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- BuckleySmash: I don't even like jelly...
- Brandon Keith: I'd smash
- Estragon17: justice then your president is a racist as he had been having people here to see asylum arrested. Seeking assuming isn't illegal.
- Game Within A Gamer: That's because he's 150 years old lol
- SuperMixedd: Healthcare in France is far from being free, my dude. Check your facts
- K D: Worms in their brains would starve...
- Domo Roberto: The Girth when did anyone bring up predictions? the video is about this infowars silly reporter trying to “epicly own some libtards” and ends up looking stupid herself. What does this youtubers past predictions have to do with this? “oh man this guy said some stuff in the past that never happened! bro this video sucks!” lol . do you have any actual qualms with the video ? or are your feelings hurt bc a totally EPIC infowars reporter got owned by a baked libtard?
- Juan pedro Minaudo: Never saw that reporter on infowars and i watch it almost daily
- Man Gravy: You can implement socialism in a different way than Venezuela did................ Venezuelans eating rats doesn't mean Americans will end up eating rats.............. Venezuela is not America..............
- Son of a BITCH ! !: Ha Ha! I know Owen Shroyer in a blonde wig when I see it. Tell'em I said last night was amazing & I left his hand cuffs & ball gag on the windshield of his car.
- Graham Taylor: The girl in the video was clueless, as most liberals are. They either have no opinions or when they do have, they can't or won't articulate them. So the Infowars reporter had to prompt herin order to extract a response. This video is a nothing burger. The title is misleading and I will be reporting it as such.
- a c: Infowars is retarded
- Charles Eye: Friggin clickbait. I wanted to watch InfoWars get owned! This is just two idiots spewing equally stupid crap at each other. Granted, one of them is doing it in that "I just had a coffee colonic and a half ounce of weed" voice but that doesn't lend anything to her argument. - Bernie Sanders wants you to eat rats! Do you want to eat rats like they do in Venezuela!?! _DO YOU?!?!?_ - Nooo...I just feel entitled to free stuuuuff... that other people have to pay fooor.... so it isn't actually freee... but I don't caaare... just buy me stuuuff. Idiots. If anyone should be upset, it's the Feminists. These two are exactly the types that people point to when they call women airheads. The only way either one of them will ever have a "deep" thought is if they manage to get their heads another foot up their own asses.
- the coolest guy alive: she’s got the attitude of someone that i need in my life man she’s so calm and collected and i’m so lonely and afraid
- Bara en Bojassen: Lmao care to explain how this is a troll and how she was ridiculous. Why would Bernie have to propose a bill against several homes to be a hypocrite? Point is that he’s rich and he doesn’t need them. Also Bernie is proposing Venezuela esc legislation don’t try to deny it. He likes Venezuela
- Jonathan Died: She’s just drinking her drink and talking so saucy hahahah
- Hitoo37 B: NHS(National Health Service) was created in 1948 in the UK. It has enriched every ones lives from the richest to the poorest. Americans deserve Medicare for All. Very cruel how your current system works
- Dick Face: I like her nipples
- Wilderness Well: "I can't tell where they pulled this from, if it was from Twitter or from YouTube" No proof, but you know Infowars pulled it, but you don't know from which platform? How do you know they pulled it then? Is the blonde even an Infowars reporter? Was the video ever really posted to an Infowars site? Oh that's right, you don't know where it was originally posted, meaning you don't know where you got it apparently, but you do know it's not on Infowars website anymore. That's probably because it never was on an Infowars site, because it's fake, and the blonde is not affiliated with Infowars!!!
- mkauf84: Hey! Feral cat boxing is proud tradition that has been going on for generations!
- LEAHMADDISON: I would not argue with her bro lmaooooo
- Americo Sculati: ECHO LEOPARD judging my entire character and life off of a YouTube comment? You’re quite the psychologist, my friend. I don’t believe the government should completely support people, just not leave them to fucking rot because they got injured.
- dandiehl1948: All I see here are two stupid women
- himoong: Say what?
- Jakob Jensen: borders*
- Lastrite: Diane Watson all of your natural stuff is fine. Nutrients exercise, all of it’s pretty good for prevention. But if you. Get ducking cancer, or any other dangerous medical issue, taking actual medicine helps. You’re no better than Alex Jones if you think that actual medicine is a bad idea
- FallenJedi: Huh? That tranny looking bitch said nothing and made zero coherent points....she says "like" a hundred times and gets owned by Ahston. "eat the rich"...but Bernie lives in a 6 million dollar home! 🤣🤣 libtards are desperate
- Ronny Three Rifles: That's cool partner
- Hannah Kirk: Elise M actually she has a speech impediment, and for someone with a speech impediment she did pretty good
- Petit: She didn't gave a fuuuck
- William G: How does that female Infowars interviewer SLEEP AT NIGHT? No sane female or millennial, let alone both, should work for Alex Jones.
- Divination Station: Info wars and the Republican party love white and blonde right girls.
- Adrian Brent: Idiots both ways. ..
- Remy Gladden: She didn't troll them she's a complete hypocritical moron!!
- yuh yuh: the 1% support the right
- Atlantean: So this is "perfection" to liberals, lmao. Ok.
- John Morales: How exactly did the random woman "troll" the Infowars interviewer? The interviewer is trying to make a point that Venezuela's politicians are the 1% of that country and their people are starving. Oh, but they are doing socialism wrong in Venezuela right. If it was properly implemented it would be paradise, sure. The problem here was this woman "troll" was incapable of putting 2 and 2 together to follow a simple conversation. WTF Secular Talk! Seems you were having similar problems.
- David Warschauer: @diane : alex jones is still a fraud
- Hooptie Hamburger: sabin97, that is not socialism. It is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. The socialist aspect is socially toxic. Socialist healthcare systems leave people in line for lifesaving treatment so long they die, and the doctors are low quality. Venezuela is a purely socialistic country, as was the Soviet Union. It is a horribly corrosive type of economic system. It is also a system of mass theft, which makes it immoral in the first place.
- tim211292: yeah ok you're trolling now, thanks for proving your argument cant stand up to discussion
- Cheesus: “You know Venezuela right?” “I’ve heard of it”
- Django Fett: "Fact is socialism always collapses under its own weight." This argument must be really popular among your drunken pals down at the bar.
- Bobby Powell: You call that a "win"? The only person I saw making a fool of themselves, besides Kyle for thinking this was a slam against Infowars, was the stupid broad in the sailor outfit with the $10 kale-flavored half-caff frappuchino. Her whole affect was, "Who cares if people eat rats, the least we can do is provide them with free abortions."
- ₆₆₆: umm 😐 she’s helping infowars look bad in the eyes of their own viewers why you badmouthing her jeeez this is great more infowars interviewers that don’t know what they’re doing
- Alex Garcia: “You know of Venezuela right?” heard of it..... lmao
- Sparka: Maybe you should shut your mouth JEW, your kind has done enough damage.
- Dav: +Storm Cranford I don't know which post you are replying to specifically. I think I last posted here a year ago, but here's my spiel for you (sorry it's very long): You said: "the rich love money. That is why they are rich." Jimmy Hendrix/The Beatles/just about any other wealthy, successful musician(s) you care to name aside from perhaps Rob Zombie and a few others, are/were not rich because they love money. They're rich because they love music. Maybe there's something to be said for the mindset of people who are very passionate about music and art, but wealth doesn't necessarily equal love of money. A lot of wealth doesn't even necessarily equal greed or lack of concern for people who are poor. You can be a millionaire and believe in a more fair and balanced social democracy. You can be a millionaire and be a democratic socialist. Hell, you can be a millionaire and be a communist. It's probably very rare, but perhaps only somewhat more rare than poor people who are communists, specifically in America. "Rich people tend to own businesses that poorer people are usually employed at." As it should be. However, that doesn't mean that there should be terrible working conditions where employees hide bottles of urine in warehouses they work at and get a salary that doesn't give them a living or the ability to stay afloat, while the CEO evidently hasn't paid taxes AT ALL in a few years and has 150 billion dollars. "Take away more of their money, and the rich will find a way to get that money back." What does "find a way" constitute? Aside from loopholes and other legal things that shouldn't exist and can be changed, what do you mean? Give me examples of how they will find a way if there were no legal means for them to do so and the government was actually adequately enforcing the law like it should. I'm not an economist, but I don't believe selling out a company you own necessarily puts millions of jobs, or even anyone's job, necessarily, in jeopardy. Not sure what you mean there. If I understand correctly, your argument against free healthcare is that everyone would have healthcare, and that that would take away everyone's incentive or desire to work, or enough people's incentive/desire to work so as to cause the unemployment rate to skyrocket. There are plenty of people who have health insurance and who would continue to have health insurance OR an ample capacity to afford it if they stopped working, who continue to work very hard at their jobs regardless, yes? The sentiment that people by and large are completely lazy and cannot be expected to follow through with anything unless entirely mandatory is getting old. I would say that most people want to contribute to society, and that most who are able, do. And even if they didn't, we can still give everyone health insurance and refrain from giving people who can work other social services that would de-incentivize working. You obviously can't subsist on health insurance alone. If people quit their jobs at Walmart because they got free healthcare, take away their food stamps. Well, not immediately. Warn them once or twice first. Even it were a thing, I don't think this "skyrocketing unemployment" would be unsolvable or even unpreventable. There are things that can be done to incentivize seeking employment for those few who actually are just too lazy to seek work, things that don't have anything to do with letting someone die of curable disease. "We are all richer with a rich 1 percent." Because we are a capitalist society, there does need to be a certain bulk of wealth held by CEO's and the like to keep the economy going. I am not advocating for democratic socialism in the US. Trickle-down economics doesn't work, however. The richest 1% don't seem to have done much about the 500,000 or so homeless people of their own volition. If they had all gotten together to address that problem, there would barely be any homeless people (probably only the ones who actually didn't want a home). In fact, Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, threatened the local government of Seattle, Washington with leaving and moving Amazon out of Seattle if they had passed a bill that would tax bigger corporations for the purpose of helping the homeless. I am not saying to "take their money", you are phrasing that like it's literally theft: I am saying that we need better economic balance. If that means more taxes for people with more wealth, so be it. Because of what I said above, I would not want to tax them to the point that they are poor. I wouldn't even tax them to the point that they are not wealthy. Not even necessarily out of being a millionaire or billionaire. Jeff Bezos has $150 billion (Which I personally think is more wealth than is good for anyone, and is certainly more wealth than anyone would ever need, but whatever.). Jeff Bezos could, if he wanted, give every single homeless person in the country $1,000 worth of aid to help them get on their feet, and have approximately $149.5 billion leftover. Imagine if every billionaire chimed in to help end homelessness. Instead, we have built robots that cost something like $50,000 a piece to police the homeless. It is arguable that what I want is a little bit *closer* to what you could call a utopian society. Utopias do not exist because God and heaven and miracles do not exist, but that absolutely does not mean that we shouldn't strive to improve. There is a correlation between wealth and greed, but you are effectively saying we shouldn't try to change and should just give up because rich people are greedy and won't let go of virtually any of their wealth for anything whatsoever. And that isn't always true. There are altruistic, compassionate and giving billionaires and millionaires. A fair amount of them. We do need more of those types of wealthy people, but that doesn't mean we can't try to establish universal healthcare, fix the infrastructure etc. You said if we "take their money" we suffer. Firstly I'm not advocating for stealing their money as that wording implies. And second, many are already suffering much more than anyone in a 1st world country should. Most other developed countries, like in Europe, seem to take far better care of their people. Every single one of them has a national healthcare system. Why is that? I'm not going to totally assume this is your sentiment, but saying things like some people haven't worked for and therefore don't deserve health insurance is screwy. When you are born, do you have the right to be delivered in a hospital? Or should your mother be required to give birth in some other environment where there is no medical treatment and sanitation is potentially poor. Also, in the event of stillbirth you would die. Why should it be any different regarding any other needed medical treatment at any other moment in your life? There are people who are born too sick to work for health insurance. Others get sick later or have serious, permanently incapacitating injuries. Besides, even for people who work, the insurance is sometimes one of those scammy low-cost plans that doesn't cover anything, or the place that they absolutely love working at may not have insurance at all. The bottom line on this is that we all, as citizens, deserve and have a right to a life. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Saying you don't have a right to get treatment for a condition that you will die from if not treated is saying you don't have a right to life. If the condition is a curable form of cancer, for example, that is like saying you have the right to a slow and painful death. I think I may have heard about a guy without healthcare that cut out his own skin cancer with a pocket knife. Trump-Care is F-You-And-Die-Care. Back to your point about "Liberals think the rich love and care for mankind. Guess what? They don't.". People can learn to do better and help others. If a lot of wealth generally can cause people to lose empathy and not want to help others, perhaps taxing them more would show at least some of them how money is better used circulating in the economy than sitting in their bank accounts, etc. Also, implying that a lot of wealth generally can cause people to lose empathy and not want to help others (which is what you are implying in saying the rich don't love and care for mankind) could indeed be seen by some as a case for socialism. A person's ideology, personality, political affiliation, priorities, etc. is not wholly unchangeable just because they are wealthy. This isn't an absolute thing. Change can happen. It's not an impossibility because many other countries - many with capitalism - are doing just fine.
- Lara Palma: I am
- Steve Higgins: I'd tap
- ChainMail: Simon G yes you can and if we have the extra money for a stupid "space force" then we do have the money for health care.
- Mike Pritch: LMAO this video is the exact opposite of what y'all describe... She didn't troll anything lol.
- pinhosale97: The more i hear it the less i understand it, why are American conservaturds so afraid of free healthcare?!
- Bio Toxin: that chick's localized accent rubs me the the wrong way, she could be reading literotica and I'd still despise her
- x o: Who is this walking goddess? She wields attitude like it’s a spear. Livin for it.
- Solid State Nation: This guy is a idiot force joke and clickbait tittle
- Juan F: Bernie is wrinkled up demented hippie. "free" health care? He is poor but we should let him run the country? Socialism has failed and is failing. You don't have an argument with facts just feelings. You have one vid made by a newbie like you said and use it to make your own vid, your not much smarter.
- The Slop Lobster: Yo man why you got so many bandaids on your fingers? You ok?
- Mike Haydon: We are all evil devil people here in Australia, but that's beside the point
- Libertaire: Infowars is worse than Fox News. I wish they would interview me because I would own them. The 1% support socialism? That’s why the CIA has overthrown or attempted to overthrow every socialist government that’s ever existed. Including Salvador Allende a democratic socialist in Chile. Watch Noam Chomsky the first 9/11 https://youtu.be/3op2RurGVs8
- STIR FRIED SUBWAY RAT: Its crazy how this video perceived by the right is some kinda epic own or something like they can't see she's trolling lmao "eating the rich"
- Cruxwillow: gtas321 That's really weird that you'd say that because after a quick Google search, I don't think that's true at all. LoL.
- Micah Joel Geimer: Schaefer Stuttgart you noticed that you dont have a brain? Lol
- Keith Richards: Anybody ever tell you that your shows symbol looks more like a score d poppy pod than a mic
- Ace Hunter: and Roosevelt welcomed their hatred, despite the fact that he helped beging the longest economic expansion in our history, which is a benefit in the long run for everyone, poor, middle class, and even rich
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can sit on my face: I'd cum on her face, as long as she didn't say a word whille being in my presence.
- Warboss Grimskull: The View From This Guy's Glass House must be great I mean he's talking about all sorts of things that socialism err... Bernie supporters do with Ambush tactics spewing unfacts on a regular basis start looking in the mirror and stop slinging insults until you produce interviews devoid of the same nonsense
- McCall Jones III: I guess I am a moron. How is the interviewer NOT making sense? And how do you interview around one word answers? I am glad she has at least heard of Venezuela.
- Michael Higbee: Two retards destroying each other’s final brain cells
- Justin Brooks: Your bad at stalling while you read too.
- Django Fett: "We havent had a free market for 100 years" There is no such thing as a free market. There never has been. Its a libertarian myth. Its a talking point for people that don't like complexities and flock to reductive arguments.
- Dennis Perrie: I Feel dumber for watching this. The info wars girls was obnoxious. the socialist girl was not interested and Childish and the host is a tool who has got excited over nothing. Please stop.my brain is sore now.
- Colin Dunbar: whats going on in venezuela isn't actually socialism it's a dictatorship
- Whatster87: Where is the damn video fuck
- Denis LaBelle: Kyle Kulinski you suck and your show is garbage. Infowars didn't get owned you fucking turd.
- healthyfire: this is a douche on douche crime
- rattlesnake survival: 😂
- William Fitzpatrick: +Nick Switchblades I sense the butthurt in you. If you want to delete your comments here I will be the last one to blame you.
- GraphiteBlimp: Her attitude is perfect. She’s so done with this shit, but never sounds abrasively pretentious or condescending. She just can’t believe what’s happening and sleep walks her way through the conversation and STILL pwns. Love it.
- wirelesmike73: I like that she starts with, "I don't really wanna' do this" and then is just like... oh well, fuck it, let's go "Eat the rich". Nice. and never once missing out on what seems to be an amazingly tasty drink. Yeah, those "liberals" are real savages, huh? lol
- dan sanchez: One percent of America is politicians. Free healthcare does not exist in any country. That is hilarious.
- George Savino: That girl was retarded in a sailor outfit.clearly a mental patient.
- Vladimir Lenin: Omg i love her voice UWUWUWUW
- thomjames66: Has a smart phone but is unaware of Bernie being rich, is dressed like a little girl and is sucking down a pricey beverage, Troll job or just another 1st world commie cosplayer
- Jake Bennett: Efon Ekpo so because he has money you have the right to take what you think he doesn't need. What if he wanted to use that money to pay for some experimental treatments that we're to save his kids life. I guess the overall point is you know that's it wrong it doesn't make it more moral that the guy you steal from has plenty. He didn't steal it and you shouldn't justify your immoral want to take his money to pay for things you think to be moral.
- Grumpy: The Info Wars people are such fucking dorks.
- Angelo Basso: +Personal Information I live in Toronto and it isn't great here. Where are you?
- rattlesnake survival: That insult is real original
- William Pina: Go to any side of a god damn freeway and you will see people incamped next to rats in god damn capitalist USA..
- Kevin Hill: yeah but if she was right about that fact it would have been luck. but you're right about the infowars fans. and you're right about using a fact out of context for their narrative. and also the thing about Bernie owing 3 million dollar homes, shows they're not above lying, but you already knew that
- Scarlett Cunningham: dmt Loves the sound of his own voice. The OP was making fun of the interviewer not actually making the claim. I'm sorry but socialism is much complex and nuanced than the dictionary definition you just gave. So much so, I'm not even going to try to refute your understanding in a youtube comment. Lasting thanks for explaining single payer healthcare, as a Canadian who pays taxes and receives healthcare, I would have never figured that one out myself.
- The Stars Called, They Want Their Dust Back: >top 1% supports socialism >like who? >Venezuela is eating rats
- DeadBoyHK1: She sort of trolled them, but not very well. She basically came off as a pretentious idiot who thinks she knows something about the world... Oh and so do you buddy lol. By the way, Bernie style socialism would have been the same socialism that the one percent want... Because socialism is socialism, just like capitalism is capitalism. Just because Bernie preached something good, doesn't mean it would have turned out that way... Just look at how things went with Obama lol.
- Oswald Thatendswald: The Iranian Liberal No, because I don't believe the entire country is comprised of educated voters for one, and second why don't you flip it around and imagine being a liberal in a Midwestern rural town while the Republican states of New York and California decide every election and there's nothing you can do about it because your state doesn't even have half the population. That's why we give each state votes based on population. So that the small states have as much say as the big states and everything is fair throughout the country.
- Erieca Lee: The mistake you're making is hanging yourself by saying she trolling. Honestly, how is she trolling?
- Ryzearn: Lol there isn't a thing as free someone is always paying for it free healthcare means higher taxes
- James Die: I think "eating the rich" comes the saying, “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.” And, freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote, including the right to healthcare. I'm a crazy libertarian though and would resolve the issue with a social dividend that would be enough to satisfy everyone's basic needs as a baseline income and it would be far cheaper than a singlepayer system and doesn't require interference in the free market. Here's an example, the koch brothers study said that the singlepayer system would cost 32 trillion over 10 years. There's 135 million people in the poor and middle class. That's 23703 for each person every year. They could easily buy health insurance with that amount of money if it were directly sent to them instead. Here's another figure: between state and local governments and the federal government approximately 1 trillion is spent on welfare programs. That is enough money to directly send $23,201 per year to each of the 43 million people living in poverty. It's anti-socialist socialism. :) Well people will you call you a communist, but keep in mind that this was advocated for by Milton Friedman. It resolves the contradiction between the left and the right.
- Raven CoLe: Kevin I don't agree that is that issue. The problem with "if you don't like leave" is that mere fact that you have the same right to be in the country as whoever is telling you this has. Furthermore, if there is something that you find wrong in a country you have every right (probably even the duty) to fight to solve it. That is how countries evolve. If you bow down to authority or leave, things will never change.
- showlogicprod: Truth Seeker You need to change your moniker to bullshit seeker. Meanwhile, you don't even mention all the bullshit the info wars gal spewed? Geez, clown, get a life.
- Randy Boone: her mother passed Lee drank an awful lot of alcohol when she was pregnant with that girl..
- Fishaman: Infowars is only interesting when alex is screaming and turning red
- Sho_Nuff': so the cosplay dumbass won that argument? I don't see it. socialism is garbage. change my mind.
- Traski Traskola: I’m in love. That lady was gorgeous😍😍😍
- Andrea Roll: how come they always pick venezuela as comparison and never Germany or Sweden? free healthcare, lower crime rate, lower firearms incidents, lower police violence. last time i checked germans weren't eating rats.
- sabin97: +hooptie. socialdemocracy(what they have in the nordic countries, for example) IS the socialism of the 21st century. the for-profit health insurance scam they have in usa is extremely inefficient. it leaves people in line for lifesaving treatment so long they die, and not just that but it also creates medical bankruptcies. usa pays more than any other country per person per year for healthcare. and your quality of healthcare doesnt even crack the top 35(for the 99%. the 1% gets the best of everything, everywhere, so they dont count). costa rica has better quality of healthcare(for the 99%) than you. let that sink in. costa rica.... venezuela isnt socialist. venezuela is a plutocratic dictatorship. where the rich capitalist friends of the dictator and the dictator have everything, and the people have nothing.
- spikedwk: Lol, so one of them askes the wrong questions and the other one literally advocated for the murder of POC....and this channel sides with the murderer? Wow lol. Typical lefties, violence is okay when you do it.
- Jackie Es: would like to see more dissing infowars. It needs to be flushed.
- zevyzev ness: How the fuck is she “trolling” Liberals get crazier everyday....
- Mark Boon: Infowars "reporter" in being an amatur shocker. Loved when she paused to take a sip of her drink. Zero fucks given.
- Jack Holland: Of course the one percent support socialism, that's why they supported Bernie in the Democratic primary
- Patinho: There was no trolling here at all. Ridiculous.
- Ib f: Could I get a footlong blt please? Subway: what kind of bread ? THEY EAT RATS IN VENEZUELA!
- M K: +Personal Information care to elaborate??
- May the Science be with You: Jocelyn Russell Deplorables who voted for Trump also want socialism only for themselves and see everybody else get fucked over. That's why they voted for him. It's called "National socialism". It's what right wingers are all about. They just end up crying when they get fucked instead of those whom they wanted to see fucked.
- randy bobandy: Chris Johnson Triggered.
- Shelly Miscavige: The girl was not being a troll. She was as stupid as the interviewer. And Bernie is NOT the poorest member of the Senate
- psrandz: There is no such thing as free
- Todd: Infowars didn't stand a chance here. That was awesome. Another blonde bitch... Jesus! And brain dead as usual. Btw, it's ok for Trump to have multiple residences but not Bernie huh?
- Betty Pickle: I like tacos
- Moana: Yeah its socialism that Venezuelas problem and not their asshole dictator. Theres not several other socialist countries that are happy and striving. Not at all. We'd all eat rats.
- THUMBSUPBITCHify: Only true if you accept TV as real
- Nick Soapdish: Huh. All I saw was lame ass responses to lame ass questions. I'm no fan of socialism, but I don't like these gotcha tactics either.
- Aetohatir: Venezuela isn't socialism. It's more communism than anything else. Please. Words mean something
- martinteel: We should eat the rich, Chris Christie could feed a family of 6 for a month
- ryan e: lol now that's a real troll
- insomnom nomnia: Errrong!
- Y: +FeministKilljoy you were probably born before december 31, 1991
- jacob Fonseca: That girl did troll info wars good for her
- Andy: I love how info wars always lines socialism with dictatorship. They're numb-skulls, or are playing dumb. Any form of government can become a dictatorship if there isn't the right amount of democratic assembly, and laws to limit one from rising.
- 04dram04: What’s ironic is Alex Jones lives in a mansion
- Mr Temporal: Neither of them seemed very tactful
- cokerockstop2: Lol talking to info wars is like talking to a wall. They will never admit they are keeping the status quo afloat.
- Oakleyworld: Wheres the rest?
- James Biggers: Yup yup very confused
- MissVontease TS: Continued Wisdom Lmfaoo you wrote a bunch of trash. No my solution isn’t to force anybody to do anything OTHER than to use our taxes that we already pay for for things we actually need not for more militarization. Also Venezuela was never a democracy so no it’s not the same in any way, and the way he got in power wasn’t the same as someone would in the USA. Please open a book seriously it doesn’t take much.
- Daniel Garcia: lmaoo I like the girl with the hat
- bearjew: A bratty sarcastic, smug pretensious woman wearing a beret. Hero of the new left.
- Adam Blade: @DonCDXX @4th Dimension "It's not real socialism when it doesn't work!!" Have you ever thought that maybe, if it never works, it's exactly because it's not meant to work?
- qvistus82: I want to fuck that woman. She's just my type: smart, sassy and looks like a schoolgirl.
- Kevin Bryant: healthcare isn't socialism....she doesn't even know what her side's stance is. lol. Keep eating your ice cream sweetheart. Then move to a Scandinavian nation.
- rikiwakwak: Are you an idiot?
- KnightofZero00: Why is that girl dressed as a Japanese high school girl and I liked her nonchalant attitude lol
- JGLhello Lovell: He has two homes is all .
- JJ Jnks: i never understood why North americans always talk about the politics of latin america, we had enough with your CIA shit messing with latin governments, we called that attitude "barsa culiao" in Chile, nobody his asking for your opinion, bet latin america would be a better place without North american sticking their nose in other countries politics, nobody is asking for your opinion, you can have your own politics, the majority of people doesn't give a shit what you eat (cause we have to eat the same), jeez... 'muricans'... get over yourselves...
- toordog: As much as I hate info wars that girl didnt troll anyone, she actually sounded extremely ignorant.
- Brit-Flick Reviews: “It’s also the same thing every body in the UK says.” Hold on their Kyle...
- Personal Information: DubDanTV where I live the free healthcare is great lmao look at this confirmation bias right here
- Ben Zun: Both those girls are idiots. I want health care and socialism. Contrary logic.
- Night Moose: no the infoWarrior got owned, actually
- Philip Anderson: Jeezsuss, I cannot fathom why you people don't get this Free shit is a lie, it comes out of your pocket one way or another. Google sells your location & intrest history. Marxist sell your body into prostitution/murder. The *Free* is a Lie
- Steven Nodlehs: The problem you have is that 99.9% of America - including the majority of alternative media outlets - don't have a clue about what socialism is and seem to think that socialism is communism. This is most apparent when you point out to them that the US military is the largest socialist employer in the world.
- CC&Z: I am not sure why they pulled. Nor am I even sure if they pulled it. And neither is TYT by their own admission. But the ditzy latte sipping socialist is the one who got owned.
- xhizors: I love that chic too. She is hot and smart!
- David Warschauer: @tmcleanful : alex jones is a fraud
- Brian McGuirk: If you pay for your healthcare through your taxes you'll get it for everyone at the point of need for less than half what you pay now. This girl is right. Ignore all the brainless comments which focus on her clothes, or looks or cool delivery. She is simply correct and so many object simply because she's female, pathetic.
- Sean Armstrong: @Insight "The only real answer is to reconstruct the current health care system to where it's not allowed to charge $500 for an aspirin." => yes and no. You're certainly correct that high drug cost is a problem, but the reality is healthcare simply IS expensive. Even in countries such as Canada where drug prices are much lower, the healthcare cost is STILL expensive (on taxpayers) because it's just the reality. Fixing a broken human body is simply not an easy cheap thing to do. "When you can convince me that the person you're talking about in your example isn't asking for free health care because they can't afford it, as they're explaining it all to me in broken English while texting on their $800 Iphone, then we'll talk." => you're basically referring to the welfare state problem, which i also agree. But is every poor person fitting into your criteria? Hardly. Even if we were to be generous and say...50% of the welfare recipients fall into that category, that would still mean the other half who genially cannot afford medical care. and i hope you do realize refusing to address the problem at hand would only convince me that you: a) don't have a solution and/or b) don't give a shit about the vulnerable populations
- Mikey Raymond: I don't think you know what trolling means either. I just saw a leftist not being able to answer simple questions. I guess she was pretending to be stupid. But it's hard to gauge.
- burke gregory: Free? Free what? What in life is free? This bitch is a champagne liberal. iPhone in one hand latte in the other asking the country to go to waste.
- Maria: Mike V it does in Australia hunny
- TheExtravagantMule: "yea but venezuela" - idiot
- Thee BlueKing: Stop finger banging the garbage disposal, and what are you talking about.....
- truthbetold459: Kyle, please stop. It is impossible to have a civilized argument with people that ignore facts and instead they use alternative facts.
- selflrnr: Hey! Don't differentiate, it's too abstract for infowars.
- Richard Porter: Both these girls are idiots. Anyone who thinks the Sanders supported trolled them....is an idiot. Nothing secular about this channel
- usucdik: hhbbc, so because she isn't used to creating completely ridiculous propaganda pieces with live interactions, she should be excused? Yeah, she rarely does it, so why get on her so much? I mean come on, the poor lady was out of her element. She shouldn't be held to such a ridiculous standard of not shilling for insane right wing conspiracy theorists that can only resort to bashing people they don't understand. Judge her on her usual "I'm a cute right winger" content and lack of intelligence.
- ghostryder94: I was away, but you made me come back to tell you to fuck yourself. Im no AJ fan but that screwball little bitch didnt outsmart anyone.
- James Primavesi: Venezuela is a poor and corrupt country. There are lots of poor and corrupt countries with both left and right wing governments. It’s a biased example with no relevance to America or anywhere else. You could just as easily come back and ask about the Scandinavian countries, which tend to have a socialist system but are among the richest and happiest countries in the world. That would be equally irrelevant. I am not in favour of socialism myself but attacking it by using Venezuela as a case study is just stupid.
- pez: Why do Americans just think socialism is when the government does stuff? Jesus Christ
- hooracio larios: Jon MacDonald we werent like that before , we had militarty dictorships who the us support by giving them money and weapons to keep people in control. They killed a lot of innocent people whom opposed them, thats why almost all latin america had civil wars.
- RevucumberTechUSA: How was that a troll? She sounds like an idiot.
- Dewayne Smith: Ok let’s get the 1% straight . If your combined household income is 400K you are in the 1%. Anyone can get into this so called 1%. The issue is rich people buy assets and poor/middle class buy liabilities. Secret to building wealth is multiple streams of income besides your job.
- Marcus W: Lol she’s your typical rich white hoe
- jam: Am I living in an alternate reality? A lot of countries aren't socialist states whilst having free healthcare. Did everyone forget about the UK?
- Truth To Power: Matthew Van Helden:👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 USA! USA! USA!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
- Eric johnson: She is what is known as a Boss NPC. I want the government to pay for healthcare. Boop, wait citizens fund government? Does not compute! Self- destruct.
- Night0wll: Thanos 2020, he wants better health Care for all!
- Samus Aran: This has to be Top 5 Secular Talk farts: 7:02
- Rob D Rich: Right wing mindfuckers.
- byron caple: Who is she!!!! Wow I'm very turned on, she has a Brain and I Love it !!!!
- Ak47ak74 Ak47ak74: How’d she own them? She got owned her self idiot
- Jeff Beck: "corporatism isn't competitive like capitalism" WHAT!???? Corporations are the biggest capitalist s on wal street. they're a byproduct of the capitalist system so CUT THE CRAP 😡
- Lachlan O'Neil: The health care thing is fine, day care, college fine but the tax isn't so now how are you going to get the money. The reason the tax isn't fine is because it will fuck the economy from the bottom up(alot of lost jobs).
- RomanSpanky: WHITE KNIGHTS have joined the server.
- Fastrocket37: Liberals do know that nothing is free right? “Free” healthcare means higher taxes for everyone which makes it free only for people who don’t make money.
- Ric Schmeelk: Like we'd suddenly go from having a Starbucks and McDonald's in every town to eating rats. LOL
- Ben Larrew: Dude she learns all her talking points from AJ! He was saying the same things to Bernie Sanders in his airport ambush.
- Quintyn G: Too eager is all I think...
- Casper Skitzo: Your likes or better your dislikes shows how people feel 😊
- TheBraunMachine2011: LOL, this was great haha, anyone else think that girl was cute?
- Jc JA: Wtf does Venezuela have to do with USA? LMFAO😂 They eat rats..we eat burgers. What a retarded question.
- rakkatytam: Love how she is dressed in a Donald Duck sailor outfit while giving this interview.
- NOT SO SLIM JIM: Big Gargantuar liberals are too dumb to know what it is to have a conversation or a debate. They believe repeating something, yelling, or playing the victim "wins".
- Derek A: Uh, I think InfoWars is ridiculous, but this girl you are saying trolled InfoWars is simply dense. You’re making out like she’s brilliant.
- jeremypemy7: Go work and get a job, create you’re own company do something!!! But support yourself do you think you are entitled to my money to pay for your school/healthcare ANYTHING! You lazy ass socialistsz
- Boogie Boogs: Or 'dummying'.
- Nathan Davidson: I'm not sure what you mean by trolling. This video is just two retarded women struggling to have a conversation.
- Gooniegoogle: Ryan Madsen having morals doesn't preclude the ability to capitalize on ones skillset. On the free market, they would have the ability to help the poorer people with probono work and charity if they wanted to. You want to force those morals on them, regardless if they want to or not. Im okay with there being a governmental option. But people need to be in it willingly. They should have the right to ply their trade as they see fit if they want to. They shouldnt be forced to work for the government making far less than they would otherwise. As with most things, i believe the answer is somewhere in the middle, with compromise on both sides.
- Hentai Gawd: Was that Raven’s voice actor 😂😂
- ss: It must have taken Jones years to figure out they were trolled.
- Tom Cat: Effing clickbait! Inaccurate title and 9 min. of mindless rambling. Not one single source reference to back up ramblings either. I would rather have been Rick rolled!
- Lana Manchester: Why did I get my sentence scratched out?
- S A D L I F E: So why does she think socialism is good again? She just said free healthcare but I didn’t think Germany or UK was socialist, WEIRD DOESNT SEEM LIKE SHE MADE MUCH OF A POINT
- Dylan Klebold: Jeak Panthera Thanks
- Kleiny-ku: +Tenshi Chan at least the person I voted for doesn't change their views every 8 years
- Derek C: Anti-government protesters in Venezuela have been violently attacking people and hoarding food and supplies since the very beginning of this tumult.
- C L: This is just a conversation between two retards.
- LyricV: Neither person was spouting out mensa level answers or questions here.
- secludie: GAMERS RISE UP
- georgebushwack: If you're a popular, successful politician in the US, for over 30 years, you will probably have earned quite a bit of money. Just because Bernie would support policies that would help regular people does not mean he can't keep the money he has earned as Mayor of Burlington or US Senator.
- Zurround100: Isn't eating rats better than drinking champagne? Alcohol will kill you but at least rat meat has protein.
- Hirnlego999: I doubt that is what leads to dictatorship...it has more to with the coup effort during the Bush administration and of course this has to do with oil. When such a thing happens a cold war mentality kicks and and the government starts to accumulate power to itself rather than building necessary walls of separation.
- NPC #0180101: Well none of them was owning the other, she wasn't trolling her either, nice moronic title
- Wakil Ahmed: johnny roe she has a podcast called the red scare
- gn0m0n: https://www.talkspace.com/
- Zach Grajeda: Oh my god that infowars interviewer is "why? Why? Why?" It's like, "shut the fuck up, bitch!"
- shrivathsan margam s: This was disappointing. I was expecting an intelligent response differentiating Scandinavian Social Democracy from Socialism not something this unstimulating. Still, anything can make info wars look stupid.
- daimon hellstrom: That lady deflecting to Venezuela was retarded and made no sense. Just because Venezuela did something doesn't mean we need to. Why are they eating rats in Venezuela? Because their government is corrupt that's why it doesnt matter what you want to call it. A corrupt democracy is bad as well if everyone in the government is corrupt.
- Pipo Pipo: 2 People owns 3 homes makes 1.5 home each person;-)
- Ryan Grissom: I can’t get over the fact that her statement could be taken as him owning 3 homes, each costing a million dollars, or multiple homes that cost 3 million dollars each. It’s very frustrating.
- John Daedalus: +Y I hear ya. It sure would be nice if we could find a happy medium though, and I see A LOT of waste in so many government funded projects that I can't help but wonder if cutting that wouldn't get us there. The inneficiency of local government employees, construction crews standing around 70% of the time, unaccounted exorbitant military spending, not to mention already overpaid government officials skimming off the top...but that may be because I watch too much TV lol. Anyway good luck w your business and if we are to make such a change, I hope that it doesn't hurt entrepreneurs.
- Blank: Thank you!
- Ryan Johnson: I really like your commentary, but the interviewer won the duel, because the person she interviewed was dodging the financial side of the question. I don’t believe she was providing effective answers or trolling. Her calmness is easy to interpret as a lack of competence.
- TaskMaster2006: Love INFO WARS ! Kyle you are Funny !
- Michael Hayes: 2.56 "And number two is.....like...you're supposed to let the person you're talking to do most of the talking...." With respect and to mix my metaphors, dear boy you need to get down from your high horse, put down the stones, leave your glass house then learn how to correctly speak English. When you've done that before you even go near a camera write a script, you are incapable of off the cuff wit. Seriously though, I lean towards the left and I'm sick of self righteous, perpetually affronted and smug Wafflers such as this self appointed clown. Stop fucking talking shite dear America and (to use the regional vernacular) SORT YOUR SHIT OUT.
- James Crews: jhon doe What about corporate deadbeats? You know, farmers, oil company ceos all receiving corporate handouts from the government! But yeah, let's keep this broken healthcare system where hospitals get to overcharge people for medical care. Sounds good to me...
- Burako Shimazaki: I’m in favor of eating the rich of America. Then again they look gross.
- The Progressive Voice: Bernie does not have 3 million dollar homes. SMH.
- Progressive Perspective with Matt: Cumtown!
- Plaid X: The girl's name is Dasha Nekrasova I believe shes an actress.
- Bongo Boy: I like you dude, you talk truth
- Bolek Lolek: lmao you triggered a soyboy!
- Tom Prince: God I love her sailor moon outfit and beret - my kind of girl x
- TT_Nova Gaming: ...Really ask the people who live in these countries if it's beter care your a fool
- ubiquitousdiabolus: You want everyone to have free health care. No such thing
- zomski101: Simple, people that don't have healthcare are lazy fucks that don't work. Why should the hard working people pay for their hospital visits? Let them die, natural selection.
- Aidan Sullivan: I'll be honest, she seemed a little (or a lot haha) stoned and like she just wanted to be left alone to get high in peace. But I fucking loved her answers lmao
- Samantha: 1. americans are extremely poor as well BECAUSE of capitalism and the 1% stealing their labor. thats why americans are calling for socialism. its fucked up that all these middle class white people dont understand that poor people dont want to be fucking poor regardless or the social system in place. 2. its not real socialism if there's a 1% at all, is there? 3. it doesnt matter what political systems are in place, if there is power imbalances then people will be poor and and unhappy. man these fucking conservatives are thick. just say u hate poor people and go. guillotine the rich and their lapdogs
- WastingDeath: ...I'm in favor of eating the rich.
- Christopher Zimny: Is that ashtonbirdie?
- Septien Patterson: I'm with the girl in the beret; I'm eating oligarch a la mode
- marsnz: Ashton Birdie. This is a woman who would be jealous of Tomi Lahren's intelligence. Not a huge achievement to debunk this type of moron.
- doeboyelsancho: It’s quite pathetic how *trump Turds* keep failing at everything and keep blaming Øbama
- Zach: "Some douchebag right-winger on the street" yup, sounds like something Kyle Kulinsky would say.
- Wizard Guy: She's cute and wanted Bernie to win. I like this lady.
- max the cat: Mindless you have an Alex Jones tattoo for the ladies only? You are quite the nut job aren't you.how do you check the ladies IQ do you get their transcripts from their personal files?
- ImDemonWolf: +Path Evermore Well, clarify what your point was, if any?
- buyahhhhrooo: Both of them sound like idiots. What's the argument?
- Donald Brown: WOW ...Schneiderman is just like Harvey Weinstein abusing Women and Children maybe hes connected to the Clinton foundation of Child sex trafficking.
- Alex Rodriguez: Let's cap wealth at Bernie sanders level
- mazariamonti: This sure did bring in the Alex Jones audience
- rhys routledge: That was not trolling that was pure stupidity
- Dylan: Like...free health care isn't that hard to achieve.
- Alyssa saldana: Kawaii girl for president!!!
- Kevin Hill: yeah no. its not logical to leave a country where you're from and has a relatively better standard of living because you have issues with it. youre not bright if you think that. and people on the right have been using that argument for years so it is classic.
- regina v.: aaagagagaga! your sooo funny. not
- Jakob Remškar: American social democrats tend to romanticize scandinavia. Do you realize that the west can have welfare, work regulations, etc. under capitalism only becouse Africa,Asia and South America are expoited af? Under capitalism there will always be poor people, wars, ethnical tensions... The interests of the ruling class (who hold all the power and can do whatever they want btw) are inherently coflicting with the interests of everybody else.
- Jaco Wium: Then there's also the possibility that you didn't (or cannot) see what she was doing. She was doing what every informed/educated person does when they realise they're speaking to mental midgets. Feign interest. Personally, I wouldn't have made that effort, I'd have just walked away from the peddler of moronic lies.
- Niche4Sure: That blonde hair reporter is not an Infowars employee and not an Infowars reporter. She does have a YouTube channel. But this person is not affiliated with Infowars.
- Aaron B Lingwood: Evil devil-person arsehole idiot Australian here. We've slowly been creeping toward the American model. We had single-payer but lost it a generation ago when for-profit private insurers were given mandate, reducing the buying power of medicare. A decade ago, we started taxing people for not having private insurance which saw the scales tip and the private sector having the greatest influence over pricing. Without a funding increase, Medicare is over-burdened. This has allowed the government to call for a co-pay and the eventual death of free healthcare. Single-payer is the only way to go. No substitutes or compromises.
- SCP: #1: The "reporter" for Infowars was kind of... well, she has a lot to learn. #2: Obviously she had the other chic cornered because "you have worms in your brain" isn't really an argument, and makes you sound dumber than the person who left you nonplussed.
- P Valdez: Brandon Toad, What triggered you...was it the homo dad thing... or the critic of your nonsense?
- mike perrott: That was gold
- Neil Desperandum: What was trolling about it. Oh you disagree with the ideology. Why not just say.
- Shantorey Wilkins: #what
- Gaetano: “Can’t counter argue?” Ya..ok, Kyle. Go debate your rubber bullet proof ideas with Molyneux.
- Yaash: That was a really good rant at the end.
- Karl Palmgren: +Dave Hash well if you had universal healthcare like the rest of the liberal democratic countries does it wouldn't cost fucking 2 trillion
- Stephen Doran: This boys the biggest fucking idiot in this video
- Con Bon: Yo, this my boy's Adam Freidland's girl, Dasha, hell yea
- Dizmop: This is a bit of a reach,
- Carl Smith: Make Jeff Bezos pay for it
- crystal butler: Sailor Socialism!
- VforVallee: We have “free health care” in Canada... it’s an absolute joke... Implemented in the states with Marginally more population it would be a logistical nightmare. No I don’t support Info Wars... but electing Bernie Sanders would be an extremely bad idea in my opinion. Socialism is no good.
- Unidentifed Flying Object: God i fucking hate people who uses loaded questions all the time.
- Infinite Sheldon: Just like the military. And the police. And the firefighters. Whoa, look at all that Socialism.
- verdantforce: Wtf are you talking about this bitch is high AF.
- mystic mint: she sure "trolled" them
- X-101: That blond has autism so yeah
- PagmsSilver: left making stuff up again
- Borax Kid: Why would you monopolize healthcare? the quality will inevitably go down if it goes public because of the absence of competition, simple econ. Oh I forgot, for socialists, this is already too hard to grasp lmao
- Lzrdkng ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄: Socialists are cancer
- Black Manta: Ch33to Sesh I guess that’s why European parents bring their sick kids to the US for treatment. I think the main problem with you cucksicles is you think big bloated government, welfare, government programs, redistribution of wealth, etc brings people liberty. And you have things so ass backwards you think less government and free market capitalism brings tyranny.
- Chris Davis: fuck you socialist bitch
- Lomax: Wow, this was a shockingly bad upload. Pointless and stupid on every level.
- Trů Tela: Ha ha ha, free healthcare, ha ha ha. You are a genius, I have no doubts. Doctors work for free. 5 years of school, 4 years of attestation, and they work for free. Off course. They are not payed, otherwise how could it be free for us/you? Or is it payed by some another country? Yes, it is probably me, I do not get it... Sorry, I can't. I just want free healthcare :-D. OMG. You pulled that one from Cortez? I was born and still live in formerly socialistic country, so I have much more experience with socialism than Americans do, but it looks that you know much more about it, so please, educate me. Where made tavarisch in my, actually in any country mistake? Do not mistake free trade with later redistribution with socialism. It is as wise as calling a guy who lived one week ago on the streed and recently won a jackpot a "homeless man".
- Jon Garcia: yaawwwwnnn..all idiots
- Kevin Thomas: Was that girl not a character from clueless?? She was so brilliantly casual.
- IloveRyanGreasley: Try asking a Trump supporter to name ONE THING he's accomplished that would positively affect the economy or their own life, they NEVER have an answer, they just ignore the question, it's actually quite frustrating.
- Travis O'Hara: I dont think she even knew she was trolling. I like the try though
- GamingTV: she speaked new york :DDD
- dohomeybiskitb: “You people have worms in your brain” 😂 my thoughts exactly
- aaa: The best channel, whay better than TYT and PJW
- Sour Puss: Her failing at interviewing and resorting to repeating "venezuelans eat rats", I guess.
- Lucille: The government doesnt pay for things, we do.
- Wolf aiz: another dumb video.
- Impervious: +Raver. Do you have any substantive reply to the OP, kids? The video was done by Ashton (not Infowars themselves) and it hasn't been pulled (see below). It's been on YouTube since 3/15/2018. Why is Secular Talk lying in the title of this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Juf2wEVkorM
- Paul Ramone: Really? youre fucking under a spell.
- OhGeeGanksta: Meh, she didn’t do much. I would’ve really trolled them, so badly it’ll be used against me later. 😂
- Coco Brown: She’s trying to be the new Tomi 😒
- jerry saylor: You absolutely suck KK so sorry to stoop to to your level while calling you out for the trook are you cuck sucker
- LiquidSpiral: I'd propose to her.
- OldCrow Medicine: Uhm... Okay!
- Libertyjack1: 'That's what Hugo Chavez says"! Please tell that Einstein that Chavez has been dead for years.
- Johnny Potato: BillyBob Thorton, I didn't tell him to educate himself, I was repeating what John Meyer said. I translated: "read a book grandpa" to "educate yourself"
- Voice of Reason: My rat breeding business/restaurant is going to make me rich after the fall.
- juan carlos: Venezuela is in América.....untill europeans learn to love all of the western hemisphere they will never be considered real americans ....never
- Victory Jane: You’re making a much bigger deal of this than what really took place, she didn’t own anything other than maybe a chill pill. So dramatic!
- David Warschauer: @what ever : alex jones is a fraud
- lobster whisperer: The Infowars reporter sounds psychotic.
- reddaB: I love the girl with the hat !!
- CREvothegreater: so socialists support the not so mega rich......just the plain old really rich......theyre as stupid as those who support the elite....
- 11B NCO CIB: Have me on your talk show and I can counter every one of your major aguments. And can't we all admit that by being the poorest of all the senators yet still owning 3 homes doesn't represent the majority of people in this country. It's time we have real representation.
- Marxman: "They support corporatism, which is not actual capitalism" Capitalism works fine on paper, but in practice it turns to corporatism very quickly and inevitably.
- Oliver Kalamata: ...is this trolling now? It wasn't really that good. 😕
- Pixen: I believe that the reporter was just inexperienced, I don't think right nor left support that way of reporting. The reporter should've been prepared, to argue about socialist and etc. But the reporter just put one point out and doesn't even reason with the girl about the factors and effects of socialism.
- JK JK: I wan wat shes havin... the sensible one that is.
- J.D. Castellanos: I dont think there was any trolling there. Sorry..
- Angery Boi: She's the type of girl that would be on the job smoking, handling calls *and* my dicc.
- Mark Mac: Why the fuck should you get free anything? Why not have free gas cuz you know it's a right. Get a job you worthless commie scum
- Earth's Lawyer AI: you are wrong. i am in favour of eating many of the rich. you need a strong stomach to keep kratom in, kyle. i'm disappointed in you over this.
- Yawn: Politics is a dirty game. Keeping people fighting over "sides" is an essential element to ensuring the waters stay muddy, the people remain dumbed down, and the politicians keep living the high life. "Bernie Sanders now has one thing in common with the millionaires and billionaires and other 1 percenters he so frequently attacked on the campaign trail: he now owns his very own summer home. Vermont magazine Seven Days reported Tuesday that the 74-year-old senator and his wife, Jane Sanders, have purchased a four-bedroom house on the shore of Lake Champlain for roughly $600,000. Jane told Seven Days that they had recently sold a house in Maine that had belonged to her family since the 1900s, and used the proceeds to purchase the new property, which is located in North Hero (population 803, as of the 2010 census). With this purchase, Sanders now owns at least three houses, the others being in Burlington, VT, and Capitol Hill in D.C. Sanders, an outspoken advocate for the working class who spent his 2016 presidential primary campaign railing against income inequality, remains one of the poorer members of Congress, and his net worth is among the lowest in the Senate. His 2014 tax returns revealed that he and Jane made $205,617 that year, the bulk of which came from Sanders’s $174,000 Senate salary. (Jane, who previously made about $160,000 a year as the president of Burlington College, retired in 2011.) Technically, Bernie’s salary places him in the top 4 percent of income earners, enough to purchase a nice lakefront retirement property with plenty leftover to buy “Feel the Bun” sandwiches from the local Hero’s Welcome General Store. (Vanity Fair, Aug 9th, 2016)
- Zachary Bushnell: Ares "They're eating rats!" God you people will say anything and call it "reasonable."
- ursa magick: David Warschauer. Alex Jones is a crisis actor.
- Zach: I cringed a little bit at the info wars gal but I cringed REALLY hard at the host’s forced laugh after the interview when the woman didn’t “own” the interview in any severe way. 👀 click baiting is one thing but the left’s desperation to be correct... that is another thing entirely. YIKES
- vespadano1979: That’s a pretty low standard of “perfection.”
- Christopher Lee: secuar talk liberal nimrods
- cullencullen: Was she cosplaying?
- Ryan McKay: Ashton whitty isn’t that whitty
- keylimedie: Definitely not trolling. Looked like a typical lib.
- NEprimo: Because the infowars argument was founded on a specious premise, it's impossible to argue with someone when the field is poisoned from the start. They're entirely loaded questions, I had hoped people would understand why this is funny without having to explain it, but I suppose you're an example of why other people may think the interviewer's argument was persuasive.
- Iyiouseismouse: US is a democratic republic. Korea has a democratic republic as well... maybe comparing countries in this way makes no sense after all. Now if you will excuse me I have a rat in the oven.
- Saftig fyr 62: French looking girl is high AF. 420
- DarkMushroom Speaks: that infowars babe is too excited, i would destroy any bernie supporter
- Lavia: Your lack of self awareness is amusing.
- Tony Rule: You'd think someone with a Polak surname would know more about the evils of socialism. But apparently, this one's a bit thick.
- Studio Dankster: 2 dumb cunts havin a mexican standoff
- Mia Monteverdi: Where can I find a mirror of the full, original video, with no commentary, just the actual thing itself? Was this 100% of the clip?
- Private Assman: owned conservative
- Gooniegoogle: We must have watched two different videos. The one I watched had two dumb asses. Ill be over here in the middle where the sane people are.
- Larry Wheels: They try and demonize the word socialism, when that info wars moron's parents are on socialized medicine, medicare at 65. I know I have it.
- Taqi Yasir: The US is the ONLY major western country which does not offer free health care and education. Its behind most of the developed world in these issues cause of dumb , moronic politicians a who listen to infowars.
- Thomas Washington: Lmao. I like how Vermont all of a sudden became the Hamptons. InfoWars is so garrrbbbaagggeeee
- Big Poppa Botch: saturnfan32x Canada's markets are more free than the US's, we're more socialist than you
- schwiggity: Dude there is no such thing as free. Everyone should pay for their own health care. Find a plan that works and pay for it with the money that you make when you go to work. Free just means that someone else pays for it. And it means the wait times will be astronomical, the quality of care will decrease, and the government will mandate what medicine we can take, what procedures are necessary, etc. there are too many negative consequences to ignore.
- Estivel Garcia: Are people eating rats in Europe and Canada because of single payer?
- &y Diaz: Wine and 1% a la carte, please.
- Satoshi Matrix: Why was Info Wars interviewing a cosplayer lol what did they expect was gonna happen.
- Joshua Newby: Bernie Sanders is a social democrat, not a democratic socialist; it's just that the US's political system has shifted so far to the right that a social democrat internationally is viewed as a democratic socialist in the US. A social democrat supports applying socialism to a capitalist system along with heavy regulations, a democratic socialist supports creating a liberal socialist state through the system of democracy.
- kalen seymour: The rich don't pay taxes and the poor don't pay taxes the sole supporter is the middle class you are a shill.
- Tom Lennon: It’s not that they have the “right” to free healthcare it’s that the government is the elected representative of the people. The people can afford to buy the healthcare system with their taxes and provide healthcare for for a fixed rate (paid through taxes) rather than letting private companies run a competition and charge as much as people are willing to pay for healthcare. Example, you and 10 buddies by coffee from a coffee machine every day for 5 dollars. You’re spending 50 dollars a day on coffee when the machine costs 200 dollars and the consumables cost 10 dollars a day. You could club together, buy a coffee machine and agree to pay 3 dollars a day each for coffee. After 100 days you will have together paid 3000 dollars which would pay for the coffee machine and the consumables and have 1800 dollars left over, even though you have saved 2 dollars a day. With that you can reduce the fixed 3 dollar rate or pay for a better coffee machine or give your pals a freebie when they’re broke. It’s also an ethical issue because the natural competition of capitalism increases the quality of the service. However do you want companies “capitalising” on the fact that your mother is going to die without treatment. If you know you could save someone’s life with a 100 dollar drug, but you want a flat screen so charge 1000 dollars. If they did it to our faces we wouldn’t stand for it but because they do it to spineless politicians behind this cloak of formality we don’t see it.
- Ev3ryDay1sL3gDay: love it when he does that : 7:04
- Lori Buchan: Either it’s a slow news day, or you are way too easily entertained. Trolled to perfection? Wow.....you yourself make zero sense.
- Arnold Duran: thats long pause . . . "but im talking about america🤨" hahaha omg that was the best comeback ever! that "reporter" literally scanned the crowd - mostly likely picked the person she felt was going to be an easy target that she can shove her words in to their mouth. According to her logic- every socialist is for the rich and the 99% eating rats - and every democrat and republican is also the same - respectively. if you associate with one political party then automatically you have the exact same views and dont have a personal political opinion
- Army of Ninjas: XeniteBlackthread It's Kung Fur. Fail.
- TimeTrap Productions: Bluuuuuueberry Beret!
- Natalie Parish: That "reporter" is an arsehole. So unprofessional 🤦 this is not your calling bruh
- Richard Rodriguez: I agree. This wasnt an own. This was like...okay? She clearly had a question, albeit not a good one, but it wasnt answered. Socialism doesn't mean just free health care. Canada has free health care but is right wing. The UK has free health care and it isnt a socialist country.
- Evander Holyfield: She dresses and acts like an idiot.
- realitycheck2001: She was so damn funny.
- 37OHSSV O773H: Cringe infowars
- Adib BehrooziTV: Gurp K that was savage but true
- LGTH: what was the troll?
- DJC DJC: Virgin much?
- anti-anti anti-anti: Trolling? Hmmmm clutching at straws, I think she just really didn't have anything to say, or an intelligent opinion. A lot like the host.
- Armin alamdari: Limitless Potential Technologies Inc. triggered middle age man. Go cry me a river.
- T D: Actually you don't make sense.
- Dave Hash: "You do know the government of Venezuela drinks Champagne every night while the people eat rats" "I don't care I just want free healthcare ". Well she can use her free healthcare to kill the many diseases eating rats brings to people. I dare the left to name one country socialism has worked. I'll wait.
- tmcleanful: Lugmi - Honestly not trying to insult you, but are you on the autism spectrum? It's very simple - you go to see a doctor, and they tell you you've got 15 minutes to address one symptom. Sorry to burst your bubble - LOL this is fascinating I bet all kinds of Americans sick of the insurance system look at Canada and think it's the promised land. That's tragic.
- MacG: Just because you were stationed in a country doesn't mean you know jack shit about it, captain Jack. Merkel hasn't even been voted out, dumbass. US truly sending their finest overseas, jeez...
- Tyler Frankie: This comment section “The left...”
- Darren Holt: Nothing is free.
- Callum Scott: America might be a fucking shit hole right now, but don't compare Venezuela to America. That's ludicrous.
- Kyle Mattson: this was not trolling at all.
- Nick Esasky II: That dumbass Sailor Moon looking excuse of an "informed citizen" trolled herself by just simply speaking. To defend that and to perceive her statements as "winning", well that's society losing right there. Can not formulate a single home brewed original thought....
- Overkin: Eating the rich actually would solve world hunger. If we keep eating the top 1%, there will be no more poor people.... only a rich man
- JabberCT: That girl was awesome. Right wingers are so dumb. They think every nation uses the exact same style of socialism lol. And Bernie Sanders is the POOREST member of the senate. Wow, infowars is the definition of fake news. How pathetic that people fall for this shit.
- Shinsuke Hawkman: she's adorable
- Weston White: Did anyone else think she meant “$3,000,000 homes” instead of “3, million dollar homes”
- Lewis Jones: zanthium z who’s AJ
- Michel Guev: Overtax the rich and they will just move to another country,free health care mean to gov decides what care you get, when you get it and you have no say they make the rules and you shut up and wait, while the rich have private clinics and hospitals and Doctors. i wanted 6 hours for a medical evaluation thats not payed for by gov for my drivers licence cost 85$ the last time i went cost 200$ in private clinic wait time 1 Min to tell them who i was.
- Humberto Flores: Are you serious?? How did the infowars chic did not see that coming... she's was like are you serious?? Ok here we go. But u asked for it lol
- gooker: nice seifuku
- Satheesh Chandra: why is this idiots video in my suggestions..??
- Y: both of them seemed like utter imbeciles, maybe its because the sailor girl was stoned but she just looked really stupid
- WebMaster Ultra: The French beatnik LARPER has rocks for brains. It’s pretty simple.
- Micheal Carver: The amazing friends of the liberals. https://youtu.be/tutghiXpLGk
- Democrazy!: Venezuela is not a good example of socializm look at Norway and Germany they are doin a lot better than the USA. The reason why all that happens in venezuela are the economic hitman tactic of the US against them to force regime change but yeah that are americans they now nothing like jon snow
- Rajat Sethi: This is probably my hundredth video where I saw the right wing media, reporters and conservative people not liking the idea of Socialism. Why do the americans freak out about this nice term? Socialist principles are the best for a country's overall development and prosperity if nicely incorporated with capitalism. Look at the world's best countries with the highest living standards e.g. Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Iceland, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore etc. These countries aren't 100% socialists but they run their economy and society with a nice balance using socialist principles. Some americans really need to get themselves educated about it. Sad how people make a big monster out of something very nice just cuz of ignorance. A country like the USA where 50% of the country's wealth owned by top 1% elite people and middle class is border lining merging into lower and poor class. The bottom 50% people own only 0.5% the total wealth. It's just ironic to see most of those working class, middle class (conservatives) and bottom 50% of the people freaking out about socialism while it's the only thing that can provide them a much better life with health care and free education.
- Huzaifa Ahmed: The US backed fascist coup and the lying corporate media are a big factor Listen to Abby Martin's podcast with Rev Left radio
- Mark Daken: This video is still up on infowars
- Popo Bawa: Damn straight the truth hurts! That's why I respect it, it doesn't care what anybody wants, plays no favorites. In any case, focusing upon your interlocutor and their "feelz" reduces complex issues to being a mere personal contest, instead of actually planning and running a society.
- Katie McKenzie: I hope America gets a tax funded health care system like the NHS but run more efficiently
- Eric Gatlin: Bernie is a damn hypocrite fuck this punk Kyle it's not our fault you bastards are so dumb, let's have free health care and free everything we will tax our rich and our own people before we try to re negotiate bad trade deals with other countries. Liberals make their selves look stupid no ones fault but their own. You say conservatives have no talking points well what do you got, "O Trump is bad" that's all you got, but Trump is making you look bad. If you don't wanna sound stupid don't walk up to info wars and open your mouth It will fuck you every time. And Bernie is corrupt when have you ever seen a rich socialist that wasn't?
- havtor007: +Phillip Ramsey Depends what you mean with healthcare companies as private sector will still exist. IT does not mean that it just goes away it will also help the private sector as they can get medicine and equipment and other things for a price that is real and not stupid high.
- Curt Christensen: it is sad that so many out there are not capable of discussing issues without sounding like angry five year old brats. as for me, I have better things to do than waste time with lefties who are foaming at the mouth
- Watch Destroyer: Triple D Nothing wrong with being rich! Nobody needs to inherit $50,000,000,000.
- M Rhodes: If that counts as a troll, the socialism crowd couldn't come off as more desperate for a win. This "defender" comes off as a completely uninformed idiot. Infowars has tons of these sort of interviews and this one is below blase.
- Carpenter Patriot: Seriously ? Your post reminds me of a old Saturday Night Live sketch from years ago...it was called "Lowered Expectations"...dude raise the bar...lmao...at best she's OK looking until she speaks then she gets REALLY ugly...bahahaha
- Dr Downtime: Your not entitled to health care. You don’t have a right to other peoples labor.
- MrBeaux: I hate when channels put in a clickbait thumbnail for a ten minute talk about a minute long clip. I just wanted to see the damn clip, I don't give a shit about the commentary.
- Armin alamdari: Jeff Gazetti we have more win, just wait, more on the way. You ugly bean head.
- Karl Myers: Didn’t seem like a troll at all. Seemed as though the person just didn’t know how to respond. No need to reach and over analyze a video. There are plenty of actual trolls to make a commentary on.
- Cider Yeti: What you are saying is that if a reporter had a CNN logo you would expect them to be representing MNSBC or FUAX News? What a fucking moron. Were you home schooled and the teacher never turned up? Could not give fuck one for the video.
- Ronnie S: And then the commentator guy is just grasping at straws trying to criticize something that's not there. There are plenty of more valid complaints or critiques you could make on different videos why did you pick the one that has practically nothing wrong with it?
- Lachy Roberts: That girl is my hero. How do you not piss yourself laughing when someone just starts screaming about Venezuela eating rats?
- zlistcelebrity: mike yeah apparently to stand up for middle class working citizens you have to make $25,000 a year.
- Antie Cuteness: +slevinlindsay Dude, I was joking. That's what all the emojis were, lmao.
- Chris: Q U E E N
- Callum Lyall: Is the blonde one a cheerleader?
- Kaycee Whitham: Wow did she own her? Just curious? They both seem clueless?
- Ryan Perrin: I bet Bernie happily pays a shit ton of tax on those homes
- ForaPhil: So a slightly retarded socialist who can't answer one question coherently is now considered trolling. You leftists keep lowering the bar for your people...
- Tipsy Viewer: She pulled an Eric Andre.
- Haitian Refugee: Why was Youtube trying to force this fool into my feed?
- tow truck: Yeah you're right that info chick was absolutely hard to listen to about as hard to listen to as you how in the hell do you have over a hundred thousand subscribers
- East Wood: Trolls them to perfection? I think I just got trolled clicking on this lame video. Thousands of hours of INFOWARS and this is the best you can do?
- William Fitzpatrick: +FlippingTables WithMyDik i'm a conservative but your username and profile picture make you look like a weird ass pedophile, fuck off from our movement
- Fisher: People have the right to take care of themselves...
- Kaugh: Look out Cenk Uygur someone is auditioning for your job as an outraged buffoon. I think you're better than this clip demonstrates Kyle. Be brave enough to go against the current and follow truths wherever they lead.
- Demockracy: You're supposed to trash the condoms, Kyle, not wear them on your fingers #CondomsAren'tJewelry
- jorgensenmj: It was more like watching two people high on drugs talking about quantuum physics. Neither knew very much about what they were talking about but in their own minds it all made sense.
- Space Sim: imperator servat Yes 👍
- Drone Fly88: Yaaaas daaaarling...fuck her voice!
- PSVR 777: You people are so weird. How is this owning her? It's like you people think Hillary won the debates when in really she got destroyed
- manny: Hey Bernie Sanders you are the best man
- First Last: The girl just knows literally nothing and the interviewer needs to practice her questions.
- v: You consider this a win? 7:05
- True knowledge: Info wars ALL have WORMS IN THERE BRAIN. AWESOME LOL!!!
- kiki lopez: Venezuela is eating rats!! .. I just want everyone to have healthcare. Hahah i love it!
- Blitzkrieg: Sooooo who wants popcorn, ah?
- Ryan R: This is really a progressive's idea of being "owned"..... So stupid
- BTsMusicChannel: I remember when Rafe Tizer said, "I finally realized it! I am a fucking moron and a compulsive liar."
- Big Gargantuar: And you guys believe that instantly believing a certain thing makes you superior to everyone else. I mean look at you guys! Go to a pro liberal vid and conservatives get so angry like their 100% always right, but go to a channel like Stephen Crowder or Hunter Avallone where he is constantly childish and disrespectful and merely claiming that they're disrespectful or childish will get you a bunch of comments like "ShUt uP yOU SnoWfLaKE!!!" Y'all need to get your head out of your ass for real.
- richard alvarado: I just hope and pray some nitwit conservative media ass tries to ambush me so I can stomp all over them verbally. Notice that they always throw Venezuela at you......they'll never mention The Big 5 countries were social Democracy works like a dream....one of them is our northern neighbor ( the one that Trumpy isn't trying to build his silly border wall across ) and the other 4 are Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden. Free HC and free or at least good and very affordable public community college, university and trade school training for the blue collar skill trades. Isn't that just horrible LOL!!! Meanwhile here in the USA the student loan and health care Mafias have taken over our post HS education and health care systems. BTW they were eating rats in eastern Europe after the end of WWll and in many Latin American countries ( under American supported banana republic dictators) and China (China was divided up like a pizza by European colonial powers at the time) a 120 yrs ago before the Boxer Rebellion happened.
- Austin Carlson: Infowars1....stupid college kid 0
- I Lost the cat: What I think is funny is that she gives a direct answer to the reporters question as in she just wants healthcare
- Ihspwamh: Felix Desrosiers did you watch the video? She clearly said that. Both are grossly misinformed.
- qynsar: Socialism is a terrible way to govern. LOL There is no such thing as FREE anything !! Wow you people are idiots. All you people that want government healthcare, MOVE TO VENEZUELA !!!! MOVE TO CHINA !!! I'm happy that no one really listens to what you guys say.
- Scott: Notice how similar (i.e lacking in actual facts) this dude is with Cenk lol
- Frank Stan: Lmao is the interviewer Ashton birdie or whatever
- Sebastian Lund Nielsen: Socialism is shit
- A. Yusuf: That girl needs tell me him who her dealer is .
- nobillclinton: Blah, Blah, Blazie, Blazzzie. . .Traficant! Read learn something.
- Garrick Groover: Brietbart is bad, but they won't make articles about pedophile alien vampires.
- leo A: The US will never have Health Care. The country is too much in debt. Keep dreaming
- Cherish Shouldiers: Not a single person in the video knows what socialism is. ESPECIALLY InfoWars. They are morons.
- jon atkinson: Nothing is free. You Bernie people are idiots.
- haha: how do you have free health care?
- Hermann Fegelein: InfoWars got owned by a woman who was HIGH.
- JL-CptAtom: David Warschauer No it isn't. Reread the title of the video
- No Traveler Returns: Huh?
- Charles Price: Bernie was very big supporter of Castro. Maybe she has worms in her brain. Info wars isn't the answer either. Neither is Bernie. Health care system will never be free . not with Bernie ever.
- PersephoneFleur: What happened to your hands bb?
- james Jameson: This is the libtard idea of trolling?! Fucking hell, libtards are so weak and desperate.
- Drip meister: The interviewer is not organized or well prepared. The very richest people in America promote socialism, so the rich that will be eaten are actually the middle class, who generally come by their wealth by ethical means.
- Yokai: This comments section is alive with mouth-breathing Alex Jones' fans proudly claiming they are better at trolling than anyone else. I have to admit, they are correct: the modern alt-right is very good at being a nuisance while contributing nothing to debate, much better than that woman seemed to be.
- Im Bunk: I would be against the death penalty, but people in Venezuela are eating rats.
- Dreww Shirk: Government will pay for it? You mean tax payers? Lol you people are full libtards or what
- Patrick2345454: This simple-minded Bernie supporter thinks she has a right to other people's money... that's it. That's all she said. Sure, she is very cavalier about it, but it's not considered trolling (except by booger-eating retards who don't know what trolling is).
- sprybug: And doing a little more digging shows you this was AN OP ED by "The Valley News Editorial Board". HE DIDN'T SAY IT. Are you daft? Totally dense? Because this was on his site, right wing sites totally ran with it as he said it. EVEN THE ARTICLE I LINKED YOU explains this. OMFG. You totally lack critical thinking skills. And of course the first link you give me is a right wing site, and I trust those as far as I can throw a stick. BTW, nice mental gymnastics on Sanders praising Castro. It wasn't a praising of Castro, it was an observation about, as bad as he was, he did a few good things when it came to health care and education. FFS, man. My uncle who was a staunch Republican even once said that Hitler had some good ideas, he just went crazy. As much as I hated to hear that, when it came to a few things, sure, but overall he was a bad man, just as Castro was. What Sanders point was, for all the bad things he did, at least he was for a few good things, and even then, when he talked about his past statement, he was talking about how it's a mistake for the US to go in and invade other governments for regime change. FFS!
- getnasty08: “Heard of it” lol, love her. Dead pan humor.
- iCtrlz: Came to see some trolling but got catfished and saw mental sog. She was being apathetic. How can you be at a protest but can't explain what or why you are doing there to begin with? I mean, she looks like she made the wrong turn on her way to the Sailor Moon Convention. Lol *KimK voice- I just want free health care. How is that going to be paid for? *KimK voice- - Theft #Trump20
- SSJ- ROSE: and all you are is a retart on YouTube trying to troll
- Build The Wall With Liberals: Proving once again that to the Liberal whoever levels the best insult wins the argument. I guess that's why you guys use so many labels. Oh, and the video is right there on Info Wars, so you lied right from jumpstreet. Shocker.
- CHR07: She’s like a Scott Pilgrim vs. The World character.
- Khal Drogo: They both sounded pretty blind in heir beliefs
- M4rifleguy: Fucking liberals. Not even a remote smack down. Info wars is a joke but sailor moon was fucking brain dead. Wants free health care while she's in a 100$ outfit sipping on her 5$ iced coffee.
- Roostersnake: shit video. click bait. lack luster interaction sensationalized because you have a hard-on for INFOWARS.
- Sparky Firefly: TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Dylan Klebold: uncle ben Uhh no? 😂I'm not dumb Liking Socialism is dumb (;
- Driven2Beers: I have worm of mouth that Joe Walsh can verify everything the young lady says. (Not the vapid brain worm infested blonde, mind you.)
- mrmashedpotato: Jews want socialism for the women in this video so they can have all the money for themselves.
- Warmly Calculated: She was on Chapo Trap House's mid-term election stream! Dasha's a babe.
- theQuestion626: +Infinite Life well at least we can agree that Donald Trump is indeed not only an economic manipulator but also largely incompetent. However... I am not really seeing the connections between the Nazi government and the United States government... Because the simple fact of the matter is that propaganda comes from both sides government as well as Private Industry Private Industry also has a need for the government because it can greater guarantee a way to squeeze out competition which is exactly how monopolies and oligopolies come into existence. now as to the matter of whether or not American people are being a doctrinated... I would not dismiss such a notion as complete conspiracy theory however I will say that there is a great surge in political and social polarization in the last 11 years alone which is something to be expected given American complacency especially when faced with socio-economic crisis which America has been dealing with for 11 years since the stock market crashed last time. basically I don't think it's so much that indoctrination from the government I think it's big business as well as bought government taking advantage of Americans largely being incredibly complacent.
- The worms: She controlled the frame.
- James Hughart: Seriously, took 2 years to get something on info wars... bro don’t quit your day job...
- David Forrester: True he's the 19th poorest
- William Sullivan: Nobody got owned
- nature freak: So this is the best the left has to offer in responce to Infowars? Popeye's smug daughter? Rats? yes, it is true. Infowars is telling the truth. Popeyette has worms in her brain. Under the Madero regime people are eating rats to survive. What is happening in Venuzuaela is a black eye for the socialist movement, no matter how you spin it. Capitalism has its faults, but severe food shortages is not one of them.
- NeverbloomVenus: That blonde should leave it to Owen De”Shtroyer”
- E: That Libtard sounds like a retard from the valley . Valley Girl. Shlomo you are a fool.
- Pilfer Bean: +Harshit Madan Because Somalia is a good example of a nation that's entirely lacking in regulation and standard-making. That's why. And unfortunately for you libertarians, that's what your odd ideas promise. Depending on markets and the good will of the powerful to regulate themselves is the most naive and ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If corporate malfeasance is as great as it is today, under severe regulatory scrutiny, what do you suppose it would look like if there was no regulation at all? Libertarianism is respectable when applied to personal conduct in a supposedly free and open and secular Western democracy. I completely support that idea. You can't possibly extend it to industry and capitalism. These people will eat your children if it means profit.
- hadoken: What is this InfoWars-ripoff looking trash channel?
- Cheryll Thompson: I think the Infowars girl did a great job trying to talk to a brainless wonder that only wants things that are"free". I guess her parents never told her nothing is free. Whoever this Kyle is....you are a complete moron with no point.
- Chris Fields: " free healthcare" no such thing
- Tonia's Reviews: Neither of them made sense
- Joe Sudz: Nonya Bizness what?
- Izzy Woods: We wont have a poorer person for president. You cant run with no money. That was a moot point.
- Tomah St. Blaise: That blonde interviewer is just asking to be bitch slapped. Shes an idiot.
- Mr. Anderson: So......? How did Info wars get owned?
- Lee Perkins: What's wrong with a socialist living in an expensive house? Stalin had several large houses including, I think, a Winter Palace?
- William Fitzpatrick: "waiting 10 times as long" is the hysterical whine of the uninformed and isn't representated in the evidence whatsoever. It is patently obvious that in, say, Sweden, you wait far less for care and pay far less for your overall care vis-a-vis net expenses.
- Mike Larson: I'm so tired of giving shit for nothing. Not everyone deserves something for nothing. Healthcare is not a right. Just like driving isn't a right. Get a job. Most jobs offer health insurance. We are in this mess because of a moral high ground. People just want to feel like they are helping. That's why we have those somewhat socialist programs that have ruined us. Free stuff equals less drive to improve.
- Kryojenix: Hands up who's back here for a 2nd viewing and reading of the comments after watching The Progressive Voice's review...
- Dany Tiger: HOLY CRAP. This "show" is awful. Shouldn't have wasted all that $$ on Neon.
- Joe ghost: Bernie Sanders is a cancer on this country
- tonyfan3: Lol you have worms in your brains
- Mark Hunsaker: It's so funny that you put this person in the white outfit forward as an example of the intellectually enlightened. " I want to have free healthcare". As if there is such thing. You might get healthcare that you don't pay for yourself, but it is not free. Typical immoral socialist. I exist therefore give me crap. Quit mooching!
- Deaf And Destruction: yea lol
- Fukai Kokoro: Bernie Sanders net worth isn’t even close to 3,000,000$. So what the fuck.
- MrGoalie2012: Lmao this guy is a twat for even trying to defend democratic socialism lmao kys
- David Philologos: Socialism is evil.
- Dude Basset Bill: +Paul Smith that's bullsh*t. They produce as much beef as the U.S. I know people in the Royal Navy and Aussies that have been there. I live in a slum HERE, so let's clean up YOUR mess. As you've OWNED the HoR 20 of the last 24 years, it IS your mess.
- John Moseley: This woman has total star quality. I don't mean the Infowars journalist, if that needs clarifying.
- pyrothesenpai: Her voice is hot
- Brent Cromwell: I didn't know April Ludgate from Parks and Rec was based on a real person, she's the greatest.
- Miguel Cervantes: Infowars should be renamed idiocywars....
- Catherine Buckley: “Everybody else is wrong and dumb” - Republican Party’s motto
- Txia Vang: Infowars just lost their credibility...fake news
- Chuckzom: How did the woman troll them? Another lie from TYT.
- Friezsnake: Love it.!!
- gespilk: You never ask questions if a woman is dressed as a navy soldier. Her outfit shows that she is prepared to fight.
- Neo Count: In Canada I never get a bill when I go to the hospital. As long as you don't count hot dogs, I'm pretty sure I've never eaten rat.
- deadby15: Even if they have a 3 million house, so what? I’ve lived in NYC and Seattle and it’s like ANY house costs millions now if you want to own one. In stead of talking about how to solve the housing crisis for everyone, the right wingers find it suffices to smear the poorest senator.
- Source Light: Hahahaha she's the best
- Common Sense Supreme: She gave really dumb and unintelligent answers. The title was as clickbaitey and clichéd as those "Ben Shapiro owns feminists bla bla bla" videos. Also, I think you are too old to grasp the concept of "trolling".
- Ilmārs Belēvičs: there is no such thing as free healthcare!
- Shadow Fox: And she still made more sense than the interviewer.
- Joe Sudz: Central Scrutinizer again, you really shouldn't be talking about grammar bub. .....................
- ouchman2099: Video starts at 0:39 an ends at 2:36
- pgI0897: “The majority of the population are eating rats” 😆😂 omg the Right are hilarious.
- Pseudo Alias: The left don't know what trolling is and this show is garbage. Infowars slipped up when they picked someone to interview whom isn't simply misguided or uniformed, but genuinely does not care about politics. Read: being capable of announcing entitlement to free stuff does not require any understanding of politics, government, or economics. Infowars jumped the shark by talking to this smartphone drone, but she certainly isn't an elite troll.
- Poke Smot: This is what Democrats want ppl to act and be like I wonder if they will win in 2020..
- My Thoughts: There is no such thing as free healthcare, it has never existed , someone is paying for it somehow. The question is do we tax you more and put some of that money towards healthcare or we don't tax you as much but you have to pay directly if you have an issue.
- clashncruz: That woman has a terrible accent. Very arrogant.
- Fords and Family Fiascos: Really? Sailor girl sounded slow and uninformed. Socialism is in Venezuela and it's people are eating rats...but let's bring socialism to america so we can have free healthcare. Idiot's. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it.
- Billy boy Baggy pants: Communism sucks. Socialism rocks.
- Confucius Say: niginit no it is not a right. where is it written healthcare is a right? oh i already know your reply something along the lines "it doesnt need to be written its a right because thats what we do!!!"
- jlastre: Hey Kyle, I think many people are missing the point how spectacularly stupid the "reporter" is. You do not even need refute what the 1% support on a political philosophical level and they believe in an oligarchy. The "reporter" is claiming that the majority of Venezuelans support socialism ( I.e at least 51% because that's their government) therefore the top 1% support socialism. Her logic and math skills wouldn't get her out of middle school, she's that stupid.
- GobiLux: Every time a Kyle Kulinski video pops up on my feed and I give it a try I am left wondering why people think he is somebody we should listen to.
- skywalker: Just a new intern that screwed up. Infowars in general is great tho
- apple seed: the moment the interviewer brought up venezuela, and insinuate that how the 1% and its 99% over there, if its somehow be applied to the u.s, i just wanna spit my drink and laugh. first off why would you try to compare both countries which have night and day in terms of economic and a standard way of living. and better yet why try to compare it and apply that notion to bernie sanders which favours higher tax for more richer people and bigger coperation? but why is she even tries to brought up the "..% eat rats" what the fuck ia wrong with that interviewer. everything doesnt made any sense. damn respect to the cute sailor chick for not caving in.
- Diane Watson: I had such an awesome, beautiful day...and here you still are writing your retarded comments. LOL. Get a life Douche-to.
- Julian Gomez: I don't think he's supposed to talk within the boundaries your opinions are set in.
- Jonathan Becerra: Obvious clickbait. Where was the trolling? You're putting off people from your channel being so blatantly desperate for views. Moving on nothing to see here.
- ManBearPig: what is this babble I just watched the video its not pulled LOL the woman was not a troll just your average braindead leftist nutjob
- 1 2: Tried to redirect the failed government of Venezuela to compare it to the wealthiest country, which can support giving free healthcare. The 1% of Venezuela is made up mostly of politicians, while the 1% of America is mostly lobbyists and stock brokers trying to get rich on wall street. Kyle you aren't great at commentary, you said we shouldn't stereotype people by nations, which I agree, however you then stereotyped someone for their beliefs. Not all conservatives are trying to use everyone to get rich, same thing for the rich. People like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos use their wealth to develop the country, as well as the world.
- David Spaulding: Call it what it is. Creative stories that a 5th grader who was told the Da Vinci Code was a true story could tell better.... It's pretty sad when you lower the bar so far you make Rush Limbaugh look almost like a only slightly irrational nut job. And he only admitted that 10% of what he says is bullshit... and somehow the judge wasn't able to do math, either, because he still has partial custody... "Asked by his attorney Randall Wilhite to describe his life’s work, Jones said “I’m a radio talk show host and entertainer,” adding that he does “satire” and “combination news and entertainment.” Jones added that he estimates his show is “90 percent hard news and punditry” as well as “short films and comedy jokes.” He said those claiming it’s all an act “are trying to play a trick on people.”
- J K: troll to perfection? she seemed annoyed and wanted none of it by the end. That's opposite of trolling. She took it too seriously when she got upset. She started off strong with "im a socialist" and "i want to eat the rich" but petered out afterwards. I would've personally followed with "they eat rats in Venezuela? so they're already eating the rich over there" and proceed with rat human hybrid parody of alex jone's conspiracy. i dunno about calling my approach as trolling to perfection, but at least that is actually trolling.
- Abe Wan: Nipples
- AWiseCrow: sailor girl is a cutie, I like her voice.
- Jason Wooster: aww, a poor sad sack of shit loser is trying to insult me. you "anti-SJW" idiots are all the same.
- Jizzy Dipper: yeah she was being a bit condescending, usually the host does just let the interviewee talk themselves into a ditch. aha, stupid.
- Palpy: Coffee Goblin The sad thing is you’re genuinely stupid, but without taking drugs.
- Orlando Sanchez: If Jones pisses you off, then he's doing his job.
- MrMhtmht: Google Toxoplasmosis. You are whalecum
- John Mancinas: Fuck socialist fuck Bernie
- cookie22100: All very good tips fo debating here. Thank you Kyle.
- Tyko Brian: A. Yusuf tell me him? What's wrong with the one you're smoking now?
- theongreyjoy19: Ugly blonde rightwing vs cutie leftist
- Eric: All I'm saying, is that at this point isn't going after Infowars' arguments kinda a low-hanging fruit?
- SANFORD: Don't worry trump supporters will defend this
- Kevin Jones: OMG! That was so awkward and cringey.
- t_Error: dude like wow ok um just I literally can't even like, for real? are you serious? WOW
- Torii Dawdy: Sailor moon socialist is so cool!
- SusuSenpai: “Why free?” Bitch who the actual fuck DOESN’T want free health care ?!
- Pinshe_Loko: the constitution is to protect your rights not pay for them. the gov dont pay for my guns or my internet to talk shit under the first. so why should the gov pay for ppls health care? the true free health care is dont smoke drink and eat unhealthy.
- Collective Consciousness: David Warschauer You’d be right, because he’s (((controlled opposition))).
- Philip Stewart: Not trolled at all....she brings up valid facts and has nothing to say but healthcare and worms in your head.
- Melvin Luna: The vast majority of Venezuelans have jobs in the private sector, not the public sector. In fact a good 60 something percent of the economy is private run. The reason Venezuela is having an economic crisis is because the rich, who own the companies, are hoarding products creating artificial scarcity. The problem in Venezuela isn't Socialism, it's that they don't have enough Socialism.
- Ch33to Sesh: Five Hundred Lets see, Healthcare Almost every Western developed country has free healthcare and have one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
- j4b: Who is this guy? Terrible humor.
- Dallas Steele: oh wow, she REALLY owned her? is there something i’m missing? lol. fuckin click bait
- Dee Doo: I still don't get how she trolled them to perfection...
- FORANWFS: Anyone who sticks up for any political is a sap really ... They don't care about u and yr vote doesn't count .
- Renewed One: Nah, I think your biasness is showing here, Kyle, the "noob" as you call her didn't hang herself, and neither was she backed into a corner, yeah, the Leftist crackhead may have been cool, collected and self composed, but she came across as more of a stoner who blindly supports socialism because "free healthcare", people like that are airheads, morons who just want stuff despite the negative consequences attached, just because they get "free crap" Also, you completely misrepresented everything the girl said, this is why you morons on the Left are losing credibility everyday.
- touchtoomuch1000: This guy is a moron. That isn't some random woman, she is an actress. She had just given an interview on socialism in seventeen magazine. The countries she claims to be successful socialists are not. They are Nordic Model. They are not government owned businesses it is capitalist. They have the highest tax rates in the world that pay for so called "free health care" and "free education".
- ya yaya: mmm that little wannabe schoolgirl knows without a doubt that she is a master cock smasher
- RC Propaganda: I do not think that was trolling. But that info wars girl is def lame tho.
- Chris Turnblom: How was that glorious? She told them she wants people to have healthcare and that it be free. First off that's not even possible because even if resources grew on trees, people still have to pick them and hand them out and when you use government to mandate that it be given out, you are using force or the threat of force to demand labor, i e healthcare. She didn't school anyone. She never explained how this would work or be sustainable and we already had a system that was sustainable before government started socializing medicine. It's still somewhat sustainable but getting more expensive all the time. Once you mix price controls with the free market you get a cluster-fuck of bureaucracy and greed. ...you get the worst of both worlds. I think this just looked beautiful to you because we are so use to seeing supporters of socialism not know the slightest bit about the policies which they support. Along comes this woman who has seemingly, slightly better debating skills Than the one with the mic and prevented the Infowars reporter from making her look like a slobbering, brain-dead, drunk. That's a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned because if your going to support these policies you aught to, at the very least, know enough about them to do what this woman did. side note: Bernie is not the poorest member of the senate.
- The dark before the fall out: Not to be harsh bro but Lauren southern is a bad ass I feel like you watch TYT channel every morning to get yourself ready to talk. Cenks whole set is hard as hell to listen to and his build up from mumbling to slowly begin screaming his point is mind numbing. That girl who you're cheering on was a stuck up bitch. Seriously .
- gammm1: lnfowars clearly won that one... lol
- Elizabeth Givens: I agree with you folks completely. But, don’t call her a “girl”. She is a woman. A stupid woman, but still a woman, not a girl.
- worxharder: The left can't troll bro.
- sounddoctorin: I don't really want to do this...oh yeah sounds like she's gonna own someone. lol.... The 1% ...not necessarily though..yeah she's a newb. the UPPER CONTROL crust of the 1% are 'fabian socialists'...read up on their agenda... Everyone has a right to point a gun at someone's head to get health care for free. IDDDDDIOOOOOTTTTTTT Are you people paid to be stupid enough not to feature the stupidity..over the TOP stupidity of sailor girl??.... neither one made sense you fool!
- AT THE CORE: I'm a neo-socialist and I find myself thinking they're both dumb. Why are you entertaining this trash?
- Alejandro Cabrera: Perfect girls don't exi...
- Johnny Diaz: Lol this is fake it's Ben proven this guy makes half the stuff up .... All ways trolls slot of other channels
- M34T: You guys are morons..... You actually think the chick being interviewed said anything good!? Holy shit you people are too far gone.
- Babeto Said: Both sound stupid.
- Manny: poor people taste good when they are fried, it brings out the fast food flavors they consume.
- Mark Haynes: This interviewer wasn’t the best but to say that this girl she was interviewing was something great was an extreme stretch of the truth . All she could do was giggle and say I want free healthcare. Wow what higher level college did she learn that from? I know the IOSOPM that’s the Institute of Stealing Other People’s Money. But the one thing that that institute failed to teach her in her PhD program of socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money. And if you fail to take away all the guns from all the people eventually the people with guns say they’ve had enough and overthrow the tyrannical socialists government and reinstate the United States constitution. Also Alex Jones does have some great reporters like Owen, Millie, mr Knight and many others. Go INFOWARS!!!!!!!
- Hotshots2890: Look at Canada... ya that's the end of that topic... fucking donkeys eating rats
- newerahippy7: That was weak
- United American Imperialist: She legit reminds me of this! https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2771932/1/Most-Politically-Incorrect-Offensive-ParodyEver
- Gabriel Muniz: pmessinger at what? the 1% is socialist? Free healthcare leads to poor people eating rats?
- Sarcalogos Tortolero: I like her tone
- Ethan: Like OMG, like politics and stuff, Like yaknow? Omg, you're LIKE, distracting me from my phone. This wasn't a troll, this is a rich privileged uninformed wannabe socialist showing us why millenials will bring about the end of western civilization through their lack of knowledge and perspective.
- The Legend: Her YouTube is ashtonbirdie I think. She recently got recruited by infowars after starting her own YouTube channel and getting some fans. Honestly I think she is legit autistic and she definitely doesn't make herself look to bright bit I don't see how the other girl trolled her. She shouldn't be doing this line of work though she's not really cut out for it. The rest of the infowars reporters put up good arguments though and actually see interesting to watch
- *ONEDARKMIND*: To bad, considering the rich are in favor of eating us.. literally.. zero sarcasm
- Justin Brooks: Your show is even named after yourself...telling
- John Kravich: Let me just try to tell you some dumb shit that doesn't directly relate to the question. Fantastic job interviewed girl!
- Knekten: ツ why are you trying to argue with someone that worships Trump? The guy is so stupid, he can barely walk
- backwoodsman: this dude is a fucking idiot, she didnt say health insurance for everybody she said "free" health insurance, nothing is free
- Wenguang Jiang: This character assassination is ridiculous. Let’s say Bernie is a total sellout, he owns three 3 million homes, and a 3 million car. As long as he represents someone’s political view consistently, this person is reasonable to support Bernie. These people are equivalently saying because Hitler likes cars, therefore cars are evil.
- John Jacob: This is what happens when info wars talks to someone level headed instead of picking and choosing the morons
- The Girth: OMG SHE SIPPED HER DRINK SLAAAY QUEEEN. Its bordering on autistic.
- Felix Desrosiers: +ExcuseMeNo ExcuseMeNo What you are saying is just not true. At the moment, in the US, the price for medical services is wayyy more expensive than in othet countries because there is no government regulations on it. That's why you can get charged thousands and thousands for small procedures. The hospitals get to set their own prices. While in Canada, for example, it costs a lot less because of established laws that regulate how much you can charge (in the public sector). When people advocate for universal healthcare, it is a given that they also want some kind of governmental control of prices because that goes hand in hand.
- Kritz: Do you like having autism?
- magwan77: She doesn't make any sense if you're dumb.
- EuropeanKing: Three cheers to the Cucks here
- TJ Surin: Bruh, she was like "who's this for? Infowars? Bet"
- djdarklyceum: I actually watched the clip, clown, they both seemed mentally challenged.
- Heather's Death: I to believe that Healthcare should be a human right why is it that Europe Canada England they all have health care for every citizen every citizen treated the same but in the United States the poor treated like shit. my crappy doctor almost killed me because I'm poor and he just didn't give a fuck it happens again and again and in 6 years my crappy insurance is going to go away forever and then I'll probably die I hate America. but before I die I would definitely like to eat the rich .... and I really will die with out Healthcare..... doesn't anyone care ? I'm worth saving.......
- Avrysatos: Dave, when did bernie say any more than he wanted the rich to pay their fair share? He doesn't have an anti-rich crusade except in infowars fantasy world.
- Bleak Solipsism: Correction...I am getting that confused with Chile...who went through this. Damn I watch too much crap I am starting to mix it up. Either way, this is a great watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3B5qt6gsxY sorry for the mix up and thinking you were the one pushing the false narrative. Always good to fact check oneself hey?
- Nick L: Nothing is free. Healthcare is not a right.
- Make San Antonio Great Again!: 2:12 typical twat. Always wanting something for nothing. I just want um healthcare, says the twat. Doesn't want to know how it's going to be paid for. She should move to Venezuela.
- Dave: Anime avatar = your opinion is trash and you should go glug clorox
- Gr8 B8 M8: Remember kids, when you enjoy that public park, road, or service sponsored through socialism by taxpayers and just want something that could further improve the quality of life for everyone instead of wasting money on useless wars, you're automatically an authoritarian communist who somehow wants to destroy muh freedumbs etc. etc.
- its oran: Does anyone know what the man said at 2:14?
- Robert Campbell II: 7:27 to see Kyle go down slowly
- Jason what?: This guy sucks
- Altair: I’m sure 70% Americans would agree that America needs better healthcare system. Throw out insurance scam out of healthcare. Let everyone have healthcare government system. It won’t be expensive as people think. It’s only expensive now because of insurance scams. Like one ketchup holder (cost less $0.08 cents to make)is charged as $18. If you drop insurance all the price would drop down like in other countries. A surgery that costs $200,000 dollar now would cost $40,000 at highest.
- Javier Ruiz: He’s dead LMAO
- Cat Hat Bat Mat: I love how she drags socialists for being the "1%." Like, honey, what party is Trump supporting again?
- The Reborn: She runs up on this woman who didn't wanna be interview, with these bogus questions. Makes Infowars look even more ridiculous didn't even think that was possible LMAO Bitch did have worms in her brain
- ツ: UBI
- Buwsur: That girl didn't win any argument. She was just disengaged and dismissive. Saying that you just want people to have free healthcare is pretty weak.
- Rohan: this woman is A1
- Gnome Ann: Monika, that is true. But Bernie Sanders isn’t a communist. If he were a communist, he would be advocating for war, not seeking election.
- Fiji Kondo: wow she "owned" them
- GI Jose: I think it’s disgusting they was there trying to push an agenda instead of generally asking a question
- Psyche Artis: Uhm. How was she trolling exactly? She was a dumb fuck and had no arguments. There was barely any trolling goin on. The reporter is right, people in Venezuela DO eat fucking rats, crime is at an all time high, and theres no medicine not healthcare available, and its seriously not fucking funny. Is this youtuber fucking retarded?
- Poet Satyr: Her tone drives me insane holy shit and shes so slow!
- Tammi songs: This guy exposed do bad on joe rogan it was hilarious haha good comedy act keep it up
- jc smith: Alex Jones and info wars believe lizard people are controlling the world.
- Dio: She... Trolled them? She sounds dumb.
- Lady D: *"You people have like worms in your brain, honestly"* Truer words... I love how she reacted when she saw Info Wars printed on the mic, damn near spit her drink out =D
- jackie johnson: shut up soy boy
- bill harvey: So how did the reporter get “stumped”. I missed something
- Vianey Gaucin: Bernie has 3 million dollar homes... Donald has Trump towers...
- MrOgger151: Always the Venezuela comparison they never mention Finland Netherlands Canada Sweden Norway Ireland New Zealand Belgium
- Arcade Alchemist: She isn't trolling then she actually thinks this shit and is retarded. I mean look at what the fuck she's wearing.
- J Preston: You people have like worms in your brains... honestly. Lmao
- Walnut Gaming: +Mr Titles could you explain?
- quinn osborn: Trolled to perfection? Shes Xanaxed out and sounds like a dumb fucking moron. This dude calls this trolling cuz hes a dweeb
- Atom Ogre Boatswain: Long Pig Prosciutto. 😝
- bishplis: she on drugs tho
- rbmaserang: its alex jones' larvae
- Thomas C: +Mr. Pants She just wanted free healthcare. I am from Germany with free healthcare. Nobody *has to starve* here. You are bringing up a straw man argument, like the Info Wars woman.
- Awakened Saxon: T REX illegals drain resources in Sanctuary Cities
- z1z2z3z z1z2z3z: You're wrong about people not "actually" wanting to eat the rich, so speak for yourself. Some of us want exactly that. Literally cannibal justice.
- Michael Lowry: Im not done watching but that was far from schooled to perfection more like both of them look like idots
- Nim Boo: Read the Jewish Marxist Manifesto. In it you will see very clearly that their goal is to confiscate ALL private property. Including your very IDENTITY and your very children. Read the JEWISH Marxist Manifesto see it for yourself. Burning Sands is both Jewish AND marxist. Listen to a snake at your own risk.
- jeffsomer: HAHAHA You dumass fucktard lefty libterhoid morons think this is real??? LOL YOU STUPID FUCKS #TRUMP #TRUMP2020 #MAGA #FUCKLIBTARDS
- Katarina Fowler: Wtf? "WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE FREE HEALTHCARE?!?!" are you fckin kidding me????
- Andrew Hoye: Nah, we only have Tasmanian devils 😅
- Robert Alan: Is this what trolling is now a days huh guess its better than scaring people with fake murder
- Viktor Kovács: Impervious Well, there's a difference between what Bernie wants for the US and what's going on in Venezuela. Even if Bernie would like to implement the exact same system Venezuela has, there are hundreds of ways of implementing it, some of them good, some of them bad. If it's implemented in an unskilled way, it's bound to fail. The whole "don't do what Venezuela does" argument is kind of invalid, since no one is talking about doing the same thing as Venezuela. Just because Venezuela is socialist, it doesn't mean that someone who is a socialist would want the same thing or the exact same system or implementation. Their ideas just happen to fall on the same side on the political spectrum. To be honest, bringing up Venezuela every time you're talking about Bernie's ideas, is kind of the equivalent to calling everyone on the right wing a fascist. Not to mention, Bernie's not even a socialist. He's a social democrat. Social democrats are not even opposed to capitalism.
- Laura Beth: +Ronnie S Turns out empathy exists. Plus for some people one accident could wipe out all of their savings.
- NM MedGrower575: LoL disinfo at it's finest Kyle Kulinski you are half way retarded only thing this video show was how stupid the girl in the berret was
- rattlesnake survival: +William Fitzpatrick into this hell hole of a comment section
- J. Clint Lewey: Kyle I hear you and I usually agree with you but this woman did not do anything that impressive LOL. And the only troll was the b**** with the microphone. The Other Woman was pretty much stoned out of her mind that seemed and didn't really say a whole lot.
- riva2003: Wow, having some functioning healthcare plan = socialist thing? Well, UK France Germany etc. are socialists countries, I guess.
- Fred Flinstone: This infowars hit was a fail! I was expecting something much better when i saw the title of this video! I still disagree with the socialism girl! WHY? because i am from australia and we have free health care! It takes 65% of our tax income and the service is TERRIBLE! The govt is constantly being sued for poor health services! Staff infection is through the roof and there are not enough beds! Those who go for pvt health insurance have great conditions! There are always plenty of beds and the govt has to pay private hospitals when the public sector runs out of beds (which is all the time)! So wouldnt it be better if we have competition which basically ensures a tightly run service that competes for customers! Then the more who joins private health cover then the cheaper it gets due to competition and more capital! This Secular talk guy is wrong! Our health service system is rigged! Drugs are rigged due to big pharama and govt subsidies! Of course the 1% love socialism! They love it because if u are big pharma u are literally being paid buy the govt for ur drugs (subsidised) all big pharma needs to do is end lobbyist to pay politicians to agree on larger prices! How is that good? Isnt competition better? These socialists are morons! Yeah, great idea, lets invite even more govt into our lives and still call yourselves liberals! fuck headS!
- Dogbone tv: infowars is partly responsible for blurring the lines between democratic socialism, as they have in germany & much of europe which actually takes much better care of their citizens in edu, health and jobs, and does NOT have state owned corporations, as opposed to straight up socialism that venezuala has, that owns utilities, corporations, stores etc. as long as you know theres a big difference, the choice becomes obvious.
- Halby G: If you're out there, lady, will you please marry me?
- Jordan Montgomery: Gothtequila Goths are horrible.
- j p: The right trys so hard against anything, even the smallest thing coming from the left, and its literally cringy as fuck. "It feels good to be on the right" for a bunch of people who advocate freedoms, y'all care way to much about what the other individual thinks and stands for while licking up uncle Tom's boots. Ive met more democrats who let the individual live their lives without hounding them like the people on the right. These comments. Holy fuck.
- Inbred Trumptard: Braindead Fitting name.
- Rob M: Quantum Computation, well it's more accurate than "free".
- Dying Moths: I am 150% certain that I'm now in love with her, and could watch people be slain like this all day long.
- Ajeet Pooni: Look up the stats my dude u might wanna rethink ur statement
- BertyFromDK: I loved the moment when the interviewee said "i think you have worms for brains" hahaha
- tsohgallik: She reminds me of Selma Blair.... :V
- Cooper Harris: +Mayb : divine justice will rain upon thee for slighting the wisdom of the bible, repent or burn in hell for all eternity
- Komogil1: "For infowars" *giggles*
- neggit: Canada, Norway, Denmark, Germany are Social Democracies with capitalistic economies. Bernie and Venezuela follow "Democratic Socialism".
- MalevolentDivinity: Yeah, we should eat the rich.
- Shikam187: They both looked and sounded retarded. I'd like both points to be addressed. Thank you Kyle for actually clearing shit up like the "troll" should have
- king lion: The Venezuelan eating rats ??? really ??? And the Yemenis eating American capitalist bombs ^^'
- ツ: @nobody_stop_me
- Nick Braun: You think this Donald Duck lookin bitch own infowars?! “You have worms in your brain” is not a good enough argument to turn the US into Venezuela. Socialism is terrible. If the hundreds of millions who have already died because of it doesn’t change your mind, you have a mental illness.
- Amiin Elkey: She’s fucking hilarious
- Samuel Little: This is pathetic if you consider this a “win”. Using cuss words doesn’t make this authentic , it does however show just how lazy and uninformed your “superior wisdom” prepared you for this podcast today.
- Oswald Thatendswald: Genghis Khunt *they're smart guy
- Elise M: What is this, the 500th time Infowars fell for a joke?
- FUCK GOOGLE: Sean Armstrong lol. Yeah I figured saying they each cost a dollar would have given it away.
- damian carr: I'm gonna be honest. I'm for universal healthcare as a concept. I'm against it as a practice because every solution for it I've heard so far sucks, and that includes all the ones in "other" developed nations. Sander' s ideas are just as garbage (actually more so) then the next guy not because of what he wants, but how he plans to get it.
- ha222ha222: Socialism is bad. Just look at Venezuela. We prefer capitalism. Just look at Russia. Yeah, that's the ticket.
- DoStylin': You know I carry right
- No Name Madox: +Central Scrutinizer I have a question for you, can you write in complete sentences? It's funny you call someone retarded that's clearly smarter than you.
- arlemis76: Waste of time. Sir, I boo you.
- Phil Graves: That stupid socialist Democrat Millennial needs to have that $6 Frappuccino slapped out of her hands. So stupid it's painful. And what an annoying voice.
- Nathan Sharp: She sounds like shes 10
- Crushed Luminary: FYI... those figures are via politifact, with a CNN video on that page.
- Kenneth Green: That infowars girl sounds A LOT like Tomi Lahren
- Chris Vanderhoof: i think he's referring to this, but the results were misinterpreted and has nothing to do with the VA, just Veteran Suicides. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/02/04/the-missing-context-behind-a-widely-cited-statistic-that-there-are-22-veteran-suicides-a-day/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.a4bad2c6414e
- Boogie Boogs: It was great when the sailor girl asked who in the %1 is a socialist. She should have held the interview to answer her.
- AE Alvarez: Interesting that these hacks never mention every Scandinavian country when it comes to socialism as their policies are more inline w/ Bernie Sanders & his supporters than that of Venezuela a Communists country.
- Jax: Shorty was high AF. Neither of them made sense.
- See Mihail: That girl totally hanged herself, she has no clue about socialism, or bernie sanders, and she definitely did not have any depth about what she is standing for to have an actual conversation. She was to busy on her phone. I think the reporter did fine, she it was like pulling teeth with her, pretty common when people don't know what they are talking about.
- lunarignite: This chick is my new hero 😂😂
- R Watson: Bernie I will be rich and you be poor,get me elected I.
- hel lo: she is not random person she is a journalist from teen vogue moron. I love morons like you she trolls who? she as you have said nothing Please define democratic socialism? , you are a clown bernie own made 1 million dollars last year and his home are worth 400K, 600K, and 800K. A lot of 1 percenter have backed Bernie, how many Hollywood have said we need socialism and supported bernie? I think they may fall into the 1 percent. I think you were just owned
- Joseph Brock: Watched Alex for a long time and hate to admit it but damn we lost that one lol
- TheOwlybird: She wants free healthcare but has no concern for people having to eat rats just to survive. I wouldn't call that a win for socialism.
- Matthew Enriquez: Kyle, please get that girl here on Secular Talk.
- Scott Wilhelms: The 1% is doing a fine job with all the museums, libraries and other places of "culture" that homeless people love getting kicked out of. Andrew Carnegie was an asshole and if you need more than one billion dollars then you don't know how to really fucking live you know how to pretend expensively.
- Bern Pri: Kyle you're kind of more lame than the reporter though it's be honest I thought this was actually gonna be a good point against the right but just more lameness coming from the left
- Sarcastro sarcastro_: declan h fucking retard that’s not a different opinion those are lies. When the opposite opinion is lies your whole fucking idea becomes shit. Fuck you and your alternate facts
- finally changed my profile pic: Elvin Ostrup "more corrupt than venezuela" Please explain
- Geniecus: Holy fuck I want her to bully me
- BUTTHOLASAURUS: Kyle, why so many band aids???!
- Nicholas Plesko: America will always be a first world country even if infowars tells you different.
- The Chidds: I must have missed the trolling part. Either that or you don't understand what trolling is, Kyle.
- skitzo_04cobra: Just more socialist propaganda go live in a socialist country you lazy fucktards....give me free stuff that's all I keep hearing....and this little beta male doesn't know what trolling is
- Itzal _: Colonel JCD 😐
- M Labelle: Lee Jay Ones the right to own a deadly weapon the other is the right to have a basic necessity provided for them so they don't die or go bankrupt
- sine moderamine: WRONG! Big Seltzer is Kyle's one true master.
- schutternutter: I love her. I love her. She’s so nonchalant and composed, she’s like a beret-wearing Audrey Plaza.
- I am a loaf of bread: When the high girl beats a strict news reporter.
- Carlos Cervantes: I don’t know who that lady is but I want her to be my friend XD
- Walter Sullivan: That woman was either god-tier chill or was on some extraterrestrial pot
- ocsrc: I love that chick because she's a real woman who has the courage to be a woman and show her breasts and nipples and so many women are afraid to be women and show that they have female body parts So many women tape down their nipples with tape and they even have things called nipple covers and they wear Spanx and they basically D gender themselves and this woman didn't do that she did the opposite and she let herself be a woman and you have to applaud when someone has the courage to do that and I love Bernie Sanders and I think healthcare should be a right that everyone has and people who are poor should not have to pay for it
- Carl Swagan: He's labels himself as one. Hence the confusion.
- Diem Turner: lol....Steven would make mince meat out of him.
- GenTech Mike: I hoped her segment would be longer and this would be funnier. But it was pretty funny
- stuntman014: +Captain Rhodes By that logic, most criminals vote for Democrats. It has nothing to do with a few deranged people. Its about the ideology that the parties stand for...
- Mooooohamsalad: A young turk idiot goes after an info wars idiot. This really has no comparison does it Intellectually maybe ya could say it's plasma vs. dark matter but their more compelling. No one give a shit about u guys.
- u better believe: Dahveed it's really NOT that deep fam. InfoWars tried to do their usual shtick of trying to "troll" a random "leftist" and failed. People thought it was amusing. Get off your soap box. Beret girl is allowed to drink smoothies and use smart phones while still wanting free healthcare, and she doesn't have to sing Kumbaya with some infowars shill who's only there to set her up to be humilated online.
- Jared Piper: No joke. I’m actually in favor of eating the rich. #votejared
- J.R. Vasquez: The reporter was terrible, however, I honestly did not see Sailor Moon do any owning...
- ItsKev Here: "socialism doesn't work there so itll be the same in America" gun control works over here "yeah but it wont be the same in America"
- ryan litalien: Lenin said that the point of socialism is to lead to communism. You get what you pay for. And when you pay nothing...
- 0525loki: I love all the butt hurt comments on here. You people supporting Alex Jones and this pathetic “show” infowars need to watch less YouTube and read more.
- Jay Pond: Lol. The left literally made it common to go to conservative rallies and act like lunatics trying to disrupt them just so they can ''shut down hate speech'' aka stop all opinions not like theirs. People on the left were literally crying and rioting when Trump won. People on the left continue to act liek violent, snarky, bratty, crying children since Trump won. Do you people fucking have amnesia? You cant be the ''cool intellectuals'' anymore. You have shown the world what you are.
- Jeremy Harris: I'm about to tuck into my 2nd rat for the day as well
- James Rae: I have news for you, Kyle. There are many who literally want to eat the rich, as in physically consume them through their mouths and digest them, myself included.
- Atif Baig: Eat rats? Americans are born liars. Cunts!
- Corbin Moore: They taste like money
- Vault Prince: Y’all reaching holy shit. Maga 2020 #stillwithher?
- svcogs svcogs: Host of secular talk is an obvious faggot!! Please die in fire faggot!
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: do you idiot liberals really think she was trolling? ahhaha so delusional you don't know what a racist is now you don't know what trolling is it's sad.
- jamesdriggers2011: Who trolled who now?? I don't really like info wars either, but she wasn't wrong, and she made sense. What doesn't make sense is that someone wants the govt to pay for everyone's healthcare. Guess, what. They govt doesn't have any money unless it takes it from the people it claims to be helping. People are living pay check to pay check and somebody has 3 homes and is talking about when 1% owns this and that and they need to pay their fair share. Who care how much his house costs, or if was inherited. If Bernie was president it may take a while, but do you think 15 years ago Venezuelans thought they'd be butchering their family pets?When you give ALL the power to 535 representatives and tell them they have all the money and power, Do you not think that some of them could become corrupt?? The point of American style govt is to keep that from happening, the more power you give govt, the more power they have to hide their corruption. You counter arguments are ridiculously holey! I hate when democrats tell people they are useful idiots. Let me explain something, that chick and many who align right or center don't tell you how to think. We want to ask you questions about how you think, and when you answer those questions we ask more questions to challenge those thoughts. You know, to see if the original thought holds up to scrutiny. Democrats and lefty's on the other hand, TELL you what to think, and IF you dare to think something different then they berate and attack you and try to say you look like an idiot.... Why, though? It truly is clear to see that the person's whose ideas are being shot to shit would attempt to undermine the character of the person that is tearing apart their ideology. It's much easier to convince yourself that the other person is a troglodyte, than it is to accept that you yourself have lied to and brainwashed and turned into just another drone pushing democratic propaganda.
- PrincessAshley121: +Dg_96 _ The projection is real.
- IMDRanged: I'll just wait for the Solyent Green.
- Andrew B: What's his name?
- Jane Hill: You're full of shit! This libtard made an ass out of herself! She never heard of Venezuela??? LOL 😀 What a dumbass! That is a socialist country, dipshit! Try living in that Shithole, dumbass!!!
- cperception: Hell's Guard he is a fucking nazi spread lying piece of shit
- Laura Beth: Paying via taxes is free healthcare. Tf do you think ppl are talking about when they say free healthcare??
- T: lol we love syria!!!!! jihadst extermist. these guys do nothing but disagree with everything everyone says. he trolls info wars but the onyl videos that you make kyle that get views are when you try and attack them. yet harrison already told you 4 yr olds are smarter.
- Wynter Phantom: There was so much more going on in Venezuela other than socialism. It wasn't Democratic socialism for one.
- Al Czervik: Are you a fucking moron something? Venezuela has the most untapped oil reserves of any country but is a fucking basket case because of Hugo Shitstain. There are no more private companies, they have all been nationalized. Don't you read the news.
- Chris Rodriguez: Jesus Christ Kyle you’ve gone full blown libtard. You used to be pretty neutral now all you do is call out the right’s bufoonery. It’s all just a distraction from what republicans are actually doing right
- John Lenin: The cunt in red needs to get cancer and die in her own shit.
- lol xanax: Wait, I'm confused, I think I'm a rational person, and my farts smell AMAZING! Please advise.
- Wil Hathaway: He can’t even get his facts correct. Sanders is NOT the poorest member of the senate. Washington Post Of 2016 has him ranked 19th. There are others below him who are poorer. Nice try libtard
- Abdoultajine: Dylan Ontiberoz Up
- Y: This is why the left is actually more racist than the right, typical
- Em Gee: Kyle .............The Woman from Info Wars is WAY more informed and intelligent than the woman she interviewed.......YOU Kyle are not making ANY sense.... You have been BRAINWASHED. and YOU do not know what "trolling" means....... and Sanders got a FREE house for allowing Clinton to STEAL his nomination.
- Samuel Boulianne: Why is this dumb shit on my recommendation list. I fell into a libtard's nest.
- frogsoda: You blew your credibility in the first 20 seconds of this video Kyle.
- Mervin Gonzalez: Shes freakn hot is what she is.
- readordiefanatic: I dig the "French Japanese schoolgirl" look she has going.
- huckbeduck: She kinda reminds me of that girl from the breakfast club movie
- George Seefoo: This is what a dumbed down society looks like. Poor sheeple it’s only a matter of time.
- Cooper Harris: +Mayb : wow yet another weeb steps up to the plate, skirting my warning as it were nothing. Be warned, follow this path and the wrath of the lord will catch up to you weeb
- Ratta Bagatta: Bullshit
- Moneyshot: I really like that girl.
- caveatemp: Bad interviewer- but the gal did not 'troll' her at all. Still not convinced I should pay for her healthcare.
- Pocket Calculator: +Hirnlego999 There is no economic sanctions against Venezuela. The US so far has only sanctioned government officials who have been proven to have commited acts of corruption, money laundering, violations to human rights and many more atrocious things. Nobody is actually talking about invading Venezuela but Trump. Every single country in the continent has offered medicines, food and money to aid Venezuela but Nicolás Maduro refuses most of them and sells the few that they accept to Venezuelan citizens. Stop spreading Telesur lies.
- Kosta Jovanovic: Only hot
- Jaundiced Jape: Really? You consider this “owning” the interviewer? What’s “free” health care? It’s everyone getting robbed under threat of violence (taxation) to pay for your health care. Socialism is slavery. And there’s no such thing as a “right” to health care. You don’t know what the word “right” means - go read the founding fathers. The joke is that you’re actually acting like someone ELSE is stupid, when that clearly clueless phone-tethered culture zombie and this childish internet host are both completely dead from the neck up.
- mason1011: Lol..' free healthcare ' ..little socialist dummies know that there is no such thing as ' free' . ?? Liberal retards .
- Mr Titles: +Walnut Gaming and the reason why you have to know the difference between social democrat and national socialist or any other democratic ideologi is just what you have missed. Nazis are not democratic. It is a dictatorship where the leder is everything. You can't compare a democratic Germany from today with a Non-democratic from the second world war. To understand what happend in Germany in the 1930s and what lead to the holocaust it is better to compare with what happends in a country when you start to blame economical problems on a certain group of people. Study history and you will understand why.
- Philip Marlow: I like how casually she sips her drink and stares at her phone. Trying to get rid of info wars rent a reporter.
- Ed Nogi: Socialists like socialism because because they are too stupid or too lazy to make more money. If you're a socialist, then you probably make less than $45,000 a year. If you're a socialist, then you're probably still in school. (mommy and daddy still pay the bills)
- I Want Kim Jong-Un To Kill Me: If only I could be on North Korea. I wouldnt have to put up eith all this crap ..... Or fuckin mass shootings, or gangs and people who pride themselves is how dangerous their cities and neighborhoods are or how nasty their cops are. It seems to be a plus if one is likely to be mugged or killed walking down the street in their city or neighborhood.
- Yeah ?: How did this shitty time stamp get 3k likes?
- Big Gargantuar: Whenever a conservative gets rekt they always have some stupid excuse lol
- Yuki Masahiko: 0.o How the hell did I get here... And as for the girl talking with the reporter. She was an idiot, Her voice was grating and she really didn't know how to answer anything. And kinda giggling at everything made her just seem really ignorant. So how did she own the reporter? She made herself look like an idiot on camera. As for the reporter, Yeah she did seem like a newbie. I think I recognize her from somewhere... I do think when a reporter is reporting on anything news related. Should not let their Bias get in the way. But sadly that isn't the case these days, Much like yourself.
- No Roses 4 You: This is fucking hilarious The sailor moon chick is bad ass and sooo high <3
- Jared DeMarzo: Girl has nipple pokies.
- Marili Avalos: Was that the next Tommy lahren or whatever her name is
- Gilgamesh: I bet she's wild in bed.
- no no: "eat the rich" the upper-middle class white girl says while scrolling on her cell phone and sipping starbucks
- Cameron Payne: Fear monger tactic
- snowjob: Is Trump as President your worst nightmare? Imagine Alex Jones as President! NOOOOO!!!!!!
- Rootin for Lenin: The girl is Dasha from Cum Town
- MrBeaux: +Paul Bledsoe I don't feel as if I'm providing insight saying that Youtubers make money, I'm just pointing out that the whole point of this video is to generate clicks. Other than that, this video has no fucking point. Your lack of punctuation hurts me deep.
- Damien Brunton: Can anyone name me one socialist paradise that worked?..............
- Abigail Slaughter: Why aren't you just standing there with your SMARTPHONE going... "wait, What about Venezuela? hang on a second honey, OK GOOGLE... POOR VENEZUELANS EATING RATS SNOPES. Okay sweetie, keep talking while I fact check you. Oh hold on, their PRISONERS are reported to be eating rats... THE PUBLIC AT LARGE, are not..." These dumb IW cunts would have to go home if they pulled shit like this on me. I'd literally shadow the crew going "ok google" every time they spouted warped bullshit... They might even go to another mall/etc... I'd fucking go there too, it's a public place and they have *ZERO* expectation of privacy. *FUCK THEIR DISHONEST BULLSHIT*
- Danielle Loren: Go to a socialist country and try to do the same thing you are doing in the states for a living. Then report back with your findings.
- dOols V: 'Nobody is for eating the rich' I'm for eating the rich...
- Passe Gaming: Are you aware Infowars is trash.
- PAIN CatNip: They should debate and see who win 😂
- Chelsey D: How tf did she troll her? This girl was an idiot with no clue to what she was talking about. You liberals will take anything for a win lmao
- Michelle Flynn: Haha! All info wars ppl have worms in their brains! Canadian here, we don’t understand why a country that can afford wars over oil & walls across your border can not afford health care for all.
- Jude: As soon as she realized she was being filmed she intentionally went full retard to throw the interviewer for a loop, and then maintained good control over the flow of the conversation. If you take things at face value, it does in fact look like a drug addict whore and a puppet bitch trying to argue, but if you paid attention to those obvious cues the weeb girl gives you'd go "shes good". Not good enough to roll over people that have actual experience with discussions, but enough to throw fresh meat for a loop.
- Ramon J Lechuga: Man. Stop trying to be ben Shapiro! No one likes it 😎
- smut noir: That's not a random woman... That's Dasha of Red Scare aka Adam from CUM TOWN's girlfriend.
- Thomas Aquinas: Was that Sailor Moon or Thurston Howell the 3rd? Either way, she looked and acted like an arrogant fool. Find some better material, Kyle. BTW, I'm not a Jones fan.
- Magic Nomadic: well we refuse the metric system SO the healthcare thing kinda makes sense.
- rockyea85: I wish this reporter had ran into you not knowing who you are.
- chris hamilton: +William Fitzpatrick you want me to address your arguments? OK. With your, 'eat the rich' mindset, you are goaded into believing that the rich are entitled to keep everything they have, but you might be surprised to find that the uber wealthy typically pay as h8gh as 50% in taxes. In this country! A simple Google search will tell you that. But beyond that, do you really think that a national Congress of either orientation is gonna pass new fiscal responsibilities that AREN'T paid for out of the taxpayer slush fund? Something that WON'T turn into a giant slash and burn operation for profiteers? Finally, let's talk about quality of care; do you really want me to talk about Canada, and how the wealthy Canadians come to the United States for medical care because of the systemic failures in their healthcare? Anyway, let's ignore the documented and glaringly obvious realities and focus on the rhetoric driven narrative instead, am I rite?
- Zigguratjjj: What’s her @?
- Nim Boo: Kyle (((Kulinski)))
- Foxxxy: I'm Australian, and we have free health care for every citizen. It confuses me why so many Americans are opposed to free health care. It's one of the best things we have here.
- Trump-Jones Hybrid: Lol this is who you look up to? That's funny she can barely talk. Not sure if she is high on E or what but definitely didn't "own" anyone
- phostime: I finished this video to try to actually see a roast to the other side. I guess this is a hardcore troll to you guys. Also Sweden is predicted to be a 3rd world country soon. Well, you guys have gotta find something to make yourself feel better. Orange man bad, small hands, mushroom penis.
- latinamajor: Socialism is a form of Corporatism.
- Mark Nuhn: soyboy
- donna dixon: She didn’t really destroy her, the “reporter” was merely a fccking idiot. I mean a potato could have destroyed the infowars “reporter”
- The truth: You must be an idiot if you believe this guys and interpreting it what he “thinks” it is. The sailor moon is as dumb as the host of this show
- L F: She reminds me of Cara Delevingne a little.
- Cameron McClure: Hey cuck this is a sad example of trolling someone. Fact is socialism always collapses under its own weight.
- Gert -Jan: Sassy popeye
- Bogdan Vera: BUT VENEZUELA
- Breno: Should've known by the uniform she was wearing
- Symptom Cownage: +Phanno Never said it is but ok lol. Regardless, since you brought that up, ignoring their relation is also like stating that nationalism and fascism hold no common ground. Communism and socialism go hand-in-hand more often than not.
- Flappy McDank: "Somehow we're right and everybody else is wrong and dumb" hahahaha that basically sums up the US perfectly.
- J V: Really dude? Free? Health care should be free... ok, then everything should be a right and free - you don’t even see how retarded your entire presentation is, what an imbecile you are smh
- Brandon slade: Socialists are retarded lol. "Free healthcare" nothinngs free cupcape. Enjoy your $50paycheck after taxes so you can wait in line behind 300 other ppl
- Eliminator: + for new coat.
- al karg: LMAO....@Secular Talk You critique the interviewer mentioning her mistake of "doing too much talking" and then you go and do the same in your monologue explanations/rationalizations the rest of this video for FAR TOO LONG. Brilliant. Classic Lib hypocrisy on display.
- xXRockXLobsterXx: #BernieTulsi2020
- Jon Palsmar Rosengreen: The 1% argument is actually true in Scandinavia. The higher educated members of society are, the more left leaning they are.
- LaLiLuLeLo ThePatriots: LMAO, Infowars just got own.
- Lux-de-luce: I don't think she was trolling, I think she is actually that clueless. She's clueless to perfection.
- Milano Martin: CrazyFish of course you can’t stand her if you’re an infowars supporter. Infowar supporters can’t stand women in general.
- thomas Hooper: WhalesTasteGreat , completely false... socialism cannot exist with private means of production and distribution... socialism isn’t subjective, it’s objective!
- Alejandro Aguilar: Kyle didnt understand the question. Smh Were did Bernie get the money? clinton Sellout
- Marco9711: I missed the part where she trolled her to perfection. Looks more like she wants free health care cause she can't be bothered to work for things. Land of opportunity not land of handouts.
- Angelo Morte: wow, she must be a snapping gyro. The guy behind her looks numb, dude I don't think this girl is a troll like you do. I think she is a Brainscrewed Leftist, you may have personal views that lead you to believe she a troll while I look at it & think she is a Idiot..! But that's the great part about opinions, we all have them and they can't be wrong because it's subjective to our own belief system. Aka non-factual.
- Tomorrow is Yesterday: She meant 3 $1,000,000 homes you idiot.
- IntermediateJesus: She reminds me of an Aubrey Plaza character.
- Eyes of Infinity: The content of this "trolling" was gravely sub optimal. However I really liked that girl's voice 🙄
- WEBSITE HOME: Damn weeabo
- Zana N Hicks: We already eat chickens, pigs, and cows, why not rats?
- Pauli650: they didnt pull it
- Ōkami-san: I am not for authoritarianism. In fact, I lean towards social anarchy (law and freedom without force). That said, we live in a Republic and the POTUS is the commander in chief. Once the vote is made for repatriation, then it will be the POTUS's job to enact the will of the people. That's the way it works. My own preference would be to cut off all welfare and offer monetary incentives for people to leave. As an example, a person could choose to voluntarily leave, and receive $12000 a year in their country of origin. To me, this wouild be the best solution. A push and pull option. If not, then I expect by 2035 (when public liabilities are no longer fundable) there will be war, of one sort or another.
- Confused Wolf: she is so precious. troll ++. i would be glad to sh×t post with her!
- Banging Beatz: Racist infowars vs Bernie idiot 😂😭 it’s like watching the bottom of the barrel argue lol
- CherimV: OMG I feel embarrassed for this girl in the sailor outfit *facepalm* n how any1 can say she "owns" the othr reporter is insanity, this is not trolling its pure ignorance. Tht reporter girl had to talk bc the othr 1 cudnt hold a conversation she jst giggled n drank her coffee the whole time WTF I swear I watchd a diff vid than evrybdy else, I nvr heard any1 say if Bernie was pres we'd b eatin rats they were sayin anothr current socialist country Venezuela is eating rats, y wud it work here. N the reason the girl says I jst want free healthcare is bc thts all she knos, tht is the only information she has to offer, she doesnt kno the answer to a question or hav any intelligent political points to make so honey I jst want free healthcare thts all i kno.... N i cudnt care less who's side each of these ppl r on politically.
- Johnny B Tube: this guy is an idiot
- Tubebrerry: You guys set high expectations and then never delivered. The interviewer certainly didn't come off as a star journalist, but I don't see how the subject trolled or owned her. The subject just seemed dazed and confused, not to mention pretentious and juvenile. This just struck me as Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots between two airheads.
- Fransisco Morales: As soon as she noticed it was info wars she was like *troll mode activated* The smile totally gives it away. I’m mad Kyle had to call it a trolljob, what kinda Freudian slip lol
- ThisisRubbishlo: Is the sailor high?!
- MD Grant: That female reporter is now an on screen personality with a YouTube network called Right Side Brodcasting.
- TheBraunMachine2011: yes he is lol
- nikkacagin: That InfoWars 'reporter' looks hell of a lot like the conservative student of the University of California Berkeley on the free speech week with Milo on the episode of Hate Thy Neighbor on Viceland (S2Ep2). She didn't make sense back then either x-D
- googlewolly: Lol this guy's a fucking idiot. The girl being questioned was funny. I like her nonchalant attitude (she's wrong to want socialism, though), but I think that it's funny how this twat thinks that this is a victory for liberals or whatever. Try debating Ben Shapiro on socialism. This secular talk guy is a fucking tool
- Sean Armstrong: @Insight Video You're repeating what I said (are you actually reading what i wrote in entirety, or merely skimming the first sentence). What i'm telling you is that your solution of only funding the Emergency care is a dumbass decision cuz without adequate community care support, the vulnerable population will just end up coming back to Emergency more and more, and thereby becoming an even BIGGER BURDEN ON TAXPAYERS. You know how to reduce burden on taxpayers? By funding COMMUNITY CARE to make sure patients avoid going to Emergency in the first place. This is the same theme that is repeated over and over in every single fucking healthcare policy literature.
- Cinder Frost: Prove that he is the poorest member of the senate... I'll wait... And.. "I think" isn't accurate reporting. SMH
- Donny Tiny Hands: Infowars now has their own Tomi Lauren.
- Gavin Larson: Infowars people are just so full of themselves
- Dra O: Sailor girl appears to be, um, a bit “aroused”
- Kazino: Socialism doesn't start by being a dictator, it starts with a very charismatic individual... then they take it all
- Julian Antuna: 10k gay frogs disliked this video.
- Lavia: Incorrect. You can't make an argument without lying or strawmanning so now you are not even going to try because I called you out on it. Lol
- jim jones: This guy is a complete moron. Bernie Sanders owns three homes period. He claims he hates the rich and wants to help the poor, but he is part of the rich. By you saying that he is the poorest member of the Senate and Sanders became a millionaire while in Washington shows the problem with our elected officials. No, Sanders never said how many houses someone should own, but he did preach about the greed and how people who own things that HE feels are of greed is wrong. Do you think a poor homeless Liberal would thing owning three houses is greedy?
- Grand Theft Auto Labs: That socialist chick is fucking retarded. Did you even listen to her? She can't even understand the plot man. She's lost.
- mcfuggle: I don't get it. They both seemed like idiots.
- krzysztof ginalski: this was trolling to perfection? i don't know what are you smoking?
- Leesa Michaels: The so-called "Reporter" gives us Blondes a really Bad Name.
- Flo: Did for them if they pulled it.
- Johnston Hawkins: +Sarah Libogoma is worried about my sanity? Look at her posting the same shit, over and over! Check your own sanity, thanks! "Sarah Libogoma Sarah Libogoma 38 minutes ago @Johnston Hawkins for your own sanity; you need another hobby, YouTube doesn't seem like it...! This is not an order either was my previous comment, have a good one! REPLY Sarah Libogoma Sarah Libogoma 37 minutes ago @Johnston Hawkins for your own sanity; you need another hobby, right now YouTube comments doesn't seem like it...! This is not an order & neither was my previous comment, have a good one!" Oh, okay.. Sarah sounds like another busy-body, "big sis", control freak, who has no argument based in fact, likely little control over her own self & seeks to have an affect by telling other people what to do. SHE is the poster girl, for logical people like me, who #walkaway'ed from the "progressive" (socialist-controlfreak) Left. The Left, are who need to check their sanity! I could post hours of video proof...
- Gta 500: 🐀
- Liberal Larry: It always amazes me the extreme primitive fear-mongering on the right :" Danger! Socialism will have us eating rats!" Meanwhile none of them have ever or know anyone who's been to a country with Democratic socialism. All they know is the lies they read,and they believe that shit so easily.
- Kari Kepala Gajah: Sailormoon girl nicee..
- CANALI Rodriguez: I love the smell of.my own farts...
- keepitclean: It doesn't help when she says we should have free healthcare.
- Reinhard Aditya: guess it was cold that day
- sammy lee: This is a garbage show.
- a S: That sailor girl is about five years away from being a crazy cat lady. You can tell she never really smiles, she just wants America to crash and burn like all the other socialist hellholes have.
- kirkham111: How did the infowars woman get owned. The other woman couldn’t give any explanations on why socialism is good. The interviewer completely owned the Bernie girl
- BrodyBruh: what this sailor girl is an idiot
- Big Poppa Botch: Lol as if conservative means right wing in Germany, that's some funny shit bro
- Symptom Cownage: How'd she "troll" them exactly lol. She failed to answer any question cohesively and only spoke in passive-aggressive remarks. You people make liberals with brains look bad.
- Lavia: You are so easily triggered, that is amusing. Have a voicechat? I would love the free entertainment.
- Capt. Sum Ting Wong: Stuart Bell - “Rich People” get “Capitalist” Hospital Health Care in Australia? While the peasants get Socialist Clinic Medical Care? Sounds about right?
- Ryan Ranger: “The 1% supports socialism”? Ahahahaha!!!!!!!
- jon tanno: the chic had the mind of a 12 year old. she is liberal or autistic.
- Redmane_0: This is trolling to perfection? Give me a break. The interviewee comes across as a complete air-head. Millie certainly seemed a bit raw and inexperienced but if this is "trolling to perfection" then you don't seem to know what trolling is, Kyle. All this video has done is give me a very good reason to pay no attention to you.
- Scott Nicholson: What percentage of Americans eat from dumpsters? Let's discuss capitalism in Ethiopia. I'm from Info Wars. We're a news outlet. Does it get any fucking dumber than this?
- Supernova12034: its hard to take you seriously when your boss thinks drinking tap water turns you into a gay frog.
- Momo: What a sexy woman
- Horvath Victor Andrei: we don't give a shit you're a lesbian
- J B: Pure NY
- Camila Castillo: Venezuela is a topic you shouldn't touch if you don't understand it. From what I read about Bernie, or any american politician... They're miles apart from politics in Venezuela. Plus, we all agree that Venezuela's problem is mainly because of corruption. Political views have nothing to do with it.
- piffdaddy420: how was this trolled to perfection? i thought u were gonna show something that was good. guess what? America must be doing something right since we are the strongest, most wealthy, largest economy out of every country in the world... and so soon u all forget how european union was about to fall apart when the euro was going to fail. how the fuck is this going to work anyway? tax the rich? then the rich go and move to dubai (where there is no tax) and then we are left with no1 to pay the taxes, and a bunch of freeloaders thinking they have everything entitled to them.... good idea!!
- Reflex: I was't too impressed with her answers. Just seem like too morons from opposite ends of the spectrum arguing with each other. I actually share her opinions and she was horrible. That Info Wars bitch was throwing elementary school level questions. Could've shut her down so easily with even the most basic facts
- J- LEETHAL: "Eating rats"😂😂
- fuckantifa indabutt: Most useless clickbait ever. Really reaching here Kulinski
- Henry Atkinson: +Lando Griffin these dont cite anything but themselves and not being primary sources (they were not there reporting) makes them worthless.
- bird up!: That infowars girl is a total spaz. She needs a hit of what the liberal girl is smoking. Listening to her desperately trying to prove her insane talking points gives me anxiety lmao
- Adrian Zapata: Dude, your show is not going to do well. I don’t know what video you were watching, but I don’t see how that girl trolled the info girl. Your wack, wasted my time watching your video. And I can tell that your defending socialism. I have family in Venezuela, and the people are dying! So, fuck socialism, and fk you!
- frank wright: As our war machine spends billions??? if you could see the daily bs here on tv and in peoples minds??? wow sad times for us in America. I stand for none of this shit like most of the people??? Plum nuts....
- Vyllckart: Infowars: "the 1 percent control everything" Infowars: "the 1 percent want socialism" Infowars: "thank god America isn't socialist" .....so...let me get this straight Infowars: 1% have absolute power to make anything socialist...but not america? OR! Here is my super innovative idea totally not stolen from common-sense: If a country has free-healthcare, high taxes and businesses, fees on exports and imports are low and such (like most of europe) then they arent socialist, they are social democrats, and still are capitalists, because they didnt just go like "now no businesses can exist" or "now all farmland is collective" and still go like "yes, banks, stock markets, businesses and all that still exists and the economic system is still based on supply and demand, and so on and so on. As a european, Im also tired of americans going like: "Liberals are socialists"....THE WORD LIBERAL LITTERALLY IN 90% OF TIMES MEANS PRO-FREE-MARKET, PRO DEMOCRACY & OR REPUBLIC SYSTEM EVER SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION.
- Kennith Medlin: Click bait. Didn’t happen
- ABRAXAS: +qing *hanged
- Aaron Bingham: zooey deschanel?
- S7Robin: Lol that’s great
- george cushing: 🔥iran coke deal https://youtu.be/AiHi9puWdJc https://youtu.be/y3ZLsp1v5iY 4:00 mark DHS Secretary krebs admits russia (DID NOT) try to hack elections ~FBI muller& news is lieng to overthrow new usa prez https://youtu.be/FWYPmHJ3WeU proof DNC (was not) hacked by russia&trump being framed
- Parker Sines: Being clueless is not trolling
- GJ Gaming: Can she facesit me?
- calico kitten productions: +3Hoes4Santa not true, and they don't check to see if you can afford the service before they take you. But greedy vampires are trying to invade our NHS and are trying to suck its lifes blood from it. We should be telling them to jump off the White Cliffs of Dover.
- Tyler W.: I don’t think she intentionally trolled anyone.. she was just super chill
- Cooper Harris: Haha your gay lol
- Killian Ryan: You don’t honestly think that was an own do you? Birdie wasn’t great but stereotypical American socialist doesn’t realize things are deeper than I just want ppl to have free healthcare money still have to get paid from somewhere. And of course no socialist would advocate eating rats but everything they compare to in Venezuela is a byproduct of the system it’s something that can and does happen And love your list of great countries that are all made up of nothing but white ppl those places are so racist. Not really but they are a different beast than us big time
- Zachary Bushnell: TJ K Most sane conservatives are completely full of shit.
- Tom Bower: Venezuela is the favorite strawman of conservatives. I love it when the uneducated use the word socialist as a pejorative.
- Jens W.: _"Our current situation in the US, where 1% of the population controls an overwhelming percentage of the wealth in the country, shows the flaws inherent with unchecked capitalism. "_ -> There is nothing inherently wrong with 1% controlling the majority of the wealth as long as the rest is well off too. Keep in mind that most of that wealth isn't gold plated sinks or stashs of cash. When people say "the top 1% control the majority of the wealth" then that makes people think like they own half of the country for their own exclusive use, but that's not actually the case. They certainly own big mansions and a few exclusive Yacht clubs etc, but these mansions and clubs are not 50%+ of all residential and leisure property. Most of the actual "wealth" of the top 1% is company stocks, not physical real life things that the rest of the population is deprived of. These people manage those companies by directing their assets to where they will be put to most efficient use. In socialism you'd have the exact same thing, except that the people/committees who manage these assets didn't get to that position through merit like Bill Gates did, but through loyalty to the party line and by being friends with the right other people. Also, in socialism those committee members don't really have any personal stake in the success of their decisions. _"You CAN have socialist programs within a capitalist society"_ -> I think one should strictly distinguish between socialism (public ownership/control of the means of production) and social (=/=socialist) programs. 'Social' and 'socialist' are like 'your' and 'you're'. Similar words, often confused, but quite different meaning. However, one indeed can have real socialism within a capitalist society. Nothing is stopping a business owner from transferring control to his employees if he wants to do that.
- jafer jebori: You need to go after David Pac-Man
- 本田盾子: What is this fucking weeb doing wearing a school uniform of my country?
- Keon Aureii: Never trust a girl wearing a seifuku- she might eat you.
- Mary Hunter: Haha, you moron, healthcare is not the 'right to someone else's time'. It is the right to live!
- Aron Willington: Why is Duckworth being in the military previously a pertinent point? So was I but I'm not American so I don't masturbate over military personnel or shit my pants when I hear the word "socialism"
- Martin Francis: Oh my gawwwwwwd... What is it with girls in the last twenty or so years? They talk like they are in-between falling asleep and crying. They can't say a sentence without saying the word "Like" seven times. I've no particular interest in any political side. Just that way of speaking grinds my teeth.
- parkerandrecreation: Info Wars is for insane people and walmart trash
- Stacy Stroker: This Kyle dude is irritating
- Destiny McKeever: Beside the whole commentary... What the hell happened to this dude's fingers?? I'm distracted by the shear amount of band-aides flashing around... hahahaha...
- David Gonzales: nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fact that it is what he calls himself.. how do you not know that he explains his stance as democratic socialism??
- c s: Wow you are stupid as a girl who thinks socialism will give everyone free health care if you think that was trolling. "Ask not what your country can do for you." Ask what your country will force you to do. Dumb asses! Socialist means anti choice. Should expect that from a guy running a talk show from his moms basement.
- Willy Bragg: The blonde bimbo does not realize that Venezeula is not a socialist country.
- ReaperCheGuevara Alexander: All Alex Jones supporters are idiots. The whole fan base is filled with paranoid shit bags. I used to be one of them but I'm so glad I'm not one of them anymore. It's a trap for mindless drones to call normal people mindless drones.
- Austin LeValley: You're a fucking idiot guy....
- AnOstrichYoutubing: Finally found someone who isn't Steve Crowder, I'm done with his bullshit
- chris hamilton: +William Fitzpatrick did I dig a grave? Have I lost? Why? Because all you have is rhetoric and no answers? And that is good enough because millennial? You don't have the faintest concept of what does and what does not constitute a win or a failure, you've made that much painfully apparent with the whole 'lauding the tranny retard' bit that got this while exchange started in the first place. So I will try to explain to you again the reality; Just because you say the word 'win' does not make you a winner, it makes you a retard that can speak. So again, how should a debt impoverished nation, languishing in unmanageable spiraling insolvency pay for socialized medicine? Tax payer money? So essentially, the individual is still paying their healthcare costs, only now you have the federal government handling your money instead of you,.....so they can say things like,...'the healthcare super-formance act has run out of money, so for the next 30 years, we're gonna go ahead and draw the tax money to fund the program, though there will be drastic cutbacks in the amount and style of coverage that you can expect at the doctors office.' Between that and the fact that my healthcare claim will be denied while section 8 assistance recipients will be lined up to get their penises cut off on the tax-payer's dime because priorities! Sounds awesome!
- Chris Davis: Mr FlameNeverending he a dumbass
- Nostalgic Universe: This girl is the best
- Vilavain: Libtards destroyed the reptards epic style lol ekks see #noobedtrolled
- Frank: Infowars gives anything it happens to side with a terrible name, ugh
- sabin97: +hooptie actually no. this is exactly what happens in a plutocratic dictatorship. it's the antithesis of socialism. look for example at actual social democracies(i.e. the socialism of the 21st century) and you'll see the diametrical difference.
- fkujakedmyname: info wars thinks north korea is democratic cuz they put it in the name
- Skizerz the Almighty: So throwing childish insults in response to questions is trolling now? I thought that was just being stupid.
- Aimen Abduljelil: She’s super smart and disarming, she’s gonna get places in life
- Elise M: Ideological prostitution my friend.
- KMW: Inexperienced interviewer
- Des Ulv: Hey man don't knock rat burgers till you try them. Haven't you seen Demolition Man? Sly makes that rat burger look pretty tasty. You gonna argue with ROCKY?
- SloanKetter44: Brian McGowan IM 1n a utube c0mm3nt section you fuckin idiot I don’t care about my grammar. Your literally responding to me saying all YouTube idiots wanna tell me who I am and what do you do incorrectly say I failed my class bahahaha. Look at the grammar in your comment there shit for brains. Trust me my grammars a lot better when im writing posts 100,000’s of people read. The two dumbest people on the internet are people who correct grammar and tell you who you are and YOUR BOTH! Hahahaha your a fuckin clown kiddo
- Bradford Wagner Jr: KYLE "npc" Kulinski
- Tyren Hoskins: You mean the absolute shithole ran by the Cartels. Yeah I agree, seems logical.
- Celestial Teapot: See John Piger on Venezuala. Try some facts for a change
- Shelby ramin: I see no trolling. I was excited man. Misleading title.
- Florence deBear: We already have socialism: the Veterans Administration, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, public aid, .disaster assistance. police, fire, unemployment insurance and other government (local & national) programs you will use as a safety net should the bottom drop out of your life. Nothing is free. Even being poor isn't free. We all pay taxes. we all share the cost. That's socialism. It's not a nasty word: capitalism is. Other countries do it and we're the richest in the world. Corporations like Walmart and Amazon use these programs to supplement the low wages they offer workers and they get welfare through tax breaks and other subsidies they lobby for. The rich evade taxes and don't pay their fair share, that's why they claim these programs can't be sustained - which is b.s. BTW Hillary won the popular vote by three million.The electoral college is not democracy-does not reflect the will of the people. Most Americans want single payer health care and we will get it. YOU need it or plan to go broke.
- Dribin: Jens W. I'm an uber driver in orlando Florida and have spoken to a lot of Venezuelans who have came here to get away from their corrupt county. I've heard horror stories of the poor living conditions and how paper money is almost useless. People work just to eat, which is why you hear about folks eating pets and even rats as we saw in this video. One man told me how it use to be such a beautiful land when he was younger, but now everyone is poor and there is crime everywhere you look. This all happened definitely NOT because of capitalism lol. I'm glad you mentioned it being ranked 179th since I was about to!!
- tmcleanful: David Warschauer water is wet.
- mike Murphree: Info wars is a joke but this chick could not answer a simple question Click bait!
- vivahernando1: He’s the least rich member of senate .... stop spinning Kyle
- Lone rider Lrmotorsports: The first time I have seen this girl from info wars. ??????????
- Fatman in Paradise: 3:20 yes Kyle, you should take your own advise.
- Tzadeck: Girl in the schoolgirl outfit was a boss. The Info Wars lady and the host of this YouTube channel are both annoying, on the other hand. Yeah, I agree with this channel more, but it's still obnoxious.
- NPC Panther of MGTOW: Government doesn't pay for anything, taxpayers do. "People have a right to free healthcare" if she feels so strongly then she should give her boyfriends next paycheck to pay for a stranger's ambulance ride fee; oh but its easier for a socialist to wring money out of others while she sips her Starbucks. The irony is she comes from a wealthy family so she's never had to pay for anything. She's used to everyone kissing up to her and thinks the world runs like that. But in ten years when the last of her looks fade, society will cast her aside like the garbage she is.
- Django Fett: The video should be titled: "Infowars ditz loses debate with the most stoned Bernie supporter ever caught on film."
- MegaPaddz: I agree with limiting people to owning 2 homes, it would solve our housing crisis here in NZ. Who needs more than that, all it does is increases the cost of living. I think it should be illegal to own residential property for rent, as in you should only own a home you live in.
- TPQ1980: It's not about how much money Sanders is worth, it's about how much his ideas are worth to a modern Western democracy. Too much socialism is obviously bad, too little can be bad also. The US is a historically center right leaning country overall. How many of Bernie's socialist ideas are truly compatible with core American values? Are his ideas proven to be better than the way things are done now? These are the kind of questions to ask about Sanders' ideas. Socialism is a social theory that can often seem to make sense (in theory), but in practice has proven to be an unmitigated disaster time and time again to the tune of over 2 hundred million lives lost and many more prevented from reaching their potential and finding fulfilment. Socialism robs a nation of its character and hollows a society out, all in the name of equality. Equality cannot be imposed by the state, because people are inherently unique and therefore unequal.
- Stunami: SPOT ON Kyle. —> Corporatism is NOT Capitalism. It is rather a SOCIALISM for the Wealthy CORPORATE Dynasties. (I paraphrase)
- Hey Hayes: The lady in red was using red herrings like crazy 😂
- Adam Jankowski: "I know it was true, because other people said so" you whiny liberals are all nuts...
- Gustav Gnöttgen: Strange canceled Hellboy 3: written by crowd funding, paid by fan fiction 🙅♀️
- fragwits: i like the sailor outfit :) i'm in favor of eating out the poor (girls)
- Thomas: Infowars get trolled once and liberal media thinks they are hip.
- whyamimrpink78: EnigmicIdentity, individuals do create jobs. Those individuals read the market and invest in a way to create jobs. If the Walton family did not invest to create Walmart those jobs would not exist. Those people do not provide healthcare for one simple reason, they can't afford it.
- Adel: The infowars girl wasn’t owned....
- BLT: This chick Kuklinski gets shit mixed up all the time.
- John Annese: Hey buddy you have shit dripping out of your mouth and it's free!
- Boats N Hoes: 1:35 its getting rather cold.
- ASMR Ladybug: Sooooooo cringey, by the way she didn’t “own” the reporter. Sure the reporter didn’t do a very good job.. Duh we all want people to have healthcare, the issue is HOW can you give free healthcare to everyone and PAY for it?
- Yon Yensen: I'm for National Socialism.
- Gaetano: Ohhh she really owns Infowars.. pfff, ok. Yeah, she’s a noob but the Infowars girl brings up the end game of muh socialism and you dorks say this is trolling? HAHA! That’s why you’ll be begrudgingly voting for another corporate neoliberal in 2020.
- PianoDreams: I don't see how this random woman is trolling. She isn't convincing. She also sounds quite callous about the plight of people under socialism in Venezuala. Her remark about free healthcare doesn't really address the staggering problem of how it will be paid for. Seriously, if this is leftists trolling, God help them. The right absolutely owns you lot at trolling.
- Prad Kricanakarin: This is glorious the troll gods are strong with this one.
- B noza: Venezuela? Wtf did that have anything to do with the topic? Lol
- BIGD_OSpinner: I'm actually in favor of eating the rich... lol..
- Androvsky: ashtonbirdie got trolled? i wonder who called it to be removed first
- gsx-r7502018: You people on both sides of the spectrum are fucking brainwashed. Fuck you people are fucking stupid. Hey let's make America socialist for free health care that'll work out swell.
- N/a N/a: Socialism is socialism? You do realize things like the minimum wage and social security are socialist too right? Are you advocating the removal of these things?
- Twenty Three: iphone socialist......what a time to be alive
- Jeremy Butcher: It's not bullshit fuckboy. NO ONE SHOULD GET RICH OFF POLITICS. Also his homes are all worth more than 350k each. He along with every other politician doesnr give a fuck about the people.
- zen dit: Huh? There's no trolling hear
- FUCK GOOGLE: Sean Armstrong is English your first language? Or are you just slow? I was making fun of the way that woman from Infowars phrased it.
- AntiAnti: “You heard of Venezuela right?” “Heard of it”
- deathuponusalll: No dude, I WOULD eat the rich Kyle, with a bit of Chianti *sip, sip, sip, sip* lol Fuck’em
- hossrex: How did this woman troll the 'reporter'? If the little sailor girl was 300 pounds and sweaty, she would have sounded ridiculous.
- Docholland45: I went to high school with that particular woman and if thats trolling shes been doing it since the 9th grade. I have to say im impressed with her commitment. TAKE THAT DONALD TRUMP!!! OPEN BORDERS AND MORE WELFARE!!! BLUE WAVE 2020!!!!
- I Feast on Glue: This dude belongs in the cringe pile.
- Mordecai Epsilon: She's hot AF, who is this person!?!
- MrBibi86: *Getting owned by Sailor Mercury lol*
- Roble Mohamed: love her phone,
- Fuentes: “Why won’t you answer the question?”... what?! Lol
- Chris Grosso: You're letting your leftist views cloud common sense the girl was clueless
- MissVontease TS: Continued Wisdom so You’re saying we live in a dictatorship? Lmfaoo because we already literally pay taxes and if we don’t we get in trouble or we literally get money taken away so what are you really sayin ? That you don’t get what you’re saying ? Oh ok
- Human Being of Planet Earth: i didnt know being ignorant was trolling hmmm
- Joel: Venezuelans are tied to the resource trap which hurts them and causes dictatorships.
- Isabel A: I want to marry that woman lol
- Winston Shih: Wow you're so behind the times
- Manuel Blank: Infowars reporter : "Venezuela is a strong example why socialism doesn't work. Look at its 1% drinking champagne and its people eating rats. " Stoned bitch: "this is america. Im talking about america" Should've asked her why she thinks socialism works. Bet the hypocrite would have immediately mentioned Denmark and Nordic countries. To which my immediate reply would be This is America remember? 😂 These libs can't even meme or understand double standards and they want to control the economy. LOL
- NDat ø1: Id'a been all "but like, kids are eating rats here in America too so..."
- Vin Ellis: Capitalism is the erroneous belief that if we just let billionaires and corporations do whatever they want, maybe they'll make us all rich. So, CEO's own all the means of production. They do next to nothing. Workers do all of the work and make none of the profit. Repeat. That is capitalism. How anyone can think is a fair system is beyond me.
- Peter Parker: How would Infowars know if most people in Venezuela are "eating rats?"
- Joey Mathew: Why is healthcare a right??? Should people also pay for all my insurance needs? Life, car, goes on and on. Treat it like a commidity and you will see insurance plummet.... No the way it was shown that Trump sounds more on taxes than Bernie.
- Uncle Sam: You missed the point of 3 houses ...... the point is he is rich enough to buy 3 houses despite his preaching for the poor, not that he is against having multiple houses. I know he is the poorest member of senate but the rest of the senate are not socialists .....
- David Warschauer: @gregor : alex jones is a fraud
- Rocket wj: What the hell is your point? Your jumping around like that other chick...cause your dumb...like your mom
- Jerker: Democratic socialism=bad Social Democracy=good Learn the difference for fuck sake you bloody yanks. Scandinavia (I'm Swedish) has a tradition of social democracy, not democratic socialism.
- Mako Reizei: Suomi mainittu
- Ben Spook: Something about honey. Like my comment
- HappyLand: Yep. They never mention Norway.
- Mr.dabbs420: Alex is a funny entertainer 😭while taking all of his supporters money😂🤣
- Andrea Mendenhall: You think the interviewer is the dumb one?? 😆😆😆
- Herb Bluntman: C'mon baby and eat the rich! Don't you know? Life is a BITCH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcrj4szgTjc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pMVfpKBuyI
- Chad S: You're wrong. There are plenty of people who sincerely advocate eating the rich. Let's soylent green their asses. You're silly if you think the rich will ever let you vote away their power.
- Mario Morra: Kyle nice spin, but your full of it.
- Lavia: Yes, you did. "there is no such thing as free health care" No one is literally saying its free. You don't understand basic political discourse. Please educate yourself and catch up to the rest of the modern world.
- Man Of Oil: The video was alright but I gotta admit you explaining what we just watched right after watching it was cringey as everything
- The Shadow Master: It be a different story if it was Owen Shroyer you have to agree right
- Michelle Cross: Alex Jones has over 2 million followers dude how many do you have I would eats a thousand rats before I listen to you again hope you have a day job!
- Meditating Jesus: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States–Venezuela_relations The US is working with capitalists in Venezuela to try to collapse the country. It’s like Iraq. It’s like Libya , it’s like Syria. And the citizens just keep making excuses for bad politicians with bad politics.
- Dirk D: This chick has a podcast "red scare" check it out. Btw this is the way she actually talks.
- MadameTamma: The Interviewer and interviewed person sound like they’re both several pitchers deep in beer 🍺
- Gary Sims: I hate leftist ideologies but this dude does have a point. That was awkward to watch.
- paul sevilla: absolutely
- Wilderness Well: +qing oh of course!! No way it can be fake then. That logo is impossible to duplicate....
- MrGlennJohnsen: Why can’t Republicans get it through their skull that Socialism isn’t the same as Communism? Look at the countries voted as the best developed, happiest and most properous countries in the world. What do they got in common? Most are European, more specifically northern European and Scandinavia. Socialism is a BROAD term for ideologies, Communism is one extreme of it, Marxism another... You’d think "the greatest country in the world" would teach these basic things in schools...
- I_look dumber_in_person: Who pays the government? FICA we already have free healthcare. Obama found a way to sale it you.
- Yahuchanan Leví: I would suggest that this speaker, along with many others I have watched, refrain from saying “and um” and “uh/ah” while reporting news or making any type of public declaration. Refraining from certain typical “popular” vernacular cliches is also suggested. As far as cussing is concerned: NO. Unless you do not care much about the quality of your declarative skills. Furthermore; the best comedy is delivered without polemic rants and instead injecting many witty subtitles. From one public speaker to another. This is a good bit of advice and helps the speaker deliver a properly polished message. We learned this in Speech class 101. To be honest. Shalom.
- Frank Martinez: Thumbs down who's going to pay for all the free stuff and with open borders also you think Americans will be prioritized to get the free promises
- Olivia P: Lest we forget Mitt Romney had so many houses that when asked, he didn't know how many he had.
- Don Farmer: I know she wants Democratic socialism. Becuause thats different than socialism. Wrong over 100 million people in the last 100 years have died because of Democratic socialism. It always starts out as Democratic socialism and the people vote it in. One question do you trust your government? If you answered no! Then whey do you want to make it bigger. And there is know free health care! EVER HEARD OF THIS THING CALLED TAXES! OBAMA CARE PUT ABOUT 4 MILLION MORE PEOPLE ON HEALTH CARE. SOUNDS GREAT RIGHT? WRONG IF THERE WAS 100 MILLION PEOPLE ON HEALTH CARE AND YOU ADD 4 MILLION THEN EXPLAN WHY THE PREMIUMS MORE THAN DOUBLED! IF THE PREMIUMS DOUBLED THEN THERE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 200 MILLION PEOPLE ON HEALTH CARE BY MY MATH. ASK YOURSELF WHERE IS ALL THE MONEY GOING? Do you know yhe difference between a communist and a socialist? A communist is a socialist in a hurry!!! Just remember nothing is free when it comes to government. They try to convince you they know how to spend your money better than you do and will tax you till you are poor.
- Jay C: So wait, you're saying not to think she didn't not come out it looking good then? I'm still not clear on your original statement. Who am I not supposed to think didn't look good? Or not look good? Do I need to take the red pill in order to understand this?
- Krizzly: I actually thought the interviewee didn't do very well
- Truth Teller: hardly understand them...must be the accents...speak correct English why dont u....morons, both of them
- ferox965: And now Jones is pulled from everything.
- General MaCcorpy: Say " i find Burney Sanders sexy and I don't care about his agenda" = argument won, you don't need to justify your pov, and you get to keep sucking on your starbucks.
- pyrrhichos: Omg this is too much lmao
- Thomas Frey: You f-ck tards try so hard to make Infowars look bad and fail every f-cking time. Person being interviewed is a complete ret@rd. All you socialists marxists commies can GTFO and move to your Utopian Sh-thole of choice.
- Karen Van Zant: Actually, I think she sounded stupid and like she had a stick up her butt. Why do women continue to sound like bored men that were just inconvenienced from getting up out of their ladyboy recliners?
- The God Of Ducks: ummm. Not rlly? Although I like Bernie, the women struggles to counter Info war's points.
- SMK: @6:44 Get ready to Laugh
- ThatBrianGuy: Sailor Uranus baked out and snarky.
- J L: Just make Venezuela capitalist and I'm sure all the corruption will go away... Just like the capitalist Paradise of Nigeria.
- Braindead: So this is why people with autism are always randomly giggling and drooling...
- youmusthavebeen sober: People have nipples. Crazy, right?
- Piriathy: There is no point in trying to have a real conversation w/ modern conservatives, they are disingenuous cunts and always will be. They pretend universal healthcare is "socialism" an they pretend being in favor of social democracy w/ a market economy (like the Nordic countries) is somehow socialism.
- Decatonkeil: I love how nobody in the video or comments section needs to back their claim that people are eating rats in Venezuela.
- I Can't think of a name: Lol take away her phone LMAO that point fails bc she's not talking about government proivded phones, she's talking about health care. Other countries seem to make it work so why can't we?
- Tuber Youb: If she wants free health care go to Canada
- Vax Not: If people think Sanders will give them health care, they probably should research how he administered the VA. Essentially, veterans were eating cockroaches, and they couldn't get an appointment to see a doctor for many months and it was looking like the policy at the VA was delaying care for as long as possible so that vets die before spending any money on them. So ask Sanders about that. In fact one talk show did ask him about that, and his response was, "Ok, so I get it; you don't like government, but I have to go now, I've got an appointment...."
- Ethan Lascell: They tried to find the most idiotic person they could find, and they failed. Damn.
- theongreyjoy19: That's a rightwing to do don't be a right-winger
- Cooper Harris: I live in Australia
- ECHO LEOPARD: Socialists are just as bad as flat earthers. "You people have worms in your brain" but she's a commie BWAHAHAHAHA
- Thomas Gerardi: It's your rights, property, and freedoms being killed off, dumbass.
- Jordan Malicious: Free health care is awesome, now if medication was slightly cheaper, that would be awesome too.
- Alexandro Romeo: So if someone wants to be unemployed forever....smoke cartons of cigarettes, take drugs, have tons of unprotected sex...essentially riddle themselves with disease over time and not contribute anything to society, it’s um their right for the other bozos of society that work to fund this? Lol k “Honeeeyyyy” powerful
- N/a N/a: She trolled them. She never avoided asking the questions either.
- Kamron Eytcheson: I love that girl... When she smiled and said "I really dont wanna do this..." 😍
- Chevy_boy 454: Also this guy kyle is dumb as fuck
- dobbsiancant: wild rabbit...
- John11121: it was the rich business owners that WITHHELD their produce from the grocery stores in protest of the Venezuelan government, which is WHY the poor had to resort to eating rats. it had nothing to do with the government. and when they did that, the media was ready to to spin it as though it was government mismanagement. when in reality it was the rich people that dominate the agricultural sector of venezuela that conspired with the media to take down the government. you would think infowars, the company that got famous for covering conspiracy theories, would be all over that conspiracy...
- William Fitzpatrick: LMAO right?
- Bruno: She didnt really own her, but i like her attitude lol
- TehTJ: It's her uniform for when she turns America into a gay communist anime
- nadia mccall: I hate how the sailor girl talked so much that it made it hard to cheer for her. That is the worst way to talk -- vocal fry mixed with snot. Please get rid of both women for future use.
- Dante Jose: I remember seeing this in an sjw compilation and realised how dumb they were for putting it in
- WolfWhisky: Socialism Still sucks...
- I am Jobu: Ben Shapiro vs Sailor Moon Cosplay girl. Lets make it happen
- God Of Spaghett: She knew the lady was from infowars so she was bullshitting mostly lol
- ᗩ乙Ꭵᖇᗩᖺᗩᙓᒪ: if the 1% support socialism, why doesn't the US have it?
- Master Therion: She's new. Excuse her.
- BiggTeddyMikey: Real
- Dylan Ontiberoz: Infowars fans: LiBeRaLs ArE tHe EnEmY oF fReE sPeEcH Clip about infowars getting destroyed: *Exists* Infowars Fans: RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *dislikes* Edit: Alright. I clearly have to specify because you guys are losing your minds in my response section. THIS IS NOT A SLIGHT AGAINST CONSERVATIVES, I JUST THINK ALEX JONES DISCIPLES ARE FUNNY. You're all countrymen, everyone loves freedom, we'd all fight and bleed next to each other to defend free speech. Understand that before you comment, please.
- Neon High: infowars question are so dumb that have no answer. they think Socialism is a disease, therefore it is the same thing across the world
- dang9669: alright, after your "you like smelling your own farts" comment, Im ignoring you....piss off, you have no argument...so lame
- Micheal Carver: So tell me Kyle, do you know what dumb...and smelling your own farts really is? Do you speak for yourself?,.or do you speak for someone else who pays you? "And YOU, are their useful idiot" Well said mate.
- Ellinon Enosis: Hello from Greece, the democratic socialistic communist heaven of Europe. Everything is fine here we are happy this is the utopia of the left. You are all welcome here :) everything is free here and we dance Zora we don't work we drink ouzo and we eat gyros all day and the "rich" pay for it all.
- canadianroot: And, like, eat the rich, and, like, I have a gravelly voice, and, like, free health care, and, like, nasally voice, and, like, whine blah blah blah. Sorry, Kyle. Bullshit. She didn’t say “health care”. She said “free health care”. Also, “eat the rich” is a saying as old as the hills. Quit propping up this douche bag.
- OG Snowbone: shes not trolling them she’s just fried in the brain.
- Laura Beth: +Los Santos City That's true, but that's like? 14 thousand dollars a month. That's a full months wage for many people.
- zengalileo: Raspberry... Classic.
- Richard Hiller: Maybe you should take the time to tell us how much the houses are worth then
- brianr101010: The interviewer is inexperienced but she still showed that the ignornant bernie supporter thought that government supplied medical is "free" when we taxpayers are paying for it . also the dickbag commentator of this video is the stupidest fucktard I've ever heard. "bernie isn't against owning multiple houses", You dumb fuck, socialism means no private ownership of property not owning three homes which is not only Bernie being a hypocrit but you can't own three homes and not be wealthy. You dumb Fuck.
- Edward Zeigler: Not trolling. Weak.
- Ferdinand McElroy: NOTHING is random!
- Soldyrkare: This is really braindead, why is this even recommended to me
- Rob M: We have public libraries. They aren't necessarily free. Different states, counties and even cities can have their own policies regarding how these services are payed for. In my town the service is "free" for residents (and is covered in your taxes), but the next town over can charge you a yearly fee if you don't pay taxes. The point is, someone is paying for it, it's not actually free. The government paying for anything is just the people paying for it by extension.
- Lavia: You don't even understand the colloquial known connotation behind free healthcare... Typical retard...
- RocksteadyRisers: David Warschauer dude keep up the “alex jones is a fraud” comments. seriously. i crack up every time i see it in a thread. also, if you hammer it away for long enough, hopefully the message will get across to these people
- fmcr: Still better than Don Lemon.
- ReflectingOne X: Uh, yeah, that's not getting trolled to perfection. She openly says that she likes Sanders because he's a socialist.
- Roxana Banos: Venezuela is in America though...
- Darth Sidious: Michael Ellegard L
- Evan Fields: Ugh.... Venezuela is a failed state because its economy is overly reliant on oil production and when the price bottomed out it led to rampant inflation and it crashed their economy. Bernie is proposing an economic system more akin to European socialism which is extremely successful if practiced in the correct way. The money for these social programs are available without even raising taxes if we just allocate those tax dollars in more efficient and pragmatic ways. Our military budget is extremely bloated and needs to be cut significantly. We can role back tax cuts for the super rich that make absolutely no sense. The GOP has done a great job turning socialism into a dirty word and liberal into a pejorative but anyone not brainwashed by Info Wars or Faux News can see our current system is rigged in favor of the 1%. The Republicans greatest trick was convincing poor and middle class Americans that they actually care about the working class.
- Swnsasy _: Charles Bronson I looked and I can't find it so I'm thinking yea, they pulled it.. Did you actually check?? Oooh I know, you figured the lazy brain dead uneducated would just believe you and not fact check you..
- Mercurydylan89: Both seem like idiots tbh
- Phillip Carpenter: Healthcare isn't a right. Free healthcare isn't free. They pulled the interview because it was shite. The girl is a vapid liberal know nothing.. she's boring. It isn't interesting.
- Pinochet Pilot #666: SodaBoy628 yeah I'm sure they were eating each other's pets before they ramped up their socialism.
- trish oconnell: The only one that's getting trolled here i your dumb show. What did Hitler's Socialism do to Germany buddy? I'll tell you what it did; it bankrupt the country and brought them into war. Study history before you shoot off your yap.
- slackumjackum: I feel like you're trying to convince me in this video. I find your take interesting (even when I disagree), and I am no big fan of info wars, but one can easily perceive that to which the interviewer was inferring in her statements. It was analogous. Your review of this video made me think you were struggling to find material. One could also argue that oligarchy, plutocracy, and socialism are different heads of the same hydra. Socialism inevitably leads to a small few in charge under the guise of "decided by the people"... seems about the same ultimately as the others. I appreciate you actually trying to have a point and an argument on your channel but here I think you are crossing into the territory of trying too hard. This was a nothing moment at best that you spent a whole video on. Come on, man.
- bishplis: Miau Mischen yo redneck
- Polly Sage: But Kyle, Australians are devil people.
- Cooper Harris: Yea, I agree infowars is a snakeoil shilling mess of misinformation and stupidity so you think a girl "trolling them epic style" would be a little more refined than "eat the rich and gib free healthcare plox"
- SublimeStoner: You guys are dumb as bag of rocks if you think this socialist had anything worthwhile to say. "because i think it should be free" translates to I think people should work for free so I can enjoy the benefits of their labor for free. Kyle Kulinski, I would like to challenge your video on an intellectual level but you don't have anything to say besides your opinion.
- auzio: That was so good!
- Daniel TheProfessor: Though this chick and infowars may suck, this guy is such a tool... A douche... A shill... Call me crazy but he sounds just like that cenk the wonder mutt! All of these people are too annoying and programed... On both sides!
- Brian Benoit: These people don't get the basic difference between communism and socialism. Communism's basic ideology is that everybody gets the same no matter what. Socialism's basic ideology is that everybody gets the same OPPORTUNITIES. For example , their are many people out there with exceptional business skills, but because they didn't have a few hundred thousand dollars to buy a degree from Wharton they ended up working minimum wage jobs. Their are others who had promising careers and were making worthwhile contributions to society but got sick or injured and because they didn't have money for surgeries or expensive medicine, they ended up having to do menial jobs or go on assistance.
- Django Fett: The infowars brat self-owned while the stoner girl just sipped her soda.
- That's right It's Jesus: No you're right she was a prime example of not knowing what you stand for and following the herd.
- Pete13: I liked the part when this interviewer brought up the cost of Bernie's home. Nothing makes a right wingers brain smoke faster than the thought of a wealthy person who isn't totally motivated by greed, and most 1%ers would consider a 3 million dollar home a shack to begin with.
- vial.of.photons: She didn't troll anyone. She was really that dumb.
- HAVE_A_GOOD_CRY_LIBTARD: Socialists are fucking retarded. She didn't troll her at all, she really is that dumb, LMAO!!! Nice try, but this video fails.
- darren p: how do you think that girl was trolling???? That dumb broad couldn’t answer a damn question. Health care isn’t a right. fuck socialism.
- There Were No Gas Chambers: Ashton needs a little more practice at this but her points were spot on, Bernie Sanders, a socialist, owns THREE houses while there are millions of Americans who are homeless. Oh the HYPOCRISY, oy vey!!!!
- Elvin Ostrup: She's American, why wouldn't she be?
- Don Francisco: Trump is the best president America has had since Reagan. It feels so good to have a president who isn't out to get you. I agree on paid health care for people who can't afford it. The country club republicans are the ones who block that. I would be happy to get rid of them
- Ivin3690: Where was the ownage?
- red32303: Talk about “hacky”. You did everything you accused her of.
- olivergrayhoundII: Do you recommend her podcast? Looked at their patron and it's pretty pricey.
- Justin Norton: She should have said, "And how many homes does Sean Hannity own?"
- Paul Temple: Looked good to me. Bernie Sanders will force people to eat rats whilst he drinks champagne in his three million dollar home. You don't get news Kyle do you? News is weaponised propaganda and the facts are irrelevant. The right don't spew lies and hatred because they are stupid, they do it to win and it works.
- matzpimp: Anime girl
- NelC: If the interviewer makes no sense, she'll fit right in with the rest of InfoWars.
- Cash Money: That sailor trolld info wars Alex jones is contemplating suicide now
- The Painkiller: The usa could easily pay for healthcare. Just cut military spending.
- Aurochz: Damn...
- miyaguitube: Garbage
- Wralth Chardice: Take example and take down your videos as well when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
- William Gerardi: wow this is my friends ex gf loool
- Oscar Llanos: This video made me finally unsubscribe from Info wars and subscribe to this channel. #DUMPINFOWARS
- Moshe M.: Pot calling the kettle black
- Austen Laxton: +Johnny Valiant Do you right just write horseshit, copy paste, and change key names like, "socialism" and "communism" to fit your grossly misinformed ideals?
- Wewillrise: I don't see where is the "ownage" here.... the "french" gurl was just acting silly...Not even one single intelligent thing came out of her mouth.
- FattyMcButterPants: Elp Smith it was because of socialism. Go read about it. The country was very successful until the elected Chavez. Then 5 years later the country collapsed.
- FiatDuster: This beta male pansy just has a schoolgirl fantasy so he's blowing up her effectiveness in his mind. Granted, the interviewer did not do a great job... but from the empty-headed: "he's a socialist" to the banal "Eat the Rich" she just basically had to surrender both her primary assertion and meekly say "I just want people to have health care". I don't suppose any of this will keep the host from masturbating to the freeze frame image of the girl in the Japanese school girl outfit though
- Firmini Gaming: Your grasping straws here man. Your only content worth watching is watching you try to tear up info wars which you just fail at. Alex jones says some crazy shit of course, but there is truth in there. " you like to pretend the other size has no argument here whatsoever" He says as he tries to make it seem that the right has no argument here. You should find something better to do than taking others content and laughing at it and calling it your own.
- Dusty Derrik: She seems super dumb.
- Cory: This is what happens when social justice Warriors make conservatives feel smart
- Ocasio HAS THOUGHTS: They didn't pull the video alex jones reported on it the next day. Her argument was trash. The only reason this video blew up is because it was somewhat funny. The fact that any one cares about a reporter getting made fun of by a smug rich stoned teenager just shows that infowars is winning.
- greenghost3737: AW 08 so when she laughed at info wars it shows even a good knows info wars and alex jones dick hard supplements r the real joke son
- kusaga: I'm only watching this because you can she her nipples
- joshua irvin: She is sexy.
- plasticspine: Socialism = legalized theft . I love when you say “we “ should give free Heath care to everyone . But to give this “free” health care away you have to point a gun at doctors or tax payers head and rob them and make them into your slaves . Black people used to be forced to work for free and we can all agree that was evil . Is it not also evil to use force to rob people of their hard earned money or doctors of their time and effort. How can you justify using force to make people into your slaves so someone else that didn’t work can have “free” goodies . And if u think it is ok what’s to stop people from a less productive country like Africa from coming and taking what you have ? Go help people with wealth you produce and stop steeling from people !! I’m an objectivist I think the republicans are just as bad .
- Pocket Calculator: +Hirnlego999 It's not about helping Venezuelans. It's never been about that, that's why Chávez and Maduro were allowed to destroy the country. If the US really wanted to topple the government, all they'd have to do is stop buying oil. All the money from oil sales comes from the US anyway. That, or support a coup or give student training and weapons to fight back. They've done neither of those things despite constant manifestations since 2013 and several violations to human rights and the Venezuela Constitution, so they won't do it. As for the 2001 coup, there was no coup in 2001. Hugo Chávez quit the presidency and was escorted out once the Defense Minister refused to put the Avila Plan in action. What's the Avila Plan? It's basically a curfew with the added bonus that soldiers can shoot at civilians. It was already done in the 1980s during the "Caracaso" and left hundreds of deaths, and that's why the military refused to enact it again. Why did Chávez want to put it in action? Because students had enacted several protests for days. Despite what Telesur tells you, they weren't armed. Protests turned violent and caused several deaths once the colectivos showed up to stop students from reaching the Presidential House. Colectivos are paramilitary (armed) groups that support Chávez. Why were students protesting? Because they feared Chávez was turning into a dictator: he had modified the Constitution, making his presidential term longer, dissolving every ministery and the Senate, replacing it with an Assembly composed almost exclusively by Chávez' supporters (which also meant Chávez could pass laws, since any laws he proposed were immediately passed by his friends); and the Supreme Court of Justice also was filled with Chávez supporters. The first thing they did? Declare that Chávez' term was "reset" since there was a new Constitution. On other words, he would rule from 1998 to 2007 instead of 1998 to 2002 There were rumors about election fraud and the chaos that ensued from completely modifying the Electoral Council was used as an excuse to disappear all ballots. There was never a recount of the votes despite that being a legal obligation and the people's right to do so. Chávez also formed the colectivos and gave a shitload of money to soldiers so they would "help the poor" or some bullshit like that which had already translated in corruption cases. In Venezuela, once the President has reached half of his term, the people can call for a nation-wide vote, a referendum, to decide if the President must continue in charge or not. The vote failed (again, under suspicious circumstances) and then Chávez decided to do something terrible, unconstitutional and undemocratic: he released a list of the people who had voted against him in the referendum. Those people and their families were fired, if they worked for the State, they couldn't receive credits from State-owned banks and they were banned from receiving jobs at the State. He then fired several PDVSA executives and workers. That night they were expelled from their houses using force and tear gas. There were kids and women in there. They were all stranded in the middle of nowhere since oil refineries are not near cities. In other words, there were internal reasons for protests to erupt. Protests turned violent thanks to government zelaots, Chávez ordered a curfew, the military refused and fearing a coup; Chávez quit the presidency. There was no coup in 11/04/01. That's pro-government propaganda.
- S C: That is perfect right wing logic. People in Venezuela are eating rats therefore... Bernie Sanders’ house is too expensive.?.? I guess? Right wingers cannot think properly.
- Paymahn Amirgholi: This is Trolling?Kyle you’re a tard
- kim tae: sjsjsj the duck costume girl was just trolling her bc she wasn't interested in the conversation to begin with. her name is dasha and she has a podcast called the red scare where they speak about politics. they're knowledgeable and very fun to listen to!! the infowars girl was doomed to fail from the start lmao
- HAVE_A_GOOD_CRY_LIBTARD: Socialism is Communism....are you people really that Autistic? LMAO
- oopoo64: Can confirm we only eat rats here in Australia so we can get free healthcare.
- tenzin santy: Socialism doesn’t work that’s the whole point of the interviewer referencing to venezuela.
- adermz: Never met a middle class socialist they are either poor and got a liberal arts degree or the kid of some rich parents.
- Efrain Crespo: There is not free healthcare It will cost someone. It usually costs to the value producers. And all these countries you are mentioning are drowning their working class personal finances, getting subsidies from us (military defense cover and environmental payoffs and others). The one thing I agree is that plutonomy is the motive of some of the top (especially banking institutions) because they don't produce value but they manage money movement or because they need to protect themselves from opportunist (or at least is the excuse some tell themselves at night) I don't believe in social healthcare even when I am poor and I have some benefit. The welfare program, in general, is based on the idea that if you give this temporary help people will get back on their feet or if they cant they will get enough to survive. As the US military have attested before there are mitigating factors directly related to I.Q. that may not allow people to get enough skills to "get back up". On the flip side of that, there are opportunists and people that are simply not motivated to get back to the population that is paying for that welfare with their taxes do to self-esteem, lack of preparation and other reasons. The thing that seems to me that socialist tend to overlook is the psychological factor of motivation or the lack of. It usually revolves around if you have too much you are greedy and if you have not enough "you poor you". I am not saying that is never right, but the reality isn't that simple and more often than not it is not what it seems at first glance. I don't buy the 3,000,000 dollars houses thing even when I am not a Bernie Sanders kind of guy. Something I don't seem to think as a productive thing is an overly attributed evil to other people. Everyone is the hero in their own story. When we attribute malice to political, social and economic problems or the causes of it we start to distance ourselves from the solutions. Be blessed!
- jeff johnson: Would bernie qualify as 1 percent
- Elaine Shepherd: People you have no idea just how crucial this midterm election is to your working life and the health of your children. Realize we have to CHECK OUR REGISTRATION, REGISTER AND VOTE BLUE. We need a Blue Tsunami in November!!!
- Rein Clauws: Trolls? She was obviously stoned. But yeah the reporter was full of BS.
- Why Y: David Camacho lol and how she looks at the camera
- Dandy 30: How is it free? Are the doctors working for free? Are the hospitals being built by contractors that are working for free? Are the resources being donated? It's not free healthcare when everyone is paying.
- Bookhermit: I'd love to see a Bernie Sanders, Jordan Peterson discussion. I'd bet those two could have a MEANINGFUL, HONEST talk about solving many of our social ills.
- jimmy matho: Hey sec.......you get your funding from Soros huh? Just like media matters does And the young Turks. All loony left wing propaganda
- Bullets in Bacon Grease: Someone tell me why the blond girl was wrong. The dark headed girl was stupid for for NOT understanding that socialism causes the people people to starve. And for free healthcare. Call someone who lives in Canada, and ask them what they think of free healthcare. People have literally died in the waiting room of an emergency room. Brake a leg, (hopeful not an open fracture) and wait hours to see a docter. Months to get a life saving operation. You people need to study up on these things. Stop listening to Democrats, and libtards. The plan is to get rid of the middle-class, and have two classes, ritch, and poor. When your poor, you will do as your told in order to feed your kids. When your poor, you will do as your told in order to have health care for your kids. When your poor, you do anything to keep your kids from going hungry. Even feed them rats. Democrats are not your friends !
- Markus Gjengaar: Lol, why is people bringing up Venuzuela (don’t know how to spell it) as an example of socialism? Scandinavian countries are the real examples of how socialism works.
- Apek1120: Kyle you killed it on this segment. Time to eat crony capitalism. lol.
- uber eat my ass: How do we figure she was trolling? Because she’s literally an internet troll. Her twitter account is completely filled with satire. She’s a comedian.
- TheInkinJapan: USA health system is shit. Copy New Zealand, Australia, or England. idiots
- Ronnie S: +Laura Beth that's a small minority not the completely healthy majority screaming for free health care
- 255ad: that sailor outfit is hot
- LackofAttack: Saúl Servín Sánchez minus the totalitarianism, and you're correct.
- James Crews: 4chan is cancer!
- Will Moffat: The tragic thing is, in a few months, Alex Jones will be screaming about how "WE HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE OF SOCIALISTS CLAIMING THEY WANT TO EAT THE RICH".
- Django Fett: "T Zub me too. And free phones, free groceries, free homes, etc etc At some point they just need to realize that Santa is not real." Nice strawman, retard.
- GOD IS AN OPIATE FOR THE MASSES: Gerald Polzin Jr. Yeah, that's why the states with the lowest education are Republican.
- Nimrod: the beret girl was a snobby airhead.
- Heroo Duurr: What? No? Get out of here commie you're not the one making sense
- Austin James: I mean no one really won here.
- Roswell Crash: She hot too
- Sofa King: Anyone know the sailor girls name? I want to thank her for being chill in front of infowars.
- Bob Stuffguy: Socialism is bullshit tho
- Lavia: They re-uploaded it after getting mock. Get your facts straight.
- good pimp m.A.A.d butterfly: I have no idea...in what world this is trolling
- Matthew Workman: How is this a troll?
- Rae Bae: this is staged.. if you wanna talk about just be up front.. youre describing your own tactic
- Kong Kong: my fav is: "you know Venezuela?" "yeah, heard of it". for me, that's the clear sign she's trolling.
- Loxul: She looks like the perfect troll. Wearing that sailor outfit lol.
- John Schreckengost: Info wars is retarded
- Brenden Taylor: Bud Peters yeah you seem intelligent... Jesus Christ
- MordredTheMightyMetalhead: Where is wiggly-wooOoo?
- Queef Micester: ....why wouldnt he donate his THIRD home???? (Or is because he only believes peasant ever day people should live by the "virtues" of Socialism?)
- Ken MacDonald: It would take care of the rat problem in the U.S. anyways
- mehrshadvr4: Are info war audience this dumb?
- Porleark Tuy: Damn, the Alex Jones fans are out in force on this video.
- Sebas G: ~That was a great talk.
- Bleak Solipsism: Both?
- Private Pyle: Why am I not swayed by this video
- B Dean: are those even questions?
- Kyle: oaxacachaka no flaws in this idea at all! None I tell you!
- Gekido: the video clip actually makes me cringe so hard i get angry that reporter and the rest of info war cast must go. get out of my planet.
- MegaMiir: Scotty Roxwell I just noticed that you are a conspiracy theorist troll, Good day sir.
- Grant Hill: Sailor girl is a total moron. Kulinski, you're a dweeb.
- Nicholas Chase: What's in your closet Kyle?
- Dramatic_Gaming: Jeez. Even half-stoned and unable to give less of a fuck, this girl *still* talked circles around the Info Wars girl.
- Shawn Smith: I would love to be her man! So beautiful!
- rolenny melo: Senators make over 150k a year he can buy multiple homes on that salary
- prallund feucht: how was this glorious? that was morons interviewing shallow idiots with no real arguments
- Bob Johnson: Health care isn't free. The government doesn't pay for it. The taxpayers do.
- corwyn2: a stupid girl doesn't means she is trolling unless you are just as stupid as she is
- Alien NATION: summit076 well said.
- David Spaulding: “Gay frogs are real!” he says in a typically outlandish segment of The Alex Jones Show. “Due to clips of me talking about it… they’re admitting that the majority of frogs in most areas of the United States are now gay. They don’t choose females, they go over to the male and then they go and live together.” “They’re putting chemicals in the food and water, and you look at men and women and you can’t tell what’s what most of the time!” Alex Jones drinks water. He doesn't know if his water filter can protect against these "chemicals", which he hasn't identified. Alex Jones drinks the water. Ergo, Alex Jones is gay by the same logic that some people in Venezuela are hit so hard by poverty, that they eat rats. Which is distorted people in Venezuela eat rats as if it's a common thing that everyone is doing it, ergo, all socialist countries devolve into eating rats. Which is absurd. And Bernie Sanders is still not a socialist. He's a left wing populist. Ergo, everyone in this clip has no idea what they're talking about, don't understand logic, and would be selected by the Obamacare death panels, that Alex Jones warned were coming, that never did, but they'd be slave labor or dead.
- Music: Still epic in 2018! Blue wave!
- LeNoir679: She didn't "troll" them haha Trolling would be her agreeing with the interviewer over and over while saying more exaggerated things until it was blatantly satire.
- Tim Caldwell: Isn't he doing the exactly the same thing he is complaining straw man argument? I'm from canada and i don't agree with a total social heath care system. And way to win people over with the name calling.
- MOO :P: While we're at it, we all might as well glorify the winner of a debate between two tree stumps as well....
- Gundam Serpent: Can anyone link the full video?
- The Almost Happy Camper: They took the video down because this lady was so embarrassed after being revealed as a moron on YouTube that they tried filing a lawsuit to have it removed and since the video didn't prove anything other than the blue and white libtard zombie lady being an idiot it wasn't worth them fighting it in court ...........That Zombie dressed like a 1940s sailor can't even own her own lips to spit out a coherent sentence saying "huhhh?" "Whaaaaaat" is not trolling or owning that's called being an idiot........
- Jones206: MisInfo Wars
- Mister Justice: I wouldn’t really consider this trolling.
- et7313: You're as annoying as Alex Jones
- Doug Townsend: I was going to mention Denmark, it's beyond belief trying to explain common sense to a lot of people who when asked , can't name the branches of Government . Not a clue of the war for independence , I heard a tea bagger , mouthing off how America kicked France's ass . And proudly said that's why he enjoys the 2nd amendment. I don't bother anymore . Oh ya I'm a Commie because taxes seem like a good choice to pay for roads.
- The Answer To 1984 Is 1776!: Just another coward on YouTube trying to discredit the one news source that actually tells the truth! America is totally fucked with idiots like this on YouTube spreading fake news about the truth...
- Shepard: I love watching these dumb asses praise a capitalist that preaches socialism. Dumb idiot morons. -_-
- MisterGein213: I hated both of them. That girl's attitude was very, "Like, omighad, so dumb" and the reporter was obviously pushing an agenda.
- Nick R 303: Nothing is free
- yeetboi: were at a point in this world where fake news is fake news and that fake news is fake news. Is it?? no. But you dick brains contradict yourselves so much that its funny now
- pvt meepmeep: Heard of it.
- Barney: she didn't troll anyone, this video i just one big nothing burger with no fries or drink, and no I dont like infowars
- WilsonRydeR69: Wow this guy is a complete fucktard. "The 1% doesn't support socialism.....they support socialism for the rich" Fuck off dude, we're not going down the fucking Communism road ya shithead. Go eat shit. Your left wing democrat bullshit is dying and soon will be dead. Trump 2020 bitches....
- Diane Watson: Well, I'm curious, since you had no freedom of information, how do you know it was capitalists who were doing that? I think it's very interesting that now the reason socialism fails is because of capitalist interference...I'm really curious, when there is no freedom of information, how you know that...or is it propaganda? That is a lot of what communism is...propaganda. And apparently a lot of young people are falling for it. Capitalism is a great economic model for a free and Christian society. Capitalism is what made it possible for this nation to prosper, and not only us, but people wanted to immigrate here to be a part of the American dream. But crony capitalism is evil. Capitalism rewards exceptionalism...those who excel, who work hard, can achieve success, and people from around the world saw that and many wanted to immigrate here LEGALLY to have that chance. In socialism, you are all just drones, except for dear leader. You don't really have freedom, but you are kept at your level, and you hopefully have just enough. It kills innovation, and drive. Your life is given to you like a slave, and everybody gets to be the same level of slave except for those at the top.
- Jay Moreau: But, but... health care isn’t free. It has to be paid for by someone. Social programs are necessarily enforced at the end of a weapon.
- Da Phetdala: Poorest member of the senate but he still is a millionaire
- KC M: Imagine being a socialist
- Leon Jakobs: Where is the trolling part? The Girl with the darker hair just sounds like she smoked to much weed
- Wafan Individualist: Mark Mason So your definition would be workers control it? So you would say true socialism is anarchy? Since you don't want government holding production and employing people. Since this is not "true" socialism that means socialism was never used besides in Anarchy societies and I doubt Spain was in anarchy. Elaborate more on what you mean maybe I'm failing to understand what you mean. Literacy and Life expectancy? Are you serious? Their life expectancy is less than the US where we eat poison everyday. How is literacy going to help when you have to eat garbage? Compare Venezuelan socialist literacy to that of a pure capitalist country like Switzerland or Hong Kong.
- jungefrau: Thank you!! People make this mistake over and over and over AND they think SJW and stuff like that is leftist when it has nothing to do with real leftist ideology or economics or anything. It's so frustrating.
- Krum: Actually, she is hot :)
- Chris White: Honey Humans have survived thousands of yrs without Healthcare and Celebrities are the 1% and they support Socialism and Communism so they can continue to rule over us and ignorant willing slaves .
- David Anewman: Socialism only works within Christianity but Christianity is also capitalist.
- tow truck: It's amazing how if you take a total goofball view like you you don't have to have any common sense or any value in your commentary you'll have huge numbers and you'll make money and then someone who makes perfect sense and tells the truth will have their numbers diminished I guess if you don't have any skills you got to do what you got to do I feel sorry for you
- Sleepy Hippie: I bet Venezuela isn't as bad as I they're saying it to be. I live in Zambia (a third world country) which most western news outlets portray as primitive and poor. I bet that the people of Venezuela are struggling, but probably aren't eating rats. Most of the western news outlets talk shit about a country, despite never going their. It's hilarious.
- Silas Richardson: Apparently there’s more on info wars person doesn’t know the difference between democratic socialism socialism there is a difference so she’s not very intelligent
- Richard Busby: she likes free healthcare its the rightwing jackasses who call that socialism
- stanky banky: How was this "trolled to perfection"? They're both dumb asses. I thought they were both trolling me.
- Dre AKBAD Thornton: You're not gonna like this Kyle. You just coached her. Whatever your intention was, forget about it. You just assisted her. If she listens to you, you have just made her more affective
- Adrianna sanchez: If this is the best you Marxists can come up with, some dumb bimbo... Then you guys are in a very bad position.
- InfinitySwitch: That woman who was working for inforwars was definitely acting as a provocateur, and a bad one, but in no way did the other person "win the argument" or "troll them". This was, at best, similar to watching a couple of 5 year olds talk about how their dads could potentially beat the shit out of each other.
- Jeremy Shapiro: First I'll say that clip was hilarious. I was dying when the reporter repeated "eating the rich" and still didn't catch on. You did lay out the argument against socialism however. You admitted it is "their money". Not "my money", "your money", "our money", or "the government's money", but rather "their money".
- James Crews: Alex Jones is a paid shill by the Donald Trump campaign. The only people that he attracts are tide pod eating teens and miserable old farts!
- TotPYsera: I didn't see any trolling. I saw another low-information voter not being able to express why they believe what they believe.
- Desmond Allin: All I saw was a sailor girl with the perfect figure. Not too much intellectual properties going there but each sip on that straw is super intense!
- THEVOIDMACHIINE: Never been in this pocket of youtube. Is this guy Republican or Democrat?
- Prizmatic Z: Eating rats? Sounds like a liberal rebuttal.
- Commander6444: This woman is a gem, bless her heart.
- Rene Kunnskap: Nice try to discredit infowars because of stupid people who think they are smart. This host does not get it.
- waiohwai_x: Australians are arseholes tho
- Hiren Patel: Everyone is against free healthcare until they get raped by it... Or are in denial cuz they get benefits from the state already
- Scott Williams: What??? This was good? The whole interview was stupid both ways.
- Molon Labe: Just because Bernie Sanders puts democratic in front of socialism doesn't make it any less of a socialist country. Socialism is socialism any way you look at it. I have said it before and I will say it again. These millenials and progressives are one of these days gonna get the socialism they are begging for and when they do they are gonna regret it. By then the people of "Old America" will be dying off or completely extinct and nobody will know what a great country this actually was. The history they will be teaching in schools and Universities will be different than what is taught today. It is already fading and fading fast. The youth that is graduating from ivy league schools have no idea who we declared our independence from or who even won the civil war! Hopefully I will be gone by then and won't have to live in a nation like that! To those old timers that are still around at that time I say Good Luck!! You're gonna need it!!!
- Ghimdo-Triom-Phi: But you don't have a right to health care though.... Like, I think I have a right to 1 million dollars and a wife that looks like Salma Hyak but that doesn't mean I'm right.
- Henri Alcazar: Kyle for an atheist you’re such socialist fanatic
- spacecake213: Hahahahaha
- Rick Russell: You’re an Alex Jones wannabe Kyle
- jeff singleton: I dont think she was trolling.
- Jay Gee: I just want to fucking punch that "reporter" . She is a representative of the most corrupt organization led by a madman.
- Leo g: So do you support socialism? Yes But I just told you people are eating rats! ........ In venezuela...
- Kevin Vance: I don’t see the ownage
- T3t4nu5: They both sound like complete idiots who have no clue about the issues they pretend to discuss.
- Tru Hawaii: This guy fucking sucks!!! Thumbs down way down
- Derek Villorente: Bernie Sanders supporters are the best!
- AmazingBotato Kaiser: she so high
- MEPHISTOPHELES: +Huzi 87 I dare you to name one fact in your first response. You haven't been able to actually refute anything I've said, at least I have numbers. Easily verifiable numbers. Verifiable is an important part. You can't prove or disprove "EU n socialism is gud." Your point about the EU is, once again, a bunch of opinion and emotion. Not a single verifiable claim was made. You just said random bullshit you think is true. EU funds itself? https://youtu.be/ztVMib1T4T4 Europe and the EU is the laughing stock of the world at the moment, even Australians think it's funny. And Tasmania is trying to make gender optional on birth certificates. UK is trying desperately to save itself with Brexit. Swedes just voted in conservatives into the government. Merkel has come under unbelievable scrutiny recently. The French are rioting. And you say you're a superpower? Funny. China is exactly what you say is wrong with capitalism but exponentially worse. It's pretty sad that you use a country riddled with corruption and failed social programs to try to take a jab at us. What about "muh free stuff". China leaves its people out to dry in over a quick AMERICAN buck as often as they can. Looks like the only thing we can agree on is that illegal immigration is a big problem here in the states. But to imply the blacks and hispanics legally here are an infestation...well let's just say it shows something about your character. Not to mention your fixation with using Jew as a synonym for what your little, lower middle class brain interprets as greed. Looks like you didn't learn the lesson last time national socialism was tried. Stay ignorant and pathetic. Goddamn Eurocucks, the lot of you.
- [Bracks ]: Melon Dick you know the iPhone was government subsidized right?
- Eric johnson: Most Americans can't even afford to own 1 home. Democrats would never propose legislation that they were directly contradicting. This is why the Civil War was fought. Democrats did not want to give up their slaves.
- Ragy Ratloy: I love this girl! what a strong, independent, and truely woke individual. rough around the edges, but on her way to being a well adjusted and productive member of society. as for the smoking socialist sailor boy, good luck lol
- Saint Michael: +creativereasons100 worked out just fine for us yes it did and no you silly turd not nazi just a normal upperclass white man sick of the scum dragging the world down
- David Warschauer: @justrandom1 : alex jones is a fraud
- Cindy Jencks: Worms in their brain. LOL Yep.
- Emily: Please check up on your knowledge about Australia. We don’t have “free” healthcare. Ffs. Plus, the public healthcare is terrible. If you want to receive quality care you pay for it through private companies goddamn.
- Nightbreaker's Games: George Soros and his army of Zombie bots are here!
- Matt Stone: Rats are healthier to eat than the meat in the United States. Why? Because some capitalist fuck decided to use a bunch of chemicals and drugs and feed farm animals an unnatural, unhealthy diet in unhealthy conditions because it could make a product 30% cheaper and raise profit margins as a result. We could regulate against that type of thing, but McDonald's giant multibillion dollar cock is in the way. But you know, socialism is bad. Capitalism is the best. It works so well (at ruining everything).
- Gabriel GM: We spend billions a year on bullshit that doesnt matter , congress is allowed to throw so much money that nobody keeps a track of or cares about
- zen dit: Ur assumption about the video is incorrect
- benwhitnell: 6:22 Hugo Chavez is dead, he doesn’t say anything anymore.
- Jerald Davison: Swing and a miss by this guy. Not really making sence. Maybe one day this guy will be able to see 2 feet past his face. Did we watch the same video?
- grimslayer Brittain: +Secular Talk *Fake News* You stated -0- truth. Normal. Pagan much? 😨 💩💩 .
- The Watcher Chronicles: https://youtu.be/NsZ3eqV8JIc
- Cihan Depe: How is she trolling? She just looks aloof and has no idea what she is fighting for. Typical dismissive liberals who can't answer a simple question directly.
- mrburns805: Honestly she sounded stupid to me. I’m not even sure she was being facetious
- Blade Walters: Wait so who got owned??? They both embarrassed themselves imo
- ZER0: Socialism is what bailed out the banks, but most folk are too dumb to realise that. Morons actually believe that banks are too big to fail, and are still paying the bankers. And nothing has really changed.
- Luke M Charles: You socialist are such idiots. Hahaha, I find it so funny that you think this "chill socialist" actually said anything mildly intelligent.
- dragonslayer015: Idk why but I'm very turned on by the girl sipping her coffee.
- Ava: The older I get the more I realise that critical thinking is not a comon humant trait like the ability to understand humor for example, it is more like the ability to draw or compose - a rarer talent and a significant portion of the human population does not have it.
- Nonya Bizness: +Joe Sudz - Interviewer asked questions and gave rebuttles to the dazed unconcerned perky nipple chick. Ms Nipples never really said anything intelligent.
- Debbie Marquis: "You know Venezuela...???"..".yeah..heard of it.!!"
- Mr G: I'm sorry - what did she say, I was too busy staring at her perky nips. 🤓
- Jaxx Jaxon: You idiot. They uploaded it to there SUB channels so it had a better chance of going viral.
- Lavia: Mr Spazoid7777 Lol that is what I thought. Your projection was easy to spot.
- Dirty China: But but , THEY ARE EATING RATS! Argggg.....
- the guy: Idk but she was hot. Manerisms so sexay.
- Braindead: Well, unless you count people with an IQ over 50
- K Rosey123: shugo104 you know what else the government uses taxpayers money to pay for? Roads. Why don't you do us all a favor and stop using those so we don't have to pay to fix those potholes you drive over every day
- swingcity7: The fact that you’re triggered is pretty strong proof they do...
- Carson Smith: 7:23 dead😂
- Dylan Garrett: Something gross about a 30 year old man trying to keep up with YouTube trends. This guy isn’t even cuck worthy.. hes unremarkably lower than that. On the floor low, so low got mold growering on him low.
- Dan Rad: How is this a troll that lady is so stupid
- ghosts of the republic: I want YOu to fight Socialism !
- MrDaftJustice: Jewish leftie lol What an stupid irony yall should be soap
- Erik Morris: So thinking about the issue of Medicare for all. Would taxes really need to go up? Stop subsidizing Walmart in other oil corporations and large corporations I don't cut military spending just 10%? We waste so much money I'm just stupid asinine shit. That's the problem.
- Mark Baloyan: id like to see this info Wars girl with 4 beers and a shirley temple in her in Florida 2010 style
- kenny newberry: LOL!!! She didnt own or troll anyone ....you guys are reaching pretty far....sad
- Un known: With all the issue in the world atm ... and yet everyone is KICKING infowars in the guts while they are down. It's sad. Your all vultures.
- fakeItRight: The infowar chick is gotta be a setup. Nobody is that fucking stupid.
- 0tvkv III: Lol every single channel I’ve seen reporting this isn’t playing the full clip. Hack journalism Kyle.
- Not My real name: Oh my gawwwd súper sick burn .....
- Gene Williams: I have no idea who Kyle Kulinski is, but this is confusing. He seems to be criticizing InfoWars, but he has a prominent InfoWars logo on this video. Is this his show on InfoWars?
- Nick Clark: What happened to Kyle's fingers?
- Lexi Shannon: Sigh, mention socialism and these right-wing retards immediately bring up Venezuela- never Sweden, Norway, etc. I WONDER WHY that is?? What happened to that other bimbo from infowars btw - they get rid of her already?She was even more annoying than this one so I guess it's an improvement.
- Ann Ericson: I did not see how this "woman trolled" Infowars. The young woman being "interviewed" appeared stoned and she had air-head responses. It seems like the Infowars heffer watched until the girl finished a joint and then descended on her with ridiculous rat-eating "questions."
- C C: Dude, she said, "they have worms in their brains" IN THEIR BRAINS!!! REKT
- Max Klein: This was trolling? Ok...
- Hesus: centrists are fucking insane...yeah, socialism isn't communism but corporatism isn't capitalism...what the fuck? LOL. You can't have both in a country with 300 million people, it works in Scandinavia simply because of their wealth, culture and low population. You wanna apply socialist policies in America?, you're gonna run into economic issues which will eventually destroy these social policies, when you have right wing politicians overseeing these policies, they have no fucking reason to keep them if the economy goes to shit. It is inevitable that you have to choose one side, capitalism and socialism are opposite poles, socialism was created to replace capitalism, not to fucking temporarily live within it.
- SloanKetter44: Brian McGowan hahaha they’re you go again you imbecile! The only thing you can come up with is saying untrue things about me? Yeah I’m training to be a pro basketball player and I also went to school for philosophy. What your doing is called projecting moron
- boldlysketched: Y’all liberals are next level idiots, she wasn’t trolling she was just clueless. Coming from a non-conservative.
- Jacob Richards: Lol, this girl is great.
- Johnny Rocket73: 😂
- BLARE!!! STEW???: The sleaze from this is reminiscent of Young Turks..
- Crudecraig: They were both stupid really
- ThiccBunnyBoi: Don't mind me just Haydn in the comments so what’s new?
- Swoog3G: +Iván No I think identity politics is disgusting. I'm tired of it.
- Bob Johnson: Look at the biggest of the 1%. THey back the democrats.
- rattlesnake survival: Ever watch cnn?
- Net Hoser: Venezuela lol, ask yourselves why they bring up Venezuela and not: Canada, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France etc...? Because they are dishonest pieces of lying shit. They know wtf they're doing, yet they do it anyway. They should be shamed into non-existence.
- Matthew VanDuker: I'm going to hold my iced frappuccino in my hand like this as I sip it in my trendy little sailor outfit.
- Darrick White: Her name is Dasha, and here's her podcast about that infowars video: https://m.soundcloud.com/red-scare-727066439/infowhores
- Washy Rose: Cute clip but you clearly don’t understand what trolling is.
- Charley Howard: What has this world come to? Venezuelans eating rats, Bernie Sanders living in 3 million dollar homes, and Alex Jones loves watching Tranny porn. the joo is rubbing his 'happy merchant ' hands together with glee ...
- Troy Schulz: My soulmate.
- john doe: Oh yeah really "destroyed" the reporter didn't she. The sailor moon chick did not make a complete sentence in the whole interview. Dodged every one of the reporters questions. But yeah she realy owned the reporter.... What ever folks. The host of this video lost me with his constant, profanity, his constant need to raise his voice to get his point. In short, he comes accross as bitter and angry.
- Chris Johnson: Little whiney cuck leftist better save their tears for the 2020 Trump win
- chris hamilton: There was ownership of the reporter? Where was that? When the tranny 'sailor' was nervously scanning her 'comrade' crowd unable to give anything beyond a pre-packaged rhetoric response? Yeah, she really showed the new girl! Pffft. It's stuff like this that makes me think that you lot have no concept what reality is, or where you could possibly find it,...
- Misch Misch: cool video bro. but what is it with all these shows having neon signs?
- T Brown: Please tell Glen Beck the importance of free health care.
- Pickle Rick: He owns three “modest” homes. If you don’t mind it then I don’t know why you are defending it the way you are. They were inherited! They aren’t million dollar homes! They’re modest!!! Who cares. You’re falling into the same trap the info wars reporter did. The correct answer is who gives a shit. Well, if you don’t think it makes him look like a hypocrite.
- Who Cares: This guy is such a moron I don't know why anyone would bother subbing to this idiot. Educate yourselves people. Don't listen to idiots like this guy, do the research for yourself.
- Dharmabum9287: What the outfit?! Hahaha made it so much better!
- whyamimrpink78: http://www.libertynewsdaily.com/blog-929-flashback:-bernie-sanders-praised-socialist-venezuela-as-model-for-ending-income-inequality It is from his own website https://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/must-read/close-the-gaps-disparities-that-threaten-america
- Anonymous: "People in Venezuela are eating rats while their 1% drinks champagne" wtf do you think is gonna happen when it becomes cheaper to put robots in for the poorest people's jobs? Will they just magically have money and food thanks to good ol fashioned capitalism? Lmao. I just really wish the girl asked the infotard what if her parent/sibling was one of the 45k people who died from not affording healthcare.
- Freek Buttz: All of America’s problems come down to a totally dysfunctional governmental and judicial system, that clings onto century-old beliefs and practices. Just like the bureaucracy will suffer from its inadaptability, will the country itself (already seen today, with a trade war that’s fueled by an uneducated and uncalculated idea of extreme nationalism).
- Kevin Odom: We must of been watching different videos. The girl answering questions was a ding bat
- Android Miller: The point was socialism doesn't work and if we adopt it we could end up with similar problems as the Venezuelans and other Socialist Countries.
- Khan: That's not even Trolling, ya Libtard. And that chick was a perfect example of the kind of Fucktard that thinks Socialism is good. WHO pays, ya fuckin morons...?
- Paul K: So in Canada we have free health care, and we don't even eat rats we prefer beaver, much more tender especially when based in Maple syrup
- Sharkey McStevenson: she is retarded infowars won that so I don't know w at ur saying
- Cooper Harris: Um superman does good and a fascist does WELL. Learn grammar fuckn idiot
- doobiescoo1: You think the infowars girl made a mistake? Wrong. You video is ridiculous and your premise is wrong. Infowars rules!
- Banana Attack: wow this guy is not good at this.
- Space Angel: dumb as rocks
- Jimel Quann: Niceeeeee
- terry breedlove: If Bernie is the poorest troll in the Senate why would we want that stupid fuck running the economy.
- Soviet Loli: I want to cum into Dasha Nekrasova. Sorry, had to be said.
- Darrell Williams: She didnt seem super bright but atleast her argument made sense.
- Nines: hahaha GAY i bet you suck WEE WEE LOL 😂😂😂 i have the sense of humor of a 14 year old
- Captain Ed: Kyle Kulinski, you are what's wrong with America man; you are a useless idiot yourself, your rant accomplished nothing but to show us that you don't even have the knowledge to comprehend or much less utilize certain terms that you mentioned which are totally absent in that video. BTW, that young lady is a bona fide reporter, and the female she is trying to interview is clueless and without a doubt stoned!
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: Pure capitalism is just socialism for the rich. Or socialism in reverse if you say so. Socialism for themselves. That’s why we need a mixed economy/regulated capitalism with a welfare state.
- Boutneus12: She was talking about the top 1% in Venezuela supporting socialism. Still retarded
- Aardvark 52: Ken Cur I don’t know if capitalism is necessary but the problem is capitalism on things like food. Water. Education. Health care. Environment. Pollution. That’s when capitalism goes way too far and should be illegal. You can’t put humans or the environments health at risk just for money
- theWolfKing3615: Also health care should be free....no one should go hungry. No should pay for power. But we are a bunch of idiotic hairless monkeys that think everything revolves around us when nothing we do matters in the slightest
- Talon9390: Everyone does have a right to Healthcare. Rather my taxes go to HELPING MY FELLOW AMERICANS. Instead of slaughtering brown people over seas.
- Bobby rackz: Somebody get her @ asap
- Yuryol 1: Not glorious.... she just high, and didn't your Burny sell out to Hillary?
- yougosquishnow: Funny thing is none of Bernie's homes cost a million dollars. She starts off with a lie and keeps going down hill.
- None Ya: Oh great, she picks the ditsiest gal to represent.
- William Patrick: She has big d*ck energy for sure
- Osmaer: The journey of Infowars! Starring-- Oh wait they are not on youtube anymore? Oh well, we had a good laugh though!
- Vobe S: I don't think this was ever pulled I saw this and remember thinking the sailor girl was retarded. she doesn't say anything... I don't even like info wars I used to be a listener but realized they continue to cover the same thing over and over to keep you in a kiddie pool and so stopped listening. but that sailor literally said nothing of substance whatsoever
- Caveman Lee: That guy was a random maga douche on the street
- Matrix Man: Taxation is theft
- Hildebeast Clinton: So, you missed the 2,343,241 videos that ruined left wing scum?
- UToobUsername01: The nazis were socialist. Steal from the rich to give to the poor = stealing. Stealing is a sin. If I were to become rich by my own merits (not a trust fund kid) then I would want you guys to stop stealing my money. If you die that is normal just like if a business goes belly up due to bad management then that is normal too. Anyway I thumbed down the video because you have no right to steal shit. Even if you don't like the target your taking shit from. You can get a job to pay for healthcare just like normal people. The reason you guys are being made fun of by the society you live in is because nobody respects your views and they don't make sense. Why should hard working people give lazy shits free shit? If you don't have healthcare that is because of bad decisions on your part. Just like if some guy fails in business he shouldn't have corporate welfare to bail that business out just because he is golfing buddies with people in high places that can afford to get the government to give him exemptions. It's cheating. If you are poor you can get charity. You shouldn't be entitled to take money from others. You beg for donations and hope your other socialist rich buddy will care about you as a decent human being enough to pay for it out of the goodness of their SJW heart. lol People like us who think logically ll always be at odds with the people who let emotions cloud their judgement. When money runs out and the government can't afford to give you free shit it always results in people starving to death and a dictatorship to deal with the angry mobs who will try to kill the people in charge of running things. Freedom teaches people with low IQ how t be responsible. You don't want those guys to leech you want them to get stronger by taking responsibility. Then the government can't use them as a standing army to vote the bad leaders into power and rape the nation of wealth by giving handouts. When nations do not respect basic rights and promote sin (like not obeying the ten commandments which state that stealing is wrong no matter if you are rich 1% guy or a poor guy living in the hood robbing convenience stores) you were already dead from the beginning, you just didn't know it yet because the money hasn't run out yet. It's unsustainable. (unless the takers turn their life around and become anti-socialist when they age and becomeproductive people who don't want to leech anymore) Nope I won't be subbing. but it was interesting to see what the young people think so we can gauge how much more collectivist we are becoming as a society that believes we are all entitled to things rther than having to earn the right to have things. Everyone wants free shit but is it morally right? Hell no. The elderly, the sick, the widows, the orphans etc can all get charity and learn values that will protect them from irresponsible lifestyles. Modern society threw out the morals and now we live in time where everyone is lazy, unmotivated, and entitled to just be given things. Same thing the white supremecists did to black people, they (the NWO) are now doing to whites to weaken the nation so it can't be independent and strong. It's like giving a body builder really light weights so their muscles are small. The elites wants everything to be easy so you don't become strong (by learning skills and how to be self sufficient like past generations) and a threat to them. (by being able to say: "fuck you, I'm not voting for your puppet who will just steal more wealth from the country")
- Tony Dinh: Infowars is the same shit as Fox Shit News!
- John Bold: The vocal fry is lame.
- Paul Lancaster: Devon Tracy has proved this moron to be retarded and a liar.
- silentshot: Eating rats? Lol she hasn't heard about the exquisite delicacy that is fried grasshoppers, smoked frog legs, and sauced crickets.
- serene sojourner: Sailor girl is proof that evolution can go in reverse. Ah yeah-uh huh. Wha? Duh. Blank deer stare.LOL Such an eloquent superior demonstration of stagnate regressive intellect. No wonder the host identifies with her. Must be siblings.
- Do You Believe: can someone shutdown this globalists luceferian puppet his so biased its redicules you cant be alternative media of you always take one side pathetic
- кленовый сироп: Both dumb bitches
- Shuyu: You know..girls with brains and when they act stupid for fun is friggin attractive. I usually don't say this on youtube. This is girl is awesome..the cosplay is also a bonus lol
- Chris DeBellis: Her name is Dasha Nekrasova everyone
- Commissaurus Rex: God damn it, it’s so frustrating listening to Kyle talk about economic systems after I became a marxist. CORPORATISM IS CAPITALISM’S INEVITABLE CONCLUSION AND BERNIE ISN’T A SOCIALIST
- RevAl Sharp: Do you like Bernie Sanders? But Venezuela is eating rats! WTF?
- Total Control: Australian here. America pays twice as much in heathcare per person and covers less people while we cover everyone. Just had major surgery, my choice of doctors, public hospital, three ultrasounds, two xrays, blood tests, zero costs. My meds, $6 subsidized. If I wanted private cover...top rate single rate, about $2500 per year, unlikely to be rejected, no discrimination, or preconditions allowed. The US heakthcare outcomes is rated 37th under Slovenia. It's literally cheaper for the country to have universal healthcare than private and to be honest, I trust public to private care...public is better regulated.
- King_Gordy_Jugg: This guy is retarded, and this comment section is a leftist feeding troff.
- metafa84: Well the thing is you shouldn't confuse European style "Market Socialism" with "Socialism". Those 2 things are fucking universes apart. European style economy is capitalistic, while still providing common sense services to it's citizens. STOP. CALLING. IT. SOCIALISM. Or you'll continue to lose the argument
- Oscar Rowley: *FREE SPECH DOESNT MEAN YOU CANT DISAGREE WITH PEOPLES OPINIONS*. It just means that you shouldn't be sent to prison for saying something offensive.
- Charles Patrick: Sailor Socialism 😂⚓️😂
- emcee lama hawk then: 2 minute video 6 minute of a stuttering retard hiding his boner for coffee girl
- Hitman Johnny Sins: I see are tits 2 tits
- Knekten: Braindead she really got you upset i see
- Frederick Röders: Who gives a shit, Infowars attacks people all the time. Dont do onto others that you wouldnt want to be done to yourself.
- bpogueg2: Carlos Blank dasha
- Lamar Luna: Why isn't this the top comment? Why does this click bait video have as of now 11 thousand likes? And why on Earth is this guy trying so hard to make the socialist idiot look like she absolutely annihilated the new reporter?
- Robert H: no I don't want socialism... I just want free stuff .........LMFAO .....boy she sure owns that LMFAO
- Charli’s Channel: Canada, UK, and Australia, google their emergency wait time.
- Warpath1337: Looks like a dude.
- GrimSlytherin: Info wars got rekt lmao
- G. Erwin: Jane Dill Like many major Corporations do? Move to China, Vietnam, Nicaragua, etc... The Trump's crap clothing lines are made in CHINA, Bangladesh, and Mexico. If you love 'Small Gov!!(whatever slogan/buzzword ya parrot)" then move to Somalia. Or one of many 3rd world nations that do not have our infrastructure, Protections, regulations. Or MIDDLE CLASS DEMAND(the real job creator). The whole reason(thanks to Reagan)corporations move to 3rd world countries is to exploit slave labor, lack of environmental protections, and lack of oversight from elected officials. Then these CEO's buy homes in Ca and NY. To enjoy those protected environments. The modern Infrastructure. But pay for ads to get the retarded to vote against their own economic interests. Use those Red States as a literal dumping ground. If moving a good paying job from Michigan to another state with lower wages, taxes, and less regulation is 'Job Creation'. Then when I move furniture from one room to another, I'm a furniture Builder. It robs the country of tax revenues(more debt), less purchasing power(less $$ in circulation), more pollution & legal bribery, Corruption. All so one(most likely)born with $$(freedumb to Republicans)than most, can have even more sitting in the bank? Then use that $$ to lobby, Receive MORE tax cuts, repeal our founders Estate tax(death tax if you're a retard). So Paris Hilton and Donnie Jr. Can inherit even more duty free $$. But, anything else is "Duhh...Socialism!" and therefor bad! Right? I'm not a Socialist, But at least I know the definition. Not that it matters. If I felt pure Socialism, pure Libertarianism, or even Communism worked(I know they are different ideologies). I'd be a proponent of one. But instead I believe in Democracy. Industries that have an inherent Conflict of Interests, like Health Insurance should be in the patients interests. Not for profit. Same for Penal System. should not be for profit. But most industries should be private, But regulated as per common sense or Logic dictate. Without Middle Class Demand and our Infrastructure, We will not have a Healthy private sector. Which Capitalism cannot thrive without! The Wealthy owe this already great nation more than anyone else. But somehow they deserve tax cuts while most workers wages have stagnated. Are taxed a higher %. Pay more taxes on goods?
- Bob Anderson: That blonde girl can interview me anytime.
- Nk m: Remember Bernie Sanders couldnt beat Hillary and Hillary couldn't Trump? I do!!! Socialism will never be voted for in this country. When you tax the rich 80% of their money, they pack their bags and leave the country and no one is left to pay for the "free healthcare".
- GUERRILLA SUNRISE: Orlando Sanchez You are obviously delusional
- Raven CoLe: Andrew Craner depends on how you implement it. Communism and even vanilla Social democracies do require a large government, but that is also true for more right wing governments. You have things like anarcho capitalism that would still be extreme left wing and with a minimal government
- efc toffee: It made perfect sense to me, maybe you are not intelligent enough to understand. The girl is retarded, there is no such thing as free health care, nothing comes for free. Even in the UK were we have the NHS its not free. You still pay on certain occasions and the treatment is so poor in some hospitals that many people just go private and pay for it themselves and even then we all pay a lot in taxes and National Insurance which pays for the NHS. If anyone gets health care for free while the rest of us are funding it is the unemployed bums and parasites of society, who take advantage of the situation and spend their life on welfare sponging of the state and the tax payer. Probably someone like this girl as I doubt she would ever get employed as she can barely speak properly.
- Deadpool Lee: If you want something like health care the I don't know uh maybe work!! Stop wanting free things god these people just want stuff for free
- Lindsey Vesely: @ashtonbirdie is that reporters YouTube your welcome
- LUIS VELEZ: THE RATS in Venezuela are giant south AMERICAN Rodents. Rabbits are rodents, People eat Iguanas also In the BIBLE Pigs as unclean as RATS
- ElectroSalvo: That woman was not politician level smartass but I'd love dating a women like her smart decision and basic common sense health care, and free college education is totally better than increasing the military budget.
- Sharon Halbirt: So so uninformed.
- Red Oz: No one trolled anyone, how do you figure she was trolling? She just wasn't a good interview for Infowars because she wasn't being violent or outrageous like most the nutjob liberals they find.
- B randon: And with that Google pixel.... Wifey material
- Kevin Borge: Both are two idiots of the same coin.
- Razor9111: +le Hoarderz Al-Shekelsteins Mashallah!, I'll be sending you for your wedding gift an oven, I'm sure you and your waifu will like it 💜👺🙉💜
- The Average Car Guys Youtube Channel: I'd rather blow my head off than watch another politics video.
- Poneglyph: >girl trolls infowars >girl is actually just another airhead liberal >left still can't meme
- David Warschauer: alex jones is a fraud
- Ralph B.: Hardly "perfection".....
- Jacques Nomdefamille: Venezuela! Forget about Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, most of western europe... VENEZUELA!!!! Right wingers, gotta love their awesome arguments.
- Captain Average: Healthcare above everything else. Fuck your guns, fuck your abortions, fuck your lgbt rights, fuck the right and fuck the left. Everyone promises for free health care and then fucks it up. It's the single most important issue on the planet
- Rui Arruda: Oh yeah, trolled to perfection, I definitely want to follow this oligophrenic girl's view of which political system to implement.
- MexiGringoLombian: Kyle CUCKLINSKI - this brain-dead Millennial dork owned Infowars? You're so off the fucking Mark a GPS can't find you. Change your channel channel to Suckular Talk. Chow Down on those Tide Pods soy boy.
- Dave Chapman: I love her voice.
- Vernon Huckleberry: I see,free healthcare while eating rats.Such a glorious lifestyle of a socialist.Infowars is not pulling vids,They are being banned by corporate Youtube socialists.
- Sean Duncan: That was cringe. She doesnt even know why shes there. Sipping on coffee with nothing to say
- Declan Foley: daniel280456 your point is b.s .just because she came here with here parents DOESNT mean she can't want what she feels is best for the country
- Li Li: U should cover the clip where alex cause trump a son of a btch and piece of sht on his shoe
- Atheistation: As far as health care goes... Nothing is free. Tax payers pay for these. What they should say is “socially paid for”. There’s nothing wrong with it, but, be honest!
- Wyo AnCap: Bitch made ass regressives with lying click bait titles.
- Leonard Washington: That chick looked like Olive-oil from Popeye & Bernie Sanders is a communist prick
- xelious: Capitalism will always be better than socialism, and I’m Russian myself
- Snakeway Skywalker: B A D B I T C H
- Ken Wehrheim: Neither one of them sounded especially smart.
- Jeremy Kean: "What exactly do you agree with?" "Eating the rich" "Are you aware he lives in a three million dollar home?" "Well, you are what you eat."
- Agent Hollands: This bitch was high as fuck lmao
- Kyle Strange: Too bad there's no one at info wars that looks like that. This is fake lol
- John daloser: I kinda feel sorry for her.
- viva padrepio: The girl didn't want to talk. She just wanted to suck on a straw. Make America And Israel Great Again 2018!
- Kylie Fan: not really man.
- red32303: Well, that and they’re promiscuous trash.
- IAm SpongeG: Joe Smith hahaha!! Just make sure you pull out....cause she won't abort bro.
- Mark Shelow: If Americans aren't careful, the wealthy will bleed the economy to the point,where the poor may not have a choice,they'll be eating rats.
- mkauf84: Don't start jerking yourself off just yet, because rightist standards are pretty low it's self. I blame the education system of removing hard work and discipline, and focusing on standardized testing that isn't a measure of any valuable traits. Also a place that tells you to be quiet and do your work is a terrible place to learn to socialize. (This was an argument I seen for public schooling against homeschooling. I wasn't homeschooled, but I'm sure homeschooled children aren't being chained in their basements so they can't interact with other people.)
- Scott Comstock: Why are sjw so stupid??? Why do people look to government for health care??? Do it for your self!!! Talk to Canada....it takes 6 to 8 weeks to see a doctor. And if your 72 or heart disease no life saving measures for you...no they need to reserve resources for the younger more healthy people. Socialist are dumb no research or fact finding just go with it. I would love to debate you Kyle...you would get crushed. You don't even know the meaning of the words you say. I don't need the government to provide my health care. I can be in charge of that myself. Less government in our lives please!!! Kyle you are a useful idioy!!!
- The Judge: I think it's funny that capitalists never talk about the failures of Somalia and Haiti like they are representative of capitalism
- IL B: Everyone Who is an actual socialist knows that Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. He's maybe a social democrat. And that's fine, too.
- Symptom Cownage: +Phanno And they do in other socialist countries- personal experience doesn't automatically negate facts. I come from a soviet family, so that's another end of the stick. Also, what you mentioned was a statement; not a question. A question she completely failed to answer, one of many, is why she likes Bernie Sanders- to which she replied with copy-pasta 9 year old rhetoric that neo-leftists spew nowadays. All she does throughout the video is act like a child. And again, people like her are the ones that have permanently tarnished the image of true liberalism.
- Alex the Memelord: Brian Hurd Well sweetie, Im Bi. Close, but no cigar.
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: I'll finish for you, exist. There
- G. V. Quinn: ‘I just want people to have healthcare honey’ love it. Venezuela....? That’s your example? Bernie Sanders house is also likely to be worth a lot more than he paid for it in the 60s.
- C Cot: Like what you’re saying with this interview that the info wars reporter isn’t making any sense. Neither are you with your rambling and creepy laughing. FYI the weirdo chick drinking an iced mocha latte from Starbucks didn’t say she thinks everyone should have healthcare she said they deserve it. Although I’m sure she won’t want to pay for it because it would implied on her Starbucks diet
- Vinny T.: Venezuela is the catnip for republicunts as Russia is for the democrats
- jaydavee: and Venezuela is mostly capitalist, infected by severely corrupt capitalists, suffocated by sanctions by foreign capitalists and subjected to Saudi manipulation of international oil value. Venezuela's social programs did not do any of that damage.
- RevFury FoxFive: Although I do want free healthcare for all, I don't see how the Sailor Girl trolled them to perfection. Please don't make stuff up.
- Kevin Vaughn: Does this guy know what he's talking about? Does he even know what trolling is?
- DON CHAPO: liberalism needs to be curbed and the right is to toxic being a humanitarian without the liberal PC bs is the right way to go my friends
- EternoRosso: Good to know man! I'm glad to see an american who worries about his fellow compatriots. I hope you guys can fight and win against the people who do not want universal healthcare.
- BloodMoonFT: This woman.... I love her...
- aaronsdavis: A cigarette holder would have completed the her look. I want to marry this commie toff.
- Mecha Studio: Is this the left’s version of “owned”? Word of advice, if you have to explain why she “owned” someone, it’s a fail. Weak game, guys...
- Waifu Cruz: Info wars is obnoxious don’t get me wrong, but that woman didn’t own anyone...
- Hassenboy: Americans are obese, rude, ignorant and loud.
- qing: cag147 *hung
- Horatio KJV Bible: Damn. I had to keep skipping this video. High pitched Soy boy beta males and so embarrassing.
- Vostera: i love her so much
- Kyle Brusveen: They both have worms for brains
- LackofAttack: Both of them just really are bad. Liberal infighting is just the stupidest thing in human history. Like WWI.
- kragseven: The left can't troll? https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/texas/article/Texas-woman-trolls-Ted-Cruz-photo-Beto-Orourke-12781402.php
- Semantralist: The last time I checked, this girl was not from info wars. I cannot remember her name, but she's just some right leaning college student who looks and acts like an autist.
- declan h: Monkey King sure the socialist country that chavez supported to get elected and kept increasing socialist policies to stay in power and then he selected maduro as his replacement who has now taken complete control and is a dictator where exactly did I go wrong.
- charlieparker5678: That was my thought, too. "Trolls Them To Perfection"?? FOH
- Jonathan James: Infowars loves to ambush people
- FeministKilljoy: +Y 80s
- Jo Jo: I love you, you just spell everything out so clearly, just awesome, freakin spot on
- Bobby Clem: Why would the powerful want to hand thier power back to the people? With all the sacrifices they have made to bribe, steal, and lie thier way into power. Social style programs would do just that, but first we have to clean up corruption by reinstating oversight and regulation that the corporatocracy has done away with and to which socialism is vulnerable , and any exchange of power leaves the door open for opportunists, just as history has taught us.
- Promised Triggering Excalibait: Next you’re going to tell me you’re just pretending to be autistic. She’s fucking high lmao get necked
- AntiFOX: communist china is world's dominating economy and they even have the money for manned space flight (unlike the US)
- Eric Gorton: I want free stuff too. Ha, i owned you. She braught up Venezuela because they implemented socialist policies like Sanders proposed. Now they're eating their pets and zoo animals. Since when is it a right for you to have me pay for your std treatments.
- FleivaSleiva: Hehe Sweden has free healthcare and we dont eat rats hehehehe
- Nicholas FitzGerald: There was no intellectual content or argumentation to what the hipster chick was saying. Yet you laud it Kyle... It really depresses me how disappointing brains on the left are. Over and over. If you want to level up: explain what "free" healthcare is and why you think this is morally right. And explain what you mean by "healthcare is a right". Just two jump off points. Use reason. You'll be on the right in a matter of steps. (Logical steps)
- Raven CoLe: Impervious "eat the rich"
- Richard Sci: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. ~Animal farm, George Orwell. All rich socialists are hypocrites. Bernie is in the 4% of income earners. Yet he constantly rails against the wealthy. Total phony. Obama is another big phony. The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money. ~Margaret Thatcher
- Lu-chan: A true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles And I also want to understand more about socialism and its advocators ideolgy and way of thinking. Since it only made things worse for those who tried it.
- Incorrectly Political: What the fuck did she own? She sounds like a fucking heroin addict. "I just want people to have free healthcare" What is new about this idiotic utopian idea?
- Harper's Handpans: Talk about some bullshit ass content. No one owned anyone...
- Felix Desrosiers: Yes, actually go look at Canada and how ridiculous their tax rates are /s. What people are advocating is for companies to pay a higher part of the tax burden. The average american would barely see an increase in his tax bill.
- Hunter Izdebski: I like that girl, perfect trolling.
- V1deo.Hunter.D: Love her
- Za Warubro: She’s so hawt
- nataliee mo: LMAOOOO
- Casper Illuminated: Sailor Moon is a Walking Contradiction
- Stephen Morrow: Weak man and so is your following they are brainless fuck tards
- Adam Shuffield: Definitely not what you said it was! Just like most of you're stuff straight bs
- Carpenter Patriot: NEWS FLASH : Socialist Liberals, Utopia does NOT exist and there are NO safe spaces... Socialism\Communism (rebranding it makes no difference) doesn't work...never has, never will...it IS without a doubt a failed political ideology
- Andrew Colvin: Gideon No, she just knew she was being interviewed by a fucking idiot who’s part of an even more idiotic “news” source.
- Mr. Nonamanadus: Publicly funded healthcare insurance carries a lot more weight for patient's rights than individuals going it alone against huge corporations. One way or another people have to pay for their healthcare, a tax funded system would cut out the middleman which takes billions out of the system. Health insurance companies have everything to lose and they will always put their shareholders ahead of people just like big tobacco did.
- nulife022: The Infowars reporter owns this incoherent moron should be the header. What an idiot, this is the best you've got.
- Amber Fun: “I just want health care”. Lolololol
- Michael Dario Pellittieri: I feel like those were 2 really stupid people ...not just 1 0.o
- Botchamania JEEZUS: Did a social democrat just use a "not real capitalism" argument? Kyle, im going to ask you to do a favour and stop calling yourself a socialist
- NPC Exterminator: I just want the government to pay for free healthcare. Clearly doesnt have a job or pay tax or even knows that jobs and taxes exist.
- ronindebeatrice: You know they eat rats?...
- Dio Brando: Griff - I know right....this wasn't really trolling, both of them are idiots
- Carl Rodrigues: 760 billion on defense yet we cant have healthcare fot its citizens.get rid of corporate welfare and get the rich to pay there fair share thats all remember when you die you cant take it with you wake up America
- conner potthoff: Not sure how this is a troll
- Han Solo: This girl was in a moviehttps://m.youtube.com/watch?t=158s&v=aZ3-8Xt7gLc
- Buzz Lightyear: That Bimbo was a "Stoner". Is this the best you have with all the other things going on in the world? Piss poor content.
- John Clamp: Bloody funny. That woman was just awesome. So beautifully laconic, and she perfectly captured the simple justice of progressive policies.
- declan h: NyYankees1985 a social democracy isn't libertarian that's only 1 point that I made and kokesh is just one guy go check Murray rothbard if you want a real lesson on how bad government is. Or just remain ignorant your choice, unlike you I don't want to force anyone to do something they don't want to.
- Shakur Yotiiv: That was the most low effort troll and I can't believe infowars didn't get hit with answers like that daily. I'm not even a socialist, but I support free healthcare run by the government. Look at most of Europe. Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, England... Political corruption is all over south America and even in the states, where lobbyists with huge amounts of money can decide whatever they want, because they can bribe politicians however they see fit. Healthcare should be a right, but there should also be a program to get those who cannot afford healthcare into a position that they can.
- Hyπατία: "...how do you know it was capitalists..." I found out later during uni in this capitalist system. There are plenty of historical facts studies and books regarding this. Take a look at the works of Noam Chomsky for example and you will see how the USA does everything in its power to sabotage socialism wherever it pops up. I am sorry to say, but I really disagree with your take on capitalism, but don't worry in the version of socialism I am for, freedom of speech and expression is accepted and encouraged. + Most actual inventions and advances in science happen in state funded institutions like universities, military, etc. even in capitalism. The idea that capitalism has anything to do with genuine advances is ridiculous. Even Einstein was a socialist btw. Take care!
- All hail to Medusa: J.A. M.F She didnt sound dumb at all. She obviously knows about InfoWars and their antics. Its obvious by her face expression that she is trying to troll them.
- gibbsboroturtle: Just Kyle trying to leach off of other channels with mediocre commentary on non events, so nothing new
- tony rooke: Americans trying to affect any kind of intellectualism is something of an oxymoron.
- johndoby: Neither of these girls had anything useful to say. If you want a good enough reason for the government not to pay for people's healthcare, it's that people in general care nothing about their health. Why should my taxes be expected to pay for someone's heart surgery who eats McDonald's every day? Why should my taxes be expected to pay for cancer treatment for someone who smokes three packs of cigarettes per day? Where is personal accountability?
- Ryan R: "I just want people to have health care!" LOL REKT BTFOD CONSERVATARDS
- bribrihate: That girl you're applauding didn't look good in this exchange, either. She was just kind of a cunt and didn't "own" them at all.
- greenghost3737: Ann Ericson no ding dong they mean how we went to the largest heroin producer in the world im 2001 and will never ever leave till nobody wants heroin. All powder heroin comes from Afghanistan 80% of America's heroin is powder. Mexicam heroin is tar and trash in comparison. Yet the red necks blame it on the mexicans. Only the west coast sees any mexican heroin. The importance of the powder is you will find it very hard to get a modern person to start a drug u need to inject w the HIV scare they pounded in our heads as kids. But to get a young person to sniff a bump of H totally different. Since 2001 the price has dropped and the power has skyrocketed. This is what happens in the 80s when we went to central America to stop commies really we just wanted control of the cocaine market. Now we have a tight grip on all major drug markets. The cia runs coke heroin and methamphetamines period
- Cooper Harris: +FattyMcButterPants fuck you man. don't say "whore' that's outdated, sexist and misogynsitic. Just call her "a brain dead cunt or something instead" Fuckn hell I'm gonna be pissed of all day thanks to you, fuck I'm annoyed. DON'T EVER SAY WHOTE AGAIN YOU FUCK! EDIT* WHORE not whote
- Addison Robles: The new girl is an idiot... but even she looked smarter next to the dumbass she was talking to. I don’t think she was trolling. She’s not the dumbest liberal they’ve talked to or used to strawman the entirety of the left
- Antoinette Orozco: That girl is literally me
- Jesse W: Eat The Rich! Classic socialist goal.
- Dawn Broker: She wasn't trolling. She was just being stupid as all liberal NPC.
- clockguy2: Was the girl in Blue and white high or something? She didn't own anyone.
- logan sterner: Bwahahahahah she ate the rich that is so funny omg that is so funny holy funny that was funny this video was soooooo funny
- PrideOfAmsterdam1980: That was glorious??? Damn your standards are low.....Its like uhhh you people have worms in your brain,wow what a troll. Both of them are not smart but at least the blond chick talks like she is not high on weed all the time. Socialists never seem to understand that nothing comes for free,one way or another somebody is paying for it. Free healthcare doesn't exist in any country on this earth and countries that pretend to have it are failing on it big time. Because it ain't free at all...So the taxes become higher for everybody the quality goes down and on the long run everybody gets hurt by it. And i should know because i live in a country just like that.
- Cherish Shouldiers: Bernie is the poorest senator? Wow. That isnt that surprising. I'm curious now, though.
- james bobbo: G_to_V No company pays 50% taxes in the Nordic countries lol. Growth means nothing when people die if they get cancer and don’t have healthcare or the corporate healthcare companies finds loophole to get out. Or there’s no clean water in Flint. But yes you are correct if you’re lucky and happen to make it then you will do well in America. Unfortunately who your daddy is can be more important than how hard you work. Improving schools can level the playing field but you’d call that socialism and an ill. Countless friends have been to America where you and tell me how you continue to equate money solely with working hard and it’s a level of ignorance that I guess has allowed American exceptionalism. Well you have a president who got rich off his name alone. Does he work harder than a nurse or teacher? You probably think he does. If companies actually created a real economy I’d be all for it but they create false economies by subcontracting everything out and taking no responsibility for workers. BP oil spill? BP: it was a subcontractor. Nike Asian workers in squalor? Nike: it was a subcontractor. Growth for growths sake in such mature economies is simply a falsehood. You’ve clearly made it and have no experience of those that haven’t. What about people with learning disabilities - how can they be looked after? They can’t ‘work hard’ as you put it so should we leave them to die? Everything you guys do is just so one dimensional. You still don’t even have mental health screenings for gun owners! You still have no limits on the number of guns owned. All of this is because you’re all so tribal and weak. As Sam Harris says you shouldn’t be able to tell a persons opinion on everything by their opinion on one topic but in America you can. The only way to change peoples minds about single payer healthcare in America is to ram it through and hope people shut up about it because your middle class don’t care about the homeless or those living on the bread line. In America, If you down and out you’re left to die or worse suffer. If only a better culture had the resources you have... but alas
- rene ruiz: Am I missing something? I only watched two dumb people talking without any idea of what they were saying.
- Curt Christensen: seriously... whats up with that outfit? or did she watch Popeye cartoons on shrooms?
- Zeyad Fayez: ohhh, i thought she was trolling by acting retarded, but apparently it’s in her nature
- Braindead: Was the interviewee serious?
- Diatonic5th: Little Debbie successfully deflected the idiotic strawman questioning by not giving a single fuck. Well played Ms. Debbie!
- Mark Wal: This is a Clown Channel: "Give the person enough room to talk to hang themselves" Accomplished! Wow this guy must really be on Alex Jones' Jock to notice this video got taken down. And then to make this video.
- Wayne Plaisted: and there modest homes
- Zachary Bartell: Nicholas Williams Don’t go knocking up people who don’t want to procreate. Also it’s not a child, never was alive, and again the women’s choice and not yours.
- Bendy Bruce: I should also point out (for what it is worth) that attacking Bernie's personal wealth status is classic ad-hominem. It is a complete straw-man when it comes to arguing the pros and cons of socialism. But like normal, the conversation devolves into character assassination.
- Enter User Name Here.: Every news outlet does this. Not just conservative ones.
- Megara Lyons: Sassy Popeye. Lol
- jgonascar: The troll should have brought up Bernie wants Democratic Socialism like in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.
- Chris Facts: She was awesome!
- Samantha Wigfall: "I just want people to have healthcare honey" #Queen #Truth
- AndWhy AreYouHere: 1.8K dislike. Lets get that number on the right to match the number on Left if you agree.
- Jedijazz4: It doesn't seem like a total annihilation
- Brian Riback: In any other situation, that lady would annoy the crap out of me. In this one? She was brilliant!
- wild zubat appeared: She high as fuck
- Scott Free: Alex Jones and Info Wars should be ignored.
- xX EMPIRE Xx: Lol that blonde bitch interviewing was so dumb
- Phanno: +Symptom Cownage socialism isnt communism
- Smullet90: Glorious? They're both idiotic.
- jotjotzZz: Infowars is like Faux News. Bullshit people working to aggravate America.
- Scuffed Michael Gaming: Came for nips
- AomiN: I actually think it's a good idea to ban one person from owning more than one house to help bring house prices down
- Gainster: I don't see the problem. The sailor chick gave the replies of the average Bernie supporter. While the reporter had arguments.
- rollo cavalier: And yet they still kick your puny ass up and down the street, you immature frat boy. Even notice this chump spends more time attacking independent media than establishment media?
- kram paw: ♥️♥️♥️
- ImmortalBecoming: All I saw was 2 stupid spoiled whores. They both said something ridiculous but at least one of them doesn't want to mooch off the government.
- Servando Rodriguez: Another fool trolled by Infowars
- Samuel Malokov: It’s astonishing how they use Venezuela as an example where there are other examples of democratic socialism.
- Jerry Beans Man: I don't get it... they both seemed like morons to me.
- Corey B: Healthcare is not free. It comes from taxes. Australia we pay out of our taxes for medicare. It does not cover all services. I have been waiting 6 months for a simple procedure. No free health care. Money has to come from somewhere. So don't lie about things you know nothign about.
- Bryan R: Nobody is going to mention how hot that girl is?
- Ain't no Slice: lol, the video went viral and the infowarboys came crawling in. Cute
- McBaron: "Free Healthcare." Oh honey....
- Thomas Foran: Omg such ownage. Just kidding wtf are you talking about she owned her because she didn’t say much? Such a fuckin troll all hail this woman
- 3Hoes4Santa: *ignores any facts* *is dressed like an anime girl* the Left: OMG she DESTROYED that journalist UwU
- granudisimo: The 1% is also against free market and meritocracy, that's why they rigged the game with their abusive regulations and labyrinthic bureaucracies, that's why they finance far left and economic illiteracy in universities, that's why only the shreud and the ruthless are able to thrive and the honest and the fair are forced to give up, or simply discouraged from even trying. If you're an American and you think that your country is capitalist then I'm afraid you're not a capitalist but rather, just a brainwashed neocon.
- Mr. Maritime: Why am I here? These people are gross
- Diane Watson: I don't look at Noam Chomsky as a credible source simply because he is on the side of socialism. And from what I see as far as the socialism that the left is pushing here, they do not want free speech at all...except for them. But they are doing their very best to silence conservatives. I've seen interviews of people coming from socialist and communist countries who think people here are insane to want it here. But I'm glad if you are happy with it. It's just not for America, it's not who we are, it's never been who we are, and I hope it is never who we are.
- CoalClear: I am not a conservative but how the fuck are you so deluded into thinking the interviewee was trolling her or somehow had the upper hand?
- HavocSquad DropOut: Probably because they have open markets. The president of Venezuela fired CEOs of their oil company on public television (not current president mind you).
- Agent Orange: I wish they'd interview me.
- chryz.wonderland: "Venezuela currently eating rats"....*nonchalantly sips coffee*. "You people have,like,worms in your brain"...lol..this girl is like a mix of Daria with Kim K's emptiness....troll perfection & perfect interviewer to pull this on.
- frnknstndrgqn: I kinda wish these infowar people would ask me a question HAHAHHA
- tomitstube: "eat the rich". love it.
- Most Intriguing: Yo Blondie...get a haircut. Shes got an unmanged mop...so she can hide behind it and speak out of her cave. Your'e no Anna. Stick that mic in my face and it becomes part of your anatomy permanently.
- Ethidian: “People are eating rats (GOTCHA BITCH)!”
- dangerouslytalented: But the rich are so soft and juicy. Their balanced diet and gently active lifestyle makes their meat so tender.
- robert ingram: The lady being interviewed is awesome and the reporter is annoying as fuck.
- Gayvon Fartin: Its okay guys, she was just pretending to be retarded right?
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: +xAKALISx That's just stuff, that people should know on how to stay healthy. Some of my overweight family members even have doctors telling them that, but they rather have pills then do actual work. The doctor might have told your family this as well, and they probably did what mine did. But like I said, America is known for there doctors, which is the reason some of my family members from across the sea comes here for and other people that I know.
- The Boom: Let me make this point bernie Sanders is not a socialist. Because he is talking about capitalism with post production redistribution which is not workers owning the means of production. I am a socialist and that is what socialism is defined as.
- MrBanausos: She is pretty smart. If I was her and I had time to think about it I would have said "children die of treatable cancer every year in America because they're parents are either uninsured or under insured. Why should children die in the name of capitalism?"
- Fattz the Panda: Guys and gals, don't waste your breath on Dave. They're far too gone to the dumb ass side, sorry I mean "right" side, to listen to truth. They prefer their "truth" spoon fed to them by their overseers.
- David Warschauer: psa : alex jones is a fraud.
- David Warschauer: ghostryder94 cool now you can go away again.
- Danny Real jr.: Bailouts = socialism
- Brian McGowan: jm somville Because she is mocking the straw man concept. And I’m sorry if the worms are stopping you from comprehending. Maybe eat less rats?
- Noelia Noliz: Actually racist, I am a blonde white woman and Mother to my Hispanic Son. The time I spent in South America taught me a lot. Take your racism elsewhere.
- whatisreality01: So this is what the left thinks " schooled " means ??? Looking like an ignorant , pompous fool ? This overprivileged child thinks socialism is some kind of utopia where no one pays for anything , no corruption , and no class system. The problem is socialism is the DEFINITION of OPPRESSION of the POOR . Do you REALLY think anyone is going to give up their wealth and property because muh socialism ?? Go move to socialist country like Venezuala and starve to death , or China where they literally have DEATH VANS that arrest you and convict then MURDER you for your ORGANS which they sell to the highest bidder .
- JuaffreBlumpkins: Why did YouTube recommend this trash ass video? I don't like Alex Jones and this channel is a fucking joke.
- K24 Accord: Infowars suck they cant over throw they own government
- Phanno: Symptom Cownage Sweden, Denmark, and most of european has socialism Russia has communism
- Sir Scratch N Sniff: Lol nothing in this world is free.
- Brandon Lancaster: I think that the same infowars anchor that got destroyed by the vegan activist earthling Ed.
- Cokpuncher123: The girl in the red is hot ASF
- qing: Nuno Fonseca that’s the trolling lmaoo you guys are such retards she saw that it was infowars and then decided to mess with them by saying exactly what they expected, and therefore exposing how bad their argumentative strategies are.
- Rank Amateur: When the person you're interviewing is high as shit, and still you can't manage to catch them off guard. And then they accuse you of having worms in your brain when you make such a shitty argument... LOL!
- Coffee Goblin: Baked libtard is not that rare of a dish
- blueovalfan23: Her approach wasn't great but socialism can never work. In a perfect world, sure have all the handouts you want but someone has gotta a pay at some point in time. They at one pount in time held Venezuela up as a shining example of socialism. I know some programs can work, at great expense and more dept mind you, but I'm not convinced it will work here. It's not easy to find work still and things are looking up compared to the mess they once were. We need taxes to pay for these soft hearted programs, not just from the richest among us either. In other words, i don't think we can afford healthcare. Blame the insurance companies and liability laws for that.
- William Fitzpatrick: +Phillip Ramsey (Swampbooger) If "independence" is the right to die waiting in an emergency room, or to have 100K in medical bills for a single procedure, or to choose between medication and food, or to pay more money for less care, then yeah, millions of Americans are anti-independence. This is not freedom--this is the freedom to be swindled and bamboozled by health insurance companies, drug manufacturers, for-profit hospitals, slimey lawyers, corrupt bureaucrats, industry and lobbying groups and countless others. These are the real parasites and this whole tragedy hums merrily along because of people like you have scapegoated other working class people as the cause of this mess. The cancer patient isn't your enemy, remember that.
- Steve Brooks: This guy is the tard part of libtard. Cant form sentences without the f word. You are an idiot in all you talk.
- thenarsian: Free healthcare? Nothing is free. How does anyone have a "right" to someone else's labor? Should a person spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a medical education and spend years becoming a doctor only to be someone else's slave? Socialism is theft. Plain and simple.
- Anarcho Nationalist: I dislike infocucks but Jesus fuckin christ this kid is the lamest, most boring beta bitch I’ve ever seen on YT. How tf does this Cuck get views?
- Y: +FeministKilljoy The thing is, we all benefit from roads equally, everybody uses roads. With free healthcare, we do not. Usually those who are better off end up paying more money under this system in taxes
- gretz lawrence: wtf are you talking about? i watched the video the girl never trolled.... this is pretty sad bro.. is this all you got? secular talk you are so full of your own shit.
- erikbarrett85: Ummm, is this a David Pakman rip off channel?
- Melvin Luna: Bas Didit I never said I could do it better than them. I'm just stating the fact that the problems Venezuela has that people blame on Socialism isn't actually because of Socialism.
- Daniel Gonzalez: No more videos on infowars street interviews. Everything infowars is so obviously fake and made up. That’s not how real people talk. It’s obvious.
- B A: Legally-Blond meets Scientology and InfoWars... But are the rich tasty?
- Dillmo: there should be a limit. past a certain income not taxing the rix is thievery from the poor
- theburningfield: Kyle Kulinsky. Clueless and boring.
- John Gulf: wtf infowar reporter was kick ass wtf is wrong with you or internet
- lee Roberts: I think it's more reasonable to mandate a one to one ration of home owner ship to families/idviduals then it is to argue about 27 genders and two bathrooms. I think if you have an opinion on who can use what bathroom or have spent anymore time trying g to resolve that then the fact that people have more then one home and others have less than one home you should be shot on the face
- Alex Yates: I'm confused? The sailor girl just doesn't care and the infowars reporter is pushing her points? How is this trolling, why is everyone going YAY SAILOR GIRL?
- 007kingifrit: healthcare isn't a right its a service
- StevenF Jaxsen: Moronic fools, that is what you are if you think this "reporter" got owned! Haha! I'm a libertarian and I fucking HATE Alex Jones and Donald Trump. It's sad I have to state that everytime I leave a comment on TYT or a channel who is associated with TYT because you will all say that I'm saying this just because I love Trump? This dipshit is laughing like this "reporter" got actually owned. I must have gone deaf and blind because I don't see that at all. Bernie owning three houses while people in this country don't even have one. Is that really how sociaism is supposed to work? Practice what you fuckin preach. Give the other 2 houses to a black family who ain't even got one and who are actually really in need of one. Owning three houses which are very nice by the way! Is extremely hypocritical on Bernie’s part! The sad thing is you are trying to find videos of people making fools out of themselves who aren’t apart of your extremely regressive incoherent beliefs and this is the best you can come up with at the moment? Hahaha! Fuck the left and fuck the right by right now you are the reason conservatives are winning the fight! So keep it up!! It’s obvious you want the left to keep failing because you are doing to great of a job of that to convince us otherwise!
- Josiah Smith: I have watched a healthy brain FOOD dosing off Alex Jones, and have never seen this woman once. I'm not gonna sit here and say I like him, but to post a fake interview that you did to make him look bad is just disgraceful.
- b mp: Why do they always mention Venezuela? Why not Uruguay, with former president Mujica living in an old farm, for example?
- Jay Jay: The interviewer has Aspergers which is an Autism disorder, bit unfair to be mocking her, and as for the sailor moon sjw she neither owned or trolled to the interviewer she was just baked up to her eyeballs like most loony liberals, the interviewer is actually very good on her own channel and away from InfoWars
- Nachoself: I don't think these two girls could find much common ground on anything, they have a fundamental disagreement on what a human right is
- whutzat: Davey Warscnauzer...when did I mention Alex Jones?
- michbushi: Lazule "what is there to be answered?" Lets start from the beginning: Q:why do you you think socialism is good? A: .......... "I like Bernie bcoz he says 'eat the rich'" Q: do you know he owns three houses A:......
- Snoop Beerus: I hate her
- Matt Monaghan: Little sailor girl is an idiot. Like free health care ya. Ridiculous.
- Ethan Dumas: that sailer chick was a typical libtard birdbrian
- Machete Yo: So when Burnie talks about the 1 percent, you dont think hes talking about people who own 3 houses?
- Thomas Suel Pepper: 5:05 Kyle says bad words
- Funk Rider X: Us brits have free healthcare with the NHS, but yet do you see us moaning? Lol.
- max the cat: Fist vally girl I liked.
- Winston Shih: We pay taxes with rich also forced to participate so that money spent on healthcare will be lower
- Adam: As a conservative and a republican, Ashton needed her ego deflated. I may disagree with Sailor Moon Girl but at she least she cares more about people than being right all the time.
- Paul Kersey: Fake News they never pulled the video.
- Venice beach vlogger: That girl was so chill, I just want ppl to have free healthcare honey. But ppl ere eating rats...lol wtf
- Ego Twistick: In what fuckin way did this idiot own her?😂😂
- Ut med dem: Charlie Hardy she got owned
- Lavia: It was a way to troll infotards. It worked.
- Pablo Rages: More Fake News
- ricky rhodes: Lets just have the civil war already. Thats what y'all want right?? Civil war, revolution?? Free everything?? Fuck you guys with this Selfrightous bullshit
- declan h: Curtis W you may be right about infowars but crowder and Shapiro can argue as good as if not better than Kyle you're just to biased to listen to any alternative facts.
- Sao Salazar: When potus ends socialist programs for good then I'll be convinced as a true right supporter...... Until then his cult are always braying trendy one liners
- Law YT: Is she using a calculater
- Jay C: Okay, so you're saying you think she did come out looking good? Is that right?
- Brian Michael: That girl didn't own anyone.. the points about what she liked about Bernie were just meh.. Saying that The infowars reporter was pretty lame. Basically it was 2 lame ppl.. neither making solid points.. Im neither right... or left.. this vid popped up in my suggested vids.. so.. here I am.. congrats on the SEO importance. Free Healthcare is Not the answer.. Socialism is Not the answer. I will agree however that our healthcare system is severely flawed and needs to be fixed.. and Im willing to discuss that.. My solution is dif than whats currently being shouted.. but every Bernie fan I mentioned it to.. liked it.. my solution is more of a desired end result than a solution so please take the solution word loosely.
- TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER GAMING: "I'm talking about America"....lmao
- luke w.: She doesn't really shut her down? The Infowars lady just said some irrelevant shit at a stranger
- Noniksleft: I'm Australian and the health care here sux, you fool
- Frank Harrod: Eating the rich vs eating rats. hmm.. I like lasagna myself
- brandon coons: Bro your dumb lol
- silencieuxasmr: How does she own them if she talks like a complete moron? "Uh... uh yeah" "healthcare" "socialism"
- Trevor Sejnoha: That girl was probably so high but she kept her cool. What a beautiful human.
- Tank Dempsey: She's an idiot.
- Herb Bluntman: I agree, the blonde girl with the mic was one of the ditzyest bitches I've ever seen.
- briiandee: She really didnt troll them that well lol the interviewer shouldn't have made a strawman argument but that has nothing to do with the socialist lady
- N Rosario: She looks like Shannyn Sossaman. And I love her outfit!
- Danny D: Don't give this little bitch soyboy libtard any views or likes guys. Unsubscribe and get the fuck out of his cesspool of a channel. It isn't worth it to even troll him or show I'm what real trolling is cause he's getting revenue out of our views. Obviously, it would be too much to ask Susan demonetized one of her libtard buddy's videos.
- Uncle Bunk: As much as I like Bernie Sanders, people need to stop calling him a socialist.
- Robert Helmick: I came here to see a smack down and all I saw was 2 dumbasses trying to dumbass each other down and another dumbass trying to play news anchor. Since the dawn of this country socialism has not been accepted. It will never be accepted and anyone that thinks it should be applied can die in the war it will start and ultimately fail in. But none the less it was a bit comical to see one dumbass site make fun of another dumbass site. "Ya free healthcare, Starbucks, can't put my phone down." All the while, Republicans are getting shit done while loading their guns and thinking "go ahead, socialize me bitch".
- Craig Durso: Ahh , Kyle that is the weakest argument ive seen , that video only proved how incredibly stupid BOTH sides are ... you cant have free healthcare , nor can you profit from human sickness , figure it out already ... RESIST
- Azakaka: @Dave Hash you went to war in 1776 against the tyrannical British government, who wanted to raise taxes. These taxes are mainly the Sugar, stamp, and tea taxes. These taxes did not benefit anybody whatsoever in America, so you pulled a revolution. Now, a portion of the population wants to try to have free healthcare. And you're demonising them, calling them dumb as hell. They're not retarded, they know that free health care will mean raising taxes universally. There's a bunch of people that are WILLING to pay more taxes for universal health care, but you're calling them dumb for having a belief? You can't tell them to change their ideology or beliefs. You're going around calling other people 'dumb, idiotic' just because they don't follow your ideology? You're the dumb one! You do realise the USA is a democratic nation? They can vote for whoever they want. What does Hitler have to do with Obamacare? What the hell is 'modern nazi medicine'? The NSDAP, was 'nationalist socialist'. Just because socialist is in the name doesn't mean they're socialists. You might quote Hitler in his 1922 speech, saying that he was a socialist. He was trying to unite Germany, including both the left and the right. He was merely paying lip service to the socialists. He held much disdain for the actual socialists. He wanted to claim the private industries, but not for redistribution of wealth, but to centralize power. Your view on Hitler is very shallow, claiming that he was a socialist just from his words. You should realise after some deeper study that Hitler was indeed not a socialist. I have to wonder, regarding the 'malpractice' of doctors after Obamacare was put into place. Why does no other country which has universal healthcare face this issue? Are American doctors really so greedy? This is an issue of character, not universal health care.
- stephen0793: "The 1% want socialism" yes that's why they all run corporations obviously, that's why they are all literally capitalists Please do us all a favor and suck a tailpipe. Literally, kill yourself
- Entropy 75: Owned ?? ,🤔 Where?? Obviously you need to be afflicted with TDS to understand it.
- I've got A name: That is not called trolling.
- KARLOS MARCUS: adam friedland is lucky dude
- Mackenzie Coombe: This is stupid you dumbass goyim
- paolo barbieri: Europe here, avoid socialism at all costs
- Henry Atkinson: EaTiNg RaTs I really lack an understanding of where this statement came from. There is no source anywhere for this that I can find. This person makes more sense than Alex Jones does, which is depressing. Inforwars is full of fools, we dont need full-on socialism, but we need a partially socialist economy. The infowars person was incompetent, and the other person did indeed turn infowars agenda against them.
- MOO :P: cory allen Obviously I said that because her response to "why do you like socialism" was "I want everyone to have healthcare". How do you equate that with "this person is saying Bernie Sanders wants free healthcare"? She gave that answer in response to a question about socialism, not Bernie Sanders. She said "I like Bernie", reported asked why, she said "he's socialist", reporter asked "why do you like socialism" she responded with "I want everyone to have Healthcare"... I was in no way commenting on anything related to Bernie Sanders or his Healthcare plan. Their entire conversation was about socialism in general, not Bernie Sanders version of socialism.
- StrikeWing: She did ok, but didn't correct InfoWars' false claims. She also didn't point out that Venezuela is the exception, not the rule on socialist countries.
- Brian McGowan: SloanKetter44 Lmao thanks for proving my point you probably don’t even have a high school degree. It’s okay your mom will let your fat ass pay no bills and live in the basement. Don’t have to lie about yourself on YouTube fatass.
- Marni Stone: "Why free?" ... Because so many people can't fucking afford healthcare and they end up dying! Why can't these people get that into their heads?
- Sylis TM: You guys talk shit on "Right wingers" for being ignorant or acting crazy but you're literally doing fucking retarded accents and tongue gestures trying to be funny like a toddler. Pathetic excuse for a grown man and a journalist. Hang yourself
- LordBattleSmurf: You know there is a 50/50 chance that "woman" actually has a penis right? You can never tell with the left these days mental illness is rampant
- Zephyr Property: Lol stupid Democrats. You're all retarded. I like your cheap suit u fuckin liberal fag. Lol. go capitalism. You are all poor and jealous. God I love my Lacoste bedsheets lmao
- Tripper Harrison: I don’t love or hate info wars, but, why is this such a big deal ??? This is simply an amateur journalist picking an argument with a dippy socialist.Very unprofessional. The young “journalist “ has a lot to learn though. She’s not ready for the field.. I personally think that freebies are for the weak minded and Sanders is a hypocrite on several levels
- Dawn Broker: Exactly!
- Studio Dankster: Fun fact: All Canadian athletes, politicians and rich go to usa for healthare or use private companies here... socialism is for the masses not the elites
- AWiseCrow: Is this Aubrey Plaza's little sister or something? lol
- Podladog 00: WHY SHOULD EVERYONE HAVE FREE HEALTH CARE?!!? Uhhh so they can be alive?
- Joy P: Oh shoot I think I have a crush
- Kristina Reeves: Fuck healthcare, get rid of cola, and McDonald's. There's your healthcare
- bibby949: Wow, I don't know what you were watching. Probably just as ignorant. "After the Bolivarian Revolution, extensive inoculation programs and the availability of low- or no-cost health care provided by the Venezuelan Institute of Social Security made Venezuela's health care infrastructure one of the more advanced in Latin America. However, by 2015, the Venezuelan health care system had collapsed."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_Venezuela
- Carolina Murtha: I love that the interviewer didn’t ask any Latinos about Venezuela. They would have known off the bat that Venezuela isn’t a socialist democracy. Maduro has created a socialist dictatorship which is why Venezuela is suffering and acting out like they are. That info wars bitch has no idea what she was talking about. Hugo Chavez was about pretty beloved and made a huge mistake of taking a risk on their oil surplus which ultimately dropped into half the cost and then he passed away. So when Maduro took over, the economy was bad and then this asshole made it worse. He’s nothing like Bernie Sanders. Edit: maybe some of the people have resorted to eating rats because inflation is ridiculous (a lot of people have lost so much weight due to the “Maduro diet”) and the government released rabbits for people to breed and eat. Instead, they made them into pets which the government was pist because they saw that as a reasonable response to the country starving and it’s the people’s fault for not getting on board. Maduro needs to go, and comparing him to Bernie is just insulting.
- Jarleron: I hope you all get socialism, liberals deserve to have a socialist government one that does like all socialist societies, steals from the poor and middle class and gives it to their rich friends.. I live in a socialist country it happens here every day, give me a democratic society any day over a socialist shut hole..
- Brother Jördh: Nothing you said happened in that clip? :/
- Anthony 911: good insight. Interesting. Hopefully she learns
- Kyle Reed Phillips: I actually was going to vote for Bernie Sanders I was actually going to vote for Bernie Sanders until I figured out and do my research that he got butt out by Hillary Clinton people need to realize the rule demon is in politics not Trump after boys issue we want to have as much drugs and more and more to come since Barack Obama was president we have decreased our economy and always has been messing up our army as well
- youfreaker: Her point of venezuela at least shows social politicians do not nessecarily have to make everything better. Her point about his home's worth is that he lives like a rich person. 600.000 dollar vacation house or a million dollar home does not change anything. Bernie himself said that nobody should be allowed to earn more than 1 million. Bernie's income in 2016? 1 million. Though I don't really agree with her points, at least they were making more sense than you saying shit like "other senate members earn more so bernie is not rich" lol
- Michael K.: People dying due to lack of healthcare.. And lack of excercise and proper diet. Also Sanders is a moron with a good heart. No way in hell America can afford these programs.
- Leonardo Lawlyet: the reporter owned the leftist girl with the odd clothes...
- PawsleyDirt: Vocal frryyyyyyyyyyy!
- Lavia: They reposted it after getting mocked? That is hilarious.
- Owain Arnold: "that's what everyone in australia, canada and the uk says" yeah thats objectively untrue, our public healthcare SUCKS and your 44% more likely to die in a UK hospital than in an american one sooo.
- helrod: That was not trolling. That was just a really dumb person being interviews by a dumb person.
- 김미나: I love her.
- Matt C: Mumana Ahmed you probably don’t have many to begin with, so. Won’t really make a difference.
- Agaton Sax: +MrBeaux The interviewer tries to put the other person on the spot and steer them towards some type of "gotcha" moment. The other girl doesn't give any reaction and let's the interviewer ramble on, about something Info Wars aren't educated about. One of these two is dumb, the other is just acting dumb. It's not a comedy show but it is funny to see Info Wars fail.
- Dann DaMann: Are rats really that bad to eat? Never researched it... http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151207-the-countries-where-rats-are-on-the-menu
- oskey o: Fuck that condescending bitch,if your gonna go up to someone and interview them don’t be so goddamn ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddeee
- The Locust God: This chick needs to take more lessons from Alex Jones.
- Sarah Libogoma: +Johnston Hawkins ......again, thank you for proving my point. YouTube ain't good for you, maybe get a little older then come back! Try that.....
- Ken Of Darkness: Info wars talks about solcialism but supports Trump and other people that support Oligarchy
- Werner Beinhart: No, one talked anyone into a corner. Neither sailor girl the Reporter nor the other way round
- gLItcHyGeAR: OntY-Op As a conservative, it should definitely be a right. The problem is the implementation, as attempts like Obamacare consistently cause more issues than solutions.
- dcb1138: 45K people are going to die a year with or without healthcare….
- Cody Murphy: Do *you* have worms in your brain?
- sabin97: +royal the idea is extremely old.....back when vax/vms ruled the earth.....
- John Black: I love that girl’s demeanor, I’m gay but I think I have a crush 😍
- Rup Tratin: Kyle Kulinski? More like Cringeo Culpabacanalitabitsabinutrahumbalumbapoosilipagruppencurmutibbinotzifichtiramwaytamsikkagigganilzabuffacripstinomivitch!
- Stoichi21: I don't understand how you can call Bernie Sanders a socialist. Not everything the government does is fucking socialism.
- Benjamin Nourian: Little sailor girl is a typical, mentally ill leftist.
- potstab: Like in Venezuela......? Was that before or after the U.S. sent in the jackals to F'over their government. I love how these "free market" people conveniently forget war is a racket. Capitalist only like a dictator they can control, and don't try to leave the dollar.
- Linoge Z: So wait. People are allowed to have several homes, while you have so many living on the streets? Thats so weird
- merman hacklin: I expected to see some ownage... I was disappointed.
- TANkissesXOXO: Lmao, as expected from a stupid blonde blabbing nonsense.
- Jeremy Parsons: ummm the girl in white was stupid and your video title was click bait,
- Mi J: "I want everyone to have free healthcare". Nothing in life is "free". Someone pays for everything. Typical brain dead liberal.
- George Seefoo: So people being stupid is now the norm. We are doomed.
- Clancy Holluck: "democratic socialism" = majority decides who is stolen from
- Snitchpac29: Get your head out your ass and stop defending people who don’t understand equality. We want everyone to be rich not a few people😂😂 info wars is better
- touristguy87: Unsure how the i*nterviewer* looked stupid...or how Infowars looked bad
- DJC DJC: Sucks dildos and AJ is a paedophile
- Ad Sc: Bernie is promoting democratic socialism; the political system found in majority of the Nordic countries who coincidentally rank higher in quality of life studies. Why are they always glossed over while Venezuela is frequently cited?
- amor powers: "for infowars?" *giggling
- Jonathan Hadley: Hi, I'm from Australia and I can confirm that we are all evil devil people, who dont know anything and are assholes and idiots. :)
- Common Sense: Oh and corporate socialism benefits from the same architecture. Corporations have the money in the begining. They hold onto it. Boom socialism turns to corporatism thanks to people thinking like you and her.
- Blaine Goodwin: Trolled? Lmao far from it, she had no valid points. The infowars reporter had quality dialogue and valid points.
- Alien Boy: That chick her attitude can either turn you on or turn me off. Did anyone see her little nips poking out?
- Mishelle Smith: A 3million dollar home sounds impressive...unless you live in Los Angeles
- Bill Roberts: InfoWars has no problem blatantly lying in a feeble attempt to scare people about something this ditz in the red jacket knows absolutely nothing about.
- DisobeyToday: Why do people who've never taken Heroin sound like they've been taking Heroin for 17 years
- Max Contreras: No one cares We are fucked anyway
- simp5212: You will never be a great talking head and your opinion means nothing, you are not going to amount to anything in this field, you are insignifacant...... now that we got reality out of the way..... get back to the fryer and get my fries and burger BITCH......
- Daryl Hodson: Not an Info Wars fan or member of the right, health care certainly isn't a right. Plain and simple.
- Th0t Sniperr: Time to go back to the kitchen
- thec4ke: They're doing the Crowder thing where they find people who think Socialism is when the government does stuff, then argue against social programs by arguing against Marxism.
- riley bruskotter: How is this trolling
- Cedtoron: This guy is so easily fooled.
- 2 D: Venezuelans eating brats
- John Gallagher: Doh! I want you to have healthcare paid for by people whose money is confiscated by government. Sounds totally free. Morons
- Destroyer of Worlds: God yea he's a communist
- Phil Olson: Whoah, I think Kyle is really stretching to defend a whacked out liberal socialist here. I feel bad for how ignorant the girl drinking the latte is. Healthcare should be a right? It's pretty entitled to think that you're entitled to a Doctor's labor. Typical liberal logic, wanting to enslave everyone else for their benefit.
- Covencraft: that's ashton birdie
- Rusty Shackleford: He only thinks frogs are gay, because he masturbates with them.
- Nathan Allen: Is that Dasha?
- It's All about that Bass: I know a guy like this in real life. Nobody likes him either.
- Artie KlineMeister: he doesn't know what was pulled or where but did a video about it. lol
- declan h: The stupidity of Kyle and his fans is quite disappointing they're as biased as any INFOWARS supporter, they seem to believe socialism had nothing to do with Venezuela been destroyed and that people aren't dying of starvation there right now isn't a big deal. ☹
- CalmDownLevelUp: She didn't troll them, she just blundered like an idiot. It was like watching two retarded cats fight
- Grayson H: Whether or not I agree with the lady being interviewed is irrelevant. The "I've heard of it" response to whether or not she knew what Venezuela is was pretty fuckin funny.
- Alex Law: The rich drink bottled water, eat organic salads and avoid shitty fast food. Dude that's as close to free range human as you can get without filling the freezer in the Kalahari... Eat the Rich, avoid the preservative loads in Trailer park human.
- Rickvsnewworldorder: Dude she is dumber than a box of rocks, not a troll, just a lemming. You say the idea is to keep them talking, the chick is brainless and couldn't say but a few words.
- 0okamino: Highly doubtful, other than concern trolling for their own agenda.
- Al Saadeh: Whatever ones politics, health care and education should be free otherwise the rich will live and the poor would die, not cool
- Ryan Long: She's a typical drownded out, wasted, dumb hippy chick who knows nothing about the world or even where Venasuela is. Complete Retard and you sheep like her. This arrogant moron is the Duesh bag.
- Los Santos City: 3 million dollar house? Uhmm!! I live in Vancouver and in the next street i live houses cost more than that. A 3 million house is just a midrange house today. My previous employer have a house worth 7 million dollars.
- Christopher Kents Love Child Part 3: Jason Wooster at least that lard filled melon on top of your 8 chins is usefull for something other than gargeling sperm.
- Reymund Bugas: Girl is so fucking high I'm so fucking done. She's dead ass just having the time of her life with this.
- Dog Gonnit: “You have worms in your brain.” Lmao! That sums up a lot of trumptards.
- Frank Sisco: She doesn't work for infowars. It's all staged. What a joke, anyone who listens to infowars would know this is fake.
- NPC Junk Ogre, TYT Head NPC: Gay Italian oh no, I'm not a conservative. I'm not an Infowars viewer or fam or anything like that. I'm merely pointing put the fact that TYT has basically become the Infowars of the left. There's dozens of things Gunk has done to safely equate him to the Alex Jones of the left. He's gone so crazy that he has to outright lie at times to save face. I had the feeling people would misinterpret what I said and I'd get called names and shit. It's strange how that's what often happens when I try to tell people about what has become of TYT
- Noelia Noliz: You miss the point. I am not a right winger. Let's ask Bernie if he is willing to share his house with everyone? Everyone gets a mansion!
- 00寂しいネズミ: Wheres the trolling lol, both sides seem braindead. Muh rats Muh epic sarcastic troll
- Jackmerius Tacktheritrix: She'll be anchoring on Fox within 5 years, they love poorly informed blonde women
- Bob Costas: Alex Jones is a millionaire that sells his crappy products online to conspiracy theorists that live in their parents basement. P.S. I’m a Canadian with free healthcare, and a better standard of living and longer life expectancy than most Americans. This cunt is trying to scare you!
- Django Fett: ^Hey, everyone, look at this half-developed inbred retard circus freak as he pretends to know first thing about women when he's never even touched one.
- Taelforlife: Jose Larios III She was cosplaying.
- Dan: This is a nothingburger.
- LegionAdell: Who is this young lady going back at the InfoWitch? I want to meet her and shake her hand.
- Oscar Spring: What a cuck
- Marco Silva: Hey Green Lantern, you should retitled this to "Two Clueless Idiots Debate, Gone Sexual" (gotta add the clickbait)
- Hassenboy: Yes it's very easy to see. Of course 'ignorance is strength' in Kyle's and other Marxists' minds.
- John Gallagher: I'm the one on crack because I don't want to pay for other people's health care. In the US, all the new immigrants and welfare recipients will get free healthcare on my back. The rich will still be rich and well off and I'll be poorer. but i'm stupid. You guys can fuck off with your name calling.
- War N Peace: You act like a total fool Kyle
- TheEwqua: Lol there's nothing worse than Infowars
- Takashi Namisae: This was a waste of time some low testosterone ,socially awkward , biased, and also no facts of his where checked and this is merely his whole opinion. You listened to an unintelligent rant
- jerry saylor: When they gonna pull you Killshitski
- E R: Eat the Commonwealth Realms, and neo colonialism.
- Jay Kong: really bad title
- heliopyre: -so many of the 1% support socialism -like who -so you know Venezuela? what the fuck happened to her brain there?
- JD Tremblay: Both dumb as fuck. That leftist chick was dumb and the blonde chick was beyond retarded.
- Nazyair sengikar: your an idiot
- BAD CP: Venezuela does NOT have food. Their people are starving. It's a result of socialism. Eating animals out of the zoo, robbing food trucks...
- smartsalmon1: I dont get it she did hang herself this video makes no sense the girl was an idiot
- Melissa Klokocki: That reporter was so unnecessarily aggressive. It was like a schoolyard bully walking up to random people trying to pick a fight, “...I know you are but what am I?....!!!!” Pathetic.
- Dank Haze 420: Socialism is Socialism! There isn't different kinds. They're all garbage. Stealing from someone who worked hard to give what you stole to someone who hasn't fully applied themselves. Sounds extremely fair. Idiots!
- Nathan Hails: They got trolled by her so hard that they ran away from the internet...
- 4f52: Communists commited mass rape and starved children to death, right? Starving children to death and mass raping is good now.
- Elvin Ostrup: So it's about fake news?
- GuillaumeLeSkateur: Ohhhh I wish a bitch would come up to me on the street and ask me about "socialism" I really fucking do. 😂😂😂
- Kevin Santiago: Braindead some of us have this accent from where we were raised but that doesn’t decide our intelligence.... that’s just ignorant and makes me think about how dumb you must be. I talk like this yet i’m a ucla student, where are you “normal accent” talking citizen?
- EMS 76: Honestly, I like her. But she could have put her foot down more on the dysinformation points which the infowars cow was trying to get on air.
- greenghost3737: Sith Lord we still have plenty to go around our red neck conservative lie factory wont let u kno that. We give 11x to corporate welfare what we do for ALL social programs combined.
- Stevie Everett: Whats up with the bandaids on your fingers dude??
- Dooality: That was so embarrassing.
- Varadex: "Pulls video" hmmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0MIaCvZJNk took me <10 seconds to find on infowars. More FAKE NEWS
- JuanLuv: Are you serious? Some snobby retarded sounding hoe rolls her eyes a few times and talks about killing rich people and you consider that a win for the team? Wow... you fuckers really are retarded. I think the infowars newbie did great. I think your slow witted commie heroine looked like a dumb ass. I think YOU look like a dumb ass. Pshh. Carry on.
- Follow The Sun: She did well with the interview. Thanks for the vid, I would have never seen it otherwise. two cute girls jabbing about issues above their heads and both playing their respective parts superbly! Kyle, you sir are an ignoramus. How did you ever acquire any subscribers? 'Must be some sorta millennial thing...
- good o'l me plant: Why does the girl in the Japanese highschool costume talk like that?
- TheIntJuggler: The one percent support democrats, but not socialism.
- Elite Accord: I mean canada is social
- mergitthefrog: Before I become a target for criticizing your approach.... you literally made bidy bidy and fart noises with your lips
- Edgy Cat: +Hailey I'm in uni
- Alfredo Corella: Ok so I hate infowars but this guy is fucking anoying
- Matthew Developer: Never saw this reporter on infowars...EVER, appears staged, do you have any screenshots of the original post on an infowars site/channel because this is fake to make infowars look bad. Blonde girl + Microphone + Infowars sign = official infowars reporter. Where is the rest of the live cast. Shenanigans.
- Marquess of monarchy: Saying someone doesn't make sense isn't an argument.
- Robert Greenhouse: Didn't Bernie or his wife inherit a home? They sold it and got one better than what they had. Wouldn't anyone do that? Democratic Socialism just wants the best for all citizens! Is what we are getting from the gang in the Whitehouse working for all citizens? Not at all!
- Scott Gibbons: Her attitude was I don't give a fuck we would have healthcare if the CEO's of corrupt Pharmaceutical companies werent greedy funny Bernie supported Hillary knowing she made promises to wall street it's a joke Bernie lost my respect after the Dems screwed him over and he backed crooked Hillary.
- Chandir: I put that in an if clause. You would not chose not to work, because you need some sort of income for a dignifyed life. There's only a tiny fraction of people who choose not to work. Aren't you Trump fans proud of Americas low unemployment rate under Trump? And does my local newspaper have an impact on how valid my arguments are? I don't care what you watch/read, just make sense thats all I'm asking.
- NPC .000000beta: DUDE THIS WAS SUPER FUNNY!!!! subscribed and liked!!!!!
- Sean Markow: That reporter needs to learn a thing or two from Owen Shroyer.
- Lonnie Meador: You should first get your facts straight before you post . This is your problem. Bernie does own 3 homes, yes they cost him and his wife Millions. You mis lead people with your fake facts. You seem to want to bend facts as well. I am far from a fan of Alex Jones , he is a nothing more then you are. Trying to make a name for yourself by reporting not News but you opinion. What I saw in this video is another example of mis informed people. Just having a camera and a desk , projecting your own Virtue does not make you a Journalist. Journalism is about facts and reporting facts alone. Kyle you are a wormy person just like Alex, you both would love each other.
- Chandler Greskamp: Umm how do you provide health care for all without making me pay for it? I don't want to pay for healthcare if I don't need it.
- Discovermyview: I'm honestly surprised that the guy in the peanut gallery could even pronounce Hugo Chavez properly. These people seem to have real problems with other languages.
- thexeesus: Some people don't get that police and public schools are social structures. Do we eat rats as a result? Black n white dumbs
- AustinFloorguy: They just moved it to another on of their 100's of youtube channels.
- Joaquin Minardi: pjfan173 how about you read about socialism and communism before talking about them? Both approve of the acquiring of means of production and clothes are clothes. Fucking USA retards
- King Bugs: The trolling was the Infowars girl. Sailor girl just didn't take the bait. Stupid video.
- Death Squad: "owned" not really. That "noob" did a bad job tho lol
- SaltyShapeerVessel 2.0: this girl is a dumb whore... the one in the hat
- Kamran Kazemi: Lmao fucking info wars trying to be WOKE.
- butthurt glober: But the rats tho
- Endless Bliss: Yeah the blonde chick is retarded but why does the other chick look like a guy with long hair
- Unruly Mile High: they are praising here vice literally did 3 pieces on here LOL
- Jeffrey Lebowski: Invisible Drummer ok retard
- Karen Van Zant: The vast majority of the one percent, are old retired people who will fall out of the one percent before dying. There is the .001% that own and invest in lot of corporations. Still, those businesses take up a lot of capital to run. Wealth is actually more relative than you can imagine.
- TONY HAWK: They aren't socialist. They're free market with some levels of social care.
- Terence Hikawai: That Sass from sakura is nek level!
- TCt83067695: Eliza M. Like Emma Stone
- tip tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dabPXDirFiY
- Hassenboy: You socialists are all sexist. That being said: she's a rude basic bitch and most likely a slut. Go for south american girls instead. Venezuelans for example, they are thin unlike most Americans.
- esteban ruiz: Sailor moon is right
- Seth the Wicked: It's like the right doesn't know any other countries exist besides America, Israel, Venezuela and Armenia.
- MurdermiesteR: The government doesn't pay for anything. Idiots. They just take the money from you.
- David Camacho: 1:30 FUNNIEST LINE!! "Heard of it." In response to the question: "You know Venezuela right??"
- The Naked Wombat: You said, "why do you need to rob the rich ,,just print more money,,idiots" You're serious are you? I know there are "dumb fucks" out there who think printing more money is always the answer despite historic evidence showing otherwise. Try redistribution of wealth. That increases wealth and strengthens an economy.
- Jayyy Zeee: I'm generally in favor of "free" (taxpayer funded) healthcare for everyone. My only problem with it is the risk of moral hazard with people who abuse their bodies (e.g., smoking) and consuming more than their share of that service. People in Canada and England aren't eating rats. Some people do have worms in their brains.
- Will Death: They both are idiots.
- Migvel Americano: there's one thing which you are completely wrong, we ARE in favour of eating the rich
- Skip Ijam: braindead dude
- Marisol Sanchez: Haha omg what an idiot.
- ckryegrass11: Both of these girls are idiots. But the free health care thing will never happen.
- Allen MacCannell: InfoWars recently warned Trump not to engage in any petrodollar wars like his predecessors or else he'll lose half his base. Is that maybe the reason for this animosity from another allegedly anti war YouTube channel? I listen to both channels plus Jimmy Dore. They're all on the same side when it comes to war, which is the real life and death matter. Health care, in emergencies when it's unrelated to lifestyle, is a function of who gets the best doctor at the right time. Ppl will use whatever advantage they can take for that as well as try to stop others from having any particular advantage. It's human nature. Let's just not have any illusions that the best of 5 surgeons in town is an infinite resource whom everyone can ignore the other surgeons for. Somebody's got to be operated on by them. My only operation was in a country with free medical care. But to get the top surgeon, I put an envelope on his desk.
- Nicholas Farrell: I already pay half my family's way (rent, food, healthcare, etc), but I'll pay your healthcare if you pay to house, feed, clothe, and whatnot two bitter welfare-rat MAGAturd retards. I'll send you the information and you can pick two of them.
- Louis Gedo: Truth tellers rock.....GO VEGAN!
- James Reeno: I love this, but Bernie is NOT a socialist. And the Venezuela “argument” would only work on a complete moron.
- Faldegast: I am a social democrat. Can you stop calling me a murderous socialist please. Social democracy is a conservative ideology and we have nothing to do with socialism nor will we ever. For example social democrats strongly support Israel while socialists hate them. We are polar opposites on many issues. Do you know how sick Swedish people are of being called something that many of us consider equal to being called a Nazi? We are social democrats not socialists. Socialism is based on corporatism. That is what socialism are. Corporations running the government. It would be useful of you bathered to read the communist manifesto or mein kampf before explaining to us what they are about. When the socialist government nationalizes all the large corporations and gives them market Monopoly where do all the rich go. Oh yes they continue to run the large corporations. And they continue to bath in wealth. So what if Berny Sanders is the poorest senator. He is still rich enough to be a senator. Not that it matters who it is, it matters what he wants to do. Fortunately most of his policies isn't socialist nor does he seem to be. I haven't studied him in detail but he seems to be more conservative promoting investments in education and health care. Contrary to yours and Infowars belief taxes isn't socialism. In fact if you want low taxes go to socialist countries. That's why all the cheap stuff are made in socialist countries. Almost no taxes and almost no labour costs. For someone calling yourself secular you have quite a bit of "facts" that isn't fact checked. Similar to all the religious people. And yeah Infowars doesn't know what they are talking about on quite a few issues. For example like you they believe that social democracy is socialism. Which clearly shows that Alex Jones read books about everything because he only needs to read a few pages from a book of social democracy to figure out that it's conservative. Given that he also read a book on conservatism which he shows no sign of ever. By the way books are a nonvolatile storage medium. You should try it.
- FlyingMollyWhop: The only owning going on here is the misleading title of the video. The girl sounded like a moron while sipping her iced latte and texting the entire time. Typical millenial.
- Issy TheMiner: The point just flew right over your head
- Jen Tuesday: The “majority” of their citizens are eating rats. 😂 Alternative facts for ya. Hilarious that she couldn’t list even one person in the 1% that supports socialism, so instead pivots to Venezuela lol. Like seriously she couldn’t even name a celebrity or something??
- Mr Gone: I wouldn't say she trolled them to perfection. Her vocal cadence was god awful for most of it and frankly I'm surprised infowars pulled the video. When they mention Venezuela, might be a good idea to mention England and Canada as prime examples with stats to back it up. Then the statistics on how few people come to america for our corporate healthcare. Progressives need to arm themselves with more facts so that when a Crowder or a Jones tries to catch them off-guard on these issues, they can REALLY troll them.
- Bernie Sandlot, Los Angeles: LOL
- Phillip Wombacher: Capitalism 101: 90% of the people creating more capital than they are receiving while 10% of the population gets more capital than they create.. we just understand math that’s why we hate capitalism
- Kyle Ardelean: Free healthcare would destroy the US. Why should I pay for the health care of the 14 million smoker in the US when it is a voluntary choice? Or the health care of the obese?
- Irene Jacobs: donald johnson It’s called fashion sweetie, look it up
- YBBGM: the problem with Venezuela and most latin countries is corruption in their government not the type of government. comparing Venezuela and the US is just plain stupid. yea the US government rn is corrupt and being lead by a chimp but it is nothing compared to a government that wont listen to their citizens and don’t care.
- crymeawave: I LOVE DASHA
- roy verner: Arrogant and ignorant, what a combo. And this is a win somehow? wtf is wrong with you people.
- BTsMusicChannel: I remember that time Android Miller said, "I believe things random dumbasses on YouTube say and, taking these things for truth, I like to simplify the world by stuffing anyone I can into a category called 'the Left' and in one sweeping generalization dismiss everything anyone I could put in that category because I don't want my brain to be overloaded with too much thinking. It hurts me."
- James Crews: You are talking about two different things. 1. Whether healthcare healthcare should be publically funded through taxation or through private individuals/ charities. and 2. Whether or no hospitals should have the "right" to overcharge for basic medical procedures.
- Babylonian: "I want socialism because healthcare" Thats like saying I want fascism because of highways. You can have your healthcare without implementing a system that murdered millions of its own people. You know Noth korea also has free healthcare. ask people how great they love it there
- Alex G: She's beautiful and awesome
- caller347: “Bernie Sanders has a $300 million home.” Early “Bernie Sanders is the poorest member of Congress. What a bum.”
- Joshua Parrott: NHS is socialism, and guess what. It is very good value.
- Gmoney3nt: I have a big ol DICK from drinking purple koolaid and eating KFC everyday . that is all
- kyotoxo1: +Y Austrailia and New Zealand
- MegaSmarterthanyou: this random woman is dumb fuck
- McCall Jones III: What part of socialism (aka state control of allocations of resources) do you not understand will require the distribution of personal property do you not understand?
- No One: theres something sexy about that bernie supporter
- 01001100 01000111: Lol she didn’t even get trolled
- Richard Barry: The Info Wars idiot thinks everyone else is as dumb as she is
- Autrain: How is nobody talking about her nipples?
- R Spradling: Kyle what are you doing? The sailor moon girl is the one who came off as the typical priviledged rich white fad socialist ... just another snob trying to virtue signal she's down with the peoples struggle as she smiles and snobbishly enjoys her tasty little treat .... the very treat that she more than likely would try and make you feel guilty for eating. Who gives two shits about Info Wars ... Oh, you do and why ? Is it because you can't bare the thought that people do have diffrent takes on politics ... in my opinion you and info wars should team up because ya suck. Thanks for giving me something to laugh at and make fun of. PS How do you like your rat? Medium rare or Well done?
- LetsGetHighOnMorris: Grendel The purpose was to point out the tactic this particular interviewer is using on the interviewee; showcasing how she makes it her goal to stay on top of the conversation instead of having a fair conversation, and it definitely wasn't. May not seem important but it happens all the time in our new channels.
- Kevin Odom: This one % you speak of is really the 1% of the 1%.
- H0NEYMOURN: Her personality is my religion👁👅👁
- I_Am_Dragoon: Meanwhile Trump has a "Multi Billion dollar corporation" with most of it's money coming from foreign countries. Trump Supporters: You want the gouvernment to pay for your healthcare and colleges?! That would destroy this country!!!! Me: Oh Really? Wow! That explains why London, Japan, Switzerland, and all the other 1st world countries have collapsed on themselves!!! Meanwhile we have the Lowest graded healthcare system, education system, and infrastructure of Any 1st world country. Not to mention the Highest crime rates, death penalty numbers, and disparity between the rich and poor. But hey... We DO have a war budget that is larger then most 1st world countries put together, and we are fight at least 4 more wars simultaneously then those losers. ;)
- stephen heath: all ideological systems is prone to corruption my people.its fucking human nature
- Jamaal Richardson: A modest proposal
- Jcorb: Yeah, they're eating a lot of rats in Sweden and Denmark.
- devonferris: I don’t understand how that random girl owned the info war girl.
- Tina perm your Fucking weave: Hey! That's dasha!
- mutant dog: socialism, have fun giving 80% of your wealth back to the government,have you seen the videos of Copenhagen Denmark with vast amounts of people riding bikes and taking public transit ? well those are middle class whom can't afford cars!!! would you pay 180% tax to buy a car?? NNNNOOOOOOPE!
- J Shysterr: she likes Bernie Sanders because he's a socialist and her only explanation for why socialism is good is to giggle and say "I don't want to do this" and you call that intelligent? so saying "you have worms in your brains" is an explanation.
- Christopher Maxwell: Isn't it a shame that St. Bernie sold his soul to the Hildabeast for 30 pieces of silver. And another house.
- Anneliese: Getting schooled by a weeb is top quality
- Alex Finch: She is my spirit animal
- AhegaoRathalos: Bernie has 3 homes meanwhile Hannity has like 800 of them.
- Ethan Ragbir: No one "trolled" or "owned" anything. it was such a pointless conversation. nothing was accomplished. "Why do you like Bernie", "He's socialist and has good values". "What values", "Free healthcare". The girl being interviewed had a charismatic way of saying nothing of value and this guy is praising her for it.
- Ann Ericson: Russian Communism (and dikkktatorship) is HERE NOW with TrumPutin
- Missilanious: Yo, Kyle, that is not trolling man. I think all the seltzer bubbles are getting to your brain.
- Braindead: Kyle just does it because he wants Infowars in the title, for more subs
- Edward Crosby: Either make fun of or ignore these right wing zombies. There is no point trying talking sense to/ with them. We need to concentrate on changing these for the better, and progressing. Fuck these people.
- Daniel Brinson: Fuck Kyle Kulinski and the Democrats
- swfcocs1: she's so laid back it's brilliant beyond words,she has this superbly relaxed utter disdain for the infowars moron,as if she feels such contempt that it's beneath her to even get angry with the idiot-now that is the way to put someone down,patronize them with mellow disinterest
- Prod: I wanna be broke an healthy too lmao. Dummy. And she wasnt pushing ideology she was giving facts dumb ass.
- Mister Galaga: i’m not a fan of IW. i disliked this video because the IW girl did not get owned. she did the owning. you can support a side and not blankety lie.
- nightdivamaria: This is a dumb show. YouTube did the autopsy. Annoying.
- Matt M: Aghhhh, she's so fine.
- OMaster Flash: Would love Kylie to debate that crowder clown
- Ricardo Fernandes: 04:25 the fact that he is the most "poor" of the senate does not invalidat that he is rich.
- A. Perez: She's fkn awesome. I would marry her but she'd probably own me all day with my stupid yet self amusing comments.
- Trů Tela: +Huzi 87 Well tax are people, so it is not free. It will be taken from pockets of citizens.
- E2 M5: "What question?" XD i was thinking the same thing
- GorillaGuerilla: What do you mean by "no one really wants to eat the rich"??? Why wouldn't we want to eat them??? Taste better than rats!
- Terry Dactyl: The rest of the world has also been ragging on endlessly about our second amendment. I just wish I could say to the Germans, the Swedes, the Brits, the French, the South Africans, "How's giving up your gun rights been working out for you? Hmmmm?"
- Rose Daya: Shut up Kyle the INFO WARS reporter was doing her job. The spectator was blank, vapid, not knowledgeable and snide....THAT'S WHY SHE WAS DELETED...INFO WARS TOOK MERCY ON HER BECAUSE SHE CAME ACROSS LOOKING REALLY REALLY UNINFORMED AND BAD....KINDA LIKE YOU KYLE!!!💩💩💩💩💩👎👎👎👎😦😦😦
- Hassenboy: Tony DiMeo Basic bitch. Travel to South America and experience real women.
- rigidfinger: So anyone that doesn't agree with you is an idiot? Seriously, you all seem to be cut from the same cloth.
- Knekten: God King Trump your name says that you are extremely stupid. So when you try and bash others, it will always fail. Now run back to inowars and worship the lies Alex jones tells you
- Anthony Piña: FAKE NEWS!!! This video deserves a FREAKIN' HEADSLAP!!!
- James Heneise: sportagus3 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
- barefoot arizona: Bernie The Bolshevik
- Su: Heard of it
- Joshua Roldan: Austen Laxton who's the stawman? Sounds too me like its you. Always acting like America is the boogeyman and instead of holding those countries accountable you pass the buck to the boogeyman. Meanwhile the cartels and the corrupt politicians of South America are laughing all the way to the bank.
- Greg Thomas: Sailor lady was awesome. Maybe she wasn't trolling. Maybe she was super chill and making sense. Reporter lady was confused. Sensationalism doesn't help when describing this scene. But hey, when you have an extra flatscreen tv, green lit bricks, an unnecessary neon sign, a mic and a camera...anything is possible.
- Scott Williams: Diane Watson this is what happens when you lose debates and don’t read your bible, you result to name calling and getting angry with what you perceive as immorality. I’m perfectly happy with how I act and I’m fortunate enough to be able to live in the UK so I’m already here. Oh and I really hope you manage to read up on science and understand the difference between treatment and cure that I mentioned earlier (I did only have a state education by the way) and DON’T FORGET: next time, read your bible before saying if it’s for or against abortion or any other topic for that matter. Cheers
- ig2d: I'm on the right of this debate but I have to admit - that was hilarious .. I just want health care honey
- Ra Ru: 😂😂😂1:32 has me deadddd
- Lavia: Damn 5 comments of strawmans. You really got triggered lol
- Up Yours: uh yeah honey. when people come up with fantasy stories with the intention to corner you, there is no need to engage. duh. arguing with retards makes you a retard, so nobody wins. except sailor girl. she did not allow that shallow dumb whore to corner her with stupid questions. sailor girl won.
- Mark Wal: And Then I looked at his videos: His most viewd videos has the word Infowars and/or Alex Jones in it. Must be just a Coincidence.
- Barry Allen: America is not americs is natives land and mexicans go back to Europe
- Felix Matveev: Well, to be honest chances are high that this girl's parents were the 1% of USSR, sucked all the Russian resources during perestroyka and now live in the US rich and happy. So the "rats and champagne" argument is might as well be applied to her. Anyway it's easy to support communism when you've never experienced it firsthand. If one wants to know how US would look like without socialism and statism, he just need to read Russian\USSR history. Pro-hint: it's a mess.
- enoch peralta: Trolling!? Lol! You both are stupid
- Ken Cur: +Aardvark 52 These people bent against socialism do not even understand the simplest of political concepts or terms. They just repeat the mantra brainwashed in their minds, without questioning or any form of critical thinking employed. They are usually American too. Typical.
- 2000 subscribers with no video: *The people of Venezuela are eating rats. So why do you think buttholes smell?*
- cx Cx: She did make sense, you just didn’t understand
- Chi Sox: Info wars has horrible reporters lmao
- Three star 3% 1776: This guy is fucking stupid....he's making retards look smart
- Chinchilla ruby: Yes, Australians are all of those
- kiwi: Ikr
- MrTinman676: Free health care up here in Canada and I don't see even one person complaining that the taxes they pay, pays for someone's health care. Funny how greedy and selfish Americans are....... All Americans need to stop paying taxes now!!!! Police officers are paid with tax money and they help out other people and that's wrong so AMERICA STOP PAYING TAXES NOW!!! see how stupid that sounds you fucking idiot....
- Chaz: she did most of the talking bcuz the girl just kept moaning and groaning and being awkward asf... how did she make no sense she made perfect fucking sense last vid im commenting on ur a schill
- johnny roe: how do you know her
- Salpertia: This is a bit of a reach but okay. Hey talk about the federal reserve
- BeardOfZeus: "You know Venezuela, right?" "I've heard of it" -takes sip of iced coffee "Well a majority of the country is eating RATS while the politicians are drinking champagne on a daily basis" -takes sip of iced coffee Hahah that was the best part perfect comedic timing.
- Popo Bawa: No - true egalitarianism is about having delegates we control, rather than "representatives" who control us - doing anything for money once they sneak into office.
- Dude Basset Bill: Lies, nothing but lies from InfoWars
- Hillary Trump: *I though this video was about interviewing a weeb*
- DirtyDinner24: All this video shows is how stupid Americans are. Both the reporter and the random girl are both ignorant about what socialism is and about the situation in Venezuela.
- Thetreetroll: Ya I've seen this it was good.
- seansurfn2: because they have strong capitalist components to them lol
- ryan romero: https://heightline.com/bernie-sanders-car-house-wealth/
- roadkill2075: This dude is delusional your socialist idiot wrecked herself. Then you went full retard and followed her lead.
- Paul Julian: How did she troll anyone? She was just nonchalant and acting distracted. She actually said what she believed which is the opposite of trolling. Trolling is saying something you don't believe just to get a reaction. At the end of the day we learnt nothing new about either Info Wars or Bernie Sanders supporters.
- Nicholas Farrell: +MrTinman676 I have that same problem sometimes.
- Charles Betz: This man has never read Proudhon. Actually many on the left think that if you have property you neither occupy nor use it's immoral because you're restricting possible living space from someone who actually needs it. I think so. But I'm not exactly mad at Bernie for owning three homes, I'm sure he travels a lot and uses all of them. He probably has good reason for owning them. Like one is where he lives in the state he's from, one is by his family, and another is probably by work or a summer home or something. That's not entirely unreasonable.
- Sean w: When did infowars hire a sjw
- amihart: first
- funkyflights: My wife is from Venezuela, I’ve been there 4 times, it’s as dumb as a rock to compare universal healthcare to what’s going on in Venezuela ... They’re eating rats ? WTF ? Canadians aren’t eating rats, people in England aren’t eating rats, the list goes on, Venezuela is a 3rd world country and it’s a stupid comparison....
- DeadLeaFMoth: I want to marry that woman
- Zayan Karimi: Sailor moon destroys the stupid conservative
- Flakjacketoff: What's wrong with liking the smell of your own farts?
- FDC 1: Infaux Wars is a joke.
- Stan Bartsch: He does, however, believe we have too many choices in deodorant and sneakers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8hAJ2IdNDE
- Cynister: This wasnt a troll
- Manic Smile: She didn't "troll" them... All she did was answer the questions as they were presented. That's just silly saying, "she trolled them..."
- magicsinglez: So talking is really 'destroying people' and 'trolling' them?
- Michael Heath: Gyorkland It's not so much the insult as her awesome deadpan demeanor.
- dev76164: Thats it? Out of hundreds of interviews the one you say infowars was being trolled at is this? Dumb of me to expect facts from the left.
- El Deplorable: This doesn't seem like a real infowars interview.
- rococo girl: Lmao info wars trying way too hard to trigger le “libtards”
- Manny Lenz: According to Bing, Bernie is worth $2Million. Definitely not a 1%'er, not that there's anything wrong with being a 1%'er. With 7 billion plus people on the planet, a good idea can make you rich beyond your imagination.
- Paul K: Info wars. What a bunch of soft headed ass clowns.
- knicks27: Infowars shits in ur face and make u swallow Kyle. 😂 funny how low Kyle goes just to get views. You know Trump is winning in 2020 so you got to make videos on something, but all you are is clickbait. I remember two years ago i religiously followed ur channel, but now ur a fag.
- gLItcHyGeAR: Nick Angelos Because socialized healthcare consistently has botched implementation that causes more issues that it solves, and nobody tries to go back and fix past mistakes before making new ones.
- The revolution will Not be televised: Good to see the cold war propaganda dollars well spent
- mightytaiger: HEALTH CARE IS NEVER FREE. your taxes pay for it. No matter what type of government you are living under, YOU ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF THE GOVERNMENT THROUGH PAYING TAXES. You and everyone in that video are just fucking idiots.No wonder the country is going to shit, both sides are unbelievably ignorant of the system they live under. Standing there with a half-assed cosplay get up and just responding condescendingly and acting stupid because she has no idea about what she supports, is far from winning an argument, or as you morons call it "trolling".
- Meditating Jesus: John Bai the money of Venezuela is held 70% by private interests. Newspapers actively print hit pieces on the government. Venezuelan oil tycoons fund protests against the government where the protestors light people on fire. You have no idea what you are talking about. The government in Venezuela has been globally determined to be democratically elected, and you are just repeated right wing nonsense hoping it becomes true the more you say it. A country doing well is a measure of private and public forces functioning correctly together. When billionaires work with anti-leftist American forces, they can take down any government they want. You are just an apologist for bad politicians and their bad decisions with your tax dollars. Congrats on celebrating free speech by not questioning anything , except maybe those cute tv shows you find sooooo relevant . Pathetic people like you folk will be enslaved by a real dictator. You have no desire to improve society, so monopolization will just grow and grow. Private forces cannot be stopped. That’s the fucking point you idiots. Even the most restrictions would not kill private interests. That’s why making the essential free promotes a truely equal opportunity. But keep strawmanning me, I see you are horning your strawmanning skills and id hate to get in the way of that.
- ツ: lol, AMTV. I forgot all about that Christopher Greene dick head. I'll have to go check what he's up to lols
- Delby Dank: I don't think anyone deserves free healthcare, its it's called taking care of yourself
- Mr. Dick: Mimimimi
- Fitzgerald Mistral: Koch Brothers-financed neo-KKK movement: "Look at Venezuela, a country under siege and sanctions from neo-liberalism. *DON'T LOOK AT THE NORDIC COUNTRIES, WHERE SOCIALISM MEANS MOST PEOPLE GET DECENT LIVING STANDARDS."* The lack of integrity from GREED-driven Eurojesus-worshiping KKKristianists and their filthy-rich backers..
- unstoppableExodia: Luv your work Sailor moon (the girl in the video), keep fighting the good fight
- William Fitzpatrick: +rattlesnake survival Ok, so no response, just a sad and cheap deflection haha
- Praise The Sun: I never understand why people bring up Venezuela like it’s the end all be all when talking about socialism. I mean there’s been dozens of failed capitalist democracies but we don’t go around saying it’s evil.
- James G: Can anyone tell me what kind of accent she has? It's hella chill . . .
- James Bond: Hot girl. Either way people supporting socialism is cringe.
- Taiwo Seiler: "the 1% supports socialism" "like who" "Venezuela is eating rats"
- justin mould: This was pathetic
- Freud Ba: If people in venezuela don't have any food where do Venezuelan rats get their food from?! USA?!
- Jose Datone: What a dumb ass: “All the people in Greenland”
- Rise73 G: This guy is claiming the far rights are using word play and mental traps to make the left look stupid..If any one doesn't like being mentally embarrassed than they need to get some fucking education and facts straight before crying and bitching about how it's so easy for a Trump supporter to make them look stupid. (Great job acting goofy Kyle! You dipshit)
- Mark Sheppard: She was fine, the woman never answered the question..couldn't answer.
- Erulin68: Hey... Rachel Dolezal 'claimed' to be black.... but she wasn't either... same shit goes for Venezuela. It's not because you claim to be something that you actualy are. Socialism doesn't, by it's very definition, have a priviliged few... which is what is going on in Venezuela.
- ShutupTracker: The mistake was hiring Ashton Birdie. She's a lightweight who walked right into it
- Ernie Ball: Nothing funny... Pretty typical
- Robert L: Yup, exactly what i was thinking.
- Exlecticution: She coulda just said Socialism sucks because everyone is equally poor with all free bottom of barrel benefits, while 1% population has platinum status benefits. Below bronze vs top 5 tier lifestyles. Socialism will give majority only bottom barrel. Thats why 0 pure Democracy or Socialism socities exist as permanent Governments. Just google Government Socities from CIA website. Truth more obscure than appeal by controlled press.
- Sean Fronteras: E R E C T
- J O: Lol.slammed.learn.Denmark have universal healthcare and we are very capitalistic.. eating rats lol get real
- The Morning Star: Oy vey, (((Kyle Kulinski))) says that socialism is good. Refuges too! Just not in Israel. #openbordersforisrael
- garry nelson: C'mon Bernie is not a social democrat. He bent over for the most evil bitch in the world in the primaries knowing full well she rigged big time against him! Got paid well for it as well! He's a fake just like the rest of them on all "sides" meaning one side fits all....you know left and right bullshit masturbation
- yellowgreen andred: I would have liked her to just say "you're a fascist and I really have nothing to say except during ww2 we killed people like you and I'd be willing to follow in that tradition."
- Caged: I own 4 houses. They are essentially income homes that I rent out that pretty much pay my rent.
- EN Fingerhut: This should never have been posted anyway, she clearly said "I don't want to do this".
- AlexBlake420: Wow you are dumb af.
- Jamison S: "Did you know the majority of the 1% support Bernie Sanders?" "Like who?" "Venezualans eat rats"
- Damon Wilson: How is this "trolled to perfection"? lmao she can't answer any questions and of course she wants free health care that doesn't work because she doesn't work. Meanwhile the working person can't support a family with 2 jobs because they are paying out taxes to support the people who don't want to work because they want get everything free. I don't want the govt to decide when I live and die. Liberals can't create any arument that makes since beside saying "well it is a basic human right" then when that doesn't work they berate people by calling names and provide no facts. The reporter didn't do a very good job but it's not like she had to liberals provide the same bumper sticker cliches the media tells them when you ask them a question.
- Ivanna Mendez: Lmao, she didn't own them. If anything, she GOT owned.
- Coral Reefer: Will Wheaton?
- Dr.Gavagai: Last time infowar interview me i poured my hot coffee ☕️ on their faces and run away 🏃🏻♂️🏃🏻♂️😹😹😹
- slak maltigo: I don't see how she is trolling..the girl getting interviewed is making herself look stupid
- Johnston Hawkins: That's why unelected Belgian EU bureaucrats are leading the charge to bring"new-blood", into Europe, eh? Bigger tax base. It's not working. Smart people can see the cracks, WE CALL THAT A PONZI Scheme. Deus vult!
- panda god: just fell in love lol
- John Dennison: 1:02 stealth creepshot taken
- Sveva: “You know Venezuela right?” “heard of it” That was glorious
- T H E C Y N D I C A T E: *It's actually pretty sad that you have to reduce yourself to making up delusional narratives in a really bad attempt at trying to make it look like "your side" actually "won something". There was no "trolling" here. That's what vapid looks like. I know that you helmet wearing mouth breathers have a hard time grasping social concepts, so I try to inform you as best as I can, by speaking slowly and trying to use as many small words as possible. I hope it helped. The more you know. 😂🤣
- MsLalaUsagi: Nothing happened in the interview. You've got a socialist that is stoned(and make no mistake, she's high AF) and didn't feel like being interviewed, because she knew she wouldn't be able to communicate her point across. Then you've got some airhead blonde with a microphone trying to sniff out other airheads like herself, but with a different view; so she can one-up them to try to make herself feel better about her own shortcomings. Not to mention these interview shows ALWAYS pick what they think is the dumbest answer to help push their agenda. Then there's this video. Your video. There's no point to any of it. If I'm going to follow the blonde airhead's logic, then we shouldn't follow capitalism either, because look at China. Using other nations as an example seems to be the easy go-to for idiots, when in reality it doesn't work that way. The same argument could be made for free health-care. The UK has it and they're doing better than us, but they also have a Monarchy with a parliament. You can't use another nation as an example, because they're dealing with a different creature. You have to assess the situation and adapt accordingly; which the US has.
- ArgentPure: Liberals are complete idiots! This woman proves it!
- Marik: Corporatism is Capitalism, it is the natural end state of Capitalism. "Socialism for the rich" is a weird statement because it really doesn't make sense. As far as "Nobody on the left wants to limit number of homes purchased" I wouldn't say that, I would say a lot of Socialists/Communists/Anarchists would disagree with the notion that somebody should be allowed to own multiple properties when there are still tens of thousands of people who don't even have access to housing.
- learntoshootguns: You are a collosal douchebag. The only bullshit I heard on this video came from you. That girl being interviewed was brain dead. As brain dead as you are.
- Carlos Gustavos: I think so, but it was a nice one. good day.
- Daniel Buse: The amount of fun public entertainment provides is just amazing!
- ABRAXAS: +J Dee "The Great Meme War" How sophomoric.
- Marc Polain: le Hoarderz Al-Shekelsteins please don’t murder her when she rejects you.
- 10g1k: That Sailor Marx chick was kinda cute.
- Deaf And Destruction: Yea haha
- Maximilian van Vliet: Hey now! There is NOTHING wrong with enjoying the smell of one's own farts!
- Obese Kermit: That sailor girl is cute
- Richard Casterly: I really think free healthcare is a good idea although we can be smarter about it. I mean, it's the taxpayer's money that's gonna fuel this system so instead of it being "Free-for-all" why not just limit the welfare to all tax-payers, retiree, and children. All those able-bodied unemployed citizens, and all those illegals who are surely not paying taxes should handle their own healthcare.
- Systematiclol: Dam that girl answering was great
- TommyTom: so sex
- lunaticrobot: Callum Mecoo i guess it's really easy to understand your narrative if you desperately want to save face for that incompetent teleprompter Barbie. That video was up for what, a few months now? Info wars has editors on staff paid to check every upload as they go out. The video makes it's ad revenue from info wars subs. Now the video gets pulled after Sailor Socialism goes viral and has Teen Vogue articles written about her. LOL, just take the L. It was a bad interview, and editors edited it out because it makes them look bad.
- hannah s: big dick energy
- Android Miller: Wow the left truly is pathetic
- GJL Creative Studios: Is Ashton an Infowars correspondent now? thats new
- Vernon Jones Music: Vocal fry
- scott edgar: The corporatist don't have long to go before they have created a full blown revolution raining down on their little bubble. Good thing you guys have guns. Your gonna need them.
- Phillip Ramsey: +Darrell Williams reality is reality people dont have any right to anyone else money or belongings that they earned
- ClausenLT: You are the idiots who want the government to run your lives, when the entire history of mankind proves that's a disaster! Democide: "Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder." "democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century." You idiots are asking the government led by a guy you constantly claim is a Nazi, racists, misogynists, and whatever meaningless epitaph you label him with...to take your guns...you're right...VERY AMUSING!
- Spencer Jones: Its sad seeing someone so smart help divide us more and more everyday and sucked into this stupid bs without even realising it himself
- Davey Jones: The fact that people like her “accent” makes me want to kill myself. Imagine if that was your roommate. Imagine listening to that voice for more than 3 minutes.
- FactReady: Uuuumm. I kept fast fowarding looking for the troll.. I guess you're saying she owned her by being sassy, having a hot voice, and appearing condescending and disinterested? This is what the left calls a win? Ok.
- Fuji Wags: Australia has a public healthcare system... which works really well.. also many employed people choose to buy limited private cover for basic dental / optical / osteopathic/ massage etc as its suits better to claim this at tax time.
- Anuj Chitale: But what's wrong with eating non-disease ridden rats?
- Beorn: Sanders inherited a extra home.
- Jack park: There's no such thing as "free healthcare". It just means you're taxed more.
- G Master: +Kenneth Gerberich ella no puede responder preguntas y la guera solo le respondio lo que significan las cosas , porque venezuela es un hoyo. De basura (la de pelo de negro quiere vivir como venezuela porque tienen la misma ideologia que ella quiere)
- Krack Cachem: Why does everyone think that poor is better I'm poor but try to be rich by working my ars off
- Salrob: John Mulder salty Alex jones nut spotted everyone
- Enrique Irias: You know, Canada have a very good health care system, are you going to tell me now that they are a socialist country? It's all about corporate greed in America and how to make the wealthy even wealthier
- spencer kairi: The smugness on her face while sipping her Starbucks is so hilarious.
- goodrich g: Dude, that socialist didn't troll that reporter! WTF are you talking about!? Fucking Marxist scum.. That clueless bitch does not even know what socialism really is. Free healthcare is NOT free! Your a socialist shill. Venezuela's inflation rate is over 13,000 percent as of April 2018.. A cheeseburger 2 years ago was $180 . A roll of toilet paper is $75 . Your a fraud... Why is it that all the 1 percent always love globalism? ADOLF HITLER was a Social Democrat.. Where did he go with that? Stalin and Lenin took Marx's philosophy and killed more than 150 million people in fucking peace time!.. Socialism equals starvation, prison, death... Only the elites benefit from socialism. Like the Clintons, Gates, Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers, Hollywood, bankers, etc... By the way dumb ass, if it were not for the E.U., all of Europe would of collapsed under all their socialist policies and massive public union debt and crazy ass pensions... The E.U. was created to keep the ponzie scheme alive.. That's why they have to keep TPP and global warming bullshit going.. To keep the propaganda feeding the sheep in order to willingly tax them to death.. Removing God from the people? A Marxist principle. Wealth distribution is what? A Marxist principle! Central Banks and endless printing of fiat money? A Marxist principle. Globalism? A Marxist principle.. Abolishment of private property? A Marxist principle. Contolling the means of production and supply? A Marxist principle. Creating massive government debt? A Marxist principle. Controlling the media? A Marxist principle. The U.S. has not been a free country since 1913.. Marxist and Communist Scum have infiltrated every level of government and academia. We are living in a socialist dogma America. Socialism will kill us all. That reporter did a great job.. You can't see it thru your Socialist colored glasses...
- Aeroscience: And your commentary was also moronic, Kyle.
- Franco Bee: Kyle u fuckn fool! Eat the rich is a socialist term ppl say u absolute fuckn moron
- aperture413: Dasha!
- shirtjuggler: The 1% does support socialism. The best way to keep your oligarchy in tact is to give the prols ubi.
- Juan Garcia: They're both retards
- Matthew: She lost that one dude
- Geronimo P: Who's going to pay for all this free stuff?
- The Pessimistic Physicist: You are a true moron
- wearypirates: I would try eating a rat, but it would have to be cooked in teriyaki sauce. I would also like to fry up some brain worms and mix them with yakisobo noodles as my side dish.
- ungratefulmetalpansy: Oops, health care is not free in Canada, we're being slowly infiltrated and corrupted by the private sector.
- Don Francisco: Phillip Wombacher Unregulated capitalism leads to monarchy. That being said socialism creates a new monarchy class of it's own. That is why the Marxists went to such extremes to reeducate their victim citizenry. And we saw how well that worked
- Gabriel Bulhões: Social media pulls infowars for trolling the universe to perfection
- Angelo Basso: Meh, Canadian here, our healthcare isn't great. Sure its free, but hospitals are extremely underfunded and overcrowded
- Chad Maddy: Troll to perfection? She sounded like she had 3 brain cells and that they were high. By the way, they didn't pull the video. Jones spent that whole day replaying it and mocking this libtard.
- lab speciman: This video is 5 minutes too long.
- De void: So where are her tits, again ?
- Chase Oliver: Also, Alex Jones has a net worth of 10 million. Who is posing as an everyman against evil "rich" Bernie Sanders. I am a Libertarian and am not likely to ever support Bernie, but Alex Jones is a con man hack who loves the sound of his own voice.
- $fish$: I dont get it explain all mighty leftist
- THE1NONLY1: Lol at all of these lonely virgins glorifying this Donald Duck wannabe with vocal fry.
- Vanessa m: djdarklyceum only the alt right assholes call democrats “lefties”
- Dahveed: @Ensenga I agree with a lot of what you just said. My issue isn't just a "laser focus on the hippie girl", it's the very general problem of communication. The exchange we just saw - and people's reaction to it - is almost a perfect stereotype for the kind of "left vs right" exchange we see again and again. Two uninformed, condescending twats sneering at eachother.
- Darth KEK: This is what happens when you talk to someone on Fentanyl.
- Brenden Taylor: Danny D. So that parents don’t care about their kids if they send them to public schools? You agree with that point? Jesus Christ
- carpejkdiem: These are your thoughts. Mindslaves to the lft/rt paradigm. That's what's sad here.
- anarimus: But Venezuela practices a different philosophy of socialism than what Bernie Sanders supports. There's different types of socialism some of which don't require a state. Infowars heads explode.
- terry breedlove: There is NO such thing as free healthcare or college. Bernie is playing you useless fools.
- julian lobato: YOU, are their useful................
- Queef Micester: Steve Wall ...and the fact that their cause is headed, organized and run by greedy politicians that only speak of ripping away property from the poor and creating bread-lines for food unstead of free trade and financial independancy. (What a "noble" cause.....)
- Teddy California: So what are you trying to prove. Don't show a moron intervewing a moron??? This is why liberals are losing. SMH.
- Happy Farmer: Free health care paid by the government....hmmm. Does she know that she is the government?
- Jack James: Trolling infowars should be a new sport.
- CrazyFish: I'm a fan of InfoWars but I cannot stand this girl reporter. I've seen her a few times and seen a couple of videos on her Youtube channel and she's so friggin' annoying. She thinks she's so good and intelligent.
- Mr. Mojo Risin': God King Trump aside from a few isolated cases there's no proof Venezuelans are eating rats for dinner .
- muchomusiclibre: Murray Shekelgrabber 2020!
- WallHaxx: I am actually in favor of eating the rich.
- Brendan: Lu-chan I’m not sure if Kyle is actually a full fledged socialist. He’s more of a liberal progressive.
- Mikeyboy86: This is kind of a non-issue and a waste of time video. Sanders is in the 1%, anything else said in defense of him is irrelevant. And your insults are weak and very misleading. I don’t care for info wars, but they were in the right (no pun intended) in this encounter. I hate that I even clicked on this video because now the YouTube algorithm is going to think I like this content -_-
- Ceros Asman: It's DEFINITELY corporation -dominant
- philomelodia: Anticlimactic. I was really expecting something dramatic. By the way, just for the record, people in Venezuela are not all eating rats. Info wars isn't even good at BS.
- Spheric: Someone hasn’t read the Bible
- Orn Gaming: Social democracy is not the same as a socialist dictatorship. Info wars' fear mongering tactics prey on the stupid and I'll informed.
- TrumpCat: "no ones in favour of eating the rich" ............. You havent been to a Socialist rally have you? George Sorus is funding these Socialist Groups (Antifa etc) ......... hes the top %0.000001 so your arguement that the top 1% dont support it is true , it the top 0.1% ....... They already have more money than god, and when they control the system (just like every socialist dictator) they and thier cronies keep thier money , and the rest get to starve. Some socialist policies can be good Health care is a good start , Schooling (not college, you realy want Bankers kids getting thier masters in Business for free .... yeah didnt think so) thats Basically what we have in Australia and it works , but it will fail soon because of all the Imagration of people from the middle east that choose to not work and just milk the system , I think our percentage is 65% dont work , and more are coming, problem is the People already here arnt breeding enough working kids to support the welfare cheats , so it will eventually fail. Look at Sweden as a test case (and the US pays for thier military, easy to have Socialist policies when someone else is helping pay for it).
- Ceros Asman: Venezuela seems like a.. capitalistic crisis actually, and that it's being peddled as socialism to deflect from that fact. From how I see it they are more capitalist than we are
- Sean Maher: That's a Japanese schoolgirl uniform.
- Mr.dabbs420: Elvin Ostrup obviously 🙄 she is sailor moon 🌙 🤷🏽♂️🤧
- Rick: hahahahaha he believes in eating the rich hahahahahahaha
- Felix Desrosiers: In every country with socialized healthcare there is a limit on what the doctors can charge so idk where you are getting that point from... Medical care in the us is a lot more expensive per capita than for other nations with "free healthcare" so if you care about that maybe you should look into the subject a little more.
- Re Animated: She needs to learn more from Alex Jones! But it was funny.
- Bhakta Billy: BABE
- spartan44ga: kyle ur insulting typical debate from a liberal cuck ..they are eating zoo animals yes its SOCIAISM WE DONT WANT IT PAL U MOVE TO SWEEDEN PAL
- FeministKilljoy: +Y Have you seen people starving in capitalist america and dying in bangladesh sweatshops? I have. Capitalism is trash.
- Yankee 1985: I love how people think that under socialism they are going to get free healthcare not realizing that nothing is free... Also do you want your trip to the doctor to be similar to your trip to the DMV... GTFOH
- 夢星Social Kid: Dasha
- Krypande Nej: The left and right are the same trash
- copper lapislazuli: Her attitude is awesome. I have somewhat of a crush on her.
- Nick Sanchez: What do you do when you don't have a face for TV or a voice for radio? Kyle Kulinksi doesn't know.
- Melicious: Aww Braindead thinks I rock!
- Ghost Murmur: Why do I keep clicking bad videos?
- Sullivan Skelly: Bud Peters Why do you assume she's trans? Having a lowish voice doesn't make you a man. Plenty of biological women have a voice like that. Also am I fucking blind or something? She's clearly a biological woman. There's perhaps a tiny chance that they're transgender but judging by her height, features, shoulder width, etc, they're near definitely a cis woman. Why do you assume she's transgender? You really have no reason to believe that.
- Corrin Cobb: Capitalist don't want free healthcare, because they make soooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch money from us being sick and needing Pharmecudicals.
- solisium: Who is that girl, she’s hot!
- Libertarian Socialist Future: Sorry Kyle but America is capitalist not corporatist, regular capitalism will always lead to monopolies and oligarchy
- chadofktown: Looks to me Kyle Kulinski dont like infowars and doing the same as the MSM. Making things up
- Martin Sanchez: More of the woman less of the Kyle.
- ерунда сэндвич: This is no random woman, she's an actress, a smart one.
- mutant dog: Oh and Bernie would hide his money to avoid paying high taxes
- Ariel J: she has ptsd cause she got raped, women unconsciously react that way when they have ptsd and someone grabs them
- Michelle Cross: Dear God thank you for not making me a stupid liberal and for President TRUMP!!!!!!!!
- James Rogers: Whoa that was too good!!! 😹😹😹
- 13dirtblack: How is this "trolling" to perfection? ....the sailor moon chick really had no idea what she's talking about ...info war chick wasn't all that great either ...but that doesn't make the clown supporting Bernie any brighter ...man your channel is so irritating to watch. I stop by every so often to see what your perspective is and remember why I don't sub
- Daysleeper70: Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWd6XgBVIcg
- Ed Smith: What is this joker talking about? The socialist sounded like a complete buffoon. "Like, I like socialism 'cause like, free stuff is totally cool."
- Granny Goose: Who's going to pay the doctor? Who's going to pay for the doctors education? Who's going to pay for the doctors staff the supplies his or her office? Oh thats right someone has to pay. But who!
- Nunuvyer Bizniz: Bless your heart... only a liberal could watch this and conclude that the "troll" was anything but a dumb, uninformed communist. She could barely string two words together and she's out there right now looking for a couple of syllables. Too funny!
- So I says to the guy, I says to him, I says,: lol i love that girl. shes almost a libtard
- brwi1: M Labelle the irony is you dislike the use of “deadly weapons” yet you want this “basic necessity” to be provided by government. But such a “right” can only be provided at the point of a gun
- Kann: I always hated these types of videos. Full of condescending shit that just perpetuates this behavior on both sides. Such idiots.
- orchoose: Lets be honest he owned herself
- Bleak Solipsism: Lattes are made with milk. Nope.
- Strat Henley: +John Tuya *they're
- Nan Kidd: I don't watch Alex although he did wake me up in 2013.bernie. Sanders is very rich,forget about his homes,hope you don't profit off someone else's crap,not sure your game but hope you don't.
- A Villapudua: All their videos are pulled now 🤣
- Charlie Gass: The girl seems high
- Crowley King of Hell: did we watch the same video? what dope are you people smoking?
- Paul Redmond: Politricks!!..fuck them all...and fuck religion
- Scott Kennedy: Nevermind that Venezuela is authoritarian socialism, and America would be closer to democratic socialism. Yay for idiots using buzzwords they don't understand mean different things based on the prefix. They hear "socialism" and freak out, but here's the thing you live in society, and that makes you some TYPE of socialist. Love the head tilt at "The 1 percent want socialism." Cause the 1% want a cap on their economic control.
- Jeffro Hunter: Retarded on all fronts.
- Chase Anderson: "Crybaby pussywipe" "Cry baby lib fart" "Immaturity issues" You have a debilitating lack of self awareness.
- Dj Genius: that chick is cool as f*ck
- C Mecoo: No, infowars moved it to Ashton's account. It wasn't taken down, it was just uploaded to the wrong account to start with.
- Coleosopher: I got excited when i saw this in recommend and i was sorely disappointed after, Damn you Kyle why do you do this clickbait?
- Randy Orton's Dick Bulge: Funny how inherited home is okay for Burnie but not trump.
- Bippy Bo: +Cooper Harris MY DAD IS COP!!!!!! HE ARREST lmao dude shut the fuck up
- Steven Koehler: I actually don’t think that either one “owned” the other at all. It just struck me as a snarky conversation.
- Chocolate Tampon: All I can focus on is nipples
- Chaos Churros: Eat the rich
- HUBBABUBBA DOOPYDOOP: Creepy little entitled airhead had zero on Info Babe. Take that $700 phone and $6 latte away from her- and give her a cheap LG Government TracFone and a recycled jug of tap water- see how fast she complains. Nobody "owned" anybody here. Almost 1/3 of the views for this video have a negative rating- including mine.
- David Herbella: Is I'm lesbian the new I'm vegan
- Hectic00: The new girl is bad. You're right, she hangs herself. its the reverse
- Telly Vin-a: annoying interviewer gets annoyed
- Goughs Bastard: +Victor Gan She'd probably heard Ashton was hanging around & took the opportunity to give her shit. I'd say neither Scrutinizer nor Ashton realised she was being sent up.
- Simon Q: Is this a cringe compilation video?
- Gary Good: Infowars is just garbage anyways. It's news for white supremacist thugs.
- 007GoldenLion: The anime girl really trolled them
- Ace Hunter: "Bernie lives in a 3 million dollar home", Okay don't care, hes still trying to help me out, and does this infowars lady know that FDR was a well-off president? He still helped the country with good policy's, why does someone economic situation make a difference if they are genuinely trying to help me?
- Toy Shaint: That girls voice , outfit and overall vibe seemed chill yo....
- Bern Pri: Your personality is a wet towel
- hGruntV: wow, you're dumb.
- PhilmoeSlim: i heard smelking your own fsrts can cure cancer
- Shane O: The left cant troll.
- Jek Lee: Hmmm, anime characters love socialist
- Ash Lawson: I get that the infowars journalist was making false equivalencies to push her agenda, and I agree it was pretty cringe with the Venezuela / america comparison. But holy fuck I do NOT want some edgy stoner dressed as sailor moon going anywhere near politics. She has a horrendous mental deficiency, you can tell by the way she talks. I hope this isn't an accurate representation of youth bernie supporters..
- Wingy: +Carlos Gustavos I agree that the two-party system is bad. Lots of things could change, no doubt. The problem with majority rule is that you'd have to use the threat of deadly force to coerce those who don't want to participate into participating. I'd be fine with it if I could opt out, but we know that's not how it works. Everyone has to participate, and that makes it immoral and tyrannical. I'll go with liberty over tyranny any day. Small government and personal responsibility over a bloated bureaucracy and reliance on the government. I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this subject. Thanks for the chat.
- andycunningham63: Just Americans living up to their reputation.😂😂😂
- Red Euro M.: Fighting Falcon16 ???
- Son of a BITCH ! !: Ladies PLEASE! Let's not jump to conclusions. Who said anything about people "starving" in Venezuela? I'm sure rats taste great when prepared properly. In the US of A, we eat birds, pigs, squirrels, fish, deer & even ducks. *Oh, THE HUMANITY!! I'd Google it but I don't care. Ha Ha Ha!!!
- T Doran: Fucking hell this was clearly a troll
- EagDesert: I don't think the word... troll, means what you think it means...
- 21donuts: She wasn’t really trolled tho..?
- Alex Strozier: America fucks over almost everyone. LOOK AT THESE SHITHOLE COUNTRIES.
- Nathan Drake: Bernie has stated that he is not against private property so it is impossible for him to be a hypocrite for owning three homes.
- TheMass33: So free healthcare but I have to pay for it. Meanwhile I had to pay for not having healthcare 2 years ago? Free healthcare comes with a price.
- ConMan: How tf would Bernie Sanders turn things so upside down that American citizens would start eating rats Socialism must be scaryyyy 😩🧟♂️
- blablaforhknot: Honestly she is clueless In way I mean she barely knows much , I support Bernie but she didn’t really show much political knowledge
- Will K: bon vivant - If you think that healthcare is a capitalist system then you need to give your degree back. It hasn't been since medicare was introduced. People don't pay directly for healthcare, insurance companies do and then take their money from the people. There's no market forces at play in healthcare. When people shop for doctors, it means something else entirely. You want to see capitalism at play then just look at lasik. Never was covered and it started out super expensive, now through a organic market forces it is; and in reach for most people. It's no doubt that we are screwed when healthcare providers don't understand why the medical system is so screwed up. If you don't know who and why, then you can't fix it. Who am I kidding though, healthcare providers don't even manage their own "industry" because they have the government and insurance companies to do that for them. Our healthcare is a disaster because it was sabotaged long ago by men who plan generations into the future.
- ProjectFlashlight612: Fucking Americans and their delusion that they understand even the first thing about social democracy.
- Truth Course #1: Uhm... what? This is not a troll. Your video, however, is.
- Mario García: @2:16 "You people have worms in your brain, honestly" That was brilliant!
- F-zero91maru: what a joke idiocracy alert 🚨
- Deaf And Destruction: What a stupid ass word "Normie" is.
- 75ShadowShooter: No such thing as free healthcare. Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. A country that is 20 TRILLION in debt cannot give you free shit. Infowars reporter argued poorly, but USA ending up like Venezuela is entirely possible.
- fairies rock: i vote lady troll for president ;)
- RunDCM: While she sips on her Starbucks coffee. Seriously, this was awful and a waste of time to watch.
- Animekirk: I agree the interviewer was loud and too in your face about asking her questions and being combative. But nothing the woman being interviewed did say made sense. She "casually owned" info wars? No. They owned themselves by not shutting up. The bernie sanders supporter just said what every bernie supporter says. "Rich bad, socialism good, healthcare free" nothing funny, intelligent or thought provoking from her.
- gianna belsito: What part of 'I don't want to do this' did blondie not understand?
- Zhong Chen: You are rather mean :(
- Austin Shoemaker: This blonde bitch is losing the info wars.
- Sophie Mcintyre: my new role model holy fuck 😂
- Vladimir Kolsov: Tell them that Venezuela's economy was attacked by U.S.-Saudi Oil attack,
- Sal J.: magincap70 These idiots can’t even fucking read LMAO
- Frank Harriger: About this video, all I can say is New Sub. Just the way you presented it, kudos
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: did you liberals just figure out the word troll or something? do you even know what a troll is? People that have an opinion that differs from yours doesn't automatically make that person a troll. How come after words are used by liberals the meaning of those words actually change. Like when people are called racist now its not that big of a deal because liberals call everyone racist.And now the same thing is happening with trolls. What is mentally wrong with you liberals are you that wicked and evil?
- Pablo Rivera: She didn't get owned at all. The dumbnuts was the coffee drinker who thinks socialism works, when it never has. Socialism is the opposite of capitalism, there would be NO iphones, no markets, an therefore NO health healthcare.
- Uncle Sam: I wouldn't call that trolling ....
- Charli’s Channel: This guy is awkward as fuck. When has socialist medicine worked?
- Antichrist: Just saying but free healthcare is not a strictly socialist ideology. Capitalism 100% allows for both free and governmentally owned services
- mglenwright09: People (Bernie included) being successful is not the problem....corporations and heads of corporations hoarding unreasonable amounts of money that could be better distributed through across the economy is the problem. What if those huge hoarded parts of the overall wealth of the country went to healthcare instead of just sitting in a few people's pockets, and not starving the working class of the US? Bernie is one of the few politicians not willingly getting choked by the big dicks of the giant corporations. He does deserve to be successful because his political ideology has been tried and tested over the years and he's ironclad with his agenda, as opposed to most of the politicians you likely support, and you deserve to be publicly ostracized for trying to snarkily force a random person into a corner by desperately building strawman, like comparing the US to Venezuela, miss Infowars "correspondent".
- Moon Child: This blonde chick appeared on Tim Pool's video. She said that she basically believed and got most of her news from Alex Jones. When Tim Pool asked her about the Sandy Hook her tone was extremely defensive.
- Juffruy Buruthuun: Who is she though
- Ster Ling: Brenden Taylor...Exactly. They don't even know what they're talking about.
- Jebecob: Bruh thats the average conservative. Thats the average american
- White Pride: Socialism - For the assimilated. Socialism without assimilation is Communism.
- Its Just an Apple: +Ethan Logan lol
- Jerk: Again, THIS guy actually thought she was talking about literally eating people, like a little child that has never heard the phrase "eat the rich" before. Even if you haven't heard it before; if you cant derive the obvious metaphor there then your not an adult.
- Alex Crivellone: Nice pixel 2 XL
- Tyler Cooper: Anybody else not able to stop staring at her nipping?
- coriolisse: BUT VENEZUELAAAAA!!!!!!! To be entirely fair to Venezuela, we have no idea what it may have looked like if the US had not destabilized and intervened in its affairs for over a decade via attempts at coups and economic pressure through sanctions on its oil industry (in 2011), its arms manufacturers (in 2013), government officials (2014) and another round of sanctions by Obama via executive order due to the fact that Venezuela presented "an unusual & extraordinary threat to the US". The cables published by Wikileaks discuss the strategy shared by USAID and OTI to subvert the democratic government of Venezuela and destabilize it.
- AwkwardRenegade: This InfoWars chick makes Tomi look like more than a dumb bimbo.
- lakersfansince1991: Why does somebody NEED 3 homes?
- Kekhexenpepe666: All I saw was 2 smug bitches trying to out-smug one another. Let me know if you get video of them making out. I'll watch that for sure.
- rex everything: the health care question is open for many reasons... every reasonable person wants everyone to get help when they need it, the question is what is the best system to provide that.. iv heard good arguments for and against socialised medicine, i live in a wealthy country where there is socialised medicine, people do die on long waiting lists , there are few top specialists ,public facilities are terrible, bed shortages, nurse shortage and there is a massive shortage of doctors that is likely to cripple the system in a few years i have no idea what rural areas are going to do as there are no replacement doctors anymore..people are just going to die i guess ... in practice and theory socialized medicine in faaar from ideal. Also, the world does need a profit driven pharma industy, callous as that sounds. America has always been the leader in the production of new treatments. but that interviewer is just plain nutty.....ideological thinking in poison
- Rusty Shackleford: Lost the war on info, no less.
- No Buddy: Capitalists want more labor for their capital, and socialists want more capital for their labor. Neither is wrong or stupid, they are just out for their own best interest.
- Emmchen: If they are well-flavored...
- jungefrau: The idea that the rich have not rigged the system is patently false. A CEO who fails leaves with millions of $$, even if that CEO is forced out because of criminal behavior. Everyone else gets the door hitting them on the ass on the way out. And the idea that the federal government is corrupt... there are thousands of aspects to the federal govt. "It" is not corrupt. What is corrupt are insurance companies like Aetna paying their CEO $19M in 2017 while denying ppl life saving treatment and pricing ppl out of insurance. It has been my opinion for many years that a conservative is a liberal just 40 years down-the-line. When social security was started conservatives howled that the United States was becoming socialist. When medicare was began conservative screamed that we were going down the bold to Bolshevism. They fought against child labor laws, Minimum wage laws, overtime laws, worker safety, workers compensation… all of these things were put into place by people who were called anarchist and socialist at the time and now we take them for granted. In the future single-payer medical care will be treated the same way and our descendants will look back on us like we were troglodytes. In the 19th century the Southern States barely have public schools because they so hated the idea of govt intrusion into education and so Southern people were some of the most uneducated and illiterate in the country unless they were rich enough to pay the "subscription" fee for the local school. Now we take public taxpayer-financed education for granted.
- James Volk: Your mom was hot
- sherpaderpa1: Hey Kyle, you wouldn’t happen to be a Jew, would you?
- kiptokip: I absolutely lost it when he did the head tilt thing
- Solen Ves: I think people should stop going to medical "professionals". Kill the industry until it unfucks itself. No politicians required.
- Coconut ScienceGirl92: It’s always goes to an extreme place. Half of them are eating rats? What? Even? Is?
- Jim Harol: That was a very compelling response.
- Finn Maccool: James Queers Nope. No he isn't. You, however, are a huge beta male soy boy. Youre a girly man and a weakling.
- SometimesInnocent: Yes. How sad some didn't realize I was joking
- Lazon Williams: This woman is obviously stupid, see how non chalant she is to the question, she represents that non involved portion of being a no it all liberal, socialism all over the world is Hitler's dream and you guys have no clue as to who general Wesley Clark is, and what real socialism is, I'm so glad that communist Hilary didn't win, and she definitely made sure her socialist brother Bernie didn't win....hmm, but look who's winning, you empower me with your liberal tears...#MAGAFOREVER🔫🇺🇸🔫
- Tony Ballard: She was a dumb cunt lol No such trolling. Idiots The infowars girl is a moron!! Everybody is equally stupid. Especially the host with that outfit MAGA 2020
- Dana Red: I'm not a leftist or a liberal by any means, but I don't see the usefullness or point of trying to compare the incomparable, such as a third world country in Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution and socialist dictatorship of the last 20 or so years, with a social democrat looking to bring slightly more left values than the Obama administration to America, which is a largely capitalist, free market, socially free, republic. No, I do not support Bernie, but it's pretty dishonest to compare him to Hugo Chavez and Nicolás Maduro. Maybe there's some truth in comparing Venezuela to that left wing nutcase over in Britain called Jeremy Corbyn and his ideologies, but a socialist democrat? Really? That reporter was being silly.
- OghamTheBold: W.O.R.M.S (Woman < _Only Random Mortal_ : Stumps) : 'PRO' : Bet - _Inforwars_ : 'headitor' - looked at it - screamed : RATZ *_R > G_*
- Der Angstgarten: Its probably cheaper to keep people alive than to kill them Its probably cheaper to educate them than keep them ignorant But I don't know for a fact Is just like a hunch
- whyamimrpink78: FDR made our economic situation worse. He only cared about expanding his power.
- markponicki: I would have brought up Europe and the fact that the euro is worth more than our dollar and has been for years. If socialism is so bad how come it’s working in many countries over there. Yeah, you can bring up Venezuela and I’ll just point out it’s a dictatorship not a socialist country and you should get your info straight. Venezuela’s economy runs on oil-when the price of oil dropped, their economy crashed-duh. That’s what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket and the bottom falls out. Infowars is a joke
- kyle wolfe: She made perfect sense. Who pays for your "Free" healthcare? Socialism Sucks! The ONLY reason why Bernie is the Poorest, is because the rest already made their millions...How do you do that on a senator/congressman's salary? Bernie's wife bankrupted the college she worked at, by over paying employees, including her daughter.
- Emily Murphy: She is literally Megara from Hercules
- StealieSteve: But that is Venezuela, you stupid info wars twat.
- EnigmicIdentity: The gig is up. Americans are no longer being fooled by fearmongering and lies. All of the prominent nations have a working healthcare system, except in the U.S. where citizens are permitted to die of preventable diseases so that a few others can become extraordinarily rich. That is your "moral" system working for you. Jordan is either a shill or a fool.
- mas: Corporatism is capitalism Kyle
- Jimbus Rift: majority of Venezuela is eating rats.. that's definitely a war on info
- Purple Beach: Daniel B sailor moon girl is just a regular person blindsided with a mic, camera, and political questions. Sailor moon did her thing with the circumstances given.
- Ethan: David Warschauer Yes, AND?
- Sean Ramon: Are you a socialist shill though?
- Bill Orights: Bernie Sanders has never worked a day his who life, kinda like Carl Marx. You can only live off other people's money for so long. Socialism is for losers.
- weiss slizenberg: pretty sure the guy in background was joking
- David: Having an educated and healthy population is good for a country. Hey let’s keep bailing out the banks.
- HAMLONI: Why do you like him? Duh because MY DICK GAME BERNIE SANDERS
- Jesse Prevallet: I wanna know what socialist program leads to eating rats.... Is this like a free rat meal cooked and provided by the venezuelan government? Or is she saying that without capitalism you can't import non- rat food into their country? Or does she mean that poverty is so bad there that people can't afford grocery market food and must eat rats to survive? .... .... .... .... Wait a second didn't she ask a question about Bernie Sanders!! Pretty sure if we didn't federally subsidise farmers and federally subsidise poor people with SNAP and put price controls on grocery food RIGHT NOW, Americans would be in the depths of hyperinflation just like Venezuela. None of our tactics are free market solutions; all three i mentioned are SOCIALISM oOOOOooOOOoOOoOOoOOOOoooO... maybe Venezuela could take a lesson from us on how to do some socialism successfully (without admitting it)
- Erika めでる: Bernie Sanders is an idiot, he supported Hilary Clinton despite the fact that she cheated him out of the election. Total fraud.
- c137: u tried try again
- angry troll2: by rich you mean jew
- Chris Serrao: 2:16 I burst out laughing
- BankBoy LightsOuT: How much did Alex Jones house cost? Do a man have to be poor to have a good heart and want people to have the basic things in a world filled with hateful rich white men like Trump.
- Shneeples: I hate her voice its so bitchy
- Joe Sudz: Lohe221 bwahahahaha 😂 you're giving this girl waaaaay too much credit. Over my head or under your nose? 😏
- Blake Patterson: All these taxes we pay and we can't have free healthcare smh. We pay income tax, sales tax, gas guzzler tax, state tax, federal tax, fees for getting a hunting license, fees for getting a driver's license, fees for getting a marriage license, fees for opening a business, city taxes, small business taxes. Think about it. Every fee that you pay is essentially a tax and for what? Yet we allow it all.
- SHAMulA147: For those who don’t know the girl in the video is Dasha Nekrasova. She’s an actress and has a podcast called the red scare
- Dave Mack: The only thing I need to know is that as Hillary and Trump were flying in their own private jets Bernie was flying coach and sitting in the middle seat. Checkmate
- martinthemillwright: two deep thinkers having a meaningful conversation
- Michael Golding: Imagine if that girl knew that Venezuela has more private industry as a percentage of their economy than the U.S....
- stupid lady: Theyre both dumb.She's talking about what socialism causes ...it's never worked. The girl in the outfit was clearly clueless but you COULD tell the Infowars girl was new and didn't have to talk to make the dumbass girl that has no clue about socialism or Sanders. She should've kept quiet and let the girl talk for sure. She spit out the fact that Venezuela went from middle class to eating rats, literally, pretty quick it's so sad.
- Abditive Arrogance: chick funny af
- The Sammy Jenkins Experience: Yes, Australians are assholes.
- Ideoform Sun: I would love to see the random woman getting her own channel.
- Rising Superstar Frost: She clearly just didn't want to be talking to a reporter at all
- Joe Hoe: She was stoned 😂😎
- michael ratcliffe: First, why didn’t you select a segment expressing an idea of substance with which you disagree? Then intelligently present your position? You are a pseudo-sophisticate piece of shite. If you represent an accomplished level of progressive dialogue keep it coming, twerp. Contact Message or Email info Wars and solicit an honest debate.
- movierun: You're using this interview as an example of a liberal "owning" a conservative interviewer?????!!!!!!! Anyone on the planet earth with even minimal perceptive abilities can see that the "sailor girl" was either high or had a very, very low mental capacity. At times she seemed absolutely dumbfounded by the interviewer's points and she could not answer any question she was asked! The fact that you are portraying her as a "clever troll" shows a cognitive dysfunction on your part that is off the charts (and/or how desperate you are to bash conservatives!). I am not a Republican or a Democrat (I dislike aspects of both parties), but I am truly shocked by how out of touch with reality the progressive liberal left has become. Your 9-minute commentary here is one of the lamest rants I have ever watched on UTube. I feel sorry for sane liberals and Democrats who are seeing their party sink under the weight of ignorant, brainwashed lunatics literally living in the "bizarro universe" (you know, up is down, right is wrong, etc.).
- The TadPole Named Matt: This guy can't take his eyes off his script can he?
- Gerald jenkins: RIGHT WINGER TO YOUR JAW
- G_to_V: john mudd My man, you are almost wrong on every single point that you said. Food, you can see dozens of videos of how hundreds of people are going around with knives to kill a cow, stealing petroleum. Do you even have any idea about inflation in Venezuela? As i remember current government and government before it were strong opposition to USA or anything that is coming from there. Only fault for this sad situation in Venezuela is up to their own government, no one else. You must be pretty much ignorant to say how they not starving.
- Don Farmer: Kyle if you think this girl is smart then that explans why you sound so stupid!!! LOL she just wants free stuff and doesn't realize its not free. But im guessing you think the same thing. LOL
- Stephen E.: So this means socialism is our best bet?
- Dav: +whyamimrpink78 Just found your post from 7 months ago now (I didn't get a notification for it). Here is my reply: You said: "...obesity and type II diabetes are self inflicted for the most part." Wikipedia says that the two primary causes of type 2 diabetes are genetics and lifestyle. I suppose it could be that most people who have type 2 diabetes got it from their diet/lifestyle, though that conclusion doesn't seem to be evident at a glance on the web. endocrineweb.com says that being prone to type 2 diabetes is often hereditary. And as I said, I know someone who was exceptionally healthy who got it out of nowhere. Obesity isn't necessarily caused by lifestyle or diet either. Apparently 6-85% of people get obesity attributed to heredity, depending on what population you are talking about. There's also variants of the FTO gene that predispose people to obesity. 85% of a population having genetic obesity doesn't sound like it was self-inflicted, at least not for those populations. Regardless, these health conditions, self-inflicted or otherwise, shouldn't be a determining factor in whether or not someone "deserves" health insurance IMO. That is, if that is indeed what we were talking about all those months back. You also said: "This unhealthy food comes because it produces more food at a lower price." Food can be healthy AND cheap. For one thing, we as Americans could sure stand to eat a lot less meat. If you buy fruit juice at a supermarket, it almost always has a ton of added sugar in the US. I think the sugar would cost more to produce and add than simply selling the juice without added sugar. And the amount of added sugar in juice (and many other things) is most often insane. Anyone who has ever tasted a good piece of fruit by itself should know that. You also said you support further shrinking the FDA or outright abolishing it, as Trump has said he wants to do. My problem with abolishing the FDA is that food companies are evidently already putting carcinogens and other poisons in our food because there aren't *enough* regulations that prohibit those sorts of chemicals in food. Abolish the FDA, and there's basically no legal precedent for what companies can put in food. You could perhaps have mescaline and salvinorin A in school lunches. "The Middle East was a mess to begin with." It's a lot messier now, thanks to us. Here is something you said regarding Bernie Sanders, implying that it is something that he would say: "the Waltons are rich thus we need to take their money to give free stuff to poor people" 1. In Bernie's view, it's not giving free stuff to poor people, it's giving people enough to be able to get medical attention when it is needed without serious risk of going bankrupt; to have a good, productive and meaningful life; and to ensure you don't freeze to death or starve on the street because of a disability that renders you incapable of being productive enough for employment. Bernie is saying that people should have these things as a birthright as American citizens. (And hopefully, some day far in the future, as human beings.) To quote Unitarian Universalism, it's about the inherent worth and dignity of every person. That isn't "free stuff", everyone would pay taxes towards it. I think not making Jeff Bezos pay his taxes for the past few years is more like free stuff. 2. Bernie isn't saying to "take their money". That makes it sound like literal theft. Taxation is a necessary part of any government, right? He is saying that the richer CEOs, etc. should pay more taxes to help the rest of the society and the economy. The economy and workers that enable their companies to exist and prosper. 3. He isn't saying to tax the Walton's more *because* they are rich. He is saying to tax the Walton's more *because* poor people and the workers are struggling hard to make a living, and the Walton's can easily manage to have some of their profits reallocated to help the poor/middle class via taxes and higher wages. 4. Even if every idea that I elaborated on in those three points were a bad idea, no offense, but it would still be very deceptive to phrase it that way with all that that implies. Bernie Sanders never has and would never talk like that. Last time I spoke to you I was under the impression you were into the Libertarian Party, or otherwise a non-Trump supporting Republican or conservative. I asked you to tell me more about your personal political affiliation, and you basically declined, which is your choice. But I wonder, are you a Trump supporter? You said that Bernie Sanders is far from rational (And I might agree with you on a few counts. Regarding Israel and Palestine, for one.). Trump thinks that you have to provide photo identification to buy groceries, including boxes of cereal, and he very evidently doesn't know how to close an umbrella. Up until pretty recently Trump also supported universal healthcare. The people who quickly changed his mind about it were likely not entirely unaffiliated with pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies. I think since we last spoke there has been a study put out by the Koch Brothers that showed that universal healthcare would save a lot of money. The study was evidently and attempt to discredit universal healthcare that backfired. There's also a new video from Secular Talk that I haven't watched yet about a new study indicating it would save $5.1 trillion, presumably within the first 10 years. I think you and I talked about the initial cost of starting universal healthcare being too expensive. I'm a layperson on politics and economics, but from my perspective, the only hurtle seems like it might be that initial cost (if that). And however many billions the initial cost is, it seems to me it would be beyond well worth the investment in order to make that money back and then some in the immediate/near future. Every study I've heard of seems to conclude there will be a significant savings in the short term. You said that nothing indicates universal healthcare would be better. Personal story: I was in Denmark on a vacation when I was a kid one time. I was building a model airplane and managed to get some toxic modeling glue in my eye from being absent minded and rubbing it. My parents rushed me to the hospital and within minutes I was with a doctor who was treating my eye with ointment. Zero cost to my family, and incredibly hasty treatment. Everything we bought while we were there did have hefty sales tax on it, but it went into healthcare and other good things for the (relatively, at least) very happy people of that country. If I had been a citizen of the EU, and this had happened on a vacation in America, my family would have probably, at the very minimum, lost all the money for the vacation and I might have had badly damaged vision from a delay in treatment. This is all an anecdote that doesn't directly prove anything, but I respectfully disagree that nothing indicates universal healthcare would be better.
- Dallas Time Bandits: So brutal 💯🧠🐛
- piffdaddy420: and ur "free" healthcare comes at a cost... 9 hour wait times opposed to 2 in emergency rooms... many people die just waiting for treatment in those countries... u might as well forget about surviving if u are in need of a transplant... and if you need emergency surgery. get in line and take a number for that as well... and any hospital in this country will treat anyone without insurance or money. its called charity care u idiot!
- roggy12345: UK has free healthcare called NHS (national health service) and it's the best in the world. People shouldn't be left to die if they cannot afford treatment for their illness
- BigBabyJesus: Is that Economic Invincibility’s sister?
- Seven Pointed Star: Yeah, all of this is true.
- HE HATE ME: cringed too much
- Rob Moore: Socialism basics = "I am alive therefore people owe me stuff"
- Adam Blade: +Kevin Santiago Healthcare is a privilege, not a right. Just because we live in an overprivileged modern society doesn't mean that's no longer true. When healthcare is wrongly considered a right and made "free" for everyone by the state through force, it doesn't just stop there. Having food and water is a right... Having a house is a right... Having a phone and internet is a right... Having a car is a right... Having nice clothes is a right... Having a girlfriend/boyfriend is a right... Having entertainment is a right... And slowly but steadily, every single thing worth working and living for becomes unsustainable and then lost.
- Dave La Violette: I wish that she would have came up to me. I loved that about eating rats. I would have said that its a good thing because the cost to make a pound of beef is a lot greater than a rat. You can raise more rats on an acre of land than cattle.
- SAMJE123456: PAUSE AT 2.11 BRILLIANT.The blonde girl looks clueless
- Interdimensional Steve: she's insanely cute. meow.
- cro4591: Neither of these women are worth reporting about.
- Leif Anderson: This is a garbage comment.
- John Ironside: The problem is the word free and NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD. People think by not working hard on something they are WINNING! YAY! When really you're just becoming the type of person nobody can respect and being an annoying burden for the rest of your community to deal with. The west might be destroyed simply by laziness and " help me I'm a victim" mass delusion, fucking great.
- Jesse B: In no way was the Infowars girl was owned... Socialism doesn't work.
- Brandon Toad: I'm clueless when I'm listening to info wars.
- Spencer Robinson: Omg this lady is so hilarious xp
- David R. Nelson: I'm going to open a Venezuelan cuisine restaurant and give my employees free health care so they can get treatment for the worms in their brains.
- Duckland Strawberry: Hmmm how was she owned? The socialist girl was kindah stupid.
- Hmid Lashkham: "Nobody is actually in favor of eating the rich" Hey, I'm a everybody, or at least part of the an everybody, and I don't appreciate you speaking for me, sir.
- C G: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque Tu quoque (/tjuːˈkwoʊkwiː/, also /tuːˈkwoʊkweɪ/;[1] Latin for, "you also") or the appeal to hypocrisy is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the opponent's argument by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s). It is a fallacy because the moral character or actions of the opponent are generally irrelevant to the logic of the argument.[3] It is often used as a red herring tactic and is a special case of the ad hominem fallacy, which is a category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of facts about the person presenting or supporting the claim or argument.[4]
- jon jenkins: Canada healthcare system is far from perfect.....but at least it's there for me at all and im grea
- Desphinx: You could say Infowars... Lost the war? I had to. Too easy.
- Ibrahim Malki: That girl was really out of it or just not in the mood to be interviewed and the interviewer was really cringey
- Alexander Thrill: blondes at it again. Being unintelligent
- methodical7: Sure and his wife isn't being investigated for tax fraud.
- Carmine DAuria-Gupta: Yes, everyone will be paying for everyone’s healthcare. And you personally will save money
- David Warschauer: @Melon Dick : Alex Jones is a Fraud.
- tornay131: She made the interviewer wait for the answer while she sipped her drink. Subtle but effective.
- Derek Teets: Gay frogs want free healthcare
- Zac Crow: bhsWD96 fail dude. You're too young to be trying to think so critically apparently...
- David Claytor: Aleister Mraz excellent point in a substantive argument.
- aussiepete89: Ashton Birdie is an idiot. Infowars hiring trash now, except for Owen who's good. Their reporter's used to be way better.
- Simon Peter Abraham: I nominate her.
- pollax troy: The video is still up. Why lie.
- Texas Nationalists: What a disgrace to support socialist party. You cucks needs to be deported back to your 3rd world country.
- Conor Killins: Holy Fuck i don't have the words anymore. From Texas, "Bless your heart." You stupid cunt.
- logan Fuller: Why cant we stop trying to demolish eachothers ideas and just make a fucking compromise?
- weezybaby226: heard of it
- Blue Apple: That woman was on some crazy drugs end a subject
- X1nightstorm9: Her giggle makes me feel good
- TSATrash: See all those down arrows. It proves you have no credibility.
- Daragh O'kane: sine moderamine big seltzer is a Russian owned company.
- Django Fett: None of his homes are worth a million. The one that the right wing press shat themselves over was 600k and he bought it with assets from a property he inherited.
- Chef Bojack: “Trolls”
- R J: Bernie sanders is not rich. Only idiots think he is.
- the new dacia: Classical Marxist so? My cat could demolish a infowars guy, alex debunks himself all day long... It's not that hard
- Noelia Noliz: Your comment is the most accurate comment I have seen thus far 👍
- Razor9111: +laxjoh Refute what I said anytime soon instead of resorting to Ad Hominems, whenever you want to, dude.
- Andrew: >Women debates
- John Lohman: what a cute little whore can,t even talk right daa not that the 1 % my god. do i really have to answer this
- Disimba: That's conservative tears she's sipping on, not a latte.
- ryan gudka: you were right the infowars chick failed pretty hard in comparison to the more experienced talkers... but then your random tangents are so cringe I had to stop watching lol
- Gideon: I don't think that girl owned anyone, she was on drugs forsure.
- declan h: micheal huertas socialism led to the current dictatorship, if the country didn't become socialist and valued individual freedom they wouldn't have ended up like they are today.
- pickled buns: I just want people to have healthcare honey... 😂😭
- Alaskan bull worm: Thanks for the views
- Deplorable Me: Awkward as fuck interview. The girl with infowars at the time is "Ashton Birdie" on YouTube. After this interview she was kindly let go from infowars lol. Which led to her having a mental breakdown, regardless she's fucking gorgeous. Go check out her channel Ashton Birdie. She's so hot.
- streakfighter: what troll you beta cuck?
- AgeofWar 84: Not many people know about the economic modern government systems there is three economic systems controlled economy I. E communism, mixed economy i. E socialism and free economy i. E capitalism. Currently there is no government in the world that has a free market system reason being at any time a government makes a law interacting or interfering with the free market system it automatically places it in the mixed economy section like a government law for minimum wage or the FDA currently the US is in a mixed economy leaning towards the right of that scale.
- California Conservative: The girl on the left is just a dumb bitch that don't onow shit anout her stupid socialism
- Dave Hughes Farm: fuck you john mosley I would beat the teeth tight out of your idiot head..
- Kranky K.: Its that girl, she was smart and aware.
- Ervine4: wut. She didn't "own" her.
- ironic elm: C unty N ews N etwork
- tyrone loki: what ever that girl was drinking, i want it...it made her so chill and calm.
- Jaco Wium: Which explains why the lower income bracket voted for the guy way-way-way above their tax bracket... Oh. Wait. I remember now. Trump refused to release his tax returns, unlike what all previous presidential nominees have done. He's a tax dodger, alright. Stinking rich but doesn't pay a dollar of taxes from his own income. Let the poor pay the taxes, right? Yeah, vote for that filthy rich tax dodging guy. Makes perfect sense.
- kosys: America has become a fucking joke, The world is watching and laughing.
- L: Perfect tits double A's
- Jeak Panthera: Have fun
- Chupa Cabra: You said: "You are supposed to let the person interviewed do most of the talking..and you are not supposed to push you ideology on them". Excuse me....isn't that what Alex Jones does all the time? Alex Jones has done nothing but constantly interrupt the person he has on his show or those he's interviewed. Isn't that what all those anchors on CNN and MSNBC do most of the time? What? Are you jealous of this "new woman"? What was it that the "new girl" said that didn't make sense to you?
- Gumballswift13: This was trolling? She was dumb af?.. do ya’ll have nothing to report?
- Ilyass oudghiri: Typical Info Wars ! blah blah blah Bernie socialism blah blah blah Venezuela Hugo Chavez ! No shit ! How about Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Japan where socialism allowed them to live in a society of human decency where education and health care are accessed by everyone no matter how much you make! Info Wars be like: euuuuh, but Venezuela...!
- Patrick McCarron: Venezuela isn't even socialist, like 90 % of their economy is privately owned, the US has a bigger public sector. Also their economy was based almost exclusively on oil. It doesn't take a genius to predict that when oil prices go down (which is what happened), the economy is going to shit. The problems in Venezuela have nothing to do with socialism, it has to do with the fact that they don't have a diverse economy. When the economy tanked, Maduro feared a popular uprising (maybe an uprising advocating for ACTUAL socialism) and cracked down on civil liberties.
- sirus804: +Broham7 TF That doesn't refute my argument about how America already is ingrained with socialistic policies.
- AW 08: Wait...you’re seriously saying the chick with the drink sounded intelligent and trolled the interviewer??? She sounded like a total tool with no brain cells who couldn’t follow a logical conversation. I do NOT support infowars, but you sound like you also smoked away all your brain cells.
- Miguel Garcia: "I'm talking about America though"
- Leinja: declan h Also, you can have free markets in socialism, that's not something that defines socialism. Socialism means democracy in workplaces, i.e. workers own and are in control of the means of production they use.
- HAMBURGER SASQUATCH: WHOOO PAYS FOR THE HEALTH CARE LOL fuckin morons yaaaaa she soooooo owned info wars 😂😂😂😂 and is this guy a moron the anime chick had ZERO clue what she was talking about I LOOVVE how your acting like this chicks an idiot or got trolled cause she fumbled her own words DO YOU KNOW HOW TROLLING WORKS ?? Lol yaaaaaaa keep defending Bernie dumb ass how’s all that returned donation money ? Lol your trying so hard to be edgy and hard hitting but you come off more nervous and insecure the the info wars girl LOOL doesn’t regurgitate NPC liberal trash MUST BE A REPUBLICAN NAZI lol ya keep raising your voice like the petulant child you are look up soros moron supports socialism for the people mass migration and depopulation your a dumbass Kyle and your part of the problem cause you clearly are the useful idiot just repeating all the NPC talking point OHHH NO ORANGE MAN BAD
- Kalvin Hampton: you should get an interview with Infowars then and try to bring up some good points and help change the minds of some people because nobody else from the Left seem to be able to.
- Crumpets Beatbox: Jeeves Anthrozaur wow you’re so creative
- hugo serrato: Venezuela. Was making a lot of money 💴 when gas was 5 dollars the gallon so when gas prices plunged the country went down
- Sumtinrandom: Also the reason why this 'noob' from infowars got schooled is becouse this baret girl had a perfectly solid point. America failed to ratify the covenant of human rights, and clearly displayed they don't give a fuck about child rights. This American right-wing shouting (the plotitical left-right dichotomy outside of the US manifests itself very differently and seems less extreme and absurd imo) seems very much focused on getting the moral high-ground trough rhetoric because in its core their policies conflict with notions of human rights and dignity. I guess this is why we in Northern Europe are so baffled about the way the US seems to deal with it. We have universal healthcare and it works just fine and it helps a lot of people and helps prevent issues like poverty and substance abuse, and we understand that as a society we have a moral obligation to support one another, as well as create this cultural bedrock of moral support to ensure prosperity. considering the US' observed, persistent self-righteous attitude enforced trough a discourse riddled with words like 'freedom' and other, now meaningless, blurting, its odd that this fundamentalist christian community is so against the care for others and investing in their community. To me personally it illustrates that this whole issue is not about right/wrong at all, but about money and maintaining a system that benefits the respective stakeholders.
- veel60: It's a concerted effort by the powers struggling to keep control in the country, both the US and the country's government are to blame, many factors.
- L0B0 W0LF: And What Know One Cares This Bitch Has On Asian School Dress..We Don't Have This Here...STOP STEALING CULTURE FROM EVERYONE...FUCKING DOUBLE STANDARDS..
- mkauf84: Don't wipe your pants off with tissues just yet, because nothing really happened, just a bunch of arrow slinging.
- paul spring: "Bernie Sanders lives in three million dollar homes" Exact quote. 4:10
- Heather Mc Erlean: Rats are eaten regularly in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, parts of the Philippines and Indonesia, Thailand, Ghana, China and Vietnam. Culturally in America it's disgusting, but it's considered a delicacy in other countries. Argentinians aren't eating rats like they say. Of course there are some, just like you get people eating cans of cat food or dog food here in America too. There are 41 million people going hungry right here in America, and 13 million of them are children (one in six people). The problem with Argentina wasn't socialism ... it was corruption. You get that in capitalism and communism too. Other countries are doing great economically and are socialist countries. There are capitalist countries who aren't doing too well either, including ourselves. Most of our glorious GDP goes towards the military and defense, which means less for those who need medical care and food to eat. Maybe we should start taking care of ourselves and do it without corruption and it might just work.
- Michael Keeton: Ashtonbirdie! 👍🏻
- D J: Did this dude get warts from jerking off homeless veterans?
- Aaron: The perfect girl doesn't exi-
- Troy Knox: This whole video made my brain hurt and I only watched the first half.
- Christopher Hovland: Kyle, you are a tool. The info wars chic was correct the majority of wealthy people in favor of "socialism", because the government would be subsidizing the labor force. The rich wouldn't have to pay a "living" wage, healthcare, retirement, etc... The Government would pay for everything, while the rich get to hide/black mail governments to avoid loosing their money. The middle class would be done. The Bernie Bird is such a stoner. She has no idea what she was babbling... I will give you the Infowar Chic was a bit scatter brained too.
- Vera 1957: +Johan I'm guessing you have the internet? Try doing something for yourself and look it up. I know being a lib you have to depend on everyone around you to survive, but try one time being self sufficient.
- FiatDuster: Any imbecile who will attempt to defend Bernie Sanders (at all) frankly. is completely dismissible. However, to defend him as the least economically savvy of all the members of Congress (i.e. because he is the poorest member of Congress) is hardly a ringing endorsement for his economic policies.
- Grunthos The Flatulent: She has small tits but big nipples
- America: Jazz GhettoBird the reason other countries can pay for healthcare is because they have the US military as an asset
- Benjamin Do Couto: lol the majority of Venezuelans are not eating rats. yes food is too scarce and too expensive, and yes the poorest are going through other people's trash trying to find food in there. but the majority just eat less, specifically less meat, most people have dropped an alarming amount of weight. I wouldn't put the blame on socialism itself as an economic model, I think corruption, populism, bad foreign policy, nepotism, and a plethora of other factors did the damage, now you can argue that socialist principles are what lead to those things, but just saying "see people, this is exactly what happens when you go socialist" is too simplistic imo. ps. the Venezuelan 1% its almost entirely government officials and their families, but their salary shouldn't be able to cover a weeks expenses, I wonder where they got all that money from, it couldn't be from public funds or illegal activities like drug trafficking, oh did you know that our president's nephews were caught smuggling tons of cocaine, weird huh? /s
- Felix Desrosiers: #1 everybody knows that, but if you treat healthcare as a public commodity, the price goes down (as it does in almost every western country) #2 That does not happen. Do you really believe that the 1% would leave the biggest economy in the world because of a marginal reduction in their profits? #3 obviously authoritarian governments that had some form of socialism/communism in placed killed a ton of people, but you have other socialist nations (democratic socialism) that thrive. Authoritarianism is the common demoninator in the countries where millions got killed. Wether it is from the right or the left. Also, plenty of US programs are socialist (medicare, social security, the army, the police force, etc.)...
- Rob Smith: not even close to trolling....good work on the trolling clickbait video title
- Anti Centrist: +rattlesnake survival Are facists the only people that should die for their political ideology?
- End-Gamer: You people have worms in your brains...truth at its finest.
- Xerox Re: +Laura Beth I think they are idiots
- thomas askins: You want free healthcare and want the government to pay for it? How are they going to pay for it? Fucking dumb bitch.
- Tom Callan: Wow. You're all retarded. Kyle the cuck!
- Trev: They wanted to. The sexual tension was high
- TT: grasping at straws much?
- Cameron Buitrago: The only reason people watch Info Wars is because Alex Jones is such a delicious meme. The one thing conservatives can do right is meme. I'm sorry Liberals, but you guys are just not memeable. You're too whiny and cringey.
- Danny: Book deals and speeches. Lot of them pollies get it that way.
- Jordan J: That girl was cute af
- Ibrahim Malki: Can someone explain what Kyle is talking about from 2:55-3:25 because he makes it seem like there is some kind of bias or it’s some type of straw man
- emily c: *watches in free healthcare*
- VLER1980: There is something especially ironic about the Infowars crowd repeating lies propagated by the Deep State in a bid to cause regime change in Venezeula. I though Alex Jones and his ilk were against the Deep State? Or is that only when it serves their purpose to protect Daddy Trump?
- magburner: Capitalism is built on debt, and is not sustainable either.
- prograde: Was that really trolling?
- Jason C.: TheTitanian, the U.S. is a constitutional republic; at least, its suppose to be.
- apex skeletor: This is fake news the video wasn't pulled! There was no trolling or perfection!!
- Tiffian Ruler: Who is this women!!? She's Brilliant!!
- bergsdal: Hey. Great nips tho. Should be in porn you nympho fuck And the interviewer is godamn awful lmao. Hope she didn't go to school for that shit. Retarded questions
- Noblesse Oblige: I think I'm in love. Total wife material. <3
- Kyle: Punctuation: the difference between, "Let's eat, Grandma!" and "Let's eat Grandma!"
- Dom private: You are 100% right Kyle. I would love to see you debate Ben Shapiro. Make it happen.
- Immortal Kdude: They eat Rats ... because it okay to humiliate people who want to survive
- Mitch Baier: Jess John as a fellow Canadian, I don't mind a portion of my taxes going into health care at all but it would be nice to have a few private options. I know this would be impossible because every doctor would want to go private to make more money. Either way I'm just happy we have what we do.
- Mr Marxmin: Corporatism is capitalism.
- T J: Why do people always take out “democratic” when talking about Bernie’s democratic socialism. There’s a pretty massive difference between socialism and democratic socialism.
- Tyler Kolb: This is just about the level of journalistic integrity you would expect of infowars.
- Chris Bellen: Info wars reporter thought she hit the jackpot with a dumb girl but it turned out she may have been the smartest and honest person around. Don’t judge the book by the cover. EPIC FAIL infoshit
- girlcrailtapskte: Just curious how she actually owned her?
- Elvin Ostrup: Alex Jones is the ultimate snowflake.
- Ed D: Neither are wrong. The history of socialists regimes has ended with a certain groups getting richer and the larger population clawing in the dirt. But the population is so high, that even without socialism, the rich are going to get richer and the common folk are going to eat rats. The least they could do is guarantee healthcare, even if the government forces us pay for it out of our pockets.
- Django Fett: You say "Your government" as if its some kind of omnipresent superbeing. This is why you clowns are laughed at. BTW, your healthcare system is pretty decent. I was in London, had a bad injury, cut deep, you can see tendons, I was bleeding all over the place. They patched me up for free and the Nurse had a really good sense of humor.
- Dek Moa: Don't get the title the Sailor girl seems kind of wacko
- 5DC stuff: +Cooper Harris She looks like an adult
- sounddoctorin: what stupid rant?
- israel lopez: Stupid Info Wars people.
- Dick Head: I can’t understand how people can think “you’ve got worms in your brain” is trolling it’s comment a 12 year old would shout at you on Xbox live. Which shows how immature you are as well as your weird demented babbling.
- Aaron Clorox: Im confused...who got owned. Both women looked retarded
- elNingyou: "Nobody's actually in favor of eating the rich." Honey, I got a cupboard full of horseradish says you're wrong.
- G. Erwin: Yeah, it's easy to propose an actual logical argument to their(the Trumptards)sloganeering and squawking of buzzwords/simple catchphrases. The result is usually defining silence. Or more "Nut-Uh! Libwawls
" I mean, there are still morons that think "Dawrr...HRC sold 20% 0f our uranium to Russia!!" Or "Duhh...Obama gave billions to Iwan as part of that bad Iran Deal! Dawrr! GAGA!!" Hell, of his followers still refer to this old male version of Paris Hilton as "Wheeler and Dealer!! Businessman!!! Success!! Derp!" When a non moron knows he just fell out of a rich vagina and inherited properties that increased in Value. But still was Bankrupted 6 times. Failed at that fake 'Trump University!" Anyway, I'll end my rant here. - Arthur: I don't get it, the girl being interviewed sounded completely retarded and misinformed, so how was she "trolling"?
- Gianni Feng: I’m not really sure how you consider this random socialist trolling infowars. She couldn’t answer the questions because she simply wasn’t educated whatsoever. She couldn’t support any of Bernie’s beliefs. This was a poor attempt at trying to find a liberal own infowars. LMAO.
- imeantloveyou5eva: she's so chill. talking so calmly and pausing to take a sip of coffee before answering is some serious bde
- kiliyah perry: Vore the rich help the poor.
- Maximum Carnage: Very tough to watch. Apparently Kyle does not know what trolling is. Both were idiots. Waste of 4 minutes.
- Gavlon: Do you not understand how much money healthcare costs? If you get an injury while you're in a tight spot financially then you're screwed. It would be far better to have it be payed for in taxes rather than upfront for everyone.
- Jurassic mike: Is he like retarded or something? Left niggas can't memeee
- Wuboyto: Cute but I wouldn’t really say it is was glorious. The infowars chick was a dunce.
- L0B0 W0LF: Dude Like Like Like Like.Ima Drink My Frap..And Shit Was Not Funny...And He Is Poor Cause He Never Worked In His Life..HE is A Bum...When Did It Become Cool To Be Poor..Or Act Poor..Your Show Is Trash..
- -Juno- Strat Daddy: The way the interviewee talks makes me want to off myself
- Ihspwamh: They are both idiots. One is asking stupid questions by comparing us to Venezuela and the other one thinks healthcare is free. WTF what’s wrong with them?
- Iroman Captin America: What if Venezuelan people like to eat rats you never know
- Mike Szabo: Access to healthcare is a right, free healthcare isn't, its a privilege.
- Thot Walk: What does it matter if Bernie is one of the least paid senators? He’s still a top 1%. He’s a millionaire.
- Brendan Thompson: Anyone else wondering what happened to Kyle’s hands?
- Kyle: +defellman hmm, projection, maybe? Because this literally doesn't fit anywhere here. Congrats on not making sense, bud. Meanwhile, I'm sure these nice Aussies will be enjoying their thoroughly and objectively better healthcare in case they need it. But hey, at least you can say, "fuck you, I got mine." Brought to you by Carl's Jr.
- freedom1234573: i feel old
- Othéra Flores: UwU
- Hildafunk's World: Libtards don't have any sense of comedy. She wasn't funny if that was her aim.
- Megatom: Speaking of really reaching, if you want a video of an Infowars reporter getting owned, type in "Trump protesters struggle to answer single question". Now that was epic.
- Fausto Fernandez: Malignant idiot
- Olie Olie: To elinimate the corrupted system that exists today where you live, " the US ",. countries where the people are really leading the charge against it " Venezuela, Iran, Russia" should be considered as role models.
- Aaron Shack: Why is the socialism debate always compared to the failed socialist countries? You can win the socialism debate by just mentioning Canada, yes we pay more taxes but we can eat all the rats we want then get our stomachs pumped at the hospital for free!
- Lavia: 1 month later he comes back all triggered and not one argument. What a fool.
- Gabriel Muniz: whutzat yeah those stay in the kitchen memes are creative and funny
- Pablo G: Her name's dasha she has a podcast called red scare. She dates a bug who co hosts cum town. She's on Twitter.
- ParagonRex: I like Info Wars but they should not send out newbies to do interviews or this is what happens. Not everyone on the left is a moron like Killary.
- danwic: Socialism had nothing to do with Venezuela being a shithole - corruption did that.
- NEPTUNE117: That was just a liberal explaining to a Zionist why she likes socialism.
- 03avalanchetruck: The ACA is not as great as promised. I hope Bernie runs in 2020 so all these socialists will implode when President Trump wins in a landslide!
- Jason Newman: Why did YouTube reccomend me an npc video
- Kami84: Share the link and I'll read it, I highly suspect that you're peddling in some tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
- Jr Garcia: That lady with the blue hat she is fucking hot😍😍😍
- Maria Schick: What you progressives fail to understand if you try to over tax the rich they'll just move to somewhere else ie France, California, Greece
- brandystoy: Good God I can only imagine what that stupid rant look like before you edited it.
- Buff Rick: How were they trolled? The girl drinking from the cup just seemed really uninformed
- George: The Info wars fans are still gonna think the blonde girl totally fucked the other one up
- Witold Kieroński: She was't trolling, just in another dimension, high af :) Google what trolling means then do a video...
- Guille Arana: Im leftist but wheres the trolling here? its kind of just a dull exchange...
- The Best Wrestling Promos of All Time: Ummmm Im saying this is Fake News I've never seen that InfoWars reporter before. Fake video fails to even make InfoWars look bad. That should be the headline.
- Blargen Flargen: Josh Gray no, no, you don't understand. We can't use anything produced under capitalism or we're hypocrites.
- Stephen Morrow: If your gonna make fun of alex jones atleast actually make fun of em and infowars dont make soicalist points of not funny shit especially if your trying to be funny or make actual valid points or actaul have a topic not just random shit like your wanna be shitshow probably in Colorado
- Ian Spyker: Wow, this kyle guy is clearly retarded. It's the contagious kind, I would stay away from this dude. Is he seriously still talking about Bernie Sanders? Trump won dude. You must be losing followers if you've started finding old InfoWars street interviews to punch up at. I can't believe this guy is real... what the fuck do you actually do?
- ICouldEatThat: holy shit that dasha. wasnt she dating a bug
- Christian: If Bernie Sanders were your president you guys would have free healthcare, economic stability, and may be just may be geo politics wouldn't be that tense.... ohh and you could may be be trusted around kinder surprise eggs after 4 years of Bernie. I mean you guys pump more money in defense than the other 7 of the 8 most military expenses countries together. Think about what free health care and affordable/free education could do to your country. A social economy is still capitalistic but you do not get left behind in the gutter if you lose in Monopoly.
- legendary sayain Broly: She needs punished with a knife and that woman is a leftist and needs to die with her left evil side
- ZedsterX: Sadly a weak example. "Eat the rich" is a saying actually. Many songs written with the title. You should pull this vid. It's a fail.
- FLOWER PUNK: Artie KlineMeister he wasn't sure where it was pulled off (twitter, YouTube etc.). Watch the video before commenting, it makes you look like a retard
- Scott Wolfe: Bernie Sanders is a weak , spineless loser. socialism sucks. Infowars is trash
- Stephen Hawking's Football Boots: Love that girl... she's like a stoned Natalie Wood.
- Cotton Fiber: Dude this vid makes you look like a total fool, that chick is brain dead.. but keep making vids like this, it shows just how dumb the left has become
- Micheal Carver: For all you fooled and blind people seeking understanding. https://youtu.be/ixZrnHDrESg
- Jens Andersson: So, both of these girls are idiots? Do I need to be american to get this?
- Jocelyn Russell: But the 1% DO want socialism FOR THEM just not for everybody else
- Steve Firth: weak.
- Moderate American: God! Leftists are really out of touch
- paralentor: A girl with her latte wearing a girl sailor suit from a cracker jack box talking like a valley girl? I think she was trolling herself. Infowars doesn't save every single video from 2 months ago. Try harder Soy boy.
- Brandon Wills: Cooper Harris You are free to live your life, but why are you telling me? I’m flattered, but...
- Joshua Whitworth: Why do you keep criticizing Alex's channel? Just curious.
- Renegade Dalek: the interviewee was a typical vacuous "empath", Agreed the interviewer was dragged into being interviewed.
- Boobalopbop: She reminds me of a youngParker Posey, lol... Adorable.
- tony j: If you vote Socialist, you will diet on a meal of rats!
- dreazy34: America needs better healthcare but socialism is a Slippery slope. Cuba is a socialist country doc's make the same as a cabbie but no tip. That's why they have a pandering economy to tourists a pretty young lawyer can make stacks of cash as a prostitute or starve like everyone else. Again I'm all for people having a little more. I'm just not sure something like raising minimum wage motivates people to be better or try harder. We need real solutions not band aids.
- Cody Goins: It's not, this guy is just a douchebag that thinks he's more intelligent than others because he's not stupid enough to believe in god.
- GuyFox: This is a troll ownage to the left? Both of them were clueless.
- Jay Camacho: Awww the right wing is triggered
- Spyralmynd Studios: Kyle Kuckinsky is clearly a trans fucktard idiot trying to get views and likes... he/she/it/them/they/queer/faggot, etc. cannot tell which of the 5,492 genders he is but whatever...smh Secular talk is a bullshit forum, give it up!
- Wilford Grimley: That's it?
- Mary Hunter: @Chi Wong - way to miss the point, chi.
- Phal Redenferd: It’s hilarious that this is what impresses you leftards. XD
- kt cool: Who is paying for the police, the army, Medicare, maintain of public infrastructure, border petrol, Congress, coast guard, fire fighters, UPS, FBI, NASA & etc?
- Jonathan Froger: I was looking forward to a minion getting 'owned'. All I got was a a pasty-faced, lily-white rich kid with a Coolatta and beanie playing with a white kid's toy in one hand, unable to explain to the ditzy blonde why it is she wants 1% o f America to be ruled by a guy who pays 10% taxes while owning 4 mansions in lily-white, gated communities and representing the whitest state in the union, a guy who would allow the remaining 99% to eat rats. No wonder the goose-stepping, virulently racist, irrevocably sexist, mouth-breathing, lip-reading, slogan-chanting, virtue-signalling, identity-clinging, halitosis-emitting, intellectually dishonest, cowardly, lily-white, Seig-Heil waving supporters of a guy hiding out in a 98% white community in Vermont would struggle to identify precisely what getting 'owned' is or means.
- Rusty Shackelford: 10/10 master troll level reached. Gorgeous confident clever and funny.
- jeff singleton: Socialism inevitably becomes oligarchy
- steamnamebbderinvade 1246: is his workplace democracy act socialist? I Haven't Quite Tooken the Time to see what he Strikes into the Legislation i.e editing a existing law even though the title can make the spirit of the law sound socialist.
- TropicalCoder: To be fair, when she said the one percent support socialism, she was referring to Venezuela where that sorta makes sense if you stretch things enough. The regime promotes socialism to gain control of the population so that they can run their mafia entereprise unopposed. But I agree that was a pretty funny clip showing how stupid the InfoWars reporter was.
- Jessica Paulsen: She did not own info wars she sucked
- tembrant: EAT THE RICH
- Namoth: I would love it if the next one trolling infowars...is ready to pull up a list of social democracy stuff from Europe..and ask why the supposed so rich usa cant even provide a minimum while still leeting people reap rewards for hard work ..compareing it with usa shite of 'a few got all the rest got increaisngly lees each year' ...like the dude said when wallstreet apaprently said milenials crashed economy by not buying diamonds ..and got the response'' I work in fucking wall mart''
- FreeAtLast333: Worms in your brain. Love it!
- GrimmWarrior19: That's ashtonbirdie, Ashton Witty or whatever. This is nothing more than a troll trolling a troll honestly, she's just a youtuber sucking up to guys, she recently started riding the coattails of Infowars and also just started trying to peddle shit to gullible lonely dudes. Tried to get pity from her fanbase saying her family basically disowned her, yet they pay to keep her going on youtube. Stop giving thots face time, they aren't worth it.
- Kelly Alves: Her voice is the best. She’s like the second coming of Dorothy Parker.
- Schoob: Why do people fear universal healthcare?
- Neil Wiggs: Socialism is not about equality of outcome. It's equality of opportunity. Currently we don't have opportunities. Let's take that Deep Appalachia family some 26 miles from the nearest school which hasn't been given a fraction of the budget they need. Their history textbooks might still say the Berlin Wall is still standing. My wifes textbooks did in back in 2003.
- elizabeth davis: Senators have to have two homes one in dc to do their congressional work and one in the district that they represent
- John Sebring: OMG, the woman wasn't "trolling" anyone. She was simply making her points in an intelligent manner. How could you distort such a simple encounter unless this is just more clickbait.
- Besser Wisser: Newsflash USA already has socialism and will have it unless the people want extreme poverty. To much socialism can also lead to extreme powerty
- Ry Mo: Jennifer Renee its not there. Saying its a smackdown is kind of sad imo...
- A Jax: INFOWARS what is it good for, absolutely nothing, SAY IT AGAIN WAAAAAAH
- Tom Markowski: Paul Misek you know that figure includes infrastructure, schools, government programs, and pretty much running the whole fucking province get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
- Riley Esko: They talk about Venezuela but don't mention the resource-raping that America and other more developed countries have taken part in of Venezuela. They also never talk about Bolivia, which is also socialist and thriving.
- jackbenimble005: This guy is not very bright. Poor lil' Kyle Kay.
- Merl Bartley: Eat shit Kyle man you suck
- Stephen Sockett: And there's the left's narrative. The girl's attitude, IMO, was that of someone who has grown up with excess, her constant sucking was her insecurity, her cookie cutter answers were telling that she's drunk a lot of the left's kool aide, and her lack of real knowledge was palpable. This was nowhere near the infowars reporter getting owned and more like an expose on the ignorant self entitled left...again, ad nauseum.
- Frank Dalano: You are a lesbian softball coach; how is your team doing this year? Do you think you’re going to win state? Kyle the cringe that you produce is off the Richter scale when are you going to retire? Is your brand growing honestly?? Is it truly growing!!??? no one cares about atheism anymore; I guess you’re just surfing on the SJW wave; but your lesbian ways will be the end for you——- the cringe is strong with this one...
- art_of_floyd: Not funny... not a brilliant troll... both girls seemed like idiots, enjoy.
- LT Smash: Nice nips
- chris hamilton: Where is this ownership you're all so smug about? This is literally the most intellectually stunted propaganda I've ever seen. You are all retards and deserve to starve yourselves to death.
- Etb Etb: I like think like stuff & things. The new Orcasio Ortiz inspired left. No objectifying now.
- David Warschauer: @ben oh snap!
- VaporCode: Wtf, dude, this vid makes no sence this channel should get termimated xD
- damarh: This is why trump won, because democrats are "too good" to play the dirty games. bunch of goody2shoes who think the "good" will prevail over evil.
- Sheesh Lord Swaggins: Hildafunk's World Libtards as in Liberals? Do you even know what a liberal is?
- Coos Oorlog: they are socialist in the sense that infowars (and all right wingers in america) uses the word socialist
- idontcare80: I was hoping for a massive evisceration, damn. She was just another stoner chick who doesn't really know why she supports what she supports.
- Jericho York: Lul this video is taking it out of context.
- Twintwix123456789: Is the plant a butterfly? How many paperclips need to fly into andromedan toilets, before my teacher buys a new scootmobile to erase the chalk board at 4k rpm. Yes indeed, there is a poopy in the sky.
- winnywin: Imagine if this dumb right wing girl had met Kyle on the street and stuck a microphone in his face! She would have run away, crying after 2 minutes.
- Chris R: I just want people to have free stuff.......wtf???
- Dayjohn Vazquez: Hell the CIA and FBI not to mention highways and bridges. Like I can keep going, but the fact is is that I'm not that socialism is perfect, but to a degree it works.
- Nitrox The Classy Narwhal: The way she holds the cup 🤣
- errliest: Meh video content not very interesting...
- DashingNative: Centrist Chad's please rise up
- Algahiem: The only reason Info Wars ever got anywhere in the past was because they preyed on the weak and stupid. But now, all the can do now is bully the Dragon, which, BTW, never ends well.
- Rzejdi: How did she troll the interviewer? She had no points and couldnt make a counterargument
- Hello Darling!: Who pays for all this socialism? The poor working Americans. Not the rich politicians or corporations. You'll eat rats. Yes he own 3 small worth about 2.5 million dollar mansions. You make no sense. Libtard idiot.
- thomas Hooper: nameis2 , you have no idea! The USA like all european countries are capitalistic countries.... they don’t own the means of production, they operate on a free market system.... you have no fucking clue!
- Philip Lohrmann: Umm, Kyle, the 1% ARE for socialism. . . socialism for the 1%. Hunger Games for everyone else.
- eastwest312: How was she trolled, she made the interviewee look like a moron, and this douche bag Kyle is an idiot.
- 4640jds: One thing we ALL know! Socialism never has worked! Bernie Sanders is a nut job.
- Space Sim: imperator servat your Lenny face got sliced in half :\
- M.C. Landstander: StahlBlitz Alex Jones/info wars has a video claiming that Ben is working for the left.
- Rebecca Lynn: I hope she’s gay. Someone find her
- Thirtythree Eyes: +Ragy Ratloy I wouldn't say a 1% couldn't exist but, they would have a lot harder time exploiting the populace for their own benefit without a system in place to help. You're under the impression that Anarchy means the powerful rule when in reality it means the people as a whole rule it's essentially what democracy is supposed to be. You don't have to call it anarchy but, I don't see how anyone could argue that when the power is in the hands of the people society would crumble society only exists because of the common man and governments usually exist in spite of this not benefit.
- wrydrune: Don Francisco he is right about the evil rulers, just not to his extreme. Watch his Joe Rogan interview. He says that the elite are space vampires that eat babies or some such.
- Joshua Whitworth: Rich people can keep their money. I would like to be able to live without having to depend on the Government.It's called freedom.
- EternoRosso: I'm not sure if that's technically correct. Nationalization of certain industries has also been proposed by socialist and social democrats. These ideas precede fascism, and fascism has socialism as its mother. Here from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalization "Nationalization was one of the major mechanisms advocated by reformist socialists and social democrats for gradually transitioning to socialism. In this context, the goals of nationalization were to dispossess large capitalists, redirect the profits of industry to the public purse and establish some form of workers' self-management as a precursor to the establishment of a socialist economic system" "Although sometimes undertaken as part of a strategy to build socialism, more commonly nationalization was also undertaken and used to protect and develop industries perceived as being vital to the nation's competitiveness (such as aerospace and shipbuilding), or to protect jobs in certain industries." Yes, i'm also aware of this part: "By contrast, nationalization does not necessarily imply social ownership and the restructuring of the economic system. By itself, nationalization has nothing to do with socialism, having been historically carried out for various different purposes under a wide variety of different political systems and economic systems" I didn't say it was *exclusively* socialist in nature, and i don't think that it has nothing to do with socialism like the wiki says just because it's been carried out for different purposes under different political and economic systems.
- Samuel Jackson: Sanders has about a 800,000 dollar net wortg that he earned through honest, hard work, while Alex Jones had over 10 million dollars that hes made by lying to people and tricking his gullible audience into buying his over priced, bullshit supplements.
- Y: +FeministKilljoy Have you seen people starving in the Soviet Union? Didn't think so. In capitalism, some people are rich and some people are poor. With communists like you, everybody's poor except those who work for the government
- Gredual McMelon: Clickbait tho
- АЛЕКСАНДР ФИЛИПС: Trump can build a wall and and then everyone who matters (white people) will get health care. Hooray for trump.
- Felix Desrosiers: What do you not like about socialism?
- Jovyd Carl Aquino: but the fact that everyone has the right to have a health care makes more sense coming from a stoned woman. might wanna dig deeper in understanding the entire arguement.
- Ed Cheremet: I think sailor moon was totally stoned.
- Lucius the Eternal: Its weird that conservatives always bring up Venezuela. We get it Venezuela is bad and poor but they were never rich to begin with. America the richest country in the planet is so fearful of anything with the word free in it. Ok why is it that we give BILLIONS of fucking dollars to Israel who have all the things fucking conservatives say we cant have or cant afford. Every time I hear a conservative/corporate dem say oh we cant have free healthcare its socialism and there fore bad. Yet Israel can have it and they fucking say nothing about that fuck conservatives and the clear hypocrisy.
- Wafan Individualist: Hassenboy Even though Nazism is a branch of socialism it did way better than the USSR. Also compare Swiss standard of living a free market to Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, Venezuela. Even though these countries have some capitalism.
- defellman: You are not evil. You are retarded.
- Stuck in the Middle with you: F Ing lie. The Venezuelan do not eat rats. They go across other nations including Mexico to buy clothes medicine and food. Many times more expensive than usual but they do not eat rats. Info Wars you are poison and your followers do have worms in their empty head.
- Doctoberfest598: Ah yes, remember when that blue wave came through and conservatives around the country called off work, went down town and screamed "no" at the top of their lungs. Remember all the news reels of them sobbing uncontrollably when the poll results came in? Remember all the schools closed and counselors with playdough were made available? Yeah me too those sensitive cry babies.
- ivanoffw: Anthony, you seem to be of a minority of people, someone who is willing to discuss issues like an adult. I understand that there will never be complete equality because No one is truly equal to another. The person who has a more difficult job than me should be paid more, but by how much? Regarding authoritarian leftist organizations, lets not forget that the U.S. supports authoritarian right wing countries, even if those far right countries produce terrorist following some heretical view of their religion. The way I see socialism is not through a take over of the government like the Communist. I would rather see that we have more choice in who we purchase from, a standard capitalist business, a worker owned business, a worker owned and managed business, and a self-employed business. Just as there is a Chamber of Commerce, we should have a Chamber of Cooperatives. Let consumers/people choose, and in the beginning, we might need Government to help finance worker owned/operated business just like the Government helps start small capitalist business.
- StormCrown: So let me follow the logic, because she likes a democratic socialist, she automatically likes Venezuela? Fuck it, because most men like anal (according to PornHub), most men are gay.
- nsignific: Um, just counter the retarded Venezuela argument with "Europe, Australia, Canada". Argument over. Victory.
- Hákon Sigurðarson: LARiots1992 But of course! (*drives away*)
- FlipMode: I can't tell if this channel is trolling or if this guy is some regular douche bag in his mommies basement antifa type.
- Hassan Salahuddin: i like how they mention venezuela but not norway or sweden with her logic literally some of the worst countries on earth operate on capitalist policys
- Dalym: Corporatism IS capitalism. Also, state welfare programs like universal healthcare IS NOT socialism. Social democracy IS NOT socialism. Look up democratic cooperative businesses. Look up councils of cooperative. Look up planned production amongst networked Co-ops that is democratic. decided. Socialism is about workers owning the means of production. Any labour for services or creating goods is production. Private businesses are akin to kingdoms as cooperatives are akin to democratic governments.
- LuxAlbedo: Socratic irony is called as such because it is the irony that one constructs out of answers from the opposing person through questioning. AJ's people are just cheap sophists pretending to be mindless zealots. From a stand against central power, wouldn't the fact that Sanders privately owns so much be a good thing? That is a stupid angle to attack him from. AJ exists to discredit by association anything worthwhile that he and his minions espouse.
- The Ultimate Reductionist: Consequences & logic never matter to conservatives & antisocialist. The only ones complaining in Venezuela are anticommunists & antisocialists who don't obey the law. According to rightwingers, it does not matter what the law is, does not matter how unfair the law is (of course, they NEVER say this when a law is unfair NOT in their favor) you still have to obey the law. If the law of Venezuela is that poor people be given as much money as rich corporations have, and be given money for useful necessary things such as healthcare & transportation, instead of worthless shit like sports stadiums and religion, then you have to obey the law and not overthrow it.
- Spillage Studios: +cag147 Jesus Christ dude wtf is wrong with you?
- FallzXx: r t. you guys r idiots
- SvenTviking: The thing about socialism is that just like Capitalism needs Socialism to act as it’s conscience, Socialism needs Capitalism to pay for everything and to stop the Socialist from bankrupting the nation by spending on every minority that demands help.
- Truth Seeker: Shododdydoddy Wait, I don't understand what you just said.
- Aurinkohirvi: I would have argued the info-wars troll that the richest country with highest human development index in Africa was a socialist country, and there's dozens of dirt poor capitalist countries. And that Soviet Union had for several decades among the very highest economic and welfare growth in the world. And China is still half-communist. Obviously communist economies can work just fine. And if you have public welfare, that's not communism, it's having a system with democratic socialist ideas, like Europe, Japan and Canada.
- Daniel B: Ivan Valeri. I agree, the infowars reporter did not do well in her argument. Sailor moon also clearly failed.
- Nebby.Space: Nice bandaids
- Sammy Pater: 7:28 😂😭😂😭😭😭oh lord couldn’t have said it better myself
- Veiss seven: wait that's the girl winning? LOL
- Sir Kayda: "I...ummm...yeahhh....I...teeheeeheeehee" She sure told them.
- Danny Nedelko: I'd wear a Sailor Moon costume any day and I'm not a weeaboo. There's just something about Japanese school uniforms. ❤
- parker macco: Can someone tell me how you can have socialized healthcare without socialism
- Rhiannon Star: The three homes are: the cottage that was bought from the sale of Jane's inherited house, one in Vermont, his home state and one in Washington, like all senators have. He's not a jetsetter, vacation obsessed, millionaire. He works hard daily for the people, which is who socialism benefits. Please people- just stop with the ridiculous attempts to make Bernie a villain. I mean, he's a gift to your country- most people already know this (including around the world) and you "3 homes" losers are so into fear and lies, you are losing out on ACTUALLY making America great, for the first time ever.
- Colin: Greetings from Germany a socialist/capitalist country. We have healthcare, state pension and Hartz 4 (that's in case you're unemployed and can't find a job) and we don't have to eat f***ing rats to have this :D
- Peridot: I agree with most of this, but not really the last point, considering the 1% cutoff is something like $500k / yr and that includes a lot of people in media, drs, professors.. generally left-leaning groups. I don't think the 1% is overwhelmingly blue but it's probably more so than people would initially think, it's not just comprised of a bunch of lizard men with $10 billion + companies.
- Gouky: Can I have a right to your house?
- xYouthAttackx: "eating the rich" HAHAHAHAHA Ok if the "news" reporter didn't know she was getting trolled at that point, no wonder it got pulled.
- AidonKallian: 70% of Venezuela's economy is privatized and run by capitalists. The bourgeois 'champagne sippers' this dumbass refers to fucking hate Chavismo. Venezuela's ruling class literally withholds food production because they'd rather have the country starve than let their industry get nationalized. People can't revolt if they're starving. The Chavez regime got around this by importing food during the oil boom, but is no longer sustainable due to the recession. Socialism isn't the problem, thinking the rich will cooperate when you seize their shit is.
- vienna sausage: Does she like anal and pizza night?
- Brian Dunn: That sailor moon character was pretty chill about it. The trump supporting interviewer really made no sense. We talking about USA not Venezuela smh. I used to like Alex Jones back in 2011 but I soon opened my eyes and saw how full of shit he is and his team.
- CezDmX: Bernie sanders shops at costco :D
- HornetUK1: uhh yeah
- Kegel Destroyer: Nipples
- T Green: being brain dead isn't the same thing as trolling lmao
- David Gonzales: bigger difference in social democracy and a society built to be one of democratic socialism than the huge difference you mention.
- Dayjohn Vazquez: If that lady said that socialism doesn't't work than I would ask her about the military, police, fire department, parks. Like we already have socialism in our country.
- Carlos Gustavos: +Wingy a staggering number, but not the majority. And out of all other political systems, its the least flawed one. History has shown us that under democracy, we have gone the farthest regarding economy, science and social issues. And I wouldnt say the popular vote is bad, but when you only have 2 options to pick from, then it's nearly impossible to pick the right one. Thats the issue with american democracy. But it's hardly an issue in other countries. And if Socrates was alive today, then he wouldn't be killed by a mob. Because we have made the laws around it so that doesnt happen, Like free speech and a law system.
- Son of a BITCH ! !: My response to InfoWhores in red dresses: "They eat rats? So does Alex Jones! What's so bad about that?
- Daniel Gerke: Haaaaang on, isn't that Adam Friedland from Cum Town's girlfriend?
- Taylor McLaughlin: How did the woman troll Ashton but also ashtom fucking sucks info wars shud never have employed her
- carlos pico: Wat kills me is that japanese sailor sxhool uniform blouse she was wearing.
- Dimitri Wallace: stupid video, your an idiot
- Harry Lie: Blonde..... lol
- kieran gallagher: I think I hate socialists so much because they typically believe they are the smartest people in the room, and they alone possess some insight the rest of us do not. Take this host for example: his face just screams 'punch me'
- janelbbuck: Bruh did this interviewer come to ask questions or did she come to have a debate with a random stranger who didn’t want to be “interviewed” in the first place. Sheesh, she did even make her question or intentions clear and went all over the place. She was pretty aggressive too and talked more than the person she “interviewed.” BOI, I only studied some very basic journalism, if she can interview like that, then I guess I can interview. XD
- Stoner Something: Sad CoasttoCoast is on there.
- Monster Mind: U.S has already got socialism. Where you think all your tax dollars go. Without socialism your country would fucking collapse back into the dark ages.
- caroline: wait, isn't that dasha from twitter
- Mr.Freedom: Who is Bernie Sanders?
- Ma Sa: “Oh so you’re for capitalism so you want to be like Somalia”
- Fisty McKnuckleson: I’d like to see you and Steven crowder debate. I respect you both a lot
- KARLOS MARCUS: dont mess with cum town alex
- Alien Grey: Social Democracy apparently isn't as popular in the Nordic countries as one might think. I suspect that Bernie's policies are a little more extreme than would actually be practical. See quote. "Currently, Nordic-style democratic socialism is all the rage among Democrat activists as well as with liberal intellectuals and journalists. But in the Nordic countries themselves, this ideal has gradually lost its appeal. Only one of the five Nordic countries, Sweden, currently has a government headed by social democrats. The other four countries have center-right governments. Moreover, the Swedish Social Democrats enjoy weaker popular support today than at any point in modern times. They lead a minority government, as the majority of Swedes either support one of the center-right parties or the anti-immigration party. During the past few decades, the Nordic countries have gradually been reforming their social systems. Taxes have been cut to stimulate work, public benefits have been limited in order to reduce welfare dependency, pension savings have been partially privatized, for-profit forces have been allowed in the welfare sector, and state monopolies have been opened up to the market. In short, the universal-welfare-state model is being liberalized. Even the social-democratic parties themselves realize the need for change." https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/07/nordic-democratic-socialist-model-exposing-lefts-myth/
- Paul Smith: Losing an argument to a smoked out socialist dressed as a sailor... no Bueno
- Michael DiCristofano: https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/08/10/bernie-sanders-buys-summer-home/' You cannot legally or even practically use campaign donations in monetary transaction that do not involve your campaign.
- Brad: I guess they needed a safe space from their bullshit being exposed. The cuck slayer got cucked.
- indoctus41: Amazing woman "You people have worms in your brain, honestly." Info Wars didn't look too good in that one.
- 188basstrom: UK NHS has worked well for 70 years
- John Harrison: I'm all for eating millennials. It's a pet peeve, but put your fucking phone down when you're having a conversation. It might be interesting to hold her underwater to see if she would scream for help with the same disaffected valley-girl inflections. "Like, oh my god...I'm totally drowning."
- anime girl thighs: this comment is autismo
- Gavin McInnes: I don't like the lady asking questions aggressively but she didn't get owned either.
- Joe Denby: But... she didn't say anything. I don't get it.
- Barnaby Jones: What? What? What? How can you say sailor moon there wasn't anything except a total idiot. I think YOU are the one who is seeing things that aren't there. You must get grasping at straws to make any point.
- Nicholas Blackwell: So is a 700 billion dollar a year military "free stuff" if I don't support it? How about a 39 billion dollar a year prison system that has expanded 700% in 40 years even though crimes are at a 53 year low and crimes numbers have fallen in many places 500%?
- Contest4Freedom: Poorest person in the Senate. Yeah... No buddy.
- Paul Sciolino: this is the best burn the left has got on the right, my God you guys are not doing well
- Stvzbnk: This is Rehearsed #FakeNews It is a Liberal Soap Opera It is not Info Wars This Vid had 830K Views #EnemyOfTheSheeple Sad.
- Fortnite Funny Moments: Her voice is annoying
- oaxacachaka: A right to healthcare? Maybe everyone should have a right to billions of dollars. I’d rather have that because then I could spend my money on the healthcare I choose.
- LowVolt: If she is actually a troll than she is no fan of socialism and is most likely a right wing libertarian just out trolling the right... or she is not a troll and is just a Bernie supporter
- Kohga Mole: Wow, this is considered “trolling” and “owning” by the left? The left can’t meme.
- daniel280456: Here's an interview with Sailor Moon (from 2014) https://youtu.be/HyxzkiRtej8
- Jon Oz: "But I just told you Venezuela is eating rats." As if that was some GOTCHA to a Bernie policy. It's usually the Her-> supporters who have no idea on policy but that's b/c Hillary couldn't communicate any of her (excuse me, Her) policies. Did she even have an agenda?
- Micheal Carver: This is like those who control societies.. https://youtu.be/TlldKrX1pdI
- Docholland45: *KYLE KUCKINSKI*
- TrumpCat: Go to a scoialist Rally and come back with a straight face and tell me they dont want to 'eat the rich' ..... ahve you heard any Antifa chants ? smh ..... Go to one and just mingle , its an eye opener.........
- Lazy Leftist: That chick was cute as fuck
- Paul Hoffmann: The chick actually was kinda cool, sipping out of a bent straw with one hand and texting with her other while lahdeedahing like that Gilligan's Island rich woman Mrs Howell. Her sailor outfit was perfect. Looked staged, although I'm sure it wasn't. Nothing the Infowars reporter said fazed her because she was on some perfectly calibrated supercool pot, I suspect.
- EzekielOsiris: Come on bro. That chick didn't troll anyone to perfection. She stood there like a bimbo sipping latte and playing on her phone. If she would have "trolled them to perfection" she would have put her phone down and tore the infowhores reporter a new one pointing out their endless hypocrisy and tabloid yellow journalism. Instead she just made herself look like an airhead.
- Matthew Bullock: Lol put her on the ballot y'all just might win. She's so intelligent
- OccasionalGamer: Love the way she keeps going back to her drink while the Infowars idiot waits for an answer.
- littlesame: The interviewer is Alex in a female body with a bully tone. FYI infowar owner and investors live in multi million dollars homes, many homes. What a dumb network, it reflects the intellectual level of the Alex followers.
- bighands69: How is she trolling when she thinks people can have free healthcare? Does she not know that somebody has to pay for her socialism.
- Stephanie: Capitalism = Income Inequality
- SAFE HOUSE: +Geronimo P he asked for a link.
- San Mane: America cant have free healthcare and expect to service their military at the same anyways. Great power comes at a even greater cost and you simply cant afford it.
- Virjunior: And if you or your family had a horrible affliction, it'd already be paid for.
- Contact Info: Bernie also owns $172k Audi R8, hypocrite
- Cutter Driftwood: That was a really dumb fucking video! If they really did delete it which in the beginning he didn't sound to sure that they really even did I can't say I'd blame them! It was boring, what's even funnier is that's what you lefties call trolling! That was some weak ass trolling! However, the left isn't exactly known for their comedy. After all they're the ones who are trying to censor everyone especially comedians!
- byrysh: Hes the poorest member of the senate" Has 3 homes with a net worth of 2.3 million. Supports socialism. The girl wants free healthcare...paid for by who? lol fucking morons...zVenezuela is exactly what socialism gets you. LMAO
- DJC DJC: Too smart for you!
- VampyrumFerox: Uh, she wasn't trolling, she was high and dumb AF.
- Jed Moser: Grasping at straws here
- stealthassulter: Why does people want free Healthcare? Omfg.. how fucking dumb can Infowar viewers be.. Republicans are the worst piece of s*** there is.. they people die from lack of health care than to see every one getting it for free .. some thing about equality they can't digest with their worm for brains. The title info wars make sense. They are at war with information... Tru information is a problem to them. They must eradicate info.. psuco bastards.
- Abhilash P V: This video would make everyone realise that the common person in the society should be well aware of what happens around the world in order to prevent elite rich and their cronies sideline them (common man). All the down trodden and common man should read more books, try to acquire education, travel the world, meet new people, get new ideas and organise themselves.
- Aaron A: Every time she sips her coffee it gives me strength!!!
- Melissa Graham: As much as I dislike Infowars, I don't agree that they were trolled by this woman... in fact, I feel that she didn't make a good argument at all. Trolling would have been coming back with a genius answer and leaving Infowars embarrassed. Instead, she resorted to an insult when she couldn't sustain her argument (You have worms in your brain).
- D'andre Chesterfield: Dude, you're just as bad as them. Listen to yourself.
- Sean Armstrong: i bet trump tastes good.
- DR. Dufenshmurtz Evil incorporated: What the fucks with my recommend I’m watching PewDiePie and shit and this keeps popping up please leave me alone
- GUERRILLA SUNRISE: Snowflake Nazi Alex Jones
- Lance Smith: It just looks like a set up was made nowhere in a political sphere at all. The most radical thing was a SXSW t-shirt. Like the thought was made outside of campus of targeting the sailor looking girl.
- Chance Willkomm: She made perfect sense.
- Steven Rivas: Am I the only one who thought both the interviewer and interviewee were dumb here?
- EmeraldStarryEyez: They both had a disgusting attitude.
- Milano Martin: Terry Calderwood that’s the point and the fact that the interviewer wasn’t talking so bright. It almost felt like a “watch trump supporters say dumb things” with that dumb bitch saying “Venezuela is socialists country! Bernie owns three million dollar homes. Top 1% supports socialism!” Derp derp DERP!
- Dronethony Striketano: this hivemind is amazing. they will praise the dumbest person so long as they are anti infowars
- Puddin: You can see the sailer girls nipples
- James Garner: appledroplarry not a fact, try again hay seed.
- MEPHISTOPHELES: +Huzi 87 It wouldn't be paid for by the government. It'd be paid for by the tax payers. The top 10% already pay over 80% of all taxes collected. You can verify that. Healthcare isn't a right just like how food, water and shelter aren't rights either. Free isn't free. We'll all pay for it in the end. When all your paychecks are cut in half to pay for free shit for people who "can't afford it". America is not Europe. We dwarf all of them in almost every single aspect. Fuck off with inapplicable theories. Sweden benefits off us footing their defense bill every year and all of Europe benfits off our big, capitalist pharma, without which cost of medication would skyrocket. The problem with you liberal morons is that you're so painfully ignorant and naive that you can actually believe socialism works. And have become entitled enough to think your opinion matters worth a shit. Go back to your day jobs, goddamn drones.
- runninglyrics: Girl: like who? Interviewer: well for example you know Venezuela right? They're eating rats over there Girl: but that's not the 1% Interviewer: in Venezuela Girl: I'm talking about American Question was never answered about who in America's 1% support socialism.
- Sean Armstrong: i'm eating rats. Cook it just right, and add a bit of satay sauce... Taste just like chicken.
- Callie C: Cokpuncher123 u need to be euthanized
- Derek arsenault: You are a moron buddy . And if your for facts and reason you can't be for socialism remember the 150 million people dead in the 20th century .
- Rogelio Meixueiro: “I just want people to have healthcare honey”
- 4T1K5O: “You know Venezuela???” “Yeah I’ve heard of it...” lmao
- drape4040: +Secular talk .. You don't even have 500k subs... FUCK OUTA HERE.... #TRUMP2020
- Tanner Poole: But with socializing health care can’t they deny you if they don’t think they can help? Like with the baby in the UK that they let die?
- David Frison: It's sad how little these people know about what they protest in the streets... at least take time to research for at least five minutes.. before going to a rally.. they hear the word "Free," and they jump on the band wagon.without reading the fine print... I do believe healthcare should be doable especially in countries like America.. privatizing healthcare shouldn't be allowed without a trickle down effect the people
- Dori Fuchs: Also im from venezuela i have never eaten a fucking rat omfg like she couldve talked about the food crisis in a way less rude way to venezuelans. And also chavez is dead so he doesnt “say” anything lmfaoo
- Callie C: Cokpuncher123 you mean blue
- Dark Tiramisu: free healthcare isnt good and that was kinda cringy wtf
- Arby Garby: Donald is part of the 1%. He said everyone would have beautiful healthcare. He therefore must also support socialism and eating rats.
- Ken Cur: There is a country, Venezuela, where people eat rats, and there is a super rich guy who just doesn’t care. But it’s a socialist country. You know, because the guy who behaves as the exact opposite of a socialist says it is. So, you know, it must be. Yes, astounding logic.
- Hads: I fucking love how casual she is about it. Like, “I’m in the middle of a bomb ass drink and scrolling on my phone. Who the fuck is you?”
- Stray Bullet: That’s hilarious. Infowars had it coming.
- Rusty Shackelford: Winston Shih I've reported you for hate speech
- Kenbo -: I love my farts too! :D
- joe farmer: I would hardly call it trolling lol lefties can't troll
- sam asl: Eww another fake news channel stop feeding the trolls #MAGA
- Oliver Cant: What I love here is how it shows how eating can be such a brilliant power move.
- Benjamin Walters: I hate the attitude of both sides of that exchange
- Bajanfan101: I don’t like liberals at all but I am with you that that reporter is an idiot I don’t like socialism at all but I’m with you that she was very dumb
- Chris Nenshati: Bernie Sanders said white people don't know what its like to be poor. Bernie is a dumbass
- fuckfannyfiddlefart: I'm on the left and DO THINK we should limit the number of homes people have! But I'm a democratic anarcho Communist not a Kyleist welfare capitalist!! Get woke Kyle you're still supporting capitalists and you're still speciesist. Who's the REAL useful idiot?!
- Long Dick Jones: User Friendly We pay for the little guy to provide us service. If they are a small business not making profit and not able to afford supplies then that is on them to raise their margins. Private healthcare systems already allow more negotiations than do public healthcare.
- hitman Rivco: Typical American druggy FEMALE fucked up on prescription meds
- mupo1811: that girl just destroyed that idiotic air-head ass hat
- Mia: im here for all trolling of republican dickheads
- ShadowmanFan1: You speak for yourself Kyle. I've got a special BBQ recipe just for Jeff Bezos.
- Markass Brownlee: When did the trolling take place? Both people had no argument and looked like idiots
- Deaf And Destruction: +Johnston Hawkins No ones dumber than the alt-right people actually following an alt-left agenda because they fucked off school and college and have no idea they are actually being duped. Boy I bet the real history of Americas first 25 years would be salt on a slug for these people. They generally support the exact thing the founding fathers had fought against, which is the system we now live in
- Boreeng Vajay: Joe Smith if by marry you mean slurp another guy's load out of her when she comes home drunk after midnight then yes you go ahead simp. Socialists are whores. Everyone knows this. THEY HAVE A SLUT WALK FFS Is the left really this bad off now that they have to flip traditionalism on its head and claim they don't stand for the debauchery that they proudly announced 5 minutes earlier? Promiscuity (seen rampant on the left) is associated with emotional retardation and lifelong relationship dysfunction, particularly among women. I thought you nerds were supposed to be scientific. All politicians are dysfunctional and infowars is a joke, so the interviewer was almost certainly not traditional anyway. She probably gives Alex a squirt shower between segments. Eat her box if you want to taste him. Eat the Rich is a Motorhead song. It's a good song.
- AnotherKS: *Redeemed * She was trolling, she has a podcast where she talks about politics. I forgot what it's called though, she even tweeted about being on there.
- The Reborn: Man I would eat that chick out for this interview!
- doyouevenlift t: +Velocity There is no right or left wing. Its just a distraction from the NWO gaining their agenda.
- The Girth: +Music "Biggest gain since watergate" Obama lost 60+ house seats and 6 in the Senate you dumb fuck.
- satanicbotanic420: That girl was badass
- celvester allison: The whole "Bernie has money!" thing is NOT a 'gotcha', LOL. It's like "yeah, and so?". Even if he was filthy rich, that doesn't change the fact that he's *always* fought for the powerless. It doesn't change the fact that he's not a bought and leashed dog for the establishment elites. It doesn't change the fact that's he's fighting for income equality, universal education, ending the wars, universal healthcare, etc... If anything, if he were filthy rich, it would make it even more admirable that he's pushing for all of those things, as that shit wouldn't benefit him monetarily. Someone needs to tell these smear merchant partisan hacks that _no one_ with _any sense_ cares if he has money because it's inconsequential.
- eiri goldpetal: Rich people taste best when dipped in Hidden Valley Ranch dressing.
- Iamarielle: What a babe 💕
- Dotty: Okay, so, who’s trolling who?
- NOT SO SLIM JIM: She isn't owning anymore. She isn't bringing any facts nor defeating any statements.
- Shiitake Happens: This was not a troll job. The girl IS actually just ignorant.
- Tarzaan: That was a really boring and useless conversation, no one made a point that stuck and nobody learned anything from it?
- Pizz Uff: and again this brainfart of a host saculr testes is thta the name of this poster??? does not seem to understand that what he thinks he is saying is not how the rest of us understand the meaning of the words he is using.owned infowars nahand due the video was pulle dby youtube because the bernie kuck complained she was in it "AGAINST HER WILL" try and get some small semblance of reality in your world dud
- benny mills: +DrPhilFurry just fuck off with that comment! I can't even be bothered to write back properly. Educate yourself other than sharing Britain first posts on Facebook and then come back.
- benny mills: Great! But in UK we don't have free health care. It's free to use... But we pay for it in tax.
- SsjDeBusk: 19 seconds in and you already dont have ur info straight......lol breh get it together
- TJ K: Most sane conservatives I know think Infowars is a joke.
- JL: It's pretty bizarre that conservative trolls attack Sanders for owning 3 houses. His net worth is a little over $1 million, making him among the least wealthy members of congress. They're basically like "Hey, really rich politicians are total scumbags. Can we agree on this premise? Okay, good. Bernie Sanders is worth $1 million. Pay no attention to the fact that Donald Trump and his cabinet are stacked with billionaires. Pay no attention to the fact that nearly all Republican senators are richer than Sanders. Sanders has 3 homes. Have I convinced you that he's a scumbag yet?"
- Colin X: Almost, if not all, senators have multiple homes, as they spend time in their state and also the capital. Pointing out that a senator has multiple homes is like pointing out that an infowars reporter is a mouth breather... It's painfully obvious and trite.
- IAMCorung: You have 539K subs and your defending Socialism? You Millenials have lost your damn mind. Bernie Sanders is a joke. No way that man could be President and leader of the free world. He is just a grown up hippy. You kids are too young to remember The Flower Power movement and LSD. Idealism lost to reality and eventually, the hippies reintegrated into society. Keep up this insanity and your going to have a few Kent State moments.
- Spencer Rugg: the reporter asking her questions was dumb and overconfident, but the other woman didnt being asked questions didnt troll... The dumbass to actually upload this is the real troll
- Codi Weischwill: I want to be her best friend 😭❤️🤞🏽
- Lance Page: I've seen ashtonbirdies video talking about this video. Plus in this video, he cut it off before the whole discussion was over. What is the host so afraid of that he had to cut it off? You guys should see the entire video on ashtonbirdies channel and then have room to talk. If you dont watch it, then i guess you're afraid of being left speechless. Dare you to watch it.
- kumar01234: To all the InfoWars conspiracy theorist coming here just to downvote it's time to enter nuclear Bunker. Liberals are coming in with progressive ideas that's bad for your backwards thinking way
- metaempiricist: I completely understand, like I said it's defelction. Nobody was talking about healthcare. We were talking about socialism. Why? Why would you even bring up healthcare? Why would she? I posit it's because you don't actually know anything about socialism. Tell me, what does health care have to do with people in socialist venezuela starving?
- Charlie To0 Human: @Raul Lopez Do you mind reposting your reply? I didn't get a chance to read it. I saw that you said multiculturalism was a facade for something, but couldn't see past that. In response to your comment about free education... We can all agree that our education systems are fucked, but the idea of free education can work if you reform schools to function democratically. The "no child left behind" act is the greatest travesty to have ever happened to education, completely destroying any sense of individualism and reducing every student to a statistic, forcing teachers to develop their lesson plans around a standardized test instead of catering to each of their student's individual needs. On a personal anecdote, my girlfriend and my mom were both teachers. My mom loved teaching prior to "no child left behind", not only was she able to creatively develop her own lesson plans, but she could easily tailor them based on each of her students' individual strengths. My girlfriend quit her teaching job after 2 years because she felt like teaching a test did not spark a child's enthusiasm to learn and was a disservice to her students. The problem is that we give almost complete control to our governments and school boards to decide what exactly ALL students need to learn, giving little power to students and their families themselves to decide what is best for them. Like you said, learning on your own or being home schooled would be best, but it is still important to develop some sense of community for a person to properly function in any society, and being home schooled often severs that direct interaction with the outside world.
- grvonny: "Yeah but what about the rats ? yeah yeah but ..what about the rats?" I love how everybody that's against medicare for all always has to bring up the worst countries, meanwhile there are other successful countries that have a (mainly) socialists System And are very happy.
- Na na: Sharon B found the average single individual earning $42,163 can expect to pay $4,381 for public health care insurance in 2014. Meanwhile, the average Canadian family of four (two parents, two children) earning $101,724 will pay $11,786. There are also differences in the amounts families earning different levels of income pay. For example, the 10 per cent of Canadian families with the lowest incomes will pay an average of $523 for public health care, while the top 10 per cent will pay $37,239.
- sassulusmagnus: The Info Wars folks love to conflate issues. Socialism = eating rats? Despotism and socialism are two different things. Maduro is a despot, much like Trump. Yes, an economy badly managed by a despot may result in people being reduced to dire economic straits. Socialist Norway has a much higher standard of living than America. Government subsidized health care doesn't seem to be a problem for them. Canada too has government funded health care. A much smaller economy than the USA, but still able to pull it off for over half a century now. Of all the developed countries, only America cannot achieve this. Why?
- Francisco Pizarro: Jstoney127 who the hell told you that nonsense? Lmfao
- Mooo Guy: Venezuela eats rats! ... Where is the connection with america... What
- Cameron Empey: This girl is a dummy she’s drinking a coffee from a company that is likely the 1% ha
- Russ Monte: KingClod taking about the baby that the Italians were going to give citizenship to so they could try to treat him.police wouldn't let the parents take him from the hospital.nice try though.the pope even contacted the English govt.
- boonestead: GloopyBlob I guess you're right.
- Daniel Zaman: kind of a cool chick
- John Donne Show: That is Fake News that video never was removed, it in there page. Infowars Webpage. Just saying.
- Earl C.: Now I want some cold brew
- Rational Lunatic: Small Seltzer I thought that too
- Mc Panik: Umm illegals do in fact get assistance you retards! Welfare don't ask for ss numbers in some states...and some illegals just steal identities ...you can't be this fucking stupid! Holy shit liberals are low i.q.!
- Killer Klown: Lmao virgin
- nameis2: Bernard Smith LMFAO you’re fucken stupid, saying that is like saying America is a capitalist country when in reality we are not. There are no fucken full capitalist country nor full socialist country anymore. Full capitalism caused the Great Depression so it’s a bad ideal, full socialism let’s to what’s happening in Venezuela. What they are pushing is just a bit more socialism for the majority rather than socialism for the corporation which is what we are currently doing; but socializing all the loss for the cooperation while they get all the gains. Go get a education you’re so fucken stupid you don’t even realize that our country is already partly socialist, or do you not call the cops, use roads, call the firefighters, go to public school or have relatives that do.
- Hunter Pruett: Yeah... so owned... not impressed with this guy
- Dmichoacan: if you didn’t know any better, with that graphic in the back you’d think Kyle became a new host for InfoWars 😂😂😂
- Limitless Potential Technologies Inc.: alex is 100 time better then your fake ass news cast.... she is retarded and makes liberals look like idiots
- i have a retarded opinion, here it is :: +Enrico L. I hope youre just an edgy teenager not a grown ass man because that would be embarassing for a man to spend so much time debating, defending, and sucking trumps dick with stranger on the internet like they are threat to your freedome
- Seadalgo: They are called Capybaras and they are delicious.
- Cole Brightwell: Wow what a dumbarse
- Stephen Maxam: That was nothing kmt as the platform is the biggest joke
- Souless Six: Why is this girl so hot?
- J Briggs: how is this trolling? She's just some random hipster. Idon't get it.
- Dale media4401: Hugo Chavez died like 5 years ago theses idiots probably still believe in zombies glad they got trolled by Sailor Moon.
- Gary Hardwick: Anyone who thinks this brain dead idiot owned Infowars your just as stupid as she is.
- Gregg Cummings: +Central Scrutinizer wat
- Eric Hoover: I think you think this is funnier than it is
- Adnan Junuzovic: I am no fan of Infowars but what's trolling here?
- Stig Petersen: Everyone who is against a onepayer system, with free healthcare, need to stop saying they are Christians! They obviusly didnt open the bible.....
- David Gonzales: probably was pulled down to pull this interviewer off the site because she is horrible at it.
- Vinny BoomBots: Trolling? More leftist bullshit seeing shit that isn't there. How's that Russian collusion working out for ya?
- Capt Calder and the Breefcase: liberals are actually brain-dead morons who swear they are fighting for a cause but have no idea what they are actually supporting, they just saw it on twitter and ride the wave.
- jerryskid1: InfoWars supporters are a special kind of dumb.
- Kingdom Deen: Not in Burkina Faso
- Confucius Say: I think you maybe mistaken for being drunk and dumb instead of trolling.
- Rudy Endsley: I want her to beat me up.
- jxp1h593: they also pulled the video where alex said f-trump,f-trump and his family off you-tube.
- Jake Austin: No, socialistic healthcare is totally idiotic. Why would I pay for someone's healthcare that doesn't take care of their body? Smokers, drinkers (I do drink slightly), druggies, and fatties do not put their health first. Why should I?
- J.J.: Why was she dressed like a sailor? xD
- Desmond Allin: Pls send me a copy of your IQ results pls! U act I Tem live to but you are co ing across very childish? Are you trying to copy the Turk by any chance? By the way, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit! Not sure you will get that with the low IQ!
- uncle ben: Dylan Klebold damn, you got me
- Kris Vie Eau: Anyone who is scared of socialism should go live in a socialist country for a few years to cure xenophobia. They don't eat rats in Norway, just lutefisk.
- abelkommie: Yes socialism works great in countries without all those low-iq american folks
- Karac Newland: The mistake she is using is arguing a good point but with poor facts against it.
- Jason Mason: Benjamin Bardsley Healthcare is the best thing to happen to this country
- MockingBird 9000: This is fake news.both sides sound like idiots. Even the talk show guy
- Johnny Flannigan: Good video, but there wasn't any trolling here
- Mark Tarqinious: You really don't have any points, your whole story is bullshit
- Matthew Smith: (In a muted Attenborough tone) "And here we have two different species of idiot. The one in the red plumage and golden mane exists mainly on caffeine, bile and self loathing, known as the lesser fascist. The one with the brown made and mixed white and blue plumage has a strange glowing object permanently grasped in her right hand, is usually sedated and has no idea what socialism actually is, just realises that fascism is a bad thing...
- John Archuleta: This is like watching Israel and the rest of the Middle East fight- I don't like either side. Go for it: just leave us out of it. Shitting post btw.
- David Cadman: Hey, Kyle, I had rat stew for dinner tonight, and went out for rat salad last night... and I really enjoy my roast rat... oh, and I live in socialist Canada, with Socialist Medicine, and have just finished a study on longevity from 1940 to the present, which place me at life expectancy of 10 years above American men my age... :D if people have a brain cell, here is something to get them woke about the future... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bw6Zi17DBI&t=1942s
- Grunthos The Flatulent: I just want people to have healthcare honey. Like every other nation on earth honey.
- awesomealol0: This made me think like... how can she say bernie is bad because he owns 3 home while trump has golden toilets and they seem to be fine with him being for the “working class”
- John McNair: This kyle guy is... a... how do you slow in the head politely?
- MikaelKKarlsson: She's even part of a great little podcast. https://soundcloud.com/red-scare-727066439/whore-school
- Ralius: girl looks like she is in peace with the world....
- TJ B: So saying one group can't do comedy is showing hatred for a certain group, but saying another certain group can't troll isn't? LOL worx, stop trying to hide behind being an 'independent' and learn some FUCKING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS... if you're going to show zero intellect and instead get defensive over a comment almost identical to yours but with another group inserted, you're just proving to everyone you're a snowflake... we get it, you're retarded, you don't have to prove it by displaying your logical inconsistencies... It's pretty safe to assume that the 22 'subscribers' to your youtube profile are your other troll accounts, so we know you at least have personal experience as a desperate troll
- Hillary ForPrison: Ha! A perfect example of how dumb leftists are. This woman doesn't know what planet she's on.
- MegaSuperCritic: Huh... not much of a slam, but okay
- Dave Todd: Actually Infowars had it posted up multiple times on multiple platforms when it went viral. And Alex Jones just said that then it down so they needed the bandwidth for something else it's still up there just not multiple times even now. Sorry this isn't Rewritten into some great coup by the left wing nuts. Actually if you look around Alex Jones did it entire video explaining why you took it down but it's a little harder to find the normal on YouTube because YouTube deleted Alex Jones and all of his accounts based on the false allegation by a New York Times fraudster pretending to be a reporter. But all you did was make him more popular and he still getting rip-roaring ratings. And for the record he's going to be going gung-ho to exposing the voter fraud at the midterms just like he did during the 16 Fiasco and the last few elections. And to keep things happy bubbly and white instead of having to sit down and watch YouTube videos of Alex Jones we just turn on the app and do our daily life and listen to it why would we have to sit down and watch somebody sitting at a desk reading and showing the news
- xbigjohnx: I voted Trump but I like Bernie Sanders. Honest decent human being. Add his earnings for his time in the Senate and it is about equal to his net worth.
- Alex Lauren: this guy is annoying. makes no sense.
- madjack821: bobby elmi yeah, all I saw was stupidity talking with stupidity.
- zziou9: Bernie's net worth is 800k where as AJ's net worth is over 10 million. Yet she has the audacity to call out Bernie's wealth.
- Pro Gamer 2015: Yeah the reporter totally got trolled and Hillary won the election, and Bill Cosby isn’t a rapist, and Kavanaugh isn’t innocent
- Michael lindsay: Weak video. Weak points. Feeble work. Retire before you allow more people to realize your your an idiot.
- Black Solider: This just proves that infowars like to pick fights with people, so they can go to there show and claim how horrible liberals are.
- Chareese Davis: The girl who’s getting interviewed is Dasha. Her Instagram is @dash_cam.
- 4640jds: David Giles So you live in Canada, Norway, Finland and Sweden. If you live in Canada, Norway, Finland and Sweden, how do you know the quality of life there is better than the USA, since you do not live in the USA? You live “here, in Canada,Norway,Finland,Sweden.” By the way, when are you totally going to surrender Sweden to Somalia? Yeah, you cowards are done for!!!!!!!
- tavenan: I'm in love
- just your local neighborhood commie: What is immoral and stupid about healthcare and education for all?
- Nick Turgeon: The chick that think free health care means the government is an idiot like listen here hunny I live in Canada and healthcare may be called free but wanna know why it's free because we get taxed out of are fucking ass for it so it ain't free God people on both ends are so fucking stupid this is why I don't want to be on this planet no one has an understanding of shit they just spew whatever garbage they think is right
- threedots are nice: she reminds me of april lmao
- Steve Soliz: This girl didn’t own shit -click bait bullshit
- Gustaaf Argoan: She didn't troll them...,,...
- cne08: The interviewer got owned.
- What Ever: She sounds like an idiot.. Lol she's the one with worms in her brain
- MEPHISTOPHELES: Wtf is this shit? "I want free shit." "Ahahaha owned!" Are you fucks really that retarded? This same video has been routinely used in liberal cringe videos btw. With exponentially more views. No one buys your shit but you. The libtard didn't own anything but the fact she as no idea what socialism is, hates the rich and wants more free shit. Good job, people. Proving you have no idea what you're talking about every day. Go back to being economically useless.
- maestrozero117: *voice cracks every 2 seconds* *Totally owned infowars* Wow, so brave Kys
- Kitt Katt1229: "She owns them"? Yeah right! She's just an idiot pretending to be cool while sipping on her diet Dr. Pepper and reading brainwashing stuff on her phone! Alex removed it because the channel got flooded with videos too fast and YouTube will remove some if he uploads too many at once. Lies about Bernie?! XD You are crazy because this is all true. You clearly haven't seen what socialism has done to other countries!!
- L'éclectique: As a French, with free health care in my country, let me tell you that rats are delicious.
- rasheedqe: Venezuela isn't failing because they have socialist programs. They are failing because they spend money they didn't have and now can't pay it back. The same problem the united states has. That's like blaming the common cold on to many people farting. Both are problems but they are unconnected
- Alianger: Really? They were both idiots.
- Ayla Sabatini: Infowars just got own by a chick dressed in a Japanese schoolgirl top, shots.
- Jonathan Melia: She reminded me of Ramona Flowers. “I know of it...”
- malakhi kelly: "I don't know if this guy works for info wars or if hes a douchebag right Winger just walking on the street" lol This guy definition isn't biased I guess people that have political views on the right are just douchebags then.
- Misael Cedillos: this video has 1.5 milli views rightfully so too
- Adam Melville: Am Australia, can confirm healthcare.
- TruthInChrist: No you idiot it's STUPID like you MORON!
- Los Santos City: +Laura Beth I get your point. I was born from a peasant farmer from Asia my mom and dad earns less than $3 a day, But one thing they thought me was never give up and education is key. Im not yet successful but my sister is a Doctor now. Just broaden your thinking. By the way a lot of youtuber earn $3million a year. While a $3million dollar house can be mortgage for 30 years. Hope you get my point.
- Jim Fernandez: This is a hilarious video. The guy behind the microphone is clearly what the Soviets called a useful idiot, yet he refers to the Info Wars babe as a useful idiot. He argues that the one percent (in America?) support corporate welfare, which is entirely possible, (what corporation wouldn't want the peasants to subsidize their business) but he fails to understand that Socialism by its very nature, mandates corporate welfare, because the government controls the means of production and sets wages and compensation for the slave labor force that must work for whatever enterprise the government orders you to work for. In every country where Socialism has been implemented, it has failed. Not because the ruling class wasn't smart enough or rich enough, but because in socialist societies the government disincentivizes profit. Indeed it criminalizes it. I can point to every Socialist country in the world and prove that Socialism destroys the economy and the middle-class. The poor little girl in the sailor costume just floored me when she said "I just want free healthcare". She's a cute little thing, but totally brainless, bless her heart. I'm sure she would love to work for free too. Right? No you say? Well then how can she get free healthcare if the doctors won't work for free either? Hell, whose gonna go to school for ten years to study medicine just so they can work for free, or for government controlled wages. Oh! You want democratic socialism? So if I put the word democratic in front of Nazism that would be cool too?
- Rational Lunatic: Now that girl is what I call a keeper
- Based Bugs: Health care is not a right. If you're too poor to afford treatment for your cancer, you should die.
- randomocity3000: Fuck everyone in this video, but especially whoever this douche bag behind the desk is.
- Antie Cuteness: +slevinlindsay What the fuck is this
- jmcclinton8: So what if Bernie has a million dollar Home. Queen Hillary has five homes. 🙄
- Sylvester Dark: The Bullshooter If you want to regulate capitalism so heavily then what's the point of even keeping it? It's like having slavery, but saying that we're going to have laws that say that slave owners cannot beat their slaves, they have to feed and clothe the slaves properly and provide everything that they need to live a decent life, then we're going to have laws that say that slaves have a right to education and there would also be limits on how hard and how long they can work... At that point, why not just abolish slavery?
- Jes Smith: That girl was being stupid not trolling Kyle.Is this the best you libs.got?lol 😂
- FighterDoken: The mistake the new girl is making is that she's interviewing people more intelligent than her.
- Dorian Philotheates: I’m opposed to Bernie Sanders owning three million-dollar 🏡s. I would rather he own three $3M homes. In fact, I’m in favour of everyone owning three $ 3M 🏠s (each with an MRI machine in the basement). I just don’t like the idea of some people owning three million $1 000, 000.00 homes. A few million millionaires (even multi-ones) are o.k., but billionaires (even single-digit ones) are dangerous to democracy. An increase in wealth inequality invariably results in a decrease of democracy. Better to incur a deficit in wealth inequality and produce a surplus in democracy. Also, rats and the rich are both God’s creatures; we, the poor, should not be ungrateful if the Good Lord, in His Infinite Wisdom and Grace, has seen fit to grant us provision in our time of need. The twain have been feeding upon us for millennia— why not, should the opportunity arise, follow the ‘Venezuelan example’, and take our turn at a few nibbles from them ourselves? Remember: rats spelled backwards reads ⭐️! As for 4:04, “...no one’s in favour of eating the rich” — I’m actually in the process of preparing a ‘celebrity cookbook’ on the subject.
- JukeBoxHero 2000: Why socialism why
- thestrongbad: I think everyone just wants to stick their dick in this Emma Stone wannabe so bad they’re imagining that she made sense when she really didn’t.
- Adopted Aiden: Watch her video about why liberals can't fuck her unintentionally hilarious lol
- Ethan Logan: The exact opposite of Ben Shapiro
- MrPoopyButthole: This channel is garbage lol
- THOMAS DONALDSON: That reporter SUCKED! lol.
- moo cow: The 1% support rigging the system in their favour....do they ever!!!!
- Andrew Panken: I haven't even mentioned the leftist Nazism of the Israel hatred which so many of you embrace.
- Tony H: Chris Rasberry its not free in the sense its given to you. When people say “free healthcare” they mean it like how in the US we have “free” roads and highways, police and fire force, etc. Its certainly not free, you pay into just like every other part of socialized services. So please, enough of the bullshit.
- Fly Hacks: America is awesome and I just clicked this video because I saw tits and nips through a shirt that’s all.
- Tyler Locke: Omigod I want more of these clips. that woman was awesome.
- Jack Jammen: One of the problems I hear too often, is there are some people who think, Sen Bernie Sanders is a socialist. The right push this all the time and they know they don’t want to admit the accomplishments of FDR. They would call him a socialist. Sanders never advocated for pure socialism or pure capitalism. He’s a democratic socialist, which is huuuugely different from socialism.
- Eric Price: She sucked. That was not "TROLLED" She didn't make any good points. Why didn't she bring up the cost of war, cost of soldiers returning, tax breaks and the faux supply side economics. Bernie Sander's is 80, worked his whole life, has outlived other family members and earned all the millions he has and is still one of the poorest people in the senate, I know he is in the bottom 10.
- Pretty Fly For A White Guy: Hi from Canada. We have universal health care. Its incredible. We get hurt or sick and never worry if it will be covered by insurance companies. I pity The U.S. It is not a privilege... it's a human right.
- Miguel Mireles: they all still come to the US for better care then those countries , this guy is an idiot
- Real Talk University Founder: Most Nordic countries are socialist countries and they seem to be doing very well for themselves it's the conservative party who are the capitalist that who want to keep people poor they try to use the Venezuelan as a punching point for them but the truth is the United States government had a lot to do with that screwed up the economy
- J Myers-Basinger: Powered by Plants Well, maybe in Darwin, or Alice Springs. Lol
- Ben Zun: Australia you realize they have no rights . No choice of medicine, no free speech, no gunr rights. This guy is a clown
- mike perry: You know because Twitter?
- Tyler Kearns: “No one is really in favor of eating the rich.” Speak for yourself, bad hombre
- East Slide: Wow, that chick is with info wars too!? Alex will hire any blonde girl now I guess.
- imnotmike: God, they just make shit up. Bernie Sanders does not even own one home valued at a million dollars. I know his most expensive home is valued at $600,000, and he has a mortgage on it. One of his homes is a little 1 bedroom 1/2 bath hovel in Washington so he has a place to stay when he's conducting business for Congress. I challenge you to find anyone who has run for president who owns less real estate than Bernie Sanders.
- Loren Breon: Look at the tax rates for all those country’s lmao
- mike: entertain7us14 thank you. Finally someone is talking sense
- Muslim Mystic: I don't know why I hadn't yet subbed to this channel
- The Maker Shoppe: Holy fuck shes hot
- Henry Munn: lot of people dies in the USA at hospitals or ambulances due to a bad or slow service so....
- Robert L: Sir Douche best case for socialism is the scandinavian countries. They score highest on most things that matter. Denmark won forbes "best countries for business" recently too...
- m daudi: wanting free healthcare for all makes you a socialist?
- LastCynicStanding: No doubt that blonde is an idiot. No wonder you latched on to the video. It is on your level.
- Indira Gutierrez: Common sense is so bad ass.
- christdolphin69: they're both fucking retarded. nobody 'trolled' anyone
- Infidel Atheist: Read Antony Suttons free pdf book,'Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution'. Communism is a creation of the Khazar Jew Rothschild City of London Bankers and Wall Street.it is fake.
- Wiener Bread: Swoog3G Kinda sad when we are pretty much bottom rankings in nearly every other metric except for crime and gdp. Fuck healthcare and education as long as we can pump out a few more dollars am I right! Fuck it let’s tariff some more countries too while we are at it and bring back that clean coal and that wall too so we can have America great like it was in the old times! Where all those brown peop- I mean criminals were in their own country! Man conservatives would take the engine out of their own car if they thought it would cost them more regardless of if it actually did.
- paul chambers: If this gets up thumbed I'm assuming the sarcasm was detected or if not people are cunts.
- Jean~Luc Picard: I'd like to eat the rich with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
- Cooper Harris: Paedophile!! You are!! My God! Calling the police and have them track your comment BRAUNw you massive gay pedo
- CJ M: Lmfao. Are you serious? Sailor girl said nothing but ridiculous shit. And her voice! Omg I'm surprised the reporter was able to stop herself from choking that bitch to death just to save the rest of the world from ever hearing it or her intonations. My God I would have punched it in the throat. And "I just want free healthcare" and? I just want free houses, and free cars, and free dry cleaning.... but the not-an-infantile-child in me knows that's not realistic if you also want good products and services. Fuck, there is so much stupid in this guys commentary on the video and in the comments praising the subject's moronic responses, now I am beginning to understand why 60% of millennials think the earth is flat; they have the functional IQ of a boiled potato.
- Duane Heller: No they put it up on a different channel because they had WAY too much content on one channel. They took it down and immediately put it back up BEFORE the idiots said "Oh look, they took it down. We got them, yeay." If you really think they got "owned" either you didn't watch the video or you are a bigger idiot than the sailor girl who can't talk straight.
- TagusMan: I believe that new girl is a brainwashed idiot whose family has disowned her because she's a mental case uber conservative who doesn't understand anything about politics, thus, she's perfect fodder for InfoWars.
- Winston Shih: He also calls out political correctness and dnc you dimwit
- Cory Ball: What is up with this host though? If you want to make this into a reaction video than stick to the script. It’s so much easier to follow. You tend to repeat things and having to transition from topic to topic without the background totally known. It makes it confusing, then the fact that you have to clarify it makes the rhetoric redundant. Seriously, in all respects, I don’t agree with everything you say but seriously, in all respects, there is a better way to structure these videos. In my opinion, and if you don’t agree than ok, I think you could take the video, deconstruct the video, play portion by portion based on the rhetoric you plan to commence, then piece by piece record your videos of you talking about the topic. For instance, you transition from the introduction to your first topic. In this instance you say “I like when she says the eat the rich thing”. Instead, in my opinion, you should have played the video, laughed at it, and then professed your love for that certain instance because, in my opinion, when you just repeated it and said you loved it, it didn’t seem genuine and instead seemed like a coerced reaction that was methodically placed to further your own emotional attachment to the subject. I hope you and all people can understand. The video was hilarious though! I didn’t like any of the presidential picks this round but her reaction is gold and she needs to make a living doing that. I would watch those videos all the time!
- Raising Kane: I've never seen this many dislikes
- plupap: the interviewer was extremely uneducated, but the sailor girl’s responses weren’t good in any real way either. it was clear neither of them were really that educated, but the sailor girl did a good job of just trying to get through the interview.
- Lavia: You don't even understand the colloquial known connotation behind free healthcare... Typical retard...
- somanytakennames: I like the that the only argument the reporter had at the ready was basically; "...BUT THEY'RE EATING RATS IN VENEZUELA!"
- gene wilson: Let her interview some one who is smart
- Luis Mauricio Jiménez: I wish the reporter were less agressive, because she lost the opportunity to debate socialism, which clearly doesn´t works
- Mark Haynes: V D yes of course doing nice things for other people with other people’s money. If you and The Bern want my money why don’t you two grow a set of balls and try and come get it yourselves!!!! Instead of sending your IRS henchman to do your dirty work
- George Iscooking.: Trolled to perfection? This is why people make fun of the polish, Kyle. Two airheads. Nothing more.
- Little Bit: Why can't we have swedish socialism?
- anon: that random cunt didn't win anything lol. She can barely speak and put a sentence together. That retard thinks that you need socialism just to have free health care. Has she even looked up the definition of socialism. And i mean the offical definition of socialism. Under socialism she wouldn't be drinking her star bucks because private ownership and business would be banned. Also there is no such thing as free health care. You want to pay even more taxes and get shittier quality of health care? Learn to manage your own money or get an actual job. Then you would not need to moan about health care. But i guess gender queer degree doesnt pay as much as STEM degree.
- Vanja Đukić: That info girl is retarded and too cocky, but I don't see how she got "rekt", "I want them to just have free health care", who will pay for that? Who will you tax more? This shit ain't free. I rather make an argument on the girls comment and not go on about how set communist country is going... P.s. You have a personal vendetta against the rich, even tho they pay a crazy amount of taxes, 1% is anyone who gets payed 100k or more, that is not a lot, but the tax is huge, you should stop the crazy military funding instead of attacking the "rich".
- Jason: I generally support the republicans but some of them are stuck up damn
- Azarah Eden: Canada's health care sucks if you don't live in Ontario . And even Ontario is not great.
- iron mike: what kind of idiots subscribe to this fool?
- Elvin Ostrup: There is no civilization in America. No wonder most of the country is flyover country.
- Dom Reale: Clickbait. Title should be "Entitled cunt doesn't understand socialism". And the fact Bernie Sanders is the poorest member should give an indication as to how well it will work. Also, not all Australians say healthcare is what we want for all. Some realise how retarded socialism is and the fact it has a 100% failure rate.
- Dan Jackson: Are you serious....... She got fucking destroyedb
- lizzfrmhon: Hahhaha that infowars girl is so stupid. Venezuelans eating rats. I have Venezuelan friends that is such bullshit. There are poor people all around the world in extreme conditions that may have to resort to that but it’s not like the majority are eating rats. Fucking uneducated Americans.
- traydevon: Garbage
- Phanno: David Griffin Try to look outside of your 3rd world country once in a while.
- jimmy matho: Fake news.... Hahahahahaha You fucking moon bats of derangement! They never pulled the video dumbasses . They moved it and uploaded it 5x on different channels,the crew mistakenly uploaded it to the main channel and Alex told them to limit the uploads on the main channel,he told them to use the sub channels. Hahahaha You media matters David brock TYT filth are howling at the moon dipshits.
- red32303: I have spoken to several Venezuelans and they all tell me their families are starving. The corporations aren’t “holding back”. They aren’t producing. You are lying.
- William Ireland: Ice cold motherfucker
- Big Z Dawg Illegal: That brunette is hot and high
- Kel Paul: Read a history book and try to find an example of socialism that ever worked for the people
- FastDamone: DisInfowars always uses shit arguments.
- daminwidi: She sorta looks like Ben Shapiro in the thumbnail
- Sephirothviipsx: Her school girl cosplay was so cute ☺☺☺
- The Outlier: 02:15 "You people have like worms in your brain honestly" did it for me.😁
- Yami Eunjin: She's right about one thing. You guys do have worms in your brains. That's the only fact I've seen in this video. Downvoted and moving on.
- Googlyhat: We really need to be seeing more of this woman. Can she at least have a show or something?
- Я Смерть: Donald Duck
- Luis Alvarez: Socialists are pretty dumb tbh. They don't even understand the fact that individual rights need to be abolished for socialism to even function.
- TurtleMud: This channel is ghey
- Ángel Harris: Also almost all latin america.. I am panamenian, I have free health care.
- MaskinJunior: It is possible the 1% is supporting socialism since the income distribution has become so screwed the reminiscence of the middle class is now in the 1% (While the 0.01% has all the money.)
- VMohdude -: That infowars girl should do porn.
- Carlos Nieto: Give dat gal a cookie xD
- N Wat: How is this a troll?? Snarky sailor moon is just spouting the socialist nonsense all bernie supporters say.
- Kuuhazan: If you want everyone to have free health care, you better be the ones paying for it. I don't want to pay more in taxes, you can take my share and I'll be all for it.
- Rene Nuñez: “Hugo Chavez said it, too” well Hitler was an artist & a soldier, are all soldiers & painters genocidal maniacs, too?
- Daveed da sick: I want sailor moon to talk dirty and seem uninterested as I plow her
- yeetboi: "You know the 1% supports socialism right? "Oh really? Like who?" "So you've heard of Venezuela right?" Love how she completely ignored her question lmao these people are zombies
- MenUse BoltAction: You don't know what us Australians are thinking lol you just heard our current policy, It doesn't mean we support it
- Jay Powell: "You know of Venezuela right" "I heard of it„ 😅 millennials.
- Nights Dew: Why free?????? :)))))))))
- ed kang: Hahahaha ahhhhh
- Jónas Haux: Left of your typical liberal is social democrat, democratic socialism, trotskyism, leninism, maoism, marxism, European liberalism, and various kinds of anarchism. And I am definitely forgetting a few.
- snuffeldjuret: tbh it wasnt a good troll. She still came out on the bottom. At least that is what it looks like to an unbais person.
- Seany Beh: If trump didn’t cut the 1%’s taxes as much as he did they could pay for basic universal healthcare.
- Andrew Colvin: She knows it’s taxes that pay for it you dimwit. “Free”, when it comes to government programs, is already understood to mean its funded by taxes. Just like you can drive on a road for “free”, we would like a visit to the ER to be “free”. Not 80k. Where is your brain? How can you be so oblivious?
- Black Brit: I want her to take me as her mancubine!
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: How's that avoiding the topic. She gave her a perfect example.
- MIKELIN8: People in Venezuela are eating rats...what would that have to do with democratic socialism in the USA? What the Infowars person was really thinking: Why would you want free health-care, when you can buy more bombs?
- Brad Smith: So many ignorant leftists below
- John Kneisly: In Soros pocket much Kyle Kulinski? She's more of a ditz than a troll.
- Bippy Bo: +Cooper Harris shut up
- PumpkinEskobarr: The one holding the mic actually gave it up without physically letting it go. She probably flunked Communications 101.
- Laura Pickens: I love this reoccurring Emma Stone character on SNL
- ALLEN KREYMBORG: she was a bully lol
- MENN NOO: Feelings heart !
- mclaughlin: Moral Action we do it just most are called far right because the people are so left here even centrism seems right wing to them.
- luis anaya: fake.
- Nate Walker: You don’t get iced coffee and an android in a socialist country
- Dolly Estrada: Hey now don't forget Mexico has free universal healthcare too!!! The right hates when you bring that up LOL
- Fausto Fernandez: The thing is that Alex Jones is not a conservative. He's just a clowning bigot and a demagogue who makes money out of the Sandy Hook tragedy
- Ray Benoit: Dude, you're like the girl that was being interviewed.goddammit man.
- matt: All u gotta ask is if they want 60% of their paycheck taken away
- FrozenWolf150: We won't have to eat rats, there are plenty of rich people to go around.
- Seven Pointed Star: Brother David, I know right. Every time I hear that word, I always wonder if they even know what it is or can even prove it.
- Laura Beth: "Pay for your own healthcare" you say as if people who are gravely ill can sneak out of the hospital to do a nine to five
- Chiro99 Gp: I am also from Canada and it's a shame u dislike Alex Jones. Stop blindly believing MSM. Legit most of the major news channels are owned by the same 1-3 corps there. Here in Canada CBC is our only federal channel...lol. They can manipulate however much they want and nothing we can do about it. Thankfully they are better than America's channels at least.
- Ravi Jani: Is that ashtonbirdie?
- Alt Fit: I don't see how the interviewee trolled anyone, she couldn't provide any real answers, just "socialism is cool... yeah". She should stick to smoking weed and being a hippie dropout.
- ludeman: You want free health care? Just ask that little girl in the UK with a leg that is shorter then the other. In the US it would be a simple op to lengthen it. With the FREE CARE in the UK they are going to just lop it off. Yeah free heath care is great!
- Mckillahbeans Yes: This guy is full of shit
- Burned roses: WHOA what’s her @
- The American Nightmar3: damn people are so desperate to try to troll here's a hint to troll you have to get a reaction of somebody dumbshit's
- Twilightsummerbreeze: Infowars girl is intelligent. The other girl is an embarasment to our generation.
- Eric Grijalva: Martha mc sally has no honor. Liar.
- Foreverwotlk: Like, leftists are stupid.. but republicans can put so much shame over the right because a lot of them are also just plain stupid. Having free health-care btw is not a leftist opinion.. Many countries in Europe without communists in their government offer free healthcare. America is just behind regarding quality politics.
- Isabella Scott: The reporter was asking questions idk why you would call that trolling. The college girl didn’t know shit about politics
- Elvin Ostrup: It's in the title.
- Jules Cirilo: That chic is not from infowars That looked so... staged
- DA REAL Johnny Appleseed: Go back to Infowars “socialist”
- Abdelrahman Khodir: She's hot. Name? Jk hahaha
- Ayrton Ralph: That info wars persons sucks just as bad as this pray mantis.
- Paddle Duck: That’s a bummer. Hope she finds her own way instead of buying into the authoritarian dribble.
- Adrian Lopez: *BIG DICK ENERGY*
- Rebel American: I’m confused on what’s supposed to be funny
- The Prickly Prick: Felix Desrosiers I live in Ontario, the highest taxed province in Canada. and don’t apologize for the long message. I rather you type a long message and make an actual argument then have a 5 word response of nonsense. My problem with the term socialism, is like my issues with communism, you look at all the horrors and atrocities committed in the name of communism and all these leftist idiots say “that wasn’t real communism” So it’s the same with the Socialists, you bring up the negatives of socialism and they say” that wasn’t real socialism” I’m not even a fan of capitalism. It’s all the same shit basically. but so far capitalism has been a better system then socialism, and communism.
- uber eat my ass: Heard of it..
- kell: I loved the way she punctuated every justifiably condescending answer by sipping her Coke - or whatever was in that drink.
- Neo Rain: Jay C I think if I have to explain it to you then you're beyond help
- Sigfried Fourier: I fucking hate Americans. *"I like socialism because we need free healthcare." "Venezuela and Europe are socialism." "They support Corporatism not Capitalism, Capitalism means competition. They want socialism for the rich."* Americans have always been illiterate as far as political/social/economic philosophy and the such but I can see what my friend meant by "NeoLiberally Disabled" now.
- bluestrife28: This girl is the future, THIS is the face of the generation that will change all this ridiculous archaic bs held on to by people who can’t form new ideas. Thanks for this, it made me smile and I just subbed.
- Ari K.: Unsub
- KlumsyK: she was too excited and she did not listen to the person she was interviewing. THe argument she offered had nothing to do with what the girl said. The argument "Bernie is rich" is very weak, because it chooses to question the premise by questioning Bernie's integrity (which is a tu quoque argument and generally not valid) instead of questioning the main premise directly. Instead of the obvious development of "So why do you think it is OK to eat the rich, what will be the result" or "Who will pay the doctors", she then went off on a prepared tangent about Venezuela of all places.
- ongo bongo: wow are rght wingers really this dumb? I'd hate to be a part of that ideology
- Jeffrey Herrera: Love this girl :3
- Tijuana Foreplay: I got a Gilmore Girls vibe
- Lowell Leber: Watching these two cunts was not trolling.
- AntiPopLTD: It's actually 2018 and you have no concept of the defimition of trolling. I saw two people with no fucking clue what they were talking about, spoutiing off left wing progressive and right wing talking points like two good little robots with absolutely no ideas of their own. The girl had no understanding of how socialism works. All power goes to the state.All labor including that of Drs is free, including yours. Because no one ever explained to her that the state only exists through threat of violence,giving complete unchecked power to the state and theyll deal with the sick who cant work by killing them, them you will have your free healthcare. Socialism has killed more people in the 20th century than all wars combined.
- Kent Duggan: Eat the rich, take a bite from the son of a bitch
- David Warschauer: it's litterally in the title numb nuts. info-wars, war against info.
- Spicy Crab: Socialists are so funny in their ignorance, and people think that to show your ignorance and stupidity is the same as troll simebody. Also nice nipple
- koinóchristos: Did Bernie say he wants to abolish the market system? Does he aim to impose price controls on products?
- Long Dick Jones: Comrade Vilord ok, does it strictly help society to have higher costs of living, higher taxes, worse healthcare services, less disposable income, as a result of healthcare being free for everyone? My argument still stands, I’m not quite sure why you thought bringing the thesaurus out would save you. I’m literally arguing for what the term benefit for society means, there are no technicalities here.
- Yafet Okbalidet: everybody was retarded in this video
- indoctus41: Fake News is now a commodity to be bought and sold. The seller is the network, the buyer is the advertiser, and the product is us, the viewer.
- Robert Nicholls: Ant Man Nixon was responsible for the EPA, which helped to reduce pollution, reverse the hole in our ozone and many other environmental achievements we take for granted. The EPA is why we don't have asbestos in our buildings and if not for our psychotic industries lobbying congress in 1991, this toxic subtance would be banned completely.
- Paul Bledsoe: C C What all the nay saying right-wingers on here fail to address is that regardless of which person you think pulled off a better argument; the fact remains that infowars pulled the video therefore knew they got their ass handed to them!
- bali song: yeah, because you're a stupid pos.
- VotelessOrc497: Socialists apparently dont only seem to be stealing from capitalism aka something that does work, but also from their content. Congratulations ;3
- Tim Johnston: They both sounded retarded.
- acacia 929: Venezuela eating rats??? drive around USA 85 percents of the land in USA is own by less than 1 percent
- Trevor Grover: Canada also has socialism. Are they eating rats? No? Kindly fuck off.
- joe t: Infowars seriously needs to think before they speak. They obviously know nothing about systems of government, and they can't seem to comprehend the differences between Democratic socialism, a social democracy, socialism, communism, or a plutocracy, and an oligarchy (which is what the U.S has clearly become), as well as fascism/totalitarianism (since this what Donald Trump believes in)
- David Underwood: Socialism is cancer.
- Evan Miller: Too much commentary. Just let the video speak for itself man.
- Saucey Sinister: You're being told lies. I have never seen this person on Inforwars. Who is she? She doesn't work for Infowars.
- Yom Bomb: Well this guys clearly retarded... Troll? Are you joking, the infowars chick trolled that girl.... Jesus christ, Im going to a different person you are clearly not reliable or intelligent.
- Kenneth Dodson: You are a complete IDIOT. U make the left look stupid, which is fitting.
- Cyberdemon531: god bless dasha
- breeze787: Socialism IS NOT THE ISSUE, STUPIDITY IS! Socialism can SURVIVE & THRIVE in a Capitalistic system. Socialism can't work in a Communistic system because its not economically feasible. Socialism didn't cause the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 and the Republicans are the worse for looking for solutions because there are a lot of IGNORAMUSSES amongst Republicans. Let the Democrats take care of it Republicans CRASHED the system many times because Republicans in office prefer not to do anything in the way of enforcing our regulatory laws. And why do we allow Republicans to CA$H in on our TAXES while we give them TAX BREAKS? WHAT THE FUCK?
- Docholland45: Lol kyle kucklinskis bullshit unravelling bit by bit
- Nathanael Tendam: Here in Canada we eat the best rats
- Alana Snow: "But I just told you Venezuela is eating rats!!" 😂😂
- Conor O'neill: Daria lives! And has nice tits.
- Owen Vance: If Venezuela has a one percent, then it’s not really socialism, now is it?
- urinefromuranus: Wish there was more video of her and less of you
- Slobodan Jevtovic: Both girls sounded bad. Info wars sounded worse here. Kyle is annoying.
- G. Day: "Nobody on the left believes you should have a mandate on thr limit of the number of places you can get", claims Kyle at c. 4:50. Not true! Many leftists actually support such a proposition.
- Thomas M: Umm, this guy's is an idiot. The girl in red made clear sense. Just another example of an arrogant and ignorant leftist host speaker.
- Ruth T: yea comrade.
- Bentley_Brant: you have a right to kill your killer but you dont have the right to fix yourself up after youve killed your killer.
- Jude Vitilio: Bernie and his platform isn't everybody should be poor. It is nobody should be.
- hotstixx: Beguiling young woman.
- Johan: +Vera 1957 the UK is failing ? How ? You mat provide facts and datas backing that claim...
- russell campbell: It's the girl's refusal to join in the emotional dance that amuses me. Even the threat of eating rats doesn't press her buttons.
- tapolna: Venezuelans eat rats, dogs, cats, pigeons, donkeys, horses, zoo animals, garbage etc All are lies about the diet of Venezuelans from the media Lies that are unfortunately believed. Jason Unruhe explains the photos taken in Venezuela by Agustin Otxotorena, a Basque executive living in Caracas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9jASLItfkk
- barbara Corcoran: Don't give out our secret ingredient!
- Stephen Leopold: How factless Infowars is. 1 humorous point. The "rat" that Venezuelans are eating is actually the capybara which is the largest rodent on the planet. (a lot of meat) Also, it's mostly eaten by choice and, though a rodent, is not closely related to rats but rather the chinchilla side of the family. And it's a herbivore living it aquatic (marsh, river) environments so not exposed to the trash that rats eat making them unhealthy. Oops!
- KazooLordHD: How is it free healthcare when someone has to pay for it
- AWiseCrow: Agree really.
- Y: +FeministKilljoy So you've witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union and how completely ineffective it was at even feeding its people. That's all I needed to know, thanks.
- Karl TheMarxist: Venezuela is not Socialist. Infowars need to get informed. Most workers in Venezuela are employed in the private sector, there is a higher proportion of out of pocket medical expenses in Venezuela than in many European nations, private property exists. There is never any mention of Bolivia and their relative economic success. Capitalists support capitalism. The end game of capitalism is the accumulation of capital and so morphs into what is described as "corporatism".
- Riaan Schoombe: I accidentally watched this video by Kyle Kulinski due to the misleading heading tonight, only to torture myself for the 4 minutes that I managed to not puke over myself. I'm really disappointed that people from 1st world countries are so fucking stupid. I was born and live in Africa so it's pretty normal for our ruling populace to be on the level that Kyle so PERFECTLY (quoting his BS heading for the video) demonstrated with this video. How are people like Kyle allowed to brainwash people with worms for brains (like that stupid wanna be french girl that supposedly owned the Infowars reporter), but if Alex Jones tries to educate these morons he gets banned. Please come to South Africa Kyle so I can punch you in the nose, seeing that we ride on lions here and lions can't swim thousands of miles to where ever the fuck it is where you're from. At least I can say that even with my 3rd world education and believe system and our dumb as shit politicians, I have managed to gain more common sense in my small toe than what you have in your entire body. Suck it and please name your videos honestly and stop deceiving people just to get views. Thank you and fuck you!
- MotorMikeyY: how exactly did she own her? she just played ignorance and ignored facts. Everyone really needs to start thinking critically and stop trying to be the next cool thing.
- Tyler Kemp: Who ever can be the most passive-aggressive, wins.... And yes, every person at Info Wars has worms in their brains!
- Kazino: Bernie sanders offers free stuff but not freedom, when your willing to get free health care and free stuff in exchange for your freedom, I rather die paying for my health care
- Ian Sweet: Bro, you didn’t get the Moterhead reference. Booooo
- Col. David Crockett: Socialism works great until you run out of other people’s money, you socialists are so stupid and most are as dumb as that chick who wants America to become as great as Venezuela lol. Ask the people how it is to eat your pets and then after you’ve eaten the pets and the rats and mice and anything you can catch become refugees invading other countries. That little commie bitch has always been taken care of by her mommy and has probably never held down a real job. I pity you fools and invite you TO go have a big oh sip of socialism in Venezuela, but you won’t because you are all cowards that talk about it but never really go get you some. Bernie Sanders has always been a communist because he has always wanted a hand out from those of us who worked real hard to be responsible for our own lives. That’s the biggest difference between conservatives and socialists, we take care of ourselves and refuse to be socialist slaves to the government. You socialists are slaves and I pity you. Locked and loaded and ready for the war cupcakes, you butthurt losers might even get the nerve to start a civil conflict after you see Killary and Ovomit wearing orange jumpsuits and waiting for their own execution while living in the iron bar motel. Come and get you some cupcakes.#MAGA.
- rage: Holy shit nobody was destroyed there!!!
- yiban di: hahaha they won't accept successful countries because 'just because it works for them doesn't mean it works for us' but use the same shit when arguing against universal healthcare hahaha
- Dylan Williams: Conservative press: "BERNIE BOUGHT A 600 THOUSAND DOLLAR SUMMER LAKE HOUSE, HE'S RICH!" Every homeowner in the U.S. State of California: "...Wait, what?"
- John Sullivan: This guy and this channel are beyond dolts. . . . " Infowars Pulls Video After Random Woman Trolls Them To Perfection" the only retort this uneducated millennial moron said was : Your brain must be full of worms" WOW, that's all it takes for perfection for this buffoon ?
- Kevin Santiago: +Adam Blade You also obviously live in a very well settled area cause if you lived in LA and saw the amount of people who are left for dead in the streets here is too damn high and a really fucking sad sight to witness as an 18 year old.
- Juan Flores: trolled? That chick can barely talk...
- Richard Mantz: The poorest member of the senate? Bad choice of words
- qing: No U being a airhead liberal is good what’s wrong with it bitch
- I wish I knew: dude..you are an idiot. The Infowars woman was very informed. The girl being interviewed was a complete idiot.
- United American Imperialist: A lot of infowhores in the comments.
- Evelyn Dovale: The girl dressed like a sailor is an ignorant (she couldn't "own" anything because she didn't know anything) and the blonde one is a disgrace for any reporter (every single question needed to be rewritten). Pleaseeee find representatives of each political view that are worth watching. This is disappointing.
- Deaf And Destruction: The saddest part is that the alt-right generally supports 1939s alt-left.
- user 1: Ur channel trash diggity dawg swallow that spit boy
- Mr Obscene: NPC rage here is crazy.
- Maria: Mike V obviously not however our govt pays for our drs unlike the pathetic states of America xx
- Estragon17: justice very reasonable legal process. You have no idea what that process is.
- Daniel Russell: There ya go
- Mischa Romo: How is this trolling to perfection? I kept waiting for her to be feigning ignorance and for her to actually be informed about...at least one thing. You sure showed me.
- Path Evermore: infowars is a tool of the oligarchy.
- Daniel Russell: Craig Foox Im being an asshole, sorry, just tryna say that healthcare could easily be done the same way. And college tuition. Road workers still get paid, nobody is asking anyone for free shit.
- rawcatslurgeon: Um Um Um.... Talking yes, cogent communication no. Speaking of talking and making no sense.......
- Ioannes Bruyn: Oh, it's some young turks wanna be. Bro put out some original content next time
- Sydney Archer: Wow what a bad bitch without even trying
- Aurochz: Hey Infowars, in Venezuela you have to wait in a bread line for your premium cut rat meat. In America we just don't eat at all, and blame it on poorer people.
- Mikhail Орен: It's not free as long as we're paying taxes. The government doesn't have to provide anything for free, as long as they keep their greedy hands off my money.
- Adam Pickard: This analysis might be right, but people explaining jokes, people explaining arguments or people explaining rhetoric devices is terrible. Its worse when theyre obvious. And its worse when its a droll white guy fresh from college
- mothman84: The interviewer asked a simple question, and the interviewee came across as ignorant, confused, and rather unpleasant. When did that become cool?
- Boogie Boogs: You had the best word: Owns.
- Clit Eastwood: what does venezuelans eating rats have to do with anything?
- Lee Deville: Capitalism > Socialism
- OneZombieKiller: Dumb Little Bitch want something for free . I'll give her something for free 😉
- John Johnson Jr.: I agree there is a lot of systemic corruption, but that's partly a product of the electorate that chooses to empower the corrupt. It's partly a self-fulfilling prophecy. People willingly vote for candidates that promise to break government or serve big donors, and unsurprisingly the result is that government is broken and serves the folks who bankroll politicians before the rest of us. That being said, government is still necessary for some important functions, like enforcing property rights and protecting the environment from folks dumping their waste into ground, air and water. And despite fraud, the US government has in modern history been effective in many ways in facilitating human development and protecting the environment. So I don't think government is inherently broken; we still have the power to fix government if we vote for the right people.
- Seraphic Mike: The dipsh*t socialist chick was an airhead. The Info Wars reported did fine. The Lib chick couldn't add 2 + 2, despite her air of superiority and dismissive attitude to a basic question. The reductio ad absurdum of free (socialist) healthcare for everyone is that everyone gets sh*tty healthcare like Venezuela, and Cuba and Soviet Russia and N. Korea and Canada and England. Owning three homes put Sanders in the Elite category, which is fine. I'm all about personal empowerment and wealth. It's just that Bernie's really a commie and under communism only the elite get to own private property--both of which he is. It's the people that get the bland, apportioned quarters of, say, Cold War era East Germany. Secular Talk is dropping the ball on common sense. The irony is, the host here acts like Info Wars are the dumb shits when the Secular host and dipsh*t Lib chick are the dummies... Secular Talk did some good Glenn Beck comedic slams, though. So all is not lost...
- Kevin Chappell: There is no FREE health care.......there is universal health care paid for by taxes......like in Britain or Canada 🇨🇦.......that actually works and is a good thing.
- Wolfen: I loved how she didn't bought into the slippery slope lol Idk who Blondie is but she has probably a PragerU degree
- Lavia: Lol, I love how triggered you are. That is amusing.
- Lou Bas: just to add something on the healthcare thing,I would ask people to look into the best healthcare advances made in the world come from the US,and Canada[BTW i'm Canadian] the problem is however,Canada hasn't made any healthcare discoveries or major advances,since Tommy Duogles instituted universal healthcare,and the US is always at the leading edge of big advances in medicine thats how socialism fails
- David Muir: The girl with the hat is BRAINDEAD wanabee valley girl"
- Goughs Bastard: +Y She did look stupid. But I wonder if she'd known Ashton was around, interviewing people? If Sailor was stoned, she knew she couldn't match wits with Ashton, but decided not to slink away. I believe this was Ashton's period with Alex Jones' network, and she loved to ambush people. So Ashton approaches her, microphone out, camera person pointing, Sailor does what she does. If it was a campus or township where they'd heard Ashton was pointing cameras at people? Maybe Sailor was a figure of the left Ashton wanted a Gotcha! moment with. Dunno, all the above is guesswork.
- Symbologist 1979: Well the girl could not answer a direct question she was too busy drinking her drink to focus on the question that's why the new girl had to ask the question at least a few times which is why she talked more than the person she was asking the question to because the girl was obviously not fully involved in the conversation and too busy sipping on her drink and she didn't even give her an answer she just said what she wanted and not a direct answer to the question
- Leonardo Parra: Wew I voted Trump, don’t like the left for the most part but how she was trolled was glorious. Why can’t people just listen and have an open dialogue without believing you know it all.
- Mark Elliott: I dont know what you are watching, but infowars did their job exposing people that are against Trump are ignorant and stupid,,,, not once does anyone prove a point , let alone have one
- Becky VonBaltzer: sailor moon has like worms in her like brain - and infowars did not pull this video - and there is 0% trolling here
- Roberto Rodríguez: that interviewer has rats in her head
- Jame Jameson: I disagree with you on a lot of things but yes this is so stupid and shows that a lot of people just have kind of middle moderate views. Funny she gives no fucks. Sounds like one of the hot girls out of daria
- Shawn Lewis: Is this dude Kyle on drugs? How fucking stupid can you get? The blonde totally crushed that donald duck looking bitch with facts about socialism.....I feel like I slipped into the Twilight Zone with this stupid shit....wow
- Cedric Renschler: She was answering a question and the info wars girl started talking about Venezuela out of no where. She was being normal while everyone thinks she was trolling?
- boelwerkr: I really don't understand the US healthcare system. Ill people don't exists in a vacuum. Thy are driving cars, going to stores, talking to people. Making accidents because they are not fit, contaminating food, infecting others. Ill people are harming healthy people. If i help curing the illness of my neighbor, my risk of getting ill gets down. And it's much better not getting ill than getting the best treatment. General free healthcare helps not only the ill but also the healthy. And the less are ill the cheaper it gets for everyone.
- theQuestion626: +Infinite Life .... you honestly believe this rhetoric that you're telling me don't you? you honestly believe that the Nazis somehow... Not only did not lose the war they somehow became... What part of the American government...?
- Ernesto Perez: They call her Sailor Socialist. Honestly that doesn't have a bad ring to it. Anyways her trolling Infowars was truly a glorious sight.
- TheRantingRooster: What people don't seem to understand, Bernie IS NOT A SOCIALIST. Bernie 8s not advocating overthrowing the capitalists and taking over the means of production. Bernie just wants to regulate capitalism to be more fair, for everybody.
- William Ng: yeah support trump & GOP and happy paying on top $5850 per person of debt for the tax cut
- Man Of Steel: Is this whats considered trolling these days?
- Sean Armstrong: Is Infowars seriously confusing universal healthcare with socialism? UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada all have universal healthcare...are they eating rats?
- Wilhelm von Vladisnoff: I can relate I have trolled info wars and started a fire in their comments. It is hilarious you should try it.
- Original Rae: She threw info wars in the bin
- vin b: Eating ass is the only ethical consumption under capitalism
- Stefan Kenyon: Dumb. Click bait.
- Rabmcm32: Diane Watson I hadn’t realised about the armed guard with Alfie Evans. The reason that would be so is that was at a hospital in Liverpool were basically people are not so cowed and supporters tried to storm the hospital to rescue the child From the state kidnappers.
- joe Domjan: Central Scrutinizer FZ would shit on your face!
- James Crews: Perhaps some people don't give a shit about politics?
- pittygold99: R N What’s your daddy doing on Twitter? Making up bullshit like always? You guys got shit for brains worse than a crackhead! That’s cute!!!
- Michael Sedgley: She didn't troll them.
- Roman Tarango: That wasn't trolling and she didn't destroy the Infowars girl. She just insulted her when she couldn't come up with a valid reason why her view is correct.
- Velos42: I am in favor of eating the rich.
- J R: Infowars Woman: Evolutionary Dead End
- Michael Gardner: Nope. That’s too close to the truth and the Trumpers won’t hear it.
- Robin K: 6:32 you skipped the Netherlands 😢 or Belgium, just went straight to France like we mean nothing
- The Girth: +Music Also house cant just impeach a president without grounds which you do not have. If trump was guilty he would have been gone last year. But keep wasting the tax payers money for a witch hunt I'm sure the american people love that.
- Matrix Man: tim211292 Corporations come and go. The dinosaurs dissapeared, and the mammals replaced them
- DialatedPupils: "brainwashed idiot" "doesn't understand anything about politics" You sound just like Cenk Yogurt. Haha, look what your subbed too.
- Tim Farrier: I continue to agree with the democratic socialists more and more each day. But the antagonism toward rich people and the mythical deprivation of the 1% I still find disgusting. Just because someone is successful financially, and they act in ways to preserve their wealth, does not make them “evil”. They played the game of life and were lucky/intelligent. Support these policies for the good of man and helping people, not to bring others down because you’re jealous. Life is unfair, and even if we succeed in enacting these proposals, it will continue to be unfair. Find happiness from within, don’t turn to politicians to fix everything for you.
- shireknight: +AaronAlso "It's called FREEDOM" It's called CIVIL WAR. "I guess you don't think it's possible to remove a criminal oppressive tyrannical government; I mean it was only done 240 years ago in this country. Why can't it happen again?" You and your friends will be fighting the US military and intelligence and their $600+ billion dollar budget plus allies plus any patriotic citizens that decide to fight alongside them. Even if you get the support of the Russian government, I still don't like your chances. Maybe you should give voting another shot.
- MissVontease TS: chvpters damn so many fans Lmfaoo I love it
- ryan dever: also your point about the right not letting the left counter argue is true on both sides. the media on the right are saying the same thing about you guys so just stop saying it. its very counter productive
- NG: Venezuela had a mixed economy. What's happening there has nothing to do with the "failure of socialism". The Right-Wing morons strike again.
- ToxicAudri: I would have asked if the three homes total to a million dollars, or if he has three homes that are all a million dollars each, catch them on their bullshit, cause I know one of these three homes isn't a million dollars, it's half that, five hundred thousand dollars and was inherited, not bought, so either I catch them on their lie, or they admit that he has three homes with a combined value of a million dollars which isn't bad at all, just a misleading statement. I would also stick to the point of this isn't Venezuela, this is America, what does Venezuela have to do with America? Just because Venezuela has a socialist dictator and just because these people believe Bernie will be a socialist dictator doesn't mean they have the same issues or resources America does, comparing apples to oranges.
- Hereticking: jeez this is delusional, that sarky little self entitled bitch is smug without anything to be smug about.
- Stian Berg: Are they making a replacement for Lauren Southern? why?
- YouFoolWarrenIsDead: Waifu material. <3
- David Warschauer: @mustang : alex jones is a fraud.
- jake jofferman: That infowars girl was just interning, didnt really work there and shes not bright. The other one deliberately puts that stupid blazee tone in her voice to try to sound so cool and relaxed, what a phony. If this is supposed to be a goodexample of a super smart liberal roasting someone in debate, its beyond sad and pathetic!! Besides she's obviously pretty rich herself and didnt even realize Bernie is too, or the fact that basically all of the top 1% are liberals!! I went to college 20 yrs ago and even that recently students were WAY smarter than her on avg.
- Martin Conneally: Looks like your not so popular yourself
- Suace X: That girl is amazing
- Django Fett: "they"
- Friquido: That was not owning someone. This guy is just butt hurt about info wars and is the kind of guy if someone trips he'd laugh his ass off while pointing at the person and saying shit like "haha look how embarresing haha". This show is shit but so is info wars. Kill yourself
- 14104 x1: Well they say it's different once you're on the spot.
- Xmetal: lol someone beat me to it ... still completely outsmarts InfoWars lol
- brandon HVAC/ANTS: Trump 2020
- BABATUNDE: I am a lifelong citizen of the UK; If i were, god forbid, to ever be diagnosed with Cancer - just know that I'd spend my last dime on flying out to the USAs private healthcare market for treatment. Please check the rates of death due to "lack of healthcare" per state; if the states with the most deaths are states with the most Laissez Faire healthcare market, I'll purchase and read a copy of the Communist Manifesto that day.
- southsidedoug: Your an IDIOT, you make no sense, is crazy how backwards you people think
- SerNoddicusTheGallant: not half as desperate as your hamfisted attempts at a gay joke, what is this high school?
- mastnejsalam: What the hell is going on in America? Denying the reality of a failed socialist paradise is now edgy? I'm from a country with universal healthcare, which is reasonable, though many of my countrymen b*tch and moan about having significant portion of their wage taken by the state despite the fact that they are never ill. What this chick is arguing for is FREE healthcare for everyone, that's an impossibility in a capitalist country. I really do hope America isn't considering going red, just pick any European country that fell victim to communism and look at its history to see your future should you choose communism. I didn't live through communism but everyone I have ever spoken to about it i.e. people from my country who did live through it abhor it. The atrocities committed to sustain it are well-documented so there is no excuse for ignorance.
- rivolver ocelot: Where is the trolling? They just badgered the chick ....
- BIGD_OSpinner: Infowars reporters seem like they'd be super easy to fucking dunk on... LOL...
- Mark Henderson: +Kenneth Goforth someone is a cucked soyboi
- AndreSaysHello: Who is that chick with the hat? Her attitude is badass and also she’s real pretty Coming from a lesbian XD. I just had to be honest y’all
- Jason Baryla: That interview was so dumb... Kyle's commentary on it was even dumber. No one in this video knew what the hell they're talking about.
- Uncle Lou: Ahem......no u
- Xenophontes: god id pay to be in that girl's shoes. I can put them in their place so hard and even teach the dumbass how to be a reporter.
- C Mecoo: lunaticrobot yes, because it wasn't meant to go up on the Info wars channel. Really not difficult to comprehend
- Daniel Mace: 45,000 people die from not getting medical treatment? Between 250,000 and 440,000 people die every year from medical malpractice.
- Bryce Allen: Hahah that was glorious. Kyle is retarded. That was being trolled? Its ok for everyone to be eating rats and die of starvation as long as they can get free healthcare
- Damir Asanov: People are dieing because of healthcare issues more than military issues in the US, but these are not concerned about that. Infact, they support military budget increase even though there is no direct war or military action against US. All the movies about saving America from some terrorists somewhere in Afghanistan has big effect on this. Conservatives start counting money when their taxes are spent on health issues, although their religion always talk about helping each other and not killing people. Military budget is not a problem. Military will make US great again, somewhere in Middle East as always.
- Ethan Watson: In New Zealand healthcare is free no matter what wing is in charge, although you can pay for private hospitals but that’s optional
- Karl Eriksen: No one wants to follow Venezuela's model. In South America, the 1% is vehemently opposed to socialism. So much that they deliberately tank the economy in an effort to undermine socialist governments, often with the assistance of the CIA. Bernie Sanders is not that wealthy, nor is he opposed to wealth. Nor does he want to bring Venezuelan policies to America. The very poor in Venezuela were very poor before the socialists took power. The reason many moderately affluent people support democratic socialism is they are typically well educated and intelligent, and able to think about what policies lead to long-term social improvement. Practically none of the Uberwealthy advocate for democratic socialism, because they want to use their power and wealth to undermine democratic regulation of the economy, and impose regulations that favor themselves- like shifting government spending from domestic infrastructure and education, where it lifts many people out of poverty, to foreign wars, where the same level of spending makes a few people immensely wealthy... or shifting the tax burden down the socioeconomic ladder....or allowing industrialists to treat everyone's water and air as their private sewer. Alex Jones, you and your entire organization are out to lunch- you are shills for the very worst of America....you have worms in your brains if you listen take this shit seriously.
- Some Asshole: 3:12, i know you say they do it on fox news, but it seems to me that they do it on all networks, regardless of political stance. You’d have to be delusional to disagree with that.
- Siahwash N: Venezuelas economy has been destroyed by US economic warfare (collective punishment). They can't invade a Latin American country like they can in the middle East so they wage economic warfare to starve the people into submission. Similar to the economic embargo on Iraq in the 90s that starved 1 million to death most of whom were children.
- TigerLily: If I see that girl I will propose to her. On the spot.
- Sei Ooi: In a debate I would have rip her apart with just words.
- Newby102ful: The girl with the drink is bad, the girl in the red makes my balls shrink up into my asshole
- Western Lion: So she didn't answer her question. Then when pressed, answered her question. Is that trolling now?
- Nicolás Fraile: xd hahahajhj noooice
- John Omalley: I love this young lady!!! Perfect comeback: you got worms in your brain! If I were 50 yrs younger, I would be contacting this young lady..💝💝💝!!!
- Django Fett: Charles Bronson, take your Alpha Brain soy pills and your lead based Beef Bone shake that Jones is selling you.
- vmbo: That girl is awesome, that Kyle Kulinski dude is horrible though, explaining a video. How about you say as little as possible?
- DubDanTV: Canada has free health care, feel free to go there anytime you like... Trump 2020
- J.A. M.F: Infowars chick exposes leftist ignorance, the left: "Infowars chick gets OWNED", I love watching you people make asses of yourselves, endless entertainment
- NyYankees1985: declan h so you did not read it? or you have no reading comprehension skills? yes govt is horrible lets get back to the good ol days of........ uhmmmmmm never either way your a cuckflake
- GODis MEME: She's too much like Ray comfort
- 14104 x1: They probably picked the most childish looking person on that block to question on purpose, and didn't expect what they received lol
- Rome's King: Or (BrAIn FigHt) hosted by Tuck Buckford.....😂 that's actually a Stephen Colbert skit
- Travis Worthington: You people have worms in. your brains......lol yes they. do honey
- QDOM: I’m very conservative and the infowar interviewer was so bad😂. She didn’t make much sense at all. On a side note, I like that girl’s nipple😍 yumm
- Damn Too Funny: "Heard of it"...hahahah. I say it all of the time now.
- Alex Ferrando: Bernie is 19th poorest in whole Congress
- Dominant Seth: Lieutenant Latte standing behind her looks like a mega douche.
- Free-Man Fishing: More empty less than mediocre liberal manchild trash
- Charles Bickel: Health care can not be free someone has to pay for it. The girl with the latte was a retard.
- Hanoi Tripper: She’s a hot sailor gal ❤️❤️
- Butcher the Silence: I guess the French girl doesn’t realize that government will tax her 60% and give her 20% quality of care. That is 40% that goes to our next invasion.
- Mr. Toelicky: How can anyone not be for medical for all. You really need to be brainwashed or benefit the currant system. But, full on socialism...no.
- Andrew Weis: Oh cool so like the government owns all the wealth and distributes out necessities to the citizens as it deems fit? Sounds like a perfect solution to our corrupt capitalist system. Why hasn't anyone ever tried this?
- RojoFish: If you are poor and live in the USA you are just LAZY.
- Incognita Chickita: As an Australian I can definitively say that we're all assholes. Except for Chris Hemsworth, he's our little pirate angel.
- Reed Lobbestael: 02:03 "But I just told you Venezuela is eating rats." What kind of argument is that? "I can poop gold." "No you can't." "But I just told you I can poop gold."
- Brett Y: She's awesome
- Memes. Many Such Cases!: i dont think u understand what trolling is mate
- Gary Lytle: Solid
- Izrael Avila: 1:32 “I’ve heard of it” Jesus I want this woman in my life
- Razor9111: +Dude Basset Bill Oh sure, because they produce as much meat as the US (source on that laughable claim) it means that they can actually buy it, I also doubt those fags at the navy actually walked the streets of Caracas after 7:00PM to see the gangs of poor people looking for food in the bags of trash, and those are the lucky ones, from whose trash do you eat at if you live in the underdeveloped orient part of the country, where everyone is absolutely at the hands of God on what they can make/do everyday, where people have to make three days long queues for the opportunity to be told that the governmental food boxes were all sold, and that if, AGAIN, they are lucky, because the alternative is finding out the day later, and obviously they can't say nothing to the people who are "moving" what one can suppose to be are empty boxes in large generic white trucks, after all they said yesterday that the food was over, because otherwise they'll "arrest" you, IF YOU'RE LUCKY, for disorderly conduct, or shoot you, burn your house or rob you stuff by a colectivo. Other luxuries that Venezuelans should be glad to have given for just close enough of free is daily electrical shortages, roads that are more unsafe than the dirt beside it, UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE (but only if there's medicine, electricity and the doctors aren't making another strike for their salary), free education (more strikes), top quality food as possibly not poisonous cassava and tuna, EVERYDAY UNTIL YOU LIKE IT, government backed fixed prices that hopefully wont make you broke and in prison and almost free top of the line 1.61 Mbps internet, but of course that's only part and parcel of any socialist utopia ain't it.
- Eric Gatlin: Bring your socialism to Texas Kyle bring it and see what we give you here Kyle. Bring your libertarian socialism see how long you bastards make it here. You mad cause a man went and made his own way and got rich and he ain't giving your lazy ass no money so you socialist wanna just take it from them what gives you the right to tell people how they should live? . If you don't like the way this country is run move to Venezuela live the socialist dream baby and don't comeback.
- Bartleby the Scribener: Was that a reference to Motorhead? Or to the 80's movie called Eat the Rich?
- EmmaInANutshell: irl april ludgate
- Cettywise: When someone brings up Venezuela, mention Canada or Britian, or Australia, or any Western industrialized nation with a social democracy. Remind them Venezuela only represents Venezuela.
- Lostin Thegarden: the infowars girl is hotter
- BAD CP: Anyone who has moved out of their parents' house is against socialism because they come to understand how the real world WORKS.
- Joseph Grenner: Dude this guy’s an idiot. The interviewer and the person interviewed both suck. The girl interviewed actually didn’t say anything and this guy “omg that’s glorious.” If that’s glorious you’re side sucks
- Jaime Holguin: Ashton did a good job there, I don't see her getting trolled, I just see thay that you Dave and the sailor suit girl don't know the dangers of socialism. Man leftist's standars are low nowadays.
- Thecornerstone 33: Why is Venezuela the only example of Socialism these morons can think of. Switzerland? Sweden? Norway? what a fucking joke.
- Tommy Reed: Alex Jones is a complete fraud info wars is entirely fake.
- SayWhat IThink: The left can't troll this is as daft as calling Bruce Jenner a woman
- Ymr Bleav: That Infowars mic looked incredibly stupid! I enjoyed the young girls replies. She literally trolled that bleach head!!!
- Dill Rogerz: That wasnt trolling at all
- ZIaman: Yeah... the girl being interviewed at least came across kind of funny while the infowars girl came off a bit ridiculous as she was failing to connect any of her dots. The maker of this video did a pretty good job of rivaling her ridiculousness though. 4:21 & 4:54 When you make up facts, you never come across that great. https://knownetworth.com/tom-cottons-net-worth
- I'm not Laura Kightlinger: This lady is a dits. I don't know why the left is so proud of her
- Roger Blackwell: I'm talking bout Merica. We got a child here.
- Quantum Computation: Rob M Yes, by your definition that nothing the state provides can be ever considered to be free. You have however not yet informed me of whether your libraries are also socialized. Non chargeable service provided by government does not appear to systematically bear this label.
- Faux Shizle: That's it? That's the "Pwnage" of Info Wars.......um...wow, you have low fucking standards for a successful retort.
- coram: Ben Shapiro is cute as a girl
- Justin Sidious: Lesbian.
- Jaymes's Channel: Fuck communism. An fuck this channel
- Sean Maher: This is so funny it brings me to tears. It's sassy Popeye.
- Patagonia Punk: That girl was lame, don't let her represent Info Wars, look up Owen the Deshtroyer
- thomas keene: A year from now info wars employees will be eating rats....fucking losers
- Long Dick Jones: Yea it’s been fun and games guys, but there’s too many niggas for me to be having a reasonable discussion with. It’s like a 10v1 to debate one topic. So you guys can keep your beliefs and I’ll keep mine, there’s no point in arguing over multiple people at once on a left leaning comment section, it’s just a waste of time at this point.
- Grace: why is that girl my type
- Razor9111: +Ultra Instinct Yamcha I never said the US is Venezuela. There might be many variables as to why Venezuela its in the state its in but this does not imply the impossibility that they could be linked to a common, or root problem, which I argue was and still is, Socialism. Also your analogy doesn't stand to reason, Venezuela was not some sickly child that could not drink milk because he was intolerant and it might break his bones, 1% milk its not a good simile to an ideology that relies in the restriction of social and economic freedom, with many supposed variables, that you yourself acknowledge, and that affected hundreds of million of people simultaneously. because milk is just that, milk, a dairy that, consumed in a composed manner it's actually healthy. Unless, if you want to go with it, 1% milk is a drink that affected millions of kids named billy, breaking the legs of the majority of them, while the one that sold them the milk is living in a mansion, enjoying himself, eating ice cream and having runner legs, telling everyone that ice cream its what would have broken their legs, because the one who had the legs of a runner ate more ice cream, impeding everyone to having his legs, because he had a successful gym that only people who knew how to use the machines could use, even though the millions of billies were eating ice cream and only had average legs, without realizing that they didn't have too much knowledge on how to use their legs nor the machines to exercise them. FOOD ANALOGIES SURE ARE FUN.
- Gardum: You must have a totally weird way of viewing things all I saw in the clip was some half doped out or drunk millennial with no clue about politics and no understanding of what free health care would cost a Government. Socialism doesn't give anything for free, you still pay for the free service by donating the majority of your labour for bugger all wages. There is no benefit to work hard to progress as you earn the same no matter what you do. If you are happy to work for the State and never achieve anything except for low quality free health care why not immigrate to a socialist Country and see how you enjoy it for a few years. Could you see that entitled moron in a Socialist Country, I can tell you in a very short period of time she would be clambering to get back to that terrible Capitalistic Nation of America after only a few weeks in her Socialist paradise. Trouble with children is they really have no clue to reality and think they actually know something because they parrot a teacher.
- Jim H: I hate infowars but she didn't own so much more she could have said
- CzarPeppers: The whole thing about everyone in Venezuela having to eat rats is completely untrue to begin with. Pretty much the whole of North American news coverage of the country is extremely misleading, not that Venezuela isn't facing problems but the extent they go to demonize is absurd. Our news is so saturated with it even I believed it until I actually decided to dig deeper into the situation, and it paints a pretty interesting picture. There is a very good video addressing the segment Last Week Tonight did on Venezuela, not that I don't like John Oliver but their researchers really dropped the ball on that one.
- Zak Hendrix Johnson: How is this trolling
- Anon ymous: What is the issue with public health. On one side we want everyone to be able to enter a hospital and receive treatment and not having to sell his house because he was in a car accident on the other public health mean doctors and hospitals being funded by tax money which means more tax for the people and very possible bad management along with abuse of the system. Known problems with "free" healthcare is that management can be so bad that hospitals became useless where those that have no choice go there. Because if you are a hospital manager and you are an ass you can pocket half the millions given to you or more and put fake cost on bullshit while managing the thing horribly. When tax money are involved people feel free to act like that because is not their business and money won't run out if you do shitty job like they do with a private business. Also because of bad management and conditions doctors end up with bad attitude and bad work ethic and on top of all that we have people that feel they can abuse the system because they don't have to pay for the hospital visit and go there and bother medical stuff whenever they sneeze. That of course makes the medical stuff even more neglectful and insensitive since it starts assuming half of the "sick" people are full of shit and they are fine and it often ends up leaving some there to die by not taking their condition seriously.
- Sir Pugly: Tits that is all
- Chupa Cabra: In this video, Ashton looks a little bit chunky! If you watch her channel...she is usually healthily thin. I used to have a t-shirt that said "Eat the Rich"...many, many years ago! I believe that phrase comes from the Potato Famine in Ireland...or was it Scotland? They eat rats on a stick in Africa! They also have Ebola and other horrible diseases in Africa!
- Maxime Quinton: Whats your point... wheres the facts!? You managed to look dumb just by yourself..
- Rohan Jarande: Well, this is just an embarrassing video.
- Adam First: this was supposed to be trolling?? really?. the brain dead socialist had trouble sipping and standing at the same time , let alone try to do an interview... right and left.. are both brain dead... people who want someone else to rule and govern them... socialism sounds like a deal when they promise “free healthcare”... but they fail to mention in their system, EVERYONE EXCEPT THE ONES IN CONTROL, WILL BE SO POOR THAT THEY COULDNT EVEN AFFORD BASIC HEALTH CARE COSTS... AND THEREFORE NEED GOVERNMENT SUPPORT TO JUST STAY ALIVE!!!! forget venezuela, remember the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST republics... where no one was allowed to have much property or wealth... but when it fell apart, a handful of people (zionist-socialist-communist-bolchevics like Putin and other “oligarchs”) ended up billionaires with million of other peoples wealth... but hey, atleast the soviets got “free healthcare” !! for the right... its enough to say trump is their hero and nut-n-yahoo is their poster-child... to discredit them..
- eamon thomas: free health care is there anything free do the doctors work free is there free medicine are the ambulance drivers volunteers are the nurses volunteers, maybe someone will volunteer a free brain for the red bernie fan, and by the way i'm not a fan of the zionist jones
- Nibs: I would gay marry her so hard.
- Craig A. Glesner: When you get tax breaks the more houses you own and we have homeless people still living in the streets, yes some of us on the left do indeed think we should limit how many residences one can own.
- Red Euro M.: sh2master ???
- JoseitoEdlVodao: And you choose to ignore the fact that he's a Communist who praised Castro and Vacationed in Russia. How Convenient. You people on both the left and the right have the same lack of moral values, just different ideologies. THAT"S what's destroying America, you are a bunch of cuddled hypocrites who think they know better because you haven't suffered through totalitarianism.
- CiberSage: Socialism is aids
- Alfalfa333: this video exists for the title and little more
- cmillertime7: It's a little weird to see an abhorrent CRTV ad on this video..........
- OntY-Op: Virjunior healthcare is not a right Edit: misinterpreted your comment, I meant free healthcare
- Mad 1976: Jeff Ferguson triggered my snowflake
- TheFizz: Searching for the trolling. Only finding a capitalism loving Starbucks sipping sailor moon saying that people have worms in their brains. How do u people make these leaps
- StraightShooterGaming: because she gave you conservatives exactly the kind of argument you deserve. Trying to cite facts against the people that coined terms like "Alternative Facts" and "Fake News" is a waste of time.
- TruePowerIsMine: if you have time will you https://youtu.be/EIUY3dEOcfY watch this video and let me know if I got anything wrong, thank you
- CaseyCJL: Ben Shapiro. watch him, not woman in red.
- Oct agon: Fuckin bitch
- Johan sigurdson: Blonde girl is an angel btw, no go jerk off faggot
- Joshua Plunto: Disingenuous tool. Conservatives LOVE this clip bc it demonstrates the leftist waterheads to a "T"! Selfish, ignorant, misinformed dope....typical libtard. Are u trying to be TYT's even more retarded clone? .....way to set goal, moron. Read a book.
- gary posty: Another brainless Tard who loves Bernie the Grifter
- Xenos _: Is this what the left calls trolling? Bwhahaha
- McCall Jones III: "But the US is different....!"
- asdwaetd: She is actually an acyor dasha nekrosova
- Jared Christensen: Troll? Maybe her nips trolled but not her words or ideas. She’s such a rich white elite call girl elitist in a sailor suit. Weak as fuck.
- vermin tky: listen sailor moon... and you are proof of my upcoming statement .. socialism is crap in a country where eduaction has tanked..
- Susan Smith: "I want free shit" , "I don't want to pay for shit", "give me a hand out".
- Felix Desrosiers: Like Canada, Norway, Finland, France, the UK, Australia??? He said many times he would be willing to debate these guys
- thecotto bro: 'Venezuelans eat rats' f uC k
- PeeWee1476: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcrj4szgTjc Eat all the rich.
- Herosade: Headless chicken the lefts
- Grod Loves Cryptos: Hey Kyle... you're an idiot!
- jesenia reyes: +Nonya Bizness why the fuck are u looking at her nipples. You're so fucken gross, besides the girl said she didn't what to do it but the report kept pressuring her. I would have trolled the reporter to after she ignored my request.
- chandler whalen: They’re both complete morons
- BoneCrusher 5114: That “troll” looks like a weeb
- mmzen: I believe that woman from info wars is ashtonbirdie. She is a dumb fucking pile of trash who has bigger tits than her brain.
- Mr G: This entire show and all commenters are complete cancer.
- T C: It seems to me is that she's voting for universal health care, not necessarily for Sanders or socialism, obviously.
- Hafa Ball: it's like a real life April Ludgate
- Anders Engstroem: What a lovely dark haired cool girl. I like her.
- Celestial Scripture: Glorious? You need better content dude.
- Y: agreed, i do believe socialism is a horrible system but the blonde bringing up venezuela was completely irrelevant
- MITS74 The guy: Socialism sucks
- Michael Donovan: trumptards and joneswarps all need to emigrate to the arctic circle where 1) the landscape is all white and 2) they can yell, scream and kill each other forever and no one will be disturbed...
- Dawn Chin: Re guy's comment...well what did Jesus say? Aren't we supposed to be LIVING by the golden rule? When are we going to scream GOP = CHRISTIANFRAUDS at the top of our lungs? There's NOTHING Christian about those Welfare for the Wealthy pushers and the working class can eat scraps and die young.
- Lukas Adamson: +Damir Asanov FREEEEEDOMZ
- ShogunBean: You like um dumb to ehhhh....me to.
- Jane Knightingale: That new girl has been eating rats.
- Nick R 303: Socialist chick sounded like she has brain damage
- Elliott Grossman: She's wearing a sailor moon outfit ffs like she's definitely trolling 😂 hahahaha love her voice tho lmao
- Brendan Bloomberg: The host is the type of guy that enters the kitchen at a house party and 15 minutes later he grabs a beer from the fridge, turns around and realizes he's alone.
- Kebo Boke: whyamimypink78, Which is why you heavily invest in education for all. That way you are pushing out young people with the necessary skills to create wealth or work in value adding jobs.
- 0Clewi0: You can find enough people that the english language would consider many but with 1% being 3 million in the US it would still be a small fraction.
- avalanchesoul: That wasn't very good. At all. And I'm a Bernie supporter.
- Hydra 0x038: Benjamin Bardsley do you drive kangaroos ...?
- Aurora: +M Ibrahim , No.
- ourhandsaretied: "Nobody on the left believes you should mandate the number of places you can get". Erm, yes we do. It's very obvious that nobody should have more than one home. Capitalism is a cancer on humanity, and you are part of the problem
- spacehamham: SerNoddicusTheGallant I love your sense of humor. You must be a real hit at parties. Actually, you probably have no friends, so never mind.
- The dude: Colin Yeah not to mention that Fuhrer Merkel is still ruining your country with open borders to Muslim rapists and terrorists and the fact that your country Is responsible for 2 world wars and the holocaust. Remember the damage you did to Europe after supporting Hitler's Socialism?
- Aesithair Runekafi: His third home is an 1800 sq ft house acquire through family estate and worth about 570k. According to his Senate finance disclosure form, and his net worth is around $500,000 to $700,000, make him technically not a millionaire, although quite close to one.
- Grete Bremseth: Norwegian here. Yes it works. No we are not communists! ;)
- theWolfKing3615: The chick clearly seems pretty dumb
- jdoc1357b9g: Venezuela is not a socialist country. It's a capitalist country governed by a socialist party. There are states in India and elsewhere governed by Communist parties but they're not communist states. China is governed by a Communist party but virtually nobody except maybe the ruling party of China would call it a communist country. etc. etc. The Inforwars talking points about this stuff are pure fiction. 50% eating rats? Wtf? Some anecdotes magically become half of all people. Are there poor people in Venezuela? Sure. Are there economic problems, yeah. But it's a developing country in Latin America, not the richest country in the world. I live in a pretty well off part of the US and can walk half a mile from my house and see people looking for food in garbage cans on any given day. Or maybe i should say that's half of all people in the US just to make a point.
- v Bremont: Alex Jones is a mental retard IDIOT worse than a Manchurian candidate. he is the 1% that claims info Wars is 1776, his inverted rhetoric is believed me and you are the resistance, his reality is I WORK FOR THE 1% which is what he does, the facts is, I promote trump towers and Ivanka clothing, and claim I free America from the 1%/ this junk mind perhaps is the real intervention on American elections/ALEX JONES, helped with Facebook, twitter google chat, elect TRUMP. RUSSIA GATE IS JUST ALEX JONES. he is banned so minds will not pick up the facts of Alex the Manchurian candidate.
- Eric Gatlin: Under Obama the corporate tax was 35% where did the money go?
- Colonel JCD: So im still waiting for your first relevant argument.. oh wait ur a liberal you dont need one.. wait what did you say at the end? you realize you say exactly the same as alex jones, right?
- Jack Merlot Doesn't Live Here Anymore: "Rachel Maddows makes the *lumpiest* mashed potatoes in the whole wide world." - Ping Merlot
- Tinnitusthenight: what is this, explain the joke show?
- The Prickly Prick: “Here attitude is hot” “When she called the infowars reporter “hunny” she slapped down that house of cards” “She’s super smart and disarming she’s going places in life” ....🙄 just to mention a few
- Queef Micester: 04:12 GOD the irony of this guy's idiotcy. He's really sitting here defending a politician who preaches "eating the rich" owning 3 mansions.... (do none of you see the MINOR contradiction here?) .....and why wouldn't he donate the extra inherited home? Or does he not practice what he stands for or preaches. ...... (Don't try TOO hard)
- Dennis Lee: The girl in the Donald Duck outfit is retarded, goes to show how retarded Kyle Kulinski is, very sad, but he is just another reason guns and bullets work.
- Obscurious Politics: Hassenboy The reason people can't afford healthcare isn't because of smoothies and dogs. It's because of poor wages and the fact people have to spend their money on other things like car insurance and gas to get to work. rent so they don't live on a fucking sidewalk, utility bills so they have something to drink and aren't stumbling in the dark, and food so they don't die from hunger. How is wanting taxes on the rich and a socialized healthcare system where everyone is covered and no one goes bankrupt entitlement to other peoples property? No socialist is asking for half of your yard or couch. And if you think taxes are theft, you wouldn't be able to make money to begin with if it wasn't for taxes. Have fun getting a job when there's no god damn road to drive on. Your comment is fucking retarded.
- Tenshi Chan: Kleiny-ku aaaahh, so you voted for Bernie? Good choice!
- Terry Trice: This was the fakest shit ever!
- Austin Flake: Loved this 😂. I’m afraid my dad’s the poorest member of the senate btw. Haha
- Bryant Bravo: Until the American Health Care system is owned by the government, people will continue to die waiting for appointments. One of my friends is doing her residency and told me the saddest truth. The doctor training the residents told them "Be nice to your diabetes patients, theyre your customers for life" People's lives are at stakes and there are businesses profiting off them.
- Ninjxxitty: White house is worth 389 million sooooooo whats your point? Lol Also im pretty sure implimenting a couple socialistic ideals into america isnt necessarily doomed for dissaster its precisely why we have repiblicans democrats etc in the first place. If bernie became president its not like hed be forcing everyone to eat rats. The questions were disingenuous and offensive really even ignorant. That woman is a fucking retard. Id love to see her get attacked by bill mahr or something. Would be great
- Annalise Olivares: GUERRILLA SUNRISE I love you 😂😂
- Vin Ellis: Uh yeah I understand that fine. That sounds bad to you? I don't think anyone should be poor or rich. The economy should be based upon advancing the best interests of humanity as a whole and preserving and prospering the life on Earth. Simple.
- Mark Walker: What’s in the straw!!!!!!
- WoT Professional: As somone who leans right regarding National, State, and local elections i find what infowars said here was ridiculous i am in full support of Single Payer Health care! The right wing has lost on this issue i will concede this fact also i don't mind paying a little more in taxes if it will save me in healthcare bills! I am right wing don't get me wrong for example on Guns i am a staunch supporter of the second amendment and am in favor of no more gun control as a matter of fact the NFA laws are ridiculous and me and many others support abolishing that ridiculous act.... I personally think the left has lost on that particular issue now you may ask why bring a separate issue up? Well im showing you somone who votes right generally can come to an agreement such as healthcare provided it is explained in a professional manner like how Kyle and Bernie present it! So yes you can pull my vote with many others on this issue who voted Trump.... Speaking of Trump im disappointed by him lately anyways i hope a good amount of people will read this and say "They referring to Trumpvoters like myself can all agree on healthcare"
- Damn Von Bon Daisy: With you on this!!
- Martin Gård: Scott Free Yes for everyone that prefer the government brainwashing program.
- Gunther Vinson: Stating you want free health care isn’t winning an argument and doesn’t define your stance on socialism. You liberal morons love to grasp at straws...
- Hans Meier: +qing How on earth is that trolling? Trolling is if you first bait them by playing stupid and then totally own them. She didn't do anything of it.
- Impedancenetwork: That girl was high. She surely didn't "own" that info wars person.
- dookdawg214: Yep, I didn't see any trolling here. At best, the "pro-socialist" girl didn't seem to care that much, but she didn't seem particularly informed about anything either.
- The Manager: Aleister Mraz FUCKING LEGENDARY.
- HighsNBurgers: Keep sucking off InfoWars to get views, you clown!
- Adam I: this is your guys messiah? a retard who cant afford healthcare with a attention span of sipping on her Starbucks and checking her phone every 5 seconds. you guys are still doing it wrong.
- Laurel Dunn-Scott: Just keep saying gay frogs.
- Elise M: JaWBReaKeR 707 I wasn’t bashing her. I was bashing the pathetic lot who hired her. Considering they claim to be about merit.
- Billy Coffey: The video was never pulled per se it was uploaded to a different account. The young lady in the Sailor suit is a complete moron. The Infowars reporter did a pretty good job for a newbie. She did not get owned by the Socialist idiot.
- William Fitzpatrick: If you can make one salient point in defense of the US healthcare system I will wire you all of the money to my name.
- NPC 9785537: If thats what you call getting owned thats sad
- Grace Perkins: You know Venezuela? Yeah I’ve heard of it
- Trent Lane: Well if venezuelans are eating rats it does not help that the private sector is hoarding all the basic need items. How come aren't they blamed for that shit? How come the media does not show that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-tawBg45bw 42 tons of sugar found inside a warehouse. Most of these items are found hidden in stores and businessess, many of them already expired.
- Jordan Halsey: If that's what ya'll consider a troll then you have super low expectations...
- Alejandro Aguilar: There was Owning?
- Rugged Techie: ..........she sounds like an airhead valley girl......just saying. I don't like Infowars and haven't for years now but that lady is not a good example of being liberal..but then again I don't like any of you, liberal or conservative .
- James Heneise: 5:37 how did he know I like to smell my own farts?
- iceguy93: Shity propaganda, people ain't answering on both sides.
- Hector Garza: How many economic sanctions has the US placed on Venezuela
- kenneth Thomas: That is not an info war reporter , fake news
- RockyTop1911: Socialism will never ever work.
- Reed Lobbestael: 00:59 "For info warsssss... tee hee" So cute and devious at the same time.
- Fab Val: Everybody has a right to health care? Says who? U shaw work off the sweat of ur brow! Period!!
- J R: I like Ashton. Her autism can make her a bit erratic at times but she is a nice girl just trying to make a living. I am right wing but don't live in a echo chamber, hence being here now, so I support her views and support her. I admire her for what she went through with her family and finding her own mind.
- dcon9995: Lmao looks like this triggered a bunch of InfoSpaz fans.
- M Ibrahim: +Vin Ellis its probably because you dont understand that without rich, the poor couldnt exist, literally
- Lavia: Your constant strawmans and lies are amusing. Why can't you make an actual argument?
- Arya Deva: I love how conservatives and far-right nutjobs try to spread their dumbass ideology through generic blondes.
- Maui Randall: Don Francisco so you don't like seeing him fired up then?
- Adam Blade: +qing Lol, what wealth? People won't work for your ass if you strip them of any freedom and personal incentives.
- Isabella Jackson: Not a socialist but I’m in full on love rn
- Willem DaFuckedUp: +Stewart Harmon You have no idea what you're talking about. The nazis were factually on the right in terms of the political scale just because they're the "national socialist party" doesn't mean they're actually socialist you moron. Read a fucking book.
- robin water tree: But there aren't enough rich people to go around. Like I would only get a sliver of rich person and that is not enough.
- Rudolph Dan: Dream girl.
- Matthew Johnson: People today are so stupid, the left-wing & right-wing political parties are one sided. Free health care ( YES ). Your health care system is runned on greed ( profit ). It's a business morons. Socialism is dangerous, study it's history. You don't need socialism to get free health care.
- sabin97: +hoop "There have been democracies with mixed economies, like the United States and the Scandinavian countries" exactly, and it's called socialdemocracy, or the socialism of the 21st century. usa is not quite there yet, as they still keep their for-profit medical insurance system instead of adopting the for-health model the civilized world has. the socialism of the 21st century is the antithesis of what's happening in venezuela. both in principle and in practice.
- John A.: We don't need "free" health care, we already pay for it with our taxes, lets just take care of OUR people instead of spending billions killing strangers in other countries. Gotta love the hypocritical cherry picking word salad that those who are against "socialist" ideas use, comparing the concepts to the tyrannical dictatorships, yet they don't want to compare the United States what is supposed to be a Democratically run Republic for the people to another country who claims the same, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea). If you are only going to be intellectually dishonest about terms/ideas then you have to go on what EVERYONE calls themselves not just the ones that fit your narrative.
- Alan Velasquez: Hmmm. I wonder how much time infowars spends breaking down Secular talk videos?
- Marck Corcino: info you are the demagogue to fake news
- Puerto Rican Cobain: Omg she’s so fucking cool.
- Random Alex: Just to clear some misunderstanding I've noticed around. Under socialism, healthcare isn't "free" as in, a magic unicorn shits gold and we all get free health care, like some clueless right wingers misunderstand it. Health care is free at the point of use, but ultimately it gets paid through taxation.That is to say, if you've just been diagnosed with cancer and happen to be broke, you don't have to necessarily end up in deep debt, or even die because you can't afford the needed expensive treatment. You're paying tax, or have paid in the past, or at least your family has if you haven't - in any case, that taxation money went to the federal tax coffers and from there it's now used to cover your cancer treatment and you don't have to worry about debt and death. It's actually a great idea, when you think about it, and a model currently in use by many counties in Europe, UK included.
- Sparka: Ya man, lame as fuck.
- osp80: *ridiculous
- Bo Hica: I’m curious, why do most people from other countries come to the US for their health care procedures?
- chris hamilton: +Razor9111 that was an act? Very convincing! Somebody get ready at the academy, there's a new star on the rise!
- aaron atwood: A member of TYT telling someone else not to use a strawman is the height of irony.
- Mount Average: Damn, her attitude and responses really turn me on.
- Diane Watson: Or you can just go some place else.
- Johnny Clark: Republicans are a terrorist organization. Like isis and the taliban they are religious fundamentalists. Their ideology supports terrorizing Americans in order to achieve their diabolical plan to make America a white nationalist cult.
- Sean La Vergne: well, time to rewind
- Zuffin -: So because a small % of people didn't get basic health care, the ENTIRE population of the country should pay a percentage-based tax for healthcare? I like having a choice for how much money I spend on a service, and you do too.
- Seth Gruber: How can Infowars call this journalism? Like, they were spewing out just complete non-sense. Perd Hapley was a better journalist than that dumbass.
- Bo Wiggly: Nicely done. With a brand like Info Wars, you would think they would do some homework before harassing people with a higher IQ and an actual consciousness of humanity. Favorite part "You people all have like worms in your brains, honestly"
Also like your rising crescendo of your final assessment. I'm subscribed now. - Siddharth Chauhan: I don't understand. How was this relevant? It was just silly.
- Evan Lewis: "wait lines . . . " as if we don't have wait lines in America. Ever tried to schedule surgery or an appointment with the doctor? I had to wait 6 weeks for an appointment with my doctor the last time I scheduled it. Same with my dentist. Yes, I could go to an urgent care facility or hospital if it's an emergency, but so can Canadiens and people from any other country that has universal healthcare. Douchebags.
- GregorPQ: Socialism is a great idea? After Stalin/Mao/Cuba etc?
- jeff wolf: What a whole crock of bullshit just what you expect from Infowars or Donald Drump for that matter
- Matt Tarrant: One of the homes was close to a million but it was bought by his wife
- Chris Madaris: That info war bitch is the elitist. She thinks poor people don’t deserve what they can’t afford. Everyone deserves to live and yes, health care is a part of that
- PINKYCULTURE: info wars hired an autistic girl to do interviews. Massive oof.
- The Outsider: When Kyle isn't hosting his show, he is trying to teach boxing to a pack of feral cats.
- James Bauer: that random girl just couldn't be bothered to get off her phone or stop sipping her drink...
- Squizzy Bollocks: Show me a country that voted against it's universal healthcare....EVER.....show me a country that wants to copy the US system......silence.
- LusiFr: the reporter was getting SO MAD
- Dirty Pixel: joe johns That’s the point she’s trolling fam
- IIRemy: kyle go on cumtown
- H0WL1TZER: The only time one of these leftist goofs actually answers a question = trolling?
- Lindsey Beck: Kyle you're an idiot. That wasn't trolling.
- Actual God: How did this lady troll them again?
- Karlie Patterson: No, she didn't troll them. Duh!
- Tooextrememx: i feel i lost some intelligence watching this.
- N Cisco 78: The mistake is not pointing out how free health care is slow & a runaround & in those countries the people who can afford it come to America because there isn't a 10 hour wait at the emergency room. Point being free health care is a horrible system.
- Caliss Latv: She is just high
- Carrey Mellu: Gotta love watching shitty media companies churn out as many dumb blonde conservative bitches as they can
- Koei: Kyle "band-aid hands" Kulinski
- Don't Believe The Hype: Kyle is an idiot , that girl was dumb as fuck and Socialism doesnt work anywhere. Free health care is not free someone pays for that shit dont be fucking stupid.
- timo costa: infowhores
- Boxhawk: This is absolutely hysterical. Some unknown beta male making a click bait video and his star troller is a clueless moron who somehow "trolls" with a comment about eating the rich? Liberals really are dumb, so dumb that this idiot pandhandled enough of them to make 14k a month. Like PT Barnum supposedly said: "There's a sucker born every minute".
- David Griffin: +Phanno I don't know I really don't like most of them either.
- Johnny Potato: she trolled the reporter by saying healthcare should be free? I mean, that a defensible position but its not something everyone agrees on... I mean Bernie would have made an all right president but don't suck his d*ck...
- Lavia: You don't even understand the colloquial known connotation behind free healthcare... Typical retard...
- Christopher Kents Love Child Part 3: Jason Wooster go on hero...you should give some of them a room in your mums basement
- sam warren: She chugged that cold brew lol
- bon vivant: I work in healthcare. My degrees and time cost money. She wants me to be her slave? I don't barge in to her place of work and demand she give me a free blowjob.
- WarScorn: That girl in red is Ashton Birdie, she's a thot 😎😎😎
- Mirage: She's super hot
- Dale Fearnley: False. Venezuela are not eating rats. Stupid Infowars. People have plenty of food. They are in need of everyday things like toilet paper or toothpaste. US sanctions are keeping items people need from the people. All of this is because oil companies want their oil. GOP politicians need to be arrested and tried for treason if they dont start oppose DJT.
- Chris Grosso: By the way people do eat rats in Venezuela
- Charli J: Interviewer logic Socialism = Eating rats
- John Dziadyk: hey kyle… WRONG!
- Joseph Vargas: I think the point he’s making is that the infowars questions and talking points don’t make any sense. Bernie has money so he doesn’t support middle and lower income families? You can be both. The 1% is for socialism? The 1% is mostly high-level corporate management. Monopolies are capitalism’s weakness yet establishment politicians have approved some massive corporate mergers this year. We have conglomerates that are damn near monopolies in America. These people make way more money than they can spend, incredibly limiting the flow of capital. Rich people get richer, goods and services become more expensive, and middle and low income families make the same. Small businesses can’t compete. These big conglomerates/corporations are now choking the life out of capitalism. The way my friend from Croatia described socialism to me, if you want to start a business or whatever, you still can, but basic human necessities are controlled by the government not companies who, if they become powerful enough, can drive up prices unchallenged.
- Don Farmer: Kyle kulinski is an leftist idiot when he thinks owning 3 homes is modest. Living off the tax payers and being able to own 3 homes only means he is making to much money!!!
- Brenden Taylor: Don Farmer how much does Donald Trump own?
- Tommy the Cat: I bet Kyle likes the D. What an idiot
- RearAdmiralTootToot: We are already socialists and have been for a long time. Almost everything from police, military, post office, public roads, etc are all socialist programs. smh
- кленовый сироп: One clearly isn't professional and has no clue what she's doing. The other is a socialist
- rubberduckiedogs: You make some good points, I'm not suggesting that I know better than anyone, I just believe that our current healthcare system is extremely flawed. I'm not just a young college kid on my parents insurance who has no real world experience with reality, I've worked long hours at a brutal job for a paycheck and benefits. Except my health insurance was awful. Then I found myself in a situation where I had no job and I was getting state insurance- and it was amazing health coverage. There is something fundamentally wrong with that. I don't know the solution to this problem, all I know is that my insurance that I got when I was working my ass off was significantly worse than when I was out of work and getting quality health coverage through the state.
- Mars Argo Is My Mom: It reminds me of scott pilgrim v the world "You know Packman?" "I know of him"
- Dave Hughes Farm: Your fucking insane that stupid bitch got had.....That stupid bitch in the hat is whacked out beyond repair...Why the hell is 95% of people in msm either gay, feminist, atheist, joo, muslim, black,commie ??????
- tip pullthemnow: 🐂💩. Venezuelians are not eating rats... infro wars Propaganda
- ed kang: These 2 ladies debating politics really really REALLY turns me on...
- Phillip Hickman: Why do socialist say they hate the rich, but love rich politicians?
- neonatalpenguin: There's a bunch of conservatives I have respect for, but InfoWars and Steven Crowder just use the same dumb gotcha tactics; "Here's some obscure scrap of trivia that kinda seems like it contradicts your lefty worldview if I deliver it really quickly. And if you're momentarily flustered by it, that means I've won".
- qing: Wilderness Well well nice essay there but it says infowars on her mic...
- Hassenboy: Paco Jones Is it really that difficult to do a google search, commie?
- Pocket Calculator: "The 1 % of Venezuela supports socialism" Yeah, because the 1 % are the socialists. All the rich people either left or was expelled. "The 1 %" doesn't support socialism, that's retarded. Not to mention, Venezuela has had free healthcare and education (including free colleges) since before the Venezuelan Communist Party was even a thing.
- Mark Piekacz Piekacz: Ok free what? And you think DOCs work for free? Ok and school is free and no one has a job because you are so in the hole your schooling didnt do anything to help you good job free shit is good dip shit people.
- theresbob: Socialism is too complex for one word answer. The answer should have been...and would have confused the interviewer..is, "Socialism as a political ideology? or Socialism as an economic system?". Only then could the conversation continue.
- WeedTaco: Name checks out
- Hector Flores: Info-wars is retarded. Our military is socialism.
- doobiescoo1: Your,..not you
- Doom Guy: To be fair that person was really, really fucking annoying albeit correct.
- Daniel House: Infowars sucks it, but socialism is a terrible idea. She wants health care, workers want jobs, everyone wants housing. But it doesn't change the fact - someone smarter than you is paying for that with hard work or cleverness, and they're going to get the fuck out of Dodge as soon as they're able under a socialism system. That being said there are ways to have the best of both worlds, but capitalism shouldn't be treated like it is evil. In fact it has many virtues.
- Uriskall: Its funny, people don't realize public services are socialist by nature. The government aiding the people is socialism. Some exames: fire department, public schooling, police department, all socialist.
- Adobe Taco: These valley retards struggle their words like this bitch talking to the reporter. Both have worms in their brain.
- Skyler Grey // A Star Is Born: Oh my god I love that girl!
- Aneesa H.: I need friends that match my energy like this haha
- jasourwnjl: On her personal channel she goes on about family values shit but still uses her nice tits to get views. Yeah, I know, tits and I click such a trog...
- Barry Matherne: The gives a new twist to "orange chicken"
- Chris James: Lmao just another democratic twat who has no idea how the real world works. Sit in your comfy American bubble and pretend like your problems are so horrifying.
- imleonwhoru: Shes like the real life version of Doug's sister .... And just like that I have one of those weird boners that I had as a kid except as an adult .... Never thought I'd say this but , "thanks" info wars ?
- NoLongerAvailable: InfoWars is full of lies and Fake News. Only Trolls listen to InfoWars.
- mike jarvis: Infowars Girl thought she rolled up to someone dumb.....lmao
- Ordonity: Must've been chilly that day lol
- Amy: I don’t appreciate all this rat slander. It all depends on how you cook them.
- Jame Jameson: Also they can counter argue the steelman stuff but thats not what ambush journos like lauren southern/jones are trying to do. Its like watching a gossip magazine
- Rob Kitchen: How much of Venezuela problems are directly responsible because of US corporations butt hurt because Chavez nationalized their oil industry and Gave funded internal and external efforts to oust their government
- Michigan Sunde: InfoWars is legendarily bad at man-on-the-street videos. Especially Owen Schroyer, because he's way, way, waaay too obnoxious and partisan. This girl in red needs a lot more experience and a lot more grounding in argumentation and facts before she's camera ready. That said, anyone with a firm foundation in conservative constitutionalism could've picked that little sailor girl apart like a ham sandwich. MISSED OPPORTUNITY.
- Anthony Phillips: That's not info wars, that's birdie
- gobanito: Sorry she didn't "troll" anyone. She expressed herself like a ditz.
- Jon John: I don't see Alex Jones on this vid
- Paul Colson: This show sucks....
- Trais Gaming: Whatever info wars is, i dont want to be part of it after hearing that bloke carry on, fucking time waster
- peepsdtw: Because we are the only industralized nation without universal health care. But we got the most prisoners! America #1. Nobody wants socialism just some checks on out of control capitalism Wich leads to for profit prisons and a minimum wage that hasn't kept up with inflation for over 25 years would be great.
- James Russell: Moron
- DAVE ROZ: NO WAIT she should of said "Honey, nothing is free in life"
- HotWaterHam: Warning, 30 second clip surrounded by obnoxious dumbass
- AaronAlso: Django Fett, This is called an ad hominen attack, because you can't muster a counter argument. It is a fallacy of logic commonly used in the lamestream media today. Let's just say I much older than 12 and much much smarter than you. Diane Watson, I'm not going anywhere this is my home and I intend to defend it with my life and liberty. If you are too scared to do that maybe it is you that should go somewhere else.
- Fano Boss: Millie Rocks
- Jon LaLanne: You cheap lazy worthless socialists are Lenin's useful idiots .The spin you out in this is embarrassing Fuck You Kyle .....the 1 percent have always sponsored. bread and circus .They created Socialism and maintain it to this day ..
- M Labelle: brwi1 I don't dislike the use of deadly weapons. In fact, I see plenty of uses for them. I just don't think every day citizens should care more about their rifles than their friends spending their life savings to survive. In war, obviously guns are a good thing, but I don't see why the local stores need them. Here in Canada unless you're at a Bass pro you never see any guns. Generally we don't think about guns unless we hunt. It's the culture.
- Chad Caldwell: Lol. Were we watching the same thing? It appeared to me to be a young lady that really had no clue about anything and was extremely high.
- Emsley Wyatt: Well, we do have a rat surplus in this country.
- Mia: I love how they picked the dumbest looking chick there. She even talks dumb, like omg.
- blueix9: “Trolls them to perfect.” The chick was just stupid as shit, like most liberals I’ve ever heard speak. She owned no one. And why the hell do I keep getting this liberal propaganda on my recommended? If I want to see the loony side of YouTube I’ll search for it myself.
- ibtrollinya69: Wicha329 this. She obviously knew what they were trying to do and did not care to argue either her cuz you can’t argue with crazy
- Aaron Bartuccio: Socialism is communism!! They are synonyms.. its amazing how people want the governement to have the rights or means of production and not the people.. whether you like capitalism or not, it's still better than most of south americas economy and other parts of the world.. trump 2020
- Mark Kirn: Anytime someone suggests that we NOT get screwed over, these morons roll out the tired "socialism" line. Ever heard of a community where only one guy and his family prosper while the rest in the same community do not? Why live in HIS community if I can't benefit? Oh, that's right, because he owns all the communities everywhere and we have only the illusion of choice. That's America is and why is that so "great"? It's not, class dismissed.
- brandystoy: +Jay Jay It shows.
- jerryjamify: Your show is low on content.
- queenhiphop1002: That’s how all the republicans are lol noobs never let ya speak and put words into your mouth
- Brandon Toad: Virjunior what the fuck are you talking about?? The farmers that voted for Trump right now are already suffering thanks to Trump's tradewar. Stupid!!
- paul hickie: Wow she’s hot 👍.
- windingpath: Venezuela is NOT a socialist country.
- TC Just TC: is that a Tomi Lahren wannabe?
- ocarrace: That interviewer fucking blows lmao. She's trying so hard to prove her wrong from the start off.
- Blank: jazeboy69 it’s called holding your country accountable
- A Real Patriot: She's from AMTV, she left it because it's going down and Alex Jones is trying to get more Tomi Lahren types on his show because his base is dying. That infowars girl only cares about something if it gets her money
- stephen barter: That wasn't trolling. That was a grown woman in a sailor moon outfit trying to talk politics.
- DonjiPicudo: Pedercino!
- Phillip Ramsey: +neufy123456 when he calls people demons or lizait's about their personality and how they are like aliens
- falconr56: name one place...in time....where it has worked!! Oh but it would work here....right?
- Matt C: Not a troll at all man. The Infowars girl made valid points. The point is Venezuela introduced socialism and the result was the example she was giving Free healthcare , free educational, and socialistic ideas don’t work. Any person with a basic economic knowledge knows what you left want doesn’t work. It’s failed 100% of the time. Literally everything you just said in this video isn’t an argument at all. Looks like your just cherry picking to try and bash info wars.
- Adam First: Popo Bawa i think you were meaning to respond to another comment...
- Dr. Strange: There wasn't really an argument from either person. The person with the mic fucked up and her original question didn't make sense, along with her following example of Venezuela. The woman in red got triggered and went on a tangent.
- Chuck Lewis: This was not trolling.
- Bolek Lolek: Grunthos The Flatulent are you really this stupid or you genuinely don't know what putting a word in quotations means?
- Y: both of them seemed stupid as fuck, the stoned girl seemed as dumb as a boulder and the blonde one obviously has no substance to her argument
- Austen Laxton: +Filipe Martins You realize capitalism has been a stain on all of those countries correct? Just as Stalin left shit to clean up, so did the Meritocracy in the states.
- james coburn: Really scared now. Definitely don't want to eat rats.
- Wafan Individualist: Christian Smith And people will label you a Nazi. Fools that wish to silence truth. The left will not win so long as we refuse their double speak. It is fact that this is done through Jews. Ashkenazi to be more important as religious Jews are also being manipulated by the racial Jews.
- FeRsSeRkeR: Greetings from germany. Just finished eating my rat dinner btw xD
- EQBard Gaming: I hope she like cats. There will be a lot in her future.
- Micheal Carver: Since when has the gov paid for anything?!?! How simple are you people really?...wow..the young generation and support of nonesense.
- ugly cutie: Alt right crazies love bringing up Venezuela when talking about Socialism at its worst and most corrupt. What about capitalism at its worst and most corrupt? India? Honduras? Somalia? Shit...Somalia doesn't even have taxes. The 1%ers should thrive there.
- Wolf of the Twin Cities: You could make a ben shapiro "DESTROYS" video off of that
- Takeda Mataroshi: They’ve camped your channel with CRTV. Call YouTube on this bullshit!
- chris gray: Still can't understand why socialism is evil. Crack a book motherfuckers.
- Inzaynmembrain97: Sometimes I wish I could have a FoxNews personality or a Info Wars personality interview me just so I could troll them
- Constant Chaos: +Randy Orton's Dick Bulge his 3rd property is just a 600000 dollar lake house which for the market in the region is nothing special
- Moreheroes: SO first off. This girl responed beautifully and deserves all the credit she's getting. Second: your analysis seems to be unnecesarry. The interviewer is an obvious hack, making a failed point on a poorly chosen target. The problem with this vid is: that about sums it up. She's a shill for the views of her channel, sure. They all are, she's very obvious about it. You responding in an overacted, point by point deconstruction of her failed interview is overkill. I get your point. I even agree with it, being the lefty-scum that I am. But you only make me feel bad about it. Overacted responses to an interviewer who doesn't even believe the shit she's spouting, won't convince me you're in the right. Pick better targets, or point out that this interviewer is going through the moves. Overacting and deconstructing her whole argument, as if that is actually what she believes, just makes you look like someone who takes an interviewer with a shit gig way too seriously. She's not making an argument, she's baiting a dumb vox-pop, and even though she's hired by Info Wars, she doesn't feel like a spokesperson accurately portraying their idiotic ideology. You just make your self sound dumb for attacking a lackey of a cult of idiots. Sorry if this sounded rude btw, I'm just sorta dissapointed by this vid and how it fails in what it set out to do.
- Arthur Che: I love how they always want to bring up places like Venezuela and not every other developed country that has the things we are asking for like Canada, UK, Australia, France, etc.. like fuck right off WarOnInfo clowns.
- John Fei: +Adam Blade Lol 10.000 That's just 10 with 3 decimal places. Last time I checked you can't have 10.1 people.
- Darrell Williams: Its free to the people who cant work and pay for it themselves. I guess it went over your head too...
- Vasili Korotkov: *sips tea*
- ArchaicVirus: Far from a troll, another misleading video piggy-backing off the success of infowars. That nervous "troll" was sipping her drink every few seconds, she sounded stoned, and had no meaningful conjecture whatsoever. Somehow you try to paint her in a "hero troll" light, ridiculous. Any intelligent person can see past this fassad.
- McHenry Gold: This dude is a fuckin moron.
- DV16: She's cute but a dolt.
- Lucas Jackson: I think the 3 million dollar homes comment was to try to say Bernie is rich and in the top %1
- Dave Farley: That's really not trolling though. The chick from Infowars didn't do a good job with the interview but that girl sounded just as dumb
- le Hoarderz Al-Shekelsteins: (((infowars))) btfo
- Simon G: ChainMail the money they use for a space force wouldn't cover it, how can you be so stupid, unlike you I come from a country that has free health service ( which isn't free) so I know what I'm talking about which is something you can't claim. Do some reaserch like I said and you will see I'm right, the only way to get free health care is to raise taxes which you shouldn't have a problem with as the tax rise would be less of a cost to you than buying insurance, go educate yourself.
- NPC Junk Ogre, TYT Head NPC: You know you can report on the retardation and ridiculousness of The Young Turds as much as you do with Infowars. I know you won't do that because Gunk is your boss and all, but he has lost his mind as of late.
- Kal: I’m willing to bet that that girl is gay and that means I have a chance.
- DarkCurow: Shelly Miscavige Actually minimum wage was started to keep minorities out of work. Minorities were willing to work for much less so minimum wage was started to get employers to hire white people because if they have to pay both the same wage the employers at the time would rather not hire the minority. It wasn't for starter jobs.
- TheOpenDebate: 7:02 This is why it's so infuriating to try and have an intellectual conversation with "The Left", This was your argument? you sound like an absolute retard... I like the content though lol.
- philosophy is freedom: Holy shit Kyle do your fucking research and do two clicks to find if they pulled the Damn video or not - you silly lesbian! Besides the woman doesn't pwn them, she just barely breaks even and then you cut the footage from the video that you don't even know exists, it's like a cake built on layer of stupid after layer of stupid, but I guess that's probably because you are trying to reach your target audience!
- blackjoker12: You may not be info wars but your making doing the same as them. Just a lot more tame than Alex. Purposefully disingenuous reporting. Smh.
- Jp Starlin: Hey INFOWARS -- Good job at the Midterms! Rofl
- Wafan Individualist: Mark Mason Would you also say that Scandinavian countries are socialist.
- CockatooDude: Finally someone gets it!
- Aries: Blondie's a liar! The 1% DO NOT support socialism. They support tax cuts for themselves, but none for the rest of us!
- FUCK GOOGLE: Bernie lives in three million, dollar homes. They each cost a dollar. Ha! I wish that would of been me, but we know they only post the videos where they think they won the discussion.
- DK Youngson: I think she conflated socialism (which is the nationalization of the means of production) with a socialistic policy like universal healthcare.
- NapiCAN: i wanna eat the rich, kyle, screw u
- Joshua Morien: Predatory journalism is shit regardless who does it. But what gets me is why people take infowars seriously
- Non Mirage Truth Vision: sailor moon is like so woke.
- mo: kyle just thinks shes cute
- Infiernofox138: Of course, he doesn't even play the entire video. Same bullshit Jon Oliver pulled except Oliver chopped it up even worse. And they didn't "pull" the video down. They let the article expire since they still have the original video on YouTube. I'm amazed anyone buys into this guy's bullshit.
- Rusty Shackleford: Bernie is a thief. He is not the poorest member of the Senate. That is a bullshit talking point.
- Joe Sudz: Central Scrutinizer do you even English bruh?
- yayayaokoksure: Uh ya this isn't trolling, jackass.
- Pinochet Pilot #666: that's it? the thing that really jumped out at me was how obviously not poor that girl was and how all she could do was giggle.
- AaronAlso: We don't need Socialism. We NEED to excommunicate the criminal government and it's fiction; then return the to Constitutional Republic the Founding Fathers set up for us. If we don't do that we will all end up eating rats!
- nikinnorway: these crazy conservatives in the US don't understand the difference between Bernie Sanders and Hugo Chavez?
- Martha Alavez: Salir moon was so high her mind was blown by each info blow lol
- Mouthpiece: She is hot, smart, and sarcastic 😍
- David Warschauer: @Jaymes's Channel alex jones is a fraud
- Dmitriy Samusenko: I love her voice.
- Gary King: Venezuelan here, they are not socialists, just an outlaw drug cartel running the country
- Worldstar Hip-Hop: She reminds me of Bill Hader for some reason
- Bri C: I woulda been like "yeah there's rats at the concession stands to get us used to the flavor"
- xAKALISx: +FlippingTables WithMyDik I've, then, shown my bias on this. And observations.
- Straight Wilson: How is this a troll? Click bait title.
- George B: Libs with nips.
- Maverick Milestone: The girl with the French hat and frog voice got trolled. Clearly socialism destroyed Venezuela. Yea they wanted free things too when Chavez promised them a socialist utopia. This guy Kyle is lost.
- Bond54blue: So good! Love this
- Conor BIG COCK Mcgregor Devotee: She sounds like a smug bitch and this guys a condescending douchebag beta how do people enjoy this
- William Freeman: Kulinski? Gave him a chance. Nothing to see here.
- Doug Nading: 4:34 Bernie Sanders is a self-avowed Socialist. Owning 3 homes is the perfect exact opposite of socialism. So yes, owning three homes is against the tenets of socialism. She did do a bad interview.
- Luke O'Brien: I love her.
- Iskalla: I was expecting more than just a smug, self adoring first world Marxist. They're run of the mill. The 1% supports state imposed mass immigration. They can cheap labour from left wing politicians who peddle 'socialism'.
- LetFreedomRing25776: I didn't see any trolling in the video.
- ANGELO LANFRANCO: Bullshit, the girl sounds dumb and boring.
- Nicholas Crain: There’s a difference between personal and private property.
- Dan L: the new dacia and she still easily dismantled right wing nonsense....
- Mayb :: +Cooper Harris that's soooo Original 😂😂😂😂😅
- Mark CHauder: She cool
- Matt Jones: Not sure how the chic staring at her giant cell phone and drinking her Starbucks wants socialism?? How in the hell is this trolling?? Glorious. ?? Kyle you make no sense!!
- Rfpenab: Lmao
- mystic mint: venezuela is an example...because it has socialism....
- Aurora: Nicholas Blackwell , 100% True
- robertrulebirtannia: "Venezuela's eating rats!" Never mind that in reality malnutrition is actually far lower in Venezuela now that it was 30 years ago.
- The Patriarchal Democrat: she didn't do that good actually, not in my opinion.
- lead paint potato chips: Damn I would not have been composed like her hahaha. I do not have time for crazy fucks like the interviewer 😂
- Jham Jhams: Hey left leaning people...we all have to be this way. So effective.
- Kelso Sunshine: My only answer would have been: Who believes anything from infowars anyway? Venezuelans are eating rats? Yeah, I'm sure it's the most common meat delicacy over there rn..they're farming rats at this point. It's a profitable industry tbh.
- Alex A: Lmao the stupidity in this video and the comments is Beyond comical it's actually quite depressing. And FYI I can still find the video so? So you want to take more from the rich while you do nothing? Just because they have succeeded in life better than you, therefore you think you deserve more? Don't get me wrong greed is horrible and very corrupt but the Idiocracy is beyond hysterical. Please keep crying you will never win and if you do by some rare chance there will be a Civil War and you pansies will not win
- sabin97: the saddest thing about infowars....is that it's an AWESOME name for a programming video game.....in which you build a software robot(literally a program) and have it automatically battle other software robots built by other people.....but i doubt alex jones will ever give up the copyrights to the name....
- Casper Kite: the info wars girls was making a point is that socialism brings mass poverty no prosperity you idiot Kyle and giving free heath care is skin to giving free lattes this Bi#%÷h was demanding. There is no free health care that would be good and give incentive for quality care. Kyle and this socialist Bernie supporter are the ones with worms eating their bird brain
- Matthieu Wise: Nice video!
- jeffery nordgulen: Ugg cant even listen
- KaboosOnX1: I don’t know if this was trolling as much as it was some stupid girl that didn’t know anything trying to play it off.
- Tim Schultz: How is she trolling.she's just acting stupid.where is the witty troll comebacks.if this is the leftest trolling wow lame
- The King: Blighted Waves you might get cut, watch out virgie.
- Jerry A.: Infowars girl was a retard and the girl being interviewed was extremely smug, dragging out the ending of her words. Omg that was annoying, BUT I'll give her a pass because she was minding her business and said she didn't want to be interviewed. I work for a non-emergency medical transport company so I see first hand the people that are using our "free" health care system. Let me be completely honest, I'd say around 40-50% of the people that are on ssi disability are full of shit. Hell, they even admit it to me in conversation. And many are going to doctors for illnesses that are completely avoidable and scamming the system. It's honestly infuriating considering I'm chauffering around these people who refuse to work, have all their needs met (housing, food, medical, $$) all the while I'm busting my ass to pay more taxes than the Bern. Don't senators make like 175-200k a year? Anyway, theres so many things wrong with this country I wouldn't know where to start. And if I could, I could go on for days.
- worxharder: That was a troll? Pretty lame.
- Joenel Saracho: I hope i can fuck her with that voice shitttttt im hard now
- Anthony Kaye: Just not a gotcha moment. Pointing the finger at the "1%" oligarchy you hate while aiding and abetting another "1%" oligarchy you love...just makes you a useful idiot. Co-Dependecy on ANY centralized social engineering political elites is the problem, and if you think YOUR centralized social engineering political elite is any different or better, YOU are just more of the problem. Socialism, or ANY bloated centralized social engineering political authority does NOT serve the Common Good...freedom, Liberty, self sufficiency and independence serve the Common Good...end of story. Socialism is an evil, murderous, hateful, racist, sexist, bigoted ideology.
- mobus1603: I'm wondering if Kyle even knows what trolling is, or is he referencing a different source that used that term?
- Toxy: 200 IQ
- MyNameIsJ3ff: Socialism is the nationalization of all industries. Bernie is a social democrat. Wanting a more robust welfare state and a more progressive tax system isn’t the same as Socialism. For God Sakes People. The Nordic model isn’t a model for “socialism”. YOU ARENT FUCKING SOCIALIST!
- Jonathan Hockey: secular talk pulls video after failed attempt to look intelligent...
- Billy Barnett: Trolled? My ass. Commie clickbaited.
- TheScholar74: I like her Daria impersonation.
- The Rockwell Revival: I think we saw a different video. That chick clearly is a moron and clueluess about everything and just believes "free healthcare" that's literally as deep as she goes. And I'm no fan of Infowars. Not sure how you watched this and thought it was good for you or for Bernie.
- BurazSC2: There was a missed line in there I think. When the info was was talking about eating rats, the retort could have been along the lines of " well obviously in America we wouldn't to that...yeah we'd eat the rich instead." Also. Yes all Australian are evil rat eating freaks Source: am Australian.
- Andrew Crook: If you want healthcare, get a job and purchase health insurance. Problem solved. Nothing is free.
- STAY WHITE: "I just want everyone to have *FREE* healthcare." -Doesn't comprehend that there is no such 'thing' as "free" healthcare. -Also doesn't know that socialist health care is total garbage and costs every single person with a job up to 60% of their income. But, yeah, "free"... for jobless moochers (liberals) who aren't having half of their income TAKEN from them in the form of TAX. Bernie Sanders and his wife were busted stealing millions of dollars and he only paid a measly 13% tax on his *known about* income while he declares everyone who's rich should 'pay their fair share'. Lololz Every person that wants to "feel the Bern" is a douche-drinking retard who doesn't even know how to do basic manly things like, metal forging, repairing an engine, puting out a fire, starting a fire, building a shelter, repairing plumbing, welding, or any other thing useful to humanity. Instead, you're all a bunch of useless slags, only capable of flapping your lips. If you can't comprehend the example of Venezuela being in total poverty BECAUSE OF SOCIALISM that you useless wastes of oxygen love so much, then maybe you should go back to middle school and revisit the concept of 'analogy' and 'example'. They really are pretty easy to comprehend, and, then maybe you'll be cognizant of why socialism and communism are utter garbage now, and always have been in the past. Every country you retards 'think' is a 'good' socialist country actually all thrive on, and only accept payment through the process of...... are you ready? CAPITALISM!!! Stupid fucks.
- Zach The Celtics Guy: You know what war Alex Jones at InfoWars fought? The war on information.
- adiofeet13: rigidfinger idiot.
- Manir Beas: Pure Comedy
- ThePestilentDefiler: Fucking libtards.
- Jondo Jondo: What does it matter if Bernie lived in 3 million dollar homes? Which is a lie. Hes still fighting for the working man.
- Felix Desrosiers: Socialized healthcare costs less per capita than what the US has at the moment so if you like money you would support it.
- Chris Fitzsimmons: Jason Reyes yeah bro... I'm SURE she cant wait to fucking dress up and play superhero, dumbass asshat
- Brenden D: DavidforCalifornia.com
- Streety101101: that was pretty tame trolling......
- Adolf Stalin: women can't be funny. Boko Haram fuckmeat material.
- rattlesnake survival: The u.s has been prospering off of capitalism for almost 300 years, im pretty sure its the answer
- aPheqz: Damn your a liberal with zero facts your a hypocrite
- Master Ikem: Did this dumbass bitch just say the 1% supports socialism???? what the hell? And this dumbass bitch is acting as if thesame thing that happened in venezuela will happen in America "cuz socialism iz bad n shiet". When these tards think of socialism, they go straight to venezuela. Venezuela does not have thesame economy as the U.S. you dumbfuck conservatives.
- James Crews: "Youre a girly man and a weakling" Nice insult, bro. Did you come up with it all by yourself? Let me guess. You're 13 and play call of duty?
- Xavier Lamar: Dumbass Info Wars.
- whyamimrpink78: sprybug, it is on his website, that means he allowed it to be there. That means he supports it. Also he did praise Castro, there is video evidence of it. Sorry, but Bernie is a nut.
- Mister Galaga: i’m not a fan of IW. i disliked this video because the IW girl did not get owned. she did the owning. you can support a side and not blankety lie.
- Craig Browning: The 1% Support Socialism for the Rich.
- john langstaff: Very poor
- BrrZrrKrr: Why do you have so many band-aids on your fingers, were you fucking juggling knives or something?
- Chris Rodriguez: KIleisha shawtawn this man Kyle openly supports Bernie Sanders. If you are crazy enough to support him or even believe any of his propositions such as “free college to everyone” you are a libtard. Unless you can tell how exactly free college can be made available to everyone and also why the U.S. hasn’t been doing that already?
- A Google User: 😂 lady in beret nailed it, classic. 😎
- Brandon Michaud: One of those homes is a home in DC that he has to have for his job, in addition to a home in his home state.
- Marko Milovac: Infowars is garbage and needs to go away, but that girl didn't own anyone. She sounded braindead and looked like a literal caricature some right winger would make - stupid outfit, a latte and an iphone. Everyone in this video lost.
- Skylar Arruda: Also, the girl’s point was that Bernie Sanders is the 1%. He attacks them but he has 3 multimillion dollar homes. It wasn’t a lie, it was just said weird.
- Quantum Computation: Rob M I thank for the info. I can understand your reluctance in using the word free as its original meaning relates to freedom as in "free of charge" yet someone is obviously paying for it. "Non-chargeable publicly funded" is a mouthful while "socialized" is really an Americanism which can also be viewed as somewhat of a misnomer as it implies following the principles of socialism. I am not sure my librarian would appreciate that description! I hope for the sake of ideas and intelligent debate that the English language will eventually settle on better epithets.
- شيخ جوجل: Comparing socialism to capitalism is like comparing apples to oranges
- red32303: No, not fact. Liar
- Michael T: Sailor girl acted like a whore
- JL-CptAtom: Cello Head A Plate of Hot Dogs He did. Hillary rigged the DNC.
- Monster Mind: Sean Armstrong Health care is a right for everyone. The government can take 1.5 trillion of peoples tax dollars and spend it on one fighter jet that cant fly but then turn around and say the country cant afford single payer. Fucking crazy.
- G. Hughey: "Grand Solar Minimum" look it up.
- Carlos Vega: Lol, I live in a country where free health care is mandatory and we don't eat rats 😂😂. I don't use it, because I can afford private services and somehow have an exceptional good health. But if my situation ever changes I know the government has my back, because health is a human right. I don't understand why it is so difficult for some people to understand that you could have both, a good balance between free public and paid private health care. It's actually really simple if you think about it.
- Endjo: how autistic are you americans what both of them said was idiotic. i should just nuke your whole continent
- CallOfTheWild: I would support Bernie again if he were to run for the next election... that being said, no one was owned in this video. Those are two uninformed women.
- Tacotilko: Well to be fair all capitalist society’s lead to corporatist society’s. Capitalism is the game of who can make more money and the winners will always float to the top while drowning everyone else.
- Christo Azaeris: Is that Ashton birdie?
- seapeajones: She's trying to be Ben Shapiro with the gotcha sound bites. Didn't work.
- Tey Dragonvale: Cute.
- J Freid: lol how much is SOROS paying you? This is all you got on INFOWARS? really? lol okkkkk don't quit your day job little boy.
- HASEnoncorperated: +Flip Skylark I'm glad I do.
- TwentyNine: I've eaten dog, horse, grasshopper, duck blood soup, and rabbit brain. I wouldn't mind trying out rat meat.
- Z: But Venezuela
- Vecat the mad: HAHAHAHA...so funny... HAHAHAHAHA...
- angry troll2: socialism is cancer
- Justin Carpenter: Complete fake news.
- Enrique Godinez: semmel Says the idiotic conservatard christian who doesn't even live in Canada.
- Alexis Sanchez Frometa: Venezuela is eating rats!!! We cannot have universal health care!!!
- circa blonk: In come the capitalist charlatans who know nothing about economies, can't defend capitalism, and have no argument against socialism except a borderline third-world dictatorship rife with political corruption, Venezuela.
- qing: Who doesn’t want to be a normie? You have friends, get a gf/wife, and have a life. Being a normie is the shit loser
- Mastouril: because it's more aesthetic
- HeyWelcomeToMyWorld: But... But Bernie lives in a $3m dollar home. That right there ladies and gentlemen is what is known as a Tu quoque.
- Thomas: This show is pretty bad and video is trashy all around...
- Jess John: Mitch Baier thats shitty
- MENN NOO: Melissa Greene for saying she supports Universal health care?
- Sean Armstrong: oh hahaha sry my bad. I thought you were criticizing Bernie for owning 3 houses.
- Elise M: Gersub Denis Gotta spread misinformation and disregard other info. So in a way their name is fitting, being at war with information.
- heliopyre: australia and new zealand have free healthcare and it's good
- Mitch Mayes: I really hope we can elect some people to Bernie's left this fall, Bernie is awesome on so many things but he's far from perfect.
- Moogle Beagle: we have free healthcare in the U.K, its shit. everyone is overworked and underpaid, waiting times can be months to the point where something that was treatable could affect the rest of their life and board rooms of people making the choice on who gets to live. what right did the nhs have to not let Charlie Gard go abroad for treatment and also the other little boy who died last week who's parents were told that the machine has to be switched off so he can die. i understand where she's coming from though and that was terrible "journalism"
- ungratefulmetalpansy: She's cute AF!
- LeRoy .45: Glorious?... dude, she was stoned out of her mind and said nothing. Lmao who da fook are you? Infowars wouldnt hire you right? Take down their fucking logo you lame ass wannabe
- Cuckasaurus Rex: Canadian free health care system is atrocious, anyone living in Canada can tell you that
- Gamers Council: jesus all these socialist beta male losers. The only people calling for socialism are poor losers who refuse to get a job or the super rich who need said poor losers to manipulate for votes. how do any of you get your girls off? I promise she’s fucking an alpha male with a big dick in his office while you’re off protesting. how can y’all beat trump when you can’t even beat Hillary 😅
- Same 5: Ahh yes the Bernie Sanders wants to make the United States into a socialist country statement, and Venezuela is such a good example of what Bernie Sanders wants.
- No: 4:03 speak for yourself
- Luke Lim: I don't like Info Wars by a lot. But i think the people on the left should not believe healthcare will be totally free, you still need to pay your doctors and nurses. Essentially you have two extreme sides, one side want everything to be free while the other doesnt want to contribute the slightest to civil duties. Free health care isnt exactly free. Health care for all means everyone in the society pool together and help each other. That take a lot of character and culture. I think it is doable if everyone in the society do their parts in paying taxes and caring for the elderly, handicapped and sick. There is a middle ground and many people aint seeing it. So ya maybe dont throw the word free around easily.
- Matrix Man: Most Bernie supporters are braindead. Being part of the 99% is not achievement
- Lucy: This is weird to me. I was like.. "Venezuela are eating rats" bitch where is the relevance? That's a completely different situation.. Also if someone randomly came over to me whilst I was talking to people and drinking my coffe I'd be annoyed.
- Brillow80: If Sanders owning 3 homes makes him evil. Hannity must be the anti-christ...
- Humorous Boris: Kyle, what's wrong with liking the smell of your own farts?
- Freethinkr: So apparently being a clueless nitwit and not being able to answer a question is trolling now... "Like, ummm, teeheee I don't know, teehee" TROLLED!
- Mathy Don: simon caymer: she’s awesome, you’re not a real man
- bonchidude: You mean billionaire rats. The rats have not undermined me, but those billionaires sure as hell have! EAT THE RICH!
- Roderick Van Hees: Mason DeRoss yeeeeeeeeey roleplay for life
- Ch33to Sesh: Five Hundred Since they manage to afford free healthcare, How can we can't afford it? Isn't America supposed to be first? are we number 1?
- Randy Simmons: Is the socialist a pothead or a pill head?
- Pablo Martinez: They where both Dumb
- 89ji: "Nobody's actually in favor of eating the rich" Speak for yourself, Kyle.
- Superbird281: The best argument the Sanders girl had for socialism was free health care. Nothing's free. Health care sure isn't free. Doctors and nurses and hospital staff don't work for free. In Canada about half of all health care products and services are paid for privately and the other half are paid for with a significant tax load. Obviously this isn't a serious interview, and the Sanders girl is an airhead.
- summit076: Ah, the old poverty talking point. Always conveniently defined so you can maximize the number while ignoring the actual living conditions of these people who have supposedly been pulled out of poverty. Capitalism is exploitative by its very nature, and the only reason we here in the west enjoy a high standard of living is because we exploit the poor nations of asia and africa for their labor and resources. Here's the reality of things: Millions of people starve to death each year, not because we don't have the technology or the resources to feed them, but because capitalism has decided it's not profitable to feed them. In fact, we throw away nearly a third of the food we produce every year because it's more profitable to just throw it away than to feed the people who need it. Millions more die of curable diseases each year, not because we don't have the technology or the resources to cure them, but because capitalism has decided it's not profitable to cure them. In fact, we throw away billions of dollars of medicine every year because it's more profitable to just throw it away than to cure the people who need it. Even here in the US, half a million people sleep homeless every night, not because we don't have the houses to shelter them, but because capitalism has decided that it's not profitable to house them. Do you see a pattern yet? Capitalism has caused and continues to cause much more misery on a scale much larger than any Stalinist could ever hope to achieve.
- William Fitzpatrick: Is capitalism working for the 3rd world? asking for a friend.
- ALPHA 93: Damn! The cellphone device holds too many brains hostage, Can’t even focus without channeling into the screen like every 5 sec.
- Moganna LaGrave: Who let Heather Chandler on InfoWars?
- vl7 85: I actually thought the conversation was stupid. The question was good. socialism cannot exist without capital. The very element of the socialism system is flawed we are witnessing that today. We live in many social programs - how is that working out for us? Bigger goverment or money and corruption keeps growing. Venezuela is a good example. Do some history!
- vargo hoat: id be like, oh...infowars, is it, no im sorry, please go away alex jones shoo now
- jungefrau: Exactly...dont define my ideology in a way that pleases you and denies what I actually believe.
- Chris K: Hahahaha I wish I was that cool.
- Kei Amaya: ??? That's it? Was that supposed to be a troll? Agh.. why is this on my recommended?
- Schumerus: Socialism is bad? Europe is a social capitalist continent and I don’t see any problems
- rattlesnake survival: You will be
- KingClod: That baby I'm England is more complicated than you stated. The baby had a rare disease and only risky experimental treatment could have possibly worked. However the procedure was not yet approved by the government so the parents tried to go to the US for treatment but they were stopped by the government. This has nothing to do with social democracy or universal healthcare. That government has a different standard of allowing risky procedures to be preformed on infants. But nice try though
- jameltanderson: Riku Penttila and the sad thing is it works on millions of people 🤦🏽♂️
- D. Lewis: Is there a way I can find the full video?
- Я Смерть: usucdik That's awful racist of you. So much for the tolerant left.
- Jame Jameson: In this video my conservative mates show they are just as unable to take a joke as people on the left are. This is funny, get over it.
- Sparky Firefly: All I saw was an ignorant "socialist" that could not answer simple questions. No trolling happened. All of you people are seeing what you want to see. As the left gets owned on a daily basis this is all the left can come up with. LOL.
- ioanjdaniel: Yeah free healthcare my ass, i’m not responsible for your health bro, you’re responsible for your fucking health, socialism sucks balls.
- Zissou Moonshot: There is no "free healthcare". If you institute a system where everyone is insured, it's paid for in the form of higher taxes. Look at a place like Denmark, where healthcare is free and top flight, but in exchange for that, the population pays about 60% of it's wages in taxes. So you better say you want some socialism if you want your healthcare free, because that is what single payer or any other "free healthcare" system amounts to...gathering everyone's money in a big pool, either through taxes or high insurance premiums, and then re-distributing that out to people in the form of paying for healthcare bills.
- naeonixion: Rekt. That girl is casually drinking her beverage and making the interviewer look stupid. marry me~<3
- XJM134 x: Lol there was no trolling that girl didn't even know how to answer lol this guy is as bad as the girl with the drink
- ABRAXAS: +Bree Iero Anyone who says 'Normie' is retarded
- Path Evermore: "Vegans get demonized because non-vegans like you " so you didn't actually read any of my posts. i made it very clear that i am in fact vegan. i didn't need to ignore basic biology to do so.
- Arcanekid92: im in love with her
- SodaBoy628: God King Trump I never called anyone a "thot".
- sunshine45986: Government worshipers are lazy, they want everything free.
- Jonathan Bierman: yeah she didn't own them, it wouldn't better cooler if that info cunt would had come across someone informed about Bernie
- liberty Ann: Air head.Blondie
- stoeger 2: Symbologist 1979 na she wasn't getting the answers that her questions were loaded at
- Thomas Schmidt: Only a liberal could watch a video of a mindless millennial being unable to explain their position as a master troll...
- Dylan Dixon: Liberals LOVE their freebie socialst welfare programs! FYI Libtards there is NO such thing as "FREE HEALTHCARE!" The Government has NO MONEY except for what they steal from taxpayers like me! You CAN'T give 20 Million people FREE/Subsidized healthcare at a cost of 2.8 TRILLION DOLLARS over the next 10 years without the cost increasing exponentially for everyone else AS IT HAS…. Period! How about this for a health care plan. Get an education, get a job and buy your own damn health care insurance! It worked for me! Why do federal taxpayers owe you anything? I don't even like you stupid freeloading liberals! What makes you think I owe you a living? You cannot tax a society into prosperity. EVER! OhomoObozocare "is a tax!” Tell me what exactly is “your fair share of what someone else has earned?” Communists are those who want something (Obamacare) for nothing. AKA Liberals! Socialism is a Godless, filthy system of government where those without the drive or wish to work are happy.........for a little while..........and then the money runs out. You cannot tax a society into prosperity. EVER! Whatever happened to “Ask NOT what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country?” Now with all you welfare loving Libby the liberals it is…. “Ask WHAT your country can do for you, NOT what YOU can do for your country!” Obamacare is GREAT! "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your healthcare plan!" "If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor!" And best of all "everybody’s health insurance costs will go DOWN $2,500.00 a year"…….Oh…..wait….. My healthcare was a HELL of a lot cheaper before Commiecare! It was $360 a month for 3 of us now that my son is over 26 and it is only 2 of us it is $1,380.00 a month! And I am only 51 and my wife is 48 and we are both in perfict health! You can't give 20 million people free healthcare and NOT have it skyrocket for everybody else!
- Daisy Sanders: +fake name generalising is never healthy, everyone is diverse and has different reasons for voting for whomever they supported. Not all Trump supporters are mindless trash with no common sense, neither are all Bernie supporters. Simple as that, really.
- Damlordpunt: OMG! Keep drinking the cool aide people! You are all ignorant! Nice language Kyle! I guess those doctors should work for free? Your dumb!
- Gareth Street: Neither side made sense, it was a case of blind ideology spewing vs nihilism. Neither side looked good.
- Hummbo Jambo: Trolling? What the fuck are you talking about.
- [Bracks ]: Sailor Socialism Btw she’s almost got more followers on twitter than that “journalist” now lmao
- Postmodern Prophet: She got owned? (I mean the Info-Wars girl). Hmm I must have missed something and so would have anyone with an IQ>100 So I see two possibilities here: 1)Underneath all that sophistication, you (the host) too is dumb as fuck. 2)You are a malicious deceiver Audience, pick your choice. If this comment isn't censored, that is ;)
- WeALWAYS MakeADifference: Wow that chick is gorgeous..the brunette. Aaaaand thats my contribution. Heh
- Unofficial Hero Trainer: capitalism is corporatism...
- steelmesh: You commie maggots
- Almighty Antichrist: Clown vs. clown...yawn fest...
- Exxes Hauffen: Bernie is immoral. That's why I dislike him.
- nasomaz: This dude is so ignorant
- Dark Mage: Is that a reporter or a high school level intern?
- Charli’s Channel: Bernie is not the poorest member of the senate when you add his wife’s net worth. The argument it isn’t a million dollar home because it is inherited. Let me debate you live on FaceTime. I will pay $1,000 if we do it live and you won’t take it down immediately. Dead serious.
- Insight Video: And? I'm repeating part of what you said, but I'm disagreeing with your moronic conclusions, so that makes what I'm saying different than what you're saying. It's called "argument." Also I never said we should only fund Emergency care. That's called drawing an unwarranted conclusion based on what you either thought I said, or what you wanted me to say, and then arguing against it. It's a straw man. WTH? What's wrong with you? Your "community care" (another word for communist socialism) is not the answer. I was only joking about you being inbred, but now I'm not so sure.
- John Gallagher: It's too small and homogeneous. And they all have better jobs, much higher employment level, and the average person has a much higher pay. You can't do that here. When the day comes that there good jobs go away and it will, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
- David Peterson Jr: My Countrymen are really stupid
- Han Verum: Dude, she did well. Leave her alone and stop clutching at straws. Why on Earth would you want the state to be in charge of healthcare, education and daycare?
- BlueMonk25: Damn..all that talk of rat has got me hungry...going down to Macca's for a Rat-Pack Burger (greetings from Australia)
- Dirty Samsquench: "this cake is excellent." that's something Hugo Chavez says!
- T: lol 1 us dollar is equal to thousands of Venezuelan dollars. lol i bet kyle and cent eat rats with the Venezuelan president !!!!
- Kate Cunio: This is great!
- MunDaneFatt: That Girl is top notch trolling omg
- Vladimir Vulanovic: "Why does the government have to pay for healthcare?" Because the money with which the "government pays for healthcare" comes out of the taxpayers', that is, citizens' pockets. The government's job should be to use that money for the benefit of its citizens. Instead, the US government uses it to bail out bankers and spends hundreds of billions of taxpayers' dollars to produce weapons, so it can continue to bully the entire fuckin' world. But hey, free health care - pie in the sky...
- Just J: Ron Paul never had a 3 million dollar home. He Served in congress 25 years. Never took a dime from lobbyists. Had a modest home. Believed in nonintervention. Only person ever who actually lived the principles he preached. Bernie is a fraud.
- VotelessOrc497: Exactly
- Mary DeMuth: 2:48 oh trust me, she looks good because she makes no sense. keep the cute ones stupid. go patriarchy
- Sister Giblits: Funny how 45,000 people a year must be turned away from American emergency rooms, oh wait!
- Bokasmowl: Lugmi- EXACTLY RIGHT- Insurance companies don't care about healthcare, they care about profit! which is why competition is important. You need competition in order to keep coverage high and costs low, when the government steps in, they don't have to compete. So they don't have to provide customer service. Have you ever been to the DMV? It takes 30 minutes for something that should take 30 seconds, you know why? Because it's government funded and the employees could give a fuck less. That's why corporations and free markets will always be better, because they need a returning customer, as opposed to the government who just takes your money by force and pays idiots who can't be fired. Long story short, if you trust the government, you're an idiot.
- Azakaka: Okay, do people actually know what a social democracy is in America? The comment sections say no.
- Woody The Pecker: how was she a "troll" the girl being nterviewed waa actually retarded i think. and she did say somthing rediculoius
- Sir Pac Man: +Captain Rhodes is it me or do republicans always hire dumb females to give their political opinion. The blonde girl should focus on her garbage makeup channel.
- Watch Destroyer: Decent insurance for $8,000? 😂
- Thomas Ciringione: So she sexy, The liberal girl was, Id galdy cook up some ratatouille in a shack to snuggle under the sun ;0 Fuck the 1%,
- Garrett Frugé: Yes, I too enjoyed that little exchange between Hipster Sailor Moon (or Emo Sailor Moon, or whatever) and the InfoWars LOLbertarian propaganda bimbo. She dealt with her using the proper amount of sardonic antipathy. Just wish she knew a bit more about theory.
- Trygve norwegian Mannes: The funny thing though is the fact that she was not joking. You socialistsare fucking stupid. I live in a socialist country, and I can`t fucking believe that you guys would want something that is so fucking evil. Suck on that stupid cunts!
- Iranian Super Hacker: Smart girl. She looks good in the seifuku to boot.
- mattihp: Stopped at "I don't know". Research would have taken you two minutes tops..
- Sam1878Henry: “If Bernie Sanders was president and brought in socialism do you think we would benefit?” “Yeah” “BUT I JUST TOLD YOU VENEZUELA ARE EATING RATS” 🤨
- Elijah UsedSplash: How the fuck is this trolling? I was waiting for the entire vid to see trolling. Disliked
- Take the Red Pill: I thought Infowars was shut down....
- breakngtheirhold: cum town
- Bolek Lolek: i love how she giggles and looks at the camera when she realizes its infowars, also that outfit <3
- StonedJackelope: I'd bang er....lol....but really, I am a infowars follower , but I do understand the uploaders point of the reporters push of idealogy...
- PaleRider559: Did you know that the girl you're making fun of is Autistic? She is doing the best she can. BTW: Socialism is no better than Fascism... with both, the government and those with political power tell the rest of us how to live our lives, and demonize all those who dare to live or think differently.
- Telma Elma: Bernie is not a sosyalist. Why are americans so uneducated?!
- biff buffington: "OMG? You people like have worms in your brain" .... Can you imagine the hiring manager that has to someday sit down and pick that slow moving mind on the stoned college chick.
- bigtruck guy: Interviewer is a snarky blowhard know-nothing bitchrag. Feel sorry for whoever has to fuck that.
- Demo Gog: I will eat rats and I will like it.
- What Ever: Sorry dude but you suck and I am also sorry I gave your stupid ass cuck a view. Go eat some more soy
- Dream Hollow: Far right argument always: "If you like socialism then you like VENEZUELA which FAILED." Realistically: "If you like socialism you like GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS that CARE FOR CITIZENS"
- bishplis: benny pitt shut up redneck
- Fernando Arboleda: venezuela is eating rats?...what a dippedup ignorant bimbo, she needs a huge hamster in her cooch
- Inquisitive Cameron: lol.. this vid was on John Oliver last night. Laughed my ass off.
- petros593: I would say the blonde could eat a dick, but I would rather she eat a bullet instead..!!
- Steve Wall: But trump does not talk about eating the rich.... they are pointing out hypocrisy.
- Hymphry R. Memebomber: THEY are trying the same thing in the UK with Corbyn. Trying to smear that he's a communist and he'll take everyone's money. When his manifesto for the UK General election wasn't even radical compare to the 1970s.
- thes7274473: Bernie isn’t opposed to people being rich, he’s in favor of rich people paying more taxes.
- wdnt U lik 2 no: Neal Woo https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cnn.com/2015/09/02/politics/va-inspector-general-report/index.html&ved=2ahUKEwiGv4GS1f3aAhVKmeAKHXqDDPQQFjAHegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw3waUklE4ArZGSJtiML57lC
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: Aiyan Ash Wtf is that suppose to mean?
- David Warschauer: alex jones is a fraud
- sounddoctorin: Because idiots who use the 'f' word all the time want it. lol. Seriously because the math does not WORK. Here you dumb shit. LOOK at the facts. 1) Doctors don't study 12 years to work for free generally. Maybe an AMATEUR would 'practice' on you for free. 2) People with lots of money aren't generally going to volunteer to pay for it either But IF for some reason they did, the fact remains that on average each individual will rack up a couple million in costs if they are given open-ended premium health care. That comes out to about 8 Trillion a year you dope. There simply isn't that much production such tthat this would be plausible. Now stick your F word up your nose you idiot. You don't have any facts. All you have is idealistic ignorance. Yes there are dumb questions. Learn to do math so you don't look like a moron next time.
- Candy and Violence: definite wife material
- T4K3DOWN: her attitude is shit
- Barry Barry: Yea and that shit is BANGIN.
- niigu: Hey Im Norwegian and I approve of eating rats.. From a 29€ plate and some nice truffle oil on the side KNOEWAIMSAYIN
- The Rind of Zayo Da Dong: 1:02 Is that guy staring at her ass?
- Ben Spiceo: Communism and socialism doesn't work
- FeministKilljoy: don't worry, communism will win.
- Krack Cachem: Australia is shit I lived there for 5 years
- Chi wong: Yea she totally owned that infowars woman by not answering a single question thats put to her.then you guys are cheering her on.unbelievable.
- nikolas tapakkis: Wait i thought everyone was here to bash the idiot with the latte =/ seriously i mean i hate when i see fellow europeans say americans are stupid but she is the reason so many of us make fun of americans. Does this guy really think that idiot with the latte was right? i thot he was joking at first...ahahaha this has to be the funniest ever
- Dr. Manhattan: Wait...you’re telling me Kyle watched this clip, the same clip I just watched.....and he actually thought the fuckin sailor moon airhead “won”? She “owned” the reporter? Are we even living in the same fucking planet? Seriously, are you guys watching this and thinking that? Someone explain.
- Patrick Mihajlovic: But obviously... thats ENOUGH, to successfull get in power in your rotten country !!
- Jason C.: She basically got infowars to say some incredibly stupid shit by not taking them serious.
- Cid Sapient: u have no idea what trolling means lol and ur 2 min rant trying to justify how having 3 homes somehow doesnt make u rich was funny as shit too lol
- kamaboko1: Hilarious
- Gy Se: does not qualify as trolling but yes the interviewer fucked that attempt up.
- Jason: Don't know what he watched because none of that made sense unless it wasn't supposed to
- Zolbek: Yikes
- last shadow: why it is always Venezuela, why not Denmark or Norway ?
- Jacob Schute: I like the no bra and the Ben Shapiro face on this chick.
- UNCD Inc: She was right. They do have worms in their heads.
- Thunderclap421 _: The woman didn't troll lol. She just didn't care.
- Carter Kinoy: Bernie inherited his mother's house and later sold it. He used the money to then buy a house somewhere in the South.
- Baron von Quiply: Somehow I heard her say Dennis Miller when asked who in the 1% is in favor of socialism.
- Benj Houston: ATX!
- Nim Boo: No matter WHAT way you beat it, owning three good-standard OR million-dollar homes in America whilst promoting JEWISH MARXISM for everyone ELSE is still going to be sheer HYPOCRISY. Jewish marxism is always going to sound good at first to those lesser capable individuals who see an opportunity to live off of the those who are willing to work for their sustenance AND success. In the end Jewish marxism always ends with everyone a whole lot poorer. Everyone BUT the smirking Jew in the background, that is. Jewish marxism was BUILT by its very DESIGNER Marx the JEW, .... to FAIL the Gentiles. While giving power and wealth to the JEW. And THAT is why he smirks.
- Jacob Elledge: This video is a reach. Kyle kulinski cant debate that nube. Bernie Sanders being so poor is a lie do guys know how much they made out on college land scam his wife ran. BTW Kyle Venezuela does have democratic socialism how well is that doing them. Largest oil reserves in the world and their people are having to smuggle in bread. Spain and Greece have social democracy only a couple years their economies crashed and needed a bail out. You guys know who else was a socialist democrat oh that’s right the worst fascist of all time mr Adolf Hitler. Socialism has proven time and again to not work
- itheassembly: EAT THE RICH
- Django Fett: "Ask Vietnam." Do you have a clue how radically different out military is now than in vietnam..... Holy shit, dude. Vietnam was in the 60's. We have predator drones now and even those are outdated. Militias would blow over like a wilted flower against a few drones. The U.S. army of the 60's was crap compared to the highly specialized all volunteer military we have now, which is saturated with special forces. Apples and oranges, my dude.
- Christopher Pavlis: Are you joking me with this garbage. The lady being interviewed is an idiot who knows nothing about what she says she wants, just like most libs. How exactly did she Troll anyone but her dumb ass self?
- antonio volpe: infowhores seems constipated
- ZchryPlys: It seems all the people involved with politics have NO IDEA what they are talking about. Even more so the guy who made this video. Hegelian dialectic, social engineering. DIVIDE AND CONQUER. My god just hang up the pretentious nonsense. Both side consistently spout nonsensical fallacies. I mean listen to this guy, he is completely contradicting the point he is trying to make with this pointless video. Please wake up people.
- Lady Hawke: Personally, I think she sounded kind of brain-dead (not saying she IS, that’s just how she SOUNDED...) and she definitely exemplified the stereotype of the “clueless millennial” - down to the quirky outfit and the Starbucks in her hand. But credit to her for flipping the tables on the interviewer...
- Triadlateralus: Trolls them are you kidding me. That girl was a total moron... worms for brain lol
- Dixdkckc Hsnsnsdn: I'm a conservative and like infowars, but that reporter was annoying. Stop shoving the Mic into her face and she doesn't even give a chance to talk. And the victim was very respectful
- mclaughlin: Tbh never knew about that case but their are thousands of neglect cases there just never brought to light.
- Christopher Nabours: Lol. Trolling. Ok. More like infowars got censored because it exposes the idiot left for what it is.
- Sir: What is this crap?...... junk youtube channel
- Charlie Hardy: "Owned"? Right...
- Anne Kautzi: I love how she made the interviewer wait while she sipped her drink
- M 998 HMMWV: I dont see any trolling to perfection of info wars. I see a dumb azz in a fake sailor suit that has no clue wtf shes talking about. Ps nice pee wee herman haircut lmfao
- boonestead: The interviewer is SUCH a millennial just the way she talks.the way she can t leave her phone alone and concentrate on the question
- George Kerscher: Peter Ure >Steven Crowder >hilarious >informative >rational Yeah, sure.
- TheSpiritOfTheTimes: It's Cumtown's Adam Friedland's gf Dasha!
- Beatriz: TripleAstyle1 A I’m 100% sure that when she said government she was implying everyone’s tax dollars. As soon as that money leaves your pocket for taxes it belongs to the government. So when she says government, she’s not wrong.
- Ice and Fire: Still don't remember eating any rats under Obama...
- Eyes Wide Open: Not sure if she was trolling. I'm pretty sure she is just a smug ignorant person with a God complex, like every Socialist. The video cut out after she said I want free healthcare that the government pays for. Wonder where she thinks the government gets the money?
- Steve Magic: Kyle just another self moral high and mighty liberal Jew. Who thinks he knows all. Kill yourself
- Micah Joel Geimer: Rick Ton you wouldnt know what trolling was even if it was fucking you in the ass, oh wait, it already is 😂😂😂
- Stevie Dee: There's no such thing as free health care. Someone has to pay for it. Socialism doesn't work it hasn't worked in any major country Ever and I mean EVER!
- dab person: wow trolled epic style conservatards btfo
- TheEwqua: Same as capitalism tho
- Gustavo Martínez: You fucks won't even care, but 1% do support socialism. See Reece Committee (Norman Dodd videos; or book Foundations: Their Influence and Power by Rene Wormser). And this isn't even about American 1% but global 1% (Carnegie, Rockefellers, etc.) and all the way back in the 50's. Now backtrack to Nazis and Bolsheviks financed by bankers in London and NY. Then fast forward to Soros and his Open Society Foundation, the Hildabeast promoting socialist policies, just one TV news channel on the right, the very leftie and very 1%er Sillicon Valley elite ("no, wait, those are good 1%ers, right?")... Blondie has the talking points in her head but not the substance, unfortunately. Wake up, useful idiots! Your rage should target evil people, not (very) succesful ones per se (I'll grant this: an evil 1%er can do lots of harm!)
- Lavia: Correct, he is fake news.
- KJ Ritua: Info Wars pulling their own videos? I guess Alex Jones is a snowflake
- Celtic Wolverine: Trump supporters are as stupid as flat earthers 🤣
- Kiles Ba’al bane: You know Venezuela right? “Heard of it” lmao
- sdrawkcab daer: Also Lily Allen
- Jimmy W.: Neither of the ladies in the video do anything worth labeling "glorious". No good points were made by either side here.
- Brad Hargis: This is considered getting trolled??
- Ann Ericson: Also, willfully ignorant Raptor can't even spell the word LOSER.
- Mustafa Ahmed: Either way, both girls are sexy , and I'd do them right in the pussy. Hahah
- Robin Fleet: Venezuela's problem was not socialism, it was the human greed behind the mask of socialism. Without the greed the socialism model would have worked far better than it did.
- ADF Audio: Just to let you all know the free health care in the uk is a pile of crap and such poor quality
- Trent M: she answered all questions😂
- WhiteRhino27 -: Can someone explain what the troll was here? It just sounds like she was arguing for socialism.
- David Warschauer: @mick : alex jones is a fraud.
- BarelyUnofficial: They showed it like five times since then tf yah talm bout
- Liberty Prime: We dont even need to raise taxes to pay for free healthcare. It is often highlighted how the military overspends to maintain the defense budget. Overall we should do what many countries did. Establish a private and public medical sectors
- joshua kavanaugh: Bernie has used Venezuela as an example, and now they are telling them to eat rabbits which will kill them. You don't have a right to health care, unless you enslave doctors.
- Eamon Brady: This is stupid,your channel sucks.
- Saint Michael: When the next war comes we will wipe the world clean of hippy libtard feminazi scum
- James McCarthy: Nothing is “free”.... if society is receiving “free” healthcare that the “government” is paying for, someone is paying for it (ie the higher earners are being taxed at insane rates to pay for “free” healthcare for everyone else). Not sure how I stumbled onto this video, but Kyle you are really bent out of shape. Socialism does not work. Bernie Sanders is terrifying. And it seems you are so incredibly upset about any resistance to socialism. Good luck, bud.
- Mukeet Khan: I think she played April in Parks and Recreation, no? :)
- Jimmy Owens: That troll was glorious and it was by a Cosplayer too which made it even more awesome
- JoonyaaTV: Lmao universal daycare
- Johnny B: Lol. Both these women had no clue... Maga
- john marpes: so the statement "everyone has a right to healthcare" was an AHA! Moment? .....
- Mastodon Live: boring video
- jm somville: I despise infowars and i thought she was hilarious but... How did she own this conversation exactly? Don’t get me wrong I think she has a point with healthcare but she didn’t strike as a particularly bright girl. Funny yeah, but I was waiting for a drop the mic counter argument but I didn’t see that here. So being funny is all it takes now?
- Casey Butt: There was no real argument made here by the girl in the sailor suit or the Infowars reporter. No "trolling to perfection".
- handyhippie65: "but what about venezuela?" come back with "what about germany?"democratic socialism works great there. if you have greedy, corrupt leaders who only care about themselves and their friends, you will have a dysfunctional government. which is why our government can't get anything done.
- Isabella Scott: Guys the reporter isn’t trolling she’s just asking questions like what reporters do. The college girl was just an uneducated student. Don’t be so blind. Do your research!!!!
- Pheonix Sheppard: JL-CptAtom he was attempting to make fun of info wars, by insulting the name or something I guess? I don't know, this whole video had me laughing, the narrator thinks he's God's gift to YouTube, but he looks like he clips mirrors on his shoes in toilets stalls or something. Weirdo
- Anneliese: Jose Larios III She's wearing a seifuku
- dreamlandnightmare: Both seem like dimwitted cartoonish parodies of their respective "sides".
- Esteban Velarde: wife material
- joe johns: What an idiot everyone has a RIGHT to healthcare like in Cuba!
- MrRamazanLale2: Dasha Nekrasova VS ashtonbirdie
- Matthew Van Helden: Yeah, the girl being interviewed wasnt even trying, the interviewer just did a horrible job. Trying to get the, gotchya.
- I Made You Read This: I find it funny how people on the right like to bring up Venezuela the second anyone brings up socialism. In Venezuela 2/3 of the economy is held in private hands, and 80% of the workforce is in the private sector, "socialist" politicians doesn't mean a socialist country.
- Anjalena: *cheer* Go tell it on the mountain, my friend! ANY mountain. Not necessarily a special mythologically blessed one. Just make sure to bring a gigantic, amplified megaphone! *giggle*
- J D S: She’s beautiful 😍
- Mark EM: Both are clueless.
- david butterworth: Clickbait
- Snow London: also the brunette girl is super cute
- Publius Maximus Manlius: 😍😍😍😍
- cabadman1: There's something about little titties with no bra in a shirt that gets a my dick hard.
- dangerouslytalented: In many cities, the median house price is over a million
- N A: Nothing is free young lady... maybe the infowars reporter was terrible, but the lack of understanding of basic economics from the young girl slurping on a drink is astounding.
- Justin S: cum town represent
- David Spaulding: I think even using the word "news" negatively in relation to him is giving him WAY too much credit. There's not even a kernel of truth, which is what most of the "fake news" coming from Russia had to make it credible enough to make people question "mainstream media" and whatever these conspiracy nuts like to claim.
- Diane Watson: Exactly, what if I want to sit on my couch and eat potato chips and chocolate chip cookies and quarts of ice cream, or if I want to smoke and drink. So I should expect other people to be responsible for my poor health choices and pay for my heart medications, insulin for diabetes, or surgeries or chemotherapy??? Not only does this encourage people to be stupid and irresponsible because they are off the hook for the financial responsiblity, it means that the government gets to decide who lives and who dies. Again, anyone can familiarize themselves with the cases of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans...they were not even allowed to leave the country!! There children were forced to stay in the hospital, and in the case of Alfie Evans, under armed guard, to die. There was no other option, it was mandated.
- TheTrueCanadian: If thats what the left think good "trolling" is sad... interviewer whole point is that the girl doesnt know what socialism is...
- Mike Cihak: What Troll?
- Kyler Curtis: Thats funny as hell
- Juli Striker: Is that starbucks? Starbucks got bubble tea? Like literally? Sorry I never had Bubble tea before and I can't find a place to find it, just asking if they really got it.
- Arhas Lopata: *pegasus*
- ArikGenerick: Lmao getting owned by someone on a cosplay🤣🤣🤣
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: BeardOfZeus Yes.
- erik: shut the fuck uup
- The Progressive Brit: venezuela has over 50% of its gdp from private enterpirses, stop calling it socialists you right wing dumbfucks
- ELL OHYOU: Not sure why I decided to start watching this video but I instantly regretted it. This commentator is a clown. WARNING, this video may cause an instant drop in IQ.
- Katie Bug: Well apparently he was born as one. (Sorry I think it’s kind of a niche joke lol)
- Skrillozillion: This never pulled. Didnt your mom teach you not to lie. This is far from trolling.
- James Campbell: This gives me brain cancer that retard socialist that is for sure a heroin addict has the worms not the hot blonde with the facts
- Kalebk959: Why, why do they need to be abolished
- ThePaleoConservative ForTruth: This video is still up . Fake news, this woman was an A1 millenial idiot.
- Ben Dover: He’s not socialist, Jesus. Also, Venezuela isn’t socialist, I️t has a 70% private sector. Another thing, Bernie doesn’t support abolition of private property and an entire overhaul of the production mode from profit to use with worker control.
- Peter McIver: She didnt say under Bernie Americana would be eating rats
- Crypto Cam: that girl is from AMTV. info wars is trying to be the young turks of the right
- Geronimo P: Kami84 Look it up under Wikipedia. First they pass it under the cover assisted suicide.
- BIG John R. Morrow Channel: dang the poorest member of the senate owns 3 homes, I need to become a Senator
- Allyson Wonderland ASMR: I thought that was a screenshot from Clueless for a moment
- Gabriel Arnett: I think Bernie Sanders for open boarders though which is bad... #Trump2020
- Martin Marcos: As a conservative I can say I really wish Info Wars would not exist. Those guys are still like the 2007 "videogames create violence" type. Also, there are some really thirsty comments around here.
- Montag theMagnificent: Sailor Moon is a commie burn out.
- selfatrophy: Deplorable Me Decent set of tits and figure, but a forgettable face.
- tennwalt: I personally cannot tolerate self-admitted sensationalist Alex Jones...on the other hand, you equally suck at what you do, nothing but click bait!
- FreshmenBolts: She's didn't make sense??? No the socialist girl didn't make sense,... She wants socialism simply for free health care,...makes absolutely 0 sense
- StealieSteve: Who is going to pay for the trillions in tax breaks for the rich that trump and republicans passed in the last year? Who is going to pay for 17 straight years of our endless wars and regime changing policy 🌎wide. Who is going to pay for our 800 military bases worldwide? Who is going to pay to fix our 2nd rate crumbling national infrastructure? You child.
- Sparkle Plenty: Adam Blade yeah, YOU want to give trillions more free stuff to the poor military. what about THOSE consequences?
- Riley Banks: Noooo.. sorry.
- Valentine Meza: She’s like Aubrey plaza and Emma stone combined
- Zoe K: Docholland45 I am fascinated to know how you came up with this reply
- Boring Shota: I’m not going to lie, I don’t think either of them won or lost. It was just a hot mess to begin with.
- Forrest Davis: What do you mean we're not for eating the rich?
- Dave Archambault: She put the final nail in the argument the second she called the chick “Sweetie” A priceless and silent “fuck you”.
- EBEN BROOKS: I love how the left calls those on the right, Nazis (national SOCIALIST), yet they are the ones pushing for socialist ideals. Socialism is socialism is socialism. It doesn't matter how you spin it with phrases such as social democracy or "Bernie style socialism."
- Felix Desrosiers: What is socialism then? And do yoy believe that socialism and capitalism csn coexist together?
- Aurochz: Hey! I'm not loud...
- Mister Smith: Were not Venezuela. There are b different definitions of socialism communism neither of these girls know exactly what their talking about which is fine. But the interviewers whole narrative based on logical fallacy straw man arguement. She didn't own anything. She just looked desperate trying to eye roll she tried it
- Terry Calderwood: LOL...you thought THAT was owning someone? She talked like the air head she was.
- Paul Rossi: That girl wearing the hat sounds like she has worms in her brain..or maybe she has booze in that cup..or she's under the influence of drugs.
- james Jameson: I'm also from the UK and the UK is fucked. All UK political parties are the enemy of all indigenous Brits. The National health system is in tatters, used and abused by foreign third world beggars. But hey mannnnnn! The US is so farrrrrrr right mannnn, that it's like, soooooooo unreal mannnnnnnnnn! As a Brit to another Brit, you are such a smug, leftist cunt. The UK are led by weak, bought and paid for leftist donkeys betraying real Brits 24/7.
- nuwavghost: marie R She knew they have worms in their brains. That’s true.
- bonchidude: There is no sympathy for far right wingers. They are evil and crazy and need to be dropped on the sun's surface or an active volcano!
- A: ‘Heard of it...’ Fuck that was hot. She made my gay senses go into overdrive.
- Top Ranked: Who is she ? She's such a cutie
- willcarism: Is that indeed what everybody was saying, Kyle? Lol.
- Anarchrist: Eat the rich is an actual thing though.
- Greg Greg: Demolition Man rat burger. :P
- jack sprat: I am in love with that chick.
- jice12: She looks like Bill Hader. Why are leftist chicks so ugly? D: Also isn't that seifuku shirt cultural appropriation? You cucks should be having a shitfit.
- E MAN: My parents had 5 houses it still didn't mean he was rich.
- Bokusatsu Tenshi: Autism is considered trolling now?
- Pervy Sage: the doctor still get paid dude...
- Avrysatos: Dave S your weird behavior still hasn't addresses my original point of her claiming Bernie wanted to promote cannibalism.
- wooo weee: +Meditating Jesus Yea counting deaths by too much mountain dew isn't going to convince anyone lol Boogie literally ate himself to death, while true, not the same thing as being deliberately starved to death with or without gulags. As we see now on every platform you control, the demand for authoritarianism is natural and inevitable on the left. Its no longer hidden, even your big brains in silicon valley now consider both the 1st and 2nd amendment a nuisance to be done away with at the first opportunity. We've seen the consequences in the UK where people now face jail over joke youtube videos. And don't tell me their government is conservative, no such thing in those countries.
- Pale Salad: So this guys just the flip side of info wars. Fucking great more angry fat dudes yelling at each other just what the world needs.
- Jeremy Williams: The host is a goddamn idiot full straight boxcar linkage of shit
- macmike kingbee: It was dumb on both sides lol
- Watch Destroyer: Doc Equis That is for a single person. Average family has 4 members. We paid close to $2,500/month for a gold plan.
- Asif Aziz: Lol, i cant believe this shit... For someone from a "third world country/shithole" its astounding for me to see that these "patriots/whatever" are having a very difficult time differentiating between socialism/communism and democratic socialism. Please build the wall, so that the sheer level and disease of stupidity is confined to these lot... Hopefully we can come up with a cure for stupidity by then in the nick of time.
- Weston White: What is with the myriad strawmen arguments and rambling diatribe? Also, corporatism (and privatization) are elements of socialism, which lays the foundation towards communism. Anyone actually arguing in support of socialism is a raving sociopath and are gravely in need of mental health assistance; that or they are simply ill-informed and brainwashed. So she was off by about $1.5, the point is still valid. http://moneynation.com/bernie-sanders-net-worth/
- Natalie Willems: Wouldn't call that a troll but sailor girl sure did shine the light on stupid...
- SANFRAN LA: She’s sexy af
- Maximilien: "No one actually believes in eating the rich" Nigga what?
- no hassle: I live in Scotland and we have free healthcare (actually paid for by people who can work). We love it and we think you Americans would love it too! Infowars is full of shit.
- Phil Davison: I need to find this woman and marry her. I'll hold her drinks, whilst she just eminates sass.
- Some Asshole: You remind me of Louder with Crowder.
- JD: Why did she take Venuzuela as an example, and not countries like Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, The Netherlands aka the happiest countries in the entire world...
- Juan O.: What? Trolling? She was just being honest. This guy is the opposite Alex Jones, with the same kind of rhetoric. Calm down, and just state the facts.
- robert turni: The 1 percent supports socialism Do they? Well in venezuela there are rich people Lol what that argument doesn't even make sense
- Song Weaver: This is truly classic
- Hi How Are You?: Wrong.
- Pixel Tiger: The blonde chic is a bitch
- C C: Stoned leftist: Eat the rich, socialism! Reporter: Eat the rich? You know Bernie has a 3 million dollar mansion? Stoned leftist: You have worms in your brain... Leftist lemmings: OH SNAP! INFOWARS JUST GOT REKT!!!!!!!
- Rooney Cunningham: If America was a socialist country we would be fucked.
- Hakeem Adjei: She is using a Pixel 2 .. nice 👍🏾
- cosmosofinfinity: The funny thing is that Alex Jones is, himself, a millionaire. I'm sure he's got a ridiculous house of his own.
- Filadelphia Fan: Who is the even more trailer park Tomi Lohren, Tomi Lorhen imitator? Nice Hair! Word Salad with rats.
- Knekten: Braindead you get upset when people bash your hero Alex Jones.. I
- Jessica Katz: Hey Bernie, I'll take a nice hot rat anytime, just come be president
- Deanna Pokora: She didn’t even ask if she could ask, and then when the girl answers and than tells her she’s wrong for her thoughts...the INTERVIEWER asks generic questions, you can’t turn around and be like “your idea is dumb” I love this girl - Why is he not allowed to have more properties...that has nothing to do with his job, he’s literally setting up his family ... this dumb bitch
- Joseph Gabbard: Libtards have Stockholm syndrome. November 8th 2016 was AWESOME!
- Rek_1: This is more of you trying to troll your viewers into thinking this video is real. Looks like it backfired ώ
- DsiakMondala: Venezuelans are eating dogs tho, not rats*. last time I checked at least.
- Veexliat: "nobody is actually in favor of eating the rich" Yeah, right :D
- Bacon_Apocalypse: Isnt that the girl from the republican student group at Berkley? I had some respect for her, but now she works for info wars? Nope its gone.
- slickbricknick123: She wasn’t ready!
- uhaveabuttface: Socialism is in fact shit! You cant change my mind on that
- whyamimrpink78: "You seem oblivious to the fact that retail jobs existed before Walmart, " Sure, there would be another retail store. It just won't be Walmart, it would be some other major company. What's your point? "Walmart's $10 billion profit divided among its 2 million employees gives it the ability to pay $420/month for employee healthcare, " Isn't that simple. Walmart has razor thin profits because a lot of their profits go into their 2.9 billion shares outstanding. Corporations have to worry about the value of stocks. If they didn't they would lose shareholders and have to downsize leading to job loss. You complain about Walmart but why are not you complaining about Raley's or Hy Vee how little they pay? Or Costco in how few employees they hire?
- N45441: No, I didn't.
- Cody: your garbage. and so is your show
- BIOHAZARDCURE: The government doesn't pay for jack shit. the working class does. Free healthcare would destroy the lives of those whom are already taxed at a rate which I find ridiculous, "honey".
- bonchidude: jeremy the unskilled lying troll. You have been called out! Oh and keep trollin. It helps Kyle Kulinski! applause!
- Felix Desrosiers: +The Prickly Prick i agree that capitalism is not a bad economic system, but for it to work, you need some regulations. I think we can agree on that (otherwise look at unregulated capitalism during the industrial revolution). So, once you agree that capitalism needs some restrictions and that some things cannot be left to the free market (healthcare, education, public infrastructure, law enforcement, etc.) you have to incorporate some "socialist" programs. The question is how much "socialism" we will introduce. In Canada we chose to have a lot more than in the US so that's why by comparison Canada is a social democracy.
- proto: some one hire this chick!
- Barry Flint: Germany and sweden are not socialist countries. They have highly capitalistic industries, high investment rates and have a long history of economic protectionism in the form of EU Zone regulations and high income tax rates. What socialist do is leverage the success of capitalism to pay for social programs and then proclaim to the world that socialism works. Venezuela nationalized all heavy industries and factories soon followed by the supermarkets and some stores. This destroyed the economy which was reliant on oil to pay for it all. Venezuela is a democratic socialist country. Sweden and germany may call themselves such but they are not. Sweden has a small homogeneous population with high natural resources. Comparing countries is like comparing oranges to lettuce. Germany pays 1% towards defense while NATOs smaller countries foot the bill and bare the risk of collective defense. Why socialism fails is because problems emerge when the government begins to exert total control over the economy and bring about equality. These problems are always unintended and unforseen yet socialist do not know how to deal or mitigate the effects of these economic problems. The study of economics is the study of human behavior, not the study of wealth or its distribution. Because socialist are blinded by naive idealism they simply cannot see their failures and assign blame else where in the form of "Oh thats not real socialism". Venezuela is a classic example of democratic socialism. All the oil money in the world could not save them from the poverty of equal distribution.
- iLoveJackingOn: Can I marry her?
- Lord Crump: I think what is so funny about the clip is how stupid the interviewer is whilst being condescending to the girl she's interviewing. Also this isnt a small thing in his political favor. It's pretty big that info wars is so out of touch that they uploaded this thinking they owned that girl. Especially knowing how they sift through all their interviews to find the best propaganda. Its a legendary failure.
- p1-GOATEp2.0: ...ill say this though, the socialist girl is really hot. Doesn't understand the nature of of the cosmology of her ideology, but hey.. she's a woman.. they commonly gravitate towards socialism more so than men because they're more susceptible to propaganda and Stockholm Syndrome - and - have the innate instinct to provide for the children at pretty much all costs, which it self is naturally is good, but its been used all through out history (actual scientific-facts, regardless if I sound like a dick or not: it is what it is).
- Te Reo: New Zealand had free health care as well.
- LaseRamon: Damn, this segment has certainly triggered all of da conservative 'muricans.
- David Davies: whyamimrpink78 - There is a right to education under international convention. A convention that the US pushed for but has failed to ratify for itself. You obviously have no idea what such a right entails or why it's there. So you believe that the Taliban is right to attack schools for daring to teach girls? The US has a poor record on human rights. You mention that rights cannot be taken away without due process. The right to life is taken away on a regular basis by trigger-happy police in the US without any recourse available to the victim's family. The US allows the execution of juveniles, which is also against international human rights law. It's currently considering allowing an individual who took part in torture to serve in the government, rather than insist that she stand trial. Torture is not only prohibited under international human rights law, it's prohibited under the US Constitution. As is detaining people without trial, which has been happening at Guantanamo. Either they are enemy combatants/soldier, in which case they should be dealt with under the Geneva Convention and other instruments of international human rights law, or they are private individuals/terrorists in which case they have to be dealt with under the US Constitution and put on trial. This week, the UK admitted that it had been wrong to use "rendition" against a Libyan national, on behalf of the Gadaffi regime, who then tortured him and his wife. They will now undoubtedly receive a large payout. When does a US Government admit to failures of its human rights obligations? I have an excellent understanding of the rights that are supposed to be available in the US. They are no different, apart from the obvious, to the rights on offer here. I've even read the Federalist papers. The authors' misuse of commas explains the wording of the second amendment. The US Constitution borrowed heavily from, and expanded upon, the English Bill of Rights. I am also a former law student with a particular interest in human rights. I am considering applying to do a PhD to look into the UK's abuses of human rights. I'm afraid that your arguments are generally pretty ignorant and arrogant, especially on universal healthcare. "Made by professionals and experts?" Which experts? Something I've learned over the past couple of years is that when an American Conservative says this, it usually means they heard it on Fox. If universal healthcare was so bad, and opposed by "professionals and experts", those living in countries that have it would be clamouring to pay for their own healthcare, not trying to persuade America's brainwashed right-wing that it's the best thing that happened to them and the best thing that would happen to the American people. Your comment "that's why you buy insurance" says it all. The facts just go through one ear and out the other without hitting anything in between. Which is pretty typical for an American Conservative - they have a thoroughly entrenched world view where facts are subservient to beliefs. "If one state, say CA, does indoctrination but another state, say FL, doesn't, people can see that the people of FL are intelligent and the people of CA aren't." - I noticed what you did there. Besides the fact that, seeing how you're using modern-day California and Florida political leanings as an example, you've got it backwards (IMO), who's to say that BOTH aren't indoctrinating their students? Who're the intelligent ones in that scenario? It sounds like what you'd want is for every state to indoctrinate or brainwash students into believing Conservative values. That sounds vaguely Communist or Fascist. But again, it's why state-level curriculums don't work. You have some states, such as Alabama, which will remain dumb and poor, and other, such as California, that will have a greater number of skilled and intelligent people who make the state rich. And this is what kills the right-wing argument that those who are liberal are dumber than those with right-wing views. Until recently, the five poorest states in the US were all Republican. Alabama was Republican for 20 years and nearly voted for an alleged child molester. You can't get much dumber than that. It's why you need a level playing field and a national curriculum. So everyone has the same chances in life. If they're taught to believe bullshit, then they should ALL be taught that bullshit. I'm not saying that they should be taught bullshit at all but you're all Americans. How far you get in life shouldn't be dependent on whether you live in a state where you're being indoctrinated one way or the other. To many Europeans, both left and right, some of the beliefs of American Conservatives demonstrate a degree of indoctrination. An example of this is Ben Shapiro. No doubt you believe that he's the epitome of intelligence. To me, he's as dumb as a rock. If he was intelligent, he wouldn't believe the amount of bullshit that he does. He wouldn't have such serious daddy issues about Obama either and wouldn't try to twist or make up facts, such as in his 2010 article where he tried to convince people that Obama had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Of course, his sheep-like followers believe everything that he says. Obama showed no signs of NPD. Trump, on the other hand, is a clear case (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662). He has also tried to push the narrative that Nazis are left-wing. I live for the day when he goes to a Nazi/far-right rally and accuses them all of being leftists.
- fl00d: +Peter lmao dude... I can't fathom how you can be this much of a dumb fuck.
- Fukai Kokoro: Infowars is like a SNL skit. They literally just make shit up on the spot to counter other peoples arguments.
- Cooper Harris: I hope you get aids, yes you! I mean YOU GET AIDS
- I Kill Everything I Fuck: I've gotta say: aside from Alex Jones just being a total muppet, every body else at InfoWars just seems to totally suck at debating and counter arguing. It's just a fucking mess of a show 😒
- Impervious: +Rob M >"You're implying the reporter actually made an argument" She did: 1) Venezuela does X 2) The result of X is Venezuelans eating rats 3) Most people anywhere don't want to eat rats Valid conclusion: if you don't want to eat rats, don't do what Venezuela does. If you have specific issues with this syllogism, point them out.
- Sean E Cash: What?? Amazing what the left will call a win these days. The lefty didn’t even realize Bernie is in the 1%. Question; how is that possible on a salary of $140k??... and Bernie is the poorest member of the senate?? Maybe get your facts strait dipshit... BUSTED!!
- Snow London: yeah in our economy a lot of people are living in 3 mil homes.... in my state a 1 bed 1 bath condo is usually upwards of 1 mil
- Bound Breaker: The girl in the sailor outfit wasnt that smart lmao why are people praising her?
- viperdemonz jenkins: she is just a smug girl who played word games with someone with far less brains than herself she should be so proud that she is a bit smarter than this airhead.
- Dave Hash: Ok I have to chime in here. First off this girl wants socialism yet doesn't know what socialism is. Socialism is not free health care. It's not free anything. This is what the left does. They take dumbed down college liberal idiots and feeds them a bunch of garbage like free health care and free this and that and they swallow the lies and then act like were stupid because we know how socialism actually works and try to explain it to them. Healthcare isn't a right. We've been paying for healthcare since it first came out. This woman doesn't act like she's too bright to begin with. She talks so slow you would swear she's brain dead. And people think she's making sense. Lord have mercy.
- Insoo Kim: Youre a fucking idiot. Nothing is for free douchebag
- Slapping Goofies: Because, Why the fuck not?
- robertzio: FINE ill watch it, get out of my recommendeds Edit: i tried to search for a longer clip, watched another commentator vid w the exact same clip, and now have come back to this video to edit this comment!! My recommendeds are gonna be full of this stuff now!
- God/TOAA: Bernie isn't even a socialist. These right-wingers truly are morons.
- AngelDarkArts: This guy’s name just makes me think of Styles Stilinski
- zoinks lmao: The Infowars woman kind of embarrassed herself there.
- Vince Apolinar: I think I have a crush on the girl who was being interviewed
- Tiny Panda: This chick looks like she ate 3 pot brownies a few hours ago
- bighands69: Socialism is for idiots.
- GenghisDingus: If it's fair game to talk about Venezuela for socialism it's fair game to talk about China and Taiwan about capitalism
- G. Erwin: Like New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Japan, S. Korea, Scandinavian Democracies, Most of W. Europe. They are Arguably "Socialistic". Then again, Bush Sr. or G. Ford are Commies by Modern Tea-bagger Republican 'Logic'. Granted, they're constitutional Democracies that are usually represented by Socio-Democrats(Sometimes electing Liberal or Conservative Gov). They have more or less, Capitalist economies, with social safety nets(like Education & Universal Health care). Where do Retards get this idea that those that pay their taxes, make products that sell are somehow hypocrites when profiting? Especially if they're advocating fair tax system and/or an end to Corporate welfare. VENEZUELA'S MAIN PROBLEM is having a MONO-ECONOMY. They did Not diversifying their Economy. As if Oil prices will always remain high, or even the same. Venezuela is the second, maybe even the most corrupt Nation in S. America. Also, Venezuela is not really a "Socialist' Country. They are(were)a Constitutional Republic, a Representative Democracy(maybe not for long)that elected a(once popular)Communist, Chavez. After Chavez death, Maduro(Like Trump)has discredited and eroded the Institutions(like Media & opposing parties, stacking Supreme court, voter suppression)that in Past, kept governments in check. What's happening to Venezuela did not happen overnight. It took about 15-18 years. Maduro has more in common with Trump than Sanders any day. I've NEVER heard anyone on 'duh Left!" bock anything about adopting failed Communist ideas. A Democratic Socialist is one that puts DEMOCRACY first, but has some Socialistic views, usually dealing with Health care, Energy resources, and Education. Socio-Democrat is one that's(mostly)Socialist, but wants a Constitutional Democracy to put checks and balances(avoid totalitarianism). Believes that the people should choose how a gov represents them. Textbook definition of Socialism is "The state or Community runs(Most, Major)means of Production". NOT using tax revenues from a mostly private, market economy to build Infrastructure(which the wealthy rely on to be wealthy). Like Military, Roads/rail, Fire & Police Depts, Education, NASA, and such. This also stimulates MIDDLE CLASS DEMAND. Which is the Real "JOB CREATOR"(NOT giving even more tax cuts, More deregulations to wealthy corporations). Outsourcing almost always occurs after posting RECORD PROFITS. Not when 'duhh...overtaxed! duh...regulations! Derp!! Lock duh Swamp! Build her Up!!"
- S A D L I F E: karakol86 yeah real great attitude towards the leaders of your country, “whatever” right?
- miguel trujillo: That wasn't a troll, neither one of them knew what they were talking about and neither had a PENIS so I'm not listening!
- adfasd: Kill the rich people!!! We must all be poor!!
- Vince Fitter: Diane Watson - 'Maybe she'd like to go to the UK and have the government and the hospitals decide whether or not you get to live or not.' Speaking from the UK, I can categorically say the statement, as well as being extremely offensive, is just plain wrong. I don't know if it's wrong because you're a gullible idiot or a malevolent idiot, but either way get your facts right, particularly when you're talking about you something you have no experience of. Our life expectancy over here, both individually and collectively is greater than than the US, as a result of - as any expert will tell you - our universal free healthcare system. The government the decides whether you live or die is the US one, which denies access to healthcare to a significant part of it's population because they can't afford to pay for it.
- Unframe of Mind: Eeyeck! 😷 Vocal fryyyyyyyy girl
- ivanfig1: I wish that woman interviewed me. Tell when and where.
- michbushi: Jesus christ, if this insufferably prick "owned" them, after not being able to answer a single question...
- William Smith: Sanders got schooled by hilliary. LMAO
- Jack Shelton: I mean privatized*
- OpinionDay007: how does this channel get 550000 subs...seriously????
- Regular Warya: "That is the same thing Hugo Chavez says " really America ?, the guy is not even a live, he does not say any thing may be he said it in the past.
- Tinzin: both these women seem like stupid insufferable cunts.
- emil oliver: So Bernes not a1% ? Dish bag? 4500 die BECAUSE they have no health care??? U R just as bad....
- Joshua Morien: It's the fact socialism is demonstratably bad and ruins every country it is practiced in. Yes she seemed inexperienced but where was the troll? How did she troll? And we have so called free health care in Australia but that's only for emergency. For non emergency surgeries, we can wait years and years.
- samson: Yes. Venezuela is under siege by US economic warfare and astroturf activists undermining a democratic government. Your point?
- Simon G: That woman is an idiot, why are you praising her? You must of been watching a different video to me. And the proof she's an idiot is that she wants free health care paid for by the government, ffs if you got free health care your taxes will go up to pay for it, which means its not free. That's like saying the NHS is free. So if you route for this woman you're as retarded as she is.
- Max Lundqvist: that girl said herself that she is autistic and she works for "all autism is caused by vaccines and all autistic people are school shooters, cept they are really false flag deep state martyrs" alex jones.
- Grahf0: Is that her (the sailor girl's) name? Because if it is, I would like to proclaim that I am smitten with Dasha.
- stephen ortega: alex jones knows sanders is a dangerous commodity. given the changing demographics sanders might just win in 2020.
- Shotgun Pete: God bless Infowars, if it weren't for them I would have never learned I'm eating rats for dinner over here in evil socialist Europe.
- Angel Pelayo: Dash_cam ig
- Kitten Whiskers: Venezuela's eating rats? There are sections of America without clean drinking water.
- Destro Daboss: Owen Shroyer is bae
- Lucid Music Inc Recordings: Alex Jones is getting young attractve females who probably barely have any college eduation to "report" for them rather than do the hard work himself or hire qualified veteran journalists to tell us something we don't already know. Instead he's rehashing what Mark Dice used to do 5-6 years ago which was cringy then and more so today, which is to ask random people in public leading questions to make them look like "sheeple." Disgusting isn't a strong enough Alex Jones and I feel sad for anyone who works for him, even Paul Watson.
- Ares: What was glorious? And she seemed to make fine sense. And all the socialists loving commie stated is that she wanted tax payer funded health care. 90% of people can't afford more taxes to do this. This is just a sham way to give illegals access as well as those who refuse to work and contribute to get more free benefits. NO! Benie is an idealist with no real way to solve issues than just forcing the taxes to become overbearing. This isn't the United States of Commifornia, Cali has sunk below the sea of Democratic control. The entire state is broke and overrun by illegals. The girls interview wasn't done the best but her points are valid. Bernie will not see the Oval office so it's a non issue. What is an issue is that like most liberals, you're putting all your eggs into one basket and the video you hoped would make Alex look bad, failed. I don't drink the info wars kool aide, nor anyone's for that matter. But liberalism is failing and stunts like this are all you have to make yourselves feel viable. Your not, it's just the way it is.
- Ekemini Umoh: Mike Tate triggered
- Suga G: Who is this woman?? I want to to follow her. Anybody know please inbox me
- Hassenboy: Mr. Moderate Omg no the complete opposite. What the hell is wrong with you Americans? She's obsessed with her phone and rude. Big no no. If she wants Healthcare she can skip the smoothies and buy an insurance.
- Cami Avila: yeesh this cant be real
- benny mills: +I B33 I didn't say he was right or wrong. But pin pointing a very small problem to the system that specifically focuses on immigration... No thanks. Do me a favour and read up on how much diabetes costs the NHS. We're a fat fucking country. It's costing us billions. Not talking about those who can't help it either...
- GOLDEN LADY: Love this chick! She went tit for tat on that ass. She’s like a smart valley girl. 😂😍🤩😚
- Talon64 76: Go visit the ER at a county hospital in a border city and sit there for a long time waiting to see a doctor for what ever reason your there for and tell me why I should be paying for someone else's health care, because those people aren't giving me one fuckin dime for mine. Health care should stay privatized and follow rules and regulations set by the government
- Philip Aleman: Leftists deffinition of "Schooling" 🤣
- G.I.Jack: Totally agree
- Andrew P: Would rail
- AmateurHetman: European countries have a lot of socialist policies such as free healthcare and education, and let me tell you, we’re very happy and not eating rats. US conservatives think that some socialist policies will make will create a USSR, but that’s not the case. The US has states like Alabama which have been described like third world counties due to the inequality. Bernie would actually do some good for America.
- RainbowEagle: Wait lines are in their heads. You only have to wait a long time if you go to the wrong place. Like, if you go to the ER because you have a runny nose, you won't have anybody look at you for hours because they have people coming in who had strokes and heart attacks and accidents... If you go to the general practitioner for your area, you'll be given a time based on when a doctor is free and how serious your case might be. You don't have to even go there to set an appointment. You can get an appointment by phone or online. Then just show up in time. I have no idea what lines they are talking about. In poorer countries, there are wait lines. However, those result from the fact that areas that should have 4 doctors on shift have only one. These are countries that spend something like $500 - $1,000 per capita on healthcare. The US spends almost $10,000 per capita. All countries with $4,000 or more have excellent healthcare.
- flauntjdb: I fucking love that woman. I aspire to be like that lol
- Drab Majesty: Cuck
- Firstnamelastname: I love that IDGAF Attitude, very rare in women. Rarely mixed with an intelligent woman too tbh.
- James Crews: Calling me a homo while fantasizing about me wearing a dress? 😂😂😂
- CallingVain: +uber eat my ass Who is she? I've been trying to find out her name..
- Shaolin: And here I thought info wars was the most retarded shit on youtube
- Christopher Powell: This guy has had 500,000 subscribers for a while now. Nobody's watching this shit you're pushing. Debate Steven Crowder sir
- chris ellioitt: Sanders has 5 homes worth multi mil each plus others. Veasuala is eating rats and pidgins and grass and garbage..the government openly recommended it to get food. Socialism leads to poverty and starvation. ( every time it tried for hundreads of millions of death in just the 20th century alone.). The 1 % are the ones that fund that idea because every socialist country has an elite...mainly the party voted in pushing it in the first place. Then turn it into an socialism with them and their friends in power as it becomes a dictator state. You need to read more you look bad when you say someone wrong when there is proof from all sources in their country of it. The problem with socialism is it only worries about who get how much of the pie and not how the pie got made in the first place.
- yagnouska: She is literally smiling the entire interview. If this is not trolling i dont know what is.
- StationRussification: Dude ... Reporters that give you info you've yet to R&D and then ask an opinion are politicians not reporters. 'Specially a bitch cramming the preloaded answer in that question over and over and over ... She could hava career in Writing for Day Time Soaps.
- Vuab Xiong: people don’t even know wtf trolling is.
- Sean Armstrong: stir fry.
- anna slagley: socialism is not good
- Sandra Mayer: "Worms in your brains" bwaaahaha
- maureen j. o'donnell: Bloody f****ing brilliant!
- Widdekuu91: I want to be able to respond to a camera that way. She started out with a giggle-hyperactive-energy at 0:48 and then managed to become só full-chill, she was basically meditating there. If I could have about 40% of that chill, I would be able to sleep normally again. She is awesome.
- Shaq Attaq: Like most things I think Info Wars started off strong and with good pure purpose and is kinda trash now
- rge24491: nipple on sailor girl
- Jakevol2: This guy is just as unhinged as Alex Jones. Just give Emma Stone in a sailor suit the mic.
- Youn Kim: infowars gives me cancer
- N Birenny: I can see that sailor tits under her shirt
- matt mitchell: They both have works for brains
- EvilCheeseMoon: AYAYA
- G G: I don’t think you know how trolling, works...
- Lavia: Or do you need your "safe space? "
- TruDatBellyFat: InfoWars is a network of insufferable twats, but I don't really see anyone getting "owned" here. They both seemed pretty brain dead. 😐
- sheltomlee: "You people have worms in your brain." Yep.
- Ronnie Kelley: Crowder would put you in check son. Your right about this interview being terrible, but your ideals are sad.
- Daniel de Burgh: The red jacket girl was ignorant
- Ōkami-san: America ended 120 years ago. We live in the USA. Two totally different countries.
- Peter Ure: Who did the 1% overwhelmingly favor? Clinton donors: Lynn Forester de Rothschild, George Soros, the Prizker family, Gregory Hayt, Randy Tam Donald Sussman, Mike Liebowitz, James H. Simons, Peter Brown, Howard Morgan, Fred Eychaner, Catie Danz, Charlie Gross, Dustin Moskovitz, Justin Rosenstein, Elizabeth Bagley, Frank Biondi, Tim Cook, Haim Saban, Cheryl Saban, Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx, Tobey Maguire, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, and on....and on...And on.
- Adam Pindelski: They both were dumb honestly. One believes in "free" stuff which makes her an idiot alone and the other cant even properly point it out...
- C Levy: Health care is for pussys. 'Merica needs a bigger military.
- Felix Desrosiers: +The Prickly Prick I live in Canada too btw. Obviously we do not live in a purely socialist country, but we also don't live in a purely capitalist country. Our laws ressemble France, Germany and the UK which by international standards can be classified as social democracies (norway, finland, denmark, iceland, sweden are even clearer examples of this idea but their system is less comparable to ours). Where capitalism and socialism intertwine. So just saying socialism is bad is intellectually dishonest because it would be like looking at the industrial revolution and saying that capitalism is bad. For the free healthcare thing i would agree that it isn't all rainbows and flowers, but at least people aern't going broke because of medical bankrupcies or dying because of preventable ilnesses. Which is why, according to all international standards, our healthcare system is way better than in the US. What province do you live in? Maybe that has a part to play in our different perspectives :p
- Black Lanner: In San Francisco a $1 million home is pitifully small. The housing costs are insane.
- JB JG: ThisguyQuake Oh.. thought she was a Donald Duck fan.
- William Fitzpatrick: "I think people should have healthcare" "BUT RATS THO"
- FutureChaosTV: Tip Roberson Yeah, infowar has really gone downhill lately.
- mhamadac: A *majority* of the country is currently eating rats. A "majority" jesus Info Wars is unbearably stupid.
- iridium137: I don't get it. It looks like the infowars person was winning.
- Dane L: Telling people that they have worms in their brains and start laughing is not trolling?
- googlewolly: +Felix Desrosiers it doesn't work
- N/a N/a: lol corporatism is not socialism. Corporatism is when large organizations have the power vs. individuals. Calling this socialism is like calling America a socialist country because of OSHA or social security.
- Lui Dan.Loe.: Swoog3G your sorry excuse of an example doesn’t apply for everyone. People are raised in poor communities can’t get much of anything even with hard work because the education they get is under supplied and underfunded as shit- and that’s not their fault but it sure as fuck makes it living hell to get anywhere with it Not everybody is privileged with all the resources they need to get on a job and gain money in the beginning like the people you mentioned, and that’s why it’s a huge problem Because the people in charge of this shit have the same damn petty mentality as you: “Yeah you can have healthcare if you work for it- but- even if you do you can’t have it if you have a shitty job sorry!”
- Henke Ria: art of trolling is crying Kyle!!!
- Collin Hannah: Bernie isnt a socialist. Hes a social Democrat...
- Egg Boi: Wtf happened to Kyles fingers?
- Sun Tzu: Anyone who uses Venezuela is a counterargument to 'socialisms is always bad' is retarded.
- arklowrockz: I thought both participants were obnoxious....
- Gurfmanj: She is not trolling. She’s speaking honestly and sincerely. That is not trolling. The “reporter” is trolling.
- frank booth: The smug girl dressed like Donald Duck thinks everything should be free, and you should pay for it. She's cool.
- Bokasmowl: Michael you look like you could use some male vitality, lookin like a twig bro, do you even lift? Your neck looks like it would snap like peanut brittle.
- BranBrooke: The interviewer did suck, but the interviewee was actually just stupid, not trolling.
- J0WNZ33: Healthcare isn't a right it's a privilege.
- Cody Goins: dookdawg214 yeah this channel sucks ass. I'm an agnostic libertarian, but the amount of liberal filth that gets pushed on this channel is ridiculous. If two people are equally wrong this piece of shit always sides with the more liberal one
- Coco Brown: And so what if Bernie’s rich? What does that have to do with what he wants for the everyday working person?
- Dale Bonehart: What’s his name
- Amor Y Paz: That was disappointing .
- Blade12121: That girl was awesome
- JMAC LIVES: Kyle your take is basic as fuck.
- Supralobe: LMAO I love it
- Blue Eyed Tech: You can’t fix stupid. 🤦♂️
- gurudevelpr: Alex Jones has trained her well. She's just like him.
- exexpat11: Last week he did an hour on Sailor Heroin Spoonhead.
- Gta 500: 🐀
- Jordgloben: *COMPLETLY OWNED*
- scotty don't: It's funny because America is spending more on health care per capita than Canada and you all don't have universal health care
- Dumlen: Most of what income? 30% is not most of someones income to be honest. I like being able to get very sick and actually live afterwards without going bankrupt, I like that alot of my taxes goes into my own pensionfund, I like having mandatory 6-week paid vacation from the government each year. I like having roads that get fixed and schools that are modern and take each childs care into consideration, I like not having to pay tuiton fees If I want a University education any time in my lifetime. And I like that my future children will have the same oppurtunities as I had when I grew up to become whatever I wanted, despite how much or little money I had.
- JDUB427: You people have worms in your brain honestly
- /\'Cypheir: that chick was dressed like donald duck.
- superstitionadd: The UK has free health care and we're not socialist, yet. It hardly looks good to be a socialist and own 3 million dollar homes, the two don't gel. 'Eat the rich' is not a troll comment, it's a colloquialism for 'screw the rich'.
- My Pal: two airheads cant talk. dorky host akward silence, laugher, "glorious". man idk who's weaker and more socially inept. no votes for women or gays. no gay hosts. you can't do anything well.
- Ben Mal: Venezuela is said to be socialist but they have a 1% and they drink champagne ? ... how socialist is that ? ... idiots. Venezuela is a fascist state not socialist nor are any other countrys. there are countrys with socialised programs that are not allowed to be free market like the rest but that's about it.
- c r G: +William Fitzpatrick I cannot and will not be offend any free health care from the government you look at these countries that have free healthcare and you talk to the real citizens of these countries and ask them about it and the truth to be known they will tell you that it sucks you do not get nothing for free and Bernie Sanders he wanted to give free healthcare free college he wanted to give everything away well who has to pay for this stuff the taxpayer why should I have to pay taxes so some dumbass can jump off the roof of their house and break their neck and I have to pay for it ! Fuck demorats and libtruds !
- Paul Thronson: 61 likes and none of them looked. That is a problem
- njintau: Quoting Sam Seder: " If Alex Jones didn't exist, the CIA would have invented him."
- Triple Nig Fire & Ice: Sounds like you got trolled too my dude
- Azarah Eden: This was pure perfection 🤣🤣🤣 Info trolls need to get rehab for meth use .
- Peace Souljah: That apathetic girl is so fucking hot, who gives a shit about everything else in this video besides that girls appearance was pointless.
- dion smith: Honestly she was pretty freaking hot with that super chill mode
- Felix Desrosiers: Holy fuck, everybody knows that... What we are complaining about is the fact that the US pays more per capita than almost any other western country with socialized healthcare while also having worst results. Medical bankrupcies are the number 1 cause of bankrupcies in the us while that does not happen in other countries.
- Hugh Mongous: I think she and you completely miss the point.
- AnonnymouZ: i came here being skeptical, and was won by that badass woman/chick. "you guys have worms in your brains" lololol
- brown hippie1971: Klaus Adolphus Gimmie your sources
- ex terminator: +edoardo fedrighi the right wing girl looks exactly like all right wingers idiots inbred retards who are on welfare and blame other people.
- Mik Moen: Republicans believe there should always be a price on your life. If you're ill and want to be treated, better pony up or else enjoy dying. Wanna know the price on my life when I had Stage 3 Lymphoma three years ago? Somewhere around $60,000.
- billy nelson: Socialism and liberalism are diseases that destroy countries nothing free bitch
- Upset Neo: Infowars Newbie is very LOW ENERGY, SAD!
- Andrew k Adams: Amazing what a little bit of "debate" training does in dominating a conversation with an unknowing person who has no idea that in about two seconds they're going to be in a debate with another that is prepared. That poor girl that had the mic shoved in her face would believe that she's pregnant if it were worded slickly enough.
- Chris Bellen: Don’t forget JAPAN has great healthcare too.
- Semper Skeptical: That was owning someone lol. Damn your standards are low for ownage.
- Erulin68: "But what about Venezuela ? They are socialist and people are eating rats while their 1% is drinking champaign" Well then they're not f'ing socialist, now are they ???? Just like the USSR wasn't communist or Marxist, it's not because you claim to be something that you actually are... Info Wars isn't "news" either but they claim to be
- Donald J. Trump: Anyone who supports socialism should be shot like a dog.
- Dustfibers: Do your own things fight for justice don't be a hater just do your own thing for justice.
- Shaun Werner: I like how InfoWars defends Donald Trump and then complains about Bernie Sanders having too much real estate wealth...REALLY!? LOL
- Quenten Bruce: Love her!
- tiffanyferg: Are your fingers okay?
- Old Soul: Why do you like Bernie Sanders they eat rats in Venezuela.. lmfaooo.
- colourful souls: Another thing I noticed, is the lady interviewing was like "why should the government pay for everyone's healthcare?!" (Or something like that) when in actuality the government's $ comes mostly from tax payers' money, so it's not the government personally funding it, rather US citizens. A fraction of the military spending could accomplish this. we don't need more $ going to the military, when we aren't using it to protect ourselves, we're being the aggressor in a lot of these conflicts. I agree with helping to protect other countries, but only after all else has failed. They call it defense yet there seems to be a lot of offense..
- Zoee: What is the original video called?
- E Rock: Health care is not a right.
- Kevin S: J Wheels you don't think HMO 's do this? Please, read a book. Educate yourself.
- Matthew Jaramillo: This is what liberalism calls intelligent? You call this owning the interviewer? This host who clearly is a disingenuous "intellect" forgets to inform people that socialism in any form always turns into an oligarchy and worse. All these developed countries he names off are slowly dissolving into shit hole countries. To any of you who think the host's arguments hold water, I suggest you perceive with your mind and not your feelings the truth about socialism in any form. Truth is absolute not relative, so "your truth" is a mere opinion not The Truth. Find out for yourselves how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
- Nightingale: LMAO! You pathetic little shits always say the same garbage talking points over and over again. *HURR HURR SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, VENEZUELA!* It's a miracle how you can even manage to figure how to take a fucking shit, with all those parasites flying around in your head.
- waltzguy14151: You have to be brain dead to work for infowars or listen to them
- Boss Theory: Capitalism always creates socialism. It starts by creating wealth and prosperity then retards eventually show up demanding socialism because they got left behind. This is click bait
- Kevin Bryant: oh, no...I do. Your mom taught me all about it. Last night. Riding me. :)
- Clutch Cargo: She was funny - had she been prepared - this interview would have been priceless.
- Victor Aguilar: Only thing worse than right winged media is left winged media like this
- jacob kanal: She hottt
- The Almost Happy Camper: Chandir you're confused because you start adding words that people didn't say when they speak truth that you don't like...... I NEVER SAID people who don't work have a better life than me I said people who do work shouldn't have to pay from medical care for those who can work and don't but of course you can't argue that simple logic so you have to start changing what I said and adding words to it so that it will suit the false narrative that's been pounded into you by your propaganda media
- Brian Lane: Democrats started the kkk and Jim Crowe laws. “But but but bye the parties flipped see they flipped” haha history doesn’t lie. Please tell me how they flipped again hahahaha get triggered you racist fucks
- Ethan Yeomans: @Braindead She was high and still good enough to make Infowars pull the video down on their own page.
- High Overlord Snarffie Beagle: this channel is just as retarded as the info wars channel, two sides of the same coin, both retarded
- Scott Anderson: Central Scrutinizer let me get some drinks in you and see what I can get you to do. See how rapey that sounds?
- lab speciman: MM mmmm Rats.
- Christopher Simon: awesome. its obvious why the girl with the microphone is there in the first place...... cough...... young boobs...... cough
- HAVE_A_GOOD_CRY_LIBTARD: This channel should be shut down because it is an embarrassment.
- Adam Blade: So if someone asks you a question you don't like, just act as if you don't understand what they're saying and you'll destroy them... Got it.
- iSlayEskimos: The infowars girl was a retard but this guy is pretty retarded also for defending socialism and bernie sanders lmfao
- Vladimir Gaida: How the fuck is being a retard destroying the girl from infowars?fucking commies.explain you fucking libtard
- Sam H: As an outsider, that whole interview was painful to watch. I just want to slap them both.
- SAMJE123456: As a english man we are totally fucked over here .i mean totally fucked .We bomb syria make the russians look bad and build up a case to invade venezuala totally fucked but what a great wedding .
- flor wast: Most of the industrial world is socialist. Why they have a hard-on for Chavez is moronic...
- KingJustice98: The left and right are both losing their minds in this country.
- Allan Koivu: Rich people entree with a side of rats.....yum.
- Jeremiah Murphy: That girl with the coffee is not very smart. Horrible video.
- AbraRf: karakol86 you guys are fucking dumb The thing you guys must not remember or even know is that Hugo Chavez WAS A DICTATOR!!! He controlled everything but when he died his successor had no idea to continue the same ideals
- Darth Panthro: "But people are eating rats!" lOLOLOLOL
- Goat: God i hate when girls talk in their chest voice
- Dave Pyle: P W and you're wrong to think socialism isn't just the communist/Marxist way down the rabbit whole to living in a shit hole country.
- Frank Manion: Lies
- dreaminginnoother: 7:27
- Beats One: Bernie worked all his life. It's normal to own some property after working for 40+ years in most western country's. America is a true 3rd World shit hole where stuff like this is viewed as something shady. Idiots.
- James Michael: I don't think this guy got it. Your not any smarter than free health care girl.
- Brett Menzel: This wasn’t that funny there pal lol your a complete dork too!
- heyitsconnor1: Lol all the salty alt right virgin gamers disliking this video lmao
- Aj Brandt: She's probably not bout it tho.
- spikedwk: This channel also lies....bernie did come out against owning multiple homes. Once again, typical lefties, only OK when you do it.
- EternoRosso: Universal healthcare would actually help you reduce your debt but what do i know, i just live in one of the places with it, together with Germany, France, UK, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Norway and many more. Your system is inefficient and actually makes you pay more than you should. Not that universal healthcare doesn't have its own problems but it's two or three levels above compared to what the US has.
- E knows Game News: The Gov'nor the UK's nothing but a joke. They're not even allowed to have anything right-leaning at all the nothing but hypocrites. They're already starting to arrest people for hate speech. In Europe Canada in places like Sweden France and Germany they have no go zones it is gain more violent by the day and they have Muslim rape games. So I think they have a much bigger issue going on in Europe than anywhere else. And it's about to get a lot worse. At least America knows how to defend itself from that that's why we have Republicans in America and they're not even allowed in Europe they can be jailed for hate speech merely for saying anything remotely from the right. Someone got arrested just for making a joke with their dog pretending the World War II salute. Someone got arrested for telling them foreigners raped their wive. Europe is messed up and they cannot recover from this until they fix the problem
- Sharin?{*} Donuts:/: Im from a country with socialisme(Denmark) and im not eating rats... i think.
- ThinkerOnTheBus: Stop subscribing to the false, left-right political paradigm. Both sides are wrong! When one side points out something wrong with the other side, it does not provide proof they are "right". Also, never vocalize your criticism of someone if you are only going to turn around and do the exact same of which you were criticizing.
- ralsei osu: god i love her
- ZeroSumGame: The real story here is how you managed to get almost 10 minutes of ranting out of a 1 minute clip.
- 5winder: Ashton makes perfect sense, you fucktard.
- nono meme: +Gardum So that's what an army of strawmen looks like. Thanks
- David Warschauer: alex jones is a fraud
- James Richardson: Glad I'm Brittish and who's eating rats? Proof?
- gucher99: She's cute.
- Gabe Thornes: Theres nothing worse than a brain-dead conservative American. Unless they’re creationists as well. That’s even more mind-melting
- michael12356727: “I just want ppl to have healthcare” without acknowledging bernie’s imperialism lol typical socdem
- Canada: Whenever I see all of these scare tactics used against socialism in the States, I just don't understand the connection. This is probably because I'm Canadian. Our cultures are so similar, and yet, on key issues that have drastic impacts on the health of a society overall, there couldn't be more divergence. Our middle class is the strongest in the world. We live longer. Our society is safer (gun laws/restrictions). And our education is heavily subsidize - and for some under-classed Canadians - altogether free. Our taxes, on average, are the same as our neighbors to the south. However, we use them to leverage our country upwards. Americans can dream all they want, and it's something that we see heavily romanticized in your culture. But the irony is, you guys have so much in your Government that is working against you - and a chunk of population that believes all this hyperbolic bullshit - it seems more like a nightmare to me.
- Joesblazed: Owned? Lol sure
- Planetcide Madness: Retard Nation.
- Wendy Scott: Videos like these of dems celebrating brainless idiots who have no idea what they're talking about make it very easy to see why they lost in 2016, and will also lose in 2020.
- Esteban Miranda: I couldn’t be as calm as this woman was, id be all up in her face like “bitch eat a rat! I want free healthcare for everyone except you BIIIIIITCH”
- Sushi: oh this is where that "you people have like worms in your brains or something" reaction image is from
- jeff carey: How did they own infowars? This wasn't a win
- Peter Parker: Everyone should have a right to healthcare. Healthcare isn't something you go to for fun. It doesn't work well as a business. Healthcare companies need to push their crap on to people so they can make more money.
- M G: Even is everyone in America could afford health care there would still be wait lines. So what is the implication?
- Cooper Harris: You love a man, haha that's GAY
- Gary Walker: Boring
- Jham Jhams: Ummm who is she? And how do I be her best friend?
- bali song: sure you did, punk. And if you did, you'd be dead now.
- Matthew Madruga: "yes we are info wars" IT SAYS IT ON YOUR FUCKING MIC! lol also look up what Venezuela is all about, I'll give you a hint, its in South America next to Columbia.
- IzThat it: The point of talking about what Bernie has is that he doesn't lose no matter what the level of taxes he pays. However all the people benefiting from "free" healthcare will have to pay more taxes to cover it. People die in the US from medical issues because we don't take care of ourselves and we live in excess. Take the extreme liberal socialist for example. Most of them are hedonist. All they want to do is smoke weed, do hallucinogens and have unsafe sex, and eat unhealthy food. Can you imagine if there was free daycare & college? The number of "career" student would shoot through the roof as college campuses would become the new welfare housing. Irresponsible people would never have their children. They'd keep making babies without concern as the government would take care of them for 6-8 hours out of the day. To drive the point home the working class will suffer as taxes will shoot through the roof. In order to pay for the *free* healthcare, education, and daycare it has to come out of taxes. Taxes that all working adults must pay. The wealthiest people already pay the most in taxes and it's still not enough to push us out of a deficit quickly. Imagine what would haporn if most of the country was government funded. How do you pay all of the daycare attendants? How do you pay all the teachers? How do you pay all the custodial staff? How do you pay all the doctors? All of these *free* establishments have people employeed who must be paid. All of these places must be kepr up. All of these places use power. All of this *free* shit must be paid for. Considering a lot of our military power is used to protect socialist countries that can't afford a real military presence we'd have to leave them hanging and cut from the military budget. At which point other military super powers will expand their territory. It's one big slippery slope. Capitalism had given has the greatest nation in history. People have gained so much freedom they give up on logic and reason and want to destroy a working system.
- Sabrii Anderson: 7:24 I died
- Lohe221: +Joe Sudz maybe the video went over your head but thats not her actual personality. Its a character in purpose.
- Craig Giarc: Chris Waters you are so brain washed by this Alex Jones bs it’s sad
- Abhishek Grewal: I wish I was there I would have owned that reporter 😂😂😂
- Ratsquid: Both of them are thick fucks
- Michael huertas: i can see why they push it. venezeula eating rats wasnt from socialism its by dictatorship. to be honest she did amazing work pointing out if 1% support it why can they name one in the united states. its like saying bernie is support communism but putin doesnt... have you heard putin lately?
- PHIL Riversider: Trump is in the one percent. My God, he’s a socialist. I knew it!!
- Showtime123: The girl looked like she was the one getting schooled?? I think I’m missing something here cuz the info wars girl seemed more reasonable
- Wake Up!!!!! Canada: Umm so they can live!!
- Mikul Legreat: I in no way support infowars but she did not shut them down . The dumb bitch from infowars shut herself down
- Loving Abuse: I don't think Kyle and I have the same definition of "trolls". Single payer health care is good. Socialism is not the end all solution to everything, just like the private system. Country's need a mix of both to be healthy.
- Snitchpac29: Nobody has a right to health care if you didn’t deserve it😂😂😂😂😂
- John Allen: How exactly did she"own" her?
- Jeremy Chase: Bernie has a one bedroom townhouse in D.C. that cost more than his Vermont home, because it's close to the Capitol. He actually tends to show up for work. The townhouse, which he pays a mortgage on, his home in Vermont, valued at roughly 405 thousand, and a vacation property that was inherited by his wife. All of which add up to a little over a million. And again, he doesn't actually own the D.C. townhouse, which I'm sure will be sold once he leaves office. So you info wars imbeciles need to try actually doing a little fucking research and critical thinking for yourselves!
- Andreas Devig: Is that a reference to when the Seattle guy poured the "hot" coffee on Alex Jones?
- Joe Sudz: ironic elm keywords: NEWS NETWORK
- Gabriel Miranda: You guys suck shes a retarded bitch that can't even form a complete sentence she talks like she's lazy to even spit out the words this is fake news she was owned by Infowars
- Chantelle Le Gall: Anybody get an Emma Stone vibe from Sailor Mars?
- bon vivant: Who pays for your free healthcare and degrees? Illegals? I've seen countless illegals come into my ER every year for "free". The rich, who utilize loopholes like donating to their own foundations for tax write offs? The poor, who are on welfare? Or is it the blue collar, non-degree holding working healthy middle class? After all, if it was the college grads paying for free degrees and healthcare, then well.....that almost sounds fair...huh?
- Chris: So... She's using a smartphone, dressed like a Japanese schoolgirl, sipping an iced coffee while touting the wonders of Socialism and seems to have no idea with the fuck Socialism is... Yeah, she's a real fucking genius. If this is the triumphant herald for the wonder of a Socialist uprising, I think us Capitalists have nothing to freaking worry about.
- Blondine vloggt: aw poor ashton :D she's adorable.
- Daniel B: Yup, that woman with the vocal fry, Starbucks in hand and sailor moon outfit totally convinced me socialism is the way.
- Kebo Boke: But investing in education is about more than just money. You can easily throw money down the drain if your priorities aren't right.
- Pinshe_Loko: you fukin commies !!
- Louis Haddad: coram this is funny af lmao
- JB: infowars is like hannity, they set you up with irrelevant facts like eating rats.
- Spectrum: Leave it to Owen next time
- John Godwin: What I like about this is how it really distils Infowars' interview techniques down to the very essence. Step 1: ask general questionStep 2: ask them to get more specificStep 3: hope the person you're interviewing isn't prepared. I found this video really satisfying, even as a conservative.
- Flightof2Owls: Hugo Chavez isn't even the president of Venezuela anymore!
- NPC GupGup: Man you're bad at this. I had to skip shit. All you do is just talk about this person and nothing else. That girl with the cup was hella stupid. And you are a nice guy.
- S Shiva: She made that outfit look good. . ..
- chuckyko: This reporter is a total dipshit.
- Daniel W: if people in Venezuela are eating rats and rich people are drinking champange then thats not socialism
- William Fitzpatrick: The US healthcare system has the highest cost, the least amount of access and we have the worst health outcomes in the developed world. Please, get real.
- Ben Driscoll: Yeah, the girl who is being interviewed is still stupid. She isn't exactly trolling, she just sounds like an idiot.
- VADERS.FORCE. GHOST: Nothing is Free!
- Jon Ingram: She said nothing! You presenting this video as a victory for your cause and as an example of logic, illustrates the depths of your idiocy! It may be as such to your followers but, to anyone with half a brain, this video makes YOU look bad, not infowars!
- Cooper Harris: I sometimes doubt that anyone in these comment sections calling relatively normal people "mad high" have ever been stoned at all
- PythonPlusPlus: “But I just told you that Venezuela is eating rats”
- anders christopherson: It's the blonde chick who's doing the trolling!!!! She's doing what I call "in person trolling". In fact, that's really all Infowars do. She's also doing something I call cherrypicking, she's cherrypicking Venezuela as an example that suits her argument and overlooking countries like well, basically EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH that have single payer healthcare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAARRRRRRGGHHHHHH SO DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DID SHE LET ALL THOSE WORMS IN HER BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but people like her exasperate me no end.
- Brian: That's because Kyle breaks down policy issues rationally, which is boring now a days. If he screamed about lizard people and frogs being gay, then people would pay more attention.
- LittlepigStore, LLC: Having a 401k doesn't make you a capitalist! Your still just a sheeple wage slave consumer! And a 401k is nothing more than a Russian roulette retirement plan!
- TheMadScotsman mckay: The moment I knew she was a thick, up her own ass, bad-mannered tart, I just started staring at her little pokey ........ 😉
- Neffariousnyc: Private property doesn't exist under socialism. Bernie's three houses would be communally owned and given to him by the state. Inhertence doesnt exist under socialism because personal property is redistributed. Socialism only works when people are disinterested in consumerism and personal ownership. That is the antithesis of contemporary America. Get your socialism out of my capitalism or let me share ownership of your IPhone; I don't have one and am therefore comparatively disadvantaged by your privilage.
- SlowBoilingFrogs: Fer sur, I like socialism, cause it like sounds good...like to-dully. Secular Talk. You see what you want to see. The little girl is as brain dead as you are. Grown the f up and get a real job.
- Go_ Leafs: And Capitalism works all the time right...have you seen what's going on in Somalia...that's a capitalist system so that's how the US should be right?
- TRUEJAYSTONE: When roasting please be self aware. That info wars the lady wasn’t very good. She was bout as good as this guy. Who’s most powerful Rebuttal was spitting on his microphone. That lady was no Ben Shapiro but he wasn’t wrong. I think the worst part though is that she was making more sense than her opponent in the video and the maker of the video
- Kris Radke: Um no they didnt. They have been trolling the opiate addict for the last few days. Your a retard if you think this nodding out moron has a valid opinion. UUUUMMM I JUST WANT SOME FREE SHIT AND STUFF! And Bernie is the poorest member in senate is because he never had a fucking job and deserves to be poor and I personally wish he was on a bread line in Venezuela. Also yes people like Bill Gates, George Soros, Slim, Rockifellers, Bezzo, Zuckerburg and the majority of the billionaires who tell you liberals how to think are socialist. Kyle I know you have a brain you probably should start using it. You supporting a moron like the weaboo retard shows you have horrible judgment.
- deltron1207: She is a hottie.
- N8 DoubleYou: Did you lose at five-finger fillet?
- F̶̕e͘r͏̶n͠a̛nd̡́͘ǫ ͏͝Ho̸̧od̨͠͡: So they are eating a bit better than rats. Thats your argument. Kay...Sounds like a great place to work n start a family...
- R Kelly: Most disappointing video I've ever seen. Nobody got owned it was just two dumb girls saying half thought out dumb stuff to each other.
- Whelan Cooper: I unsubbed for this one. Anyone who could claim this cartoonishly-dressed Starbucks socialist came out on top of that engagement is an idiot. She wasn't trolling, by the way. That's just how moronic most people who consider themselves socialists really are.
- Jagriel: Random girl who sounds pretty dumb imo "trolls" infowars's ashton birdie (entirely different situation with her) by being stupid: hahaha we got them neonazis hewhewhew they're so stupid! Paul Joseph Watson triggers and trolls leftist snowflakes with surgical prescicion: DEHUMANIZING ALTRIGHT NEO NAZI FASCIST. ORANGE MAN BAD.
- ernest roybal: Little Miss Silverspoon with her 1000 dollar smartphone totally owned her ignorance.
- Sooty Grunter: What click bait......
- Rick Bhasin: Wow just when you thought Libtards couldn't get dumber, you discover this idiot Kyle Kulinski.
- naeonixion: It doesn't take much brainpower to let an idiot hang themselves. Demonize socialism all you like, we won't survive the next 200 years without socialism.
- My account: Socialists are literally retarded. Socialism and communism has never worked and never will. Money for healthcare and college has to come from somewhere and no socialist understands this. It genuinely scares me that some people in America genuinely support this failing ideology.
- tom nickerson: Info wars didn’t pull this video and she didn’t have an answer for Bernie Sanders owning three million dollar homes. Bank fraud Bernie and his wife defrauded the bank of millions along with the Catholic dioceses.
- Chris Mayhew: How exactly are you calling this trolled to perfection....it was just an awkward interview. That was Ashton birdie that was interviewing her, she is really coming up and her channel is blowing up.
- Porpoise Power: Rats sound sustainable, and if feed a quality vegetarian feed, could be pretty tasty. Heck if we gavage them I bet their livers will taste wonderful.
- Tilitus: As if Infowars ever hired anyone you wouldent laugh at.
- Cerridwen Dragon: I think Republican reporters prey on the young college kids. You never/or rarely ever see them interviewing an older Democrat/liberal that knows the facts. They always interview these young people who don't have all the facts in their head so they can "own" the poor kids. You know those "Ben Shapiro owns ___" videos? Most of the time it's simply because he memorizes certain facts and uses them against these college students who don't know all the opposing sides' facts and can't cite evidence from things they've read somewhere a while ago. I'm a college student, I don't know all the damn facts, I can't cite research paper after research paper, and that is OKAY.
- H8rdwork: Sounds like she's interviewing Raven from Teen Titans.
- Christian v: She didnt roast them whatsoever but ok
- Brent Myrand: The fuck happened to your fingers, dude? Did I miss a podcast where you explain why almost every one has a bandage?
- Genghis Khunt: Alcaeus89 well I mean their women
- Armando Cobos: Nazi Socialists party founded 1921,,
- Goose Games: loving these videos kyle. i hope people from info wars are seeing these. it exposes them even more and shows exactly how fucking retarded they are
- 赤太陽黒熊: Does anyone have a link to the original footage?
- Rick Ton: prograde itc newfags that don't know what trolling is
- Lights Eyedea: She was so baked 😂😂
- Anthony Antoine: The problem is that liberal progressivism inevitably leads to socialist viewpoints. It is seriously entirely inevitable. Egalitarianism, the core belief of liberal progressives, is the idea of radical equality. The only way for this to exist is through governmental force and governmental takeover of entire industries. Capitalism inevitably leads to inequality. It's the very core of the concept of competition. There absolutely must be inequality. If you are diametrically opposed to the idea of inequality, then you naturally MUST eventually disavow capitalism, which is what Marx did. His idea of socialism was essentially the opposite of what he saw as a capitalistic society. This is what those ideologies you listed tend to push for. They tend to push for egalitarianism in their own separate and distinct ways. Don't get it twisted and think that I'm saying that everybody on the left is socialist, though. That'd be just as goofy as saying that everybody on the right is naturally a fascist or a nazi. It would be pretty ridiculous. It is, however, entirely reasonable to believe that through the propping up of these radical egalitarian ideologies, an authoritarian leftist organization may come into existence in America. I'm perfectly willing to talk with you, too. I won't call you names, because I value calm discussion. I'm actually curious your thoughts on this, because I haven't really used this argument much with people on the left.
- Roy Middo: Satan Morningstar That may be true but I wish people who aren't actually socialist like Bernie would stop calling themselves socialist. It is silly.
- The worms: Oh shit, they're onto us.
- Raknas Kihtrak: The implication was that any socialist government would eventually devolve into a lot of people not having anything but rats to eat maybe its 5 years , maybe 10 ~ or even 50 years. Do i hate Bernie ? ....No i like the guy , he really looks like he cares about people living a good life imo . But you have to at some point realize some of the greatest tragedies humanity faced has always originated from "good-will" of "some people" . Corrupt capitalism works , there will be poverty , there will be minorities who suffer . But corrupt socialism ( lets face it corruption is in human nature and no matter what an institution bases its ideology on , it is eventually going to be completely corrupt ) is going to be horrible . I have in my research found out that capitalist governments you got a good chance of overthrowing powers ( cuz of wealth being distributed and power dependencies) , but socialism always ends up in a situation where people in power often decide , " Am the best thing for the country , am not gonna let another guy take up the mantle until i die , even if i die my son knows what is best for the country more than any other guy "
- Xgon' Givitooyah: Im sure kyle would take quality over quantity.
- HipJunkster: That’s the same thing Hugo Chávez said! ‘I just want people to have healthcare, Honey.’ - _Hugo Chávez_
- Just Mike: I heard just hear say everbody in England pays a dollar for healthcare
- groundtofu: Infiernofox138 the original video was taken down and it was reuploaded in its entirety soon after it blew up
- M Ibrahim: You're right hes not a socialist, he's a communist.
- Son of Ferg: whenever I need a confidence boost I watch this guys videos and read the threads. Reminds me how stupid and ignorant him and his followers are. How does it feel to be on the losing side of the new American revolution lmao.
- crypto457: It’s hilarious that the infotards bring up Venezuela as if it were an athiest socialist 3rd world nation despite the fact Venezuela is predominately Catholic. Oh I forget for some reason Catholisim is fake Christianity created by the Nazis to these people. Didn’t the Jesus they claim to worship say something about rich people? And how many mega rich republicans worship this god all the while cut Medicare and their banker buddies forclose homes of thousands of people? Does the bible say thou shall sucker every bumblescum sister fucker by saying Jebus to garner votes?
- GunQuickie: Yes Australians are evil assholes. Discuss.
- Naughty internet person: Politicians drinking champagne while the poor eat rats is hardly unique to socialist or communist countries lol. Secular Talk is a garbage channel though.
- Dr Downtime: Daniel Russell 😂no worries man. It can definitely be done that’s true. I’m from England. We have free health care so it is possible. But I still wouldn’t say someone’s entitled to it. I would say things your entitled to are safety, food, water , oxygen, freedom to make your own decisions and the right to personal property. But the health care service in England is pretty awesome to be fair.
- Sheepski: Forced laughter.
- Asher Regal: adderall vs xanax
- Walnut Gaming: Studio Corax Studio Corax these are very good points. In America however the government doesn't have a good rep when it comes to taking over stuff. two good examples are Obama care and schooling. Obama care was a complete disaster and the schools aren't terrible places but don't teach as much as in other countrys. So do you want to take the chance of our health care ending up like Canada were only the rich get good healthcare and the lower and middle class suffer from bad health care (which only the lower class would have suffered from before) that there forced to pay. Personally I'd rather not take the risk as of now in the future if we see more countrys succeed with "free" healthcare then maybe. But currently I think the risk is greater than the reward. Before I forget in a later comment I would like to thank you for having a calm discussion with me and not being toxic towards me.
- Joe Cam: Click bait
- Melicious: I am going to giggle over the brain-worm comment for weeks, thank you random sailor girl.
- Brian Brittain: "Trolled to perfection" & "glorious" ??! Are you AS retarded as she sounded? Socialism ISNT just "free Healthcare" & your proud of those replies? or her attitude? Someome HAS "worms in their brains"
- George Soros The Nazi: Dude you are a loser. They never pulled it. It pops up on my feed all the time hahaha 😂
- LoneWo1f13579: Her personality is the most attractive thing ever
- gLItcHyGeAR: OntY-Op I know what you meant mate. People should all have the access to affordable healthcare, but the implementation by both liberals and conservatives consistently does more harm than good. Especially the push for literally free health care, I definitely think affordable is something we need more of and for some people the only "affordable" is free but universally free is just ridiculous.
- 12dollarsand78cents: *Kyle Kulinski, keep talking, you're exposing your lack of experience.* *Find and vote for the people in your tax bracket,* *and Bernie Sanders would never win an election, with that small populous bracket.*
- Ryan Johnson: Got an ad for crtv.com conservative TV subscription with this video lol.
- Jeff Wilkinson: +jungefrau wow. What a tyrade. When I refer to the corruption of the Federal Government, what I specifically mean is interest groups that use it as a vessel for power, rather than serving the public trust. A good example would be the prison guard's union trying to stop the decriminalization and legalization of certain drugs, because it would lessen the need for prisons and ergo prison guards. CEO's are professional scapegoats, and they aren't all that wealthy compared to tech billionaires, old money families, and hedge fund managers. They negotiate their golden parachutes before they even get the job, and it's usually in ironclad contracts. People don't typically get away with the types of crimes that you are claiming they do. There are whole fields of ethics dealing with this kind of stuff. The SEC and FBI are very thorough, not that they don't also have skeletons in the closet. You describe business and call it corruption, your points about health insurance don't factor in the Federal mandate for everyone to have it. That isn't free market economics, but it is pretty corrupt. Maybe if we had proper representation, we could do something about it. Unfortunately, professional politicians have turned a job of civil service into a way for interest groups to vie for power. They do this by creating narratives like the "rich are rigging the system" rhetoric, among many other tactics. I'm neither a conservative, nor what you'd define as a liberal. I'm a classical liberal, and I care about the truth, first and foremost, and I am not omniscient but I don't see that changing at any point in my life. The truth is, that the rich cannot stop you from making, saving, and investing your money, therefore they aren't rigging anything. The truth is also that the reason rich people can get away with so much is because our political system is being bought and sold in more and more obvious ways. Again, this is corruption. The truth is also that federal programs for education are both inefficient and also alarming to truth seekers. Think about books like "lies my teacher taught me" and shows like "Adam ruins Everything". How is it that so much misinformation has been spread so thoroughly, and what possible misinformation is still yet to be uncovered in the curriculum? Is it possible that interest groups could rig the education system to make a bunch of money, like... I dunno... Sally May? Every University in our country has turned into a money grab, and k-12 education pushes kids into these schools and into debt. Which is a clear example of collusion in the department of education for financial gain. I don't know what corruption is if that isn't it. I could go on and on and on, but I digress. Your tired "Occupy X" arguments, and unwarranted semantic criticism does not hold up in a discussion with someone who understands economics and civics. I used to think a lot like you. I don't now.
- matix10104: Oh and buy a proper blazer you look like a shlub!
- Paul Olsen: +Herb Bluntman at least she kept her head straight and had an actual opinion backed up with talking points.
- Я Смерть: Baron Von Grijffenbourg no those are Muslims
- Felix Desrosiers: +The Prickly Prick yeah, i'll give you that, those people are indeed retarded
- MyCracker1234: What a shit video.....Every second of it.
- Kevin Santiago: +Adam Blade Baby you gotta learn that not everyone can afford basic health care and that everyone deserves to live a healthy life no matter their financial status. How about not thinking about only yourself for once and think about others who aren't as financially blessed as you.
- _ Espo: That “interviewer” blonde was dumb, but the brunette in a sailor uniform was stupid as shit. Nothing is free. Healthcare is not exempted. Socialism is a fucking cancer. Ends in death and despair. every. fucking. time. This video’s host talks about the info wars (which I don’t like either) host putting up straw men; then does the same. Lame vid.
- Rome's King: Shorty was flyee💥💨✈.....😎
- Lildickbigheart: The left is fucking stupid. Wonder why California won’t stop burning
- Random Demon: Yet again, click bait lying title to a video, and as soon as someone calls them on their bullshit, the 'progressives' go straight to insults. The video wasn't pulled, as proved above, so why lie in the title of this video................oooh yeah because nobody cares about content anymore, just the headlines lmao
- Curtis W: Crowder, Infowars, and Sharpio can't actually argue, they just use a Loaded Question as performance art so everyone in their interviews "looks dumb" to the audience, it's just manipulation. Besides most people aren't prepared to have a debate out of nowhere.
- birdgincrit: +Wavvy baby Because life is wonderful.
- Cherrie Dee: They both sounded completely ignorant!
- Ian G: lmao I love all the comments about beret girl. She (Dasha) has a podcast called Red Scare, and is currently dating the bug from CumTown
- God/TOAA: His ideologies clash with socialism. Social Democrat is the correct term. He takes ideas from Socialism, but he want's a mix of capitalism and socialism. There is a reason as to why Europe is so much better to live in than America.
- Vera 1957: +Willem DaFuckedUp Hey dumb ass, companies don't force you to hand over your wealth you do it free willingly....what kinda phone you using?
- C J: Fake news! Reporter didn’t get trolled.
- Raven Dawn Head: Was the infowars "reporter" that ashtonbirdie girl? Kinda looked like her.
- rattlesnake survival: Free health care will ruin our economy and put us into another depression, i had to dumb it down for the liberals who cant understand a metaphor
- My Name: Bas Didit Aren’t you cool...
- Pichkalu Pappita: That women seems way too dumb, i mean seriously look at the way she talks she seriously is their just to chill because maybe she was bored or something and really doesn't know anything or doesn't care about anything
- wow amber: "you are the one who didn't answer the question" she literally did tho
- Michael Edgeman: 1% in America who want socialism obama oprah clintons sanders reid. just to name a few. about free healthcare. after obamacare medical school enrollment went down.
- America: 350 sblock he made well over 1 million last year and he does not drive a honda wtf
- Ninjxxitty: I mean....she wasnt really trying to troll just gave half assed answers to questions then got barraded into an argument for no reason. The interview was cancer
- Brandon Schmeidler: Damn you got TRIGGERED lol
- enguibuck: "... a majority of the country is currently eating rats..." That's more than 15 million people eating rats. By now they sure have already decimated the entire rat population of the country and are importing tons of rat meat into Caracas from all over the world. Time to invest in rat farming! Fun fact: more than 88% of Venezuelans are Christians. (So the evil Venezuela is a more "true Christian nation" than the USA).
- ClausenLT: "Why can't you make an actual argument?"...Everything I say is and would be over your head!
- Selena Dansfield: If free health care is anything across the pond where they basically refuse to let dying children get outside help (Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans. etc.) when it's paid for by sponsors, then NO I do NOT want socialized health care!
- JordanScottMills: *THERES NO SUCH THING AS FREE ANYTHING* Also the only way i'd support socialized medicine is if there was a hard cap on how much things can cost, because the crack dealer that knows his clients will come back bo matter what and have the money to pay will jack up their prices. I don't wana see the government getting scammed. Not to mention though whenever government is involved in an industry prices inevitably go up
- Will E. Fisturgash: That Ashton birdie idiot works for info wars now? Perfect fit for that twit. She pushes up her c- sized boobs and shows some cleave and all the male Trumpturds profess their love and propose to her. It’s laughably pathetic. Almost as pathetic as the dumbass president we have that they idolize so much .
- Queef Micester: Sveva ...too bad she didn't have any solid points. Or the fact that she apparantly is totally ok with Bernie Sanders having 3 Mansions..... Not 1 mansion, not 2 mansions , , , but 3 mansions.
- Alex 2JZ: She honestly didn't seem like she knew her own beliefs..
- ..::IGOR::..: Info wars didn't get owned or trolled, you cuck.. Nothing in your commentary made any sense..
- unactor: Clearly the Infowars folks as well as all conservatives have absolutely NO idea what the difference is between a Socialist country and a Social Democracy. Here is the definition of a Social Democracy: Social democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and capitalist economy. The right wing keeps using Venezuela as their example of what Bernie Sanders want for the USA. That, of course, is an out and out lie. He wants for us what they have in Social Democracies throughout the world, like for example, the Scandinavian countries, which are consistently ranked as the happiest nations on earth.
- Aurora: Yup. My right-leaning best friend, who is against free healthcare, had her wife recently suffer from several heat strokes this summer, and she is in serious condition now. Thing is, he is nearly broke and can't financially take her to the hospital and have her conditioned and treated. As I know how stupid that sounds, at the moment I said "fuck that, your wife's life is more important than not affording healthcare she badly needs, even if you go into debt". Which goes to show that a person's right to life should be more important than capitalism's principle of "the free market". I hope my best friend realizes this dilemma and perhaps will rethink his stance on the issue thay is essentially taking away lives every year.
- Triple D: Dude, we know you like Bernie, but someone with 3 homes is considered rich.
- James Shelnutt: free healthcare eh? how is it free? Oh yeah = TAXES. So you want your taxes to go sky high? wonderful idea.
- Dave Hutchinson: Info Wars is out to fucking lunch.....I mean...I hear them and I have to wonder, is this planet Earth?
- Mr. Pewpy But-Whole: 2:35 "i think everyone has a right to healthcare" you think she trolled a newbie infowars member? So the lady being interviewed has no idea, and by that i mean, has not put much to any thought into what she believes. Healthcare involves other inviduals doing labor. So if i worked at McDonalds and lets say Food Consumption was a right. Wouldnt I HAVE to provide my labor to them? so as Healthcare as a right doesnt that mean people now have to labor for others? So everyone is entitled to have others Slave for them? also let me sip my coffee hahahahaha
- griffin lamp: I like his values? Like what values? EATING THE RICH
- Leif Tjaden: Is there a link with just the video?
- Ian-Devon Lewis: ... She walks directly to her, ignoring everyone. Am I the only person that noticed that bullshit? Stunt...
- Rising Superstar Frost: *casually sips latte*
- Bike Tyson: They work for InfoWars. They don’t have good jobs.
- Brad Derks: As an Aussie...I got to say...Medicare is great and affordable Education is great too..our taxes help the people...as it should be...
- Paul Smith: Dude Basset Bill but people really are eating rats in Venezuela
- Nathan Barnatt: The Almost Happy Camper the outfit rules. Girl is cool cause she wears what she wants.
- Ethel Esparza: Mindless HA
- MrMdhaas: Wow how will the right ever recover? Nerd
- Jaysinn Hitogoroshi: Do liberals not know that nazi means national socialism?
- Infinite Life: +theQuestion626 I mean it's as simple as this, money is a control all kind of dilemma. The people at the top have all the money governmnet, corporation and bankers. They want everything to fail they have some kind of greedy agenda no other conclusion can be derived from what is going on,to the economy or society for that matter. I personal believe something devistating is on the way and at the end of the day political affiliations, race, religion, 1000 preferences, opinions, stature, financial portfolio and age all do not mattet. What really matters is what is in the best interest of America and the last person far is I can tell who wnated to help America was JFK and he was attempting to warn us all about the people in true control the people who have all the money.
- Path Evermore: my point is that when you act like a know it all nutjub with who cannot understand basic biology and history you are doing a disservice to the cause you represent.
- BeepBop Boop: Is the 1% is rich in Venuezela then guess what - thats not socialism.
- The Mighty Titan: Stoned sailor girl came across dumb as a box of rocks to me.
- Amanda Orza: EAT THE RICH
- Dale Nielsen: We'd be much worse off without you, Kyle. Thanks for being there.
- Mr Greenguy: She sounds like blaire white
- Tracy Nguyen: Honestly I get where the girl from info wars is coming from, and so I think we should try to understand and talk to them more. I don’t think calling them clowns makes them want to listen.
- Charles Klempner: Kyle Kulinski is just as stupid as the woman answering questions. She did not “troll” Infowars and Kyle by degrading conservatives you only widen the gap and even make it intolerable to listen to you. But go ahead and speak to the echo chamber.
- Bobzter: That's not what trolling means. Troll = weasel + sadism + indolence
- Rogue Fire: If you support Bernie or defend him you are unironically part of the problem This is click bait
- James Crews: All that I am saying is that in these countries, it's doable. Healthcare prices in these countries are FAIR, and just about anyone can afford medical care!
- Yosef Estill: Nothing wrong with being a millionaire. Its the billionaires that are the problem
- jeanniewi: The interviewer did fine... she got her point across to anyone watching, even if the interviewee was too dense to understand it. That girl didn't "troll" anyone... she doesn't have the brains to "troll". So who the hell is SecureTalk that you seem to feel the need to attack a new interviewer for a doing a decent job. You're looking for something to make yourself look important... you blew it. IOW, shaddap!
- Colonizer-Chan: >implying either will last Welfare in of itself is usually a sign you're at the age of decadence. Let alone socialism....a community owned business, my friend had a business set up where everyone had equal say in shit. It completely fell apart until they organized a chain of command. Watercress Studios
- creole cactus: We all eat rats. It's called combination fried rice.
- gn0m0n: someone get this person a show stat
- Dwight Turner: I am a conservative but can truly say that InfoWars is as big a source of fake news as CNN is.
- Veraux: ? I am confusion. The lady in the sailor moon outfit sounded really dumb and the interviewer seemed to make sense. I think you are seeing what you want to see and interpreting things the way you want them and that's ok. You do you.
- Joseph Price: Funny they always mention Venezuela, when Bernie specifically mentions the Nordics. They are either blatantly dishonest, or just dumb.
- Not Here: Fuck all money. Money is the problem.
- Dennzer1: England has a democracy, with a figurehead monarchy. It's different than Saudi Arabia. LOL!
- Cynical Aggression: I love that chick.
- Nicholas Williams: Zachary Bartell no time. I'm trying to find god and get saved right now. Peace. I'll pray for you.
- Cody Tabor: First off, they probably took the video down because the girl started the conversation by saying "I don't want to do this" meaning they cab get on trouble for posting it anyways. Secondly, there was no trolling involved. I bet half of the people like her bitch about the amount of taxes they have to pay, yet want "free" healthcare for all. It doesn't work that way, honey
- Jack P: I like Owen Shroyer but this was hilarious
- Elias Castillo: Problem with socialism is that it moves the goalposts. years ago Venezuela was heralded as a utopia. Now, socialists have to admit its a failed system, so they bring back the “ we can do it better let’s be like Sweden argument “. Sweden is basically a socialist country that couldn’t control its socialism, so it privatized a lot of its industries to avoid being communists. Socialism left alone will eventually be communism. Capitalism is the best most compassionate economic system.( America isn’t capitalist, its a mixture of fascism and cronyism) Socialism in theory isn’t bad, but its fallacy is that is assumes people will go against their nature. People will mostly figure out how to game the system, instead of caring for the group as a whole
- garbanzobeen beenzeen: Right wing is terrified of progressive populist policies because they win elections.
- Jose Mendoza: J.J. yep plenty of good Americans which are not democrats or republicans
- Axel Fox: Both these girls seemed kind of dumb to me
- george hinckle: the reason why i'm such a good troll is because i'm stupid and you're not. wait. hold on. can i get a do over?
- Lucifer Morningstar: Venezuela isn’t socialist, most of its economy is private sector & Bernie Sanders isn’t a socialist, he’s a social democrat. Social democracy is just regulated capitalism with a welfare state. Most people who call themselves progressive in America want a system like Denmark or Norway.
- leah rose: the bit about bernie's homes was just dumb. there are plenty of ways to embarrass a socialist with socratic method and facts, but this wasn't how it's done. infowars is a joke. the smarter people on the right are embarrassed by that show, and repudiate it.
- Zac Crow: But the InfoWars newb was so cringey to watch
- OntY-Op: gLItcHyGeAR sorry, I meant free healthcare
- Bat Guano: If "the 1% support socialism", we would have socialism in the USA. Like Kyle said, they support monopolistic corporatism to concentrate profits and power for the top owners and executives and expect socialism in the form of taxpayer-funded government bail-outs when their businesses fail. Nice, eh?
- Kunt Destroyer: Why the fuck not?!? This chick has the best political attitude. The fuck you talking about Venezuela for?!? It’s America baby! You want any type of food super sized and cheap as fuck?!? It’s all there girl! Little socialism isn’t going to change that; god damn. Bernie wasn’t a radical or anything some of his ideas sounded like it sure. But people act like he wouldn’t be more respected than Trump around the world.
- gill bruton: She didn’t own info wars she didn’t even have substantive points.
- Hypnotoad: Such clickbait. That trolling was subpar at best. This* video is more troll than the video your making fun of. I dont even think that girl was trolling. I think she was serious.
- Steve Costa: That girl is high as fuck
- NPC 9785537: +Twintwix123456789 Ya it seemed like a normal conversation.
- Red Sun: Here's the thing about the pathetic example of Venezualua. Ever since the 1980s when the price of oil fell, their economy was Terrable, even before Hugo Chavez. 40% of their country was already below the poverty line when he took over. Also, Chavez assumed dictatorial powers and centralized everything. Bernie would be out in 4 to 8 years. He also has no desire to collectivize all businesses, as made clear in his desire to break up big banks, not nationalize them.
- Matthew97: I'm from the UK. Bernie would fit right into the Labour party as a centrist! Honestly in America the spectrum is so right wing it's unreal!
- tnmusicman1: Mischa Romo : oh, it was FAR from trolling to perfection. It's that childish ass that thinks he's smarter than most because he has a channel with "secular" in it that blew this whole thing out of proportion for the purpose of getting clicks .
- Mustang .308: Lyin Kyle..... can't even come up with a good example..... plop channel. Not even good enuf 2 b click bait.....
- VideosdeDomingo: That blond chick has boobs the size of Arizona...😍😍😍
- aaron medina: Why is the government not providing us with health insurance? What is this some kind of Socialist country or some kind of Communist dictatorship? This is insane! This is Un-American! You don't pay a fire fighter to pit out fires or a cop to shoot a guy, this is insane.
- Mocking Bird Lane: Absolutely agreed.
- 5-0 MTB: Boring. This is the best you have against infowars? Who’s the Beta-Cuck in the background?
- Adolf Hitler: Hey fag debate nick j Fuentes
- Music: +The Girth House cant impeach without grounds. Yet a Republican house launched a fake investigation into Bill Clinton. Then impeached for lying under oath about an unrelated affair they uncovered during their digging. If Trump was guilty he would have been gone last year. Trump has given far right fascists everything they asked for. Their corrupt donors wanted tax cuts and deregulation. He has driven the Republican base to become insane sheep who are blindly loyal. Without him that party dies. His sycophants in Congress would never oppose him. A Democrat controlled house now has the authority to actually oppose him. I've already listed a laundry list of legitimate grounds for impeaching that wannabe dictator but you clearly ignore facts. Oh and waste taxpayer money? You're a joke. Trump wastes more money on vacations. On the corruption of his cabinet. On his border political stunt. Trillions on his tax cuts. On Republican investigations of Clinton. Right now trying to investigate Comey and Lynch. No Republican can ever speak on wasting taxpayer money. It's all you do. And that witch hunt? That's already led to multiple arrests and indictments? You cant be this fucking stupid.
- Ryan Madsen: Gooniegoogle I would like to think the majority of doctors aren't in it for the money but rather enjoy helping people
- Max Power: typical idiot...but nice little blobs
- samerburg alright: Ive heard 100s of people on the left saying that there should be a mandate on the number of homes you can own. Main reason being is that these people are mostly communists, dont believe in a person's property rights and believer that all should be redistributed flatly.
- Bill Anderson: Of course the establishment is getting more coverage.
- Tea: “Heard of it” 😂
- Steven Chiavaroli: Ya tried
- ApacheBob41: This brain dead bitch didn't own anyone jackass.
- greenghost3737: that's not the same honey
- Alex D'Accardi: So she wants the government (we the people) to pay for "free" healthcare?
- Chad Green: Fake News. It's still there.
- Cali Fox: That crazy blonde gal was on Hate Thy Neighbor🤣😂🤣🤣 still crazy
- Laffalot: When she says “eating the rich” then smirks and sips her drink... wow on so many levels
- Gregory Williams: I wanna be interviewed. InfoWars where you at???
- Purefoldnz: Was this an out take from Cruel Intentions? Was that Selma Blair?
- seafood: Both of these people are fuckin terrible
- Fuert Neigt: This episode is very bad because it defends Bernie Sanders the evil Jew.
- plunderpunk2: Sanders is a million years old, by that age you inherent a few things from relatives that have passed on...
- Gary Davis: I'm very much anti-Socialism, but think this is my most favorite YouTube video ever. There are interviews with her on the Verge about this, and she runs some left wing pod cast or something. She seems like such an ill informed air head, but just kills it at every turn. God was it funny.
- Ry Mo: He does tho lol.
- Leo: The problem isnt any "ism"... the only problem is the government not fixing things that current systems fail to address. Education is free and so is ambilance services at the scene of an accident but expanding that is somehow evil.
- JoeCnNd: She's a cutie, but you won't get free health care. You'll see it in your taxes.
- algol291: Wow, that chick in the sailor suit is cute. aww... she's only in this video for like a minute. False advertising. Shame Secular Talk; Shame.
- far exponent: lol101lol101lol10199 It is true though.
- HasanJF: Apparently, hot bimbos are nothing but bait for why far-right channels like InfoWars are trendy and popular. Without them, they would be failing.
- shappy60: God, I’m in love with her
- M Ben: Your lack of intelligence is showing. Hey man buy a decent suit and shirt
- sappo14: This beautiful woman!
- Independent glass Alaska: This guy is literally lying to everyone who watches this video. Look if I was in the 1% I would love to own my people. IN EVERY WAY.. I would profit from your death.. that's what I want.. if you complain about it I can replace you with a few from other county's ..
- Lavia: What your comment tells me is that you watch shit content, so your opinion doesn't mean much. Way to troll yourself.
- Ewald Wip: Health care isn't a right lol... It's a privilege...
- evil bucket: Yes the infowars girl did a bad job but that was still pathetic. Her best was Healthcare should be a right.
- Phanno: You know, if you watched the video, you might find out
- BDub098: The 1% supports socialism. They have already made their money. So if they keep you poor, via socialism lite. Then they don't have competition in the free market from as many people. This Kyle guy isnt very smart...who writes his scripts?
- Emppu T.: You could eat anything with a decent enough sauce!
- legolas76524: You're still making videos Kyle? Just stop it man, you're trying to be the lefts version of a political commentary youtube channel to the likes of Ben Shapiro or possibly more playful like ChrisRayGun but your comedy is abysmal. Your videos are terrible and always have been because the lefts ideas don't hold up in conversation and you're basically conversing with yourself so no one is calling your albeit well-hidden bs. Your version of "trolling" only works with people already in your in-crowd, and they have to be told it's "trolling" to allow themselves to warp their minds enough to find it funny the way you do. You're going to eventually be used by the right as a tool to destroy the left's current talking points because you are so cocky yet so wrong, keep laughing Kyle, I feel bad for you.
- Eric Michael: Bernie has nice houses while Drumpf has supposedly Billions in assets? What's the dig on Bernie here?
- mytmouse57: This new generation doesn't know how to have nothing in their hands and focus on only one thing at a time. LOL!
- G. V. Quinn: Yeah, an 18 year old who works for InfoWars will try to outsmart me on politics and economics, me next please.
- Justinitiative: I guess 8000 people can't take a joke.
- Tong Po: Seems like every other discussion on YouTube I want free shit Give me free shit
- Waluigi McSpermDump: Both of the women were retarded
- Wakil Ahmed: FA S "I want to eat the rich" lmao all of right wing probably got triggered by that
- Hallsey Old school: Let me explain! First of all Secular Talk is pimple on Alex Jones’s ass. That being said, the reporter in this video was immediately fired for being very unprofessional and unfortunately because Infowars is a fucking mountain compared to Suckular Talk sometimes people get hired who are not properly vetted! But to their credit they squashed the video and said nothing just like all major media have done from time to time. So don’t hate just enjoy what’s about to happen evil people who used to be charge. Btw, this host is not original. Keep sending those sucker dollars people lol!!!!
- Masterfortinero97: Do people really believe Bernie Sanders is going to transform the US in Venezuela????? Oh look he wants to create free universities, that must mean that he wants a populist dictatorship!!!!!!!
- lord loco2787: Funny how she couldn't answer the question
- Clint Holmes: Jordan I honestly have trouble taking people like you seriously. I'm not sure if you are being intentionally dishonest or are just stupid as fuck. You go from staying stupid as fuck shit like, "government is involved in an industry prices inevitably go up" which is easily proven false when I point out that canadians pay far less for health care than the US to saying stupid as fuck shit like, "its also some of the best care," which is also easily proven to be bullshit. Canadians live longer than Americans, in part because of health care. No doubt you are going to want to claim it has more to do with them eating bad shit or something so then I'm going to point out that infant mortality rates in canada are also better than in the US. Good luck being retarded. You make the people you talk to dumber.
- William Fitzpatrick: ok
- Philly Jawn: You're a leftist hack. The only person that sounded like a moron was the Bernie supporter.
- L0B0 W0LF: And If You Say Like A Hundred Times You Sound Smart Rite..Lol.. GTFO
- kidblack1562: Got owned by a weeb OMEGALUL Clap
- Path Evermore: that was a whole lot of missing my point.
- Fernando Parra Bortí: That was delicious.
- Flightof2Owls: It's not just the "developed world" --- even THIRD WORLD countries at least TRY to provide healthcare for their people (though they may not always have the resources to do it well). US is the richest country in the world supposedly. The only group of countries besides the US that do not try to guarantee healthcare are in the Muslim world (and I'm sure some of them do as well). The main reason we should have Universal Healthcare is because WE CAN and there is NO GOOD REASON NOT TO.
- Itzal _: Colonel JCD Watch out, we have an intellectual here.
- Werner Beinhart: What a weird concept to begin with: talking someone into a corner. As if it wasn't better to convince your opponent than to 'win' the argument by being extra smug
- AK V: God damn! She's perfect, she supporters Sanders she supports Medicare and she has the panda pixel2XL! Haha
- Mike Cihak: Does this guy understand what "Trolling" somebody even is? I don't think so.
- Sokrates with ADHD: We are all paying for everyones healthcare. It's not "free stuff", it's solidarity.
- Albo 1863 LTD: Siva 1985 So is infowars as bad as each other
- BIG FRED 09: Kyle what you think your seeing is not their and your fake laugh is bad acting and your argument is silly
- Indieman21: someones a bernie fan boy
- Griff -: I like how to the Left this constitutes as "trolling," lol. That said, I agree with Kyle about the noob Infowars reporter.
- s stevenson: "You people have worms in your brains" XD
- Dank Jews: victoria avery I Don’t see how that was “trolling” I feel like anyone who acts stupid unintentionally could be labeled as “trolling”
- tomcat8662: I don’t know who is dumber in this video, the infowars chick or this Kyle Kulinski clown. He responds to her lack of professionalism in turn by using childish behavior. Way to win your argument sir!
- Mr. Plumb: She did not own anyone. The Barry fan looked high as hell.
- Tristan Cooper: C C did you even read this?
- Names Tick: Dolly here in the UK the "free" healthcare isn't free we pay 20% tax on practically everything we buy.. ultimately it adds up to more than just saving your money I've gone to the hospital maybe twice in the last 10 years for relatively minor things other people in my family haven't gone to hospital in 20+ years
- Paladin: why is she dressed like an anime girl
- Jared Beverlin: dumb
- KingofUSA85: "I just want everyone to have healthcare" Well so did the People of Venezuela and how is that working out for them? I'll tell you. The government promissed them free healthcare(among other things) in exchange for more power and once they got the power they turned on the people and so now the people not only don't have free healthcare they also live in an economically devastated hell hole ran by a defacto dictatorship and the progressive democrats led by Bernie desperately want for the same thing in the U.S.
- Jesse Edmondson: I WISH these people would come up to me. I could own that crap so hard.
- SirJack of Camelot: Andrew Craner so IRS?
- Fukushima Daichi: Haha socialist sailor moon.
- Wretch Gunk: thing is, Info Wars listeners will think that the "reporter" nailed that interview and somehow discredited her as ignorant because she was not aware of nonexistent facts, ie lies from the "reporter"
- Diane Watson: Why don't you speak to people who have come from communist and socialist countries and see what they have to say. We know crony capitalism is wrong, but capitalism done the right way is the best economic model we have. All people pushing for it need to go live in a socialist/communist country for at least a year. And you need to interview people from socialist and communist countries and see what they have to say about it.
- Jorge Hernandez: It's funny how people still don't see how america has some socialism inside the country. What do you think is social security is? Or WIC program is? No child left behind program is? Or many other out there.
- D P: Socialism works in white ethnostates.
- gorilla thewinston: Someone finally understand, the USA has no left... well reservation camps are all the left left
- Darth Revan The Eternal: People on this channel have waaay too much faith in the state being able to spend money more prudently than the individual. Many seem to be starry eyed about having this perfectly beneficent and incorruptible state that will support free markets with low taxes while also ensuring no one is wanting for housing, education, healthcare , etc. Keep dreaming.
- Gerald Hopps: That chick is the perfect millennial valley girl
- Francisco Abreu: wrong.
- exexpat11: Soy Boys and New Girls. Both UnFuckable.
- tmcleanful: So THAT'S what leftists consider trolling? LOLOL We have free health care here in Canada - after you pay 25-45% of everything you make into that system, it's free. And everyone has equal access to the same poor health care delivered by bottom-of-the-barrel practitioners that are overworked, underpaid and know their patients aren't their customers. Hurray!
- 01DOGG01: So I had a tumor in my mouth area. I went to the doc. It cost me $0. Referred to a specialist, who cost me $75. And a plastic surgeon, who was a further $150. Got refunded a portion of that from Medicare. Had plastic surgery under general anaesthesia to remove the tumor. Cost me $0. Because I am an Australian citizen. The rats are nowhere to be seen! Were I in the US, I'd probably have to subside on rodents just to be able to save up for the medical expenses though, perhaps dying in the process.
- Bat Man: As she drinks her Starbucks
- P W: Tony Gomez Wrong again.
- Jonoliver: All three are retards specially this talk show host
- atm 487: Literally could've just BTFO'd this Infowars moron by arguing on the EXTREMELY SIMPLE, EASY, AND TRUTHFUL PREMISE that venezeula is NOT SOCIALIST
- The Ultimate Diva: Dude, you should take your own advice and talk less on your show... you just hanged yourself with your own waffle
- Muted Truth: Only a moron would go to a hospital and pay cash. Get a job that provides insurance. Simple as that.
- Zane Arnold: This chick reminds me of Alice Murphy when she still had braces. Ha
- Jerry: I would eat rats for free healthcare
- Lavia: Free stuff is cool. But that is not what they are advocating for, there is more nuance. You look like a triggered fool.
- BlackjackOC: DavidTheAssyrian lol why has Crowder refused to debate Potholer54 and Sam Seder
- Mr. Mojo Risin': The right can't do comedy. You're not funny. And churning out shitty Pepe the frog memes and dressing like a woman (Crowder) isn't comedy.
- rotciv003: The sad thing is that even this guy says that you're supposed to let the interviewee hang themselves. No your not, if you're interviewing for a newsorganisation you need to ask the questions that allow your subject to explain the situation as clearly as possible. News is about facts, anything where a producer thinks about a narrative is entertainment an should be sold as such.
- 夢星Social Kid: I still have a crush on Ashton Birdie.
- Ry Mo: How can you not find it annoying as shit? You probably just like her cus it cripples the us from within having such weak minded fools as voters so you can jihad it
- Tyren Hoskins: Brian McGuirk Venezuela is ran by a dictator, how in the hell does that constitute as "communism"?
- Johnny D: That wasn't trolling you dipshit.. but yeah infowars chick ain't the right caliber
- Mrbigweeknee: I don't think that Bernie Sanders lives in $3,000,000 homes... I believe he owns two homes, neither of which are worth $3,000,000, and has inherited a summer home, which again, is not worth anywhere near the said price. Perhaps the amalgamation of the houses approached that figure, but I really, really doubt it surpasses 1.5 million given Vermont's real estate market. According to his senate finance disclosure form, his net worth is around 500-600 thousand, which I suppose is decent, but nowhere near "wealthy". Why the fuck would it even matter? He is not even a socialist, that is laughable to suggest. He is not adverse to capitalism in the housing market. HE IS FOR SOCIALIZING MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE NOT OUR ENTIRE CORPORATE SECTOR
- Mark Smith: She's high AF!!
- Mike V: Maria About how old are you, Maria? Teenager, young adult, middle-aged adult?
- Dylan Klebold: Socialism Sucks :P Ima enjoy my capitalism And in a few years ima own 4 houses with 7 cars that will be used on Monday to Sunday in eatch house :P
- Meme Biologist: This is beautiful
- Jacob Moon: Except she didnt own her? She couldn't answer a question with any kind of substance. Just a bunch of semi-witty jabs or whatever but she is embarrassing to her cause. Fuck info wars but they sound more informed here....even if misguided
- Bobby Powell: Stop naming yourself after Star Wars characters, nerd.
- Jesus Soto: I like her sass , senshi clad lady was fearless, hilariously trolled.
- Lewis Jones: I'm right leaning but that's some of the worst arguing I've ever heard from a right based argument. The %1 percent of Venezuelans do not equate to the %1 of US the same way that the bottom 20% of the US are not eating cakes made out of mud like the bottom 20% of Haiti does
- Jason O: Neither one knew what they where talking about! And Bernie fucking sucks anyway old news! And you are fake news because Infowars never pulled the video it’s on their channel even now!!!
- Ch33to Sesh: Five Hundred People like Jeff Bezos should be punish because they paid ZERO in taxes.
- Jinxy cat: Kyle the amazing thing I've found talking to co workers, is they don't give a single fuck about the 45,000 of people that die due to not having heath care. Infact the over all consensus is, fuck other people in genral. I live in california, which is typically thought of as the most progressive state in the country. I feel like the vast majority of Librals and progressives live in very small pockets of the country in massive numbers. I have thought of myself as a Libral and a progressive for the most part, but I feel like the more time I spend trying to defend the socialistic ideas on the proggresive party, the more I start to see that, the majority of the country, especially the working class, does not support Bernie ideas.
- qing: "But I just said venezuela eats rats"
- americansensei: Nobody has a right to other peoples labor.
- Jason Poole: Not worth watching after 2:37, or at all with the sound on. The ladt makes some interesting points (pun intended). 😉
- YoCatto: Why do you have so many bandages on your fingers kyle?
- john roy: What psychotropic drugs are you on you want socialism how's it going to pay for itself when the money Runs Out do you even know what socialism is what countries that practice socialism even have a middle-class you moron that means you wouldn't have a job
- spike: Liberalism is a mental disorder
- ilikecake48: People please, we have to meme this to high heaven.
- Cosimo Kramarawicz: Socialism is on the rise! Death to the Republic!
- 000FIRESTORM1989: Are infowars not aware that Donald Trump the current American president is part of the 1% they hate so much. Are infowars not aware that Donald Trump owns an estimated 400 million dollars worth of residential property. If Alex Jones and Info wars were serious about the things they say then they should NOT be supporting Donald trump.
- Insight Video: I got my degree already, I don't need to answer anymore test questions. All you're doing is raising the same tired points that no one has been willing to deal with for decades. I can tell you this, giving everyone free health care isn't the answer. Why? Because nothing is free, and someone still has to pay for it. The only real answer is to reconstruct the current health care system to where it's not allowed to charge $500 for an aspirin. Once you make healthcare affordable, the issues will largely disappear. Here's one more clue: When you can convince me that the person you're talking about in your example isn't asking for free health care because they can't afford it, as they're explaining it all to me in broken English while texting on their $800 Iphone, then we'll talk.
- Keyshell: Socialism?! VENEZELA
- thenodfather: The Info Wars girl was mouthy and idiotic.
- Westrocker 67: "But they eat rats." Moronic, stupid woman. Hate Infowars.
- Oswald Thatendswald: lol liberals consider this a perfect troll? hahaha no wonder y'all are constantly losing.
- Black Manta: Rich people must be punished bc they’re rich?
- Andres Pichinte: This is why AshtonBirdie sucks! I used to watch her stuff, but she got annoying as hell.
- michaels33: THAT was her trolling them? All I saw was brain lock and stupidity. She was utterly unarmed mentally.
- TommyKay: SICK TROLLS OMG WOW ROASTED OMG 420 MLG....u fuckign idiots....
- Chico Esqueleto: In Colombia, the right wing has a similar bullshit point called "Castrochavismo" - everytime someone makes a point that doesn't sound totally neo-con, they call it "Castrochavista", and if someone wants to improve social justice they go after the money they have. Like as if you have to be poor to want social justice and stuff like that. -- it's so dumb, but it's working. It's impossible to deny that Chavez and Maduro fucked it up not only for their own country but for non right wing ideas all over the world as well. - Those stupid dictators became the darling of the neo nazis.
- foogentog: Promotionit by your definition a trial and subsequent jail time for committing murder is “government oppression”. Fact is, some amount of government actually protects freedom since not everyone is born with the same level of power and means. One person could literally blow up the entire planet if they could just freely spend their money on nukes and do whatever they want with them because: freedom. Sorry, but you’re giving it all a very simplistic view. Actually it really is very simple, socialism is needed to protect freedom. The United States military is a purely socialist thing. Do you believe we should not have a military? Do you believe it’s in the best interest of the freedom of our people to rid ourselves of our socialist military system? You’re using your head, just not very much.
- Dr Downtime: Jocelyn Russell this whole 1% thing is what dumb people say. The top 1% is changing literally every day. You have to make just over 350 k a year to her In that number. They are normal people most of them.
- D P: This doesn’t rlly qualify as trolling. She just had a dumb valley girl sarcastic tone. She wasn’t very smart. You ppl are clutching at straws with this one.
- ExMilitia: Only thing better than an Infowars goon is an newbie Infowars goon
- tubehab: Remember when you said, "Just let them talk and they'll hang themselves.", and then you kept talking...
- Normal name: I'm somewhat conservative but info wars is trash
- Haven Prince: I like how people are trying to support the evidence of look at venazula when you cant compare venazula to the us. Politics depends on the place and history. You cant just compare countries to one another and expect that to be a valid argument. Certian economies can work in countries with the right conditions.
- ghostryder94: just watched it on aj's channel two minutes ago. it is not pulled
- Pablo Rivera: If everything was free, that means nobody would pay for those providing the service, and would you provide free service for nothing in return? Socialism doesn't work.
- Derrick Belanger: I don’t think she was trolling. There are people on the right that are that stupid, so it’s not a stretch to believe there are people on the left that are that stupid. But she was hilarious nonetheless. It’s better to have dumb person be like “I just want people to have healthcare” than “I want mah guns.”
- Tomace: +David Herbella LMAO
- eBay Alien: ????? She didnt troll her into "perfection" she honestly sounded like a drug head. Come on man, what even is this channel? Dont insult me and waste my time. Disliked and moved on.
- C Cot: Hahahaha this homo puts info wars for clickbait
- defellman: Commie: orange man bad Youtuber: TROLLED
- Marilyn: "Like, Yr so wrong and like...I'm like, so so right.........Your response?"
- William Phillips: Infowars pulled it because the comments were ripping them and that blonde cunt apart. Especially when she tries to claim that the 1% are socialists which is not fucking true in America
- Marcel Duchamp's Fidget Spinner: Robe Connoisseur I would have been a lot wittier. "So what you're telling me is that they're eating rats in countries like Norway? Wow, I did NOT know that!" And responded to the part about billionaires supporting socialism with "yeah, corporate socialism!"
- DeadMarine1980: She didn't troll her. She just was a better debater. If she were to troll the interviewer she'd put on a mask. She did no such thing.
- Rob Lena: Ok, so you have established you don't understand the concept of trolling but do you know what click bait is?
- nick: Kyle should have a debate with Info Wars, omg he would wreck them so fucking hard with logic and reason.
- defellman: Wow, lefties think this is trolling. She just acts like retard.
- fernando vives: I wish that chick had a YouTube channel, would watch every video
- Sil Banuelos: As a Republican, this lady needs to educate herself a bit more. How else are you going be able to understand your enemy if you can’t think like them. Young people just love to assume
- David Fernandez: Lol, we're not eating rats.. not yet. People here are eating mangoes and tomatoes. kinda funny how myths spread. btw, is not the majority of Venezuelans, back in 2014, it were 2.8 millions in extremely porverty (again, eating mangoes and from the trash) and right now 2018 is more then 6 millions of people in the same situation. what kind of journlism is that?
- Smaragdus: What the fuck she looks like my mom when she was young
- Francisco Pizarro: Cynthia Morgan you consider that infowars reporter well-spoken and fact checked ? LOL. I’m guessing you also think Donald trump is the 2nd coming of Issac Newton? LOL
- Dust Devil: i hate your face......and voice.........and the way you talk........its gross..........
- Gooniegoogle: Sam Dude I mever said I was happy with the current system. Like I said earlier, I believe the answer lies somewhere in the middle. But fully universal healthcare and forcing doctors under your thumb is a terrible idea.
- John Webb: so let me get this right, Socialism, isn't giving to all? It's the rich eating well while the poor are eating rats in whatever country?
- Richard Barry: It’s “very true” that the 1% want socialism! 🤪🤪🤪
- DubDanTV: Angelo Basso exaclty, thank you for your comment and honesty!
- Harrison Taylor: I think "owned" is a bit generous. Was still funny though.
- PinkFurryHat: Does this guy know what trolling is???
- Blayden Bot: Absolutely based
- Cody Columbia: You ask someone something and then just sit back, grab some popcorn and let them do the talking. People hate awkward silences and will start saying stuff they either don’t believe, or just stupid stuff in general. It’s also a reverse physiological tactic as well. When someone is just staring at you, it starts to feel like they’re thinking you’re stupid or something and are saying dumb things. The idea is to transfer the burden of proof to them, not yourself.
- Brandon Wills: Cooper Harris Don’t be sad. I’m sure you’ll be back to your gay old self sooner or later. When one door closes another always opens...no pun intended.
- Cooper Harris: Jason k im gonna report you for paedophilic because she looks under 18 to me idk tho
- Robert L: Yeah dude, that wasn't trolling. I mean she was messing with them a little but I mean you can't out troll Info Wars. Info Wars is trolling 24/7/365
- Cate Justice: It should have been President Sanders but NO the corporate Dems had other plans and thanks to them we have Chump instead. Did I vote for Hilary? Hell ya I did! Why because I KNEW there was a very strong feeling Chump could beat her. EVERY ONE who wants to go back to “MOVING FORWARD” cause the ONLY thing Chump and his entire Cabinet are doing is DRAGING us BACK darkest days of our country ;( VOTE THIS EXTREME RIGHT WING out of office in the mid terms, both in the House and Senate! Than get Chump AND his VP GONE!
- Charles Yeo: What's with the right and comparing everything socialism to Venezuela. Ffs Venezuela is not the only poster child of socialism
- Lightspeed: “Myehh it’s not my definition of trolling” Ok
- KimJong'sHung: So it's a choice between medicare for all and eating rats? How about medicare for all and not spending all our taxes on bombs?
- Zero Quanta: Info war OWNED that girl!!!!!!!!!!! Secular Talk, YOU are an IDIOT!!!!!!
- csmigs87: I'm in favor of eating the rich, they are fat and well fed. Good marbled meat.
- Jimmy B: Do you what are you talking about that dumb chick drinking a fucking latte made a fooll of her self she’s stupid she doesn’t know anything doesn’t know how the world works brainwashed millennial
- TidesRollin: DUDE your a fuqn retard!!LOL that brainless bitch didnt do shit to infowars lmao. she couldnt answer any simple questions. Bro I just want people to have health care??!?!?!? DUDE what fuqn planet are you living on! And the fact still remains... all 3 of his homes cost 1 million or more or just under. DUDE your fuqn retarded and you should stay under your fuqtard rock!!!! this dude is feeding you fools lies!! Your the only clown here bro. INFO wars blows your audience out the water!! When you get on their level... maybe you wont need click bait FOR CLICKS. this DUMB BITCH IS JUST A FUQN STUPID AS YOU!!!!!
- sam_well: the girl in sailor suit is Dasha Nekrasova, she is a Russian actress. Dasha Nekrasova cares about people.
- geo mundi: everyone has a 'right' to healthcare? just like they have a 'right' to food etc. I think people should have a plot of tax free land to work and thats it; but due to overpopulation and immimgration/emmigration even that is freaking impossible. We just have to live in this dystopia of overpopulation, shrinking resources, and imbalanced wealth .. forever. Its only going to get worse folks.
- Maya Aoyama: Why do all Republican women look so similar? They all have this 2001 tryhard style with bleached/dyed long hair and bad/too much make up. It's like they're trying to impress someone. No individuality or real self worth, so it's no wonder they don't have enough heart for others or the bigger picture.
- tmcleanful: I wonder if they took it down because the so-called troll appears to be severely inebriated, possibly on opiates of some kind.
- Heather Mack: she didn't troll Her at all. she actually looked like she had no clue why she was there
- William Fitzpatrick: The majority of the American electorate has supported a public option for over 50 years, particularly the working class
- ThatsMRdouchbag: Rat - the other white meat!
- tommystix87: I find it funny that people on the right don't make any mention of the countries that Kyle mentioned in this video that made socialism work, Like is mentioning Venezuela the right's only argument of socialism being a failure?
- Aaron Hoy: Actually I'm pretty sure she was just f-cking with the InfoWars people. Dasha Nekrasova (the young woman in the sailor moon outfit,) has her own podcast, I think she is also an actress, or at least as done some acting. There was a piece written about her in teen vogue (someone here on the comments had a link posted to a tweet to the article,) where she mentioned her bewilderment when the presenter had started talking about rats in Venezuela explaining her pause & confusion there... but she also apparently had said more than what was in this clip to InfoWars explaining why she didn't think people should get sick & die because they couldn't afford to see a doctor, talking about the differences between her socialistic views & that of "mainstream liberalism". She also explained that she wasn't even all that political, nor had she been to the Sander's event at SXSW... she had missed his speech there & was at SXSW to promote a movie. So yeah she was probably high, but I don't actually think she is as dumb as she may have appeared at times in the clip.
- Jeremy Segal: By the 1% do you also mean cardiac surgeons
- Colocao Mantequilla: Oooh that’s retard is a bit nippy
- shinvergil777: I think info wars is confusing Bernie with Jeremy Corbin who people claim is trying to take rich people's home which I doubt but that is what has been said about him.
- DA REAL Johnny Appleseed: *eAt tHe rICh* lol kys
- Overdrive Game: sailormoon looks stoned
- Oswald Thatendswald: cvmiata she could have walked away
- T. Scott: ClickBait garbage video. You are Scum Kyle
- Daniel Russell: Queef Micester is anybody living off the land in a position to help other people that live off the land? What im saying is, fuck you.
- Joe Hiltz: Anybody that works for Infowars follows Infowars or likes Infowars everything anything to do with Infowars it's just straight up human straight trash this blonde that's an interviewer is garbage and I hope she gets hit by a bus
- Я Смерть: She's awesome, she's been attacked by antifa and doesn't give a fuck. Another Lauren Southern type.
- Norwegian viking: There is NO sutch thing as FREE healthare in a socialistcountry, its paid for thru our incometax...Our model works, cause even the poor gets cheap medicines, free surgery.. etc etc.. And IF you want, you CAN buy into private clinic service.(quality`s the same, but shorter waitinglists)
- The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists: 2:15 Would size the Means of reproduction ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Edit:Bernie is not Socialist in Marxist sense but in Bizmark Sense! Edit:Eating Rich>Would like to Eat something else. ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)
- LordBattleSmurf: That leftwing woman was an idiot and this wasn't funny or trolly it was sad. Also this Secular Talk guy is a cringe inducing beta soyboy who looks like he enjoys the smell of his own farts. He's a prime example of why millinieals should NOT have been so protected from bullying in schools. Don't recommend this fraggle shit again to me Youtube
- pec104: Yeah this is where I would expect to find a beta cuck dweeb like this Kyle guy.
- xXRockXLobsterXx: That Bernie babe is super cute! :)
- DeeJay DeEnay: Wtf am I even watching? Both these women are stupid and Kyle just seems to be using the video to push an agenda
- Eipeid wep: This is why the left can't meme
- Colin Sherritt: Bernie is going to be the be the next president. #Bernie2020
- gravitycaress: Oh god I want to be her friend!
- LauRen Thompson: Whomst is she? <3 Does she have an IG/Twitter?
- Hirnlego999: +Pocket Calculator You're a fool if you think this is about helping the Venezuelan people, this is ultimately not about elections, human rights or democracy, it's about creating chaos in order to then topple it and put in a puppet, which would already have happened in 2003 if the coup had succeeded. I don't consume telesur.
- Mikka's TV: Because politicians get paid over $100,000 a year so if youre smart with your money in 20 years anyone will be a millionaire.
- Boomhauer: Wow, all you fuckers here in the comments sure are angry!
- Noah Larive: +HasanJF thats not even remotely true
- Wavvy baby: Loser why would you comment something like that
- Jay Cee: That’s fucking great lol
- Matt Ragoza: that's Adam Friedland's girlfriend lol
- zo62: that was perfection dude both of them are fucking morons. that girl didnt know shit and could barely respond
- wizzzer1337: we have found the queen.
- TJ Yates: Omg that blonde chick was painful to listen too
- railfanmikes gaming: I'll would troll info wars too it would be too easy
- Tychoxi: lol that girl had the perfect demeanor and voice cadence
- Queef Micester: ....why wouldn't he donate his 3 mansions and live off the land, or at least a 2 bedroom apartment (like the average American middle class) ..... (that don't have 1 mansion)
- Grete Bremseth: ??? I don't live in a socialist country anymore?!? Greetings from Norway.
- David Warschauer: RocksteadyRisers thanks Rock steady. The progressive voice YouTube channel clued me in to Alex Jones brigading on this video comments. I tried as hard as I could to let all those Alex Jones fans know that daddy Jones is a fraud.
- Nicky Gallo: omfg people ! Bernie Sanders is a Social Democrat, not a socialist! Social democracy is a form of state capitalism that focuses on benefiting the public via social programs/welfare. Socialist want to abolish capitalism。。 completely ! They want workers to have control over the means of production/ workplace.
- Truth Seeker: To the maker of this vid, the fact that you think she owned anyone is amazing. I was watching this video, waiting for the owning part, and then it cuts off to you saying "that was great" about nothing, over and over again. It's really sad how desperate you lefties are for a hero.
- Bradlee Caldwell: Gondwana socialism is what allowed Venezuela to get where it is now.... If they lived under free market capitalism the corruption and ineptitude could've never manifested in the way it has in Venezuela.
- Los Santos City: +Laura Beth where did you come up with 14 grand a month? LMAO
- Kyle Burdick: Joe Sudz barely? He is and that’s that. He’s apart of the 1%.
- T J: Can't believe I've been eating rats for this long and didn't even notice it. Another great factual statement from infowars
- Haydn Knight: I guess I am confused by the title. I never saw where the girl “owned” the news reporter. She was smart-aleck who could barely answer the questions. I still don’t know why she supports socialism.
- Juan Garcia: Rat burgers
- Bull Riedy: Lil she didn't own anything. Millie looked for the dumbest looking person and she found her . This little girl is an idiot .
- Viva Zapata: oh yeah she wants socialism...holding her Iphone while sucking on a starbucks frappuccino that probably cost her 6$ with coffee beans taken from venezuela...fuck you socialist asswipe
- armanarmadillo: Mindless youre a legend mate you got these leftiefags reading this old rehashed rick and morty creepypasta all the way thru. keep on triggering.
- Ares: Nick Angelos Then I guess you don't mind when they take a larger chunk of your welfare or paycheck benefits to pay for it. The states were never set up to work this way, but it's fine for jackwagons like yourself to ask for others to pay for the world's needs because, well shit it's America right. Let illegals run rampant and import slaves to the drug trade. Let African Jihadists and all other haters of the west come on over and join the FREE government way paid life eh! Fact is, IT HAS TO BE PAID FOR! GET IT. It's not free and never will be. Only to those who refuse to contribute and don't mind living in ghetto slums will shit seem free. Sell drugs and don't pay tax, whole families collect welfare when work is available, then free health care when their drug selling occupation nets them 5 gunshot wounds because criminal don't obey laws. See how socialism works! IT DOESN'T!
- Adam Blade: @David Collins Right, it's the rats who are eating the over 10.000 British people that die in waiting lists every single year.
- Nicole Alexander: infowars rules!
- Random dude: Actually, they're trolling themselves by pointing out that Sanders own's houses. They are the ones who want to push the agenda that socialism means everyone has to share their wealth and give up their private property but that's not the case in a democratic socialist system.
- Based Bugs: Government enables monopolies through subsidization.
- cool breeze: The type of socialism that Venezuela has is completely different from social democracy, which is what progressives in the USA advocate for and places like Finland have in place.
- Panos Triantaphillou: Don´t tutor them!
- Lucas Phoenix: What pot was in her drink? XD
- akuma4u: So whats in the cup..iced tea, coke or beer? I need closure on this
- Judge Dredd: Dude, shut the fuck up and just host the video. Your commentary is completely unnecessary, and bad.
- Rudolph Sturling: how is that a troll?
- TheRetroDysania: I clicked on the video because the women in the thumbnail was pretty
- Ethan Logan: "You know Venezuela." "Heard of it."
- Micah Joel Geimer: *Redeemed * no this is trolling tho. Your are a pathetic piece of shit. Please go be a complete moron somewhere else. Preferably in a deep void, with your president trump and the pathetic loser alex "puke" jones lol
- Bonbon: U dont need to be a communist country to have free health care
- Jared Swanson: I absolutely love that girl
- Mary A.Cavatica: God al-fuckin-mighty. No one thinks socialists are running on a "let's eat rats" platform. Ffs. We think you're so economically illiterate that you don't realize that's where socialism ends. And the fact that Bernie rails against the "1-2 puhcent" and rallies for social justice but then he chooses to live in excess when he could give two of those homes to some under privileged black kids, is FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL KYLE! Bread lines are a beautiful thing... Do you think when Bernie said that, he pictured himself in that bread line... No... No he did not. Rules for thee and none for me.
- coltsrule5150: Venezuela is an authoritarian socialist country. Socialists in America want a libertarian socialist country. Authoritarian country's are horrible, whether they're communist, capitalist, or socialist. NO one wants an authoritarian government.
- Brian Benoit: These people don't get the basic difference between communism and socialism. Communism's basic ideology is that everybody gets the same no matter what. Socialism's basic ideology is that everybody gets the same OPPORTUNITIES. For example , their are many people out there with exceptional business skills, but because they didn't have, they ended up a few hundred thousand dollars to buy a degree from Wharton they ended up working minimum wage jobs. Their are others who had promising careers and were making worthwhile contributions to society but got sick or injured and because they didn't have money for surgeries or expensive medicine, they ended up having to go on assistance.
- Alaskan bull worm: Good enough to get you to click infotard.
- Brion Ockenfels: Possibly unpopular position... the interviewee did a very poor job defending her views *smh* and yes that does matter. No one owned anyone here
- Bobby Krepek: Kyle Out of Context 7:28
- Mercy Reigns: We all clicked cause we saw her nips don’t lie
- Hebrew Anon: Okay? Not really anything big, healthcare isn’t a right so she’s wrong, and that was ridiculous. “Everyone in the UK” fuck off. Whoa he tries to speak as if he is everyone, “the 1% support this” “everyone here supports this” at least the infowars bitch didn’t say all the 1% support socialism and actually gave an example.i
- Jessie Briones: And Japan is eating raw fish someone help them fast.
- Dwellerz: In what way did she troll anybody? I'm of the opinion that Info Wars is a joke and this interviewer is obviously being disingenuous, but sorry, I'm just not seeing this epic troll job that you're all praising. She stayed calm and stated her opinions, and overall came across a bit better, but there was nothing special or noteworthy.
- eg13000: I like you a lot Kyle but you have a tendency to be a hypocrite (like all people really). You talk about instead of strawmanning people you should stealman people. Attack the best arguments of your opponent. Yet time and time again I see segments like this what are you just attacked the weakest arguments on the conservative side. If you want real change attack Stefan molyneux video. Attack the constant and manipulative logical fallacies in his videos. Don't even pay these idiotic people the time of day. Steelman the right, attack the "best" arguments conservatives make.
- Sigma White: This is a sad channel
- butts: *healthcarrrrrre*
- John Drake: Glorious?!#% "I just want people to have healthcare" = I want to steal from people and have bad healthcare for all. This Kyle Kulinski is the most dangerous kind of dumb, maybe a 115 IQ and thinks he knows how the whole thing spins. Clowns like this are more dangerous than the 70 something IQ immigrants pouring into the West. They can put a sentence together that sounds like it makes sense to the average jabroni even though they're know-nothing fools. Couple that with a pretty-boy face and Bob's your uncle, you got 539 thousand subs and you're influencing a portion of the population to work against it's own interests - Good Lord! I pray for a breakthrough in brain science that can increase the public's IQ wholesale because we're going to need one to save the World.
- TheArchsage74: I liked her sailor outfit.
- Cooper Harris: Worng.
- phenom anon: infowars cant handle reality or the truth lol she has very intelligent nipples for a socialist
- JaedenRuiner: The problem with stories like this is that there is a forced attempt from either perspective to attempt to show how the "other" perspective was owned. First off, the young woman being interviewed had zero intelligent responses or retorts to the InfoWars reporter. She frankly came across as stoned out of her mind. Giggling eating munchies, and the perma-grin was not helpful. It seems that political rallies are the new fad, so instead of going to a concert, or a fair, people go to the political rally. Yea! Conservative media outlets use these tactic of going up to random people that appear to be there for the rhetoric and not so much actual intellectual awareness. You don't say "Free Health Care", you say, "Publicly funded Single Payer Health Systems are fiscally responsible, because they are cheaper than private Health Insurance." You deflate their argument by using their own rhetoric against them. It's like going to a NASCAR race asking random drunk people about the complex inter-politics of Sunni vs Shiite Islam and it's effects upon the instability of the Middle East. Then you present the interviews as, "See, conservatives just don't understand reality." How many interviews did the woman do where someone responded articulately, and accurately defeating any of her ridiculous talking points? I doubt they aired any. That should be the point of the commentary from Kyle. Not some hamfisted attempt to make it seem that this girl "owned" the reporter. Why is Socialism good? You respond with, "Well, you like a police force, right? Do you like a Fire Department? Do you like roads and bridges and a central power grid. Do you like the Armed Forces? All of these are Socialist Policies. Anarcho-Capitalism, or Capitalistic Fascism would require that everyone pay privately for these services. Every road would be a toll road from the base of your driveway to anywhere, so you'd have to pay a private company for the freedom to leave your land. Your house would burn down if you were lax on your fire department bill. Socialism is simply a political system where there are publicly owned and publicly funded services. What we disagree upon, is where to draw the line between public and private industry." These kind of media pieces simply try to find the dumbest, inarticulate buffoon in the crowd, and thus the Conservative media gets to paint with broad strokes, "See, all leftists are just out for free stuff." And for Kyle to defend this as saying the InfoWars reporter got trolled, or subtly owned, is rather insincere. Based upon that brief clip, I'd say InfoWars gained more points from the discussion. Sure, it was using lies, or at least a duplicitous framing of the topics. Are people eating rats in Venezuela? Yes, but that is not due to Socialism. That is due to Authoritarianism combined with an extremely corrupt political power base. Instead of Kyle pointing this out, he cheers a seemingly rather uneducated groupie. He should be making the points to counter all of the reporter's attacks, as well as reminding us that if we are going to respond to do so in a coherent manner. How is anyone going to contest the Conservatives hatred of Socialism, if we can't even define it? And the more we try to find some manufactured silver lining in circumstances like this, re-painting the same scenario in our own rose-tinted glasses, we give the Right-Wing nut-bags the fodder for claiming that we spin reality as much as (if not more than) they do.
- Kay Hembrows: Mmm so the same guy that criticize project veritas for using edited videos is now using edited videos...mmmmmm I knew this was gonna happened the day he joined TYT
- XxXZz: What i pity about these people is they depend upon govt for something. If you want to do something, get off your butt, study medicine be a doctor & help them.
- pokerace420: Fake news
- Kebo Boke: bali song, so American socialism protected european socialism?
- Rødreven: Great idea. Let's tax air. Nothing's free, after all.
- Karl Marx: Some people are so ignorant. In the United States the way our insurance and healthcare works is that we pay less taxes, and with the left over money, we get to make our own decisions about which healthcare etc we want, and how good of a plan we want to spend our money on. So instead of paying someone to choose for us, we pay less money and then spend the leftover money to make our own decisions for ourselves. Its the same thing in the end, quit making dumb ass excuses. I would personally rather have the option to choose how much money I want to spend on that stuff than to pay the government directly. Also, I fail to see the "troll" in the video. The info news woman just wasn't very good at getting her arguments together, and the other one sort of avoided all the questions and just started getting sassy. Edit: In case some of you guys still dont understand. Your healthcare in Europe or wherever you live, is not free. You pay it through your taxes (which are a lot higher than in the U.S.). In the U.S. we pay less taxes and then use that extra money we have to spend on healthcare.
- Johnny Metal: so u go do it u fuck
- 0okamino: Those poor starving worms.
- Uderscore: I wonder if it even occurs to these people that any sorta nice house in a somewhat favorable location is now pretty much a million dollars minimum in this cartoonish joke of an economy.
- Ryan Alba: Rats would solve the hunger problem.... lol
- John Tyler: So much leftie circlejerking here, lol...
- J BAIN: *slurps coffee nonchalantly*
- David Warschauer: @spacehamham : alex jones is a fraud.
- Joe Silva: And the economic system is state capitalist
- Kya Konami: The girl they were asking the questions to looks like a cosplayer lol of course us nerds have mastered trolling.
- Jake Bennett: Fluff Mungous your view on how an insurance company operates if scary wrong. When you get insurance whether it's for a car, your life, or in this case medical insurance you have a contract you decide what you want covered and what you will pay. If an insurance company agrees to the terms then doesn't pay for someone to get a procedure done they are violating law and will be sued and if that person dies possible even charged with crimes. The reason the US healthcare system is so expensive already is because of government regulations. You can't just walk into a hospital and have a simple procedure done and then pay cash they literally won't let you does that sound like them "maximizing profits" or trying to abide by insane government regulations. Look at the laser eye surgery industry. It has very little to no regulations on it and the price has been declining ever since they started offering the surgery. You don't need insurance and you pay cash if u want. Kyle keeps saying how single payer would be cheaper than what we have now. Cheaper to whom? It would be cheaper to me if my parents bought me a car I would save a lot of money but someone is still paying for the car. Medical services are just that a service. You have to provide incentive if you want services to continue to become less expensive and more available. People don't spend hundreds of thousands of their own money to go to medical school and then have the US government tell them what they can and can't do and how much they can charge. Competition is key in a free market.
- David Laun: Lol... inherited.
- Brendan: Lu-chan Kind of odd considering I wouldn’t expect devout muslims to be watching Kyle.
- J0Di WZRD: Damn 😍😍
- Darrin InMesa: The socialist did hang herself and look ridiculous by stating that she thinks that health insurance is or should be a right. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anything about healthcare. Furthermore, Socialism by definition doesn't believe in the ownership of private property and thus absolutely would lead to eating rats. Democratic Socialism is still Socialism.
- chaos120m: Gonna have to stop you right here bernie sanders ia not the poorest member in the Senate he'll he isnt about the 20 poorest a simple google check verifies that. You are fake news
- Atoms Molecules: What has this world come to? Venezuelans eating rats, Bernie Sanders living in 3 million dollar homes, and Alex Jones loves watching Tranny porn.
- LordKira: "but that's not america :/" lol nice we might as well start talking about india when talking about true capitalism look at how shitty their country is should that and venezuela be relevant in a discussion of such topic within the US? you be the judge my opinion: no you fucking idiots
- Choloscience: I bet rich people taste weird.
- Cerberus: ur here couszz the nipples, too?
- Jens W.: _"Venezuela's economy is over 80% capitalist. "_ While about 70% (not 80%) of the GDP is created by companies that are nominally privately owned, the private owners thereof don't have much freedom to do with the companies as they see fit. The government is strongly meddling with them and telling them what to do. Venezuela is ranked 179 out of 180 in terms of economic freedom there (#180 being North Korea) https://www.heritage.org/index/ranking
- Deplorable Trumper: Sumtinrandom. WHAT😨😨😨??? You really believe the trashy sailor girl got the better of Ashley???? She said NOTHING. She just stood there sipping away responding with an arrogant tone in her voice. You know Venezuela? "I've heard of it" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You might agree with her position, BUT she clearly was not the one to argue the position. Interviewer clearly won.
- Brandon Wells: lol that wasnt remotely close to trolling or smart. but that chick was hella cute. she might be a dumny but i wouldnt mind dumping one in her
- Eric Rogers: No she didn't troll them. Ur just a fu@king useful idiot. Yes the limit is none.
- Dre Jones: Info wars is more of The Onion than Fox News.
- Ronnie Pete: Wasnt so glorious. Im not impressed. This show is crap!!
- Suquand Eeznutz: The only person who got trolled here was me. Got to go get this douche off my feed.
- Abner Pariah: Everyone in this video sounds so dumb and self satisfied. Oh wait you're Americans :(
- Jonny Rocket: I feel like they both look dumb as fuck. The interviewer is just running her mouth off trying to get people to stick their foot in there own mouth. And the interviewie doesn't care about being interviewed. Neither touched on anything more than shallow conversation.
- Ronnie S: This is the worst reaction video or whatever you want to call it. You can seen the lady is obviously uneducated and has no idea how to answer the question "why do you like socialism" all she says is the government needs to pay for my Healthcare and then insults the lady. Well news flash honey get off your lazy ass and pay for your own health care. And no it is not everyone's right to have health care it's a privilege so if you want it you have to earn it and work for it.
- zetacon4: The interviewer was telling the truth. Her question about socialism was spot on!!! Why are you NOT defending her? I question your understanding of the real socialism fundamentals if you are supporting the girl being interviewed.
- James Biggers: Kyle kulinski i think ur really confused
- Kenneth Gilreath: If government can pay for roads schools police fire ect they can also pay for healthcare for all. With our taxes. We also give tax benefits to churches and NFL. Just tax them. Not hard.
- CANADA: I think infowars owned her.
- Charles Holland: The DemocRat made herself sound stupid. Bernie is rich, Socialism has failed all over the world.
- spikedwk: Basically all I got from this was "I'm sad that Hillary lost"
- Victor Quinones: wow this was it? ha!
- Asian Dude Does Life: Sean Armstrong no prob. Either way keep fighting the good fight
- 1 2: I dont think she trolling i think she is just stupid🤣
- Goodnight: Tf does the crisis in Venezuela have to do with us politics.
- Nathan B.: Geez, they're both annoying.
- CODEZ THE DELINQUENT: Is it me or was she had a nice appeal to her?
- Energyflash1979: You're a creepy stalker
- NBGAF: Why is she dressed like sailor moon? THAT'S THE ISSUE!
- R Mc: The Bernie gal wasn't too bright either, but hey, ain't that America.
- rouge1ful: why is Venezuela always there go to? as if Venezuela is the only socialist country out there ignoring boliva and multiple European countries that do extremely well. yes Venezuela fucked up their version of socialism but the Roman empire fucked up their version of capitalism and democracy should american not be capitalistic and democratic because the Roman empire fucked up?
- Eugene Krabs: cokerockstop2 i dont know who the blonde chick was but oh boy... alex jones and co xD alex jones was the guy who said sandy hook was a hoax or whatever, that ruined any shred of credibility the guy had xD
- dnp713: NG I don't think they care about actual facts. They only seem to care about what allows them to push their agenda.
- nono meme: +anton eckart infowars=news to you?? Christ, grow a braincell dude. If you are buying into their conspiracy theories, you're the one being manipulated. "Actual Journalists" like that blonde dumbfuck going "uh Venezuela uhh.. rats uuhhh"?? Infowars, Rebel Media and the lot are propaganda garbage, feel free to buy into it, but don't post your BS over here. Alex Jones : FACTS OVER FEELINGS! On being presented with facts, "MUH CONSPIRACY THEORIES OVER YOUR FACTS"
- appledroplarry: +James Garner yes it is. now go back to raping your sister.
- William Bohart: WTH did I just watch? Two idiots babbling? Neither have a clue. Who pays for free health care? Where does the Government get that money? What happens when the Government runs out of working middle class tax funds? What happens when the upper 1% cannot afford to create jobs or fund R&D? Crickets... That's right, a dead end street. It appears economics and mathematics are not the strong suit for the good folks commenting in this thread. You just wasted 3 minutes of my life, 3 minutes I'll never recover.
- serioushamster: lolol
- David Warschauer: Pheonix Sheppard you leave our lesbian soccer mom alone!
- Low Tek: I used to like your show a bit... Now you are a shit tier socialist. Probably always were.
- jimmy sampson: Was the reporters name ever mentioned? Id like to watch other videos to see if she is always like that...Can anyone help me out?
- Coffee Goblin: paxwallacejazz eat the rude
- sasha michinock: She’s so chill and hot wtf
- Richard Jones: Sailor girl is adorable.....I think Im in love.
- K24 Accord: No undies i bet
- Slip kn0t: Sailor girl is clearly retarded... How did she troll anything? She just says i want i want i want as if thats a rebuttal to the blondes clear factual claims.
- Glücks Grüti: She said he has 3 million dollar homes to show that bernie sanders is a rich guy himself. This is to invalidate his views towards the 1% percent.
- New York CITY THE BIG APPLE: Kyle is being nice he should called it the Republikkkan
- The house of Chaos: So how did she beat the info wars girl... so Venezuela isn't in a horrible financial situation... and Bernie Sanders isn't far wealthier than your avg American... just like every politician... but that's not only gonna get worse in a socialists society.... cause that never happens... And I've never understood how the far left tries to pull the low rating in America's education and healthcare as a plus to go against our economy... I mean hell our economy is doing amazing considering all these setbacks, obviously it would do far better with those issues fixed... and definitely those need to be fixed to bring them up, and as we fix them our economy will only grow.. And you are making the same thing you claimed that girl did, let's be honest for once.... it seems as though you are blindly following the far left... And have very similar tactics as most of the far left and far right has...I have no points or facts, at all to support my stance but I got you, because I hit you with a personal attack... maybe the answer is in between the far left and far right... just maybe
- mclaughlin: Your Government would love socialism though more power for them less rights for you. And yes you can have free healthcare without socialism like in my kingdom Great britain but it is very shit health care and again the government had the power to stop a baby flying out of the country and he died.
- Uncle Bubbles: The girl that’s doing the interview has clearly never been to NY or LA Those cities are the literal definition of economic division between citizens
- glych002: Lame
- GiveMeLiberty...: Kyle Kulinski... is that a real name? How do you get FREE healthcare?
- Layla Abdush-Shaheed: If (and I don’t know that they are, just if) all three of his houses are estimated around a million dollars each, then the statement “he has 3 million dollar homes” is correct. On one hand that kind of manipulation has no place in journalism. On the other, the part of me that grew up around lawyers admires it a little. Clearly, someone much smarter than her is writing her talking points.
- Matrix Man: tim211292 Take a business class
- Posho Cortes: well......you tried kyle but i think there are better channels out there. need to work on your delivery and maybe dont watch CNN alot.
- R3lay: Tbh, rat meat is quite good!
- Mr BELLS: I don't really wanna do this (looks at microphone sees the program) looks at the camera with a wicked smile for info wars?? I knew they were about to get owned right then .
- Declan Foley: daniel280456 just her parents brought her to America doesn't mean she has to agree to the way things are here ....."I would be a little bit more discreet " oh grow up
- Riri Airi: I’m glad she trolled infowars but she sounded very slow and dim witted.
- Seth Jackson: amazing, i love that sailor hat girl
- Jon T: I think people on the left should stop calling themselves socialists, and start to go into detail on why kind of market they want. Like completely socialist or half capitalist/socialist? I think conservatives freak out because they think of socialism as meaning a completely socialist economy where the government essentially run everything.
- Gone With The Wind: I hear socialism worked quite well in Europe. When they were an ethno-state and didn’t have a ton of low-IQ third-world folks.
- Joe Rodriguez: This video is false. The stoner girl didn’t know shit about socialism.
- Acid Fire: "You have worms in your brain" = "I don't have anything in mine" Fact is, Venezuela's socialist "utopia" is a country full of impoverished, desperate citizens who are resorting to eating their zoo animals, pets and vermin for food--because their corrupt socialist government system failed them. This proves to be far to much blunt reality for the vocal frying woketard, hence the brain worms ad hominem.
- Scott Wilhelms: I remember one Republican politician questioning that if someone owned a refrigerator and microwave could they actually be considered poor? Which is funny because for food stamps a place to prepare meals is assumed which is why you can't use benefits to buy prepared hot food from the grocery store.
- Flugabwehrkanone: She could be Chloe Foster's brunette sister.
- Alex Barranco: Funny how Every time socialism comes up, conservatives brings up Venezuela. Even though there's many other socialist countries.
- libertinarey: Chick was awesome. And whilst americans here are having their usual jerkoff left vs right contest, i just see a chilled person who handled a rude and aggressive dogmatic interviewer. i hate it when the "left" do this bs and i hate it when the "right" do it too. Try to put words in my mouth or argue with me in bad faith and i will despise you regardless of political affiliation, i mean if you have no respect or patience for me why should i have the same for you? Otherwise i skipped the talking head portion of this vid since its the usual rabble rousing antagonistic bs and im kinda sick of those.
- joshtoy: She jumped to an extreme by mentioning rats, but just because she believes everyone should have “free health care”, is hardly getting “owned”. “Free” health care is not free, we all pay into it with our paychecks. The fact she was trying to push, you’d have to be an idiot not to understand it, is that these socialist democrats are part of that 1% pushing this onto you.
- Nick Cruton: The interviewer has autism and I find it hilarious you guys are bashing a girl that has social issues.... And the girl isn’t trolling she’s just fucking dumb....
- KleenerBro: fuck u
- Al Fabeech: Both of these women are assholes familiar with talking points.... Anyone who believes that a single payer system is the answer ( yeh... lets turn all our medical decisions over to a bureaucracy instead of a corporation.....pretty much the same thing, what's the diff? ) and then throw our borders open to unlimited unskilled immigrants is a fool also. These European countries are headed for bankruptcy. Both Capitalists AND Communists are going to be eating rats....We supported Bernie big time because we needed a shake up but his policies are stupid ancient failures....Why is he the poorest Senator in Congress? Because he cares about you?.....We voted for Trump to blow shit up...F**k it.
- Tom Lennon: They eat rodents in Peru too (Guinea pigs). It’s a cultural thing rather than economic.
- dingoog1: She asked the reporter a question and never got an answer. Watch it again. After her Venezuela eats rats rant she says you never answered the question in which she replied “what question?” Like you just went on a worm brain straw man rollercoaster never answering her question. “Who in the one percent supports socialism?”
- bali song: there is no end to what socialism wants to steal from the productive. It will always end in communist horror, if it's allowed to progress in its normal path.
- Zachary Bartell: Nicholas Williams Unfortunately for you abortions fall under women’s health and as a bro, you really shouldn’t have opinions on what women do with their bodies, as it just doesn’t pertain to you, but that’s my two cents. ✌️
- Controllerbreaker: YOU ARE FAKE NEWS. haha. Hilarious !!
- LEAH xUCHIHA: rattlesnake survival aw, that’s odd. You have internet, but instead of utilizing it, you’ve chosen to not be funny in this dry attempt .
- K C: Came here for the nip
- Marfoogle TV: This is the worst "Troll" you found this funny? The millennial lady was sitting there on her phone, sipping on her drink. The point is Venezuela is a socialist society....her point was that socialism doesent always work. This is crap. You would not have a youtube channel in half the places you want to be like...I thought you were going to go back into the video and she was going to actually own her. Nope. She said a couple cliche posterboard sayings and you did all the talking. Ugh
- Brenden Taylor: Camron Fritts well why’d they take the video down then
- Maxwell With-Friends: Wow the one in red was smart the other said really dumb shit!
- Barnes466: Enjoy your rat care then I guess silly libtards! lol
- someonegetsteve: It's like they got Miss South Carolina doing ambush interviews... Interviewer: "I mean and so far as, did you know Bernie Sanders 3 millions dollar homes are eating rats if you like the 1%, and you're the one not answering the question, in Venezuela?"
- Anony Mouse: If you claim to support socialism, then go give away everything you own to those who have less. If you won’t do that (which you won’t), then you don’t actually believe in socialism and are a hypocrite. Put up or shut up
- David Warschauer: @pmessinger : alex jones is a fraud
- maxime larose: I think I really like that girl.
- idefiyable: Where is the ownage? Its one idiot talking to another. Holy shit that chick can't take her eyes off of her $1k phone for 5 seconds and seems literally glued to her 5 bucks a pop coffee. But... but... muhhh socialism.
- Michal Diamond: Antie Cuteness I-
- Soldyrkare: Also, this guy is a manchild, really pathetic
- 01man01truck: I hate that they keep making it into an "either or" scenario. Like you can't have both capitalism and socialism working together.
- Veritas: She has a cute old soul personality and seems cool..but I wouldn’t say she owned them lol
- Jstoney127: If venezuela is a socialist country, then why is the Venezuelan economy 70% private sector.
- wa ja: Typical right winger. What the fuck was she saying? Trying to prove? Fallacy after fallacy.
- t M a c: And sexy, ;)
- Hazman Rostam: She looks like that guy from strangerthings
- mariochaosspear: Bernie isn't the poorest member of the Senate. From lowest to highest net worth, he's around the 15th.
- PUFFIN: No just no
- westingtyler: It's an equivocation fallacy to say "policy X that you like, could fit under the label socialism, and other country X, also uses the socialist label and does other different terrible things, so therefore you like the terrible policies they have instead of the good policies you want." it's ignoring content to get scared about a spooky label. it's a fallacy and a giant strawman. Those at Infowars KNOW that the policies Bernie promotes are more closely related to helpful policies in places like Denmark, Canada, the UK, Australia, than to places like Venezuela. They know this but want to mislead people by hiding behind the label they think people will be most scared by.
- FeministKilljoy: yes it is.
- •VelvetRabbit•: I am in love with her
- Mr. Hobodoc: LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!
- Tnuc taf: You’re strawmaning with info wars debate someone with good ideas and stop being a hack
- David James Rodriguez: Better than free healthcare at https://www.Anarchapulco.com - Statism is a deadly religion
- Meditating Jesus: wooo weee the Soviet Union was a Democratic nation that doubled the life span of people and defeated the axis powers. It is our right wing and authoritarian enclave party’s in the USA that demonize democracy for the workplace, and invent lies about them to justify doing literally exactly what they are fear mongering against. In reality , the Soviet Union was a near paradise where peasants went to college and space travel was on the horizon. If American and Western European powers got their hands into Russia and china, those two nations would be much weaker. Communism is about not letting capitalists gain power in your country first and foremost. Liberals like you insist that means dictatorship. In reality it’s called not wanting to work in a sweatshop.
- jon fromtheUK: 5th of July - 1948 - the UK started the National Health Service. It is free at the point of service, to all. That means even if you guys from the USA come over here and say, have a brain haemorrhage you can be in intensive care for a month, and it won't cost you a penny. You can have overnights, surgery , use of wheelchairs etc all for free, not just residents. It is one of our most respected institutions, whilst definitely far from perfect, and is under huge pressure, I have NEVER heard people wishing they could shut it. Naturally if people want to go private , they have that option as well, but the principle of free health care for all, is one of the things we Brits are proud of as we never know who is going to need it so we all chip in. Most of Europe has followed suit. Its the civilised way of dealing with the sick and elderly and has been for the last 60 years.......
- Saasaan Nabavi: You can be rich in a socialist country! Socialism just means the rich are taxed more and these funds go to health care, education, etc, doesn't mean they still can't be filthy rich and do whatever they want. So why they keep coming at Bernie for having 3 homes, tells me they don't know what the hell they talking about. Plenty of filthy rich people in the socialist nations in Europe, yet everyone has free health care, education and much more services.
- Tad Ficus Catus: That female sailor owned the interviewess.
- MoonsterMatt: Under socialism. People will own no homes. The state will own them. So he kinda is saying he is against it. But the blonde girl did need to chill and not spew words out as fast as she did. But I would still not call this a "Troll". If you think it is. Well...
- Russell Gillick: Rats ? So what. Ever tried McDonalds ?
- Benjamin Roland: She was cool you gotta love a lady that cares about others. Hope you get The same healthcare We got Here in Denmark
- E3kTheCat: She's dressed like a sailor and it makes this doubly funny
- Long Dick Jones: jcast39 no I am making an argument from the literal definition where there is only a benefit. I am not arguing net benefit at all.
- D S: I'm not for socialism but that girl was great. Especially how she kept drinking her drink the whole time. The infowars girl was terrible and could not construct a coherent thought.
- ed gj: Info wars the idiots of media followed by idiots . Venezuela you fucking idiot there are so many other countries with Democratic socialism that actually works great . You discrespectful propagandist brain cell murders of poor idiots who have no fucking clue of reality beside hating the onknown .
- Kyren Faaron: Careful, or you'll get REEEEEEEEED
- Ginger Man: Not a troll guy
- Areli V: I don’t understand the interview why is she only talking about Venezuela when it comes to socialism, there are other places like Finland, Canada, Sweden, Norway, China, Ireland, etc who have implemented socialism and you don’t hear about them eating rats. I’m not saying socialism is good, capitalism isn’t perfect either. Why would socialism in America cause people to eat rats like in Venezuela if the goal is to keep America civilized and benefits everyone, it’s not like it will turn into some dictatorship. Every other country manages it differently.. The sailor lady just wants free health care because it’s a right. Meh, I don’t really think the sailor lady trolled the interviewer, the interviewer was just bad and the sailor lady could have made stronger points to back up her simple ones.
- Dabsick: Lol you guys think highly of this sailor girl? 😂 my parent left a socialist country to come to America. You guys have no idea how good you have it.
- alvatrous: Bernie sanders lake house is worth 600k. After a life of public service and smart money management that seems meager.
- CaH6633: b-b-b-but Venezuela .....It's possible to support one thing without the other...i.e. I can support single payer healthcare without having to support greedy corrupt leaders. In America most of us while not eating rats do have trouble making endsmeet while the top 1% sips fucking champaign...the irony.
- Jeremy Harris: She literally tried to back out, but InfoWars insisted on getting trolled.
- Bo Whitmore: Secular talk is such a fucking dumbass.
- StarSeed: LOL, you are some kind of retard. How did you video get in my feed? Youtube Liberal Analytics.
- xAKALISx: +FlippingTables WithMyDik I could tell you that the doctors my parents, and grandparents, have had a decent veriety of doctors for different reasons. However, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. Are things that with lifestyle changes that can be reduced. NOPE! Medicine. Lots of medicine. For life, too. Pain issues for joints? Arthritis? Meds for life! Side effects? Meds to counteract those. I got my folks to lose weight; cut back on certain foods by replacing them with healthier options (such as spaghetti squash instead of spaghetty noodles). Sea salt/rock salt instead of table salt (and a reduction of use). MORE WATER. Swimming. Use of fresh herbs as seasonings. Reducing types of sugar intake (glucose/sucrose over fructose, unless naturally occuring in fruit) splicing sugary drinks with seltzer. Reduction of red meats and increase in fish. They're doing quite a bit better than baindaid meds for life. They aren't 100% off meds, but do not 100% rely on it. Im not saying all doctors in America are like this. But, not all doctors practice for you to never come back because you've become healthy.
- Ginga Tetsudō Surī Nain: Is Infowars over with?
- Tom Barclay: Middle class diet: RatBurgers (mmm... yummy for yo' tummy) Richest 1% diet": Ratatouille (Barf... BBBLAAAAARRRGHHH!!!)
- Todd Garver: This is cringey, on both sides
- qing: Razor9111 r/woosh
- KimJong'sHung: No thanks, rich people give me indigestion.
- sandy120: holy fuck that lass looked nearly as stoned as i am
- ItsTrademarked: She's like aubrey plaza lol
- Richard Head: Video starts at 0:39 and there’s only some dickhead talking after it so stop watching then.
- matszz: Jesus christ they love Venezuela, don't pay attention to the Norway behind the curtains.
- Schaefer Stuttgart: Angry people that was brought here with click bate rather than trolls.
- NoBreakz: The top 10 contries to live in is sozialistic democracys
- RadioactiveRamenPonies: Wait, do Americans really not have free health care?! What happens when you get sick but are poor? What about people that get cancer? That medicine is so expensive! Is there like a loan system or something?
- Bandito Rules: Alexander Martone Ya think?
- Scott Crawford: There is no such thing as free health care.
- David Giles: Works here in Canada,Norway,Finland,Sweden. Shall I go on? You know countries with a higher quality of life than the USA.
- Michael McAdams: I am indeed an evil devil person who doesn't know anything and am also an asshole and an idiot.
- Richard Larose: So fuckin' stupid. I'm a Canadian, I've never ate a rat and didn't spend a DIME for a kidney transplant in 2010
- Inspectah deck: This isn't trolling... You make as much sense as the info wars women
- Dustin Smith: "but he's the poorest member of the Senate". Aka poorest rich guy. Also Bernie Sanders didn't have a job until he was 40.
- fmn2628: Love your show, but your color choices for shirts are bad, todays shirt is your skin color, makes it almost seem that you are shirtless.
- philpott kentucky: Salty-tongued sailor girl is my dream girl
- Alexa Conrad: sabin97 do it. I’ll invest in it.
- Rob Dobbins: sexy voice!
- danwic: Troll level "Godlike" haha
- Alex Cypher: She looks like perfection.
- Jakob Remškar: Sooooo naive. Capitalism cant be reformed, its either this (what we have now) or worse. Socialism is the only solution.
- Savannah Georgia: This guy is awesome I love his opinions hahaha right on Kyle kulinski! You've got my subscription now
- Subversively Surreal: The staff at Info Wars does have worms in their brains. We need to take them to the Vet for de-worming.
- Lucas Perez: This just seems like two idiots clashing together
- Tony truth: if you have an opinion and you can think for yourself they the left liberals they don't like IT . they don't like it up em Mr Mainspring! they will do the thinking for you . there is a saying that they say. I may be from the left but I'm always right . After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth.
- Jon Johnson: Vocal fry = gross psyche
- Benjerman von Schoeneich: what? she didnt get owned , its true she didnt know crap about socialism.
- Kilickateth: Yeah, she should try and be more like infowars. Their whole business is one big ol fucking troll
- Uriel Bautista: I love that woman
- Jake Childs: How is this a troll?
- Fluff Mungous: Jake Bennett Your statement that capitalism is moral because it's all about choice is inaccurate when it comes to healthcare. If I want a new tv and I go to buy one, I can hold off until the deal is right for me, whereas if I am seriously ill and my health insurance won't cover my treatment then I have to pay whatever medical bills are owed. I can't wait around for the right deal as health can be literally a life or death situation... but buying a tv isn't! Also, there is an inherent disincentive in the insurance based system to accept claims, as every claim accepted affects the bottom line and big corporations are all about maximising profits...not helping people! People who work for insurance companies who keep accepting claims won't work long in those companies, as they are losing money for their employers, whereas those who reject claims are saving money for their employers, so will be rewarded with promotion. This essentially means that all those in the higher rungs of these companies are all sociopaths... as they have regularly rejected claims from ill people in order to save money for their bosses!
- Lee FF: I like Infowars but that was ridiculous and uncalled for.
- Angela P: I'm conservative but was never a fan of infowars.
- L.B. Martinez: This infowar twat is rushy rushy! Typical republicans pushing their agenders
- Cooper Harris: +Brandon Wills R/Iknowyouunderstoodthesentimentbehindmycommentandyourreinterpretationofmywordssaddensmegreatly:(
- jr: The beret girl looks like she only dates bug ass Jewish guys
- Riku: Sanders used the word socialist, lets find some place that is horrible and government could be called socialist and claim he would turn the country into that. Seems to be strategy of some right wingers.
- Mike Pereiira: Ummmmmm.😂😂😂😂
- nick ty: 6:56 That 45,000 figure is an estimate from a 2008 study out of Harvard. 10 years has gone by. Has the number gone up? Has it gone down? What are we looking like today?
- Elvin Ostrup: Neat input, changed my world.
- Zoe K: Love you Kyle 👏🏻
- Lee Polcak: While I hate infowars... I have to say, that was no troll, not even close....
- Carl Pagano: Benie. Sanders. Has. No. Energy.
- Juan Manuel Penaloza: "Venezuela is eating rats!" Me, a Mexican: They've always eaten rats! 🐀 🍔
- Danny Robinson: Infowars is obviously trash.. this YouTuber is just rattling off ad hominems though don't see much sensible counter argument
- George Washington: I don’t think she’s trolling she legitimately is blind to her ideals. Both sides look like shit
- Shawn Manson: Free healthcare... Someone has to pay for it.... Think
- J1.92c: 3 million dollars isn't a lot. Especially for a politician. Were you expecting him to rent a $1,000/m studio apartment in the hood of compton were there are gang members selling crack. And he being a leader and a example for people?? Lol c'mon!
- Mr. Pewpy But-Whole: 8:15 hes like *shrugs shoulders* its not socialism its different. BELEIVE ME WITH MY BODY LANGUAGE
- PuC Punisha: How many homes do the RETHUGLIKKKANS and Sean Hannity own?
- archelonprime: "...we'd all be eating rats," = typical right wing bullshit that failed to sell (outside of other right wingers)!
- Elvin Ostrup: The first second actually, because Infowars has no credibility.
- Michael Gibson: Yeah cuz the average person have 3 homes... Socialism dies benefit the 1%. This guy and the baked chick are idiots! Smh. I like that he just rips IW and doesn't ever offer an actual counter point. Probably because he didn't have one.
- FSX737Pilot X: Great video, infowars has always been the most deranged media wing...
- ツ: Not sure if you're trolling or retarded.
- mommatoldme: Lol at a 14 year old. It’s like he’s the autistic kid that got a news show after the cheerleader and then football jock pass it over to him. And we’re the Down syndrome goonies who can’t muster any courage to show our faces
- Thirtythree Eyes: +Ragy Ratloy The only people who think anarchy couldn't work are people who have no faith in humanity or their common man. If this and the idea that governments save society are what you believe we are supposed to adopt as we grow up then I pray to God I'm still a kid when I'm 90.
- Frank Dalano: Kyle also the fact that you have any respect for this woman in the vid with that suicide inducing affect to her voice—— just shows what a female you really are!! LESBOOOOOO
- Joshua LaDuke: Say's the person sitting behind a computer worth at least a couple hundred dollars and eating three meals a day.
- tim211292: define far left
- youtooberman9001: I love her
- M Douglas: Can't believe Dasha is on Secular Talk
- David Vogeley: warning do not click on crtv it is a virus.
- Systemic Studio: nope, you are just as retarded as the socialist bitch. plus you're not even being original, soy boi
- elieser juarez: Ahahahah! Why are there interviewee heroin addicts. Get out of here with your stupid Channel you stupid liberals.
- e val79: But it’s not freeeeeee health care, it’s from our taxes!!!
- Jennifer Renee: I fail to see the “smackdown” here.
- Jax LLJ: I thought it was Guinea Pigs . I know they are a delicacy there.
- yagnouska: +William Fitzpatrick hallo i am from finland and i ate a really tasty rat for dinner. Thank you socialism.
- Daragh O'kane: Kyle your a paid Soros plant
- ed guerra: Her point was, who is going to pay for health care.
- Kenneth L: At 1:40 she’s like “ NAILED IT”
- dani c: Beautiful segment haha, that chick was awesome too, just super nonchalantly trolling with actual intelligence.
- SkyTech RTS: *cough* Norway *cough*
- Cygnus X-321: Bernie said that Hugo Chavez was a dead communist dictator. Bernie hates authentic socialists and revolutionaries.
- Bath House Becky: Her attitude is so hot.
- dolerbom: This infowars lady is so aggressive to a random protestor. What discussion could come out of yelling nonsense talking points ...
- Andrew Holt: No one is entitled to some one else's services for free.
- awshitwhere the chief: Cute little braless titties , stupid wants socialism
- Leo Briones: GulDukat479 like I just want people to have free healthcare though
- Jay Tee: Entirely too many planets, entirely too few Space Cadets.
- Niemand Nineteen: Damnation... she's super sexy, that raspy jazz voice, that confidence. I'm in love.
- Christian Worthinton: Healthcare is NEVER free!... Someone has to pay for it. Are the elite going to pay for it out of generosity??
- Michael Davidson: OMG OMG!! SOCIALISM! WHAT? you want Americans to have a high standard of living like they do in Scandinavia???? Ahhhhhh!!! A more egalitarian society?? AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Wait, you want government healthcare instead of huge for profit health insurance corporations and for profit hospitals ripping your ass off?? You must be a COMMIE!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
- LEAH xUCHIHA: rattlesnake survival OWEN SHROYER ... the hot guy from info wars !!!
- Luter Leko: the best is that she wear a Japanese school uniform
- Laura ღ: Cher Horowitz
- zephiro l: strawmanning? How exactly is showing how bad socialism is in action, a strawman? That's what she was arguing for. Your argument about the 1% is equally moronic. You admit they enjoy a extreme version of socialism. So it's logical to bring in the starting of it so they can implement their desire further? Since you know it's been shown time and time again any socialist country always turns bad.
- paul spring: Crazy Uncle Bernie... https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/democrats/bernie-sanders-net-worth/
- HASEnoncorperated: Eat the rich!
- WolvoJay: I agree that the Infowars reporter here did a poor job, but this is hardly what I would call great trolling.
- Ivy King: Hysterical Americans
- Forgot Something: Honestly both girls seemed to have worms in their brains
- Sean O'Friel: Secular thought the "troll" was cute. so he made a vid on this pointless topic.
- Pheonix Sheppard: Ouch... This is awkward and cringy. This guy "actually" likes the smell of his own farts.
- floor rez: Her hands wraped around the mic mmm mmm and this hoodrat has never spend the night in Venezuela
- Impervious: +Tijuana Foreplay Wow, "you have worms" is what qualifies as a debate on the left these days? There are entire channels on YT in the same vein (usually devoted to 4-year-olds), with which leftists would be most impressed.
- keiharris332: It's tweetney
- Emily Cappy: idk who you are but i love you. everything you said is on point. if you make more videos like this, i will watch it.
- corkyknightrider: What trolling? She looked like a typical ignorant leftist who only knows buzzwords and no actual applicable facts.
- CarlSW: cory allen she just seems like a normal person. This isn’t trolling lmao. She just seems like a rude person. Her attitude and demeanor was the same before she realized it was infowars. She had the same monotone voice, was holding her drink the same way, and she just seemed like she didn’t want to talk much. HOW IS THAT TROLLING? Literally everyone in rally/riot interviews reacts the same way. The only difference is that infowars now has a new shitty interviewer who had no clue what she was doing and couldn’t see when someone didn’t want to be interviewed. The girl did make infowars look stupid, but only because of the shitty interviewer. Oh I saw you weren’t disagreeing by the end of typing. Oh well i ll still post it.
- comingviking: Mindless. Free health care, free education, paid sick leave and so on is the whole point of socialism. What socialism means is that we recognize that society should take care of peoples basic needs. On the matter of free health care: 35000 Americans die every year because they don't have access to basic health care, and medical expenses are the #1 reason for personal bankcruptcy in the US. Your for profit health care system is killing 35000 Americans and putting countless others on the street with nothing. your society would be so much better if you had free health care and a single payer system. Add tuition free education and it could be swell. Regulate the banks again, and it could be stable. Quit spending these insane amounts of money on wars and instead build the infrastucture, and it could be a literal paradise. Clean water for Flint and a few hundred cities just like it. For starters.
- jungefrau: And theres ppl like mitt romney who lobbied to have passive income through investment require a much lower tax rate so he pays only 15% while people who trade their labor for money are paying double that to the feds. "Corporations are people, my friend!" Conservatives are pro life for fetuses and corporations and that's about it.
- quark boson: These people who want free healthcare are so irritating. It is not 'free' just because that person does not pay for it. What is really being said here is that I (as a taxpayer) should pay someone else's medical bill. No! just because some welfare mama wants a sixth baby with daddy number five I should not have to pay. I agree people have a right to healthcare, people also have a right to eat but I do not have to buy their food. I do not care if every country finds a way to have perfect healthcare funded by completely fair tax method. It is wrong to make one person pay for some one else's 'whatever'. If the government does it that does not make it right. It is still stealing. Welfare is the government stealing from me and giving it to someone else. If you take what one person works for and give it to someone who did not work for it, that is stealing.
- Cheapskate Krabs: Well it wasn't a debate. A bad question got an unexpected response and it made the interviewer look bad
- RKG Austin: The real 99% of this video's views are for those sailor costume pokie nipples.
- Ceno: How did she troll anyone? Sailor suit sounded like a dumbass. Guess this is the level of intellect that turns heads in amazement in America. Anyway, love the Punch and Judy show, 2 jew channels arguing about nonsense that no one gives two shits about.
- Jon Klyne: Click-bait... I’m getting less and less interested in this channel
- Ariel Titurel: Interviewer: "you know Venezuela, right? Chill chick: "heard of it..." Trololololol!
- sprybug: Death Warrior, we're not talking communism. We're talking about democratic socialism, but anyhow I don't care what you call it, as long as it's a good idea. Like it or not, we have social programs here in the US. It's called Social Security, Medicare, Medicade. We pay into that, so actually it really isn't all that socialist. Now, if you want to look at things our tax dollars pay for as socialist, then sure. Then you have to start throwing things in like social safety nets, THE MILITARY, NASA, Environmental protections, etc, etc, etc, and etc. Do you guys even think before commenting?
- Alysia Mer David-Wasser: 3 homes? Feck that!!! i don't care how you couch that. i recently discovered "beauty channels/JEFREE STAR". i watched "Star", spend $5,500 on a new Chanel bag so he could cut it in half & burn it to see if it would create fire. 😑 (It did.) Ppl were furious. We get it, your SO wealthy, that you have money to burn. He just donated 100k to an LBGT center in L.A. so: YAY. But that video got ratio-ed so hard, bc almost everyone saw a man *burn a stack of money that could've helped MORE ppl. And YET: He decided to burn it to flaunt his wealth. There may be "No RULE", but there IS a morality code that governs humanity, and burning cash cos you're bored, &/or "being the least paid senator"(tiny violins) while paying property taxes & upkeek on THREE PROPERTIES, *while asking the working man to donate Is GARBAGE*!!
- Blackout043: When right-wingers are like "BUH BERNIE IZ A SOCIALIST!", I just reply with "I wish he was. But he's only a social democrat. I want him to be a Socialist"
- Kal Campbell: Bernie Sanders has the sweetest audi R8
- Salty Boi Johns: Letting conservatives talk themselves into logical corners is what they call "gotcha" moments... They hate being tested or revealed as phonies and hypocrites.
- Veritas Justice: “Eat the rich”, that’s a quote from a Tu-PAC interview. You can hear it on Kendrick Lamar’s album To Pimp a Butterfly. Kudos young woman.
- Loebachus: Soooo is health care a right for everyone? Can I have unlimited babies and have the rest of the population support them? That seems like a bad idea. Maybe one day it would work, but with the technology of today and limited resources it's a bad idea.
- Max Power: I don't get it. Where was the trolling? I mean, Ashtonbirdy is not the smartest cocky, granted. But I can't see any trolling, the lady in the french sailor outfit gave regular left-wing answers.
- TheCleansingx: Sweden and Norway don't have "free health care" you have to pay 400 kr everytime you go. and then if you really need some treatment you have to pay for the costs yourself. Buuuuut the government can pay for it in some cases. We are on Socialist nations so please stop saying that we are..
- Jay Wilson: No idea what your kooky homeschooling sister-mom has been teaching you, but it aint world history.
- Rat King DXIV: you know Venezuela right? ..heard of it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- w o a h: If they can’t handle trolling then *yIkES*
- Brian Jones: I want free stuff, I don't care if it destroys this COUNTRY! Liberal fucktards get a fucking job and start paying taxes and realize that nothing is free you asshats!
- Mikel Saint: Your little pouty response was the only glorious thing here. The biggest L since Don Lemon did a piece on Worm holes. Literally giving credit to a coked out star bucks sipping idiot...valid points!!!...lets do a 15 min reaction to it!
- OBVIOUSLY IMRIGHT: Ouch, that was brutal
- kalen seymour: It's not free heath care, I live in canada, our taxes are retarded for small businesses and the middle class. You don't know what your talking about.your Stance is Mind blowingly uneducated. Obviously never paid taxes as a small business in Canada!
- Canoz Cankin: Which part of this is a burn? She literally couldnt answer. "I want free healthcare" isnt a burn man.
- Victor: Gloomshadow100 you are talking out your ass lmao
- Steven Corry: Owns 3 homes.....doesn't sound very socialist.Are you fucking people totally fucking stupid???
- David Warschauer: @andrew : fuck your god, alex jones is a fraud.
- NightDreamer231: We fight for the right to own guns tooth and nail but not for the right to go to the hospital when things go wrong with the former. American priorities! It's like those free advertised things that have thousands of dollars in payments after
- Marshall Trusler: This guy is just as incoherent as the Starbucks libtard
- Mark Haynes: Oh I forgot to ask where in the constitution does it say you have a right to healthcare? I can say for a fact there is definitely a right to own a gun written in the constitution. Wew thank god the founding fathers foresaw fucktards like you were going to be born. And reaffirmed our god given right to keep and bear arms in the second amendment so that we could defend our lives and property from tyrant wannabes like you.
- Steve Macintyre: Trolling level:Normie
- Ninja Warrior: The girl being interviewed is an airhead -- socialism is a disaster!
- Jose Sanchez: I'm an immigrant, supported Obama, was pulling for Bernie, but the left has become insufferable. F'en snowflakes.
- Jody Jenkins: That chick is so casually hilarious.
- Saul Cruz: Why isn't he for cutting federal spending? Rich People pay more than half of all us taxes
- Speed Demon: They don't make sense anyway
- CallingVain: She wasn't making an argument. She was trolling an Infowars reporter. Do try to keep up.
- stephen barter: The leftist will leave u for a black guy in order to not feel so guilty for slavery
- Big Papi: Kyle Kulinski is cringe AF!!!
- Ferdinand: Man, do you know what you are talking about? Where did you get so many followers?
- 12dollarsand78cents: *Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016* http://time.com/money/4805379/bernie-sanders-2016-income/
- SpaceOrbison: saucy little bitch exemplifies white America holy shit.... both she and Infowars are full of shit, and Bernie Sanders is a godless Communist atheist Jew who's going to bring about the same result as the Bolshevik Jews did in Russia with the death of 60 million Christians.
- Brian G: “Oh my god...you people have worms in your brain, honestly”...Love it!
- cvmiata: well she didn't want to be interviewed in the first place, some people arent into this kind of pressure
- Central Scrutinizer: ........She's retarded.........but not as retarded as her fans on this page. It's actually hard to believe that there are people that stupid walking around....or possibly DRIVING FFS.
- nyxxie023: I love her. I want her as a best friend.
- kelownarealman: Yankies have no idea what socialism is.
- sicboi: Only time that Californian drawl isn't annoying. Good for her.
- Jacob w: Working is not enjoyable...give me free stuff
- luciano santos: People in L.A. are eating rats
- ULTMED Group: Socialism = Satanism, evey socialist regime executes the Christians because socialism always decides the state is god...
- chacha: I love this women’s response
- Nathan Barnatt: stephen barter there’s an age requirement for Sailor Moon outfits?
- Prometheus: "The majority of people in Venezuela are eating rats". Yeah, right! Is that from Pew Research? I doubt it. Let me guess - that figure is pulled directly out of Alex Jones' ass.
- David Warschauer: @ghost : go away.
- Raver.: My dude Impervious literally has no argument. Not one against free healthcare, not one to back up his incorrect use of logic, not one even after taking a week to try to come up with one. Right wingers have nothing except memes and "Venezuela" to justify their dumbass views. For fans of "logic" and "reason", I've yet to see ONE person successfully use it to justify a system that requires you to lick boots of billionaires and then die. So I will ask again, "Impervious", *what is your argument*
- Jokermel66: Alex jones is an idiot
- Tommy Burboa: This guy speaks with his ass
- shaunfosmark: Who owned who? Im confused. Nothing was owned here. This was an ackward conversation.
- JordanScottMills: Hirnlego999 its also some of the best care.
- Kekistani Deplorible: HE S DIRTY JEW
- Lavia: Edited your comment, go figure. I responded to correct your falsehoods. You got emotional. You are easily triggered, that is amusing.
- Pedro McCaskill: I don't think people should have multiple homes
- TheKoss11: The question is: are the rats in Venezuela drinking the same water as the frogs?
- River Lewis: Get your facts straight. You have not even properly reviewed the info video for your facts.
- Eric Timmons: Both those girls came across as idiots. It hilarious how left wingers say the interviewer made a fool of herself yet right wingers say she made a fool of the socialist. Neither of them should be discussing politics.
- thepepper191: 7:26
- Henrik: Your show is so good, thanks man!
- Ricardo Rose: Info wars from the left lol
- Hayabusa Dragon: Not pulled... there are three videos about it. A random woman that has an iphone... socialism didnt make that iphone... here clothes.... posh high cost clothes... The 1% wants morons like this to make them rich and morons like Kyle to spread their propaganda. Healthcare? You mean health insurance! This shows that Kyle and this woman are disingenuous. Free? A Right? Morons. Health insurance is a commodity and not a right. Socialists are one step against private property ownership communists. Who cares what your nuances are Kyle when socialism leads to communism and we see BOTH in the left in America! Its not ridiculous its HISTORY you fucking monkey!
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: hahahahahahahha what now you want to use the word the world calls you. You delusional liberals that like murdering babies are the snow flakes. Who needs the safe space? who are the ones that cry because people won't call them their made up genders? It isn't the conservatives it's you liberal crybaby safe space snowflakes. Hahahahah the funny think is im glad you all don't have a grip on reality all that means is you don't have a chance in the 2020 elections Trump wins again and somehow you will say you won still hahahaha
- un known: This is trolling?lol,i remember why i stopped watching this guy, waste of time.
- Mohel Skinberg: :・゚ ✧ *Sailor Weed* ✧・゚:
- William Fitzpatrick: Holy shit haha, where does one even begin with word salad of cringe.
- Colby Snodgrass: Info wars for life
- Rick White: Republicans actually believe socialism is like Venezuela. Look to the Nordic countries like Denmark and Norway. Free healthcare, free education, several weeks paid vacation, paid if you lose your job, nobody needs two or three jobs to live a good life. And everybody is taken care of. The taxes are higher, but Americans've to add healthcare cost and school money. The American healthcare system is dysfunctional and the worlds most costly! Both of these countries've a free market and almost every company is a private company.
- Dielfon Elletab: Not sure if I'm having a stroke or if this comment makes no sense
- mwstriker98: This women is a god damn hero
- GODSPEED 33: Disinfo-Whores are always trying to distort information for views and profit. At this point there is virtually no other reason for them to exist. Considering the majority of Americans realize they are bat shit crazy.
- G. Erwin: Andouche Minnie Still there Weirdo? Pathetic? Cause YOU are wrong? Seriously? If you are Way, way wrong about that, then what else are you wrong about? I mean not just wrong, but SPOOKY of off the reservation ignorant. Did you honestly think that you could come at one with "Dawrr...Trump built empire with million loan..." when anyone that is not under a Rock knows he inherited daddies $$, Bankrupted, settled after running a Fake 'University'. Trump had millions in a trust when he was a Young adult. Never worked in his life. Makes clothing lines in CHINA, Bangladesh, and China. A DRAFT DODGER. Exhausted all 5 of his Student Referrals, then paid a Doctor to say he had 'butt splints'. Again, show how I'm wrong? Instead of "duhh...Nut-Uh!
" Also, HOW is 'duh Left' Truly pathetic? You are the ignorant one! If it so 'Truly' then it should be easy to explain. Seriously, I told people about a real ignorant douche that posted "Duhh...Trump built empire!" You're ignorance is legendary. - kevin foster: Come to think about it f*** it... I carry a gun in my truck my wife carries a gun in her car our children are educated about guns. Left-wing vs. Right wing verse me not giving a f*** verse I'm going to stop wasting my time commenting verse fluoride is working sip it up you bunch of retards.
- Jeremiah Terry: This is a burn video?.....that was glorious? You my friend are puppet......you saying he is the poorest member of the senate is a lie
- Josh Gambino: Uh, is this fake news? Is this guy saying that the one who wants everyone to have health care is? Ok she's trolling by lying about why she supports Bernie? #frazzledrip is why Bernie lost and Venezuela is going to Brazil. This guy is retarded
- mji245: Preheat oven broiler. Mix together crabmeat, bread crumbs, parsley, salt and pepper. Beat together egg, mayonnaise, hot sauce and mustard. Combine with other ingredients and mix well. Form into patties and place on a lightly greased broiler pan or baking sheet. Broil for 10 to 15 minutes, until lightly brown. You might also like Tip Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier.
- Critical Defense: I love that the idiots on the right can only come up with like the only failed example of socialism Venezuela but don't mention any of the other successful countries where they have the happiest people on planet earth lol... morons
- Meditating Jesus: wooo weee Silicon Valley is made up of libertarians but ok. India has an equivalent population to China, and India is a very capitalist country. 40 million Indians starved in the 1940’s from policy’s made by Winston Churchill. Millions more starve and die in capitalist countries yearly from not being able to afford food and medicine. Considering food and medicine is what communism is about, and what the 100 million number comes from, we should focus on those types of deaths right? Fair is fair right? Your problem is that you live in a nation with many colony’s. Slavery and low wage labor by brown people supports the life you have. You don’t see it’s disastrous effects, so you just allow it to go and then make up ways of why it’s great. Stalin and Mao did not deliberately do any of the things you say, and you have NO PROOF ANYONE IN THE STATE INTENTIONALLY CAUSED A FAMINE. Stalin and Mao did not cause the rain to stop, they did not force farms to stop functioning on purpose. The fact that you believe this even though you have no logical pathway to it, it’s Orwellian in itself. You just believe things because someone told you it happened and gee, well, guess it must be true.
- Baron Saturday: Fact: 82% of all InfoWars employees have worms in their brains.
- Sean Williams: dumb blonde meets Daria
- exexpat11: It was like she overcame the Infowars reporter with how dense she was. Depleted Uranium is less dense than that "New Girl" or whatever the F the mutated Valley Girl was.
- 1920pam: That girl is my spirit animal
- Solenya. Pickle man Ur gay if ur reading this: Shes hot
- Red Pill News Rant w/ Deplorable Todd: You sir, are a complete tool. They didn't pull anything. The only one pulling anything is you with your own spin and taking things out of context you dork. You and the sell out Bernie can go eat a bag of dicks. Hey, their free!
- Finn Maccool: Fuck the beta male soi boi who runs this channel. He should just put on a dress and cut his dick off since he acts like a woman anyway.
- Gary Diggins: Neither girl was Mensa material.
- Spaceman Spliff: People shouldn't have to die from lack of healthcare and struggle to live comfortably simply because the filthy rich want to hold quindecuple(15 digit) numbers in their bank accounts. The answer is to tax any person and/or corporation holding/netting ridiculous amounts of money an appropriate amount and use that to pay employees living wages and afford fellow human beings free healthcare. We need a mix of capitalism and socialism in this day and age. Times change and few change with them. Eventually those underfoot will rise up and take back what the greedy revoked from them. It actually astounds me that so many people still vote Republican, which is voting against your own self interests. Now we have a monument to corporate elitism as president. R.I.P. USA.
- Katie McKenzie: heard of it
- Phillip Ramsey: Cant say that when they actually are turning the frogs gay. Study in Berkeley shows alctrzene which is found in a lot of fertilizers does turn frogs gay lmao
- Shining Star: That sailor scout destroyed infowars in this debate.
- I am a loaf of bread: Taelforlife I think she was high, but it's my opinion.
- BDub098: I don't care for this person's videos. Seems like all his content is just piggybacking off of the content of bigger YouTubers.
- Leigh Foulkes: Lol, did she just get beat by someone who might have been half-baked!!!
- Gloomshadow100: Victor ... Socialism is attempted Communism ..they were never actually able to achieve Communism. European countries are not socialist they are mixed economies like the USA. .. Kinda like a faggot verison of socialism. .. A.capitalist economy that feeds a welfare state. True socialism has no capitalist economy... Faggot.. I never said anything about forced military service either stupid faggot
- John Harris: useful idiots
- Ben McKerracher: “You love to pretend the other side has no arguments whatsoever” Doesn’t that make him a hypocrite
- Felix Desrosiers: Ohhh great argument, you really showed it to them...
- Ed Nogi: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1e/23/b8/1e23b8dbe79880c3060cd5f1487c148e.jpg
- Heather's Death: capitalists have destroyed the country let's try a little bit of socialism and see if it works at least give it a chance America we already have socialist things in our country such as our schools......... Food and Health Care for all.... happy healthy full people work better..... remember that.... if we supplied food and shelter two people in need they could turn their lives around 2 ! but there is no opportunity....the Rich get richer and the poor get poorer....FACT.
- xbox 360: Uuummmm I don't know uuuummmmm that all she said so so info wars won
- Chris Johnson: These are braindead corpses. They dont realize much
- sam sloan: Another sad example of a clueless narcissistic pompous misinformed entitled unemployed teenaged spoiled brat. If everyone has a right to healthcare means you can barge into a doctor's office and say " treat me for free, it's my right'' I wonder if the twit in the Halloween costume has every contributed anything to society
- James Crews: In the US, their family would be BANKRUPT due to it being extremely unaffordable! So what's the point of even having healthcare to begin with if it's out of reach for over 90% of Americans?
- m c: That wasn't that glorious. Both of them looked retarded.
- Al Clark: She understood that Sanders has integrity, and that universal single payer heath care is a great policy.
- Tanner Denny: Straight the fvck up. You're right they do always do that thing where they imagine some crazy thing like you want to eat rats or something because they don't have an argument.
- Sarcastic Squash: I love how the woman thinks that owning a million dollar house puts you up there with the 1%
- HyperCubed4: "You people have worms in your brain" Fucking lol
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: not at all the fact you really belive that is the reason Trump will win in 2020. You guys have way too much pride and think you know it all and see all the angles. When in reality what that girl was doing wasn't trolling in any way shape or form. That was her honest opinion and you liberals think she trolled the right. Do you realize the world is laughing at the left. You guys don't get it and never will get it that's why you're seen as pathetic delusional scum or the cancer to society.
- JacatackLP: “A majority of Venezuelans are eating rats” OK HERE WE GO AGAIN A: that’s just fucking false B: the majority of the Venezuelan economy is in the Private Sector, they have never gotten to complete socialism but when they were on their path they vastly improved quality of life until OPEC tanked world oil prices on a direct attack on Russia and Venezuela. C. BERNIE IS A SOCIAL DEMOCRAT NOT A DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST.
- Vera 1957: +Michael Gardner are you saying a lib said something CLOSE TO THE TRUTH? 😂 That's a 1st
- MrJDuro: I actually used to listen to Alex Jones, glad I stopped because I don't support fascism. Info wars is promoting a civil war.
- Trevor B: poster girl for the left! that is exactly how I see the left
- Liam Smith: I don't think you people understand how rich you have to be in the top 1 percent in America. That Bernie sure ain't. "The top 1 percent actually want you to tax them way more so that you can have benefits they will never need." Hahaha okay... If that's true that's awfully nice of the one percent and I'm left wondering how that hasn't happened already. Name another issue the top 1 percent of Americans overwhelmingly agree on that hasn't been resolved in a way favorable to them? (I'm talking, if you literally look at the polling data, so don't come at me with some weird mental gymnastics mindfuck)
- BiggTeddyMikey: Really? Rats are delicious!! So are squirrels and rabbits. It's all dark meat, so they are low in calories. And you know it's true, everything that you don't know what it will taste like, it mostly tastes like chicken. I ate frogs legs in Germany also, and they also taste like chicken... the big thing with eating rodents is you have to be careful of the bones... they are small and sharp.. either chew them up well, or remove them before you eat them...
- fook: Why this man got 3 bandaids on his hands
- killeroz6669: Wifey material
- Mike Tat: Trolls them to perfection?... she’s even more of an inbred reject than you
- BaeWatson: who do you agree with?
- Emppu T.: Like, totally. Yeaa
- sprybug: Someone who just talks fast and repeats right wing talking points vs. someone who makes shit up and is very energized. Sounds more like a carnival freak show.
- UnitardZ: She reminds me of Aubrey Plaza... I kind of love it.
- Libertarian Exodus: You don't steelman, you strawman too. Don't be a hypocrite
- Melissa Greene: she made perfect sense, you are the idiot kyle she sounded like an idiot.
- Brendyrose: Infowars girl bad socialism girl good
- Don Farmer: Brenden Taylor Donald TRUMP worked for it. And didnt make his money off the tax payers. And by the way Donald TRUMP still dors not live off the tax payers. He donates his checks for being President. If you don't like the president you probably were never told that because thats a good thing and the mainstream media does not want you to know that and they only tell the sheeple what they want you to hear. Like hes a rasist. But when he bought marlargo golf course it was whites only but he fought it in court and won to allow blacks and other minorities to play there. Does not sound like something a rasist would do to me.
- Declan Foley: daniel280456 there's literally no irony there ...she wants what she feels is best for this country .if you are an immigrant you can want that K ..
- greenlizardballs: Saw you on Joe Hogan. I like you. Subscribed.
- William Neal: This is total Bullshit! Don't waste your time.
- Lauren: Y’all can argue while I’m over here breaking my leg FOR FREE
- dang9669: "you people have like worms in your brain, honestly"...that rocked...
- appledroplarry: Quick fact. More people that receive wellfare claim to be Republican than Democrats.
- Djezon: Infowars just owned at their own little pervert game and lies.
- use the spiritual eye ignore the physical: Ya know what infowars fought Stupidity and lost badly
- AgarTron: +Bobby Guest all american cities are mostly liberal, yet they are 90% of the US economy. Your argument is shallow and it seems mostly opinionated as you call them "shitholes"
- Meditating Jesus: Venezuela is doing wonderful. The only bad part is the 1% there is waging war on their government. It’s the capitalists in Venezuela who are trying to force it into failure
- laxjoh: +Manuel Enrique Solano Rodriguez shrug. Y'all retards keep being retards lol. You know the person has some amazing insight when they start off with kid gtfo
- Joe Scott: Dude,really Kyle? This girl is a fucking idiot.
- David Griffin: +Phanno it's the online environment.I'm convinced everybody is there worse self online, especially regarding politics.But thanks for the apology and if I said anything out of line I'm sorry also.
- G o.: Venezuela has a dictatorship....
- ya Boy Jonez: 2:00 "Yea yea." 🙄😭😂
- asdwaetd: Her name is dasha nekrasova, her interview https://youtu.be/aZ3-8Xt7gLc
- greenghost3737: FutureChaosTV lately so when they were saying we wpuld all b in fema. camps by August of 2016 u kno the Wal-Mart body bag bullshit. Yeah that wasn't bad enough but now the lies have gotten too much huh?
- tip tip: what part of GUEST is to difficult for you
- Manxie Diggler: Wulvena "have a grand old day" That's a bit of a stereotype of British people. We don't all talk like that you know but it does indicate how much you know about Britain and the NHS (fuck all) and then you have topped it by sending a link from the "Mail online", thee most right wing untrustworthy news media in the whole of Europe. Your reply is that juvenile and hilarious that I've had to show friends that work for the NHS...they wet themselves laughing that much that its ironic that they may need hospital treatment. Unbelievable!!!
- Aslam Kingtube: No healthcare but Americans allowed their government to spend trillions on weapons and wars. There’s something wrong with that.
- Matthew Hodge: Could you stick to news? I know sometimes news doesn't just pop out of the woodworks but you need to find the good, the bad, and the ugly and do news on that. Infowars is a joke. Don't become a joke.
- Random Person: She is my soul animal, that’s the spirit I want to fully embody
- Modsu: Miguel Cervantes nah the name is accurate, a war against information by yelling whatever random shit pops into your head about how gay frogs are. oh, and inciting harassment and violence against the parents of school shooting victims.
- Andres Chipres: That's not owning anyone, total click bait... Disappointing
- Finn Maccool: James Homo I bet you look real cute in a dress, boy. Dance for me.
- Hassenboy: Just don't turn this hoe into a wife
- Klaus Gartenstiel: this interview video should be taught in class.
- Jordan Boyle: Mate you are fucking clueless 😂 are you trying to be like a left wing infowars or something ? Keep it up ......😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Kevin Hill: if I was that girl, when she said the 1% love socialism, I would have aske her to show me that poll. and then she would have crumbled
- Fox Mulder: You econ imbecilic moron fucktard, 1st of all, it's not 'trolling' when the moron is another run of the mill ironically clueless hypocritical commie fucktard on a VERY capitalist iPHONE, sipping FiveBucks and donning an entirely consumerist derivative CosPlay culture preaching the glories of socialism (State ownership/control of production and labor), ya buffoon. Informed people are LAUGHING at the #SJW-Taliban idiot. The Fact that you delude this is trolling p0wange only exposes what a fucking IDIOT you too are! xD 2nd of all, the fucking video is like a month old, and has NOT been pulled, ya imbecile. Also, unlike you cloistered bozos, Infowars has a habit of inviting on aspiring citizen journalists/vloggers/YT personality guests to do segments, to expose them to a wider audience. If you did 2secs of google/YT search, you'd have already realized that, that's Ashton Whitty, and NOT an actual employee at Infowars, at least not yet anyway. https://twitter.com/ashtonbirdie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUhJlurBdyGwVyyaAdwS9w/videos If you can't even search on YT or Google, just WTF can you discern, ya commie buffoon?? xD
- Nikki Kemp: “you know venezuela right?” “heard of it” OKAY
- JoeyDailyShow: Yeah, but also Capitalism isn't as different as well, just look at Alabama & Mississippi. Both are great, both are shit.
- odin oldman: Not understanding questions is considered owning now?
- Darrell Clark: And you support what..i fail to se the focus of your point? Bash both click bat channel?
- Redbird: But global health care isn't even a damn handout. Everyone will be taxed for it. Rightfully so. We spend billions of dollars in tax money that never sees the light of day. Broken roads, infrastructure, lack of development... That's what fucking taxes are for! To funnel it back into society, not to squander it like a fucking dodo bird incubating an egg or give it back to the rich. Put that fucking money to good use! Don't be a cheap pussyfucker and pay your change!
- Clive Obi: That's ashtonbirde, lol.
- Muted Truth: FYI, no one dies because they don't have "access to healthcare".... The ER has to take you if you show up with an emergency. Your ability to pay for it is a whole other story and personally, not my problem. Get a decent job.
- Colin: Haha yeah Muslims are constantly raping "our" women and blowing stuff up. Maybe read some legit news and a history book and stop talking bullshit! The damage I personally did? I have nothing to do with the horrible past of my country. Exactly like you don't earn any responsibility for the genocide of Native Americans, countless war crimes, etc (assuming you're from the USA). Literally every country has a dark past! Get over it. Hitler wasn't a socialist you massive idiot! He was quite the opposite. He hated socialism and communism. https://www.thoughtco.com/was-adolf-hitler-a-socialist-1221367 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Hitler_and_socialism Here you have 3 links that debunk your silly claim.
- Valravn: I recently discovered this channel and this is definetly one of his best vids! Does he debate people with different political views? He would be great at that.
- Maui Randall: dudeinco the second generation immigrant born into poverty never worked a day in his life I find that hard to believe Especially considering how young he started his career And he was the first independent elected to the Senate Trump was literally born a millionaire and lost a billion dollars in the 90s and is still (allegedly) a millionaire
- Tapor E: Norway or Denmark not good enough for infowars?
- Asian Dude Does Life: The hypocritical thing about Bernie is that he talks about the millionaires and billionaire class needing to pay higher taxes, but he is in that class and pays a lower tax rate than the average 1%er. If you want them to pay higher taxes lead by example and don't lower your taxable income with deductions.
- William Sebren: The woman with her drink has some serious BDE. I live for it.
- Nick Angelos: Why does the right demonize the word "socialism" anyway? Socialized healthcare is not a threat to a capitalist economy in any way whatsoever. And it's not like we'd be test rats, we know it works for the rest of the world.
- Rey Macías: Nobody has a right to free health care lol
- Pepe The Platypus: john pouw Canada's great, if you take away the healthcare, the Prime Minister, and all the SJW's. Then it's great!
- Catherine Gearhart: Oh that interviewer looks she flunked out of newscaster school. Hope she realized how bad she was and immediately quit.
- David Warschauer: @whutzat : alex jones is a fraud
- G K: 'You people have worms in your brains' Lol 😂
- William Doval: This guy looks like a 90s porn actor
- Russ Monte: Didn't see any trolling.when the govt. Pays for your healthcare they make your health decisions. Don't think so look up that baby they let die in england.bernie took campaign money from australia.
- Cooper Harris: R/iamverygay
- Thomas Baron: what the hell does Bernie Sanders have to do with Venezuela? WTF?
- SloanKetter44: Will Huey she had to resort to trolling because she probably couldn’t come up with an intelligent opinion
- J Lo: The girl in the costume is stupid. There is no such thing as “free.” Free healthcare means someone else pays for it. This high dumbass girl needs her life subsidized. Politicians—especially Democrats don’t approach the country’s budget like they would their own budget at home. Their excuse is that they do not correlate. Bullshit. Let Democrats allow into their homes 10 people without permission, let them provide nothing toward the rent, or utilities, and keep giving them food, their own clothes, continue going to work to support them, allow them to have more children at the homeowner’s dime. THEN tell me the Democrat is okay with that. ....waiting.
- Aaron Diver: They are both idiots
- Kori Harpoon: Keep in mind I have my tin foil hat on. Kyle Cuckinski is working with those gay frogs AND the deep state cleaning crew to promote these lies. STAY AWAY!!!!!!111111!!!!!!2222
- Arefin Dipto: info girl-why do u think so many of the one prcnt favours socialism. chill girl- give me an example? info girl- (avoids the topic and goes to Venezuela)
- Raver.: Jeffrey Marshal >Milo doing a campy hand flick and going "i have a black husband" the right: yes. yes. this is the ultimate form of comedy. I am very intelligent.
- Wake Up!!!!! Canada: Buddy your an idiot!! Who cares he's still rich and you have a foul mouth!! You don't have any arguments!!
- Barry Shitpeas: You Americans need to address when your right wing counterparts talk about Venezuela as if its got anything to do with the European style model of Social Democracy that Bernie wants (and you already have except with some things)
- Ethan Kohrt: I mean if you employ a lot of people, you won't have to pay for their healthcare benefits since everyone would get it free. Win-win?
- mrscary3105: Owned by a woman who was obviously stones LOL
- Kris Roberts: Clickbait bullshit!
- Robert Miller: She is stupid
- Bully Hunter Over 9000: She's trying to be exactly like Owen Shroyer and it's cringey. Now on to the 'debate'... healthcare and daycare are not human rights. You don't have right to somebody's labor. Refute or never talk about healthcare again. "everybody else is doing it" is not an argument, any mother of a 5 year old could tell you that. I don't expect much from somebody who boasts his atheism in the title of his youtube channel but c'mon man... you're pathetic. Only Jews and their handled pets believe in socialism, which are you?
- Carlos Garcia: Hey Radom Woman, Fazeel Ashraf is a nice guy. You should meet him. You guys would get along great.
- ferox965: Matthew Van Helden the jihadists aren't the problem...
- Aslan: I'm so turned on by that girls attitude. She's owning the entire moment.
- robertzio: The super chill stoner chick re free healthcare
- JOWNZ88: Socialism is garbage. Why ask for something that you can get your self by just working. I would rather spend my money rather than have someone else spend it for me.
- Águila701: Omnicron But that pretty much sums up infowars.
- Charles Holland: The DemocRat made herself sound stupid. Bernie is rich, Socialism has failed all over the world.
- Real Talk: That pompous debutante has the mental capacity of a tree sloth. She actually made the interviewer from Info-Wars sound intelligent.
- LittleDragon03: I love sailor moon sipping her coffee and making the infowars lady look and sound so stupid. Sailor Moon is awesome.
- 22CARLOCO22: Info bitch is a programmed fool
- Mark Dugan: so this is the left side of YT, huh
- Bundy714: I really wanted to see someone hand it to the Infowars idiots, but instead I got Trolled into watching this insignificant, absolutely nothing happened, clip. You got me this time, good for you. Now you can go back to preaching to the echo chamber, and telling yourself that you won this particular little incident. I wish you had, I really do, but this just makes you look worse than Infowars, and that's hard to do.
- Grant McCann: People’s views of socialism are so caricatured. Most people would agree with the notion that pure socialism doesn’t work. Most socialist leaning countries adopt free market economic principles but they soften the edges of capitalism. Paying living wages and government paying for (mostly) free healthcare isn’t even ridiculous..
- Jess John: Mitch Baier me too i dont abuse it but glad its there just in case
- Pauly Gsell: She owned her? What the fuck did u watch? She's for socialism and has no idea the current situation of Venezuela.... yes it's true this new employee is no millie weaver but she destroyed that skank
- SaysRobert: No such thing as rights held at someone else's expense.
- Herb Bluntman: Yes, she was hired by IntoWARS.
- jon burbach: We have to eat rats here in the UK... Because of Brexit, not the NHS.
- Mikey Raymond: Trolling Infowars - what an achievement.
- aaronsdavis: Trolls are the easiest to troll. Trump for example.
- Sam Streom: Why would she care about Venezuela? She lives in America.
- Nick Cruton: I actually can’t believe people really believe in communism’s and socialism when we’re the richest country in the world....
- Felix Desrosiers: Explain...
- D S: lol that girl in red is so fucking stupid
- Toby Mcinnis: I don’t think this was as obviously a ‘win’ for the Bernie girl. They both seemed pretty dim and awkward to me 🤷♂️(also, let’s not go ‘no one wants to eat the rich’ as if such things have never happened (under attempted socialism))
- Cameron Harrington: knock knock. who is there? the 1% support socialism.... *Kylie leans in* Bitch what?!
- Jane Baker: I don't pay to go to the doctor or the hospital or to have my baby or tests. All free. Australia isn't perfect, but I feel very lucky
- Jason C.: Venezuela is not even a socialist country. It’s a Federal presidential constitutional republic.
- Artificial Avocado: Oh you are wrong Kyle. I am totally in favor of eating the rich.
- mike bell: Where are your footmen? Kyle kulinksi
- three3eight: Ermuhgurd
- Gordon O'Gairbhith: It is info wars after all. Loved her attitude. Info wars knows that the typical citizen is likely to be clueless and that's why they do this, to get the worst arguments to combat to make the other side look dumb. The same would happen if you interviewed a random trump supporter.
- Hassenboy: darkslayer175 I think she had lobotomy
- sportagus3: What would be the point of that though? People from infowars aren't interested in facts. She knew bullshit was coming, and reacted appropriately.
- FionaOfMountLawley: Yeah, exactly. 5 years and 2 months ago. I guess Infowars viewers and presenters are out of touch.
- Ligma Balls: What’s her @ tho?
- Z: I clicked because I could see the shape of her nipples through her shirt
- Curt Christensen: to the guy I typed to yesterday. I let my sense of humor get too insulting and now I regret it. thanks to YouTube for deleting it. I should have been more polite.
- The Hermit: Who's trolling who? This was a waste of time.
- ripperduck: you must be on alex jone's payroll, the inforwar bimbo was an idiot. nothing that she said was remotely true. the bulk of venezuelan assets are privately owned, as are most of the businesses.....
- cyanide jack: They are lucky they didn't corner me. Don't cross an Irish Redhead.
- Robert Curtin: I love the eye rolls, and yes they do have worms in their brains.
- John Straumietis: +Avatar007 -YUMMY!!!😎
- Thomas Urech: N00b
- bumblebee: how does what Bernie will do for America have anything to do with Venezuela
- metaempiricist: Ok so what you want isn't actual socialism but a single payer health care system. As you've said this doesn't need to be a socialist state issue. It can just be a single payer health care issue. So again, why would you try to make a socialist state just because of health care? Do you know what socialism even brings to the table? It brings state owned everything, and everyone becomes equal...equal in poverty, equal in helplessness. Equal in plight.
- stuart leon: "I know it's hard, because you love the smell of your own farts" is a good candidate for your next "Kyle out of context" compilation!
- Mao Reborn: Perfect example of how most right wing yt channels sift through videos to find certain ones they can use to further their point of making the left out to be stupid.
- Stew H: I love this girl XD
- Django Fett: "the government had the power to stop a baby flying out of the country and he died." This doesn't sound like it has anything to do with your NHS. Take your ADHD meds, kid.
- Mick King: The thing is Mr Lesbian, she is new at the job of reporting and interviewing and will probably get better. You however have been at it for years and are still pathetically shit and your arguments are poorly thought through considering this is your job. I mean fuck why do you keep shouting like a fucking child??
- Jun Kim: Secular Talk you can't be more wrong about Canada desiring health care. You must be so ignorant its not even funny. I live in Canada and I will tell you our health care system is terrible. People who go into emergency hospitals have to wait 6-8 hours. Some people who are in critical conditions have to wait which they can't even afford to and just to let you know we pay t he same tax as California. And don't even get me started with people that moved from a province to another province its like you live in the U.S. Surgeries and pills are just as expensive to the U.S our health care system is absolutely terrible.
- Gabe The Babe: I cant find the trolling. Unless its this video lol
- Rob: rio rinanda ismar adam’s got some pull considering he looks like a fucked up bug
- ATG IMM: That chick was giving hilarious answers... Cut the military budget an everyone can get heathcare
- Andrewy27: Lewis Jones yeah it also makes ya a big ol gay
- binkyxz3: Very odd way of holding her cup. Is that a Euor-trash thing ?
- Julie Russell: The 'interviewer' (lol) is the farthest thing from a journalist I have ever seen. The girl she was interviewing with absolutely fabulous. "Honey, I just want people to have health care." A f****** men.
- LordClydeofOMAR: For anyone who thinks socialism is a good idea, or that Karl Marx has any good arguments, or that actual communism as theoretically described is even possible, I really don't have anything to say to you. You can criticize capitalism all you like, but it's basically no different from a scientologist criticizing the field of psychiatry. There are plenty of valid criticisms to be made, but neither of you are ever going to make your own positions seem like a reasonable alternative.
- tben1368: The only Bullshit we're hearing is generated by your dumb-ass...I guess that's what makes America great is that everyone thinks their dumb-ass opinion needs to be heard...Wow, I need to go out and start a YouTube channel...Back to your mom's basement with you...
- S B: That was so funny
- Frank Lucas: Ahaha the title is so misleading.
- Rich Pizzeria: The reporter is dumb. A smart conservative would have manhandled that leftist weed head.
- moismyname: I think I'm in love.
- aquariex24: Which means you're normal and boring.
- X X: Nope The French chick didn’t have a valid coherent argument. You hangin your hat on this is FAKE NEWS 🤮🤮🤮
- Ronald Hinton: Liberals really cannot debate and just leave it sane. You must become demented and disdainful. You need to try remaining calm and simply answer the interview questions - or not.
- Pen Umbra: ithat was a joke... that interviewee... that fucking voice . she should kick it in venezuela for a minute... shs's just an unoriginal program that can walk... no original thoughts
- Jeremy Dankiw: Hey Kyle, no one is stopping any lefties from moving to any socialist country of their choice. Actually we will help you pack. Also try to sound intelligent without dropping the F bomb every sentence. It really makes you sound as ignorant you truly are.
- European Bourgeois: Did we watch the same video? I saw an intelligent girl in red making solid points and the other girls sounded like she was struggling to slur her words out with the slack-jawed croaky sound at the end of the words. By the way, I’m from the UK, healthcare only works if it’s NATIONAL SOCIALIST!!! All the foreigners are flooding in, taking healthcare for free while the ethnic white English have been paying in for decades. Our hospitals and general practitioner centres are covered in Arabic and Eastern European languages it’s gotten that bad...they want the English to care for them and can’t be bothered to learn the language. I
- Chi wong: Btw guys Venezuala is actually in a very bad atate.are you guys actually disputing this?
- Broham7 TF: +sirus804 you clearly dont have youre own place, garbage services arent free by any means lool
- ChrisMathers3501: THIS is how you fight those Infowars dickheads. Don't deplatform them...fuckin' SJWs...ask them simple questions right back, let them make themselves look stupid, and straight up put them on blast. No matter who's right, trolls always trump the triggered.
- A L: rofl... my grandpa ate rats too to survive and he wasn't in a socialist country..
- Alex Hall: She's using a Pixel 2 XL, I love her already
- Annabelle Peoples: Technically Greenland is a part of Denmark I think. So to their benefit they don't have to argue about free healthcare.
- ken thomas: Bernie had his chance to take the Green Party and very possibly make it a viable 3rd party, but instead he remained loyal to the democrats and voted for Hillary, a corporate whore. That the poorest member of congress is wealthy enough to own three homes and supposedly represent the people--most of whom cannot afford one home, ought to make people realize congress members are being paid too damn much or the American people too damn little!
- Pinochet Pilot #666: The Political Wolf sure, if a giggling airhead is your thing.
- caldude: What an idiot video. This retarded girl didn't own anybody. She's "chill" because she's brain dead. Socialism is a system where a few psychotic control freaks convince the masses to live in poverty while the control freaks control all the wealth and enjoy the majority of it while throwing scraps to the idiot masses. Oh....and health care is not a "right." The freedom to take care of your own health and EARN further healthcare are rights. The needy were taken care of far better when the economy was prosperous and the government was much more limited.
- Peter Eggert: its not the fact that he has 3 homes which makes people angry, its that he has 3 homes while never having had a career outside of politics that make people angry. All in all i dont think Bernie can be painted as a selfish person.
- misskt: +John Gallagher Maybe this will help you understand... https://youtu.be/QQr5k7pl4PQ
- Lapin074: "People in Venezuela are FORCED to eat rats." - 1.) In some countries rats are a street-food delicacy. 2.) Corporatist Nazi blonde moron girl doesn't get the fact that Venezuela is a DICTATORSHIP, not "socialism." What an epic FAIL.
- Farahen Den: ...Greenland is part of Denmark.
- True Grit: Both of them were retards. So what's your point besides the video being total clickbait? Loser. How do you know that Sanders is the poorest member of the senate?
- kain hall: also.... i live on a 1/2 million dollar lake home in montana..... and im making 11 an hour (but have 18 hours of overtime....BUSY week, and down a guy) in cali.... would easily be a 1 mill house yet..... the walls crack becasue the foundation is just dirt..... so every time it rains, the shitty "montana gumbo"... bentonite shale... shifts. its all about location (and having a grandmother be the first or 2nd person to move here once the land was plotted in the late 60s) its a 1930s dam construction boom town house...... part of the new deal act their were 6 towns in like 2 square miles.... (18 in all) only 2 are still their..... fort peck, which was a "planned government city", where all the fancy higher ups lived the workers slept in the hotel.... hot cots and the really poor lived in wheeler..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a really funny and interesting news article on wheeler from the time its still true today.... http://www.fortpeckdam.com/historypages/?p=7
- Paul Wheeler: Everybody says it so it must be true. Kyle the cuck
- Terry Diaz: You calling someone a newbie lol
- AxelTheHun: She has a pixel phone, she can't be a bad person.
- Rob Linnell: Have you no brains, who's going to pay for this. You're assumption is stupid, Universal Health care is not a right. You obviously are in favour of a huge increase in the taxes that YOU pay. Get into the real world. +Huzi 87
- vadimpmaksimenko: More like Kyle Kulinski trolls himself to perfection
- Josh Youwa: "why should the government pay for it?" wait... You guys in America, or some of you, don't believe you should have free health care? That's fucking crazy sounding. Aus and NZ have it, and comparing the size of the countries that's ridiculous. Do some people think the government shouldn't pay for health care?
- Do Bo: The reporter is too confrontational, know it all type. You can own people with knowledge but she just attacks right away. Makes her look annoying and childish and unprofessional
- 54markl: Infowars fascists are such assholes.
- Sammy Bluejay: We have socialized health care in Canada. It works quite well , even Rand Paul uses Canadian health care.
- Liberal Larry: Ace Hunter good point, except Bernie doesn't actually own 3 million dollar homes.
- Raul H: I want her in my life!
- Undisciplined Intellectual: People eating rats while the 1% sips champagne? Sounds like America...probably because the US government installed Venezuela's "government".
- Carpenter Patriot: Oh ya...and Infowars never pulled that video
- DJC DJC: She won. Yup!
- dudeinco: Django Fett - Actually Bernie's ideals are a gateway to communism. Equalization is communism, not socialism. Of course in a communist society, those on the top have always been suspiciously immune to the "equalization," but hey... In our make believe world, when the government steals massive amounts from the rich, to ensure they sink at, or below middle class, everyone becomes equally "rich." That worked in .... nowhere ever. In fact, when the rich slide down, the middle class does as well, making the rich look rich again, so you just keep on equalizing the population (to keep it fair), until everyone's crapping outside, and selling blankets on the side of the road. That's a leftist wet dream...
- tejanissimo: Everyone has a right to freely receive the services of someone else!! That's what you're saying when you say free healthcare. How did she own the reporter
- Bognar Regis: That broad from Info Wars went to the Nardwaur school of interviewing.
- 2Truth4Liberty: I didn't see it. My idea of trolling must be different. Three modest homes despite the bullshit you're hearing? 45,000 people DIE every year because they don't have access to basic health care? Got facts?
- RollinOnVWGTI: Liberals cant troll. She sounds like a brain dead moron, This is the kind of moron who will say trump is like Hitler but she believes in socialism to be her god. The government doesnt have to give you shit, the one that feeds you heals you and houses you is your owner, socialist morons want to be owned as government property. You fools want socialism? Leave America, thats the beauty of it. You are not held down. Others coming from socialist and communist garbage, run here for just the thought of freedom. Any american that loves the idea of socialism doesnt deserve freedom. Give me liberty or give me death.
- Nubian McCarthy: The Funny part is that both of them didn’t know what socialism is Lmao
- Django Fett: I don't know.... it would have to be a really desperate situation, like a plane crash in the mountains or the corner snack shop is closed...... then i'd have to chow down.
- K24 Accord: No bra
- Jean Luc Bergman: Anyone have a link to the full video? That girl sexy as FUCK.
- Wil Garrett: Wait, is that Ashton Whitty? It isssssss! Oh my goodness, she's slightly better when she doesn't shill for Infowars. I sometimes listen to her channel just to hear her discuss SJWs and Antifa violence. Really the only thing I agree with her on. I just wish she didn't shill for Infowars' crap. It's all bogus.
- Bradlee Caldwell: Duhhhh... The 1% doesn't support socialism.... They support... Uhhhh... Duhhhh... Socialism for the rich... Uhhhh... It's different.... What a fucking idiot.
- DanielTheCooliest: You sum up the argument against free health care as if it's just about "wait lines." Do you remember what Obama care did to this country? Raising the cost for others to give out free shit just means those who have their base cost raised, will lose THEIR healthcare, and those who can afford it will be paying for EVERYONE else. Wouldn't work after a while considering people would STOP paying and abuse the system.
- Fuzzy Camel: Here in Canada we have 'free' healthcare, except it's not free, 60% of our tax revenue goes to paying for it. Also, the system is terrible and kills more people than it helps. Many of the hospitals put 'diversity' quotas in place, so the hospitals are staffed with disinterested minorities who can't be fired and don't care about the patients. In Canada we call the hospitals the kiss of death, because most people who go in, don't come out. They either die from the prescribed drugs or pick up an antibiotic resistant infection and swell up and die. Also, the government here has total control over what treatments/cures are available. The doctors here can't even prescribe Ivermectin to treat a parasite, they prescribe a useless drug like Flagyl which has a high failure rate on many parasites. Many Canadians like myself, we end up having to doctor ourselves because the system is so broken. You'll wait 8 hours to see a doctor sometimes, if you can even get an appointment. American healthcare is crap too, they bankrupt just about everyone who gets sick there. European medical system is a lot better. I think the big problem with healthcare is greed. No one should be exploiting a sick person for profits. No one should be pushing dangerous, unnecessary surgeries like circumcision for a quick profit. Medicine is totally corrupted at this point in US/Canada, and socializing it will only make things worse. The system of toxic drugs and useless surgeries for big $$$ profits for pharmaceutical corporations is the problem.
- Mariomime: God King Trump A Trump worshiper bringing up articulation. I do hope you’re trolling.
- So I says to the guy, I says to him, I says,: so youre saying everyone is stupid including kyle, but you are smart and the only one who is right? cool .
- Tim E: Free Healthcare that the government pays for. Where does the government get its money? From the tax payer. So you either pay a tax and get the healthcare you're given by the government, Or you pay for it yourself and get the healthcare you want. Either way you end up paying for your healthcare. So think about it, there is no such thing as FREE healthcare.
- ELH10622: You don’t make sense. You chose literally the only video where the idiots hired a dumb blonde to interview people. You fuckstick all of you
- Shrill_: “You are their useful idiot” Well said
- Garry Fletcher: Sailor girl is my new hero
- Dennis Murphy: Sailor girl is retarded, and so are all of you. Facts always beats stupidity, go back to school dummies.
- Michael Falkov: Butt Ché newer ants-herd duh quiz-tie-on Allah Dems' PooWar Venutians forest who metabolize rats stewed-up dem richies canned drank Champagné 12/7 (depending on the time of year and length of a day, naturally)! I love that girl. (olive tiger)
- Logan Adams: Hey just found your show and am really enjoying it, hope you read this because I think you would understand it. The difference between people with intelligence and basic empathy for humanity as a whole vs people ignorant to facts is easily seen when they respond to a reporter like this. THIS lady doesn't just say the reporter is wrong, she doesn't say the reporter is blatantly lying, she ponders over her questions and actually takes what this soul sucking money digger reporter says to heart and thinks about it rationally. This is the difference between the bases in general, the rights camp would just call everyone and everything lies and keeps spewing their lines, Bernies base actually takes other peoples thoughts into account.
- Riri Blanx: Now THAT's kinda new. I'm used to having the other "side" getting owned. I like it. Kinda. Good for you. AAAAANYWAYS, sailor chic was kinda cool.
- GDK: “Trolls them to perfection” Translation: the poor socialist girl staring into her phone can barely talk
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: Jose Vazquez Lmao, OOF indeed. Your friend will understand, Jose.
- DroneXFun: The government has a responsibility to make sure its people are taken care of. They should provide the basics, healthcare, food and shelter and education should all be free. It works and we would have more Americans filling high paying jobs. The government should not be the enemy, it should be like parents you can count on and trust. Sorry for the rant.
- M.C. Landstander: Jooooooooooooooooooooooooos
- John Watters: Definitely wouldn't call that trolling.
- Trump Army: I heard rat meat taste good. Yummy
- Mateo Mass: Kyle how the fuck was she trolling?
- FilthyCasualKai: This new n.p.c. meme... Have you seen anything more n.p.c. than that Infowars girl?
- Vance Palizzi: Infowars looks to find and trigger people thus making whatever ideology they want to interrogate look bad. But this chick was so chill and didn't give a fuck haha that gave me a good laugh.
- Swelia: You know, some people in the US eat trash Wouldn’t it be great if they at least got free healthcare?
- Zach S: Venezuela is the 5th most developed country in Latin America. Conditions are not great there, but It's not like it's alone in South America. Look at Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras, or even Brazil and Mexico. They are all relatively worse off than Venezuela.
- Derpalon: More importantly the Infowars hack seems to miss the point that there's nothing wrong inherently with just being rich, it's how you got there by exploiting workers, quid pro quo, and nepotism instead of genuinely contributing something to society that Bernie supporters have a beef with. I wouldn't care if he did have a million dollar home because I know he didn't buy it with crony capitalist money.
- Avatar007: John Straumietis 😂. Tho the worm in your brain is pretty good ;)
- Heather Rose: I thought she sounded really uneducated
- Jacob Wolf: This whole argument of ‘Bernie owns a bunch of houses’ and ‘Bernie wears a $500 jacket’ is beyond fucking stupid. Donald Trump owns a shit ton of real estate, should we judge that mother fucker based on the same standard?
- Medusa: I dont understand infowars argument about Bernie having a $2 million home yet they support Trump?
- geno mccgeno: That girl is fucking AWESOME! Who is she? She should have her own show. That reporter's a complete idiot though
- Neil Wilson: Are there ANY USA politicians who are not rich?. Isn't that the fucking point? InfoWars are such babies, I cannot get it. Where can they go when people want answers to real world problems?
- Bleak Solipsism: I guess where I'm going with this is the history of all the take overs before Chavez. The Chicago School of Economics and the Milton Friedman stuff. To be fair, socialism is intertwined in all of it but I was only responding to you because it felt like you were going to throw out typical talking points without understanding the nuances of the Venezuela situation. They were on the verge of being a really successful nation until that crap slipped in. Your response shows me that you know more of what you're talking about than I originally assumed. Apologies there mate. So in all I'm really saying that this subject is really difficult to sum up in a handful of sentences.
- Paleis Heuwel: thought you had an actual point . . . .now, I dont think you have a point anymore. yes everyone wants people to have health care but socialism? never mind.
- James Owl: That girl is my hero. I aspire to argue as calmly and devastatingly as her
- No Name Madox: I'd lick that chicks butt.
- grimace1965: Ahh info wars trying to steer the conversation to what they want to hear. Clearly worms in the brain!
- WiQiD sinnercity: you will all loose the 2nd civil war (;
- The Prickly Prick: The stupidity in this comment section actually hurts my brain. What a bunch of brain dead cunts.
- Hannah Kirk: Vodka Tonic also the interviewer has a speech impediment so I give her extra points
- imaudi0325: That girl is so insanely sexy.
- max the cat: Truth Seeker you don't get it .cause you have no sense of irony . The people asking the question made fools of them selves. God help us with you retards running around and voting.
- darth mckramm: I'm in love
- I AM SYLAR: I don't think Kyle knows what trolling means. Given, the newby was doing a bad interview.... but that "thing" was retarded as fuck. ....obviously that anime chick didn't know shit about Bernie. Probably just hanging out drinking her corporate coffee looking cool for all the other "Progressives". Fake Progressives are the worst.
- soberpunk: I love it. Trolling by saying as little as possible and letting the dumbfuck hang herself on her own words.
- VinnyHaw: Lol names off countries with free healthcare... Forgets to mention that the US is their primary support for military... And that the US is #1 in terms of medical breakthroughs
- usucdik: Yes, if you accept that wshe was desperately talking about how shitty Venezuela is, not any political topic relevant to anyone else in any way.
- Merl Bartley: get a fucking job!
- Dicks Wagging: They didn't pull it..... They re'released it without edits you moron... you can still go to their page and find it
- juicy peaches: you do realize many developed countries have free healthcare right?
- Django Fett: LOL, its quite a stretch of logic. Occam's razor says that Infowars is just full of bullshit.
- studybeats: Are we watching the same video
- Desi angraiz: inbred white pig triggered
- hungfao: The obvious is missed. Bernie is not a socialist. He is a Democratic socialist. There is quite a difference.
- ChucksterOLove: This interviewer is clueless... 😆
- baddoggie101: Just love her, at 2:14, "You people have like worms in your brains, honestly." I'd give anything to have lunch with her.
- A HR guy who doesn't like micro transactions: love that girl lol
- Ryan Dawson: If you have more than one house you're doing pretty good FYI .
- leopardfrog67: she didn't destroy anyone she just did what every leftard does, insult and not explain her position
- Anthony Linley: Both parties in this video are stupid. The girl from Info wars is just an idiot that wants to talk over the random bystander with stupid arguments. The sailor girl gives stupid answers which is also wrong, healthcare is not a right. Free healthcare and education cant happen in America, because its not a culturally homogeneous country with only 50milliom people like the nordic countries. The cost of free healthcare and education is not fiscally possible evem if you tax the 1% rich people 100% of their money. So, this whole video is stupid and this host is annoying as fuck
- armaximogen: “That was glorious!” Hmmm... yeaaaaaa, nope You over-reacted to every little thing, just like infowars...
- Marco Polo: Jason Reyes Dude, she's dressed like Donald Duck.
- Bruce Gruben: Look at the death rate in other countries who support Socialism. Venezuela, Russia. How much food in the stores????
- tadhg ogorman: Bernie Sanders: people with vast amounts of wealth should pay more taxes as they can survive without it and use that money to benefit the greater Republicans: So you're saying that rich people should be burned at the stake.
- namaste303: Bernie is the 1% PERIOD!! That’s a FACT! Also, this is total “click bait”. The girl in the sailor suit sounded stoned and uneducated. I’m not defending info wars but maybe supply a better video next time.
- Capt. Sum Ting Wong: Huh? Sailor Moon says “I just want free Health Care that the Government pays for...” and YOU think that’s brilliant? Let me tell you sweetheart, it’s not “Free” and the Government “doesn’t” pay for it! WE pay for it! WE ALL pay for everybody else, Dummy! Never trust the opinion on Politics from Cos-Play Girls!
- Be_HoPe _DK: @07:02 HAHAHAH!!!... Funny A.F. ! ! ! ... //ANTI-NWO ! ! ! (A)
- Jesus Christ: Why? Is venezuala doing well?
- William Fitzpatrick: wat.
- The Everyday Progressive Show: ManHattan, Nicholas, the issue isn't shortages or being state run, it's LOW GLOBAL OIL PRICES that are killing venezuela's economy. They need to diversify their investments, as well as invest in infrastructure as well as it's own people to dig their way out of the hole they are in now.
- manchesterblue2007: Sanders is not a socialist... what about that do these dumb fucks not get? give me 2 minutes with this cunt from infowars and i'd send her home crying
- Adrian G.: Maybe I like socialism because I like eating rats. Ever thought of that?
- James Crews: How was she the one being "rude"? What's wrong with her being "rude" to someone that she doesn't want to talk to?
- Maggie Mothe: "You know Venezuela, right?" *grins* "I've heard of it..." Omfg beautiful
- Yourangmyfriend?: "you've heard of Venezuela right?"
- Joan of Snark: "YOU KNOW OF VENEZUELA, RIGHT?!!!" heard of it...*sips drink*
- gamester1416: Venezuela sold out the resources they had for super low prices to other counties using the dollar and it hurt them China is now buying it but I'm not sure how it's doing yet.
- david __: I dont understand how she trolled them? The bitch sounded half retarded and didnt even know what she was saying.
- Jon Dee: It wasn't that serious.. way to excited. U made an 8 min video about that.
- Hannah Kirk: Jennifer Esein actually she has a speech impediment and probably would want time to prepare
- Lord Moldy Butt: Because rats
- Walnut Gaming: Studio Corax there system doesn't sound awful but I'm still against forcing people to pay for insurance and for others insurance but from what you have told me I'd seems like it could work of allowed
- Keith Donovan: I've heard a lot of dumb shit from infowars, but"the 1% support socialism" is probably a winner.
- Jay Rocketz: I don't understand why any american shits on Canadian healthcare. I live in Canada, I was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia 3 days after reporting to the hospital in december, (which it is a rare disease), they found me a bone marrow match in February and they put the new bone marrow in, in April...it cost me nothing and from diagnosis to transplant it was only 4 months. I was 26 when I was diagnosed, in America my only situation would have been to die because my career offered no coverage/insurance for anything and on top of it I was obviously not allowed to return because of my diagnosis, and although I had a good paying job they didn't have alot of hours available at that time so I was barely scraping by. Like most kids my age were in school of some kind or were done but still owe student loans. I could not imagine what it would be like to have been given my diagnosis and then think I CAN'T AFFORD THIS or I DON'T HAVE ANY CREDIT. Why couldn't there be an option for them to do partial like offer free health care with just a few private pay hospitals and clinics that so the people who WANT to pay can just the MAJORITY of healthcare is free but there is still an option in some places to pay if you don't want to wait.
- rmicone1: Gorgeous female
- John Conrad: I love how the reporter was talking fast and getting all flustered
- Will Moffat: Intelligent girl: "Who in the 1% support socialism?" Stupid girl: "Have you heard of Venezuela?"
- Gloomshadow100: Nothing is free in socialist economy.. You must work every day like in the army.. They issue you stuff as you need it. The problem is, they tell you "You dont need anything."
- karganor: Man the new Sailor Moon looks awesome
- Flare 02: You’re dumb af if you think this chick was trolling lol luckily she may be dumber than you😂
- TyDie85: Yea...but Bernie actually pays his taxes...IMAGINE THAT!
- Jake Bennett: Also I'm not old and haven't had these views for more than 5 years I'm 27 currently just to clarify since your trying to paint a picture that I'm not worthy of discussion instead of actually responding to my points.
- Tom White: Who the fuck cares if Infowars ask a few questions to (probably drugged) idiots. People like watching there stuff cause it's funny. She's hardly trolling, she's just dumb. And an 'interviewer' can do their job however the bloody please. But hey, explains the like to dislike ratio compared to your views. Get a real job moron.
- Master of Kung fu: Whatever dude
- Moderately Radical: Female Donald Duck did away with that chick
- Victor Gonzalez: My parents have 3 houses. They’re not rich lol
- Grace B: future America to Venezuela
- Chevy_boy 454: Health care is not a right its a luxury u cant force doctors to work for x amount of money if health care was privatized price would go down, look how cheap Laysik eye surgery is now compared to when it first came out
- Nk m: +western province of california ..Do any of the countries you speak of have a population of over 320 million people and spend 800 billion dollars a year on the military like the US does?
- Stephen Cheng: The interviewee didn't even have to do all that much trolling.
- Richard Johnson: Great idea now you can go down to the local hospital and pay some indigenes bill.
- Ricky B: this kyke cucklinski is a moron. thanks for uploading this so i know. that socialism girl looked like a retard.
- Valinax: Ruth T How convenient!
- Solutionist ': Charlene Swallows I went to the doctor due to a injury of mountainbiking. Prescriptiondrugs - Free, like all. (netherlands)
- Álvaro Lopes: She's a weeaboo too! You can't find a girl much better than this.
- Syd Walker: So, why do you support socialism? Bernie didn't have a job until he was 40. Jane tanked a college to enrich herself. Walk away, dude.
- ShaDynasty76: And now INFOWARS and the prick behind it is BLOCKED from Twitter PERMANENTLY
- nash984954: Kyle, the 1% support Socialism if it makes them money, they don't give a shit about which gov't is best, like the GOP's big gov't idea describing Dems, tax and spend, etc, they don't really care how big it gets as long as they are in charge of it. The last 37 years CONservatives have been in charge(BClintin&Obama be damned they haven't been Progressive,though are supposed Dems) yet Ann Coulter writes her one topic books entitled 'Libruls are destroying[you fill in the bank].' Also, small businesses rarely are concerned about taxes, as its the necessary evil, and as far as business goes, time is better spent on doing the business, and doing things they directly can manage, unless it's a failing business and they need a scapegoat.
- Brent Thompson: The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money! Americans vs Democrats yet?!!!
- The Great 88 Fa Life: This dude a pussy
- Karac Newland: I understand what the girl is saying. I just want free health too lol
- G1oria Borger: To be honest they are both stupid.
- ARGUS PANOPTES: snobby, pass around, prissy sounding slut just happens to be wearing a fucking sailorette costume and slurpes that starbucks shit as if she has culture........... lofl....lmfaootff and these comments can't see she is a fakes actress .....................
- Steven Ponte: She Sacha Baron Cohen'd herself.
- Cokpuncher123: +Callie C no I legitimately am erect as fuck just thinking about her right now I could get her pregnant from 10 feet away *accuracy
- brian lee: This was a dumb video cuzz. Frivolous I meant
- idefy7: Dasha is the best
- Jeremy Jackson: Venezuela for the win.
- Jennifer Hartless: So she interviewed a dope who thinks that anything can be for free and didn't realize that socialists like Bernie across the world are freaking rich. This guy has no show of his own; just bottom feeds off of people who created something themselves.
- L'éclectique: +Patrick Archy Firstly, the public opinion support the yellow vests and the majority of french people like them and understand their cause. They are not running amok. They are calmly blocking roads and demonstrating. There aren't riots everywhere in France, be reassured. Don't extrapolate the marginal images of incidents you saw. Very often, there are just yellow vests walking and that's it. Secondly, the taxes are high in France. You're right. But if you check the studies and comparisons made, the amount french people have to pay for taxes is far less than what you have to pay for the services that are free in France (and they are free because of taxes, thus even if we pay more taxes, we end up paying less).
- declan h: Leinja not it wasn't it was communist and communism is the end goal of socialism what I don't get is why ye are defending socialism, are ye that afraid of individual freedom
- TheIntJuggler: I think there is a difference between socialism where the capitalists are viewed as an enemy to be destroyed and socialism where capitalists are seen as a source of tax revenue. One works and one doesn't.
- blackneos940: She's my Senpai..... :3
- EpicOutdoor: The first 30 seconds of this video is beautiful reporting (or not).
- Robert Taylor: Whoa bro. You should check your priveledge. You as a white man cannot comment on the way to fix the goverment since it was you and your white ancestors who broke it.
- Dano1947: The woman on the street sounded like an airhead. You can have health care but I'm not paying for it. She says she like Burnie because he goes after the rich but she didn't even know Sanders is rich, what an airhead. I think you have it backwards, she didn't own anybody, she got owned. You must be a libber.
- Mister Dressler: Don't interview random smart ppl. Can't you see that she's smarter than you? I can by the first look.
- Jake Bennett: meeg_2005 to pretend everyone is going to get the same out of the system of single payer is to lie. The healthy people will subsidize unhealthy people and rich people will subsidize poor people. If you need to lie to try to convince people of your policy ideas when someone points that lie out you will have turned people off that idea permanently. Example "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
- Phanno: +David Griffin i would like to say sorry. Idk why I'm this toxic online.
- Ryne Green: Why does she dress like a Japanese school student
- Lowie sas: Gone With The Wind lol how is Europe an ethnostate.
- CF Hindle: *sips coffee*
- Johnny Valiant: Brain dead women "trolls" by showing her ignorance... Wow...
- ₆₆₆: pile of dog shit > ben> Alex jones
- Melangell ATC: White nationalists are cunts. (thank you Sandor for bringing the word back)
- BadmanPictures: nips
- D Mc: That Venezuela thing was bizarre.
- 92RedRevolver: Lmao. I like how that girl is high as fuck and the cogs in her brain's like 'I'm pretty sure I'm still making more sense than this bitch...' When I say high, I mean weed, BTW.
- NEprimo: The perfect girl doesn't exi-....
- Lisztomaniac: Emma stone is chill af
- Googleplus Isterrible: I love her so much
- Net CC: Sailor girl is retarded like you
- roentgen6: Ian Miles Chunky said the video makes socialists look stupid because he doesn’t know what a straw man is.
- Nathan Fielure: Why did infowars pull the video? It's a good pander to their dumb audiences. Progressive channels usually don't have as many subscribers because most people do not need to confirm their bias.
- Wulvena: You go girl you enjoy you soy filled rat latte and you free health care, enjoy waiting for years just to get a mole removed, or health care like Britain that tells a little girl to get her leg amputated because one is longerthen the other and can be fixed very easy these days. Enjoy your death panels. But to befair she was rockin that sailor moon outfit
- Justin Ohea: I love this chick! "You guys have worms in your brains!" HAHAHAHA
- Will C.: Idk Kyle when I say "eat the rich" I usually mean it
- jigga1215: They were both annoying
- quilibrium: lol that lady is retarded, Kyle Kulinski is retarded and so are 99% of the people in the comment section who actually think this was some kind of epic troll, how is the government going to pay for everybody's healthcare? enlighten me, Taxes? great, 1000% tax raise and you'll have your ''free'' healthcare, Fucking socialists think money just comes raining down. idiots
- Robert Clopton: bernie's value system is bank fraud with his wife, and nice pieces of property provided by the demoncratic party, with hillary at the helm, good job kyle for really explaining things.
- John Storrs: HUGO wasn't a bad guy.
- Cognizant Slave: Was Trump supporting socialism when Alex Jones sucked his dick?
- Bradford Wagner Jr: KUK KULINSKI
- Chaz K: I was with you until you asked if Australians are evil devil people, which of course they are.
- Dave Reynolds: You can tell the interviewer is new and yes she's not brilliant but the interviewee was just as lame. There are plenty of great INFOWARS videos out there, this is just a pick or choose rant. INFOWARS massively in the air rocks, on the flip side this bloke ain't funny and is more than boring yawn
- chris hamilton: 1:19
- Austen Laxton: +Joshua Roldan That's a nice straw man, almost couldn't make you out in the field over there friend. Care to take a look at the US involvement within the last 100 years of Central America? 😑 We can say "Stalin did it" just as you say "Trump created a lasting economic change, and it wasn't due to Obama regulations". Or you could learn and represent the truth rather than spit idiocy. Our trade alone pillaged countries throughout South America. Dumb as Trump included. He's invested in MLMS, Arm races, pyramid schemes and held a very large blame for Obamas immigration crisis.
- Infinite Life: +theQuestion626 They are a part of the Government NASA, CIA and NSA. They are also part of Google and every large social media platform. Ask yourself one question why do all the extremely popular social media platforms come from America. Do you realize the amount of indoctrination and programming the Nazis performed on the I people? It is reality I am not the one who made it this way they are the facts. It is not made of fiction there is evidence to prove all of these things. To look at the world through reality is to know it is a stage with various actors in politics and the media. I'm a very sane person if your wondering obtained a masters degree in business finance. I understand the need for big business and I understand the root cause of getting screwed is to many taxes, inflation and the cost of rising fuel when there is better zero point energy that the government of America the greedy disgusting cooperation itself which has its various minioms on virtually every board of directors for all large companies. The problem isn't large companies it is the scum bags that run them and that run the government. There are some good ones out there but few and far between. I agree that balance of everything is key but greed kills balance just like the federal reserve has killed the dollar and the national debt doesn't even make sense if you look that the numbers. They need a cfo as the president and a Damn good on at that. Not an economic manipulator like Trump, if you weren't killed as president you didn't care about America only 2 preaidents cared for this country.
- David Warschauer: @gaming with friends : alex jones is a fraud
- FA S: Where's the trolling? It seems like the girl was just high as hell.
- Harpo Barx: whoops, I thought I was on Alex Jones' page. That's why I included Kyle on the list of people Jones should try to debate. I'm sure you read to the end though
- Dylan Klebold: uncle ben Aww (; now your trying to act like me
- Goughs Bastard: +Darrell Williams I'm dying for somebody to tear apart Ashton's lies. She's told so many, it must happen one day. Hope I'm there to see it. But I bet not a one of her fawning followers will believe it.
- normie x: Venezuela is more of a soft dictatorship, not a socialist country. France is a socialist country, Sweden etc.
- TheSnakeGaming: I live in the UK and am at present enjoying the free health care as my health has taken a bad turn. I dont go to see doctors and health staff and discuss " socilasm " Free Health care is a fact of life, why do americans make such a big deal out of it. Stop funding your evil military in Syria and you could pay for it. eh Oh by the way we arnt eating rats here to pay for the NHS. Last visit to my local hospital I went to the food canteen and had a huge shephards pie meal, for £5 yum yum.
- Simon O: Yes, thank you for explaining the joke.
- MadArticDriver: Venezuela is under US sanctions for not playing the oil game you thick fuck.
- ghost: So ignoring the question and smugly insulting someone is owning the reporter? By the way why are these channels only reporting on Infowars? Why not put out your on content? It's like the Dems. " We have no ideas, we just hate Trump."
- s raghu: This is how retards argue against Socialism.
- margaret brantley: Stupid video
- James Freeman: Look at these two nobodies talking about politics like they'll make any change. We all know who runs the show and peoples minds are easily manipulated and twisted to believe whatever they want them to. ;p
- Hal Jordan: Socialism only works if there is a group of "minorities" to take advantage of or where there is mostly 80%- 90% the same...like in Canada, Sweden or Japan. Bernie, like all socialists hide their money so the "poor" believe their stupidity.
- calico kitten productions: +Razor9111 What if Venezuela had been allowed to run their own country without outside greedy self-serving interference, we'll never know.
- KY LE: omgggg Bernie Sanders is not a socialist and neither are any of the countries you always name with universal healthcare all those are capitalist SOCIAL DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM are NOT the SAME stop conflating them
- Cognizant Slave: Investigate white nationalist talking points. Remove the word "Jews," and you have InfoWars.
- Gerald Polzin Jr: She likes Bernie. giggle, giggle... She want's free healthcare honey, giggles. Smh The left is so dumb.
- David Bresett: It' s so boring I decided to watch two dogs fucking on video. I'm pretty sure they were Russian dogs, because of the way they were fucking.
- Wilderness Well: The video is fake. If it was real they would be able to say where it came from. At the beginning of the video, the announcer says "Infowars pulled a video of theirs, now I am not sure if this was just on their Twitter feed and then they deleted the Tweet, I'm not sure if it was on the YouTube channel and they pulled it from the YouTube channel. But I know they pulled it!" How does he know they pulled it if he doesn't know where it was originally posted? He says; "I know they pulled because this Tweet blew up on Twitter and that's what everybody was saying." Oh yeah? If it was pulled, he don't know where it was pulled from, he couldn't have gotten a copy before it was pulled. He admits that he doesn't know where this video came from but it must be real because "everyone" on Twitter says it's real. Um, no. Fake. Blondie is not an Infowars reporter.
- Reason: This is trolling by leftist standards? seriously? I guess it's true that the left can't meme kek
- Occupy Edge: Why does she talk like an idiot. How are people saying she cute she seems very annoying and talks in a condescending way dumb broad is like 30 dressing like shes 11
- codallenschmidt: Poorest member of the senate 😂 like he’s actually poor or somethin
- Barbara Eaton: Here is a video about what is actually happening in Venezuela where most people are not eating rats This person actually went to Venezuela . Some people in America are eating cat food and living in cars and tents while the politicians here are becoming multi-millionnaires. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMeli0BA3UA
- Frederick Savage: The "coolest" person ever. Someone should find her!
- Deaf And Destruction: yea lol
- Robin John: Libtards think this little sailor moon wanna be is intelligent. I guess by the left's standard, she is.
- Paul Boothe: Wait, so she beat the infowars people? Is that the right video? In what way did she own the infowars person?
- pinkbearx3ily: “Venezuela eats rats” how they get there? They relied to heavily on oil as their export the price fell and their economy collapse. I don’t know if the blonde knows this but our economy is much more diversified than that. Our people can actually afford to buy toilet paper. Our 1% and Venezuela’s are two different things. I hope a lot Venezuelan Americans are triggered and go ham on Info wars because that’s ridiculous. If you’re gonna come for someone you better come correct.
- Ken Basquit: great shit
- ricomajestic: They both sounded like idiots!
- Nicky Bower: free healthcare?????? come to Britain,everybody else does.
- VotelessOrc497: I will agree
- Fick Mydick: Meh, was'nt that incredible Incredible of a "burn". The reporter was bad she got what she deserved not much else.
- Diane Watson: Yeah, I'm sure to the starving people in Venezuela the rats are a delicacy. Make light of the real suffering they are going through as though you are trying to justify what has happened in that country.
- Placebo: "Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth, and remove all doubt."
- lewie spearman: Love that girl.
- far exponent: Janet Williams That comment is extremely subjective as comedy is subjective. Some people find Amy Schumer funny. Some people find her to be a fucking idiot. And I'm pretty sure she's on the left. Point is that you can't say their aren't a lot of "funny" people on the right. Same as saying their aren't a lot of funny black people... But that starts to turn racist right? And you seem like your on the left and want to avoid saying that.
- k fuqua: This host has the maturity of my 6 yr old...
- PizzaManRaid: gammm1 are you Sure...
- Charity: Anyone that defends the healthcare system has not had a serious disability in their life or immediately in their life period
- Nykoooo1: Same, I don't see the "troll" I see someone actually returning them the duty of proving their points, but not a troll
- Dani Vela-Perez: Info Wars trolled by the Sailor Moon chick! Funny!
- Travis C: my queen.
- phiAndpi: Was that Sailor on something?
- Sean O'Friel: Kyle Cluelessinski
- Kelly Marie: There is no smack down here. None whatsoever. The girl in the Sailor Moon costume seems incoherent and brain-dead.
- landon hammond: anybody knows a pot smoker can see this is a classic. everything is funny, keep drinking something for cotton mouth, eyes lazy, non chalant. not a good idea to try to have an intellegent conversation with somebody high.
- scott sass: Boy if this is the strongest thing the left has, then y'all are worse off than I thought.
- New York CITY THE BIG APPLE: +Jenny jenn You miss Alex Jones Inforwar Cult. Hahaha Where is the Nutjob
- Soligen Music: Nymfo Wars - Fucking Themselves.
- jmitterii2: She was smart on explaining she didn't feel like answering questions, when you're busy with other things you're not going to make a good debate. Some get star struck when Leno and others do their quizzes. Brain goes bye bye. And say as little as possible. There's times when to do such debates. So that it is specific and coherent. Personally though, I have facts about healthcare and world politics and armed with a phone with google, the common thing at work when we discuss things is to verifying them with a quick easy search. 1) every other developed country has a form of universal healthcare and since 2001 WHO and Mirror Mirror reports have shown they all do better overall and in costs than the US. 2) We cannot compete in all other sectors of the economy without universal healthcare becoming law in our country because businesses are struggling to pay the employer portion which they usually cover 90%, its already puts them at an non-competitive advantage worldwide. Only big pharma, hospitals, and insurance companies admire our failed economic system; its the racket that keeps on bringing in the big bucks, and everyone else's expense. And its utterly immoral. 3) And we are already a social-capital mixed market system. Some more so and enjoy better standards of living for more of their people than our country. Roads, rails, power, gas, sewers, water works, airports, sea ports, city parks, national parks, fire departments, labor safety departments, consumer protection departments, civil departments from state appointed attorneys, libraries, federal and state weights and measures bureaus, social security, medicare and medicaid, housing and urban development, NASA, the military, police departments, courts, legislatures, governors, sheriffs, etc. are all forms of socialism. Capitalism works when none of the competitive market principles are violated or only a few that can be impeded by regulations and other fixes to ensure a competitive market for that sector. Most of described are natural monopolies hence why the governments of the world do a better job than for profit motive capitalism, which no longer has the benefit which is only competition. For profit motive no longer works when the market for that sector has no way of being competitive. You just get racketeering. Now go back to info wars and educate your dim wit of con jobber fat fuck.
- Ry Mo: The weird liberal chick i mean
- Alex Law: Socialism fir the Rich. Back in the 1930s the Germans called that National Socialism...
- damien bernier: Wait...dude what are you talking about? This was weak. You are really bad at this. I understand why 3 years later I don’t know who you are. Your whole segment was a complete unprepared hack. Even your attempt at cursing is silly. Just bad.
- Wake Up!!!!! Canada: I live in Canada and the health care sucks!!! Your a moron!! People leave Canada to go to US for good health care. Idiot!!
- X: little sailor girl has the IQ of a cockroach. Well, no. They put this one to shame. They've been around forever somehow.
- Kaiser Reich: The girl is dodging the questions and even insults them. How is that owning them?
- Geronimo P: Kami84 Look it up Margaret Sanger Started Eugenics, Hitler took it and euthanasia to a whole another level and just look up its ties to the US. Just another conspiracy, right?
- Blank: Brother David “LIBERAL ARE DELUSIONAL” *talks about Satanic evil*
- tmanepic: Shawn Manson yeah. I pay for it. Instead of paying for some rich fortune 500 jackoff's third private jet while paying too much for private insurance because my taxes don't even fucking cover me.
- Sonia Ingriselli: Alex Jones has a 9 million dollar home! hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
- jacksparrowismydaddy: lol if the 1 percent supported socialism we'd have it and they wouldn't be the richest (in money) bastards in the world.
- Kurtlane: The girl in the hat still came out looking clueless and stupid.
- sasosaso3000: Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. He believes in capitalism, just as long as it is checked by the government. What does anything have to do with him having a three million dollar house? He's old, he should have a three million dollar house. He's no where near being in the top 1%.
- Ohrami: That random woman just seemed stuck for what to say. She didn't troll them at all. It was a total fail by the random woman.
- NONE NOPE: She didn’t troll anyone
- Unlimited Powers: Gumer Zambrano no they are equally stupid straw men
- Keon Aureii: I lover her style, in everything.
- Panda Panda: That wasn’t a troll at all
- Andrew Brock: Alex Martuszewski if only he sold "health supplements" too. Then he would be legit
- ExistenceAmusement: Nipples
- James: NO, dumb ass... she said "health care for free". If its free, who pays for it? If you took all the money away from the "1 percent" it still wouldn't pay for health care... This guy is a dumb ass!!!!... No, Kyle the dumb ass!!!!
- noble williams: Honestly i came for the nips left confused on people's idea of socialism
- Hedeh Fhfhfff: Autrain Nipple kino
- itsjustaride12: I want to smack everyone in this video
- Taylor Bog: Why does she hold her coffee like that
- Thomas Gerardi: The point is Sanders rails for the poor against the "rich" and he's rich. That's called....wait for it....HYPOCRICY. This guy is a dumbass. Go debate AJ and get your dumbass handed to you.
- Darwin Man: Wtf she's not trolling anyone. She's just a moron.
- Minh Nguyen: venezuela is socialist at the start and socialist at the end, meanwhile every countries should follow the same route: capitalism to make smartest and worthy people have the capital to expand their business, when those people are rich and have too much money, then the country should turn into socialism to give money back to the poor so they will buy stuff from rich people, it's how to best optimize where the money should be so that everyone is happy.
- Pluto :: Seize the means of production from the 1% is pretty much what hitler did. He didnt like seeing the poor 99% german natives getting poorer while the jew bankers and doctors were getting richer. So hitler seized the jews wealth by taking their businesses and gold.
- Dreikoo: She's wearing a Japanese highschool sailor uniform, that makes it 10 times more awesome.
- Yanga: I'm a republican, against socialism. But that liberal girl really did a number on that dumbass reported. No freak outs, respectful, holy shit. Props to her.
- Gabriel Muniz: Oswald Thatendswald understand what the fight is, what this generation fights for in movements like Black Lives Matter isn’t about slavery or segregation, it’s about the lingering consequences of it and how to deal with it, for years and years whatever black people moved in (biggest examples being cities like LA or Chicago) white people Moved out, and built a system of discrimination of those neighborhoods, generations and generations of people living far from the good schools and tax money not going to them, and now we have what we have in the so called “hoods” enormous violence & poverty, I don’t believe being “tough on crime” is enough to make those places better, and being ignorant to police brutality isn’t either, you ask me how would I change it, well I’m no genius, I study about those issues and try to come up with different solutions for different things however what I can tell you is ignoring those issues by labeling as black people just wanting to be victims is definitely not a good method. Of course there’s racism on every side, but I couldn’t care less about what some X person thinks of Y people, my problem is when that racism spreads to a place where it actually hurts the other race, like a cop seeing a black person as more threatening and shooting it even when he isn’t armed knowing damn well if that were to happen in a white middle class neighborhood, he wouldn’t. On guns, I gave you authority over me when it comes to the nuances of the AR-15, however what countries have higher rates than us when it comes to gun ownership?
- FattyMcButterPants: So this dumbass half wit who is high as fuck is trolling somehow? Lol
- usucdik: +Я Смерть So another blond bimbo type that doesn't understand issues and simply repeats right wing talking points to garner a following of drooling idiots. Yep, seems pretty clear.
- Braindead: When Democrats get power, simply telling the truth is a "war on information". Sigh
- Kevin Hill: I feel like the 1% probably feel like, "I worked soooo hard for my money all these regular people need to stop looking for handouts" that's just a feeling I have. maybe a lot are in favor of socialism but I thought it was funny how the infowars person asserted that with so much certainty when she has no data or actual reason to think that. she's basically lying
- sine moderamine: 'Big Seltzer' is not a single company but rather a loose conglomerate of of the biggest multi-trillion dollar seltzer distributors. But yes I think most of them are based out of Russia and receive their orders direct from Putin himself.
- alvatrous: Man i hope someone from infowars interviews me like that
- Johnny Potato: Also clearly a lot of you don't understand why a mix of capitalism and socialism is the best. Socialism: leads to high inflation, poverty, and strongly regulated businesses. Capitalism: Leads to corrupt systems, powerful upper class, oligarchies and monarchies.
- GAStayPosi: Neither of them made sense lol.
- San - ity: Just give the people free healthcare.
- beatles95: She came off to me as indignant. Although I agree with her stances stated in the video, she wasn't trolling them. Merely pandering to the IW host
- Eftkvcdi965321: I fucked Dasha six times
- Colin Sherritt: That interviewer is unbelievably dumb.
- Laura Beth: I think you're just around people who have money so you think thats true but okay
- The American Nightmar3: knowing Kyle he's probably laughing at all these idiots
- huge creature: Wasnt the president and socialism implemented in Venezuela by the usa
- Mike Skidmore: Infor Wars Reporter mean the Rich are living like Kings in Venezuela why the rest of the people are eating rats and eating their pets.. In Cuba they have Free health Care ... Free Education , and they are paid $40.00 per month Salary ..With some Capitalism allowed DR's are moonlighting driving Taxis to make much more money as a Taxi Driver than Doctors make .. So why is Bernie Sanders the poorest Senator in the USA? Because he is more stupid and more lazy than other Politicians or is he less corrupt? Bernie Sanders Wife should be in Prison for Bank Fraud.. Even though she made a Huge Salary to run a University the university still went Bankrupt and closed.. Sander's wife lied about Colleges income to get a $10 Million loan to by some land ..
- Lavia: PIZZAGATE! SANDY HOOK IS A FALSE FLAG The dude admitted in court he is fake news.
- av82u: Where did you Find this blond bitch......Sweden is a socialist country and noooo we do not eat rats ,
- *SHAZAM*: I don't think you understand what trolling is...
- catsndogs98: I’m here for braless tiddy and so are you
- F De Mascio: I don't know which of those two ladies is dumber.
- Bubd00nk Tot: +Edgy CatSi Senor
- Drab Majesty: Yeah she didn't troll them, she just stumbled around like she was joking. The left is copying the right lol. Stupid cuck unsubbed
- lola bigcups: I'm still trying to figure out what Venezuelans eating rats have to do with Bernie Sanders hypothetically being President?
- LevelzUp ProductionZ: So let me get this straight. She kept asking her why socialism is good, she kept on saying Healthcare Healthcare Healthcare, well guess what... Healthcare is not the only part that socialism engulfs. Socialism has been proven not to work if you study our history. That is the point the reporter was trying to get across. Only someone that has no iq would side with the ironically libtard that states worms for brains. History is not ridiculous.
- Anita Bonghit: "trump is pro national borders. hitler was pro national borders. trump is literally hitler" (doesnt see the irony)
- Francis: Infowars > secular talk
- kevinphiggins: Kyle some of us are kind of a little in favor of eating the rich
- chris hamilton: This video helps me to know that you people are fucking stupid, and have no idea what ownership of a person is. This FACT makes me wonder if any of you have any kind of a real concept about what slavery was. Kind of scary given that THAT is what you base your world-breaking philosophies on,.....keep on setting cities on fire because millennial RAGE!
- Arong36: Only thing I see troll about any of this , is the title of this video...
- HalfBlack | Emcee Slapathot: Damn I wish I could break her heart
- Whitney Over: The rich already pay most of the taxes u commie...noticed u didnt kn mention how much Bernie's plan would cost lol...u leftist are hopeless
- Jesse Prevallet: You tell me Youtube what was more funny: 1:07 or 1:22 Honestly, both had me rofl-ing xDDDD The first is just classic trolling, but the second is so fucking stupid I can't help but think thats a little funnier
- Devastator 4403: Same
- gia: Pretty sure that wait lines are STILL a massive problem in Canada. I don't even have a doctor. No such thing as free health care and govt health care is CRAP.
- copenhagen1979: She looks and acts exactly like Parker Posey.
- Bunker Bill: Get this viral.
- john pouw: in Canada, we do not eat rats,how smart can you be when you work for Alex Jones
- Don't be a DEBIL: There also countries like Denmark and Luxembourg that are quite socialist.
- HolyMaryFullOfShit: god the arguments this interviewer presents as facts are hillarious. waht a stupid brat. the interviewee with her "fuck that i dont care" attitude reminded me of aubrey plaza. this was gold.
- hunter96: How is this trolling? Liberals can't meme or troll. GTFO.
- s h a d ø w b a n n e d: lol like omg u have worms in yer brain
- Henry Clayton: Lol Bernie sanders isn’t a socialist. He’s a social democrat.
- Shk 1816: Well InfoWars, why don't you try to make that segment with Jimmy Dore or Kyle Kulinski?
- sh2master: +Red Euro M. In society, we buy and sell. We don't use violence. When violence does happen, our government is there to respond. Government is force. It is our manifest collective right to self-defense. It is wrong to use force to organize what society could provide for itself. It is tempting, however, to use government to organize such things, in the eyes of corrupt politicians and crooked "businessmen." When kings ruled, they needed courtiers and noblemen. Why? In return for a share of the power, they legitimized and justified the "policies of the king" to the subordinate population. The Church played a handy role in this capacity as well. These people also extended shares in the power of (what no longer really was) monarchy, since it required brain-power to rule over all the people, balancing the privilege of the noble class with the awareness and tolerance of the people. They would grant monopoly powers to wealthy merchants or producers, so as to have powerful interested parties allied with their rule. This is the intellectual class. Economics today is compromised, at least the economics taught in Universities and colleges and high schools. It is apologetic to the welfare/warfare inflationary governments of today. It supports central banking, by which I mean, monopolies of banks. I need to do something more productive than ramble on YouTube huh?
- Dnd Mcdonnell: ALL industrialized first world countries have health care for ALL of its citizens EXCEPT the US and the US health system is # 15 in the world.
- Stoshua18: +Chris Rodriguez the same way everyone gets any services from the government, raise taxes. Now of course many scoff at this idea but if your taxes go up say 15% and you'd personally had to pay 18% of your to cover those same costs it would be a no brainier. Unfortunately there are many people who feel they shouldn't subsidize other people at all and also don't fathom the cost controls and savongs associated with a large buying group. If 80% of the country is in a single buying group, that gives them massive benefits in regulating cost If you want access to 280 million customers, you're going to have to play ball else someone else will. Using socialist policy to rein in capitalism is nothing new.
- Failed_ Cause: -I don’t agree with the left -socialism/communism is terrible -they did surgery on a grape
- Matthew Keys: +Bobby Guest r/iamverysmart
- erik scott: God damn it, will you people stop saying so and so “oned,destroyed,” and all that?? That girl did not own any one, and she sounded slow and dim witted. It sux that I can’t just find videos of socialist or liberals fucking latterly destroying right wing lies and propaganda. Because of these sensationalist click bait vids. Your comments actually make sense tho lol
- joemobumtwizzler: I wouldn't call this a troll.... I sense clickbait?
- declan h: rockerteen8300 her point was Bernie is the 1 percent that he criticizes so he's a hypocrite where as trump loves the fact he's in the 1 percent.
- mastermooky: how much does a fighter plane that (s)trump(et) sold to the arabs cost? or some other weapon? how much education, or health care, would that cover?
- Simon G: ChainMail and where does the military budget come from? That's right, the tax payer. Moron.
- Andrew Nguyen: Lol
- BraniusBalki: She is awesome.
- ┗(-_- )┓TURNT: Women who troll infowars? Sounds like wife material lmao
- Kaycee K: It would be my sartorial delight to answer any questions that this new InfoWhore wanted to ask. When a vapid deplorable invites abuse it would be RUDE not to accept!
- Craig Griffiths: But... Like... The Info Wars chick was right. I don't get it, I really cant pin point the exact moment I realised that I was no longer a 'left-wing' person. Also, when Sailor Moon over here said "eating the rich" I'm pretty sure she meant they consume the rich, they process the rich, they absorb the rich etc.. Alsoso, Bernie Sanders owning 3 separate homes directly clashes with his political and moral ideology. Alsososo, Venezuelans really actually are eating rats, like literally in real life no homo. I don't know man, I used to watch channels like yours and think you guys were all over it. Now, even as a fervent atheist, I find myself much more aligned with the ideas of the likes of Crowder, Shapiro and even Peterson (although I feel he chats a lot of shit when it comes to anything other than psychology and history). Dunno, just seems like lazy thinking on the left, and at least some degree of facts from the Libertarians/Right.
- cperception: Melissa Johnson nobody asks the shitty US gonvernment about the billions and trillions of money spent for weapon and defense. But when its about free health care, a fundamental right, all the fucking republicans losin their mind. Go fuck yourself uneducated dumbass
- Daxent: Only reason I clicked on it was because I could see her nippies
- Brett Smith: This guy is a lame. That chick wasn't trolling, she's an idiot. Bernie was given his lake house by his rich cronies. Free Health Care? Seems like someone someone has to pay. Raise taxes to pay for insurance? This guy should fuck off!
- tip tip: you are a dumbass....they did not pull the vid...and that is faith goldie....she doesnt work for infowars....do some fucking research
- Sock Piano: Or we could watch the clip without this kid's commentary (repeating everything the video said). This is silly.
- Pamza Luikham: She was so good, inspite of the fact that she is clearly so disinterested
- littlemichelley25: I would have asked the reporter how Alex's lawsuit is going
- Paul TheSkeptic: People in another country eat rats therefore Bernie Sanders is bad. smh. That was pretty good but I'd love to see an exchange where the person really knew their stuff.
- Christopher Wilson: Omg.....slippage into dumbo
- Winston Shih: Wow a conservative who never asked who paid for the government sanctioned genocides and weapons of mass destruction
- Dylan Haugen: Most of Europe is democratic socialist and they have some of best healthcare, education, and happiest people on earth, but Venezuela!
- Gooniegoogle: WafflePancakes1314 because its the gov deciding what they deserve and not the free market. Thats why american doctors make the mostnin the world right now. And why european doctors dont make nearly what they deserve for the time and dedication the put in. How is that hard to understand? I want the cost to reflect the supply and demand.
- Why Me?: Somehow Alex Jones is 1 year older than me but looks like he’s 15 years older than me, media outlets like foxnews and infowars are for people who can’t think for themselves
- Tony Gomez: Progressives should stop calling themselves socialist because they are not. I don’t see them calling for seizing the means of production or global redistribution of wealth or abolishing private property. Most progressives are simply welfare state capitalists.
- Ladybird Lyons: That's not america
- Manatee 7: InfoWars are full of propaganda and BS!
- Bippy Bo: +Jean-Luc Picard shut the hell up
- Jon Saar: Boring
- Thomas Edwards: I clicked for the nipples
- Francis Lumley: @Seculartalk, please interview Abby Martin to clarify what the real situation is in Venezuela, how it started with American corporations monopolizing the country's natural resources leaving the citizens of Venezuela practically as slaves. Typical banana republic policy until the people had enough! That's what the US media doesn't want us to know about Venezuela or any of the other countries they've ruined because we are next. Just look at Amazon, Wal-Mart, Exxon, et al.
- Frank Sisco: Fake!!!!!! Losers
- ValhalaFiveSix: That woman in the sailor outfit was so smooth, I luved it!
- a b: Oh yeah she really would have her little sailor outfit in a communist country. More like she would be wearing a brown potato sack or a slightly lighter brown potato sack the two colors of communist fashion. Bitch is clueless about what communism means.
- Douglas Ewald: I'd say both those chicks are as dumb as they are pretty.
- aquariex24: +Bolek Lolek And you're a redneck who supports Trump. Your point?
- MrJafar93: You seriously think this is trolling to perfection?
- Leinja: declan h Communism refers to a classless, STATELESS society based on common ownership of means of production. Now I leave you to think whether SU was that. Socialism isn't tyrannical, in fact, it's more democratical than capitalism since democracy would apply to workplaces too.
- Max: “But I told you people are eating rats”
- THECITYHUNTER: The sailer girls name is Dasha Nekrasova for anyone wondering.
- Claudio Sierra: Venezuela is not on the horrible actual situation because socialism, it is there because the high corruption of their leaders whom not only destroyed the economy but the democracy on that country. The vast resources of Venezuela (oil) allowed Chavez to create a rich, strong socialist regime, but when he started getting corrupted by the power and instead thinking on the Venezuelan people he became a dictator white his crazy ideas of changing the whole Latinoamérica into a big socialist country, then he started dilapidating Venezuela’s resources to support other countries dictators like him...(Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, etc) but oil wasn’t enough and with the drop in price his dreams collapsed... the party was over... Venezuela’s situation is not because of socialism (ideology that I don’t agree with), but the corrupción, ego and stupidity of Chavez and his gang...
- zane shamo: Last time I checked NORWAY 🇳🇴,Iceland,Sweden, Denmark are all socialist countries no ones eating rats out there
- Luis Duenas: Oh my goodness, where can I see this video hahaha
- Sarah Weiler: I love this bitch so much dream wife material
- ankhi3: Hey ! I'm in favor of eating the rich their meat is much more tender (or so I was told).
- ronnie blazebot: only thing i kept saying to myself in my head about the interviewer *THIS BIIIIIIIIIIITCH*
- saetyr: Eating the rich.... Dumbass thinks she meant it literally... Double order of "face palm", with a side of "holy fuck are u a pompous douchebag"...
- jesse james: how is that owning
- Dave Hash: "Free" healthcare actually costs over 2 trillion a year. But the liberal idiots don't know that. They think they are getting something for free. The girl giving the interview is right. Socialism= dictatorship. The 1pct has all the money and eats filet mignon while the population has to kill rats and mice just to live.
- simply2ghetto: Is she single and would she marry me?
- elin eating: you know venezuela? “heard of it”
- Tom L: I have to see that! Do you have a link?
- baango: Hey Kyle, what's with the band-aids. Was it the same mistake again, again and again or did you get all three in one shot? Just taking the piss , love your show. There's no Russia gate!
- Socialism Sucks: Note to self - Secular Talk is a garbage YouTube channel that cuts clips short to alter viewing. I like how you took a clip "which I've seen by the way" and cut it short before the "newb" infowars reporter stumps the shit out of the moron sipping her sippy cup. And Bernie Sanders is a fucking clown..
- Sage: lol
- DarkShadow84: Trolled to perfection? All I see is two retards from different sides.
- mikey fiftythree: they both sounded ditzy.
- William Smith: bernie Sanders is 89yrs old
- William Fitzpatrick: I'm not sure you know what healthcare is.
- Toyvo Tree: He's not sure but yet he knows they pulled it. WHAT?! This is literally desperate & crazy. Lame.. lol
- Dan Jackson: What a load of shite this channel is, you should be ashamed 9000 dislikes
- Sandra Walusimbi Nanteza: Right wingers always give Venezuela as their example of failed socialism but never mention how socialism has worked in the biggest part of Europe!
- Emmanuel E: It looks more like a Google pixel.
- S S: Birdie is not ready yet
- mechnokie blood: Venuzela is not fucking socalism
- film79: I loved her but why was she dressed like Donald Duck?
- Darrell Clark: This rich kid with a all access pass that costs buku... As she sips her drink claiming socialism? Trust fund retard...talk about drugged into stupidity...typical
- TiredEyes: Info wars is definitely trash but I think Kyle and that random woman probably stand around sniff their farts out of wine glasses as they talk about how much better they are for driving a Prius.
- SUH DUDE: In my country we have free healthcare without being communistic and I’ve got to say, it’s very good.
- DaToNyOyO: What the actual living fuck does Venezuela have to do with either socialism or Bernie Sanders? The UK has a socialist healthcare system and no one is forced to eat rat. I mean, they can eat rats if they like I guess. Why do yanks hate the concept of their government wanting to keep them alive and healthy? Is it just that they're so fundamentally selfish that they'd rather pay twice the actual cost for healthcare for themselves, than risk paying a little for someone else? The fuck is wrong with you people? lol
- Across Fields: Sure the info wars interviewer is cringy but the bernie girl wasn't that far off, no trolling occurred just two uniformed awkward people saying stupid shit.
- MISTER STRANG3R: Slam on that ass.
- Josie Fox: Yeah sorry. Infowars is shit. The girl was good but I got to say that this Bernie worship is getting a bit out of hand , somehow I don't think Jeremy Corbyn has more than one quite modest house.
- crocodile2006: I love she's wearing a Sailor Moon costume with no bra.
- TheGerthax: That girl was so attractive haha
- Quahntasy - Animating Universe: Sailer girl is such a cutie. Love her voice. I just came here to see her lol. Thanks for recommending this YouTube. 0:59 that laugh
- Tim Williamson: Just stfu dude
- Rich Fish: This guy is pure trash and lies
- White Noise: Sigh... Everything is a lie. Random woman = Actress = Dasha Nekrasova = Trust nobody
- Choua Vue: You liberals are so soft. Best yo mamma joke for liberals. Yo mamma... *everyone applauded* *The audience whispering* : how she come up with such an amazing offensive joke without being offensive.
- Steven Corry: It was glorious????Government should pay for it????Who the fuck pays the government,you dumb fuck????
- nature1upclose: Nothing is free.
- muuuuuud: Infoworts... might as well get your cranium opened, remove your brains and pour in some rotten in the sun for months garbage.
- 350 sblock: I can hear the baby boomer in your comment
- lordgunner TGSTEL: the NHS is falling apart, the UK is leading in many category, healtcare isnt one of them
- MrUtsa24: This guy Kyle Kulinski is pretty cringe. Sounds and acts like a 14 year old trying to act cool. YouTube never recommend this trash to me again.
- B Singh: So acting dumb is how she was trolling? Seemed more like she just didn't have anything to say.
- Cody Tabor: Socialism means everybody spreads the wealth. Nobody is supposed to be above anyone else. So if Bernie has 3 homes, whereas the majority of hard working Americans have only 1, or rent an apartment, it's idiotic for somebody who doesn't live our lifestyle to argue for socialism. THAT is the problem with him having 3 homes. It's fucking common sense. In a socialist world, the government supplies everybody with the same exact shit
- Amazingly Awkward: "Why would the government pay for it?" Oh, yknow, like Kyle has said a million times... AMERICA IS THE ONLY 1ST WORLD COUNTRY WITHOUT FREE HEALTHCARE. Look my country of the UK probably isn't a great example st the moment because our NHS is struggling but also we've had free healthcare for 70 years! Dumb bitch
- obsidiana07: Lmao!
- Chris Newell: What the hell are you talking about, slappy? I follow everything from The Guardian to Infowars, and they most certainly did not pull their video of this. Why would they? Stoned sailor moon looked like a complete retard. Infowars preys upon people like this. But yeah, it was "glorious". https://youtu.be/A0MIaCvZJNk
- Edward Ratliff: Everyone preaches free healthcare but what we really need is regulation of prices. Healthcare isn’t life every other industry it’s a definite requirement for every single person at some point in their lives. Set a certain profit margin by law and the premiums have to come down as they can no longer justify it.
- Mat S: Venezuela is corrupt to the bone and led by incompetent politicians .. and that has been the fact for decades.. has nothing to do with socialism!
- Doctor Penne: this is probably the saddest videos in to be label as trolling, the cunt didn't even know what she was saying.
- jana luvsxuminghao: rei
- rattlesnake survival: If you want to live in a facist country then fucking move and go live in a straw hut and eat dirt cookies
- ChromaMyga: She said "you have worms in your brain" how is that an argument?
- mybirthnameful: its like how west virginia was almost wholly dependent on coal for its entire economy for amore than a century and now that coal is being used less and less their are many many problems that have developed in west virginia.
- zengara11: I think its a "I am holding three-things-at-the-same-time thing" BUt sure, make everything seem political
- Shaun White: I think you are confused abou what trolling is, that girl was just an idiot and the journalist was extremely pushy. I guess it was click bait.
- justrandom1: shut up retard, maybe you should eat some rats for the protein so you can grow some balls and a brain.
- bob burl: Her name is ashley birdy she has her own youtube channel. This is a pathetic little sweaty corner of youtube. Bet you wish you had half the views as info wars. You are a little beta male socialist bitch.
- Canadian Ninja: Where did they find this girl? The reporter was terrible
- whiteriverforest: Daniel Essex. I think you missed my point. Watching this video makes everyone dumber. And the sensitive culture we have right now will one day make our way of life obsolete. The socialism comment was not mine, it was the guy making the video.
- misskt: +John Gallagher ... Come on man, it is not about paying for other people... it is about caring for other people.. Love thy neighbour.. That philosophy died november 63 in America.. I think you know it. Today you have a freaking businessman as president. And a very rich elite ruling your country. Thats your problem...
- spicy: dont use that "45,000 people die from not having healthcare" argument, https://www.factcheck.org/2009/09/dying-from-lack-of-insurance/
- JZ0UK: No one's in favour of eating the rich? Speak for yourself 😏
- robotrip M: This guy needs Jesus in his life
- Center Left Kylo Ren: Well she was trolling the whole time probably stoned tbh
- Joshua Morris: saturnfan32x you are right I don't have health insurance and have to go to the emergency room and a woman who is 85 who has cancer would get scene before me if I had cancer or a transplant cause she has insurance are country sucks
- John T: So, I'm on the interviewee's side, but universal healthcare isn't Socialism. It's just public sector "industry." Socialism is democracy in the means if production. But, in any type of economic system, prudent government intervention is important to mitigate the markets' shortfalls in the provision of utilities.
- Greendawn21: Must've been cold out.
- Karl Rove: That was straight-up Sargon arguments right there…
- Pinochet Pilot #666: Jax correct, both dumb AF.
- Gioachino Rossini: I would like to play some info wars with her in bed.
- champion of wits: She knew exactly what she was dealing 😂😂
- Arc Kocsog: What happened to your fingers?
- Diem Turner: And I never claimed that it would. Read my comment again and please show me where I make the claim that free healthcare will lead to eating rats. I was, quite clearly, addressing the OP's ludicrous claim that, if implemented, socialist policies would "SUDDENLY" change the landscape in the US. In reality that's not how these things work. If they did, the populace would react quicker and, I'm fairly certain on this, more violently as well. The degradation and decline starts slowly and builds (you don't want to startle the people into action). The oft cited analogy of a frog in a pot that you slowly bring to a boil would not be amiss here. To your second point, please don't make the mistake of confusing a social democracy with democratic socialism as these are two different beasts entirely. Neither Canada nor half of Europe has a socialist government. Canada, Sweden, Norway, etc. are social democracies which is NOT socialism. Socialism is defined as: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. The main takeaway here is that social democracies have a capitalist economy and no intentions of ever moving towards a socialist economy. This also makes very clear that socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive. The simple reason is that people enjoy ownership, and are not ever going to give it up with out a fight. This means ownership of home, of businesses and ownership of the frivolous things that make us happy. In social democracies the government is involved in distributing and maintaining the things for the common good. This includes roads, bridges, mass transportation, pensions, eldercare, health care etc. There are also examples where these services are provided by the private sector in these social democracies with no threat of a government takeover. The term "democratic socialism" is sometimes used synonymously with "socialism"; the adjective "democratic" is often added to distinguish it from the Marxist-Leninist brand of socialism, which is widely viewed as being non-democratic. And on a last note, there is no such thing as "free" healthcare and it's a strange misconception you often hear bandied around. There are no free meals and healthcare costs money (an awful lot of it) and that money has to come from somewhere. Having lived in Germany with single payer healthcare I can assure you that healthcare is not free and is deducted from your salary every month (and we're not talking about $50). Don't get it twisted, I'm not saying that its a bad system. I too like the idea that all citizens of a country have health care as it has too much potential to financially ruin families. Sorry for the rant, I'd just like to see this mythos of "free healthcare" disappear from common parlance as it just simply isn't a thing. Respectfully dmt
- Angel B: Zero fucks were given that day lol! Not time for Infowars misleading bs
- Hildafunk's World: It's funny to read the comments of libtard socialists and watch the maker of this video try to call this trolling. It is nowhere close to trolling. What is really sad is that you leftist cucks are so preprogrammed and without imagination that you will priabnlt agree that this somehow funny or on point with some sort of message but it's not. If you think this is trolling or funny you are just as retarded as the girl she interviewed. Seriously libtards, learn how to troll.
- Lavia: The dude admitted in court he is fake news.
- gloom :/: Fake news lol I have never seen this reporter lol
- Sam Doherty: You have a microphone Yet it's not on Or you have no idea of audiology!!!! You don't know sound So your a wannabe news station Who are you working for Zionist organization!!!! Alex Jones is a inside job We all know that Your shouting and swearing !!!! Wow so your real Only reason your saying this is to get noticed You could be a Zionist!!! Hiding under the disguise If a news anchor Apart from that not bad but don't shout at the peaple who are taken the time to hear you Alex Jones shouts and rants just like you It happens your right but don't join the Zionist organization!!! Or are you a Zionism fan so you had to copy Jewish people are wonderful incredibly talented yet their kicked out of their own country The Zionist organization Took over isareal And in 1946 Thay where the only ones going home!!!! So Mr big shot Do me a favour call out the Zionist organization. !!!! I want to here you call out Zionism... Ille be watching because I have a feeling your not real Even throu your shouting U sound kinda fake ..
- Ronnie Sinclair: paul sevilla she's dating a literal gay bug, you guys.
- Charla Lee: I wander how many dicks did this so called info wars sucked and fucked to get that job. Alex Jones needs to Monica Lewinsky that bitch.
- Simon Tulett: I don't like Infowars one bit but this girl hardly owns them. It just comes across as two people who have no idea what they're talking about having a pointless conversation
- Raam Foy: How is this a troll...? This is a mis communication lol nice clickbait
- jahshta: I've seen two of your videos and they were both major fails
- Dewayne Curry: Fools actually believe she won the argument. Why socialism? Cause honey, we want free stuff. Current and historical evidence to the contrary. Liberals are so completely lost in their immoral and fundamentally stupid world view that there really is no point in arguing with them.
- William Stage: Okay dude you made a few too many fart noises amidst your critique. A portion of the 1% absolutely supports crony socialism because it entails vast expansion of government power you moron. The same can be said for crony capitalist expanses in government lobby.
- Hákon Sigurðarson: IMDRanged *Soylent Greed (TM)
- Ed Lopez: too fools arguin without each other that's all anyone should see
- Wulvena: quite capable of doing my own homework, if your health care is so great why do I see , thousands of brits in florida where i lie each one say they have moved here for the healthcare. Look up the girl i mentioned and tell me i am wrong again.
- Petr Stuchlý: Off topic, but were you trying the knife challenge off camera?
- Darth Bagel: We need a poor people march, it's going to get even more bad when they bipartiansly cut medicaid, medicare, etc.
- spicecrop: The girl being interviewed sounded like a complete idiot. I am not getting how this is a troll. She was just stupid.
- Mathy Don: Sailor Moon here is pretty sexy
- txokie11: Thats why they come here for the best health care you FUCKING IDIOT!!!
- jerrydesu: Kyle, what's with the band-aids?
- Chris Crissey: The noob was so busy with her little talking points, she can't elaborate on them or offer any substantial argument to support it. Like most rhetoric, they can't elaborate on it at all.
- Social-Nationalist Meme Network: They're both fucking retarded.
- Felix Desrosiers: Nobody thinks that healthcare is free
- tesla coil: I love no Bra
- LaurenJauregi IsMyQueen: “I just want people to have healthcare honey” lmao i love that woman. She handled that “interview” so well, where i would’ve walked away. I woudlnt take anyone who walks around holding an inforwars microphone seriously.
- Chris Hakala: That girl is amazing!
- Wicha329: She openly said "I don't wanna do this..." and when the woman pressed on with her bullshit strawman tactics about Venezuala and huge homes, she kind of just brushed it off by acknowledging how ridiciloud those claims are. "We're talking about America", "I just want people to have health care". I saw it as a way to tell them to fuck off, not really a political argument.
- scott pot: i hate this guy
- Juan J: ThEiR EaTiNg RaTs !1!!!!1!!
- Rick W: Dummy
- K Snoop: Watched the video. Nobody got owned. Just an awkward exchange, with zero yardage gained on either side. Damn the left are so bad at this.
- Mike Proletarian: Eat the Fatrats!
- Tony DiMeo: I ❤️ love this woman.
- Merv Cann: Socialism already exists and is alive and well in the USA; for the wealthy and corporations. The rest of us got stuck with so called "free market capitalism"
- Mayb :: +Cooper Harris what does the bible have to do with me occasionally watching Jap. cartoons?
- Aaron Reichert: I love that the first 15 seconds of this is him admitting that he doesn't really know what he's talking about.
- Senseless Nonsense: Both of them were dumb...
- Andrew Brock: Frank Dalano crickets...
- Scotty Roxwell: MegaMiir Ya, I love when people try to use that as an insult against me. That really makes a lot of sense. I am so hurt you told me exactly what I don't hide being at all.
- Thejugglingbum: She’s dating a bug.
- Phat Robs Oils: Hack arguments? This dude is a legit slow.
- Chris Harrelson: bernie sanders makes 1 million a year and he doesnt have a house thats worth a million dollars
- insertpienow: trolled....? don't think so.... bitch is a simpleton....
- Rasmus Jensen: As fun as this is.. listen to her podcast, and she honestly have no clue about anything..
- AnthonY Perez: Yeah bernie in a 3 milliin not a 15 million hotel and 20 million Mara Lago
- dizzybynature: Alex Jones (infowars) is what happens when children eat lead paint..
- Cooper Harris: I don't think a potential paedophile has any place commenting on the current political landscape! You should definitely maybe be in jail right now!
- Ramona Andersen: nonchalant speech, just not a care in the world.....priceless!
- Love Luv: Capitalism is corporatism imo
- SpeedfreakUK: This is like two retards fighting
- ShadowSaberBaroxio: You think people in America aren't eating rats? There are tons of homeless people in America, and tons more that can barely afford to keep food on the table. All the while the one percent in our country do much more than sip wine and eat caviar.
- tyskbulle: fabuladeum It would be nice to have a financial crisis that does not begin in the U.S.
- Gary Hill: If that is your opinion of trolling then you yourself are as spicy as ketchup
- Adrian Nelson: That high key sounds like a porn name.
- Moises Siliezar: Heard of it
- ricky evans: You people are delusional if you think infowars got trolled here! It’s a real danger of socialism HAVING to eat rats ignorance isn’t bliss!
- SawdEndymon 1312: What's the Infowar's Noob's name?
- Hooptie Hamburger: Rich socialists are hilarious. Walking contradictions are great entertainment.
- Funk Rider X: And yet the infowars interviewer wouldn't even let the sailor girl speak. When your a interviewer your just there to ask questions, and let the person your interviewing do all the talking. Its obvious this aston from infowars can't grasp that.
- Isabel: The woman who wanted socialism actually looked like an idiot. Free Health Care is communism. Why should a doctor who works & has to support his family give me or you any time of his day to make sure we are ok ? Why is that right? because we are self righteous AND WE FEEL WE NEED IT!? Fuck that woman we need free health care... Work pay your bills & pay for you're health care. Survival of the Fittest it is not my responsibility to make sure my neighbor & his kids are healthy!! Not my FN problem
- Andrew P: Would rail
- M.Spock, Militant Logician: When the right wants to shit on socialism they (almost) always point to countries that have been undermined and victimized by the U.S. and other capitalist entities, i.e. the World Bank. Totally sociopathic behavior, and irrational. People in the U.S. are eating out of trash cans because of the failures of Capitalism. If Venezuelans are eating rats it is at least in part due to the crimes of capitalists.
- Eclipseslayer98: She has a nice outfit.
- Misty Rain: The lady in red has a strong resemblance to Marcia Brady.
- Mrs Mac: Thats the problem it's not about getting the last word its discussion getting people to think. So what is socialism to this guy? If people can have 3 homes? To this guy it's all a game to counter argue? That's the problem no principles. Chavez is a socialist. I live in the a UK and am against social health care it's a catastrophe. Our system is under huge strain. All the left here in government are very rich. Sanders by your arguement doesn't support socialism as he is in the one percent? He supports as you say corporatism? Which is it. You have said so many conflicting things. Next time start by defining things might help you think as opposed sounding clever.
- MrMacdaddymcfly: That lady being interviewed looked like she had no idea what she was talking about
- PP: Lol I actually believed her at first.
- The Girth: +Domo Roberto No not really, just pointing out the circle jerking. Alex has made so many predictions in the past that have been wrong its impossible to follow him. hes got a point every once in a blue moon, but even a broken clock is right two times a day.
- MrMollusk7: "bimbo" shouldnt assume that someone supporting socialism might have done a bit of research" Hmm, yes. It's totally the interviewee's fault that the interviewer couldn't name a single example of what she's ranting about and looked like a total idiot as a result. Hmm. Yes. "Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Lopez, Alejandro Andrade" Those are all Venezuelans, you colossal retard. In the words of someone smarter than you: 1:49
- chain manu: Bernie sucks. I agree with infowars here
- Julian Morrisco: I think 3 homes is outrageous, inheritance is well dodgy and I really want to eat rich people, but only the young and healthy ones. Once the rich hit puberty they get all stringy and tough. The best thing about this video was the comment (paraphrased) ‘Infowars smell their own farts’.
- badtz maru: You can just tell Sailor Socialism is thinking "Is she serious?" during those pauses.
- William Fitzpatrick: I'm not sure you know what socialism means lmao. Sweden and France are both capitalist countries within a social democratic model. There is a clear and obvious difference between the public ownership of the means of production and having childcare benefits ya' jackass.
- Kavukamari: hahahahaha she didn't even "troll" she was just like reacting normally
- aTVboy: I don't think you can claim right to healthcare just the way you can't claim right to food. You need food to survive too, but you can't claim it as your right. You earn it. Imagine people walking into grocery stores picking up bags of food and walking away. It's the same with healthcare. Unless you pay for yourself, nobody can pay for you. A combination of both public and private healthcare providers is a good idea, but it can't be one giant government funding which provides healthcare for all people and for all treatments. If they would like to do something like that, they must do it without raising taxes, because if they do, it will be healthcare provided by other people and not the government. Bottom line, you can't sleep at home the whole day and walk into a hospital and get a costly treatment done and walk out without paying a single dime. If they are willing to provide something like that, I would like them to extend that to other areas like food, clothing, and shelter. Maybe, a plan where one section of people pay for others' food, clothing and shelter. Life would be so much easier then.
- tip tip: wow....no could be this fucking stupid...The "blond" has a info wars banner on her mic therefore representing info wars.....she does not work for infowars....she has her own gig ...
- BlackFox: Francesco Armetta no it was an alien 👽
- Samir Sehgal: Why does it matter that Bernie is rich? Bill gates is rich! And they both want to pay more tax and both donate millions to charity! Plus Bernie doesn’t take corporate PAC money to fund elections, only cash in hand. The fact that he is rich is because...I dunno...he is a smart man who would probably know how to run a country😉
- Chris Campbell: What does Venezuelan gov have to do with Americans govt 😂
- Squirmin Herman the one eyed German: A great Krokus song from the '80s...Eat the Rich (you bitch)! ✌☮
- Janga Froe: all aboard the 🚂T🚃R🚃U🚃M🚃P train 2020!!!
- Noirling: This person being interviewed is just—refreshing.
- Deaf And Destruction: +Johnston Hawkins Are you really using the Queens English? Get the hell out of my country you prideless fuck, unless you are British, then stay the fuck out of my country 🖕
- Andrew Ross: I tolerated 3 mins of your vid. Your intellect doesn't do the cause of the left much good. Your vocabulary is sadly lacking and I would respectfully suggest you seek out an alternative career. Not everyone is suited to vlogging. You're making the trumptards look good. A good start would be to read more books.
- Kristian Kumpula: I don't know about eating rats, but there's plenty of homeless Americans dumpster diving behind McDonalds because their government is too busy maintaining more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined. And if they get an infection while doing that, they'll just have to deal with it, because the red scare still hasn't worn off, so people think that having the government take care of the poor makes it communist, which means gulags and eating rats. It's so fucking stupid.
- Roger Brown: Delusion runs deep. Info wars girl completely owned the chilled alien. She made total sense, however this low IQ creep just can't get it!
- CAMERON PREMIER: "eheh.. heheh! That was glorious!" - if u think that was glorious you're a pea-brained dweeb
- Les Ferrin: She’s great I love her she’s not one of you and by the way conservative women are way cuter
- EABA EndAllBeAll: Dumb bitch just wants.
- Mr. Mojo Risin': Awwww poor baby, I'm playing the world's smallest violin for you right now.
- Raymond Li: "Why free?"
- oaxacachaka: Kyle good idea, and we can use the money we create to pay for the money making process itself. This is genius.
- Docholland45: Wolfen i likeded howd you useded those good englishs lol
- TheDeathwalker86: Lost me dude
- John Black: Obvs not
- Pine Tree: Why do you all think the holocaust happened?
- mikedoors13: well well this video wasn't a total waste of time now I know I know never to click any one of his videos again..
- Christian Rodriguez: The girl from InfoWars was having an interview, where you ask questions and they answer. The other girl looked stupid for not answering the questions the info wars reporter was asking. She made sense to me but maybe you guys are leaning more left. That's why you guys are shaming the reporter and not shaming the weeaboo alt girl who's sipping on her Starbucks chai tea talking like she smoked a pound of weed and not answering the questions. She had no idea what she was talking about and didn't know any stats about her opinions.
- A Smith: Lol worms in their brains
- noSHITcunt: they both seemed retarded honestly
- Matthew Harris: Bernie Sanders has had a 6 figure job for 27 years. A 3 million dollar home is far from out of the question.
- Citrus: Worth watching a second time.
- uncle ben: Dylan Klebold nice try bb
- William Fitzpatrick: +Alex D'Accardi Medicare and the VA are wildly popular in the US, 70% and 93% respectively. For all their shortcomings, Americans enjoy publically-funded healthcare (with a mix of private and public delivery systems). It is also strange to me that people concerned with authoritative powers don't consider drug manufacturers, health insurance conglomerates, for-profit healthcare networks, lobbying and industry groups and countless others to be authoritative powers, seeing as they overwhelmingly decide (without your say) what healthcare you'll have, where you can get it and how much you'll pay for it. This seems to be a uniquely American phenomenon, though--unaccountable private tyrannies get a pass.
- Know Thanks: Infowars IS a straw man opponent. If you steel man Infowars you will end up with some critical information which should be seriously addressed. Infowars is there to muddy the waters. All Kyle is doing is stirring the pot. There isn't any real analysis here. It's crap.
- The wiremother: info wars is so fucking ridiculously stupid
- Elvin Ostrup: There are no communist countries.
- D W: I don't know if it was pulled off their Twitter or off their YouTube channel...but people on Twitter told me about it....so it definitely happened. Great work, shit bird. Really going the extra mile for your viewers.
- Thomas C: I usually like Info Wars and I am full blown conservative, but that was dumb and contra productive from the Info wars woman.
- Tuffest Gong: I'm a self described communist but this wasn't a strong argument, let alone "owned" as you put it.
- Sharna G: You have car and home insurance where you pay into a pool and use it when something happens is basically how health care works in most develop countries. We all pay into it from sales taxes, gas tax and perhaps 1% of your income. Everyone is going to need health care at some point. You should not go bankrupt because you need surgery or your kid is sick. America calls themselves a Christian country but seems to come up short actually following Christian values.
- horse renoir: Jason Reyes she was like a cross between Dorothy Parker and a drag queen. she is awesome!
- Jessie Belhaven: Kyle is such a whiny tool. The fact that he think this mumbling hipster with an iPhone promoting “socialism” was trolling shows how out of touch the left is.
- Unkown Stranger: of course no one is in favor of actually eating the rich, we don't know where they have been... (we suspect and eeww, just eeww)
- Stephen Mitchell: Not true at all. Bernie girl total dumb about freedom and health care abuse. Don't agree and not info wars fan but you are factless. Canada hates their health care. Try stating facts. Can't believe I'm on info wars side but you call them name and have zip facts. Here your vulgar language cure! OBEY YOUR PRESIDENT TRUMP and let the adults fix it. TRIGGERED yet? Your fake news and obviously clueless. Have a good day and use facts instead of calling people names because they are winning!
- Miiri: Correlation does not equal causation.
- Truth To Power: asrafoo:Without socialism there would still be cholera dysentery and open sewers. Even while addressing these issues as an immediate threat they were derided as “sewer socialists” USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
- Diane Watson: Douche-to, surely you have something better to do with your day. I certainly do...see ya!
- William Fitzpatrick: +rattlesnake survival fact
- William Ballard: Tell me how what she said makes no sense? She literally just stated the actual reality of socialism in Venezuela. If you think that’s completely unrelated then you’re an idiot who’s making no sense. This is stupid, legitimate criticisms to make about this but to say it makes no sense is literally retarded. Also, you made an argument near the end about what she said and you literally just lied about what she said. Unsubscribing now.
- gothic pagan: Here in UK and mainland europe we have health care, we pay for it through our taxes and it works fairly well. It`s for essential treatment I.E not irrelevant things ,like sex changes or breast enhancement. The only problem with socialism is unfortunately " the people" . Venezuela is a good case in point. But it would not be unreasonable to suggest that; that country`s situation is exacerbated by political manipulation from out side it`s boarders.
- Harshit Madan: Hey leftists, question for ya. If you eat the rich, who'll pay for your free sh*t?
- The Pioneer: About 90% of everything you said was bullshit. I thought about correcting you, but there was way to much bullshit in your video. Please just stop spewing your shit.
- DunnoKnowles: I don't think she's trolling at all. She's just high
- Audiophile: You people are cancerous
- ManuelPabloArnao: How was this woman trolling them? She just answered the questions. It might not have worked in Venezuela but it's worked in countless European countries... Just saying. And nobody wants American to be socialist but they are talking about Democratic socialist. It will never happen though.
- No Way: "You people have worms in your brain." That is the correct approach to debating the right.
- imfuna playmahgames: Ashton birdie, that’s her YouTube channel, please spam her with all the delight in the world.
- Cerise Jones: "You people have worms in your brains honestly" lmao she sounded so...
- Gary Dunn: Comparing Venezuela to America is a non starter. China is socialist, Communist and Rich. Most people in the Senate are millionaires. There is enough money in the system to provide healthcare and education. They only call it socialism when people actually want their taxes spending on improving their lives. Its not about how much money you have. You can still have democratic values. The lines between Socialism and communism are oftened deliberately blurred to make false arguments against it. The infowars chick is plain dumb. Venezuela is a dictatorship and America is applying sanctions to it. It has abdolutely nothing to do with the ideals of modern socialism. It can work if its allowed to. Trillions of dollars are wasted every year. Companys are offshoring money to get away with paying taxes. I guarantee she has neve heard of The Panama Papers.. The idea of socialism equals being poor stems a lot from Eastern Europe, Russian and its ideas of ownership and Marxist principals. Its a complicated subject. Socialism today means something completely different. When i call myself a socialist it means spend the fucking tax money i pay on something useful. If i call myself a Democrat i mean i want a fair and equal system that benefits everyone. Not one that is lobbied constantly and corrupted by Billionaires. If i call myself a Progressive it means i want to be a better Human Being. A solution could easily be found for many countries with issues its about political will and not deliberately destabilizing them. It reallt makes you wonder why this nonsense ever gets out there on the internet and who funds it
- the philosophy princess: WHO IS SHE, I WANT TO PRAISE 😻
- Sebooch: iSal you have a point but what leads us to think that she was trolling was when she pointed out that it was infowars and that chuckle right after. But you could be right lol this was a funny ass video
- Mysunettingpoem: What about America before FDR and some socialist values were introduced? Before the Great Depression when most of the population was the working class and made no money...
- vic kieth: they trolled her ass he is a million air. Info wars is awesome. Venezuela sucks go there geniuses.
- reaper39: +BoxOfMyst3riez Bruh She said eating the rich was one of her favorite things about Bernie sanders I don't think she was taking it very seriously.
- Seán O'Dingler: I like how they always point to South American countries to try and show how bad socialism is. You can point to many capitalist countries that are failures as well. They’re so fucking brain dead and stupid.
- Anh Triệu: Bernie’s politic isn’t about hating the rich. Just stop buying politicians and pay your god damn tax and we’d leave you the hell alone.
- Julian Soto: Does anyone see the irony? The interviewee advocates for socialism yet benefits from corny capitalism though the exploitation of cheap outsourced labour that provides her with the coffee she drinks and the phone she has. If you study history or remotely know about socialism then you will find that no matter where it is implemented, regards of the country it is applied in, then you will find it does not work. Over 75 million people have died within the last century, is that not proof enough?
- lolbertarian: she cute ;_;
- Leinja: https://youtu.be/4tlPOuwQgbo There's the video, the guy at the end is pretty funny too.
- Lisa Rand: The girl in the beret is so stupid she's acting she is fake she is a stupid girl arrrrgh so so stupid why did I even look at this? Just pure stupidity. So what is it wrong to make money? You're an idiot.
- PositiveLastAction: They’re both idiots and the guy host is too.
- Harry Mills: She's precious! I love her idealism! But at the core of it is she 1. doesn't think she can afford her own health care. 2. wants government to pay for everybody's health care. It's a rational position, until you look at the history of government-run enterprises. I feel like if you want better health care for the poor, volunteer some of your time at hospitals and care homes. DONATE to the places you think do right by people. Encourage others to do the same. But the last thing she should want is bureaucrats running the deal.
- Dylan Bolton: This is amazing
- Errin Maldonado: She's like a calm yet caffeinated sailor.
- rattlesnake survival: +William Fitzpatrick what?
- NPC Panther of MGTOW: Shaun Werner perhaps they merely meant to point out the hypocrisy of a socialist owning large swaths of land
- maddoc79: There is no such thing as "free" someone somewhere is paying for it. God why are people so fucking stupid.
- Simon G: ChainMail you really have no idea do you, you can't take that much money from the military, you clearly have no clue about how much it would cost to give everyone free health care, do some reaserch in to the cost as you will basically have no military left if you want free health care and to not raise taxes.
- Infinite: Yeah, But they're eating rats in Venezuela...
- Niklas Kickass: I live in Sweden we have Free health care and greater living standards then america.
- Steve G: Clownish commentary by Kulinski. The image of the interviewed person is... a highly gullible airhead. You could have said anything and she would believe it. this is typical of the celebrity worship of hollywood or political types. Could the interviewer be more skilled...yes. Seems like those who conduct interviews are more interested in hearing their own voice than the opinions of others.
- joel chairez: She's trolling because she's not taking the interview or the interviewer seriously, hence, "I want to eat the rich." What do you want her to do, Take a shit on screen or something?
- dempsey578: This girl giving the interview is a crazy conservative zombie
- Brandyn Fraize: Growing a beard, day 4706...
- Eddy Park: Strange
- Snitchpac29: Info wars is amazing lol
- A Cute Anime Girl: My man just trying to get some that Jewish Brooklyn hipster square, feel me Also, the girl’s name is Dasha and the only reason I know this is because of a cum podcast lead by the president of the DSA. I hope this guy cucks the bug with this
- coolerintext: Not sure if you guys paid attention but nobody really owned anyone. Those were two people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about running their mouth. Both of them are completely lost on the subject they're talking about and they're speaking out of ideology.
- isaac gutierrez: This guys a dork !
- chrzrd: My queen
- NPC #45095367: Socialism is an utter failure. Just look at Cancerfornia. Irs a failure all around the world. I don't watch info wars, but I didn't see her get owned. Still didn't make a good case for socialism is. The fact is, socialism like communism has a horrible track record. The system it uses, is not self sustainable. Edit: I'm not even a right winger, or left really. I just have common sense.
- chris hamilton: 1:11
- Mega The God: I mean Bernie Sanders does have a good job and does his job well. He should have nice things. But he also isn't a multimillionaire like many senators
- Lu Chan: This is honestly so stupid....even if a majority of venezuala would be eating rats....id like proof of that first....that doesnt mean socialism is inherently bad. Sweden, germany, luxembourg, finland etc are based on socialist ideas and they are doing just fine.
- Justice Webb: Trump 2020
- runninglyrics: +Dank Jews When she said and I quote 1:02 "I love his values" reporter "like what" she says "eating the rich" followed immediately by that shit eating grin. 1:09
- RK Vids: I see a bunch of retarded ignorant rightists in these comments.
- Christopher Grande: “Uh this is America”
- WeKnowNathan: It would have been great if she'd said, "No, Venezuelans shouldn't eat rats. They should eat the rich."
- jevicci: She reminds me of Jennifer Jason Leigh (and that's a good thing).
- Mark Mason: LOL, you're a delight. would you like to have a proper debate. We can set it up and have moderators and everything. So, to be clear. Capitalism admits it does great things everywhere to the degree it is implemented. Socialism doesn't admit it's ever happening? Well, the Mondragon corporation in Spain is a socialist implementation. And it's also great. Many coops are socialist and great. You seem to equate an economic theory with a political authoritarian regime. This is a lie.
- joe grunt: This is nothing but a fake, staged, socialist cry of desperation. A supposed "new girl", that's intentionally acting stupid, asking short leading questions, to a "random woman", and info wars just happened to "pull the video"??? Yea OK. Only the dumbest of libtards will fall for this. When you have to create a fake story or you're so stupid as not to see that it's fake! you know you're desperate and pathetic. This clown is almost as bad as some of the morons posting below who actually believe this is real.
- Stella Rose: Lol that chick was so chill lmao is he high?
- mmzen: Not to mention the whole “Venezuela is eating rats” thing, yeeeeeah far be it from from to push commie propaganda but I’m gonna have to see some actual sources on this because it’s been thrown around by a lot of ancap dipshits with out any substantiation.
- Yeti: I think I just switched to the left after hearing this info wars interviewer. She sounded fucking stupid.
- SLASHISMYHOMMIE 818: I would counter her on the street with the fact that Venezuela economically is based on petroleum. they took some big hits because of refinery accidents, mainly a result of their laxed regulations since it accounts for 95% of their exports and over half the GDP. That is not a sustainable economy. There needs to be other markets keeping the whole thing afloat. So a country with a diverse economy not relying on one industry becoming socialist really wouldn't be met with the severe economic hardships Venezuela citizens are having. I don't know where the source for the eating rats is. First time I heard of that. Bit really it's naive to say if we had socialised healthcare people will wind up eating rats. Our economy has its own problems, mainly the rich seizing up more and more of the wealth and the majority are receiving less and less proportionately. But ya, that's what happens to a country regardless of its political ideology when one industry supports the entire country. That's an economic fact.
- Candidate_ Glass: Who taught that chick how to hold a cup?
- ツ: I'm not offended but it certainly seems you are. Not that I'm surprised, Trump supporters and conservatives are perpetually offended snowflakes.
- Christian Secor: You should rename this video to "I was just pretending to be retarded xD!1!1"
- David Pigbody: she's so odd. i love it
- Eliminator: The girl answering the questions in super chill.
- Tony Driessen: get a real life... turds watch on de-caf..... comminist sheit.... go work make a buck and f8ck up!!!
- Tony C.: It's Democratic Socialism, not Socialism. Can't anyone get that straight?
- xnoidedhermitx: ((( infowars )))
- Jacob: Just so you all aware, because people LOVE to quote Venezuela as "the result of socialism", Venezuelan "socialism" is really just an oil state. They pay for things with oil money. When OPEC drove prices down, Venezuela was screwed because now they had to fund everything with taxes. There's valid arguments against socialism, but Venezuela should not be used as an example.
- Chris Pelham: Is that like when Trump said on video he wanted to take guns away and then make it right in the courts after?
- J V: Raver. - it rubs the marxist shmegma on its skin, it does this whenever it’s told...
- Paul Olsen: I thought she sounded like a ditz.
- Thomas Ward: Stop saying every other developed nation. It makes the assumption that we are a developed nation. We are not developed anymore, and haven’t been for a while. One of the major bridges in my city has a sufficiency rating of 7.6 out of 100! It carries tens of thousands of vehicles everyday.
- EnigmicIdentity: "Sure, there would be another retail store. It just won't be Walmart, it would be some other major company. What's your point? " You said exactly the point. The existence of Walmart does not "create jobs." "Isn't that simple." Of course it isn't, because "net profit" hides what they actually spend their money on. "Walmart has razor thin profits because a lot of their profits go into their 2.9 billion shares outstanding." A great deal of their gross income goes to increasing the stock price. It doesn't matter if the workers are dying of preventable disease. I'm not sure how you think this helps your argument. "If they didn't they would lose shareholders and have to downsize leading to job loss." How do shareholders prevent job loss? " You complain about Walmart but why are not you complaining about Raley's or Hy Vee how little they pay?" We happen to be discussing Walmart because you brought it up. It accounts for about 1% of the total workforce, so seems like something that everyone is familiar with. That doesn't mean that it is the only company screwing people over. "Or Costco in how few employees they hire?" LOL? We are talking about jobs here, not charity.
- Aberdolf Lincler: Maybe both of them are equally stupid? Like 2 homeless people arguing about who's wealthier
- Pokeman #1: Which one of y'all out here eating rats?
- King Of Finland: You're a LibTard Cry Baby No. The "journalist" in that video is clueless as fuck. Why in the hell she bring Venezuela up in that conversation? She clearly doesn't know anything about Venezuela nor social democracy. Venezuela is corrupted as fuck, so there is not any socialism. Everybody is fleeing Venezuela. But social democracy which Bernie is in favor is practiced in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark. And also those countries happen to be the most happiest countries every single year. TAKE THAT BITCH!
- Sinister Sweet: That girl dgaf, but she didn't roast them. She seems like the kind of person who comes to the rally for the booze.
- Bryan Baccari: Meh... the Sailor Scout girl was okay. I could’ve done it better. I would’ve said, “Despite Sanders supposedly having 3 million dollar (he doesn’t) homes, he still isn’t part of the 1%.” And for InfoWars to keep using Venezuela as an example isn’t fair because they’re socialist, not Democratic Socialism. I know they have selective hearing but that word “Democratic” is still said among us
- C M PUNK: they're both kinda made for each other
- Watch Destroyer: +Hassenboy woah I'm not threatening you. Are you self employed?
- Gabriel Gomez: metaempiricist do you not understand the point? Having a single payer healthcare system does not equal socialism. Thats why I listed the countries that habe single payer..None of those countries citizens are eating rats because they have single payer healthcare..... why should I explain anything to you when your not even understanding the point I have repeatedly made. Agreeing with you that single payer does not equal socialism.
- david esktorp: (((Kyle Kulinski))) JEWISH TALK *fixed it for you
- Midnight Mechanic: Nah, could've had this guy for president instead, one that plans to dismantle the entirety of the socioeconomic model in favour of access abundance and sustainability... unless those are 2 evil concepts that socialists and libertarians both can't agree on... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGid88K1mtQ
- eancurtis: I dunno. Info wars are a bunch of idiots but i dont think the girl was trolling. To me she just seemed like a dumbass who just likes the spund of free stuff.
- Sabrina Walsh: THAT LADY IS AWESOME!!!!!!!
- Justin S: Hell yeah
- Benit Kutalu: Lol we pay for Israel’s healthcare
- Kaiz The Monster: Bigger question: why is she wearing sailor uniform
- Lee Deville: There is no such thing as free healthcare you people are fucking lost....
- Walnut Gaming: +Mr Titles I brought up the holocaust because he brought up lower firearm incidents. I was trying to prove you can't trust the government and that is why we need guns
- Jaymin Patel: You should hang yourself “in a way”
- bob brown: Funny that’s what you are doing. Talking and making no sense
- SPANGE: I've met retards with down syndrome that are More intelligent than that blonde info wars bimbo... Jesus fucking Christ, and homegirl wasn't "trolling" she was being herself obviously. Kyle "eat the rich" is a phrase that's been used for Years dude! It means justice against oppressors.
- Robert Nicholls: Terminal Yes, they really have been conditioned to believe this.
- Edoy #: People are so fucking thick!!
- Jim Garrison: Rats can be tasty when well prepared!!!
- Harlan Foster: How is this a troll to infowars. That woman is a step away from retarded
- jim Horrace: I just want free things brooo.. You guys are like idiots.. I have a channel where like I'm defending an idiot in a sailors costume bro
- AGENTSIXTY9: I need her in my life 😍
- vidfreak56: I would have owned the interviewer 10000x times more. You can first start off explaining to that ditz that she doesn't understand what socialism is or means. And that healthcare is not socialism.
- Rusty Shackelford: DJC DJC wow you got me dude!.🤣🇺🇸💪
- Mark Loeffler: The interviewer is an idiot. Socialism has never worked. And she didn’t really even do anything. She just said something she wants.
- Jon Palsmar Rosengreen: Statistically.
- brentkn smith: Canada gets free healthcare. We don't eat rats here last time I checked.
- Oak _: Original link?
- Ryan Johnson: Nothing sexier than a smart woman. Love her.
- jdsmith556: I got stuck on the no bra fashion statement, I’m sorry what was she saying??? I wasn’t paying much attention to that part.
- Kombo Chapfika: Both ladies seemed a bit dim, imo.
- Richard Galax: It's funny considering that the US spends the most in health care, yet have the worst health care system compared to other first world power. America the not so great.
- Joe Mama: How is this trolling?? Trolling is like saying the jewish holocaust happened or that jews are really God's chosen people. You obviously don't know what a troll is.
- Jackson McBrayer: “you know venezuela” “yeah i’ve heard of it”
- The Shadowbanned Dissenter: Yeah some "troll" job there. All you Liberals support her views anyways - yeah she was really trolling. You Liberals and your stupidity is never ending. I hope this Trump Presidency increases the Liberal suicide rate.
- nearlyheadless nick: omg she is such a babe
- Mark Grant: Here are some examples of people with millions of dollars and paying $4 we're all in the 1% that actually support in or trying to convince everyone that socialism works... Susan Sarandon and Danny Glover... Sean Penn and Michael Moore... Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders plus Towing his wife or even more.... George soros's and his entire family and there's beans are dollars right there alone... All these Orchard Orchard Ridge people are socialist but always get away with paying less taxes than the people who they hired to work for them percentage-wise... News just a few examples my friends... And a little silly which white spoiled Millennial brat in the costume was too dumb to even answer one question..
- Salad Salad: I support the general idea/view in this video. But I don’t think it’s well supported. Also why didn’t you finish that clip? It feels like you ended it a bit short. Come on now guys... don’t, you don’t want to be seen as the extreme left right?
- Richard Zavala: Wow. U guys please move to places where socialism and universal healthcare is a thing. Please. This guy needs to go up against ben shapiro and prager or larry elder. Havent seen him debate anyone. Noone.
- ShogunBean: How is this Trolling the girl is so stereotypical it's priceless ??? A 20 something siping her Starbucks texting on her smart phone slurring her words like she's to cool to be bothered to think!!! And why is she dressed like she's an extra on Clueless???
- Phoenix Clouden: That lady was terrible at answering their questions. I've seen this enough on the left and the right, that it's easy to beat them at this. Their goal is never to address the well informed. I swear, I wish someone tried to pull this shit on me.
- Drone Fly88: Work for ur shit...Stop asking for handouts!!!
- jensen1901: Conservatives count of the fact most Americans have no idea what is happening in Venezuela. It's not "socialism" in Venezuela but most Americans have no idea what is happening there. So conservatives never get challenged. If that bitch came up to me with a microphone in my face I'd own her with facts.
- NPC 1138: She has no bra on, I like small boobies
- Jordan Boyle: Ummmmm how did she troll them ? I'm not really a Infowars follower, if pretending to be a clueless idiot is trolling people these days then she was spot on.
- Sean T: Australian here.....0 rats consumed by me, have universal healthcare
- John Johnson Jr.: she's my hero
- whyamimrpink78: Ok, one, who is Kurt? Next, you are correct. People like Kyle here are a major reason why the left is losing. It isn't so much that they get facts wrong. Both sides do. But it is that the ultra left like Kyle preaches about how we should fact check but never get out of their own bubble where fact checking would make them look like fools.
- Eli Lutgens: “I just want people to have healthcare honey.”
- HeyYaKnow: She didn't really troll her....if anything, the info wars reporter made HERSELF look stupid.
- mykotron: The woman being interviewed has a super attractive attitude and demeanor. 🤟😍
- chris p: More taxes! Yeah!
- Shamin: She's Ashton Birdie not Infowars
- wdnt U lik 2 no: The dumbest click bait title ever.
- Primary Simcha Felder: Is fuck the socialist.
- Wealthon Ngo: How about free brassiere😍😋😆🤣😂
- Jonathan Marshall: Kyle's definition of owning is incorrect. Also health care isn't a right, and socialism is evil.
- 428CJ70: I thought neither girl was very impressive. The girl from InfoWars did not seem very skilled in her interview. The girl in the sailor outfit sounded - well, to be blunt, kind of dumb. Neither was capable of owning the other. I don't understand why the guy in the video says that InfoWars can't counter. The girl from InfoWars was just not skilled to counter. A more experienced interviewer could have. The girl in the sailor outfit didn't say much of anything to counter. She just said, I want everyone to have healthcare. Who doesn't? But how do you make it so that everyone has quality healthcare? That should have been the type of question asked in the interview and the sailor girl would have had no answer. The guy in the video thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. He offers a bunch of opinions with no facts to back up those facts. Many of the filthy rich do vote for the left. I know from former personal contacts. The filthy rich want all kinds of things for people knowing that it won't affect them. The rich are not going to become poor regardless of income taxes, etc because they already own a fortune. The government only takes a portion of what you earned or gained. They don't take a portion of what you already own. The guy in the video implied that the rich are crooked. If he's half as smart as he thinks he is, he should know that is not the case with huge number of the rich. People who hate the rich are simply jealous. I am disabled and struggling but I don't want anyone screwed over just because they have more than I do. I am also in very poor health but I am not for health for everyone paid for by the government unless a solution can be found where it doesn't ruin our economy and at the same time, drive down the quality of the healthcare. Companies are already going overseas. Raising corporate taxes will only hasten that problem, driving down the net revenue, the jobs available in this country, and the nation's standard of living.
- Halo Fan Sam: Eli Weisshung whoops, let me just fix that real quick XD thanks dude 🙏
- Snitchpac29: Info wars is making a point that the rich don’t care what the poor are doing. The poor don’t want to make a difference because they are lazy as fuck
- Prestige Worldwide: i know the interviewer was bad but my god that socialist woman is the textbook definition of the word cunt
- ricky evans: Omg you are a Jenk light! Oh nooooooo lololololol 🤣
- ZippoRaid: Holy shit this woman is a fucking legend
- Steven Moncivais: I would have told that Info Wars reporter, when asked about Venezuelans eating rats, "Well, my friends and I are pretty close to doing that ourselves. What makes /you/ think that won't happen eventually in a capitalistic society?" I would have also fact checked her with my smartphone then and there. I think I would also counter her question about healthcare, "Sure, you can have healthcare, but how many can actually afford it? Can you? I know I can't."
- Jequan Baugh: Rhe repertorter sounds crazy
- Miduuza: Bernie Sanders has 3 homes & we have an increased number of homeless each year
- Steve Ent: Look at dude she's with haircut lmmfao
- Anonymous Fallen Angel: TheLakabanzaichrg duh? The only reliable source is the onion these days
- Mason Boaz: She didn't get owned the girl in the sailor outfit sounded retarded
- AminCad: Socialism IS bad. It's terrible how fashionable it is to hate on its critics.
- Dark Cognitive: Where's the trolling to perfection part of the video? Nice clickbait but you're really clutching at straws with this one.
- NickTheGreatAndPowerful: Kyle stop giving the propagandists pointers. If she's too dumb to realize that she's supposed to wait until they slip up and then attack that instead of any actual argument they made, she needs to find a new line of work. That's not even Propagandizing Hack 101, that's like the Remedial Defending An Indefensible Position Class that you take in summer school when you've fallen behind the rest of the far-right pundits.
- Bitc4Ass Trigger: no one has a right to a dr or nurses labor socialism is low key slavery thats all goodbye
- Hákon Sigurðarson: But I'm in favor of eating the rich.... I prefer them with barbeque sauce or ranch.
- HybridCheef: really dude? info wars owned that other girl the whole time. wtf are you talking about she didnt make sense? she basically is sayinh socialism sucks. she was just pointing out the fact that you can still have a one percent that supports socialism .
- bigtruck guy: This fucking bitch acts like old people dont eat cat food cause thats all they can afford, IN AMERICA.
- socialism is for figs: Bernie loves the smell of Cuban education vs american.
- Wyman Manderly: Go on cumtown.
- wiiillyX: Yeah free Heatlhcare is like the best thing there is, i couldnt imagine a life without it. Its the same with rats, cause we have free healthcare, obviously, we gotta eat rats all day.
- wilwad: Now I can't unsee
- Brandon Reagan: lot of dislikes.... looking for a needle in the haystack it seems
- Don Farmer: You've just been trolled!
- Lavia: Triggered infotards.
- Marko Sirkana: I bet rich people are delicious.. all that rich people food they eat it would be like eating the human version of wagyu *NOMNOMBOMNOM*
- esh war getenv: God both girls are too hot
- Australian Spaghetti: Gross
- tdvc YT: i dont see the trolling
- Michael Hart: The info wars girl has a YouTube channel under the name Ashtonbirdie
- Mr. Crabs: I don’t really see the point where she gets “trolled”
- EternoRosso: He's still one of the poorest politicians and it's the system that pays that much to them. Also, Sanders doesn't look much of a socialist since his policies are based on social democratic countries with capitalist and free market economies.
- Janet Williams: Jack Smack because she has a sense of humour.Funny right wingers are exceedingly rare .
- The Blood Of Ogun #AfricanGodOfWar #B1: Sexy little sailor moon/school girl outfit.
- doppler: Jesus Kyle this was the worst post you have ever done this made you look like you're all idiots
- It's All about that Bass: Lmao. Does anyone take this dumbass seriously? Isn’t it sad that this stuff is all the left can come at the right with? I guess they just hired the first guy that could balance both balls on his tongue.
- Ambrose UFO: +Y what does being ethnically homogeneous gave to do with free healthcare?
- MRGfork: Holy fuck I just spent five minutes of my life reading what I think is the love story of our generation, can you three just blow each other already.
- Konrad von Marburg: I don't see how she was trolling anyone. She just seemed stoned out of her mind.
- recniabsal: Kyle can you, Sam Sedar, Humanist Report, David Pakman, and Jimmy Dore just do a joint video where you all go into detail explaining the issues of Venezuela. I'm a former oilfield worker and Venezuela has issues with their economy that predate their socialist party. Its called putting all your eggs in one basket like they do in Eastern Utah. Oilfield boom dies down, and unemployment goes up. And that wisdom didn't even come from me. That came from the guy who trained me to run a hot oil truck and he's a Trump supporter now. He deleted me off facebook after I shared a rant about how Pat Tillman and Collin Kaepernick would've been friends because Pat Tillman was scheduled to meet with Noam Chomsky after his tour which is possibly why he was killed by friendly fire AND they lied about how he died at first. I think I learned about the Noam Chomsky collaboration from one of your videos actually.
- Large Rooster: Your show sucks like you!
- Jimmy: Is that it? She didn’t exactly have much to say. The interviewer didn’t do herself any favours, but the girl didn’t have anything to say either. Just a boring, fruitless interview from both sides.
- mark navarro: that lady was an idiot.
- AmericaTheEngravy sauce: people in venezuela aren't fucking eating rats. the situation is venezuela is you got the capitalist american backed party making fake food shortages by paying off grocery store owners to hide their food, and not restock. there are videos of cops raiding almost empty grocery stores and finding secret store rooms full of food. so stupid how average americas, left or right, will believe the american mass media only when it comes to foreign countries. use your fucking heads people.
- Elise M: This new girl that works for Infowars is dumber than cork. No brains, no skills. But at least she’s young, blonde and conservative.
- KGL the 21: I mean you could pretty much end the conversation by saying "isn't your boss the dude who believes in lizard people? Gtfoh"
- Dagger Dick: Epic pwnage
- Capt. Sum Ting Wong: Watch Destroyer - yep, laugh all the way to the bank trying to pay for the rising price of Obamacare.
- I'm making this face at your comment.: It's trolling to think that they are worthy of a legitimate counter argument. they're just stupid and should be ignored. don't even consider them people. consider them rocks that can talk really stupid things.
- Joachim von Lichtenstein: Sailor Socialist ❤️
- Evan Prest: Misleading title. And sailor girl was more annoying than reporter. Bernie will be in a "rest home" by 2024 anyway.
- Christopher Arriaza: She look smacked.
- SaurusRahwr: So what? Let me eat my rats
- Amanda Rose Read: Meh, the troll was weak within Ms. Sailor Moon. To be fair, she was caught off guard so I guess she gets a pass for the initial shock of being approached by the creature. InfoWars goons should be trolled hard and often, until their heads explode.
- Chronic Yeh: what a joke these A Jones reporters r .... 8:50 her rookie mistake, says he...is that she does not let her guest speak......lmfao...i doubt i have ever listened to Jones interview anyone without leading or trying to lead the speaker into Jones space....jokers
- Samsung McKone: OK, so what's your point? Two really stupid chicks are squawking at each other like a couple of demented hens. If the point El Douche' up there is trying to make is that Americans are abysmally stupid, mission accomplished, we get it. Message Received, chief, you didn't really need 9 minutes to say it though. Watch, it's easy... Ready? You don't want to miss it... Americans are REALLY FUCKING STUPID. See easy as cake, piece of pie, and I didn't have to waste 9 minutes of your life to make the exact point Fuck Nuts did.
- ProteinHammer: Info wars reporter used an anecdote... Dumb. That girl seemed like that's her normal personality. In my experience even when people act some of their true character still shines through. I'm still watching this video and the guy seems really really triggered good Lord bro chill out lol.
- Harshit Madan: Then why do we libertarians get yelled "Move to Somalia(an examples of failed socialist state)"
- Jason Fernandez: girl was high as fuck
- G Lo: Nice nips
- Stacey Weeaks: Guinea pigs are a delicacy in Equador is it that far a stretch to eating rats in Venezuela?
- Matt G: If sanders is such a socialist why did he endorse Hillary instead of running independent?
- Cheshire Kat: Why am I not surprised, that a grown woman who dresses like a Japanese schoolgirl, would believe a random stranger who told her that the majority of Venezuelans eat rats?
- KLR-Zoomie: So a stoned woman who's most coherent comment is "you have worms in your brain" is what you have to offer as a "troll" or argument? Damn, might as well use 6 year old...they are used to getting everything for "free" and be more intellectually coherent. Oh, and be right on par with the maturity and intellect of this video.
- Dante Ferrise: Someone is feeding that blonde girl lines...people are eating rats in Venezuela so therefore Bernie is bad?! WTF?!
- Brenden Taylor: Russ Monte you are all over the place with this comment
- Vellocet: feels like kyle is having a crush
- 3Hoes4Santa: The free market is a better provider of services. You do a good job as a left winger by pointing to other countries and saying “we’re the only ones not doing that!” Yet, you ignore that this socialism isn’t working. Ambulances in the U.K. are the slowest so far, leaving people in a 1st world country to die waiting for them. There are giant queues for the fucking hospital. Medical visits are usually planned months in advance and you can be on hold for 2+ hours with the NHS. WHY DO YOU WANT THIS? ARE YOU STUPID? Hospital prices in the U.S. are up due to government regulation and Intellectual Property laws that allow for big pharma monopoly. Capitalism isn’t the problem here, the government is.
- Big Droz: We're just lucky that InfoWars was too stupid to recognize the trolling so we got to see this. This kind of stuff happen to them all the time but it usually never gets on air. That's the trick: interview twenty people, then discard the nineteen that make strong informed points and air the one crazy shithead that makes Bernie supporters look bad. If you are at a Bernie rally, you should never talk to InfoWars, Turning Point, or any other whackjob press because if you do state a good case, no one will ever see it,
- bANoMia: You seem like a dork
- Bleak Solipsism: Did someone say Finland? Time to go listen to some Swallow the Sun.
- G.I.Jack: John mosley lol you sound insecure and up tight. You probably find all your identity in online politics.
- Jason Hosea: parts of murikka is already eating each other because there aren't enough rats and yet there is still this argument
- Raussl: honestly...the woman had no idea what she was talking about. The interviewer from infowars was uninformed and misleading (on purpose), but the woman who she interviewed was also quite oblivious about actual policies or what "free" healthcare is. Don't get me wrong, because I'm a proponent and supporter of Bernie Sanders, and when I see uninformed people like that woman it grinds my gears. She could have debated that woman into the ground if she had a clue of what Bernie and Social Democracy is about.
- Jeff Oloff: Can we at least BBQ the oligarchs until they are well done? The blood of billionaires should make an excellent sauce for dipping. What a great Thanksgiving that would be.
- Chip Chipperson: I didn't see any trolling. I saw two women who had no idea what they were talking about.
- TheArmchairrocker: The mistake that she is making is that she thinks she's smarter and more educated on the issues than even a casual Bernie Sanders supporter.
- The Orange Republic: Keep playing to the looney left we love winning on the right ;)
- Lexus Fox: They need to hire a better interviewer, this one was cringy.
- Duane Heller: Here is the INFO WARS video that was "pulled". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0MIaCvZJNk
- Legodog890: Where's the troll
- T REX: David Anewman how is Venezuela socialist when their economey is privatized. Dumbass
- Jack Shelton: Leo Briones then go to canada and sign up on the three week waiting list. Or you could go to a paid doctor in Canada for a very expensive price.
- DA REAL Johnny Appleseed: The video was pulled cuck. They put it back up after they got destroyed by Kyle
- Tito Celis: MAGA PUTOS.
- 40 Block Studios: The girl in the sailor suit looked like an idiot.
- Brian Benoit: These people don't get the basic difference between communism and socialism. Communism's basic ideology is that everybody gets the same no matter what. Socialism's basic ideology is that everybody gets the same OPPORTUNITIES. For example , their are many people out there with exceptional business skills, but because they didn't have, they ended up a few hundred thousand dollars to buy a degree from Wharton they ended up working minimum wage jobs. Their are others who had promising careers and were making worthwhile contributions to society but got sick or injured and because they didn't have money for surgeries or expensive medicine, they ended up having to do menial jobs or go on assistance.
- Solidus 316: So Infowars pulled a video of a chick with peekaboo tits or because she was basically vacant.... You equate it to because they lost the argument? Sounds pretty flimsy guy.
- Mitch Mayes: That girl has a podcast called Red Scare that's pretty good actually, her boyfriend is also Adam Friedland from the Cum Town podcast. She definitely knew what she was doing.
- Raptor Rumble: Bruh shes a dream girl fo sho
- nightmuffin937: Was that Ashley Southern??? xD
- Allen Ferreira: Should have said that if the Venezuelan people ate the rich, they would not have to eat the rats.
- TheRantingCabby: "For example, you know Venezuela?" "Heard of it." Her head is so far up her ass she'd have no clue what's going there nor would she be able to point to it on a map.
- Niall Cameron: What's up with all those bandaids?
- Patrick Robinson: Kyle is a FAG.
- Lin Y: Is she high is this what liberals strive for
- Paul Hopwood: I don't see info wars getting owned in that video? She said she wants everyone to have healthcare, thay does not explain hos socialism works, because it doesn't.
- Dale Val: your the troll Lyle, riding on Infowars fame, click bait, the chick is a well known liberal cuck, in the sailor moon little prick is a liberal cuck, info wars chick did well, that yes think everyone needs free health care, Bernie is not as poor as you think, and also video was not pulled, so please big mouth f-bomb guy, stfu
- Moonshine Buck: What Bullshit! Do people really subscribe?
- Esteban Perz: WTF Kyle! I really thought that we were gonna eat the rich
- Reaper X Tribe: Bernie cannot be president. for the love of god, pick someone else.
- St Matteos: Politics are aids ... I watched this video and it was funny until he got biased ... politics are so toxic .. fuck everyone involved in politics . Have a nice day
- Coregame3: Are you spanish
- Christian Hoffmann: tfw no sailor gf ; _ ;
- Joey Perez: She was trying to look like sailor moon. But she looks like sailor crack.
- Ben Dover: I’ve always liked Veronica over Betty. Go V!
- Vini SThrill: I like how they always go to Venezuela.
- karakol86: I think that was the woman's point was to be super chill.
- James Rodgers: And more to the point 3 million doller homes or 3 million dollers of reail estat is not an un resionabl amount to own from a lifetime of service.
- Nehoy Menyoy ✏️: Damn. I’ve never seen so many morons coupled into 1 comment section.
- wwwonderful: That young girl is a disgrace to the US Navy :-)
- Loone Wolf: Haha.... Eating rats in Venezuela and Bernie Sanders proposing Healthcare for All is the same shit yo! 😑😳 Shouldn't say what I would like to eat of that InfoWar Chick's; not without consent first and washing her Conservative stink afterwards. Yeah I said she would be a dumb fuck; literally and figuratively haha. Also Bernie earned his money and can spend on whatever he wants with his own god damn money, and he is still the poorest Congressman and the most popular because he didn't sell his soul like Pelosi, Paul Ryan, and most other politicians. #Bernie2020
- Johnston Hawkins: +Sarah Libogoma Seems like an order. No? Just a friendly suggestion, then? I see. Just a friendly request to stop my action, or just a crazy person repeating herself? Either way, NO ONE has been able to disprove my point! Seems like I'm doing pretty well. Got all you libs riled, as i like. Ha-hah. Here's an idea: Try to counter my point with facts, or concede that you don't know what you're talking about! That would be the sane thing to do and might work better than just suggesting that people shut-up, for not liking what they say. Have a good think on that...
- Terry & Billie: No Kaminski, the nub so to speak, proved her point. Socialism is and always has been wrong. Oh Please Brenie is the poorest, oh my. You are the old pot calling a kettle black. You are an idiot.
- Hector: Kucklinski
- santiagotriple: the populism is used as a tool from most the right and left...... Whats happening in Venezuela is mostly caused by abuse of populism and the intention of create a government "politically correct"...... of course, US has an interventionist agenda in the region, but corruption and mediocre politicians/militars from latin america make the job easier for those in the pentagone... just for saying...
- shugo104: "I just want people to have free health care, that the government pays for." You mean tax payers? You want me to pay for your healthcare? OK, let me decide how you should live so that you're protecting your own health and being a useful member to the society who is now actively providing for you. No smoking. No alcohol. Drink plenty of water. Exercise daily. Eat healthy. The death rate of bicycles is much lower than cars - let's switch to those for safety. What? You don't want rules? Just "free stuff" paid for by others? Sounds fair.
- Jason Wooster: hahahahaha oh man, I predicted almost this exact response. goddamn you idiots are so predictably stupid
- docfaceful: oh my god becky look at those rats,there like so big its gross!"I like big rats and I can not lie!"
- Giovanni Gallardo: Nice phone choice as well.
- passcal2108: "Free healthcare" there is no such thing as free healthcare. Even in Germany you pay taxes, so its not free and if you say you won't work you won't get healthcare. So is it really "free"?
- GameShaft: Raiterio Patterson hell yes
- ุ: Ive never seen your channel before But I love that neon sign!
- Anthony Butera III: ..gotta luv that low-key pwnage, she so fine. 😍
- Ezny: But youtube banned them so they MUST be right. R-RIGHT?
- Herb Bluntman: It's a reference to Krokus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fcrj4szgTjc And a reference to Lemmy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pMVfpKBuyI
- Ted sims: Ya, you don't see her on Infowars anymore lol. Canned.
- Jose Rosales: Her name's Dasha and has a great podcast called "the red scare". Check it out
- declan h: NyYankees1985 I'll leave you with the final insult because I've said my part.
- Kiss my libTARD: mmmmm Ze rats ! so tastie ! Vive le france socializte !
- Will Deutsch: I love how everyone thinks Europe is some utopia and is vastly superior. It really isn't
- AlphonsePride: this is infowars + soy?
- karakol86: I love her attitude she is so calm and nonchalant. Like whatever...
- John Williams: Kyle, that's a bit of a stretch mate. She was not as bad as most leftist that I see info wars interview, however she didn't do that well.
- mowldy: Good, man
- shay: lol health care isn’t free, it just raises taxes and then you have to wait a year to go to the doctor.
- rebelsoldier284: After watching this AND the video from the other side of this topic I can say this. Was a nice straw man you set up there. Now, how exactly is this trolling? Sipping iced coffee and saying "I want free health care"? Nice job ending the clip at that point, by the way. Made it all the more easy to make it look like commie sailor moon got the last word. And if Bernie Sanders has such integrity, why did he not stand up to Hillary Clinton when she clearly bought the DNC? And lastly. Bernie Sanders is part of the 1%. Look any of this shit up. Do your own research. Gonna need to sweep up the ashes of what's left of your strawman. Infowars.com 👌
- Mike Giorgianni: Cry more free shit isn't how the world works and just because you inherit something doesn't mean its worth any less 😂 trump inherited a small loan of a million dollars and you kids kick and scream
- Steve Flow: Owning 3 homes is just smart investing
- irgski: OK, Bernie’s got 3, $1M homes.
- BurgerMerker: Lol how are you going to compare venezuela to the US? Venezuela is a broken country, it's economics and politics are completely fucked
- Behlenoth: 2:30 You're honestly so far up your own ass you set that as the punchline. Holly shit I had to watch that a couple of times. It's so bad. You make the right wing's day so easy.
- Der Volksverräter: From now on, whenever somebody asks me why I like Bernie, my answer will be "Because I want to eat the rich!"
- rstreets: Bobby Guest Lol....looks like somebody got triggered.
- OIFIIIOIF07-09 VET: Just show the clips. You talk too fucking much.
- Berry Von Heizelstoff: This is too painful to watch. #TrumpWillWinAgain
- Chance Waak: Why don’t you take the Info Wars logo off the upper right corner. Stop riding Info Wars coattails. You also say fuck way to much to be taken seriously.
- ryan e: i'm listening, but i'm still not getting facts from this, i wanted to get a second opinion i'm this, but it's like you're taking this infowars says and make it sound dumb with the voice. in all nothing was explained.
- Jack Reddevil: lmao, acting cringe like that was funny in 1980's i would've thot destroyed like em old day's have her raped and crucified
- Declan Foy: Richard Rodriguez I dont think many Bernie Sanders supporters really want full socialism. From looking at the ideas put forth, they want to apply more "socialist" priciples to a mixed economy. Subsidised Health care, workers rights, nationalised services (like the military already is), collective bargaining, subsidised education and these can all exist in a strongly "capitalist" country. You wouldnt call Ireland and the UK socialist states but they do have alot of the ideas above in place, CBAs in Australia have led to a trickle down of workers rights and there's a strong union presence there. Its not a case of lets eat the rich or the rats its simply a case of democratic policy changes which will give everyone a fair go. Maybe thats too much of an ask.
- markyhabs: No the rolls didn’t get inverted
- EHDROCK: I don't see what you do, I think the young woman, was clueless, and she said everything ridiculous and when the "newbee" tried to inform her, she replied "you have worms in your brain" that's wasn't nice. And its true, it was she who couldn't answer the question. Now they're going after infowars. Are you out of your mind, Bernie Sanders is the poorest in the Senate? His wife was under investigation for fraud of millions what are you talking about. Don't listen to this B.S. guys, its B.S.
- Pikudo Pikao: Just another loser monetizing on the Infowars tag.
- AT THE CORE: You're wrong Kyle. The 1% do support socialism. They just use it in such a way that it's only benefiting them and there's. It's a perverse action, but it's a fatal flaw in social structure. Socialism needs reform.
- Jarrid Gable: Kyle that woman clearly had no clue what the hell she was talking about. I've seen that video before and that is not the chick you want to prove a point for you lol. I know that a lot of people want free healthcare but the argument that it's a right is just not true. It's not a "right", it's just not. If you want to argue the issue, that's fine, but you can't just turn something into a right because you want it to be.
- James NA: They never pulled this video this is false in fact they replayed this video multiple times on info-wars. They actually do not even show the full video on this video. The person who was being interviewed clearly did not understand what socialism is and believes they are going to get all these free benefits because of socialism. It is a valid question to ask who is going to pay for this. There is no such thing as free healthcare. Who pays the doctors? Who pays for the medical equipment, and facilities? The tax payers do and the tax payers are the people who actually work. Its very simple and causes a chain reaction that will cause the economic system to fail thus the Venezuela example. If everyone quits working because everything is free then who is going to be paying the taxes? So while people like this are tooting their horn saying the reporter was owned, others can clearly see the stupidity of the person being interviewed. I love how guys like this have these imaginary glorious victories. Extremely lame and for the 59.7 percent of us that work and pay taxes well we understand things much differently.
- Omnicron: Why are you idiots assuming I watch Infowars? I fucking hate Infowars. Politics isn't binary; goddamn.
- Dahveed: 1 - I said, during my "broad, strawman arguments" that the extremes of both sides are guilty of this sort of behavior, and that there are of course exceptions. When talking about an entire country we of course have to paint in broad strokes. We see it all the time. Anyone with two eyeballs and an internet connection can see it happen week after week. The non-stop screeching, exaggeration and outright fabrications of both sides on a regular basis. I'm not portraying "us" (i.e., you) as delusional stupid hippies. Of course not all leftists are like this. I'm talking about the FAR left nutters who decry racism if a white man blows his nose in a black neighborhood, who will show up to rallies protesting someone they don't even know a thing about. (This latter thing happens ALL THE TIME, and I'm embarrassed to say that I share some principles with these people who make utter fools of themselves in public on a regular basis. It gives "us" a bad name.) 2 - I didn't say you shouldn't scoff at someone who says very stupid things. I encourage you to do so. Please continue. But I'm saying while scoffing at this girl who obviously messed up her routine here, you should also scoff at the smoothie-slinging valley girl who likes Bernie Sanders because he wants to "eat the rich" while texting on her $800 cell phone. Your desire to see InfoWars "lose" is kind of what I'm talking about: Too often even moderates and relatively reasonable people (you seem reasonable) have too strong a desire to declare winners and losers rather than step back and be objective. Are you honestly going to have me believe that this dressed-up bourgeois hippie girl is some kind of morally pure anti-capitalist with terrific, insightful ideas on how to - as she says it - "eat the rich"? The irony is that people like you, me, and the hippie girl ARE the rich in the world. We live in the richest part of the world - the 1% - saying things like "eat the rich" as though it were a value. Maybe some rich people DESERVE to be rich through hard work and sacrifice? The people who want to "eat" these people are the extreme leftists I'm talking about. All rich people are rich because they steal from the poor, there is no other explanation. No nuance in their arguments, because that would take more than four minutes away from their Tumblr and Facebook time on their (very expensive, capitalist-produced, made-by-slaves-on-the-other-side-of-the-planet) cell phones and clothes. Anyway, last word on this. I'm not trying to be confrontational about this. Kyle's Secular Talk is (usually) one of the "good" leftist channels IMO and he can usually stay above this kind of nonsense. I mean he makes an entire video about two airheads having a "who is dumber?" contest and declares that his side is victorious, because reasons. I just had to comment.
- EternoRosso: Socialism is an umbrella term. You should do more research on the ideologies encompassing socialism if you're actually interested in more than superficial knowledge.
- JL-CptAtom: exexpat11 What is?
- Randall Natomagan: You think you’re better than people that smell their own farts? Fuck you dude !
- JaWBReaKeR 707: I wish you people understood what socialism actually is and does to nations. Simply look at socialist nations and the mass starvation of their people. Those nordic countries are NOT socialist nations. They are capitalists systems with a heavy emphasis on taxation and spending on social welfare. Not the same. Jesus christ.
- Danny A.: Kyle, this was great, but you are wrong on one point. Some of us DO want to eat the rich. Kill them all.
- Lilianna Martinez: “heard of it”
- Cadillac Kadafi: I love socialism
- gymshew52: Wow, you chodes really can't meme
- Rachel Atwood: "eating rats, you say? Sounds delicious!"
- nicknam4: The clip was great idk why we need to see this weirdo talk about it for ten minutes though
- Lohe221: +Joe Sudz being able to perform that act, and ridicule the interviewer in a non-conventional way is what gives her personality. Again, this is going over your head.
- Richard 77: I'm Australian and I'm happy with our healthcare system which is one of the best in the world which is helpful considering we have so many deadly animals here. :D
- Adam Blade: Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to be deluded to the point of living in a completely different reality. By the way, in 1982 Venezuela still used to be the richest country in South America. So yes, Venezuelans DID suddenly go from eating food to eating rats.
- Alann Hod: He does exactly what he says by doing most of the talking to hang himself. Looks like a beta cuck follower that could have just as well been on the side of Infowars also spouting the same generic lamebrained content. Loggerheaded dimwit lululuhuzzzlehuzzlehahhuhuhehehe
- Brian Long: If you call this a victory you are doomed.
- Vic S: She says "Eat the rich" and the interviewer talks about "People eating rats." So the Info Wars moron inadvertently makes a comparison of the rich being rats.
- archivalangel: Bernie Sanders couldn't even stand up to HRC. He let her derail him, and then he endorsed her. He's a pu--y. You have no idea what he owns you moron.
- Sarah Brown: Eyeshadow and eyelash game on point.
- DarkWolf Grim: Why she got diamond cutters
- 201 BK: i came hear to watch that girl's nipple showing through her cloths
- build a wall: How the left have fuck all left in the tank oh Tommy Tommy Robinson your full of shit
- Vandy5000: Dislike
- Glen Aitken: Venezuela! ...Israel, UK, Canada, Japan, SK, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, etc. But Venezuela! They eat rats! Reee!
- William Monahan: Bernie Sanders/Hillary the two biggest jokes of 2016
- krogan b: Huh, this just made me want to research Venezuela...
- Samuel Hector: She acts like she’s high af. She didn’t own her she couldn’t even properly answer the question
- That big one: You have the right to nothing.
- Diane Watson: You think what was glorious? The valley girl in the sailor suit was a derp. Maybe she'd like to go to the UK and have the government and the hospitals decide whether or not you get to live or not. Now, I agree the new girl's interviewing skills need work, but if you seriously thought the chick in the sailor suit came out on top in that, can't say that I think you have much in the way of discernment. And no she didn't just say "I just want people to have health care" she said "I just want people to have FREE health care" She believes it's a right. Not in our constitution...and let me just tell you, unless you've had a major trauma and you need to get patched up....what we have is sickness management and not health care. You are a pretty big derp yourself.
- Red Rain: In all fairness you should never turn your back on an Australian. You'll be mounted on their wall.
- GREEN PARK NURSING HOME #37: When you call people douche bags and name call all you do is prove you have nothing of value to add. You're cringe worthy and hard to watch. No where near as smart as you try to come across as. Sad and pathetic.
- peter: You know.. I wouldn't be too surprised if that were true. I imagine most of the 1% as highly educated. They travel to western europe for holidays. They would be disgusted by propaganda about "no-go zones" they know is an Orwellian lie. They would laugh in the face of people who shout "Venezuela!" whenever someone mentions universal healthcare. They can see their country is becoming more and more like a 3rd world one, where much is becoming no-go zones to them specifically, because there is nothing there but destitute people with guns, guns guns. It is the _donors_ who want oligarchy. I suspect that only a tiny tiny fraction of the 1% are actively pursuing advancement through buying off politicians. Most are probably fat, happy people, unafraid of where their next meal is coming from or how they would weather a real financial blow, rather like you tend to find in social democratic countries like western Europe.
- Collin Pearson: She didn't troll them you jack ass that random girl is an idiot that makes no sense just like you dumbass
- John B.: They didn’t pull this video. I saw it on their site. She didn’t represent her views very well. I think you are seeing what you want to see.
- jaca van heesch: hired actor
- crappyatlife: Government doesn't pay for shit. The money is stolen from the people.
- Jeremiah Terry: Socialism doesnt preach owning multiple homes
- MR FREEZE-98: You can’t troll info wars lol they troll you stupid libtard
- Felix Desrosiers: You priorites are fucked if you believe that
- God doesn't exist.: I've heard rats are pretty tasty
- Pine Tree: The chick didn't troll. She was just high. She thinks the holocaust happened, as does Alex Jones and the host of the channel.
- AWiseCrow: lol yeah
- Felix Desrosiers: +The Prickly Prick while you obviously can't say that those examples are not "real socialism" i'd like to point out that what murderous regime have in common is authoritarianism and not their political ideology. Wether it be on the right (with facist regimes like Franco, Pinochet, Mussolini, Hitler, etc.) or on the left with all the regimes you know. So i don't think it's fair to judge socialism as a whole by those examples since you have many countries nowadays that embrace socialism and are doing great.
- Andrew: I think she is high...
- A Cute Anime Girl: CUM TOWN WOO WOO
- mrhypnagogia: Potheads are the future
- Phillip Lamoureux: When you are in your 70's having three moderate homes is not too amazing. Property values have skyrocketed now, but 50 years ago prices were less, and your accumulated wealth over those 50 years through good economic times in the past, it isn't hard to have two or three places. Particularly if your job is away from home in a single place. And then maybe you have a summer cabin. I know hicks in cheap and poor Michigan who have the same.
- Your Grandma: If you use socialist policies you get socialist results - that's what infowars was getting at with Venezuela
- Julia: Alexander Biasin yeah she told them she didn’t want to do it and just didn’t care 😂
- John Adams: This guy's a moron.
- twiztedreverb: As a canadian who suffered trauma to my leg via a boat propeller, or breaking my hand playing football, or even getting stabbed ... and Multiple visits due to asthma attacks, and not pay a cent for any care i received ... I don't mind our health care system. Id rather have a system like ours than suffer like most americans do without any system at all. like fuck, how to diabetics in america with no healthcare even survive?
- Shining Star: JordanScottMills They might negotiate prices, I dont think Big Pharma can continue jacking up prices the way it does now, it's a travesty.
- Michael Coville: Even if all of Bernie Sanders' policies were made law, the 1% would still be filthy rich. They would have to pay a little more in taxes, they would not be able to buy politicians like they were loaves of bread, they would not be able to rig the economy in their own favor and make it impossible for the middle class to grow and progress, but the multi-millionaires and billionaires would still have far more money than they could possibly need in ten lifetimes.
- Henry A.: Bernie Sanders is def. a threat to the establishment.
- Zachary Sturgeon: Oh my God that girls voice is fucking like nails on a chalkboard.
- The Panda: I quit when she brought up Venezuela, like that's not a socialist country by any means, the country has been demolished by unregulated foreign neocolonialism. If you wanna have an honest conversation then why not bring up Cuba, Denmark, fuck even Canada has some socialist components. Oh yah I forgot the truth is inconvenient for InfoWars.
- HinaHina: The girl didn't troll them, she just avoided answering the question. Socialism isn't just Universal Healthcare, you let college students control it and it becomes the mass redistribution of wealth.
- Vargr Skullfield: This is why women shouldn’t vote ...
- B C: Your just full of hate with your words Kyle and Sanders is very rich. Might not be million but it was new 630k home he bought last year. Why all the cursing? And socialism tore Venezuela totally down their economy is in tatters be real when you say your story
- Benn Conner: Bernie Sanders isn’t even a socialist lol. I actually agree with a lot of Bernie’s ideas. However I don’t believe every uni course should be funded by the tax payer. I also disagree with Bernie when it comes to illegal immigration and mass immigration. The one thing that really annoys me when it comes to political debate, is when people use Chavez’s or Hitler as the moral Centre. Hitlers economic ideas where actually very good. The man brought the German economy back from the dead and made it one of the strongest in the world in just a few years.
- Lily Tide: Idk i want to eat the rich I dont want to get brain parasites though so i guess we should compost the rich instead
- Nokemm: fucking love your reaction to "1% supports socialism" youre the best man, cracking up over here
- Peter Parker: Blonde versus brunette.
- a S: The little socialist sailor girl! She wants free health care. It fail every time!! Bernie is a lunatic. Free healthcare is not free you morons! Do you think the doctors are just going to decide to just volunteer for the rest of their lives? It'll never happen.
- Walnut Gaming: The reason they took down this video was so the reporter could use it for her youtube channel. The reason she brought up the homes bernie has is since he preaches socialism he should be giving that money to the poor instead of using it for himself. She also wasn't saying that if Bernie became president we would be eating rats she was using an example that socialism will make the country more poor. A good bit of the countrys you mentioned for tax payer funded health care are trying to steer away from that because the "free" health care is shit and raises private health care through the roof so only the upper class can buy it since everyone is still required to pay for all of this "free" stuff. If you did a little bit of research you would have found out that the life expectancy in the Norwegian countries has been going down since they moved to tax payer funded health care.
- Harpo Barx: thanks for pointing that out Bryan Rodezno
- nemesis7884: dont agree with your assessment - in my view they were both absolute idiots
- Gloomshadow100: Victor ..Socialism is service to society .. True socialism does not tolerate selfish freeloaders. If you refuse to serve your fellow man you are put into gulag where your work will be supervised by agents of the Party.
- jk m: Is up down and down up in your world??? The woman being interviewed is CLEARLY ignorant on knowledge about socialism.
- Nicholas Williams: I'm an independent and I'm very pro second amendment and pro life but I believe in free healthcare for all. Not abortion. HEALTHCARE. But yeah I'm on a lonely island. BOTH Democrats And republicans hate me. But thats ok because I love everyone. ❤❤🍄🍄
- Michael Almodovar: I would not call that”owned” at all.
- Adam Melville: +rattlesnake survival I have friends who are against gun control. It baffles my mind as we haven't had the experience of being held up at gunpoint I'd say due to gun control Edit: I should also confirm my interlocutor and I were both infants when the laws were passed
- Meme Communist: Stop calling bernie a democratic socialist. Hes a glorified social democrat and there is a world of a difference.
- LARiots1992: Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?
- Antarah Moody: She will get better as a reporter. Not that big of a deal.
- Allen A: America: Healthcare so good it'll drive you bankrupt
- Jakob Remškar: Im an anarchist, but yeah.
- James Garner: This is exactly why the liberals are losing.
- lukus black: How fucking high was that girl? She was great, but she was floating so bad. rofl
- Schitt T Puns: I know this is simply political judgements of opposition side, but what did she say that didn’t make sense?
- Retro Squigly: Ahh the echo chambers of the internet, you do realise neither of them made a good argument
- Golden: Info Wars still has the video on their youtube channel it's three days old, I just searched it up.
- David Rupert: Kyle, Bernie is not the poorest member of the senate
- Joe Romero: Dasha Nekrasova @nobody_stop_me Wobble Palace https://youtu.be/rXVmAktCDso
- Rat. Resistance: lol, you mentioned Greenland as a developed nation :3
- Michael R. Pence: she forgot to put on a bra
- Na na: Sharon B im 1000% for replacing our current education system. Its outdated and access need to be life long. .id rather pay $300 per month for unlimited education than health care.
- Randal Roe: How can you be enrolled into an institution of higher learning an not understand that there is no such thing as free...hope she is not an Economics major
- DeagleBeagle: You're stupid Secular Talk. No one is going to say they want us all to eat rats, but that is what socialism would eventually lead to.
- Andro Imaging: What she said isn't untrue, Venezuela is a perfect example of wealth being abused.
- Eggelson: I think imin love with her
- tsfcancerman: Who trolled who here, infowars gave facts, while the other one dont care aslong as she get free stuff no matter how bad it becomes with socialism. Dont need to pay high taxes to get free hospital it pay's itself noone need to work or pay for anything. Plz send cunts like this retard female to a venezuela for a couple of years. For ppl who think hospital is free in norway should try live here first. At least buy house, car, work, pay taxes, taxes, taxes and taxes on taxes. A car that are imported into norway is paid taxes on over 7 times before you even have filled a gallon on it and that gallon only cost 8 dollar. And renting is at least a 1000 dollars even out on the countryside even outside small towns who has a population of 5000 ppl. And even thou you get socalled free hospital normal working ppl pay from 39-45% tax on daily work and at least 50% tax on overtime, even pensioners who have paid taxes for over 50 years have to pay from 26%-36% tax out of their pension. So what you call free hospital is not free hospital unless you never work like welfare leeches do. And medication aint free unless your under treatment and or blue prescribtion or else you will not get any help paying for medication unless you first have used over 2000 dollar in a year on those medication and everything over you might apply to hope to get back but if its strong medication then you usaly dont get help. Just know because i use over 220 dollars a month on cancer medication and dont get help with it since im not currently doing chemo and since its strong pain medication it dont matter if im dying even thou im in the lowest ranked paid pensioner level i still dont get help with it. Thats how a libtard country treats its ppl, they want ppl to work themselves to death so they can give away free stuff to ppl who dont want to work and who dont deserve it. So norway still continues to send boatloads of money to other countries to fix/help them while back in norway old ppl die of cold every winter because government dont want to help its own ppl. Norway who only got a little over 6 mill ppl give away everything to other countries instead of fixing its own problems first. Luckily norway aint in eu or else it would look like sweden now.
- Psycho Lefty: Kyle Cucklinszky EXPOSED as a stupid LEFTIST: thinks Greenland is a country. Then Ben DEMOLISHES him on the Wheel of LOGIC
- Holographic: If you think that's trolling... You're fucking retarded.
- Scarlett Cunningham: Sorry for the cuntiness. I honestly, thought about rewriting my comment to be a little less snarky but I hit the reply button anyways. That said, you appear to be an over-explainer and it's hard for me not to be sarcastic to someone who thinks they have to explain that "free healthcare" isn't actually free. We all know that. When most people refer to "free healthcare," they are actually referring to universal healthcare in a single payer system. Anyways sorry for being so harsh.
- Doc Equis: Watch Destroyer look at the truth about canadian socialized heathcare... https://youtu.be/q2jijuj1ysw. 8 k per year buys exellent healthcare before age 65. After 65 medicare is inexpensive for Americans. Direct heathcare plans with personal physicians are 1/4th that price so most people with 8 k can afford Cadillac insurance.
- Smokey Le Bear: Is that the Birdie skank who always try's to get views by showing cleavage but won't actually show her damn tits ?? Lol
- Andrew Wowk: That blonde woman has her own YouTube channel, and she is just as bad there. Makes sense she'd end up on InfoWars. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRUhJlurBdyGwVyyaAdwS9w
- fredworthmn: This video explains why I never stop for "survey" requests. I am just not smart enough to be able to pinpoint the idiocy of the requestor. I suppose this would be true whether I agreed with someone or not.
- Spyro Fan: This guys got good screen presence...I think I'm using that term right. He should do an episode with Cody Johnston
- Jay Jay: Sailor moon saw that info wars mic and she owned Ms Venezuela Rat lady has clearly eaten too many so now the leptospirosis has crept in. Anyone who has a functioning brain will not be swayed
- Ryan Perrin: Beautiful
- G Zig: I'm pretty sure Corey Sanders is the least wealthy senator currently
- Sune Nymann: "The Venezuelans have been eating out of dumpsters for years" fails to explain how the dumpsters are full of food and ignore all the Americans who has to do the same. Capitalist logic does not compute...
- YeahRIght: Also, why not compare usa to socialist countries like most Denmark, Sweden and Netherlands
- G Graham: Lmao poor brainwashed blonde girl
- Milton Perez: DiamondzFreaxz yah and somalia for anarchists...
- E Stasiulewicz: Both of them sounded silly to me.
- Swoog3G: Informative survey on CFO's general outlook on taxes. The people that run companies finances. Their opinion is quite valid. https://www1.warrington.ufl.edu/accounting/docs/tn.pdf Compare what they say to what Bernie plans to do.
- Sagnik Saha: Well of course she’s smart, she is using a pixel
- Willow Tufts: You people have worms in your brain I swear
- Mike: I didn't know your show and I was like: "another shitty show with Jones" but I was surprised and I think it was a great analysis. And Bernie's right, giving Americans an education will likely bring down the number of idiots like these two who have been sort of culturally brainwashed by similar morons. It's very sad but unfortunately, a lot of Americans are just as stupid.
- POStOLFRONT: What a valley girl!!
- EskiltheWanderer: Oh my god that chick was so cute while she was ownin that infoidiot.
- Plqskov: 79 people who watched this video dont want health care
- FCCStudents: I could fry and egg on that vocal fry
- slosher: Houses cost a lot right now
- terryseviltwin: I have family in Venezuela. When Hugo Chavez was the president, their economy was BOOMING. Since Chavez died and Maduro took over (who is NOT socialist), the economy is in the toilet.
- Ingmar Verweij: Euw neuw, I know this lady... Her name is Ashton Birdie or something like that.
- NebNodrog: Kyle is a moron?
- NutzernameKP: Subscribed
- Melissa Johnson: OK...this little girl with hat, MADE NO SENSE. Lol! Too stupid to correlate who pays for free healthcare...with Venezuela complete decline. Honey, this sounds dumb. Younger people have no clue on how socialism has failed!
- Killface Del: Do yourself a favor. Stop making yourself the opposing side to Info Wars. You’re arguing against someone who claims inner dimensional vampires are controlling the earth and it’s hilarious you take time out of your day to critic something as ridiculous as the Eric Andre show. That’s why I hate this channel. This kid thinks he’s the bees knees and confirms his own “genius” by going after these totally absurd info wars interviewers. Who cares what that idiot blonde thinks and you’re wasting your time trying to convert a group of people who think so far right that they couldn’t tell the difference between themselves and Revolutionary soldiers. I’m republican and you’re much more intelligent than the videos you put up imply. Maybe address something somewhat important.
- Pedro Nunes: keyword here is: useful idiots.
- karla hernandez: "Heard of it"
- Enrico L.: Ajeet Pooni I'd say so, any new Supreme Court nominees will easily pass in the next 4 years which is huge for Republicans and have long lasting repercussions. We can get some stuff accomplished with the senate while democrats keep trying to obstruct with rediculous & lame measures. Look at the Democrat party it's left with Nancy Pelosi and Maxine waters to be their face... I honestly feel bad for the democrats the cards are stacked against then. With blacks leaving with blexit they desperately need illegal immigration to try and brainwash them to vote Democrat which is their main concern at the moment I'm sure.
- Shododdydoddy: Truth Seeker This, unsure where the "haha PwNed!!" part was.
- Spushed: Typical blind socialist fascist racist liberal drivel. No fucking way that bitch just came up with a troll plan, you can tell she is really clueless. This guy is obviously ignoring facts with both eyes wide shut.
- G_to_V: james bobbo I don't talk about comunism, i strictly talk about socialism. Not a single private company would pay 50% taxes, that is why you don't see so many big business in Nordic countries and you will never see them. Huge taxes always lead owners to move to places that can give them better conditions to grow. Just imagine, where are the better chances for your business to thrive, in Scandinavia or in USA? Capitalism give you ability to grow faster and it's a free market that decides who's gonna thrive, and only depend of how hard do you work to make it. Would you ever pay 10 euros for a 0.5 l of water, or 5 euros for bread? You pay everything too much + government take 50% of your income (sometimes to 60% in Sweden). Sweden and Norway are fantastic for seasonal workers. The thing is, people are greedy and easily corrupted and they will try to make a better life for themselves, no matter if it is socialism or capitalism, people will always be the same. I do like some things that Scandinavian countries have, like paying speed tickets based on your income ( that is a great idea), but overall USA and capitalism is way better and will always be better.
- Michael Thomas Jordan: So some stoned (or acting like it) young woman who claims she's a socialist while sipping premium latte on an expensive mobile phone, 'valley girls' her way through an interview - and that's "owning someone?"
- Emily Murphy: that woman is my inspiration
- Anonymous: This is actually bad. Venezuela isn’t socialist, and neither is Bernie.
- Truth Seeker: Can anyone tell me, in the constitution, where it says you have a right to health care?
- Alex Martuszewski: You are one of those you tubers who are just trying to make a living or extra money off it. Get a neon sign with your name and “the” before it and “show” afterward, add a mic and you got a whole news broardcast or something lol! All you’re doing is a reaction type video. Try making real content (like Info Wars) where you get out of your house and get opinions. You could go on the street and show people a clip of info wars and get their opinion and that’d be different.
- Sean McDonald: Dylan Klebold Sure buddy ; )
- Walnut Gaming: +Mr. Struggle Snuggle thank you this has cleared up a little bit of confusion
- Sam Suarez: I liked her outfit
- Kelsey Spotts: Bernie sanders becoming president=we will eat rats
- Maconnaith: Owned? Trolled? Popeye the vocal fry couldn't answer a question. They were her beliefs
- Rage Raptor: 3 million dollar homes lol wtf infowars trying to show how ignorant you are and how little u actually know lol
- adinahwithkaden: Is the interviewer that Ashton Birdie chick? Can't stand her
- FetchQuestAssigner4423: They both seem retarded to me.
- Adrianna sanchez: I'm sorry but y'all lefties are straight retarded. This tramps voice alone is cringe inducing, let alone her lack of intelligence.
- Carlos De Leon: She was stating her opinion, and that opinion was we should all have free health care, WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T YOU WANT FREE HEALTH CARE? But if you dont agree with that, it doesn't mean your wrong it's just your opinion.
- Blake Belladonna: Good for you, it didn't cure my lesbianism but you win some you lose some...
- Jeeves Anthrozaur: If I was asked about Venezuelans eating rats, I'd probably say something like "So? Rats are delicious. Don't knock it 'till you try it, honey."
- Jordan Taylor: you people have worms in your brain
- Needles165: Ashton birdbrain
- Sabrin Islam: InfoWars: The one percent supports socialism in venezuela ???????????????????????????????????????
- Akray Bothorda: Yes we have socialised healthcare, and plenty of people with private insurance end up in public hospitals when their cover is denied.
- ZedsterX: I live where there is free healthcare btw. I do NOT eat rats.
- Gumer Zambrano: 😂😂 Ben > Alex Jones
- Calamack: Too bad neither of the idiots in this video understand what Socialism means
- Steven Verdenhalven: Damn, you know it's a great video when info wars has to send it's supporters to the comment section 😂😂😂 y'all muhfuckas too much!
- usucdik: Quote on any of that? I'll hold my breath.
- Go Mezant: Venezuela is eating rats, therefore we're doomed. Exquisite "logic."
- Tubofluxar: Why did they even upload that 😂
- The real caliph Baghdad: Amtv reporter working for infowhores lol what a joke for alt news.
- Black Manta: Ch33to Sesh what do you wanna argue about? Bolshevik Bernie? Healthcare?
- Jonathan Bierman: does she know her politics
- moi: What about Western Europe?
- vanoil fiallos: Remind me again how she was trolled ? Maybe the other way around. This girl supports something she don't even understand. Maybe she's the one that has worms in her brain .
- Petrpiper 69: TheOwlybird with free healthcare they can get cured for the diseases they get for eating rats
- backup41: I would like to kiss the ass with my tongue
- bzylvn: Wait.........what video are you referring too? I see the clueless "Oh My Gawd" liberal drinking her Starbucks Ice Coffee and unable to hold a REAL conversation about facts. Which video are you talking about? I think I will stick to watching BEARING make fun of you and make you look like a total a*s on his REAL Channel. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
- nigling: so what do janitors do, pay no taxes while a doctor pays a ton of taxes and lives in a shack?
- Cameron McClure: Popo Bawa wow, fancy word. Too bad you don't know how to properly use it in a sentence. Must be that acting like an intellectual snob is how you deal with being wrong.
- Andrew Birk: Sup w ur bandaids dog?
- XX TRUTH XX: Reported for misleading
- cory greene: The brunette girl was stupid hardly trolled anyone or masterminded anything. Wtf this host just trolled himself.
- Eugene 1: I have 5 homes so what? Im not rich
- Rich Poor: You empty headed drones see this and think she came off anything less than a dolt? She wasnt able to answer one question. “Eat the rich?” Thats a brilliant answer? More proof the leftist movement is dead. Trump 2020
- gianhet: They're eating rats 😂
- Matthew Hintermann: Long time fan, first time commenter... A lot of my fellow Canadians actually want to make us more like the USA. If you're interested in seeing some Canadian right-wing wackiness, look up Doug Ford...
- Lance Smith: OMG someone that's 78 years old might have a good chunk of change for his life work and to leave for his family. He's all about paying his fair share. Does anyone really think the DNC or something else pays for all his work he does NOW and STILL since...1985. Here is he his since then... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l14VErGGcbQ
- Joe Corliss: "Why do you think so many of the 1% support socialism?" "...is that true?" "It's very true." "Like who?" "Well, for example...um...VENEZUELA"
- Jay Pond: Oh shut the fuck up. You don't know what anything is. The left is in a constant state of arguing semantics and changing definitions to shit. Its fucking annoying.
- Aaron Martinez: Kyle the kuck
- Extra norm: She reminds me of a friend I have.
- Simone: The infowars girl is insufferably self righteous in her approach and speech and everything. Where do they find these people? “But I just told you Veneuzala eats RATS” Embarrassingly cringe even for Infowars standards.
- United American Imperialist: crashdumy 16 OMG he fucking would! 😂
- nuwavghost: I love this girl 😍
- snellavision: Idiot's first day on the job ... they pulled the clip ... meh Gee Kyle, please breakdown what th journalist did wrong 'cause I'm too dumb to know for myself ... you're like the best at picking that low hanging fruit, dude
- Mathew Pritchard: "Venezuela has socialism and they eat rats" the US has capitalism and flint doesn't have clean drinking water
- Allie Boy: Lewis Jones then why did they take the vid down? 😂
- Daniel Knower: Is liking the smell of your own farts really that bad Kyle? Really?
- c r G: I think the girl from Infowars did a damn good job the other girl was a complete FUCKING idiot like all the libtruds are ! I have never seen so many dumb motherfucker making so many dumbass comment in one place as I have seen here . May God have mercy on me y'alls soul ! Good bye all of you asswipe .
- 251omega: Remember, they called President Obama both a Socialist and a Communist, so under that background, the 1% COULD support Socialism! Have you noticed thew Left and the Right have apparently exchanged philosophies? Everything is variable, now. Words only mean what you want them to. (Be sure to use my preferred pronoun, or I'll get upset...) >>> In truth, while INFOWARS does get a lot of important things right, they FAIL on certain subjects. For instance, INFOWARS routinely conflates and uses interchangeably, the meanings of the words: Fascism, Socialism, Communism, totalitarianism and Authoritarianism. It makes it very difficult to communicate ideas, when the words we use NOW have no meaning! >>> Jones is great on getting breaking news and hidden truths, to the public, way ahead of the MSM "News"... THEY'RE Not so good at drawing conclusions, predicting or assessing events or strategies, but, sometimes they DO get some of them right. Keep watching , but be wary.
- Sigurhildur Guðnadóttir: "Heard of it" *looks at the camera like did she really just ask me that*
- BPMRADIOHONOLULU: Venezuela is what happens when a Trump Administration is in charge of socialism. They run it like capitalism.
- Mr Smith: Alex Jones is a lowlife scumbag.
- nasur86: This isn't even the full video
- shammy davisjr: The US has used ever trick in the book to make Venezuela's economy fail after they booted Exon Mobile and all the other oil companies out of their country for bribing politicians to sign contracts for THEIR own oil for pennies on the dollar.
- Robert McCain III: bruh... you are a mo....ron.
- ricardo: Chancellor Palpatine = Donald Trump
- Jeremy: yes
- Ōkami-san: I don't think Sailor Moon was trolling. But she is an idiot for wanting Government to provide Health-care.
- John Smith: I wish you and Crowder would do something collaborative. I think you both are good and have similar ways of talking, but different ideas. If the two of you are respectful to one another, I'd like to see you discuss things.
- TechEpiphany: Are they eating rats in switzerland? Dont think so ;)
- _JB999_YT: I would not say she destroyed her at all
- Studio Corax: Republican Nation. Every system has drawbacks and benefits. From one point of view, it might not be fair forcing people to pay taxes going to a general health insurance. From another point, it's not fair that children are born into poor families and therefore will have a significantly less quality medical treatment, no matter how bad choices their parents made, the child is innocent. Then there is the other aspect, maybe a publicly funded health insurance will contribute to make society as a whole less conflicted, and maybe I will benefit from that, even if I'm not poor?
- Dan: Bernie cleared $1,000,000 in 2017 alone. Clowns.
- Eric Ashtin: maybe this was explained somewhere else before, i don’t know, but dude...why do you have so many cuts on your fingers?
- Mayb :: +Cooper Harris ok cool, nice talking to ya bro
- The Majestic Spider: That dumbass who is with Info Wars really asked why people should have free healthcare as if she thinks it shouldn't be free and anyone with a terminal illness or injury should be required to pay to feel better or be cared for until they can walk again. What a fucking moron.
- Nayla Milley: This video suck
- flinx101: what was the response christ I woulda taken that trash down too the whole interview on both sides was silly AF. Oh and Kulinsky you need help man.
- Nick M: Not really owned lol
- MadArticDriver: Norway has the biggest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the world built from North Sea oil revenue. There is no Muslim majority you clueless fuck.
- Mark Henderson: Cucked soyboi
- PowdaToastFace Killah: I'm talking about America...
- Master Rebel: Also I can see the epic trolls tits
- Justin Case: she had no idea how to respond. How is that trolling?
- Lil_Motion: FAKE NEWS
- VC YT: I like her outfit. -- its like the royal navy in the 1700s.
- mechaFoxs: was she cosplaying as a sailor? She was looking good.
- Michael Clemmer: _uck liberas girly men dirt bag hairy armpit women just really freaks
- nictimus: Oh honny, you are not the sharpest knife
- Ranjit Makhija: She is awesome.
- joshua yamamoto: This is fake
- Kenneth Goforth: You sir are a dumbocrat duffis, Millie was making a point and you know this but like all deep state left broken winged idiots you push forth your globalist gay agenda, learn to walk around with out a butt plug and see how free if feels I promise you'll wish to plugg that butt again.
- critical thinking: Pathetic,,if this is trolling than the evil left are in deep trouble ,,,the 10th commandment is anti any "free" stuff ,,nothing is free,,it's government robbery through taxation ,,,don't be jealous negates every commie,,that's why leftism and religion don't mix,,,god says :love thy friend as thyself ,,,don't be jealous,,give charity ,,,,commie says ,,hate thy rich ,,,be jealous,,,,use force to rob charity from the rich to give to the poor,,,,no wonder that every commie act ends up a total disaster and every commie regime millions died of hunger or disobeying the commie iron fist,,,America is trending towards commie ,,and we have less and less freedom as time progresses ,,Kyle is a dumb Airhead
- Mike Loder: Wow this was some deceitful shit. http://fortune.com/2018/05/07/world-of-warcraft-currency-bolivar-venezuela-inflation/ You are so grasping
- Portu: I'm in love
- The Naked Wombat: I'm an Australian. Today I took my son to the Doctor then bought prescription medicine for him. Total cost, $5.95 for medicine plus bus fare. No upfront fee for the Doctor. Taxes pays for essentials.
- laynicorns: her mind
- val roe: Can anyone tell me her socials. I need to follow her.
- Throttle Rocket: I do the same thing that the dark hair chic does when I am a little nervous in a social situation. She drinks her ice coffee after every interaction to sooth the weirdness of the interview. I bet she was pissed like I am when she walked away and looked at her drink and was like "shit I drank it all up and I wanted to savor it awhile". That blonde owes her a coffee.
- Reaper.: She's brain-dead
- Geronimo P: GOD IS AN OPIATE FOR THE MASSES Socialism like France? Socialism like Venezuela? Socialism like England? Socialism like Nazi Germany? We obviously don't have full socialism, or else Alexandria Ocosio Cortez would not be making the news! We do have a certain level of Socialism, but it has not taken full control! But I'm the idiot, why don't you enlighten us since your the genius!
- dipasasky: Kyle have you been in Bernie's modest homes ? Why didn't bernie fight the DNC when they stole the presidential nomination from him ? He tucked tail and fell in line .
- MORE FUTURE: You clearly have read ‘between two ages.’ And ‘tragedy and hope’ Sometimes you can just tell.
- David Briggs: Universal health care is expedient for a nation. Once collective defence is established then the next most important thing for any individual is to be able to enjoy that freedom in good health. Who wants their kids going to school with children whose parents can’t find the resources to take care of their diseases? You want coworkers to have to come and work with you whilst sick?Simply look at the spectrum of intelligence. Most fall into the category between 90 and 110 IQ. We expect that for the most part they are able to handle their day to day needs. Even considering and filling in insurance forms, assuming they would have discretionary income to pay for that. Those of higher IQ should normally have no problem, although many of course do have problems with issues such as depression. That leaves many millions who struggle with mental capacity, let alone cash. Any decent person/population would have empathy and a desire to have those shortcomings minimised, firstly because they are human beings and, secondly, they are our fellow countrymen. Being able to turn your back on that is being callous. One of my early observations of society at the start of my 26 years in the States was that it’s every man for himself. It has worked to an extent. People can do very well and I love America for that. I am very happy that my children are Americans and live in one of the best places in the world. However, there is also among many a hardening of the heart towards those less fortunate as if it’s entirely their fault. Some only learn what compassion is when misfortune falls upon themselves.
- *ONEDARKMIND*: Why would the left have to mandate how many homes the average American has by passing a laws, when they're well aware of the fact the average American taxpayer is lucky to be able to afford an apartment let alone one mediore home, no need to pass a law that would only effect their ability to own multiple mansions and summer homes with all that tax money they've obtained from robbing the counrty blind and selling us out to foreign governments and corrupt corporations.. the fact Bernie Sanders Owns 3 homes and inn guessing they're not your average single family homes and you nonchalantly said say he is the least wealthy congressman says it all.. What's the salary for a congressman anyway? and How do any of thier net worths reconcile? Seems the majority of our population has worms for brains
- Eddy Que: strawmaning her you want free healthcare? you must be in favor of RATS
- DAVE ROZ: people who support huge state government intervention to solve all of life's problems all like the smell of each others farts. That's what I've gathered from this video.
- Sandernista: Edward Norton Damn, you have one home. I'm jealous 😂
- juan garcia: Fuck. That chick was pretty hot but that voice did not go with the body
- shammy davisjr: The cost of the last time we bombed Syria we could have replaced all the water lines in Flynt Michigan 4 times.
- Cosmic Madness: When the lady mentioned eating rats. I got battlefield earth flashes.
- YoshTG: pls make the "But in venezuela people are eating rats" become a meme HAHAHAHAHA
- Ignar Husky Progressive Maddog: This sailor girl is high asf and she still merked the fuck out of this stupid thot-ish whore in the red dress
- wkcia: I am Australian, can confirm we are all evil devil people assholes with free healthcare
- yellingatcows: breaking news: kyle at 7:33 looks like rich evans
- dennis bellinger: what an inarticulate ass you are. get off the microphone!
- Ron Koralewski: A 600,000 home is a modest home? Where do you live?
- ozwwf: stop using 1% you have no idea what you are talking about
- Sky1: The Bernie chick just wants free stuff, just like everyone else
- SantaMuerte livE: You're reaching
- torreslalo20: Die commie die
- Wil Garrett: Ashton Whitty has minor autism. Not severe but that's probably the cause of the impediment.
- David Wiebe: I like where danders said to hitlery (paraphrased) White people don't know what it is to live in sickening poverty in a ghetto. sanders is a pompous ass, views himself as an arbiter of everything. He thinks he's some sort of omniscient being, kind of like that pervert morgan freeman, or for that matter Stalin...Sickening
- brandon2479: An inofwars reporter asking me questions is a wet dream.. I would fuck them up with facts
- Sven Pollock: He's off base on this one
- sketch6995: A loaded college kid destroyed an infowars reject? Not too surprised.
- Eddie Hanna: Mr. Kulinski, it is people like you that continue to spread propaganda by manipulating what is true so that the U.S. can be striped of it's dignity while you have this cavalier attitude watching a young lady be misled by a corrupt system that you have sold out to. Also, don't you have more intelligent things to say instead of continuously cursing?
- Kevin Wilson: Just for the record Karl Marx doesn’t give a shit how expensive your house is or how much your car is. He just wanted for their to be equal pay and for the wealthy to spread the wealth fairly with their workers
- JK Stan: Hmmm not my understanding of being owned or trolled.
- Michael Ellegard: Owns them? She is an absolute moron.
- Overcome: This guy doesnt even realize that infowars OWNED THAT DUMB WOMAN! if leftists think that this is a debate they won, conservitives will be in office indefinitely!
- vic olo: Yes, cause republicans have ben proven sane ?xD Why are Republicans so afraid of everything ?
- SadGayDog: Iconic
- Michael Kivett: Healthcare for all is not free....the government doesn't actually pay for it, it takes it out of taxes, same goes for "free" education. It's never free
- Awesome Possume: +Pipi Sempai this person has directly stated that shes a lesbian so im gonna ask edit: holy crap everyone loves the random woman how homosexy
- TheViewFromUpHere: Wow, the InfoWars person is so ignorant, ill informed and brainwashed.
- TheLABound123: That’s why she won though. They were trying to trigger her and she was like whatever. Infowars lady ended up looking like an idiot.
- Piroclanidis: Anime schoolgirl roasts republican
- FiatDuster: Kyle Kulinski must identify with the Tin Man from Oz because it's clear his best friend is the Strawman. Now, if he only had a brain.
- iMaDeMoN: Bernie Sanders has two homes, not three. One in Vermont and one in Washington D.C. This is normal.
- Django Fett: "Roads, military, police, education, your government is paid by taxes, the same taxes that pay for 'free' healthcare in every other developed country." That isn't socialism. Those are public works. Here's a hint, Bernie isn't a socialist. He's a social democrat. There is a substantial difference no matter what brainless right wingers try to tell you.
- thematrixhasyou tsipkis: The Chick was dumb. I dont know how you saw infowars Getting trolled. I think maybe your hate for what infowars stands has the better of you.
- Adam wiggins: But wait I like the smell of my own farts.....😤
- Mauricio Porte: you know irks me a lot about discusions of healthcare? nobody ever talks about natural monopolies and monopsonies and why most countries have the system they do. I mean if you really want to shut them up just give them the economic reasons.
- Stephanie Loggins: “People should only have 2 house act” wow Sanders is the poorest member of the senate bc Bernie, to his credit, doesn’t lobby and take money from big business. That aside, he does have 3 houses, his wife was just sued for driving a college into the dirt. Socialism is for crack pots. The comments on here attacking the rich people in this country are disgusting. She was saying the 1% are the ones drinking champagne in Venezuela
- xxdizannyxx: You think she was trolling about eating the rich? There nothing to THINK about. She SAID she likes socialism because of "eating the rich" i.e sending their mountain of hoarded wealth back to the people. Why the hell would u think she's trolling?...
- packardexelence: ACTUALLY, KILE, with ALL the CORPORATE MONOPOLIES WE have in the U.S.A. WE ARE NOT TRUE CAPITALIST!!!!!!!!!! Did ya EVER her the OLD SAYING;---"CAPITALISM & COMMUNISM are BOTH a couple of GREAT SYSTEMS!!!!!!!--------- ------SOMEBODY SHOULD TRY THEM SOMETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- W Dela Cerna: Who needs 3 homes?
- Jerry Powell: That's my line. I've said "Eat the rich" for 40 years and she runs up here and don't even give me my props.
- Jeremy Kipp: I enjoyed this but couldn't stop staring at the three bandaids on your fingers and wondering what the fuck did you do? Also one is coming off....
- David Fuentes: I hate everything
- Joe Doe: LoL :))))))))))))
- Canadian Cuck Fighter: She owned them? Get serious, just another dumb downed ignorant commie wanna bee who wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes in the former Soviet Union. Whose this guy doing this show anyway, never even heard of him.
- SHTF Bugout and outdoors: They’re both stupid!! Radicalagenda.com
- John Sellers: I tried to like your show buddy but I gotta be honest it sucks balls.
- Nathan: Damn she hot af
- osp80: yeah, that's kinda the joke...
- Kyle Jarrett: Somebody got picked on in school
- Vobe S: Esteban Miranda which would make you insane...
- Sou1defiler: "I'm talking about America" Sucks on her soda nonchalantly
- Brenda Weber: Kyle your a moron that woman was dumb as a bricj
- Senor Gato: Owned? Trolled? I'm confused. They both sound like idiots and this guy is the biggest of them all. "Poorest of them all". What f'in poor person has three homes? Another left winger "deusch bagger". What an idiot.
- dempsey578: What 1% of Americans? Venezuela 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
- Tom Killin: Now Kyle knows how it feels when you see someone lie about someone on their own platform (Seven Crowder)
- Michael Weston: I don't think you guys understand what trolling is.
- BrokenAnglais: Is it jus me or noone notices she doesn't wear a bra ?
- TE BE: What they don't understand. Is that Socialism is a word that describes. Many things the Republican Plutocracy of USA. Which is ran by Plutocrat leaders such as the Koch Brothers. Who dictate instructions to their Republican in government puppets. That they need to weaponize the word Socialism. In a technique to demonize everything the world describe and stand for. Benifits such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Are examples of socialism. And what the word describes and stands for. Need I say more? Do you see the picture THEY'RE painting? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spelled it out for you. They're on an all out war to dismantle government (democracy). The right don't like it called democracy. SO THEY'RE ON AN ALL OUT WAR TO DISMANTLE GOVERNMENT! And fill their pockets while they burn it all down. What do these morrons on the right don't get? They're cheering for their own lynching. It's so bizarre! This is no joke, Trump supporters live in an alternate universe. Where fox news is in every channel. It's all they see and hear, alternative facts. They've taken the blue pill and washed it down with Kool Aid. They've rejected reality and substituted their own. So sad... Support for Heidler Drumpf is unAmerican! DRAIN THE MORASS, IMPEACH TRUMP!
- youngmoneymeric: No this fuckin bitch didnt say why should we have free healthcare. Smh these ppl need to immigrate to a 3rd country
- joeychaos1134: Uhhh i think we should limit the amount of homes people can get
- Justin S: It's 2018 and you MAGA knuckledraggers still don't know what a socialist is
- Toby Henderson: It didn't seem like a great trolling honestly are all secular people like this? Perhaps it's because they come from apes and the "ape brain" cannot reach its fullest potential? Help me out here which part was she trolling?
- Crushed Luminary: Bernie Sanders Senator Salary: $174,000 v. Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah $120,000 v. Senator John Thune R-S.D $80,000. So... Secular talk just got busted in a massive lie.
- Dr Downtime: Daniel Russell except roads are part of the public service sector and paid for by tax.
- Melanin Farmer: Nothing on the Antifa kid on the news. But still funny
- United American Imperialist: Dave Hughes Farm Wow! A threat on the internet? oohh! Scary!
- R B: She sounds fucking braindead..like a straight up burnout. Listened to this video for a total of a minute and I'm pretty sure her voice alone made my IQ drop..
- MrRNN3: So wait Corporatism isn't Capitalism ? Dude, Corporatism is by far the most common form of Capitalism to exist. What you are saying is like saying bananas are not fruits because real fruits are round.
- Art Of Life: "But I just told you Venezuela is eating rats". That's a glorious counter-argument, I should use that in debates. "You want X, Venezuela does X and they eat rats. You want to eat rats?"
- Hyon Pyon: “You people have worms in your brains”. Lmao!!
- silly billy emma: her attitude makes me want to shoot myself in the head. why is she stooping to their level and using terms of endearment to degrade the reporter? just ignore her or be respectful. you don’t have to be like “oh this this this, honey. blah blah blah, sweetheart.” like who the fuck are YOU?
- adalia rose: 2:01 "BUT I JUST TOLD YOU VENEZUELA'S EATING RATS?!?!?"
- Jammer 65: 19 countries with the highest standard of life. United States barely makes the list at # 19 The rest are all socialist countries.
- Kyzzori: Oh my god she got owned by an idiot. I'm not the only one who thought the socialist girl actually sounded like an idiot, right?
- Lavia: Democratic socialist, why are infotards unable to grasp reality?
- Titanium Tiara: You must not have seen the whole video. I did. Sailor girl was not "trolling" --- she was the stupidest thing ever. And had to use her looking at her phone as a delay so she could have time to think of what to say.
- Sai: I wish they would kiss already.
- Felix Desrosiers: Explain further...
- Jay D33: Aww shit, DAYUM, Infowars got trolled!
- Straight Up Old School: it's annoying how people talk like they're in a video game. Trolling, Noob, lawl, gtfo, gg, stfu, lol, QQ . ect ect.
- Dan hates the man: She probably didn't get where she is by being smart.
- Dr.Gavagai: Bernies 700 dollar coat is an issue to conservertards what do u expect? 🤪🤪🤪
- GameAddict51: Jose Vazquez Right wingers always complain about “lazy bums” on welfare, yet their states have the most welfare recipients...
- Rup Tratin: My grandson loves thais show. I call it a giant BM!
- Terminal: EATING RATS IS FREE HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ItsLasnAz: They both sounded equally ridiculous, as do you.
- Joe Crockenberg: Ashton birdie?
- Rosannasfriend: I agree with her(the random woman being interviewed), but she didn't present herself as someone who knows anything. This wasn't the time to "troll" like that. It was time to make the opposition doubt themselves and search for answers that bring them back to their original stance, and then realize they CAN'T . Oh well.
- kale n: Lol got them down good
- jo ti: ..there will be no problem in New York, plenty of rats to be eaten...
- Zephyr: Your last name is super jewy
- MITUCLA is a dirty word in Urundi Burundi: The crackle talk lost me... I can't take people seriously who crackle talk....
- Hayabusa Dragon: Move out of America if you want socialism dumbass! We are the number one country in the world and YOU are so dumb, dumb, dumb!
- Von Staufenberg: I'd hardly call this "trolling to perfection". The girl with the beret was cute, but not too well-informed. If she wanted to troll infowars, the conversation would go like this: Disinfowars: Why do you support Bernie Sanders? Troll: Get a look at you! Nice outfit, honey. How many dicks did you have to suck to become a "roving reporter"? Disinfowars: Bernie lives in three million-dollar homes. Troll: When you show me a homeless person who might be able to win an election for President, we'll talk about Bernie's hypocrisy. Disinfowars: You know Venezuela, right? They eat rats. Troll: Honey, I'm beginning to suspect -- no, make that realize -- that everything you know about history, poltical science and economics can be written on a cue card full of CIA talking points and, quite conveniently, stuffed up your ass. You know America, right? Here we have a different form of socialism. It was called the bailout, where the 1% stole $20 Trillion from the 99%. You know America, right? The richest country on Earth. Haven't been plagued by foreign invasion in over 200 years, No overpopulation, joined the industrial revolution early. Here, we have 40% of the population who don't own homes, millions completely homeless, tens of million living in poverty with tens of million more about to join them. Meanwhile, in China, a 3rd world country when those evil commies took over, plundered by imperialists, ravaged by invasion, torn by civil war, devastated by crppling overpopulation, floods, famine and disease. There, 90% own homes. They have virtually no homelessness. Do you think the US could do better than the psychopathic murderers, thieves and pathological liars who have been running this country for the last 30 or 40 years? As for your boy Trump, how's the "swamp draining" coming along? He's had a year and a half to do the one and only thing he could do to drain swamps -- ie, expose 9/11. Explain why he hasn't.
- webster wu: A worm in your brain, lol.
- Grey Jedi: I’m not sure she trolled them.
- Jasmine Vaugnon: "I don't wanna do this" is honestly such a mood
- usucdik: Aww, look, the dummy right winger has no argument, so he tries this reverse racist schtick. Yeah, too bad no one gives a fuck and she is still a dumb bitch. Oh no, are you gonna say I'm antifeminist or something? Hilarious when Conservitards suddenly cry like they're offended, when we know they are borderline sociopathic and only care about themselves.
- Michael Moon: Glorious? Kyle needs some of his kuck juice aka you flipping soyboy
- Mark Haynes: I’ve read half of your comments on here and most of you can’t form a coherent sentence. You’ll speak of things you have no knowledge of. For instance I agree healthcare and health insurance costs are through the roof. But how are we to get a grip on the cost if you don’t even know how much we are paying for a doctor visit. They don’t tell you how much it’s gonna be when you go to the doctor. You just hand them your insurance card and maybe $10 and you think your covered. Then you get a bill at the end of the month saying you owe $200. And that’s after the insurance is claiming they paid $200 WTF. Can’t you’ll see we are being scammed by the insurance companies and the doctors. I know people that don’t have health insurance. And walk into the doctor with an ear infection and make a deal with the doctor for $100 WTF. We need to go to catostrophic health insurance policies and you make the deals directly with the doctors so you know what your paying for and how much it costs. Free healthcare and insurance is not the answer!! Wake up America. Oh another thing, half this shit the doctors are prescribing you don’t need. Think about it the more procedures and pills they prescribe the more money they make. I know people that take 10-15 different pills a day. WTF that’s insane. I think all them chemicals in your body will probably kill you faster than without taking anything. Also there is evil brewing in this country trying to divide and conquer us. RESIST
- Carlos I Nazarita: eeeeehh.! :-)
- Insert Name Here: Honestly having multiple places to live might be cheaper on the taxpayer in the long run than spending expenses on the kind of very fancy hotels that are capable of providing the security that your average high ranking politician needs.
- FuckCancer AllDay: Otay otay I like that
- Music: +The Girth So you not only choose to tell me what I said but tell me what you presume I feel as well. Even though both have no meaning or substance. Serious question for you trolls. Do you have lives? Why do you waste peoples time with this nonsense? No I havent said it many times. No I'm not nervous. No I dont think the Senate will remove him from office but the house will impeach him. No him not being removed from office due to sycophantic fascists like yourself is not a big deal as he stands zero chance of reelection. We won the House with 37 seats and counting. Biggest gains since Watergate. You had the most favorable Senate map for Republicans in a hundred years. You gained a total of 2 seats and that's just barely in a couple of races. You've got two years of a lame duck "president" before we take the Senate and presidency. After that your fascist party may never win another national election in our lifetimes as your elderly racist base dies off and demographics shift. The Republican party will eventually wither and die and the country can realign with an actual left wing party to challenge the Democrats. The future is bright kid.
- Paid Government Shill: David Warschauer “Alex Jones is a fraud.” Okay. How? Is it because Alex Jones is very clearly a zionist shill/controlled opposition? Because unless that’s what you think, well, you’re wrong about probably anything Alex Jones related...
- Tony P: Infowars is garbage
- always right: Ok so who is going to pay for all of this free things? It needs funding for it to work.
- Walt F.: The 1% supports kleptocracy.
- *Redeemed *: 539k subs. If its other vids are like this one was I wouldn’t even have the words for it. This Literally has to be the worst video I’ve ever seen and that’s sayin something.
- Brian Fergus: "Sub optimal" - I think not. No it was right on, perfection. The brain worms comment alone was ultra meme worthy- Voice was just a plus.
- Luke: She looks like she bites 😉
- Jeffery Allen: She is hot af tho
- MrChet407: This guy. Australia is mostly spiders and shit. Ofcourse they can fund their fwee healthcare system. Most Australians probably die from a fatal animal attack so they don't even need to use the health care hahaha. But that's just my uninformed opinion.
- Edison YY: *Top 10 anime debats*
- Romes Republic: The 1% supports socialism🤣😂☠
- edoardo fedrighi: Lol she was the one that was either on drugs or looked dumb af... Your average lazy leftist that demands free shit from the tax payers... And yall thinks she's being smart, lmao you're paying for these lazy ass people
- The Hashtager: I wish should would have said: I wouldn't eat rats, I would eat gay frogs...
- Rick Rouse: How was that trolling? what I saw was perfect ignorance. There was never a socialist country that didn't descend into hell. Let me guess Norway? Norway reversed many of their socialist programs they are more capitalist today then ever before. They had to cut their socialist programs because the country was going bankrupt.
- Takela: Socialism is horrible
- kevdone w: this is just a parody nothing more but stupider than shit
- Mike R: That poor socialist wannabe got exposed big time. And you loons think she's smart? She couldn't answer a simple question.
- Michael McCallum: That wasn't trolling lol.
- Andrew Ryan: "People are eating rats in Venezuela" 1% meat is better than rats, they should be eating the rich.
- Philip Stewart: She was so slow how could she not say more.
- MrBibi86: *they pull videos when they are called out and say they are being censored lol*
- John Pierce: Irregardless of Infowars, it's unbelievable how uniformed and mentally bankrupt these socialists are. Socialism has failed miserably everywhere it's been implemented with catastrophic consequences (hundreds of millions of people dead). There is no such thing as "free health care" or "free education" or "free anything", especially if it's coming from the government. Someone has to pay for it. The government doesn't produce one barrel of oil, one bale of cotton, one bushel of wheat, one head of beef, or any other product. The government can only tax for money or print more money and either way, we have less money. Infowars "jumped the shark" a long time ago, but I wouldn't hold this female idiot up as some kind of poster child for your socialist movement, although she is indicative of the entire movement.
- Willy Ryder: Omg, I've seen this clip I InfoWars already, fake news. The Left are the world's failures!
- Lavia: GAY FROGS BILDERBERGS OBAMA IS BEELZEBUB PIZZAGATE SPACE DEMONS The guy admitted in court he is fake news. Yet you consume it like its gospel...
- JL-CptAtom: David Warschauer Against or for information? You've presented nothing
- T M: Those Republican channels all are total retards who read scripted shit they are all total douches
- Jig Saw: Why you lying bra?
- The Never Emperor: How do people watch this trash? Fuckin loser, losing and doesn't know what to do
- The Jason: Free, idiots, means someone has to pay for it... Get the concept. Free is not free. Service provided by others using government force is not a right... Kyle is a pinhead...
- Anthony Navarro: i just dont see how she was being a troll.........
- M4rifleguy: William Fitzpatrick LOL See you have never traveled the world. Smug prick.
- Harpo Barx: why do you have to frame all your arguments in a fundamentalist way? Barely anyone wants PURE socialism. The lion's share want a blend of capitalism with a social safety net in the for of education and healthcare. Why always hang onto this Venezuela argument when you know full well they are an outlier and it's a lot more complicated than just "Duh, SOCIALISM!". Why not bring up most of Europe and Canada? They seem to actually be doing better than the U.S. on a number of issues. You guys are so intellectually disingenuous and carefully selective with your arguments so that you can deceive the knee-jerk nationalists (often white nationalists) I'd come out there and debate you on your show, but I know you'd be far to pussy to have an actual well-read liberal on your show. Call me a Democratic Socialist. I assume your ego will make the decision. Anyone can play a video back and criticize it. Why don't you bring on Kyle Kulinski, Jimmy Dore (who was a ass for spitting on you), David Packman, Or fuck it, how about Noam Chomsky?... You know why and so does everyone else. Cenk would even run circles around you as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKEJP6svlUo You can find me at Harpo Barx on facebook. If you're interested PM me
- rattlesnake survival: +LEAH xUCHIHA sorry, owens a common ass name, but obviously alex jones is the hottest guy from info wars (no homo)
- Felix Desrosiers: Healthcare cost more in the USA per capita than in almost every other western nation that has socialized medecine... If you really cared about your own wealth you would support it. Also, medical bankrupcies are the #1 cause of bankrupcy in the US so maybe it's time to rethink that system. BTW, do you support the police force? Because you are paying for that with your taxes. Same with roads, the army, social security, etc.
- XvX XvX: Clickbait scumbag
- yogesh Seeraj: Dear dumb brain washed bitch, we don't eat rats in Venezuela, we produce yuka, rice, corn , beef, chicken, ducks, and many more food in the abundance
- Joan Iovino: She's just trying to get high and drink her latte
- Jeff Wilkinson: +jungefrau you are right and wrong. You are right that a true free market has most likely never existed. The world is not black and white, and when talking about economic principles you are talking about leaning one way or another in a spectrum. When societies have leaned into allowing the market to correct itself, there has been an increase in wealth for almost everyone (it's why we won the Cold War). When economies have leaned towards controlling the market (price fixing, windfall taxes, etc.), the market becomes fixed and investment capital freezes. This stops new businesses from being created and stifles investing and loaning money. Wal Mart, Amazon, and many other super large corporations are a good example of why anti trust laws exist. They have become market factors that are too large to be held accountable for their effect on the market by itself. I personally don't shop at Walmart because I don't want to support their business. We little people do what we can. The issue of lobbyism is one that is just what it is. An issue. I am for complete political transparency and do not support it any way. There are avenues in lawmaking in our country to correct it. I agree with you that it is unethical and needs to change. We need people passionate about truth seeking and transparent politics to run for office. Instead we have meme birds that repeat phrases and arguments they have heard without any critical thinking, which in my humble opinion is the exact opposite of truth seeking. However, the idea that a giant, inefficient, corruption machine like the federal government (as it currently is) should be providing health care is just not a good idea. We should look into other opportunities such as non profit and not for profit models that we force upon pharmaceutical and medical companies in order to enforce the business ethics that make capitalism work. The idea that they should provide education is bordering on Pravda level governmental control. Do you really want these things? Do you want the future children in this country to be taught by the State? Do you think that these children will grow up with enough information and critical thinking to actually challenge a federal government that is that powerful? We struggle enough as it is. The idea that rich and powerful people make the rules isn't new. it's the model that we've used in almost every society throughout human history. Again, this is a spectrum. One one end, they aren't accountable at all to the populous (totalitarianism), on the other, the populous has civil liberties, property rights, and the opportunity to move "castes" through economic opportunity. This narrative that the rich are rigging the game against you is just untrue. You have the opportunity to save and invest your money and become rich if you want. It isn't hard, it just takes sacrifice and patience. You can do it for your children and their children too. The only thing stopping you is an egoistic ideology of entitlement to wealth and power that is disguised as altruism. Progressivism is about utilitarianism (a la Teddy Roosevelt), but it has become conflated with Socialism and more importantly social subjectivism, which is creating serious political tension in our country. We still haven't discussed the massive failure of Marxist ideology in the late 19th and early 20th century, and the literally exact opposite with countries that embraced the free market principles that made the US the most dominant economy in the world. Nor have we touched on the fact that, to the rest of the world, the West IS the 1%. You are born with more economic potential here than any where else in the world.
- ClarenceWerly: She's high as a kite and still trolled info wars ho to frustration
- Brenden Taylor: Urius Tosh it’s owning/trolling because she doesn’t give a fuck and the interviewer was trying really hard
- Googazon Twitterberg: This idiot isnt trolling anything. Shes literally that dumb. Thats how most of these retards respond.
- Gerald jenkins: YOU MAKE NO SENCE FOOL
- MadMatt8880: Ok Kyle, YOU answer the fuckin question then!!!!!! WHY IS SOCIALISM GOOD??? If socialism's so good why is Venezuela eating their pets right now??? What about the Jews who were gassed in Auschwitz??? What do you think they'd tell you about socialism??? TELL ME KYLE!!!!!! WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I LIKE SOCIALISM???
- babababaaab: Can somebody explain to me why american leftists can write about white privilege and over representation in the halls of power until they are blue in the face but when you mention GASP jews who are 100 time MORE over represented in those same positions of power they FREAK OUT...
- mike: god damn she is sooooo cute i want to marry that girl
- Rolando Motta: INFO wARS...#1
- Ron Koralewski: The girl from Info Wars is correct, how did she get "owned" ? Bernie owns 3 homes, 1 he just happened to get after the election ... pay off from Hillary & the DNC?
- Jadey: I hope to have an attitude like her one day... so nonchalant and sexy
- yayayaokoksure: Not sure you understand the meaning of troll. The left can't meme.
- Noah G.: Fake news showing a clip of more fake news.
- Lu Tang: "Sub Optimal" lmao, alright buddy calm down.
- Jambott: Braindead your name is surprisingly appropriate
- David Hess: (((Ideology)))
- opie damnit: This woman dressed like Donald Duck is what people with functioning brain cells refer to as dumb as a fucking stump,total moron kind of like Kyle killkuntski
- Mike Fagan: Give an inforwars correspondent enough rope and she'll hang herself.
- carpejkdiem: You say 40 thousand lives you care about supposedly who die from no healthcare a yr in America (the land of the feathered serpent). Yet Billygoat Gates brags openly that we can successfully decrease the Human population by at least 10 up to 15% by the use of Vaccines & Health care alone. To a standing room clapping by mindslaves praising their own demise. And again yet you all ironically support the slaughter of more babies/innocent unborns offered up to the modern day alter of baal each day than was lost in the mass satanic ritual of our own people at the 9:11 daily since 1973. That's between 3500 and 4500 innocent lives slaughtered daily under the free choice banner justified × 365 × 45 yrs straight. Ummmm whose death and the love of him. Yep your father at this time the devil/dragon/ satan. IT'S DUMMY UP TIME MINION!!
- Dawn Chin: The Bimba with infowars thinks our military are fed rats? Does she not understand what communal investment is? Geez, really glad I'm a brunette. This woman really gives blondes the reputation they have. I feel for the intelligent blondes in our nation. Good Gawd! Sad though the younger girl, with good values, doesn't seem to really grasp we all contribute under socialism, hence it's not free except for the extremely impoverished. Yes, TY for pointing out her lie about Sanders homes AND how MEAGERLY he lives vs. all others in Congress! Are people giving little Marco grief over his home being valued the same as Sanders new home?
- Raffi G: I watched the video 3 trimes and i dont see how the the chick in the stripper sailor outfit bested the InfoWars reporter.
- Nick Payne: Nope....this woman is an idiot. "Free healthcare" lol. I'm Canadian......nothing is free.
- Juan Maldonado: This just two dumbass ignorant privileged kids arguing
- Australican: See, this is a typical cuckservative talking point. "What is currently happening in Venezuela is a result of 'Socialism.'" No you dumbf**kers, that is a result of authoritarianism and dictatorship, not "Socialism." Jesus Christ it is so sickening that this talking point is becoming so pervasive in American mainstream media these days, no matter which outlet you refer, be it visual, audio, or print.
- Paul Lancaster: You are a regressive!
- Eye Spy: It seems they both were unintelligent which makes me feel that you are unintelligent for even taking any side on this and usually have such good videos ,step it back up please
- eddie spaghetti: But she did make sense?
- kananga309: Aside from that girls awesome level of chill, I really loved her sailor outfit, it was cool.
- John Riordan: HEALTHCARE IS NOT A RIGHT. The services of another human being is not a right. You aren't entitled to shit in this life, especially other peoples money and services.
- Dakine: Socialist? Oh give me your drink! How you bought another drink. I’ll take that too. Like that socialism?
- Ivan Beoulve: that girls calmness is a legit superpower
- Tomcaatt: There’s a reasen this page is almost half thumbs down as thumbs up
- Pound_Cake1: Wtf
- Long Dick Jones: User Friendly I agree that emergency care should have some form of reformation, those who don’t consent to receive treatment that can’t pay for it get the short end of the stick. But this really isn’t an overall argument as to why public healthcare is beneficial. Unless you mean to have an equal mix of private or public healthcare that the states already has, just instead reform our emergency care services.
- Ben Brown: This also makes Bernie supporters look absolutely stupid. I don’t understand the idea of this. Who wins?
- Steve Wall: She did ok, but i do not see any trolling or ownage.
- Avrysatos: "Eat the rich??" she was trolling, man.
- How To Vegan: Ashton is autistic. That girl being interviewed is way way cooler
- Vinnie M: wow what a dork this kyle guy is.. that was a huge reach calling this any sort of victory for the left. they both looked idiotic.
- The Ultimate Reductionist: I love these shitheads who toss around this meaningless word "socialism" and blame that. ALL laws are a socialist thing. Having COPS at ALL, whether corrupt or perfect saints, is a socialist thing. Blaming socialism or communism is like blaming air or technology or tools for how they're used.
- nad7894: Socialism is a disease spread by the uninformed, more people were killed by socialism than by the nazis in the same time period. Facts trump feelings sjws
- Halima-Joy Elliston: Was I the only one who was just watching the girl’s iced coffee slowly go down?
- Bryan Fregoso: What a badass! Rock on.
- Thomas Shenher: Wouldn’t socialism help those “people eating rats” in Venezuela? Just a thought
- Tom Zmit: this is all you have to harp on ? simpleton, dumb! sorry I stopped in. enjoy yourselves bye your selves.
- Manuel Blank: Stoned Bitch-" you have worms in your head." *Uses witty sarcasm to look intelligent while her paused attempts of conversation make her look otherwise* "We should eat the rich" HuEHuEHue Also Stoned Bitch- I just want "free" healthcare from the one percent because I am entitled to it. Libtards " omg she owned her"
- David Warschauer: @elroi : alex jones is a fraud
- Ryan Ranger: She’s biggity baked.
- tan green: The girl being interviewed seems smug and spoiled and thoughtless. But at least she didn't vote for Trump or Hillary.
- Randy Orton's Dick Bulge: Lol all you leftist are only focused on burns and insults and attitude.
- Forsaken Fortnite: Lol that is not getting owned that's owning lol
- M K: Lmao I guess that's enough for the feeble minded left. I however didn't get anything from the video. The reporter didn't have anything of substance and neither did person getting interviewed... Just 2 idiots talking. However Venezuelans have now left their "nice" socialist government and have marched across south and central America to USA borders.... Hmmm if socialism was so great why wouldn't they just stay there???
- Big Poppa Botch: Bjarne Cola He needs it pretty badly, doesn't he?
- Edward Thomas: What the hell are you talking about. The socialist gal was dense and clueless.
- features and creatures: wrecckkkktttt
- Kel El: The most annoying part is that people think there arguing for socialism when they're literally arguing for a different form of capitalism. Thats why the leader of Denmark told Bernie to stop calling them socialist because they aren't actual socialist.
- Paul Bledsoe: DashingNative I mean if you go off the assumption she’s trying (spoiler she’s not she has a podcast trust me she’s talked about it) sure but she’s not she’s toying with her and it worked she got super worked up and the interviewer became the interviewe’ just like Kyle said silly conservatives news is for those with thoughts outside fear mongering tactics
- Nicki M: Our healthcare in the UK isn't free. We pay through taxation based on our income/ability to pay. Then, anything we need is free at the point of delivery (but people in decent employment pay a low, flat rate towards prescriptions in some parts of the UK)
- Django Fett: You truly are the stupidest person on the internet.
- Ry Mo: No but eating rats sucks.... and thats related to hugo chavez..dont you see the difference between something that sucks caused by socialism and something that is merely a random non-important relation to hugo chavez.. cmon silly teen
- King Green: Nailing the Tim Heidecker look
- Big Al: Where can I get some of that drink she’s keeps sipping?
- HeyWelcomeToMyWorld: God King Trump She could articulate herself? What about the Tu quoque in her argument, did you catch that you blithering idiot?
- Darmodien: Rats taste like chicken, so does free healthcare. Get over it.
- The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists: Alex Cypher *Agree*
- Avocado: "Free" health care isn't free. You think your wait times are bad? Try getting anything important done in Canada. And our Doctors are worse because there is less incentive to become a doctor. So longer wait times, and worse doctors. That's what you get with "free" health care.
- g1370: Of course she was trolling them. Can you guys not read body language or something? She fucking laughed when she realized it was Infowarzzz interviewing her. The only time she got real was the very end.
- Dr Why: The girl in the sailor outfit, is an idiot. The Infowars reporter made her look like the creepy voiced imbecile, that Sailor Moon really is.
- N45441: Oh, I do, but also reserve my right to point out that indeed there is no such thing as free health care.
- wayne montgomery: who cares what he owns all you should care is who owns him and the answer is nobody ....... he don't take corporate cash .... and in 2018 .. ohio vote Dennis Kucinich FOR GOV. will work hard for ohio
- spencer kairi: To be honest, I'm not even sure. It just seemed like Starbucks to me, I don't really drink coffee or tea haha.
- eBay Alien: Desi angraiz but you're white... ? Lmao. Self hating loser
- michael blevins: Talking into the cube.
- donald johnson: what's with the sailor outfit?
- Jerker Rave: Infofriends triggered LUL
- Sugar Shane: To be fair the socialist girl doesn't have a clue. I don't particularly want that girl on my team until she educates herself.
- Jim Henson: Not rats... Guinea Pigs.
- CarlSW: El Qone'ars wtf is that nonsense. There is good and evil on both side dumbass. That’s the literal point of the dichotomy. The sailor girl sounded like she was actually mentally deficient. Her voice was droned out and unintelligent. And the interviewer had no clue what she was doing. She was asking questions without finishing her first one. She had no clue how to put a coherent thought in order. Definitely not owning anyone here but also definitely making infowars look terrible with a terrible reporter they employed.
- Madison Callaghan: They tried to replace Lauren southern and did a B a d job
- Dark Tapes: Canadian here. Trust me, you guys would really dig free healthcare. I had pneumonia, and got it taken care of right away for free. It probably would've bankrupted me if I was in the US and had no savings, or private healthcare.
- WOKEipedia: Ashton Birdie is Autistic. Diagnosed, she talks about it in her videos.
- Tony Salazar: Hilarious. Plus I guarantee that girl seriously is smarter than what it appears to be (the interviewee). To be fair, all sides do this tactic, to interview dumbasses from the other side in order the represent the opposite side as complete idiots.
- Herbert Alvarez: This Healthcare Socialist turns me on!
- David Warschauer: its because alex jones is a fraud
- Queef Micester: Idk if that was all that "GLORIOUS", , , the blonde girl actually had factual points,,,, the smug socialist didn't have counter points, she's just good at being bitchy.
- Francisco Pickles: We are not eating rats but a lot of people are eating trash, dogs and cats tho.I've lost 13 kg in 2 years soon I'll be escaping to Argentina before maduro won the upcoming election
- Herag Hanessian: Are we looking at the same video. The random woman is a perfect snowflake. Phone in one hand. Latte in the other and nothing upstairs.
- zengara11: Not from america personally, but "secular talk" is deciding state and religion. Based on google
- Megan lovesresearch: No wonder they pulled it, once again Info Wars looks like shit! Lmao... Epileptic here, with tons of healthcare debt still working at home telemarketing but can’t afford health care debts! God, I hope Bernie runs again in 20/20 or someone with the exact same goals. That woman from Info Wars seemed as though she just wanted publicity by being on tv for her career. Hey dumbass, I hope you read this and research and realize that your boss... Alex Jones is a fucking conspiracy theorist that lives for money by telling lies. If you actually believed him, think about both sides of it. He’s a narcissist and he’s pulling you into his little world of manipulation. Omg, I hope you’re not one of those people that just watch Fox News and never research both sides because if you are... you shouldn’t be a fucking journalist!!
- Peanut Butter: >didn’t actually troll them
- ramos1258: The special stupids watch info wars
- GameShaft: Yea because youre a smart piece of shark
- SatanicCommunist: She's so cool
- Soroush: Kyle, How did you manage to cut four fingers at the same time?! :D
- willcarism: Calm down Kyle. Jesus christ, you're acting like Cenk Uygur.
- Karl E Paul: Yea...I was wondering why I started going in the other direction...this video just cleared it up as to why...100% 😉👍🏻
- JAMB ジャム: Oh my god everything about that interaction was pure perfection
- Paul Plüss: How did she completely "OWN" them?? You totally over exaggerated! It wasnt funny at all. lol time you try and slam Infowars,...do a better job please!
- Pauly Gsell: Kyle Kulinski?? Bernie has no money?? Lolol.. ur mentally ill buddy.. how's his wife doing with her situation TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!! M....A.....G.....A.....
- c4p0ne: Quick note: Bernie Sanders *IS NOT A FUCKING SOCIALIST* in ANY realistic sense. He's basically a New Dealer. We have to teach dumbed-the-fuck-down Americans to STOP using the word "socialism" to describe people like Sanders, or places like Venezuela (which is utterly fucking DOMINATED by rotten capitalists), etc.....
- BrodyBruh: what
- Kevin Lee: Cum Town
- Jack Middleton: I'm not saying I want you to have to move into your parents house and live with them for the rest of your life and never marry because you can't make enough money at your job because you are taxed to pay for the medical care of people who don't work and smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol all day. But it would be ironic. Alternate: I'm not saying you should get the wrong leg amputated and then have to lose both your legs because due to everyone getting healthcare by definition the standards have to drop. Or maybe you have a small cut and just need a fucking Neosporin Band-Aid but you die of infection because you are put on a socialist waiting list to see a doctor.
- peter janjanin: 3 million dollar home is considered below the poverty line for a politician
- Gurvinder Parmar: Info Wars needs to just quit while they're behind.
- Helpumuch68: Like who? *doesnt answer question
- Zach C: I believe you have "socialism" confused with "crony capitalism"... try reading a book maybe? I've heard it helps.
- No Dogma Mama: +G Master Es muy inteligente. La rubia es una loca hysterica.
- aucourant: Not a good reporter. Everyone in Venezuela isn't eating rats. The fact that the girl she was interviewing was a rich girl herself seemed to pass the reporter by also. Children of rich parents always want to share other peoples wealth around.
- KRAFT PUNK: Jonoliver don’t lie, you probably watch infowars, you goofy incel.
- Anastasia Bananastasia: I thought that was Laura Southern 😂
- MaxDamageTV: So many triggered comments. xD
- WeezaY5000: All the interviewee had to say is "At least Bernie isn't trying to make money selling male virility pills." FULL STOP and GAME OVER.
- Johnny Hazard: High or not She’s cute as hell and made the blond dumbass look really stupid lol
- thekillers1stfan: This is much better just because she's barely paying attention to the "reporter" she's like answering her bait questions well whilst also texting and sipping her shake or whatever lol
- sfreakc: Jason D atleast bernie defends the people and presents policies to help them. Trump kind of (with rightwing points)... But Trump is selling out more often lately. Broken promisis are piling up.
- Alejandro Lugo: She so cute!!
- perfectperfecto: 7:33 Kyle out of context :D
- George Biles: Spoiled entitled brat wants free healthcare...the only thing free in life is the air you breath and death. Try getting a job and getting off your moms teet, I'm sure she's tired of supporting your deadbeat ass.
- Micheal Carver: Here is the reality of all you liberals...see and hear the awesome accepting liars they are. https://youtu.be/8blKWWWTJio
- Clickbate: They would make a cute couple if the blonde one wasn’t insufferable.
- Ben Ben: She didn’t own her. The blonde was just an absolute moron. She owned herself.
- Radius XiX: Why the fuck does infowars have a spherical earth logo at the background.. aren't all of em flat brainers LMFAO..
- Don Mega: Shut up kyle.
- mrman991: S except it reduces costs of things. Look at places where the local government turn parks over to community volunteers, they inevitable cost significantly more than when run centrally. Same thing here. Health care in the US is expensive, not everyone can afford it, people don't pay/declare bankruptcy, that pushes up prices for everyone. You could pay tax that was less than your insurance + charges and everyone could have healthcare. But you see it as "giving" instead of saving. There's also nothing wrong with a mixed system. Pure socialism isn't great, pure capitalism is worse, a mix of the two can be better.
- Recluse The Spider: I’m here for the nips
- Michael Long: Oof. Good thing I've never had fried rice.
- Love Luv: Francisco Pizarro capitalism isnt needed for a healthy economy. Alot of jobs privitized FOR the gov, the gov should actually do themselves. Once a company or 99% of the time a huge corporation out bids their competition and wins a gov contract which is usually years and years long the winning corp subsequently destroys the equality and meritocracy of their industry. Capitalism is corruption and you cant modify it, you have to get rid of it because the ideology itself is idiotic and idealistic. Even if contracts were handed out through a lottery, it still would not be fair to other companies working in the same industries
- Cynthia Morgan: How did she "own" anybody here?? Kyle this is a terrible video for you to post advocating info wars as idiots etc. Unless you are secretly working for info wars....your commentary on this original video is WAY OFF THE MARK! Lol To any normal human being, this video shows a well spoken, fact checked info wars reporter approach a not so well spoken or sure of the facts woman who didn't have any good reasons she backed Bernie and DEFINATELY didn't know Bernie lived in luxury! Lol She gives the reporter nothing to support her preference of socialism and then when backed into a corner.......asks the reporter if her brain is made of worms......then you come back on Kyle laughing. ??? I suggest you pull this video as well unless I'm right that you secretly work for Alex.
- Ant Man: The nordic countries aren't socialist (which she specifically said she was), they are capitalist with high welfare, aka welfare capitalism. Most of them actually have freer markets than the us.
- Studio Corax: Republican Nation. I also appreciate the non-toxic atmosphere, thank you for your contribution.
- Emil Aaltonen: Both sides were very stupid in my opinion
- JoeyFiveandDimes: "Do you have worms for brains ?" Love that. I think she's correct. What a dope.
- Chris Bartolini: I guess you guys can have a “win”, I mean, this airhead is probably significantly smarter than the average leftist on Infowars.
- EarRegardless: Why because you are a lobotomized fruitcake too??
- Army of Ninjas: You want a Kleenex, snowflake?
- Christian Buhmann: Watching you is pretty painful ,collage education obviously doesn't help anymore . Paid or free ....sad to see.
- Rachel Markowitz: I support your policy positions and political viewpoint; however, Australians *are* all evil devil people. The scientific evidence is incontrovertible regarding this fact.
- William Fitzpatrick: +Nick Switchblades aaaaaand this is when you run out of hot air, look like an assclown and scurry off. I'll buy you a drink at the .02% club in the airport next time.
- donjon bro: Blondies are dumb
- Xsavi Xander: +Lando Griffin ".com". LoL
- Y: +FeministKilljoy lol no its not, nobody is entitled to the fruits of somebody else's labor
- Lucas Rojas: +Deaf And Destruction I was being sarcastic lol
- John Doobie: haha stfu venezuela lover stop talking so much about that country
- Elerie: I mean rats breed really fast eating nothing, so it's a pretty good food source
- Creepy Charisma: I know, right ?
- William Fitzpatrick: wat.
- Sentionaut: I am a fan of this woman.
- Watty Walker: She made no valid points... She just used her attitude, don't say that she owned Infowars. She couldn't answer a single question
- Enrico L.: Paul Bledsoe yeah...
- Nicephore: Nah.
- The Girth: +Domo Roberto Are you actually retarded? Are your reading comprehension skills that bad? I said I dont like alex jones(the owner of info wars) because he makes claims that never come true and then just ignores them when they dont happen. This chick in the sailor uniform is an idiot, just like the info wars girl.
- Don't Hug Me I'm Skeptic: What would you like to talk about? They look nice and she's hot.
- poolplayer poolplayer: You are lying!! The socialist could barely answer questions!!
- Nightshift10000: The problem is that Ashton needs to say this “healthcare wouldn’t be free though it would come from increasing taxes on everyone to an enormous degree, and even to accomplish what the left wants to accomplish with “free” healthcare it would cost 40 trillion dollars from the whole plan to go through.” There that’s all she has to say
- Daniel Downs: Kyle you just trolled your self. She did hang her self. Lol. They got inverted? Bernie is poor and he owns three homes? Dude what are you talking about? You sure showed infawars! Good job roasting your self. 😂
- PurpleGlobe: meh. The girl sounded like a bit of a moron too. It was just a terrible exchange on both sides.
- michael palermo: I bet her Bf is super alpha and never takes shit from anybody with the initials N.M
- Anti Witch: No, the correct answer is that she is too dumb to say anything off the top of her head, and now you liberals praise stupidity as chill? and cool? Get a fucking life.
- Ruth T: +Valinax his username is braindead, what a coincidence
- Plur: "99% of Venezuela eats rats!!!..."Ehh you got worms in your brain" HAHAHAH!!! Comedy gold. In the mean time,Trump is stealing millions from the people. Long live hypocrites!
- Peter Helling: "Heard of it" 😂
- I'm from the government and I'm here to help: Both believe in government, but the socialist doesn't understand that government gets involved a lot more than simple healthcare when it comes to socialism. The world doesn't work the way you want it to especially not by the most professional gang lol.
- ImGonnaShout2000: It's so typical for us Americans to be self-righteous. Everyone thinks because their own life is so simple, it should be just as simple for everyone else too - am I right?! And if we think something is within our right to do or have, then we sure as hell ain't gun be inconvenienced by other people trying to limit that freedom, no matter the cause. It's MY property, I will shoot you if you step on my lawn. It's MY money, ain't no taxman gun have MY money. It's my RIGHT to drive 10mph below the limit in the left lane, and I sure as hell won't move over to the right lane to let anyone in a hurry past. It's my right to play loud music, so I sure as hell won't be lowering the volume when the neighbors come knocking on the door. The culture is just so individualistic and self centered. If only people would have a little more faith in each other and show a little good will even for people who're different from you.
- Nightingale: I'll just take out my minigun and shoot them Heavy Weapons Guy style.
- Jack Booted Hug: excuse me.. why do you have the infowars logo beside your unknown logo?? blatant intellectual theft. Now go pollish sander's knob
- Jay Freeman: Your trolling fails miserably
- DragonInaGasMask: Oh my goooooooooooood
- Joshua Hittinger: Where’s does the “troll” occur? This is still readily available online.
- The Barn Owl: I love this woman and the pauses to slurp her latte.
- Worth A Look: She couldn't answer a question is what I seen lol
- Phranger: Was eating the rich line a spin on Jonathon Swift's A Modest Proposal?
- Duderama 67: Woot! Sexy beret girl, marry me, I love you. For 15 minutes anyway. Let's get hitched and make many little seamen together.
- Blaine Steele: Nods*... beating up on the girl.... very Progressive of you.
- Jakevol2: Emma Stone in a sailor suit is awesome.
- Yan Zhu: Info War is the dumbest in a long line of dumb asses, and Dasha Nekrasova is adorable af.
- Jason Reyes: That woman is my style. Cute, smart, sarcastic, nice fashion sensibility (imagine the cosplay) thoughtful. Man, I'm in love. Reminds me of a naughty, smart, thin, zooey deschanel
- Chris Iliadis: Hi i'm no right winger and i'm definately no info wars supporter even though i go watch their stuff for some laughs from time to time but my question is about the integrity of bernie sanders, how does a "man of the people" get to live a wealthier life than the average american and claim he's on the side of the poor ? In this video it seems your argument for that is "well all the other politicians are filling their pockets so bernie can have a few extra houses etc." That just doesn't seem right to me. When you preach morality you should uphold that morality. When did Bernie (who started his political career pretty late for his age and who seemed to not have any buisnesses prior) get the money to open a university for example ? I really think these are legit questions i hope someone can answer :) thanks
- Dale Pelton: No that girl not the reporter looked dumb as fuck to me. Not reporter
- Hailey: Found the middle schoolers
- jdogsful: cutey
- Dee S: I think Kyle has a little crushy-crush :)
- Rafael Pinefa: PULL THIS !
- Cross Bones: Do you know what Infowar is?
- LaFart Ball: Damn the infowars chick didn't do much to help the stereotype of the "Dumblonde" get better people infowars!
- Don Francisco: David Warschauer Alex Jones is like an old time preacher or shaman. He gets people riled up and seeing the light. Most people spend their lives in a daze. It takes a lot to break them out of their mental ruts. That is the role of the shaman, the preacher, the artist. I think Alex Jones would be a great friend to know. It really upsets me to see these people who try to attack him physically etc. I don't see anything likable in his attackers. They seem like thoroughly unpleasant people. I am an atheist but I rarely like other atheists. Religious people have a spark within them that is very likable
- stan04FTW: Idk what’s supposed to be funny about this when the Infowars reporter is totally right SOSIALISM DOESN’T WORK.
- Warpath1337: Suspicious that you attack a censored channel...what does that do for your "credibility"?
- Morris McKinnon: Lol, So socialism will have you eating rats? Isn't a large percentage of Americans already dumpster diving under the current failed capitalist system? That was the worst argument I have ever heard an interviewer pull! Sailor girl was on point, haha!
- Graham Jimerson: dcon9995 I agree infotards get TRIGGERED so easily is laughable
- heather: wow lmao, irl april ludgate
- Bobby Powell: You know, fire was invented to we could keep warm and not have to eat things raw. Enjoy your worms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcVfC3dWJAM
- Ben Vargas: i hate to use this word but the interviewer was very cringey, a knock off jesse waters
- The Red-Eyed Baron: john james - Depends on if it's true liberalism or the Murican Bastardisation of it.
- Personal Information: M K that’s a logical fallacy and I’m a capitalist
- C88Goblin: They both looked and acted retarded. They trolled themselves
- Antwain McGee: Because they want everyone to have health care.... So why should it be free... Because it's basically mandatory, or you die a miserable preventable death.
- Jax: The fact that people still watch infowars and wants to work for them is hilarious.
- Dave Cradle: The NHS isn't falling apart, it is being taken apart deliberately (by the right wing politicians) so that they can sell bits of it off to their buddies.
- MilesBellas: Sailor Girl needs a news channel.
- Bas Didit: Since you're fucking know-it-all take your ass down there show them how to do it bitch
- Nathanial Miller: I have a new hero!!!!🤩🤩🤩
- denjobi: right wing hoodlums will probably see this as a win.
- Hayabusa Dragon: There is no competition in the socialism education system that we have.
- Linkinbird617: How do I marry this girl?
- Ethan Logan: +Its Just an Apple Nothing I like Ben Shapiro, this guy's liberal and has tendencies like Ben Shapiro, Ben is conservative. That's all
- worxharder: Mr. Mojo Risin' I am independent, so, your hatred for a certain group is showing...
- Danny D: How the fuck did she own info wars? Are you retarded?
- ChainMail: Simon G ofcourse it does. the point is to take those taxes already there instead of raising the taxes.
- Schmidty: Ugh, dammit Kyle Democratic Socialism and Social Democrats are different!
- mr oconnell: I hate info wars, but secular with false laugh and rant is just as bad... cringeworthy !!!
- Benjamin Bardsley: Australian here: can confirm we are are evil. We take after our animals.
- eric vulgate: neither one of those women represented their worldview very well.
- -KIMG-: Socialism always leads to communism
- greenlaw: Diane Watson rape capital is near nyork ( http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/reported-rapes-nyc-increase-39-nypd-finds-article-1.3861537 ) not near Stockholm (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/crime-sweden-rape-capital-europe/)
- Ricardo Rose: So I think this is click bait to get ur channel going higher... ownes ppl .. soicslim means that every one has the same ... So yes he dose . Bullshit left win talking points
- Terry Dactyl: I can see why the video was pulled. If I were AJ I'd shake my head and quickly say "you're fired" before she could do anything to embarrass the crew any further..
- J Chase: Is she using a Google Pixel 2 XL?
- Buggle Magnum: Big autism
- Paul Booth: why would you want to trap people and "let them hang themselves". you are supposed to be interested in opinion
- Jeremy Keesee: Everyone featured in and talked about in this video are fucking retards. The Sailor Stoner chick for obvious reasons, the InfoWars reporter for even more obvious reasons but none are worse than this jerkoff host. Holy hell. This dick fuck is the sissy fag left version of Alex Jones. One is an alt right off his meds conspiracy theorist who has less journalistic credibility than my niece carrying around her Holly Hobby notebook. And this pussy has a face voice and personality that literally screams “kick my fucking teeth in and smack my mother for birthing such a tool”. Rant over. At least Jones is entertaining with his antics. You’re just a boring little bitch fag. Idk why I hate you so damn much but this is my second video of you and I had to write this.
- StarFar: 3 modest homes is still more than most.
- Skylar Arruda: I think both girls are stupid.
- KINGREXBABI: But kyle socalist countries eat rats... Hahaha
- PwopSullay: I have one normal house no vacation homes or anything, but even exaggerating and saying he has 3 homes all valued about 1 million dollars wouldn’t shock me. He’s a senator I expect their real homes to be like gated compounds worth millions of dollars. Aren’t these the same people that voted for Trump because “Why would you vote for somebody who’s poor? Clearly they don’t know how to handle their own money so why should they handle your tax dollars?” Now trying to shame Bernie and flip his supporters by saying he’s rich and that’s why you should hate him? Please
- Skylar Arruda: How did she own them? Obviously, the rookie reporter was kind of pushy and aggressive but the girl being interviewed was kind of... dumb.
- kevin foster: Hey yo... Who in the hell is this meatball. None of this would be happening if we would exercise are right. The right to bear arms. Gun in my truck right now not hurting anybody and I don't need some stupid piece of paper to say that I can have the gun in my truck. Because it makes me feel safe. And as for the rat meat thing.... Who the hell cares why does it matter? People eat dogs people eat cats people eat birds why is a rat any different? None of the arguments is relevant on either side. Divide and conquer??? Nah I'll just Governor myself
- Some Retard: wheres rhe full video
- Yassi: She's trying to say Venezuelan are eating rats because of socialism.... Not because of the actual truth of Venezuela going broke after they could no longer sell their oil.
- Domo Roberto: The Girth ahh some infowars goons getting triggered here i see lol
- Rob Linnell: You dumbass, she answered nothing, She has no brain, just like you
- Caleb Chung: That sailor uniform girl is, to me, perfection, in every regard.
- mike tomlin: The young women should have told the Infowars numpty Venezuela struggled due to oil prices dropping. Nothing to do with Socialism!
- TheWalletWaffling: Yknow how high of Infowars is their hypocritical when they asked Bernie lives in expensive house, is same as Alex Jones and Donald Trump living in expensive hotels or mansion? Doesn't mean Bernie is evil cuz of that. Bernie just saved it's fucking jobs after Republican decided to abolished everything from labor works. When she said if Bernie Sanders become president we all will eating a rat. All because he is socialism? This is so hilarious. This Infowars reporter can't be the best reporter without experience of any News companies. And she need to check the fact about Venezuela. The drug gangsters owned Venezuela, wussy president of Venezuela don't want to do with em. He lost the supports of his people so his people decided to fight against their own leader cuz he knew and should've fight against Cartel, not team up with them. Instead of that, they can take everything away from his own people. That's why I'd been saying this Venezuela fell to corruption/violence/drugwar.
- Elise M: Hannah Kirk Speech impediments don’t impact your intelligence and thought process.
- McHitler: If she wasn't serious only half the time, then that was a good troll.
- Aji adiwena Suprana: So is there any socialism exist in any country? the answer is no. In my understanding, socialism is good for people because everyone has free share of the community, however this ideology is too idealist and impossible to implement at the moment. Because human are greedy and want to live better than others.
- nirolf luap utihc: That newb is Asthon Birdie... Lol. Americans are such dumbasses when it comes to politics. Saying Venezuela is a socialist country is like saying USA is theocracy... for now, at least. Venezuela is an authoritarian regime with a monkey as a leader and retards as his subjects. Sort of what USA is striving for, for its future.
- TheMetpower: +Razor9111 info wars is a joke, remember when they reported that the government controls the weather or that juice boxes are lined with estrogen to turn boys gay. Alex Jones himself admitted it's satire, only a moron with a single did got IQ would believe anything Info wars says.
- William Fitzpatrick: +007kingifrit Are you enlisting or is that for someone else?
- Josh Flores: Was it glorious??? Jesus ur wack
- Cutter Driftwood: Talk about click bait!
- rattlesnake survival: The nazis killed jews with gas, info wars killed libtards with facts
- Crushed Luminary: And... the video is still there (/watch?v=Juf2wEVkorM)
- Michael Dose: The woman in the sailor suit was drunk or high. Free health care. Right, what a concept. Nothing is ever so expensive as when it's free.
- Richard Pinder: Nobody in the video or talking about the video has any semblance of what one would consider a brain.
- Alex D'Accardi: William Fitzpatrick America literally being created for the sake of establishing a society that doesn't revolve around a central power. Using "I guarantee" was more a figure of speech than a literal guarantee But using the argument that we should change our system because other smaller, healthier, more easily manageable societies have had relative success with them is not exactly a winning philosophy either.
- Razor9111: What if Venezuelans like to starve to death? you never know.
- House of the Diamond 8: The random woman is an idiot, doesn't troll anyone...and info wars didn't pull it.
- Ed Speanburgh: At the time that video came out. Sanders net worth was only 726k.
- blue shell: The newbie messed up
- danilo pompey: So, you want to dictate the enemy's tactics, so you don't end up looking like a fool? Sell that nonsense to dumb leftists, Mr. Secular Talk. You are a fool, having three homes is inconsistent with socialism and Burnie's goals right now when we don't have socialism. The point being made is that he is no socialist; he is just selling it as his political philosophy. Finally, you cannot substitute your expertise for that lady caught in the headlights. But somehow I think you know this. QED
- William Fitzpatrick: "All economic and political institutions are contrivances that should serve the interests of the people. When they fail to do so, they should be replaced by something more responsive, more just, and more democratic. Marx said this, and so did Jefferson. It is a revolutionary doctrine, and very much an American one."
- Filthy Goomba: She also seems nice and baked..... love it.
- PyroTek: We're so evil, we have free healthcare
- Chris Newman: people like her and the communists who followed this idiotic rhetoric are exactly the reason why Trump is just gonna KEEP ON WINNING!!! Cry more you baby ass liberals, #MAGA
- Enrique Godinez: Urrz As oposed to "libtards" that shit isn't corny?
- The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists: Space Sim Better?
- Stork Clips: Rats are probably tasty. Whose with me? BBQ RATS!!!!!!!!
- MrFartyman44: Yo idk what the fuck is going on I'm 2:53 in and it's paused so I can write this comment and I'm bailing the interviewer sucks the interviewee sucks this host with his suit sucks fuck you just fucking play fortnite guys. Is it that fucking hard? it's free to play. Quit with this stupid bullshit youtube video clicktitles just play fortnire
- casey leedham: this chick couldnt care LESS, i love it
- Snuggie The Goblin: Uuuum thats not the one percent........
- ricky rhodes: You people are retarded
- xChevy Toughx: The interviewer annoys me
- Francesco Armetta: Is that person being interviewed, a person..
- Wayne Goddard: I really like that lady. She talks sense sexily. She could tell me all about Bernie Sanders and socialism until the cows come home and the cows don't come home because I slaughter them when they leave the field.
- Micah Joel Geimer: *Redeemed * info wars was trolled, you're just so stupid
- Revheads Tv: My man, you litterally made no valid points and the info wars vid was a stupid example, it didnt even include examples
- Loaf: Waifu Material
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: Trolling is what happened to you delusional pathetic baby killers all of the year 2016.
- Munozl360: Dolly Estrada i was born in mexico. They habe free healthcare, but it is shit. My grandfather died because of the slow service. I am here in the USA now, and I am right leaning. I tell you from experience, their healthcare is free, but its shit. Oh, and they have stricter immigration laws than we do.
- The Rusty Cutlass: She's cute
- ChanAnna: I’m sorry and I hate to be this person but when I see his name all I can do is think of stiles stilinski. I’m gonna go crawl in a hole now
- Cooper Harris: #cumgang
- Andrew: socialism only works in White, homogeneous countries on a small scale. It will never work with 20 million illegals in America and millions more invading every year
- kuroichan101: The person interviewing is just trying to get certain answers out of her. Epic fail.
- Lastoneleft Productions: So whose the Great Value Tomi Lahren?
- Benoid Vas: Also check out "The Greatest Story NEVER Told" tgsnt.tv
- Crystal Giddens: She trolled infowars? Wow! You people are insane. Her accent was cool but the woman just wanted "free" healthcare. Never mind the UK cuts a perfectly good leg (just shorter than the other leg) off instead of properly treating it for a fairly common medical issue and where it would be as good as any leg if they had but they want to lop it off to save$$$ There is NOTHING free you complete idiots! The girl with the stub won't enjoy this girl's plea for "free healthcare." And i guarantee you had the victim been in the 1% she would have been treated properly. You people are literally fools!
- Shira Tingler: WOW! This is a "WIN" for you guys??? Apparently you don't understand socialism, you don't know shit about VENEZUELA or how the 1% really works & if this is what you really believe to be a video about some random dumbass that doesn't even know wtf is going on in VENEZUELA, as "owning" a newbie info wars reporter, damn. But hey, you guys really believe that old Bernie is one of you regula folk.. so there's always that.
- Ron S: Slow news day at Secular Talk, turn on Alex Jones, wait 5 minutes.
- Todd Hartzler: The left has lost their minds. I am a former Dem.
- Olivia Wood: This was fucking amazing
- Nick Switchblades: Socialism is for parasites just like democracy. It's just mob rule. The problem with majority rules is that 99.98% of the masses are borderline retarded. Socialism is a way to stop the intelligent few from actually fixing the problems of a civilization, while the bumbling masses vote for bread and circuses and the redistribution of wealth and universal healthcare so we can have the quality of our services diminsh while waiting 10 times as long because you have to wait in line with the same junkies who did it to themselves. Anything with an "ism" at the end is a control scheme for dummies.
- Nessa Palmer: Click bait
- Mr Spazoid7777: "I responded to correct your falsehoods." Nonfuckingsense again flaming imbecile! You wouldn't know what was *"correct"* if it fell on you and crushed you into fucking powder, you blazing fucking vomit bag! "You are easily triggered, that is amusing." LMFWAO!! This coming from someone who was so triggered they called me a "Typical retard" LMFWAOOOO! Go find your safe space, crawl into in ....and die you fucking POS.
- tre243t: The Sailor suit girl is a complete tosser - mentally challenged...
- Hunter Gordon: I’m guessing this channel is liberal
- Jessica Bushell-Hale: Are all Australians evil devil people? Yes, yes we are. That's the only reason we can survive here.
- The Silent G: and just leaving this here https://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2002/04/15_frogs.html
- Hydra 0x038: Exactly...
- Rick Grassi: Compares social democracy to socialism to eating rats, if that’s not a strawman, idk what is
- Logical Gamer: Kyle is right with his analysis.
- Grunthos The Flatulent: +Bolek Lolek you fucking idiot there is NO free health care the same as there is no free defense force. They are both paid out of taxes you fuckwit. Every other country in the oecd has better health care and healthier citizens. The same reason their citizens are better educated. Taxes are spent for the benefit of the people and not defense contractors. You fuckwit.
- Nick M: Leo Briones nothing is free in tHis life everything has a price believe it
- Political Gypsy: so what if he lives in a 3 million dollar home. Big deal.
- THEODOR D: USA’s national debt is currently -, so do you really think USA’ has the money for free healthcare. Everyone should pay the same % tax, not higher for the rich, why should i work my way to be rich if my money gets taken away in taxes.
- Ali B: I have no life or friends so I'm gonna make a studio in my moms basement and create a YouTube show to feel loved
- Saturnin Kepa: I am laughing that INFOWARS posted it, and only took it down once it was clear other people were getting it, and they were not and still thought this clip was representative of then owning the debate. How many views was it up for before they understood that others were laughing at them as opposed to with them?
- Edgy Cat: Nipples
- CutThroatJuggalo: Edward Norton i don't remember any of these people giving a shit when everyone found out mitt Romney had mansions he's never even stayed in. 😏
- darth g0ldaR: Vodka Tonic you just trolled Kyle right in the mouth
- Elkator955: If I was the girl when the reporter mentioned the one percent I would have said: "I didn't know Trump was a socialist." Even though he is probably not a 1%-er (maybe 5%) I think it would have been hilarious to see her reaction.
- Gustav Gnöttgen: Alex Jones is... a socialist? 😶
- Flipnutdodad 88: I didn't see a gotcha thing.
- Snitchpac29: All Australians, Canada... exc......that is wrong actually and not a fact.
- intheshitter: her outfit is cute
- Aidan C: They’re eating rats what
- paul stegall: first off she did hang her self by stating free healthcare you cant force a doctor to service you sorry not hoe it works
- Yog 'Sothoth: What’s up with all the bandages?
- Thewonderjam: Both of them were insufferable, though. I think you are reading into the interviewed person too much.
- Prime fivezerofour: Idk why YouTube reccomends me garbage it is upsetting. I thought this was actually gonna be funny just makes me think both sides are fucking morns
- Bradley Gonyea: CNN: Hold my beer
- Blusuck: If trolling is being a fucking idiot then she's being a great troll
- William Fitzpatrick: +yagnouska It was deep sarcasm you dipshit
- Kevin Finnerty: I think she has a right to a dick in her mouth before health care
- Fat Guy: Gr8 b8 m8
- Luke Yznaga: I love it when the girl with the ice cream and the smart brains, told the INfowars reporter. "I think you must worms in your brain..."
- Colin Smith: What a stupid blonde. Interviewing She knows noting about politics Poor girl a victim programmed by an evil proxy
- Chau Tran: You can kinda see her nips
- LordParsecZ: "OMG!You people have ,like,worms in your brain.Honestly..." Like something out of an '80s movie. lol
- hotpckts: is this guy wearing blush? maybe if he stopped eating soylent he could grow facial hair without looking like he's 13
- Cooper Harris: Shhhhh, rub my jorts
- Erik Schmunzeler: that's not trolling, they both sounded like airheads
- Bjarne Cola: All these trolls in your comments is good for your views Kyle. <3
- Phoebe Jones: People DO have a right to free health care.
- THAT Guy: I love how you are bitching about strawman arguments while simultaneously making several of your own.
- ar47yrr4p: that new infowars girl is Ashton Birdie and she has her own youtube channel. I'm really disappointed that she joined the gatekeeper jones. Not that she is completely woken up herself. She still operates within her own box of reality, but she has the potential to be a real awakened person.
- Carolyn Diaz: Thwarted by a weeb. *snorts*
- Jack Booted Hug: I would like to spank that little sailor on her bare bottom
- Raymond Regus: Wait, so senators make millions ?
- Ann Ericson: LOL! Great response!!
- Zach R: The only thing the 1% socialize is their losses
- Brandon Wills: Corrupt crony capitalism is not better than socialism. Neither are particularly good.
- Chase is a Goat: lmao i like trump but hate infowars and this clip was hilarious
- War Mac88: Love that lady! :)
- Metal Maniac: I'd marry that girl honestly
- PineapplePoko: This is satire right?
- RAYLENE731: who owned who?? sailor girl is an idiot. " I just want free healthcare" She doesn't even understand what socialism is or does to a country and yet wants it for us. Look up some youtube videos about socialized medicine in Canada or the UK. I guarantee you would not like it for yourself. Do some research. As a nation right now, we have Obamacare but a lot of people cant afford the premiums. The "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND' bill makes sure all pregnant women and all children have healthcare (medicaid). So, it isnt as terrible as you or the media pretends it to be. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5449023/Venezuelans-eat-rats-dogs-economy-nosedives.html https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/eating-dead-rats-raw-venezuelas-12103519 there you go, I did some research for you!
- Blaines World: Your cool. I like u.
- Tesla Death Ray: "socialism is when the government does stuff, and the more stuff it does, the socialister it is" - Karl Marx
- Ewin the Mahoutsukai: It was two dumb bitches with no arguments on either side... Next...
- Antonio Alas: Are you kidding me ? You guys have hit a new low. Sailor Moon here looks and acts like she’s an actual zombie, while not even knowing that Venezuela is socialist. The fact that this moron is your ticket to saying that Infowars is stupid just means we’re winning. Let’s not forget Bernie said poor people lining up for free food is a “good thing”
- JoeyVerminRedxNight: Everytime I think of Alex Jones I for some reason think of a human and toad hybrid...........he calls frogs gay because frogs are his mortal enemies you see toads want to return to the great seven seas but the socialist frogs who are also gay won't allow them to return so the mostly land dwelling toads created a new weapon in their Illuminati caves with cells from a human man and spliced it with toad DNA and and created a creature dubbed Alex Jones to make conspiracy theories on a human political party (don't ask why he attacks liberals rather than eliminating his frog foes it's just the way he's rolling) but one day the toad overlords will reach Alex Jones and finish the project they started and the toads will use their weapon to take the fight to their frog foes for the last time
- Randy Geroux: Maybe Pharma can chip in how is it you can get $100 pills in Cuba for basically nothing but You pay hundred sane pill made in the USA
- jgyuri: That girl fucked a bug
- Felix Desrosiers: And #1 in terms of medical bankrupcies. Also, the US healthcare system cost more per capita.
- Riven326: Is that Ashton Birdie?
- Clancy Holluck: this guy is retarded
- itzel varela: To both of them look like they have brain damage, neither one of them look smart!
- Obama is Gay: go binge on Bobby Lee Vlogs on Tigerbelly is much better than this right left middle circus
- SloanKetter44: I like you and I don’t like INFO WARS but in no way, shape, or form did she win that. You could tell she didn’t really know what she’s talking about
- mmajunkie66121: Michael Myers was eatting rats 2 survive for years but not 1 person at infowars talks about him #justiceforhomelessmichael
- Mark Heckerman: +MrUtsa24 haha I agree.
- Austin: If you think the girl in the sailor outfit trolled and/or "owned" this interview then you are even dumber than her outfit. This is the most unintelligent piece of hot garbage commentary I've ever seen.
- Cobone: The blonde tore her up..None of you mentally ill socialists {Communists} can point to history and say your ideas have EVER worked..The blonde was 100% right when she said "the 1% supports you useful idiot leftest..Its the useful idiots who think the 1% will give UP their money to pay for your health care...LOL.
- Goofy8907: How did she troll them? Worst clip ever
- Mark Mason: No, no it's not. To think it's "very much" socialist is to fail to understand what socialism is...and thus what it requires. Yes, they has been a socialist president doing reforms. And, outside of some control issues, it's been great. Life span, literacy, etc. All amazing. Definitely, the trends helpful to an eventual revolution of the people. However, socialism IS (at it's core) worker control and ownership of the means of product and their control over it's fruits. This is not generally true of this country trying to get some other things right.
- Terry K: Infowars, a whole new classification of scum.
- Jon Jensen: The only reason Other countries have healthcare is because America shells out so much of its money to literally carry others. Where’s our check from countries with healthcare?
- David Gonzales: you've met socialists as well as bernie sanders? did they respond differently to the same set of questions designed to gather specifics on their stances by objective standards? or do you mean... you talked to a couple of assholes once that said they were socialists as they asked to bum cigarettes from u and your friends at a party.... it matters if we are to take you as credible in your assessments... also, what is a new deal democrat in your opinion and how have you made this determination and find it more persuasive than his own democratic socialist description? and to be clear here...im totally just fucking with you about this...
- JOE DARKWAVE: That..girl...is...a..cutie...
- sam larsson: Have the retards at infowars ever heard of Scandinavia?Oh yeah we are living in total chaos according to them hahaha! The US is lightyears behind us when it comes to social issues.You have been duped
- Leia Jiang: You cool subed
- Gavin C: You SJWs think you get the slightest victories from being sarcastic 😂 it’s just showing how much more of an ass you people are. Hey didn’t Donald trump win ? I’m not from America so I don’t remember
- Jordan Cotter: If I had a dollar for every time I tried to explain to a progressive that we can't pay for Medicare for All just by taking the rich and cutting the military, I'd have like 10 bucks.
- SodaBoy628: _"B-b-b-b-b-but... Venezuela!"_ Venezuela was already in a bad situation BEFORE Chavez came to power (for example, there were massive riots in Caracas in 1989). Plus, much of that country's economy is privately owned.
- Aborted Soul: Her name is Dasha Nekrosova, a balarussian american actress.
- Larvitar Dratini: This looks like a south Park skit lol
- Danny Knapp: This angle on Bernie is interesting. Are they saying a person with 3 homes couldn't possibly care about poor people? Because if that's their argument, maybe we should just go with it.
- T Hoozay: https://www.instagram.com/fragmentary_chronicles/ Just wanted to see how far this goes
- BPD MF: Don't knock smelling your own farts.
- Trolley Mctrollerson: "I think everyone has a right to free health care" SMFH Sooo dumb.
- Crit - C: She didn't really troll them back. She didn't even defend well the belief that everyone should have health care. As a Bernie Sanders supporter and semi-socialist (I don't believe in totall socialism, but socialist systems for basic needs) I found this disappointing on both sides. It just looked like dumb vs. dumber.
- gringoboy701: Lol as opposed to the girl saying we would be eating rats?
- Leo: None of that matters, the main point here is the system. Not a single country is fully capitalist. Basic education is free in the US, security is free... If an ambulance saves you at the scene of a car accident that is free. But somehow trying to expand that is all of sudden magically evil and wrong.
- Horst Jedlika: Superhero "Smug Sailorette"
- Neo Rain: uuuuuuuuummmmmmm Venezuela heard of it. Yeah if the left is gonna hold Sailor girl drinking her 5 dollar latte with her 1000 dollar smartphone up as the champion of socialism then they're in deep trouble.
- Jazz GhettoBird: If we can afford wars for oil and heroin for 15+ years we can afford healthcare.
- Lavia: Lindsey Beck you're an idiot. That was trolling.
- Luc Bac: “Stupid is as stupid does.”
- bonzology: Why doesn’t anyone come up to me to ask such nonsense? I’d fucking destroy them and not let them off the hook, I’d chase them as they fled, follow em back to their clown leader Alex Jones and tear his tiny brain out.
- Lost Spider: Claiming all socialism is bad because of Venezuela is like claiming all capitalism is bad because of The United Arab Emirates. It’s cherry picking at its finest.
- Patrick Archy: Don't mistake smug posturing for anything more than what it is. The interviewer should have sensed it and played the same game... her fault was being too serious to someone who clearly wasn't wanting a rational debate.
- bbomg02: I don't even much like Bernie, but man is Info Wars just awful.
- Matthew Wooldridge: What are you watching mate , this isn't the score you obviously think it is ..........poorest man in the Senate ?!......that's like saying he's the poorest billionaire. ......you tool !!
- rattlesnake survival: Right winged and hot as hell, who else would it be
- Untrustedlife: "eating the rich"
- Eddy Park: The info war women was confusing and the socialism women
- The Lemming: Support the death of humanity Do the right thing
- Nathan Davies: How was she proven wrong?
- TheSpidersider: I want her on my dick.
- sprybug: LOL. THEY ALWAYS BRING UP VENEZUELA. They NEVER bring up the other places where it works. They always use the worst most corrupt examples, as if the other places that its successful doesn't exist. Way to push that false narrative, InfoWars!
- Michael Almodovar: That nube has had her own YouTube Chanel for some time now.
- Under the Big Oak: I didn't hear anything unreasonable except out of the trolls mouth
- Shawna Gunn: She did ask the girl, the girl is so damn stupid she has zero idea what socialism is all about. All she wants is free healthcare. Bernie wife is a thief. And the infowars clown? She told the truth, people do some damn research and look at hiw the people in Venezuela are living. If they eat meat it is rats. Tge guy is a fucking idiot!
- Gloom's Doom: This is so condescending
- machenga: This vid perfectly sums up the idiocy of ideologues on both sides
- Spoton: I don't see how Info Wars was owned
- Bolek Lolek: Dave Hanley Somalia has average IQ of 70, how do you except a nation of retards to get rich?
- Gaming with Friends: I agree David.
- Don Kapsalon: Smart girl vs dumb girl 😂 or ehm.. brownhead vs blonde 🤣 god I hate info wars.. they just SPECULATE as if its truth
- zeradordeyoutube: The thing is people on the right think socialism is against wealth. Then they ask "why aren't you against the rich if you a socialist?". YOU SAID I WAS AGAINST WEALTH. NOT ME, IDIOT.
- Just Me: “Free Healthcare” Free is a four letter word that starts with F
- Y J: Lame...I didn't see any trolling. U keep posting videos saying people trolling but it's never worthy of being called trolling
- CM3.Redeye: That ugly, nasty skank bitch didn't own anyone. & she's obviously much more interested in how she's gonna fuck enuf guys by Friday to afford her herpes & gonorrhea meds. You're an idiot. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Keep shilling for the form of govt that massacred & starved 128 million people in the 20th century, & enslaved so many more there aren't any estimates. Later, Kikle.
- Randy Brooks: ...and she was high af. B00M
- Raver.: *clips on bike helmet* "Da reason helfcare is expensive in da Yoo-ess-ay is because of gubbamint regalations and lack of compedishun" *wipes drool off chin*
- The Political Wolf: women that chill you gotta put a ring on that.
- Exodus gaming: Everyones making fun of ashton but shes not wrong. People are eating rats in Venezuela
- Chandir: This argument of "lazy scumbags" always confuses me. If you think lazy people who don't work have a better life than you, then why do you work? People who don't work don't get paid. And you can keep telling me and yourself that the US healthcare system is/was the best, you're just not very convincing, considering that of the 20 countries with the highest HAQ index, every single one of them has a social health care system. I don't know much about American health care history, but I know that where I live, if someone just broke his leg or something I can call an ambulance, it will probably arrive within less than 5 minutes and I don't have to worry about paying a nickel.
- supa savage: Anyone got a link to the full vid?
- Nullll1111: The girl is classy.
- Dave Laisure: That infowars rep never established a connection between socialism and what was happening in Venezuela. Does she mean to imply that the definition of socialism is when the poor eat rats while the rich drink champagne? Definitely not a good journalist.
- CodenameDuchess1984: i wish info wars interviewed me, because i'd share my pro gay frog conversion, psychic vampire, HARP weather manipulation, chem trail agenda
- Maverick Milestone: Australia , Canada and France etc are capitalist moron...they aren’t socialist countries
- Weenie: I wonder if that girl was drinking ice tea or ice coffee.
- Alden Stamper: I don't see any trolling here??? Lol infowars is the shit and anyone supporting socialism... Is obviously mentally retarded lol this guy Kyle doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about lol he is pretty oblivious honestly lol
- ripperduck: does the idiot inforwars bimbo realize that most of venezuela's assets are privately owned. all she's doing is spreading the bullshit that america has created about that country....
- Sushi Addict: Great off topic response dude, for worms i suggest checking your head.
- Steven Lengenfelder: I can see her nipples and it distracted me. I have no life.
- Jason C.: undrstnd, simple facts confuses Trumpians.
- ug nostix: Glorious??? This is flat.. there was no climax to that. I'm not fan of info wars but that was weak af. There was no tolling there. The lady with the mic is right. Socialism has destroyed Venezuela, the one percent get even richer under socialism, but the rest of people get poorer. Bernie Sanders is a liar, he's full of shit... There's alot of people who don't believe in private property. He inhereted a beautiful house on lake Champlain when he conceded to Hillary. The point this lady was making is Venezuela is eating dogs and other animals as a result of socialism. A century of practiced socialism/Communism has ended millions of lives... I'm sure Kylie cuck-lindsey can get it right.
- Andrew Richardson: Agreed, but the other girl in the sailor suit was hot and totally played the girl you’re talking about.
- ivanoffw: Kyle, they truly believe that the 1% believe in Socialism because their definition of Socialism has nothing to do with what Marx wrote about, instead it is Feminism, LGBTQ, globalization, and open borders. They seem to have the same type of thought patterns as those they believe are the enemy of this country, some would call it projection. If they did not have straw men to fight, their ego would be hurt, and that would be unacceptable. I recently tried to have a debate with one of them and they made me out to be a straw man, they couldn't keep their ADHD under control and topped it off with calling me names just like a child would do.
- DiscoR53: The interviewee is my shero, totally under control and super cool.
- Andrew W: Your comment is flawed. If, for example, someone didn't agree with you that the Earth was round, would you take the Dave Rubin approach to this person and say: "Oh, I see we disagree but at least we can have these discussions."? No, they would be a fucking idiot.
- BD22UK: Wow. The left is so lost.
- Blackatchaproduction: Wait socialism makes you eat rats? So that's what they have for dinner in places like Finland?
- AsTheWormTurns: I love her 😍😍😍
- Grey Matters: My answer would be that I want us all to have guaranteed healthcare and education (college). To pay for it, we simply cut our military budget from 650 billion dollars a year to say, 400 billion a year. We would still spend more on our military than any other country and not by just a little but by hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Cut the military budget and use that money to pay for healthcare and College. Also, isn't public education from K through 12 paid for? Isn't that socialism? Why should free education stop After High School? It shouldn't
- W Meito: sfreakc is that true? How do you know?
- New York CITY THE BIG APPLE: Donald Trump is the biggest Piece of Shit that came out from New York City. Winning your ass .Pathatic Troll
- Dremsilruth: I don't think she's wearing a bra.
- Eric Smith: Dude have you ever heard yourself ? You and your left comrades are really retarded. I don’t know if you will ever be aware that you don’t make any sense. Socialism CAN NOT work ! I grew up in communist country. You have no clue what are you voting for. You are spoiled kids without brains. Only free market capitalism can work. And yes we don’t have it now either. You should oppose corruption and criminality which there is plenty of but you should never ask for socialism. If you love it so much just move to Venezuela or Cuba and enjoy life there. Good luck morons.
- Isaiah Roe: I honestly think that they both looked kinda dumb
- SomeDudeOnaCouch: Venezuela didn't fail because of socialism, it failed because it was a corrupt rentier state. It's economic health has been directly tied to the international price of oil.
- SuperStruct: You can't say the Infowars woman got "owned." That other girl clearly didn't care about politics and probably wasn't going to vote anyways. Also, Germany and Sweden aren't good examples of socialism so it's good she picked Venezuela. I actually know many Swedes that are unhappy though, so Andrea just stop your roll. But I'm irrelevant right? After all, Andrea the great white knight is saying that Americans had our own holocaust against Native Americans. So Germany *is* now a great example because *our* history is "worse". Wow.
- George Sanchez: This is so stupid I wish I would of answer those stupid questions
- evodude919: This infowars chick is a bimbo. Put Owen Troyer in there. He will make a mess of that smug little chick.
- BigHeadClan: Wouldn't really call this trolling to perfection, kinda seemed like she didn't really know all that much. But at least she knew that she wanted a single payer healthcare system.
- Dav: There's something to be said for the beautiful simplicity of the statement: "I just want everyone to have healthcare..."
- Steve Thomsen: “You people have worms in your brain.” This is the closest to savage the political left will ever know....
- Dusty: She’s literally sipping tea
- Matthew Enriquez: Moral Action But would be great eye candy.
- Ryan Lamont: A baked college student just destroyed an InfoWars reporter
- LaviniaVeiled: Vocal fry and a French schoolgirl uniform plus sipping an obligatory iced coffee every 3 seconds. Rad. 🙄 She is right, though. And funny.
- Kaiser Schnitsel Sr.: nr 2K dislike here
- High Altitude Reviews: You reached on this one, which is sad you need to pull clips from others videos to make yours watchable or even relevant. Try harder next time and maybe you won’t look so damn desperate to stick it to Info Wars and people who don’t follow the horse shit you sheeple do.
- rattlesnake survival: Get a life
- CBA: Saying "I'm talking about America" is dismissive of Venezuelans as if they can't make socialism work but the superior race Americans can. The libs on here are endorsing race supremacy non-thinking and don't even know it. Human nature is universal and socialism will never work.
- The Learner: People are so dumb, they keep vomiting Venezuela's socialism when actually they have a criminal as president using crazy ideas to control everyone.
- ThunderBuddy: Yeeeeeeeeeeeah
- Twilightsummerbreeze: What a dumb girl. She must be on something.
- Fish Knuckle: "Oh my God. You people have worms in your brains" lol
- Conquer: "I just want people to have healthcare"? and you love that, you fken lesbian softball coach?
- Backwoods Hippie: The cocksuckers Bernie Sanders is what's considered rich Socialist Canada's healthcare is awesome everyone has it and it still changes nothing
- Man Hattan: The Everyday Liberal Show what we need is a change in government, the level of curruption and crime that prevails throughout Venezuela is unprecedented
- Ivan The Dude: but the videos not pulled... its on numerous infowars channels. there was no hilarious trolling here. she asks the dumb valley girl dressed like a sailor why she likes bernie sanders, she replies, "hes for eating the rich!" ... the infowars girl replies that people in socialists countries eat rats, not the rich, and it devolves from there. im really ashamed that i used to follow your channel. want to know your future? look up sam seder.
- Gaming Conquered: Lol her attitude is scum. That entitled attitude will make America fall. GL.
- RUBIZEN: This is the first time I've heard of or watched one of this guys videos (Kyle Kulinski). He reminds me of a 14 yr. old pothead trying to act intellectual in front of class. His argument is the woman being interviewed is somehow making great points by acting stupid. Kyle believes that other peoples ideas or comments are dumb...but...acting dumb to troll the interview somehow wins the argument by default. If the woman had acted intelligent she would have won the argument, but she acted dumb...so she won the argument? He really wants to guarantee the left a win everytime huh?
- Capt. Sum Ting Wong: ReR747 - Ratatouille doesn’t count bro!
- Bill: What's the link for the video Kyle is talking abt
- Cagy McCorgeson: This is the left's trolled to perfection??? SAD.
- laharlie: Socialism has no place in the US.
- ghostryder94: could be, but they didnt put it back thinking the dipshit libtard came out looking smarter.
- Tyren Hoskins: "Owned". Let that sink in. Kyle, both of the women in this video are absolute dunces. I thought you were the "I criticize both sides fairly guy". Just because she's pushing an idea you support doesn't mean she owned the reporter, she deffinitely wasn't that educated herself. This is pretty damn hacky, when Alex trolled Cenk how did you respond? Going off the logic your using here, Alex Jones absolutely owned Cenk. The arrogance in you saying "stop acting like the other side doesn't have any points" where in the video the girl you're backing has the mental fortitude of a corpse is quite pathetic and weak.
- Man Hattan: Zac Crow you're telling someone who's a native Venezuelan who's been livng here half is life, who has two study and work just to see all his family and friends struggle to leave the country do to lack of opportunities while the same backwards propaganda is being played out by a government who's been ruling since 1999. A country where I can exchange my current to any form of international currency for travel or buying anything a desire like any other country. Me, a person who's struggling alongside millions of people trying to find a way leave with the help of friends and family outside the country to buy plane tickets or bus tickets to flee away for a better future. Money isn't worth shit here, we don't have access to foregin currencies to exchange, President Maduros spends millions of dollars providing electrical plants to Nicaragua while we have light shortages almost daily. The ideas of the Venezuelan government were never ment to succeed but to provide poverty to everyone the same. I would recommend you to dig deep down and investigate, read a little. We live in constant state of hell. It's been over 8 months of water shortages, electric blackouts that last days on some occasions, people eating out of the trash with there children. And you honestly believe that I don't know what I'm talking about? I live this piece of shit life everyday, the government channels paint a Utopia paradise when in reality they never awkmowledge anything thats their fault. It's always the same with these governments "the private sectores are evil" " the United States is behind our troubles" while these bastards afford homes in Miami, Colombia and parts of Europe. We don't have public buses because buying new ones is not an option...so what do you now on the roads? People being transported with old rusty pick up trucks by the thousands one after another. This socialism isn't like in Sweden me y dear friend. This is a third world country with third world country ideology. Venezuela is a country blessed with vast resources, only to be deprived for only a few. Fuck Infowars and that dumb "reporter" but for people to just say all is good here in Venezuela is completely ignorant. PS: I encourage you to look into the modern Venezuelan migration for you to get an idea what people are going through.
- Shadow Kitsune: I think im in love
- Christopher Parks: No, the dark haired girl just refused to play the game.
- Resplendent Moron: A rant would be the wrong approach to take, entirely. Kyle is right here.
- Max Gray: How does any of that equal ownage?
- Aardvark 52: Ken Cur tell people our tax dollars used for the military is a socialist concept and they might haha. Without socialism we would have almost no funding for our military. So hardcore patriots might appreciate the socialism in that perspective
- Tim Rawlinson: bernies a globalist shill.
- VMohdude -: the new dacia true but still a dumbass hack
- Balthazar228: She made decent remarks, to be sure. The quip about being for “eating the rich” was great. I wouldn’t call it full on “trolling to perfection.” I’d expect many more discreet trolling quips. I’d expect a retort to the “eating rats” comment to be either “Don’t knock it until you try it” or “what, you don’t enjoy Rat-atouille?” I’d expect a response to the “Bernie lives in $3 million-dollar homes” to be “GAH, that’s positively plebeian, Nancy Pelosi has a vineyard worth between $5 Million and $25 Million, a DC condo worth between $1 Million and $5 Million, and a house in San Francisco worth $7.5 Million, we really need to find him better housing.” I’d expect a response to the “The 1% support socialism” with “Of course, they remember what happened in the French Revolution and want to be ahead of the guillotine curve.” Even confirming her earlier comment of “eating the rich” could be trolled upon further by confirming the intent and saying “of course! Don’t you look at Chris Christie and think: “Man, he must taste delicious, smoked with a spice rub and some barbecue sauce?” Maybe I’m expecting way too much out of this, and I appreciate what she did say, I expect “trolling to perfection” to warrant full on satire
- Matt Jones: Kyle I will out debate you anyday! Name the time idiot!
- Iman Niazi: As a German I'd like to understand one thing. Are most Americans generally to stupid to understand the difference between democratic socialism and socialism or communism itself or are they just dishonest and pretend they don't understand? Bernie Sanders is a social-democrat not a socialist or communist.
- Tobby The Tobester: What's a good example of where socialism actually works?
- defellman: You can eat dick
- Christopher Lee: ya lets be on the looneytoon left were i spin everything into racism, defend hilairy clinton the most corupt person in political history and defend cellbrity and left hypocrosy
- Homer Balderas: Answers a question with a laugh n takes a sip....what is she drinking I want some...
- Scotty Roxwell: I can't stand that Ashton girl. Can't stand Bernie supporters either. Can't stand anyone who doesn't realize the whole system is one giant propaganda/oppression machine.
- Jeff Wilkinson: This is just propaganda. Not that info wars isn't. Also, this comment section is an uninformed circle jerk. Using the term "useful idiot" while spouting straight lies about rich people. The most powerful and influential rich are pretty boring people, this is straight up Marxist ideology. Come on proletariat, let us throw those fat cat borgeousie into the river and take those factories for the people! How exactly has that worked out before?!?! Do you brainwashed "social" Democrats even know? Have you read "The Step" or "The Gulag Archipelago" or anything about the history of attempted socialism in China? Do you understand that poverty rate increases under socialism and lowers in free market capitalism? Or are you just repeating the same meme phrases that you think make you sound intelligent while on your $1000 phone, drinking a fucking Starbucks acting like the rich are oppressing you? It doesn't seem like it.
- Richard Francis: This wasn't that good.
- curtis reeves: Everyone in the United States has access to healthcare and as far as centralized Healthcare nothing absolutely nothing is free
- minsmama: Still not seeing what Venezuela has to do with Bernie....
- Peyton Snyder: I genuinely want that woman in my life
- William Olsen: I consider myself a Democratic Socialist, but I am not against people being rich. That is the thing these right wingers think is that we are against people succeeding, and getting ahead, we just want a social safety net.
- badazzmaro: I don't understand this
- ted Clauss: Free . Nothings Free Government pays health care for people we pay the government.Dah. Bernie’s Sanders net worth is in 2017 was 2 million dollars so don’t even act like he’s poor.
- Bradford Wagner Jr: Who the fuck is this guy and how does he have 600k subs
- Daniel Coggins: I can't believe we are even arguing about health care! We all need health insurance and care! wtf
- I wish I knew: The goofy girl didn't have a reason for anything. Doesn't even know the facts.
- morgan michelle: Umm how exactly did the one girl troll the interviewer if everything she was saying was facts? All the girl in the blue did was look dumb that’s why she tried to defend her self saying “do you have worms in your brain?” 🤣 all these idiotic democrats and socialist
- OnionGarlicBellPeper: How many people skipped over his commentary entirely?
- supernalbjj: They should of scissored
- sintered: "I know it's hard because you like the small of your own farts"
- rattlesnake survival: A good facist is a dead facist
- Aeroscience: I'm a Bernie supporter, and I think that woman sounded like an utter moron. She even made the info wars reporter look like she knew what she was talking about, which is beyond sad. Either she was pretending to be stupid, which in and of itself is a moronic strategy to win a argument, or she's a classic case of being on the right side for the wrong reasons.
- Hassenboy: Abyssal Mang And you say 'Hey' all the time
- johnnycaralta: This dude is just as bad as Milo. What a fuckin moron.
- iTz Newblood: That's ashton. All her videos are great. I don't see your point at all. I think you failed trying to make a point about info wars and ash. The dark haired women sounds like the dumb law student from legally blonde. Once again the liberals fail. As someone in the middle watching your video. This makes you look stupid.
- Bogus Hype: Is this supposed to make me suspicious of infowars?
- Sebastian Stiefel: This video and title to the video are also worse then all those “Ben Shapiro slams feminist atheist women”. Please look inward.
- Rusty Shackelford: Infowars is the truth!1776!!!
- Britt Meade: Wouldnt say anyone was "owned" in this clip. The reporter and the person being interviewed both looked very awkward. Infowars decision to hire more attractive females to appear diverse and accepting had backfired on them because they hired idiots. Also didn't appreciate how you said the reporter made no sense because what she said did make sense and you didn't explain what she fucked up on. I appreciate the fake laughs to make her seem crazy, makes me feel proud to be Republican. A whole lot of hypocrisy in your last part of your speech. "I know you like to smell your own farts" as you belittle someone to make you appear smarter. Hope the suit gives you +10 intelligence
- Miguel Arredondo: Venezuela is in america
- Cooper Harris: What state do you live in sir? I'm pretty sure that most of them frown upon eating humans. I'm gonna get my mom to track your ip and have you arrested, she works in IT and she won't let you eat anybody even if they are rich
- Robert Simpson: i think that she was doing valley girl intentionally because she did not do it all the time.... which is intentionally being humorous at the expense of info wars.... it is very seriously obvious....
- Michael Sullivan: Is the profanity neccessary?
- Bill Anderson: Thank you for reporting this, Kyle. I wouldn't have seen this otherwise
- fuzzy face: I want to be friends with and possibly fall in love with that girl. Edit: ok and also the guy talking I like him
- John Marston: This is what counts as owning someone?
- Gary White: So owned.... LMAO what fuckin idiot, eat the rich, but wants socialism..... Yeah socialist aren't classist or elitist, socialism will limit everything, gotta make room for everyone, can't buy too much, gotta share. Rat eating wouldn't start the next day, but that's the road we'd be headed down. Fuckin stupid, Yay socialism n you call Ppl Hitler, n support his political system, n right wingers are dumb
- Phantom4Flyer: Is that that Ashton Birdie chick?
- Thirtythree Eyes: +Ragy Ratloy Really anarchy is the final stage of every nations failure. Then please give one example of a society that collapsed with no leader in power because as far as I know every society still had an elite class and some form of leader at it's final moments. Again the only people who believe society couldn't exist without leaders simply have no faith in their fellow man and it's honestly sad that they instead choose to place that faith in a government that is far more beneficial to the few who seek to exploit the common man.
- Pipo Pipo: Bernie wants to be Sweden and not Venezuela! And what mainstream media tells you about Venezuela is very distorted. The real 1 percent in Venezuela is responsible for the situation right now. They are taking care goods are not entering the country (too blame it on the government). Search Abby Martin in Venezuela and you will understand what I mean!!!
- whyamimrpink78: You are also ignoring him praising Fidel Castro.
- Buggle Magnum: She was dressed like donald duck what a cutie
- drape4040: FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #TRUMP2020 #TRUMP2020 #BOSS
- the truth: They are both retarded
- Swaggercat: This is stupid
- Zeus Masterson: The sailor girl seems dim.
- Floridajames04: So America is gonna eat rats? FUCK Info Wars!!! And Fuck Alex Jones!
- Brian White: I don't like info wars either but this girl didn't own nor troll to perfection.
- Popo Bawa: Asserting that something is a fact is a sad example of arguing a position.
- theaudiocrat: We need less "health care." 45,000? Not enough. Take away people's health care and kick them in the balls! Take away their rights. Take away their votes! Women and brown people were a mistake. Send all the gays to the sun in a rocket! Too many stupid/sick/smelly people; you're breathing weird and annoying everybody
- Cory Williams: I would call that a cringe-worthy video. Two morons talking to each other
- Beau Camp: Is that what liberals call winning a debate?
- misterdirtyharry: The point was being flippant and playing dumb because she doesn't respect infowars.
- latham taylor: I'm not even a liberal but that was awesome.
- darkspel: I never get tired of blblblbl prrrrrt 😁
- andrew kelly: All aboard the S.S. Chill where sailor sassy pants is gunna give right wingers the learnin' of a lifetime. Toot toot!
- Ethan Dumas: goddam your desperate to make libtards look anything more then straight retarded lol
- Drew simon: I had to dislike this video... Although I rarely agree with Kyle, I respect him a lot because he argues his opinions rather than falling into straw man-ing the other side or simply name calling. But this, imo, wasn't an example of an idiot info wars girl being owned. This was a sad display of political polarization, and the true horror wasn't either side. But rather that both sides were so easily hostile to one another without true discussion or respect... Sad to see Kyle fall into that...
- VES SEV: She looks funny I love her
- Daisy Chains: "I'm glad we can still make comments about a given person's attractiveness or lack thereof without being labeled sexists, desperate "betta" males, fedora-tippers or incels. We're all getting along here." Why this rude comment against antisexism? o.O No one thinks this conversation was sexist. There's a difference between complimenting a woman's intelligence or integrity and making degrading comments about her looks. In this case, it seems like everyone (except Bas Didit) is treating her like an actual person - which is why nobody complains about it. Actually, I totally agree with mykotron. I'd date her, too. Bas Didit's opinion doesn't really count though bc he's just embarassing himself. He's spouting PUA sh-t around and doesn't even realize how hard he is "DHV'ing" himself. I totally understand why women are running away from him, he's creepy af.
- 188basstrom: Another bleeding heart liberal dummy fucking up the world.
- iDeAs Born: You know People in Venezuela eat rats. Lady, this is the United States
- lunaticrobot: Callum Mecoo lol, I'm sure that's what they told her. She could just mirror the video on her personal channel, and IW would still have the original up on their much larger channel to promote both brands. Instead they pulled it.
- T ö: +Ut med dem sweden's healthcare is awful. In the northern parts they send people over to finland when women give birth because they are so under staffed. People die daily because how worthless the healtcare is. Swedens health care is only good in the cities not in the rural parts
- woodchuck 00: looking at Politifact Bernie Sanders is 82nd for wealth in the Senate, meaning he is barely in the bottom 20%, there are 19 people poor then him, to include people like Marco Rubio. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/apr/14/bernie-sanders/bernie-sanders-says-hes-one-poorer-members-united-/
- Jamel Gianangelo: When your video starts with 'I know this happened because I saw it twitter'
- wesleysansom: We are all evil devil people who don't know anything and assholes yeah, you've clearly never been to Australia
- Rodrick Connolly: Girl was on point, just like her nips 😜🙊🙈
- Ivan The Dude: hey secular talk fans, i used to be one of you. please notice how this guy now posts the same vids/clips/makes the same commentaries and has all the same stances on everything as tyt, jimmy dore, sam seder, david pakman etc.. theyre not the free thinking smart young guys you think they are. notice that none of these people mentioned ever go out on the street and interact with real people. because they cant. adults dont like them. they instead, leave all of the independent journalism to conservative outlets like infowars, weAreChange, rebel media, while they sit in their basement studios and take clips from these actual journalists and crack jokes. this is deliberate. its to make their viewers feel like theyre part of the in crowd, the ones with all the answers surrounded by a bunch of hicks and backwards rubes. dont be so easily manipulated.
- Sean Paul Corcoran: No one has a right to health care. Bad interviewer. Stupid socialist. Both dumb." i just want people to have health care" is not an answer. tribalism sux. Kyle you make no real point.
- WoWFiend2005: Clearly she recognized the InfoWars team so she should’ve come out with something like, “Well, Bernie said he was gonna stop the frogs from turning gay and that’s the MAJOR issue in our country, today.”
- tinker bee: It truly amazes me all of the morons in the United States that don't even think about Healthcare until they actually need it
- ChronicSmoka73: I’m a Bernie Sanders guy 🤷🏾♂️
- Ella Blun: okay, that was creepy, I had a solitaire open over his video, and he said "one percent supports socialism" and went silent, and then he just bent sideways and popped out from behind the solitaire window, like okay, I will look at you next time, fuck
- Drake Salas: That girl is so hot. Idk why but I like that sarcastic hipster girl esthetic 😋 she's the type of girl who acts so hard but once you start dating her she becomes a soft little girl 😋😋
- AnotherKS: Kyan Ysh lmao
- Casey Thornton: Bernie "If I'm president, free school for everyone. so we can allow my wife to keep her job. she will frivolously over bill the government on every degree, devaluing everyones education. We will extend the no child left behind act to college so no matter what they don't do, they will still graduate. Everyone can become a doctor. Everyone will have a government job We will have to raise taxes to 90% for every one
- Jimbo: Oook.... where did the trolling start..she just seemed like she didn't give a shit about anything...
- User123 4: Where the fuck is my girl Millie weaver from infowars? This new thot is triggering meeeeee REeEEEeeeeE
- Alexander Renteria: That chick is so awesome in every way. I feel like she would be brutally honest after having sex.."ahh... seriously you have and average size penis. But you did make me orgasm so I might reconsider sleeping with you again. If you work on your cunnilingus"
- Matrix Man: Django Fett Then why did the US struggle in the middle east. Drone strikes dont work underground. At some point you need boots on the ground. When the market was freer back in the day, people were better off. A true free market will never happen as long as there's a federal govt. But we can make it freer than it is right now.
- VICTORION GREYJOY: This is absolute fuckery they air that clip as a commercial daily.we don't hide liberal stupidity we put it on blast.you are libelist and lying .all you steeple need to reject this rubbish.get red pilled or get effed
- Cotticker: creole cactus combination fried mice
- Harshit Madan: They're not. Workers don't own the means of production. Private property does exist.
- Dagnie: Idk, just sounded like someone who didn’t know what socialism actually is
- Adrian Garza: Maybe I am way off, but I hear Ohio accent, are you from there?
- Ray gun Reagan: brown hippie1971 https://immigration.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000788
- Sol Moon: I like sailor girls shirt braless, see her nipple popping
- Kian Zinzell: Her delighted giggle after realizing the lady is working for infowars is fantastic
- Unanimous Delivers: You made it sound like once the girl saw the InfoWars mic, she pretended to be dumb and confound the blond woman, then later admitted that she was messing with her. What actually happened was a woman who may or may not (we don't know) sincerely be clueless, may or may not sincerely want to eat the rich, may or may not have been messing with her. The title and intro to this video are misleading. That not defending blondie or bashing sailor girl. All I'm saying is this video puts forth an idea, shows 2 idiots arguing idiotically, then you insist your interpretation of the argument is factual because InfoNoob lied, and you personally can't believe Sailor Ceres is as fanatical and clueless.
- James S: I see a lot of angry people in the comments who watch infowars lol.
- Kyle Wissman: This girl sounds like Bernie Sanders trying to explain how he's going to pay for all this free s***. Thanks for the laugh. Yes bigger government that's what we need. We've seen all the social programs our government has aced over the years yes more government.
- Newmexicosun: I agree. Barely anything productive was said by both the interviewer and the girl being interviewed. She sounds like she barely grasps what she's talking about. Who cares if she's "hot". Are there not over 7 billion people on this earth? Do we have to determine credibility based on looks?
- Evan: How much did it cost for you to buy 500,000 subscribers? Just curious.
- Fastback GT: Sippy Cup girl is dolt wrapped up a derelict sandwich... people excuse her bc she trying to be cool - SHE AIN'T!!! Matt, is not about style! Have at least some substance in that damn sandwich you're shoving in that litard mouth of yours.
- Alaskan bull worm: Have to disagree with you here Kyle, the sailor moon girl seemed genuinely misinformed, just like the reporter asking the disingenuous questions. At least you’re getting free publicity from the triggered infotards.
- Johnston Hawkins: The Bolshevik re-revolution is on! Know what that means? Open season on Bolshevik actors! Guess who's side God is on? Not yours! Hahahahaha!
- JungleLiquor: why y’all need healthcare when you can just die?
- Jim R. Didriksen: The girl/woman/person does have a podcast called Red Scare. (found that out via her tweet about re-posting this video because Info-wars took it down.) (Tho I haven't heard it because I couldn't find a non-iTunes link, and iTunes is the STD of applications if you have a PC.)
- Burgess Bigglesworth: Who gives a shit. This is boring and amounts to zero. Your reaching kyle.
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: Look at this edgy dipshit lefty winger Only to pop up, when they think someone on the right got "trolled".
- fifa22 fifa22: When someone owns a Pixel 2 XL, I automatically consider them intellectuals.
- phutureproof: it honestly wasn't anything brilliant. bit like this vid
- Mizz Bote: Which part "owned" her???? I'm still trying to find it... Lol
- Mister Smith: "Trolls them to perfection"..? Not really. Also why'd you cut the video..? If they're really trolled I want to see the whole thing.
- NyYankees1985: declan h well you have said & read nothing this whole time so im glad were done
- Rick Ω: "the 1% supports socialism, have you heard of venezuela? they eat rats. you wanna eat rich people? answer the question." Great interviewer, give her a raise!
- adam meredith: I think the 1% does support socialism... socialism for the 1%... refer to my favorite quote "We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor" - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
- last shadow: I think her hotness helped
- Steven Hall: She didn't "own" anyone. She said "I want free stuff". GTFOH
- cropduster: Funny, I thought the person being interviewed hung herself. She claims she's a socialist but only wants free health care. But I do agree the drinking champagne and eating rats anology was pretty lame. 1% wants socialism, I doubt it. Not a good interviewer.
- John NoNameGibbon: lol Why is she dressed like a French sailor while looking like she just smoked a fat doobie? Healthcare is healthcare. Most people want it, most people want better working conditions. That isn't Socialism. Socialism is more akin to communism. Scandinavia isn't socialist.
- Mariat Is Me: Oh man. Glad I live in Norway.
- William Fitzpatrick: plz look at a WHO report sometime bb
- selfatrophy: "Why free?" Fascist parasite.
- Will Deutsch: +porridge57 cringe. btw, not sure if leftists even know what "feminine" means. it's probably sexist to them
- Nik Bacon: Right. So the problem with socialism in the US is that we are not a homogeneous population like “every other developed nation” more or less. Meaning that the American ideal of culture drastically differs across its population generating an atmosphere where a highly regulated socialistic government inherently fails. This is because any positive form of socialism requires a people to generally agree on base level societal needs. Which the American population does not
- Nitasha Johnson: I'm in love with that girl... and since I lean left I could marry her if it comes up.
- James NA: precisely my point do you think we should lose more of our hard earned money for people who do not contribute. We pay for many of those Public Services because we receive a direct benefit from that. How does the working class benefit paying for the health care of those that do not contribute. That's not even really a good argument. Apples and oranges.
- Fucked Gplus: Canada health care sucks. And thats a truth
- Joe Smerksky: Info wars doing the work of the establishment.
- RElouhila: Was she targeted because of the school girl uniform? lol
- Docholland45: Zoe K how does he rank compared to meth? Lower or higher for you?
- Operating In A Perpetual State of UGH!: Venezuela! Venezuela!...What about Denmark, Finland, etc...But i hate and love this girl at the same time.
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: Ant Man That’s because free market capitalism in the us is a complete fucking lie. It’s just a monopolizing, and cronyism in this fucking country that we have. Besides, she simply called them socialist as a joke to make the info wars reporter angry.
- Jaron Martin: Oh yeah nobody in US has access to basic care. Easy for you to say motherfucker you are rich. You try to do you your best to stand up for the poor but you dont care. You care about rich like berny Sanders. We all know liberals as far as left as possible only care about far left wing. You are about the biggest liar I have ever herd on the left wing. No wonder your show is about as low in ratings on the tank. Cuss all you want and make it sound like you are pissed off everyone knows you are full of shit if they have one brain cell less than you. Bernie is rich as shit so stop acting like he is your wing man oh he is as both of you are rich.
- Dilettante_Elite _: Typical click-baiting. The rest of the video smacks of political ramblings. Lame video.
- Mike V: Free healthcare? Doesn't exist.
- Chucky Justice: Kyle raped his lover
- Herb Tenderson: Alex Jones' supplements cured my very homosexual frog.
- EpicMango: If Bernie was President we'd be eating rats. Please just stop, this woman is too dumb.
- David Gonzales: i hear ya on this guy. tho he was intrestingly enough lumped into the same jettisoned tube that Cenk was recently by justice democrats so im not sure where his ideology is claimed.... social democrat too I jokingly suggest to make it even more ridiculous... even as u say and is in effect regarding norway, the reality of getting any real bite to a shift of such a major traditional thinking on US economic direction and/or leadership seems to me a mugs game. the globalist themed track and technocracy we've been on seems to have been shifted to a full stop with all avenues steeped in traditional capitalism getting traffic it has not seen in decades. The surveillance state is focused on itself almost completely in the effort to scalpel out the trump while leaving the once untouchable deep state villains in place. a difficult task to do on another country, like Syria for instance in our effort to unseat Assad, but to take down your own world leader is un heard of and his recent use of a good ole cock length contest in N Korea seems to have netted a positive outcome thus far. Without any of the traditional checks to control him in place before he claimed the office, reigning in the wrecking ball that is the US pres against the globalist plan is going to require a real act of treason to get done. none of the real blackmail or locking loyalty pacts on the rise up the political ladder took place on trump... he just jumped into the contest paid for the bulk of it himself. and won the right to act in the best interests of US citizens and US companies free from approval of people who had run a power play so long they thought they couldn't lose the grip they had on the government control. i wouldnt have minded bernie's way becoming the nation's way if he had been able to actually present them as our president. They would have also been in opposition to what our direction had become, and he had my vote till he made the cheating all to obvious to ignore in dropping out after clinton allegedly had more supporters behind her sorry ass.
- RenegadeGamer: "The 1% support socialism." Lol, This girl should be a comedi--(uses Time Stone to redact this comment before she gets a [not] funny idea)
- Nathan Drake: 4:40 Actually we kind of do Kyle. "Property is theft."
- Deh Wabbit: LOL Saikor Mercury.. I wish I was friends with you now.
- Dahlia Legacy: You know I wouldn't mind eating the rich, if she's smart and using her money to not screw over everyone else. I have food standards. ^_~
- Frederick Röders: You cant read between the lines can you?
- viralshark: Im so sick of the Venezuela comparison.
- Randal: Anyone dressed like that is only trolling herself. And her affect is why I hate most people 30 and younger. Also, quit hero worshipping politicians. They’re all the same. They’re all pieces of shit. They’re all CAREER politicians which means it’s their job to get between you and your money while selling you a lifestyle and value system that’s diametrically opposed to the way they think and live. It’s how they take your money and live off of it while doing nothing. Every single politician is the same. Stop being stupid.
- MrBakersdozen2020: I mean I'm in favor of eating the rich me boyo
- Tommy Farace: We don't eat rats the rich are the rats! P.S. Do you think infowars knows the difference between socialism and social democracy?
- Skylar Arruda: Bernie Sanders is an awful presidential candidate and he’d throw our economy into a crisis. He’d tax the 1% so much that nobody would want to work high paying jobs and we’d have morons everywhere.
- tiptopper da grasshopper: The poorest member of the Senate is still in the top 1 percent. Hacky arguments like smelling your own farts! Nice counter argue?
- wallawizard: Ashton Birdie made a good response to the whole situation. Worth giving a listen to: https://youtu.be/Z88SJy-AKtE
- Timbales1979: *Want, not wants. Smh.
- Eric Avery: It would be nice if your channel was scrubbed from the internet to. Just saying.
- JWhat Lopez: Lol yea okay then. You all are more fried than she is. Lol
- Felix Desrosiers: You sound smart... very insightful critique
- DashingNative: Funny thing is, I seen this on the typical SJW's owned compilations video and people in the comments (who are right-leaning) dismantled the sailor hat girl. In all honesty, both of the women in the video are clueless.
- Craig Browning: Watch America start eating Rats under Trump.
- Blake Bestasitis: This guy is dumb lol the reporter made sense to me
- Jim Taylor: If we have socialized healthcare who makes decisions on continuing care ... who gets "unplugged" ... big pharma, AMA, UN, CFR, a new federal bureaucratic agency, insurance companies? nice ...
- jjmah7: The people in Venezuela are eating rats, therefore - socialism is bad. WHAT?
- ArchiveOfTruth: the sailor outfit i dug it
- BABATUNDE: Please, you economic illiterate, braindead, tax-livestock sheeple leftists: present your arguments to me. I will dismantle every single one of you socialist fools right here in this comment section. The loser of an argument should change their views - I am willing to change mine - but unfortunately for you, right wing ideology is based on facts and logic. Not feelings.
- cailean paris: How did she troll the interviewer?
- Ohmy bama: I just had an epiphany, let's just start calling capitalism socialism, then everyone gets what they want because these idiots advocating for socialism don't actually know what it is.
- Rocco reto da bandito: Getting the rich fucks in this country along with the 1% to pay their fair share isn’t socialism to me it’s just morally right that corporate America and the wealthy pay up and stop fucking the poor and middle class !!!!
- Emery Beard: Leftist idiots. This show as well...
- Beary the Bear: Am I the only one that finds this so dumb. Like each side is always trying to out rank the other :/ so lame Kyle you’re not that funny and neither is any infowars person. I wonder when we’re gonna actually do something instead of fighting like kids
- Jon Jonzz: Info Wars are shit-tainted dirt... but this girl is an airhead, not a troll... You're giving her way too much credit, man. She's not deliberately crapping on their point, so much as just not really having any answers. Shit's still funny anytime Info Wars is shown up, though!
- Tamia S: She didn’t own them...lol
- Trais Gaming: Whos this Kyle cunt head? I WANT TO SEE THE WOMAN...
- Bill Dargel: Ashtonbirdie Is just a guest reporter. She doesn't work for Infowars. She is an up and coming journalist with a great future ahead of her.
- The Shelander: I really wish he had won
- shadowdance4666: Medicare for all isn’t free it just CUTS OUT MIDDLEMAN!
- Akmal Ahmad: Infowars is clearly retarded and so is that noobish women who doesn't read enough about capitalism to actually speak about it.I'm pro capitalist myself but the women regurgitates the things she hear and not from what she learnt.However I also disagree on Kyle here. 1)Bernie Sanders actually made more money in the last 2 years than he ever did before that.His net worth was $700000 in 2016 and couple of months ago he has exceeded into that $1000000 threshold in the span of 2 years.The reason why people is calling out Bernie Sanders is hypocrtical because he sees it as immoral and unfair for someone to be richer than others.He despised the 1% just because they're the 1%. 2)Bernie policies of inreasing tax on large corporations would just drive tax evasion even more as we have seen.Also these companies employ thousands of people and increasing their tax would just inevitably lead them to cutting down their employees. Not only that but it would drive out any innovative momentum US used to have with companies that gave birth to IBM,GOOGLE,MICROSOFT,APPLE and etc. 3)Bernie proposal on raising in minimum wage have been called out for even by left wing economist because of how it would increase the cost of living and negate the minimum wage increase.Not to mention small business can't sustain employees with $20 minimum wage so they would cut down on their staff members.
- Tyler R: Sailor moon is my hero.
- Unruly Mile High: lol if you even know what you are talking about your title is completely fake they didnt "pull the video" they uploaded it on a different channel aand the girl with the latte literally cant even talk LOL
- IntelligentTv: More so a mixed economy. Read both sides. Understand how our financial system REALLY works. I've read the communist manifesto, prosocialist writings, the libertarian mind, anti-communist rhetoric and multiple different philosophies. He even said "don't pretend that the other side has ZERO arguments because it is so inherently flawed".
- The War on Disinformation: This Kyle twat is insufferable.
- Muted Truth: Both of them sounded stupid. Kyle could only critique an InfoWars video as their reporting is on the same level. Shapiro vs Kyle would lead to Kyle mopping the floors in the Daily Wire office for the rest of his life.
- Corey Spires: Low key Kyle you should have fallen out of the chair for the effect. XD Great show! keep posting more man!
- Chase Anderson: Yo, Bernie literally had tax brackets on his website and none of them said "70-90%", you are making things up. Also being taxed at 90% at 390k would still place you above the majority of Americans. And why would you need to "equalize" the population? What does that even mean? PS: putting a 10 year old meme in a comment makes you seem like a fucking retard, and its impossible to take you seriously.
- R Camacho: Lux-de-luce If you couldn’t tell she was trolling you’re dense. If you’re the one trolling, smh, try harder.
- Biggie Scooby: Just list off the 40-50 countries that have universal healthcare.
- Я Смерть: exactly
- John Adams: Move to Mexico.
- well: You know Venezuela right? “Heard of it.” The way she looks at the camera lol.
- andrzej123453: fuck you idiots outer Venezuela sitting on oil and silver why ppl. eat rats ?????
- Neil Dohi: She's cool, she don't give a shit what reporter is talking about. And that attitude & cute.
- Jimmy Jack: This guy brings up the same old country’s to try and compare their health care system to ours . I’ll give him the opportunity to go educate himself on per capita expenditures and the effect of bloated illegal immigrants that strain the county health systems and lastly the notable homogeneous societies he’s referring to and the trends of disease etc which are not compatible to the states . Now go jump on a trampoline you useful idiot of the left.
- Ralph Bernhard: She should have said: "If you say I'm going to end up eating rats if I vote for Bernie, then YOU are going to end up hunting lions if you vote for Trump..."
- Just2Cynical: I disagreed with a lot of what the socialist said but the free healthcare art was 💯as the kids say.
- Vash115: Oh, so this is a communist thing? . Too bad you had to screw the fun of the video with your retarded left wing views.
- お化け: I'm an impartial observer who likes to actually look up the definitions of the words I use prior to making an argument centered around their meaning. And if the definition of a smackdown is a decisive defeat, and the info wars bitch's intent was to humiliate the rad chick (which clearly it was)... then yes. This was a smackdown. Literally and logically it was a smackdown. I don't care about your preconceived notions of the required magnitude or severity of the blow dealt, it was a smackdown. I don't care if you hate democratic socialism, it was a smackdown. I don't care if you don't like the rad chick because she's radder than you, it was a smackdown. The only way you'll understand that is if you don't get red in the face while reading this. tl;dr, definitions are important.
- Opinunate ted: "the majority of the one percent support socialism." "Like who?" "Well, for example, in Venezuela people eat rats." Amazing logic.
- runekey: you have worms in your brain
- Andrew Craner: I love Ashton Birdie, but yes, she skipped a couple lines of questioning. Socialism is immoral and yes the inevitable result of socialism is the death of 100s of millions across the globe. Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not have any other Gods before me. Socialists believe in government over god.
- jay666KJ: I would of looked at her like she was a total fucking idiot and asked her "Do you like chocolate?" and when she said "yes." I'd say "Nazi Germany liked chocolate. Yeah...your argument is beyond idiotic!" and then told her to look at socialist countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Then added "John Wayne Gacy liked classical music, do you like classical music? Fucking IDIOT!"
- eric vulgate: i am *definitely* in favor of eating the rich.
- Dan: Goes up to girl with a *sailor fuku* Kek
- AntiSocial Atheist: They are eating rats in Venezuela! So socialism sucks! What type of shit argument is that?
- Rogue Two: Blonde and stupid make the best useful idiots. That's why Faux News is full of these morons.
- Association of Stupid YouTube Comments: Free healthcare sounds good, but providers still have to get paid. Proponents of socialism never seem to understand basic economics.
- Yuno Gasai: I don't even think this is real. I have never seen this infowars reporter before. So that being said I'm not saying you faked this video but what I am saying is that you would have had to search pretty hard for anything you can use to put infowars under a bad light. It is embarrassing that this is all you can use to put down infowars, and even then I don't even see the so called "trolling" in this video at all. In fact all I see is an annoying bitchy woman struggle to speak because they are too lazy to respond like an adult and rather dose a rude laugh or ridiculous answer for example. > You know Venezuela right? > Heard of it. like wtf is that. If that is so called "Random Woman Trolls To Perfection" then you clearly haven't been on the internet for very long. i fuckin hate shit like this on youtube go back to buzzfeed or some shit fucking ya cancer
- Cooper Harris: +Bippy Bo are you a pedofile also?
- Mathias Hummer: I wouldnt really call this “owned”. She questioned her sloppily, but she didn’t get owned. It couldve gone better, but it couldve gone alot worse based on how she questioned her. Also it doesn’t matter how elaborate Bernie Sanders’ houses are, it just matters that he has multiple houses. It goes against his own ideology and I can’t trust someone like that. If he truly believed what he says he does, he would’ve given them away. I do agree that the establishment doesn’t like Sanders, and he got screwed by the DNC, but to say Trump is part of that establishment is insane. Like him or not, almost every politician was against him running for office on both sides. If you cant tell, I lean right although I’m not an Info Wars nut, and I try to watch left leaning sources to try and balance out my bias and not be in an echochamber, but everytime I do it doesn’t make any sense.
- Pig0Benis88: Please tell me you said that first sentence in a French accent.
- Bradlee Caldwell: Gondwana omg!!! You are an idiot.... Socialism is socialism.... It fails Everytime... And has destroyed lives everywhere it exists. You don't deserve to live in a country like the U.S.!!! The only reason you support socialism is because you have never seen what it does to people. You've had the benefit of living in America. Then you listen to the corrupted media telling you socialism is good and since you're probably just a lazy ass loser that thinks you should have everything handed to you you eat it up. Go study before you talk!!!
- Eddie Perez-Chavez: None of this was funny and im s liberal. His forced laugh says it all.
- Kevin Pope: So now that we've banned plastic straws, I guess I'll have to drink my starbucks with this assault rifle... 'murica.
- Phil Pilot: “You have worms in your brain” wow epic troll.
- Jeffrey Allen: Youre an idiot and misleading people to get views you socialist slime bucket
- Jaap Ongeveer: In Canada where we have health care available to everyone we don't eat rats. Nor in socialist European countries like the Netherlands. But in America if you can't afford health insurance you may be forced to in order to pay for it.
- Eligio Benjume: Whats sailor moons ig username or twitter handle?! Find out Kyle! I need to hit her up! Hahaha
- John Wheeler: Is Hilary Clinton still a satanic baby eater and trafficker????
- Emil Aaltonen: Don't say nobody on the left believes in restricting how many homes you can have. Hardcore communists definitely do
- Randy Johnson: It's silly ambush journalism using weak strawman arguments and they can take clips to shape the narrative. Its sp silly. Bernie is the most powerful politician who could actually bring significant change. Make money, that's fine, its even okay to have a class that has more money but it's so dramatically imbalanced that it has to change there must be a middle class to sustain a healthy economy. Make your money but dont manipulate all the laws to benefit people who are already rich.
- CheySenpie: 🤦🏽
- Cherkov Binfaggenov: They did not PULL the video. This chick is. a dumbass and she did not perfect anything except shown she's self entitled & stupid.
- ryan mundell: Lol perfect I love doing this to people
- Kyle Simon: Owned? You're saying she got owned because she didn't follow the sophist methodology of "waiting for someone to hang themselves."? I think you've completely lost the plot. Are her conclusions valid? IF not, were they shown or proven to be invalid or incorrect? Weak, dude.
- Shirokun0823: I love how she glosses over the fact that most of South America that's currently rolling in shit is largely due to US intervention. Yeah let's blame socialism and not dictatorships that are largely a result of us putting them there.
- Yevrah Hipstar: Australia does NOT have single payer healthcare. system. We are FORCED into paying into private health insurance and our corporate puppets (both sides of politics) are dismantling the public system slowly slowly bit by bit. Kyle, you need to do bit of research into the Australian healthcare system 'cause it's a real shitshow. And as for "legal" medical cannabis- well! Australia has "legalised" medical cannabis but in order to get it, you need state and federal approval and deal with the TGA and ODC, both of whom are anti-cannabis. You also need to find a doctor that will ignore the anti-cannabis stance of the AMA and the RACGP. Then, if you can find a pharmacist willing to get it for you, you can expect to pay AT LEAST ten times what you would pay on the black market. And you can only use it for totally debilitating or terminal conditions because the police won't let you drive and the corporations won't let you work. Oh yeah, and every time any tiny concession towards the ending of prohibition is made either here or overseas, the politicians and the judiciary start foaming at the mouth and clamp down even harder on all other users.
- Rachel: Blondie is dumb af wow lol 😂
- Jolly Pink Giant: She isnt trolling dude.
- juan gomez: Inforwars, the place where people are at war with information.
- William Walsh: Dudley Hudgenson have you ever had caviar?
- Dipper Pines Is Trans: pjfan173 Why? So that cuckservative could get taken to school?
- Flat Out Hero: So it’s ok for Americans to eat rats as long as they get free healthcare that no one is gonna actually WORK for that profession anyway since there is no reward, so we will end up like Venezuela, with rat poisoning eating our insides, and no good doctors to combat the issues... right. I am an anarchist, but I’ll choose ANYTHING especially capitalism over THAT shit! I like steak... not rat steak mind you, the kind the politicians will only get to eat if socialism comes to America. How could anyone think that SHE DOESNT HAVE WORMS IN HER BRAIN?????
- Kimberly H: Republicans like to brag that rich people are the ones who voted for Trump and that poor people are the one who voted Hilary, now that bitch is saying that rich people love socialism. Okay so which is it, bitch?! Do the rich like capitalism or socialism? It can’t be both!
- Lavia: You just proved you didn't...Your lack of self awareness is amusing. Typical retard.
- romel casillas: She sounded like a bitch. I wouldnt wanna hang out with her and i dont know why or how this is trolling. The end point was that she believes in free or affordable healthcare (which anyone can get with) and the infowars reporter was trying to make a point that socialism is evil. She sounded like the ignorant mob, if she hears something that sounds a wee bit good she will jump on it despite who is saying it and whether its implications are wrong. Nah bro, i wasnt sold in this so called epic troll. Next video please.
- Loren Pope: How did this woman troll infowars? She was a moron.
- matix10104: Pretty much click bait.....there was not too much trolling going on in that video. I'm not really a big fan of info wars either, but the "troll" just came across as a pompous naive moron such as yourself. Do some research there my friend all 3 of bernies homes are OVER a million dollars in value. Nothing wrong with that either but bernies entire platform is founded on the fact that that is exorbitant. Sorry man but your just like every other lying d bag brainwashed liberal. It's ok though the free market will have its way with you.
- Plural: Idk about troll but ok
- Diem Turner: Ok, let's give Corbyn the benefit of the doubt and say he's not a communist. Him and his supporters should be a bit more cognizant of the optics when he's seen over and over again at protests and rallies dominated by hammer and sickle flags and people hauling around huge Stalin banners while constantly addressing the crowd as 'comrades' and speaking of 'solidarity' which might well be interpreted as a dog whistle to commies. I'm not saying guilt by association, I'm just pointing out that from an optics standpoint it just looks bad. When that tower block burned down what was Corbyn's solution? State appropriation of housing in the area for residents affected by the fire. Whatever his political stance might be, that's a real shit idea because essentially what that would do (if implemented) signal to everyone that you don't take the concept of private property seriously. I'm not saying that makes him a communist by default but, again, the optics on that are just really bad. I'd be more concerned with what someone proposes as solutions in crisis situations like that than what he or she writes in a crafted manifesto where they've had time to make it all nice and shiny. Just a perspective from the outside looking in. Peace dmt
- 2manynegativewaves: Hahahaha,yeah,of course you do,fucking moron.
- Dillon Cherry: The left cant meme.. we knew that... but now its hilarious to see them think this was an ultimate troll. This chick didn't know half the stuff she was introduced to in this interview. Lol. The left is so crrrringey.
- the great douchebag: Not fan of bernie sanders but he was a better choice then hildabeast or any current democrat
- Its Just an Apple: Explain me then, why youtube needed to ban the channel?
- AllenSymonds: Is she even white?
- uchibenkei: i want socialism but i just want "free" healthcare. sailor moon contradicted herself. you're not socialist if you just want free healthcare.
- Tijuana Foreplay: "The 1% support socialism. Venezuela is eating rats. Answer the question!" "You have worms." Add a sailor hat to the mix and wow, what a hottie
- Ph@tMantv: That cutie valley girl was drinking her 5th 100mg edible soda. But she still owned those Asshat. #Eattherich
- Martin Piña: Ravi Jani I’m pretty sure it is.
- Nishidake: Always demand sources.
- David Smith: Fake
- phennec: The girl being interviewed has the perfect amount of sarcasm in her voice.
- Russell Hack: Although I hate the women being interviewed, the reporter was a complete idiot and had every opportunity to give actually facts, you can see she's lost and isn't good with altercation
- DannySimmy: Infowars chick is a ugly noob
- maggy tito: Lmao love this so much
- Swe clasher: watch these videos and you will see why its a waste of time arguing with a ring winger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRQUSaXROEQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IARK379_-c
- Gabriel Gomez: Um, im talking about America, Honey..
- Kamron Isaiah Johnson: "I would have responded with Communists like red, that's a very red shirt you got in there, comrade."
- Janga Froe: The stupid bitch wasn't talking just saying the same thing this guy is a dumb fuck.
- The Ginger Bus Adventures: Doesn’t matter who is in the White House. If you haven’t figured that out yet.
- Insight Video: Owned Info Wars? Really? She sounded half brain dead. Let her do most of the talking? She kept asking questions as if she couldn't put two brain cells together. The interviewer had to carry her like a bucket of water. Everyone deserves health care? Holy crap. If you're plan is to wreck your opposition by presenting killer videos that "own" them - try to find that kind of video first. This one doesn't get it done.
- C caymer: I can see her nipples.
- Hello World: people have such a mistaken notion of socialism. Do you pay for your police? do you pay for fire fighters? in Canada do we pay for health care? who handles our cities infrastructure? thats correct your government, thats socialism...deal with it.
- Martin Whalley: The gene pool is shallower that you think and idealism is for the faint of heart.
- Na na: Sharon B its not free lmfao fucking idiots hahahhahaha 350 million people around 170 million paying taxes and 20 million of those 170 dont pay federal taxes. 150 million paying for themselfs and 170 million more. Single expect $300-$600 per month in health care tax. Family package $800-$1200 per month in forced health care tax. Health care is great . Being forced to buy from shady big pharma not great
- blasphimus: She is in favor of "eating the rich". Its a phrase used in the french revolution when they didn't have bread is instead they could always "eat the rich". That was shortly before they beheaded all the rich people and politicians plus the king. I'm 100% in favor of "eating the rich". They either give up their wealth or they get the guillotine.
- JDUB427: Wifey material
- Upitty Dawg: This is another fake title. She's just a soda sipping moron. Which is typical of liberals.
- Cato Sicarius: We should hunt the rich for sport
- AnarchoHumanism: Venezuela is now a dictatorship, not socialist! here is a big difference. This is not an argument!
- Tom Underwood: Info Wars sucks balls saggy orange balls
- Scott Lewis: The fact that Bernie Sanders, who is the poorest member of the Senate, owns three homes speaks volumes
- celvester allison: I guess that ignorant bitch doesn't realize that rats are actually eaten in plenty of other countries normally. Honestly, they're not all that bad and it's almost exactly like squirrel meat. But you don't see people like her talking about eating squirrel as if it's a horrific thing that only starving, heavily impoverished people do. And to be clear, the rats that are eaten *aren't dirty sewer rats,* they're rats that are farmed and eat mainly rice and other grains.
- dethtrain: I don't see the troll part of it
- Mr. Raleigh D.: Mmmmm rats lol
- G_to_V: james bobbo I know, i exaggerated a bit about corp taxes. Cancer survival rates are better in USA then Scandinavia in a first place, new info for you. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/06/13/why-the-us-has-better-cancer-survival-rates-than-the-rest-of-the-world/#7030fd44b674 Also, Trump isn't my president, i'm in Europe and i know exactly everything about life in countries like Sweden. If you live alone and work alone in Sweden, you are f. Just look at the South Korea, it was socialist country, people suffered, then they took capitalism and now look at them and where they are. And in USA there is a mental health care check when you are trying to own a gun ( i wonder who you didn't know about that). But there should be much better and efficient and also more frequent. You really forgetting that half of the world still depends from USA and that for many USA alias, USA is top importer of their goods. It's so sad that you think that Norway will ever be better than USA, you just kidding yourself, Norway isn't a place with so much opportunities and will never be. Norway has so many nice attributes - it's safe, clean, and affluent and has good schools and hospitals, a nice work/life balance, and very tolerant people, plus you're never more than 10 minutes away from pristine nature. This gives Norway a great generic quality of life ranking, but in practical terms the country's oppressive taxes and high cost of living make a lot of important things we take for granted in North America simply impossible. As a result, most Norwegians (from modest to high earners) have less in their pockets after taxes than their American counterparts, and they also have less buying power than if they lived in the US This may explain why so many more Norwegian citizens live in the US than US citizens live in Norway
- Docholland45: YeahRIght lets see how all those migrants wotk out.
- mefit1: Alex Jones likes to censor people who don’t fit his grand agenda
- Tariq: Dude, I'm a Sanders supporter myself, but if you can't see that in this case the Infowars lady was totally OWNING the Sanders supporter who didnt know the first thing she was talking about, you've got shit in your eyes. Even though I'm supposedly on your team, I can't agree with anyone who has their heads so far up their own ideological ass that they can't distinguish the QUALITY of an argument from its ideological leaning. - EDIT - AND the video wasn't even pulled... you click-baiting hypocritical dickweed, you're doing our cause more harm than good with this bullcrap. Piss off
- Promotionit: The “government” doesn’t pay for anything you retards. Bernie said he wouldn’t be against a 90% tax. You leftists are really dumb. I feel sorry for you. Grow the fuck up.
- Mason DeRoss: Bernie Sanders is a US Senator, which means he earns a base salary of $174,000 annually. He's also sold a very popular book. It's very disingenuous to word "he has three houses that combined are worth a little over a million dollars" as "he has 3 million dollar homes." One of the houses was inherited by his wife, so he's purchased two houses. That makes him part of the 10%, maybe, but certainly not the 1%.
- Vito Ratio: +Grahf0 it definitely is, you can see the mole on her chin. She's a total babe
- Pandabearmadness: she is so cute
- Fatman in Paradise: And ya, it's still funny how infowars was trolled.😈
- beverlydingus: Adam's hipster girlfriend
- matt stockton: yeah she really was a brilliant dipshit socialist, like is this for info wars, like whats this about, have you heard of venezula, yeaaaaah . kyle you are a fucking idiot
- Nunyun Bizz: Misleading title here. I kept waiting for the Infowars bimbeau to get “owned” but the woman she was interviewing was an epic moron. I’m not sure what’s going on here? Alex Jones is a money hungry professional alarmist and a charlatan but the “socialist” woman being interviewed is as dumb as a stump and didn’t own or troll anyone. Looks like the video poster needed a quick fill-in video on his channel or something lol. He’s probably as worthless as Alex Jones but on the other end of the political spectrum.
- Kamron Isaiah Johnson: I'm just going to point out that the woman being interviewed asked essentially, "Who within the 1% supports socialism" and our Infowars genius answered "Venezuela". Congrats on loosing all credibility.
- Jetpilot 37: The info wars girl made plenty of sense.
- SATAMAN Schmidt: Steven Tyler had this idea first.
- Wilford Grimley: Tomis CaseyWilcox how so?
- Mike V: Maria the doctors work for free?
- Tractor Wrangler: The info wars chick totally owned that Socialist chick. That Socialist doesn't even know what Socialism in. Thats the bigest problem. American college students have been taught a fantacy land idea of what Socialism is that is not now or has it ever been a correct analysis of the results of Socialism. Here's what a Socialist clown should do. Set aside some cash and go to a Socialist country, live and work there for a year or two. If you like it stay! If not America will still be a Constitutional Republic and you will have an escape route when you discover what Socialism really is in real life. Currently no one in America is turned away at a hospital due to the Doctors Hippocratic oath. So if you really need medical care it's there.Yes you'll get a bill because THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE SHIT. Somebody has to pay for it. Do you think Doctors go to medical school for all those years and then do continuing medical education all their lives to have you not pay them? Socialism is great as long as you have other peoples hard earned money to spend...and when its gone you have caos and you are eating your zoo animals and fighting over toylet paper. Thats real.
- RebootThis: Eat the rich! 🎵🤑
- PAT123717: That gal being interviewed, the brunette in the sailor outfit, was cute. Her accent and style of speaking was cute, too. I'd take her to a roadside motel and lay pipe on her.
- BlackLivesDon'tMatter ToBlackLives: Liberalism is a mental disorder. ONLY 2 Genders! Socialism/Communism has resulted in over 200 MILLION LIVES LOST! WTFU!
- Cannowli: +mechnokie blood Today's conservatives are liberal.
- ziggy morris: She wasn’t being cunning, instead she was too aggressive is what you are trying to say. There are many different types of socialism, it could easily work in America with the abundance we have here. Bernie is humble, he wants the billions of dollars to truly be spent on the people instead of the military or thrown back to the rich like drumpf has done with his bias tax cuts.
- John J: LOLOL!!! That vocal fry chick had her head in the clouds....lol! She knows nothing other than she wants everything to be "free". She doesn't even think that SOMEONE is going to have to pay in order for people to get a bunch of free stuff. Many people in this country are so dumbed down that it's scary. :-s
- Newmexicosun: I don't see how anyone got "rekt" or "owned". Barely anything factual was said between the interviewer and the girl being interviewed. I hate to be the hater but it seems more practical to analyze a video with a little more depth and actual understanding of politics and world affairs. Also, being "hot" has nothing to do with understanding politics.
- glych002: Lame
- WestOfEarth: I never put much credence in these 'on the street' interviews anyway. It's far too easy to run around town interviewing dozens of people until you get the one or two whacked out answers that the interviewer is looking for. It's the digital media equivalent of a strawman argument. All the intelligent answers are discarded in the editing. Having said that, the subject of the interview handled herself pretty well and I'm surprised it was posted on IW.
- Don Francisco: Johnny Potato I think we can all agree that John Meyer is a very unpleasant person. I don't feel right about making fun of his handicap. Maybe some day he will learn to be a nicer person and not such a douchebag
- David Warschauer: N Word Susserhands Alex Jones is a fraud
- Incognito Jet: I feel like Infowars clowned Infowars. Sailor Moon was just hanging around kinda there watching lol
- s21411: Only people who think this is a "good troll". Are retarded liberal arts majors that don't offer any real valuable service to society.
- humboldthammer: Eat the rich because they force poor Venezuelans to eat rats. Right? That's what you get with free health care. Right?
- Beloved One: This comment was in response to some troll: dude, you need to actually do some research and stop listening to fairies. socialist countries are not what you think they are, they are not at the extreme end of any political alignment, very few countries on the planet have extreme political ideologies, and those that do will be the ones that are worst off on the planet, because they choose to go to the extreme end that only benefits very few, successful countries don't stray far from the middle of the political spectrum, because that's where most people are least offended and it suits democracy. maybe this will help your perspective, you've heard of the UK yes? well the UK is made up of four countries, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, of those, Scotland is the most socialist country, Scotland also has the most millionaires per population out of the four countries of the UK, so that kind of fucks up any stupid argument you're going to give. any disadvantages you think there are living in a socialist country are more than likely nothing more than your ignorance of what a socialist country is. I imagine from your perspective you look at the tax you pay and think to yourself I get sweet fuck all for all that money the last thing I want to do is pay more tax, and that's because you don't live in a socialist country, we probably pay about the same amount in tax, the difference is I actually get something for my money, its just you that gets fuck all ... because you don't live in a socialist country. is it easier getting rich whilst having to pay for education and healthcare, or would it be easier to get rich if you didn't have to pay for education and healthcare ... that's a hard one eh? what actually is the good part of your model? I seriously don't think there is one.
- sidvick12: She's my favorite sailor moon character!!
- Eunoia: I felt bad for the girl as she said she didn't want to do it.
- Doppe1ganger: I wish it would go on for hours. How gloriously composed and calm she is while the reporter comes off hyper scatterbrained and desperate. She even said she didn't want to do this, yet you couldn't care and pushed to try and trap her and you got owned.
- Jay Ray: "Why do so many 1%ers support socialism?" "For example?" "They eat rats in venuezela" ................. ?
- Staylow: tben1368 are you angry, little guy?
- Filip Molin: The blonde girl is ashtonbirdie here on YouTube. Maybe I'm just an idiot for feeling empathy towards her but I find it kind of sad that she's being laughed at. The reason why I say that is because all of this is just a teenage rebellion against her parents that unfortunately went a bit too far. She grew up in Berkeley in a family that's on the far-left (borderline Antifa according to her), and if you grow up with parents who're on the far-left the natural way to rebel against your parents is to switch over to the right. Her family did not like that she abandoned the left and as a result, her entire family and pretty much all of her friends disowned her and kicked her out of their lives (like they were in some sort of cult). She's not in contact with any of them and ever since this happened she's been drifting further and further into right-wing conspiracy land in what I see as an attempt to find and gain acceptance by a new community. As you can tell she's not the brightest and she doesn't know much about politics. I don't think she's motivated by any political convictions. She's just a person who's lost, abandoned and misguided and who are trying to find a new home since everyone she knew disowned her. That's why I feel sad about people laughing at her. I wish her the best in life and I hope that she finds her way.
- Wesley Skinner: This woman is amazing. I might be in love.
- dkeberhardt home page: the "random woman" was an idiot. I'm not name calling, I'm diagnosing her condition.
- Emmanuel Romanus: venezuela has been ravaged by civil war. you going to exclude that tid bit?
- HookUp79: Sorry .... but the girl sounded stoned as fuck ......
- A-ARON: That was pretty pathetic stupid socialist said nothing
- coppito: ok whats with the plasters?
- Anthony Gonzalez: You talk shit about “douchebag right wings” yet you sound like a douchebag left wing
- Eric Michael: Alex Jones net worth pre divorce? 10 million. Bernie's been in politics for how long? So he's got a few fancy houses. That makes his ideas worthless? Worms in the brain... More like maggots.
- Big Boy: The clip is still up and the women is a typical libtard.
- skeletonmf: She's cool and super cute. Good on her.
- Mick: Did not Barack Obama say himself, "If Grandma gets sick, just give her a pill"? But wait, what about her free healthcare?
- Alex G: 7:26 Kyle looking for his legs...
- Anthony Sturt: Lets make laws to lower healthcare costs, and cover people who can't pay at all. There is no reason that people who can pay lowered prices needs to be covered.
- Thatdeadguy20000 0: Can’t stop laughing
- Rondough Howell: why should anyone care about that paranoid Carl Childers sounding bastard Alex Jones and his bullshit show infowars and I'm not a liberal or conservative just a independent
- Video Archives: classic
- Justin S: lmao sure dude
- Noelia Noliz: I despise INFOWARS. They disgust me with their lies and fear porn. I really wanted this video to show an INFOWARS reporter getting owned, but that did not happen. Not one bit. 😢
- Justin Saephan: As soon as she saw info wars on the mic, she new what to do.
- bideomanlol: OK Kyle
- Nevaeh In a Nutshell: This was great
- Armin alamdari: walker Bliek look you have gun, you so tough. Bitch come to Miami and talk shit, I would drop your ass.
- Aaron Turner: She has no breasts whatsoever lol
- Josie Fox: Bobby Powell Yeah of course that's what she meant!? Talk about judging someone for how they dress!? She did say that she wasn't interested and didn't want to do the stupid vox spot and yet the dumb bitch got excited anyway and would not shut up and what the fuck has it got to do with you what she's drinking or eating??? You're not one of those Incels are ya ???
- TheOpenDebate: 4:50 I'm not sure if you understand socialism...
- Geronimo P: Bernie supports Hillary! Why? Bernie says citizens shouldn't have guns, yet he has multiple gun totting bodyguards! Who's the useful idiot? This is America and the day Socialism takes over is the day the hard fought Constitution will go down the drain!
- Jim Jones: Out of the mouths of babes. Socialism never worked and never will. Who is going to pay for your free health care??? The US is a Democratic Republic not a Democracy... read the Constitution. You, Kyle, and your trolls will never prevail over Freedom... and please, clean up your act, & your Sophomoric trash mouth. If you really want to be taken seriously... grow up and grow a pair little Boy.
- Phil Collins: Careful Kyle; if you keep doing critiques like this you might improve the quality of Info Wars broadcasting.
- DukeLion: less setup for the video just let me watch it you fuck
- Poli TeCHal87: Bernie is a swamp monster
- Gabriel Muniz: Oswald Thatendswald really? Gang culture? That’s what you got? White people ran the United States at that time, blaming “gang culture” over racism on white people moving out when blacks moved in the 40s & 50s is ridiculous, the reason blacks were segregated was because they were thought of as lesser not because of a reasonable fear of violence. Man, I wonder how you are allowed to associate BLM with hatred for cops but If I say MAGA has a racist undertone, I’m being unfair. Black Lives Matter is about accountability on cops that shoot unarmed/beat black people without a good justification, only because extremists act a certain way doesn’t mean the movement stands for that, I’m sure the a lot of people wearing MAGA hats aren’t only referring to economic issues I don’t associate gun ownership to crime, I do associate easy access to guns with mass shootings though.Btw the United States has by far the most guns per 100 citizens on the planet, showing that unlike places like Switzerland, guns here aren’t only for self defense...
- Kristin Morrow: Free health care for everyone.. Who pays the bill for doctors hospitals ambulance drivers etc? The government. So, where does government raise the money to pay the bill? The taxpayer. People with jobs. That's not free! From someone who lives in a country with "Free" health care for everyone, wait lists to receive care can be as long as 2 years, with some people choosing to pay for health care instead of waiting, or visiting other countries for better health care. Rant over
- Glasgow Blue Boxing Fan: I don't get it the interviewee looked stupid to me . The fact she doesn't know what socialism is and is willing to vote for it .
- James Heneise: Is he a wizard?
- Jason Eves: So Bernie is too rich and AOC is too poor? Jesus Christ people are so fucking stupid!
- Constant Chaos: +Randy Orton's Dick Bulge if you factor in regional property values and the required additions for security the homes are actually rather modest in price, and they are not solely his, he is married they have a family, his family has a lake house not just him, he and his wife own the other house in Vermont, and for a property in DC that is remotely safe the average starting price is like what 550,000 I live in middle America now so I get it the prices on these properties seems extreme, but what is a 250000$ property out here would be well over a million on the coast
- rex wall: Coffee girl is the coolest! That Debbie is your typical Debbie.
- Milton Cabrera: $3,000,000 or three $1,000,000 homes?
- David Diamond: GDP/Population = 200k Per person.. how is that bad?
- John Mora: The left and right are both ridiculous. Most the country is about self interest and lies to themselves.
- Gerald jenkins: you are a stupid she makes no sence but you dont either
- Gabriel Bautista: Girl in sailor outfit just sounds like an idiot. How is this trolling. Doesn't make sense. Liberals are so stupid.
- Kris Radke: Lavia fuck off
- Borokan: isnt that fucking dasha
- Thomas Schmidt: Does anyone ever ask how a scvumfuck that was unemployed into his 40s and has only been a politician since then gas managed to accumulate millions in net worth?
- Chris Vanderhoof: sean, email me, i'll help you sort out the va issue.
- Spooky Mulder: Health careeee vocal fryyyyyy.
- FrFrChase: I love her.
- stephen sheppard: I am Australian I can confirm that we are evil devil people. But I can see a doctor whenever I want.
- Mr. Moderate: That girl who spoke to InfoWars is the ideal wife.
- bonchidude: No one is in favor of eating the rich? Many of us here are and it is time to EAT THE RICH! bezos, would be a start.
- Gnuggets11: G. Erwin *slow claps* Well said... The sudden lack of response speaks volumes lol
- Perplex Alot: When wanting free stuff is “trolling”.
- Evil Doll: Dear God not a Sailor Fuko...
- V D: I thought her answers were better than average and adequately comprehensible. "Why do you support Bernie Sanders?" "Because he [taxes the rich to help everyone with their basic needs such as healthcare]." "Why is that a good thing?" "Because I think people should have a right to healthcare." Maybe you should reconsider how much smarter you are than her.
- animaljp3: Do you know what went wrong in Venezuela?
- J B: I like her 😎
- Based Haole: Is kulinski a Jewish name perchance?
- Time-2-Get-Serious: What a bunch of brainwashed people. The infowars reporter made that zombie look so stupid and uneducated about anything going on in the world by simply asking her questions. Don't know what video you were watching??? Do ANY of you understand that someone has to pay for the healthcare - and before you say "stop spending money on the wars" , remember that all of the past presidents have went to war...yes even the democrats. even obama, who gave us the disasterous obamacare, spent billions on war....You need to wake up to reality
- Manu Sauvain: Ok, this is epic
- Aiden Wall: Do you even know what trolling is Kyle?
- Johnston Hawkins: Ha! You losers suck. Socialism sucks! Kukinski show, FAIL!
- Discovermyview: EAT THE RICH, HA PRICELESS!!! BERNIE SANDERS 2020 !!!!!!!!!!
- Expert Commenter: "Eating the rich" as she sips on her $5 coffee while looking at her $800 iphone. That's the bullshit folks, absolutely full of shit. Some people have ZERO critical self-examination skills and its gross. This chicks in for a rude awakening when the economy collapses due to her socialist "values". Btw, we all want free healthcare but this isn't a utopian society and nothing is free. Idk what's so difficult about that concept for people to understand. Oh that's right because they've never worked a hard days work in their life, maybe if they did they'd understand the concept better. Christ, kill me now.
- Mgtow: #walkaway
- Neo Rain: Don't think the braindead sailor is the one that didn't come out of this looking good
- snowy: Girl in anime outfit rekts info wars
- Django Fett: I can show you people in Louisiana that eat rats and all other manner of rodents like nutria (basically a giant swamp rat). Its a good source of food for poor people in louisiana. In case you didn't know, Louisiana is in America. Its one of the 50 states, IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW. The daily mail isn't a trustworthy source, always a spin with that rag.
- 007kingifrit: i don't want my taxes going up and our wars keep america powerful
- Daniel Séredin: "owns"
- Jamie Taylor: I’m from the uk 🇬🇧 thank god for our national health. My mum has motor neurone disease and has had mri’s, cat scans other scans, physio therapy so on and so on and we don’t have to worry about the cost or where to find money to pay for it all. We pay x amount of pounds on our national insurance which pays for the NHS ..... makes sense, yes 🤪
- human151: Don’t know why this was recommended to me but this guy is a complete moron. Go kill yourself.
- mybirthnameful: but what if i dont like shepards pie
- dankmeme boy: Oh shit boys looks like we gotta get off that rightwing train, the lefts got some SMUG girls. Baby lets eat the rich for breakfast and impeach trump for dessert if ya know what I'm sayin ;)
- iM Nguyen: Bernie is a loser and a sell-out to you socialist dummies, and yet you guys still kiss his ass and drink the Koolaid. The stupidity of the left is out of this world.
- Bruce Loops: They both sound like idiots as does the guy that has to explain what happened during this moronic interview.
- Leon Makombe: Unoriginal punchline and a completely moot point
- Tiki Rob: nice perkies.
- William Fitzpatrick: Hey bud, where did you go?
- SuicidelG: I had sex with a chick that looked like her...kinda wish she had the outfit
- Fucked Gplus: I would rater pay for My healthcare then having to play runescape for a living because my money worth less then a goldpoint
- Robert H: I swore off commies a long time ago ..........
- Edward S: Nipples
- Mike D: They both sounded like delusional idiots. Where was the trolling? Guess you see what you are looking for.
- William Fitzpatrick: +Alex D'Accardi I'm all for hearing some analysis, but "I guarantee" isn't a very compelling reason for...anything.
- Laura Beth: +Xerox Re k
- Eric Roque: Wasn’t that great
- Christopher Joseph: ....... and your mother is voting for Trump !!!!!!
- Rodrik18: Even if Bernie had multiple million dollar properties, it doesn't mean anything. If anything it would highlight his cause. There are a couple mega rich individuals that champion different causes -- just because they do not beggar themselves by donating all their wealth does not mean they do not support those charities or social efforts.
- kxr: I don't understand why people still continue to confuse socialism with communism. they are NOT the same! socialism is when the goverment works for the people. communism is when the people work for the goverment.
- Austen Laxton: +J.A. M.F Albania is a key state to look at when actively discussing the scum that comes from Capitalism
- McLurr: What is her name?
- Dat Nilla Von Dizzle: Wow.. worms in the brain.... that's funneh. She looks like she was on Methaqualone. The world is indeed a stage.
- John Ganshow: The libtard couldn't talk and make sense, she probably watches CNN she's brain dead. She knows nothing about socialism....Free health care Duhhhhhhhh
- That DC5Guy: I have a hard time associating the words poor and only having 3 homes in the same sentence. Poor Bernie he must need a raise being the poorest member of the Senate
- marie R: I think neither of them knew what they were talking about.
- luigui 888: +Razor9111 Glad you understood and made valid response. Barely any people on YouTube that make a response like you. Not a fan of socialism either. But is free education socialist? The US has it for elementary to highschool. So can some socialist stuff be good if you mix it? Not 100% socialist?
- PokaDeJoka: Call it low IQ because all these idiots actually think that woman is trolling in some way
- Cod Cat: When did the trolling happen? lol
- 19buseye71: I see where you're going with this,however,socialism does have its tendency to fall into a dictatorial state. In any case,if "socialism" is so damn great then how come it takes a pro-capitalist country like the United States to step in and have to help socialist-communist countries out?
- Hunter Main: As a conservative, I love this girl and everything she just did. What an icon.
- Lance Christy: I think the only Reason you have so many views it because Ashton Bertie was on your channel sorry homey
- Ross Burns: If Steven Crowder was a lefty
- siosword: she's wrong you don't have the right to healthcare if it was an illegitimate right you wouldn't need the government to do it. nothing question responded with a nothing answer your rights are supposed to be protected by the government not supplied because of the government supplies you're right that means you no longer have them
- J-woke John Key: ITS NOT FUCKING FREE.
- souless: the sailor moon girls voice made me so horny. also she's pretty hot. i could listen to her talk all day
- Sean Armstrong: @YoshTG As a rat-eater, i see nothing wrong with eating rats. Taste just like chicken.
- TheLordXenu: Liberals are so stupid!
- Angry Yooper: A right to health care translates to a right to the labors of others, a bit like slavery.
- DiamondzFreaxz: Jrsydvl I don't know, but they sure love to take one thing from a socialist country and present it as the norm Is Venezuela the model anyone should be looking at? Of course not
- david iaconetti: ...that did not look lole she owned them at all. That literally made me cringe
- Tom L: This woman is so slyly awesome. Does anyone know her twitter or IG handle? I want to be her friend.
- Who Are You? Suka!: Trolling hard brah!!!
- Karen Joyce: “If Bernie was president, we’d be eating rats.” “You like smelling your own farts.” LMAO. I love this show!! I also love how that womxn laughs when she sees that it’s Info Wars.
- kepu kepu: Tbh i felt nothing
- declan h: NyYankees1985 ya I read it even though i probably shouldn't have considering you displayed your lack of intelligence by trying to insult me instead of addressing my points or defining liberty and libertarianism . I read in that link " left libertarians are sceptical of or fully against private property rights " that's enough for me to be against it and again that's not what the Netherlands system is based on you are wrong just admit it. Libertarian definition : " 1 a political philosophy that affirms the rights of individuals to liberty especially of thought and action, 2 an advocate of free will " 3 an advocate of the non-aggression principal. Liberty definition : The state of being free in society from opressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's behavior or political views. You really need to watch some Murray rothbard.
- Ian: Normally I hate the vocal fry that chicks do, but it fits this conversation perfectly. 🤘
- jo hay: Just love that girl "all I want is free healthcare for all, she so on.Go millennium you rock
- K Mon: Firstly the reporter is awful , secondly I think its 20 % trolling 80% stupidity
- Cygnus X-321: Who is Afraid of Venezuelan Democracy? https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/05/07/who-is-afraid-of-venezuelan-democracy/
- Ricky Garcia: Lol why did this wannabe page pop up on my feed 😂😂😂 You got bad funding for yo show man. Oh yea bernie only has 3 home. Only 3. I know its hard to find material to use for your show each week but maybe cus your on the loseing side of politics 😰 I mean you did lose the election and drowing in the red wave with only fake media as your resources of argument. 😂😂 😂😂😂 this channel biggest joke I stumbled upon. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Nutty Mofo: Any person born and raised in America that claims healthcare for all is not a human right are deplorable and likely take their skin off at night. We have far more wealth as a nation as any of the nations around the earth that have successfully integrated healthcare for all into their systems. Oh man...but....that multibillionaire over there NEEDS a third yacht. The rationale of the fucking right is staggeringly insipid. People are DYING and you're defending people's right to be multi multi billionaires. Go stand in the fuckin corner. I hope you lose your insurance and have just one...one...one medical emergency. See if America the great doesnt watch you die in the street. And you want to bash people that simply want it to be a little more fair. Unchecked capitalism is ruining the world. Can you not see the level of corruption here in america...? After you spend a few years standing in the corner...open your goddamn eyes and stop defending the very people that have oppressed you. It makes you sound like an asshole.
- Pikudo Pikao: Atheist cnt, shave that hair on your lip. That shit is not a moustache. You're just embarrassing yourself. By the way, are you a trans man?
- Kai Evans: there actually are ways you can get free basic care. the health department vaccinates for free. most homeless shelters will get you er care, and you will have to pay little to none - if it's basic care. you can also get medicare if you are have food stamps.
- Jack Mcwhackass: I bet if I smoked pot every day I could stay calm in an interview
- Central Scrutinizer: ......Ziki.......can't spell "puppets"...........F*cking HILARIOUS.............I'm going to get all my political opinions from someone who can't spell at a grade 3 level.....and this moron on the sailor suit. Then I will REPEAT them. You can't spell puppets...a word you are drawing attention to...a one word smart ass response....and you got it wrong. Makes me wonder what else you got wrong...does it make you wonder the same or will you just continue with your stupid sh*t?
- willcarism: Every Australian Kyle? I don't think so. I know what you meant though. Ever wonder why they interviewed YOU, Kyle, on MSM network? Lol. Just kidding.
- kiaora12: Bernie Sanders supporters seriously don't have a clue about history. It never gets beyond "free stuff".
- Frank Arvia: Free healthcare is bullshit making insurance companies rich. Dumbass!!!
- rakkatytam: +edoardo fedrighi She looks in good health
- Shyguy825: 7.27 - 7.33 Please somebody make a gif of that! xD Kyle, you are the best!
- Dustin Schlegel: Click bait
- Matt M: Oh, universal heath care? But VENEZUELA IS EATING RATS.
- VotelessOrc497: Also how did she troll them? I starting to wonder if you guys do have a mental disorder, all she did was give her belief that people have the right to have healthcare, and thats fine, thats her opinion, but reality dictates otherwise. Its equivalent to a poor person thinking that hotel should be free, or food, or your own money. Its based on the same ideas as communism. If you consider this a loss or trolling, then socialism will only continue to be a joke. x3
- Dean Street: As soon as the girl said she did not want to do this, Info Wars should have moved on and found someone more intelligent ! People who think other countries are better can move there. They may change their minds once they are forced to live under their rules.
- Troll General: 1:38-1:43 lol
- David Smith: Brainwashed liberals ahead proceed with caution 🤪🤪🤪
- Salvadore Andretti: How can one be so dull and How can the reporter come off as being slighted smarter than a handful of grass
- Joe Mckee: I love her
- lina Arroyo: Ratatouille is delicious. I make it often 😂😂😂
- Aquatic Borealis: Its bizarre to me that Alex Jones is worth a fortune, yet attacks Bernie for having a modest amount of money. If you look strictly at policy, Bernie Sanders supports policies that already work in Canada and Europe. Maybe this is part of the reason Trump is such a hater of Canada and Europe, and tries to cosy up to Putin at every turn. He'd rather be like Russia, where it's a pure oligarchy. Where the rich have an iron grip on all the money and power, and democratic government is replaced by a mafia.
- Awesome Man: Bernie Sanders owns three homes on a government salary, where did he get all the money from? They are all corrupt yes Bernie too why is he now for open borders.
- Vince Brown: socialism is slavery, and you are not entitled to my labor.
- Tipsylou: what a disgusting attempt to humiliate someone, backfired.
- 78755477 78755477: Drop her ig?
- Übermensch: Free healthcare doesn’t equal socialism. Libtard channel.
- Geoff Horvath: I love the contrast between "top comments" and "newest first" the top comments make it appear as though you have a great deal of support for your belief that this cosplay moron somehow owned the interviewer. "Newest first" reflects a bit more accurately.
- Jeremy Merrifield: you have worms in your brain
- rockyboy220: Venezuela eating rats... Hilarious.. What a fuckwit
- F Gov: So you spend your days narrating video clips that we all already have the brains to watch and understand. Sorry, I say we - non - Americans, because its apparent that yes, Americans might need your simplistic narrations as they may just be dumb. True story.
- Planet de la Tourette: I think there is only a handful of people on the North-American continent who have the frame of reference to even begin to talk about this subject on a fundamental level, besides the topics (healthcare, "paid" vacation, etc), after a century of propaganda. Study the "schism(s)" in the leftist movements that led to communism / socialism / social democracy / anarchism. This gives great insight in the motivations. Against a background of enlightenment philosophy and Napoleonic law.
- E: Socialism doesn't work
- moejennie: We saw how great socialized healthcare works in England with Alfie, Canada same thing, if you control the healthcare you control the people, rule no 1 in Saul Alinskis book rules for radicals.
- EarRegardless: You are another cucked reject just like all those countries you named. Stop trying to seem smart because no one is retarded enough to believe you are..
- Bakesy jk: I'd fucking take that reporter on, any fucking reporter when they try to pressure you into why support your political ideology. Rather than beingg a keyboard warrior lol.
- robert turni: The 1 percent supports socialism Do they? Well in venezuela there are rich people Lol what that argument doesn't even make sense
- kai sanders: This is no health care in South america
- tim211292: but thats the point, your product cannot compete with big corporations because of scale of production they make so much it becomes cheaper per unit. plus laws that give them subsidies which you cannot get, therefore they can lower prices to below what you can do.
- john smith: When she said eat the rich, I generally believe she meant it literally 😂
- J Pollock: ‘So you think bringing Socialism to the US would be good?’... Yes, I do... ‘BUT VENEZUELA IS EATING RATS (flabbergasted)!!’
- Fruity P3bble3s: Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😢 you are awesome
- ImDemonWolf: What's the difference between eating rats and eating innocent cows needlessly (or even if it was needed)? Why are rats, dogs, cats, etc. looked at as disgusting pests and/or companion animals while cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, fish, bee's vomit (honey), chicken periods (eggs), cow's secretions (dairy), or any other animal product that is common among the standard American diet looked at as food? It's completely arbitrary, irrational, and unreasonable to be for consuming some animals and consider other animals as pests or not to be eaten because something something tho. There is no trait difference between any animal nor human for innocent animals to be needlessly harmed and not harming needlessly innocent people. Therefore, the only rational and reasonable conclusion is for all humans to become vegan immediately and for life. Educate yourself the truth, about veganism, and make the transition to veganism everyone: ADAPTT.ORG Fully watch speech and Q&A to interpret the vegan message best: https://youtu.be/U5hGQDLprA8 https://youtu.be/7PR64HGJoyk
- Richard Sanchez: You're a fucking idiot....
- Iwill notbuyyourgarbage: so when will you take care of my grandma? less talking and more taking care of my grandma you selfish prick!
- James 1967: Revoke woman voting . dumb and dumber. Just kidding. No I'm not.
- Torture Killah2TM: My state is way in debt....how does my state pay for 50%of student tuition
- L0B0 W0LF: I Get It..Its Cool To Be Poor..But Not Talk Poor... GRAMMAR NAZI LEFT...
- ramseyslater1313: "most of the 1% supports socialism" she answered "is that true?" She meant "that sounds like horse shit."
- naxel37: She didn't really school her at all, but I see what hes saying. Ohh, and Berny wants to take your rights. He wants to take your arms while he keeps armed gaurds around with all the weapons he wants to ban.
- Scott Caruso: That dumb coffee drinking cunt sounds like she is really stupid.
- BlueDreamKush23: Even if Bernie had a 3 million dollar home, why would he campaign so hard to essentially attack himself? If she was implying Bernie is part of that 1% then why would he have brought it to everyone's attention in the first place? That blonde chick really isn't bright.
- Becca Barnes: omg
- Blue Chief Awesome: She is not a troll. That girl is clearly an idiot.
- Chris Alford: Blondie was trying to gaslight sailor girl. Sailor socialist was having none of it. Go go sailor girl
- ryan e: pretty much, they just say what others say, not giving any facts.
- Fastback GT: Hi, I'm Bernie Sander and I had my honeymoon in the USSR back in the 70s!!! Bring socialism here and were gonna get those Christians just like we did during the Bolshevik Revolution! I'm gonna be a big man, you just wait. Where's my sippy cup!!!
- lunaticrobot: She, Dasha, has a podcast called Red Scare. It's like Chapo Trap House.
- Martin McCardell: stupid video
- the green man: a valley girl in a sailor outfit is smarter than infowars......who would have guessed?
- William Lampke: This is trolling? NORMIE CONTENT ALERT NORMIE CONTENT ALERT!!!
- Tdot321 Action: This show is terrible. Good job Infowars ... liberals are so infantile. Democrats will continue to lose. UNSUBSCRIBE!
- Jon Strickland: Info words is code for- I couldn’t get into a university so flat earth is real because bible and guns.
- sam sloan: ME ME ME GIMME GIMME GIMME. IM HERR IM BREATHING GIVE ME YOUR STUFF. That $4.00 coffee she was drinking is a months pay in socialists countries. So sad
- R N: So this is what lefties consider "trolling"? Hahaha aw, ya guys are suh' cute.
- Mr. Pants: "Y'all have worms in your brain" 3 seconds later... "I just want people to have free healthcare" People used to call this mental retardation but today we just call it the DNC platform.
- realbeautyness25: Wow this stuff tho
- HighLife78: Dude why r u so angry!!!! There r bigger stories out there for u to have ur opinion. But I guess its ur right, just don't be so angry about it.
- LordTachanka: The reporter is so fucking stupid when the woman tries answering the question the reporter switches topic clearly info Wars isn’t really a news studio
- Avinash Singh: Venezuela doesn't have transitional socialism. They have Bolivarianism, which is a combination of Marxist communism and ultra-nationalism.
- Praise The Sun: It’s pretty crazy to see this same clip but on right wing channels it’s spun like the socialist girl is getting rekt.
- Linnea Kou: I'm in love with that woman in the sailor uniform *swoon* I'm sorry I've got nothing substantial to add, I'm just gonna sigh.
- Mary Hunter: Don't.. use.. logic.. aaargh..
- MrMollusk7: "An actual counter point" To what? The fact that some bimbo from IdiotWars can't name a single socialist 1%er?
- Fip Dibwibbler: Socialized healthcare doesn't work, just compare the mortality rates of U.S. and Canada. Not to mention longer wait times and a lower standard of care.
- Trigger Happy: Billy Coffey she was talking about the 1% of another country. Trying to make a hyperbolic example of all socialism being either consuming champagne or rats.
- paul stegall: then thi shost tries to put words in the girls mouth by saying she didnt mean eat the rich clearly she said it
- Jizzy: Blighted Waves aborting a baby is edgy now? So, by your logic the left is edgy since they approve of abortion.
- Lavia: Alex Jones gets triggered and sends his fans to storm videos. That creates views. What confuses you? Btw, his most viewed videos have nothing to do with Alex Jones. Figures you can't even do basic research, just goes straight to lying...
- The white Mexican: Are your parents happy with your YouTube channel ?
- Terminal: HAHAHAHA. LMAO!
- support your local antifa: The 1% favors financial feudalism, they dream of à hunger games type of world. 🚓🚔🚓🚨📢🛂🛃
- Spike Volcanohead: I don't like Infowars. Point of fact I detest them, and supported Bernie..but honestly the lady being interviewed could have delivered better responses. But her end response was excellent. As for the interviewer, her whole eating-rats rhetoric was pretty damn weak. This was two lightweights in the ring.
- Nonya Bizness: She did NOT get destroyed. She laid out some actual facts, BUT, could have approached it in a different way. If anything, she one because the other person could not answer with anything "intellectual". If Ms. Nipples said something intelligent, it might have been a tie.
- Tacotilko: Venezuela is in bad shape because they didn’t diversify their money. When oil went down their income crashed. Right wingers should really look into what they are talking about instead of being retarded.
- Johnston Hawkins: All y'all are confusing social programs in capitalist counties, with socialist countries that inevitably fail. okay! No one, with a brain, is saying it can't work, we're asking how much of the GDP can we spend over how much time AND not end up with death panels as we see in Europe. THAT is the issue. One thing that is clear, we'd have to control our borders, we CAN'T have free everything AND open borders that is NOT sustainable! Anyone, with eyes, can see the cracks in the euro system now. http://www.starnewsonline.com/opinion/20180501/letters-may-1-death-panels-at-work-in-england
- dood poop: *That's not trolling.* You're retarded today Kyle.. I'll be back Monday.
- Daunty 13: 6:45 if I could just have this... in a loop hahaha
- xJasonHatx: Maybe you forget that for a long long time vineusuala was held up as the gold standard of socialism by many many people. As it was the only successful socialist country. Politicians and far leftists alike all had nothing but praise for it. Until the economy entirely collapsed. And now it's just another example of how socialism has never been done right, the old no true scotsman argument. So bringing it up isn't really a far fetched thing to do when questioning a socialists that admittingly jokes about eating the rich.
- Hawthorne owl: This young woman dress up like a sailor was not convincing to me about Free health care! And Kyle Kulinski your also not convincing!
- whatareyoudoinglookingatmyusername: Don’t get me wrong, I definitely lean a little more right, but why do people like InfoWars think socialism is full on communism😂
- Hassenboy: Paco Jones So typical of socialists, blaming everything on capitalism and external forces. So you're not aware of the food shortage in your own country? I've met many Venezuelans, they were all ignorant, like you, but at least they knew why they were so thin.
- Chase H.: Google.com
- Andrew Park: Ah yes, because having free healthcare will instantly make everyone eat rats except the rich who are actually all communists. Thanks infowars! Glad more conservatives are being smart
- Diem Turner: OK, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what socialism is and what it means. Social programs have ZERO to do with socialism. By definition socialism is: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Chavez went around appropriating private businesses for the state, one of the hallmarks of a socialist style of governance. Please learn about these things before you go out spouting nonsense like this.
- Jorge Ramos: The reporter sounds idiotic. She was way out of her league.
- Caleb Pechumer: This channel is fake news and you’re a bitch.
- Cooper Harris: Jorge ramos this dick up an ant hive
- ][: Libtard talk much?
- Jared Joneli: Socialism is stupid. That lady drinking her coffee is a moron.
- Blackrain7070: She looks at the camera before saying anything so you know she was ready
- Jfanz: Yes Info war lady, it's called a corrupt regime not socialism yah mongoose! 🤣
- rattlesnake survival: Hello fellow conservatives, im going in to troll a bunch of betas i may not come back from all of the repetitive chants instead of actuall arguments. Please remember me
- ashy slashy: u people have, like, worms in your brain
- Blah: She turns me on...and the way she sucks on the straw, yum
- Fiendishfoe666: @Mischa Romo: Agreed. Although can you really say this is click bait? for it to be click bait Dip Shit Kylie would have to know what he is posting is bullshit. I think he is so desperate for a gotcha when it comes to these cringy as fuck "ambush the liberal know nothing" hit pieces that he'll take any thing, even though it was the inept of the Infowar Minion why this piece went to shit. It is fucking embarrassing to think Sailor Goon came across as good spokesmen for the Bernie Bros.
- The Almost Happy Camper: Funny it looks like it's still up to me I guess you just figure since all your viewers are liberal they'll believe any fucking bullshit huh? I mean they actually believed you and the mainstream media when you said Hillary was going to win and they still believe you and the same mainstream media even after you were proven to be Liars as fucking hilarious here's more proof the link to the video still up https://youtu.be/A0MIaCvZJNk
- Vismund: She so hipster. But very well informed. She's awesome.
- John Lohman: hell you don,t make any sense
- RStaR RaptoR: What a f%^king looser. Looser channel too. Just like they say, communism will come in the form of liberalism!!!
- ExcuseMeNo ExcuseMeNo: First of all... You don't own your house until its paid off. So Bernie could have 3 mortgages but not own 3 million dollars homes.... Also, if healthcare becomes free, hospitals and doctors are going to charge astronomical pieces because they don't have a cap on medical procedures. They already charge whatever they want... So they would treat the taxpayers as a piggie bank... Aslong as there is no limit on what doctors charge, free health insurance will be out of reach.
- DanielTheCooliest: Well ben is really well spoken and smart, so yeah this guy is the opposite.
- jeremypemy7: Go work and get a job, create you’re own company do something!!! But support yourself do you think you are entitled to my money to pay for your school/healthcare ANYTHING! You lazy ass socialists.
- e james: why does youtube feel they have to hide infowars from the public. Isn't that a tacit admission that you lefties are scared of alex jones?.....otherwise,why wouldn't you just let the man speak and not constantly harrass him?
- YouSuck AtHalo: that vocal fry
- Dan Jackson: This video is fucking embarrassing, do you Not realise you Completely Lost. You look like a spoilt 3 year old who doesn't realise he is wrong.
- shadowbeastmustdie: "secular talk" more like "stupidity talk". nice suitjacket, chump
- The Littlest Giant: Only watched for the slight nipping out.
- The King: FootyCrazyM8 go abort a child.
- King Of Finland: You're a LibTard Cry Baby You are clearly watching too much Infowars. Sweden has it own problems, I admit that. But you just see muslims and dont see goods we have in social democracy. Social democracy is mix of capitalism and social services such as healthcare, education, police etc. And what comes to muslims, we have data that shows migrants became irreligious people pretty quickly if they are led to our society. I personally have afghan friends who are from muslim families but they are atheists and they don't give a shit about islam. Also muslim world is facing big wave of atheism so future looks good :)
- DREE3267: Whatever Sailor girl was drinking, I want that shit too!! LOL!! That had to be cannabis coffee. She was mellow as fuck.
- crazzclub: This channel rocks! Pepega
- Trigger Happy: Mark Sheppard because how do you respond to trolls? She said socialism leads to eating rats, it’s hard to talk to people that are ridiculous.
- Ayla Nunyabiz: uuummm trolled what? how? the interviewers a bit dingy they both are but not sure wtf youre talking about? dumb
- gotta create channels to comment!? WAH: Even if i didn’t speak English I’d side with the “interviewee” simply because her tone is calm and the interviewer’s goes from normal to increasingly more frantic as the video rolls on like a malfunctioning robot.
- MrRamazanLale2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Juf2wEVkorM
- Micheál Gallagher: I'd love if she said in response to the eating rats comment, "probably healthier than taking Alex Jones's supplements"
- Siddy Kay: She was trolling, she's just dumb.
- Turppa21: Bernie already sold out. You lose by default
- Josh Christian: No one gets owned, the info wars chick is dumb and trying too hard. Neither have a fucking clue what they're talking about.
- Dylan Armstrong: I’m just waiting for the day when an info wars “Reporter“ tries questioning someone like Kyle and gets torn to shreds
- Brenden Taylor: Ster Ling dude no one knows what the fuck they’re talking about... if anyone did, we’d probably fix this shit by now
- Max Maschmann: Look I am not on the side of infowars here but you did what you accused them of doing in this video. You talked until you said something ridiculous. Some people on the left do agree with limiting home ownership, maybe not running within the democratic party but saying their the left is not really correct. The Democrats represent more of a Keynesian approach to economics but still withing the confines of capitalism. Both the democrats and the republicans operate within a spectrum of right wing politics, and while the left tends to be more liberal socially, they are still both fairly oppressive within that realm. For example both the Democrats and Republicans collected money from private contractors operating within americas "military industrial complex" for their election races. These contractors then got government arms manufacturing contracts from those elected officials. This stands to prove that both Republicans and Democrats operate within a specific part of an economic spectrum. Someone who was truly capitalist would say this was unfair government intervention in the market and someone far enough to the left would say that any means of production should be state or communally operated. I am also sure if you went far enough economically or socially one way you could find people against arma manufacturing or the military entirely. In conclusion to say no one on the left wants to limit home ownership is ridiculous, you are generalizing an entire side of the political spectrum by the actions of someone operating opposite to them.
- Stagger: Info Wars are by far the most fake news you can find 🤮
- Ethan Logan: +DanielTheCooliest This is guy reasonably well spoken and appears to be smart from the few minutes of video I've watched but his tactics and politics are the opposite of Ben Shapiro.
- maple1212: I don’t see how this was a successful troll? All she was was condescending and spoke slow.
- Lee Murra: Hey Kyle, first time listener.....you're an ass. MAGA bitch
- Porridge Ramen: "You can have healthcare without socialism" "Yeah but I want free healthcare" "Why do you want free healthcare" boom
- comingviking: Braindead Venezuela is socialist in the same way that North Korea is a democratic republic. That is, in name only. Please say that you get this.
- Nick Sellstrom: All three of Bernie Sanders homes are valued at over $1000000 each. Also: Bernie is not the poorest senator, he simply keeps all of his money and his wife's name. This whole video is fake news.
- Milli Denney: I own 3 homes. I am a socialist. People need to look at the word S O C I A L I S M. Look up the word "SOCIAL". See if it gives you a hint.
- edoardo fedrighi: +ex terminator chill out antifa, you're the socialists motherfuckers waiting for others to give you free shit while you smoke your brains out, just look at the condition of this drug addict
- Jeff Blackmon: Wow. What a genius.
- p1-GOATEp2.0: Socialism - is - plutocracy. The 1% - do - like it; they actually LOVE it: it's the top-down control they want. That's what I wish you'd understand.
- Johnston Hawkins: Oh no, The National socialist workers party of Germany, That doesn't sound socialist, at all. Total right wing cover, uh-huh. If you message me fast, I still have a few bridges left? Get you a good deal! I'm a historian & you can kiss my ass.
- Pedro Aguillon: Seriously I mean it's just a waste of time
- jacob romero: I’ll eat rats if 40,000 less people die each year.
- j dragoon: Sad how Bernie Sanders owns a few huge mansions And you shrimp dick of a host just focuses on some sad attempt to "troll" Infowars. Infowars had it right. You guys are being trolled with these bogus "socialists" . They are all fakes. Bernie works for the establishment. Stop believing old white Jewish guys that make careers in Washington politics. Idiots
- MsJBlaze1: Didn't see any trolling, just an annoying cunt with a hat
- metaempiricist: @Kayne Canada has a mixed market just like almost every other western country. If you're talking about The NDP they are not canada. Do you even know what market socialism is? The canadian people don't have a public, cooperative or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of their market economy at all. Now you do have a single payer health care system.
- nameis2: Trumptards are fucken stupid, they don’t even realize that we have corporate socialism right now and voted 1 the guy that will even make it worst into office. Instead of directing the problem toward the corruption and the bribery they are fighting against people that wants to get things for them. Ironic how the majority of the republicans are on welfare but always votes republican. They live in this fantasy coco land that if they someday get lucky they will make it to that 1% that are so wealthy they pay less taxes than every1.
- justin g: That was just a dumb person trying to interview a slightly less idiotic person. Neither one of them were smart.
- Logan Boyle: Her nipples poppin
- Tech 83 Studio: Her attitude...Bwhahahaha Love it
- Mark Russell: This sailor owns Infowars??? This sailor socialism is a tard, she has an IQ of like 70! Are you advocating for the bumbling moron that knows nothing.. WOW
- misterdirtyharry: Symbologist 1979 That was the point.
- Joe Smith: Bang the sexy crazy conservative. Marry the compassionate socialist.
- Tim Doherty: Hermes Trismegistus Russia might have public order but it most certainly does not have the rule of law. The legislative and judicial branches are lapdogs of the executive and the executive means Putin.
- LittlepigStore, LLC: Free bullet wound care for all!
- Sinister Sweet: I'm not saying that I wish for your to get into a life-altering car accident that would put you in medical debt for the rest of your life because the doctors KEEP YOU ALIVE… I'm just saying that it would be awfully ironic.
- Lemlips: Lol that girl should go to Canada or Britain if she wants free healthcare
- Vincent Lloyd: The interviewee reminds me of Emma Stone, is that just me or does anyone sorta see it?
- James Franco: Wow great argument.
- triple pee: trolled? how exactly? I'm no info wars fan but your theory is complete crap
- Catching rabbit's: They will never understand this. People don't have the right to one's knowledge or Labor skills. This goes from handy man's to surgical procedures. Now yes if one is hurt and needs Medical attention pronto!! Yes they should receive treatment. BUT it will not be free. Even in any form of society. It's NEVER FREE any how. Somebody's taxes pay for it. 100% it's the hard working honest people who already battle with their own bills.
- Michael JT: She’s owning her with style and grace. Here you see a prime example of cool, what cool used to mean, back when hipster meant black and jazz. You couldn’t make this women upset if you grabbed her drink and pored it on her sailor outfit.
- Tekno Logik: hey SECULAR TALK IDIOT...UR SHOW SUCKS, UR POINTS SUCK, you have no class, and THE GIRL BEING INTERVIEWED LOOKED like an idiot..YOU THINK CUSSING ADDS VALUE TO YOUR STATEMENTS, they dont, JUST LIKE WITH COMEDIANS..AND YOU KNOW SUGGESTING SOMEONE "STEEL MAN" SOMEONE IS A CONTRIDICTION IN WHAT YOU DO ANYTIME you have an argument,..by the way, I WOULD LOVE for you to call me a right wing douchbag in my face soi boi... =) NO REALLY, i would show you my points of view...hit me up.. lol .... I CAN almost smell your bad breath over the video...YEGH
- MidKnight KC: I hate that talking point about Venezuelans eating rats. We have people in America who damn near have to eat rats.
- erik: who said that?
- Gylfi Kristmundsson: That clip was funny and all, but did Kyle miss how its the hollywood liberals, that are the people who love the smell of their own farts, who most of btw make over 1 mill dollars a year, and thus are part of the 1%...why even try speak on a topic such as the 1%, if you have no idea what the cut off is? Kyle.. try to steelman your opponent, makes for a much better argument.
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: Jakob Remškar You’re a fucking idiot.
- Jim Johnston: 👏 P R O P E R Y 👏 I S 👏 T H E F T 👏
- Trump's micropenis: Wait, he has 3 million $1 homes?!
- ognava: She sounds alot like Alex from orange is the new black, cant remember the actors name tho
- MEPHISTOPHELES: +Huzi 87 Your first response was emotional swill. Everything I said is easily verifiable and on top of that we also make the biggest contributions to the UN which in turn funds a lot of the EU. Your socialist programs are impossible without our way of doing things. America will continue to be the driving force in the world as long as we don't give in to incentivizing mediocrity. Something Europe has become synonymous with. Capitalism in it's essence has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system in history. Worldwide poverty has declined over 80 percent since 1970 and I can guarantee you it's not because of Sweden, UK or Canada. Globalization and free trade did that. Less than 20 percent of the world's population is now poor. Down from over 90% since the early 19th century. I can tell you that it wasn't because of the USSR or Nazi Germany. Private charities and funding localities have created more change and aid than any government. This is especially true in Africa. Europe is a pathetic lot of moochers suckling at the teats of one superpower and cowering in fear of the other. When India produces more PhDs for us than almost all of you combined you know the decline has started. Enjoy cultural death and immigrant invasions. You infrastructures will go next.
- Iquey: john mudd mercers and all the dumb people buying their herbal pills.
- Sinister Sweet: Triple exclamation points!!! Paranoid AF!!! I'm so smart!!!
- nomo: That was some great vocal fry.
- panic mode: Socialist girl coo
- Buggle Magnum: Your show sucks
- Scott Wolfe: so free health care huh?? how does a doctor or nurse live? will a doctor just be another bureaucrat? if so how many people will want to be a doctor on a gov. salary?
- Menickc: This video is trash. Hardly a troll it's just two fucking morons talking about shit they know nothing about and then a bigger moron getting mad at a video and talking down to the video. This is bad
- Andrew_Owens: The alpha conservatives are batting zero with digbat women like the interviewer and liberals are scoring with sexy women like the girl being questioned. Hilarious.
- Alex: I'm unimpressed. That woman didn't know anything about Bernie Sanders, and was called out for it. I don't think she trolled anyone. Kyle, you're better than this. Talk about important things.
- rts: She's anti-rich and pro-socialism, yet she's decked out with items that "rich" corporations produced. All while having an aire of a total, elitist, rich snob. Fucking annoying.
- Johnny yuma: FUCK YOU Socialist's don't have brains...........cause they eat them.
- GoreWhoreProductions: Is the guy with her Joaquin Phoenix?
- Jamie ASHCROFT: She sounds baked as fuck
- Delling Conley: The rat thing was so contrived. Ashton was just dying to get there, and fumbled all the way. She did an explanation vid backing herself as a win. Hysterical. Dasha, the other girl, is a newbie too. She has a little podcast thing going on, she does some acting, and appears in music videos. It's almost hard to believe that she wasn't hand-picked. Awkward serendipity. Day of the newbs. I'd like to see the two of them debate again. Dasha isn't very politically motivated though. She just knows she likes Bernie, and has some reasons why. Still, I think she'd win again.
- EverlastGX: This girl, the brunette, is fantastic lol
- Jimmy Kraktov: The entire 'Health Care' system in the US is the single biggest scam on the planet.
- TheDarkLordOfTheNocturnalCosmos: 2:20 Donald Duck
- Bacon Crusader: SOY SOY SOY , duh du duuuu du duhhh do duhh , sorry couldn't hear past the noise of the lefty dribble and whinging !!
- NPC GupGup: You're on your own. Sticking like a skinny green dildo
- Sean Foster: What boring commentary and you have a foul mouth as well. You make a perfect Democrat. Socialism is so great, oh yeah... just ask the USSR. Oh wait, you can't. It fell apart.
- Coffee: Lmao I love this. Both people on the left and right side just point out the massive amount of morons on both sides. Neither side wants to listen to the people who aren’t morons because then they would have to form an articulate argument. Silence them on both sides and keep the crazy running high in the general public so no one who isn’t already in power can prove themselves capable of handling it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
- CatchCanista: I_Am_Dragoon than those losers*
- IoOrganism: Remember when the one percent wanted socialism so bad that they helped Bernie's Campaign in every possible way? Info Wars remembers.
- Breva Viva: I like to eat the rich
- Jim Mcdavid: OH. MY. GOD ...........
- Sunny: +ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet You're an idiot.
- Raymond Chen: that girl is a legend
- Doug Overhoff: There's no such thing as free health care, someone pays for it. We have the best healthcare in the world in the US.
- whutzat: Proof that the left can't troll...or meme.
- King Kulin: Love the name Kulinski lol btw hi, my name is Kulin!!! Lol, love the videos!
- Kyle Richard: "You people have, like, worms in your brain... honestly..." - LOL
- yuyurtrtrt2: Two clueless people hahaha.
- getnasty08: She’s totally got that Chloe Sevingy uber-coolness. She gives zero fucks and I love it.
- Joshua Morris: I don't have health insurance and have to go to the emergency room and a woman who is 85 who has cancer would get seen before me if I had cancer or a transplant cause she has insurance are country sucks
- blueflagmusic: Smug alert for Kyle and his groupies.Communist lite,like OMG!
- Poppin Dick: How did she troll them? The emo never answered the question but ok I guess i missed something
- Alex Jones True Hero: "do you have worms in your brain(roll eyes)" lmao
- Charles: Who is this kulinski commentator ? Never heard of her
- FreshmenBolts: This guy,...alex jones would school u bro
- Toon Tonic: She’s highkey mood
- Hassenboy: Watch Destroyer So what will the public do to me if I don't voluntarily give away the majority of my income? (in my case I pay >50% taxes)
- Jamie Catalano: Yeah this channel sucks
- tmcfootball96: Still laughing at Republicans and Libertarians keep on saying that Venezuela is a socialist nation while key factors why the country is not Socialist: 60-90% of business are privately owned, the healthcare is 55% privately funded, the infrastructure is mostly Privately operated, and the county relies on imported goods due to US-backed economic sanctions making it difficult to expand in other areas of industries. Smh
- Jordan Cotter: A million dollar home can still be "modest" depending on what area it is, do that doesn't really negate the claim...
- Hassenboy: Paco Jones I'm not American, I'm Swedish lol. Now who is pretending to know everything again? Also, I don't enjoy Alex Jones or the blonde bitch in this video.
- Axel bergstrom: Corporatism is the most common form of capitalism.
- Rich Hart: She’s so awesome!!! Love it!!!
- ted cruz: the left cant meme
- ABRAXAS: The left can't meme; the right can't think
- creativereasons100: Worked out well for you the first time didn't it. Don't forget your winter clothes this time you nazi fuckstick.
- Nevermind314: I found this entire dialogue appalling..
- God King Trump: declan h You were dead wrong I thought that too.
- simply apauling: Jeremy Corbin - proposed bill; If buildings are vacant then the government can seize them for housing random interloping immigrants - hows that for stealing from the rich to give to the welfare cheating third world misfits. Socialist want your stuff and will demand it, legislate it and use the only guns allowed to make it happen. In Australia vaccinations are compulsory and all those hesitant were threatened to be stripped of child medical subsidies and out of work people's welfare checks - free health care socialist policies have consequences. And Alfie...
- Dragoner Productions: She should be promoted to thot destroyer.
- Taylor Jones: This is the sexiest girl I've ever speak. Her voice does something to me...
- Alex Urias: +Adam Blade Be direct pussy.
- Elron LaVey: Bernie voted for The Affordable Care act Witch was a total scam or “Corporatism” because it forced ppl to buy health insurance or pay a fine and it aloud the biggest insurance providers to undercut their competitors Then just like every other socialist rat who has ever pulled this scam, he gave certain companies like McDonald’s an exemption from providing health insurance to any employee who works more than 20 hours a week Witch would benefit McDonald’s overall costs and allow them to undercut their competition because every other fast food co would have to pay for their employees insurance So Bernie can choke on Donkey Dick
- Ragitsu: What narrow-mindedness from that reporter. I have it on good authority that sewer rat, in particular, tastes akin to pumpkin pie.
- Bill Myers: ● WARNING ● The Surgeon General has determined that Feminism will Cause CANCER ! ! !
- numbSKULLery: who was trolling who?
- acornfairy720: this isn’t cute... they are both stupid
- Ch33to Sesh: Five Hundred because illegals actually pay in federal taxes and here's how they do it. https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/how-do-undocumented-immigrants-pay-federal-taxes-an-explainer/
- Bokasmowl: Peter, eh steven crowder is a high pitched squealer who behaves like a 12 year old, he says some pretty dumb shit and that high pitched voice thing he does is.. well.. gay as fuck. The guy is a beta male with a micro penis posing as a man, he's extremely fake i can't stand that little girl.
- William Fitzpatrick: I'll do you a kindness: universal healthcare does not diminish the quality and accessibility of services. Conversely, countries in the West have better health outcomes, guaranteed accessibility and lower healthcare costs per capita. The US healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, has limited access and has worse healthcare outcomes. If you live in a country with universal healthcare, you can still buy a private/supplemental plan, like you would have to do as a necessity here. Your turn.
- Lil Rawri: The infowars chick sucked but how insufferable was the chick on the phone. I bet she doesnt shower
- Dave Hash: Toni Macaroni I'm sorry. Your not going to sway my opinion. No matter how many numbers you throw at me. I know the horror stories that are taking place at this exact minute at a hospital near you. All thanks to Obamacare. Socialism. Modern Nazi medicine. Hitler locked up Jews, gays, communists, the disabled and the elderly. Anybody who didn't fit his version of the Aryan culture of Germania. He just let them die in camps. Hitler was a socialist but that isn't taught in schools or colleges anymore so college students go "Trump is Hitler" then "We love socialism!" Without even realizing that just contradicted theirselves.
- Amy Alice: Info wars. They cray-cray! 😵
- ReR747: I’ve been a lot of capitalist places and a lot people there pretty much eat rats. So saying that in socialist countries do eat rats ONLY is idiotic
- Coach TMAC: I just saw your channel and watched my first video of yours. I am more conservative and libertarian than socialist and while I regularly watch Tim Pool ( liberal) former Senator Ron Paul ( libertarian) and Lionel Nation (he claims to be neutral. So, all three are from the USA. And I try to get some balance with Sargon of Arkkad and red pill Phil from the UK. Your comments about the health care are really messed up. Up here in Canada I had to wait in line for 3 years and 1month, as I waited for my small lump turn into a golf ball. Finally, I get the lump removed, but I get an infection. Then two weeks later I get an emergency doctor to run some tests. 5 days later the lab report come back and they put me on antibiotics. Four days later my whole body, head to toe is covered with a rash. Apparently, I got an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. I go back to the doctor who did the surgery to remove the cancer and he said I should keep taking the antibiotics so the infection can be neutralized. So, now I may have more blood work every three months to make sure my cancer was all taken out and that it didn’t spread. That is how much of a line up the Canadian system is. People died waiting to see a specialist. Gee I was the lucky one. I will look for some more videos of yours, See you later.
- Very Woke: Please look into this further if you happen to be eating up Kyle's narrative blindly. He is leaving out some key information.
- james bobbo: declan h “Saudi Arabia is a monarchy”! So? England has a monarchy. Ahaha stop feeding this troll who thinks he’s better than info wars watchers because he can speak a bit of English 🙈
- EnLaMatrix1: The reporters squeaky voice just pisses me off, she sounds like she's going to get "some starbucks"
- Magellan: That was one of the most cringeworthy Infowars segments I've seen in a long time. No leftie I know has ever argued against living in an expensive apartment or house. No one wants people to "eat rats". I know this will blow the minds of those right-wingers, but there are plenty of millionaires and even billionaires even in left-leaning countries and social democracies like Sweden, Austria, Germany, France, Australia or Norway. And no one has to eat rats there. So what the fuck are these Infowars dimwits talking about? And by the way: before you claim Bernie Sanders is living in a house worth 3 million Dollars (which is completely fine anyway), first do some research if 1) this is the price he paid for or the present value. Warren Buffet also lives in a house worth millions of Dollars, but he bought it for like 80k decades ago. 2) the house was bought or inherited 3) he is the proprietor of the house, his wife or both - maybe both worked for it etc Now Kyle has pointed out that the figure actually refers to multiple homes, some of which where inherited or belong to him and his wife. Whatever. God, this is so hacky. As if I as a leftie would care if you are a dentist, software engineer, nurse, policeman etc, make 40k, 60k, 220k or 1.5m a year, and drive a Prius, VW Golf or BMW 750i. Who gives a shit. This is not what all of this is about, what Bernie and others are talking about.
- Eross Van Leer: muh Venezuela
- LavenderLushLuxury: Eat The Rich bitches.
- Tommy Burboa: I would be suprised by her stupidity as well
- Marie Carbo: "I know it's hard because you love the smell of your own fart." Can I translate it into French and use it please?! Because it's a masterpiece spotted right here.
- Asher Burton: How did that liberal troll Info wars....? She looked like an idiot lol
- Deaf And Destruction: The Nazis were totally left wing in 1939
- Rui PTG: I want to make love to her attitude
- AssNasty: Damn you are annoying. Even more so than infowars.
- Donald Trump: Very easy. Give em free health care, let the commies pay for it. HAHAHA
- ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet: Mouthpiece I had a hard on for that girl.
- David Warschauer: @Impervious : alex jones is a fraud.
- Milo The Russian Blue: I’m not a socialist but Alex Jones’ cronies got beat this round.
- erik: okay old man
- Smoky Donuts: I'm still waiting for the punchline here.
- Esteban Rincon: Socialist is full shit, condescension is just extra.
- Felix Desrosiers: Can you debate arguments and not speech... Who cares if conservatives are pissed by what he says, i tought you guys believed in "facts over feelings" hahaha
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: only a liberal would think that was trolling she was 100% serious why are you liberals so delusional you don't even know what reality is anymore
- Cirque Du Freestyle: Any rational response to "What about Venezuela?" should be "what about the CIA?" Play them at their own manipulative game of condescending generalisation.
- Mike Emerick: Kyle you're dumb, she did not get owned. the other girl is an obvious idiot, and there's no such thing as free anything. okay free health care, it just means someone else is going to pay for it and in extreme socialism's if you don't pull your weight you will be put out to pasture
- Natalie Barnes: "do you know Venezuela?" "heard of it" 😂 she's great
- jeff carey: Socialism leads to Venuzela,Cuba,USSR,East Germany,North Korea you don't make the poor richer by making the rich poorer and anyone who's worked a day in their life in the private sector know this, sanders and his wife with his 3 houses has never worked a day on his life and would happily chwoff champagne whilst everyone else eat rats
- BirdTube83: Didn't Romney get trashed for having multiple homes?
- EricIrl: An interviewer asks questions - they don't argue with the person they are interviewing.
- michael kirylo: Trolled to perfection? Puhlease. "UM Like you guys have worms in your brain" "I just want people to have free healthcare (Like Venezuela)" Yeah Venezuela has free healthcare, Too bad the hospitals don't even have gauze bandages. Trolled. You're a fucking idiot Kyle.
- Quick Dimwit: Wow, that's a lot of subscribers.
- Nice Legs Babe: That sailor moon chick was waifu incel matieral
- War Bros: This guy talks out his ass to much..
- Alexander Martone: She kinda sounded high
- Mark Blair: I think we should put our differences aside and agree that this girl is rather attractive.
- hatchettwit: Im not a fan of that reporter chick but is this is considered trolling to perfection then the craft hath fallen far. Still funny though ^.^
- jm somville: @Brian McGowan lol. A bit overly aggressive aren't we? It's cool. Have a nice day. ;)
- Zack Tylerz: I came here to see someone get trolled, not hear yet another braindead socialist who can't even make a joke about her question. Kyle, like legit shut the fuck up on unimportant-lying shit such this entire video.
- Ross Dalrymple: Just remember that Bernie is a Zionist, he recently signed a letter showing his support for Israel along with 100 members of Congress, just after the Israeli army shot dead 50 or so unarmed protestors, also six reporters with ""PRESS"" emblazoned on their chests back and front and Hundreds were shot in the genitals by snipers. If thats not a F**king Zionist I dont know what is? After his bait and switch in the last Primaries to get you to vote for the DNC, I wouldnt trust him, ever again. Wake up to these Deceptions.
- Jake Bennett: If this is the kind of video the left thinks is a win for them 2018 is gonna be a rough year. The truth is Bernie Sanders has praised Venezuelas socialist policies. Socialism only works for a limited amount of time it is not moral and no healthcare will never be free the government doesn't pay for anything the people pay for everything you leftist pretend the government pays for. Just saying free healthcare is you misleading people.
- Lisa Greenstein: What are the rats eating?
- Lemekh: What are you looking at? I saw another clueless liberal that doesn't understand money...
- M C: Have you listened to that socialist bitch’s podcast? She’s racist af
- Daniel Malinovskiy: Destroyed by saying people should have free healthcare? That’s a reach lol 😂 you guys are really counting your blessings when you can find them
- Frederick Röders: Then you dont listen
- Zachary Galindo: While I may disagree to a certain degree with her opinion, I am still in love with this woman. Someone please hook me up. 😍
- The Lemming: Support the death of humanity Do the right thing
- Brimar7: Why should health care be free? Because we’d rather pay taxes for health care than perpetual B.S. wars. Stop the wars, health care and public universities for free...done.
- Walker Bliek: How did she troll her? She just seemed like the average stoned liberal to me.
- Mark Haynes: THEODOR D holy shit Batman that’s a lot of zeros. Free healthcare for everyone and free college and food stamps, free housing and Obama phones for every one. Then we can add 3 more zeros to that big number. What would that be it’s in the trillions now so would the next thing be quadrillion’s is that even a word omg. Keep up the good work. We need to squash this socialism movement
- Nathanfx2006: I just wish there was more footage.
- GOD IS AN OPIATE FOR THE MASSES: Melissa Johnson. Yeah, that's why we have a socialist police, fire, water, military, schools, libraries, social security etc.😄
- Nafees Unnisa: they pulled their interview with David duke too
- Ken Cur: +Aardvark 52 Yes, socialism is necessary, and that much is obvious. Actually, I am thinking of writing a book along those lines. Capitalism is also necessary, and a happy medium is what is needed. Good luck getting there with all these morons supporting one or the other system as if it was a football team. God, what a let down humanity is.
- robert turni: "Venezuela is socialist country so therefore socialism fails" Ignores all of europe entirely
- Justin Guy: WHAT ABOUT THE RATS?!?! omg...such a bad connection to go from socialist ideologies being implemented in the US to people in Venezuela eating rats, lol. Obviously it is not the same given the economies. This woman could never be an actual interviewer or reporter.
- Kris Handsome: "That's the same thing Hugo Chavez says" I'm not sure he's saying much of anything now...
- paul chambers: Greed is good. Help no one but yourself. Take what you can. What a time to be alive.
- Captain Rhodes: +stuntman014 By what "logic"? I'm merely stating facts. Most domestic terrorism is committed by white right-wingers, most of whom are explicitly motivated by racist/fascist beliefs. Donald Trump retweeted caravan conspiracy theories that motivated the Pittsburgh shooter. Do you live in the U.S.?
- TheTitanian: Jason C. That's what the US is....
- saddlebag: Random woman was dumber than a rock. Actually made the Infowars idiot seem moderately educated. On the bright side, she was kinda cute. If I was interviewing her, I'd tell her I think free blowjobs should be my right and see if she got on those knees in a show of Socialist solidarity.
- robert walton: The Peter Principal in action. This idiotic blonde with the porn star look took about 90 seconds to rise to the level of her own incompetence. Bernie's mrs makes a good living.
- Shazy Shaze: Dude, sweet anime shirt
- Miss S Justice: From now on whenever I go off on a stupid person I want to demonstrate this same expert level of nonchalance combined with the skillful use of not having one single fuck to give. This is the only effective repellant to 45ers and their ilk!
- PaidInFull Wang: Tits hang free
- Chrissel L: They're both dumb as hell nothing worth the news here
- Infinite Life: +theQuestion626 They are a part of the Government NASA, CIA and NSA. They are also part of Google and every large social media platform. Ask yourself one question why do all the extremely popular social media platforms come from America. Do you realize the amount of indoctrination and programming the Nazis performed on the I people? It is reality I am not the one who made it this way they are the facts. It is not made of fiction there is evidence to prove all of these things. To look at the world through reality is to know it is a stage with various actors in politics and the media. I'm a very sane person if your wondering obtained a masters degree in business finance. I understand the need for big business and I understand the root cause of getting screwed is to many taxes, inflation and the cost of rising fuel when there is better zero point energy that the government of America the greedy disgusting cooperation itself which has its various minioms on virtually every board of directors for all large companies. The problem isn't large companies it is the scum bags that run them and that run the government. There are some good ones out there but few and far between. I agree that balance of everything is key but greed kills balance just like the federal reserve has killed the dollar and the national debt doesn't even make sense if you look that the numbers. They need a cfo as the president and a Damn good on at that. Not an economic manipulator like Trump, if you weren't killed as president you didn't care about America only 2 preaidents cared for this country.
- Mythic: Random woman? More like random retard
- Wilbur Jenkins: Daria in a Daffy Duck outfit.
- Scott the Dick: Never f*** with a Sailor!!!
- John Doe: Nice nips!!
- It doesn’t get Better: But she didn’t make any good points...
- FUCK GOOGLE: Speak for yourself, Kyle. I actually want to consume rich people. I'm guessing they taste like shit though.
- tm mt: What is nice is that Kyle will not be banned from YouTube or any other corporate media platform controlled by the Establishment. He's safe so he can rip Infowars from Absentia
- H Eck: Kyle you need to step up your game! Infowars has 1.5 million more subs then you bro
- Dahveed: My "soap box"? This is a political talk show. I am talking about politics. I happen to have a slightly different opinion than the echo chamber, and you're telling me to "get off my soap box". This is exactly the kind of attitude I'm talking about. Wow.
- Sean Fenn: You people have worms in your brain haha...
- Titanium Tiger: I don't need you to tell me what to think, nice try. Health care isn't a right, sorry bud. The smell of your own farts, dude youre a fkn joker, thats so uncreative, how do you like killery and hussein now?i mean barry soetoro? Killery stole the nomination from bernie, your party can't even stop that. How the hell would i trust you!?!? I TRUST Q, AND Q ALONE, YOU MFN SELLOUT.
- dylan mcintoshwright: I really don’t see how the girl did any trolling if at all
- Astro Warrior: Please tell me where she gets schooled? This woman is a dweeb, the reason why America is failing is because of people like her
- GSSwordsmen: Cameraman: "Hey there's a girl we can interview." Infowar woman: "Look at her in that sailor uniform. I bet I can talk her into a corner!" Later, she runs away crying after getting pwnd by said sailor girl. Seriously, if she thinks that people are suddenly going to go from eating food to eating rats, she's dumb as bricks. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult the bricks.
- Queef Micester: You Liberals really don't understand CONTEXT do you?
- wampus cat: Both these women are idiots
- Jason Willoughby: Wait...there's people that don't love the smell of their own farts?
- Ricardo Armando Blanco López: Ōkami-san you talked about deportation, and that strictly means the forced removal of someone for a country, and in the context you used it, someone would be deported for having different ideas, so no. I looked at the stats from the UK and they have a lot less crime rate than the US, so I dunno about what you are talking about. Still, we reached an impasse, I support medicare and medicaid simply because of empathy, I don't care if it benefits mostly republicans, we are all humans and deserve to have good care in my eyes, your point was mainly economical and ideological, but if you really are for small government, I dunno why you support the republican party or Trump. Let's leave it at that, have a good day.
- Casey Uncle BS Gibson: Info Wars is Inside Edition for even less intelegent boobs.
- lou mertens: In the movie, this girl is played by Emma Stone
- Phillip Ramsey: Also what about all the healthcare companies will majority of them go out of business because of socialist healthcare. Next socialist will want everyone to have insurance for everything
- Chupa Cabra: Ashton and that sailor moon girl are both super cute! Ashton has her own youtube channel so I've seen her many times before...but I think I've seen the other girl somewhere and I can't place it! Does she have a youtube channel?
- mynameis bob: Lmao y'all on some weird shit. Socialism don't work. It's been tried before. Human nature abuses it. Give it up already damn
- john smith: where the trolling??all I see is a snobbish drugged girl
- Dona Burns: So true!
- Zombie Linda: Holy shit Infowars gotcha questions to make people look more stupid than they already are is so annoying at times.
- Docholland45: EskiLdn i think women are most attractive when they dont say anything tbh
- DC CXI: Sailor Moon-Socialist edition
- Blackworld official: "But I told you Venezuela is eating rats" What is she, 15?
- Aurinkohirvi: Many people have no idea whats different for example with communism, fascism and democratic socialism. For example, I hear Americans often say mega-corporations favored and supported is corporate socialism (Infowars is one that cultivates this, apparently to demonize socialism). But there's an actual word for it: fascism. That's fascism when private corporations ally with the government, and it's a far-right politics, the opposite of socialism where the public sector owns the production. It's amazing how many Americans are completely confused and ignorant of this, one would think that if you for decades are indoctrinated to hate commies and pinkos, you would know something about it. It's understandable why many young people people are ignorant, since they haven't really seen communist countries anywhere.
- Tunaburn: Bernie doesn't want anyone to not be rich. He just doesn't want billionaires paying minimum wage and having is employees have welfare.
- Eric Gatlin: Look most jobs that rich people do are difficult jobs takes years of college and study if you tax the rich so hard and then they don't want to do job more a quit or they leave the country set up business somewhere else that's why America is drowning. Hey if Bernie and all these dems a celebs wanna pay higher taxes go ahead no one is stopping you
- Nads Retslop: Next time they ask you why you like socialism say you like social security, medicare, the military, and emergency responses to disasters like 9/11 and hurricanes. That will shut them up in a hurry.
- Cooper Harris: Pretty clear where the host's political alignments lie
- Nicholas Williams: Zachary Bartell it pertains to me when my child is slaughtered in the womb. Which happened.
- Cruciverbalist: The only way to make everyone equal is to set their value equal to zero.
- Jesse James: well she's fierd
- William Fitzpatrick: People with universal healthcare are eating rats.
- Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT: lmao she's golden
- Matt M: Aghhh, I love her.
- Bolek Lolek: Grunthos The Flatulent Nooo Bernie is obviously an Ayn Randian libertarian, i'm sooo dumb DUUUH. aquariex24 the point is usually the people who support retarded ideas like "free" healthcare, are people who will be the least affected by it. Not only will the extra tax not affect her finances, she's wealthy enough to afford private healthcare, which i guarantee you she and everyone who can afford it will go for. Because it turns out if you are in pain, you want to be operated asap, not next year or month if you're lucky. A priviledge that working class people do not have, but hey what does miss sailor moon over there care about the plebs.
- Kevin Bryant: where was the trolling? I miss something? She resorted to name calling, she never proved her point.
- rattlesnake survival: China is a communist dictatorship
- Maverick D.: I love this video.
- mzavros: She's doubly hot!
- zazen108: I don't see anything other than two very foolish looking people. Do you really think the brunette woman came off as intelligent? This is just more divisive drivel.
- Demetri Cassidy: Peter Ure you guys really do have worms in your brains
- undone2222: Why did the host came off so angry from the beginning. N she had that look that “I’ll make them look dumb”. But it’s her who came on way too strong.
- Joe Carnes: Eating rats and gay frogs awsome!
- Katrine La Melodia: I felt bad for the Infowars reporter. She looked REALLY bad... :\
- PimpJuice 420: Lmao she didn't own anybody but ok😂 she didn't even say anything that pertained to the question 😂 Where did the infowars girl say that he couldn't live in those homes? She was saying Bernie was going to favor the elite. I'm not saying she was right but you missed the fucking point😂. The one percent does support corporatism, but they call it socialism. "Socialism is the future of society" that's what they say. She was wrong to say Bernie is one of those people, but you're wrong for not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
- Darkfoxx Bunyip: I'm not sure but where is the trolling? All I see is two dumbasses talking to eachother over a microphone? Who is trolling? The girl who isn't aware that free healthcare is not a possibility, or the girl who thinks Venezuela and America are in any way comparable? Or the idiot who presents this as someone is 'trolling' an Infowars nooblet? There's a difference between being dumb, and acting dumb to make someone else look stupid. There was no acting going on in the videos shown.
- silly billy emma: the sad part is, the info wars person DID have a point—she was basically saying to take a look at a society in which socialism was implemented. Didn’t turn out so good, did it? And the girl in the odd outfit did not clearly state at first that she only wanted to implement certain aspects of socialism.
- B0DY4DAYZ: Shes iconic
- timothy whitmer: AHHHHHHH Stupid bitch
- Rabmcm32: Diane Watson I agree with your analysis. The state has been allowed to grow and destroy familiy structures and natural connections between people, posing as a surrogate parent when in reality it is an abuser.
- Enrique Godinez: Shane O Right wingers are purely trolls not one of them is a serious person.
- Paul Bledsoe: MrBeaux oh man grammar nazi to the rescue! Also do feel that somehow you’re breaking new ground stating that you tubers make content for money *gasp* you’re insight is incredible, please tell me more:) Written with minimal punctuation because fuck you! XD
- Nicky Bower: we're did she get schooled?
- Talon Sage: I can’t help it. I WANT her.
- AcridDread: Allison is young relax.
- EnigmicIdentity: "The Walton family created millions of jobs provided cheap goods and a convenience for millions of people." Hah! What nonsense. Individuals don't "create jobs." The economy creates jobs. Those millions of jobs you mentioned are filled by people that work night and day to achieve what you are giving the Walton family sole credit for doing. Ridiculous. "Bernie wants to attack those individuals because, for some arbitrary reason, he feels they have too much money." The "arbitrary reason" you mention is that those individuals deny even their own employees basic healthcare for the purpose of amassing personal wealth. He wants people to wake up and renegotiate their treatment.
- Vera Zealot: Thank you for breaking down how reporters bait people into conversations they arent prepared for because thats the only way Info Wars can make people look stupid beside themselves
- Anime SnooSnoo face: All sides are autistic. Praise the Hermitcrab ethnostate
- Lady V: So she said that the 1 percent support social, but then went on about Venezuela? Interesting.
- Andrew Bravo: You're missing the point about Bernie having 3 homes. He wants everyone to pay for those who are under privileged yet he won't personally do it. Actions speak louder than words. How are you gonna virtue signal and say people are greedy for not helping others when you're in a position to do so and you're not doing it yourself. Do as they do and not as they say.
- Richard Vasquez: this broad's in college she's dumber than shit she better fucking wake up man everybody better wake up Bernie Sanders is a Socialist Communist fuck
- Quinton Kirk: Americans are retarted... The interviewer is worse
- Vera 1957: +Kroww Jäger Here ya go you arrogant fuck. so·cial·ism /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ noun a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. VENEZUELA was a socialist utopia according to liberals before it collapsed so why don't you ask a libtard your stupid ass questions. What country are you from where you point your finger at another country and all out the whole population? (I'm guessing Canada)2😂🖕🏻
- Phoenix Intergrale: God this is cringey. Now the right will assume all of the left is like this
- BNAMusic88 _: “What about Venezuela?” Is like “what about Chicago?” The ppl who say it at the wrong time don’t give a fuck about them.
- Logan Van Liempt: This is why no true Conservative watches inforwars
- Tonky Tron: im so hungry, man
- George Colby: Wow, that blonde interviewer needs a brain cell or two.
- Grace B: 1) VENEZUELA IS A DICTATORSHIP!!! how are you going to compare America to Venezuela?
- jorenjo123: When you finally reach a point that you're done with the right and left wing.
- Charli’s Channel: What values of Trump are morally reprehensible?
- Generic Scout: The girl here doesn't want socialism, she wants democratic socialism, it's a HUUUUUUGE difference. Free Healthcare, but the real cost for free healthcare are 30K a month apartment rents, when you can pay 500 a month apartment costs with a shitty no healthcare system. The costs come from somewhere and it's usually from the poorest people out there.
- Francesco Armetta: +BlackFox They prefer "Latin American"
- Alex: Facts don’t matter the brand is strong
- Jose Gutierrez: Nasty bitch put a bra on
- Rick Ton: Nazyair sengikar sup newfag
- Adam Blade: What a lame joke. She was talking about socialist values and policies, not socialist politicians. Besides, you could easily switch "Hugo Chavez" with "Adolf Hitler" or anyone else you don't like.
- Donald Fewox: I only eat vegan rats
- One Buc: Also people need to realize there’s a huge difference between Socialism and Social Democracy. Socialism is the abolishment of Capitalism altogether. Bernie does not want to abolish capitalism so he’s a social democrat.
- TakTheBandit: Venezuela is not even socialist to the slightest degree. They have no Universal Health Care. They don't even have welfare. It's capitalists 100% pure capitalism. They also have private property. You're fucking retard if you think Venezuela was ever socialist.
- Thomas Krebble: Hah so this is the left wing channel yeah I can see why people don't like you guys. This type of guy is why Hilary lost to Trump. Tidy your shit up lefties, win with logic and arguments not childish namecalling and lip noises jesus christ.
- John Gallagher: And stop trying trying to justify Bernies wealth. You lefty idiots are supposed to be against it, espically inheritance which is really unfair in your retarded ideology,
- G. V. Quinn: jessica s Yeah but you’ve a cartoon character avatar and you know something. One doesn’t wash the other. Trump is president, California is on fire, so, his fault obviously...
- mykotron: Chris Davis I’m just buggin’... we care!!! We really do.
- Chris James: That girl being interviewed has a sexy voice. And, she's cute. Wow!
- Wargark: This InfoWars newbie was obviously uneducated and didn't really understand what she was doing, but that doesn't apply to everyone at InfoWars, most of them DO know their facts and they've been doing this long enough to know what they are doing. If any one of the other members at InfoWars were to be there instead of a newbie, this would have been a VERY different video. The problem with Socialism isn't the concept of Pure Socialism, but the problem is actually implementing Pure Socialism. No rich government in their right minds would implement a Pure Socialist structure because then they would no longer be rich... Even Socialists like Bernie Sanders wouldn't implement Pure Socialism even if he was handed full control of the government, he just wouldn't do it because then he isn't rich anymore... Socialism just does not work. Socialism destroys any thought of personal economical success because everything is given to you without having to put any work in. It creates a stagnant economy because you aren't allowed to make more than the person next to you. Taxes are higher to pay for all the "free stuff." In true Socialism there are no private companies, they are all owned by the state. Socialism gives government more control by default. We know that Capitalism works better than Socialism because every Socialist country plays our stock market to make money. If Socialism works so well, why is every Socialist country having to play our stock market to make money?
- Crazy 8s Drums: High as a kite child in a costume...now a star and role model among socialists.
- Mr O: This girl is my personal hero.😀😀😀😀😀
- Jeff Gazetti: It’s not really THAT funny but I suppose when THIS is the only win you have then you milk it for all it’s worth
- Dangelo Lott: don't vote Bernie, Venezuelans are eating rats
- Guernicaman: Kyle, you should go to Canada. They have some delicious rats. True, they're not as good as Australia's, or Norway's, or Finland's rats, but they're definitely better than Japan's rats. I love Japan, but their rats are overrated.
- Haedrix: hahaha the over exaggerated head tilt cracked me the hell up man this is why you get my patreon scrilla <3
- Carl Langer: I guess that is why Generation Z is moving to the right. They are getting tired of the SJW "give me your stuff" mentality. But Kyle Kulinski thinks ANTIFA should be above the law. Don't believe me? check this out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3QmLwCJ-F0
- thomas Hooper: Qorelin .... Venezuela is failing economically because of the vast nationalisation and price control... that’s what Hugo Chavez was elected to do! Maduro’s répression came after the economics started to crash, you’re confusing symptoms with causes!
- sweetpings: What kind of idiot drinks coffee like that. This girl sounds dusted.
- Enrique Godinez: Right wingers are the supposed experts on socialism yet they don't shit about it. They don't even know the definition of it xD
- Fred Frond: Lots of capitalist countries in Africa and by the presidents own words a shithole because the dictators (1%) take everything. Lots of socialist countries in Scandinavia they have free education.
- Raven CoLe: I remember the right outraged by it, don't remember the suit itself :P. Too hard for you to understand. "Are we forgetting about trayvon martin? More happened in 2014 than an ugly suit." In terms of right-wing outrage, the suit takes the cake :P. According to the right, why care about a kid dead when you guys can complain about the suit that a president wears.
- spacehamham: So...how did they get trolled again? You made a video to laugh at an obviously new girl reporter? Sounds pretty desperate to me. "She like, trolled them. HUHUHUHH". I'm sure you're a hit with the ladies. Actually, you're probably into men, so never mind.
- Phal Redenferd: Click bait.
- Dean Dean: Another example of higher education is disinformation.
- Kevin Richards: The info wars girl is trying the old socratic dodge of constructing syllogisms by asking leading questions. She tried to conflate the disaster of venezuela with socialism by its very nature and the sailor girl backed her up on her premise. I don't think anyone got owned in particular , but this leading question malarkey never really gets anywhere
- Mr.E Cartman: She is just classic.
- matthew feliciano: I thought that was a fake reporter pretending to be Infowars? WTH going on?
- Agent Smith: She is so cool. Poor infowars newb got nervous while straw manning. But Venezuala!
- Tamir Cohen: Socialist Sailor Moon makes no sense. Ashton actually made a valid argument. All this stupid girl did was say "I just want people to have healthcare" last time I checked, that's not an argument, it's a personal statement. I'd say Ashton owned this idiot, not the other way around.
- Black Manta: Kyle loves Alex and Infowars
- kevin3591: England is not a socialist country and they have free health care. But there nhs is failing since open borders the the 80% of migrants that are unemployed are having thousands of kids claiming off the system and destroying the system .
- M Labelle: Still can't wrap my head around how some Americans fight for their right to own a gun but are against having the right to healthcare
- David Gonzales: acceptable response. very true. this is much the same thing that causes people who claim to be democrats to actually align with some clearly republican or conservative positions and for republicans to in many cases seem to more in line with leftist principals. too bad that cant also be a major thing for other politcal affiliations.... they are all locked out of the race and left to wither by rules that stifle any good political alternatives... which is why a guy like sanders with great idea has to even play into this 2 party crap in the first place.
- Jamie Ryan: This guy slams the right and rightfully so for having weak arguments yet all the lefty looneys throw the hitler card at all time when trump does something they don’t like. I live in a country that has a socialized healthcare system. However when there is a serious illness threatening the life of somebody guess where they go for treatment. Yeah you guessed it the US.
- Nuno Fonseca: +El Qone'ars she literally said she wanted to eat the rich what do you mean... there's no need to pick out stuff that looks good and disregard the rest
- Pat: This girl is like a master multitasker. She’s playing on her phone, sipping her drink, talking, listening, laughing, acting all coy. I love her
- Milton Perez: Ant Man lol 1% socialism brought to you by the 1%. LOL... I cant believe its not socialism.
- Michael Heath: Someone put this down below but her name's Dasha and she's funny. This is her on a podcast: https://soundcloud.com/red-scare-727066439/infowhores
- sheepdog 1776: dude you're whacked!!
- Stop Being Confused About Health: Hahaha the girl in the red tried a bit too hard, came on too strong, that's how she messed up here. The girl being interviewed had more power in being chill.
- DeusExAstra: I love this chick, cool and funny in the face of stupidity
- ReviewTechUSSR: not really the best troll job if you ask me.
- Flavius Maximus: Sad part is, Trump supporters fall for these arguments.
- Robert999220: "I know its hard because you love the smell of your own farts, and like to pretend the other side has no arguements", straight in to "they dont do that because they cant counter argue"... I want to like you my man, but jesus, common... Both of these people in the video we're and are idiots. dont praise one just because they are on "your side".
- Badly Drawn Turtle: You're not sure where it was pulled from? You couldn't take a minute to check? Great research skills you've got, there. How can you pretend to be a journalist if you don't even do basic fact checking? This is reporting 101: Actually gather the information before you talk about it.
- Ian Stevenson: The Almost Happy Camper You know, when you publicly display your total lack of knowledge about a subject then you are probably better shutting the hell up while you are not too far behind. You know nothing about social medicine. Every word that came from your lying keyboard just proves it. I've lived in countries with both systems and I know that you are completely wrong. I don't need some political hack to tell me how either system works (or doesn't) and I certainly don't need the words of a lying piece of shit like you.
- Scraggle Grackle: Sailor Pluto is right; "Have you the brain worms!?"
- dylan mebrusta: Wasnt the point of her saying that he has so many homes showing hes a hypocrit for not following what hes presching.
- tj denton: Haow did she own them exactly? You are not entitled to the severices of others... Health care is a service. Doctors dont spend 8-10 years in school and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for their education so that others can use their skills and knowledge for free...
- frogsoda: Elvin Ostrup This isn't InfoWars.
- Kyle Townsend: Im extremely offended because her outfit was cultural appropriation
- Mitch Baier: Jess John My fiance has a chronic lung disease and if it weren't for our health care I don't know how we could handle it. She has probably been in and out of the hospital for a combined total of 4 months this year alone
- Top Ranked: The fact that Bernie Sanders wilvea in a 3 million home, and he's willing to pay higher taxes to support the entire system proves that he's a man with integrity.
- Captain Cheeky: I don't care if she is actually stupid or not, I'm in love with her personality/ attitude. Wish I could hang out with her.
- Scott H: +simon caymer gross
- Dwayne White: I wish someone from Infowars would ask me these questions. I would tear them to shreds. What people fail to realize is that America is a Socialist country, and has been since the very beginning. We pay taxes, and those taxes are used to provide for our society as a whole. We elect officials to represent us in deciding what portion of those taxes go where. That's what Socialism is. Without it, we have no military; no police departments; no fire departments; no public schools; no Post Office; no libraries; no roads to drive on. You would have none of the things that you take for granted every single day. What's truly fucked up is that most of Europe has universal healthcare, and do you know who set that system up for them? We did. After WWII, members of FDR's administration and helped the war torn countries recreate their policies so that it included healthcare for all; even (get this) Germany of all places. Roosevelt tried like hell to do that here, but Congress would not approve. Now, you want to add insult to injury? Your taxes are used to pay for the medical expenses of the people who say that your taxes cannot be used to pay for your medical expenses. That's right. Members of Congress get universal healthcare.
- Joan Taylor: Did I miss something? You lost me when reverted to verbal diarrhoea and insults! Go back to school
- Fenrir World-Eater: they were both idiots, i was not impressed
- djones1234567654321: Thats Adam from Cumtown's girlfriend
- Joe Buck Yourself: I personally disagree with socialism but the way this woman in red tries to convey her point of view is just embarrassing. I don’t think that the other woman owned her all she did was let her own herself.
- AR15cuz BlackGunsMATTER: She didn't get trolled at all lol . In what way was the Infowars girl trolled by the hot chick ? "I just want people to have health care honey" ? Was that the supposed troll ? Lol not a great troll for real . Sailor girl was hot as fuck tho , I'll give her that .
- William Fitzpatrick: Right, everyone who advocates for a different policy should leave their family, friends, jobs and all other social ties and fly overseas. That's fundamentally American--we're citizens, not fly-by-night patriots. You should be ashamed.
- America is the best: She totally trolled them.
- Mohammed's Favorite Bacon: I fail to see how this woman trolled anyone but herself.
- Kyler: Theres actually people in the comments who think this was "hehe XD troll ebic style" and there's also people here defending socialism lol. Congrats on being retarded because socialism nor communism have never worked. People just want "free stuff" without questioning the ramifications of getting things for free lol. Completely insane liberals
- S7Robin: One problem I have with this is that she said Bernie was socialist. He’s not, he just has some ideas related to it. Social democrats do not equal democratic socialists
- Anything Butme: Ant Man We are capitalistic countries with very strong public sectors like public education and healthcare, witch are funded by taxation.
- Ivan The Dude: its not, this is liberals pathetically reposting infowars videos and trying to repaint them. this is all they do. notice that youll NEVER EVER see tyt, secular talk, sam seder, or jimmy dore out on the street producing content, you know, actual journalism. they sit in their basement studios and make youtube videos taking clips from INFOWARS, the only independent media that seems to actually put people on the ground. check put wearechange, priority pod, and hard bastard, for real free thinkers. secular talk sold out. so did david pakman and sam seder. they all repost the same clips, with the same titles, make the same commentaries, and still somehow pretend to be independent.
- TheMadMattster: Germany has had Socialized Medicine for over 100 years. Only a couple times in that century have they had to eat rats, and it's certainly not now!
- Cathy Elings-Sysel: Wow. You attracted so many trolls and bots with this one. Is it because Infowars was in the title or trolls?
- William Fitzpatrick: +chris hamilton Sorry I made you take a big L here, you dug your own grave. Thanks for playing lmao
- Forever King: The fact the people get their daily news from Info Wars. 😂😂💀
- Anti Centrist: She cute, would make a good facist.
- Jaime Holguin: English isn't my native language, I've not mastered it yet. ; )
- Felix Desrosiers: Literally nobody is doing that
- Gabriel Gomez: Socialism in healthcare would only be if congress passes a law for a single payer healthcare system AND STARTS BUYING all the hospitals. That would be owning the means of production..
- Socratic Method: Breaking news!! Nobody’s gives a fuck about info wars. Info wars is trash, and your giving them views... this isn’t news.. it’s stupidity....
- Panda Curry: That's an Anime school girl shirt.
- Jérôme D.: They didnt hire the smartest one!
- lorenmorgan2010: Seemed fake
- S3lvah: "You can't use Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark as examples of positive socialism because they're smaller than the US" –conservatives "Look at what happened to Venezuela!!" –also conservatives
- carlos blanco: This woman sucks, I prefer Owen Shroyer.
- Baxter Stockman: The thing that annoyed me the mot with the original infowars video was how rude the male reporter was. A complete dick.
- Don't mind me just Haydn in the comments: On my point of view, the US, China, Russia all blame the problems on the other groups to avoid changing their own systems. Socialist/communist countries blames the poverty in the united states to avoid getting changes that would improve their country, the same way the united states uses "communism/socialism is bad" to avoid doing changes that would improve their population as well. The top ones just doesn't want to lose their piece of the pie, regardless if they are communist/socialist/capitalist.
- GUERRILLA SUNRISE: Annie Olivas I love you too mami
- Yaser Olegev: You need to change to medicare for all soon, because in Norway the right-wing government is trying it's hardest to make Norway into USA. Since they love and adore the republican party. As soon as the right wing government was a fact they started to give tax cuts to the richest people in Norway. While cutting in healthcare and social programs for teens.(since you have to cover the budget deficit somehow) Now we have a crime spree in the capital and the right wingers in government are blaming "lacking integration of foreigners and rootless teenagers that have fallen from community". And they tried to make the national health service into a "for-profit operation". Well, now we have super corrupt leadership and hospitals hiring in PR-consultants and other economic councilors for huge sums of money. All so they can get numbers that, in the end, somehow support that all health services need to be privatized.
- The Prickly Prick: Felix Desrosiers read the comments.
- zoofeathers: ..lame lean right rhetoric..eat rats?.. do Info war employees own a "social security" number? FDR social democracy is under serious attack
- Michael Davidson: This is actually hysterical, idiots who support TRUMP are asking "Did you know Bernie has three houses??" and of course distorting the facts and making it sound like each house is a million dollar house which is total BS. Hey Trumptards, obviously you don't have a problem with the President owning multiple mansions but you gotta make something of Sanders owning three upper middle class homes .. and I'm sure one is just a cabin or lower middle class home. For people who love to scream CLASS WARFARE! all the time you sure love to wage it yourselves. News Break, socialists want people to own nice things (if they actually earned it) .. it's just that we want a more egalitarian society. So Joe Billionaire should pay higher taxes so the rest of us can have healthcare as a human right, is that really so outrageous to you? Joe is still going to be a billionaire just have a bit less than he did before. At the same time someone who busts their ass waiting tables should be paid a living wage and tips should be optional. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residences_of_Donald_Trump
- Moshe M.: Hahahahaha this man is like the right wing makes straw man arguments and thinks that the left is so stupid, that their is no debate and that the right just calls the left stupid. He then goes on to do all of those things, but against the right. Hypocrite
- Ashley Parisio: I want to be her.
- Joshua Servantes: This video sucks and so does this channel.
- Bob Bill: Fuck (the fascist) info wars.
- Ronny Three Rifles: Get a load of this guy
- Lauren LilaNoah: I really don't think that Is trolling the girl in the sailor moon outfit sounded like a pretentious airhead sipping on her latte
- Santa Clausewitz: She keeps dodging the question like a ninja. "The 1% support Socialism. " "Like who?" "Venezuela! Eating rats! Good for the people!" She couldn't give a single name.
- Sean Armstrong: i know right? Venezuela failed because of its complete dependency on oil. So as long as US has industry outside of oil (e.g. Silicon Valley), it won't go into that state.
- BloodRedSmiles: How the hell did she "own" info wars? That woman was high and stupid! You're a fucking idiot!
- Oh Snap!!!: You can't use Bernie Sanders' $3 million home as a dig against him if you're trying to denounce Socialism. If that's your reason for hating him, you're the communist who wants to get rid of Capitalism. The interviewer sounds like she'd be a great young adult Christian doing the same thing. She sounds like a total moron in her interview.
- HAVE_A_GOOD_CRY_LIBTARD: Wrong retard, I watch other videos / news besides "Info Wars". You're just a stupid moron who knows fuck all. Dumb ass-hat Libtard HAHAHA!
- Redneck Royalty: This is retarded you people are retarded
- WhoaKaela: I want to be her
- Emily Abridged: And i fell in love instantly
- SAKIBEAR: Did he pay a "Million" Dollars for them? Most value is from "appraised value" for tax purposes and property appreciates over time.How many Fortune 500 companies are located and HQ'ed here?Its obscene that we don't have Universal health care.
- JD: Why is she dressed like Popeye the Sailorman and why is she like draaaging her wooords
- Rene Arrazcaeta: The only thing that would have made that girl funnier is if she said "Venezuelans should start eating the rich instead."
- Gabriel Rodriguez: b1bbs g0t h4nds yeah there must be a reason why Venezuelans have came to the United States. They even voted for Trump instead of Bernie Sanders ;)
- pimp daddy: The girl in red is a YouTuber
- th3garbageman: I love me some Kyle. Preach it.
- Matt Freeman: I never saw the stoned woman “casually own” her...think it’s a bit over inflated tbh
- TimezUp23: Two simple points. Bernie Sanders displayed a lack of integrity when is berned his supporters by not running for president. Fact. If he had integrity, he would have ran for president. Instead, he put his support behind the DNC, the same people who screwed him and rigged the primaries for Clinton. Second point. Healthcare is never free, its imposed and coerced at the barrel of a gun. Fact. The government can only by force make people pay taxes for healthcare. If healthcare is "free" , why work? Food is also free. It's no wonder Venezuela is failing. It's no wonder why all socialist fail. Why work when everything is free and private property erodes. The left doesn't think , it attacks info wars lol
- Ark Corps: owns them? you're an idiot. did we watch the same video?
- EDPOOLL: VR: I would date that sailor girl
- timepickle: Infiernofox138 Ew please stop boasting about your bowel moments and your obsession with someone eating your shit on the internet. Some fetishes should be kept inside your own mind.
- Sky yyy: James G Yeah it sounds like she just smoked a j lolol. I need to chill with her for sure.
- SCP: It's closer to reality than "brain worms", and the first person to resort to insults is obviously soft in the head.
- KeepinYouUp07: Trolled? You're delusional bruh
- Rob: WTF! Trolled. Them? Are you stupid. She showed herself as the dimwitted fuckwit all libtards aspire to be. Wankers.
- Heil Hydra: She is not wrong , she should have brought up how Tom Styer , Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, The Rothschild family , and all other billionaires hate nationalism and competitive markets.
- Carlos Roderick: Info wars like FAUX NEWS is for idiotic americans.
- Pale Emperor: Honestly they both seem to be pretty dumb
- Ōkami-san: Don't notice the 480,000 Americans who die due to our current Government-hyper-regulated crony Health-care (medical error). There is NO FREE MARKET in anything healthcare. From licencing to how many hospitals there are. EVERYTHING is government regulated. 1. Government schools are useless, yet you want these same idiots running health. 2. Government VA is a mess. They cannot efficiently provide healthcare. I do agree the richest 1% want to maintain the statusquo of Government enforced monopolies. Which is why we need LIMITED government.
- Brandon C: lmao I live when the bitch says that the 1% are for socialism and the chill chick was like "really, who?" then stupid Infowars bitch flips the script straight onto Venezuela cause she knew she was full of shit
- Liverpool 11: Sailor girl for President 2020.
- Bradford Wagner Jr: Normie Cuckerson loves socialism
- #1Lazer: Oh yeah... I forgot TYT changed their channel name. I believe people have the right to health care just as much as I believe the government should be the ones paying the doctors. Access to treatment is a right (and has been in place for a long time) if you go to the hospital they can not legal refuse care. The "right" to free healthcare is nonexistent. There's no such thing as free people! You're giving up freedoms (and income) to get it. So where's the free part? I missed it.
- Giorgi Chachibaia: She's not trolling, she's trying to look cool and calm like she doesn't care about the whole debate but at the same time, when she had to say a counterargument to that 1% thing, she actually tried and got nervous because she didn't actually know much about the whole thing. In the end the reporter still proved she was giving her support blindly to some politician, even though she didn't make much sense either
- Wang Yao: Is that Ashton Birdie?
- Anthony Sturt: You dipshit, eating the rich was figurative. Your whole side of the spectrum is in favor of figuratively eating the rich.
- PLAYAMANGO: I wanted to give one dollar a month, like i do to the channels that I support via Patreaon but the minimum is 2 dollars, I know it is still little but I wish to give one dollar only. Just saying. Keep the good work.
- Che e: No, they do not have worms for brains. They have SHIT for brains. So much so that the blonde is growing flowers around her feet from all the bullshit.
- Alexis M.V.: The title is like the description of a meal in an applebee's menu
- Pirate Aleks: “Nobody’s actually in favor of eating the rich.” That’s what you think, Kyle.
- ThisguyQuake: I love that she dressed like an anime character randomly
- themurrayvideos: Girl got some pokies
- Anna Nymous: What is glorious about the stupid girl who does not seem to know what socialism is all about. Kyle, You can do better than that. I’m no right winger but I just can’t see any substance in what you are talking about. Most leftist talk non sense just like you. That’s how people get red pilled because the left just have nothing to show for.
- Hirnlego999: +Pocket Calculator "If the US really wanted to topple the government, all they'd have to do is stop buying oil" You know the market is bigger than that right? And no politician would force such a move because it would raise the prices and increase the costs for people and such a politician could quite easily be kicked out. 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Venezuelan_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat_attempt If you read a bit more you will find plenty of this mentality, you can find constant interference in Southamerica by USA for its own sake. You can also find that the Syrian opposition has been backed by USA since 2006, many think that a so called civil war broke out years later, but that's not true as we know through wikileaks. In that case oil plays a major role, specifically pipelines and Assad is allied to the wrong people, namely Russia, just like Iran is. These types of attitudes is what creates a cold war mentality and is one of the reasons that those in power seize gradually more to itself. The politicians are of course also rather inept in that most of the economy is built on the oil so when the prices plummeted, the revenues went down to hell and the country had economic problem. Would such a thing occur among allies then billions would be borrowed one way or another to save the system, but now as during Bush there is rather an interest in to topple the regimes and put in place a puppet. If you are not aware of this problem then you have no business in talking politics. "Despite what Telesur tells you" Despite what nonsense you try to think, it won't become true. I don't consume anything from them, I simply do not buy into the official narratives because they often are lies. Now, to be clear I'm not even for Chavez and especially not the dumb idiot in office either. Got that? Do I fucking have to repeat it for you to get it? No, don't waste my time with that fucking nonsense. Chavez did cut down poverty rates quite massively, but there was also a surge in violence which is quite uncommon when the poorest get it better. "The Venezuelan coup d'état attempt of 2002 was a failed coup d'état on 11 April 2002 that saw President Hugo Chávez ousted from office for 47 hours before being restored to power. Chávez, who had been elected in 2000, was aided in his return to power by overwhelming popular support and mobilization against the coup and assistance of loyalists in the military.[7][8] The situation began on 9 April, when a general strike was called for by the conservative trade union organization "National Federation of Trade Unions", Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela (CTV). The proposed strike was in response to Chávez's appointments to prominent posts in Venezuela's national oil company, PDVSA.[9] " Such protests are almost always supported by countries such as USA. Trump officials met with Venezuelan officers to discuss Maduro coup – report https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/08/trump-nicolas-maduro-overthrow-venezuelan-meetings Venezuela coup linked to Bush team https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/apr/21/usa.venezuela Take out the OIL from the equation and USA would quickly lose any interest, if the middle-east had no oil then nobody would care about what happens there. But if you control oil, you control economies and if you control economies you can control the world. These types of ideas stem from the idea of Pax Americana, the American Century, PNAC, Full Spectrum Dominance. We see that even radical groups in Syria have been supported just to get rid of their leader, and it's likely that if it would fall that something much more radical is put in charge, it certainly would be less secular.
- Crouching Wombat: Australian people pay a 'medi-care' levee (tax) . Worker's contribute to this from their income tax, this fund's doctors and hospital access for everyone. Medical care is a basic human right in Australia. Wealthy people can afford private health insurance, express treatment and doctor / hospital of choice. Large American corporations in Australia however pay 0% tax.
- Zanye Love: the reporter sucks at reporting and getting the facts out properly, sounds like some was made up... and if the girl interviewed is seriously catching praise for being stoned and sucking Bernie's dick. yeah socialism is great and all but socialism relies heavy on honesty... if you think B sanders won and America would be fixed think again... global elitists would control his scrawny ass and you'd get dictatorship under the disguise of fake socialism. i dont like trump but i am enjoying watching global elites scramble to try and get him impeached. if you want real socialism i think supporting trump while he tears the system apart would benefit you greatly. if you hate him you should hate the dem party even more for putting hillary in Sanders place.
- Jack V: Oh she's a keeper.
- BeZerka Viking: My so stupid,I can't answer.
- glitterxmilk: That really didn't come off as a troll. That just looked like an inexperienced reporter.
- BT C: I am in love
- The Dynast Queen: Yeah but...Venezuela!!!
- hterth rtwerth: How is it a hacky argument when it's literally true lol. Typical lefty fag boy who turns away actual arguments and then when it's actually shown how shitty the left is they go "YEAH WELL THE RIGHT DOES THIS, A-A-AND". Democratic socialism is still socialism and has never and WILL NEVER WORK. And no I dont want to pay taxes for some lazy fucking faggot like you for health care who does nothing but bitch about shit that isnt true on his shitty youtube channel. Maybe people fighting for free healthcare should stop being such cry baby leeches and learn to do something for themselves for once.
- everorangebman: "You people have worms in your brain". truer words were never spoken
- Tara: I read an article about all the people who ran in 2016 in the primaries of both parties and the houses they own, and Bernie's Washington DC apt he rents is less than 900 sq feet and has only one bedroom..
- Sky1: I am a conservative and I too would like someone else pay for my healthcare. Will YOU pay for my healthcare?
- greenghost3737: mark p globalist u stupid fuck the economy is global so either we play global or get left behind. It's so funny how the term globalist is some how negative u prob dont even kno what that is anyways
- Cody Birchfield: I wish she would have said i don't believe you
- Uyoku Dantai: Infowars is Zionist shill and controlled opposite. Who doesnt know this? Get off the internet forever please.
- Queen Mauretania: Iconic.
- Pat 68: Healthcare should be free and Doctors & Nurses shouldn’t get paid! Taxes pay for the medical staff, so it’s not free then? Er.....?
- Benny Hill: So, everyone has the right of free healthcare? Is that called "trolling to perfection"?
- Mr.Eric Cartminez: She is just awesome give her a show -- quickly .
- Internet Omatic: I am literally in favor of eating the rich.
- BeardOfZeus: ThatKidWhoLiesAboutHisAge OnTheInternet Yeah she was just trolling
- Joe Rosales: She went 0 to 60 so fast then was aggressive at the end. No good
- Wolfen: Docholland45 I'm sorry, I will commit sudoku to please the almighty grammar gods. (Slav over) Greetings from Prague ma dude
- Keith McIntyre: Actually, Australia is full of assholes.
- Real Viet Vet: The bitch in red needs her pussy groped
- William Fitzpatrick: Universal, publicly funded healthcare exists throughout the entire industrialized world. Somehow, the richest country in human history cannot find a way to do the same. We have the highest costs and the lowest returns with our system. Ever think of that? Who in the fuck thinks universal healthcare is actually "free?" Just strawmen in your own head. Thanks for picking up the bill every time I go to the emergency room, you dolt.
- Anthony Martinez: I’m in love.
- Paul Bledsoe: What all the nay saying right-wingers on here fail to address, is that regardless of which person you think pulled off a better argument; the fact remains that infowars pulled the video therefore knew they got their ass handed to them!
- Pete Wells: But FREE HEALTHCARE IS NOT A RIGHT!!! Why would you go to med school??? Dumbass Trump 2020!!
- Matthew Dobbs: Eating rats lol....info wars is getting desperate......
- Bill Anderson: "Venezuela poor so socialism bad!"- every conservative
- ABRAXAS: +Matrix Man This is a thought process that a kindergartner would look down upon as beneath them
- Hitthegoat: Well yeah, would you stop texting or drinking to interact with info wars? I sure as shit wouldn’t. Especially when she said the 1% want socialism
- aNeatArtBoy: Her name is Dasha Nekrasova You're welcome
- Prime Derivative: Lol I don’t think the girl dressed like Donald Duck with no bra is helping people’s expectations of Bernie Sanders. Besides you don’t need healthcare if you let people keep their money to begin with so they can pay their medical bill.
- methylenedioxymethamphetamine: Democratic socialism does't exist to these braindead idiots, any form of socialism = full blown authoritarian communism.
- Ragy Ratloy: +Thirtythree Eyes examples of a failing anarchist society? the last stage of every failing nation is anarchy. the idea that anarchy is a foundation for any decent country is laughable. collapse of society and leadership LEADS to the inevitable anarchy, anarchy doesn't remedy the situation, it's the final deaths throws of a dying country.
- brennan herbon: this guys slimy little goatee shadow is amazing. i wonder if his parents know what he did to their basement.
- qing: N A if we lived in a communist utopia (which I hope to establish in the American shithole) economics wouldn’t matter because we’d all share the wealth
- B_Rad B: Still looking for the part were she “owns them”
- that fly baked: finally got someone to have a reasonable argument . honestly stoked red wave 🌊
- Jónas Haux: +Deer Lord What do you mean by "rule out western countries" Free healthcare puts you at least into social democracy; a capitalist system which tries to use (parts of) taxes for the welfare of their citizens. Have no idea if no open borders are included with socdem but your view on gender (as well as sex) seems to be limited.
- Professional Memester: Bernie will never be president because he's a weak little bitch who hasn't got the spine to be the most powerful person in the world
- The DaH's YouTube: FREE HEALTHCARE AND FREE EDUCATION. We need to enslave doctors and teachers. I am a fucking genius
- Hassenboy: She's a rude American slut. Fuck her, dump her, don't forget condoms.
- Panda Panda: That sucked. And this is who you’re propping up?
- Johnston Hawkins: And anyone wanna come to harm me, bearing the f'n commie flag? I'll put in a hole.
- loli: "Honey" yasss
- Casshern: Rats are nutritious though.
- Donald Duck: Wow just skimmed through 5 mins of your video and it’s complete rubbish
- kestrel archer: Even the reporter first point is disengenous. Bringing up Venezuela on how bad socialism is like me bringing up Somalia or Walled City of Kowloon as an example of how bad capitalism is. She do realize that some modern country both east and west has a form socialism in their system and guess what? It doesn't turn into chaos yet and the people on BOTH SIDE of political spectrum in those country like socialism
- Curious Explorer: I just got the CRTV ad on your channel
- Fighting Falcon16: She didn't own anyone. SHe sounded like a fucking retarded bimbo.
- rattlesnake survival: Ashton birdie ftw
- Ch33to Sesh: Five Hundred not an argument niggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
- Ryan R: >"n00b"
- Anonziller: Ywn have a chill weeb troll gf. Why live?
- James Barlow: Here's my view of healthcare. people do NOT have a "right" to someone else's labor. That's like saying that the government should pay for your plumber's bill because you have a "right" to good plumbing.
- YAKOTONMAI: quick reminder everyone she has a podcast called the red scare check it out
- cory allen: +MOO :P told u that cause u said "socialism isn't just free health care." 1. it aint healthcare. 2. it ain't free- as i said in another comment b4.
- Enchilada210: So I guess we're gonna ignore the sailor moon outfit.
- Ебурдей Гордеич: Why your Sanders went out from election race giving his rating to Hillary, then?
- dozer762: WTF you're joking right.
- aaa: Since TYT are democrat biased and PJW are Republican biased this is the best
- jaxflfreebird: I think the beret wearing woman proved the point for Infowar that many Bernie Sander's fans and voters are idiots. She just kept sipping her drink and talking stupidly. Yes, the InfoWars gal didn't do a great job but the beret wearing woman was much worse. I do not see any trolling of InfoWars. I see a woman who is clueless, a woman who wants socialism.
- Shendue: Is that what americans consider "owning" someone? Sorry, but from a neutral stance (I'm european, and a leftist one at that) she seemed almost as bad as the interviewer, with her rude attitude, reading her cell phone instead of looking at her and laughing like a chicken. Looked like two halfwits arguing, honestly. The venezuelan people eating rats was so dumb an argument she could have EASILY wrecked her. She could have easily replied about how free healthcare works a charm in most of the industrialized world and how venezuelans (who hardly eat rats, that's silly propaganda) are having a hard time due to years of poor administrations, which is something that can happen no matter the political orientation of those administrations. Also, since when being wealthy and trying to help the people means being hypocritical? If anything, if a politician lives in a fancy house and still wants to help poor people, kudos to him. It means he is an intelligent person that understands that a healthy system that helps everyone would raise the quality of life of EVERY part of the population, instead of a small part of it. The huge mistake of communist regimes has historically been the fact that they actually leveled the economic status of social classes, yes, but to the lowest common denominator, while healthy socialism should aim for raising UP the economic status of the masses.
- Diem Turner: That's very big of you (and I don't mean that in a shitty way, I'm being sincere) most people online tend to double down so for that my respect. No hard feelings on this side :-) I know I can be a bit verbose, but when talking about complex subjects I can't really do the reductionist thing (which is probably the reason I've never been able to get into twitter) and its been my experience that much of the bickering online is the direct result of people not defining their terms which just leads to a dumpster fire of talking past one another because the newest Olympic discipline is apparently redefining words to fit one's narrative and it might be one of the most annoying things to try to deal with. I think the wording in my post might have been a bit presumptuous but at the same time, being wordy can sound dickish at times, so for that I'd like to apologize to you. You say everyone knows what "free" means (and as a Canadian I'm more than happy to believe everyone there understands this) but having lived in the states for more than two decades...well, let's just say I've seen my fair share of stupid. Ok, before I annoy the shit out of you and write another novel, I just wanna say thanks for being an anomaly. Most people won't ever say sorry. You're alright in my book. Have a good night dmt
- Rebecca 426: “You know Venezuela right?” “I’ve heard of it.” *CLASSIC*
- AutumnOnFire: A girl who's like 10 years younger than her HONEY'D her. God, it's so sassy, i love it.
- Alex the Memelord: InfoWars needs to go back to what they are good at- TURNIN THE FREAKIN FROGS GAY
- Lauph1tup: Gish Gallop fail
- Eric Long: I mean there are a lot of leftists and democratic-socialists who claim that there are so many homes that are vacant an we should be giving them to the poor or that the rich need to pay for everything from education to social programs like healthcare. Secular Talk please do some research Nig-wad
- Spencer Gundersen: She reminds me of Björk
- Benjamin Herrera: Thank god it wasn't you
- Ben H: I have no idea how Bernie Sanders is known in America as a socialist.
- Dan Winstanley: Eat the rich! Eat the rich!
- Seth Head: Less subs than alpharad lol
- gary calbeck: Your commentary is as dumb as the girl being interviewed.
- SummerNights & Neon lights: stephen barter Man this thread got all ugly over your sailor Moon comment ,lol big fucking deal everyone arguing over that dumb ass shit when the whole video and title was fucking stupid .What a tremendous was of time this was ! Carry on you all .
- Diane Watson: Europe is collapsing! It's fricking MORONIC that people idolize European systems!!!!
- Big Papi: Free healthcare is slavery!!! Socialism is slavery!!! Socialism is EVIL AF!!! How stupid are you?
- Mr Spazoid7777: Hey retard ... obviously you are clueless to what trolling is, dumb ass! Ps. She said "free" healthcare, ass hat! There is no such thing as "free," fucking moron!
- AquilaOrion: Jay Jay no, we’re just saying she’s wrong. Aspergers doesn’t make her point correct.
- I B33: +benny mills that's a bit of a knee jerk reply is it not? Whilst I don't think we can all sit here and say "immygants bad making NHS broooooken", to deny that they are ANOTHER straw that is contributing to the proverbial camels broken back is equally ignorant. Perhaps immigrants needing care is less than immigrants fulfilling job roles, I don't know figures, in which case we can say that immigration has it's benefits, but if it is indeed the other way around, then perhaps again, it's ignorant to deny the negative influence. You don't have to be a raving racist or a deaf, blind and dumb communist/socialist in life... there is a happy common sense medium ground in the middle that involves hating both extremes... you're welcome to join if you like.
- Ut med dem: T ö mhmm, and could you provide sources since those are pretty big claims I never even heard about ever, so pls feel free to show me. If you’re right then I take it back otherwise those facts could also be bs
- Blankupai: While I agree with you on ur message, u hardcore strawmanned with that Bernie Sanders house thing. They are obviously just saying that Bernie is rich too, not that having houses is inherently bad
- Lazule: what is there to be answered? That America is not Venezuela? That Bernie Sanders isn't Hugo Chavez? That the poor struggle a fuck load, face literal exploration, cant pay for rent & each passing day there are more hobos? Nothing has to be explained. It's evident by just looking around. The extreme Capitalism of America is the cause, it accomulates wealth but only in a few individuals while others have to face ton of poverty even if they're hard working (construction workers for example). The millionare hell the billionare class shouldn't even exist it's a result of Capitalism's transition into Corporatism later on all the politicians available are from that class (which is what it's happening now). Political stuggles, War. Is done for their economical interests & only for their interests. All the wealthy families: Waltons, Trump, Pence, Bush, Clinton, etc can decide how to dispose of you, they can afford it.
- JUST A FAN: I wanna marry her ...
- Jose Larios III: Keon Aureii i dont mind being eaten
- Adam Kern: That girl is like "I am way too stoned to be talking to you morons" lmao
- Pitbully619: What does Venezuela's 1% have to do with Americas 1%? Reporter is a dumbass
- Thomas Herrick: 7:24 √°-°√ When someone says the 1% supports socialism
- MiiTRI: Wow, that infowars reporter played herself like they always do when they start talking crazy.
- Fausto Fernandez: Malignant idiot, Alex Jones's stooge
- Frederick Röders: Wife material
- LEAH xUCHIHA: Lol are you kidding? Where’s Owen ???
- ushankaurmom: Who’s the reporter?
- Oswald Thatendswald: Gabriel Muniz My reply got long so hang in there... Were not talking about the 40s and 50s, we're talking about now. What about the fact that 75% of gun related homicides are gang related? And that the vast majority of crime in poverty stricken areas and low income black neighborhoods are drug and gang related? I mean what has to be happening to convince you that the culture that exists in these poor areas breeds violence like a vicious circle? Segregation is not a thing anymore today, until the liberals on college campuses decided they need "safe spaces" from white people. That's the only segregation that exists today, and riding on a history you never lived through does not move you forward, it only holds you back and keeps you in a victim state of mind that you will never escape because you're trapped in a mindset that is built from the policies of a racist government that doesn't even exist anymore. BLM activists used violence to push forward their agenda, and cops have even been killed at their protests. If they wanted to bring people together to fight police brutality (which believe me I don't deny it exists), they should have stopped to look at the statistics and they would have realized that making it racial and specifically about black people is ridiculous when white people are killed by police more often according to the FBI. And also, people wearing MAGA hats get assaulted by people from ANTIFA and BLM at protests, so yeah comparing the two would not only be dishonest, but utterly ridiculous. If extremists acting a certain way doesn't mean the whole movement stands for it in the context of BLM, then why does that not also apply to MAGA when the vast majority of Trump supporters do not in any way support the KKK? That's a double standard buddy. You cant say extremists for BLM don't count for the movement but then lump together Trump supporters and white supremacists just because the white supremacists like Trump. Do you see how hypocritical that is? total double standard. And for the gun topic, what do you mean by guns here aren't only for self defense? What other reason besides self defense and preservation from a tyrannical government do we have the right to bear arms? I don't correlate access to guns with mass shootings because 1. looking at those statistics would show you that even with a massive amount of gun ownership, mass shootings make .00001% of gun related murder, and 2 because there are countries with 0 gun ownership that have some of the highest rates of gun murder and general violent crime in the world. So considering mass shootings are a statistical anomaly in this country, and countries where guns are banned entirely still have just as much if not more murder, I still see no correlation between easy access to guns and mass shootings.
- Tony Styles: Lmao this dude giving the info wars noob tips on how to make liberals look dumb
- Jose Larios III: 4Ever Finian i had some great chuckles
- Águila701: Well by that logic, Venezuela is a country and any countries that remain countries will turn to rat eating because they're countries.
- Gondwana: Bradlee - you are calling me an idiot and you don't know that Germany, Norway, Sweden, Britain, Canada, France, etc are socialist countries?
- jaydenrock: If someone goes to the doctor and doesn’t pay the bill, who pays it? It just doesn’t fly into thin air. Who foots the bill? The tax payer. Bunch of right wing morons.
- Tyler_Plurden: Owning??? Chick was a dumbass. This video sucks.
- Jeff Ferguson: the interviewee is literally retarded.Interviewer: "Do you know about Venezuela" Interviewee "I have heard of it"
- T G: God Almighty I cant believe this is anyone's definition of "trolling." Lol I mean wow you really showed them.
- Moo: Was that it?
- Chupa Cabra: Ok, I just found out that Sailor Moon Girl is Dasha Nekrasova who is an actress who has appeared in a bunch of movies. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6221606/ https://twitter.com/nobody_stop_me
- Robert West: Kyle, Bernie Sanders is not the poorest member of the Senate. I supported him, but he is not the poorest member of the Senate. Maybe cash poorest, but not in Assets and Cash.
- Brandon Moreland: Kyle maybe you saw something I didn't but thanks for wasting my time because this video was retarded.
- Belleville Drivers: Dang we eat a lot of rats in canada too never knew it was because of our free healthcare
- James Crews: @Finn Maccool BTW, I bet you aren't even old enough to buy booze! I bet you are one of those cringy ass tide pod eating gen z teenagers!
- Allen Eisenhart: No not owned, she was as dumb as a rock and says she a socialist when she's knows nothing about it, you suck bro, not good journalism, boring low fruit here man.
- Alonzo Salvary: +Coffee Goblin Caffeine? Alcohol? Adderal? There are more to drugs than meth pipes and needles
- Leeroy Jenkins: Not sure what has to be done in the US to find a middle ground when it comes to the health care system but it isn't what we have in Canada, Canadian health care system is far from perfect.
- roth bard: This woman was a fucking idiot who's proud of being stupid. How did she "troll" infowars? lol
- Wall St Tech: Rats tastes like chicken 🍗.that's what I heard...
- Nazyair sengikar: this is not pulled keep lying
- Go F Urself: This guy stinks, everything, fuck, I’ll never have that 5 minutes back!!
- Nephilim Glass: From what I got from this vid & the commentator is that all three of you are dipshits with less than 2 brain cells to rub together. But what do you expect from subverged ideological leftards.
- Brendan Russell-holcomb: This girl could break my heart I'm ready for it
- AIL Ⓥ: Don't mess with the Sailor Scouts!
- AWARHERO: free healthcare is a basic human right
- Aji adiwena Suprana: The interviewer is just dumb. yes venezuela says they are “socialist”, but they actually an Authoritarianism. Socialism is an economic/political system which advocates that goods is owned or regulated by the community as a whole. If what the interviewer said is true, 1% of the people control the economy, then that by definition contradicting the socialism theory.
- // KILLZONE CHRONICLES \\: You guys have learned nothing from the situation at the VA.
- Amal Mghazli: She literally walked up to a private citizen who didn’t even want to talk to her and verbally attacked them 😂
- Ryan R: This is a bugman radio show
- Clifton Rouse: No such thing as FREE healthcare.
- Benjamin Dawson: iced coffee i would assume
- Michael Mammarella: Canada’s healthcare system is not that great. In Quebec, we pay up to 55% in taxes and wait an average of 4 hours at walk-in clinics and I’d say, on the low side, 8 hours at a hospital unless it’s a life or death situation. Broken bones, you wait. Infections, lol wait. God forbid it’s something serious where multiple tests are needed. I’d rather get my tax money back and go private but that’s not an option. The wait list for family doctors is 6 months to 3 years depending on where you live.
- mechnokie blood: Liberalism isn't leftist -_- stop stealing our terms
- Azez Nassar: Gaddafi, the guy that US killed. Made it in law that you can only own 1 house. he lived in a tent personally.
- ludeman: And now don't forget the little girl with one leg shorter. With her free health care in the UK they are going to lop it off instead of the surgery to fix it.
- Dustin Dude Ladewig: Dude this isn't trolling? socialism has killed more people than small pox.....
- Sora Udagawa: I want the sailor girl to marry me.
- 2xMC: So anything that has the value of 1% means that they eat rats
- bigraviolees: Parker Poseys little sister
- SupaEMT134: Omgosh, I love Ashton so much I need to marry her
- Benjamin Larsen: I live in Denmark and our "health care" system is SHIT. We are getting rid of socialim here. So if you want to mention Denmark do your reseach. If you know what reseach is...
- Aleister Mraz: "You people have, like, worms in your brain... honestly..." XD
- Joe Sudz: Ooh Naturel "probably" just an act? Not even you know.. but I'm the dense one? 😂 Also funny considering the op comment about her PERSONALITY.. not her act. And why would you want to come off as a stuck up bitch? She had a perfect chance to let this lady have it.. instead of protesting while sucking down corporate death. Derp.
- Ryan Scoggan: the interviewers name is Ashton Birdie
- rattlesnake survival: Who's owen?
- NahToday Bobo: Was that a Jonathan Swift joke of eating the *insert* :D
- T Lee: Weak content
- DogHeart: Both sides are seriously uneducated.
- Camcolito: The girl in the hat is so cool!
- Manny Lenz: I'm sure that factiod will cheer someone up as they eat a rat dinner.
- Dava Golino: drug wacked communist moron... she did not own shite.
- CNN FakeNews: Bernie is not poor, each one of his houses is a million dollars, why doesn't he just give 2 of them away to a few illegal immigrant families? Bernie is worth a bunch of money but he said people standing in line for bread is a good thing, yeah definitely do not want him as a president!
- Laurent Delacroix: Glorious? Man that was weak. With no charisma and even less testosterone you may consider that a decent troll.
- 14104 x1: I want a friend like her, or friends in general. I'll take either
- XII: Neither of these girls said anything worthwhile.
- jstarr23kid: Sailor Girl's Name? Strictly research
- Megan Keily: People only ask others questions now to spew their opinions rather than hear the person they asked and listen to their response.
- Mike Orr: Holdddddd on... I'm totally in favor of eating the rich. Don't speak for me...
- Rolo Tomasi: +Simon Scott Glass you must be the guy that makes love and tears. I'm the other guy. Gapeaholic
- clockwork914: 🇺🇸 BERNIE 2020 🇺🇸
- Karma is Real: That girl needs her own show
- Kevin: Lmao she’s so dope
- adam duncan: how was that a troll lol
- StuckInMeta: I'm only 25 so the word socialist isn't really a bad thing to me. Why do people use that word as a weapon?
- Mathias Jakobsson: Right to healthcare?! How can anyone have the right to anyones time? Eat the rich? Why would anyone set a limit for anyones success? I live in sweden... I pay 80% in taxes. I get 1% back... I get "free" healthcare, but I do not use it because it is to bad.
- Lunsen 402: this is just fucking cringeworthy
- Van baz: what the fuck is wrong with these people, they don't want to have a free access for doctors? If that not stupid, I don't what to call it really!!!
- pevitzachast: They both sounded pretty stupid to me.
- youdon'tneedtoreadthis: If Sanders enters office Americans are gonna start eating rats.
- Amanda denman: When she said ppl in Venezuela eat rats I would have said “do you know that there are people in America that have to choose between healthcare and eating at all. “
- Dude Basset Bill: +Its Just an Apple answered
- LOS ANGELES - 155 mm: She was not trolling-she was approached. Unless, you are referring to the nitwit with the microphone.
- Lavia: democratic socialist. You look foolish not understanding what you are talking about. They are for capitalism, they just understand socialist policies are better in certain cases, healthcare, cops, firemen, ect.
- Fer M: Infowars is pure putrid shit
- M McCoy: Hákon Sigurðsson I prefer their livers with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
- David Warschauer: :)
- Steve Sand: “You know Venezuela??” “Uhhh I’ve heard of it.” Well the majority of the country is eating rats”
- chandiliers: You people that buy into this guy are lost
- Fetaiai Uta: I can guarantee you that not everyone in Australia or Canada or most of the developed world think like that.
- Jaymz B: it's a tard in an outfit for toddlers soy boy secular talk LMAO
- angry troll2: is that kind of cancer that can not be cured the final stage type ,trust me i am from ex-socialist country
- Pat: That girl in the hat is hilarious
- Matthew Litteral: "If you have money, it's impossible to care about poor people!" How are you this dumb?
- Craig X: That wasn't real socialism, they did it wrong. If they would do it right, like I would, it would work great!!! /s
- Randy: little sailer freak girl seems to have an IQ of around 5. She can barely hold on to intelligence. Damn. It's worse than I thought.
- Some Guy: Gooniegoogle Let me get this right. You oppose universal healthcare that would undoubtably save thousands of peoples lives annualy (approximatly 45000 people die every year because of lack of health care according to several studies) so that already rich doctors can make more money. There is something very wrong with you. And lastly, wouldnt a Doctor worthy of the title prefer to save more lives (regardless of their patients economic income) than earn a few more bucks. The healthcare system in america is not only an offense to the hippocratic oath (denying uninsured people affordable healthcare certainly causes harm) but humanity.
- Dani: How does "1% supporting socialism (?!?)" gel with Venezuelans eating rats?
- Justo Talkalottashit: Venezuelans are in favor of eating the rich, literally. THey are jsut in favor of eating in general
- denno666: Power to the people
- Shade On A Cool Day: She's like that cartoon character Daria lol
- AriesBlackJesus: I want free shit. Therefore socialism.
- MAFIOSA E: 😂😂😂
- Lance Wang: We need a compilation of clips when MSM slips up. This is gold.
- Jesse Wu: What Bernie event is this?
- Low Tek: i wonder how much taxes she pays.... hmmmmm
- Erik Bizzy: Why is health care a right but driving is still a privalage?
- Nic Nac: Wow Kyle Why don't you just hold her hand It appears this interviewer really upset you... Don't talk about other countries either You're fucking dumb! Australia's health budget is over 10% of GDP at present Fuelled by abuse largely contributed to immigration from third world Asian countries The system has doctors faking patient visits and prescribing subsidised medicines which are being re-sold in Asia for profit Besides the general health budget there is a Medicare levy that was recently doubled from 1% to 2% of gross income It is NOT fucking free health care! I have been to the doctor 6 times in 25 years but I pay over $70 a week just for the Health Care budget. I would rather put that money into a personal fund with compounding interest and not pay for all the mooching scum that was imported to stop increasing wages and create an untenable housing bubble that has the indigenous population struggling to enter the housing market So grow up and stop worrying about taking sides Every time you give the Government a credit card they go to town at our expense! If you have a problem with Big Business ,then turn off the switch. Give up everything that you use to sell your ideology Fucking ignoramus !
- janie camacho: So anyone that uses Venezuela as an example of bad socializim. Are they EQUATING USA with them? We're NOT. We have different laws, culture, and regulations. Stupid argument to use Venazuela.
- Gainster: +N/a N/a Universal healthcare is shit. Long wait times. From my experience with private it was better.
- bulletproofblouse: When asked "Do you know about Venezuela", the way she delivers the response "Heard of it" is pure gold. 1:28
- lmao x2: Did the interviewer get fired
- Anthony Wilcox: That chill Bernie supporter just became a star.
- Google Chromagnon: this must be the most cringe scripted reaction to a video ive ver seen. if youre going to script it, dont make it so obvious
- Albert Castaneda: That woman doing the interviewing is an idiot
- dikc coke: I to preg that lil snoot. Also would lurv to see a video where the host who is clearly a malfunction hangs itself for being so proud of it's infant intellect
- Nk m: +Florence deBear Most of the "social programs" you listed are inefficient, financially broke and/or complete disasters. Where I live our taxes do not pay fire/police/ambulance..if you ever need to call them, you foot the bill. This is perfect because over the years of not paying that tax and not using those services I saved around $10,000...so if I ever need them and it costs me $1,000 I still saved $9,000. Ah..the ol "Hillary won the popular vote" debate..that has been destroyed numerous times since the election as being irrelivant. First if you take away California then Trump wins the whole rest of the country by 3 million votes. This is the exact reason we have an electoral college, so that 1 or 2 high population states do not control the outcome of every election. Second, if our country DID go by popular vote then Trump wouldn't have campaigned for the electoral college in key states, he instead would have just campaigned in California, New York, Chicago, Miami, Denver and Dallas for a year and a half before the election and he would have still kicked the shit out of Hillary, probably by 10 million votes. There is no debating the facts I just gave you. I know your smart enough to understand them and if you really are not a paid by DNC shill then you need to #walkaway over to our side of common sense.
- paxwallacejazz: I love this woman. Eat the rich!
- DFM Bass: This is The Dude if The Dude was The Dudette
- Trů Tela: +Huzi 87 Well than it is not "free". There is no such thing as free. Who is it, the government? Government pays nothing, government has no money at all, it is other people who pay everything...
- ohmygollywow: So no one is gonna mention those hot nips? 😉
- redfightblue: Is there a gas leak in that studio? Shut it down, not worth the light bill.
- Laurence Milton Bell: Your channel sucks.
- mark dempsey: liked the girl you posted..not you unfortunately
- Jamison S: Anyone have the link?
- Bo Wang: wtf im watching
- Phil Graves: Kyle kulinski is another DNC supported soyboy. That girl from Infowars highlighted how stupid you people are.
- bigchurp: "Why do so many of the 1% support socialism?" "Is that even true?" "Its very true" "Like who?" "Have you heard of venezuela?" I love how the bernie supporter takes that long pause like trying to figure out how this convo is going.
- TheThruster24: Fascism will come in the form of willfully ignorant conservatives who skipped history class, and it's nearly arrived.
- John boy: Honestly the majority of info wars is retarded, but then again libtards like this host are just as or even more fucking whack
- Christopher: I can never figure out where these people come from, under a rock maybe. Whatever happened to plain common sense. I seriously doubt they have ever traveled outside there home State. Perhaps they all should be made to live in a third world country. Heck if we keep allowing these folks to vote we all will be living in a third world country here. Lol. But I’m serious about that. And where do they get there information from, that one has me freaking baffled. Propaganda, propaganda, Propaganda, you think Putin is happy now? Republicans, Dems and the inbetweeners need to get out a vote against these communist pricks before we have to eat Rats. But if we do have to! Eat rats that is try the nutria you get a lot more for your money. Just one will feed up to eight people.....
- MineCraft Ruined: fucking lefties lmao. your media is so biased even more than a left media should be. the woman didn't troll them. she is drugged ugly broke dumbass. and she doesn't own them lmao
- Anthonny Arias: I live in Venezuela, if anyone wants to enjoy socialism, we can trade citizenships.
- caveman Versace: Everyone knows what Infowars is and their bias. This is a nothing burger. Moe and more the left loses credibility to the right by just being more ridiculous and stupid. We know how the right behaves, pointing it out over and over again just makes you look like an insufferable bully.
- John Fanning: She didn't troll them lol, she just decided not to confront how horrific the past is for socialism.
- Anthony 911: That sailor lady is hot
- brutus brutalis: Yeah that hot girl OWNED Alex Jones fake news channel - ha ha that was so great - and of course she is right. USA needs socialism.
- Joseph Juarez: Stupid retarded college girl 😂😂 Inforwars is great you cucktard
- Luis M: Bernie sanders is a complete fucking idiot, that's why he lost..
- dustin gail: Wow it must've been cold out cause her tits were pointy.
- Saaga R: Nope. Lol this is bs clickbait title.
- Ŕx ŘÅĮĐĘŔ: Ha they let Ashton Birdie work there, she makes her self look idiotic daily, I watched her at a protest go all sjw on her bodyguard for grabbing her arm to protect her, it was way funnier than it sounds cause the guy was unaware that he dressed like the terminator so he looked idiotic as well.
- nature giver: RJ TV Not true. Tell that to hundreds of thousands who have fled the country in droves. Already more than half a million in Colombia, hundreds fleeing into Northern Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina and then you have countries like Mexico seeing the most applicants wanting to apply residence are venezuelans. Maduro is a criminal.
- Jarred Brown: She had a plan. She had her questions and “facts” just horribly executed
- IronBird: This Kyle guy has the argument skills of a 16 year old child. Hardly any facts, using thoughtless regurgitated leftist talking points, repeats rhetorical questions in bratty voice, and makes fart noises? Seriously? That’s the best you’ve got? If this man is the voice of your party, you either are not well-read, or are still a confused adolescent. I’m a liberal at heart....but unlike make liberals today, I know when someone has good talking points. And this Kyle guy does NOT have good talking points.
- David Gonzales: no instance of using the tenants of socialism has not evolved into such a state of rule. which leads to someone claiming socialism in its true for has never been tried, and believing this time, this thing will all work out better! but the very essence of creating a sterile un corruptible setting to have true socialism outside of a laboratory is unachievable in regards to humanistic societies.
- Jimmie the Commie: yo but how fucking stoned was that chick
- NahTuSabes eh: damn i hafta rewind forgot to stare at her nips
- TenTonNuke: You know what else is socialist? The United States military. And we weren't eating rats. We just had housing, food, and healthcare paid for.
- ツ: Oh my, AMTV are bitcoin shills lol
- Brandon Toad: P Valdez yes someone clearly did drop you on your head.
- Matthew T: i thought they have been banned from YouTube
- TheGameMakeGuy: America is so funny
- FattyMcButterPants: So because she was too brain dead to understand what she was being asked Is considered owning? Are you that desperate for views?
- Top Shagger: Trumps plans are working so might as well support him
- Mystical Reviewer: Kyle, you call that an owning? That moron literally couldn't say 5 words without an "um" or "uh" and she was about as informed as a negative stereotype of a liberal would be. But yes, that's "an owning." The reason she didn't let the girl talk is because she stammers like a dumbass and says the same thing every other socialist does. She couldn't even decide if she wanted to be on camera or not. Also PS- Big brained liberals pls leave me some feedback. Us conservatives are VERY, VERY, stupid.
- T Richardson: Wow, Kyle! What happened to your content?!
- MET-TECH LLC: I ❤ her cute outfit 😊
- K Med: She wants "free" healthcare, so the government pays for it. HOW DOES THE GOVERNMENT RAISE FUNDS? Oh I guess it's not really free
- Alexander Thrill: Btw I'm blonde
- TONY HAWK: Key word there, "worked".
- Lando Griffin: +Henry Atkinson So since a book about any thing that isnt a primary source is false. Much like news stations CNN or FOX.
- God King Trump: JaWBReaKeR 707 Feminism basically.
- Cat's Eye: what. booooo
- Leah Ann Mitchell: Bernie is well of financially period. Stop the false equivalency passive speak where you say things like " poor" in reference to a white man who owns 3 homes, that in no way shape or form is poor. Also, as poc black person who was there for Bernie , I really am disappointed in his words and belief around rsce and his recent comments. Anyone here whos white and chooses to engage in any way other than respect and not mansplaining or taking up space, I simply. Not respond. I'm open to dialogue, not vitral. 🙏🏾🤷🏾♀️🐻
- x2ceyez: Id eat her ass
- Origen17: Muh - I don't think this video is accomplishing what you clearly want to accomplish. It just showed what an imbecile the "socialist" was (despite the ineptness of the interviewer). On the contrary, it proves exactly what's wrong with the voter base - they are clueless what they are actually voting for. Simply knee-jerk responses to soundbites from either side.
- Tony H: “Did you know Bernie owns 3 millions dollar homes?” What does it matter? I support capitalism and I live in an apartment. Seriously thats such a dumb argument.
- Micah Joel Geimer: Ezra Goldfinkelsteinberg oh look, another retarded asshat. Yes its trolling, she owned that Infowars asshat like a pro
- kingbeauregard: Two dummies exchanging ignorance. I'm more or less on the side of the socialist girl, but she was hardly a great spokesperson for the cause, and a smarter conservative interviewer could have taken her apart. Like, how she wants "free healthcare" ... even in Canada health care isn't free, it's just paid for via taxes, so Canadians do pay for it. They pay less, of course, but even then I bet socialist girl couldn't tell you why. Single payer is a small part of it, but the main difference is that Canada actually regulates and price-controls doctors and hospitals. (A smarter conservative interviewer would have asked socialist girl why single payer failed in Vermont in 2014 -- it's Bernie's dirty little secret -- and she would have had no idea. But it failed because doctors / hospitals / etc are for-profit unregulated entities who basically charge whatever they want.)
- Broguy 22: can i meet her?
- John Jones: The poorest man in the Senate owns 3 houses??? Yeah, politics is in touch with the common man... this guy, and the other side are all just part of the programing... yes or no, on or off, 1 or 0... that's what it boils down two...
- J. Steffens: I mean it shouldn't be funny. It should just work,like in alle the mentioned developed states. I don't even know what point there is against free health care. And do you seriously want to keep living with the us healthcare system?! It is so much more expensive for everyone.
- Gerald jenkins: you are a fucking idiot, and you dont know shit LITTLE BOY
- mrzack888: Libertarian austrian economics was funded by ROckefellar. So these right wing Libertarians are cucks for the new world order they espouse to be fighting against,.
- Katie Bug: She so cute and sarcastic omg. And that seifuku and béret combo is the cutest!😍
- Will H: Is that Ashton birdie? I imagine this is her first time doing this. She's still hot though. Just needs to break script. Attack ben Shapiro or someone like him. And honestly if you're just looking for people to attack and this is the worst thing you could find then that's sad. Also every socialist country is going to shit. Europeans have been paying for it with wealth from colonialism. The 1% does support socialism by the way, sad you didn't look it up to see you were wrong before you said that.
- kain hall: 2:07 so expected to hear "but this isnt Venezuela.... its literally a different fucking country
- RoisinV: "why do you want healthcare?" what the actual fuck? 😂
- DebbieC96: I love this woman! I love the way she talks, she is so calm.
- Most Intriguing: Good point about corporatism. Its not capitalism as it's defined and used in America. No competition.
- Michael Guidry: So, your news is replaying Infowars clips that went wrong? Don't waste my time, little man. I watched just enough of this to be positive that you are terrible at this.
- Christopher Parks: "The top 1% support socialism!" "Is that true? Who supports socialism?" "VENEZUALANS EAT RATS!!" I mean, how can anyone respond to that?
- seir323: This is the real life version of April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza) sipping an iced coffee while in a sailor uniform. This was glorious.
- Dai Fox: This girl made me want to scream how dumb she was... their arguments don't even seem to ask a question they just pose it as a question before shoving their beliefs. So it's not reporting or gaining opinions it's more she's trying to change her mind. Socialism from my understanding originally seemed a bit confusing and even when Bernie answers it I'm not given too much of an idea behind it... at least this could be said for the average Joe. Thankfully smart people exist so we're here to help. From what I've gathered is that it's an aspect of the government that tries to benefit the people on what could be called basic human rights. Creating programs that benefit the people. AKA making them smart enough to be better than the rich... they're either scared or just assholes.
- aquame: Ur show makes no sense ,,,,
- Eglu Megad: That girl is perfect wife material. I now have a huge crush on her.
- Ry Mo: Infowars has been censored and silenced by the evil elitist powers. You shouldn’t be celebrating censorship sheeple....also didnt really own infowars lol. She looked dumb for support bernie the millionaire who doesn’t even live by their own principles.
- Guz579N: She has to be fired by now]]]]]]
- NinjaOnANinja: Relax on those opiates, son.
- SquealMyName: seems to work perfectly in Canada, and other first world countries. US seems to be the only one that can't seem to balance a budget, could spending 60 billion on isreal for 2 years do it? jailing people for stupid reasons? maybe if you guys spent more on education this wouldn't be a hard issue lol😂
- Eric M: I was only pretending to be retarded
- Portu: 💘 💘 💘
- Green Peace: Venezuelans are eating rats as a socialist country? Lol Flint still doesn’t have clean water you Infowars imbeciles. Despite the US is constantly boasting it’s the most “successful” capitalistic country in the world, everybody knows the US is equivalent to a third world country compared to other developed nations. 😄
- John: Am I missing something? Both were shit at what they were attempting to do. And any fucker can debate socialism all day if and only if you have the knowledge on it. Many make bad arguments and I want to pull my hair out at the poor attempts at debate
- The King: Omaha Joe I never said I didn’t want to watch this video you idiot. Also, you can’t help it when a certain type of video is polluting your feed.
- thematrixhasyou tsipkis: People who watch this channel have worms in their head.
- luckyson13: lol what is so glorious about this....she didn't troll anyone she is just super dumb wtf are you talking about and why are you using infowars to get views....your channel is trash unsub
- Jarrod Martens: You have no idea of Canada's health care, it's shit. That is why I pay for it in canada. Also talk to people in Australia which you haven't they also go private if they can. Also show one instance where socialism works. Oh you can't so why keep trolling it. Bernie will burn your country to the ground.
- on one: Have you worked out Wot being trold is yet dik head
- Maui Randall: "Cuz he's a socialist" Can see how excited the reporter gets She doesn't even realize she's trolling she just wants to get out the f****** lie about Venezuela as fast as possible
- nightdivamaria: Auto play not autopsy. Grr @ auto-correct.
- Я Смерть: wtf does she model?
- Gucci Del Taco: This is the problem w/ these "so-and-so DESTROYS/OWNS such-and-such" videos. I swear I saw this video posted by someone who supports Infowars, except all the captions & commentary was about how stupid the girl in the sailor suit was. We need to stick to the actual issues, and not what random people say to other random people. Just my 2c.
- nvr mnd: Omg. Infowars totally pwns sjws! Am I Rite?
- Marcelo Zanuski: Kulinski in polish means "butthole".
- Invisible Drummer: Hey, secular talk! This is BS. The woman is complety braindead, like most Democrats. No trolling, only dumbness.
- chrishasaclue: Infowars still has followers?
- Beltran 94: Poor segment Kyle
- yosef ib Rahman: Is it proven people eating Rats 🤷
- Monkey Menace: Myles number of people dying on waitlists is a lot lower than number of people dying because they don’t have the money for healthcare or health insurance
- Crystal Giddens: Bernie Sanders Buys $600,000 Summer Home, Prompting Controversy https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/08/10/bernie-sanders-buys-summer-home/ Aug 10, 2016 - Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the proud new owner of a summer home in ... But certainly it surprised the 99 percent of Americans who can't afford a third home. ... Jane O'Meara Sanders, bought a summer house on Vermont's Lake ...
- SF PV: Last week tonight!!
- calvin hayman: Ahhhhhhhhhhh it hurts this is so funny
- Elune: Jose Ureste "work and pay for your own shit" okay so when you get cancer and can't afford treatment you'll die a broke piece of shit and every proponent of capitalistic healthcare will be laughing in your face
- WORLD EXPOSED: Is Kyle transgender?
- responsibleparty: I'm no big fan of Info Wars, but when the hell did the other girl "troll them to perfection". The girl she was interviewing was a complete moron. So do people here believe we want free health care? Does that mean the doctors are going to work for free? Does it mean builders will build hospitals for free? No, it just means you're going to try to get someone else to pay for it. Having someone else pay for it doesn't make it free!
- ecalebw: Its Just an Apple Where do you get this garbage? What right wing, white supremacy website gave you this info? Do you realize that what your saying? Canada, France, England are are all multi-ethnic and have socialism to a degree and you make some bogus claims out of thin air about IQ’s and the white man built society bs. Ugh. What garbage.
- Bob M: It was a boring interview.
- David Warschauer: alex jones is a fraud. how many likes did the video get? get those worms out of your brain, and get back to making our frogs gay!
- Virjunior: OntY-Op tell me why it SHOULDN'T be, and I'll break your ankles with the crossover
- nigling: tyt sucks
- Anonymityisdead1984: Army of Ninjas: Derp. Let's focus on her clothing! Then we can ignore the talking points!? Does anyone else realize that one major utility of characters like Alex Jones is that they themselves are such a distraction, from conversation about policies, political processes and the means by which we influence them? As we spend our time and emotional energy discussing such characters, we lose time and energy for other endeavors. It is as if we are on a quest to manifest our best interests through government, but we keep slowing down being distracted by clowns. So we don't progress as quickly.
- dolamike584: While i hate infowars.com for them being truthful and heartfelt i gotta say this host looks more like a troll bitch.
- John Valdez: This girl was honest and great showing common sense to the reporter who was a complete toad. One of the best videos ever! A must see for everyone!
- Vermi Hax: I don't the word troll means what you think it means
- Lil Sponge: Her name is dasha nekravosa
- Sabre Iglesias: She made that Fake News lady meltdown.
- Javier Ruiz: Btw Venezuela is communist that’s why they’re so fucked up. But countries like Germany that are socialist-capitalist are rich as fuck and they do have free health care and they even pay you rent if you go jobless, until you find another job
- John O’groats: I am in favour of eating the rich
- u better believe: Why would we be eating rats when we can eat all the rich people
- NPC Shark: Women talking bout politic ideology lol
- John Stafford: ur Bullshit talking points r genius. u beta idiot, all developed country that doesn't have a military budget. socialism is the route of all evil. u r a talking heads bashing capitalism, sorry u were bullied as a child and r what u have become.
- HASEnoncorperated: Yup.
- griffin lamp: “But I just want people to have healthcare honey” This woman for president😂😂😂👌
- Yosh Monster: Yeah Infowars does come up to ya with some questions randomly and so does other news. Infowars just loves to make fun of the dumbass left and I find that awesome. Also Info Wars is not fake news so how do you fight that "fact"?
- Vitamin Memes: Fucking weeb
- David Andrews: InfoWars ... purely for the terminally stupid.
- badboje: The interviewed girl acted like an idiot? She didn't provide any facts or anything? Why is she getting praise
- usucdik: lol Ares, how dumb you are... do you know how taxes work? Might want to look that up. And that is separate from the fact that you provided no figures to work with, especially since there are none which you derived your comment from.
- Shane Gallagher: Hey, wait, what the fuck I'm in favour of eating the rich?
- Der Volksverräter: To all Social Democrats: Social democracy and Democratic Socialism are NOT the same!
- Daniel B: Josh Ravenhill. A retort to what? She said nothing of substance whilst obsessively looking at her phone. Sailor moon clearly has the the attention span of a Gnat.
- Infinite Life: It looked like two airheads trying to discuss politics who have no idea what socialism is, kind of like this guy speaking about it. I think a bit to much credit given to the air heads on both sides in this situation. Socialism means regulation not freedom, please leave America if you hate freedom. If you like what happened to the USSR socialist economy you really need to educate yourself and to stop having your mentality engineered by the media. Have an open mind to reality not the false stage set in front of you every day.
- aaron davis: Two thumbs down
- Kyle Jones: Yeah. where is it. i looked as well.
- Nick Switchblades: William Fitzpatrick okay buddy. I hope you got everything you wanted out of this lmfao.
- Ice cream Noel: Info wars didn't get trolled here.
- Music: +The Girth Its tiresome wasting time on moronic trolls like you. After this you're done dumb fuck. Biggest gain for Democrats moron. Also gain depends on how much you can actually gain. Meaning Dems under Obama had a much larger majority and more to lose. That's not mentioning Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression. Democrats won the house votes overall by 7 points. Senate we had 58% of the votes. I already explained how Senate maps work. You are clearly too ignorant to grasp such basic concepts.
- obsidiana07: That blonde girl is trying too hard to be a conservative pop star lol. Bernie is awesome they can fuck off. Lmao!
- nalle karhu: I live in Finland, we don't eat rats , but we get free healthcare and college, we pay for it with our taxes , we still have rich fats cats but also equality. That Venezuela girl is an idiot. If you mention socialism, mention Australia, Asia, Sweden , Norway, Denmark, all of Europe actually. Won Americans are fucking dumb.
- Bu Jammy: Kyle is not very smart but he's nice... so, I'm wondering when she 'trolled them to perfection'. They both came off like morons. Is this what we're doing now, is this how we're "owning" the right?
- mayanmono: except..... She did not own her, if this gal is new then it's just her an experience perhaps showing through but the other girl still did not have a Flippin clue!
- Stephen Dedalus: You're a socialist I get it. The things you mention are good - free healthcare, free education, hell free everything. Let me ask you, who is paying for all this? Are you willing to give 80-90% of your income to the government to bloat itself out of proportion trying to institutionalise and regulate all these services, while sucking large amounts of taxpayer money through corruption? And even then do a half-assed job. I've lived in socialism and post-socialism and it isn't a fairy tale economically, not to mention it's darker side. Oh, but it's rich people who must be taxed to death, not us decent regular folks? Rich people's money and efforts and time aren't the same as ours - they are bad, greedy and corrupt. It's not like they give back to society by creating jobs, goods and paying for almost everything with their money through taxation (yes, more than 3/4 of the tax budget is collected from those rich sobs even without socialism). Now go to Starbucks, take out your Mac and bitch about capitalism and large corporations on Youtube to make a living. Irony? Robin Hood is a glorified common thief, so is the socialist government. PS: This Infowars reporter is brain dead, but the "troll" isn't the sharpest tool in the shed either. It's just painful to watch retarded self-indulgent people talking politics, sadly it's one of their favourite topics.
- Josh M: I'm not a huge fan of Infowars, but this video really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I was ready to see a valid criticism of Infowar's overblown, exaggerated, incoherent, rambling. But instead I got a mediocre clip where nothing really happens, and certainly no "trolls" appear. And then I get the very same annoying BS commentary that I was trying to avoid from Alex Jones. I don't usually watch leftist content like this, and now I don't feel so guilty about that. Thanks Secular Talk! :)
- Premier Stingy: I wanna see more videos of infowars reporters getting trolled or destroyed with "facts and logic"
- karlbushtheII: Thumb down for being a cuck.
- Brian Hurd: fucking cucks... get out of moms basement liberals and get laid.
- Jermany 84: When she referred to the infowars reporter as “hunny” she smacked down that house of cards lol.
- david thomas: When does she zing her? Cause I missed it. Free? Nothing is free.
- DeclaringPond 22: Melon Dick thats the fucking point... Her phone and drink is more important than infowars. If you actually think infowars is a trusted news organization you "have worms in your head"
- Carlos De Leon: That bitch in the red dress is eating rats now that she's unemployed.
- cyc7lops: The "new person" TRIED to let her do most of the talking, but the rude person being interviewed seemed as if she was drugged, was extremely slow to respond, and seemed more interested in her cell phone screen than in providing answers. She sounded like a dope, and Kyle calls it "glorius" and lauds it as trolling.
- John Kreutzer: Read about lemmings and my grandmom used to ask me if everybody jumped off a bridge would I jump too ?? This was in the 50s but it was a regular question asked back then
- Aurinkohirvi: I think the infowars troll chose the person who looks like dumb and ignorant. And IMHO, she didn't do well at all. Can't figure why they pulled it, because that ridiculous claims and attacks is the very style of Infowars (at least was when years ago I used to watch it, until got too disgusted).
- walkinwithjesus: That’s what you cal trolling? I don’t think you know what trolling is?
- Nikosi9: There are many places on this lovely sphere where rodents are eaten as a common food source. News flash... a rabbit is a rodent, and a delicacy to many people.
- GOD IS AN OPIATE FOR THE MASSES: Chris Davis. Poor dumb corporate militarist voting against your own best interests.
- Brandon Pavlovich: **CLICKBAIT** She didn't troll or even argue with intelligence. The journalist if you'll call her that is just really really bad. You're welcome.
- Matt Barber: I think Alex needs to fire this div and that Owen while he's at it lol. They're giving infowars a bad name!!! (Hahhhahaa)
- ariel isaac guerra garcia: Moron
- Maschinestorm: This "show" is a troll / clickbait. The clip is old as hell. This is worse than Pakman.. didn't think there was such a thing til now.
- nowano kbi: Republican alright girl said she didn't want to do this and blonde bitch keeps going. "No means yes because I want it"
- It's Slloanne: Her name is Dasha, she co-hosts a political/social commentary podcast called Red Scare and its really good.
- Calvin Vang: Shows 2min clip talks about the clip for 9 mins. Maybe show more of the interview?
- Ben Alexander: You have some great points, and I like your style. You are also a complete douchebag
- Rebecca: Holy shit she’s so fucking cool!!!
- TheThruster24: I was thinking the same thing: *talks about the 1%* immediately jumps to Venezuela... the strawman is strong.
- R M: Pathetic attempt to fake infowars reporter spot. Really dude. If infowars gets a hold of this you could get into legal trouble. Kind of over the legal line.
- F M: Info Wars, World News and the fake RT are poisonous and the people who work for them should all be flogged in public.
- Abigail Gonzalez: 6:46 like with the metric system lol.
- Tekno Logik: "if i sayin fuckin every other word, I SHOWND MORE BEWEEVABLE" lol NO YOU DONT..u sound like a butthurt widdle socialist nobody with NO TRACTION..
- Lavia: The right trolls themselves, and thinks its funny. I will never understand that.
- Diane Watson: Do you mean those Scandinavian countries being overrun by "refugees"...where they are having a hard time finding work, and housing now? The rape capital of the word?
- MegaSmarterthanyou: maddow the shemale ugly
- Kent Frender: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5449023/Venezuelans-eat-rats-dogs-economy-nosedives.html https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/eating-dead-rats-raw-venezuelas-12103519 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/05/18/venezuela-food-shortages-cause-some-hunt-dogs-cats-pigeons/84547888/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/26/nicolas-maduro-donald-trump-venezuela-hunger http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/true-stories/venezuela-is-on-track-to-lead-a-migrant-crisis-worse-than-syrias/news-story/c6cd188384c2864d82044304153c17c5 http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-venezuela-zoo-animals-kass-0818-20170817-column.htm Off course there’s plenty of news articles and video evidence that proves what the Blondie gal said was true. But hey let’s listen to Air-headed sailor moon right, with her brave comment “I just want free healthcare, you got like *smacks lips* worms in your brains.”.
- Gersub Denis: Eating rats... yeah, she is a caricature of infowars
- Kevin: My guy!! Glad to see these videos
- Henry Cherbonneau: Who is this Kyle Cumlapper never heard of her?
- Kevan Bianco: im so glad i fucked adam friedlambs girlfriend
- Captain Midnight: These nutsies really thought they're making sense about that argument that Bernie have expensive homes. LOL
- stuntman014: +Damir Asanov That's because America has always been in war. They are afraid of losing their power, so they spend more on military. Heaven forbids USA as no longer being a superpower. The Americans are happy with this as long as their comfort is assured.
- Viscera Trocar: The chick was only hired because she's hot.
- Freeze Master: Valley Girl Socialist vs Infowars Bimbo. Round one. Fight.
- J Dee: You FAKE NEWS. Video never got pull.
- Joseph Lozada: I bet Kyle got beat up a lot when he was a kid.
- Nick Carver: They talked about this video and even made a meme of it. That doesn't sound like they are hiding it. Plus she did not say one intelligent word. Dressed like sailor moon high as a kite.
- Incorrectly Political: I don't even know where to start with you. You sound like a 10 year old making fart jokes and fart sounds. NO ONE on the left is against having 2 homes??? Name me someone on the far left that even supports personal property. Do you even know what socialism is? It renders private property almost obsolete. And socialism is socialism is socialism. And one of Bernie's houses basically doesn't count because it was inherited??? Tell that to the left who thinks most of the ONE PERCENT is so evil simply because they inherited wealth you stupid cuck. Hugo Chavez did promote socialized healthcare, and yup, all those European countries thst you mentioned have begun to implement it as well, and it's a fucking disaster.
- kisorhart: If socialists are all about the super rich paying more taxes, how come all these protesters aren't marching outside of homes of celebrities who make millions and avoid paying taxes?
- Cocaina: Never seen a 5 with the voice of a 10
- Miketrt: OK, this Kyle guy makes no sense. Like every point is completely A photo negative from reality. Had to turn the channel.
- Sean Armstrong: @burke Universal healthcare WORKS in all Western countries. Not to mention, USA is currently spending 1.5X more per capita on healthcare than those countries. So clearly this system that US is current on...it's not working. And btw - it's not Obama's fault either. This problem was already present BEFORE OBAMA, so don't pull the "i blame obamacare" excuse.
- The Iranian Liberal: She...didn't really own her. Although the Infowars reporter was using shit arguments.
- ryan dever: obviously sanders would not put a limit on the number of houses you can buy but how are you supposed to buy multiple houses with his tax plan... just a thought
- Kinshasa 666: Was that ashton birdie? LOL
- 64786 Lamar: I’m conservative but this is hilarious
- Forest Aller: I'm in favor of eating the rich...
- Appalling68: 5:33 Love the smell of your own farts...LOL!!
- The Manager: You know Venezuela, right? *I’ve heard of it..* Fucking EPIC!!
- Green Morning Dragon Productions: Spot the well-laid chick in this debate, and the one waiting for a Mr right (wing) who'll never materialize. Answers on a postcard.
- GetMekdBro: Giving people free healthcare and tuition free college will lead to everyone having to eat rats. I'm surprised she could say that with a straight face.
- Jonathan Bierman: they don't anything about anything that woman was just talking shit ...they're not eating rats
- Peter Endyke: Sorry but the socialist was clueless and she was owned.
- YouFoolWarrenIsDead: The chick on the video was cute too.
- Hailey Hoopes: This woman who is trolling these nuts is simply glorious.
- raul yanez cortes: I saw it they edited it on info wars channel.
- ZERO THE FOOL: is she wearing a fucking Japanese schoolgirl outfit? is this girl a weeb? did infowars get schooled by a weeb?
- Enrique Irias: Damn, for Infowars to pull down a video, it tells you how bad they were trolled
- Gavin James: No trolling I saw but jesus christ the blonde was wacky as fuck! rats in venezuela? wtf!
- Krooksbane: To me it comes down to what I consider ethical markets for Capitalism. I don’t think people wanting to make profits is inherently going to lead to the problems we see right now. However, I do think people wanting to make profits with specific social services like energy consumption and health care are a huge problem. Those services should be free, because A: we have a sun. B: everyone dies. Health care is a right, and solar energy should be leading the way of our energy consumption.
- James Marroquin: Bad video
- Rizzo RIZZO: All Infowars is interested in is getting those short video clips they can manipulate to spread their propaganda, kinda like Fox News.
- nigling: why are conservative girls and trump support girls hotter than the blue haired dykes liberals have?
- farber2: Sailor Moon.
- Meh Jones: Yecchhhh! Nasty. They'd make fine dog food, though.
- Nicole: So why do all stupid conservatives in America use Venezuela as an example of a socialist country? Venezuela is not a socialist country; they nationalized their oil. The rest of the economy is NOT planned by the government. (And Americans pour money into the right wing in Venezuela to undermine anything good that comes from their nationalized oil industry) QUIT CONFLATING STALIN WITH DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS YOU FUCKING MORONS
- 2manynegativewaves: Your proudest achievment is trolling and gas chambers...
- dane mathews: I never understood this. Can a person with excellent health not support cancer research? Or an overweight person cannot vocalize their support to end world hunger?
- trihexninja666: "Why are most of the countries with the highest standard of living and life happiness for their citizens socialist?" Just ask Infowars that question.
- DataBlossom: PLUG HER SOCIALS IT'S Dasha, nobody_stop_me on Twitter, she's hilarious XD
- B. L. Ratcliff: Wow that was so cringy. Not the info wars video but the host talking fast and not saying anything remotely intellectual the entire time. 🙁
- Justen Smith: Barry flint you are an idiot. Democratic socialism is not capitalist fed.....the tax rates are anti capitalist and them countries make America look like a bitch. well awful analogy...every country makes America look like fucking bitches
- P Valdez: Brandon Toad, What's clear, is your mom likes to give head and not just to you and your dad, cracker boy!
- Cody Jamison: How is it “trolling” to say that you want free healthcare? This is fuckin’ dumb lol the reporter was obviously a noobie, but just because she was poor at reporting, doesn’t mean this one dumbass just wrecked her logically
- Broham7 TF: +sirus804 wasnt trying to chief
- Farphigschitter: I see no ownage from either end in this video, both people literally just straw manning each other until one of them insults the other. I don’t see how this was a troll at all
- Kougeru: Venezuela's problem isn't even because of the socialist policies. It started when oil prices collapsed. Then they couldn't afford the policies. But they also went too far with things like limiting prices for non-essential goods like flour. Socialism as we want it in American, is health care because we know people deserve to LIVE. it's literally in the Constitution. The preamble. Not an amendment. The fucking preamble. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” "promote the general Welfare"
- spanishcobra805: She punked infowars! Hahaha
- nono meme: +anton eckart You again? piss off
- Django Fett: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! No way you're a conservative, dude. You're just a gun owning liberal. Keep inching to the left, you'll be a gun owning progressive like me. Besides, when the communist apocalypse happens and Commisar Bernie and the Vampire Ghost of Obama take all the guns away, they'll let Godless lefties like me keep my guns since I'll be sworn into the communist SJW vegan vanguard.
- John Smith: Sorry Millie owned the little leftest. Come on, report something real on this leftest channel.
- mr. Pinkerton: hahaha so what if Bernie lives in a $3 million dollars.. They always bring up the same ole countries like Venezuela what they aren't saying is Venezuela is ran by a Dictator
- higg1966: It's good to see a progressive finally outsmart the dimwits at Infowars. It's about time you sent your best and brightest forward. It kind of reminds me of midget wrestling at the state fair. keep up the good work.
- Nora Nora: "You people have like worms in your brain, honestly." 😏 😵 Lol!
- Nathan Scheer: You're retarded ST
- Eric Hill: I feel that Infowars made some really great points. Why is it that so many people are so quick to retry a system that has failed time and time again? Socialism has never and will never work. ALL people are inherently bad. People will take advantage, people will not give their fair share, and people will become entitled. We're halfway there right now, and it's currently the biggest danger to what our country stands for. Socialism is a cancer that has consumed and destroyed so many countries over the years. The f*cking Nazis were a self declared socialist party people!!!! Yet here we are, in a country that people died for, to ensure that its people would never give up freedom for comfort, and we are willing to throw those freedoms away in the name of "social justice." I admire people's dreams of a utopian society, I really do, I think everyone deserves a fighting chance for the American dream. Is everyone entitled to it? Definitely not. Your only Godgiven rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Quit trying to be robinhood, he was nothing more than a thief. There are winners and losers in this world. Pick which one you want to be. Anf if you chose to be a victim, I have bad news for you, you're a loser.
- C Crush: Secular this is pathetic commentary. You can do better.
- Suspect Down: Why are you lying about the video being pulled in the first place ? It can be found STILL on the channel 3 weeks ago ?
- El Padrino: The anti—sjw side is just as brainwashed and close minded as the sjw's ...damn America ...you guys are really f'd up
- DiamondzFreaxz: If the 1% support socalism, we would be the most socialist country on the face of the planet. Bernie Sanders is the one who is most in line with Alex Jones and they still attack him, they are such goofballs..
- Marlena thorvald: I don't see how this girl trolled her...the girl looked stupid...she didn't decide to troll her she was just dumb and the girl from Infowars made sense.
- Casper Sørensen: Really? with that start you never thought to sit down for 1 min and check where they took it down from?.........................
- Louis Hob: She talks like a trust fund kid
- Hello World: and ya this interviewers argument met the syllogistic standards of a 6 year old. one only needs to mildly think to understand whats going on. corporatism or fascism wants to maintain their plutocracy, so they deamonize the social policies that would create wealth distribution. yes, socialism is completely opposite to corrupt capitalism and the fascism or corporatism that is being ushered in under the guise of freedom and capitalism. Its not my place to say, but the US better wake up quick before corporations literally create an authoritative state. i dont even have a degree in political science, this is just common sense people.
- A Bowl of Miso Udon: Alex Jones should have some of what shes smoking
- RuleofFive: The private, for profit system in the US has a wait line too......its 30 million people long (the uninsured) and it never ends.........
- mona g: why do they always shout "YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION" when most of the time, they just answered it.
- Jacour English: She's stoned out of her mind, attagirl
- Boogie Boogs: That wasn't trolling. That was dealing with them well.
- Josh k: Uhh, i feel like that whole video was crap. Sure the infowars person sucked at interviewing. But the commie didnt explain much either. What a waste of time.
- Hacking tutorials: Bjarne Cola yeah because he barely gets 10k views 😂😂 poor people have to rely on us
- Lee Turnbull: So she is correct about healthcare, but socialism is not the system to implement that, it is totally feasible to have free health care in a nation that uses capitalism, UK is one of them
- Mindwipe96: Dis noob got OWNED.
- feckless clod: “I just told you that Venezuela is eating rats”
- Taqi Yasir: The fact that infowars is watched my a significant amount of people in the US shows how messed up their education system is and how ignorant many Americans are sadly.
- movie writers .goldsview: Secular talk has "worms in his brain". Your content is retarted.
- Philip Powers: Free healthcare is not free. Healthcare organizations are not going to donate services.
- Stephen Haworth: As a so called "trump supporter" I still think this was brilliant.
- IronskullGM: It's pretty obvious the top 1% supports a form of global socialism. To say otherwise is really disingenuous. Sure Infowars is a group of conspiracy theorists led by a fear mongering sensationalist. Yet to deny the blatant truth about socialism and the 1% is just as looney. There are multiple forms of socialism but all of them are contradicting to our individual rights and liberties, hence the resistance to it.
- Arya Deva: Just as Infowars always feared would happen
- Youtuber Trump: I love how info wars always brings up Venezuela and not Sweden or Finland. And Capitalism is no Rosie deal for people. We have a billionaire sitting in the White House of a nation were children do without healthcare and are put in cages at our boarder.
- Anodos Arcade: It's called subtlety and refusing to be baited
- R C Robertson: You are an idiot ...lol
- Pilfer Bean: It just can't be more pathetic. To use Venezuela as an example of "socialism" when it's an example of a failed state, and a failed state is a failed state whether socialist or anything else. It means there's rampant corruption or stupidity in governance. Infowars would probably never be willing to admit that Germany is a highly socialist nation. Or that Norway is. Or that Canada is. Since these are prosperous democracies and hybrids of capitalism and socialism, you'll never hear about the socialist part from the Right. As usual, these are ridiculous comparisons and false equivalents, and genuine propaganda.
- JOE RAM: She is a beautiful woman.
- mod!f!edmom322: Stupid interviewing stupid
- Cynical god: How's this trolling 🤔
- Don't ask me, I'm just a girl...: Nice try, but you did not adequately defend Crazy Bernie.
- Nxght: fuck. i wanna fuck her
- Christopher Kents Love Child Part 3: Jason Wooster haha the literal 20 stone of shit calling anyone a sack of shit. Take your bloated head and stick it in a vat of soy milk you fat grotesque cum merchant.
- Docholland45: 10g1k you k lw her dumbass is easy. Tell her what she wants to jear type of girl.
- Auroron: They are totally eating rats over in Norway with their dirty democratic socialism and free health care.
- Doc Equis: Socialism is evil (period). Everyone in Canada pays 8 to 10 k higher in taxes on 100 K income. Buy decent insurance with your 8 k and then take a few vacations or donate to someone else.
- Diane Watson: And Scott, I think most people would rather determine for themselves what they spend their money on....if you want to spend yours on illegals and welfare moochers well then go right ahead. If you want to pay for people's birth control and for them to murder their own babies, NO ONE IS STOPPING YOU. Just don't ask me to participate. See how that works? I'm not forcing you not to do those things, and you don't force me to do those things? Or just move to a country you think is doing it so much better and quite your fucking whining and enjoy your life there. Maybe someone will pay for you to go.
- SuperAmericanBoy: There's so much wrong with associating us the Venezuela considering much of their economy focused on oil.
- William Billiam: I love when right wingers try to describe socialism they end up inadvertently describing at least 90% of pure capitalism. "Socialist Venezuela where the 1% have everything and everyone else has nothing" You mean like.......the U.S as well?
- Danny Cartes: Man I don't like Jones or info wars. But the socialist did not own that dumb blond
- Armin alamdari: Jonoliver how are they "retards"? I mean you literally can't type one proper sentence, I think you're the retarded one. I believe you and your family are the retards.
- WhiteStrat Man: A stoned retard has made her fellow clueless idiots proud including this douche canoe that posted this video.
- Y: +John Daedalus I honestly feel like free, universal, quality healthcare is unattainable, I don't think it's sustainable to have all of those characteristics. Also with your question about democratic socialism: I plan on starting a business, so I don't want to be raped by taxes so that others can enjoy the fruits of my labor. In a small community, socialism would absolutely work but it can't be applied to countries because so many are leeches and that's what puts me off
- Bryeana Rose: What. Is. Her. IG?
- Crimson Dynamo: What sorority home did info wars pull this dumb blonde from? Let her go back to Girls Gone Wild, Alex.
- Phanno: Did he hurt your feelings?
- Robert Kerkhof: “Eating the rich.” Was a personal favorite.
- Bili Göring: You'd get cucked by her big black bull Tyrone Jamaricus Lamaricus DeWayne
- Anti-NPC Action: To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Alex Jones. His commentary is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of history most ofhis talking points will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Alex Jones' religious outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Christian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these views, to realize that they'res not just Christian apologetics- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Alex Jones truly ARE idiots of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Alex Jones existential catchphrase "They're turning the freaking frogs gay" itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. l'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated lefties scratching their heads in confusion as Alex Jones' genius wit unfolds itself on their fragile liberal views. What fools.. how I pity them.😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Alex Jones tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothing personnel kid. 😎
- _ _: At least you're starting to wear clothes that sort of fit you.
- jeremypemy7: How are you guys praising this monotone ignorant girl. How dare her say she’s a socialist and proud. Get out of this country this is the ONLY country with this type of system and that is why we are sought after immigrants and dreamers. If you love socialism then go to Venezuela, go to Brazil anywhere else.
- Anthony Toronto: Eww socialist Bernie supporter. Wtf YouTube
- Gone With The Wind: Lowie sas It’s not anymore.
- defellman: Lots of bernietards here
- Lance Lovecraft: The 1%....... of Venezuela lol
- Paul Ramone: you're show sucks and she didn't troll infowars... that bitch is dumb as rocks just like you dip shit!!!
- Rob C: I'm in love.
- Ethel the Frog: You'd have to be screaaaamingly far on the right to consider Bernie Sanders a socialist. The proof of this is in te number of places you hear that chappy talk about worker ownership of the means of production, direct democracy, abolition of illegitimate authority structures, tax cuts for collectively owned enterprises, etc... I think you can count them on one hand. He talks a lot about collectively-funded healthcare, true, but he supports regulated capitalism, and as a supporter of capitalism he is still on the right. That said, he is still way to the left of everyone else. I think by the standards of much of the world he's be considered a centrist, though that's not my interpretation. However, I think his political centre of gravity, so to speak, pulls him leftwards. He's nowhere near as radical as I think is needed, but he is a step towards something better. Even if that's only a 'better type of capitalism'. It will be up to the American people to become more active and push for greater democratic control of their country if they really want change to happen.
- identity Europa: She has cute little titties and I love that uniform
- FattyMcButterPants: Francisco Abreu wrong what?
- NtheKnife318: The girl who supports socialism got owned? Wtf? That girl had no clue what she was talking about. . . Just like the majority of people who support “democratic socialism”. Awful clickbait!!
- Vini Vici: John Gallagher What are you smoking bruh? Must be some good shit 'cuz you're talking some crazy nonsense that has no basis in facts and lacks any logical coherence. I suggest you put down that crack pipe and start readin' some smart books
- Adam Pindelski: And now 3rd idiot laughs at other 2... is 10k downvotes enaugh to troll you and make you pull this vid?
- Dillon Schackmann: Nobody was "owned".. lame
- Tijuana Foreplay: I don't care what Corbyn's economic policies are, he's anti-white, anti-English. That's a problem.
- George Soros: Wow how did u do that
- Rusty Shackleford: socialism was also the tool of the Nazis. Socialism always leads to fascism and or tyranny.
- koffinkat666: I would butter her croissant
- Anthony Francescon: Australians are are devil people but they do have terrifying Demonic feminazis though.😨
- b l o w me: i think im watching mormon news atm
- kestrel archer: georgebushwack the idea of EVERY champion of the people MUST be Mahatma Ghandi in term of possession is a ridiculous notion
- Matt Flynn over Brady: 😍 I need this girl in my life
- William Fitzpatrick: +chris hamilton Well, I can't say I didn't try. You still can't or won't address anything in my first post--health outcomes, comparative costs and access to care--and you wouldn't address any of my counterarguments as to how a national health program would operate without increasing a dime to the taxpayer. Nearly all of your response was a hysterical fixation on being told you were bested. On top of that, you still managed to go on a rant about trannies, retards and a bizarre, imaginary scenario about people getting their penises chopped off (?) Freud et al. have a lot to recommend as to why someone would be unwilling to answer questions but be intimately concerned with "trannies." Good luck out there Chris, I think you're going to need it.
- DJbishop: Sailor Moon wasn't wearing a bra 😍
- Ian Nutter: I need to find that woman. I want to marry her. 2:06 just the way she said “I just want ppl to have healthcare, honey” She don’t give a fuck 😍
- Joey Enochs: James Richardson Venezuela is currently having problems with mass poverty and currently a full on civil war/revolution about a dictator/president that sold almost all of the country’s resources. Less of a problem of socialism and more of a problem of assholes
- Johnny D: Clickbaiting with Infowars in title. Faaaaaaggggg
- X X: Her attitude is clearly boob envy, that poor unfortunate girl, our hearts hopes and prayers go out for the best boob job for her.
- Russ Monte: Also they don't decide to eat rats.its all that's left
- The Poison Bucket: Eh, either troll or actually use facts. The weird blend she used kinda makes her look stupid.
- Lando Griffin: +Henry Atkinson You said no sources meaning that your comment is as you put it "totally worthless" (Henry Atkinson).
- Sound Enthusiast: idiots that are polarised left and right convince themselves that they win or are smarter than the other. this is an example of two retards flapping around in an emptying pool.
- TrollBuster: I love how they go to the worst possible example of a country (Venezuela) to try to make a point that somehow it's socialism that's at the root of that country's failure. Like, they'll never point to Sweden or Norway, unless they're quoting fake rape statistics. That's like saying "Capitalism is a failure because look at Haiti."
- X3DN: She keeps drinking her coffee
- MrMhtmht: Leftists simply have toxoplasmosis and are most of the time pretty dumb cucks Muslims are being used by (((them))) and have cut dicks, that's why they're always angry Many North Americans have cut dicks, that's why they're always angry (((They))) have cut dicks, that's why they're always angry Western right wing people tend to be way too civilized cucks Every side is fcked up. Except for Asia.
- Razor9111: I like the part where she's pretending to be retarded.
- aurora1962: attempts to troll InfoWars - & fails, badly...
- Roger: And USA has neither the most money or best health per capita. Get your bullshit straight
- Siddesh Gannu: If an infowars reporter came up to me, i’d answer with facts
- Mr. Nisse: That girl *_just_* smoked a _HUGE_ joint. ;)
- 10akee: Sailor is smoking.
- L F: I wanna hang with this chick.
- MrTinman676: MyName Jeff stupid and selfish
- Bleak Solipsism: Sailor Mercury killed it. Info Wars is losing the war vs info.
- sbsgirl: no she didnt, the girl was barely talking but she couldnt answer a question. so she just asked more questions
- Ervine4: Has 3 homes, worth > 1 million together. Bernie himself wouldn't cause us to eat rats, not what she was saying, she was saying that socialism leads to economic disparity so great that the lower class ends up eating rats while the ruling class sips champagne. Whether or not you think that would happen here ( i don't ) doesn't mean you have to purposely misrepresent her.
- RoyalPizzaKing: sabin97 im gonna make a game like that thanks for the idea
- thefantasticjames: "Heard of it..."
- MyQueenFreddyMercury: I’d bet all my money that conservative networks played this interview and claimed the video made her look dumb. More non-reality “facts.” Like FauxNews.
- foogentog: Bryce Walker the top 10% make over 90% of total wealth in the nation. If they are paying 65% of taxes then they are not paying their fair share. That’s how. Pretty simple.
- jungefrau: There is literally no such thing as free market capitalism and you know it. When Walmart moves into a town they make dam sure that they're not paying any taxes for as long as they're there. Is that free market? When corporations pay lobbyists millions of dollars to go to Congress and make sure that the rules come out on their side is that free market capitalism? When companies Make the rules that the rest of us have to live by is that free market capitalism? FMC has never existed in the real world.
- Onyekachi A: Klaus Adolphus actually they can many have stolen ssn which is committing identity theft by the way and by doing that they can apply for welfare and other benefits. They brag about it in my work but I don't really care if they ever get caught it's on them. This is not a new thing been going on for years.
- Dudist Priest: "I just want people to have healthcare, honey." I feel like this woman is a real life April Ludgate.
- Sylvester Dark: People in the USA, if it were to become socialist, would only be eating rats if the USA is able to put sanctions on itself.
- The Silent G: Actually the girl doing the interview made perfect sense. She drew a legitimate equivalency between Venezuelan socialism and the potential changes in America of we bring in socialism. And you can't have free Healthcare. Somebody had to pay for it. Tax - subsidized Healthcare is not free. The services of doctors and nurses is not free. They are not slaves. The 1 percent supports socialism when it comes to losses. You can't have free education because teachers need to earn a living. Our teachers are already among the lowest paid, and our schools are turning out dunces. You want to water that down further by giving away seats in the classroom? Basic math should tell you that if we give out free college, we have to hire more teachers, and spend more on all the ancillary education costs associated with more student and teachers. Give education the tax payer checkbook, and see bureaucratic waste the likes of which we've never imagined. Also see graduates come out knowing less and less. The internet had already made the education discussion obsolete. MIT, Harvard, and others already put their content online. Free access. Here's your sign.
- Mike: Video fails to deliver
- Jan Scott: If she wants free healthcare then she wants doctors, nurses and hospital workers to be slaves that are indentured, non compensated labour. If she had a brain she’d say universal healthcare which means everyone pays for it through their taxes. There is no free anything. Even Cuba has to generate wealth by selling their women as whores to Canadian tourists and running luxury hotels for Euro trash. The Infowars chick was neither trolled nor owned. Brain dead protestors sucking on lattes and taking pictures with their iPhones have no clue what they are talking about. Countries with universal healthcare are dependent on the private sector to generate vast wealth which can be taxed. Socialism leads to an oligarchy of super rich, unelected tyrants that rule the country with an iron fist and create a vast class of serfs.
- ザッくんS.: america is dumb lol “why should we have free healthcare” haha america sucks ass
- Darknight Ofthesoul: The goyim know.
- Levi V.P.: She had no facts and an unprincipled argument.
- Laura Beth: You pretending that you don't know what free healthcare means is sad
- ImmortalAK: "I don't know if it was pulled from Twitter or if it was pulled from YouTube, but I know it was pulled". It seems like a few minutes of research could have answered this question. Not a strong start to a video.
- Joshua Lopez: Girl in beret is probably a little high lol
- Algiers C: Worms in the brain. LOL. Did she watch Brain Dead?
- MMC CROWNUS: The Infowars girl made perfect sense, though slums. She's a rookie. The interviewee was a nitwit. Like Secular Talk.
- Cj 1304: Sanders fuck is nice so nice as long as you like what what he says if you don't he's an asshole. ..... just like your typical liberals loons . But I way better then Clinton or Obama
- Buck Melanoma: Reminded me of the valley girls scene from the 80s, i see it's making a comeback
- Carlos Blank: What's that girls name 😍😍😍
- kirkham111: I watched the video. The Bernie sanders supporter couldn’t answer any questions she was the one who got owned
- garbanzobeen beenzeen: There are strippers who own 5 homes. A 1 million dollar home isn't that much these days.
- SquealMyName: here in Canada we don't pay 300 bucks for health care or education a month. seriously your budget is bad and priorities need to change. China is working on being a super power building roads all around Asia and making good trade, while America involves itself in other people's democracies, supporting dictators for decades and then bombing them for oil. invest in the population and there are good returns, not rocket science.
- wanderingodst: Can’t believe people think the chick is smart she went straight retard
- Michal Diamond: Me in class
- Elp Smith: So if the 1% did support socialism why would that be a problem? Also, what happened in Venezuela anyway? Like yes the country is fucked but it wasn’t because of socialism
- Ib f: Hi this is your uber driver where are you ? THEY EAT RATS IN VENEZUELA !
- wayne conrad: I would lick that little sailor girls toes until she pees herself,,,yea baby TRUMP2020 MAGA
- Black Manta: Ch33to Sesh I agree Bezos should be punished bc he’s a criminal with a $600 million deal with the CIA. But there are loopholes to get out of paying taxes just like there are loopholes in illegal immigration but you have no problem with that I’m sure.
- Arcaryon Xavier: I think it is extremely disappointing that the Republicans and so so many other groups all over the world are able to sell the people that socialistic democracies are working against the middle class. Or that refugees from war zones come to Europe to invade us ... Compare Venezuela to Denmark. Management is everything. A good dictator is loved a bad one ? Is a socialist ? I gotta say, in all the years arguing with facts and statistics, not once have I come across people from the far right who were interested in facts, only in emotions. You can talk about "socialism" (which btw isn't socialism as in the ideology but socialistic capitalism ) funfact nr. 1 my own country, germany has the second highest taxes in the world. But now comes the thing - we may have many problems but the majority of the money is payed by the rich - that's what modern socialism is. My university is free because my country has the means to provide me with with free education, free healthcare - and what do I have to give ? If I become rich in the process I pay the max of 50% (there is a lot more to consider this is very veery basic but that's how modern socialism works here) Honestly, pure capitalism is great but only if everyone is able to play and noone looses - because when that happens you are basically at the end. Sure there are issues. But it is one of the best systems out there all things considered.
- WarpRulez: _"She kinda casually and nonchalantly owns them."_ Where? I didn't see anything like that. Sure, the interviewer did a really poor job, and made a bit of a fool of herself, but at no point did the interviewee "own" her, not even inadvertently. All of her responses were very weak. There were no smart remarks, there were no witty retorts, nothing. There was no "owning" of any sort.
- Bill Walton: So stupid. "I just want doctors and medical people to do their jobs for less and work for the government so everyone can have free health care honey..." Moron.
- Lord Papeles: rigidfinger That pretty much sums up almost everyone in the U.S. If you don't believe that then your stupid. Lol
- nono meme: who cares if you're WHITE. SJWs killed free healthcare?? ha fucking ha
- Andrew E: Is that the girl from AMTV?
- Matthew Harris: That InfoWars bitch is dumb
- Charlie To0 Human: Grant McCann finally, someone’s beliefs that fall closely in line with mine.
- Neekkhoue: but i just like want people to have healthcare...
- NB Davis: The info war gal did great. The socialist seemed stupid.
- KimJong'sHung: Who would have thought that Miss South Carolina would end up as an on the street political question asker.
- Craig Hunter: The snowflake is cute! I'd lick her socialist butthole.
- Ghost Banned: Socialism and free stuff with open borders and mass immigration....fuck man do the math.
- Bread and Jam: yeeaahh, I mean like free stuff's kinda cool. Ya know. Like, what was the question agaiiiin. That's trolling?
- EABA EndAllBeAll: If she is your hero you guys are fucked.
- The Prickly Prick: Socialism is not good. Every politician is full of shit, doesn’t matter who you vote in they are going to shove it up your fuckin ass. Government is cancer. And Kyle Kulinaki... I don’t see what you find so fascinating about this clip, the Socialist supporter could not answer the question... she did not troll them... she deflected the question... your acting like this little stuck up socialist cunt spanked Millie... that’s not even close to what happened. You need to pull your head out of your ass man. The point was the socialist government in Venezuela bankrupted the country, that’s why they are eating dogs and rodents, and people are killing cops for their weapons. Venezuela is a shit hole now thanks to socialism. You don’t need socialism to have free health care, I live in Canada we have free healthcare. Fuck socialism, fuck communism, fuck left wing ideology.
- Hassenboy: Do you realize people are actually starving in Venezuela?
- Ronaldo Murphano: That girl seemed like a drugged out loser who wants free shit.
- DrumWild: Venezuela has corrupt leadership. There is NO ISM that is immune to human corruption. Just as Socialism has been corrupted in Venezuela, Capitalism has been corrupted in America.
- Vax Not: melodic, Yes, but socialism does not imply what people think, as evidenced by Venezuela which is considered to be socialist. People are eating stray dogs off the street and killing zoo animals for food. Also, they have no toilet paper. The reality of socialism is that the 90% is kept poor while the wealth is siphoned off to the top 10%.
- Jose Larios III: How could you tell?
- Dan Elmore: What was perfect, or even "trolling" about this? Neither of them had any valid argument. What they both have is rhetorical ideologies, with no clear idea of how to actually fix anything that is wrong. She wants free health care, because it should be a right of all humans? Cool. I agree. I also want teleportation, and a dragon I can ride. Wanting something does not bring it closer to fruition. Intelligent ideas, co-operation, and implementation do. This is what is wrong with the right AND the left. Someone says something you like to hear, to an equally vapid person saying something different, and you call them genius. Is your point that Info Wars is useless, rhetorical bias perpetuating a dangerous ideology? Many people have never doubted that. Are you certain you are anything more significant than a mirror image of that?
- S7V7NFîV5: sailor girl says she wants free healthcare, this channel automatically thinks infowars was troll to perfection, wuh?
- Felix Desrosiers: Can you point me to the clear factual claims the blonde made?
- Johan sigurdson: Honestly you are fucking cringey bro, do people actually take this channel seriously? It is like a wannabe young turks with some attention craving soy boy rambling on. I would rather watch Cenk's fatass ramble on like a moron then this cringey shit
- Johnston Hawkins: Thanks for watching; "kuckular talk"
- frogsoda: Elvin Ostrup maybe so, but it's not in the username. It's *about* Infowars. It's not *by* Infowars.
- frbe0101: Jesus taxing the 1% to pay for healthcare and education is not socialism.
- AllTime Warrior: How do you know this?
- Ryan DeGrave: Bernie Sanders owns 2 homes, according to his financial disclosure forms, and his net worth is less than $700k. Pretty amazing, considering he's been making six figures for so many years. Anyway, he's still not the poorest senator. Marco Rubio has legitimate finance management issues and his net worth is less than $100k.
- Jai Guru DeVa: KYLE! I’m not now you work for Infowars? Wow! I think you are good but know I have too thoughts! About you? Can we trust you know? I think not! People turn tv off and READ! People READ
- Jinseual: Love the hat, love the shirt, love the way she holds her drink and the way she talks. What a character.
- E M.: It’s funny these right wingers never mention Norway or Sweden when talking about socialism.
- Inspector Steve: They didn't pull this video. If info wars didn't get kicked off YouTube you could see it's still there. You could also read the comments. Everyone thought the girl with the hate sounded stupid af. Im a conservative but I can't stand Alex Jones. His conspiracy theories are just nuts. However, I hate watching videos or the news feed fake info to the NPCz watching. They can't think for themselves so they take it as fact.
- Yu Wish: I love how they picked out the one girl in the scene dressed like she was cosplaying at a comic convention, and then got REKT because she's actually somewhat intelligent and informed.
- nakanight: CALL ME HONEY PLS
- Mic Hael: Fuck infowars’ lives dasha is skinny
- Duane Heller: I don't see where she "owned her". I agree the Info Wars "newbe" wasn't the greatest but the socialist fool really thought that health care was free even if the government pays for it. Ok, who funds the government. We all do. Healthcare is never nor can it be free. Nothing is free. Someone is paying for it and it's not the government. Why did you cut the info warrior off when you did. what was her response to the ignorant statement of "I just want healthcare for free." It's like you can't see past your nose. They you are talking about "Everyone else on the planet has healthcare except the US." If it is so great, why do they still want to came here to get their health care. this whole video is a perfect example that liberalism is a mental disorder.
- edgeofeternity101: You've done a great job of hanging yourself, keep up the good work.
- Virjunior: Brandon Toad you've got farmers voting to repeal the estate tax so they can keep "their" land/livelyhoods. That in particular isn't just something effecting the rich. They're people, too, but the entire system needs to get re-worked so corporate greed doesn't get to fuck us while farmers are used as human shields.
- Ricky Spanish: 10% of the population of California are illegal aliens, but let's talk about the joke that is Infowars.
- Andrew: I'm in favor of eating the rich.
- Wulvena: British Papers British Health Care http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5694585/US-surgeons-save-little-girls-leg-did-NHS-offer-amputation.html Please note the location of the american doctor..and just incase you dont Dr Paley, of the Paley Institute in Florida https://www.nhs.uk/news/medical-practice/charity-report-shows-examples-of-bad-nhs-care/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/heal-our-hospitals/9762987/Hospital-apologises-to-38-families-for-appalling-care-that-saw-a-patient-starve-to-death.html Here's my homework..have a grand old day
- Nobody Nobody2: I have never seen that Infowar reporter.? Who is she?????
- Bassil Alanbari: So my problem with socialized healthcare is that there is a huge portion of the population who literally prefers mouth pleasure over being healthy. Cigarette smoking and absolutely horrifying eating habits and diets. Why should the public pay for people's awful and self destructive habits? Is it better to have socialized healthcare and police people's calorie intake/diets or is it better to force everyone to subsidize them? I would totally be in favor of a tax payer funded massive education effort and to fix the food pyramid etc. But to actually provide a safety net for people who refuse to change their lifestyles to get healthy seems like a really bad idea. Like we have to teach adults that drinking water and getting enough sleep is necessary. Now the NHS in England seems to do pretty decently with educating people. For example when dealing with depressed patients, before they prescribe pills, they prescribe herbs and oils. Like Ashwagandha and St. Johns Wort oil. They have basically 0 side affects and they work for most people. But at the same time, they all had to get new ambulances that are designed specifically for morbidly obese people. So, what the hell?
- DASH BUS TOUR: Bitcoin, Dash Digital Cash
- Gustyboi: Wtf? She is not owning anyone lmao...
- GulDukat479: The only thing dumber than that infowars video is this video.
- Theosphilus Thistler: "are they [Australians] all evil devil people who are arseholes and idiots and don't know anything?". Yes Kyle, yes they are, but your point stands.
- silencieuxasmr: She sounds like she's on pot 24/7... but oh isn't all of the left on pot?
- Owen: You're a socialist? Rich people are socialists. Socialists make poor people eat rats. Great logic. Unfortunately not very different from liberal media outlets either. It's also unfortunate that so many billionaires call themselves socialists considering theres no consensus on what that really means. Bitta charity these days and you can call yourself a socialist.
- Michael Hart: Iconic
- Blake` Richards: “You know Venezuela right?” “Heard of it” she’s definitely trolling
- Jintan: Woah they are both so annoying lmao
- 5h0rgunn: InfoWars is low hanging fruit. If you want to discuss socialism and other economic policies with someone who actually knows what he's talking about, get in touch with Ryan Dawson.
- Gotejjeken: Rando recommended from YouTube, but dude just because a home is inherited doesn't mean it loses value. What you did there is called deflection. The rest of the vid is just two uninformed idiots talking about Socialism
- Potting Soil: Yo, Dasha is wild.
- fabuladeum: socialism always fails. the policies of venuzwala failed and destroyed the country. that was her point. infowars won the debate
- basejump: you failed miserably to make your point...and wasted my time
- ductwork z: I'm from Canada and I eat rats
- Dylan Wagner: Lmao. I'm not even a fan of socialism and that girl was kind of a snobby but holy shit could you be a worse reporter/annoyance? Like damn way to drive a spike through a chill environment.
- Tylorgng: 20$ to the first person that count how many times she sipped her drink
- viliboy: Wife material.
- Muted Truth: If that's the case go get your ailment treated elsewhere lol... Go to Cuba see how great their hospitals are.
- recniabsal: THAT is the kind of woman I wanna date. Where was that interview done?
- Matthew Recko: In sanders case, when you’ve lived 80 years it would only be normal for you to have accrued wealth... Investment returns, you name it. A 3 million dollar home doesn’t seem too out of the norm for someone in his particular position.
- Stoichi21: David Gonzales If he calls himself something it doesn't mean he is that. To be able to align with a certain political ideology actually knowing what it is is probably a good start.
- Gabriel B: She got trolled? How tho lol she’s so dumb
- Morbugen1: Whats wrong with free health care and sociolism, we get them in australia.
- 010010000101 010100101: Yeah, but Bernie sold out and told everyone to support Hillary, so any type of support you try to give to him is moot.
- jasson k: She is so hot.
- theplayboymaster: This chick didn't fall for the jewish tricks.
- blykoger: So wait? She gave no facts, no sources were cited? How do we pay for this magic free health care? Still unsure how this info wars reporter was “owned”? Even if the info wars reporter was spatting shit.
- Make Comedy Great Again: Look at this beta male cuck. That chick she interviewed sounds like she has a brain injury. Shut the fuck up Kyle Cucklinski. We won, you lost, get over it!
- Go Away: That's not trolling
- NOT Omar: Anyone have her insta? Im tryna shoot my shot 😍
- Ed B: I thought Ashton Birdie did just fine in the interview.
- Thunder Chunky: Kyle - I can't believe you think that Sailor Moon came off well there...
- Christopher Ingrassia: That looked like a typical female conversation about political content. Nice try.
- James G: Eliza M. Her voice is super relaxing . . .
- Limitless Potential Technologies Inc.: kyle is a turd
- Daakist: The leftist progressive will stop and think about things. So when they are presented with impulsive propaganda talking points from a right wing bullshit artist, they sound weak and defensive. Its survival of the fittest ideology with no real right answer.
- Mark Haynes: Eduardo Carrochio no you fucktard idiot. We get socialism but I’m not buying your bullshit and we have a important document here in this country called the constitution. It’s my money I busted my ass and you have no right to take it for your free and subsidized government programs. If you want my money why don’t you grow a set of balls and come get it. Instead of telling the government to take it from me with their big guns. Your worthless scum!!!
- Fralab: Lmao all the infotards invaded this video.
- Ach Meez: I wanna make love to her. While she is wearing her sailor hat.
- Davey 'Dave' Daverson: I’m more conservative but god I hate info wars. IM ALEX JONES AND I HATE GAY FROGS
- slayer31397: Everything about this video is terrible. Title, video, you. Your attempt at humor is pretty sad
- Sonja Baris: Fuckin A Kyle! Love ur show!
- Victor Gan: Central Scrutinizer lol everyone except for you knows she is taking the piss
- Chrono Triggered: All this hot sailor chick had to say was some shit about lizard people and gay frogs and blondie would've been fucked.
- Nerolie: Clueless vrs teen sailor mercury
- Lliam Clifton: That women is a moron socialism DOESNT FUCKING WORK you idots how many times does it need to fail read your history, fucking idiots
- The Great One: That chick came out real aggressive.
- sham421: “corporatism” is fascism.
- Etienne Daniel Dodge: Heavily xanax'd girl with $3K SXSW band saying a whole lot of nothing.
- Jesus Jimenez: “nobody is ACTUALLY in favor of eating the rich” ...oops
- chalooter: Sanders has "3" Million dollar plus homes, really? How many did he buy on a 180k salary? Are you aware he never had a job before politics, running for Mayor of a small town in Vermont. He sponged off his parents, into his mid 40's! Now he, and this"valley girl" want FREE healthcare. What is that, exactly? Will Doctors and Rns, be willing to work for free? What will the quality of this "free healthcare" be like? Will it be rationed to the preferred sick? Will sailor girl be willing to work for free? Will the people who make cute sailor girl outfits work for free? People have a right to free clothing, right? Of course, we have the right to free coffee and lattes too, right Kyle? Those third world farmers don't need money to pay their bills, they can eat rodents! Now I hear they ran out of rodents in Venezuela, and are eating zoo animals, Tioger steaks for dinner!! mmmm
- SinfulKnight: I saw this clip on John Oliver and she was great.
- CB: Nothing is free.
- Dylan Morgan: Is this Ben Shapiro?
- Deplorable Trumper: Uuuhh I am confused. I would expect that this host supports the idiot sailor moon chick. Clearly the interviewer is the one that walked away getting the best of the sailor. The interviewer by the way is Ashley Birdie she has her own you tube channel and trust me. This girl knows her shit, she is very smart and I am sure would beat this host in a debate hands down.
- Lynne Gill: PLEASE some one explain socialism to Americans.
- Benjamin Dover: I live in Poland and we have government, "free" health care. We pay for private health care because if we depended on the "free" health care provided by government, we would all die.
- mharris1270: The Info Wars whore in the red blazer was sort of cute, I bet Alex Jones hired her so he could fuck her daily and didn't give a rat's ass about her ability to conduct a Soviet propaganda style television interview. She is a fucking moron, the stumbling teenager sure trolled her -- probably without realizing it.
- Chester Ho: That girl seems exactly like a Scott Pilgrim character.
- Dewayne Smith: We spend over 1/2 Trillion dollars on our military. Trust me collage and health car could be at no cost.
- Chris Henson: that is not even a infowars reporter,but socialism leads to death and poverty she is right.
- Kuhoin Kurenai: As far as I like that girl and Bernie, I must say, it is not an "I win" situation for liberal camp. She literally had no counter for the Venezuela cliche and in the end it was her that had to resort to ad hominem (i.e. you guys have worms in your brain). No good.
- edge O: "The irony is that people like you, me, and the hippie girl ARE the rich in the world. We live in the richest part of the world - the 1% - saying things like "eat the rich" as though it were a value." By that logic there is no reason why people die everyday here because they don't have access to Healthcare or why thousands of Americans are saddled with crippling medical debt. While your laser focused on that girl's 800 cellphone giant corporations are going out the backdoor with billions in revenue (thanks to trumps tax giveaways to the rich\corporations) that should be taxed and used to help society as a whole. We are moving to another recession faster than 2008 under this current administration who are wasting millions on pointless things like a border wall and giving away trillions of dollars to their buddies in the form of deregulation and crooked cronyism.
- kira leigh: Imagine this in a sing-song voice so you can understand it: Democratic sociallissmmmm exists in the EU in many different~ countries, that's what we're talking abouutt, and Sailor Socialism is too~ uwu. Venezuela had other issues not just sociallisssmm like corruption and the US pulling some migh-t-y-fine bulllshiiittt. It was trol~ling perfection because infowars chick couldn't stay on top~ic and moved to Venezuela which is NOT AmErIcA. God damn ya'll need to get your rhetoric checked, before you get rekt.
- Cpured W: I love the moment she saw the mic and saw the "Infowars name" she knew what this was. lol
- maremacd: What happened to your fingers?
- DA REAL Johnny Appleseed: justrandom1 do you eat Alex Jones protein juice? Dude buying his merch is the only way to stop the apocalypse bro! lol you ppl are a meme
- Jarl Siddgeir: The reporter made herself look aggressive and emotional during the exchange. But the girl she was talking to didn't know what she was talking about. She just kept her cool through the whole thing. Socialism is still cancer
- OCDlove: Wow, the left is actually very fucking stupid. Go INFO WARS!
- Suzette Wright: Infowars is crawling with worms.
- Tahoe Jones: Under the influence. Useless interview.
- joe johns: The girl in the sailor outfit doesn't have a clue. How do you think see make any sense at all?
- john mudd: The camera man chimed in. Bernie's wife inherited one of the houses. Venezuela has food, they are out of stock on staple items that the corporations are holding back. The USA has been trying to cripple them for decades. Hugo brought his people social services that took care of them. He was beloved by the people! Certainly this ppp Mr. T is not beloved. Rat ba@#$% are always trying to distort reality!!! And so does the BAD, BAD ENTERTAINMENT NETWORKS! Info... who is propping them up...Mercers?
- Cameron Holden: R N I can smell the dank from here
- Natalie M.: Love the sipping and constant phone checking.
- EuroHEV: Who cares! Their channel no longer exist! Zing! XD
- Ajeet Pooni: NutzernameKP just to clarify socialism and communism aren’t the same thing, communism is an extreme version of socialism that isn’t often successful or beneficial to the country while socialism has many benefits that even America has in some aspects today. Just because the extreme version of something is bad doesn’t make the whole concept bad.
- Ken Aldrich: Horrible line of questioning from infowars.
- gespilk: When you die you should have 100 square yards of living space for each of your children or , perhaps grandchildren ? It must be tax free to have and pass on. When you die you should have additional 10000 square yards of farming land for each of your children or , perhaps grandchildren ? That should be tax free too.
- Samuel Lancaster: Hey Kyle. Regarding you saying that corporatism and oligarchy not being capitalism, due to lacking competition in such systems of government. I would say that competition-less corporatism and oligarchy is the final step of Capital. So you can actually have a competition-less capitalism, where capital (wealth; perpetually reinvested for the sake of earning more profit) exists and is in control of the means of production, without there necessarily being competition among a plurality of capitalists.
- Whofan06: I hate those kind of interviews cause they'll use a lack of immediate response as "oh ho look the liberals are so dumb they cant answer a question" like no your question was so goddamn stupid it shut down the brain waves of everyone in a 100ft radius. "Venezuela is socialist and they eat rats therefore socialism is bad." Ever heard of I dont know context? Tons of European countries incoporate socialism, they're not eating rats. There are so many reasons to have a good debate around socialism, hell you can even bring Venezuela into the argument as an example of how bad things can go wrong if a socialist system is grossly mishandled by its leaders, but people eating rats is not a direct result of socialism alone and is not a good argument. You sound like a moron. "The 1% supports socialism" lma fucking o I wish 😂
- Iván: +Swoog3G are you an extremist?
- Mrdead Inmypocket: Sanders is not a socialist. I've met socialists and he's not one of them. Bernie is a New Deal Democrat, at best.
- Danny Hicks: Seeing as how half or more of Europe is dying and wont even be Europe within 20 years and is full of migrant rape and terrorism means that argument is invalid.
- Lucas Rojas: I love LULA I love MADURO I love POL POTS I love STALIN I love MUGABE 💕
- William Fitzpatrick: This comment is so steeped in demonstrable stupidity and falsehood I'm not even sure where to begin. I'll make the obvious that more clear: there are many countries, some poorer than ours, that have a national health program. Does a single one, or ANY country on earth, experience the hysterical situation you just described?
- Scott H: +EarRegardless the guy is getting off to entertaintment/talk/news on YouTube. When the fuck was that ever masculine?
- Zachary Bushnell: +Karen Van Zant To have their places taken with other tyrants. Your point?
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: you can't be this stupid?
- Ringo Starr: Fake reporter and I mean not on payroll. Video never on InfoWars. The girl interviewed appeared to be on a bunch of pills.
- Tommy Riggins: How was this a trolling...? I’ve literally never said this before, but y’all really are libtards
- Nick Fanchette: Both of them suck, and were incredibly boring to listen to. The interviewer was an idiot, and the interviewed was a terrible advocate.
- William Fitzpatrick: +M4rifleguy That was cute, even if a bit revealing and embarrassing, but I am genuinely interested to know your thoughts on healthcare policy.
- Dudong Kalbs: Thank you
- Captain Howdy: I know fuck old people and their social security
- Generic Name: God I hate conservatives who can't understand that healthcare isn't a commodity like TVs or cars. It isn't a free market. Firefighters are free, police are free, why not hospitals?
- Rariolu: You can totally see her nipple through her shirt in the thumbnail <3.
- Kalista Hall: Kyle, I give you a kiss, okay? (^.^)
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: The definition of troll changed...
- Killian Ryan: You don’t honestly think that was an own do you? Birdie wasn’t great but stereotypical American socialist doesn’t realize things are deeper than I just want ppl to have free healthcare money still have to get paid from somewhere. And of course no socialist would advocate eating rats but everything they compare to in Venezuela is a byproduct of the system it’s something that can and does happen And love your list of great countries that are all made up of nothing but white ppl those places are so racist. Not really but they are a different beast than us big time
- unifieddynasty: Yes, look at all the other first world countries where the majority of their citizens eat rats because they receive free socialized healthcare. Got 'em!
- sweetcompetition: Gay and gay
- Angelo Basso: Yeah it is lol. Some of her videos are pretty good, and she's hot af, but this "interview" was fucking hilarious lol
- BABATUNDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcykt12InD0&list=PL658A06660848E2D8 If every socialist was required to watch this playlist, there would be no more socialists.
- Skeet Skeet: She’s dating a BUG
- Roger Blackwell: Dude. Your generation fails to grasp logic and inference.
- Angela Villali: Not much of an "owned".Come on.
- Matthew Gordon: I disagree that universal health care is a good thing.
- David Warschauer: TheBraunMachine2011 I literally posted that on every comment thread in this section because Alex Jones brigaded his fans to the video. PS : you didn't go to college at the art institute did u?
- Kevin Thomson: The government pays for nothing.
- Zack Mech: Democratic socialism is a wrong term it's better to use social democracy.
- 54markl: Alex Jones is in deep shit now because of his two strikes from YouTube and the slander lawsuit brought against him by the parents of shooting victims. Plus it was confirmed today that Trump indeed took money from Russian billionaires for his campaign fund. The emails don’t look so bad now. I hope Alex will be kicked off YouTube very soon. This traitor is aiding and abetting the Russian propaganda network, I think much of his wealth probably comes from the Russian government. I hope he has to give back all that bone broth money too. He’s an insidious fraud.
- Harpo Barx: Kyle please don't PM me. I thought I posted this on Alex's page. You're my preferred online news source
- iiVe: ok liberals, if Bernie Sanders is a socialist, why does he have money? hmmmmmm?
- Austin Harpel: I would hardly call this "Trolled To Perfection." Neither of them really knew what they were talking about.
- Sharjes Mohammed: Venezuela has rats? Wow.
- Chest Guy MGTOW: Listening to this guy try to pull a diamond out of the rough for this chick is cringey. Elbow deep in his own ass and still searching for any way to make the stoned bitch sound smart.
- Lu-chan: A true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles Well true, but I like most of what he says, except his views toward religions. He is rational and not biased, I don't think that I've came across another similar American politics channel.
- Jovyd Carl Aquino: I would definitely bang the girl in sailor costume.
- erikbarrett85: Kyle's I mean
- acacia 929: Infowar thought she was dumb
- Rose Stewart: green cowz yup exactly. Canada isn't socialist. If anything it's classic liberalism and every party supports universal health care...more like free market economics with necessary services paid for by the government.
- catwalk33: *She reminds me of ally sheedy from the breakfast club. shes a badass*
- P S: I have a really messed up sternum (costchondritis), and when it hurts, it feels like a heart attack that no position or breathing pattern or ice or heat will soothe. There's nothing I can do except take an NSAID and wait for the swelling to lessen and the pain to recede. It's torture. I saved enough money from my paychecks to start seeing a chiropractor for my back and hopefully my sternum. Today, he asked out of nowhere about my stomach, if I had any reflux or pain. I said, yes, I've had pain there for years. He asked if I'd seen a doctor, and I said yes, but they just kind of shrugged it off since it wasn't immediately threatening. He started to press on my stomach and immediately found the area that is always hurting and his eyes went wide. He asked, "You're serious? No doctor's done anything about this?" I just shrugged. He continued to press and squeeze down the area, and started shaking his head in disbelief. He says it feels like there's a hernia there that could be inducing a lot of pressure on my whole system, which goes by the sternum and could exacerbate the costochondritis. He was flabbergasted that no doctor that had looked at it had even bothered to investigate further. He was shook, as they say. But the sad fact is, unless you're actually dying, broken, or bleeding on their floor, no doctor is going to do more to help you than the barest minimum if you can't pay the big bucks. So I've spent six years with severe stomach pain and three or four with chronic and frequent sternum pain that feels like a heart attack and debilitates me on the regular. Not because I don't work hard (I have two jobs, thanks), not because I'm rude or lazy, not because I'm somehow lesser. Just because my paycheck isn't large enough to pay the outrageous fees our health care system continuously hikes up to try and prop itself up. It's fucking ridiculous. And it's ridiculous that a CHIROPRACTOR was the only one to ever take that pain seriously when more than seven doctors have examined the area, said it felt odd, but shrugged it off. So thank you to my chiropractor. Well worth the much cheaper $40 per visit to get some actual help.
- Boobalopbop: Yeah, they have free healthcare (for those that qualify) and free college education for everyone, here in Germany and its because we eat rats all day long. Sigh.
- Babbleplay: Be fair, man, the troll lady was confusing and overwhelming the Infowars lady. She was 'cheating' by using words with more than two syllables, so the interviewer got panicked and desperate.
- Divine: Her nipples are showing
- Gavigg75: Looks like the leftist commie libtard got waxed oh yeah Alex Jones called me and told me to thank you for the free publicity kudos
- DANG JOS: Isn't that interviewer that girl ashtonbride or something like that?
- AtomicDoorknob: people forget that venezuela has a single source economy so regardless of their government style they will always have a shitty time because if oil prices drop it literally fucks their entire economy...why does nobody bring that up? worst countries to try and argue against socialism with but im sure infowars wouldnt understand basic economic ideas anyways
- H00DW1NKのー: You are a dumbshit, Kyle.
- Eddie Martinez: a smart ass white girl in a sailors outfit... literally my spirit animal
- thom_svble: Holy shit, "eat the rich" is a figure of speech that communists have employed for decades. The reactions to that statement are astounding for a supposedly liberal channel.
- Dallas Duff: I’m no defender of info wars but this wasn’t exactly “getting owned.”
- Will Applebee: I don’t know what you guys were watching but that girl was an absolute airhead. ‘Oh really, you’ve heard of Venezuela? Here, have a sugar lump’ In fact they’re both airheads and belong in a round room and told to ‘find the corner’. I’m sure that would keep them busy for years. I hate infowars and am a lefty but the idea that she’s a spokesperson for any ideas that we may share makes me want to disown all my beliefs, have a sex change and live out my remaining days in a convent talking to a wall.
- Donosaur: "Thats what Hugo Chavez says" omg the level of fuck ass delusion. I seriously can't stand idiots who think they're smart. There's nothing worst than a smart dumb person. Look at the fucking world around you you fucking douche fuck. Honestly it's like, people should be of a certain IQ to vote. Yes I said it.
- Club Sanjuichi: I would ask how they cook the rats lol
- Videophonic Workshop: Lets eat the rich! They‘re healthy and nutritious. Unlike the average poor sucker.
- OXYMORON: One thing for sure they turn the frogs gay
- elgordo111: That Bernie supporter is a beautiful woman.
- Shnehansu Raj Baruah: Oh yeah, she's so high
- Ethan: Tijuana Foreplay She's lucky she's pretty, she sure doesn't have intelligence going for her.
- YeahRIght: Lmao, she said: "infowars people have worms in the brain"
- Ally Jay: Her podcast *Red Scare* is kinda awesome... She and her friends are both vulgar and intelligent. Controversial and Hilarious!
- Impervious: "Gimme free stuff" and "you have worms" is "trolling" on the left? Wow, leftist standards are getting lower by the day.
- True Freedom: This post is bullshit. The interviewer made sense. The interviewer seemed like a total moron.
- Timma Stwone: I just wanted to watch the clip not have a nobody talk about it 🤦♂️
- Ed Cohen: your video sucks just as bad as theirs now we got 3 Dummies fucking talk and wasting time at least you got something going on those two are stupid
- Pa Culpepper: Who does this ramdom girl think shes acting like, a throw back to movie stars from the 40's and 50's with her "honey" and elitist attitude? What fricken joke, shes not the typical dumb college student shes even worse with her idiotical im better than everyone else projection; real winner you got there bud, she is disgustiing!
- Robert H: open borders and free health care.................... lmfao.... owner in a sentence
- flaat earth: kulinski is an idiot!!!
- Jdizzle0667: How in the Fuck did she own infowars? She just looked like an idiot! Just wanting people to have healthcare isn't a good enough reason to support full on socialism, and plus you could tell that she was dumb as fuck anyway lol
- Pyramid Pilot: It’s not free dumb fucks. Nothing is free. Someone has to pay for that shit. Wether it’s a high tax for people who actually work or debt that further builds in this country. Pay 50% or more of your income to pay for fucks who don’t work, but hey you get free healthcare. Yeah that sounds fair. Leftists are children.
- Voot Eimer: Socialism = Oligarchy. If you think the rich will be "eaten" by socialism then you need a reality check. The elite want socialism because it will concrete their ownership positions at the top by breaking ladders for others to compete. For them it's easily worth a bit more in taxes. They'll peel off a few bills and throw it in the jar and you'll get your McHealthcare. Bernie Sanders says nothing about Monopolies, nothing about Tech-monopolies which badly need to be broken up, is a proponent of teachers' tenure which guarantees horrible educators will continue destroying young minds, and will be the same pawn of the establishment as every other president. You might want to use your brain instead of standing in the streets, stoned, drinking a smoothie thinking that people in Venezuela didn't want the same things you wanted.
- Woke George Bush: We have mother fuckers eating squirrels here, what's her point?
- Ant Man: @Mat S Name some "social democracies" and compare them to the us on the economic freedom index.
- Fuckdisworld93: Infowars can get pretty retarded, but liberals and their socialist beliefs is pure cancer.
- Carsten Nielsen: Think you need to watch the video again if you consider that trolling
- Tim Doherty: Hermes Trismegistus In the German political context, the CDU (Merkel’s party is centre right). Germany’s political system is closer to the centrist post war consensus than the radically right wing post-Reagan US, but no informed analyst or commentator in the world (including the US) categorises Merkel as a leftist or a socialist.
- el pistore kabom: I can see her POINTS thou
- Stacy Stroker: Like whyyy does she driiinnk her cofffeee liiiike thaaaaat.... And her 'arguments' are not sound
- Kayla Pounds: So, here's a great comeback for any conservative asking somebody why they support Bernie Sanders if he lives in a $3 million home... "well, do you support Trump? Do you think Trump can relate to the poor and middle class? How can you believe that when he's worth hundreds of millions, grew up rich and lives in a luxurious penthouse with his own golden throne?"
- anthony mazy: The funniest part is when she says ‘eating the rich’ and the infowars girl goes straight into a talking point without pause
- Mama: You’re just determined to put down conservatives, no matter what they say. You say that this reporter made no sense, but her point was obvious - that socialism leads to a society in which the top 1% rulers have all the money, while the general population lives in poverty, eating rats. Is that really too hard for you to understand? Either you’re a stupid brainwashed sheep, or you’re just another media puppet who’s being paid off by the socialist elites whose goal it is to be the 1% that own everything, while the rest of us can’t even afford food - that is exactly what’s happening in Venezuela & that’s what socialism would do to America.
- MaDPuPPeT: if the 1% supported socialism, America would have socialism.
- Paula Keezer: Shawn Manson take the trillion dollar tax giveaway to the rich. PAYED FOR
- DigiCube4: Dusty Derrik yeah she should be more like the sailor girl
- Timothy Anderson Jr: This host can't speak with out sounding like a gutter fowl mouth idiot,,,who listens to people like this idiot.
- Ragin Pooh: “I think you people have worms in your brains”.... I fucking lost it. 🤣 I wanna buy that girl another tasty coffee.
- Jeff Cochran: okay.. how did she trolled her? unless i had a stroke between this video or i just didn't see it. O.o
- lilswaggin onbitches: Not sure if you understand the internet
- Ragy Ratloy: so most of you are in love with this brazened bitch, because her voice, or her willful ignorance, that is a strength? sure, the reporter is a rookie and new at this, but this girl, that her go to move is "sip coffee drink, reask question, sip again, say something cute, and you accept that as a win? rookie reporting aside, do you not realize the real story here? socialism has no excuse. muh feels, forget facts and reality, muh feels.
- Benjamin Simon Calkins: Bernie sucks rats
- Bloodshot Red: Clothes are evil if youve seen kill la kill
- Shady Kermit: Trolling fails
- smartbunny: The majority is eating rats?
- John Black: IW was around for years before Kyle
- Robert D: Trolled to perfection?... Ummkay...
- crudecod: i just fell in love
- MermaidMikkayla: This isn’t trolling lmao
- HowDidIEndUp Here: All involved are actors.... not even good actors.... I can't believe all the people that buy this shit
- Joseph Sonners: If she had done her right-wing homework she would have known that the answer is always George Soros. When it's not Soros, it's Crooked Shillary.
- Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus: +Brain Jones Well every first world nation besides the US disagrees with you.
- Mike Bernard: The girl being interviewed is an idiot. She "wants socialism" because she doesn't have a clue how it ends... because it appears she's never cracked a book in her life. "I just want people to have free health care"..... which actually means, "I just want to be able to force some people to provide services for free"..... or maybe they're going to be paid, which means "I just want to force others to pay for my health care".
- HOBBIT cadillac: ashtonbirdie is hot
- Phil McCracken: how did she own info wars ?
- cynical optimist: that coffee sippin chick is hot
- D Loc: You guys are crazy, she has the most annoying sounding voice ever. But i love how she casually sips her drink 😂
- Grace Reitz: I like her shirt
- Curt Christensen: ...on second thought, being polite is only for those who EARN it
- Dav: whyamimrpink78 You have answered ONE of my questions. But to that answer, I say: Wrong. We went against congress AND the UN and invaded Iraq. We are now occupying them. Correct, we are working with a government that we put there, after creating an incredible amount of chaos and loss of life by taking out the previous government. Also, the US is supporting MANY of the dictatorships in the world, so without being an expert on the current Iraqi government I wonder how it rates in terms of being authoritarian or being a 'democracy' (especially considering we are barely retaining our own democracy here in America. That is, IF we are.). And the invasion and occupation of Iraq has created far more extremism and terrorism in the region than it has stopped, so if we are just recently beginning to see an uptick in the quality of life it is far less significant than all the damage done over the decades, and doesn't justify the occupation. And I understand that Baghdad, at least, has the worst quality of life of any city in the world. I'm VERY glad to hear you don't agree with the occupation, however I discourage all the attempts to justify what we are doing overseas. It's of interest that Dr. Dahlia Wasfi has mentioned that her family in Baghdad was without clean, potable water in 2006, not since the war in 2003, but since Bill Clinton bombed Baghdad in the 90's. That's the part of the story, the angle, that largely gets overlooked or is never even heard by many people in America. Also: White phosphorus - Fallujah. Abu Grhaib. And the torture that got reported there was only the tip of the iceberg. Now we have Donald Trump and Gina Haspel and others openly practicing/supporting it. This idea of the 'war on terror' is practically a total failure, and we have ironically terrorized those people in Iraq more than most of us will ever know.
- Razor9111: +Manuel Enrique Solano Rodriguez Venezuela pal, the greatest critics of socialism are the ones that had to live under it.
- Zoltan Gyongyossy: So America and Venezaula are completely different. On one side you have the richest country in the world vs the 37th richest. Socialism performs vastly different in countries but I guess America would be eating rats the minute Bernie was elected.
- Chris Rodriguez: KIleisha shawtawn so please explain how or link me to the vid of his that he explains because I’d truly like to know.
- Baron Von Grijffenbourg: Why are you socialist?! Don't you know socialists hate puppies and motherhood?! So are you still socialist?!'' ''Yes..'' "BUT I JUST TOLD YOU SOCIALISTS HATE PUPPIES AND MOTHERHOOD!?!?!''
- CutThroatJuggalo: Braindead your example is the equivalent of saying the Jews were evil because they probably said, "those Nazis" fairly often. Poor attempt at a straw man and even worse attempt at trolling. I give you 0/10. At least you picked the right screen name.
- GoofballLOL: That girl seems chill as fuck. 10 out of 10 would respect her and treat her to a good night of comrade activities
- RubyKing1997: Her nipples are on hard
- JJaguars84: When a retard mocks another retard for being retarded. This is the entire gist of this video.
- James Crews: Why would they go to the US for healthcare, when healthcare in the US is UNAFFORDABLE!
- Adam: The globalists were behind this beautiful woman with the brains to match! Damn lizard people!!!
- Mark Jensen: Kyle, your brain is full of worms!
- Cecilia M: omg I need to find her I'm in love
- Tony B: Dasha
- STLCODPS3123: Desi angraiz did you just assume his race? Bigot!
- Carson B Wagner: Oligarchy is a political system. Socialism and capitalism are economic system. Various political systems can be paired with different economic systems, and more specifically, oligarchy can be joined with socialism or capitalism. Perhaps you should do yourself a favor, and at least understand political economy. Read Capital, the the Manifesto, if you wanna judge Marx, as you have, as a function of having read the latter. That's just stupid.
- gulden: I love you Kyle, but I find it extremely sketchy when you never mention poorer countries in the EU that have politics that you fight for, but because they are not doing good economically you just pretend they don't exist.
- DrRyan82994: B-b-but Bernie isn't socialist gais, he's a democratic socialist
- Diego Velásquez: +Hirnlego999 venezuelan here, there's no blockage, one governor did import some buses from US with the "goverment peemission"
- dick castle: Infowhores
- J CG: Cute little tits.
- Johnnybgood: This ismore Zionistrun lying hogwash propaganda .... AKA FAKE NEWS.
- Big Daddy Toyota Corola: She sounds like a basic hipster bitch. Don't see why you unironic "centrists" have your balls twisted
- Gloomshadow100: Victor .. USSR DPRK Cuba Venezuela all have gulag fool
- TegridyFarmer: Bernie has 3 million dollar homes? Its that something conservatives would like about him?
- spicott84: You lost your touch Kyle. Hack!!!
- I am THE WALRUS!: Right wing idiots don't even know Venezuela is 70% capitalist. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/07/18/socialism-private-sector-dominates-venezuelan-economy-despite-chavez-crusade.html
- Incorrectly Political: Umm... Venezuela is pretty much farther left than the Soviet Union was, where is the capitalism? The politicians who keep all of the oil money for themselves?
- John Daedalus: +Y I would add that many of american programs already work on a socialist structure, streetlights, highways and other public infrastructure, pre college schooling, police, firemen, parks etc...are all primarily funded by the people living in those communities via property taxes. Democratic socialism, if I can be blunt about it, is merely putting funding for social issues to a majority vote of the people. A primary benefit (or cost depending how you look at it) would be that earnings are more evenly distributed amongst the population rather than having something like 1% of the population hold 80% of it's wealth (figures I pulled out of my ass but I'm sure the precise numbers aren't too far off to invalidate my point). But again, I'm not saying this is the system for us, just playing devil's advocate to why it could work (at least in theory)
- mana shield: Lemme wifey the chick getting interviewed
- Matthew Welsh: That happens when a blonde bimbo does the job lol
- Aimee Louvier-Sutton: We need a president who lives in an apartment when elected
- Ziggymo Reactions: My landlord has two and he definitely isn't even close.
- Bradley: Her voice is hot
- Grey Tech066: There all in your buisness
- Paul .s: This guys stupid
- Williamcbelieve: What is a good tax rate? Anyone?
- bali song: the only reason Europeans are not dead or speaking russian is the US taxpayer funds their national defense. If we didn't, they'd not have one DIME to waste on their socialist bs. But you twits can't ADMIT that fact!
- Science lover: they took it down because they were clearly wrong in that argument and Alex Jones went on a crazy rant after on this innocent girl that had nothing to do with anything he was like a retard I comment on that video it got 100s of likes fast
- Mr. Never Wrong: Counter argument: free healthcare costs a lot. Bernie’s Idea about making the rich pay for college is the dumbest idea ever. Taxing the rich more to help the less fortunate sounds nice, but it is such an egotistical thing to say. I deserve more because I have less. If you want more work harder. YOU VIDEO MAN ARE SPUING BULLSHIT. YOU WANT PEOPLe to help other people because they want to not because of a forced tax raise. Work for your own money. Elon musk Worked his ass off in his younger years to create his own business. He is a prime example of someone trying to do good with his money. He is trying to help our environment with Tesla. You want to tax the rich you are actually hindering the rich people who do actually help society. Follow successful people’s footsteps if you want success. You don’t deserve shit.
- MrHigherplane: I think shes high on marijuana. But no you arenot entitled to "free" healthcare.
- Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus: +Toby Henderson Humans don't come from apes, it's more accurate to say that humans ARE apes. And that's a scientific fact.
- S Anon: Infor.. what? You mean that zionist shill?
- KatoBytes: You know, InfoWars Girl is right. You CAN have free healthcare without turning into a socialist shithole. It's called a social democracy.
- Ricardo Boykin: Infinite *insert nick young meme here*
- Dennis Hall: Modern day Liberalism = Braindead rich white kids who think it’s cool to pretend to know what economic struggle is while drinking $5 coffee drinks and holding expensive smart phones. Make America GREAT Again! Bring back classical liberalism!
- Milkman: The left can't troll
- John oof Koins: shes talking about america....not south america....just america....if thats what perfection trolling looks like, i must be a god.
- Arturo Mares: Bernie might be the poorest member of the senate but isnt his wife a doctor? Like that makes owning three homes much more plausible imo
- Cofaland Themed: This is everything that is cringe. I feel like shit that I'm even leaving a comment.... She didn't own anyone. You sir are a troll.... Or your not and should seek the help of family. Hope you can wake up.
- Philip J Fry: This is pathetic, it just shows how completely brain dead average millenials are & anyone who supports Bernie Sanders needs/deserves to be spoonfed by the gov't
- David Osborn: That was hardly trolling. More like confusion. Clickbait!
- ShaMana999: I dont get it. That's a pretty embarrassing interview for the girl...
- Striker: Got get a click bait title man.
- mommatoldme: Can we make her president?
- Bryan Brumbeloe: She's not with info was, she was a guest (up and coming MAGA hottie at the time) having an adrenaline rush... you can tell... she even got like that on Warski Live too.
- Lavia: No you don't. Your lies are obvious.
- Mary1337: I'M JUST ASKING BECAUSE THE SAME PHENOMENON DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE. Not in the same amount. Ok, so everyone knows that feminine gays talk (in English!) in a special way. I thought that women do not do it. As I've haven't heard it. But this one does. Is this really a woman?
- Hassenboy: Watch Destroyer No I do not "already" pay. I earn money and then armed men will show up in front of my door if I don't pay them to stay away. The armed men will in turn use most of the money to bribe the public employed and the jobless for them to turn the other cheek. I'm perfectly capable of choosing my own insurance thank you. You shouldn't have to threaten me of violence if I don't agree with you.
- Patrick Handford: I thought she would pretend she's a commie and fuck with the reporter but it's just an airhead who couldn't understand questions.
- Jacob Johnson: Cameron, nobody here thinks it's free. Stop strawmanning.
- ThesisCrow: Can people fucking shut up about Venezuela being socialist? Venezuela is communist.
- Daddy: I like her smile and laugh
- wootuser: Why the fuck is this in my recommended? I can see why they pulled it, arrogant millennial speaks and info-wars saved her public humiliation and embarrassment. text, text, text zip, zip, act like a stuck up rich bitch and Socialism is the way to go. OMFG.
- Nate C: Reeee Venezuela is eating rats
- Maveric Morph: What in hell is this crap!?
- Another 90 days to change this: +Jerk Off DAS RITE
- Avrysatos: She was amusing. I would have kept asking her which 1%ers support socialism (sanders style.). Cause I can only really think of one that even remotely supports it and that's nowhere near a majority of them.
- Flashy Paws: its not rats, its guinea pigs. and theyve been raised as food for centuries in south america. its more or less the same as me saying "donald trump is president of the united states and the entire country has been reduced to eating birds.' because everybody here loves chicken. this is what retards think is clever. fooling people who dont give a shit.
- Nathan Scott Shoemaker: You mean the conjoining of government, capital, ideologically justified nativistic nationalism to usher in the fascist state, and is that scheduled just before or just after the next republican depression?
- Scriptures Only: George Nader, the one who set up Don's back channels w the Saudi's, is a multi-national convicted pedophile! How many other friends like that does Trump have? Hundreds of immigrant's children STILL missing - where are they? Molested or sacrificed? Why not ask him #Qanon?
- Trent The He Him Prophet of the Dead air spirit: She just sucked at delivering the point. Democratic socialism social democrats blah blah blah, all it is REGULATION AND centralization of government and ALWAYS leads to MORE SOCIALISM UNTILL your in FULL BLOWN socialism. Take her point on Venezuela. She should have pointed out that Venezuela are democratic socialists and now the 1% run the country like the fascists they are. And 2. THE REST OF THE WORLD , who have it, OWE THEIR “BETTER HEALTH CARE AND FREE COLLEGE” TO THE US BECAUSE OUR MILITARY IS SO LARGE THEY DONT NEED TO SPEBD ALL THE MONEY ON DEFENDING THEIR COUNTRY AND CAN PUT THAT MONEY TOWARD THEIR CRAPPY HEALTHCARE SYSTEM THAT IS OVER ALL LESS EFFECTIVE WITH A OVER ALL HIGHER MORTALITY RATE AND HIGHER TAXES BECAUSE OF IT!!!! Dip shit!!!
- Moises G.V.: The video shows the other way around. Secular Talk you're fake news, you're the clown. That girl from INFOWARS said it as it is.
- Kazume Yama: USA is going downhill quickly with all these idiots on both sides, the gender bullshit and all the other stupid stuff going on. Must be the food making so many people act like pussies.
- Pikudo Pikao: A stupid cosplayer. You idiots claim victory to yourselves. Pathetic.
- De Selby: but they are eating rats.... just saying
- Matthew Smith: The point is there are no socialist countries that any sane American would want to live in. And there was no trolling to perfection in here. Just alot of pie in the sky liberal bias.
- al spencer: Blond bimbo
- EdgeCrusher420: This guy is a moron.
- genegol75: This idiot in the Donald Duck is your hero? Free healthcare?! Stupid....Trump2020.
- Ty: Oof she was just all over the place 😬 And didn’t have her facts right smh
- Thomas Ward: White Liberal Cuck.... don't you just love serving your Minority overlords.
- Hans Egert: Kyle you are fucking dumb. come to europe and see how socialism really works. you know noting,
- Reactionary Hermit: Actually, the nationalization a country's key industries would be fascism (state corporatism). Socialism would be the workers in those key industries owning the means of production collectively (hence the term socialism, which implies social ownership). People have hijacked political and economic terms in the modern West (the terms liberal and conservative for example) and distorted them in order to spread propaganda.
- titovalasques: I’m Australian and to be fair some of us ARE evil devil people who don’t know anything and are assholes and idiots, it’s the current government and Gina Rinehart if you must know.
- Kylie Smith: "heard of it" lmao
- Diego Moran: Komogil1 HOT
- End-Gamer: How much you want to bet Alex Jones takes his clothes off and chases that dumb as a rock blonde around the office.
- Juan Flores: actually bernie said theres no reason anyone should have more that one home.
- Dylan Klebold: Sean McDonald (; of course man If you want we Netflix and Chill on a Curved TV while we Eat a Feast only Government officials get to enjoy in a Socialism country c;
- Pekka Lauttamus: You know it's really sad that these brainwashed right wing idiots think that everything free or public is socialism and main argument is bullshitting some random countries that actually have free healthcare. That they example eat their children or rats have unicorns, ogres, pixies and trolls. Just typical fairy tales. I have never eaten rats and we have free healthcare should i try eating one? Any got good recipes? Should Americans start eating rats to get free healthcare for all? Raises many questions about future perhaps rats are in american source nutrients you never know?
- judojon2216: She treated Infowars with the validity is should be treated with. It doesn't matter what points you make won't matter to them, they'll just respond with sophistry. It's best to just dismiss them as a joke, and let them talk themselves into a noose.
- Christians For Pewdiepie: I have a hard time seeing a troll here. Don't get me wrong, I think Infowars is as much as a laughing stock as the next guy, but sometimes they actually grow a braincell and make sense. That and Ashton Birdie is so much smarter than Info Wars, I don't understand why she would fall for their lies.
- peter: WOW. I didn't realise till now. *Info wars is a cult like scientology or those evangelists who accost you in pairs!* Only they are using cameras and VoxPop instead of pamphlets and phoney tests.
- bernard: The 1% of Venezuela attempted the coup to overthrow Chavez, after which THE PEOPLE restored to power. They are also the forces working with the US to try to remove Maduro...what an ignorant reporter and a sleazy angle to try to score points debating about venezuela which the vast majority of americans on left and right have very little knowledge or interest in, so not likely in a position to dispute the reporters false assertions.
- Alessio B.: I know nothing but I want free healthcare, so let's push socialism on everybody. Really good arguments, she definitely won the "debate".
- Antonio Silva: I’m mostly in agreement. But she didn’t own anyone.
- Jixxy Trix: I wouldn't call that 'trolling to perfection'......Not even close. The reporter was a little aggressive though. Good trolling ( I don't even like that word!) would be Ben Shapiro turning Cenk Uygur's argument around on him and asking him if he's a prostitute. Boom! BTW, Cenk said to google it...
- WDHAGN: why is she holding her drink like that
- D. L: lol that girl did NOT make any valid points. Don’t get me wrong, that infowars girl was definitely sloppy and you could tell she was a little newer to the whole thing, but that leftist didn’t have anything but a nonchalant attitude. She didn’t say anything of any value. No, more like sarcasm 😪 lol she did nothing
- Billy Jones: She is fucking gorgeous bro and I love her attitude
- Bernae Jacobin: Who's this magnificent lady, I imagine her Twitter account is on fleek
- Ringo Starr: This looks like fake InfoWars segment. Never seen that girl with the mic ever on InfoWars before.
- Alt Name: That dumb bitch trolled no one.
- SmokeyBluntRoach: And that's what the left call "trolling"
- Jae J. Evans: What does a blonde White Woman know about what’s going on in Venezuela. Mind you. This is not a question. She knows nothing of Venezuela.
- luli goitiño: I think the interviewer is right what kind of health can u expect ehen people in venezuela are eating rats. No not the rich as he said rats. I live in Latin america and the situation is real. A lot of inmigrants our coming to our country because a loaf of bread is half their average wage.
- Andrew Panken: Yea, Venezuelan socialism has nothing to do with American politics. It's a special case!
- Simply MGTOW: I found it amusing that the woman she interviewed was wearing a Japanese school girl's uniform.
- hbgriss: Both complete ignorant dumbasses. Real Truth hurts.
- friendly: I down voted because the commentary afterwards was worse than the two tools in the clip.
- naturalistmind: should have said "are you saying the rich are rats? and if so, then yes."
- Scarlett Cunningham: DMT You're welcome. I'd like to think I'm the type of person who can admit when I haven't handled things perfectly. Cheers
- jacesaces15: I think the info war chick owned herself. Sailor Moon barely said 3 words.
- Theo Davis: She reminds me so much of April Ludgate.
- Flyleaf Plot: Typically I hate that vocal fry register (creaky, vibrating vocal cords) some women use, but this young lady pulls it off in such a sexy manner. She's so damn hot in every way, and that outfit makes her even hotter.
- seansurfn2: ya that's because they are you dipshit and socialist sailor moon didn't even know that lol
- TheThruster24: $700 coat *he's abusing the system!* Homeless Veterans $8000 medical bill *crickets...*
- Obsidian555: Oops, the triggered Alex Jones mob have come here. Taking a break from sucking off daddy Trump (you know the slave of the elitist, globalist, Satanists that you always love talking about)?
- Lance The Gimpy fisherman: You don't have to bring socialism to the US you're more than welcome to go elsewhere you have plenty of choices
- Basil brush: You can eat em but they taste like shit!
- Ōkami-san: Honestly, I'm not worried about Trump. He'll win in 2020 as the DEM collapse as a viable party. What is SAD is this crap about 'Free' Medicine and 'Free" (insert wish) Kyle here craps on about. It's sick. As much as he hopes that one day we vote to make this Bernie Sanders horror show a reality, is as much as I hope we vote to begin deportation to countries of origin. Because, that fact is, this isn't working for anyone. Either support a LIMITED government and remain in the USA - or leave. It's that simple IMO.
- Walter S.: well Venezuela turned into a bad state due to overspending and poor planning as it relied heavily on oil (ummm, bad idea). it's not the socialism that's bad but bad management as socialism is essentially centralizing control over the economy by definition. with Bernie in control, he won't actually have the power Chavez had which was changing the constitution to allow chavez stay in power. infowar is for rtards and I'm against Bernie by the way (Obama is against Bernie and Cortez)
- slave trader: how is that trolling? learn what trolling is you soy boy cuck
- Augie Cleland: So shes New? Big fkn Deal. She's was onpoint, Venezuela is Starving Jackass! Just another Obamanite that wants "FREE SHIT"!!! Very Bad 1st impression Kyle! Not impressed...😱💥😱
- X x: The interviewee was hot
- David Warschauer: @turppa21 : alex jones is a fraud.
- D207j: LOLIs if you believe healthcare is a right, where the doctors rights come in . You think he owes you the time of day. He has to give you some of his time on earth for free ? You give him nothing back. Ok he's a doctor right . So he owes I get it . But if you were a mechanic should you offer to work on his car for free if needs be . I mean he giving his talent ,shouldn't you do the same ? Lets look at this another way, Suppose I want some soup for lunch, were do I go for great soup? I know, the soup line right , that's great soup hmm ??? Maybe the 5 start restaurant on the corner might have better, why would you think that, because everyone knows if it free its crap . No secret.
- Johnston Hawkins: You're being lied to, but you're not going to push that bull shit here, we can read & count. Belgium is well over the euro average, spending over 10% of GDP & rising on health care. Working for now but NOT sustainable! Eventually you will run out of other people's money. https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/state/docs/chp_be_english.pdf
- Ross Edwards: God I hope one day I'm approached by one of these idiots. I would rip them a new one that video would never see the light of day lol
- drew t: I am poor. VERY poor. I'm now 4 weeks with a tooth in need of a root canal. Only 1 more week until my appointment. If I had the $ to pay out of my own pocket it would've been fixed in 1or 2 days. Socialists want everyone to have to go through this waiting crap. Better access for those who pay out of pocket is a perk of having a job that pays well. Socialism=everyone waits in line. Socialism does not = everyone gets good healthcare. If you're poor sometimes you get screwed. That's life. I've learned to live with it. So should all the universal healthcare whiners.
- Felix Gonzalez: Ain't nothing wrong with eating rats lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeyC52zeSGA
- Wylted 1: Tim de Freitas military and police are not socialist institutions idiot. Also we know, that’s why the economy is not as strong as it could be and why poverty still exists
- Cynthia Morgan: Kyle get off the drugs lol This piece was CLEARLY a success for info wars! The Bernie supporter looked and sounded HIGH! Where in this did the Bernie girl smoke the blonde?????
- BenjerminGaye: u exist? I haven't seen one of your videos in ages.
- placeholder: You can be rich and live a decent life and still stay true to your ideals? What is bernie sandera supposed to do, become homeless for credibility? Also, venezuela has fiscal issues that are not rooted in socialism, but in corruption and illadvised decisionmaking by the central bank, similar to turkey where the president is trying to force the central bank to keep low interests to maintain the momentum of record low unemployment rate. Which is exactly what Trump is trying to do right now, right before everything falls apart crumbling, just like in the agorementioned comments. Finance 101.
- Anthony Lumini: Kyle. You are the spiritual equivalent of Alex Jones, please be aware of this. I only came for the video at the beginning, and I the remaining time I learned nothing and felt the more and more I watched the more I saw only one real difference between the two of you, even though you are both arguing with your own echo chambers, Alex Jones is smart enough to make money off of his.
- Goran Tamburic: You really suck Cenk`s COCK!!!
- dante dmc: I think they eating rats because of the sanctions
- Steve Thomas: Are you aware that Alex Jones and his family are at each other's throats? Are you aware little girl you have been fed every question you just asked me? Are you an airhead?
- Melon Dick: *Sippy straw iphone Sippy straw* "Uuuuhhhh......."
- Gabe The babe: It would great to have free healthcare, free college, free ect... but we can't. There isn't enough money to just throw away on people who want to abuse healthcare. Socialism is socialism no matter what other words you put around it.
- Zero: Why is she dressed as Donald Duck?
- Rudy Morrison: VMohdude - she’s too dumb for porn lol
- Pikudo Pikao: It is not possible that you are really claiming that pothead who barely can breath and speak has owned anybody.
- BoxOfMyst3riez: I think it's possible that this women was just a not very well informed and dumb. Is that not a possibility? Like she has her heart in the right place but she's just kinda dumb
- Michael Benavidez: That newbie should've just walked away with her tail between her legs. She was way over her head the second that girl said "I'm talking about America"
- Joe Sudz: Lohe221 and what character would that be? Make myself and those like me seem as dumb, careless and stuck up as everyone thinks they are? Good act. 😏
- SetsunaAngel99: She made her dance for sure. Sailor Woman knows the game.
- Alex Martinez: Valley girls have thoughts too.
- patriotsoldier76: The infowars reporter was shallow and overzealous at the same time but she had a valid point of view (though she obviously had been spoon fed each point). The point is socialism is kind, generous, and works perfectly until you try to explain how you will fund it. The people who actually work and produce ultimately get tired of working to provide for people who are unwilling to work (healthy, young people of course). The workers either quit and cause an imbalance in the giveaway system because of their checks being drained and never getting ahead or they rise up and take back the government by force. Socialism is a fantasy cooked up by powerful globalist who want to put the human race in total subjection and control at the hands of an elite ruling class.
- EnigmicIdentity: WALMART jobs would not exist. You seem oblivious to the fact that retail jobs existed before Walmart, and that many of those jobs have disappeared since the rise of Walmart. The Walton family didn't CREATE the jobs, and they certainly didn't invent the concept of RETAIL. What the Walton family did is to COMPETE for the market (jobs) that already existed and the right to profit from the labors of others that do them. That they did very well in the competition was in no small part due to the fact that they taught their employees not to expect much in the way of compensation. Walmart's $10 billion profit divided among its 2 million employees gives it the ability to pay $420/month for employee healthcare, which is enough to pay for respectable healthcare for the workers. This is ignoring that even tiny increases in prices and decrease in company growth rate would result in much more and that the U.S. model for healthcare makes it absurdly expensive. With a gross profit of $120 billion there is a lot of room for prioritization. The idea that Walmart "can't afford it" is rubbish. The United States is not a poor nation. The well-being of the lowly employee simply is not important to Walmart, because the employees do not command it. Retail workers used to make a decent living. The Walmart family helped bring that to an end, and then they rewrote the laws to give themselves a $50 billion tax break. The Waltons have not been arbitrarily targeted; that is absurd. Their workers have the right to demand a fair distribution of profits.
- James Crews: Actually, tide pods are the things that gen z fuck boys such as yourself eat! Not millennials!
- Smash Bros. Ultimate Trailers: I doubt most Venezuelans are actually eating rats
- bishplis: tired of your fascist neo nazi anti china anti socialist bullshit, go fucking live in a tree if you hate society
- Danielle Griffin: This is stupid period !!
- cag147: kyle, would love to punch your beta face. Also, nothing was funny in this video
- John mosley: Im right wing and the bernie chick owned this basic bitch conservative ashton lol
- Goodwins all access Media service provider: Alex Jones is what’s wrong with America and why the swamp flourishes
- Joanne Apple: Gurp K ...”um, no, sweetie, you have vape on the brain...”
- carstuff: That blonde cunt is Ashton Birdie. An incredibly annoying, small conservative youtuber who is triggered by like...everything lmao
- Hugo vose: Pls tell me what are you driking ? So i wont be so stupid like you dmb bitch
- Lavia: "Your a retard" You're*
- Cristos Ortega: Okay, anyone in this comment section could help me with this? I'm not big into politics and stuff but would socialism make my taxes go up? I'm not for that at all.
- James Crews: As I said before. There are tons of countries out there that have a FOR PROFIT healthcare system were all expenses are paid out of pocket. Even they don't charge as much as they do in the US. They have private charities that pay for those who cannot afford healthcare.
- half track mind: W.t.f is this b.s. socialism allows gov to grow in all corners of your life yeah. Look at this socialistic obama care. See you young people don't realise this but obama care made it 3 times harder for you to own property in this country. Hay take your income tax to pay for insurance you must have. B.s cant save your income tax to help you to purchase property so you rent. There are reasons why the free medicine market failed. 1 is illegals getting gov subs. 2 is temporary employment there are many more but that's the two main reasons why. There was no groups for insurance company's to compete for. Now what? You must have insurance or pay the fine. And now all insurance company's have to do is sit back and wait for people to get insurance. So yeah the rich had to give allot on that one please the one who pays is the worker.NOT THE RICH. The insurance premiums has sky rocketed over 15% and by the year 2020 will skyrocket anther 30% to 60%. So who pays?.the young people trying to have a dream. Social health care never worked. Well it does but here is how 1 you have one long waiting list and wait for them to die.but its ok you have insurance.2 or do like hitler and open up the death camps. You cannot.a man once said the same thing over and over with negative results.you have insanely. Socialism allows gov to grow and bigger the gov the smaller you. Like reagan said.the people are the captain of the ship where we sterr to socialism and eventually communism or steer to democracy and freedom... The terra tax on metals is a good idea but don't stop there put it on all goods coming in. That will allow business Here to grow as the ones that took advantage and left the country. Like harley davison. And many others. Hay i got money and willing to spend it but the company's to day need to realise we need employment and opportunity in this country so here is why i think the way i do and big biz listen. If you want some come give some bring the business back if you want my money i buy u.s and don't care what the cost.every chance i get. Heal this country you will heal the medicine market you hire employees not temp services. Once we can realise the problem may be we can fix it. This country has always been the best at industry yes labor cost are more but this is a large market. Yes i don't think anyone would want to stay at work at a plant.but a J.O.B is only a start to pursue a education for a career. We the people expect our young men and woman to defend our nation. We expect a judge and police to protect our rights along with people in office But we wont do a thing to defend our own rights within. So Democrat or Republican 3rd party. In the end we the people need to make the decisions on steering the country in the right direction.reagon also said there is no left or right but a center. Yes it would be nice fore all of us to have top grade immediate health care. But without the thing that's called work force you wont ever get it no matter what your views are or points are on what i just posted here. We all can agree the towns that had factory's farms and good places to work and have a passion for. Are slimmed down to..a bank car dealerships or fast food restaurants and last but not least convenient stores. It might be your to young to see it but i do. We still can do it build it make it invent it better than most. But yet we lack the opportunities we once had. I voted trump yes. But i still do not agree with this wall. It is a false sense of security you can build a 100 ft tall wall someone will build a 104 ft ladder wont work by its self . Lets look at the fatalities in the past the southern desert has killed people trying to cross for years.and for a safety reasons we need infrared sensors for a five mile span from the border. That watches constant movement for people crossing. To stop these people from being lied to that they only have one day and one night in a hot desert.then on the 3 rd night they are safe in the u.s . nope that is a lie and people die. Well if you read this far thank you for getting my views on it. I just hope someday we can come to a mutual understanding and we the people the true captains of this ship get back at the helm. Cause voting for the best of the best is better than voting for the less evil. Thank you i set out in this message not to offend anyone but to try to give my reasons on why i believe some things need yo be changed back it worked. Its just that i did my part to help it fail cause i also am a small part of that captain. And for you young people today that feel you don't have the same opportunity in this country i am truly sorry for my small part of it. I hope the best for you your family's with tears in my eyes i am truly sorry.for what has happened the last 30 years. But there is hope the pride still lives on in our country and soon i hope the captain will return. And not turn to socialism to keep what we started our freedom to choose without gov interference. We do need gov but not huge gov. K that's it thank you it was a lot to read. And sorry about the proper grammer i sucked at that in school L.O.L
- Toons on Strings: Socialist girl is way cooler, but neither one of them are making any sense.
- c baxwar: She did not "own" the infowars girl... Da fuq. Just chowing on her milkshake and stating "I want" free shit is not owning someone.
- Thomas Didymus: INFO WARS Socialism for the 99% = BAD Socialism for the 1% = GOOD What a joke. And the Infowars morons think they are fighting the establishment😂🤣. Nothing but mindless tools for the rich.
- RussianBot: That Ashton Birdle (Twitty) chick is hot! You don't wanna be eating rats people!
- socialism is for figs: Poorest member of the Senate lolol. Also the girl being interviewed is a dumbass. They're not modest homes. Do your research.
- Raoul Fleckman: Hahahahaha ! Venezuelans are eating rats because of socialism. Seriously? Do people think that you can't have a meritocracy if you have democratic socialism? That's not the way it works. One problem we have is that real "kill the rich" type socialists are pretending to be Democratic Socialists because they know it's more palatable.
- Francisco Rodriguez: im right wing and dont agree with alex jones, but i still dont agree with democratic views on alot of things. no one should agree with alex he is out his mind
- Derald Plater: holy bandaid! batman!
- Frank Delgrosso: It's best to not engage with the right who characterize socialism as comunism. Socailism does not say no one can be wealthy. Talented and hard working people can still get very far ahead under full socialism. Socialism just ensures we actually allow everyone a shot and ensure the basics are available to all. Arguing this to the right is pointless they don't lesten. Best to focus on the people in the middle.
- Eddie Cavanaugh: You guys are retarded wow she got owned idiots
- Steve Fannin: God damn the comments here are just disgusting. You people are such pussies. This woman is a fucking blind faith humanitarian because its popular. Unbelievable.
- najbrzi28: I want to marry this woman ❤❤❤☺ We can eat the rich together👍
- Abronymous: The blonde bitch is a typical leftist trash... They only try to care about other problems, without acting upon. Stupid bitch, why dont you go to venezuela with that 30,000$ your daddy gave you and do something about the rats they APPARENTLY eat? Fucking sub human trash. (The blondy)
- Scotty Roxwell: MegaMiir Awww, you really do care! <3 What a guy!
- 75ShadowShooter: Infowars did not pull the video. They made an entire show out of mocking that airhead Bernie girl. The infowars reporter was unimpressive though.
- Donald Grab them by the pussy Trump: Is that supposed to be a discount Lauren Southern?
- Proivate memeless: SawdEndymon 1312 Ashton birdie
- XSourStarX: She's not trolling she's just a liberal you cant tell if a liberal is trolling or just plain stupid
- 60zeller: Your definition of glorious and mine are quit different
- Mr Titles: +Walnut Gaming you have to know the difference between social democrat and national socialist. Why would you even bring up the holocaust in nazi germany during the second world war as an argument when debating healthcare?
- Mehdi: would bang/10
- NightMayor: The Bernie girl sounds stoned and even then makes way more sense than the Alex Jones groupie.
- Logan Cagle: That reporter was was too hyper lol
- Obr Kenobi: Fuck me Amerikkkans are stupid.
- Sock Piano: Poor program. Not eloquent. This is the same kind of media that is dumbing down its viewers. "Arm yourselves with knowledge."--the paperboy
- Kobe Pickering: She didn't even destroy her though :/
- Ali Wang: Hey man, calling them “useful idiots” is a little harsh. They’re more like vampire familiars if you think about it.
- Keith Durant: nature giver Have the 5 million Colombian refugees left Venezuela yet is the better question..no..those people know what to expect when they cross back across the border.
- Gondwana: I'm Venezuelan and i find it so intellectually lazy to give Venezuela as an example of socialism. Bernie is always saying he wants socialism like Canada, Norway, Denmark, Germany... And infowars brings up Venezuela which is bankrupt because of corruption and ineptitude, not socialism.
- dingoog1: “Is that true? Like who?” Venezuela!!!! Blah blah blah .infowars never answered her question! Whom in the one percent supports socialism?
- Don Farmer: Cant believe i didnt get one response to my first responce about democratic socialism. Steel from the rich to give to the poor like Robin Hood. No wait steel from the socialist king that was supposed to be taking care of his people and give it back to the people so they could take care of themselfs.
- Dan Sanger: Chavez and Maduro were/are corrupt authoritarian populists without respect for democratic values, supported by a cult of personality. Sound familiar? I think the interviewer took the wrong lesson from Venezuela.
- RILEYproMAGICIAn: Shes like an anime character who got high and feels the bern.
- Snitchpac29: A baby doesn’t get health care if it doesn’t have a family😂😂😂😂😂
- Precursor Apollo: They lady didn't seem too informed. And the info war was trying to force the lady to be against socialism and Bernie.
- 064678543: Did that girl just came out of an anime convention??
- victoria avery: who said she owned anyone? she was trolling
- Riri Airi: sfreakc what points? She didn’t really make any in favor of Bernie. She just let the blonde idiot talk and hang herself.
- TheLakabanzaichrg: Woah, woah,woah, Are You Implying that INFO WARS isn't RELIABLE?
- Thyr Lindberg: If I was in her position my first reaction would be "I don't speak to fools."
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: Well, is socialism good? I mean, it's working for Venezuela. I thinks that's the whole point. Dont know why that's a hard thing to wrap your mind around.
- Starchyu: I love that girl. This video is pretty funny. I wish we could talk with honesty and clear communication and without propaganda "I just said Venezuela is eating rats" Like yea... but that's them not us. Who's to say we couldn't create something new and better than socialism and capitalism? IDK maybe I'm too nieve.
- Z&N F & S & J: Saturnin Kepa Yeah except it wasn't pulled DA
- Antichrist: Bernie being the poorest senator isnt even close to accurate. He is estimated to be worth between $2-3 milion when the average senator is worth $1 million and there are a few senators with less than the average americans net worth.
- Grendel: Kyle, I expect better content than this, what are you doing!?
- Knekten: God King Trump what a sad pathetic loser you are
- Jordan J: Her response sucked, but she definitely didn't get her ass kicked. Plus they ambushed this girl, even after she said no thanks.
- Lucas Rojas: They aren’t eating rats but they are eating zoo animals which really sucks 🙁
- Alex D'Accardi: William Fitzpatrick The VA is totally fair as it specifically benefits those who put their wellbeing on the line for us. I'm not sure if anyone is making a fuss about the existence of the VA. Medicare and Medicaid have saved multiple family members of mine, and I'm grateful for that. Senior citizens and the legitimately disabled should be taken care of. However, it is no lie that these programs are subject to large amounts of exploitation, VA included. A mix of private and public healthcare is good when the public healthcare has a relatively strict, fair criteria to utilize. The expansion of it however should not be trusted. I believe it's completely being used as a political lever. As for the private lobbying that you mentioned, I believe that's a fundamental problem with the way Americans choose those who represent us more than a problem with the philosophy of the system itself. I think a line has to be drawn to prevent black and white thinking in this argument. It's not a definitive argument to decide whether private/public healthcare is superior. It's an argument to decide whether or not the expansion of existing public healthcare is worthwhile under the given circumstances.
- western province of california: +Nk m Population doesn't matter, since more people also means more taxpayers. You're the ones who decide to spend a ton of money on an inneficient war machine apparatus. But even if you decided to keep the defense spending just as it is, America would save money from going single payer, since you're the country who spends more on healthcare (private and public combined) per capita, only after Switzerland. Adopting the model that every other developed country follows would increase taxes, but since you wouldn't need the very expensive insurances that you have, you'd enf up with more money at the end of every month, AND better assistance. Despite what many Americans think, taxes are pretty low in the US. But you end up paying a lot more for basic necessities since you must pay privately what it's given for free everywhere else.
- Jonathan Bierman: this really burned Alex Jones; I think he stalked Bernie at LAX, it was an ambush but Bernie wasn't going to give Jones any bait for him to spin
- S Nomad: you look like a woman dressed up as a guy.
- Thunder13: ****Typical blonde right-wing reporter**** - "Why do you like Bernie?'" ****Savage Troll***** - "Ummm.......Because he's a socialist"
- darkslayer175: If only all people on the far left were this calm and composed during interviews...
- David Warschauer: @omnicron : alex jones is a fraud.
- Watch Destroyer: Doc Equis If I have to pay for others to have Medicaid or Medicare why shouldn't I be able to get Medicare for my family?
- Alt Fit: Fox news isn't that bad but really all mainstream media needs to die. We have the internet now, they're not required.
- nono meme: She's so chill :) Literally does not give a shit about Infowars
- Art Vandalay: Some of us would really like to eat the rich
- The Russian Troll Network: Why should everyone have a right to free healthcare ?
- Pig0Benis88: Do you seriously support socialism now Kyle? No fucking wonder all of the retarded TYT channels are dying. A majority of your audience hate watches you. Go eat shit you fucking cuck. I used to respect you for some reason.
- REVEREND RAY: Hey guys move too a socialist country. Socialist don't believe in personal property. You are a liar. Commie go home.
- Cam77891: Trolled? It sounded to me as if she was winning the argument
- MrUtsa24: +tylerx2f01 Guess you haven't heard of Siri and Amazon echo. The future is now old man.
- Lavia: You don't even understand the colloquial known connotation behind free healthcare... Typical retard...
- D Dog 2015: pmessinger Yeah. Here, I'm heading out for some weed rat stew. You want a bowl?
- INeedAttention exe: It’s like vocal fry man, come to Cali and you’ll like fully understand like the whole thing
- John Smith: Moral: Don't argue stupid points with the cool woman.
- Mike Anderson: Anyone that would vote for HIGHER taxes, abortion, and criminals is nutts.
- mocki rangne: I'm so sick and tired of hearing about Venezuela every time they try to put down Social Democracy. Anyone with half a brain knows Bernie favors the Scandinavian models of SD (which by the way now is defined as Capitalist Welfare States> They are at the top of every chart, graph whatever, when it comes to Quality of Life, Healthcare, Longevity, Climate, fair wages, happiness, education, Democracy and most recently Freedom of the Press-Norway#1 , Sweden#2, Finland#4 (while USA dropped from 43rd to 45th yay....) I lived half my life in Sweden and was born there and the other half in MD and NYC, I have lots of in person comparisons to go by. I think Americans should have an obligatory student exchange program with a European country when in HS so they get better informed about at least that part of the developed world.The Germans used to have that, don't know if they still do?
- Ivan Rep: First of all there's no such thing as free healthcare. 'Free healthcare' is paid by tax money. Secondly, it's very overrated. Where I live we have 'free healthcare' but you can't get any tests done unless you're dying, nor will you heal any injury without going to a private doctor.
- Ronin Blax Mushroom Cloud: Having a million dollar home does not make you rich anymore.
- S.O.C_91: Cuckular talk you voted for a pedofile
- Dahveed: She might have messed up a bit (nerves, maybe?) but she isn't far off the mark about Bernie. He does indeed own 3 houses, the 3rd of which is worth $600,000. He is in the top 3.8% wealth bracket of the country. He isn't TECHNICALLY in the top 1% but he is damn near close. (That being said, I don't think a person's wealth should determine the validity of their ideas.) And I don't think either girl "owned" the other. They both looked kind of arrogant and stupid. The blonde (Ashton Whitty) was trying a bit too hard to pull off a "gotcha" and failed. However the girl in the hat she interviewed didn't "troll" her either... She is just another typical bourgeois latte-slamming socialist who wants everything to be free without thinking about who pays for it. TL;DR They BOTH looked like airheads, and declaring a winner or loser in this fight is light gloating over one kid beating up another. You're not proving anything, you're just being nasty.
- threedots are nice: the woman from infowars was so taken aback by the eat the rich thing LMAOOO
- Rose Stewart: Christian Gerber that's essentially the difference between libertarianism and liberalism...how necessary goods are provided. Classic liberals believe it's more efficient to have some of these goods provided by the government. I don't want to pay a toll for every km of road that I use or pay rent for the land through which my water main passes...i don't even want my own water main. Canadians don't look at it as spending their tax money on strangers...and we actually spend less on health care than Americans. We have each other's backs. Health care is one of the issues that shows us how different Canadians and Americans are. We only get along because we have to and we're never going to think the same way
- T C: her outfit was soooo perfect for her! lol she needs her own tv show ... Real Life Daria! 🤣
- TSATrash: You people commenting here are mentally ill. You have no credibility. The socialists cancer that all you loon bag wack jobs destroyed California. Now you invade other states causing poverty, crime, homelessness, massive increase in traffic accidents, and pure stupidity. Who is this complete douche with low intelligence on this video? This kurlinski is twisting everything people say. He is a social cancer. If you want to pump your stupidity go to Chins fruit bowl. You have no credibility.
- Jess John: I live in canada and one thing americans like her dont understand is that free health care isnt free its payed for by taxes, the goverment doesnt pay for it, u do, but i would rather pay a small amount in taxes and have the care i need then be like it is in america where if u dont have money or insurance u r fucked
- Grand Ape: 7:30 you got a nice neck there boy...i want to lick it.
- D B: WomanTrolls? Are you serious? They were both idiots. Nothing more to be taken away from this video. I can't believe I clicked on this. If any video should be pulled, it should be this one.
- ice la honk: you know Venezeuela, right? 'heard of it', sips tea
- Brad Wesley: The liberal hates corporations while she's diving into an I-phone and sipping on Starbucks with a high end pass for SXSW, lol
- Zig Field: If this video clip is the best the lemmings have then the game is well over lol. Just keep Cucking Kyle you da man! Lmao
- Rabbit Snare: Sailor Moon likes Bernie Sanders. It's actually very rude to walk up to strangers and start talking race, religion, or politics. Start with the weather.
- William Fitzpatrick: v rodent
- deltahalo241: The whole thing of Venezuala eating rats because of Socialism was a pretty big one.
- Zvonomir Zuboronovic: Some people's political arguments are akin to outsourced Indian call centers, where they get lost if the conversation deviates from their script.
- Dawn Broker: Losers want undeserved equality.
- carpejkdiem: Ironically surely she's eaten pork. She was clearly projecting.
- rattlesnake survival: Yeah, Ashton birdie is great
- Algie Evan DeWitt V: Ah... Well North Korea is a Democratic Republic (in name... Sound familiar?)... Guess we shouldn't want that either.
- VotelessOrc497: She got her ass kicked though. x3
- Diamonddeath: Hugo Chavez also wears clothes, right? Clothes are now evil.
- jinxmaster1: both were retarded
- dr nubstein ✓: I'm so in love
- Justin Brooks: All your views come from trashing infowars...get off Alex's nuts. Your trying to be just like him...
- Mr. Pants: +Thomas C no, you just let your country get overrun by child raping muslims and call them refugees. And all these European nations are racking up enormous debt with all these socialist programs, thats why you see the rise of right wing politicians throughout europe. Paying for something through debt isn't the same as coming up with a financially feasible solution to the problem. Nothing is free, to say it your healthcare is free is beyond retarded. What you have in Germany is some people paying more in taxes than they use in services and others getting more services than they pay in taxes. Obviously, there doesn't need to be children starving right now in order for my statement to be true, these policies are just going to bankrupt the country and then these children will be without healthcare and food. Seriously, how did your middle class schools not teach you basic economics? Do you middle class socialists never pay for anything yourselves?
- ThePhilmoreslim 1: That jnfo war girl should fuck herself shes a fucking lemming like 40 percent of thos country.
- Him Bike: Free healthcare like they have in Cuba. If only we could be Cuba
- Mikah Soul: "You know Venezuela, right?" "Heard of it."
- Nathan Hall: This is amazing. Info wars is so childish
- CREvothegreater: fyi that out of it chick being interviewed is unemployed n living off her rich parents......its hilarious when rich white privileged bitches try n bitch about people that r richer than them.....shes part of the problem as much as hillary etc.....
- Kenny Weaver: I love how airheaded this girl appears, but expertly trolls the InfoWars girl
- sheppfun: God,What an amazing lady.I'm in love.
- Sheryl Beasley: Love her outfit.....No not the clowns outfit!
- Kevin Best: B's sf
- Mana Montana: lol what part of liberalism taxes people most of their income to spend on strangers? liberty is being taxed for only the absolutely essential governmental functions and everyone takes care of themselves and their community. if you want to be taken care of if something bad happens to you then think about settling down in a community and be nice to them when they need help they might return the favor. if you want to be taken care of when you are old have a bunch of children raise them properly and they will return the favor when your older.
- Daniel Puig: LMAOOOOO
- yosef ib Rahman: 😂 propaganda & Indoctrination is not Education 😂
- Deplorable Trumper: Eating rats is not a hacky argument you idiot. Venezuela not long ago was very prosperous, the socialist Chavez got in power things started going down hill and Chavez became a little more radical very quickly a full blown Communist. The economy collapsed. People started eating domestic animals, zoo animals, and now RATS. Ashley was very astute to point that out.
- Jarid Gaming: Info Wars is a Prime example of what the Republican Nazi Party is as a whole
- PikPobedy: typical fluffy bleached blondes are typical of fox, infowars, etc
- Sherlock: They are both retarded.
- Screaming PHOENIX: I love how Bernies fucking log cabin is always raised up as an example of extreme wealth by the same people who believe you can be in touch with every day Americans when flying on a private jet from skyscraper to skyscraper. Pick a narrative and stick with it assholes. Bernie is the ninth poorest member of the Senate. He lives on his salary as a senator. When you save money you can buy things.
- ATP Synthase: What was her point with the rats. That makes no sense. How will redistribution of income make people eat rats?
- chris hamilton: I gotta say, this might be the first tranny I've seen that I would fuck. It's kinda cute! Of course, that might just be some kind of weird grudge, donkey-punch kind of thing,....but I'd still go with it.
- Snuskigaste: I love that she has a sailor high school outfit.
- Phlegethon: This girl’s attitude is awesome
- FILM STUDIO SOCIAL MEDIA PLANT: I think you're overrating this a bit..she could have given much better answers.
- Little Horn: I would defeat all her evil ex's and write a song about her
- whitehorse1959: I came here because of the INFOWARS reference, curious about it. I'm leaving again because socialists/communists bore me to tears with their retarded, childish thinking. Bernie is USSA.
- antflga: eating the rich is not a joke
- GBomb Engineering: Both these people are idiots, I mean c'mon...
- Jordan Boyle: Did you get that info from a Michael moore film ? 😂
- ZenVeganKitchen: We have free health care for all here in Australia, as well as a liveable minimum wage, and no is eating rats as far as I know!
- Alt Narrative: This guy? What? The reporter was saying that Bernie himself is criticising the rich but HE'S rich. He's not the poorest of politicians and so what if he was? He's still wealthy. And what a red herring to say he never said that people can't have three houses. Moron.
- Elise M: This is like when people got angry at Jonathan Swift for writing A Modest Proposal, where he said that poor children should be sold to the rich as food. These morons didn’t understand satire then and don’t understand it now.
- Gaming Conquered: Kyle is a fascist
- Al Clark: Scott Gibbons. In the Dem primary Bernie fought like a pit bull, starting with 3% support and virtually no name recognition, faced a media Sanders blackout, continual smears with the incorrect "socialist" label, and a corrupt DNC. In spite of all that his approval was 47% and still rising when the clock ran out. When it became clear that Bernie could not win the primary he did what he promised to do. He put country before ego and supported Hillary over Trump, ie: he supported the lesser of 2 evils. Hillary’s policies on student aid, immigration reform, criminal justice reform, minimum wage, tax policy, and environmental action on climate change were somewhat close to Bernie's (thanks largely to Bernie’s pressure). And why else would Bernie endorse Hillary...hmmm...oh yeah, because the only other option was a lying narcissistic pervert con man with small hands that smell like stale pussy, surrounded by right wing extremists who want to cut environmental protections, cut Medicaid, cut Medicare, cut consumer protections, and give still more tax cuts to billionaires. Now Hillary is a corpse, and Bernie is still fighting for the middle class and the vulnerable, standing up to Wall Street, the insurance industry, big Pharma, the economic elite, and the political establishment, and fighting to change the Dem party to a true progressive grass roots party that doesn’t even accept Wall Street or corporate donations. He is now the most popular politician in America. The majority of American's agree with every one of his policies, and they are the policies that America, especially the middle class, desperately need. Bernie fought for you and me for more than 30 years and at age 76 is still fighting for us. So you turning your back on him for one decision, a sensible one to support Hillary over Trump, makes you a brain dead piece of shit. You disgust me.
- DreamSurfer21: "Capitalism is bad" says the girl holding a $1000 cell phone and drinking Starbucks.
- Willy Brisbois: she wants free, something for nothing. she probably relys on someone else for lifes necessitys.
- Nancy Mesek: She reminded me of Parker Posey. ‘You people have worms in your head’. ROFL
- Andrew Panken: Our entire media, corporate and gov't elite support socialist theory but live the life of the filthy rich. Yea, isn't it wonderful to live in the elitist, very expensive sections of DC, NY, San Francisco, LA and Chicago, but spout off about the socialism being of benefit to the poor. Too bad, you can't live the life which you claim is better for the poor. Give up your wealth and then implement the socialism to see what is the taste of eating out of dumpsters and killing rats for dinner.
- Berzerker: Jewhole
- Sushi Addict: yeah what a flamboyant comment dude, You're biased as fuck. Sailor outfit? coffee?!! liberal scum!. Besides, there are many ideas of socialism that are good for people, I'm amazed how some of you Americans are brainwashed to the bone that socialist means communist. Take a hike to europe and see how some of the most socialist countries prosper, 2 times better than united states and half as much problems to deal with. It's the thruth, im sorry.
- Manxie Diggler: Wulvena What are you talking about!. Obviously you know nothing of the British NHS. You are a fine example of someone who hasn't done their homework or is not capable of doing so.
- Wilma E: Don't scroll down m9
- Lavia: Same way every other modern industrial nation has. Are you retarded?
- Marina Marie: I hate these condescending fucks that harass people who say "I dont want to do this" or "I dont want to be on camera" and then attack their views, have no respect, and don't even know how to give a good argument honestly if someone did that to me I'd smack a hoe
- The Pessimistic Physicist: twat
- Reed Criswell: In Venezuela, the business community is against the socialist government. This is just stupid.
- None Of Your Business: Why is she allowing them to interview her if she can't speak up.
- Dane L: +Isabella Scott Who wouldn't troll Info Wars?
- Orene: I like her sailor suit
- Bolek Lolek: If i was there i would slowly step away when she said that. what a creepy girl, i bet she's into some fucked up stuff.
- NyYankees1985: I love that these cuckflakes always bring up the worst examples of socialism... what if we were to talk about capitalism through the lens of its most corrupt backwards examples, which there are more than a few
- Michael Williams: She's cute too
- Peter Mogensen: That Info-Wars talking-point is just so insulting to Scandinavia. The ideas Bernie said he would bring in was the social democracy of Scandinavia. Saying that's the same as Venezuela is just ... ignorant and offending at so many levels.
- Gabe Bartholomre: This is not trolling
- Gaming with Friends: I think the reporting from you was way worse. Her goal was to get a bottom feeder that probably doesn't have job to admit they want something for nothing. Because a lot of their audience are the ones paying for these leeches. Your video was just a lie. I have no love for infowars but at least she tried some honest reporting. Btw, the whole EU experiment has failed and getting worse. Your counter point has no validity.
- TheThruster24: "Free healthcare" is the term used for socialized healthcare, we know it's not free but that it's paid for through taxes, you are not enlightening anyone by mentioning "someone pays for it" that is common knowledge.
- Morpheus: I think America needs a real school system before Healthcare so people understand what socialism is...
- DawnApon: How does free health Care not equate to pursuit of life (liberty and happiness)
- Fukai Kokoro: God, they are stupid. Bernie is SOCIAL DEMOCRAT. Not socialist.
- Cromwells Ghost: The video made sense to me. The communication and language used, was pretty much easy to follow. This video no one was destroyed or trolled. What’s the fuss here? There’s more videos out there that show ANTIFA and BLM and cops, and liberals talking crap about guns, economy or the environment. Or treatment of certain groups of people. Which you tend to ignore, or not call out. This video was not ground breaking. For every 1 video that allegedly shows up the far right, there are 20 videos that show up the far left. You still have a way to go to close that gap.
- Sean Armstrong: sorry, i mean do you actually have an article which claims bernie pays less tax (percentage-wise) as compared to the other top 1%? The links you provided don't answer that question, and that's the key i want to know.
- Hassenboy: She's a typical American slut. I've been with too many. Travel to east europe or south america an find a real woman
- Dr. G&W: Lando Griffin I never understood the whole, “Wealthy people can’t talk smack about wealthy people” sentiment
- Fuck Trump: INFO WARS is as fake as Trump's election.
- Swedish Otaku: joemobumtwizzler Why are u asking if youre sensing clickbait?
- John Giles: Corporatism is late stage capitalism. Stop saying otherwise.
- TE BE: How is the right wing so mentally retarded! EVERYTHING THEY ENJOY ABOUT AMERICA IS SOCIALISM!!! Anything they name is socialism. This shows you how reasoning with Trump's base is absurd! They just repeat things WITHOUT FUNDAMENT. Stuck on stupid, on autopilot. You want to catch one of those mindless zombies attention? Start by saying Trump's a Natzi, and he's doing a disservice for jobs. But no matter, you'll get the same rhetoric propaganda. They're parrots repeating scratched CD's of rhetoric propaganda.
- Synth: I just watch your videos because of how awkward you are.
- Nicholas Sandlin: Umm....how exactly did she own anyone? Am I missing something?
- matthew ellis: merkal a conservative? you german are an endless source of lols
- Felix Desrosiers: Which senator has less wealth?
- NPC exe:14465: No ownage
- LAGERUNG3: Braindead socialist fanatics dont own anyone.
- Wretch Gunk: the only thing Alex Jones cares about is raising the price of gold and silver for his masters in the John Birch society, everything he does is a means to that end
- Mark Haynes: R Camacho obviously you don’t own a business. I do and I spend a major part of my day trying to maneuver my through the maze of rediculous regulations. Half of which nobody even understands unless you have law degree. So stick to the things which you know about which are probably limited to playing your X box in your parents basement!
- Garrett1111: Yeah she was amazing - and she reminds me of Parker Posey!
- Mike Oxlong: How much for the hooker in the sailor costume?
- Super Mario: The woman is slow look she dresses like a 3yo!
- NutzernameKP: Nether capitalism nor communism are the prime solution.. but the capis always try to say thinks like that. If a country is Sozialist and the peasants have to eat rats, than it’s not a Sozialist state :) it’s like a wolf covers as a sheep
- Lucky: I like health care for all. And free journalism school for this idiot. She badly needs it.
- Louis Vild: Random woman: Well i just want free healthcare. Infowars person:BUT THE FUCKING VENEZUELAN PEOPLE EATING RATS, COMON THE RATS PEOPLE!!!
- Gr8 B8 M8: Where is the equivalence between Venezuela's corrupt and defunct systems and what Sanders proposes, which is taxing the rich a little bit more who hardly pay taxes anyway to fund universal healthcare and education? You can't even pinpoint the exact "policies" that failed in Venezuela to mount the argument. (hint: it had nothing to do with government-sponsored healthcare and education). That's not communism, no one is advocating tearing down democracy and capitalism, something that in itself is entirely out of your comprehension.
- Carbocide_warrior: How did this woman troll the reporter? How many socialist countries are on top of the world rite now?. Face facts and that is no purely socialist or communist style government has ever worked. How many people have been butchered in the name of these ideologies. Hey Kyle how about you fuck off to a socialist country and stay there cuck boy. I'd say America is doing just fine with the capitalist system.
- lol101lol101lol10199: Infowars – Make Amphibians Straight Again
- Bit Spook: Marry, bang, Kill: *BANG!*
- Fintan: Hmmm. I don't know... I'm a Bernie supporter, but this was far from "owning" or a troll.
- SPACEBAR !: this chaps a wally
- Nathanael Stricker: This video is dumb. You were harder to listen to than the girl from InfoWars.
- Popo Bawa: A rabbit is a cavy, like guinea pigs. They were mistakenly classified as rodents a long time ago. But there are quite a few actual rodents that people do eat.
- Grendel: Julian Gomez where did I say he should say what I believe? Fact is, I disagree with a lot Kyle says and I respect his right to say the things he does, but in this video he manages to say nothing useful or interesting about a stupid woman saying nothing useful or interesting to a news outlet that has a track record of saying fuck all that's useful or interesting. They are an embarrassment and so is this video.
- JDUB427: Steven Jacks alright like an epic rap battles of history type thing?
- Unknown Unknown: The top 10 best places to live in the world have socialism... Norway Sweden Switzerland etc etc... the rich tell you socialism is garbage because they don't want to give up their money... you see its higher taxes to pay for healthcare... I'm from Canada... I guess it's okay to have fucking guns to have mass murders but it's not okay for people to have health care... we have a problem now in Toronto on with these fucking guns coming from United States with the gangs... we should build a wall
- Brian Barnett: The 1% supports Socialism (claim #1) Bernie is a socialist (claim #2) This must mean he gets massive campaign funding from the wealthiest Americans. Somehow I dont think their is ANY evidence of that.
- Cider Yeti: So let me get this right... The "blond" has a info wars banner on her mic therefore representing info wars. The "other one" is a republican at UC berkley. So fucking what? They both come across as brain dead twats.
- Ink129: Hey, I'd take eating rats and the rich to having worms in my brain any day...
- Jack Middleton: You don't have the right to free healthcare in the slightest. You're just cowards who are afraid to die.
- Georgino Pastrani: That first comment though, that chick's attitude is 100% disgusting.
- Vinny Angell: "You people have like worms in your brains, honestly" lol I'm in love
- Deplorable Trumper: Wow Kyle you sure are stupid. Must be why you are stuck on a low rated you tube channel blowing raspberries into the mic like some 40 IQ that just had a lobotomy. The 1% are all about controlling people. They are doing this by destabilizing countries, and replacing the government's with communist dictators. Look what is going on in the middle east, and in South America. Many shit hole countries south of Mexico now are so ripe with poverty, drugs, disease and crime that those people are coming to America. If you had your way the doors to America would be wide open and in no time you would be eating RATS. It can happen that fast. 1 maybe 2 generations that's all it took for Venezuela, Argentina is another once very prosperous country fallen from glory, another Socialist government. Dude you should quit while you are ahead. Go work at Home Depot, leave the political commentary to other more skilled idiots like the retards at tyt. Never thought I would say this, but they are not the worst.
- Nan Kidd: Socialize,Nazism,caabalism is coming down.bs
- Georgiacat Raj: Fight the good fight
- James Crews: I wonder where they all come from? The tide pod eating meme Nazi generation must be sharing Kyle's video's on 4chan. lol
- Green butterflies: 7:03 😄😄😄😄
- fthechance: FAKE BS Small timer Kyle the Antifa is trying to get some clicks...
- 2manynegativewaves: Everyone,through taxes,it works in the majority of civilised nations,its just a shame the USA has never been one of those.
- Goughs Bastard: Still owned Ashton the liar.
- Rob M: Today I learned that socialism is when people eat rats. Or was it the rich?
- Hannah Kirk: itzel varela well ashton has a speech impediment and I’m guessing she was just nervous
- XeniteBlackthread: Are you kidding? Feral cats have been teaching *us* boxing! It's called Kong Fu!
- setmedic: Rats can be very filling🙂
- Na Fianna: When you try to pull a Ben Shapiro but you're a dumb ass
- Kevinhillcrest: I just love how you call this reporter a NOOB!
- Roberto Valero: This is not trolling!!!!!Are you a Sanders fan or what???This is bullshit!!!!You people are just bad losers thats it.😂😂😂
- REVEREND RAY: Castro's went too other countries too be treated not their free healthcare.
- Brandon McKinney: Well you tried buddy. A for effort though. It was obviously pulled because the reporter wasn't very seasoned. Who is paying for the free health care? taxpayers who have jobs an healthcare, why would I want to pay for a person who doesn't want to get a job an feels like the government should be there sugar daddy.
- PikPobedy: BTW FWIW Hugo Chavez died five years ago.
- AGATH0R: Info wars is such a fukin joke, u mite as well be a democrock if u believe that shit
- Lavia: Yep, they put it back up after getting mocked.
- EnigmicIdentity: What "public clinic" are you speaking of?
- Jennifer Esein: I know that infowars girl. She was at one of the free speech protests in Berkeley last summer. I was there and tried to talk to her, because she had a sign that read, "let's have a conversation". I tried to talk to her about death and death directives but she didn't seem interested in hearing me out. I was a little sad about it. I thought she wanted to talk about anything, but she seemed more interested in holding her sign in front of people. :(
- Creeping Death: This chick being interviewed was as dumb as fuck. And no one got owned here or trolled. These videos and comments just show how retarded these anti-trump fans have become. They are rejoicing in the retardation of someone who is even dumber than them. Trump 2020. Believe it fuckers.
- Reverend Dank buds PRO420: I have no clue what brought me here but this guy is an idiot and absolutely the worst talk show host I've ever witnessed in my life and they honestly don't even know what trolling is
- Kristen Roberts: She wants socialism and has no clue whats happening in Venezuela. lmao
- Alec G: I don’t think Socialism is that bad of an idea... I just don’t think people have used it peoperly
- Tracer2376: Wow, you are very left, showing who you are. You are a punk. You have no idea what the right is talking about at all. Free health care there is no such thing, get it, right leftists. Ask the Canadians how well that is doing for them. Free nothing is for free you pay for it one way or the other. You fucking retard.
- Sabrina Walsh: Hi Kyle, great vid but only one criticism too much cursing!
- ratiuss quetzl: Why do Liberal Women have Vocal Fry?? it’s freaking annoying.
- Apple Pie: > _So lower taxes and regulations are socialism now?_ Lower taxes is literally the same thing as getting a check from Uncle Sam, which many (wrongly) consider to be socialism.
- Lux-de-luce: LaseRamon this video is an example within an example.
- Phanno: David Griffin tell me, what's the best republicans have to offer?
- N/a N/a: +Y She wasn't making an argument. She was asked her opinion and gave it. The reporter was the one making "arguments"
- Tomcaatt: There is no such thing as being turned down at a hospital in America . Such a nasty little character you seem to be , (Alex Jones ? Check yourself .(Washington s one percenter )Bernie Sanders ( WAS only there to allow Hillary to win. We are ALREADY a socialism state like sanders wants . The middle class( that BO - globalist “socialism “- Obamacare “hasn’t destroyed already ) get taxed , then after “they” ( the globalist MARINER LAWYERS whove couped our country) get the first 3/4 of it then Washington only THEN ,it gets redistributed to OTHER THINGS INCLUDING welfare and food stamps ,It’s only the one percent that survive socialism ,BECAUSE (Washington “capital” ) is the lighted city on the hill where everyone is rich , but it’s the ONLY one, Why, because they get the money before it gets redistributed , therefore getting theyres first at the livable and current state of inflations amount ( and senate , congress , House insider trading). Then the rest gets distributed at a much less survivable rate to anyone who wishes to subscribe and do all but starve , ( generating second jobs like dealing drugs and drive by shootings) Now Venezuelans ARE EATING RATS , because the middle class gets taxed till they’re IS NO MORE , then it’s down from 3-4 classes down to TWO CLASSES , the ONE PERCENT , and the POOR ! I TOTALLY get it ?!?!! Like the ten years after song says “tax the rich , feed the poor , till they’re are no rich no more, Alvin Lee in 1971 , we’ve known what not to do way before you kids came along , I PROMISE and before us and before them . Any scenario wished to be created can and will or won’t and probably has already.
- The Left Side of Liberty: Universal healthcare isn’t even socialism. It’s a form of state capitalism. It’s not socialism. Socialism is a system where workers control the means of production. Universal healthcare has nothing to do with socialism and people need to realize that. Kyle, you also need to make that clear. You often say that socialism is basically a synonym for “government” or government control. That’s not true. You’re a smart guy, but your knowledge of socialism and anarcho-syndicalism is limited and borders on ignorance.
- Nice Blonde Girl: 'Secular moron'
- MrSBGames: How was that tranny "trolling"? She is really that dumb.
- chez421: Why use Venezuela as an example of socialism? They are many capitalist democratic countries that are just plain pitiful, is that what we should use to counter democracy? Having a socialist view point is more about having an interest in equality and fairness. Democracy and capitalism works only for the 0.1% the rest eat rats, even if metaphorically speaking! Right wing morons cannot think of a reasonable counter argument.
- Cosmic Acorn: Don't worry I'm a libtard too. But I feel like you have the closest voice to Kermit the frog for anyone not trying.
- Rick Ton: Bud Peters I love how you are absolutely wrong about everything lol
- Jim Taylor: Bernie Sanders? Really? OK then ... interview and commentary needs lots of work to make your ... "point"?
- Eternal Resolute: MAGA TRUMP 2020
- America TheBeautiful: the college girl makes no sense in her answers duh! and you are just using oinfowars to get more viewers.. you are a fucking piece of scum!
- Dylan Klebold: uncle ben Oof ;3;
- DubDanTV: Personal Information it might be great but its not really free
- Carl Smith: You can have that conspiracy theory trash fake news
- No Name: Castrate Alex Jones 2018.
- JupiterLounge: Every other english speaking country has it. Our social security program is socialist. Why are white ppl trying to keep the country inferior?
- Justus Merchant: I lost it when she was like "...for Infowars?"
- Bryce Hale: Healthcare is not a right and needs to be privatized to ensure affordability.
- Doktor Sten: A "truely woke individual" who says things like "but I just told you they eat rats in Venezuela!" 😄 People who think this dumb bitch is smart must be as stupid as her.
- Jennifer Isaacs: Reminds me of a political comic of a homeless guy begging while democrats complain about republican. The cartoonist usually does well at conveying republicans as good and democrats as bad in whatever opinions, but this time really didn't make republicans look good in the process. When people have such limited thinking they really do themselves a disservice.
- El Qone'ars: +$fish$ If you weren't busy worrying about left-wing/right-wing politics, you would understand how absurd of a question "you know Venezuela, right" really is.
- Samuel Skillern: The interview-ee has a point--she support socialism because she wants people to have free healthcare. But as a selfish human-being, her accent makes her seem like her head is perpetually up her butt.
- moi: Majority of the money would come from the actually rich people, your average middleclass piggybank wouldn't get wrecked. The lines to public healthcare clinics are what they are because people go see a doctor even for the smallest thing since it's free. If you need some urgent check up, go to a private clinic and pay the bill yourself. I don't know why you would do that though, just go see a (free) doctor regularly. What would you need all that saved money for anyway? Do you need a mansion to stay alive? Everyone thinks they will never get sick when they're young --- but come on, you will most likely get some shit condition when you age. You'd be footing the bill for that. The unnecessarily rich people would be the ones footing the bill for others. Do you really have some complaints about that? /// I'm not American so I don't really care what you do, but I live in a country with free healthcare and there's a reason why we get ranked in the top of everything nice like highest life expectancy and overall life quality. Education is also free here, so it's not surprising our education system is usually ranked in the top 3 in the whole world... 🙄
- Avrysatos: Dave S because tax plans don't work that way. you're not very well educated on how our government works are you?
- Mae Borowski: Right wingers can't troll or meme successfully.
- Jack Myers: This guy wish he had info wars views
- RainingMarshmallows: Is she Ramona flowers?
- Jammin428: How is this a troll again?
- Matthew Layford: "Every American has a right to free healthcare and a rat on every dinner table." - Bernie Sanders totally said this
- Kosta Jovanovic: No, just with an empty brain
- Anti Witch: No, the correct answer is that she is too dumb to say anything off the top of her head, and now you liberals praise stupidity as chill? and cool? Get a fucking life.
- Rick Ton: Michael Ellegard Obvious newfag is obvious
- Thomas Clark: that was one of the least intelligent conversations i've ever seen
- matt hofer: Ok you stupid fuck, who's going to pay for all the free shit you talk about? I never went to college and make 6 figures per year, why the fuck should I pay for some dumbass kid to smoke crack and party instead of actually learning something? Free shit for everyone yayyy open borders yaayyyyu come to America everything is free, you libtards Re beyond fucking ignorant
- FollowerOfChrist: America has six months to complete the following. 1) Crush the Federal Reserve and arrest every member 2) shut down Wall Street 3) arrest everyone in the media and have one PEOPLES NEWS WITH UNLIMITED POWER. Lie to the people's media, and spend life in prison. ROAr through the pentagon and the NSA arresting traitors and violators of the constitution. Bomb Israel and Saudi Arabia
- Army of Ninjas: I'm actually in favor of eating the rich.
- My Window On The World: The girl in the beret is an idiot.
- tony castellano: Who in the 1% supports socialism? Uh uh Venezuela D:
- Django Fett: No, Crony capitalism is what bailed out the banks. Socialism is the most abused term in history. How does bailing out banks give control over the means of production to the workers? Bailing out private business from the top is a right wing position.
- Fighting Falcon16: Bernie sanders is a 1% person LOL to deny this is bullshit. In fact anyone who makes over 30k a year is in the global 1%. You commies need to kill yourselves before we do it in a much more brutal fashion.
- Minders Keepers: Warren Buffet hates competitive markets? Better offload my Berkshire Hathaway shares, although, in the past 25 years, they've supported me sufficiently to allow me to buy a house, car and maintain a pretty good standard of living.
- CeeGix: This guy looks ill and not stable. Typical libtard.
- francisco acevedo: Happy to be here yall ;) God thanks for kk and jimmy dore
- muggs00: 3 1 million dollar homes or 3 50k dollar homes you failed at socialism. Sailor moon there took too many oxis. She’s not a troll she just can’t thinkuuuuhhhhh.
- Mark Stevens: This was staged.
- Out of Space: Braindead You need to have either a nonexistent sex life or self induced erectile dysfunction to truly believe porn is evil.
- Lu-chan: A true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles 1- Yes, I'm Saudi Arabian 2- Nope, I'm devout Muslim :)
- Jeff Ferguson: Libs gonna tard
- zanechaos: I feel like the chick in the sailor top was kind of owned She couldn't debunk the socialism is bad myth
- Michael L Bryan: they would need to pull out the worms out of her head so you can reach her humane side.
- sean rodriguez: I think both people in this clip sounded stupid
- Jeff Howard: You are an idiot dude
- Donald Smith: "Bernie is Venezuela" is the rights buzzword answer to "Trump is Russia"
- Jeff Ferguson: You are right, I am un American. I'm from Canada
- Grace Enstine: Amazing! I love all her pauses and how she slowly drinks from that straw. She gives no fucks. Eat the rich.
- JL-CptAtom: Robe Connoisseur Implying. He commented that on 10 comment threads I have seen.
- sprybug: So I see Alex Jones fans came to whine and bitch in the comment section. Guys, put up or shut up time. DEBATE ME AND USE ACTUAL FACTS. I DARE YOU. All I see are insults and Ad Hominems (if you even know what that is). It sounds like you guys can't think without your lord and savior Alex Jones telling you how to think. Pretty pathetic. And we're the sheep. XD It's hilarious how he calls liberals misinformed. XD XD XD. Alright, well prove it. DEBATE ME.
- Richard Fawke: I think a lot of people on the otherside of the issue of free healthcare see it as an indentured servitude for the doctors and are like 'you don't have a right for me to heal you for free.' Im from Australia and the way the system works here is that if the general practitioner uses the governmet helth system (Medicare) they bulk bill it. That means they recieve their payment as a lump sum rather per visit so they are still on substancial wages and not working for free.
- AJ Schippers: This Video is amazing!! You hang yourself every video Kyle KEEP TALKING BUDDY! p.s. they never pulled video! get your facts straight
- Michael Pendleton: I just dont think we should allow free healthcare which would raise government spending indefinatlly, until we can manage to get a government that can actually balance a budget and gut the waste in the government. Weve raised the debt ceiling every year for like 2 decades im pretty sure, and idk why anyone would be ok with more spending.
- HybridCheef: bernie sucks off his wife you idiot. do some research his bernies wife is a criminal. here's a little truth about bernie https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2018/01/09/uh-oh-fbi-probe-into-bernies-wife-reaches-grand-jury-stage-n2431568
- Im brown, Worship me!: Hey, dumb blonde, hope you don't take offence ( your clan's men told me you are that and to call you that) ....just cause Fidel, and Hugo and Stalin called it Communism, it doesn't mean it was/is. ...maybe you should dye your hair brunette, or your skin brown or something....wait! What......did she say? I don't get it!
- LEAHMADDISON: As soon as she said “honey” it was over with
- jeffreywilcher: ROTFLMMAO,..the top 1%,is with Bernie Sanders.Hey infowars,were did you get this silly bitch.
- Alex Gowers: I very much agree with him. However there is a lot of ‘they’ blame language in there. Blame lies with specific people and names not blanket statements. This is the tactics of infowars, where an unnamed sectioning society are our overlords and any mainstream view is a conspiracy to cover it up. Be specific or you’re just as bad as infowars.
- bowwowchickawowow: That's rich =]
- GoodVibesTV: Emma stone be like
- mike perry: Yer a fawkin idiot
- Marc Simard: jaWbreaker YUP! You got it bucko! By the way if you dont like socialism, quit buying insurance...
- Lavia: They put it back up because they were getting mocked and thought they could save some face. Didn't work for anyone but their infotard crowd who didn't even realize what happened.
- Sonny Salvador: What these Ultra Zionist far righters dont tell you when they bring up socialist countries like Venezuela is, they turned socialists as a reaction to what their far right extreme corrupt former government did to their economy by enriching the top 1% of their population who sent all the billions they stole from the Venezuelan economy and transformed it to US banks, and as a reaction people of Venezuela revolted against their corrupt far right criminals and went the other way and elected a socialist government and as a result of that the US the biggest economy in the world not only sanctioned them and punished Venezuela but also spent billions of dollars to destabilize the country, and I must add this, the US does this all over the world, and when these countries under sanction and under all kinds of other imposed problems on them then here comes these uneducated far righters like Inforwars Fox News and others like them and say, look look how socialism destroyed a country now they are eating rats because they chose a socialist system, but what these dishonest far righters dont tell you is, all Scandinavian and most European countries are openly Socialists and they are NOT eating rats because they are Socialista but because the US has not imposed sanctions on them and tried to destabilize them, so next time these monkeys try to tell you socialism is tyranny, refer them to the Scandinavian experiment, and honestly, the US can never compare itself to any Scandinavian countries and the high living standards they have here, its just not possible, we have way more people eating rats in the US while no one eats rats here, in fact its so clean here I never seen a rat, I dont remember when I saw a rat last time to be honest, and another thing, here in Scandinavia we work 8 hours a day to have this high level of standard of living while you in America has to work 12 hours for the same value, what does that say to you, AND healthcare is free here :) listen ! there is no way you can compare your Darwinian capitalist economic to what we have here, so hell with Infowars and Alex Hasbara Jones.
- MegaMiir: Scotty Roxwell Then you're welcome.
- breakingdan: That wasn’t so much trolling as it was her standing her ground and not letting the infowars girl corner her and put words in her mouth. What that reporter is doing is associating Bernie with eating rats and extreme poverty but sadly that kind of ugly tactic works. What infowars won’t ever report is that there’s already poverty in America that often includes their own demographic that buys into their bs. That kind of spontaneous “reporting” is really dirty and damaging to any possibility of a real discussion. I hate even when people like jay leno used to do it and now jimmy kimmel to make people look stupid and get a laugh out of them. Now all these youtube political channels do it to further their agenda.
- Dean Allen: is bernie going to run again
- Couch Professional: S O Y B O Y
- KAWAII OBAMA: she is awesome. :) i like her...she has that keen look in her eyes. she is smart, i can tell.
- Captain Howdy: “You know Venezuela, right ?.” “Heard of it...” Hahahaha that girl gives -5 fucks
- C Robinson: They always bring up, Venezuela, Cuba, and Russia in regards to socialism. They never talk about Norway, Finland, or Denmark. Next time someone talks about the evils of socialism, bring up Norway and Finland.
- Bryan Rodezno: Lol PM him kyle! This guy will turn your ass cheeks inside out.
- soldav: wow. How tf does this show have half a million subs.
- LBM Projects Dustin Z: Soooo...... your using the stage now built from the efforts of people with the tenacity as Jones has. To now turn the camera of attention toward Alex? With his sentences read backwards in argument? You will fail, like the Soviets attempt to re engineer the SR-71 Blackbird. You just CAN'T find a way to gather the needed courage it takes, to put yourself and your opinion directly into the fire. Arguing about a red herring such as the proven health care fraud. IS the precise reason why your life, your efforts, your goals and your contribution, needs supplemented income to survive. Income that will undoubtedly be given from those collectivist institutions like healthcare, you claim to support. Healthcare is a concept birthed by people that couldn't find a way around the excuse. To go to work and pay the bills. And now, none can afford it. Because it has become a tool in of its own deception to survive. And like good little compassionaries..... guilt of the overstated necessity, burdens our sense to destroy its control grid. Healthcare has become the only bill a citizen has no way of refusing, even when you almost never use it. And has achieved self reliance and self sufficiency. It is the only ideology (but the most intrusive) of Adolf Hitler's architecture. That rules in an expanse he'd only dreamn't possible. Eugenics, human resource and development, psychological research and biological manipulation, all in one title. HEALTHCARE. Yep. A NAZI brain child you vote and pay for everyday ! RACIST!
- XML: I do not know why Kyle gives IW a plattform on his channel! IW is so ridiculous you should not even spend one thought about it because every educated person is just laughing about them and the rest of the people can't be helped anyway. I would not even know that channel exists without Kyle
- Shelltoast: I think the Infowars girl runs a youtube channel. Good to know that Infowars has to search Youtube for new reporters.
- andre madeira: declan h activists and human right advocates get killed in Venezuela . Capitalism is socialism for the rich. Socialism doesnt work because it gets boycotted or misrepresented by dictators. But please stop comparing third world economy like venezuela with usa. Venezuela doesn't spend 700 billion on useless wars to start with
- Anything and Everything: You make no sense dude loll
- mrpayne123: The reporter sucks, it's like she knows 5 things to make liberals look bad & will just squeeze them into whatever point you make. She can't even fit her prepared propaganda into logical arguments.
- Lee Noack: Secular Talk has Worms in their brain ! Bernie Sanders Is an Old hippie cuck ! This guy is also NOT getting it AT ALL ! Y'all are Just have Liberaldemocratosis ! Liberaldemocratosis is a Mental disease, caused by the mothers of persons affected, that have been dropped accidentally, on their heads, once too often as an infant, prior to the parents ingestion of psychotropic medications, before they were born, as they were still a fetus . . . .
- Cobbler: Omg it's a left female version of milo
- Double Guitars: That girl didn't really troll them but she was hilarious and cute!
- Brenda Luna: as someone who lives in a country with free healthcare, free college blah blah blah, i'd like to say that taxes are high and hospitals suck, you have to wait hours, they make you wait in places you can barely call a room they give you what they want to get rid of you we pay for college with our taxes and the careers most of the times are never finished. America you're better than this if you give the goverment more of your money the corrupt politicians will use it for what is convenient to them, you're making them bigger.
- Adrian Buenrostro: Idiot "reporters" aren't looking for answers, they look to make people they oppose look foolish.
- whatish thishshiz: "Bernie Sanders lives in 3 Hundred Million Dollar Houses" THAT'S A LOT OF DOLLAR HOUSES!
- Christobal Colombo: Some people in South America consider rodents a delicacy, whats the big deal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guD_HkQ2nDg
- davedalessandro8189 Dalessandro: I guess you can't be rich and support socialism LOL meanwhile there is socialism it's called selective socialism when the government gives billionaires a free tax cut
- Ma Sa: Anyone find out who this heroine is?
- Mirrebae I lift heavy things eh: Have I found...the left side of YouTube???Mixed with socialism??? Hey uh Bernie can u tell me if I’m in heaven or not bc god knows I’ve been looking for ever for this <3
- Rogal Dorn: the problem with high taxes for the rich is the rich can move their wealth elsewhere this is called capital flight. wot in fact happens was socialist countries is they have high taxes for the middle classes strangling social mobility the rich stay rich and the poor get poorer. socialist countries are also incredibly authoritarian the more socialism you have the more rules you have the less freedoms you'll have. I can only dream of the freedoms that American citizens enjoy
- NPC 3.14: Bill Clinton is a Rapist!
- Victor: Gloomshadow100 Wooow. First of all, China, Cuba, and North Korea are communist countries. A whole other ideology from socialism. Please tell me you understand communism is a form of socialism , but socialism is not a form of communism. The USSR is also a pseudo communistic country. Then there’s Venezuela. WHICH IS IN A CIVIL WAR. You have to be an idiot to not know you can’t use that country to define socialism. You idiot. And they don’t just throw people in Gulags who can’t serve, wtf. . Have you even visited any of those countries? Btw, China hasn’t enforced mandatory military service since the 40s. But you didn’t know that. Denmark? Finland? Canada? Netherlands? Sweden? Norway? New Zealand? Belgium? Is that a list of socialist countries or a list of countries with better average living conditions than the US? Oh. ITS BOTH. My fuck your dense.
- HappyLand: Sad fact: In the 60's, the United States was the world's safest country for children. Now there is no western country where more children are killed in traffic, shot or die of disease.
- Gaetano: “Venezuela?? No Muh whataboutism!! Context free zone!! Real socialism was never tried, okay!?”
- AaronAlso: shireknight Well, we know what side you will be on don't we. Its ok there is still time to change your mind. What you are proposing is only one of several possible outcomes and honestly the last resort in my opinion. Several countries in the past decade have turned their entire government around without significant violence. It is my hope that the same can happen in the U.S. Failing that, yeah a Civil War might happen, but it wont be anything like what you propose.
- HASEnoncorperated: +Richy huh. Not only smart but talented. I am jealous as all hell.
- Lucy: She made perfect sense. She may be new and less experienced than some but this girl hardly "owned her". I love Info Wars!!
- Freedom First UK: Well there is 9 minutes I will never get back , your argument has no substance , and you are childish , this video has not been pulled its there for everybody to see , kinder garden crap
- utterlyviolet: US just spends so much money on military, that there isn't money left over to stop people bankrupting themselves for medical reasons.
- dana chell: Aw look free shitty comments
- Lance Schulz: Can you make your case without lowering yourself to name calling and maybe I would listen to you. You act like you are in high school.
- Sun worshipping Black buffalo: She is badass. Also the cia destroyed venuzeula, not socialism.
- Sonny Spicer: And she isn't a newbie
- M Ibrahim: K she didnt own her, the infowar girl had no confidence in anything she said.
- Septien Patterson: GameShaft I am a shark and I will my big, sharp teeth to the oligarchy dumbass
- 050Hidden: When did acting retarded and uninformed make you le ebin troll?
- Dylan Pritchard: Wow she’s attractive *__*
- Originals Wolfsburg: Info wars doesn’t know that there are sanctions imposed on Venezuela reason why their economy is below waters? Wtf How can these idiots go around making up this kind of shit and comparing sanders to chaveZ Venezuela? Do they know that there are major American corporations behind the scarcity of supplies in that country? American companies are trying one way or another to get rid of the current government so they can put in place a more friendly government that gives them back all of the infrastructure and companies that were nationalized when chavez took over.
- Felix Desrosiers: +Ihspwamh my point is that "free healthcare" is term used to talk about universal healthcare. People that use that term are just talking about it in an informal manner. No hate i just wanted to clarify that.
- HUBBABUBBA DOOPYDOOP: Mid 70's. NY <18 DSS not allowed, was put in a "program" that would cause more harm than good, ran by a greedy criminal Government. You could say that I'm a "socialist" now, being on Social Security- but I had to earn it first- benefits aren't just given away, and even though I do pay a certain % of my healthcare- it's still not "free". Give the Country your life and limb- ask a Vet what VA healthcare can be. I'm done debating. Good luck, Peace to you.
- surfdude425: You're helping Trump's reelection. Keep up the good work!
- SPIKE FUCK: “... so... y’know... bit of a troll job there...”
- Hassan Salahuddin: bernies net worth is less than a million dollars
- Franco Bee: That bitch was dead serious wtf are u talking about.. Does the left know what trolling means?
- Joe Villaflores: if love finds a way and build bridges, hate finds a way to build walls for an Infowars projector....
- pjfan173: Hey skippy, I'd really like to see you debate Ben Shapiro
- William Sullivan: And she's new and inexperienced.. it is true venuzuela is a shit hole .. and socialism and communism never works on a large scale ..the people always suffer
- Dallas: God I love this woman
- Mr Munchies: Is that Ashton birdie?
- Chuck Farley: Kyle is dumb fuck.
- krazymunky: she’s awesome
- Goj14a 1954: Info wars is just the young Turks but for right wingers
- TheTruthQuest123: Bernie is no socialist. Hes a social democrat. I dont care about what anyone has to say. Shes right on the fact that hes a millionaire. He could give a fuck if the janitor makes enough money to buy a house
- Zyborggian: That girl is hiiiiiigh off her aasssssss lmao
- Daniel Applegate: O my god!!! Wecked! The chick with sailor moon costume is so smart and makes such a good point. Info wars will never recover from this. ......... Just kidding. Info wars awesome. Socialism bad. Next.
- James West: She is my hero. She’s either high as a kite or incredibly chill and she fucked info wars’ shit UP.
- Random Stuff: InfoWars loves to put labels on people but hate to be labeled.
- robert stevens: Women and children are similar
- Bung Yae: That’s Lauren from rules of attraction
- Mark Efreet: Isn't this the guy that just got trashed in a debate on the Tom Wood's show? Watching this almost makes me feel sorry for the left.
- gespilk: IF Capitalism: The rich to eat you. Socialism: You eat the rich. THEN I wonder Capitalistic Socialism: you eat some of the rich. Socialistic Capitalism: the rich eat some of you.
- Aaron Fuller: Call me crazy but I didn’t see the whole “getting owned” part... but Daffy Duck is hot!!
- taco cat taco cat: I want to be her friend. What’s her Facebook? I’m gonna treat her to another coffee.
- babababaaab: lol, you must be one of those americans I was talking about..
- Darth Cynicus: GabrielTheGray Yeah, and she beat them at their own game.
- SaikoJ Smith: +Natasha D if she is under 25 ITS PeDO yOu SIckO!
- metaempiricist: In other news dumbfuck in an ugly shirt doesn't understand what trolling is. Both those bitches were ignorant and clueless.
- Shakil Zaman: They should call it Info Fucks
- ~Ito~ (糸): Her personality makes her so hot lol
- Tim Wireman: This guy is dumber than the two girls. And how did anybody own anybody? Geez, I couldn’t help but laugh.
- Maddy Oiseau: you gotta have a little more rigor than "i don't even know where they pulled their video from, but everyone seems to be tweeting about it right now." bush league.
- Qorelin: mester Manchester I'm not sure how people miss the glaring part of Maduro's presidency: that he's ruled by decree for the majority of his time in power. He's a dictator. Blaming socialism for Venezuela's failure is to completely ignore the subversion of democratic process and the total capture of control by the oligarchy.
- SaVii: Also, Hugo Chavez has been dead since 2013 so I don’t think Chavez is saying much.
- Christian: Are you people on fucking drugs? You call that owning someone? "I want free healthcare, I just want free health care".Wanting free shit is not owning someone; It means you want free shit and someone else to pay for it.
- Non Sibi Sed Patriae: “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exits.” ("Origins of Totalitarianism," by Hannah Arendt, who survived the European Holocaust in WWII, and later attended the 1963 trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel. She’s the one who brought us the term “The banality of evil” to describe what she witnessed.)
- aZeddPrattFilm: Omg I love her. Great outfit too. Loves how she calls her honey haha. Love it.
- TheGuerillapatriot: "Free healthcare", that's some BS.
- Michael Ren: you can see her nipples
- 4Ever Finian: I hate infowars but seriously this wasn’t that funny
- Jon Jonny: Kalinski the Kuck.Lol. Info wars didn't get trolled,the idiot sucking on her drink was too stupid to answer a simple question.Another dumb libturd like you.Get a brain Idiot.
- Carlos Blank: Lmfao 😂😂😂😂
- S Paddock: Are you autistic? It's completely fine if you are.
- Kutulue: Huh? How was she not making sense. She was pointing out how badly socialism is and has failed in other countries. That is one hundred percent accurate. So where was the trolling? The women she was asking was a person of fairly low intelligence who thinks she wants socialism because some people on YT or a blog have pushed for it. She has no idea what socialism actually is or brings.
- breakngtheirhold: shes an actress Dasha Nekrasova
- I Can't think of a name: "entitled" you're the kind of person to use the word entitled like people use the word "cuck". Everyone who thinks healthcare shouldn't be dependant on whether you have a job is entitled. Lol yeah just let them go bankrupt bc we're America and the rich have it hard.
- MrCrazyLeprechaun: Problem with Canada is that two of the biggest parties (Like, it's mostly the conservatives but the liberals don't got clean hands on this either) have been screwing over our healthcare for a while now.
- Mcteabag king: What do u mean that chick is an airhead
- JN18: Your free shit come out of mine and other worker's pay checks. I hope you learn that when you grow up.
- Carlos Guevara: Venezuela is a Dictatorship not Socialist.
- Cotticker: But she can’t tell you why she likes socialism....
- Donovan Maldonado: Infowars is anything but info lol
- Thomas Smith: Sailor grrrl 😂 😂
- Nahuel Da Luz: i want to fuck her so bad
- Dahaven: Man said pwnd.
- The Vigilante69: E A T I N G R A T S
- playbak: Actually both of them were kinda equal... as far as worms-to-brain ratio is concerned. Sailor Moon doesn't come off that much better tbh
- Filipe Martins: +Austen Laxton no, it wasn't, our countries have everything you socialists fight for, free education, Healthcare, banned guns, skyrocket taxes, nationalized industries since ever, the stain here is poverty, which socialists don't want to deal because they would lose votes.
- Tha_Monsta88: Should Americans have guns? Should Americans have cheaper healthcare? Should we have a wall? Should we have a socialistic society?
- Lara Palma: I would definitely eat the rich Only fair
- Deer Lord: Jónas Haux - Hey mate, pardon my ignorance but I was wondering if you can tell me where I fall into. I lean Left but I do not think there should be open borders. I believe there are only two genders but someone wants to be either male or female by surgery that's their choice. I believe everyone should have free healthcare and I'm not that fond of the huge rich companies that rule our Western countries. Sorry to be annoying I just do not know where I fall and you seem knowledgable *:)*
- ೋ ತ: No government will save humanity because the heart is desperately wicked..the only solution is to have the God who can cleanse the heart from sin and restore righteousness..Jesus Christ, the Lamb Who takes away the sin of the world is the only One Who can save. Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. Then live in obedience to Him and His Word. He is the only Way..to deliver from sin in this life and from eternal punishment in hell..He can save! He saves me!❤
- C caymer: I can see her nipples, what slut. She is a walking Porno for the pleasure of men. Thats GOOD for me becuase I am a man, but BAD for women that want dignity.
- JT Saiyan: Infowars still a thing?
- ABRAXAS: Try to be less of a caricature
- K3V1N SHR3DZ: Happy Hanukah!
- I B33: +benny mills again, not trying to sound like a kkk member here, but I honestly don't know how big or small an issue it is (immigration pressure on NHS), BUT to once again back up the previous poster (who I hope isn't a bloody kkk member), he didn't specifically say, or even necessarily imply it was purely down to immigration that the NHS is failing. You yourself put a portion of blame on the government, you're now putting a large portion of blame on diabetes (type 2) patients... I guess he was simply stating his belief that some of the blame can also lie with mass immigration. You sort of overreacted that all... I agree, brit lifestyle choices are damaging the people and the system (all public services) I was in a local city a few months back, when England won their first world cup match, there were plebs all over the streets, spilling into the roads, climbing on cars, there was 8 police cars, 1 police riot van, and 1 police transit custom... 10 police vehicles, countless officers... get a burglary and how many police will attend your house within 24 hrs??? Bit off topic, sorry, but point of Brits behaving like they don't have to account for their behaviour is costing this country. To roll back around again onto the immigration topic. Much like the crime aspect when people say that we have more of our own criminals that immigrant criminals....i don't disagree but, it could be argued we have our own home grown assholes we are struggling to deal with, the extra don't help. BUT, as I said, perhaps foreign NHS staff outweigh, foreign unwell people... so 🤷♂️
- derchozenvun83: Dumbass, they've been parading "Sailor Stupid" all over their feed.
- Terri Freeman: White trash narritives about Bernie Lmfao... He pisses off Whitey
- Droptimus 4K Gaming: info wars does this all the time, along with mark dice. they come up to random people on the street who are just trying to enjoy themselves because its an easy target and try to make them look stupid. of course they're not going to have great answers for everything because news and politics isnt their profession like infowars & mark dice.
- lei: Infowars is cringe...the reporters are all weird virgins
- Branden Hylton: Literally goes on to say the 1% elite of Venezuela has 5 star meals why the average citizen eats a rat
- teetering ontheedge: kyle eat the red smarties first [pills]
- Everett Hamel reass: They are both dumb af. They both knew very little, if anything about politics...-.- and the dude in this video is working really hard to make the donald duck cosplay woman look really intelligent, and the info wars interviewer, really dumb. But they are BOTH retarded.
- Martin Decamerone: I would just say, what about Western Europe.
- Brian Carpenter: We really have a problem with hyper-patriotism in this country.
- Janken: We are literally having the same problem in Mexico with one of our candidates, he gets blamed for planning into turning Mexico into Venezuela.
- Joshua Lopez: Lol why did this clown and channel pop up in my newsfeed? Bernie supporters are exposed brain dead snowflakes. Socialism is a lost cause because it doesn’t work.
- morelli tech: Not much trolling. But here's the one percent of America's billionaire that are so called Democrats; Warren Buffet- $84.4 billion Mark Zuckerberg- $71 billion Jeff Bezos-$132.2 billion Bill Gates-$91.7 billion These elitist talk a good game about fair wages and equal what ever, and yet they hoard all their cash. Also, they are rich because they have low wages in comparison of the product and service charges to the consumer.
- Son Goku: I thought it was emma stone lol
- Cody Goins: She didn't have to keep talking to make the person she was interviewing sound ridiculous. The girl being interviewed did that on her own with her ditzy voice and saying she supported socialism. Then goes on to say that free healthcare is a right. I think she hung herself pretty effectively
- HotCoats: The first minute of this video was OK. The rest is lame. This guy is just spewing stupid thoughts that nobody cars about.
- Braindead: My virgin alarm is going off for some reason...
- Andrew Hershberger: Dang Kyle, what happened to your hands? I also love this info wars bit.
- Domina Luxxie: She didn't seem cool to me she just seemed dumb.
- M. job: that's not trolling
- You Have A Good Point: OMG She is awesome.... “eating the rich”.....“you have worms in your brain, honestly” She should be doing videos of her own. She is a star if I ever did see one. Please someone hook that girl up with a microphone. We need T-shirt’s with these slogans!
- Edward Borland: Be nice to rats.
- EternoRosso: Buy more water filters boy.
- slevinlindsay: Just when you think she couldn’t get any cooler, she’s wearing a sailor moon top and beret!
- Felicia Gardner: That girl is awesome.
- 中原マリ: Sanders is not against the 1%, and he words it very caredully, he's against millionaires and billionaires, in the US, 1% is 300k which is pretty reasonable, it's the 0.001% billionaires that are the real problem.
- Ritual: the girl has no fucking clue what she's talking about or supporting. sipping her bullshit latte talking about socialism just for free healthcare. fucking braindead. I hate my generation
- Jónas Haux: +007kingifrit Lol, thinking Lenin speaks on behalf of all leftist ideologies...
- Mary Hunter: @Munozl360 - You missed the OP's point. He showed the false equivalence of using Venezuela as the specter of socialism.
- jhon doe: this doesn't embarrass info wars, i don't know why liberals think acting like clowns, comedians or just plain idiots is somehow a "win" in their deluded minds, and i give props to IW for actually going out there instead of hiding in the basement studio like ST does; you are actually proving alex right when he talks about the dumbing down of america and no stupid is not a cool value to posses
- onee: Americans don't know what socialism is. XD They think socialism equals communism. The European right is actually the Democrats in the US. And the Republicans are even further right. America doesn't have a true left. Bernie Sanders isn't socialism. He is a social democrat.
- Elizabeth Hope: I’m so into her little outfit
- CelticLegend87: Where's the ownage? Shes just another air head on the coast lol
- Jimmy Zappa: Pretty weak trolling if it was trolling.
- Mike Giorgianni: I want people to have freeee heeelth careee she does not have an accent she's just talking sooo slow all you horny weirdos talking ab her accent it's non existent she has an annoying valley girl accent. She has a Google pixel (I think) and Starbucks in her hand she sounds like she has money to donate to help people get Healthcare...
- David: If venezuelas cryptocurrency has mass adoption it may actually make everyone who doubted crypto and blockchain jaw drop. I wish the US would nationalize our oil and make a token for it then sell it to only our people. Why is our US oil going to other countries?
- CRedding94: "White people don't know what it's like to be poor". Democrats still mad their slaves were freed...oh wait they are still trying to keep minorities on the plantation.
- Jen Dark Energy 384400: There's the silicon valley one percent who just virtue signal then there's the weapons industry/central bank/oil industry one percent. And they ain't no left wing and they ain't up for paying basic income etc they want to eat The poor! The rich in America already enjoy socialism. It's just the rest of us idiots who struggle by under capitalism.
- brett k: Any cum boy knows her! It’s Dosha!
- paul sevilla: i know her as the girlfriend of a host on a podcast called cumtown
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: she was serious about liking bernie sanders because he is a socialist
- Lando Griffin: The newbie was stating facts that is why she was talking much more than interviewee
- mall rose: :,)
- Jose Rosales: John Barron I trust you'll be the judge of that.
- Bud Peters: They pulled huh ?? that's why its right under your Video saying they pulled it ?? lmao thanks for the fake news clueless talk man !! what a joke
- Steven Nodlehs: Alex Jones is part of the 1% and Infowars is his own personal Fox News
- Xavier X: What are you talking about she did ok. I've seen Owen do much worse.
- Alyssa K: my boyfriend loves you but i find you a little aggressive sometimes
- Denzel Dickenson: What phone is that
- Hyπατία: I am living in an ex communist country and all I can tell you is that some things were worse than now and some things were better than now. Plus it was not real communism, it was hijacked by Stalinism, which is as far from the original principles of communism as you can get. Still, there was no abject poverty, you had great worker protections, healthcare, etc. We had no freedom of information which sucked (partly because these systems were constantly being hijacked by outside capitalist interests for them to fail). As a system it failed because of both internal inconsistencies with its own principles and outside pressures. I would still want to live in an actual socialism, the wild-capitalism imposed on us afterwards proved to be only beneficial to thiefs, bankers, business men and corrupt politicians - the wast majority of people now don't have the means and the time to have a full life, most live in appaling poverty and are overworked, leading meaningless, banal lives. Pure capitalism is a nightmare most of us hate in Europe generally, its 10000000000000000000 worse than what you call "crony capitalism" and its always crony, pure capitalism leads naturally to crony capitalism via its own internal logic of wealth determining political influence, aka power. Capitalism in all its forms is an insane system which benefits the few and exploits the many.
- Major Kerr: Who is this girl? I like her
- SolidBanjo Banjo: Is that it...?
- Justin Greenleaf: If we have free healthcare we'll be eating rats. In the United States of America. Yes. Of course.
- Josh Vanderwerff: Not that we need to figure this out. But, if the 1% liked the socialism Bernie supports. Why wasn't his presidential funding representative of that? 27$ donations on average.
- HUBBABUBBA DOOPYDOOP: Every recorded civilization- from tribes, villages, cities, and cultures- have had a "Medicine Man" or a "Healer", and just as any other job- their knowledge and services were always paid for, accordingly. The 3 main problems that I can see- are the greed of Universities, Big Pharma, and the Doctors/Nurses themselves. It's a vicious circle; go into huge debt to earn a degree, then charge huge amounts to pay that off- while turning Patients into lab rats and statistics for the medicine manufacturers. The 3 basic Human needs (food, clothing, shelter) aren't "free", so how can any decent healthcare be? Do you have a "Right" to a Big Mac, Air Jordans, and a house in Malibu? Ask the millions of homeless people what they'd rather have- a warm bed or a checkup. Oh, BTW- I was abandoned by abusive addict parents at 17, homeless for 2 years after a fire, welfare for 5 years- but also worked for 32 years, sometimes 10 hours a day, 6 days a week at others. All of this was way before the Government handouts of today. "Life is what you make it" is a joke- there are some obstacles that will hold you back, no matter what. Hopefully- your generation will survive, and not make the same mistakes of the past greedy warmonger pigs.
- Nick Cruton: Sarah Mowrey You fail to realize that it is extremely easy in our county to obtain wealth as long as you put your heart into it.... Ben Carson the first doctor to split conjoined twins apart from the brain was a little black kid that grew up in rags and in the last election he ran for president.... Anybody can obtain wealth as long as you aren’t lazy.... We do have some things in our government to work on but conversing completely to communism or socialism is definitely NOT the right thing to do.... Honestly if you don’t like the USA then why don’t you just leave? Like seriously nobody is fucking stopping you... Just go to a Norwegian country where they take %50 of your income so you can get free healthcare or some shit.... Right now I’m perfectly fine know if I try to make money I will make money.....
- KimJong'sHung: That Infowars girl probably couldn't find Venezuela on a map if she had to.
- Kohowch Kohowch: Hey Kyle, I support eating the rich
- xeepromx: Bernie owns three, million dollar homes therefore Venezuelans eat rats and drink champagne!
- Sparkling Stars: I don’t see that this was trolling. The interviewer was trying to get that sailor guy to make some sense and asked apparently she had no clue what she was talking about. That’s not trolling that’s ignorance. 👎🏻👎🏻 thumbs down
- sabin97: +bradley venezuela is neither socials nor communist. it's a plutocratic dictatorship. 21th century socialism is what is practiced in the nordic countries, japan, canada, costa rica, etc. one of the trademarks is a superior healthcare system for the 99%(the 1% always get the best of everything, everywhere, so they dont count). just a simple statistic. usa spends the most per person per year in healthcare. yet your quality of healthcare(for the 99%) doesnt even crack the top 35. the reason is very simple. you have a LOT of useless middlemen in your system. most of the civilized world did away with the middlemen, and they save huge amounts of money and can pay their medics better than before(and still have a surplus, because of the lack of useless middlemen).
- Lavia: He chose the lesser evil, and that triggers you... He said he would support her if lost longer before it happened.
- kevin: Unfortunately I don't think that is considered "owning" someone.
- Ultimate Man: She roasted the Infowar journalist. That was awesome.
- Jake Rodriguez: honestly they were both wrong
- Scarlet Spider: You seem obsessed with Alex Jones lately...why? If he's a clown that has no influence why not just ignore him?
- Wostershire: i enjoy how she just refuses to engage
- FBooth90: +Adam Blade Nice stats bro
- Justin tests water ok: Didnt really own her, this whole vid was weak
- that L that jimin handed every army in the J1D mv: I remember watching that video a while back and finding her reaction hilarious. Funny to find that they removed the video lmaooo
- Kai Anttila: She had more knowledge than the girl who interviewed her.
- Corey Chapman: Look i agree with her, but no part of this is funny or trolling.
- markyhabs: Let me know when she kicks butt?
- Archangel Samael: Yup worst troll ever
- Johnston Hawkins: That's NOT how it would be! You're fooling yourself, believing ! The leaders NEVER stay equal!!! You're going to get: all the common people end up EQUALLY POOR, while the leaders will be doing JUST FINE with their neo-fudalism "socialism" will usher in. That's how it ALWAYS goes we don't need to try it to see, thanks!!! Don't agree? Okay, post a socialist country that works. Go....
- Jham Jhams: Izrael Avila I know right?! Who is she? What is her instagram?
- Johnston Hawkins: Right. To be fair, both girls are a bit hot.
- Yellyman: She was really out to get her, and i`m glad she stood her ground. That was an ambush.
- Christopher Nelson: The info wars girl was just stupid smh
- Alejandro Morales: Two bitchy women attacking each other. The socialist seems entitled though.
- Dan Shelton: Why do you like socialism? "I want free stuff". This is why voting should be for the informed people only. I mean, Venezuela is where we go with socialism, people.
- Ji M: I want sassy sailor gf
- Crump’s Brother: Brown people.
- Croz Raven: but but bu . . . Venezuela! come on you dum dum! here we got Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, New Zealand! Venezuela has already been damage good for a long time & corruption run rampage. US would probably bleed to death too if they didn't do "war economy" AKA invading middle east countries to this day for oil & more resources & more power. Also, what's up with US about have to go either capitalism or socialism?? why can't US combine both system like other countries (exm. above) that thrive with mix system that balance the advantages!? It's so freaking stupid.
- Resident Alien: Interesting... Was it actually from their twitter feed? Can anyone positively identify this so-called "reporter" as being an actual representative of the InfoWars team? I'm curious, because I've seen many of their posts and I have never seen this person before. If this person is indeed in the employ of InfoWars, she is the least informed person they have in the field, (which is uncharacteristic of them), and if she is, then she is a poor representative of their organization, and definitely worthy of being lampooned. However, if not... we may have just witnessed something new, with regard to disinformation, and we should watch for more of this sort of thing happening in the near future, and document it carefully. It would be good to know for sure if it was just someone doing a poor job at InfoWars, or someone doing a good job at smearing them.
- justrandom1: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5449023/Venezuelans-eat-rats-dogs-economy-nosedives.html
- DEN: 7 bankers that made the illegal fed were all Jews 4 of them funded the czar murder in Russia and implemented communism ending 1000years of orthodox christian rule they murdered all the intelligentsia now the Jews have those top jobs today and all they do is cry persecution when they are the biggest persecutors of the lot and the world is waking up.
- dennis bay: Eating rats would help the obesity problem.. and personally benefit Alex
- D Richard Carr: Info wars 😂
- Ya neck: Free healthcare is totally free btw. Just get that treasury to make some shit up and let the reserve directly sponsor health care providers. Kill rich people tho. fixed ezy clap. Clearly brain of blonde chick is broken cuz she couldnt think of that. cuz im smart n shit. n ur not n shit. n worms n shit.
- trapd00rspider: “No one on the left thinks anyone should mandate a limit to how many houses you can get” uh, what? I fucking do. Plenty of the actual left do. Homes are for living in. You can’t live in two homes at once. Landlords are parasites. Democrats don’t think this, but they’re barely left and certainly not the entire left.
- Thomas: Uh she wasn't a troll, she was a stuck up bitch. Worms in her brains.
- 007kingifrit: everything you just named is communism "the goal of socialism is communism" -lenin
- Huskylover123: Are there worms in your head fekn classic lol
- Derek Ayres: "I just want people to have healthcare, honey..."
- Cole Richardson: She had the best attitude out of anyone I've seen talk to info wars on the street. Calm and collected, not blowing a fucking fart whistle into the mic. But I wouldn't say she "trolled them to perfection." it was just a conversation.
- Tip Roberson: That chick is so stoned. She's got cotton mouth and doesn't remember any of the questions asks.
- Carey H: 😴🤫Shhhh.... you’re seriously boring me to death with your idiotic tirade! And if you really find all that as hilarious as you seem to, you must be extremely simple! I mean, you said something about “liking the smell of their own farts”?? How old are you? Time to grow up!
- Nathaniel: She didn't seem like a troll. She looked dumb as fuck.
- Jeff Ferguson: Wow, you think is being owned? keep drinking the cool-aid libtards
- Akim the Dreem: How tf is this a video of somebody getting owned? 🤔 no, it's a dumb bitch in a sailor outfit championing socialist ideas. She didn't own shit n she don't know shit. "She just wants free health care", period.
- madjack821: It’s probably been stated as nauseam, but I’m going to repeat it, socialism has never worked. Ever... No, don’t throw “what about the Nordic model?!” Because that’s not socialism....it’s fucking large scale welfare. Yeah, the idea of fee healthcare sounds amazing, but nothing is free, hunny pie sailer suit.
- Kevin Portillo: Asking questions taking context to the extreme, it's the reason why she paused before reponding to the stupid reporter. Obviously the girl is not a political analyst either, but like anyone else she knows what she resonates with. The "Values" she mentioned earlier were expanded with the "free healtcare" opinion. It's notlike socialism is a totalitarian set-up package you can install over night with a presidential election (specially on an developed nation) socialism is a cocept not defined by a single nation's current state.
- mmddyyyyalphabet: If I was the one being interviewed, I would've gone in on the rat thing and suggest that NY try socialism to combat the rat infestation until they caught on to the sarcasm.
- Bacons Strip: “You people have worms in your brain...” I love that woman deeply.
- rattlesnake survival: +LEAH xUCHIHA WHAT THE FUCK BRO? I though we where on the same side, you hurt my feelings my guy😢
- William Fitzpatrick: +Alex D'Accardi 1-Plenty of electeds on the right are making a fuss about the VA, with the larger policy objective being to privatize as much of it as possible while increasing public subsidies for it, a huge and deliberate windfall for the same special interests I mentioned before. 2-I'm not persuaded by the argument that certain social categories of people should be guaranteed care in a way that others aren't (veterans, the old and disabled, etc.). You conceded that your own family has benefitted from other social welfare programs. It's not clear to me how or why any petty gaming of the system should dictate the larger design and intent of healthcare delivery. 3-It seems patently obvious that if there is any hope of controlling the exploding healthcare costs in America, it will happen as a consequence of the expansion of public coverage. Fighting and screaming, even the US will be forced to join the rest of the developed world in preventing its poplulace from having their lives ruined by a shamelessly ineffective, inefficient, unjust and exploitive system of non-healthcare.
- supakami guru: I like them tiny titties 😂
- BHISAO: Kyle, Not sure your not getting the point of trolling. All she was doing is stating the facts.
- Deplorable Trumper: This Kyle idiot is the noob, or perhaps boob..... what ever. Infowars did NOT say Bernie has 3 million dollar homes. Infowars said Bernie has 3 homes worth a total of over 1 million dollars, and that is true. If Bernie has 3 homes perhaps he could open just one of them to illegal aliens. Just a thought.
- Tom Ramirez: Outwitted by a stoner girl. Sweet.
- Barry Stamour: Anyone that thinks socialism is good, should be forced to live in a socialist country. For the record if you think socialism is good than you have to approve of the most well known socialists in history namely the NAZIS.
- Joriah: Why do political people sound like children? Nobody gives a shit dude stop causing stress for views get a goddamn life
- willcarism: I would eat the fuck out of the rich.
- Mango_: ExecDecision so all of Detroit?
- Daniel Monroe: She sounded high af
- Merl Bartley: No I as a Canadian don't say that you sack of shit our healthcare is broken. I have waited six hours to get four stiches.
- God King Trump: Ashton Birdie is awesome she exposed this insane liberal woman.
- Kevin Rogers: Does your video change when you find out they are all worth over $800K each and some bought with campaign contributions?
- rattlesnake survival: Are you saying that in like cannibalism?
- Itsyuh: That logo is part of the infowars clip he is showing.
- -Amara: lmao if they wanna go up to random people who obviously disagree with them and continue to question them even after they say they don't wanna be questioned, that's what you're gonna get💀
- Marc Williams: Wait so what? Infowars girl got owned? .....right....ok. that girl is still a moron. The "newb" from infowars is still more intelligent than that socialist bimbo....you guys call this getting trolled? Lame
- rashell å: That sailor moon girl is my new idol
- Drab Majesty: He has a sports car tho lol
- Walnut Gaming: Matthew Developer she was actually from info wars the reason they took down the video was for her own channels use.
- JP: I am so gay for that girl. The sailor outfit is adorable.
- Hooptie Hamburger: sabin97, socialism is a type of economic system. Dictatorship is a type of government control. The two are not mutually exclusive. They can exist in one national system, and they have. There has never been a socialistic democracy. There have been democracies with mixed economies, like the United States and the Scandinavian countries, but democracy and socialism have never existed in the same system at the same time. Socialist countries don't have ambition for profit to drive the economic machine, so they replace it with extreme control freakism and bullying. It is a horrific failure even then.
- Matty Meme-magic: You're a moron just like the random women. We're we watching the same thing? You liberals are fucking idiots.
- Robert Browne: Nothing worse than throwing your best red herring and it's ignored for the absurdity.
- Glenn Chapman: Bernie Sanders is an old closet queer and a fucking moron... Poster child for ignorance and term limits.
- Stephen Scott: You want healthcare? Get a job !!
- Blayne: The sheer faggotry in this comment section is giving me cerebral palsy.
- OTF I WOULD SLAP THE FUCK OUTTA YOU: 😂😂😂😂 bruh she really think they eat rats wtf
- Alex Brant: Ted Fryman that would be because it is found in the beginning of the Constitution before the Bill of Rights...we are guaranteed 'Life' 'Liberty' and a 'Pursuit of Happiness' One of the requirements for life is health...
- matt harris: Why make health care free when you can just make it optional
- Philip Vincent: thats not true. social security is a social program along side others in place in our democracy. nothing about bernies tax plan mentioned anything for free. it was marginal taxes for the 1 10th of the one percent and wall street speculation along side a single payer health care system.
- Bluecore: My Hero Academia voice actor.
- starwarsnaomi: The woman being asked the questions should have replied umm are you a Christian and do you believe in Heaven because that is the Grand Daddy of Socialism
- Cooper Harris: I live in Australia
- frank wright: The home issue you nailed it Info Wars has worms on the brain??? lol
- James Morris: What I find funny about the left is they equate religious beliefs with stupidity. They want to trumpet the "accomplishments" of places like Iceland for it's progressiveness and yet, over half their population believes in elves.
- TheBlackiwid: I am no expert on Venezuela. But she used some half truth aka was lieing: 1. not "the people" in Venezuela eat rats, but according to the press articles I read they say some prisoners eat rats. 2. again I don't know the details but could the US Sanctions maybe have something to do with the poorness of the country? 3. apparently its much more common in Venezuela to eat Rats according to that article from 2007: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/21/world/americas/21rodent.html But I am sure the nytimes planed that in 2007 and released this fake news to relativate this news.
- Common Sense: Look at how many nations are rolling back free healthcare because of high rates of immigration. Maybe we could have it if we cut down on immigration lmfao!
- Phanno: But it's. If they are using a strawman against you, you can just tear it down.
- Luis Villalobos: What’s her instagram
- philip popenik: shes an intern who was getting a chance to show if she was ready....sssoooo naming this PULLING A VIDEO??? COME ON...its obvious she is not ready to be a reporter. sooo whats your point??????? and what trolling???? ridiculous.. and all the people who up-voted this----BRAINDEAD AND RIDICULOUS...
- John Kreutzer: Owned lol cute outfit but empty skull
- Don Day: Lame. 0+0= 2 dumb broads.
- LadyBeritanavatarius: We have socialized healthcare here in Canada and we're not eating rats... She just want's healthcare, other successful countries have socialized healthcare too.
- Capricosm: Click bait. This is a hopeless comentary by Kyle
- ableite: 1:36 - I loved the drinking the coffee while thinking: what the fuck are you talking about?
- Duane Heller: Both sides of the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1V9SuCdKTk
- Slime Boi: Lol
- Jeremy Hoffman: Interview with "Sailor Socialism": https://www.teenvogue.com/story/sailor-socialism-dasha-nekrasova-viral-infowars-interview
- Caf3in3: Kyle (6:47) did you say "greenland" ?you know thats not a country right ? they do have healthcare cause Greenland is danish but no one lives there stoner in the donald duck sailor suit 2020
- Rorschach: Infowars, everybody. :)
- Esteban Miranda: Vobe S exactly, your point?
- brwi1: M Labelle apparently one of those “uses” you approve of is using guns against people to force them to pay for your healthcare
- David Warschauer: @em : alex jones is a fraud
- cosmosofinfinity: I was thinking that when she said "heard of it" too haha.
- Alec Williamson: I'm an Infowars fan, God damn that was funny though LOL I feel like she was trying to do some Ben Shapiro fast-talking sort of thing
- Brad Wesley: Why don't you leave the country then Kyle? There's plenty of countries you can enjoy socialism😂
- 312vandal: Lmfao
- John Taylor: Bernie Sanders drives a $170,000 car and made over 1 million dollars just in 2017.. he wants socialism just not for himself..he's part of the 1%...this guy is an idiot
- Bertram Winslow III: Sailor Suit Girl seems like a bit of an airhead, but the interviewer is a dumb, over-aggressive bitch, so I'm with Sailor Suit Girl (who is very cute, BTW).
- Scott Wilhelms: I believe in teach a man to fish, but one you actually teach (Trump U) and two you actually make the lessons affordable for those who need them most.
- Mark Grant: No country truly has free health care because it all paid with outrageous taxes on clothes and food and pay... Obamacare was a disaster and actually it's not free at all.. Obama and the Democrats just allowed the Rich rich corporations run by Rich ultra white people to steal money from the middle class and offer nothing Harley and return... President Nixon had the best healthcare plan in world history and it was Teddy Kennedy who killed it all by just one vote... That's right President Nixon was going to give every American full health care by the 1990s maybe even sooner than that but Kennedy of the Democrats killed it off. That's why President Nixon was going to give every American full health care by the 1990s maybe even sooner than that but Teddy Kennedy of the Democrats killed it off.. so now all you smearing libtard social justice Warriors and Democrat leaders and wannabes socialist -wingers go fuck yourself because she sure have fucked us all in this country.. the first thing you would need was actually price control and regulation... And it was actually Bill Clinton who started doing away with all kind of regulations that help control prices for medicine and health care... That's right and that's true. I am white but the record.
- Dean Bowen: The girl she is interviewing is liberal rat all she is wanting is free this and free that and the taxpayers have to make up for all that free stuff so more free everything just like a The Democrats
- Jack Cameron: In Canada, my 86 year old father broke his hip. He got surgery within 2 days and we had a 2 month recovery in restorative care with daily physiotherapy. When it was over, we walked out the door without worrying how we would pay for his care that he received and went home. My biggest complaint was the $8 it cost me to park my car daily.
- Illegal eagle: Pretty lame on both sides tbh
- bladerunnerNWO: Lame vid. Left Right idiots.
- Saúl Servín Sánchez: venezuela is not a socialist country! xD its a totalitarian dictatorship with some i repeat, some social programs just like most countries in the planet. Dude, The fire department that will save your house, thats part of a social program.
- jokerman1964: she's so precious...
- Benjo: The first good political video i saw from usa in 3 years. I wasn't thinking its possible anymore
- Schmidty: Terminimal my comment was from a definition stand point. They are different. But Kyle thinks there the same.
- Eric Abreu: How exactly did she get her? This guy is a tool. Use infowars more as click bait punk bitch
- Billy McDonough: nigga what happened to your fingers
- Harry Ortiz: That was hysterical
- Ry Mo: Yeah she seems dumb as shit lol
- Andrew Oliver: Mmm, rats! Tastes like chicken.
- philberco: Come on. Who DOESN'T like to smell their own farts?? 5:35
- LucidLegend84: YOU'VE BEEN TROLLED.... sort of?
- Vishnu Keezheth: Cut the bullshit no trolling here just a stupid girl who can't answer and people overanalyze shit
- Rachel Benge: I love you dasha
- James: What a brain dead cunt. If my tax dollars go to a fucking idiot like this stupid bitch, I'm done.
- TheBushdoctor68: Rightwingers don't know that there's a difference between Communist-Socialism and Progressive Liberal-Socialism. Never mind what difference, they just think it's the same shit.
- black1582: She’s didn’t troll them, she looked like a dumb beret wearing b!+ch, that “like,” hadn’t thought things through!
- BeauJameson: Infowars did own that girl.
- Kevinhillcrest: NOOB!
- daniel280456: The socialist's name is Dasha Nekrasova. The irony.
- Yikes: Both sides are hot trash
- Schaefer Stuttgart: @Nazyair sengikar , I noticed that also.
- Barrios Groupie: She wasn't trolling, she was remaining calm and answering the questions sincerely. I'm disappointed with Ashton Birdie for becoming an Infowars reporter and undermining her credibility.
- Érick Augustto: Im brazilian and im totally proud of my leftist government who gave us free healthcare and free universities
- Jasper Nordin: 4:03 speak for yourself lmao
- Chris Hogan: How did she destroy the reporter?
- Matt Wicks: Sip .. sip ............ sip
- wa ja: At 7:00 your facial, lip mocking thing is hilarious
- moresnare: Damn, was that real?
- Phillip Ramsey: +Darrell Williams if they cant work why should everyone who does work have to take money that they worked for and give it to people who have no right to it?
- John Fei: +Wilderness Well She is. Search her up. Her name is Ashton Birdie. She has her own Youtube channel and actually made a video trying to justify her actions.
- ARIES5342: You are an ass! Adam
- feralbear3615: As much as I hate infowars, this is just another dumb millenial. I just HOPE she was acting and not seriously being that rude with her texting while drinking that pumkin spice latte whatever.
- J.A. Gallegos: I am not impressed by her performance. She had no clue how to amplify her position nor how to defend it against the reporter's fallacious counterpoint. To applaud this girl is delusional.
- VMEcycle6: If info wars ask me about Venezuela. I would ask them: "Do you believe that losing weight could also make you redder? Just because Alex got redder after he lost some weight, doesn't mean you would too." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- 099garcia: What the hell happened to Kyle's fingers
- R.D Bergman: Note to Self- Kyle Kalinski= Total Fucking Idiot
- kevin kay: She owned them? She sounded boarder line retarded.
- Bacon: Who even is that infowars reporter? Lol df. She behaves like a liberal herself.
- ThePainkiller9995: Bernie sanders isn't a fucking socialist, jeez americans
- Ted Godfrey: not 5 homes. be real
- edoardo fedrighi: The 2016 vote was against globalism
- Swampy T: Nice thumbnail nip.
- Aaron Stevenson: Come on Kyle. Don't be for socialism whilst for private property. Be for a well-regulated marketplace, be for expanded social programs. Socialism requires state-owned production, and private property writ large doesn't exist.
- Lowgain: 7:27 Kyle.Exe has stopped working
- Mr R A N G O: Is that a pixel phone in her hand
- Channel Wright: Socialism is only for the rich
- The Captain: I love how Trump pays nearly double the tax rate as Bernie, meanwhile Bernie is right up there in the 1% as well, and it's dismissed as a right wing conspiracy. Kyle, Bernie has never talked about people owning multiple homes so that's ok? Are you fucking retarded? The man who owns several million dollars in real estate, is bashing rich people and claiming to be a man of the people? Trump is no more a man of the people, but he doesn't jack off to Leningrad porn like you and Bernie trying to get at the teet of the people by claiming moral righteousness. Ask Bernie to put his money where his mouth is, donate all but one of his homes to the homeless, and live on average annual wages like the Rest Of Us, which is roughly $54k where I am. Im giving odds that he laughs then spits in your face for being so gullible. Champagne socialists thru and thru.
- Charli’s Channel: Zero candor. He flusters himself. Who gave this guy a show?
- Saki: the questions and the answers were both stupid. United states played a big part in destroying Venezuela just like any other country and being a socialist country doesn't mean that we cannot have rich people. It means that education, health care and basic human needs like food and shelter should be accessible to all citizens.
- Thomas MacKelly: She got them good
- Cognizant Slave: Jews are responsible for central banking and communism while simultaneously American central banking crushes communism. Uhkay.
- Ghalion666: Reminds me of all the conservative channels where the title is clickbait and not at all related to the content.
- Kingdom Kid: Oligarchy and Plutocracy both fall under the mandates of Socialism. Whether the government be rich or poor, the country will still be owned by a select few, which is exactly what socialism stands as. But I guess those evil and mean right-wingers don't possess enough empathy to understand how morally acceptable and righteous socialism is. Venezuela is yet another example of how socialism has been tried and unfortunately "not performed in its ideal form", thus resulting in the literal destruction of millions of peoples lives or livelihood. But socialism is what we need. Lets not forget. LOL
- Morga Hussain: Health Care for all that's what Bernie stand for.
- John Mulder: not as funny as you thought bro...... i mean, having no content sucks when you cant think of shit urselve, but this is bordelrine patethic man...
- Cnw#8701: The blonde centennial/millennial bitch has some anger issues! I don't remember her YouTube username, but she goes off the rails when it comes to "free speech" (yes, she's a free speech warrior idiot).
- Jaime Holguin: The problem is Ashton didn't find a person to have a proper conversation and she gave sailor moon too much credit.
- RJ TV: The one percent in Venezuela are trying to topple the Venezuelan government on behalf of the USAs one percent. The problem isn't socialism the problem is neoliberal predatory capitalism/ American imperialism.
- bryan hgd: I prefer to pay for my health care actually so that I have some control over the service. Most people are able to pay for health care in this country. The question really is, how do we provide health care for those who cannot afford to pay for it. In reality, I wish the people had more control over health care decisions rather than insurance companies or the government. Basically, what we have now does need to be improved but socialism and more government control IS NOT the answer.
- # Perry: umm the chick in the salor suit is clueless you idiots she had to ask questions because the idiot has no clue what she's talking about and I seen this info wars like a month ago fuck off you lieing liberal commie scum
- ghosts of the republic: the ignorance of people today to think socialism is a good thing. what are you smoking ? when the government runs heath care and every thing else you will have no choices. nothings free! socialism always fails. dont be a dumb ass. quit uplifting the scum of the world like Hillary and Bernice. socialism is not freedom.
- C C: Eat the rich! *Sips $5 coffee while high on $20 per gram hydro and wearing a $50 Sailor Moon costume
- Farmermel: Lmao neither one of them made any good points this is just drama
- Chris Martino: pause at 1:00
- Son of a BITCH ! !: TUCKER PLAYBOOK, Chapter 2. Debates: Make up something completely random just to smokescreen and confuse your opponent. Then declare victory when they can't respond right away. Ha Ha Ha! Info Whores.
- Allan Pattison: How do these mofo's get away with this crap?
- bikingcat: So the illegals can live with you?
- Holly Golightly: Infowars morons are so desperate. That’s their tactic, and they think they are going to scare us intelligent people into thinking like a right wing lunatic. That infowars bitch should go buy some yogurt that will turn her gay.
- zengara11: I honestly got no freaking idea how it is related tho xD Like....wut?? ? xD
- Deaf And Destruction: That's because you are comfortable in a different country where flying steel won't come your way for disobedience. I have friends that grew up in Communist countries and brutal dictatorships. Yours is a fantasy borne of the luxury of capitalism and boredom
- Super Fly: Infowars? Serious journalist there.
- I'm lockey, lockey, leave you pokey, pokey No Rice a Roni, that's the okey, dokey: Her whole mood is meme. You can tell the dude is nowhere near her level.
- Thomas Vargas: Was this at UT?
- Hursey Family: People only like Sanders because he was going to give them everything and they could lay around on there lazy asses And this host is a O'buckwheat lover who knows nothing about American values
- Laura Beth: +Los Santos City 3 million dollar mortgage for 30 years with a 3.95 interest rate. Though tbh I forgot to factor in a 20% down payment.
- kragseven: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4481146/House-Speaker-Paul-Ryan-trolled-man-posing-pic.html
- Tom Middlebrook: As an Australian, I've got to correct you on something Kyle. Not every Australia thinks people should have health care. A healthy proportion do. But we have our own contingent of right-wing fuck-knuckles over here, and a few of them are in our current ruling party. They are cutting money from public health and would love more privatisation of all public services.
- Jeremy Thompson: "I just WANT free healthcare".. the response to this statement was fucking retarded. Also, thank you FOR DIFFERENTIATING CORPORATISM (aka MERCANTILISM) FROM CAPITALISM! But the main problem with your argument is that it's far too populist, pinning the "1%" against the rest of everyone, even though there's huge economic mobility in America so the 1% never actually stays the 1% b/c it's just a line and isn't an identifier. 😔 Other than this and some inflammatory rhetoric, this was 10/10 bruv, much love, got a sub.
- Ezra Goldfinkelsteinberg: No that's not trolling she's just a moron
- MrDyl666: She's hot and funny and smart Perfect 😎
- Noah Bird: Snore
- Elizabeth Spegal: 884K views. . . I think they can afford the neon. 😂😂
- David King: Why does anyone connected to The Young Turks and anyway even remotely care about Infowars why does anyone care about Infowars
- MarkAVP: You're an idiot.
- Francisco Abreu: Wrong.
- Christopher Parks: The lady with the mic made herself look stupid and the other girl didnt play her game. Wouldnt call it getting owned, but the "reporter" was an idiot. Good example is when the lady mentioned that the 1% support socialism and the girl asks her to name one, and the lady's response is "Venezuelans are eating rats."
- Docholland45: Walter Sobchak618 FUCKIN SHOMER SHABAS!!! Kyle Kulinski is a fuckin ass hat.
- NoneYoBusiness: ohhhhh i WISH an info wars bitch would stop me on the street!
- groundtofu: Also he didn’t cut anything he played the entire clip that originally went viral and yes it is a small portion out of the entire video but it’s your own fault for assuming that the girl who originally posted this was post anything besides the part that she was in. She isn’t infowars PR it’s their job to worry about the way their show is perceived.
- DMSG1981: I like how she completely owns the blond chick, despite the fact that she is drunk and seems to be easy prey.
- Christian Miranda: What we all came here to see starts at 00:39 - 02:36 the rest is just Kyle talking. *you're welcome*
- EternoRosso: Even though it might not be the best example, they forget to mention that before socialism, Russia was a third world shithole but after the socialist revolution, Russia became a superpower in just a few decades, while having suffered incredible damage from wars. Russia was crippled and yet they ascended as the second strongest country in the world at that time. Anyway, Sanders' ideas are not based on soviet socialism or any other kind, they're based on social democracy.
- AustinFloorguy: We are about to repeal the 16th Amendment, if Trump keeps going!
- David Owens: That chick was awesome! 😎
- Tina Schlobohm: No one is against people working hard and earning money. What they are against is the rich on corporate welfare. Not paying a living wage to their employees and not paying their fair share of taxes. Venezuela failed because of poor choices made by their government. They never diversified their assets or their resources. Apples and Oranges.
- Adrian Nelson: So which virginistic alt right chatboard was this video shared on?
- Daniel Dietrich: You don't seem to know what trolling is.
- project 2501: That interviewer is just a right wing cheerleader that got hired by infowars .. she’s still an airhead
- Texas Nationalists: Healthcare 32 trillion dollars, go fuck yourself and pay it yourself.
- Velvet Rose: Capitalist or Socialist.... It doesn't HAVE to be Either/Or.....because..... A healthy mix of BOTH.....is what keeps America Great!!!
- Jay Rock Jinx: I personally wouldn’t mind eating the rich. Can we start with Kanye West?
- Joshua Johnson: Clickbait... No content here, move along.
- Master Rebel: Le epic troll eksdee
- Cristian Villanueva: "what kind of piece of shit communist dictatorship doesnt offer its people free health care?"
- Enrico L.: You liberals can't stand the fact that Trump is winning literally all the time.... It's priceless to watch your side crumble in such a pathetic way. You losers have absolutely nothing on him! Maga 2020, he'll win so easily. Also: this Kyle show sucks...
- Jack Simpson: The girl being “interviewed” was basically given enough time to state her political affiliation and then answer a series of yes/no questions. How on earth are people in the comments saying she didn’t make any sense and that she said the quote on quote “dumbest things”?
- Michael Gibson: MrMollusk7 I guess the "bimbo" shouldnt assume that someone supporting socialism might have done a bit of research before entering into a conversation about it? Come on... Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Lopez, Alejandro Andrade are just a few. And, to what? How about to the 1% benefitting from socialism? Which was her main topic.
- Lowie sas: it was never one to begin with.
- Cloud Fa11: "I'm talking about America" hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
- FordFanBoy: Wow, you translate the brunette chicks stupidity as trolling? This is why libtards are soooo behind in the meme war😂 fuckin mentally ill retards
- Berend Hordijk: Dude, both these females are coherent and maybe the girl being interviewed is jokily answering questions, she ain't trolling. The Infowars wamen is clearly more informed; Bernie was fronting full on socialism, not just a continuation of Obama care! You are dismissing females! Secularly or not. You place very low value on Infowars broadcasting in general, that much is also clear. You are "trolling yourself to perfection" in this one buddy! I saw the source clip directly before and it about sums up the (poor) attitude and intellect on the left in the general populous (!) #Bernie2020 ?
- sticksman1979: Amazing. That dumb Dis-Info Wars bitch got owned.
- YungSeed: lmfao what is this libtard cuckery
- You Tuber: This Show's dumb
- David Warschauer: @ethan : alex jones is a fraud
- Yogi Bobo: Alex Jones reuploaded the video a few days ago.
- whutzat: Nah, they laugh at each other's memes because they're fucking funny...and the "make me a sammich" shit died two years ago.
- BeardOfZeus: Ant Man just get to make up facts? Yeah go back to info wars where feelings are facts
- Kosta Jovanovic: +Avrysatos you sure?
- ultrapurple111: My apologies but where was the troll bit again?
- Dwain Dibley: You're an idiot.
- KAWAII OBAMA: america has way too much lies and propaganda going on... i think freespeech sucks.
- Anything but good content: oh, it's that twat who made that whole 'liberals can't date me' thing, absolute banta.
- bobby elmi: .....honestly both the left and the right are ridiculous. That infowars girl had no clue about interviewing but exactly why is this video funny again?
- Jimbo Telegraphis: This video sucked bad.I am no Alex Tranny Jones fan however you sound like the young turds.Trolled them???Nah try again.BTW Bernie is an asshole commie.
- Aubrey William: Lotus Sutra capitalism isn’t ?? Haha fuck off
- Semen Expert: Why am I watching this on no nut November?
- Dirtbag in distress: I can see a nip
- Django Fett: LOL, infowars is 10 times more full of shit than weak ass CNN. You have to be mentally retarded to think they are equal.
- uglyposterboy: Love her
- Ricardo Armando Blanco López: Ōkami-san So you want authoritarianism and are for deportation because of the support for different ideas? america's supposed values are freedom of speech and individual freedom, you do not support western values and have little knowledge about our culture, and I applaud your effort to ignore the patriot act, the death of the american dream.
- DrakeusMaximus: You’re delusional. Another crazy liberal video unintentionally getting more people to vote for trump. Good job.
- God King Trump: Gersub Denis Stop belittling starving Venezuelans.
- dro sky: anyone that has anything to do with infowars , host . reporters are fake
- Mica Blade: Are you aware Bernie Sanders lives in 3 million dollar homes? Bitch, how much do trump's homes cost
- Steven Fox: no umm I a dumb bimbo
- Aj Brandt: I want to marry her.
- Phanno: It's a pretty inhumane system
- Lu-chan: We have free medicare and free education in Saudi Arabia. Also university students are paid each month and undergraduate students can apply for goverment-paid abroad studying (including residence) for degrees higher than bachelor (Master and Doctorate). Same thing goes for other Arab gulf countries like Qatar and the UAE.
- tabz47: The Venezuela argument is really getting tiring tbh, so stupid
- Ragy Ratloy: nice to see so many "men" fall for a girl that would probably laugh at you for loving her. you're willingness to drop on bended knee to this girl, it says a lot. you guys actually see her as a goddess, and she would manhandle you like the god you made her. and not in a good way.
- Jeremy Lyons: Love her outfit too!
- wsdtime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yg206A6ZPg&t=9s
- Elijah Lurton: That girl is getting way too much praise to be honest. She’s not giving good answers and then she just insults the reporter completely out of nowhere.
- Caroline Grace: She and Kavanaugh should link up to talk about beer and rats. Bet it would go on for hourrsssss.
- Louis rodriguez: 😭😭😭
- Phoenix Artist: Venezuela has a socialist government, therefore they must be socialist. Despite the fact they are socialist, two thirds of the economy is owned privately. Venezuala´s economy is down, therefore socialism is evil. There has never been a liberal government in a period where venezuela was down, right? And the economy did not rise under Chavez, didn´t it? And Venezuela´s problem is definetly not that their economy is completely based on oil, so a low oil price harms them, it must be evil communism. And the USA would never talk nonsense about a country, because their petrol industry is in private hand. I work for a company in Germany, which crafts parts for venezuelan and iranian refineries. And we have venezuelan workers there, to learn to maintain their plants.
- Adam Blade: Yeah but she told them they have worms in their brains hahah, she totally owned them, right? ...Right?
- Filip Andersson: I’m not American, so I can’t vote, but she’s got my vote for president, honey...
- Fortitudo: That girl on the street didn’t lack an argument you can clearly see she just wasn’t very interested in engaging with an info wars inbred.
- Dorkchop: Felix Desrosiers #1 Quality goes down and research and development disappears. #2 Look at Greece and we are not just talking about healthcare. We have Swiss cheese borders and when everyone and their brother comes here and they get free healthcare the taxes will go higher and higher and quality will continue to plummet. Canada has crappy healthcare and their borders are tighter than ours. Even their leadership has come here for heart surgery. #3 Name a Democratic Socialist country that has the same Swiss cheese borders with thousands entering daily to leech off the free stuff that's doing well. "Democratic Socialism" is like saying "polite murder". Are we going to pretend socialism hasn't killed 100 million people in the last century? Are we going to pretend that after we spread everything out evenly that there won't be people that won't try to get ahead. Socialism is a doorstep to communism and breeds corruption. In socialism there's no incentive to work.
- Jean Jacques Dessalines: The dude with the dark shades behind her is phucking hilarious. 😂😂
- Tyson D.: I don’t think anyone got roasted, but her voice is so sexy. I want her to talk me through masturbation.
- Aria Mozzone: This is fucking hilarious
- Vinny Paskali: Lol in California you can only use 55 gallons of water now. How long before they decide you can’t own property?
- I'mFinnaDrillYa: Reporter: Why is socialism good? Girl: Are you like...umm.....? I don't really wanna do this... That's how she "owned" them?? BahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahHahahahahahHahahaha
- Gold Just Gold: I don't like info wars. Most of em are assholes on there.
- Venraef: I don't get it, how is this trolling? As usual Kyle, you go after low-hanging fruit.
- auritone: What ever than woman had been smoking, I want some. Very chill and lighthearted.
- WebMaster Ultra: The beatnik guy is texting her, like a puppet.
- Samantha Thompson: My grandpa made $80k working on ore ships and he owned 3 homes. Just a hard working Joe.
- becky Sawyer: Anyone who supports socialism is an idiot
- Keri Vastine: Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha
- Mathy Don: G_to_V: nothing is forbidding me but for many people they are unable to. Pre-existing conditions meant a hopeless situation for many, that protection is under attack. We have guarantees of public schools, public roads, public water, public police- why is healthcare not also a public service? Well there’s a lot of people making a lot of money off the current state, meanwhile the right to life is under attack
- Robert D. Moore: "eating the rich" means "sucking oligarchy's teats"??
- David Easton: either way, what she ment about eating the rich was sitting on her ass, while people like my father who worked his whole life to have what he has when I grew up in a trailer to now father being worth over a million which isnt super rich, but she thinks my father should have to pay more taxes after working his whole fucking life to have more so his family can do things and see things he wasn't able and make him pay the bill for lazy ass pieces of worthless shit think people like my father are evil because he strived and pushed himself to earn what he has so there for he's a bad person because he decided to work and have money instead of leach off the system, live in public housing, do drugs on tax payers bill and dare call people like Trump evil because his family actually had a brain and worked and became something so in return it's the rich go getters in life that owe you lazy ass people money for being worthless. lmao what a fucking joke.. taking care of our old people is one thing, but if your not rich and have food stamps, instead of selling them for drugs and getting high, how about spending that time like rich families did, working your ass off, investing and learning how to be successful instead of sitting around saying hmmmm, how else can I not work and sit around on my lazy worthless human ass and figure out another loop hole on how I fuck the government and working tac payers out of money. how about be greatful that the rich are nice enough to give your ass at least a fucking roof over your head and free fucking food for the kids you have just get more free money for each one.. now some people can't help it and yeah you see them at least trying to do something. what they should do is start making people on welfare do community service if they don't work then maybe youll say damn I rather work and get paid instead of working for the free shit I have in order to make people want to be something in life instead of wanting rich people's money because they think they should have a house on the hill and not do shit for it. lmao I honestly hope they start cutting lazy people off or giving your asses a certain amount of time to get a job and stop thinking that rich people owe lazy people shit.. get your own fucking money like a normal person you pieces of shit. it's called work. that's what rich people do instead of drink and drug. try it sometime
- whydomenhavenipples: You're fucking annoying
- Dav: ...and you will know us by the Trail of Dead I don't have time to go looking through all your links, many of which may or may not be from what I consider ideologically extreme corners of the web. So, if you would hear me, let's go with logic and a sense of compassion and consideration for all human beings, whether you deem them a part of your species or not, as a basis for argument. I have two questions for you, and I will currently assume, for the sake of proceeding with my argument that the answers are yes. 1. Are you associated with what is known as the Alt Right? 2. Am I correct in believing that the Alt Right includes people who are self-proclaimed Nazis and White Nationalists, and that the rest of the Alt Right, at the bare minimum, has no problem being associated with them? (In those questions I typed Arabic Numerals BTW, a system of numbering that, not only highly efficient, was developed by brown people.) Now I am going to propose two scenarios, one of which I consider hypothetical: 1. You are partly correct about the data you presented, OR you are completely correct about the data. 2. You are incorrect, and any data that indicates otherwise is negligible. 1. If you were completely correct, that still would never justify segregation, or kicking all non-whites out of America, or killing all non-white people. And there are plenty of people in the Alt Right who want to do all three, I've encountered them on here. You can't say: I'm going to round up all people with lower IQ's, or people who are more prone to being violent, and put them into their own space where they can't interact with 'superior' white people. That would at the very least entail kicking them out of your neighborhood, therefore in many cases kicking them out of their own homes, and people wouldn't take kindly to that, for justifiable reasons: Because you are taking something that is theirs and saying they can't have it because people of their race, not even necessarily them personally, are more prone to having low IQ scores or violent tendencies. At worst, the Alt Right is advocating for a genocide against people of all other races, in which case, regardless of IQ scores, they are pushing to commit the most violent act ever conceived on the planet, which if they did, rules out the Alt Right being less violent than the people they think are 'genetically inferior'. Also, can you imagine how much pain and suffering and death that would result in? Would people of other skin colors 'deserve' all that because they were, by no fault of their own lower IQ and more prone to being violent? (There is also no 'genocide' coming against white people. If there is, name the conspirators? Barack Obama?? A handful of Black Supremacists? Black Supremacists, unlike their white equivalents, are not in a position of serious political power in the world. Conversely, some people in the Alt Right do indeed seem to be plotting a purging of all non-white people. This 'white genocide' that the Alt Right claims white people will be victimized by ultimately boils down to the existence of multiculturalism, and the fact that someday WAY in the future we will all be the same color because of interracial propagating of the species, if we are not extinct at that point due to our refusal to cooperate with one another for various reasons: As Carl Sagan said: "It is here [on the Earth] that we make our stand.") If you are partly correct, then it is not so much a matter of someone's race, as it is a certain amount of people of certain races. And all of the above still applies and then some. 2. This is the actual scenario, IMO, and I am talking to someone who is most likely a member of the Alt Right (Not to offend, but: God I so dislike using that term, it's way to soft), which uses every tactic conceivable, no matter how sneaky or deceptive, to push it's narrative on other people who they think would potentially join them. Your mind is, in my understanding, clouded by your statistics and paranoid beliefs that lead you to spend your time looking up all those statistics in the first place: To reinforce a dangerous narrative. Step outside and take a look at people in the world: Most of them are okay and will do the right thing if they are given a fair chance to and are not conditioned by extreme ideologies, regardless of their race. I know a white friend who was attacked by a Nazi one time. And for the purpose of argument, in a real-life situation, if I saw a black guy over here, and a Nazi over there, 100 out of 10 times I will be far more concerned about being attacked by the Nazi over there, because just the other guy being black doesn't inform me about his ideology, and I have met plenty of nice, perfectly civil black guys and zero nice Nazis. I tell you all this from a place of compassion. Because I want you to see my angle and perhaps begin to change. I really do feel sad for you, that you have been conditioned to believe all this. This extreme ideology is far more shameful IMO than a lack of receptiveness to it.
- septiadhi wirawan: Infowars is stupid
- Arendee Property Maintenance: I don't see where one person "owned" another. All I saw was 2 ingorami trying to out stupid each other.
- Ann Ericson: TrumPutin equals Oligarchy. Bernie is against monopolies - that is the GOPig's agenda
- Ramiro Hernandez: For you to passively be mad about the right being retarded
- bob john: Nobody wants to eat the rich?Speak for yourself kyle.
- Oscar Torres: I don't understand the question what has to do Venezuela with United State I live in Canada in a social democracy we have Medicare for all and I am extremely extremely happy nevermind education accessible for all .
- D E: Bye Felicia
- Melinda Greer: Quick way to shut the whole "they're eating rats in Venezuela " bs. You might want to tell Canada, France, Switzerland, etc that they should be eating rates.
- Deaf And Destruction: Yet the two biggest most important ones financed the Nazi Party, probably Stalin, and tried to promote the alt-left National Socialist Workers Party (such filthy communist language) worldwide as saviors from the depression in the US, Mexico, and Europe as hidden billionaire hands bankrolled the West out of it from thier own pockets.
- Frank Conrad: Infowars is a full of shit............ so is secular talk. Like really? You think this trolled them? Or are you just trying to find something so minuscule that you *want it* to be a troll...
- Christina Nicole: Chad Caldwell she clearly said that she wants the government to pay for healthcare. they’re on a college campus, so if this girl is a student she must have passed high school so she must have taken government or econ so she definitely knows that the money is from taxes. and either way everyone who’s been in middle school knows the government gets its money from taxes. this girl knows taxes fund “free” healthcare. just because she doesn’t believe in your viewpoint doesn’t mean she’s stupid. different people have different views on taxpayer funded healthcare
- Confucius Say: healthcare is not a right wtf. whats next? 3 hot meals and a warm bed at night is a right too?
- Dan G: All their videos have been removed from all platforms LMAO!
- Bas Didit: Haaaa that stupid bitches profile kind of looks like Charlie Sheen
- Ivan Valeri: She wasn't there to convince you of anything, Daniel B. She was there to support her candidate. The Infowars lady was there, however, to convince Sailor Moon girl that she was wrong in being there supporting socialism and her candidate. The Infowars broad is the one who failed to make a compelling argument.
- MobileDecay: Hey I like smelling my own farts! Triggered! 😡😡😡
- Dannyboi365: This was so funny dude
- Balticnapo: Source on the original video? Can't find it.
- HowdyThereStranger: Fucking iconic
- Sean O'Friel: yes because this is still relevant? no. Also both were morons. Secular talk being stale and uninteresting as usual.
- declan h: Sure its the capitalists are to blame for a socialist country which implimented socialism perfectly failing, keep telling yourself that. 😩
- Reginald Regency: Sailor lady is bomb.
- Sukyo Deekmane: All I see is an awkward infowars interview where the iq of the interviewer matched the interviewee. I mean what’s the point of even posting this? It’s Fukin info wars. No one cares. Swear left wing is getting desperate or maybe this channel is just desperate .
- Derrick O'Neal: WHY FREE?! wtf
- Martin Alejandrez: I love that girl. She was pausing comically. Eat the rich, I agree, cannibalize the rich. I hope they taste as good as how much they have.
- LinusPhilly: The infowars interviewer wasn't good, but this dude is retarded.
- The Naked Wombat: Watching Americans of competing political ideologies discuss politics is like watching a Priest and a Minister raping a child from both ends in a pedophile act as they compete in claiming to be the moral person, leave the poor kid totally fucked over. This example, while crude and disgusting, is how the USA the presents itself to the world. You think you look tough and moral but we the world know that you're a nation of pestilence.
- Elliott Koehler: That chick was awesome. She was so stoned and still owned that bitch
- BlackFox: shut up
- Manxie Diggler: Wulvena so let's get this right...you speak to "thousands of Brits" and all these thousands tell you the same story! Wow where do you find the time. Also we do have a private health care system that you pay for so why would people go to Florida to pay for treatment when they can do the same in the UK and save money not going to the states? Again do your fucking homework and stop listening to bullshit. You are not only ignorant but ill informed and stupid.
- Jeremy Dankiw: I’m sorry Kyle, your an idiot. What a misleading title. She actually really had no reasoning or argument in any way
- Manny S: Nah let her be. She seems too pure to get into the dirty political arena
- UnkleJustin: Alex Jones would have us eating worthless supplements.
- Old Yeller: Ummm..the girl was a complete airhead, knows nothing about anything, and it isn't surprising that the LEFT thinks this is a WIN for them. Bernie is one of the 1%, he is one of the RICH, but the biggest issue I have with these vacuous imbeciles is... DOCTORS AND HEALTHCARE WORKERS DO NOT WORK FOR FREE...SO THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE HEALTHCARE. It would have been EASY to annihilate that idiot, God she was so fucking stupid, I feel like the interviewer missed an easy opportunity, just ask her WHO IS GOING TO PAY THE DOCTORS, NURSES, PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANTS, HOSPITALS, HOSPITAL STAFF, ORDERLIES, SPECIALISTS....seriously, if by TROLLING you mean that the airhead girl KNEW all of this and was TROLLING the stupid socialists who want "free healthcare" which isn't a "thing". She, and some other deluded morons in the comments seem to believe that the Dictators are the problem in places like Venezuela are the problem, don't understand that to be a Dictator, you also have to BE RICH. So you can't divorce the two concepts by saying the Dictators are the problem, but in America, the RICH are the problem, and WE WILL MAKE THE RICH PAY. THAT is WHEN the RICH BECOME DICTATORS. The so called "rich" are never going to allow their wealth to just be taken from them. And why should they? You don't know them, you don't know what sacrifices they made to get where they are, they EARNED their money, and the GOVERNMENT and SOCIALISTS like that vacant lot for a brain socialist, want to STEAL your money from you. TAXATION IS THEFT...PERIOD... I WIN.
- Xanthous Helm: So much dishonesty about Venezuela from that Info Wars “reporter”
- Count: "Secular talk" more like traitor talk
- Nick Nack: "I think everyone has a right to health care." You already do. Much like you have the right to buy a phone, a car, a house/apt, clothes and everything else. Health care is never free, anywhere. Paying the government taxes to buy your health care is not a good deal. The government will take 80% - 90% of it for administration costs, like every other government service.
- bhsWD96: The majority of Venezuela's economy is private sector. Prior to Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was suffering from the same kind of shortages it's seeing now under its majority private sector economy as well. So does that mean that capitalism is ultimately doomed to lead to the kind of shortages that Venezuela is currently experiencing. The problem in Venezuela is not that capitalism has been poorly implemented but that capitalism has been faithfully implemented. Bad argument, no?
- Holobrine: I wish I was interviewed by Info Wars. I'd love to embarrass the shit out of them.
- Blue Crossings: I know it sounds stupid but I have this feeling that Kyle is a jerk in real life regardless if his show is good or not (which is in so many topics).
- Dylan Dixon: You can't give 20 million people free/subsidized health care without it skyrocketing for everyone else! Thank God President Trump abolished Ohomocare! Obozocare aka Commiecare. I for one wish Trump would abolish it 100% completely! We don’t need government involved in our healthcare and we most certainly DO NOT NEED ANOTHER “ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM!”…..period! Every socialist program the government is involved in is trillions in debt….. Take Social security for example We talk about our 20-and-half trillion-dollar national debt. I have to tell you, that is not the biggest problem. There’s something called a fiscal gap and you look at what we owe, in the future in terms of Social Security, Medicare, all the other unfunded liabilities, and you look at the receipts that we’re likely to get with our tax system, that gap gets wider every year. And you’re pushing into 100, 200, trillion dollars. That is unsustainable. And as we go forward, something has to give: massive taxes, or massive cuts. Either way, it hurts. And that’s why we have to start thinking about it now. We need to get people who actually understand something about the economy. Washington’s failure to contain entitlement spending is biting into the nation’s long-term fiscal outlook, the Congressional Budget Office warned in a Tuesday report that found the nation’s debt would jump to 106 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2039. The CBO said the rising costs of entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security as the U.S. population continues to age are the drivers of U.S. debt. And lets NOT forget the Obozo the Clown stole 785 billion from Medicare to pay for Obozo care! Lets look at the USPS! The United States Postal Service (USPS) lost $5.5 billion last year. That is the eighth annual loss in a row and the third-highest ever. The only silver lining is that the loss was below the red-ink tsunami of $15.9 billion in 2012. Why does the federal government deliver the mail? Why does it have a monopoly over delivering the mail? The USPS should be privatized just like ALL government programs! Do you think UPS could operate at a loss of 5.5 billion a year?
- morgan michelle: Lol I hope she ends up eating rats like Venezuela. She obviously doesn’t care about politics and she’s obviously not well rounded enough to know anything about it.
- future shock: You should be on the radio instead of Rush, hope you get some national airtime
- NOMNOM KITTY: trash channel host is borderline man child trying to hard i dont like infowarz either for this same reason u r being exactly like the people you make fun ... so ya maybe u do have worms in ur brain..
- bobowrath sovine: The Interviewer is just too hyper for the job, if she is new then give her a break maybe she will improve.
- Jon Davidson: What do Canada, England, France, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and New Zealand? all have in common? They all have socialized medicine; and none of them are eating rats. What countries don't have socialized medicine? America, most of the countries in Africa and Syria. We're certainly taking the lead here.....
- Vincent Moore: #EatTheRich
- Herr Weltraummann: One could only wish they were pretending, unfortunately most Americans are poorly educated and therefore generally too stupid to understand the difference.
- Cameron McClure: Popo Bawa truth hurt?
- heavymetallust: She reminds of the chick from Pulp Fiction.
- Zac Crow: I don't think she really trolled them haha it was a passive aggressive argument
- gerald usener: say you said bullsh_t.
- MrChiangching: She was just stupid.
- BbguM gnarl: That girl is the coolest iv seen in a while.
- Jam the Signal: Listen to my vocal fry, I couldn't be more chill.
- stanley steamer: Seems staged
- Lomborg: But Bernie is not a socialist? He's a Social Democrat...
- John Thomas: The host is a fucking moron.
- iamu iamu: Hes worth what 10mil? Obama was worth 800 000 when he was in office i think now hes worth 40mil. Now the US is over 20 trillion in debt
- Matthew Beck: If you think health care will ever be “free”, you might be mentally retarded.
- B Shinn: Lol your best gotcha video is of infowars interviewing a vapid, self-centered woman that had almost no knowledge other than "like ya, Bernies so cool, he gives free stuff!"
- Christopher Lee: Heh. WOW GUY. Totally owned! xD
- Munozl360: Man Gravy socialism, and communism does not work. Sorry bud.
- jason edwards: leftist are in favor of eating the rich, its one our catchphrases, also she's not a socialist nor is bernie, he's a social democrat.
- Y: We don't just say we want it, we actually have it ;)
- vic kieth: yeah free health care from churches, sounds great we used to have it. These intellectuals make fart noises and pick and choose systems and their outcomes. Socialism and communism go hand in hand and they have been tested and failed, its called history.
- Ross Rutherford: Says, "Eat the rich" just to fuck with them haha.
- Sha Voz: i didn't think she was bad, she was just trying to inform her, could inform you too commie.
- Crash//Burn Crash//Burn: Trolling? No this bitch is just dumb. There is a difference.
- David Warschauer: @diane : alex jones is a fraud.
- Nick Cruton: Sarah Mowrey I live in southern Mississippi and go to a public school so I see poverty first hand and in full effect.... And most of these bottom feeders that are extremely broke are the ones who didn’t give a shit about school and only care about petty shit that won’t benefit them in any way when their older.... Most of them are fine with living on disability and that’s where the problem arises.... You millennial seem to think that we should take money from the rich that have earned their money and give it to the poor who most haven’t even tried their whole life.... But the problem is that real life isn’t like that... It’s survival of the fittest... If you want to be a lazy fuck then you deserve to be paid like a lazy fuck... If you go countless days without sleep to innovate technology from outside garage and change the world forever then you deserved to get paid billions....
- SirBagolicious: Was she a troll? She was just coming off as pretentious to me.
- Owen Lear: Your stupid, that girl is stupid, and so is socialism. All of you, stupid.
- tye tyes: Very disappointed @2:47, I was expecting so much more after the title and theme of this video. She didn’t “own” the somewhat inexperienced or stupid interviewer. She just said a few words and then it was cut!! Too disappointed to get past 5:30mins.
- HasanJF: You're right, it's actually 100% true.
- Maui Randall: Lucky you when he watches this video of this girl trolling he f****** flips his s*** Don't look it up on his channel though Kyle has a video about it
- tommy605: Venezuela is more communism now than socialism. The dumbass doesn't even realize that America IS partly socialist. Emergency services? Socialism. Road work? Socialism. City buses? Socialism. It's a long list, but whatever. It's dark and stupid down that right wing hole of ignorance.
- G. Funk: Kyle your show is for retards... i still dont understand how the socialist trolled info wars... it was more like the other way around... dumb ass.... you are a joke moron... I dont even know how I came across your retarded video.... SMELL MY FART LOSER!!!!
- Seanra: People like to shit on hippy chicks but I think we can all appreciate their lack of bras
- 90foxfreak: What video you watchin?? That girl just looked like the dumb, clueless, brain dead moron that the left represents..
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: You liberals don't kknow what trolling is, you liberals don't know what racism is, and now you don't know what a snowflake is. SMH it's honestly getting pathetic.
- omar khan: WHen she said Honey........ i was sold
- Xerox Re: Nobody has ever had free healthcare, you pay upfront or via taxes. If you think she's trolling by being idiotic while drinking then you are clueless af
- Crushed Luminary: You know it was pulled, but not from where? Infowars: "Venezuela population is eating rats, except the 1% under socialism". Girl: "yeah so, I want free healthcare that someone else pays for." Sounds like she trolled herself.
- GOD IS AN OPIATE FOR THE MASSES: Geronimo P. We already have socialism idiot.
- jonKowalski3210: I'm actually in favour of eating the reach
- mcbomberfly: Im in love with that girl american
- Cofaland Themed: Just because a stupid reporter didn't make a good argument doesn't mean the other lady owned her.... It just means that dumb people can be reporters to.... Oh wait. lolz.
- Kevan Hooley: Ive seen that interviewer whore on youtube she has a channel. Such a robot dumb bitch.
- 1013Devildog: Holy crap this Kyle guy is a retarded piece of shit, this kid should now have a “show” lol
- chemical mike: She should've picked a better person to interview. Like someone with a brain. The frappachino was a dead give away. Case in point, the people who think this some kind of moral victory, when they're celebrating naive disregard of what doesn't affect themselves. Elitist, Facist, Scum! Or are you just a simple hypocrite trying to marginalise me?
- Julian: declan h capitalism and monarchy are compatible. I assume in Saudi Arabia you can buy and sell goods and you can start or work for companies. If I'm wrong I apologize, but there certainly are capitalist countries around the world that suck. My point is, if a socialist country sucks, it doesn't mean socialism sucks, because there could be other factors at play. Same deal for capitalist nations.
- Aiden Snacklad: Coffee girl owns infowars with logic.
- John A.: It is amazing at how popular Inforwars was, and again will be someday.
- Tobias Henderson: both of them girls are stupid they both have no idea just like you Kyle!
- Tyler Hensley: No she didn't say "I just want people to have health care" she said " I just want FREE health care". Free! What part of this does nobody understand IT CANT BE FREE somebody has to pay for it! And why should you get something for free when you obviously don't want to do anything whatsoever foril it? So basically she is saying that she wants to live off the rich that has worked for what they have? How is that fair?
- Austin Pelissier: Girl in blue hat has a pixel 2, you can't trust her opinion.
- George T: I think i love her
- Hadlow Escobar - King serf: u weird fuckers...infowars won again.....if this is what you lefty freaks consider trolling i feel sorry for your parents
- jim jones: Infowars - its the bomb. you are ignorant man
- Chase Schare: By her logic, Trump should support socialism. If he's in the 1% that is
- David O: Okay I used to be brainwashed and subscribed to PJW and all the others, I hate Infowars now and I was prepared for some high class trolling and.... Nothing happened...? Did I miss something or?? She didn't say anything funny or make a single point, to be fair neither did the other girl but still... The whole thing played out like an argument in the YouTube comments. Except bitchier... You all out there saying this is funny but you all be fake laughing as hard as 2:35
- Ray Polaris: Oh look. You can pick on an InfoWars video. It's game over, guys. Looks like we're gonna have to impeach trump and hand over all our guns. All joking aside I find the fact that this guy says you shouldn't strawman someone else's arguments, as he grossly generalizes people he doesn't agree with along with his own strawman narrative that adds nothing to the conversation quite immature and counter productive. It also doesn't help that the comment section is full of people who are just echoing the claims and opinions of one another's misinformed leftist ideology. You want to see someone tackle a steelman argument? Alright then. Let's look at the argument for "free healthcare". The problem with "free healthcare" is that, it's as disremoved from the meaning of 'free' as you can possibly get. At the end of the day, someone has to take the hit for it, whether that's the tax payers, or medical workers like EMTs, Nurses, Docters, Health Practitioners, ect. Either taxes rise for everyone regardless of whether you're a healthy, fit, well-kept individual with responsible spending habits, or the land whale that does nothing but sits around stuffing their face complaining about why people don't think they're attractive, or you have to force people to work without pay, which at that point would be slavery. And some people like to point to the wellfare states of Europe and say something along, "Look at Germany and Sweden. That's REAL socialism at work right there." When in actuality, those countries ride off the backs of other countries within, and outside of the EU. And just to be clear, neither one of those countries are socialist countries. They're democratic wellfare states, as is most other countries in the EU. So no, those aren't socialist countries. And they aren't even that great of places to live, either. One of the more absurd claims I've heard is that they have "almost no crime". Yeah, sweden is a wonderful place as long as you don't mind getting raped, mugged, or have the occasion GRENADE thrown at you, or how about germany? Or what about getting gutted with a knife, or vang raped in public and not a single person helps you because that wouldn't be "politically correct"? It's important to note that other countries can have vastly different criteria for classifying different kinds of crimes than the US, and there's even reports that they're downplaying cases or outright ignoring them, so not to look bad on they're statistics. So don't just sit there and try to make it seem as if these countries have absolutely no problems and have better living conditions than America. And at no point have I said "America is perfect", because that would be an outright lie, but I find that people that live here and complain and ask why Amerca can't be like "those other countries" don't realise how good they have it. The EU is falling apart, and when it finally comes crashing down, these countries which have built their entire infactstructure on top of the EU's foundation, are going to crumble for it. I could go on, but I'd rather not right a book in the process. I don't think this guy has ill intent with this video, I just think he's uninformed. If anyone would like to reply with constructive criticism, I'll gladly welcome it. It's important to have open discussion and not to just sit complicent in our own little echo chambers. I didn't intend for this to be a "preachy" comment, as it were, but I guess it just turned out that way.
- theWolfKing3615: Kyle why don’t you get your own platform and quit feeding off of others
- G_to_V: Mathy Don Thing is, what kind of outcome do you get from public things, public like schools and hospitals are night and day compared to private one. You can be free to check it out. Public schools and hospitals would be much better if they had more competition on market. You can only complain about big pharma house and insurance companies that hold monopoly around current healthcare situation in USA, they hold everything and pay everyone to lobby for them. And it's also on you to keep yourself healthy, so that you don't bring yourself in situation where you need to go and seek medical help, excluding certain things that you can't control. Healthy eating and exercise can prevent a lot of things and save you a lot of money. USA is in mess when it comes to health of citizens, lot of oversized people and it's so shameful.
- D M: The way awesome sailor lady (that’s what I’m calling her) just sips her iced coffee while staring the stupid infowars woman is a complete mood 😂😂😂
- IHaveAToaster: The interview lady is annoying
- Rocket wj: It was simple question...why do you support socialism? Kyle...your dumb. Your mom should kill herself.
- Nicholas Sainburg: "deuch bag right winger" .... Stay in your I'm With Her t-shirt and get a real job.
- wizardofoz: While I would certainly agree that health care should be a universal right... the sailor chick was wrong thinking Bernie was a true "socialist". Bernie lives a lavish capitalist life something the infowars chick got right.
- Preston P: The sailor later came out and said that she knew exactly what info wars was and wasn't taking it seriously at all you're just grasping st straws no ones actually advocating for cannibalizing the rich it's just a metaphor
- Twintwix123456789: +NPC 9785537 lol im glad u think so. You are a very sober human.
- rockerteen8300: I would have said, “and Trump live in a billion dollar sky scraper, what’s your point?”
- A person: You're so similar to info wars lol, just supporting a different colour of political group
- Marceline The Vampire Queen: Doctor talking to women: my goal is to help save lives, we need to do a surgery on you in order to save your life. Woman on her deathbed: thank you doc.. Doctor:so what is your healthcare Woman: I don't have one... Doctor: ohhhhh...... I'm sorry. Something else came up, bye.
- Gary Campos: Sad attempt. Try again.
- shireknight: Everything from Info Wars is fake news.
- Lüedeke DeLeón: wtf
- john hutcheson: Yep, you were right. I talked a little and you hung yourself.
- Michael Zimmermann: More proof of how ignorant Americunts are. Dumb as shit. No such thing as free either. Someone’s gotta pay.
- Hermes Trismegistus: this channel and its sycophants are pathetic. trolled? shes just dumb as a stump but overconfident with her lack of an argument or facts, like almost every other leftist. Rights don't work like entitlements. If that "troll" had any knowledge of her OWN position, she would say she believes everybody is ENTITLED to healthcare. We have the right to bear arms, but the government doesn't fucking give you a free gun. We have the right to peacefully assemble, but the government isn't gonna organize you and make your signs. You have the right to freedom of religion, but the government sure as hell isn't gonna build your mosque or church. Free healthcare is an example of an entitlement, not a right. The very fact that you miss this basic categorical mistake shows the lack of depth and rigor right there, and any further debate is just overkill.
- Reub3: Wait.... Thats it? That is trolling? Clickbait! You got me. Geez! You guys are not only bad at memes but trolling as well. I got all excited and clicked so fast to see infowars get "trolled". All I saw was a typical progressive leftist just talking the same air headedness and infowars saying the same one liners. Nothing new here.
- Salvadoran MGTOW: i don't see how info wars was dissed?this is propaganda
- Sergei: I don’t know. They both sounded like a little messed up in the head.
- Gordon Brooks: This video reminds me so much of Ray Comfort's street interviews.
- bernard: I would be willing to bet that reporter could not tell you anything else about Venezuela outside of her 1% drinking wine and rats for everybody else nonsense. You would have heard crickets if the young lady being interviewed asked: "...and who is the current venezuealan president?"
- Jordan J: the one with coffee
- Common Dirtbagz: Cooper Harris dude you sound like a fucking child😂
- Yoo Hoo: Trump tards saying this isn’t trolling because nobody said a racial slur 🤷🏽♂️ go fuck yourselves.
- Sparkle Plenty: i love based Sailor Girl. she said at the outset she didn’t want to be bait-interviewed and then just fucking held her ground.
- Susan Smith: What planet are you from ? The sailor girl looked and acted retarded ! She had no idea what planet she was on ! She had no idea what Socialism really is ! She just wants free shit and for you to pay for it ! Are you really that big of dumbass ? You get your news and ideas from Barney ? I just can't imagine how people get as retarded ad you !
- Quick Learner: Neither of them are making any sense. Lol. Sure everyone needs healthcare but you can't force people to provide it for free, and you should force some health nut who runs and juices every day to pay for the healthcare of someone who smokes a pack a day and plays video games while drinking mountain dew. I don't even have to point out how ridiculous info wars is.
- Nav Sohanpaul: That socialist girl sounds like she was an actor for InfoWars. Honestly, no one talks like that in real life.
- RFI-Crypto Lab: Bernie *does not have $3,000,000 dollar homes. He has three $1,000,000 dollar homes* Get it right
- Mick M: No trolling there, just some stuck up chick saying she wanted free stuff. Just found that the video wasnt pulled so click bait. The left cant troll at all - idiots
- RTR TRUTH MEDIA 4: Im a yong moron inexperienced little girl who believes that the gubbermint (taxpayers) should be stolen from to pay for my health care regardless of the bad choices I make eating fast food, smoking and doing drugs........bloody hell.
- Justen Smith: from the UK.....we are arseholes..with love 😉😂 but don't worry...I'm getting a personality transplant....on the NHS 😂😉
- Vyth Riel: Oh gods I wish one of these morons would come up to me, I would crush them.
- Evangelene Fidel: This guy sucks.
- Razor9111: +luigui 888 Free Education is the same as indoctrination, you don't learn anything useful in this institutions, same goes for some private schools, you have better chance in doing something successful with your life by spending a year in udemy, coursera, or YouTube tutorials and classes than in middle, high school, and one could even argue, university. It's all a scam invented by the Prussians to maintain a disciplined and submissive force, that they could integrate to the army whenever they required it. So I fail to see how could you improve on something that was flawed from the beginning.
- bali song: no, what she said was that he lives in 3 separate, million $ each homes, which is a FACT. One of them was given to him by clinton, in return for his supporting her candidacy.
- Red Hunteur: Since Bernie is not a socialist, this "interview" fall on its face out of the gate.
- troy maxwell: This was a total waste of time. Thanks idiot.
- ursa magick: John11121 Wonder if Ivanka has any good rat recipes in one of her vapid books?
- EskiLdn: Am i the only one that finds the way she talks pretty hot?
- Tim Hall: jesus christ the retard is saying someone else has worms in there brain she is wearing a sailor moon outfit and living in a dream world this guys channel is shill af
- poop pee: dasha from cum town?????????????????
- Dr Why: Oh my God, you're actually confessing to being that slobbering troglodyte gargoyle, who is incapable of speaking a single syllable, when asked a simple question, then has a mental breakdown on camera, as spittle shoots from the drool pouring down your bottom lip. LMFAO You're really admitting to be this life sized troll doll, really ??? I FUCKING LOVE YOU MAN !!!
- Anthony Romano: Glad I never watched info wars
- G Master: +spencer kairi ? La chava de traje de marinero es hermosa pero no es inteligente y eso lo demuestra en el video
- Nicholas Stephens: She didn't get trolled. You're stupid.
- Thomas Michelsohn: Venezuela is run by thuggish dictators who don't give a damn about their people. Go Bernie!
- Kevin McAlpin: Fucking christ, i had to stop listening once she brought in the venezuela strawman.....
- NordVA: Can't you just make the same points without making a fool of yourself? What is it with these American shows
- Scott Gallant: Info Wars are goose stepping FOX comrades in training.
- aliendisco12: Bernie Sanders has a 3 milliom $ home .... as opposed to Donald FFFFFucking Trump !!!!!!!!!!
- SquealMyName: Seems to work well in Canada, havve fun paying for a a $30,000 dollar heart surgery, and another $20,000 for buying an actual heart lol
- Ethan Paczkowski: Nice social democrat. Good job trolling infowars but you're clearly not a socialist, honey.
- CoolGuy1603: I hope that dude is not her boyfriend because I am hot for that smug grin.
- Maui Randall: I hope as Alex Jones gets more and more popularity being associated with our dumb s*** of a president more people will troll him when he's out and about and not let him pretend to be a journalist and ruin journalism's good name
- aztec warrior: The working class right are a very special kind of stupid
- Donald Martell: She did a great job, and not to distract from her well done interview but my god that woman is gorgeous.
- Poddop: Haha epic pownage, thankyou for covering this topic Ben Shapiro but on a budget.
- Humorous LOL: Ok she didn’t own the infowars girl, though let’s be clear, I think infowars are a bunch of retards. The thing is, the girl wants people to have healthcare. Fine, point made. But she also claims she wants the government to pay for it. Where is the money coming from? US! The taxpayers!! She wants us to foot the bill for everyone else. The government doesn’t make up money, they get it from us. So even if we were to get “free” healthcare it’s not free. Look at Canada. They have “free” healthcare and also pay higher taxes than we do. They also have extremely shitty healthcare with long ass lines and overall poor quality care. Government run healthcare is atrocious.
- Spamme Loop: 7:35 some (smarter) 1%-er do support the welfarestate, because they know that radical exploitation isn't going to end well for them.
- tim Umbra: She seems pretty cool
- Mads-Henning Jensen: I thought this was Brittany venti
- e zavala: Why don't you post a link to the original?
- jeff deathrage: Pretentious geek.
- Ellie Lowehiem: The 1% only use socialism in order to instill a collectivist mentality in there army of corporate office worker types. Socialism, fascism, crony capitalism, National Socialism, all lead to a to a total commingling of corporate and political institutions. Wake up. All politics is just a scam run by the rich.
- Django Fett: Go change your diaper, little kid.
- Mark Hunsaker: There is NO such thing as free healthcare. Why do liberals and "Socialists" not get this. Why aren't free water and free food, more important?
- Tyler Farley: The girl getting interview had no idea what she was talking about and what the hell was she wearing
- ImSNB: she is clearly not interested in giving real answers because its infowars
- HAVE_A_GOOD_CRY_LIBTARD: Wow, you're not too bright there Einstein. Sweden is right smack dab in the middle of a major Muslim problem. In fact most of Europe is in an uproar with the Migrant problem. Maybe get out of that cave you dwell in sometime and get up on your current events. Socialism will always fail. Looks like your Libtard mentality failed yet again King of Retards.
- NPC 001048: Hey Kyle! Why don't you report the news you loser! LoL like how Trump's kicking your ass! 😂😂😂
- Ninja Briefs the Saiyan: Eat the Rich.
- lead paint potato chips: SloanKetter44 She did a good job trolling them, I don’t see where there was anything to be won. Also, if that girl is anything like most people, she might have been so irate about being bothered by a bunch of mouth breathing troglodytes, maybe she was trying not to explode. I know that would be me 😂
- Asian Dude Does Life: Sean Armstrong If you want an article here's one from Mother Jones (who's obviously very progressive) showing that Bernie's effective rate is lower than the people in his income bracket and you can go to the other links to see how he compares to other income brackets. www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/04/no-bernies-taxes-dont-show-hes-hypocrite/ They spin it, but the numbers and the numbers
- Skankhunt42: The bitch dumb asf
- XX TRUTH XX: How did this woman troll Ashton? She seems stunned out of her mind and can't justify socialism. How was Ashton owned? Genuine question
- BruiseBerry: Why’d eat rats when you can eat the rich?
- Camron Fritts: That wasn't trolling she was just stupid. Healthcare can't be free.
- Steven Ponte: true but one of them was just minding her own business, the other was looking for a fight.
- yumpladukfoo: How obvious is it that INFOWARS uses blonde haired and blue eyed FEMALE journalists? Racist fucks follow INFOWARS. The proper moniker should be, MIS-INFOWARS.
- polite critique: Bible says attack infowats scum
- wdnt U lik 2 no: Chris Vanderhoof no I am talking about VA waiting lists which the numbers are near the hundreds of thousands. You socialist wannabes seem to think dealing with government burococy is sunshine and rainbows when the reality is you are just a number to them. Look at the UK with that baby Alfie they had no clue what was truly wrong with him but because the cost to them out weighed his life in their eyes he had to go. I have seen first hand what the government does to those under their care through my grandfather, my father and now myself. Three generations cared for by the government under their system and we get shit for care. You all seem to think your health will suddenly improve. I have been waiting three years just to have a Dr look at an injury I received while in the military. If you get your wish you will be eating metaphorical rats.
- Eli Love: title your video correctly next time. fail.
- Chris Davis: mykotron Glad to see you can speak for everyone.
- lovemoviesful2: When you talk to infowars dipshit, you need to either be drunk or high to be on their level. Lol!
- Letty ramos: what a queen honestly
- helicart: even the left wing rags say Venezuelans are eating rats https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/05/18/venezuela-food-shortages-cause-some-hunt-dogs-cats-pigeons/84547888/ next
- Bilbo Swaggins: I mean yeah the girl owned the Info Wars reporter but let's face it socialism probably isn't the best fucking idea in the world nor is it preferable to the capitalistic system we currently have in place. Why the fuck should most of society have to pander to the lowest common denominator through redistributive welfare policies? This whole "I want people to have free healthcare" bullshit is a fucking nonsensical delusion. There's no such thing as free healthcare. Healthcare is a three trillion dollar industry. If you give healthcare to people who couldn't ordinarily afford it where the fuck do you think those costs are going to be reconciled? From the pockets of tax payers. The poor will invariably benefit at the expense of people who have their shit together. Why the fuck should I have to pay for someone else's well being just because I went to college, earned my degree, procured a high paying job, and can afford to pay for my own healthcare? Life isn't fair. Nor was it meant to be. That's just the way of the world. Get the fuck over it. And I will say this: If you inhereited your wealth and didn't work for what you have then you should absolutely pay higher taxes. But if you worked your ass off to get to where you are then the government shouldn't be able to fleece you dry just to pay someone else's medical bills.
- Sean Armstrong: @Insight "Also I never said we should only fund Emergency care." => then describe your model of care. In particular, answer the following 2 questions: If someone comes to hospital and cannot afford payment, what do you do? That someone later gets discharged from hospital but requires continual non-life-threatening support but cannot afford, what would you do?
- AZStarYT: Excuse me, you can't just pick and choose from the "socialist smorgasbord". New Zealand was the first "socialist" country in the world. Now look at them. You can't even fix your own toilet or light switch without having to call in an tradesman. The Venezuelan example was speaking to the extreme end of things, what eventually happens to a country that goes down that road, taken to the worst scenario. I worked in health care around the time Obamacare finally started affecting people, and folks who had affordable plans were seeing double to quadrupling of their premiums and increases in their deductibles such that they could no longer afford them - and were looking at tax penalties just as egregious (and literally prison time if they refused to pay the penalties). The "poor" already had affordable health care, if they took advantage of it, in the form of state Medicaid programs and SSI. Socializing medicine didn't do anybody any good, only made things worse. We lost about half our doctors where I live in rural Arizona, because the plans were so costly to them, in terms of the cuts in reimbursements, that they couldn't afford to stay in practice - so they retired early or moved OUT OF THE COUNTRY! The little dingbat talking to the reporter has no clue what socialism is about, because she's never had to live under it full blown, and would wish for a free market economy once again if she ever did. As Margaret Thatcher commented on socialism once (the actual quote): " . . . Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money." Oh, and you obviously don't know what "trolling" is.
- All Time Great God: Socialism sucks, soviet russia, north korea, china, and any other country that tried socialism failed miserably. Except north korea, they’re lit af.
- kanyus The Great: Both of y'all are stupid
- Bonechip: The sailor girl is completely uninformed, is this a real video?
- Jose Vazquez: Same right wing talking point my friend says. Yet he's on medi-cal which is a social program and on social security income.......the hypocrisy...OOF
- Elian Iorio Farrell: The problem was the interviewer was too much of a sensitive flower. Like many Conservative interviewers, practically crying when they're interviewing and someone doesn't agree.
- Andrew Park: hm lets look at the evidence: *every other developed nation* nope, I think it works pretty well
- johann rublein: Either you're too stupid to understand what this new info wars correspondent is saying or you're either pretending not to understand what she saying it's pretty blatantly obvious to me even though I was watching this expecting the info wars reporter to make a fool out of herself I kept waiting and waiting and then all the sudden you go hahaha that was great you're an idiot
- nathan chernis: I follow info wars and Alex Jones and appreciate his work , with that said I agree this this guy on his points about the interview . Very intelegent argument your making on the healthcare points. Best wishes with your channel
- MrMollusk7: She didn't say much at all, and yet still evicerated the doofus holding the mic.
- Santiago Bron: bernie having three homes is a sign that he's wealthier than the average american. and he's against people having too much wealth that's why he's a hypocrite (not because of the houses he has) she was using the houses as an example you retarded lesbian
- Donny Madden: Actually she looked dumb
- I'm from the government and I'm here to help: Both sides are fucking retarded lol
- Marcel Duchamp's Fidget Spinner: They support socialism all right. *Corporate* socialism. And apparently the people in Norway are eating rats? Well I learned something new today!
- Gerald jenkins: DUMB POINT
- Adrian Nelson: So which virginistic alt-right chatboard was this video spread around on?
- Vickie Lucero: I love how the alt rights "go to" is Venezuela for socialism while totally ignoring Europe, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand etc.
- pewpewkad7: Subscribed 🤘🏻
- Elroi The Overseer: Yeah I don’t think so. this is a massive reach. the left is so lame.
- Chris Brown: 2:50... tell this to Jim Acosta
- Natalie Love: Wow you are a bunch of snowflakes here on this channel. Bernie sucks!
- Terminal: Roaming Millennial > ALEX AND BEN! COME ON! SHE'S AT LEAST ATTRACTIVE! HANG ME, fucking radical femnists.
- YouTubeWatcher: @2:20 she would eat rats for free healthcare.
- The Majestic Spider: "I mean, you're the one who can't answer the question." She literally did when she said she wants people to have free healthcare, you dolt.
- tarlach doherty: man you are so stupid she is not trolling anyone
- D S: +Ilmārs Belēvičs Right.. there's no such thing as free roads, fire department and police either
- comment commenter: I love the cringe fake laughs.
- Alcaeus89: both those women were awful at making their points
- Jordan Hanley: I actually am a conservative, but that was just hard to watch
- Kevin S: Jesse Gonzalez lol, nice rant. U must be pretty low on the food chain where u work because the higher ups at major corps get free lunches, dinners, cars ,condo, jets, vacations. Sorry not free- the consumer pays for it, causing prices to go up. So what about inherited wealth, let me guess u don't have a problem that. Cruz they "earned it", right? One of the many problems with your argument is that you fall for the argument that you should pay a corporation a premium for something that could be had cheaper. Why do you not think people have a right to basic decency? Why should someone have to pay some piece of shit who inherited their job/company a 3000% markup for that ? And why do you think that dynamic is capitalism? You are being suckered. So you believe the person who makes money of your stupidity and not common sense/logic? You are proof a sucker is born every minute in America and are proudly "capitalist". Also research what capitalism is SUPPOSED to be and then see how socialist corporations are. Don't ever forget capitalism is for the plebs like you, at the top its all socialism! Idiot
- Expax: Idk if this matters but, I'm from Sweden. Our healthcare is free (kind-of) but it is horrible, people die in waiting lines, and our hospitals are underfunded.
- merenmer owo: on god we gonna get you some pussy bro
- Derek D: That chick made no sense. No one said we don't want people to have nice homes. We just want people to have healthcare and education. Is that _really_ asking too much?
- Terri Bel Bliss: Bernie is probably richer than Trump.
- Blighted Waves: +The King the edge is strong with this one.
- Twintwix123456789: Me neither. I am glad you also think this video is strange?
- MrScandalousTv: Who is Kyle Kulinski? what is this bs that he is selling. He played a clip of a bad reporter asking someone about socialism, and the woman had no good responses. Then he spends the other two thirds of the show talking about a bad clip as if that proves that a woman trolled Infowars. But the true question is the same question most others have, which is if she wants either socialism, or even just free healthcare, who is going to pay for it? If she would say "the rich", define rich. I am all for finding a solution where profits from companies are shared with the workers, but If you take from those who have and give to those who don't, eventually there will be no rich to take from anymore, as in Venezuela.
- Vodka Tonic: For a "newbie" I think she did fairly well with the interview... as did the girl being interviewed. It's a lot easier to sit in a studio with a script and a green light behind you than it is to go out and face real people.
- B.A. Baracas: You gotta be one sick, desperate loser to work at infowars
- subdivine redeemed: only clicked for the nip
- Will mckee: Both the infowars reporter and the girl she interviewed both seem pretty stupid
- Empty: How come you think she roasted them. I think she sounded pretty stupid.
- dobrodave123: I would thoroughly smash Socialist Sailor Moon. Would require a ball gag however.
- Nephilim Glass: Wow...can't believe I bothered to listen to you
- dosmastrify: She's an idiot... Both of them... On john Oliver they have a less flattering clip
- TripleAstyle1 A: ? This is funny how? She wants government to pay for healthcare and doesn't understand that's tax money? Not sure where the funny part is.
- Czolgosz, Workin' Man: Now I want Chi'lantro.
- Taco Farmer: This show is tar
- Jerk: WOW, This is SO very hilarious how you daffy socialist twits go to such great lengths to pretend you didn't get caught, yet again, being insufferably ignorant on camera. Trolling?? That's the only pathetic story you can come up with to cover your butts. At this point, Mr. talk show dip, you have to realize your full of shit, doesn't it hurt to keep saying this anti-reality stuff. Dude! Have you seriously never heard the phrase "eat the rich"? or are you just pretending to be that clueless??? Did you actually and genuinely think she was talking about literally eating people? Nobody is that effing retarded!! Who are you!?
- Wazzie Shmozzie: she's using the chewbacca defense
- Ryan Ingram: What are you talking about man? the lib got schooled.
- Asher8328: As a US Senator, Bernie Sanders makes $174K a year... and I couldn't care less as far as that being a criticism of his politics. They can't argue the issues, so they try and smear him. FFS, earlier this year they were complaining that his coat costs too much.
- Austin F: I wonder how miserable it must be to work for Alex Jones. Only the most talentless sychophants would stick around for long, like this reporter girl
- AntiFOX: This girl looks like a live cartoon character! XD
- ClayManLX: How is this trolling..?
- Bandito Rules: Dude you’re the clown!
- Gandalf El Grease: By that fact we can both agree that the moon is just a papercut pasted on the sky
- Matthew Cibor: I don’t think you know what trolling is
- Blue Enigma: I think I'm in love
- Evacer: Can I haz threesome?
- FeministKilljoy: healthcare is a human right
- empbac: Where can we see the full clip? The girl handled herself well, but I would hardly call it trolling. The "worms in your brains" line was hilarious though.
- Argeaux2: You can't even be bothered to research where the clip was posted, before you start your show?
- jeff i: Infowars lost it way for sure
- Peter Tran: That’s coffee looks good af
- Carlos Roderick: Funny how how trump people hate socialism but the Nazi's are good people blatantly stupid.
- Billy Peterson: The funny thing that people fail to understand, and I'm realizing this as I'm writing this, is that I would be more suspicious of a republican owning 3 1 million dollar homes than a Democrat, because at least the Democrat would fight for healthcare like this girl is saying. I always think that government officials make more than anyone else anyway, and many elected officials get to serve so many terms it's ridiculous.I really do think we have the resources to make something great.
- hurtig heinz: Between 4:10min and 5:10min I felt like that random girl in the video when you talked about 3 house max and Bernie. I just watched someone talk himself into hole ^^ Nobody said anything about 3 houses max before you came up with this. :D
- Chris K: 2:10 it ended
- ThiccBunnyBoi: Jeremy Kean so Bernie is willing to pay more tax? What’s wrong with that?
- Cringe Sniper: I will never vote Democrat because they want to take my guns. The Republicans won't try to take my guns.
- Sargon’s Black Grandfather: People can’t have healthcare because they’re eating rats in Venezuela? Seems legit...
- *Redeemed *: Lavia you got me I trolled myself. Don’t know how I’ll ever be able to live with myself. You are as dry and un-interesting as this guy and his vid.
- Teh LaughingMan: My God you people are fucking stupid...you go on about loving her attitude and give no weight to actual facts.
- Travis Hunt YouTube PhD: the only things I am scared of for free health care is trusting the government to pull it off. I don't want to have to wait 2 or 3 times more to get a treatment. there needs to be some kind of solution where it isn't free but it isn't balls expensive. (not talking about Obama care)
- Captain Picard: Bernie Sanders isn't the poorest member in the senate, he just spent all the money he got while campaigning.
- Christobal Colombo: I would like to see Millie and Lee Ann do segments in Bikinis
- Tim de Freitas: Oh ok I hadn't heard of public works before :) Can you explain to me how education is a public work but healthcare isn't?
- Apollo: idc where he lives
- kettle chips: Where was the trolling?
- Stephen: I'm pretty conservative but I gotta say, that infowars reporter sucked
- Sam Deane: G'Day from Melbourne, Australia! I must say, we are a little bit devilish, but that's all. Cheers and beers mate.
- EasternPhysical: Bernie has 3 houses: His own, his DC house that he has from the government, and a home his wife inherited. "Oh but he has a really expensive coat!" His son is an exec for the Burlington coat factory. He got it for free. These hawkish sheep need to at least know the criticisms they're making.
- Nikita Feoktistov: She didn’t really troll them. She was avoiding the question and didn’t seem like she knew what she was talking about at all. Neither did the reporter though.
- Modsu: Central Scrutinizer lmfao like im gonna take lessons on maturity and intelligence from the fuckin 12 year old who censors their own swear words. Everyone knows what you’re saying, whats the point? Also, your username is spelled wrong. You were trying to say “Contrarian Assclown” I believe. Good luck in middle school 👌
- Ethan Dumas: millenials grew up on pogs power rangers and pokemon lol
- e causey: doesn't know about socialism?doesn't know Bernie'swife got big money/Killery-right after Bernie signed agreement not to talk bad about Killery.nice try..too bad.. u had me excited for a moment..
- X Hyung: “so if you’re about eating the rich why do you think so many of the 1% support socialism” is that true? it’s very true like who? well for example you know venezuela right? a majority of the country is eating rats wtf does that have to do with anything tf???
- Armon Williams: She sooo looks like that chick from Hell Boy! Love her!
- the new dacia: The sanders supporter looks pretty stupid tbh
- Fred Mac: Divide and conquer. Keep playing into the hands of the elites. They laugh at either side while counting their trillions
- Maria Zurcher: Thanks for the rat eating trivia babe, you did your best
- LaFart Ball: Worms in your brains is funny
- jaca van heesch: thought so she acts way to much like they whould want someone to act
- Henry Atkinson: +Lando Griffin except they did not have reporters there anf are makimg shit up without evidence.
- Ryan: I’m genuinely concerned people watch this video and think the girl in the sailor outfit somehow was intelligent. Genuinely fucking terrifying. Her “answers” to a question consist of “haha” “like wow” or “ you have like worms in your brain and stuff”. And that’s smoking someone ? Holy. Shit.
- animangafan342: Why are they arguing with a clueless moron? They should just ask questions. She's clearly not open to be serious now that she saw the "info wars" logo. She just supports Sanders cause he tells her the same BS scam latinamerica was fooled by when socialism was introduced there. U deserve free stuff cause ur breathing. And other people should pay for it. Lol That's how they get the Salvadoran people all the time. And they still poor and at the mercy of gangs. Peru taught Venezuela how to socialism. Venezuela just didn't more hardcore. Chavez would carry around an autographed booklet written by our dictator. Peru was a poor country, loaded with terrorism, starvation and poverty. The only thing keeping us alive was some help from Russia with socialist love. Then we went capitalist and we're right behind Brazil in terms of economic power in Latinamerica. Now Venezuelans are running to Peru with their starving stomachs and socialist brains. The socialist terrorist will start up again and we'll another Fujimori in office again to fight back. These are dark days and these morons here in the US, are clueless to real socialism. Europe is not socialist. Retarded idiots.
- Vegan Marine: your bandaids are killing me son
- DrFaustus86: Right wing propaganda ? hmm...Yeah this trash talking is all coming from a guy who works with The Young Turks news media that just so happens to name their news station after a group who caused the Armenian genocide. Geez talk about a bunch of hypocrites.
- Maria Engström: Dude, all the band-aids, did you fight a possum or something? :] Cool video by the way. I loved her comment about worms in the brain. :D
- ub1ca: Like free health care😂😂😂😂. People prefer to give money to churches and charities instead of giving into what Everyone needs. Health and Education!!!!!!!! (Healthy and not stupid nation= No religion!!) Never gona happen!!
- m r: This is an example of a really stupid person making a dumb person look and feel smart. Muh I like his integrity like when he conceded to Clinton because this is the real work folks, being corrupt is what we need to do to win.
- sibkiss2009: Socialism is the road to power for the super rich.
- Cowicide: What about Venezuela? What about Iceland, biotch? https://i.imgur.com/lllkMyi.jpg
- Nova Lux: +Swoog3G 'You need to EARN the right to live' Ermm
- Deathgaze: Honestly, why is it that Americans love to favour the filthy rich? I feel bad for anyone there who isn't able to get readily free healthcare and an affordable education. That Bernie gentleman should've won so American can join the rest of the world. It's 2018, American needs to dump its barbaric cultural practices.
- Joe Johnson: Bull shit video leftwing trash
- Pap Smear: She was great.
- LackofAttack: robertrulebirtannia far lower. Illiteracy was practically eliminated. Which is great considering it's basically social democrat, not socialist. Imagine what they could do, if they nationalized the paper companies there too. Bye paper shortage.
- Gioachino Rossini: InfoWars just lies and lies.
- Janice from Accounting: To uphold the believes about socialism that most of the right wingers in the US hold, you have to completely ignore the fact that northern Europe and Scandinavia exist. These people understand so little about the political theory behind social democracy, that they just connect socialist elements and pretty much anything that just slightly sounds like socialism with communist dictatorships. Most of northern Europe and especially Scandinavia are social democracies. Thats a capitalist system where the government restrains the free market and implements systems to benefit the people, in order to create a fair and just society where nobody is being left behind. Meaning: Universal healthcare, free education incl. University, free childcare, paid parental leave, strong consumer protection, strong workers protection, strong environmental protection etc. Its basically a system that ensures that everyone gets a fair shot at life and gets the necessary means to be successful in life(mainly healthcare and education), and additionally there are systems in place that prevent people from being exploited, because thats a real problem with unrestrained capitalism. The more money is accumulated, the more influence and power is accumulated, which in turn can be used to exploit people without money and power. In the US it even goes so far that this money and power can be used to shape the political system according to ones wishes. The chances of poor people to work their way up are minimized, while the potential for exponential wealth growth for the rich is secured. Statistics clearly show this. The US has way lower social mobility (basically the metric for "The American Dream", how many people work their way up) than any of the northern European countries. The vast majority of problems the US faces today are directly or indirectly caused by the uncontrolled nature of its capitalism. Retraining it doesn't mean you are becoming like Venezuela, it means you become like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany etc.
- laura c: ew what kind of beta channel is this lmfao
- Mogwai786: I support Bernie, and hate Alex Jones, but sorry, the truth is this woman looked ignorant and ill-informed to the interviewer. Have to do better in articulating ideas and beliefs to those that hate them.
- seansimmons73: 90 percent of the drugs that are used around the world are developed here in the U.S. because we have a capitalist heath care system. If we went to a socialist system like Europe that all goes away
- Carlos Benjamin: The title should be “...after interviewer does a terrible job.” Other than, “eat the rich” I didn’t see any trolling. You clearly agree because at 5:17 you’ve spent most of your time on the interviewers incompetence and next to nothing on the other woman’s ability to troll “to perfection”.
- 7489k: I think she heard the rat fact and was just *itching* to say it to as many people as possible as the ultimate gotcha and couldn't hold back 😂
- David Bell: Kyle... Your depth of thought is extremely low. Thumbs down. Your channel sucks because you do. MAGA
- Michael Jameson: The Info wars lady was making perfect sense lol
- Pichael Thompson 83: Kyle, you're one annoying piece of fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
- John Kreutzer: First time ive ever seen this channel poorest millionaire in congress lol nows theres a strong arguement
- Sohaib A: I don't think Kyle knows what trolling means lol
- luvyatubers: I guess it's how they eat rats because some dishes are served in pricey restaurants with a French name. Won't read 'rats' anywhere on the menu.
- gfx: where's the proof that people are eating rats? there are homeless who eat out of trash in allot of countries.
- UndeadKennedy: I’d fuck her to perfection damn
- Jason Dunn: Filipe Martins That’s still got nothing to do with Venezuela. Mentioning Soros was redundant. They had hyper-inflation under the neoliberal era too. The difference is they the food and produce is there. They’ve found the warehouses stockpiled, they just refuse to put them on the market. You’re right, of course capitalists would act this way in response to a socialist government. The point is that if the response private enterprise to increased regulation for the benefit of the population is to strangulate the economy and collude with a foreign power bring about a government more to their liking, then that’s a problem with private enterprise, not with the government. I’m not American. Chavez never staged a coup. He was elected.
- Jack Makackov: Stoner chick for the win!
- Kristoff Scherma: They never pulled the video due to this chic. Retard. It had no views. Like your page
- Davi de Assis: Millennial Sailor Moon
- WHITE DEVIL: This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Why is this recommended to me ?leftist propaganda. The one girl was stoned and got owned . I dont see any point that was valid from this bag of shit kyle who gives a shit
- SinisterMinister: I started at InfoWars and ended up here years ago. I like here better!
- Gary Taylor: I'd call this a toss-up and touch corn ball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z88SJy-AKtE
- Marcellus Wallace: What a well said comment, I don’t see enough of these types of comments on YouTube. Well done sir! 👏🏽👏🏽
- grinningchicken: If you are the reporter you are supposed to have more information. Venezuela isn't having trouble because the 1% support socialism. The 1% in Venezuela is anti-Chavez and anti-Madura. they ousted him in a coup and he was brought back because the working class demanded it. Abby Martin did a special on Venezuela the poor aren't protesting there are 2 protest movement one by the upperclass and rich the other by hired thugs who kill people and set fires and such. The food and good shortages are being manufactured by the rich. They intentionally create delays to key products to put pressure on the govt to change policies. The shortages are not caused because "communist" govt can't keep up with demand or something.
- kyle simon: i think that girl was pretty chill. and i am republican... i dont think it was right to attack her like that... btw you can see her tities and i like it.
- Darth Joosboxx: My God. Were you punched a lot growing up? I'm a pacifist, but your face is a face that demands a punching. You may be a pretty good guy. This isn't about that. I feel like I would feel better after punching your face.
- Bacon Crusader: See this is the problem with that lefty socialist duh du duuuu duh do duuuu !
- Rusty Shackleford: Sandy Hook
- Sylis TM: How the fuck is being high off your ass trolling? Fucking idiot politics
- LevelzUp ProductionZ: People hate Bernie because he decided to fold and sell out to Hillary and the dnc. And he's happy to do that. As long as he keeps getting a check. I wish I had your platform so I can speak some sense to your dumb following.
- ITsJUSTbizzn3ss: At best the reporter made a straw-man argument. This was not trolling. Get better content.
- djdarklyceum: big lefty speaking here: how was that owned/trolled to perfection? she seemed like a brain dead protester?
- dang9669: sailor moon is cool as fuck
- MrKmanStudios: Venezuela is a great example to use! Let's use a country that has 1.6% the GDP of the USA.
- Jimmy Biggums: "I just want healthcare I don't want.. like...".
- Sebastian Stiefel: No one really won here. The socialist girl didn’t have a argument and got steamy. Sorry but just saying “i just want -insert something good-“ doesn’t really mean anything. But the infowar women was just as headless and had zero clue what she was asking for. Yes he is against rich people owning multiple expensive things, I.e. his tweet “how many yachts do you need” which he got fucking slammed on. And he’s the poorest of the rich, doesn’t mean much. Bernie said we should replicate Venezuela. So just cause your opponent didn’t say we should eat rats but wants to replicate the same system that forces people to eat rats. Are Australians stupid. Yes, they took everyone’s rights to arms, are currently emitting the most while they are being effected the most by climate change. Bye bye Great Reef but let’s ignore that because healthcare. Is Canada stupid. Yes. Huge wait lines followed by poor care. Boards that choose who live or die. Is Britain stupid. Yes. Leave EU as Europe buckled against the huge migrant wave. Are the rest of the majority white countries that you listed stupid. No they are homogeneous ethno states that. Also none of these places apart from maybe Britain pays for their own defense, because America pays to defend all of them. I’d hope that when your budget is freed up that much you’d spend it elsewhere. Also news flash all attempts at true socialism, with no democratic or capitalists underpinnings fail or become corporatocracy.
- Bobby Rojas: Kyle Kaminski should definitely lookup the term "trolling" the girl from infowars was spot on. The other girl looking at her phone every 2 seconds and talking with her stupid accent looked like a dumbshit
- Dorkchop: Nothing is free #1. #2 after all the rich people leave after you taxed the hell out of them for your free stuff then what? #3 why are you all so blind to the fact that socialism has kill over 100 million people last century?
- Rata 4U: Chavez? She won't talk about Canada Norway Switzerland Australia etc but none of us eat rats. We could be accused of being specialists and I'm fine with that also because the happiest nations in the world - all the aforementioned - also out live a typical American.
- Travis Plyler: She's not really trolling. she can't even answer the questions. To be fair, the infowars lady is just as brain dead.
- Jonniman007: she sounds soooooo fucking high... and she still owned her
- Che Mac: What’s her insta she’s a fucking beast
- Tim Doherty: matthew ellis Wut? Sorry, me no speak illiterate.😂😂😂
- D Moneyz: "Do you want to eat rats?” 🤦🏻♂️♿
- Alyssa Rivera: I swear if I go to college AMD start paying the money and then college is made free I better be compensated
- Unworthy Servant of Jesus Christ: exactly these liberals change the meaning of words. Racist is now seen as a compliment because they used it wrong for 2 years
- Crazyscarecrow: +Panda Curry Japanese school girl uniforms are sailor outfits.
- L Z I: Both of these nipples are complete idiots. If nipples were president then nipples would benefit from nipples and nipples nipples nipples nipples nipples nipples nipples.
- eric loudan: That girl was baked.
- BPD MF: Rich people taste like bacon, it's all the belly fat.
- Truth Sleuth: Info"wars"= Info SNORES!
- Jacob Johnston: she could have done a better job though. If she had just said "I don't want to be like Venezuela, which is shitty because they have a dictator, not democracy, I want to be like Switzerland, which is lovely."
- James Guilford: Rats are naturally abundant, as well as cheap and quite easy to breed in captivity. Large numbers of Rats can also be reared in relatively small places, compared to our larger, traditional meat animals. To be sure, we should indeed be dining on rats, and beginning tomorrow, I will begin work on my very own RAT Ranch ! Upon completing my Rat Ranch, and harvesting an abundance of tasty and nutritious rat meat I will then proceed to serve scrumptious rat steaks, rat burgers, fried rat, broiled rat , and rat any way you want it, in what may well be, the world's very first Rat Restaurant ! Hail the Rat and Hail capitalism baby !
- Felix Desrosiers: +The Prickly Prick sorry for the long text haha
- MrSkevich: So this video was out there a few years ago. Nothing new here.
- maxi paw 0311: Love Infowars
- Wisaac: Lmao hard r/wooosh for you guys
- Ben Wilburn: Venezuela is screwed up because it's economy isn't properly diversified, a result of capitalism. Plenty of economic crisis when the oligarchs were in power.
- Fruity babies 420 Blazen': Lol this dudes retarded
- blooddiamond: They're both clueless. The only ppl who got owned were the damn viewers.
- Randolph G.S. Amaya: “You know Venezuela right?” “Heard of it”
- William Fitzpatrick: Hi Chris, Thank you for your reply, but as I already stated, I'm wishing you good luck and won't be responding further. I've run out of both time and patience--it took three days for you to mature, stop screaming about trannies and retards and respond intelligently, which is a bit much for a grown man. As you can imagine, this is tiresome.
- Revolution of The Classics: Info Wars took the L! I love that girl that supports Bernie Yo Who is she I want to follow her channel for real She won the debate after she looked at her weird and was like That’s Not The One Percent! Yo Venezuela ain’t the one percent do your research Blondie before you bother Bernie supporters!
- Jake Mcewen: HAHAHA, People that work for info wars are all idiots.
- Oswald Thatendswald: Gabriel Muniz What lingering consequences? When those people moved into those cities, their own gang culture is what ruined the neighborhood and made people move out. I hate this gentrification idea that blames poverty stricken black neighborhoods on white people moving out. Its ridiculous. People move out because neighborhoods go to shit, not because they hate black people. How does white people moving out create a system of discrimination? They just didn't want to live on the same block as the crips and bloods and that makes them racist? The schools used to be good, but now they're shit because LA and Chicago are poorly run cities in general, but its still has a lot to do with the gang culture that thrives in those cities far more than other cities in the nation and plucks kids straight out of the classroom and onto the streets. I agree like you said poverty is a vicious circle that can be difficult for families to fight out of when generations have been living in shitty places with gang culture raising their kids, but blaming the average white person and sticking up for organizations like BLM who go out and start riots and shout for dead cops is definitely not going to help the situation in the slightest. Those people nearly created a god damn race war. And no one is ignoring police brutality, and I think its dishonest to claim that there is a racial undertone directed towards black people to it when white people are actually killed more often by police. For BLM to claim cops are racist and target black people more often is not only a lie, but it directly starts racial division and tension when people start to believe it. And for gun ownership Switzerland, New Zealand, and Sweden are all developed countries with very high rates of gun ownership and have very few shootings and very low crime in general. There are also countries that have low gun ownership and a high rate of shootings and murders. My point with that is I don't believe the rate of gun ownership correlates to the number of gun murders within specific countries, whether it be positive or negative.
- Frankie Perez: They both sounded stupid
- Geno Adams: White privilege male! Are you libtatds going to let him have an opinion, l thought you guys hated that.
- hudhastings1: Laim
- stink ass: everyone in australia are assholes and are idiots.they eat their momma's shit as soon as they are born so they can afterwards digest eucalyptus leaves.
- yelnatsch517: Is that Lauren Southern? It looks like her. I don’t think the girl was trolling. She’s just a chill girl who supports universal healthcare, but probably isn’t aware about much else. I could be wrong though. I’ve just never seen that type of trolling.
- Chase Anderson: "Grow some balls and a brain" You are a child.
- DOOM: Whereabouts in America do girls with that accent come from I need to go there immediately
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: +xAKALISx So, basically, your saying, in America, they promote the use of drugs, rather then having a healthy life style? That the doctors over there, only seem to be the best, because people think they are?
- Gojian: Alex Jones needs to hire gay frogs instead of bimbos
- Tony H.: I'm sorry did I miss something here! The girl didn't have a clue and seemed a typical stoner. The interviewer schooled her lol.. The girl was a typical clueless leftie
- Pablo: She doesn't know Venezuela is socialist. That's the problem here. The reporter is also at fault for being so sharp tongued
- Tavian Ward: Those Infowars interviewers were simply incompetent, I hate socialism, but they almost skillfully trolled themselves
- Jared O Lantern: So secular talk doesn't report on the news. They only report on Info Wars. Ok, got it.
- radenks: if at the "people in venezuela eat rats" thing, she was gonna respond something like "i just said i like eating the rich" i would have pissed myself laughing
- Melvin Luna: Reflex You do have a point about Venezuela depending too much on oil. But that doesn't change the fact that the people who control the production of goods in Venezuela are hoarding the products creating artificial scarcity. The last time this happened in Latin America it was in Chile under Allende. Everyone was complaining that there wasn't anything to eat in Chile. That all the shelves in the stores were empty. Then the exact day after the coup when Pinochet was put in power, miraculously all the food was back in the shelves and the economic crisis had ended.
- A Google User: Did info wars actually care about Venezuela anyway? I'm probably wrong, I don't follow him. 🤔
- Documentaries: That chick is also hot!
- Drew Jones: Go vote y’all for real
- Stoniest Sage: Destroyed and info wars reporter??? They both sounded like fuckin retards who should have no input in politics
- Camille Binford: Heard of it
- Ulterior Motive: Bokasmowl + Wtf are you talking about? Nobody with any intelligence joins either party at any time. If you consider yourself Republican or Democrat, you are probably pretty stupid.
- solitarymaninblack: The interviewer is just like the White House intern. #Clueless
- Ijneb1248: You won this time libtards
- Kyle Huckaby: This is Fake News. The video was pulled down for a bullshit copyright clause. It was a single party consent state and has been brought back. Also, how did she “own them?” She said, “worms in your brain,” and “socialism is good.” Is that ownage? “Eating the rich,” and then immediately refuted by facts. Has no answers for actual socialist countries collapsing. This sailor moon idiot gets intellectually destroyed. 🤣
- AhegaoRathalos: Lol. That dumb infowars broad got rekt by a fucking weeaboo. I am hardly one to talk but still.
- Kami84: 1.) Who is pushing for euthanasia? There is no such thing going on in the medical community and no one is advocating for it. What you said is yet again another piece of propaganda. Show me ONE piece of evidence that any of the other industrialized countries that have national health care coverage such as Canada, England, Italy, Japan, Germany, etc kill old people or have euthanasia. Such a thing does not exist. They may not cover a million dollar procedure to prolong the life of someone that is already 90 years old but that's different. Most countries still have private insurance so they can still get such things covered if they can afford it. 2.) The idea that doctors are not trying to cure diseases is hogwash. Most people who are in the medical profession want the best for their patients. Most chronic diseases are life style diseases, hypertension, heart disease, COPD, heart failure, liver disease and cirrhosis, and type II diabetes are partly generic but are mostly diseases of poor lifestyle due to people eating poorly, not exercising, obesity, drinking too much, and smoking. They can only be "cured" by changing lifestyle. Medical professionals spend a lot of time preaching diet, exercise, moderate alcohol intake, and not smoking. I know I do, but many people don't follow the advice. There isn't a pill that you take once that will make you impervious to bad choices. The alternative is to prescribe medications that are taken continuously or medical procedures which will prolong life. 3.) There are many diseases that are curable and are cured all the time, you just don't know what you're talking about. For example the 2nd leading cause of death is cancer. When cancer is isolated and has not metastasized it can and is cured by surgery. There are people working tirelessly trying to find better and more effective cures. 4.) Doctors don't invent medications, pharmaceutical scientists do. We do not have a magic wand for inventing cures. People have to work very hard at it and sometimes you discover a cure and sometimes the best you can do is fend off the disease. People who have HIV can now live to a normal life expectancy which is a medical miracle, yet you have people complaining that they have to take a pill everyday, which is crazy. Do you really think that tens of thousands of pharmacists are trying NOT to discover cures. Do you know how amazing it would be for a scientist to discover a monumental cure for a disease? 5.) Pharmaceutical companies have an incentive to invent cures because it is a competitive industry. If Pfizer has a medication that will fend off a disease and Merck finds a cure, who do you think will win in the market place?
- Akuza Gaming: At the beginning she was like "I can't be bothered with this..."... spots info wars... let's have some fun. Haha 😂
- Rafe Tizer: Ah yes, I too recall when Bernie Sanders said, " I want to convert America to Venezuela's form of socialism, corruption and all."
- Nick Knight Beats: why does she talk like that
- Thomas Wellnitz: That girl in no way owned her, she sounded like a idiot . Ugh like you know, like ugh, he is a socialist . Anybody who doesn't know what socialism is, needs to start learning. Socialism, communism, fascism, etc. Anything that has an ism at the end is derived from Luciferianism, or Satanism, that is where those systems come from and where the ideology of it is derived from . I cannot believe you thought that reporter got owned . The reporter should have known more thats obvious, but she is new .
- shop tube: I love how calm she is!
- Xavier Soto: I’m so sick of that fucking straw man argument. You’ve got 1 example of how “socialism” has gone wrong but let’s not bring up all of the other more successful countries.
- Plink Plonk: Red neck right wing clueless cunts full of lies and shit
- Lolita Luhhv: Ppl the think socialism is good need to get their brain check . Like seriously, live in Venezuela or Cuba, your gonna feel your pain of having not even two pieces of bread to share with your entire family .
- McKaos: she reminds me of Aubrey Plaza, so hot
- M. M.: Really it would be better if you'd just run the film with LITTLE commentary----- why the f do you think we enjoy this endless mansplaining????
- Brynden Rivers: Owning a home made out of dollar bills sounds pretty cool, I guess, but does anyone really need three million of them? How would you have time to visit them all?
- NPC 9785537: I dont get it
- Kris Radke: Lavia stay queer liberal.
- Occulta Veritas: Having autism isn't 'nonchalantly owning'
- michael12356727: Lol this whole video was painfully socdem. Do yourselves a favor and read Lenin.
- Andrew Dias: "eating rats is not socialist. didn't you hear me say we want to eat the rich!!"
- frenchabortion: Nice tits
- antonio volpe: “You people have like, worms in your brain, honestly”
- thanks for forcing me to do this google...kinda want to stop using your services...: So a retarded socialist "schooled infowars"? How? Because she just wants healthcare? No she wants socialism- that does not work. Socialism is the idea of using people as collateral for lending. Social security is social insurance, and that is going to fail within our lifetime. Obviously the left sees a warrior for socialism. The right sees a brain dead moron that can barely talk and wears an anime costume in public.
- T R U T H: Oh my god she is exactly like this chick I went out with in high school.
- Amine: That woman was high af.
- I Can't think of a name: +HUBBABUBBA DOOPYDOOP what year were you homeless? What state? I need a citation for there were no welfare systems. The government needs to be able to negotiate prices with pharma. This cycle should be tired to be broken.
- Troll General: Imagine all the other videos that infowars has deleted due to them being trolled.
- Bara en Bojassen: Also 45000 dead from no access to health care is incorrect and more people die per capita in my country, sweden because of ineffective health care. We have the longest waiting times. The 1% does support socialism not corporatism
- aligboyakasha: She's like that girl from The Office meets Daria. It's silly to think we don't already have forms of socialism in this country. They're interviewing her from a publicly available street that was paved by the government (or UT if it's on their campus). We will never have full socialism or full capitalism, that is so far away from what we have at all.
- Lars Freeburg: Plot twist showing your tits to females doesn’t make them drool like the male suck ups you interview.
- Patrick Walsh: If the 1% supported socialism we would have it
- NFS&P Barrister: ? socialist country only venezuela? how about the next door of USA?
- Jared Muhle: Hot and smart. Nice to see Infowars get trolled.
- Johnny Scythe: North Korea calls themselves Democratic does that means all democracies are failures?
- Nahuel Arca: Well, I think they support capitalism but not free markets.
- MrTomservo85: Democratic socialism always ends with eating rats. Bernie is not a democratic socialist. Socialists consider Bernie a white supremacist.
- Vern H: I just want free shit, honey. What's wrong with that? EVERYTHING!
- David Bell: Kyle... Your depth of thought is extremely low. Thumbs down. Your channel sucks because you do. MAGA
- Snitchpac29: This is a brainwashing people to stupid boring lazy people. I see opinions and it facts
- Impervious: +Michael >"Maybe it was intended to be an insult, not an argument" Probably, for the simple reason that the leftist bimbo is too dumb to make an argument. >"It looks like a public place, not a courtroom or a dais" There 1000s of interviews conducted in a public place. Are you saying leftists can't make an argument for their cause except in a courtroom? Funny, I recall seeing archival footage of Lenin making his case to workers in public. Why didn't he require a courtroom? >"The socialist girl made it clear early on" No, she didn't, otherwise would've remained quiet or moved on. >"Not every word uttered in a discussion between people who have opposing viewpoints needs to be an argument" It does, if the discussion is between smart adults. It doesn't, if one of the participants is a dumb leftist bimbo who just wants free stuff and is unable to formulate an argument. >"Sometimes people just need to be told they're being idiots" "Idiots" is not an argument, unless you're as dumb as this leftist bimbo. Why are leftist UNABLE to provide actual, solid counter-arguments?
- Colonel JCD: Yeah im tremblin in my boots.. :)
- p elizabeth: You know Venezuela right I’ve heard of it
- unmnd 6: Republicans 👎
- Daniel Lopez: It’s annoying, either interview someone or debate them, but don’t act like a reporter and try to debate a random unsuspecting individual.
- nono meme: +Melissa Johnson Enjoy shitposting till dementia gets you, you old fuck
- Oopss7: ... I don't think anyone trolled anyone here, but watching you daft yanks rip each other apart to come out on top while you're all going down is sort of fun. The host is so stupid he repeats 'place' on loop about a100 times, but doesn't seem to understand the word at all, and it's so Murican. I can't even watch
- Riku: Part of the problem seems to be that when people think about the topic they often sound like they think the nations' economic and social systems were a binary where you either have to be for republican/tea party / libertarian wet dream minimal to government let the corporations do what they want capitalism or you are communists that is going to turn the country into Venezuela or USSR.
- eddie edmonds: the cool attitude girl is just ignorant which is her fault, she should visit Venezuela and wake from her stupor
- War N Peace: You are totally weak Kyle mouthy little boy
- vrolie 2020: You people have like worms in your brains HAHAHA
- Will Hale: Spending a fraction less of the budget the war department sorry the defence dept receives and everyone would have free healthcare Your country loves war it would rather kill people than look after them And the msm job is to come up with new ways to sell your governments appetite for war
- Saladfngrs999: Were not entitled to healthcare. We are not entitled to anything. How did we survive so long? By finding a way to survive. If you think like that, your dead.
- NSixtyFour: damn lucky guy
- Camron Fritts: Jacob Johnson Then stop calling it free holy shit lmao
- Tomi Toxine: Great stuff! Support, man! Coming from Slovenia ;)
- Tony Bagelz: I love when she asks back which of the 1% support socialism, and the infowars 'reporter' changes the subject to Venezuela.
- Aurora: Mikhail Opeh, Oh the irony.
- Bonbon: I think this is the first high functioning autist man I've seen defending commies
- tubby28: M K read a booook omg lol ur dumb. Watch the news
- jbw5485: This was an extremely stupid fucking video. Host, stfu
- David Griffin: So there's one example of a liberal getting the best of someone on the internet.And it's Infowars at that,not exactly a monumental feat.But the thing that's striking here is this chick is still so cringe worthy.She reminds me of Cristen Wiig in that anl skit called the aholes where she plays a total ahole.And this is the best the left has got?lmao😂
- Terminal: "THAT REPORTER IS AMAZING. SHE'S MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Fargone of FUCKTARD
- shireknight: Confucius Say "healthcare is not a right." Most of the developed world has decided that it is. It's your life, you have a right to your life, don't you?
- Casper Kite: one percent do support socialism. technology sector
- DA REAL Johnny Appleseed: Apparently you don’t
- M Ibrahim: It's not ironic because he is self made, not a politician
- carlos blanco: She looked more like a Weeaboo lol
- Screaming PHOENIX: "How the hell is Lincoln going to free the slaves? He has hundreds of log cabins!" -Dumbasses in the 1860s
- Brian McGuirk: It does in the UK. Free at the point of delivery. The national health service is financed by the taxpayer. The cost per person is a lot less than half what Americans pay.
- SuperPantMan: I dont think greenland offer universal healthcare, i’m not sure they even have a goverment, its an icy wasteland
- Willie Jones: I’m a progressive and I don’t get how the interviewer lost.
- keiharris332: Is that tweetney?
- Brew master: That girl is sexy
- Young Misfit: You’re giving her way too much credit lol, she’s not that clever they’re both dumb.
- Pomic: Wonder if she'll maintain her pretentious cool and collected persona when the dollar hyper-inflates. The only reason it hasn't already is because the US armed forces & intelligence services have been able to maintain a monopoly on the global oil market. As in if you want to trade in oil you need US dollars. This is why they killed Gadhafi & Sodom when they dared tried to sell their oil for gold. Well now China and Russia have made the same decision, Russia has large oil reserves & their alley Iran has even more oil than Saudi Arabia. They also have nuclear warheads attached to ICBM's. The American Empire is fucked, they would have to make a drastic return to Capitalism quickly in order to fair this storm but there's far too many tribal half wits like this zombie obstructing such a decision. I'd say they're more likely to nationalize their oil reserves like the foolish Venezuelans rather than actually work for their wealth.
- Sleepy Of Dallas: that chik with the hat is hot
- Daniel Pierik: Well, the economic freedom index means diddly dick if the regulations are few yet effective, the taxes are few yet high, and the social security net is large yet effective, ya retard.
- BDub098: Free healthcare... I mean, government funded....so not free. Ask candada how free their healthcare is. If you make 100,000$ a year in Canada, you pay 55% of that in taxes...part of which goes to healthcare. Which can take six months to get a single doctors appointment.
- Brandyn Fraize: So why are you still talking?
- forist1: She was a clown the young info wars reporter owned her , the girl being interviewed claims to be a socialist and a Bernie supporter but as the reporter stated Bernie Sanders is filthy rich and no more a socialist than Trump is , Secular Talk Info Wars won this one bro no matter how you try and slant it ….. worms in the brain indeed , the ones with the worms in there brains are the liberal left who advocate violence and want all whites dead …… Secular talk you are the troll with the info wars logo behind your head , looking to get Alex Jones clicks from his massive supporter base ….. fanny .
- Razor9111: +Charlie To0 Human What you're talking about it's not democracy but a meritocracy, democracy implies that the choice of matters related to education relies on the people (or the government) rather than the student. What you say about the government and school boards it's a perfect allegory to socialism, or for that matter, any kind of politically authoritarian government. In regards to the social development of children, it's something that already happens naturally, and that it can be nurtured in many ways, either by the parents setting up their kids to meet their neighbors or friends children or doing stuff that other parents let their kids do, usually extracurricular classes, like music, swimming, martial arts, painting, soccer and football, or going to public spaces such as parks, beaches, pools, festivals, carnivals, etc... There are many ways and forms for kids and teenagers to interact with each other without having to rely on them wasting their lives 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for 15 years in what can basically be called a prison. edit: what do you mean about reposting my reply? its clear as day over the one that talks about education.
- snapawire: Well you see Kyle morons like you need us to EXPLAIN things to you that is why she did most of the talking, you and the other idiot still don't get it! It is not Ashton's fault you have ski at the end of your name!
- Ant Man: A dumb blond interviews a smug socialist, and we are all dumber for having heard the result.
- Joe Schmoe: Where the hell is the trolling? WTF? You want to see trolling, watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvNYgDznKa0
- aaa: Listen to cumtown and red scare
- Chris Davis: Why is everyone screaming right wing and left wing what do wings and which one have to do with anything?
- Adib BehrooziTV: I’m talking about America fuck yes
- jordan secrist: That school girl sailor shirt made tons of guys watching this video harder than her tipples were in the beginning.
- Daniel Trickey: If she was in a court room they would object for leading the witness.
- Glenn Umbs: 1 point for socialist sailor moon/ Dasha Nekrasova's. That sh** was too funny. Alex please get her and Jimmy Dore on your show asap. Props to Infowars who unlike MSM show unedited clips. Van Jones rightfully complimented Alex for mentoring and platforming Owen Shroyer "a young pitbull" reporter who earned his Infowars street cred. Ashton Whitty is far from being a pitbull. Right now she is more like a little dog that barks and nips your heels alot, but is just annoying and has no effect. You have work to do here Captain Alex, you have a wink link in the chain sir.
- Henry Sorensen: If this fucktard kyle moron considers that girl "owning" that reporter then kyle clearly has no understanding of the term, both the reporter and the girl knew nothing of the subject. Kyle, i think you may have dislocated your shoulder from reaching so far, but i understand you must be dry for new content so you can make a video and get paid. Pathetic!
- SouthernBoy: Kyle's a fuckin Cuck.
- Scarlett Cunningham: Confucius Say It is in many countries.
- Coffee Goblin: +Palpy as usual easy to say and harder to prove, you were also wrong about the drugs...
- Conflict Of incest: Hannity owns 870 homes 🙄
- Knekten: God King Trump go back to infowars, its obvious facts and reality makes you angry
- Jon M: I dont like info wars at all. It's a sales pitch at best. But you are not stating facts of the interview. You just cuss and make up shit. Your ignorant.
- Benny G: Her name is Ashton Whitty https://youtu.be/Juf2wEVkorM
- MikoDraw: It looked like Emma Stone and Aubrey Plaza had a love child specifically made to troll info wars.
- Mike Wazowski: Finish Her! Fatality!
- Sugar Shane: Eat the rich is a socialist saying. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich
- Clintopoulos Grizworld: More of this girl and her hat!
- Hanson Winx: I need da link to the clip Kyle, it's so gold! Anime girl rekt Infowar!
- Jack v.Z: Well, they don't eat rats in Europe, and we have health care for everyone
- cleveque: You're reading way too much into it. A ninny was cornered by a bonehead and they both looked stupid.
- F That: Interesting that she has to attract people with red dress with her tits to discuss the future of our country.
- Zachary Sivers: Dummies vs dummies... Ready... Fight!!!
- Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus: +Randal Roe Everyone knows single payer healthcare isn't free, but it's cheaper. It would save us 17 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. That's why every first world nation besides the US has a Universal healthcare system.
- Pokerface: Her vocal fry is like nails on a chalkboard, but god I love her attitude.
- Tinopinoh: This girl just chilling not caring at all and this bitch getting heated as fuck lmao
- BiffTannen2015: The girl with coffee got destroyed!! You liberals are pathetic!!
- mechaguess: As an Australian I can confirm we are all evil devil people.
- Alex Jones: boo
- Christopher Bowser: They both come off dumb. It's clear neither of them know what they are talking about.
- Daniel Delgado: pjfan173 liberals walk on protest with Muslims because we support their right to exist without ridicule and oppression in this country even if their ideals don't match ours. That's the problem with idiot conservatives, you can't see beyond yourselves. If it's not happening to you it's fake news or doesn't matter. You all play victim when minorities demand equal treatment. You act like it's an affront to your very existence if a gay person is treated as a human and a bigot gets chastised for being a bigot. People don't think you're all assholes because they're jealous or they want to be like you. It's because you're assholes.
- pjfan173: iPhone Starbucks and a cute sailor outfit, but I'm for socialism.
- NoExitLoveNow: Further, if you work in Washington and Vermont, and you have the money, it might make sense to own at least two homes.
- Red Monk: If the 1% supported socialism we would have socialism a long time ago
- Bobby Guest: Y'all value style over substance? Body language over knowledge and understanding? Style is superficial and shallow compared to intelligence and wisdom. She didn't even understand the correlation of socialism in South American to having socialism in North America. Do you think the founders of this country gained our freedoms with body language? Somebody needs a big slap of reality. Look at the Demo/Socialist run cities in the United States: All shitholes...San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, New York. Look at the downward spiral of Europe. Talk about your twisted spin on the news, ..Geez !!
- William Fitzpatrick: The majority of the American electorate has supported a public option for over 50 years, particularly the working class
- Andrea Yanome: tornay131 O
- Stephen Towns: What a cuck
- Y: +whiteriverforest both sides had weak ass arguments, it looked like two elementary students bickering
- white deion: This whole thing was cringe. The reporter was poor and inexperienced, and the chick being interviewed was annoying.
- El Paxton The Great: Venezuela has 70% of its markets privatized. Why do idiots on the right keep trying to push this notion that they're somehow socialist?
- Justin Headrick: Trolling......where? This woman is an idiot... Inverted?... all she said was I want people to have health care. Like a typical left-leaning idiot of the day she fears what she wants as being what she should get regardless of how it affects anyone around her. Healthcare is not a right. You have no right to survival.
- Pretty Vacant: Not sure on free health care. Is it fair for society to fit the bill for illness and injury related to smoking, alcohol, poor diet,extreme sports injuries etc.
- Kryojenix: 7:22 ROFL
- x Deicide: Owen is the only one who makes infowars look credible
- Kris P. Bacon: Buddy I believe you think way to highly of this random girl and it wasn't that funny.
- bry: The Suicidal Muffin commie-chan
- Daniel Schmitt: Dipshit right wingers regurgitate "but Venezuela" yet they can't name a single fact about venezuala, it's just their buzz word. Such simpletons.
- Paco's Tacos: "healthcaaree hunny" pretty hot sass! haha
- Davey Jones: Fuck she is an obnoxious twat. Is being an aloof douche bag synonymous with doing an expert troll?
- charlieknockout: I wish Info wars would come up to Canada and interview me. I’ll tell her all about what rats taste like. Our socialist Canadian rats 🐀
- Chris: Infowars fucking sucks, but in no way, shape or form was that reporter trolled "to perfection." You guys are really reaching here
- doug lamssies: wow, did you wear rose colored glasses when you watched it. open your eyes and clear your mind .
- Hooyahfish: I hope these right wing nutjobs try to interview me someday.
- Granny Goose: But Burney does own many homes. Yes he does but who doesn't. I think he owns 3.
- whiteriverforest: Are you kidding me? That girl said nothing and couldn’t even understand a simple 2nd grade question the infowars host asked. Your main points are that Bernie I doesn’t own “$3,000,000 homes” or three “$1,000,000 homes” . I try to listen to both sides to get a well rounded view but I have taken a step backwards in evolution just by watching your video. You say the top 1% doesn’t support socialism, they support corporatism which is socialism for the rich. I think you should watch your videos before you make them public. You are a threat to education and I pray your followers don’t leave your happy safe space to infect anyone else. Your ideas will make our word sterile one day.
- Dean O.: Marx said that Socialism is merely a precursor to full blown Communism. They will put Socialism in place first to get the people used to what it will be like once full blown communism is implemented later. Satanic Zionist Talmudic Rabbinical World Jewry invented Communism right around the same time that they founded Zionism just before the Jews instigated the first world war. Zionism stands in direct contradiction to the Torah. When the Talmudic Zionist Jews financed and controlled the Bolshevik Revolution in orthodox Christian Russia they inserted communism at the end of the revolution as a way to control the wealth, property, and the people, of that vast Russian nation. If you get a Socialist government you will eventually get a communist nation. The same template that the Talmudic Zionist Jews used to murder the Russian Czar at the end of WW-1 and also turned Russia into communist USSR is now being used in the United States for the same evil demonic Talmudic Jewish purposes. There is a reason why the duel citizenship holding (U.S.A./Israeli) Jew Senator Bernie Sanders is pushing Socialism in the U.S.A. in direct contradiction to the United States Constitution. It's because Sanders is a Jew and Socialism/Communism is absolutely a Jewish construct that is designed to siphon all the wealth and property away from the people of the nation until eventually the nation is destroyed from within. Beware of the Jew Man Money Lender. :-I
- Jeff Bohn: so what..she's a little hottie ..I'll give her health care
- patreck1969: Soy boy level over 6,000 !!
- JOE RAM: Do they know any other country besides fucking corrupt Venezuela.
- Denise R.: This video cracks me up everytime I watch it!
- western province of california: I always wonder how can American conservatives ignore the fact that Western Europe, Canada, Japan, South Korea follow socialist policies. No, let's focus on the shithole third world dictatorship rather than every other developed economy.
- BoozeNMetaL: Fun fact: Hugo Chavez doesn't say anything, because he's dead.
- Omnicron: Stop exaggerating every tiny event that happens slightly in your political favor; you make yourself look like a soccer dad flaunting that his 6-year-old managed to kick a ball half a meter. "I like when she said the eat the rich thing... cuz obviously she's not in favor of eating the rich; nobody's actually in favor of eating the rich! So it was a lil' troll-job there." A facetious quip is not automatically a "troll-job", and Info Wars is the easiest target, anyways; Alex Jones is practically begging to be made fun of all the damn time. So it's not an epic-win-lmao-roflstomp-ownage when some pedestrian simply doesn't go along with their dumb interview methods. This was like the video version of a clickbait title trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Also, even if you were using it correctly, "trolling" is still 2008-era vocabulary. Ugh, just stop. It's very hard to take you seriously when you act like ever so slightly back-talking an easy target is such an accomplishment.
- Ricky G: Okay, I need to start going out more, so I can meet cute and brilliant girls like that cosplay chick
- Jeffrey Crenshaw: What people don't understand about "free" healthcare" is that it's not about literally having no cost -- yes, if the patient isn't paying for it, someone else needs to to cover the expense of doctors and equipment. The point is to allocate a mandatory amount of money as a society to cover unforeseen problems that can lead to death of people because we as a civilized race are *supposed* to care about each other. Leaving it to the free market only guarantees the rich can avoid death, while the children of poor families, through no fault of their own, can't afford medicine. The notion that the free market will efficiently cover health care triaging is a rational actor fallacy that ignores the fact that we have tons of people too ignorant to manage their finances as well as tons of people evil enough to take advantage of that. The sad thing about all these debates from the right and these "gotcha" interviews is that they don't even understand *the very fucking basic* theory of socialism. They don't even realize that *socialism is the norm, and has been for centuries* and that the only rational debate is to determine how much we need and where (for example, the right usually doesn't question taxation to support our bloated military).
- Aaron Gilbert: Bernie has 3 more homes than me! I love socialists!
- king lion: Infowars deleted that video because this socialist girl looks much hotter than the infowars girl. ^^'
- Django Fett: AaronAlso - How old are you? 12? The stupidity is off the charts.
- Schaschlik345: I think the problem with many people arguing for the left is that they just go to extremes by saying "I want socialism", when what they should say is "I want a more social government". You can't compare Bernie Sanders with Venezuela, it is ridiculous. Making healthcare *free* is not socialism, it's the only way to have an overall healthy society. It is obvious that many European countries are better off in that sense. And I can tell you for certain that Europeans are not sick of free healthcare! They might be sick of some aspects of a social government like free migration but I dare you, try to take *free* healthcare from the french, they will go after you with pitchforks!
- Thomas Schmidt: #Steve Wall Yes but these liberal shitbags can't see that, they're heavily brainwashed!
- ky le: you must have worms in your brain...........I like that
- Dan Archer: I know you likely have nothing to do with this, but there is an idiot on an ad talking about how horrible Trudeau is being to Canada. This right wing goof is complaining about gun control in Canada before your clip comes on. Yeah ... we really need more assault rifles in Saskatchewan. Anyways, great video as always.
- Tomek Roksela: The InfoWars lady "lost" but I love those smug centrist liberals saying "yay, I love socialism" and then say they just want free healthcare. Most developed countries in the world have free healthcare and non of them are socialist countries. They can be social democracies but NOT socialist. Oh, and Bernie is also NOT a socialist.
- rattlesnake survival: Yeah ashton birdie is a babe, smokin and pro gun, aint nothin better
- William Ballard: Apparently everybody in every developing country that has free healthcare wants free healthcare. That’s so demonstrably stupid that I can’t even process it. I am myself from one of those countries and I hate the NHS! So let’s be clear about the extent of his lies here. This is actually disgraceful, he makes up so much here that to claim any sort of integrity is laughable.
- Symbologist 1979: misterdirtyharry you're saying the point of it was that the girl couldn't fully answer the question?
- JMAC LIVES: The nonchalant girl is as dumb as the interviewer. There is no such thing as free healthcare. I'm a Canadian. Every adult pays $6200 in healthcare per year via tax. Call it mandatory insurance. Every sensible person also has an insurance plan outside that for eye care, dental, prescriptions, etc., (which will run you and additional $100/month if you're healthy). Nothing is free kids.
- jhon doe: hey liberals if "health care" is a right how come you have to force others to provide for it? taxes already cost americans 4 months of their life force out of a year! if you pay taxes you waste 4 months of your life just paying the gov taxes and 60% of the life force your sacrificed goes to pay for social program dead beats that love to leech. so whats fair libtards you want working americans to waste 6 months, half of their lives providing for the leeches? shits going to come to a stop really soon it could be with another dark age or america coming to their senses but liberals are going to learn really fast you don't have a right to leech
- andina ichsani mamahit: The white shirt girl Try so hard make it simple but the repoter doesn't get it... 😂😂😂
- Maggie Buchanan: this poor woman is so flustered. she literally can’t figure out to ask a question
- wooo weee: The blonde didn't do well, but the starbucks socialist hipster with her smart phone simply being dismissive and substance free came off worse.
- Jap Crap: They both seem like idiots to me. Owen! Where are you?!
- tj denton: Yes the do get paid and when its all free then they get paid less, for almost a decade in school, and 2-6 hours perfoming surguries that save our lives. So they deserve every penny they make. Theve devoted their lives to saving ours. Im my opinion, I think more people should be more concerned for people that loose their lives for us in the U.S. they get nothing
- Mike Mc: Dude you’re an idiot
- Evil Doll: Bahahaha look at the dislikes from InfoWars fans. Your idiot idol Alex Jones just got ripped to shreds by Ben Shapiro. He has zero credibility and he's only good to watch in an ironic sense. Bahaha.
- Shadow Self: that idiotic woman drinking coffee doesn't even know what socialism is, which is why she didn't answer why socialism is good...which is why she can't stop looking at her phone while someone is talking to her...
- freakstate: We have free healthcare and we're not eating rats - UK
- Fuqboi McCoi: *M U H V E N E Z U E L A*
- Irish Mike Foley: She high as fuck
- joshua hoppe: The chick in the white is retarded "I just want free health care" Free doesn't exist an the most ironic thing is socialism doesn't work.
- Michael McGinley: Infowars has no idea what socialism is. Ill informed, uneducated, and bullshit believer's. Americans should pull their heads out of their asses. Healthcare, education, and protection all MUST BE FREE.
- Chimutrufio Gumercindo Ibañez del Campo: Comparing socialism to communism is like comparing a cold to AIDS.
- Lordani66: This is the pinnacle of how left can "destroy" white? Wow. Seems like the npc meme isnt really just a meme after all.
- Matt h: My parents live around the corner from bernie. He lives in a suburban home that hes owned since he was mayor of Burlington. He owns a summer camp with bunk beds and old linoleum floors. Most grandparents in vermont have a summer camp or hunting camp. Btw my dad is a contractor who lives in the same neighborhood. I see him grocery shopping every Sunday. The guy is about as normal down to earth as someone could be that works in the swamp of Washington.
- Bill Hicks: Is that ashton from those videos YouTube suggests to me all the time? They hired ashton whatever her name is? 😂
- Jereme Erxleben: Schooled? More like a dumb liberal.
- Roasty Toasty: Journalists are so annoying
- Micah Joel Geimer: Nazyair sengikar actually it was pulled you incompetent asshat. Then they put it back up when they were accused of being cowards, Alex Jones admits it himself that they pulled the video
- Mark Blank: L
- okrajoe: She just wins for that outfit!
- BTG: I like her.
- pizzahutlovinhulk: Government doesn't have money it comes from tax payers its a redistribution of wealth from peoples hands to politicians so instead of you take care of it you get brainwashed into letting the politicians take it and do what they want with it and since when has the government used our money to our benefit ?
- icyburger: Info wars' new Tomi Lauren acts like a fucking child (much like the real tomi lauren). She speaks just like I did in fifth grade.
- solitarymaninblack: Infowars are #FakeNews
- waaapaa: Damn kyle, why you got so many cuts on ya fingers? !
- Rogal Dorn: both of these women are stupid there is no such thing as free anything. socialized health care requires redistributing money from more productive members of society to less productive members of society it's not free. whether you think that's is a good thing or not
- Philip Westring: EarRegardless Oh my
- TIMSI: Stay tuned for another episode of stupid interviewers interviewing stupid people.
- eiri goldpetal: +Redbird exactly this!! People are so dumb. Your taxes will go up by a bit, yes. But how much are you ALREADY paying for healthcare?? My husband and I pay almost 300 bucks a month for "health insurance" through his work and we still can't afford to go to the doctor because our co-pay is basically paying for the entire doctor visit, plus a mandatory processing fee. Our deductible is 5,000 so that insurance is only good for if something super bad happens that would cost us more than 5k. :/ it's madness. And people who truly believe the "you'll have to wait 2 years for surgery!!" obviously are brainwashed. The only reason you would wait that long is if it's ELECTIVE or not necessary. If your condition is serious, you'll be bumped up ahead of people who don't have it so bad. That's how most ERs work in the US anyway, by URGENCY, not by who was there first, which is the way it fucking should be. I would LOVE to pay a bit more a month in taxes than blow $300 on useless health insurance just for the peace of mind. If you knew where your tax dollars were really going to, like spending $100,000 on fancy heated coffee cups for the fucking airforce, I don't see why you would vote against universal healthcare.
- Bust em Up: So a 30 year old frappe drinking cellphone distracted sailor suit wearing acting like a lobotomized valley girl is to be heralded a debate champion against a shill from infowars? You must stop pretending to be a relevant news/talk/commentary show of any kind Kyle. Please stop your useless pundit impersonation. Delete your pathetic channel
- Dirty Pixel: Walter Sullivan nah she’s a troll it’s obvious
- jack goff: Ashton is sexy as fuck
- Charley Howard: I can see her nipples.
- Glenn Lienhop: Me need sugar for my brain!
- Joe Vaughan: Speaking of 'New Girl', she looks remarkably like Zooey Deschanel.
- Steve Reed: The InfoWars “reporter” is just...what? She tried to back someone into a corner who wasn’t moving at all. She came in with a plan, not an intent to interview someone. As a journalist by trade, that hurt to watch. Trolling a troll. Love it. Also, I like the cleanup commentary by the video host.
- Kurt Hagen: When the "intellectual" heroes on the left are literally a used car salesman and an adult human dressed like Madeline. 😁👍
- Sean Armstrong: @Monster I agree. All that money we spend on Israel can easily pay for our country's healthcare reform. Fucking politicians.
- Jordan Malicious: +Slade Cooper thank you for commenting what I was thinking <3
- Truth be Damned: " I swear, you people have worms in your brain". Priceless!
- Sean Armstrong: @Asian Gotcha. Thanks! I agree, this is disheartening to see.
- internet god: It's hard for you to admit that Bernie is the 1%
- Urius Tosh: I don't think she trolled her, or owned her. Both women seemed foolish and aloof. The latte drinking, lazy tone of voice, giggly sillyness just fits a shit stereotype of American bourgeois weed smoking socialists. Both people are entirely without admirable qualities. I'm a socialist. I do not admire that person.
- tomhg38: Kyle has so many (adopted or otherwise) Chenk mannerisms.
- Capricorn One!: InfoWars is funny
- djdarklyceum: democrats have made it so much about left and right as well as the right, don't play the naive blame game like a brainwashed simpleton. step up your basic knowledge or at least to pretend to know what's being discussed.
- vibri: this girl is so smug while also saying nothing of value why are people liking this other than the fact that she’s attractive lol
- vibradiant: I get what you're saying, but reductio ad absurdum shouldn't take so long to explain. The wanna-be Tomi's argument was, if Bernie is a socialist, and if Venezuela's socialism resulted in people eating rats, then an American socialist in power will automatically result in rat-burgers for the poor, and no other information is allowed to penetrate the parameters of the thought experiment, including important historical and political differences between Venezuela and the US.
- ex terminator: +edoardo fedrighi the only lazy are the right wing trumpturds like you who live in the trailer smoking meth.
- EMERTHER: Everything said about Venezuela and Bernie Sanders was factually wrong; Bernie Sanders does not even own 1 million $ in total. *Bernie Sanders is not a socialist at all* - he is a moderate social democrat at best! _(Here in Germany Bernie would be considered a conservative, like Angela Merkel)_ *People in Venezuela are not eating rats* and the one percent does not support Nicolás Maduro, who is also not a "pure" socialist. Also the biggest *problems in Venezuela are caused by sanctions and shortages of all kinds* and not primarly by "socialism".
- fazeel ashraf: I love that chick she was so funny and her accent was so glorious.
- Robert Quinn: "Now, I'm not sure if this was on their twitter feed...." In other words, you really don't know what you're talking about, but you're going to talk about it anyway. You'd fit right in at Fox News or Infowars. Try some research. With the internet it is now easier than it has ever been before.
- Dross M: I absolutely hate this guy's commentary, like I would rather get locked in a port o potty, but the clip of the girl was cool.
- Zama Su: She's cute!
- falconr56: you snowflakes always seem to be off point in the conversation.....look...it's not about who has what....how many homes etc.....good on anybody who has made a success in this great country. The issue was about those in power who have potentially the privilege of issuing in a change so progressive as socialism in which wealth is forcibly redistributed. Guys like BS if president would do all he can to see the rewards for hard work be forcibly distributed to those who don't work hard....never...ever...has this worked.....Those powerful people who install this just take for themselves and never do without while the failing ideals lead to the masses suffering in the end.
- DAVE ROZ: that hot blonde shoulda said there is no such thing as free health care.
- Bud Light: She's beautiful. I bet she's will make a good lawyer.
- HEY its Aroura, that girl who likes to cosplay: I love the fact that she just keeps her attention on the phone and keeps drinking her drink......no attention to info wars
- Pone: She said nothing dumb, fuck off trumper, oink oink.
- NoneYoBusiness: Venezuela was a banana republic - then the US came in and shit on it, and now they're eating rats.
- Terry Dactyl: I'm suspicious that bitch was hired by Soros to infiltrate Infowars and make AJ look bad.
- Sean Armstrong: @Fuck Google If your argument is Bernie is corrupt because he owns 3 homes, then what does that say about all the other politicians? Fact: Bernie remains the poorest US Senator. He may not be perfect, but he is still a fucking saint as compared to the other Senators we have.
- Nicholas Drake: That's the future right there.
- bigchurp: I love that she just casually drinks her ice coffee and is reading her phone like this "interviewer" is just some annoying fly
- Ricardo Bonilla: Eric Andre would be proud https://youtu.be/Pud_ql9xJAg
- Anderson Aldo: Wouldn't be hard to own an infowars reader, they're all brainless idiots
- Bomnuk Don: Man you are like tyt ..
- Chad Caldwell: I wish more people would point out that his wife ran a college into the ground while taking in a 160k salary. The lake front home he owns is valued at 600k and Bernie has a net worth of 2 mm. Everyone who is a Bernie fan also (I guess) fails to think that Bernie has a state full of educated, rich white people and still only manages 19th overall ranking for best run state.
- C Trey: Miss jones is a bitch
- tamperresistant mind: She could've known more... I hate when lefties say shit like "free" health care. You cannot frame it like that. Sheesh. WE will pay for it through our taxes. Go on to say that savings will be realized when our corrupt government stops being corrupt, and negotiates better medical service, and drug prices. C'mon, people.... this shit isn't hard. Fuck!
- Travis: anyone buying onto the left/right bullshit is an idiot, period, wake the fuck up.
- Noelia Noliz: +Dr Downtime Normal people? Normal people live paycheck to paycheck, have $100,000 of high interest rate school loans, pay thousands in daycare expenses per month, and struggle to some degree. I will research your statement and find out if people making $350,000 are classified as part of the 1%. My guess is you are incorrect and way off. We'll see.
- Human faced cat with BBQ Onion Chips: So info war niggas believe in “i think there for I am” shit confirmed, y’all be thinking like fucking furries and bronies. Never change
- mergitthefrog: I'm all for your point of view but please for the love of god organize these and .... "take a little more time to come up with slightly less hacky arguments". You're at risk of making the left look like "douche bag left wingers" ;)
- KevLaw26: It’s not every day that you find the perfect woman
- Ster Ling: The latte drinking, clueless chick, didn't know what socialism is. Do you?
- Nightfall is Coming 33: Info wars did not get trolled. Fucking idiots!
- Citizen United: Healthcare is not a right. You don't have a right to someone else time. One Bernie says he is for socialism, why you ask? Socialism is where government is in control. Who benefits? The government. Answer this how are the same people that hate government and the police somehow like the idea of socialism. Think of that for a minute
- DavidTheAssyrian: Debate Crowder pussy
- Car U: Get Seth Myers for Bernie Impersonations
- Donald Draven: I'm still waiting on the "getting owned part"
- jovan turner: She is my spirit animal
- Kevin Richards: If I was the info wars reporter I would go into fiscal discipline, I wouldn't do this kind of tawdry trash talking .
- Robert Abshear: Kyle sucks cat buttholes.
- Christopher Giannella: Umm im not an info war fan. But i see the reporter winning on this. Maybe just me. And your voice is annoying get a new mike
- Stephen M: Because only poor people can care about poor people.
- William Fitzpatrick: i'm going to do you a kindness and only point out that $ goes before the dollar amount, not after. It would seem we shouldn't have free education either hahaha
- Jon Oz: The girl in her little Navy uni is gorgeous.
- Jeffrey Marshall: Proof that the left can neither troll nor meme. No game whatsoever. smh
- John Frankovich: I hate both of those women.
- Bob Ross: We would be eating rich people like Alex Jones. His fat ass is full of nutrition from all the supplements he's scamming people with.
- Flightof2Owls: The socialist party in Venezuela was democratically elected, and the country is not "socialist" constitutionally, it is just currently run by a party that calls itself socialist. Over the last 50 years, they have had right wing parties in power as well as left wing. Saying Venezuela is socialist is like saying the US is Republican just because the Republican party has the majority right now. When the next elections come, that could well change. Hugo Chavez tried to pass a "socialist" constitution, I believe, but he failed.
- security quip: She didn't troll shit you dork. The interviewer just kinda sucked, obviously a young girl who didn't know how to react to the interviewee's one line answers, who seemed a little high.
- Y: Socialism is great for leeches and horrible for people who actually want to do something with their lives
- Kaos Warrior: I don't think you know what's trolling! "Eat the 1%!" Isn't even funny! Info Wars is weak and mostly can't pull good arguments, but that girl that was interviewed sounded moronic, maybe high and dumb. She didn't say one intelligent thing, just said stuff that was a bit less stupid the the InfoTard! "Democratic Socialism" isn't a thing no matter how many times people say it is, Democracy and Socialism are conflicting ideals. Social Democracy is a thing in the "Western Civilization", but it's a populist agenda to buy votes subverting Democracy, since all programs are showing themselves to be inefficient, mostly unsustainable on the long run and dangerous to individual freedoms and liberties (considering the homicide cases even in UK's healthcare). You're right about plutocracy and filthy corporatism in DC, hence the "money pipes" through lobbyist. Though you might want to be precise on your arguments, since most of the left on the world, including Demonrats in the US, are at least as culprit as the worst conservatives and many times far worse if you dig up all the filth, just look at the Hitlery crowd in the DNC pulling the rug under Bernie!
- 3star2nr: Those arguments literally made no sense... "Do you support Bernie Sanders? ...why does the 1% support socialism...the 1% of Venezuela." What the actual fuck... What does Bernie Sanders have to do with socialism in Venezuela. Fucking moronic arguments
- able tasman: This woman is dumb even on drugs
- Matthew Greet: The 1% favour radically changing the economic system that makes them the 1%. I believe it.
- Joshua LaDuke: What was the troll here?
- FlippingTables WithMyDik: As a person who used to live in a socialist 3rd world country, we weren't going anywhere with it. Slowly, we are embracing capitalist ideas and becoming one. From what I can see, its working for us over here. You can sit there and pretend that it works, but it really doesn't. So, anyways, while you didn't really answer my question. Is it good? I mean, my country hates it.
- Matrix Man: tim211292 If my product is valuable and cheap enough, people will buy it someway and somehow. Ill see the law try and stop me
- Brad S: That girl in the red jacket is on coke or at least lots of coffee.
- Bernard Smith: Robert L Scandinavian Countries aren't socialist. They are free market economies who invest heavily in social programs. Try again though.
- Edward Norton: Poorest man in the senate and has 3 homes. Geez I only have one and Sean Hannity has over 800
- Richard Tkacz: The interviewer asked her, "Why do you want socialism?" and she wasn't prepared to answer that simple question because (1) her brain has probably never even had one thought about the definition or history of socialism and (2) she lives in a "feel good" world & just wants everyone to give her "free stuff" like free college education & free healthcare ( which are not free, which everyone else has to work and pay for ) Typical Bernie Sanders supporter, under-educated, uninformed, but not a deliberate deceiver like Kulinski.
- Joe Seaver: I would have *LOVED* to have been the one she came up to!
- aarcoh: Both these morons explain why this country is in $21 trillion of debt
- DocSatch55: Make no mistake, it's the failure of democracy and and the failure of transparency by the Venezuelan government which have increased corruption and destroyed the living standards of Venezuela. This cannot be conflated with a few good social policies that Bernie Sanders is advocating for, like affordable college and healthcare for all citizens... Its dishonest leadership and constant lying to the public by Venezuelan leadership that has caused their overall living standards to plummet, lets not make the same mistake with our government officials in the US.
- Matt Graham: nine minutes of my life just wasted.
- mechnokie blood: +jungefrau ikr especially when conservatives say "nuh uh you do believe that" as if they can decide what I believe and don't believe it's extremely aggravating
- Julian Guz: Like.....fack.....like omg (sips stsrbucks)....I like Bernie because.......omg.....Like.....Yeah
- Tyler Hensley: Ok I hate trump in every way shape and form but all these entitled kids want everything for free!!!
- Krack Cachem: Shit channel he should talk to crowder or shapiro
- Mitchell Wells: Who is she? I would like to ask her father for her hand in marriage.
- Mr. D: This little sailor girl didn't own shit , she had no clue....
- Francisco Pizarro: Love Luv nope. Capitalism is a great system as the base of your economy as long as it’s well regulated
- Hank Snow: Sounds like she's stoned into retardation.
- Froufrou Deluxe: She is so unbothered I love it
- Kyle: Say, while you're at it, let's make the minimum wage $5,000/hour! /s Someone here missed the point of this whole movement.
- huddi94: Bernie made a huge mistake in branding. "Social democracy" is a lot easier to market than "democratic socialism" and it is also a better representation of what he stands for. He wants a capitalist democratic system with a social safety grid for the population, and not a socialist system (in which the means of production are owned/administered by the government) based on democratic principles.
- Cynthia Allaire: Infowars' "reporter" presented Venezuela as the case against socialism because supposedly the wealthy politicians are drinking champagne while the poor Venezuelans are eating rats, but she leaves out that the US is engaged in economic sabotage against Venezuela, causing food shortages by exporting needed food from facilities in Venezuela into neighboring countries in an effort to raise discontent, trying to get the voters to go against Nicolas Maduro, the elected successor to Hugo Chavez. Just as with Chile under the elected socialist leader Allende, Nixon ordered the CIA to "make their economy scream" - the same strategy has been used against countries that the US leadership chooses to vilify. Achievements of Hugo Chavez's government in Venezuela include provisioning the poor with building materials, establishing community health clinics and kitchens in poor neighborhoods, and a national literacy campaign that increased the number of Venezuelans who can read, plus lower rates of infant mortality and extreme poverty. None of these projects to help the poor of Venezuela was undertaken by previous governments there that had US backing. In the case of the US backed coup against Chile, the resource coveted by US corporate interests, AT&T, and others, was the Chilean copper mines. in Venezuela, it is the their vast oil deposits. There's a pattern: Countries with resources coveted by the US investor class, who have leadership that chooses to use those resources to meet the needs of their citizens are targeted. Vilification of this leadership is done with CIA assets in the US media. Economic sabotage or sanctions are routine. Mercenaries, proxy warfare and coups are staples of US foreign policy. Instigating civil wars, infiltrating peaceful protests with armed agent provocateurs, hiring snipers and rent-a-mobs, using US embassies for gun running and so forth are done in conjunction with the CIA and the State Department. NATO can be enlisted for bombing campaigns if an overthrow can not be induced by the above tactics. The governments who have taken measures to increase the quality of life for citizens by using their natural resources, when they are not vassal states of the US, are scheduled for destruction by the craven leadership here in the US that doesn't care in the least for the well being of American citizens. Then you get an airhead posing as a reporter for Infowars who looks at the results of US sabotage and intimates that this wealth disparity is the consequence of socialism. Eating the rich isn't a bad idea. They'll happily leave the poor to rot after profiting from the bombs made to drop on them. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB437/
- J.A. M.F: The left: I deserve free healthcare The right: and where's the money going to come from? The left: why does that matter?
- Frederick Röders: You dont understand. Infowars is always looking to creep up on people they deem less than stellar with words just to make them look stupid. And then they catch them off guard so that they have to completely switch what theyre doing and thinking at that point in time. Youd look stupid aswell. Life is a little more complex than you might think it is.
- Adam Blade: "RANDOM WOMAN COMPLETELY ANNIHILATES DUMB INFOWARS WITH HYPER-SMART TROLLING" She pulled the non-argument that healthcare is a right and that was literally it... How more pathetic can you even get?
- Thomas Schmidt: #Secular Talk You're a mindless cuck!
- Historic_ly: "venezuela is eating rats" How does a country eat rats?
- Thomas LT: who is that adorable girl and does she do porn?
- oandersontech: francisco acevedo: ditto
- N45441: 'Free healthcare'? Does she think healthcare just drops from the sky??
- Asian Dude Does Life: Sean Armstrong The data is all there for you man. You can see the effective fed rate for the average american (13.9%), top 1% (20%) and Bernie (13.5%). I'm positive you can do the compaison.
- Jimmy Whisper: They do this all the time. (taking videos down)
- Mathieu Leader: I feel alot of sexual tension in this video
- CrazyFish: +Milano Martin I don't mind the previous female Infowars employees. I don't mind Lauren Southern either. This girl is incredibly annoying and she acts superior, which ain't good.
- Ann Ericson: You repukes crack me up - you voted in a Commie with TrumPutin !! uh, duh
- Valeera: i mean she did have good points and the girl in the blue and white outfit did look dumb , if socialism/communism didnt work for south america why would it work here , south america is the future of the usa if we had ppl like hitlary or bernie in charge
- MAGA #1USA: F no!!! If you can't afford insurance you deserve to die. Your kid with cancer? Yeah, not paying for that. Your 4 year needs leukimia treatment? Maybe you shouldn't work at McDonald's.
- sh2master: Glorious? Neither of them had any intelligent points. Also, socialism doesn't work. It's immoral. Government is force. Society produces and consumes. Medical care can be produced without force. Just like drugs can all be legalized and the world won't end. In fact, it would benefit greatly. Forget right and left, for God's sake, people. Don't listen to people who constantly put people down and insult one another. How can that be healthy for anyone?
- Bas Didit: man that was the smartest girl I've ever seen on YouTube she really went far beyond Infowars intellect and school them on their questions 150% she should run for the next president because well America is just sexist if they don't vote for a woman. I'm hoping and striving to be a Super Beta male like Kyle I'm even working on my open mouth sarcastic laugh to give the appearance that I am so so smart. Kyle do you have any suggestions for me? should I start taking masses of mounts of estrogen pills and letting my girlfriend bang me in the ass every night with a 20 inch dildo? I am almost hundred percent positive that that's what you experience in your life and I just want to be more like you Please respond I need to be so weak and such a pathetic beta like you I'll do anything to achieve that.....
- Brian Jones: Bullshit! Sanders Does have 3 homes with worth an estimated $3,006,000. And socialism is a douche bag way too run a country. Heath care is not a basic human right asshat!
- Robert Nicholls: Most governing ideas aren't bad, socialim, communism, trickle down, yes trickle down my liberal friends. The problem is power hungry or greedy people. Trickle down could work if the people and corporations invested that money back into the country but what usually happens is they hoard wealth. The effect is a lack of growth and lack of revenue. But, these idiots are so blinded by greed they don't realize they're creating a situation where that idea will be killed once and for all when things go south, again.
- kevin foster: Retard Retard Retard alert retard alert Retard Retard Retard Retard Alex Jones is God... Guns are good people are bad... LMFAO I'm such a troll
- Michigan Patriot: Bernie a fucking idiot ! Sailor girl was a mental retard ! Free anything is a terrible idea ! Work , earn , buy your own healthcare ! Kyle is is total dumbass !
- Miketrt: The Stoner class dressed up as a sailor girl. I will bet she is a spoiled rich brat who gets everything she wants, but doesn't have a clue about the world. But she seems nice enough I suppose.
- BAD CP: Gardum Finally, someone on this channel who knows what they're talking about!
- the new dacia: Center Left Kylo Ren yea, she has to be high...
- MrMollusk7: "B-b-b-ut Venezuela"
- chickendinner2012: Amazing, infowars is such a joke a prop of the 1% to push their crony capitalism as something radical.
- Scott Wolfe: oh yeah lefties and righties are absolute retards. but lefties are more garbage
- lee wadsworth: I don't understand, I don't think you know what trolling is, and I don't think you know much about European countries, let alone politics! Lesson number one though, European communities vary differently regionally, let alone internationally! The south of France is governed locally, and is at odds with Paris, catalonia is trying to succeed from Spain, the UK is made up of 4 differing countries, 2 of which are devolved from the British government, and none of this includes the differences of EU member states vs sovereign states, or the eastern block, or even where the actual European line is...
- Behindthefog: A million dollar home ain't shit these days. There are shitty mobile homes built in 1971 that are 850 sq ft selling for 130k in my neighborhood.
- Onfroi: so is the UK a socialist nation according to Info Wars?
- Da GuRu: George Soros is a billionaire and wants to bring communism to America. Not because people will get free shit but because then they can kill off all the unwanted eaters. The elite hate you people.
- Russell Forrest: If that's owning then the bar for owning is sadly low.
- ExcuseMeNo ExcuseMeNo: +Felix Desrosiers my point is that we can have Universal Healthcare and get everyone covered. However, doctors and hospitals will charge whatever amount they want because there is no limit in America on what doctors charge. What do you not understand about that?
- dadark wolf: Dude you are fucking hilarious, love your segments.. keep up the good work..
- Khristmas: Why are the hosts on this show and tyt so into their Emotions? Just present the facts without that childish attitude. How am I supposed to take a news dude seriously if he’s blowing raspberries at things he doesn’t agree with?
- Microsoft Word Technical Support: you people have worms in your brain.... lol.. that lady was meeean...
- Deus sive Natura: +3Hoes4Santa Ambulances don't take long here, just called one a month ago and came in 4/7 minutes.
- Sarah Drogaris: Ok, I am a liberal, I support Sanders. But he is NOT the poorest member of the Senate. Tell the truth, Kurt. This is why people like Trump win: you lie and call names (she likes the smell of her farts?), and then hold these very things against the GOP. If we claim to be better people, we should in fact be such. Some liberals are hurting the liberal cause. You just did, Kurt, they will fact check you and call you a liar. And they are right. Good intentions are not enough, you need to be honest. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/14/bernie-sanders-is-the-19th-poorest-member-of-the-united-states-senate/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.2db06c3663c7
- Amber: Ok, sweetie. 💅
- ThiccBunnyBoi: Elliot The Wise sure seems like you are corporatist.
- Mikey MGTOW: InfoWars is a performance in the cloak of news. So I wouldn't take anything they say seriously. But you, all I remember about ANY time I have watched your videos....You sound like a useful idiot. And then I remember why I don't watch your videos. I just like watching InfoWars make asses out of themselves. That said. This video is click bait and not even worth watching. Both parties sounded dumb. And you cream your panties over it?! Kek
- greg haden: When does the trolling begin?
- Maggie Mothe: Wtf happened to your fingers baby
- Sean Armstrong: @Monster Mind Well, to what degree of socialism, that's the point. Is healthcare a right for all citizens or not? Do we just let the poor die cuz they can't afford a simple leg surgery?
- Green Peace: The US and its criminal allies UK, France put heavy sanctions on Venezuela forcing the nation entering an economic breakdown for example, they can’t sell their oil, products and also the right wing Libertarians in the US is exposed to fund the anti-government protests causing chaos and further sanctions on Venezuela. The US and others also have been doing the same to countries like Cuba, Russia, Iran, North Korea etc. so that these countries would not enjoy the same economic advantages as other nations that bow down to the US empire. These nations are subject to the US economic sanction forcing other nations not to do trade or have any academic, scientific and financial relationships each other. The US and other western nations are the culprits behind Venezuela’s poverty, not socialism.
- SaikoJ Smith: @Natasha D If I'm a troll then you're a pedo. You sick freak, liking 24 year old children.
- rattlesnake survival: You can also confirm gun control
- Marc Augst: Stumbled on this gem... this show is the Info Wars of the left...
- Mark Haynes: Listen here there is only a small % of our population, I’m guessing about 5%, could be a little higher but not much, that cannot provide for themselves. We all know those that would fit in this category, examples would be completely paralyzed people, people with Down syndrome or other mental defects. Now I don’t think there is a person in this country that thinks we should not provide for these people. The encouraging thing I see is most of these people with these disabilities actually go out and work and give a great effort in providing for themselves. That’s a lot more than most of you worthless scum that got their hands out for everything like healthcare, college, housing, food, welfare, Obama’s phone, transportation, sex changes, please chime in if there’s anything else that you need. You’ll outta be ashamed of yourselves. Do you sleep ok at night knowing your stealing from hard working Americans. These hard working Americans like me pay for these things ourselves because we have something you don’t. And that is pride. Pride and hard work is what made America great and I have faith that we will regain our pride again soon. For those with no pride or work ethic go fuck youself. When people with pride regain control of this country there will be no more free handouts and you will have no choice but to learn the value of a hard days work and hopefully someday you will have pride to. GOD bless America
- David Warschauer: @karlie : alex jones is a fraud
- Average Alien: Ashton birdie is pretty hot though so you can't argue with that
- N0L33TSP34K: You forgot to mention Germany! We have great healthcare here! We might have lost 2 world wars, but if someone disregards our amazing healthcare we may start a 3rd one! That being said, we have a conservative led government now that has been mostly stagnant for 13 years now and failed to implement needed changes. So our public healthcare pays the highest prices for medication across all of Europe and our hospitals are chronically understaffed in all regards. Which leads to many issues, like trouble with hospital germs, since most hospitals can't afford a position for a hygenist or nearly enough cleaning staff. The whole medical sector is drowning in bureaucracy, like almost every other sector... This ridiculous pile of bull shit requires them to produce increasingly more paper work and it just doesn't seem to ever stop. In 2016 they introduced a new medical marijuana bill, because otherwise a patient would've gotten the right to grow at home, with this bill they increased the paper work load for doctors who want to prescribe medical marijuana more than tenfold, which lead to many patients losing their prescription which they had to fight hard to attain in the first place. The last big reforms to healthcare that pushed anything forward positively were done by the social democratic party more than a decade ago. Germany is fighting with an increasing barrier between the classes and this is all because conservatives are stalling the development of the country whilst blowing the biggest tax income of all times on the military, which only needs that much more money because the conservatives miss managed it for more than a decade. This should be a warning to every democratic country on the globe! A conservative government does absolutely nothing, but redirect government money at people who are close to the party. We have to stop this insanity and vote for progressive forces that actually have good ideas of how to improve the country and the well being of the people. Because if we don't there are people right of the conservatives and they have easy answers for complicated problems and they will lead the masses into a new era of fascism. It's already started in Germany, because nobody believes in a government without the CDU being possible, because the government wants to act humanitarian but fails to really change things. Germany granted asylum to many people that could've been sent back to other European countries, as an act of humanity. But our government failed in helping these people out, they got money, food and shelter, but they did not get a perspective at all, many are prohibited from taking sponsored language classes, so they've not even a chance to build a relationship with their current home, they have to wait 6months after coming to Germany before they are even allowed to work any job at all. Refugees who against all chances manage to find an apprenticeship are evicted for reasons like "There's not war in all of your homeland" and with all this bullshit happening the extreme right is growing in size and force. We need change and we need it fast, but we're heading for another 4years of bullshit standstill. Don't be Germany in this regards, Don't vote conservative ever again.
- bon vivant: Understand yet why all the economists are saying you liberals are destroying the middle class? If you still don't get it, you wont have a clue why Trump will remain your president in 2020.
- cayetano huett: Wow I guess I forgot the part where.... Scandinavian countries aren't socialist!!! 😂😂😂😂 https://www.google.com.kw/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jeffreydorfman/2018/07/08/sorry-bernie-bros-but-nordic-countries-are-not-socialist/amp/
- iamaew: She didn't "troll" or "own" the InfoWars reporter; she said she supported Bernie because he was a socialist and at the end said that she just wanted people to have free healthcare. Bernie stands for an awful lot more than just free healthcare and the InfoWars reporter afforded her the respect of assuming that she was not just a single-issue voter. If it were trolling at the beginning when she said that she wanted to eat the rich, then she's doing absolutely nothing with her opportunity in front of the camera to change people's minds. The idea is not to pressure someone to say stupid things but to get at least one of the two people in the dialogue to change their mind. That's why the InfoWars reporter brings up the points that might show the socialist that her ideas involve some contradictions. However would you know so much about what the 1% think and want? Jeez, you're sounding a bit like a conspiracy theorist.
- Andrew Weis: If everyone has a right to healthcare, do they also have a right to food and shelter? Clothing ect..?
- Kyle Burdick: How about you have a call with Milo or Ben? They’ll have a nice chat with you.
- Shipwreck bp: The fact that girl thought healthcare would be free and "paid for" by the government shows how much she doesn't understand how things are paid for by the government. I'd go so far as to say she probably has never held a job and paid taxes (at least not one she had to actually support herself or others with).
- bob frost: This soy boy needs to dropped off in Venezuela to see first hand the results of socialism when the Bernie Sanders socialist of Venezuela absconded with the wealth of the country revealing their true allegiances. Why are these left leaners so foul mouthed dropping the f bomb continually? Is there vocabulary lacking? Being that they like cursing so much God will give them a place where they can curse continually.As bugs bunny would say "What a Maroon"
- Kansa City Shuffle: Burt by sailor moon or should i say sailor mercury
- REALITYobservationalist: Wow...... you (Secular Talk) are an idiot!! Sailor girl was destroyed here. She doesn't understand her own corrupt ideology.
- Tom McKee: She definitely thought "eat the rich" was some sort of cool millennial term she didnt understand
- mumintrollable: If we ration out the rich in portions we wont have to eat rats.
- Young MC: I got an ad for CRTV isn’t that ironic?
- Elliott Moreno: +Grahf0 it wasn't sailor moon it was Donald duck
- KOSMOSandTELOS: I don't think people understand that sailor girl's not *trying* to debate. This random "reporter" came along and shoved a mic in her face while she was minding her own business. So SG just decided to fuck with her and not take her seriously, which wasn't hard given the ridiculous things coming out of her mouth. Y'all do realize that normal people don't live their lives ready to debate on the spot, right? Just because people hold a particular political stance doesn't mean they're always prepared for a debate. I certainly need time to sort out my thoughts before engaging in one.
- Hyπατία: After Catalonia, Rojava, early USSR and to some extent Cuba, etc (note they were sabotaged and under pressure to fail by capitalist auxiliaries like the USA and this is also true of USSR), I say sure, its a superb idea - but it has to be done in line with its principles, unlike what Stalin and Mao did, which was to completely disregard those principles.
- Android Miller: Free Healthcare is not a "right". We already give free healthcare to the poor and elderly, if you're an able bodied American with a job you should take the responsibility to pay for your own healthcare coverage.
- ELEVATOR OF HELL: Mindless What drugs are you taking
- ßšÜ ßn†: lets not forget republicans are statistically speaking the lowest IQ voting population. Sorry bout it
- Daniel Faust: Hmmm not that great of a interview clearly they both were dumb and this guy is pathetic would love to see him actually debate someone from info wars lol
- johnnylobo69: a young new reporter was nervous and a little anxious, boy you really got her...lol Bernie is Not the poorest senator.. Get real dumfuk
- Darrell Simmons: She's too confrontational with an obvious agenda. Typical loudmouth Donald Scump supporter; fire her.
- Forest Ivey: It's funny how this is supposed to be "pro left" and it's really really really not.
- Lavia: Your lack of intelligence is amusing. Not once did she suggest she was against any of those things. I guess healthcare for all scares you into strawmanning.
- André Leão: Im late to this vídeo but i Saw nothing being pulled here is the link its still There so secular talk u are fake news https://youtu.be/A0MIaCvZJNk
- peter: I wouldn't be surprised if that specific fact is supported somewhere, and I would welcome it if true. The normal info-war/ alt-right meme lie is to *cherry pick:* They know arcane facts (possibly accurate) about Venezuela but ignore the fact that western Europe and pretty much every modern nation except for US has some form of universal healthcare and loves it. They shout about the high murder rate in London as evidence that gun control does not reduce deaths, but ignore the fact that the murder rate in the US is about 5 times higher than UK, NZ, AUS, Germany, Italy.. It is just a totally dishonest mental process where you start with your conclusion then wave whatever quote or result supports it without caring about verification or context. They don't care about reality. Instead they have a playbook. One thing that struck me about this clip, that I never realised before, is that *Info-wars is not just cult like, it is a literal cult* They are just like scientology or those evangelists that accost people in pairs, using a playbook to disconcert, undermine, gaslight. But instead of phony tests and pamphlets they use cameras and VoxPop. "Infowars" really is a good name because there is a well known saying that truth is the first casualty of war. Someone fighting an info war is *not using information to find the truth or pick a side.* They already have their side. Information is reduced to just a tool of war. The goal of a participant in an info war is to weaponise information, disconnect it from objective reality and just bombard people with memes to achieve their strategic objectives.
- Dr Downtime: Daniel Russell also yea your right no one is ENTITLED to use roads.
- bigchurp: Btw she has a really cute outfit.
- le lo: This is the first video I've seen of yours so idk if you're always like this but you literally just explained what she said and followed it up with 'youre wrong haha dummy'
- EternoRosso: Government tax funded programs are by definition that, not socialist programs. I see so many misunderstanding this and spreading this incorrect concept. The nationalization of a country's key industries would be an example of "socialism" (umbrella term, there are various and different kinds of socialism).
- Ethereal Mortal: Looks like Emma Stone. Talks like Donna from That 70s Show. Dresses like Donald Duck. The perfect woman does exist!
- Paul Smith: InfoWars actually telling the truth
- Holobrine: I believe in capitalism for corporations and socialism for people. Your basic needs should be covered, but your employer should compete for business. Corporations are just legal entities and their wellbeing doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but your wellbeing does.
- angry troll2: sometimes is not easy to detect sarcasm on socialism there are many many idiots who believe that capitalism is inherently evil and that socialism is good somehow especially bernie supporters
- Rank Amateur: Sanders also has 2 homes, his wife inherited a lakeside hoe far away from them, and then sold it to buy a vacation home closer to them. (How nobody knows this easily, makes me sad for the lack of due diligence)
- i Jarbis: I love how everyone thinks she is so smart but all she did was say uhhhh idk I just want free stuff hunny. Even if the infowars person did a bad job it doesn’t mean that her points were invalid or “destroyed”
- Army of Ninjas: Looks like you could have used a little socialized education, dude. Your spelling and vernacular are terrible. Oh, and you're a worthless right-wing douchebag.
- Kate Baldwin: That woman is an inspiration.
- dudeinco: Both arguments are horrible. The interviewer is looking for a soft target, and is clueless on the facts, while the interviewee has no concept of the logistics of her argument, just that it sounds good, and people like free shit. There's literally no point. I think we can all agree that what they just said is some of the most insanely idiotic things we have ever heard. At no point in their rambling, incoherent responses, were they even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls. _as an aside, your arguments are invalid as well:_ How is owning three places within the scope of Bernie Sanders? He supports a 70-90% tax on the rich, and his definition of "rich," is the 1%. The 1% is $390k+ per year. In California, you'd be lucky to own a shack with that income. I know your agenda to attack the right, but your "facts" are just as ridiculous as this interview. The fact is that Bernie wanted to triple down on our deficit, and tax everyone to hell, to usher in a socialist state. It may "appear" that he was only for "free healthcare and college," but the truth is that to get that point, you have to "equalize" the population. Of course, I'd fully expect the government to be immune, much like they were with "Obamacare." So on some levels, InfoWars, even though completely absurd in this interview, had a more justifiable point than yours.
- Michael Ramos: My sweet Dash.....
- Diasent Domorincon: "Basically what happened" is that Kyle wasted my time. I was expecting something a little more substantial than 2 morons talking
- Dan M7: The woman being interviewed was clearly your typical starbucks basic white girl who doesn't know anything about politics. "I just want everyone to have health care" >Can't explain who will pay for it >Eager to not be asked anymore questions >Looking edgy and liberal but not to political to balance it out >Lmao
- Andrew Farmkid: ♡_♡ whats her name?
- Loudgoo: I thought she did good. Bernie Sanders is for socialism. Venezuela is a socialist country that doesn't have a good economy. So why would you want socialism if socialist countries fail? Common sense.
- Atom Baxter: Lol nice.
- Keith Cooper: That girl was just awesome!
- North Orbital.: Eating Rats..
- David Warschauer: @apex skeletor : alex jones is a fraud.
- KG II: I thought she still owned that weird ass Bernie Sanders lady
- Joes WebPresence: @4:30 "Not a single person has ever proposed . . ." This was not only passed, but enforced in many socialist regimes. What kind of crazy assed socialism can be OK with people having multiple homes while others have no home? Under what socialist system is it OK to benefit from the property market in such a way as to own three private homes? Private property is always either abolished or heavily taxed in socialist regimes, so Bernie either wouldn't be allowed to own ANY homes, or would be heavily penalized for owning two. He woould probably find the third home confiscated and turned into some kind of social housing drop in centre. Have you ever experienced social housing? Have you ever experienced socialism? It sounds to me like you don't have the first clue, and ought to be sent off to somewhere like Vietnam or Beliarus to go experience it for yourself if you are such a fan. See how you get along owning 3 homes there, or if your free health care is to your satisfaction. Not that you could do ANYTHING about it if it were not. Sheltered socialist wannabes like you ought to be forced to take bus tours. You should be encouraged to apply for private business permits or second home permits or permission to leave the country forms until these poorly thought out, silly and immature ideas of socialism being the answer to all your problems fall to the floor with the last of your will to live. This was all tried already. You are wishing us into repeating some of the worst mistakes of all human history! . . . REPEATING!!! 120 million dead. There are many examples of the lasting harm it did all around the world. Go take a look at one of them. Venezuela is as good as any. Socialism does not work, and leads to chaos, death and misery. The votes are in, and the corpses don't lie. They were overwhelmingly killing their own citizens for pointing out that the system was not working. Killed for criticizing the state. THAT is socialism's legacy, but having never tasted it first hand you may not be aware of this. Go get a clue. I am sure you have me tagged as a Trump supporting fascist already. Nothing could be further from the truth but I really don't care. Your hollow thoughtless attitude towards this reprehensible political ideology disgusts me. Just because you hate right wing jack asses doesn't mean the rest of us are OK with you selling us all out to the international communist party. Children like you ought to learn a little of the history BEHIND those flags before you go out and start waving them.
- pjfan173: Honestly who and the f@ck talks like that?
- Son of a BITCH ! !: Ha Ha Ha! I get the ironic joke. There's NO WAY the top 1% supports socialism. Because if they did, they'd be the top 1¼ 😂 FLAT BROKE!!!!
- Chris: The dubious friends of donald trump on youtube / Zembla investigation film/doc.@ (felix sater have a nice day )
- Farahen Den: I've noticed news channels get ads again.
- GaryTheGod ‘: I greatly disagree with socialism but this reporter looks like a complete idiot.
- Cascadian Sounds: Both cunts are retarted
- Pri yon Joni: Where can I find the full interview, I want to watch what happened after worms for brains
- Black Commandments: rip
- Alienart: The most frustrating thing is that the ill informed far right probably think the random woman herself got owned because she paused for a few seconds to think about an answer. I almost fell for that tactic myself watching the video for the first time because we are used to sound bytes and rapid fire exchanges leading up to commercial breaks. A pause for thought looks dumb on TV to the thoughtless.
- FeministKilljoy: +Y healthcare is a service, not a labor. The same way we are provided with roads and schools, people can easily be provided with medicine and basic healthcare. And the latter is something that you do actually need to live. And everyone living is entitled life, liberty, and pursuit of freedom.
- Ski Man: infowars is good at trolling noobs, this people can't help but embarass themselves. You got title backwards by the way, bit of a brain fart
- I Do Monologues: PERFECT response.
- Cotticker: ecalebw no they aren’t you fucking idiot, go get an abortion and chop your dick off.
- Frederick Röders: Ew an idiot
- Ronny Three Rifles: Sad
- Titanium Rain: That's pretty heteronormative and rapey of you, comrade. 10 years in gulag.
- TheOneAndOnlySame: Left, right: you're all liars, manipulative, demagogues . Truefact
- BTsMusicChannel: Although I find this clip mildly entertaining (especially when she looks at her phone and sips from the straw in the face of her annoying interlocutor), I wish more people were concerned about preventative health care and taking steps such as not drinking soda. Doing so would greatly reduce the price of health care by reducing demand for it, and would also increase the quality by improving the doctor to patient ratio. In general, short-sighted and hedonistic Americans are probably too selfish to think that way, so I don't know why I waste my time typing this comment.
- Philip Kenakin: "that was pretty funny" Me: yyyeAH IT WAS FUNNY WASN'T IT YEah man.. *meanwhile 6 beers in at 4:44 pm on a Tuesday *
- Danny Madison: Omg hahaha that girl was 100% over having that infowars chick up in her face. I wish she had schooled her on the actual political climate in Venezuela, which doesn't match *any* form of socialism.
- Isaiah Nieves: I’m okay with telling people how many homes they can have lol
- NM MedGrower575: Bernie Sanders steal money from his surporters and his wife steal too tell her thank you for bank rupting her college Bernie is a pussy he won't gleven stand up for himself when he gets his votes stolen by hitlery
- Kek Raiders: This Video is a sad excuse for content.And your channel is a sad excuse for videos.Please make a video once your old normie ass knows what trolling is... fucking moron
- Maria Schick: Free health care? There's no such thing as free anything
- THE GOAT: I never understood the argument "Bernie is doing well financially so you shouldn't support him." I dont get it. Berine also wants to help the country become prosperous and less corrupt
- nash984954: Good catch, Kyle.
- dobbsiancant: people in south america regularly eat guinea pigs and nutria and have long before chavez and his successor.a fox news report from 2001 says it's healthier than turkey and likens the taste to wild rannit. so stfu,blondie.you are dumb as mud,alnost as dumb as jesse waters
- Vidal Rivera: charles neely oh please the only person you fuck is yourself
- Ronnie S: +Laura Beth I don't know what you're trying to imply by stating empathy exists I'm guessing it's meant to be sarcastic but what I'm trying to say is nothing in this world is free. where do you think the money would come from to give everyone free healthcare? Who pays for that? taxpayers and I for one am not interested in paying for everyone else's Healthcare when they're perfectly able to do it themselves. Our Healthcare System is seriously screwed up and needs to be fixed but giving everyone "free" healthcare is not going to fix it
- Kevin Keys: The question is...who is the government???
- Lewis Jones: Can someone explain where the trolling is?
- Ahmad Mushtaq: Infowars is stupid Venezuela 's economy is depended on oil and since the oil prices went down and government was idiotic and did not plan for the sharp decline therefore the economy fell apart. How does that have anything to do with socialism, seems like failed planning on the governments part. on the other hand. if this happened in the capitalist economy and if the corporations were depended on oil and the corporations declared bankruptcy your left two options, either the government will have to bail then out or if the government is not willing, then the market will collapse leading to another depression so either way we are in the same mess.
- Rant Therapist: I want her to be my friend.
- GamingIncarnate: Is the interviewer Ashton Birdie?
- Christopher Johnson: Sailor moon smokes too much weed.
- Alexander Biasin: I don't think she "trolled" them...
- REVEREND RAY: You are a fraudster.
- Studio Corax: Republican Nation. Well, in Sweden, the tax is financing the public health insurance, and through that you pay for others, but you don't pay everything for them. For example, if a person suffers from cancer and needs a long term treatment, with hospital care and chemotherapy, that person will pay for medicine and care, up to a certain level, and from that, the rest will be paid through taxes. In that way, you will not face bankruptcy if you get cancer. Publicly funded health care is something pragmatic which every modern country can realize. You can only be against it on an ideological grounds, not on practical once.
- Patric Bear: That girl is as dumb as a fu(king rock. There is no such thing as FREE HEALTHCARE, FREE EDUCATION etc etc. that free shit comes at a price, like 80% of our income. I suggest get a fucking job and pay your own way like the rest of us.
- Eric Jorgensen: "he's the poorest member of the senate" hehehehe, the irony...
- RatioOfOne: wow this was a shit video
- Collin Schultz: the problem in the world is not the 1% they are poor compared to the world's private banking families. think trillions and billions and not millions. research countries un federal noreserves owned by these private families they have not worked a hard day in their lives and have everyone attacking each other. they create and maintain the "ISMs" like socialISM, communISM,nazISM,corporatISM,etc....
- BS Killa: Venezuela is eating rats. Therefore, socialism is bad. Anecdotal evidence is generalizable. Now the frogs are gay.
- Rafael Pinefa: Both of these female ding bats have NO CLUE. ?
- Viridity one: I have seen this same video as an example of why socialist's are dumb
- B_Potassio: i dont know what is funnier, the video or the people pissed off on the comments
- *Redeemed *: Really this is trolling?? Really really reaching.
- Joe Carr: The Dope in the Sailor Suit is a Moron and that's Being Generous! She Has No Clue Where Venezuela is or even that it's a Failed Socialist State! LMAO
- Peace Dove: True....BERNIE NOW!!!!!
- Black95: I’m sorry but healthcare is not a right and nothing is free.
- James Wilson: You know venezula? THEY'RE EATING RATS
- Roman KFM: I love that chick in blue!!!!
- ryan weatherford: Videos still up on info wars but nice try.
- fuzzeek78: I must have missed it. She said she wanted FREE healthcare, and wanted to eat the rich.. There was no win in this clip, the hippy chick projected like an idiot. Come on Kyle, I usually like you, But on this commentary you're just socialist projecting. Life is not fair, and is rough, and we are not owed anything because we are born. The 1% do support socialism, because they are already rich, and will stay rich despite a 90% tax rate. Socialism breeds conformity, conformity breeds intimate and unfettered control.
- Lunar Diamond: It seems like all you fucking idiots want freedom correct? There is injustice in the world that needs to be corrected? Greed? Corporatism? That's what we should all be against, united. But instead you sit around arguing about different polical parties and what puppet you like best. Really? Do you really think any political entity really has your best interests at heart? Everyone's pretty much broke and struggling and the ones that aren't are getting richer. Instead of going around slamming other fucking Normal people for this shit system slam the people who are responsible for it. Both sides now know what it feels like to not be represented by the government, not agree with the government, and all throughout this time you all subscribe to the labels and the parties like it actually furthers your beliefs becoming a part of this government. Fuck off dude, this is decisive and negative and fucking stupid no matter what side of the political spectrum you idintify with.
- Bernadine Schacht: This college student acted as if she were high as well as uneducated and indoctrinated, and she didn’t destroy anybody or anything. She certainly showed how out to lunch and uninformed she is. Sadly, a typical college student today. Why are we paying for these Marxist communist neofascist neo-Nazi centers of indoctrination that used to be colleges that gave people an actual education? You are a blithering idiot, Kyle Kulinski. Shame on you for misinforming people and twisting events that can easily be checked out to be the opposite of what you tell people they are. You want to see a useful idiot blathering nonsense? Look in the mirror.
- garbanzobeen beenzeen: I love it when the woman being interviewed tells the Info wars 'personality,' "You have worms in your brain."
- Kurt Hanssen: Kulinski, A polish Jew that is giving the Polacks and the Jews a bad name ( Dumb Polack? ) No pun intended. " SOCIALISM " Is a Philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, it's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill. Free medical is not free, someone got to pay, But all Hospitals and Big pharma are owned and controlled by Jews, Reason for the $.2500.- a night bed, $.5000. a room, and the $.10.- aspirin. Adware inhaler 30. days, Chile $.26.-, DR.$.45.-, Wallmart pharmacy. 285.- Are we getting ripped off or what, and we all know where this extream gread is originated. And next time you are taking a pee, and you see a part of your Noodle is missing, You can thank a Jew and that butcher took $.2500.- From your parents. " For the sake of clenlyness " sure we all had soap and water.
- GOD IS AN OPIATE FOR THE MASSES: Johnston Hawkins. We are already socialist in the U.S. moron.
- A Real Patriot: The infowars girl was from AMTV, she was getting so much flak because of her boss Christopher Greene has become a full crypto salesman and is a non-stop liar about his wealth. She was probably losing money so infowars likely bought her with a bigger paycheck. She doesn't care about anything as long as it gets her money. Her name is Ashton btw.
- Thomas Stewart: Love her voice, not really a troll tho. They were both idiots. Don’t bring your show to this level, because this is the kind of “ownage” we’d see on the Alex jones rant
- Gustavo Rodriguez: Shes an idiot I could of answered those questions
- bohemianwriter1: That's right folks! Half of the population of every country with public healthcare eats rats for dinner. The rat steak was lovely! Greetings from Norway
- chapachuu: She looked high af but still made more sense than Info Wars lol
- Aurora: FYI everyone, Bernie Sanders is not a socialist by definition. By his policies and beliefs, he is a social democrat. He still supports capitalism but with heavier regulations and stability, along with the basic welfare for the people; more like what most of Europe has. These scary buzzwords like "socialism" and "communism" are part of what perpetuates society's perception of socialism and other actual leftist ideologies (not neoliberalism).
- tsohgallik: Oh so you agree shes in a Sailer Moon costume?? Where were they on that day anywyas?? I guess it might be okay to wear Sailer Moon clothes as reuglar clothes... but man did that Info Wars lady pick the wrong person to ask dumb questions
- ClausenLT: The best part about this video, is the idiot host Kyle Kulinski "thinks" the woman looks like anything other than a mindless moron. "free health care"...ROFLOL...If it was free it wouldn't be "health care" and it wouldn't be worth it...even free! There is another word for what these people want...SLAVERY!
- Na na: Lol i want free health care but paid for by every one lmao
- oida10000: Ant Man how does non-racial socialism has colories? No hypercritctical rich supporting it?
- 7dragonflower: Bernie's wife is from money, the camp was a gift from her aunt, his place in DC is because he has a place in DC like the rest of our Senators and they have their home in VT.
- Endo C: Infor wars is amping their surge on warring against facts and reality.
- Robert L: Bernard Smith Yeah but the problem with that definition is that Sanders and his supporters directly point to scandinavian countries as inspiration for their policies. Not Venezuela.
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Infowars Pulls Video After Random Woman Trolls Them To Perfection | |
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