemashite. Kyou wa nani wo shi masuka?
- aesthetics: I'm pretty sure whenever I was 7 or 8 when this came out and I loved it so much, my cartridge broke in half!
- Tim B.: Does anyone happen to know what the song is called in 34:51 through this video?
- Cameron Nessman: 1:43 nostalgia. I used to sit at the title screen to listen to this ominous part
- Angel Patrow: +Ginger The Espeon I'd say they'll probably make the remakes in Generation 8, seeing as how they remade the Gen. 3 games in Generation 6.
- The French Guy: why do I relate so much to a comment on youtube?
- Legendary Duelers: Shy Guy so accurate
- Yohsué Méndez: MY BLOOD IS BURNING!!!
- Elias Sanchez: some amazing bass lines tho
- Zoroark Hunter: I grew playing this game it was the first game I've ever owned
- Rylade475: I remember listening to this whole thing when doing homework once. Best way to do homework is with a wave of nostalgia!
- Just Moved In: My action replay broke and corrupted my game.
- konstantin: Pokemon is the ds Game with the best soundtrack
- Nick Alexander: hey, if you want help replacing your battery in your Gold game I can help you. I did it myself on my gameboy gold cartridge and have been using it ever since. Ik this is kind of random but if you're down I could probably skype with you and give you video instructions on how to do it. Its just a watch battery so its not that big of a deal but the thing that is really annoying is that the screw that holds together the cartridge is proprietary to nintendo, and requires a special screwdriver to open. If you buy the screwdriver, which is not too expensive here, I can show you what the steps are to get the old battery out and put a new one in. https://www.amazon.com/E-Durable-3-8mm-4-5mm-Screwdriver-Tool-Cartridges/dp/B01KFJK7MQ/ref=ice_ac_b_dpb?ie=UTF8&qid=1491452553&sr=8-1&keywords=gameboy+screwdriver id love to lend you a (virtual) hand :) if not, there are a few decent videos on youtube, and even one that i tried that had me melt the end of a pen off with a lighter to try to form a mold around the screw, but it didnt really work and i almost fucked up my cartridge permanently, so i recommend using a screwdriver, which is what I had to do in the end anyways reply if you would like my skype, even if its not for video and just for chat c:
- KeiverGamer: come on nostalgic
- Rex Skywalker: How do you get a username on youtube?
- L'Onesto: 😭😭😭
- Samuel: 1:04:07 1:44:46 You're welcome :D
- Sonic Dream: This game has such a wonderful soundtrack. It's one of my favorite games. After all, the first game from the series I owned was _Platinum_.
- Banjo Bananasnoop: +ROMPEDISCOS TRUENO I literally nicknamed my PIPLUP Piplup cuz I hated the all caps. Piplup the Empoleon and I crushed the elite four, and by the time we were done, he was level 72 and the rest of the team was probably like level 40. I did that a lot back then. Level 64 Feraligator and a level 66 Samurott. :)
- Neodude Quake: Listening to this as I do my work
- ulquiorraluver98: I've always love this soundtrack when I first play Pokemon Diamond ;DDD 5:38
- Narwhao: Route 209 is such a nostalgic song, good gosh. I think Gen 4 has the best music.
- Piranha Garden: Ah, the gen that got my sister into the series. My brother and I were super excited for Diamond and Pearl and my sister didn't really get what all the fuss was about. Then we were at Wal-Mart and my sister saw Platinum and said "You know, I've never tried out Pokémon. Should I try this game out?" And I told her she definitely should and the moment she still loves Pokémon to this day.
- Aurablasé: +jirachi12122 Third Gen music was all about the trumpets. And everyone knows trumpets are EPIC. ...I personally prefer Second Gen music above all, though. Nostalgia and such.
- theoatmilk: I'm going to comment again and say that the Opening Demo song is the best for me and others because it brings so much memories and I'm crying :'( I wish I could see it be played by an orchestra I would die literally of happiness
- Faerie Mayden: Pearl was the game I started with. I still have my first Pokemon ever in my life, from 2006-2015. Empoleon, my level 100, naturally-leveled bae. ;D I remember how hard I had to labor in order to get him there. My dad just got three Pokemon to level 100 in a couple days and he really doesn't play as much as I do, as well as ORAS being his first generation as a Pokemon player. A clear sign that the games are getting easier and easier. I remember this version being such a challenge, with Cynthia's Spiritomb spamming Double Team!! But oh, the nostalgia! Will never forget this game. ;D
- Superkelow: Just saying, we didnt get a Pokemon game in 2015. And since gen 4 we have not had to wait longer that 2 years for a pokemon game. The Black 2 and White 2 games came out after 2 years and that has been the longest break for a game to be released. Gen 4 remakes confirmed?!?!?!?!? (pls)
- Real WeiFi: 0:00 through 3:08:01 such nostalgia 😟
- Bo Wu: Yes? I mean, Gen 4 is my favorite but I think all the regions are good
- God0fTacos :v: 1:47:17
- Snowy 77: Im listening to this and getting overloaded witg nostalgia,such peaceful and happy times,glad that Im not alone in this ;'(
- Cole Madeoy: Having played every generation, this is hands down my favorite. Beautiful music, the pokemon were super kickass, I get chills listening to the into music
- ZeroDax: The game were I start playing Pokémon... Remake it NOW please!
- Gladys: Does't Masago Town (Day) And Dream High sound alike or is it just me o.e XD
- Darticus the Great: +zaplepikachu Which one? There's Battle Champion (which I put), Champion's Road, Victory against Champion, and Champion Shirona or whatever
- RiFi Fx: ❤❤❤❤❤
- fen: ahh the memories of playing the platinum
- Nicole H.: This is so nostalgic I'm about to cry ugh
- Gila6918: 50:08 memories :(
- Elusion: I remember playing this game when I was 7 years old... It was the first video game that I've ever played. I started to tear up as soon as I heard the opening
- AtroSpecter: +Michael Bongiorno True.
- Lance: Listening to this while playing Agar.io
- savage koala: Tracks : 00:00-Opening Demo 02:05-Opening 03:18-After That Red Gyarados 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 05:00-Rival 05:36-Route201(Day) 06:13-Lake 07:26-A Happening at the Lake 07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon 09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon 09:19-Hikari 10:13-Item Get 10:18-Masago Town(Day) 11:18-Research Lab 12:31-Come On 12:59-Pokémon Center(Day) 13:46-Recovery 13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid 14:12-Spotted Miniskirt 14:38-Battle Trainer 16:21-Victory Against Trainer 16:43-Kotobuki City(Day) 17:34-Key Item Get 17:39-Friendly Shop 18:32-Route203(Day) 20:03-Battle Rival 21:15-Kurogane Gate 22:42-Technical Machine Get 22:47-Kurogane City(Day) 23:36-Kurogane Mine 25:12-Gym 26:16-Battle Gym Leader 27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader 28:44-Badge Get 28:52-Spotted Twins 29:09-Level Up 29:13-Floaroma Town(Day) 32:07-Berry Get 32:11-Route205(Day) 33:06-Enter Team Galactic 33:31-Battle Team Galactic 34:49-Hakutai Forest 36:12-Let's Go Together 36:17-Hakutai City(Day) 37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building 38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin 39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic 40:12-Evolution 40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution 40:50-Bike 42:08-Spotted Cycling 42:39-Route206(Day) 43:28-Yosuga City(Day) 44:36-Route209(Day) 45:59-Spotted Mountain Man 46:17-Zui Town(Day) 47:15-Poketch Ability Get 47:20-Route210 48:37-Tobari City(Day) 50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day) 51:35-Mio City 52:55-Route216(Day) 54:46-Kissaki City(Day) 56:42-Team Galactic Hideout 57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic 59:57-Deep Within the Hideout 1:00:30-Mt. Tenga 1:02:00-Spear Pillar 1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon 1:03:28-Cataclysm 1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day) 1:08:16-Champions' Road 1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer 1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day) 1:10:42-Fight Area(Day) 1:11:50-Route225(Day) 1:13:11-Route228(Day) 1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night) 1:15:27-Route201(Night) 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night) 1:17:32-WiFi Chat 1:17:52-Masago Town(Night) 1:18:56-Lucas' Theme 1:20:44-Kotobuki City 1:21:36-Television Channel 1:22:41-GTS 1:23:29-Surf 1:24:58-Mio City(Night) 1:26:27-Forget Technique 1:26:32-Route203(Night) 1:28:10-Spotted Karate King 1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night) 1:29:17-Route205(Night) 1:30:11-Spotted Sailor 1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night) 1:32:34-Underground Tunnel 1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag 1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl 1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night) 1:38:03-Forest House 1:39:52-Zui Town(Night) 1:40:52-Great Swamp 1:41:52-Route206(Night) 1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector 1:43:09-Tobari City(Night) 1:44:46-Game Corner 1:46:10-Win at the Slots 1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots 1:46:48-Spotted Gambler 1:47:17-Route209(Night) 1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night) 1:50:35-Route216(Night) 1:52:27-Crater of the Lake 1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33-Route210(Night) 1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore 1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night) 1:58:50-Spotted Artist 1:59:28-Meeting Plaza 2:00:29-Accessory Get 2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night) 2:01:47-Contest Hall 2:02:22-Pofin 2:02:58-Super Contest 2:03:52-Contest Dress-up 2:04:54-Dance-Easy 2:06:17-Dance-Hard 2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement 2:08:00-Contest Victory 2:08:21-Route228(Night) 2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night) 2:10:45-Fight Area(Night) 2:11:52-Battle Tower 2:12:58-Route225(Night) 2:14:21-Hard Mountain 2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon 2:16:45-Mystery Gift 2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night) 2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League 2:19:50-Enter Elite Four 2:20:14-Battle Elite Four 2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four 2:22:12-Champion-Shirona 2:22:56-Battle Champion 2:24:28-Victory Against Champion 2:25:09-Hall of Fame 2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame 2:27:10-Ending 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50-Battle VS Regis 2:37:00-Opening 2:39:08-Contest -COOL- 2:40:21-Contest -CUTE- 2:41:27-Contest -SMART- 2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH- 2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain 2:44:16-Battle Castle 2:46:37-Battle Factory 2:48:17-Battle Roulette 2:50:05-Battle Stage 2:51:08-Cataclysm 1 2:52:24-Cataclysm 2 2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome 2:53:18-Epilogue 2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier 2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned 2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames 2:54:16-Fanfare Win 2:54:20-Move Tutor 2:54:48-Mystery Gift 2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival 2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY- 2:57:51-Resort Area House 2:59:02-Opening Title 3:00:42-Torn World 3:03:23-WiFi Minigames 3:03:57-WiFi Parade 3:04:53-WiFi Tower 3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- jordin stafford: This was my first pokemon game (diamond) my first pokemon was turtwig even though tortera not my favorite pokemon it still beat Cynthia for me :)
- Zyrus: I may have started out with Leaf Green, then played through all of Emerald...but when I first heard this was coming out I remember following all the news about it back on serebii. Once this game was released and I played it...it became my favorite Pokemon game of all *time*. Still to this day I play through Diamond over and over. I still have my first file created on Pearl that I refuse to delete even if all my good Pokemon are now in my Omega Ruby and X...
- Tyler Couldery: 34:49 best one
- The Fastest Sad: Replaying this with headphones...it's like playing a whole new game when you hear all of the sounds!
- connor horman: Happy 10th.
- IronLotus: +Gulls It's because people like subscribing for no reason. I know because I just did. :P P.S. But being serious, maybe people like your comments. Who knows.
- Fridge Ghost: which is better, Gen 3 or Gen 4?
- White_Shockz: Dude i havent played this game in like 5 years and i have all the beats memorized by heart 😂
- mats Rutten: best gen ever, best game ever, best soundtrack ever!!!!!!!
- Hamad The Dolphin Man: 2:33:36 - My favourite.
- Oscar Valenzuela: Well, Sinnoh literally means "The Land of the Gods" or "of the Mystery" so that's why everything's that way. No to mention my favorite region for that too. It's the gen with the best adds to the Pkmn lore after all.
- Aleph Null: But when exactly do you intend to cry if they don't?
- Gainstar: +Rianne C Yeah, and the Japanese has the creepy-ass original Lavender Town theme. I might get it someday but for now I'm fine playing with my already glitchy enough Red Version.
- Naru: Riperino Gamer ME TOO
- Nicholas Przeslawski: I want everyone who has ever played this game to close their eyes and remember back to the first time they've played any pokemon game. Pokemon Emerald and Diamond are two of the earliest video games i can remember, and it still brings tears to my eyes hearing this and just remembering all the wonder i was filled with. ;)
- Not your account Now leave: Andrew Wong 29 bots
- Pierre Gaming54: My first Pokemon video game and I'm just crying for listening that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Lucas Cusanelli: This came out when I was six and I got it from my parents for Christmas that year. It is my favorite Pokémon game to this day and I have been playing every main series Pokémon game since then.
- vegetal: my pp just went up
- Fiskian: Started crying at 0:06
- OwO UwU: RetroRaver we are old
- Narwen: wants to resist the urge but cries anyway
- Alyssa A: GameFreak... Nintendo... it's 2018 and I'm still waiting for my Sinnoh remakes >:c
- Ashton Conley: I mean, this wasn't my childhood music. That would be red and blue. But, this was the more important years: the young teenage years. This is the gen that changed everything. And that early DS music just gives an aesthetic to it that's not really matched by any of the other games. And the composition style is very... I can't really think of a word to describe it, honestly. But, it's very unique, and this game and its music will always hold that most special place in my heart. Also related, I think Heartgold and Soulsilver were so beloved because they sort of took that just good feeling 4th gen gives you, and placed it in everyone's favorite games of the series. The two gens really do go well hand in hand. I don't think Gen 2 would have felt as right on any other engine.
- Hikaru Zenith Akurai: The feels are coming and there bring an army of Yamask with them (looks like it's crying)
- Minuy600: Pokémon Pearl and Platinum changed my life. They're not great to play through nowadays but the hours that went into those two games probably goes past 750 hours. If only I wasn't so reset-happy back then.
- RayQuaRave: I completely agree and now I must listen to the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack for more nostalgic feels :)
- LunaKittyTheCute: Great 👍🏻 thing to listen to if you ran out of nightmare fuel
- Paul l: whaaat? :o
- Thomas Bosgra: Hahaha omg I recently bought this game back just to play it again! It brings so much memories back. To get to the lakes, find the 3 clowns, beat Team Galactic but especially beat Cynthia at the end of the game. She is/was/will be the hardest champion ever. Omg this game, my first pokemon game ever and (in my opinion) the best ever!
- MagicalMermaidArts: +Swarm Striker if instead of B2&W2, we had ORAS, we wouldve had a remake by now ._.
- TuckTheDuck ': The ones at night are the best
- BRO TWIST: Pearl was my first pokemon, damn this memory's are tooo good to be true😪still my favorite pokemon version
- KingMobile: Those damn Bidoofs! Amiright?
- CrazySquare: By far the best generation. But where's the Sunyshore City theme?
- ProtonToad: Urgh I'm literally crying right now because my first Pokemon ( also Empoleon ) was traded away by my brother while I was at school. I've still not forgiven him. To top it all off, he went and left my cartridge at a restaurant. Everything. Gone. This gen is still my pride and joy though.
- ShiroP: Just checked over my Diamond save recently. 500 hours.
- Agent John: https://www.change.org/p/gamefreak-gamefreak-never-to-remake-pokemon-diamond-pearl?just_created=true
- SmartAlecProductions: Every single song on here gives me major nostalgia, I'm convinced the soundtrack alone will make me cry tears of joy when the DPPT remakes get made.
- Mystic System: Gen 4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 7 > 6 > 1 I love gen 4
- Bandicoot Bill: Ah good idea! I'm probably going to do all of that also. Love gen 4 <3
- dazpage606: First game ever pokemon diamond gen 4 for life
- Ethan Russell: I first got pokemon pearl by renting it at block buster as well as pokemon channel which I hated. I remember when I did not know what to do to get to the town with the first gym so I grinded budews for hours till I had an infernape then my ds lite ran out of battery and it turns out you have to save the game :/ so I got pissed and then I picked piplup and I went to best buy with my mom and purchased the guide book with pokemon pearl using my allowance. After that I played with my friend so we can beat it together (he had diamond I had pearl we also named the rivals with our names.). Each time we beat a gym we would battle .We also traded useless pokemon like bidoof and magikarps because we were immature and thought it was funny when the pokeball in the trade flew up in the sky and appeared on the other screen. The memories... My child hood and who am am today would not be the same if I did not discover pokemon at blockbuster.
- Trent Thiele: All Pokemon music is great! I mean, I like some more than others, but all game soundtracks are great. But +Zachar Art I actually didn't like Hoenn that much. Music was almost like too fast, and there wasn't much variety.
- Bandicoot Bill: Spear Pillar <333
- Guillaume Feuvrier: Because 4th gen was my first Pokemon gen, I feel especially attached to the Pokemon of this gen
- You[']r[e] wrong: Ich kann dir nur zustimmen! Allein diese Musik wird mir nie aus meinem Kopf gehen. <3
- a person on the internet: Wow, all the people talking about how D/P/P were their first Pokemon games makes me feel so old. I started with Gold when I was four. :P I got Diamond when I was 12 the year it came out, and for about five or six years I was so broke I couldn't afford any new games, so I replayed Diamond more times than I can remember. It's to the point now where I can't turn it on because I immediately get bored, something that's never happened to me with a Pokemon game, or any game, before (and I replay all of them a ton!). But I am enjoying listening to the music. There's some good stuff.
- OJorgeO: I felt like a thief since my cousin had so many DS games while I had none so I actually stole his copy of Pearl version because I thought I'd get a DS lite that Christmas and when it was Christmas Day I did get a grey DS lite and played it for the first time It's bad to steal ladies and gentlemen but it was so very worth it for this game, in the end my cousin didn't even care since he had so many other games and just let me have it, I've never spent thousands of hours in a game in my life I'm really excited for the remakes of these games I have a gut feeling game freak will take another year break again like in 2015 or release Diamond and Pearl remakes I really want to hear the remastered tracks
- Latimew333: Walrusberg Gen 1 has already gotten enough love and Kanto isn't that interesting of a region. I'd much rather see a Sinnoh remake.
- Gila6918: :-(
- Laurence Despert: 9:01
- Sakuto [YT] [Compte fermé]: Nostalgyyyyy
- Metaknightkirby2: Ah yes. The last decent gen. <3
- neon mess: Who knew my first Pokémon game I'd ever played would have such a beautiful soundtrack. My whole childhood revolved around this gen.
- Oisin Larkin: I'd love a D&P remake or a prequel to red and blue
- Bruno Anthonio: +Hello There thx = )
- Bailey T: Why are the town names weird in the description ??
- CaptainScizor: That gym battle theme, it's so intense! That's what made me so pumped for gym leader battles as a kid
- bbynicky: ahh this just gives me memories of when i was really really sick and in the hospital all the time,even thou it was a dark time and i was just in pain Pokemon pearl was there for me and it’s just in my opinion really underrated i only have two problems with this game it takes ages to save and NO FUCKING REMAKE >:(
- TheRainyAsian: I have played every single Pokemon game to date avidly, and I just want to say, Diamond, Pearl and Platinum are the ones that bring the most memories, and the game is just so freaking amazing. I love them.
- 0RISAM -: This made me pick up the game and play it again, only to find out my diamond cartridge doesn't work anymore. :(
- Joshua Fagan: Best OST in the series.
- Ratus: +TheMeanderingduck6 lol
- SamSpeaks: I say this with the upmost sincerity. I have more sentimental attachment to the Pokemon OST's than ANY real music.
- Charlie Reithofer: I hope they make a remake. I would even buy the switch for this game
- Profanic Bird: +Elvs77 IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!
- ActionmanFX: +Anubis the graphics,speed and performance is better in emulators and you have quicksave incase it bugs or glitches. the only bad thing is you cant take it with you wherever you go like you can with DS/Gameboy
- Carphi2000: +marshall hall You described it perfectly
- RStaR RaptoR: 3:01:20 sounds like pikmin 2!
- Bronwyn J: Pokemon diamond was my first Pokemon game. i remember getting it for Christmas when i was younger and i was really excited all Christmas eve.
- Henrrior: I LOVE OMG
- Julia Estrada: Pianos and church bells
- Clara Woodman: all these memories I'm crying
- godgrant123: i use to have nightmares just this song always playing in my head when i slept xD
- Ginger the Espeon: I NEED a Pokemon DP remake. If not, my life won't be complete. I'm not even exaggerating. These games were amazing, and It deserves better graphics and a revamped soundtrack.
- ross bisset: I don't know what it is, but no other series/game/etc from pokemon has such nostalgic sounding tracks as diamond and pearl series. The tunes from that gen are just so good and makes you feel warm and fuzzy! Everytime I hear them it makes me think back to when I was little with friends. Gosh. I swear these tracks will give me this feeling every time I listen to them.
- Just Moved In: Nah, just game froze in general. To make matters worse I saved just after I caused the game breaking glitch to happen, causing me to have to restart the game.
- Wasmachineman: 1:09:19 god damn I searched this one song for years and boom, found it. Awesome soundtrack, I have fond memories of this entire series.
- nathan gebrewold: I'm assuming that they would do a remake of this mainly because they had just done a little celebration of how many years Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum had existed. and it's basically the only game they would remake because they had already done kanto , jhoto(if spelled correctly), and hoenn, and they had basically already remade Pokemon Black and White. So I'm going to be really excited if they remake this game because I would totally do anything to buy it
- Fellow Men Beware The Succubus: Incredible. It was unforgettable.
- Geo The Poly: who else had platinum?
- Connor Mitchell: I respect the person so devoted to pokémon that they listen to this start to finish :')
- Days at Disney: I fucking bought Diamond and Pearl twice because I loved playing it so much but I kept loosing them. Then platinum came out and I just jizzed everywhere. I love pokemon
- SirSailor Star: This was great to study grind to. Thanks!
- Alannah: God, this was the shit when I was in middle school
- Peter Seagrave: 3 hours and 8 minutes of pure nostalgia!
- Hammy Vell: MEE
- Guni: +Swarm Striker Well yeah, that's what i mean xD
- Barry Croyle: Hoen Confirmed is in the past! Bring in the Sinnoh Confirmed comments!
- Black Claw Jimmy: Best Pokemon OST out of the series. Right here.
- Nick Wilson: Gen 4 is the best generation of Pokémon of all time dont @ me
- Nico Wohl: That opening hit me like a sack of nostagia
- Jasmine Tang: Looker's theme sounds so heroic...lol his japanese name is "Handsome"? LOLLOLOLOLOLOL haha XD
- LukeJ226: I'm going to play pokemon diamond now, may even buy another diamond to go with it
- Kai: Nostalgia
- Rodrigo Al.: Like n10.000 uwu old memories, this is just lovely <3
- lalla12123: Memories (feels included) O-V-E-R-L-O-A-D
- MangaTendo: I played this game when i was 6 years old now i'm 13 but this year 14 and i love this game <3<3<3
- machaka: 5:36 Good ol times :)
- Callum McPherson: I know right?! When I see people getting nostalgic about Diamond or Pearl being their first childhood Pokemon game, it makes me realize how much I've grown up.
- Scoutfingers: Good luck finding Pearl.
- Jerome: Best Pokémon Games ever omg
- a guy: Pokemon Sun and Moon are confirmed c:
- Phantom Azn: I have pokemon Diamond on my dsi and i remember playing on it everyday
- Brenden: they did an amazing job on making the legendaries actually *feel* like legendaries ... each one has their own twisted and upbeat music to go along with it
- Delcotsu Tajiri: Just wait for Gen IV remakes! Imagine them... (I think they could be the last pkmn remakes, at least for a long time, since Black & White were like a real reboot for the series) The remasterized soundtrack, the snowfall in 3d, some changes in storyline to make it more varied, fresh, and dynamic... I think in titles like "Eternal Diamond & Unending Pearl" or some like those.
- bigboy99 bigboy99: 3:40 is what brought the nostalgia for me lol pearl was basically the first Pokemon game I understood ah the memories
- Jawad Anwar: Nostalgia ... Making me feel old.
- Fridge Ghost: Gen 4
- XD462: The lake <3 cant get enough of this song since the game was released
- Red: SwegKarp it's the first time i heard this in years, and i knew every single song
- Cromwell: I hope they keep the 'feel' of the Sinnoh soundfont and soundtrack in the remakes. Its so hard to explain, but Sinnoh's soundtrack is usually hated for being bland. This is usually because its more subtle than the other generations in terms of how it sounds, but it's just so good. The use of synths, piano and drums to create this jazzy, heartfelt, and melodic series of soundtracks gives an overall sophisticated and humble theme; such is how Sinnoh is meant to be portrayed. Maybe my nostalgia is clogging up my senses, but I can't express how much I absolutely adore Sinnoh, its just the perfect region which represents the height of the 'traditional' Pokemon games; where Game Freak didn't create an entire region of new Pokemon instead of building off of the first generations (as regions after Sinnoh were nowhere near the first four regions geographically) and where the motifs were the strongest with it being tied to space, time and the universe. I sincerely hope Game Freak is able to satisfy us, who understand the depths at which Sinnoh touches our hearts.
- TheRavenfreak: Diamond and Pearl may be my least favorite games in the main series, but the soundtrack is amazing. If and when they do remake the games, I'll try to play through Diamond again, because then the framerate issues will be fixed and I could actually get into playing it. Platinum wasn't too bad, I just never got around to finishing it. :V Diamond on the other hand... I got all 8 badges and just never picked it up again...
- Latimew333: Jayvee Baits Platinum is the same game but with a better regional pokedex (there were nearly no fire Pokemon available before the post game in d&p, which resulted in one of the elite four members having a very weird team), a much better story, lots of stuff sped up, and I think more post game content. It's better in literally every way and there is no reason to play D&P over Platinum.
- Tristan Neal: Lol 500 hours is way too much time to invest in any video game, but I have no regrets! XD
- LeoHitsThat: The best generation.
- rdmkskn1: They're all special without exception, but the Pokémon League(Day) one is from another universe.
- SapphireMayo: Route 216 is my jam
- ViperWave: 2:22:57 ;)
- Chaos: I remember getting so excited when I raised my Empoleon to level 100 :3
- Shafkat Chowdhury: These games had the best trainer battle theme.
- SilentDamp: Timestamps for mobile users: 00:00-Opening Demo 02:05-Opening 03:18-After That Red Gyarados 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 05:00-Rival 05:36-Route201(Day) 06:13-Lake 07:26-A Happening at the Lake 07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon 09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon 09:19-Hikari 10:13-Item Get 10:18-Masago Town(Day) 11:18-Research Lab 12:31-Come On 12:59-Pokémon Center(Day) 13:46-Recovery 13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid 14:12-Spotted Miniskirt 14:38-Battle Trainer 16:21-Victory Against Trainer 16:43-Kotobuki City(Day) 17:34-Key Item Get 17:39-Friendly Shop 18:32-Route203(Day) 20:03-Battle Rival 21:15-Kurogane Gate 22:42-Technical Machine Get 22:47-Kurogane City(Day) 23:36-Kurogane Mine 25:12-Gym 26:16-Battle Gym Leader 27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader 28:44-Badge Get 28:52-Spotted Twins 29:09-Level Up 29:13-Floaroma Town(Day) 32:07-Berry Get 32:11-Route205(Day) 33:06-Enter Team Galactic 33:31-Battle Team Galactic 34:49-Hakutai Forest 36:12-Let's Go Together 36:17-Hakutai City(Day) 37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building 38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin 39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic 40:12-Evolution 40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution 40:50-Bike 42:08-Spotted Cycling 42:39-Route206(Day) 43:28-Yosuga City(Day) 44:36-Route209(Day) 45:59-Spotted Mountain Man 46:17-Zui Town(Day) 47:15-Poketch Ability Get 47:20-Route210 48:37-Tobari City(Day) 50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day) 51:35-Mio City 52:55-Route216(Day) 54:46-Kissaki City(Day) 56:42-Team Galactic Hideout 57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic 59:57-Deep Within the Hideout 1:00:30-Mt. Tenga 1:02:00-Spear Pillar 1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon 1:03:28-Cataclysm 1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day) 1:08:16-Champions' Road 1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer 1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day) 1:10:42-Fight Area(Day) 1:11:50-Route225(Day) 1:13:11-Route228(Day) 1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night) 1:15:27-Route201(Night) 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night) 1:17:32-WiFi Chat 1:17:52-Masago Town(Night) 1:18:56-Lucas' Theme 1:20:44-Kotobuki City 1:21:36-Television Channel 1:22:41-GTS 1:23:29-Surf 1:24:58-Mio City(Night) 1:26:27-Forget Technique 1:26:32-Route203(Night) 1:28:10-Spotted Karate King 1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night) 1:29:17-Route205(Night) 1:30:11-Spotted Sailor 1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night) 1:32:34-Underground Tunnel 1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag 1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl 1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night) 1:38:03-Forest House 1:39:52-Zui Town(Night) 1:40:52-Great Swamp 1:41:52-Route206(Night) 1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector 1:43:09-Tobari City(Night) 1:44:46-Game Corner 1:46:10-Win at the Slots 1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots 1:46:48-Spotted Gambler 1:47:17-Route209(Night) 1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night) 1:50:35-Route216(Night) 1:52:27-Crater of the Lake 1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33-Route210(Night) 1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore 1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night) 1:58:50-Spotted Artist 1:59:28-Meeting Plaza 2:00:29-Accessory Get 2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night) 2:01:47-Contest Hall 2:02:22-Pofin 2:02:58-Super Contest 2:03:52-Contest Dress-up 2:04:54-Dance-Easy 2:06:17-Dance-Hard 2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement 2:08:00-Contest Victory 2:08:21-Route228(Night) 2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night) 2:10:45-Fight Area(Night) 2:11:52-Battle Tower 2:12:58-Route225(Night) 2:14:21-Hard Mountain 2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon 2:16:45-Mystery Gift 2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night) 2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League 2:19:50-Enter Elite Four 2:20:14-Battle Elite Four 2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four 2:22:12-Champion-Shirona 2:22:56-Battle Champion 2:24:28-Victory Against Champion 2:25:09-Hall of Fame 2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame 2:27:10-Ending 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50-Battle VS Regis 2:37:00-Opening 2:39:08-Contest -COOL- 2:40:21-Contest -CUTE- 2:41:27-Contest -SMART- 2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH- 2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain 2:44:16-Battle Castle 2:46:37-Battle Factory 2:48:17-Battle Roulette 2:50:05-Battle Stage 2:51:08-Cataclysm 1 2:52:24-Cataclysm 2 2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome 2:53:18-Epilogue 2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier 2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned 2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames 2:54:16-Fanfare Win 2:54:20-Move Tutor 2:54:48-Mystery Gift 2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival 2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY- 2:57:51-Resort Area House 2:59:02-Opening Title 3:00:42-Torn World 3:03:23-WiFi Minigames 3:03:57-WiFi Parade 3:04:53-WiFi Tower 3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- Latimew333: I'd rather they do something with Darkrai rather than Girantina, mainly because I don't want it locked behind limited time distributions like Deoxys was prior to ORAS.
- Ale Jitsu: this is so long XD
- temporal Acapella: Man this is the gen I have the most trouble choosing a starter with. I usually go grass then water and ignore fire but this one has all three be awesome.
- THE GREAT PAPYRUS COOLSKELETON95: I'm listening to this while playing Red Rescue Team. Moment 1. I went to thunderwave cave as the first song ended and the second one blew my ears as if it was telling me "THAT'S DANGEROUS AKKGKMFGVFILBDDR" If anything else happens I'll edit with that moment. Edit. Moment 2. I defeated a Pokémon and the first routes theme started playing.
- Pizza 4life: Cyrus may I have a master ball For catching legendaries? Yeeeeeeesss Actually catches Skuntank like a boss Regret time
- Edge ninetynine: 11:30 is my love.
- Luis Reyes: my first pokemon game <3 >_<
- Rollomie Horness: Oh dear, I was frustrated with the controls as well. I had no idea how to save so I did the whole opening sequence and picking the starter thing more than ten times until I gave up and my mom had to figure out and teach me how to save. I also thought that the Pokemon Center kept your pokemon everytime you talked to them so I intentionally talked to Nurse Joy twice so that I could give her my pokemon and take them back. Good old times, haha :'3
- KIKI TV: Nostalgy😢
- Jacopo Bozzelli: oh well, I think that Sinnoh has got the best soundtracks. They make me feel fine, more than any other thing in this world. Thank you, Sinnoh. You're my all time favorite region and I miss you so much. Please, remakes, come to home. I NEED THEM UAHWHWNWJSJS
- zectra desmondo2002 Carmichael: Boi this music makes me feel like I'm younger back in 2007
- nessy nookingtons: i love you sinnoh!!! never forget
- louis walker: Me: I want to relive diamond and pearl! I put on soundtrack End of soundtrack Me: 😭😭😭😢😭😭😢😢😢😭😭
- Leon K: Denny and the Denny Singers Of course I do, but they should have been more precise regardless.
- nirthpanter: What about gen 2? :)
- BLou's Dad: this shit finna make me cry on some real nigga shit
- Jenny Brown: This is the order of the soundtracks from my top favorite to my least favorite. Gen 4, Gen 3, Gen 2, Gen 1, Gen 5, Gen 6.
- Zack Davies: I wish this was a part of my childhood instead of Hot Wheels beat that for the DS
- Dewgong87: Diamond was my first game. Memories. :,)
- Live Angel: ♪ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ DANCE RIOT ♪ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫
- ReviewTag: My third Pokemon generation but definitely one of the best. Especially with the Wii tie ins. I really hope they make a remake for this!
- CactusErebittsu: That opening. If it ever gets a remake and they keep it the same but updated i will cry.
- Chriscraft1008: Lol, unfortunately they made the best soundtracks for the routes not the cities, like say 47:20. It should've been for Sunny-shore city or maybe Orebrugh City
- Pi The Fruit Rollup: Diamond and Pearl is the best example of great soundtracks for its generation. My favorite is when the route 216 music completely changes at 53:38 and sounds more interesting.
- Arcane Celestial Paladin: Who's Yuxie, Emurit, and Agnome...it isn't jabanese, because Japanese for Uxie is Yukushi, not Yuxie, anyway, I think you meant to type Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf...
- Clouds Dulce: I guess the more I listen the more I realize it's more like Sinnoh and bass but they do still use a lot of timpani lmao
- TheGreatZandria: ikr
- Otto: Sounds like it’s based off the song ‘Telephone Line’ from Electric Light Orchestra
- Lil bean: PROTIP- I put this on while doing homework or studying and I have noticed a great improvement in my grades, understanding and memory of subjects. I highly recommend video game soundtracks like this because it's meant for focus and keeping the player engaged. This just happens to be my favorite :3
- ana condita: OMG <3 I love the sinnoh region with all my heart <3! Gen 4 were my first pokemon games! (the original ones, not platinum :P)
- VcMities: +Artur Gomes me to i picked torterra and this game was my childhood
- Yeray Ortiz: I LOVE the theme when a trainers battle starts, think it's the best of all in the series. In fact a lot of the music in this game is very "fast", exactly the music I like.
- Tim Smith: +Latimew333 I would love that as well, but I think instead of replacing Girantina, they should put in the game the event that allows you into the locked house in Canalave City, where you can encounter and catch Darkrai.
- Earn Raku: the Hall of Fame theme makes me cry, it helps me believe that I can make it through the next day without cracking
- Stanley Woodward: Me. The trainer battle music is so awesome it gave me chills especially the battle themes!!
- Lucy Alvey: well...the first games I played while actually knowing what I was doing...was too young before since the first gen came out when I was born~
- Koala de l'espace: That reminds me great times...
- Angel Barquero: 2:22:12 - Champion-Shirona has got to be one of the most terrifying, awesome tracks in any pokemon game ever.
- Tyler Hunter: 1:47:18 :,)
- Neodude Quake: I really like this one 2:11:52-Battle Tower
- rafael gutierrez: 4th generatios will always be the best!!!
- Carson: one word: nostalgia :)
- Rollomie Horness: What's the song at 1:13:20 called?
- MushroomKiller: I think this is not even music, it's a spell.
- Pee stored In balls: 1:09:19 oh dam, the memories are flying back
- Chopperdragon39: +animalspotTV Ist more like: Helo my Name is Cho. nice to meet you.What are you doing today?
- Plasma: 1:04:07 I don't know how people can't like this, it's pretty much the PINNACLE of legendary themes.
- RStaR RaptoR: All my idiot friends speed ran this game right when they got it and were done in 2 weeks. I have a hacked pokemon diamond i got used from gamestop! Had 999 masterballs! I have 3 mesprite, and all of them legendaries. I think i traded a mesprite or whatever for another legendary my friend had. I have like 40 legendaries now. Like 20 lvl 100 pokemon. I think you can trade any ds game back and forth... well not backwards gen... hmm... can you trade heart gold to pearl!??!? Gold is gen 2 right??? So the data is already there!!! :-0
- Nick Wilson: Much simpler times 😢
- TheGreatZandria: How is Barry a psycopath he just fines alot of people for being late :p
- Grey Koepp: I miss the feeling I used to get from Pokemon. I don't really get it anymore, even though i still love the series. It must come from that childhood ignorance towards everything. i didn't know ANYTHING about the series so it was more of an adventure, but now that I know everything, it's a little underwhelming for some reason. But, Gen 4 has to be my favorite. SO many memories. It wasn't my first gen, I got pokemon Blue when I was 4, but it was the Gen I was old enough to really play properly. I was 7-9 when it went down, the perfect age in a Pokemon lovers life. Pearl was amazing and I can't even describe the joy I felt from everything in it, Pokemon Battle Coliseum on the Wii was fun too, the Pokemon Ranger games were fantastic, and don't even get me started on Mystery Dungeon. Everything in Gen4 was great! I also love Gen5, and I feel like Black/White and Black2/White2 might even be the best in the series, but what bothered me was how they threw all of the previous Gen's Pokemon out the window. It was okay for the games how it started with all brand new pokemon, but the side-games fort he Gen focused too much on Gen5 pokemon. Ugh, I could rant on and on about my feels for Pokemon.
- Dabossman26: oooo
- OwO UwU: Dad: Why tf you are crying so loud! Me: 2:53:18
- Cainyoyo: What to heck
- Lizard Moves: i n d e e d
- Andreas Rask: Being 90's kid has nothing to do with Diamond
- Nic Simon: This is honestly the reason i can maintain my sanity while studying
- The Tenebris: Feel
- Kyle Williams: I don't think I've enjoyed any other pokemon game more In fact, I don't think I've enjoyed any other game more period
- Cyrus: YES that too <3 man i love this Game..
- Tom Woods: Dude, I played this since release, and I'm only 14 xD This IS my childhood!
- Nicolas Lavoie: i bet half data used to contain the game are music , and the other half is the game himself
- SheriffGamer: Here is the link to a complete OST I made for you guys! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a3axe08mzgzxmcb/AAA0YxW-ceWEWGZPiagj0BFma?dl=0
- Das Strichmänchen: +Ryng Tolu 2020/2021 Gen4 remake or bust
- Jakob Kristiansen: I beat second gym leader right before my 8 birthday party man...
- yuwin!: It's kind of interesting how this generation of Pokémon is often the critical darling of the pack. It's basically the cult favorite of all the iterations of the franchise we've seen and experienced in our handheld screens. And you know what? I think it's the detached, and quaint attitude this particular generation tends to expound quite fondly. Its background score is highly ambient and moody in nature; like an impressionist painting in musical notation. The velocity and acceleration of which its gameplay runs on is slowed - almost lethargic - compared to generations prior and since. This presents a minimalist palatte that focuses on the process and phases of every section of the game as integral to the sum of its parts; the whole. If Charles Monet were to discover video games as an art form, he'd be the likely game director, concocting a vivid, subjective experience of the world that the game entails. This is Diamond and Pearl in essence, a game that is inherently impressionistic, through and through. It's the most emotionally atmospheric and pleasantly expressive generation ever, in my opinion. That's why it's my personal favorite.
- Tortoiseshel: Pearl was the first Pokemon game I ever played. Sinnoh is like a second home to me <3
- Bandicoot Bill: I'm still coming back to this day and crying so hard each time.... ;-;
- Ryan Bae: 51:35 54:46 1:06:47 1:09:19
- JESN: This game got me into Pokémon ( and its the reason why I play games in the first place ) GENERATION IV I LOVE YOU
- Toxiko: It was my first video game too! I got it with 8 and im still playing it sometimes (16)
- DilieMC: When you still know all the songs... I played way to much.
- ls EllenShowFanatic \grep 'madcarrotmansUTTPGamer': definitely in my top 3 pokemon games. got a bit boring after a few hundred hours because i dont have an ar for online play. this game is nearly as good as you remember it being. stop tearing up and go play it right now. it actually has difficulty too because there isnt a free for all exp share.
- Clouds Dulce: We always talk about Hoenn and trumpets but what about Sinnoh and timpanis??? Don't get me wrong this isn't a critique the Sinnoh soundtrack is my favorite
- Lisa Clarasen: MerserX mine is emerald
- Brendan: I second this.
- Maximillian Reptilian: My very first video game, I couldn't even read much at the time, lol, I had to let my parents read for me. I had a level 100 Torterra named Turtmig because I didn't know you didn't have to name the Pokémon. Nintendo said they will make the next core Pokémon title come to the Switch after USUM, they already just announced Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for 3DS, so if Diamond and Pearl remakes come to the Switch, I will actually cry. -PS, I was born in 2004 and was 3 when I got Pearl. My great grandma is a HUGE Nintendo fan so she got it for me. -Edit, personally this game had the BEST soundtrack and they are all very memorable, I also feel this game had the best story, lore, and character development-except for N from Black and White. When the remakes come out I will name my Turtwig Turtmig and I will shiny hunt a female shinx and name it after my great grandma Ann. Thank you Nintendo and Gamefreak for the memory's, and because of the nostalgia I wrote a school sized report-kind of, in the summer. WELP...
- Koh the Sekirei: I hate these games a shit ton but i like some of the music
- Jenny Brown: Pearl Version is my #1 favorite Pokemon game ever. And the music is just amazing... Thanks for uploading!
- Hoxton (ISIS DESTROYER): 44:40 makes me cry like a baby
- Marcos Garcia: The memories
- Jojo N: The last song wants to make me cry. I always used to go to the union room with my sis when I was like 6 years old (this was my first Pokémon game) and we went on the last day of the uptime on the DS wifi and I was really upset when I got on the parade. Those were such fun times ;-;
- WholesomeSkateboards phillip: I remember playing the shit out of both of these in like 4th grade
- Celica is Best waifu: The first pokemon game I ever had was Diamond I remember those days when I was always playing it where ever I was
- DownFlex: 2:22:12 is probably the best intro for the champ ever made. dayum :O
- Mr. Shiggy: Can't believe it's been 10 years since this game come out. I still have vivid memories of getting this bad boy on my OG fat DS.
- Koh the Sekirei: Fuck you dude hoenns brass sounded awesome unlike the shitty fucking piano of sinnoh
- Magma9567: No.
- Jakob Gåre: The best pokémon soundtrack out there in my opinion. to me, this defines a Pokémon game soundtrack at its very best. The themes are coherent with each other, and binds together the game really well, but most importantly, all around the music has an adventurous touch, while also being soothing, which is the perfect feel for a Pokémon game imo. The very counterpart of this would be the gen 5 soundtrack, which I for the most part found unmemorable and oftimes pretty annoying. I mean in Pokémon White I hated staying in towns because the music was way upbeat and repetitive (Castelia City is the big sinner here). This, honest to God, ruined alot of the gameplay, as my overall feel of the game became permeated by the bad music. This combined with gray and industrial design wasn't a good fit for me. I have yet to hear the gen 6 music, but I sure hope gen 5 was an exception musically alltogether.
- knasiotis: shit needs more views
- Crylec: I cant find the song played when the lake valor was dried up
- leeres.blatt leerzeichen: Mine too ;-D
- Count Fabulous: The nostalgia just slapped me in the face and I’m crying
- Wang Boy: Proud to be 90's kid. #PlayedDiamond :)
- Seahorse: where is the mystery zone music? i remember hearing that song only when using the action replay and going out of bounds. so much nostalgia. first game was platinum
- Slanax: The moment when I realize I don't know most "Spotted" tracks past the first three seconds...
- The legend of the Gamer: Gen 4 will always be my favorite gen no matter how old it gets or remakes or not
- Speedy Nicks: I came here for relaxing music, but instead I'm crying over nostalgia
- ピンク101: yeah
- TheOkayestGamer: Funny to think that these games are nearing their 10 year anniversaries. Those 10 years flew by really quite fast.
- HoneyMilk: i feel like the first 4 generations where the best after gen 4 they kept trying to restart or trying new things and ramming unnecessary things into the games its boring and annoying they don't even bother with side games either anymore i miss pokemon ranger.
- marshall mann: They don't need to remake diamond it's a good enough as it is like when you go under ground with your friends and then trap them but if they remake it they will take every thing good and original out
- Apcooldude: These games were my childhood
- Vainglory 2KW8Ω: This will be the day
- Lucas Bauve: C'est si beau, le monde était tellement plus beau... NOSTALGIE...
- ChazmicSupanova: I believe these are the only Pokemon games which have a Pokemon Center theme with a different rhythm.
- Ethan Russell: +Kyo | 京 ikr
- BRO TWIST: Omg, this is sooo true
- Chocolate Man: I remember being so creeped out by the cave music that I would refuse to go through Mt. Coronet for like 3 years. By the time I got to the Elite Four, My Torterra was level 70 or something because all I did was grind because I didn't want to go to Mt. Coronet
- Randy Salazar: So I got this game when I was 10? So much has passed now that I'm 18 years old. This game made me love my life. Such a great game.
- Consy U: Haha.
- BFG Games: When Pokemon and the soundtracks went downhill. :l
- Cat: I remember this being my first pokemon game, my Day Care teacher actually gave me it. I miss my Susperstar (Staraptor) and ToughLeaf (Torterra) It brings back so many memories :( I cried so much when some guy stole my game though...but I got another one later on but it wasn't the same :c
- Ben Parker: 1:44:46 What is that song?
- Alex: I hate the people who disliked this, Who could do such a thing?!
- Chariskain: I think he just means millenial
- C9 Weeaboo: Gamers rise up
- Darkendblue: my favourite pokemon ahhhh, many feels
- dexters7s8: This entire soundtrack reminds me of the good days back in primary school... And now I'm here in late 2015 listening to this. 2016 will be the 10 year anniversary of Diamond and Pearl!
- Themaplemastar2: fuck this game
- aubade sprinkle: The very first pokemon game i ever played. A master piece, i would love to play it again sm. IF NINTENDO DOESN'T REMAKE THESE I'M GOING TO CRY.
- Nick Miller: everyone that started with this game makes me feel old lol but these games were amazing my second favorite gen only to gen 2 i need remakes come on gamefreak please
- boop: I will wait until the end of time for a Sinnoh remake. This was my first Pokemon game, and I always watched the anime. It has a lot of good memories~ And ever since I've bought all of the Pokemon games. I think DP really got me into gaming. Hearing this OST makes me want to cry.
- 13e11a: This was the first pokemon game, actually my first video game I had ever played. I remember being amazed by this and emerging myself into this whole new world with these creatures. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry now. :,(
- Frank Clemente: To be honest, this was the first Pokemon generation that wasn't very enjoyable to me. Don't know why. I do like some of the tunes, though. This gym battle theme is definitely my favorite as of now. All in all, I loved my Infernape and Luxray. Didn't quite care about anything happening in the game storywise, though.
- Darien Blanco: Who else chose Piplup?
- OLD BIRD CHOZO: +Dr. Clickbait why would you want to? Lol
- Miguel de la Serna: XD
- Sudher Kumar: This was awsm
- John Quiroz: I remember giving Diamond away to my brother like when I was on the 6th gym if he brought my dinner upstairs to my room so I wouldn’t have to talk to family downstairs that was visiting lol. My brother thought I was joking and was happy as fuck when I handed it over. I caught 2 shiny mons too for the 1st time.
- graduate1006: Twin leaf Town :'(
- Aaron 87658: +Tarjei Sellevoll you can download the emulator, but for some reason I don't like the game
- ilikesanic: nostalgia
- Derp Hub: 2:22:56. That is all.
- Ted the Fullbringer: I remember this game's music better than I remember the routes, towns, gym leaders, or minigames.
- Mas A: Anyone think this is one of the best Pokemon games ever?
- HunterGatherer: Akilla The Potato Slayer 7 is way too early to go to bed, I'm so sorry
- Alkon: Loved gen 4 but gen 3 is where i started
- RoyalFox: Remakes confirmed
- youmu970: +ThatGamerDude Well, with Pokemon GO... Perhaps...
- Koh the Sekirei: Actually i think many of the spinoffs are better like the ranger mystery dungeon games
- Nerf Static // XGamingY: I also remember when i was just in bed thinking about what i should next time i get on... Train up Torterra or train up Luxray... I also dreamt alot about the game, me just in the starter town walking around with little cute Turtwig... My whole childhood was this game, I luv it to death.
- Chelsea Shang: i can envision myself undertaking this entire pokemon journey again just by listening to this soundtrack and that makes me feel so nostalgic...how is this game 11 years old already, it actually feels like yesterday
- Reuben Medik: 2:37:00 Best track of them all! So many memories!
- Darren time: Im fr crying omg <3 my childhood!
- RStaR RaptoR: Anthony Pietra some how i have a shiney level 100 girateena in black 2. I couldnt have got it from pokewalker so idk. Pokewalker just hives you lvl 5's. It doesnt have pokeris. Very strange...
- Cullen Krishna: in tears as soon as this started. I had an orgasm at the start of each new song. this gen had the best music. I hope that they will have an option to listen to this music instead of a new updated version
- RainbowKat: My journey into the world of Pokemon started with Pearl <3
- no pe: the memories
- A Cat: I've played every gen since the first on my gameboy pocket But generation 4 will always be the greatest in my opinion, no gen even come close. People saying they want a remake but it doesn't need one, as it is it's better than any other game.
- Tommysuper999: 600 hrs spent well on pearl, first game, most awesome game in the history of pokemon!
- Saphiroko: Maaaaan, I LOVED Platinum. Easily spent over 200 hours in this game.
- Artemie White: remembering my younger days 😢 I remember catching my first shiny in a cave. i was fishing for a feebas but a shiny magikarp bit the line instead 😆😄 i evolved my feebas into a beautiful milotic and my shiny magikarp into a majestic gyarados..oh the old days... 😢
- Band Geek: 36:17 Mondays....
- Universum: It will probably be announced after the release of let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee.
- El Jose: 2:11:52 My god... the fucking nostalgia is real...
- Magma9567: Wot
- LOLCRAFT56: can i use that music in my videos?
- Damian Prentice: Ah, brings back some strong memories.
- Mert: unless you use a phone like me!
- Josh Shaun: The end game of Diamond, Pearl and particularly Platinum, puts X and Y's after game to shame. Platinum had the battle frontier, gym leader rematches, the whole of the north east island to explore, over 10 more legends to pursue, etc. What did X and Y have? One crummy town and the underpowered Zygarde
- Green Tea: Lake and Ghiratina's theme have always been my favorite! I miss this game :o
- frbrosch: How has so much time passed so quick? I could of sworn these games came out last year.
- Pablo Iriqui: Red 27 Do you think we'll get mega Sinnoh starters? Mega Infernape would be so amazing. Maybe make it more like son goku wich he is based off. With a flame staff and a cloud.
- _ Dioxies _: The memories of playing this
- BebopMansion: <3 Route 209 (night)
- EnclaveTesla: Pokemon platinum and all these action replay cheats. Those were the best
- Biditchoun: Wait what... 2006?! It feels like it was yesterday, it's not possible
- Gainstar: IMO XY soundtrack was fucking garbage. 90% percussion and boring-ass melodies. I don't even remember anything other than Lysandre's theme.
- Taric TheFablous: the best Pokemon games right here
- ChibiMudkip: I remember those days when people would gather around you to see you battle someone, go into a contest, or do underground flag stealing. OMG the nostalgia is too real. Brb looking for that Pokemon Pearl somewhere.....
- Vico Cloutier: 2:22:56 this Carchacrok!
- frydsaman: lol
- Assblast McMuffin: I remember I got this game when I was 8 years old. My first DS game. I remember it like it was yesterday. Even though my first Pokemon game was Sapphire, this holds more memories. 8-9 years later, here I am, writing this on the internet. Time flies...
- gnome child: Did something go wrong at 2:36:00 or something? Are they okay?
- COC O: 34:49 54:46 1:00:30
- Vesgo: shieeeeet
- Theoretical Physics: David Larkin absolutely, if this is ever remade, they've gotta be really careful to stay true to the ost (like in hgss, UNLIKE oras), tastefully updating it or perhaps even retaining some of the original music such as that of the opening which is basically a staple in late-2000s nostalgia for many, me included
- Xandaya: Is it safe?
- Nashi Block: Mine was Pearl Version, first journey was December 25, 2007, starter was a Piplup named Bruce who grew into a badass Empoleon who steam rolled Sinnoh into submission, finished the Pokédex and almost completed the National Dex I believe. I captured Palkia with an ultra ball because I accidentally wasted my master ball on a shiny Minun that I happened to find.
- Turtle Jake: Holy shit I never realized I had the melody to all these memorized
- James Rae: I have 400 hours logged on my current Pearl Version save file. For about 200 of those hours, I was listening to the track at 1:22:41 with my friends.
- Samookely: This is the soundtrack of my childhood
- RStaR RaptoR: 3:00:42 sounds like heart gold soal silver!!!
- ShinyK: This is the first Pokemon game me and sister got so it will always hold a place in my heart
- Have Fun Having Fun: 44:36 <3
- 阿部航: 勉強に集中できる👍
- TT re: my first poke game (less mystery donjon)😭😭😭
- Platinum_Legion: gen 4 is the best set of pokemon games
- Merser: gen4 was probably my favorite post game, especially platinum. It had so much to offer and was a massive improvement over Emerald. crystal is probably second for best post game.
- Rachiebear: Diamond was my first game ever and I have around 400 hours logged on it :P I was dumb though and never planted berries and sold my TMs! Did not make that mistake in platinum lol
- rly nis: everyone did.
- Jose Garcia: And Sad
- Gag: My 2nd favorite gen. Gen 3 just beat it by a very close second
- Reconnois: https://youtu.be/3UzFJRmQoY4?t=1h2m11s : Metroid Song ? ..... Brinstar ? *_*
- Miguel de la Serna: the guys who made this were f*ucking awsome!!, im going to get my old nintendo and play this marveloues games as if i was a 5 year old child!
- Black Sun: Memories just bitch slapped my face... This game introduced me to my best friend. In second grade I overheard him talking about diamond and pearl. I told him I had it too. For some weird reason he came to my house to trade pokemon (I ripped him off for a dialga). I trained the dialga until it was lvl 98. Game went missing. Found it 3 years later. Cried when it did not work. Best friend is still best friend lol. In skype call with him as im writing this comment. Ahh diamond pearl... You started something worth so much more than 30 bucks at gamestop...
- Lemony Snicket: Ah, the bike theme always calmed my nerves in the day :'). I believe I may be literally receiving too much nostalgia because I'm starting to feel sad at this point XD!
- Lena Saunders: my childhood right here i slayed with my torterra lmao
- Mr. Sinister: I want the Pokemon Center's night theme to play in my head 24/7
- Archie: I remember playing this on my ds lite and being my first pokemon! I know this game had its fair share of haters, but its still my favorite gen.
- Spencer K: when lake comes on i physically convulse
- Lunchbox: I'm just gonna take that as a compliment.
- hassan nassar: +dnr0915 you can get it second hand in the UK in a shop called Cex. the game conditions are great, thats where i got my pearl version after my old one rusted (from copper behind the game card)
- ImEpic.: +Kimberly Chin (kimchi) Gen 3 (good) gen4 (awesome) gen5 (rly good) gen6 (its okay)
- NintendoFire: +ILikeChocolateBrah They could have the remake come out next year since Gen 7 is comming out this year, remember how XY, gen 6 came out in 2013 and then a remake of gen 3 came out in 2014? :D
- Pablo Moore: For Mobile Users 😎✌😎❤✌ Tracks : 00:00-Opening Demo 02:05-Opening 03:18-After That Red Gyarados 03:39-Futaba Town(Day) 05:00-Rival 05:36-Route201(Day) 06:13-Lake 07:26-A Happening at the Lake 07:45-Battle Wild Pokémon 09:02-Victory Against Wild Pokémon 09:19-Hikari 10:13-Item Get 10:18-Masago Town(Day) 11:18-Research Lab 12:31-Come On 12:59-Pokémon Center(Day) 13:46-Recovery 13:52-Spotted Shorts Kid 14:12-Spotted Miniskirt 14:38-Battle Trainer 16:21-Victory Against Trainer 16:43-Kotobuki City(Day) 17:34-Key Item Get 17:39-Friendly Shop 18:32-Route203(Day) 20:03-Battle Rival 21:15-Kurogane Gate 22:42-Technical Machine Get 22:47-Kurogane City(Day) 23:36-Kurogane Mine 25:12-Gym 26:16-Battle Gym Leader 27:54-Victory Against Gym Leader 28:44-Badge Get 28:52-Spotted Twins 29:09-Level Up 29:13-Floaroma Town(Day) 32:07-Berry Get 32:11-Route205(Day) 33:06-Enter Team Galactic 33:31-Battle Team Galactic 34:49-Hakutai Forest 36:12-Let's Go Together 36:17-Hakutai City(Day) 37:59-Galactic's Hakutai Building 38:37-Battle Team Galactic Admin 39:53-Victory Against Team Galactic 40:12-Evolution 40:43-Congratulations on Your Evolution 40:50-Bike 42:08-Spotted Cycling 42:39-Route206(Day) 43:28-Yosuga City(Day) 44:36-Route209(Day) 45:59-Spotted Mountain Man 46:17-Zui Town(Day) 47:15-Poketch Ability Get 47:20-Route210 48:37-Tobari City(Day) 50:04-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Day) 51:35-Mio City 52:55-Route216(Day) 54:46-Kissaki City(Day) 56:42-Team Galactic Hideout 57:42-Battle The Boss of Team Galactic 59:57-Deep Within the Hideout 1:00:30-Mt. Tenga 1:02:00-Spear Pillar 1:02:50-Enter Legendary Pokémon 1:03:28-Cataclysm 1:04:07-Battle Dialga & Palkia 1:06:47-Nagisa City(Day) 1:08:16-Champions' Road 1:08:52-Spotted Elite Trainer 1:09:19-Pokémon League(Day) 1:10:42-Fight Area(Day) 1:11:50-Route225(Day) 1:13:11-Route228(Day) 1:14:05-Futaba Town(Night) 1:15:27-Route201(Night) 1:16:03-Pokémon Center(Night) 1:17:32-WiFi Chat 1:17:52-Masago Town(Night) 1:18:56-Lucas' Theme 1:20:44-Kotobuki City 1:21:36-Television Channel 1:22:41-GTS 1:23:29-Surf 1:24:58-Mio City(Night) 1:26:27-Forget Technique 1:26:32-Route203(Night) 1:28:10-Spotted Karate King 1:28:28-Kurogane City(Night) 1:29:17-Route205(Night) 1:30:11-Spotted Sailor 1:30:52-Hakutai City(Night) 1:32:34-Underground Tunnel 1:33:58-Taking an Underground Flag 1:34:55-Spotted Aromatic Girl 1:35:16-Floaroma Town(Night) 1:38:03-Forest House 1:39:52-Zui Town(Night) 1:40:52-Great Swamp 1:41:52-Route206(Night) 1:42:41-Spotted Pokémon Collector 1:43:09-Tobari City(Night) 1:44:46-Game Corner 1:46:10-Win at the Slots 1:46:30-Big Win at the Slots 1:46:48-Spotted Gambler 1:47:17-Route209(Night) 1:48:39-Kissaki City(Night) 1:50:35-Route216(Night) 1:52:27-Crater of the Lake 1:53:37-Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome 1:55:33-Route210(Night) 1:56:53-Discovery with the Poketore 1:57:17-Nagisa City(Night) 1:58:50-Spotted Artist 1:59:28-Meeting Plaza 2:00:29-Accessory Get 2:00:34-Yosuga City(Night) 2:01:47-Contest Hall 2:02:22-Pofin 2:02:58-Super Contest 2:03:52-Contest Dress-up 2:04:54-Dance-Easy 2:06:17-Dance-Hard 2:07:40-Contest Results Announcement 2:08:00-Contest Victory 2:08:21-Route228(Night) 2:09:14-The Town of Lake Aspiration(Night) 2:10:45-Fight Area(Night) 2:11:52-Battle Tower 2:12:58-Route225(Night) 2:14:21-Hard Mountain 2:15:38-Battle Legendary Pokémon 2:16:45-Mystery Gift 2:17:05-Pokémon League(Night) 2:18:28-Decisive Battle Pokémon League 2:19:50-Enter Elite Four 2:20:14-Battle Elite Four 2:21:52-Victory Against Elite Four 2:22:12-Champion-Shirona 2:22:56-Battle Champion 2:24:28-Victory Against Champion 2:25:09-Hall of Fame 2:26:23-Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame 2:27:10-Ending 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain 2:33:36-Battle VS Giratina 2:35:50-Battle VS Regis 2:37:00-Opening 2:39:08-Contest -COOL- 2:40:21-Contest -CUTE- 2:41:27-Contest -SMART- 2:42:41-Contest -TOUGH- 2:43:50-Victory VS Frontier Brain 2:44:16-Battle Castle 2:46:37-Battle Factory 2:48:17-Battle Roulette 2:50:05-Battle Stage 2:51:08-Cataclysm 1 2:52:24-Cataclysm 2 2:52:35-Encounter Officer Handsome 2:53:18-Epilogue 2:54:00-Fanfare Battle Frontier 2:54:05-Fanfare Battle Points Earned 2:54:11-Fanfare Victory at Minigames 2:54:16-Fanfare Win 2:54:20-Move Tutor 2:54:48-Mystery Gift 2:55:28-News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival 2:55:50-Contest -BEAUTY- 2:57:51-Resort Area House 2:59:02-Opening Title 3:00:42-Torn World 3:03:23-WiFi Minigames 3:03:57-WiFi Parade 3:04:53-WiFi Tower 3:06:27-WiFi Union Room
- Erik Wagner: i just hope they remake it :D
- Salty Steve: You guys really need to take better care of your games. I keep the boxes, and If I lose a game, I use its box to house other games. The older DS boxes can fit GBA games in them, and, if you manage to find some box art for the GBA game, you can make it look even better!
- One_Hand_Willy: Gen 4 is my favorite gen and it has the best soundtrack ever! I could literally sit here all day and listen to this and never get bored of it!
- Runter Ranger: That's literally what I'm doing right now.
- Ed O'Shea: Pearl was the game i had my first level 100 :) Infernape you`ll always have a special place in my heart <3
- Wiggly Boy: "Battle Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome" wtf
- dardevVI: My first real pokemon game =,)
- Bern Tuan: I feel so nostalgic 💗 I still remember back then when I was 9 or 10 when I first bought a Nintendo. I was on my fourth grade. Then over pearl and diamond, I picked pearl. My first Pokémon was piplup.I really loved the game, because of that game my critical thinking skills was enhance, my vocab was also enchance. I still remember the time that I was stuck and can't go to sunyshore city, it took me months 😂 I never regretted this, this game really had me my everything. If ever that I can just revive my SD card on where I have this game on. I miss my empoleon. Anyways, *fingers crossed* for remakes!
- suzanne miller: my childhood
- Hello There: I always used to train my piplup because i didn't know how to switch pokemon so I ended up with a level 65 empoleon, level 14 staravia, level 15 luxio and a Palkia at the pokemon league! I won by using empoleon's struggle because i had no idea what ethers or elixirs were either lol!
- AR9: Faerie Mayden #TEAMEMPOLEON
- vanny: tbh pearl was the first pokemon game i ever played
- Kalvinism: Oh my god, I'm currently 10 minutes into this and I'm getting chills, the nostalgia... Diamond was my first game. Can't believe it's almost 10 years old. I must've got this about 2-3 years after it came out cos I remember getting platinum for my 10th birthday. yeah, 10 lol. Well actually im not sure when. Can't find it anywhere though! I need this game back! My level 100 Torterra! Just love gen 4, played all of them exept HG/SS
- Nashi Block: I played this game when I was 8 or 9, I am now 20 and a father. Oh how time has sprinted by.
- Conner Dassen: Just Moved In you can play them on android look up "how to use Drastic Emulator" it's an app in google play
- Hayhay Levs: I find that the main villain in Sinnoh was the creepiest and scariest too
- Zar: My first Pokemon game I remember when I got it it was so fun I played it so many times same as the Pokemon red and blue remakes.
- Hallokoala Panda: OHHHHH its sooooooo beautiful!!! Those were the times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
- Talha Acar: Rooboid Cunningham Yea it is Canalave city. I cant get the song out of my head, its one of my fafs. Happy 10th btw! 😂
- Kamiiq streaming: Diamond&Pearl are just sad and beautyfull <333 These where my first games i ever played i would not hate the 4 gen. in 6737453837 years its just awesome and sad<3 thank you Diamond&Pearl anyone with me??
- driianh: Ah, Gen 4. The first pokemon generation I've played. I had a R4 like a game card with a ton of games, it included Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Sliver. I played PL & HG more. Those days... xD I was like grade 1. Grade 3 came & I got wifi on my DSi, updated my DS. THE R4 BROKE. I miss this game. I hope they make remakes of PDPL. ;-;
- Makoto Naegi: i turned this on while playing pokemon gold in an attempt to quell my desire to replay platinum after losing my card for it and i actually cried 10/10 will buy again along with diamond and pearl so i can beat the games and display the cards and cases after i finish my adventures in all three games
- Stefano Gardini: pokemon sun and pokemon moon... i'm crying... (sorry for my bad english but i'm italian)
- Serpentine: 1:21 love that part!
- Exotic101_: 6:13🤤
- Thomas Vlekke: 2:05!!! OMG THE NOSTALGIA!!!!!!
- Staggger: I love Sinnoh's sound track. It's very immersive and slow pace, giving you a very relaxed feel as well as a feel for the land and lure. It basically says: "No rush. Just sink it all in."
- Emmy 11: Menu music used to creep me out when I was 10 it sounds so Creepy
- AbsolAnimations: Not sure to be proud or ashamed I watched this entire video.. either way, gotta love sinnoh 💕
- Harpoon: +Rex Skywalker No one likes you. c:
- Alice Destiny: +Boris de Groot It's true that Sony would probably ruin Pokemon but with the X and Y being made Nintendo is ruining it as well. It's true that a game series can't stop progress but it's changed for the bad.
- The Mind Of Rosie: I can't wait for this soundtrack to be re-done in the remakes.
- Hakii: The Hakutai City(day) soundtrack is absoultley awesome. Once of my favorite soundtracks in the nintendo history!
- Phoenix Gallagher: I disagree. This video makes me very nostalgic. Being 18, I'm becoming an adult as of now. My lifestyle back then was completely different, because all the worry in the world was about things like a Pokemon game. Just because you don't think it's nostalgic doesn't mean it's true for everyone else. For me, it is nostalgic because my life has changed dramatically since my childhood, and as such it is enjoyable to reminisce in the memories of my favorite Pokemon game.
- AE SC: I remember going to gamestop on a cloudy Sunday afternoon, I picked this up and sat outside with my DS and played this while it was raining. Such a great game, a remake would be awesome
- Edwin Omar Garcia Mendez: route 201
- Plasma: First time I encountered Palkia, only dat T3 bird was living in my team, with 20% hp. OFF WITH YA, MASTER BALL ACTIVATED!
- fijifilm: theres a mix of feelings :,)
- Kieffer Balsomo: Pokemon League Night
- Lord Pantoufle: Annie Holy... Metagross was my starter so to speak. A friend trade it to me for my fire starter. I spend all the aventure with metagross. And i have absolutely no regret about this. This game, these musics, this history. This is just the marvelous game that made my childhood
- pcodymatt: Some of the Route songs are so relaxing to listen too. ^_^
- Dringo: Two of my brothers got the 4th gen games. One got diamond the other one got pearl and I got platinum.
- wassanimates: i wonder why they took away that feature in the later games where you could get an underground base that you go to and store thing and dig for gems and sell them and stuff... i miss that so much, it was a nice touch to the game.
- Alejandro Gutierrez: Black and white series and absolutely trash . Lots of people love emerald . But like I said you want nostalgia better graphics same Pokemon as blue and yellow ? Pokemon Fire red and leaf green . Something new that won't fail ? Then Pokemon pearl and diamond . I'm 18 played a lot . Trust me ;D
- Spectria Official: I swear to fucking god this has inspired me so much as a composer.
- Mikhailov Frinzic: Nostalgie 😢😢😢
- zaplepikachu: She's so neat.
- MIGUEL Alba Gómez: #remakepokemonPDP
- Arcryoshi: What is Mt. Tenga (01:00:30) in the description? I'm pretty sure you mean Mt. Coronet.
- ciao grazie: 1:53:37
- Papa Billydeth: I had fun with this game until I got to the cave Dialga was in, I couldn't get out of it so I bought an action replay so I could walk straight out of it, then I basically cheated my way through it and got bored of it really fast.
- V R Sánchez: best Pokemon ost so far
- Harpoon: +Rex Skywalker IMPOSTER! Guards, get him!
- east side eric: That was actually nice to read
- theycamefrombehind: 44:36 beautiful track. I put this game away a long time ago but came here to just hear it.
- Alan Hales: +Chopperdragon39 Actually, you said "I am Cho", not "my name is Cho". "My name is Cho" would be 'Watashi no namae wa Cho desu'. bch pls.
- Michelle Siemens: ALL MY NOSTALGIA! I got Pkmn Perl as a birthday present when I was 6 it was my first Pkmn Game. Now I'm 13 and everytime I hear a soundtrack of the game, I'm nearly crying of joy.
- OasisSidhu95: I got chills listening to this. Best soundtrack and best games
- Ddboi437: I miss u Turtwig
- Trong Nguyen: i was in middle school at the time when this came out. So nostalgic makes me wanna cry battling on lunch breaks i sold everything for a ps3 when i reached highschool;(
- samthesam: The first song brings back so many excited memories. I'd never played Pokemon at this point
- ShortOnTime: My first pokémon gameplay was ruby and saphire! :)
- SheriffGamer: This reminds me I have 6 boxes full of event Regigigas's from the event in 2009, Ah, good times the Action Replay and Pokémon Platinum has bought me!
- Jermalie0: 16:43 ...brings tears to my eyes. This game came out when I was in high school. I loved high school so much, it was an easy going time in my life full of friends and adventure. I just now graduated College and so much has changed, some good and some bad. When I listen to that particular song it just takes me right back to when everything was so clear cut and simple. :')
- Thunderfly: Lol have seen the price of the game? Holly crud is at the same price like some new game, I totally prefer to have a remake xd for that pricie
- Elex.~: I really, really hope they will do a Remake for DP.
- Johnny Duval: This is purge music 🎶 just right 🔫 don't judge, just came tony tony Tony " Rick and morty " say no more. (Rick and north) ⚔️ 💀 YOURE WELCOME
- Akilla The Potato Slayer: When I played this game as a small child, I found out about rotom and it said "only available at 8:00 - 9:00". My bedtime then was 7:00. I was like sneaking to my bag to get my DS, get under my covers and try to catch rotom. I felt like such a rebel. I remember that so well! I finished Diamond for the first time at school! That was a blast, haha! I had a friend at the time who had an action replay and he got me a lv99 Dialga for me! I was so happy! But then, when saving that one time, it said "are you sure you want to overwrite the existing save data?" I thought this ONE TIME, "if I press no, maybe it will make a new save!". I tried it... I was like, shit. This friend lived ages away as well, so I was really torn up!
- Junior Webb: Listening to this just about every day for the past week while working makes me want to replay D/P/Pt and ignore my adult responsibilities.
- Ali: Used to do the same thing with Pokemon Ranger!
- Nord VPN 66% Off: Very nostalgic music. First Pokemon game I played.
- Waarg: Anyone else getting goosebumps? :)
- ReGGgas: 23:36 sounds great with headphones on.
- Cookie__XD: missing the hall of origin!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-HFTjzXF_g
- Sigils, ETHEC.: +Yo Mama Good question. Maybe if you can tell me why I have 58 currently and nearly 100 on my 3 YouTube accounts, I could help you, lol. Seriously though. The only videos I have up are unlisted, nor do I intend to ever list them (would be rather pointless considering one is just my cat and the rest are just references for the bug team in a game I play a lot) or upload public ones. I also have all subscriber features turned off (displaying likes, comments, profile commenting, Google+ sharing, etc.) so they can't even stalk me around YouTube/Google+ agreeing or disagreeing with me.
- IA- *Amber*: The first game I ever played in my life was Pokémon Diamond. And it was my first Pokémon game to. So if they don't make remakes. I cry my self to sleep for eternity. (We lost Pokémon diamond so yeah.) I PLAYED THAT GAME BEFORE I COULD EVEN READ BUT STILL MANEGED TO BEAT THE GAME. (I can't remember a lot but I do remember my brother helping me a lot who also hated helping me through the caves. But I made him help me by crying lmao) I have Pokémon platinum to play but my It's my brothers and he said he would play it and took it from me but hasn't touched it since... so I'm gonna go steal it from him now.
- Monica Miramontes: TMC Productions xD
- Dr. Clickbait: remember gen 5 and 7
- ManiacJake: Best Pokémon game of all time
- Teigan Theisen: +Espeon804 technically, soul silver is a gen 2 remake...
- Elias Sanchez: The Lake music tho
- Khoiruunisa RF: But this region supposed to be cold, so no...This is not the best yet.
- Yardomaster: All these people like "My first Pokemon!" and I'm here like, "My last Pokemon." :') But there will be a day when I play again.
- Raymier Quintana: ;_;
- 1994 Toyota Supra MKIV Twin Turbo: Same
- Silvia Larios: pokemon diamond
- Mikaclaus: Pokémon Platin my first video game ever Nostalgia pure:D
- Reed: Giratinas theme intro sent chills down my spine. nostalgia.
- Dododoggy: <3
- Best Pedro EUW: I discovered the Pokemon world with Diamond, and I think this is my favourite Pokemon game. I've played all Pokemon versions, but this one and Platinum are the best Pokemon games I've ever played. The story, the tiles, the music... <3
- Felipe Lange: I love the soundtrack for this game, as well as the Black / White. Very good indeed.
- Johannes Faller: i remember my childhood games now and when i was a kid playing silver and finally beating it in the middle of the night under my quilt with meganium only using synthesis while lance's dragonite killed itself in confusion (WY...THE FUCK...NAUT (see what I did there( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))). I had no idea how to play I was five, but it's so nostalgic thinking back on these.
- DIO: nostalgia, here i come
- TheGreatZandria: . _. Darn Jupiter. You could ya know catch Azelf with it while I was *walking in snow*
- Zen Vanilla Coke: im crying the nostalgia just raped me in my ears
- j: I'd sneak my old DS under the pillow when I visited my Grandy and Grandpa. She'd say "night night" and close the door, and in an instant I'd be playing. Music like the Eterna City theme gives me intense goosebumps from the memories.
- Bandicoot Bill: y e s
- TheGreatNinetales: Somehow I found a brand new Pokemon Pearl game in 2014 that cost the same price as used games, and it was in mint condition o-o and it's a real game to, meaning this was the best find ever
- Thomas Laurencin: I Love thaïs game
- BansheeNT-D: One of the worst Editions, but the Soundtrack is amazing.
- Joe Lewis: This is one the first games I remember really getting into as a kid and this soundtrack brings back so many memories.
- Vio O: Best edition of all.
- A F: +Vincent Chusin lucario
- Jacobo Podlipsky: Next game to get remade, and I hope i will be as majestic and beautiful as the first time I played it.
- ItzCazio: #Gen4Life
- RxY: for me oras were the best pokemon games rill now
- SKULLDOMO: I didn't really even love this game when I first got it. I thought it was slow, and outdated and wanted to sell it. I just found my copy 3 days ago, and I love it. I remember getting my Shiny Turtwig when I first started. I miss my old childhood. The OST is dope.
- Koh the Sekirei: Y it gave you a chance to learn about the new pokemon and get to know them
- Baub Léponj: Platinum :') so much nostalgy. Giratina.
- Geo The Poly: Sharlontaee Harris all hail platinum
- Tait Duncan: +Infinity THE BEST GAME EVER MADE mainly because it was part of my whe childhood.😂
- WhiteKirby3: Best. OST. Ever. No other game can top this song to variation ratio, except possibly Paper Mario 2.
- Soulecho Mew: This was my first Pokémon game I'm crying.. 😭😭
- Cold Springs: This pokemon game was the most mysterious pokemon game i've ever played
- leeres.blatt leerzeichen: Diamond was my first pokemon game ever and when I listen to this soundtrack I must think about my childhood and how I started to love pokemon more and more :D
- Lemony Snicket: The music playing at1:25:20 brings me to tears
- Pennywise The Dancing Clown: I love how long this goes on for because I love this music
- Musashi Myamoto: Childhood ;)
- Temprox: I've forgotten the entire game, except for a few things... and I intend to keep it like that until I've forgotten all of it. Then, I can go back in, and love the game all over again!
- Sol: The lakes music.... oh god its sooooo GOOOOODD
- Xandaya: I'm having trouble finding it.... would you please help me?
- nirthpanter: +Rainstar yeah, I like gen 2 as well :)
- Chevy123: My life was so happy then. Listening to this makes me realize what a great life I was privileged to live. This game is my childhood. The music moves me.
- byZruM: oooohhh my god!!! more than 3 thousand hour aren't enough... I don't recognise a song... I must play again, tomorrow's exam isn't important at all...
- WolfBlue: 1:46 sounds like a song from metroid
- Skull Kid: Sure does bring back memories.......
- Jonathan Ng: Nitendo surely need to hire back the composer of lavender town for their ghost tower in the next game
- North Polar: Brings back old times..... For me the battle music
- Stan: That fucking research lab music. Jesus, memories <3
- the64thgamer: Easily one of my favorite soundtracks ever!
- ItzCazio: Best game The movies 10/10 The show it self is now shite but back in the day it was so much better😍
- RandomVideos: +Velociripper Its all about Empoleon
- Swagnemike: Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Some of the best game I've played :) it brings many memories and hatred to that fucking Drapion in the elite four
- Dogrzz: definitly the best wild pokemon battle theme against pokemon firered/leafgreen and pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald
- Nick Rick: I know I'm veeeery late, but I didn't know I got a reply but now I see my old comment. Yeah, it was in Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Both games designs are very similar, and I had Diamond and Pearl in my mind. my bad :P
- souptroophat Esplin: Grand Marabout Ditto Sniff Ditto
- Adam Bryant: Ugh, Japanese names, it confuses me.
- Total Fps: brilliant.
- Alexander DeFore: Pokemon Platnium was my favorite game to play, but than Pokemon Black and White came out, than Black 2 and White 2, than X and Y, than Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby. Now i'm really excited for SUN AND MOON! I'm going to get Pokemon Moon.
- Luca van Kessel: this fucking nostalgia is killing me, i want to cry so bad
- stester198: Ah yes, the very game that got me into so many other games, the birth of my hobby.
- sinetangentsecant: Wants to cry but can't.
- Alec Nazz: Ithis was my first Pokemon game and by far has the best soundtrack
- Ryan Thurston: Resists the urge to cry.
- Nightfall Samuel: Man, I pretty much got into Pokemon after getting Pearl for my Nintendo DS back in 2007. Those were the days... I did know about Pokemon before then thanks to the anime but Pokemon was my childhood during 2007 and 2008. I would always take my DS with me everywhere I went and played it whenever I needed something to do. I can still remember when I chose Turtwig as my starter Pokemon and when I eventually caught Palkia, and everything in between... In fact, I still got my Nintendo DS and Pokemon game with me today. Should probably play a little bit of it some time soon and relieve some more nostalgia. Funny how fast time flies by though.
- Ben West: wait Kurogane tf is that?
- FalcoThePixel: Marathoning this whole soundtrack while playing PTCGO. [NOSTALGIA TRIP INTENSIFIES]
- SuperShinyScolipede: +Bandicoot Bill Finished the main story while we were originally talking aha, I'm now banging out all the details like Ribbons and Battle frontier!
- Lunchbox: I'm actually crying. All the memories...
- Silvia Larios: I got Philemon diamond
- Indya Beerens: secretly playing D&P under the covers must be one of my favorite memories
- Hotarucan: I remember i have in mystery dungeon blue 450 hours, c.a 360 hours of playing in my diamant and in platin 200 c.a but in the newest 60 hours :/
- Spin793: I know that feel :). Played Diamond when I was eight. Played for 460 hours, today I still love Pokemon, and some of my best memories as a child are involved in this game, and this music makes me simply so nostalgic and happy. I am also 15 now by the way :P.
- Stanislas Pintre: Road 201 <3
- Alex Brown: J'ai envie de chialer tellement ça me rappelle des heures et des heures et des heuuuuuures de jeu... Ty man
- Nashi Block: TheDanksterBoi fuck hearing that makes me want it even more!! I severely miss my Pearl game
- mom's spaghetti: dialga gives me a boner
- rubenypichin: Nostalgia :')
- Link *-*: 1:09:19 ♡♡♡
- Surugo: 1:16:03 too!
- Michael Bongiorno: Even less a Gen 5 person.
- Tait Duncan: Bringing back the memories.😂
- Jamie Morgan: same :(
- Hello There: also, we should be allowed to bring in any pokemon we want, regardless it is cute or not... i can't wait to have palkia walking behind me
- trimentine: Pokemon Pearl was my first Pokemon game ever, memories :')
- No biting the packagerino Kripperino: Waizt, gen 4 is 8 years old? :O seems like its 3 years.
- autism is a virtue: soo.... this is already 10 years old?
- Teigan Theisen: all my pokemon named after random doom characters.
- Mint Mochi: I'm trying to find this one track, but I have no idea what it sounds like or where abouts it is lol. I think it has what sounds like a krikitot(NO not kriketune) cry in it, that's all I remember.
- Mathis1207: :D me too <3
- ACE Studio: I gotta play these games again
- ChrisMKW: One of the best games I've ever played... Like if u cried..
- mustydude: Route 210 omg i love you
- Just Moved In: Yep. GG.
- BearGuardian303: Gen 3 and gen 4 make me cry, is that normal? Listening to Pokémon league at night is like tear jerking for me its just so beautiful. Hats off to Hitomi Sato. Makes a damn good soundtrack.
- Smitty Webermenjensen: Nothing is better than the 4th generation.
- Random Gentleman: For some reason I'm in love with the wifi tower theme...but all of them are great and filled with memories.
- j7b: I hope they don't make a remake. I don't like the graphics for the 3ds games and all of the starters mega evolutions look stupid except for Venusaur since he didn't change much. I have a feeling the remake will ruin my favorite Pokemom game. :,(
- Scoutfingers: Yes you should! Maybe watch chuggaaconroy's lp of it while you do that!
- Corrupt ‘: Lmao I remember calling my Chimchar Minch 😂😂 no idea why!
- TheAwesomeDarkNinja: 0:21 Ah that triumphant intro. Not only did I love Diamond and Pearl, but it was released around the same time when I had real friends for the first time in my life - and we would all play these games together. Sigh... good memories.
- Geo The Poly: DanielFure same chimchar may not be my fav anymore but probably at least top 10
- Ethan Russell: Yeah Pokemon pearl shaped my childhood so much that most of my memories are me and my friends sitting in the living room, bedroom, outside, dinner table, in the car and we would be battling and trading and discussing and joking about. When I was a kid pokemon was all I cared about other than wakeboarding, skate boarding, hanging out with friends and riding bikes. Me typing this is creating so many flashbacks
- Branson Jensen: I had over 700 hours on Diamond (my first pokemon game). I remember not knowing that i had to go to my rival's house at the starting and I cried. But this game was by far my favorite, the pokemon, THE MUSIC, the story, and the amazing region it took place in. Now I sit here almost 10 years later and I just want to cry, and this game led me to get soulsilver, and white. I HAD OVER 800 IN WHITE. The research lab music is the most nostalgic; I remember picking Turtwig and naming him LEAFY. All i can do now is look back on these amazing memories and hope I can find something as amazing as the whole Pokemon series.
- Sir. Blinci: I will forever be a sinnoh fan. Diamond and Pearl was my life as a kid.
- Gian Toyos: Ohh da memories!!!!
- BIENVENUE SUR YOUTUBE: Reminds me the good old afternoons with my friend playing this when i was i younger... I'm crying :')
- Magikarpador: I don't remember ever hearing 2:39:08 - 2:43:49
- Micah Fernald: This will forever be my favorite Pokémon game. So many memories :) all these people just now getting into Pokémon may never understand the nostalgia...
- Bandicoot Bill: Already finished Platinum, currently playing through Pearl again because i felt like playing all of them haha. You?
- Sleek: Favorite game was platinum
- TantrisOST: The song calls "Battle VS Giratina" and it begins at 2:33:36 :)
- Jaymi .-.: Just the best Pokemon for me !
- Ondulio: My first game , and my favourite game
- Maxcrusher101: im gay
- Doraeyaki: Ah the nostalgia
- Palkia 892: +Eden Murfitt Whaaat.
- Nick Stead: The best gen. Fight me
- GhostQuadrant: Champion Cynthia used a Full Restore!
- Senio: Best Pokemon Game of all time. I seriously fucking love this. Brings a tear to my eye.
- Koh the Sekirei: I love most of the pokemon in gens 3 and 5 but most of the 4th gen pokemon felt bland to me except giratina and i love how black and white made u use only new pokemon
- Aziamuth: +Sherif710 This time Pearl since is the only one I did not play.
- PlayinFreak: +Elvs77 He said the songs remind him of his great childhood and that those memories will never be forgotten. I gotta know that because i am german too. :3 Btw, I can absolutely agree too!
- Pranay Venkatesh: Gen 4 gets less credit than it deserves.
- TOUGH MAN RANDY SAVAGE: I went to the gts and it won't connect anymore :(
- Natasha Jones: hey whats the openin title at 2:59? it sounds like ruby and sapphire
- Tarjei Sellevoll: bjdooi because I wanna be young and play this again, my favourite generation for sure
- Pedro Monroy: Thank you so much to the people who made this music these songs are now such a nostalgic part of my childhood
- TheGreatZandria: You should feel proud if you love Sinnoh c:
- AwfullyHotCoffeeBean: My first pokemon game. I remember screaming at 1:00AM when I finally beat cynthia.
- 6jojomaster9: 34:50 one of my favorite
- dazpage606: (Round of applorse)
- Ivorymagnus: Nostalgia Overload
- Lockram: Tant de souvenirs sur ce jeu , inoubliable , une partie de mon enfance .
- Christian Charpia: Yep! I agree with you. It has my fav region: Sinnoh Favorite Gym Leader: Volkner Favorite Elite Four/Champion Fun fact, my first pokemon was Infernape. He's the only pokemon I've ever had where I trained him up to Lv 100. No other pokemon on my team since has gotten to 100 without cheating. I've been playing since I was 7, so about eight years.
- 13e11a: This was the first game I had ever played too <3 I'm listening to the soundtrack right now and the feels are hitting me real hard.
- Sherif710: Which are you doing this summer?
- Nans_ Blockit: Memory's flooding back and I'm only 15! This was my first ever Pokemon game! I got both but played diamond most.😄😍😊
- Tarjei Sellevoll: I only wanted to hear this because of that part so i skipped to were you said :)
- Icy Applez: +Rooboid Cunningham THANK YOU
- Nashi Block: Omg dude this made me relive all of the memories I had when I was 9 and I got Pearl the year it came out along with my black DS Lite. There were so many memories of me staying up past my bedtime trying to catch a certain Pokémon that only came out at a certain time or jumping on my bed screaming so loud at 9pm because I was beating Cynthia after a week long grind getting past the Elite Four. Damn that was intense. Fuck I have to now go ask my friend where he put my Pearl so I can see my old save file!!
- holadisse: The generation with more bass on the songs :3 that's what I loved about this game and the history and exploration was just awesome. So many good memories T-T xD
- Ben S: Platinum was the first pokemon game I ever owned, but I was admittedly a noob back then, and got stuck on various points in the game. The farthest I have ever gotten is Snowbelle city in my third try. I rocked the first try, though... Until I got to Pastoria City! :)
- Phantom Azn: Lake is my favorite, I remember just listing to it on my dsi as a kid.
- Geo The Poly: Opal of course he is a Sinnoh character after all
- Espeon804: IKR? My friend lost mine... oh the nostalgia. I miss generation 4.
- Thai: words cannot describe my love for 06:13-Lake.
- Lucas Cast: It's very good, some tracks sound like gen 4
- Chlorophyta Madeleine: Best pokemon game ever
- Katrina Bielenberg: fuck
- s07195: I just really like how jazzy this whole soundtrack is overall.
- Pierce Tanner: I'm willing to bet that around 90% of the 4th-Genners are around college age or late high school. God, we grew up so fast ;(
- Jeffrey Dirts: Jeez did I love this game. I loved the soundtrack. I practically got addicted. After grinding the game I had a level 68 Tortera and the rest of my crew was below 30. It kinda got difficult during the final few were I had to take out a the five. I got destroyed after the third guy. I forgot to pickup potions so I was bound to lose. After my Tortera fainted I was forced to watch the rest of my party go down barely making a dent in my opponents. So after seeing what an utter disaster it was I spent countless hours battling pokemon from around the region to level up my other party members. I traveled into caves purpously walked infront of NPCs I've avoided in gyms and routes. After all the work it ended up being totally worth it. Let me tell you I felt so satisfied with my success.
- Rich Morales: Recuerdo esto, jugar junto a mis amigos. Ahora que todos estamos separados por cosas de la vida... no puedo evitar llorar
- Nam Tran: Happy 10th birthday Diamond and Pearl!!!! Sept 28 2006-2016 :')
- RStaR RaptoR: 56:42 TEAM GALACTICA!!!!
- claire_bc: Pokemon Diamond was the first Pokemon game I played that I somewhat knew what I was doing.. Time flies.
- HardToBeAPoopGod: anyone else kept thinking of Wake Me Up When September Ends on Route 209
- leopzl: Even if it's not really nostalgia, this soundtrack is awesome, and while listening to this, i regret that D/P/P are the versions I played the least.
- Marie Clinton: Hey Gen 6 Imma let you finish but Gen 4 has one of the best soundtracks out of all the Pokémon games.
- Vikky Ostrich: nostalgia or what
- afterclash: I usually listen to metal, but sometimes I need to listen some of the 4th gen sountracks because I'm a nostalgic idiot XD
- PrismaticShibe: Gamers rise up
- Austin Singer: I went through 3 diamonds and 1 pearl (lost them) and I didn't beat any of them.
- Bigmenno: im going to rob a bank for a nintendo 3ds if they make a remake
- Andrea Motas: D/P OST..... i cry ;u; my childhood right here lol 6:13 ~ 14:38
- Ema Cannella: After then 10 years Miss this game so much but I have memories so I'm happy :)
- Legend: I have such fond memories of this game. My nephew and I invested hundreds of hours into these games. I still remember my team that I used my first playthrough.. Torterra, Toxicroak, Alakazam, Luxray, Lucario and Garchomp.. It was so refreshing after that long gap between Ruby/Sapphire which seemed like an eternity! This and Gen 2 were always my favorite. The first 4 gens of Pokemon were absolutely incredible. After that it started to decline in quality and difficulty a bit, but thats just my opinion.
- Mirrel: Dark Pokemon, show me a remake
- SoftEdgedStars: This soundtrack brings tears to my eyes. The nostalgia is too much- it was the very first pokemon game i played, and indeed the first video game i owned (it came out when i was just old enough to get a ds).
- Boris de Groot: +Alice Destiny When Nintendo is so doomed to go bankrupt that they would sell the rights, but I doubt that they will ever give the rights to pokemon, mario or zelda away. And I wouldn't like a pokemon game in the hands of sony.
- Primal Leafeon: blara2401 i got platnium as my first game Also and it made me who i am today
- Angelic.Angel_: At 18:57, (better if you're wearing headphones) you can hear a faint voice say "Woah" or something like that. Caught me off guard while I was studying!
- Pierre Le Duc: Tant de'souvenir
- TheMeanderingduck6: lmao I failed out of CS and switched to Math.
- Johnny Duval: Also making my grandkids go through this 3 hours of joy. Kind maker of this vid, you indeed got yourself s like.
- gustav gustav: listening to this while folding clothes
- Gator: Ah Pokemon Diamond...The memories with that thing on road trips, and vacations with my cousins, I hope they remake it like Ruby and Sapphire.
- Vangster69 Gaming: My main Pokémon were Staraptor, Empoleon, and my favorite Pokémon.... REVIVES!!!!!!
- C D: Fuuuck, they are
- Délire ENT.: 02:05 One of my favorite thème ever! it was the first Time i played to pokémon. but Diamond(or it was Pearl) wasn't my first pokémon game because i tried this game once in the ds of a friend. the First pokémon game i got was Soulsilver
- Nikhil Barretto: Undead Sans woop woop sinnohfeti for the win
- Patryk Majewski: 10 years 💕
- connor horman: I need annother one as well.
- dannydude 64: good times in my life when i was playing these games.
- Snowy 77: Chevy123 When I was younger I couldnt sleep alone,so when I was trying to sleep my dad leveled up my pokemons sitting next to me.
- Marquis Morgan: 2:21:00 - 2:26:07
- xx Frizzy: Goddamn love u
- the.banana.watermelon: One of the few Pokemon games that kept you interested throughout the entire game
- Ethan Shi: So many memories... <3 Sinnoh will always be the best regions no matter what. One of the most nostalgic soundtracks ever. :') It was my first.
- Rex Skywalker: I bet there's a team of scientists at game freak who design the battle music to create a rush of adrenaline.
- Lee Chuter: Anyone else here because of the speculation this week?
- Mireio: I cry of nostalgia when I was 6 years before my DS Lite to play: 0 All that the true Pokémon really miss now I find they become rotten '(Return as to the proper time!
- Anfani: 10 years ago already, and it still feels like yesterday.
- rdmkskn1: The best one is the bike music ! So good !
- Tom Woods: Lol, It's like that here in the U.S. but instead they're also having sex and even murder, but I'm one of the good kids, I was born and raised to be a good example!
- Not your account Now leave: Waarg everyone here
- TeaLeaves: Aw The nostalgia Favourite Pokemon game and overall game so far. Memories I won't forget <3 Without a doubt I want route 209 playing at my funeral.
- Pomekon: Aughgh! Feels!!!
- Kaleb Harris: This was my first Pokemon game. It's very nistalgic and I want a remake made too. It was the best of Pokemon in my generation and I will always think this was what Pokemon should have been before they messed Pokemon up.
- RaginKirbii: Kotobuki City(Day) song makes me so nostalgic :'O
- Olly Keane: Listening to this makes me so happy, i hope they make a really good remake of this game with the same music, because that's what made this games soooo sooo great, along with many other things :D
- Koen-kun: Same IcedCoffee
- Ali Nisar: 1:30:53 is aww ;( ;( ;(
- Romir09: I would always watch my cousins and sister play Pokemon Yellow, Ruby and Crystal on their GBC and GBA, but I never owned a Pokemon game myself. The only games I had ever played until then were Stadium and a few battles in Pokemon Crystal/Ruby. When I was 7, I bought Diamond. It was the first game I ever owned, and I loved it! It got me into what is a major part of my life. I actually have a really embarrassing memory of getting stuck at a part where there was a ledge you could jump off since I didn't know you couldn't climb them. I actually spent a lot of time looking around for an item that could help me get up the ledge but then I found out I had to walk around it >_<
- Chengification: I'm listening to this and tears are actually brimming in my eyes. Pokemon Pearl was my first Pokemon game ever, and to think that this soundtrack was where it all started for me is quite overwhelming. Thank you Pokemon.
- stijn and jessica: The memories..
- animalspotTV: +Chopperdragon39 Google translate: "It is the Author I Hello. Nice to meet you friend What Masu city sum today?"
- Ruggero Vettoretto: 😢😢😢
- Nursite: I used to play diamond under my bed covers ever night. Oooooh the nostalgia This gen was the shit
- Fluffle: +Brock, The Pewter City Gym Leader still only has 3 signatures lmao
- Maxilliana Sylveon: I did say I want to test drive xD what is your FC? xD
- Adit Goyal: No it's not
- Rockyino: Does anyone else feel like their actually playing this game while listening to this? Like I can clearly picture what part of the campaign I'm up to just from the music playing chronologically. It's crazy that even though the games not in front of me the music does a splendid job of giving the same feeling as if I had a DS in my hand right now.
- Ash Ketchum: Oh how I miss those days.. :'(
- Atomic QBomb: My very first video game, bonded me with my dad. I remember trying again and again to beat the elite four with my dad. The nostalgia, it hurts ;(
- Skye Jacobs: Same
- Skoad: THIS GAME IS 10 YO NOW,SINCE the 28th SEPTEMBER 2006,i love this game
- Rotten Girl: 6:13 I would always just go to the lake to hear the music there, and sometimes I'd leave my DS on just to hear it. :') god, I miss my childhood.
- ILoveTekken1: 3:04:53
- RStaR RaptoR: 50:04 old western town where everyone rides horses. Wild west!
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Mio City
- Glaceon575: its fine for me.
- Bogimeister: +Tom Woods (Superintendent) you are one of the kids who has a childhood. here in switzerland the kids 13 - 15 smoke all and drink alcohol. maybe in your town / country too but im 18 and i know what it mean to have a great childhood :) thanks to be one of the normal kids today :)
- Haida Heinrich: only the people who own this game in 2006 and was born in 2000 brings back phage memory os mystery and (for some reason) sense of ... sadness at times this music sends a shiver down my spine and fussed my head feels like a cringe but gental this game brings back DEEP feelings me lvl 100 torterror and useing nothing else (cause i was 6-10 playing this game) i hated all the other series i ignored soul silver but i ended up getting it for my birthday i had neighborhood friends i always played with winning trading and playing in the contest it was MASSIVE and so much in it i enjoyed this for YEARS i even had my own storys made up in areas i could not explan OOOSHHHH *i an in tears* listening to this soundtrack
- rly nis: OMG YES
- David Larkin: Best soundtrack in the series
- Roxaile: Aw, man. I remember playing Pearl as my first pokemon game. This is where I found my first shiny, a low level geodude (i believe I found it under a big bridge). I didn't know what a shiny was back then, so my reaction wasn't too crazy. But since it was prettier than the other ones, I just had to catch it. These tracks bring back so many memories of my late night pokemon adventures. No pokemon game I've ever played has satisfied me as much as pokemon pearl did. :')
- Forever Alone: Best soundtracks: Route 209 at daytime (44:36) and Mt. Tenga (1:00:30)
- Bergatrollet: Impossible not to read your comment without a french accent
- Leon3DG: +Transflux lmfao funniest reply ever
- Charlie walton-harrod: So much nostalgia with these games, I was 7 when I played Pearl (my first Pokémon game), I'm 15 now. Listening to this old music is so sad and I remember all the good memories I had playing these games with my bro
- Raindud Koroma: How to hit someone right in the feels
- Dylan Haire: Reminds me of when i was younger
- FaDany UwU: Memories
- Blue Dog: *scrolling down to see fucking gay nostalgia comments*
- Shinxed: +Koh the Sekirei thats what i hated about gen 5
- Malo MartTM: By far, the most underrated soundtrack and games in the Pokemon series.
- Geoffrey Jun: this is no doubt the best soundtrack of the pokemon gmes and im gen 1 lover
- HypeHuey: Instead of this we get a flipping Pokemon Go game on Switch
- Captaincookieslap: wow thats so nice....this game gave me a pretty bad "adiction" that gave me some serious sleep depreviation because i got like 5 hours sleep every night for about a year or two......was it worth almost not being able to move because my body was constantly twitching (From lack of sleep)? Yes. Yes it was. Every minute of this game was well worth it! I won't do it again tho. Seriously people if you notice that your muscles twitch every once in a while you should take some time to sleep. You don't want the same thing happening to you believe me
- xBlueBuzzard: This came out 8 Years ago?! :o Why do I feel so old :(
- Colonel Snivy: This changed my life. I have a Dialga that has a lower level than my Infernape, apparently *TOP KEK* Also, I had discovered my brother's Pokemon Diamond thing. I wanted to overwrite his data with mine. He said it was okay. SO then I played through until I got to Dialga. Damn, I wasted 23 quick balls on him. And thus the master ball and yes. I was going to POkemon League but I lost and I was going togo there again but I lost my DSi and I have never beat the League to this day.
- Lonewolves Npc: The feels are real And Cynthia's theme song... Just Yes...
- Elxroid: wtf this is 10 years old
- EY3L3SS: I can't believe this game is almost 10 years old, I'm replaying my Platinum now, but my last save had 275 hours on it accumulated over the last 6 years.
- John Tzerbas: That brings back a lot of memories!
- dnr0915: +hassan nassar Thanks for the suggestion, but I am NA, sorry man but thanks.
- ᴁʀδγαΊ: +Alex Jordan Download an emulator (I use DeSmuME), then download Pokemon Diamond from thepiratebay and load the game via the emulator :)
- Elusive One: Man I haven’t heard these songs in 12 years. God it makes cry
- Aziamuth: I have these games associated with summer. Every summer vacation, I download a new ROM and complete the game. It's like a tradition.
- Diya: Happy 11th.......
- Zander Willis: Oh GOD THE NOSTALGIA!!!
- teej: +Mighty Bear calm down brah
- Braden Kattman: Literally crying from nostalgia right now.
- Lumify | Gil: 4854 - 7496 - 3584 (In-Game Name: Anna) You better be using ORAS :P
- user9727653: I feel like im old since I grew up with Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow...
- Anderceus: My first main series Pokémon games from when I was in only second grade or so - I'm so nostalgic it hurts.
- Daniel de Linos: +RandomVideos Infernape is my fav pokemon because chimchar was my 1st pokemon, has a VERY cool design (like the other shinno starters) and was my first pokemon trained to lvl 100. I remember defeating Cyntia's Garchom with infernape's close combat (so op) I also have a Infernape as a leader of my competitive team.
- A Wild Ymarc Appeared!: The very first game I played. Hearing this makes me cry especially Route 209.. oh the memories....
- Sean Galvin: no sinnoh is overrated
- Feat Skill: 52:55-Route216(Day) FEELS
- FrequentFlyer: These memories, I could literally sing the melody of each and every song
- ECTOQUAKE: To be honest this is actually the best GEN to start with if you didn't play GEN 3, the leap from GEN 3 to GEN 4 was amazing.
- Milton: I love this videogame soundtrack, it bring me a lot of memories when I was 12. I really really hope a DP remake, it would be so awsome!. Btw, thanks for upload this video, only by listening the intro I felt like a child once again.
- chuls: Tan solo decir , increíble. Me ha recordado a cuando jugaba de pequeño. Cada melodia me recordaba a cada trocito de la historia y de loa buenos momentos que pase con ella (la historia ).
- David Gillis: Ah the memories. Pearl was my first Pokemon game I will always remember you luxray
- Antoine R: I love you
- Bryan Hawk: Sinnho por toda la vidaaaa! -u-
- Halo AE: #MegaFlygon7thGen Now, Let's enjoy the greatness that is this soundtrack <3
- Oliver Massey: this shit got me tearing up hahah
- Brandon Farber: On my first play through as a kid, I just realized that I completed the whole pokedex without knowing because I got palliative and diaphanous in Pokémon platinum
- Kotonoha Katsura: A N I M E N I M E
- MOK: Nick Alexander I don't have the game anymore unfortunately.
- Zum1UDontNo: My favourite song here is, oddly, the surfing theme. It's just so peaceful and relaxing, and at the same time so empowering. I guess it probably has to do with my music bias. I love high notes in slow songs.
- AstralShark: Sinnoh became my escape from my reality. I loved this region, I wish for it to be remade. It would make my inner/ younger self happy.
- Malcolm Wooten: As much as I enjoyed X and Y, nothing can beat gen 4. I hope the Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby can bring back the same nostalgia I'm having while I listen to this soundtrack.
- Geo The Poly: Ima try to go through all 3 hours to get full nostalgia #Sinnohnation
- Not your account Now leave: Tristan Neal I have over 400 and I still couldn't get to the last city also 500 hours in Pokémon 1384 for super smash bros
- Light: I cant wait for the remake already! 2019 come quicker!!
- Smøl Fren: Ugh yes 4th gen were my firsts and my favorites so far, and it has the best soundtrack
- Biditchoun: Waitwaitwaitwait... 10 YEARS?! Wow Ok I'm shocked right now
- ThirtyVirus: Oh the memories :P
- Not your account Now leave: ChrisMKW not there
- Ale A: Listening at this brings flashbacks of my childhood, diamond and pearl were my firsts pokemon video games, I can remember playing at this for hours and hours and getting exited by every single detail. So beautiful 💕
- sageDOESstuff: Nostalgia
- Dr. Clickbait: +Ryan Crean I think they dont remake it because the good old feeling of It. I think they dont see themselves abled to give It a worthy successor. or however It´s called
- Joey Devine: +EndOfTime97 Gen 5 is actually my favourite gen for Pokemon other than gen 3. It has a LOT of cool and creative Pokemon. You just see guys like Garbodor, Vanilluxe, and Klingklang and say "oh this gen must be shit." The thing is EVERY gen has stupid guys like them. Some of the many awesome Pokemon from gem 5: Hydreigon, Haxorus, Krookodile, Volcarona, Bisharp, Zoroark, Conkeldurr, Scrafty, Mandibuzz, etc. I could on forever. Nobody here has agreed with you so would you quit bashing gen 5? And BTW I've beat a game from every gen. You're not a true Pokemon fan if you can't get over the fact that new doesn't mean bad.
- Kordi: That nostalgia hits hard, I got Diamond for my 9th birthday. I tried other Pokemon games but the Sinnoh region has that special climate. Something incredible.
- SSavage: I was 5 years old and I had it
- EndOfTime97: Really
- Not your account Now leave: Megawolfxxx345 nope
- Christopher B.: Remakes possibly next year.
- Kaded: I may be biased cause Platinum was my first Pokemon game, but these games have the best soundtrack out of the entire series.
- Vesgo: I feel 5 again. pew pew pew nerf guns wee pokemans so cool
- Fagballs McAssbutts: Why is gen 4's soundtrack the best? Has science not proven that it's the best yet?
- malach_te: ahhh i love listening to this music again -u-` pearl was the first pokemon game i ever had
- Spwn T: so nostalgic, I could cry at any given moment listening to this.
- Hideto Yoshida: I hope they add the option to use the old soundtrack through an item just like heartgold and soulsilver or through the options menu.
- Louise Fuilla: Ça me fait de la nostalgie
- Inter: I'm glad Mine is still working after 500+ Hours of playtime, but it freezes sometimes D:
- DawnDee CrazEdge: ༺ཱྀ༼Mitsuki༽ཱི༻ 은 미나 I disagree Unova in my opinion had the best music but my favorite game overall was dpp 😎
- Jugglebrosjr2: +Koh the Sekirei and HGSS
- Geo The Poly: Barry Croyle I agree
- Agent John: +TheCrazyGamerz72 actually pussy, i like being a Hoenn baby. I started in Hoenn and will die in Hoenn. I don't respect people who started in sinnoh post regions....
- Zaynah F: Diamond was my first Pokemon game...I only ended up playing it because I'd bought my brother's friend's DS Lite off him back in roughly 2009 and he had an R4 with this and a bunch of other games on it. I made it to the first gym without any help but got completely stuck. This is when I discovered the world of online walkthroughs; I managed to get to the next town with help and soon I didn't need the help anymore! I enjoyed that time with my chimchar, starly, bidoof (which became my first ever HM slave xD) and all the others. This game prompted me to start playing Red, Emerald etc on VisualBoyAdvance and to watch the anime. It's been a journey that only goes up ever since and I am currently trying to beat the Pokemon League on Y while waiting for my copy of Alpha Sapphire to arrive, hopefully on release day.The nostalgia is kinda overwhelming.
- Ashi_Yoshii: 44:36 / ruote 209 Best Pokémon ost of all time ( in my opinion )
- Brandon Farber: Pokémon platinum my first video game, I am almost crying right now
- Skazzy CFC: SukateesHatesLife, Wow lol
- Magma9567: Who?
- MezmerKaiser: The only thing I don't like about this soundtrack is the way the trumpet sounds. It sounds very muted compared to the one used in the GBA games.
- Hello There: +EnclaveTesla i printed off a sheet with all codes on it! i remember i had a cheat for turning myself into any sprite i wanted so i became cynthia and expected people to talk to me lol. i also had one for allowing my pokemon to learn any move i wanted to so i went round with a piplup* (damn autocorrect lol) who knew thunderbolt and fissure lol
- Espeon804: I need... to buy another copy of platinum so bad right now....
- Denny and the Denny Singers: +Leon K you know what they meant smartass
- roro: Cynthia literally made me shake in fear while battling her and her Garchomp
- Anime Fan on Prom Night: Same with me except with Infernape
- Emmett Harries: Even I don't play Pokemon as much now as I did then, I still catch myself humming tunes from all the games
- Optimus Grime: Lake is so gorgeous
- Aurablasé: +Cuntflaps McAssface That's what I said.
- carbon273: Same😭
- Wobuffet3: the gts song is messed up, there's no bass and weird parts all over
- Cassee Haven: If they don't remake this game I will officially leave the Pokemon fandom. Platinum was probably my favorite of them all.
- Megan Smith98x: Faerie Mayden omg I had a empoleon bae aswell at level one hundred I just remember that the starter Pokemon you would naturally feel like was your best friend in that game with you from the start
- Knight Edge: I need to get a copy of platinum. I absolutely adore 4th gen and have played pearl multiple times but platinum is just different enough that I need to play that as well.
- Jacob Wenzel: Lake is fire
- GamerLiquids: Champion and legendary battle themes in this game were my overall favorite themes out of all the games.
- Red: Bons tempos que não voltam nunca.
- Palkia 892: I still have yet to find someone who loves Palkia with all their heart.
- Thinygamer: If there will ever be remakes of Diamond Pearl and Platinum I will cry tears whilst listening to Gen4's awesome music... Gen 4 was one of my favourite Gen's, it had a great story and soundtrack... My opinion might be a little bit biased because Pearl was my first (Pokemon-)game ever, but nevertheless I guess many of you still share this opinion
- Jeffrey Dirts: That's why I plugged in a pair of cheap headphones to get a great experience with the music.
- IcedDare: I couldn't help but cry, I played these games at the best point of my life and now all my life is bullshit at school and family problems :/ At least that glorious point 10 years ago was something I was able to experience
- Sir Parker: Second best music behind Gen 3 imo
- Jackwoll Raiken: pokémon diamond and pearl, with platin too, are the last and good pokémon games who didn't compromise themselves.. fuck pokémon black, white, sun and moon
- Dionysus Molan: I literally sung along to every part (or hummed rather...) In tears right now! my childhood!! <3
- Mr. SpazioTempo: But this soundtrack are protected by copyright? Why do I want to use some in my videos.
- It's Mae!: i will never forget the pokemon health center soundtrack for pokemon pearl... i've been there too many times...
- Phirux SH: Tank You
- Kotonoha Katsura: A N I M E N I M E
- Just Moved In: I just realised... it was seven years ago when I started playing this. Four score and seven years ago my parents brought forth on this childhood, a new game, conceived in Nintendo, and dedicated to the proposition that all Pokemon games are created for entertainment and nostalgia.
- deprived: spotted miniskirt
- Hello There: +Bruno Anthonio oh well, I'm happy you had it :)
- Total Fps: I know it’s a late reply. You still got the nostalgia?
- Mari León Zambrana: my whole childhood is here <3 love it
- Chris King: I just would like to see the scene with giratina in full on 3D but tbhthe distortion world back then already looked fucking amazing I cant imagine what itd look like on a 3ds remake
- Golden Goodra: It's likely we may not get remakes, since you can still play the originals on the 3DS.
- ReijiNRen: Officer Handsome... that's a new one... It's Looker! Lol :)
- EndOfTime97: Oh bro,please stop.Don't be stupid
- Not your account Now leave: SwegKarp I have over 400 one gen 4
- Dave: Most gave me the chills but then I heard route 209 and I actually cried
- The Space Child: Pokemon Platinium was my first video game. Those musics remind me so much memories :'c
- Kris281 :D: ja isso perl Diamant und platin hatte einfach die beste story :/ hab es leider nich mehr :( bin erst 16 aber ich kann trz sagen das platin meine Kindheit sehr bereichert hat einfach hammer dieses game hatte sehr oft Tränen in den augen bei manchen soundtracks hab mir nich alle angehört 3h sind schon viel^^
- Lily Kirsch: I remember getting my copy of Diamond when I was nine. It took me a few years to complete the pokedex. Why? Because stupid Riolu.
- SuperShinyScolipede: +Bandicoot Bill It is home <3
- Brenden: I remember when I got this game when I was like 6 or 7. My brother got Pearl and I got Platinum. I remember getting Infernape and him getting Empoleon and battling him. I always felt so bad too because I would beat him every time. The good days, where I was so young and stupid that the E4 was actually a challenge. I remember sitting on the battle music for so long, trying to retry over and over again. This was back when I actually had difficulty with a Pokemon game and the first time (and only) time I've made my starter level 100 without cheats or anything. Even today, I have some weird respect for Infernape. Since he was basically my childhood figure at that point.
- Icy Applez: you didnt label 1:25:04 and i need to know the title
- marius84: so nostalgic :')
- Tara Romanski: Sinnoh is my favorite region
- afterclash: Some time ago, an ex-friend bullied me because I listened to Pokémon soundtracks.
- nickatoo: 7 or 8 years ago 7 or 8. time just goes by fast
- - alex l -: all the fun of pokemon with none of the effort lol
- RossPaulProductions1: Platinum was my first ever game. It got me into Pokémon, and brought me so much enjoyment. I'm glad I got this as my first game, what a nostalgic soundtrack!
- Leonela Patricia: 102 fans of Digimon dislikes the video
- ChequeredLP: 2:05 <3
- Jerika Abreu: WE NEED GEN 4 REMAKES
- Bryan Landis: They have remade every gen in order gen 4 is next i hope it deserves a remake in my mind platinum is my favorite pokemon game of all time
- Palkia 892: +Northyboy3131 :D
- FunkyKong19: This brings back so much memories... I remember beating the Elite Four for the first time. I still have mine but my saved copy in which I had a Level 100 Infernape got deleted randomly. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!
- Theoretical Physics: Alright... Crash got a good remake... Spyro's getting a remake... Rse had a disappointing remake... PLEASE do not mess up a remake for this
- Scoutfingers: I wish I could be as hyped for remakes as I want to be, but the games are getting REALLY easy and I think Platinum will still be better than the DP remakes if they keep going the direction they are in difficulty. We'll always have Platinum!
- evas em morf lleh: That theme was composed by Masuda Jun'ichi, who has worked on the soundtrack for all games, including Diamond & Pearl.
- Captaincookieslap: I've had this game for about 8 years now (I still have it) but it gave up on me after a rough life of landing in the washing machine a few too many times. Now i really feel like buying another copy and doing a Nuzlocke run just to see how well i remember the game. Also the sound track OMG it good
- Kuruta: Piango...io amo sti giochi
- Ian Abuaf: Everyone can have its favorite games but... hating one? Pokemon games all have the same base so theres not much difference between each generation. I really like gen 4 and 5 and every other gen is great too. The only reason that I like 4 and 5 more is because my first game was diamond, my second was HG, and my fourth was Black. My third was PMD Explorers of time. God I love that game.
- TeaLeaves: Pokemon go and it's band wagon can piss off. The people who love and played Gen 4 are the real fans and share my love for Pokemon <3
- Xen: Ah m8 i love it. First game i ever played. Grew up with it. Cant wait for the possible remake supposedly coming out after sun and moon :)
- dingding12321: 2:22:12
- Paul Lee: The nostalgiaaaa.
- Apolline Gicquel: What the fuck are people who dislike this video? That reminds me all the good memories of my childhood. This isn't just a video game, but literally a kind of masterpiece that had allowed millions of kids to dream and be happy. Can't stop crying when I listen this again and again.
- RetroRaver: Remember those times, when Pokemon Red & Blue "came out 10 years ago" ? Well, now it's Diamond & Pearl. I'm getting old.
- SheriffGamer: +DownFlex Couldn't agree more!
- thisjacktansley: Hello... We meet again, Jasmine.
- Fonzies: oh dear..
- TheEmoSpiderMan9: 44:36 21 guns!! :D
- WarCast Gaming: nice the best song to pokémon ^^
- Megan Reynolds: I think that if they make a remake, they should make it compatible for DSI or 3DS, so we can get that old school feeling, but also play it on the 3DS. Anyone else agree?
- Hotarucan: Omg nostalgia pure im crying a bit because i play that with 7 years and now i want a remake and i will buy it! ;D
- Mid Kuhnight: I think Diamond/Pearl has to be my favourite gen, it just sorta felt like the one where they got everything right. Sorting out the stats so you didn't get a Water Pokemon with low Special attack and high Attack, where back then all Water moves are attributed to the Special Attack stat so it was just a useless pokemon. Not to mention they actually gave competent moves to the types which had none, X Scissor for Bug type for example. My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Silver and by god I loved it. However you can't let nostalgia get in the way of these things, there were plenty of clunky things with that game and it was only the 2nd one of it's kind so you can probably forgive that. But yeah gen 4 did everything right in my opinion. You had a buddy with a personality that was likeable, the villains were enjoyable because they weren't just bad guys doing bad things, it was people doing bad stuff for the greater good of humanity, trying to solve the energy crisis, I could go on but we'd have a 50 page comment so I'll stop here. One final note though - Palkia's one of the most badass legendaries, I think Groudon is still top though - just in terms of appearance.
- B2kDarksages: the gym all the towns champions the beginning just oooomg i love thiiis soo much
- mariosavage1: My first was Yellow.I think it was stolen at something I went too :'(
- Tim B.: Like the route name if its even a route
- Geo The Poly: Thank Sinnoh for Arceus Thank Arceus for Sinnoh IT'S A GEN4 PARADOX
- Das Strichmänchen: Rip my ass for loosing my DS+Platinum
- Evan Mitchell: Listning to this while studying for finals
- Jonathan Gumpangkum: What's the song that plays in the cavern of Uxie, Mespirit and Azelf? NOT the battle theme but the in-map theme.
- Krexxal: Platinum was, and still is, my favorite DS game, RPG, and Pokemon game. Let's just hope Nintendo also appreciates Sinnoh as much as we do.
- clairee mariee: this is the music i work to its so like nice i cant even descirbe my love for this video game, its the only pokemon game ive ever played and i loved every second of it.
- Ethan Russell: Well I would really like to be able to use mine still but I could buy one off amazon
- Kieffer Balsomo: Mt. Tenga
- Nick Alexander: oh, duh. thanks. :0
- Tohru Adachi: oh my goodness! 46:17
- Bitzel: 😉Fine
- Chroma X: Si tu dis que tes favoris sont Platine et diamant, pourquoi tu met le signe inférieur aux autres ??
- doogle dabble: First pokemon game i ever played.
- Nick Beilschmidt: This is the first Pokémon game that I ever got way back when I had my trusty old DSi. I haven't played the game in a few years so when I listened to the soundtrack, all my good memories of my Infernape came back to me. I couldn't resist humming along with the song!
- Roddy Rivera: I was in the seventh grade when this came out, now I'm at my fourth year of college and I still remember how many fun times I had with it... How time fucking flies.
- thecoolguy010: My favorite Gen. I've made up my mind a long time ago that I will surely play Pokemon till I die and I'm never going back on that.
- Robin Hoffmann: I just cant stop crying... 2:17:05 so much memories and emotions... FUCK THIS! this pokémon was a huge part of my childhood i will never forget it... Forget the first fight against your rival, exploring the underground, catching the legendary Pokémon..., just layin my DS near my head while laying in the bed and listening to the pokémon league music... <333333
- doogle dabble: I remember thinking that luxray was the most amazing pokemon evolution group ever. I checked my box, and i have like 70 of each evolution
- xxxt G: Firts game
- Alex Erny: (gets childhood flashbacks)
- Smitty Webermenjensen: +EndOfTime97 Cool story brah.
- arionnbb: Hear this video is like complete dppt
- sugarfreejelly: 2:59:2 opening theme? Isn't that r/s/e? (I played both emerald and platinum wheni was a kid and this sounds more like the gen 3 ones)
- SiS? No era SooS!: Pokemon diamond was my first game... this music make me cry...
- Gustavo Matthews: I watched until the end
- Alex no Sekai: That's exactly the same for me!!
- Azazel Enoch: +jefftheduck321 Just to clarify, the first Pokemon game came out in 1996, so it's actually almost 20 years old.
- Mystletainn: While Gen II is my favourite, Gen IV was my first, and for that it has a special place in my heart. I believe Pokémon Pearl was the only game that I actually beat as a child. I remember being to afraid to fight the second gym leader as I chose Piplup, so I invited a friend over to help me through it. Ah, memories.
- Miguel Siewe: Oh man, the nostalgia. this really wants me to play my game again. hopefully there will be remakes soon, i would play that thousands of hours :)
- Sharlontaee Harris: +Rainstar The Crystal soundtrack is amazing. Johto period has very good music.
- Omega Nexus: My favorite Pokemon game, it's soundtrack was amazing and it brought alot to the table. It made competitive battling was it is now, it brought online play with the GTS and all. I've had over 900 hours of play on Diamond, and over 300 on Platinum. My first Pokémon game, I would always play it when I was in 5th Grade, Giratina was my favorite Pokemon, and Chimchar was my starter. I rank this game out of all the Generations I played #1, Emerald as #2, and the B/W series as #3.
- HopeTheFox X: I almost died of a nostalgic attack when listening to this
- Emma K.: Why?
- IdiOatz: Any one of these songs I’ll always hum along
- CoppestofTopps: anyone got the notes to cynthias theme because i want a piano for christmas
- Michael Viera: just heard that soundtrack in a pokemon map on counter-strike:source, luckily i found it here
- TheSlurpin'Serpents: Any 'Nape lovers here? Anyone? Anyone? Any- Okay I'll stop now. (whispers) Anyone?
- JejuneJesuit: Hakutai city's music is so good... ^_^
- Miles Quickster: CATACLYSM
- Poppy Sykes: THE FEELS MAN, THE FEELS ( ;-; )
- 87 but no gay: did i do something wrong with my life or is it a good thing to break in tears listening to this at 5 am
- ManiaCoDs YT: Best description box ever
- Emperor Palpatine: Man I loved 4th gen so much. Stadium and Firered were my first Pokémon games, but something about Sinnoh felt so magical. I didn't even have Wi-Fi for the 1 year I had Diamond, but I managed over 1,000 hours on it just running around the world doing random shit. I thought the game was killing my mind and development though so I threw it away in the trash ;-; wish I was less stupid at the time cause I had like 479 Pokémon on it.
- dudeeeeeeeee: praise the lord that someone uploaded the full soundtrack
- ThatPokemonChannel: First song brings back memories.
- strikermi9 2: 1:20:44 esso è musica in questa giochi
- Thunderfly: +Cilian And now cause of that... you give me a greate idea i will do that...
- Thestral Wolfsbane: I'm gonna cry.... I started playing this game since I was 5... still remember playing it when my mom took me for acupuncture and my dsi accompanied me all the way through primary school. The day when I finally beat Cynthia.. with my twin brother at midnight. I had dialga, palkia and basically every legendary. Just a little kid, i had no idea about stab, movesets or anything. I loved my team so much. I would come back everyday dreaming to play pokemon. I swear it was just yesterday i discovered the simple joy of pokemon. Platinum was my first game. Now i am 15, my ds got fried when i spilt water on it. My card.... its lost somewhere. My pokemon.. they only live in my memories.
- CEEDAY COME BACK.: I know you might not believe this, but the first time I played this game I got a shiny chimchar for my starter. So, heres my story : When I first sent out my chimchar I wasnt paying attention to the sparkles you would originally see if you had a shiny pokemon but what I did notice was that chimchar had a bit darker shade of orange (red) but I didnt mind it at the time since I just thought it was my screen, the next time I sent it out I was STRUCK. I quickly showed my brother, this was the most rarest moment that has happened in my life ( yes I aready knew what were shiny pokemon ) I wanted to save the game but my ds was out of battery. To this day, I still am mad about what I did before. I know most of you wont believe this except my brother but I'd thought I share my story anyway.
- Steen Zaragoza-Faoagali: 10 years! Holy damn!
- Igna Data: i'm listening this when i'm studying for a exam...
- Greatgodzeus HD: Yeah i was like 7 and i had all the legendaries along with a ponyta who i thought was a legendary XD
- Return to Life: Listen to 2:17:05 for tear overload
- strikermi9 2: my favourite pokémon game i’m sinnoh person
- Bulooo Mister: I started with playing platinum and that was my first Pokemon game in my life ;) ,, then, I played Diamond and Pearl. These three version amazed me so hard ...
- Köksal Özdemir: remember the time when they showed this on every Website and even on the Television Commercials in 2007. The world went fucking nuts seeing Pokemon buffed up like in These games
- Alex Richi: LOVE :')
- CarlosThe Gamer64: 5:36 & 25:12
- Brocktimus Prime: I remember going to my grandparent's house every day before school because they would take me as my mother would drop me off to go to work. I remember watching the trailer for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl because I was soooo excited for the next Pokemon game, I couldn't contain myself. On my tenth birthday, I received a white Nintendo DS Lite and Pokemon Diamond. I'll always remember the time I spent on this game, it holds a special place in my heart. I also remember seeing the COOLEST legendary pokemon I had ever seen before, Arceus. It was my favorite generation for sure after seeing that.
- joshua hewell: The music of my child hood
- JT TW: 2:31:48-Battle VS Frontier Brain Palmer sent out milotic/dragonite/rhyperior, you must fight the one that stonger than your 1st pokemon, so always switching out Milotic used hypnosis and it always hit ! [just 60% accuracy] and your pokemon always fall asleep 3-4 turns! [but when i used sleep power with higher accuracy [75%] it always missed! and computer always fall asleep only 1-2 turns!] dragonite used dragon rush and it always hit ! [ just 75% accuracy] and your pokemon always flinched [just 20% or 30% chance] rhyperior's focus band always activated [just 10% chance] and sometimes activated 2 times in a row [just 1%chance] oops!!!
- Ken Flesher: First Pokémon game, I sucked, but I haven’t stopped playing them since pearl. Platinum really ironed it over for me though
- sinetangentsecant: The HoF and Opening are almost the same :P That symbolism tho :( T_T I am sad now.
- Joe Brogan: The Ricktator 200% how they remade slot of evolutions which all looked badass
- ChazmicSupanova: That was my first game that I genuinely owned, (apart from Rayman Collection) It's... too nostalgic...
- Marie Clinton: +Rainstar Nice profile pic :D
- Lucy Heart: These are the first pokemon games i played
- chicken tendies: if they keep the non-3D i will cry even more
- Cancer: The NOSTALGIA Literally one of the first video-games I ever played.
- David Cipriano: reminds me when i caught my first shiny pokemon without ever knowing how rare it was, i then traded it for a freaking rayquaza.
- Diamond Butter: I still remember when I played Platinum and caught Palkia by chucking a quickball at it immediately, my siblings and I were dying haha
- Justin Bieber: Pokemon HeartGold or Pokemon Diamond and pearl?
- Zacharie Chiron: a guy Speak for yourself :P
- ThatGamerDude: Man, fuck this world and all the bad things it has, why can't leave and go to the pokemon world
- Geo The Poly: SwegKarp its strange but amazing and great knowing that you're goin back in time
- Tait Duncan: Hell ya
- Akilla The Potato Slayer: Diamond, My very first game. I delved into the world of video games and pokemon with this game. Next year, it will be 10 years old and I still play it! XD!
- 박민호: THE best series of all Pokemon game
- GaMaJiTo: yes my son
- Donald Duck: I might just be stupid but I think you forgot Spring Path.
- JJPLAYZ: Who watched the whole ting
- Kimberly Chin: This is my childhood. Yeah. I'm a Gen 4er.
- Kiwi: Aww, my first ever Pokemon game :)
- SwaggZ GT: Calmy music 💖
- Nerf Static // XGamingY: Oh Boy The Nostalgia Doh..... My First Pokemon Game..... Loved This Game So Much!!! If They Dont Make A Remake Im Going To Kill Somebody. I love the music though its the best music out of all the pokemon games.
- blackabe111: it is <3 21 and my love hasn't decreased a bit... i owe my childhood to this franchise. i would try to kill myself when i was ten because i was bullied for being half american (and half german. but that half was fine as that was accepted by the german kids. they are now grown-up and not like that at all but ... you know kids.. they are stupid) all the time and the only place i could resort to was the pokemon world, where my race didn't matter and i did everything right. its what kept me going
- 6jojomaster9: mec jai pleurer
- Leaf Clarke: anderew it did not work XD
- KillerGoat Lord: Nostalgia
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Hakutai Forest
- Blobstermob: the same thing happened between me and my sister she got Diamond and I got Pearl my older brother was supposed to get Platinum later on but never got to it...
- Not your account Now leave: ༺ཱྀ༼Mitsuki༽ཱི༻ 은 미나 wouldn't say it's the best but it's sure is good and relaxing
- Gainstar: Yeah I was 8 and I got diamond. I can just remember trudging through that snow route going to Snowpoint city while hiding under a blanket. Good times.
- Bandicoot Bill: Its been a year now. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer, but in my heart, I am a gamer" -- Satoru Iwata. Thank you very much and rest in peace, Mr. Iwata
- Lunchbox: 47:18 makes my heart sing.
- thisjacktansley: This game's soundtrack is amazing, and no one can disagree.
- Khoro: Nostalgia de mi primer juego de pokemooon
- Evan L. Rodriguez: I unfortunately feel like Sinnoh is the most neglected region, you hardly hear it referenced to, and when it is, it's only in some obscure circumstance. Kanto will forever be talked about as the place that started it all, alongside its many fan favorites like Charizard, Mewtwo, Blastoise, Mew, Pikachu, etc. Johto is talked about for its legendary Pokémon and rich, in-game folklore, along with an intriguing rival and unique art style; along with introducing the Dark and Steel types. Hoenn is recognized for its amazing soundtrack and annoying amount of water, and its cool and refreshing Pokémon designs that are each unique and attached to Hoenn in their own ways; and let us not forget the legendaries (oh, and Blaziken). Unova is known for its combination of many of the aforementioned reasons; great and unique Pokémon, wonderful music, an exilerating and intelligent story along with bringing in some new fan favorites like Zoroark, Golurk, Hydrygon, etc. Plus its layered characters that really drive the story home. Kalos, of course, will eternally be known as the first main-series region to be in full 3-D, and its roster, albeit small, of solid Pokémon designs that are hard to hate (and in my opinion one of the best villainous team battle themes). Sinnoh, however, only seems to be mentioned for little things like Lucario (who is practically a less 'plastered everywhere involving Pokemon' Pikachu), or its legendaries. Now, these are fine reasons to reference Sinnoh for, but it also has an interesting story, awesome music, and fun Pokémon designs that we just don't get to see that often (we need more Hippopatas). It also introduced a lot of great evolutions to prior Pokémon (my personal favorites being Electivire and Yanmega). Yes, people will mention these things, but not together like many would with the other regions. Hopefully, if--and when--we get Diamond and Pearl remakes, those who tuck Sinnoh into the back of their heads, only to bring it back out only slightly for one tiny reason, will remember how great of a region it was. Then all of us Sinnohites can leap out and join in the Sinnoh love frenzy we've been so eagerly waiting for for a long time.
- Spon: This game being my first and one of my favourites, it did have its flaws, only occasionally. If this masterpiece could be remastered on the Switch, they would be corrected and make my favourite Pokémon game.
- Otto: 38:37 When you have a boner in class and the teacher tells you to stand up
- Sif The Wolf: This was my childhood.. Hearing this brings back so much memories. c':
- gabriel daymond: la musique à 1h00 est juste magique
- PlayinFreak: +Lance Soyce Listening to this while playing Pokemon mod Multiplayer in Minecraft
- Bobby JCFHv Lichtenstein: 0:00 - 3:08:01 is my favorite part. Im not trying to be unoriginal, im actually very serious I <3 This game
- Stijn Wansink: +Ben West Oreburg city
- TylerTyg3r99: NOSTALGIA
- Neebing kuper: The music in this one makes everything seem much darker and bigger than any other game
- Truki Truki: 1:31:00 feels so gooooood and relaxing
- Hamad The Dolphin Man: Belles musiques!
- Yusuf Khan: If they don't create a remake of this game, I will be so mad
- Forresca: Is it just me or did these games have the most legendary feeling? The music, the build up to getting the legendaries, Dialga and Palkia. Even the startup menu music was so creepy, yet mysterious and exciting. I feel as if, out of all the pokemon games, Diamond and Pearl (also Platinum) had one of the best atmospheres. I know GameFreak will remake them because they have to! They're amazing games
- Oscar Valenzuela: This wasn't my first pokémon generation like most of the comments. I started with Red version. But I can swear Gen 4 is the most important to me. Best region, pkmn, legendaries... a lot of lore addings, while Gen 5 is the best one in terms of plot, characters (and music, maybe) Gen 4 is the best in everything else. I just love Diamond, Pearl & Platinum.
- Matthew Wheeler: Summer of 2009, playing with friends. I walked by a chip in the grass. I picked it up and took it back to my DS. It said Pokemon Diamon. My mind was blown by the amount of fun I had. This started my Pokemon love. I didn't play the original Pokemon. I grew up with Sinnoh. Not Pokemon Red.
- samuel otoo: Wow I love this music and here it st to listen to all my favourite music!!
- Crimsonspike: dat nostalga boner
- Reese Arnold: The nostalgia
- Oliver Marks: wow.....the power of nostalgia
- Steen Zaragoza-Faoagali: Now this is MY nostalgia
- Xandaya: Diamond was my first game ever!!! BTW do people still play this Diamond or Pearl?
- ピンク101: Gen1 I was starting Pre-K Gen2 I was becoming a 1st grader Gen3 I was in elementary Gen4 I was in middle school Gen5 I was in high school Gen6 I am now a young adult Pokemon has been around since the start of my childhood practically a part of my life by now Pokemon4Ever (>^ - ^<)
- Ziew DC: Who's hyped for the remake??
- Octah: I lost my copy of Pearl version when I moved like 9 years ago. This ost and the nostalgia of being a kid feels so good.
- Bookish Gamer: Yeah, most of the time, but once you reach the climax of the game, battle the frontier brains, verse Barry when your team is weak (as in dead/low on health, but a bad team is stressful too), verse Giratina, enter the distortion world, battle a shiny legendary, battle the elite 4 and battle Cynthia (CURSE YOU TOGEKISS AND SPIRITOMB! Oh, and I guess garchomp and lucario, but they weren't as bad), it becomes really frustrating and stressful.
- A1: Rollomie Horness Route 228 (Day)
- Mique Rys: #NerfCaballoVerga
- ??? ???: Remember getting these games when they first released, i was 10 dayum where the fuck has the time gone, seems like yesterday I was battling everyone in the playground with my ds and my infernape the memories man
- KetashiR: Diamond was the first game I played through myself, and I just realised that was almost ten years ago. whut.
- Tropicance: oh god, the last time someone replied was more than 3 years ago. i’m really late for this converstion
- rndm lttrs: +Espeon804 Bruh. I'm with you on first trainer game being platinum. The nostalgia!
- Peenor: lol I remember accidental pressing the run away button when facing dialga and then just bursting into tears because I thought I couldn't catch it anymore lol.
- SwaggZ GT: Old good game, still love it i cry much in myself when i think how i was 4-6 when i played this so much times on my nintendo <3 love u pokemon and nintendo !
- Andrew Wong: 29 people don't have a childhood
- Videobusters: so good! i love the encounter and the route themes so much!!! also my first game so its more nostalgic!
- T R Λ D Ξ S: Route209(Day)
- CaptainScizor: They need to make a 3D remake of this. I swear i'll cry playing it since this is my second pokemon game and it was my favorite.
- Emma: SauNao moi aussi ☹
- NintendoFire: I cry of Nostalgia, many Pokemon fans beg for a remake of this amazing game!
- Cristina Zamora Bernabé: que recuerdos...
- arin hanson's dick: this game didnt come out 10 years ago, theres no way.
- Christian Charpia: That is really sweet of you. You sound like an amazing person.
- Una Persona: This is magic
- Megan Wheelock: I remember my friend got both Diamond and Pearl and I borrowed her Pearl version before buying my own shortly after. I did a ton of chores around the house to make enough money to get the game, I was 12 at the time, and I have never regretted it. Pokemon Pearl was incredible and sparked my interest in Pokemon again and I've bought every main game ever since.
- marius84: played the game being 8-9. recognized every song. i love it :') this old harming times :')
- Helen P: the theme song for zui town sounds soooo good.. reminds me of the time I played pokemon with my friends during elementary school lol my favorite pokemon game of all time
- Luddesnubben: This soundtrack has to have been created by a pure musical genius. It's so amazing, I really can't describe with words how amazing the gen 4 soundtrack is.
- Serena Diazzi: Skazzy CFC Mine journey started in July 2007, I was six and now I'm sixteen
- PloobFace: sees this video. instantly clicks it and knocks over glass of water
- CubyGFX™ ᵍʳᵃᵖʰᶤᶜ ᵈᵉˢᶤᵍᶰᵉʳ: I continue to play these games until today . I cry with these songs <3
- Jaden: Best game ever with halo 3
- MajesticBacon_: Me: Oh, k, opening demo, i remember that.... Me @ 2:05: HOLY BALLS AUGHHHHHH YEEEEE
- Zacharie Chiron: Future Sentinel When you played that being 7-10 and that now you're 17, you find those musics nostalgic.
- The Ninja Master: This reminded me of so much that has happened over the years but too bad I gave the game to my brother and the worst part is he won't give it back to me. :(
- justintimeplaya4: 10:20 made me so sad. Memories of playing for hours.
- GreenPigKing: Gary Pokémon white also had a pretty good atmosphere but the game had bad graphics and some other issues.
- Bozo *: 51:35
- ShadowLightMew EndlessOceanMew: +Azazel Enoch Outside Japan yes but in Japan, they were released in 1995.
- WHOAFRO: i remember every time i turned these games on i would get chills cause of the first song but i legit miss this my mom gave away a lot of my pokemon games... WITHOUT ASKING and i was emotionally crushed :(
- Oliver Woods: Fave pokemon game ever. Always will love it <3
- Adonyx: Overrated Generation.
- Billy Bob Ferguson: The first game I ever played outside of weird V-Tech toys was Pokémon Diamond. I was on holiday with a ton of friends, the year was around 2007. We were in a restaurant I can't remember in a country I can't remember, and I decide to look over the shoulder of two of my friends. To my confusion, I saw them both holding a DS, battling each other with weird creatures, one was some orange ape with a tail made out of fire, another was this MASSIVE turtle with a tree on it's back. "Oh dude! What game is that?" "It's called Pokémon." I thought to myself about it for a bit: a game that lasts more than five minutes? WITH multiplayer? WITH cool monsters? Young me was instantly hooked on the idea of playing something like that. Luckily, my birthday was rolling up in a month or two, so I actually got my hands on it soon enough, and you probably couldn't separate me from it. I remember in particular that I wasn't too good at it, the only Pokémon I had above Level 10 was a level 80 Torterra (which I called 'grotle' when I first got it, I don't know how or why), but don't think that stopped me. I caught every shinx I found (loved the design), I did entire runs using nothing but cricketune and whiscash, I'd try to find out what that elusive 'rattata' in bidoof's pokedex entry was all about, I'd run around with a sneasel trying to find out how the hell you evolved the bastard thing, I'd run around in the mines for probably days at a time, I'd try to find spiritomb, aipom, regigigas, all those Pokémon I had no idea how to get, and I'd completely mess up catching Pokémon like azelf and uxie because I had no idea they didn't respawn. God, I loved this game so much. Tl;Dr *MY NOSTALGIA AAAAAAAA*
- haridas pal: Why are u so different Gen 4, why ?
- Midnight: That's wonderful.
- Ryan Bae: 34:49 51:35 1:06:47 1:09:19
- Marcus Drake: hello again! I'm currently making full band re-arrangements of these songs. check out Jamarcus Plays Junichi Vol. II https://grandpabay.bandcamp.com/album/jamarcus-plays-junichi-vol-ii
- Lunchbox: what *what* I feel so old I FEEL SO OLD
- AiramLP: Happy 10th Anniversary!!
- Zoe Goff: I'm gonna cry when they release the remakes ;-; Pokemon Pearl was my childhood man
- seri: 1:48:39 😍
- zeyn: CRYING
- Adam Jensen: Nostalgia... I never asked for this.
- PLVGUE: my first video game ever, i'm crying
- 8sianDude: I played most of the classics. When I first heard about the 3D version of Pokemon on DS, I was so excited. Over my time as a kid, I clocked in over 400 total hours into this game without restarting. Honestly, one of the best Pokemon games ever! I still have the original DS game chip in my bedroom even after over a decade lol.
- Steven Bowman: I'm crying
- Notapier: Sad thing is I remember I was eating a burger king chicken sandwich when I caught Garatina like the fat turd that was me.
- Poke Jun: same! i played Pokemon Pearl
- OR3O: I really loved this game back then. I still really love this game. ahhh my heart is melting T~T
- Skazzy CFC: My first ever Pokemon game was Diamond version, what was yours? I started my first journey on March 15 2008
- Rex Skywalker: +RobotBird That doesn't matter. You're fired. Giovanni out.
- Sanel Vella: Man, Sinnoh is so underrated.
- kyle lee: Floroma towns music 💔💔💔😍😍😍😍
- Lucian Matei: Still waiting in Spain too
- Luddesnubben: Thank you.
- Conner Dassen: Kalvinism you can play them on android look up "how to use Drastic Emulator" it's an app in google play
- Shadow: Anybody else have beaten the game but just keep playing for the music...?
- Spy Citron: 2 FCKING YEARS
- Cms7899: Cool at the time I only had one brother (younger brother wasnt born yet) so I got Pearl and my brother got Diamond :)
- Ed Offutt: Either if they do or they don't, I'll cry. But I'm pretty sure they're in development already!
- DoFLaGaMeR Le Démon Céléste: 57:44
- O P: Definitely a 4gen remake for the Nintendo switch
- RStaR RaptoR: 1:16:03 i love that theres a night version to everything :-] tells you to sleep!
- Captaincookieslap: 16:30 holy shit the victory music!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS SOUND TRACK!!! every time you win a battle you get the best ever music it was so amazing
- Ninetales Sky: Oh wow I remember playing this so long ago, I remember little 6 year old me begging my parents to buy this one day and I would play it for hours, as I'm listening to this sound track all my memories playing this game just come flooding back, from getting my piplup to capturing my first pokemon, to feeling so accomplished at my first gym badge, and finally at the age of 7 beating the elite 4 and cynthia, I would continue to play this game even after new ones would come out filling up my pokedex until it was complete, and now after having given it to my 6 year old brother I hope he remembers this game, i sure have. Also sorry for pouring all this out in a youtube comment but the nostalgia just hit me like a train, and if you'll excuse me *goes and cries from all the nostalgia feels*
- Ricardo Guedes: Piano is my favourite instrument and This get ALOT !! S2
- JustHumanThingsYTP: Sorry to burst your bubbles everyone, no more new Pokémon games for 3DS, remakes are out, unless they’re done with the main series, I would hope for remakes, but if not, maybe on the Switch.
- go-king dead: I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I really actually loved how slow these games were in a way. Every moment felt relaxing up until the conflicts with Team Galactic and Cyrus and it really made their moments shine to me. Just like with Barry, who was a stark contrast to the rest of the easygoing characters in the game. Idk how to explain it, but something about the slowness was kind of charming and made me able to play the game for hours without realizing it haha.
- Shaddy Tesch: +Cool Cool Mine too
- Finn Crawford: The soundtrack just screams the 70's, all the clav and strings :D
- Virtual Dream 64: It's amazing how this game is already 9 years old (counting Japan's date). It feels like yesterday going to Toys R Us to reserve Diamond,and pick it up a few weeks later. The experience was so magical,unlike any other ds game. A ton of kids played pokemon,and you could talk to them about pokemon,read books,trade cards,and it was normal,even for the coolest kids. Sure,Gen IV was really slow,but it was also a load of fun. It has some of the coolest pokemon cries, added touchscreen,and another trainer with BLUE hair! :o Not to mention one of the creepiest songs of the series, the hall of origin theme. This was actually the first game my little sister played through,I believe,and she was barely learning how to read. :o One of the things I love about pokemon is that no matter which generation you grew up with, everyone got that experience. Whether you're a genwunner or are growing up with the current generation, you'll always have that experience. Sure,the newer generations don't allow the same type of imagination,but they're great in their own way. That's why it breaks my heart when somebody says only one generation is good. Even though there has been backtracking(no more walking with pokemon,and temporary removal of the clock function), it's understandable and overall,the series has gone forward. I've played every gen,and each one has something that makes it special.
- Cameron McCarthy: It didn't. September 2006 - August 2007 are the release dates for various regions
- greatorder: Ah, this was the game I got Pokerus and a legit shiny (it was a geodude, my brother's first was a zubat). Both in one game...
- Nashi Block: I only used the action replay (my friend lent me it) to get Darkrai and Arceus so I can finish my national dex.
- Jacob VanHook.: SO MUCH NOSTALGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Felipe Lange: I particularly like more Black / White and Diamond / Pearl.
- joops feeler: 2:09:10
- Zacharie Chiron: Narwhao I totally agree! Gen 4 was also the first I did, so very nostalgic. I do realize after spending a lot of time on HG before coming back to Platinum that Platinum could make you feel lonely once you'd finish everything (no calls from the people you previously beated, for example). But the music stays the best ever in my opinion! You have the team galaxy musics, the nostalgic road musics, and even the Pokemon League musics are better and more diverse than in HG for example.
- TheThreeMCPros: Pokemon Pearl, one of my first NDS Games and yet the most loved one. The 6-year old me bought the game and couldn't stop playing it. It was the greatest NDS-experience I could imagine. Starting in a world full of Pokemon and ending with the most epical Fight against the Top 4 and Cynthia. I tried so hard. And after many tries I finally won the Pokemon League, what a satisfaction. And I can remember every song, even though I haven't played this game for years. <3
- Dani o.o: Soooo much memories.
- Balizaj: 1:52:27 is speaking to me... it's saying "Welcome to your first roaming legendary! Fuck you! :D"
- uxie126: Nick Rick You're thinking of Heart Gold and Soul Silver actually. But me too :D
- EmilyAuto: H A I L S I N N O H
- Espeon804: First Pokemon game ever played: Diamond First ever owned: Mystery Dungeon Explorers of sky First pkmn trainer game ever owned: Platinum. I lost both of those games thanks to my friends... all I have left from generation 4 is SoulSilver.
- Bigo gogo: 36:17 Definitly one of the best Pokemon ost ever made, so chill... ;-;
- haridas pal: No seriously, why is the title music so different from all the others?
- Jessicatt: I really hope they make a sinnoh remake. I love this region to death, it has some of my favorite pokemon coming from it, such as luxray and floatzel.
- kosuke125: the original Gold, Silver, & Crystal versions for gameboy pocket and color were the best versions in history of pokemon.. fuck ya'll youngings the recent versions aint shit.
- Steen Zaragoza-Faoagali: Pinku 101 Preach it. Pokemon4Ever
- ᴁʀδγαΊ: +Alex Jordan Yeah it is, never had any problems with it
- Jedwig lamb: What are your top 3 songs for this soundtrack? Mine are 3- Hakutai Forest 2- Route 216 Day 1- Kissaki City
- LifeIsBerrySweet: All hail the best generation of pokemon games!! Oh the nostalgia~ This game just always had an awesome soundtrack and so much post game. I will cherish the times I spent with my pokemon and friends underground.
- Lana Skye: I can't handle it. Too much nostalgia. Will forever be a Pokemon fan <3
- NintendoGamerChris: 1:41:20 sounds like a part from the theme of On Her Majesty's Secret Service
- otherwize12: +Just Moved In Haha you actually killed it? :P
- Max: so nostalgic <3 D/P/P love you 4 ever ❤
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Pokémon - Diamond, Pearl & Platinum - Complete Soundtrack | |
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