![Persona 5 ost - Butterfly Kiss (Clinic Theme) [Extended]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cC7zsHFUhtY/maxresdefault.jpg)
Art by Ilya Kuvshinov - http://kuvshinov-ilya.deviantart.com/...
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- Fozzy W: Good.
- Adhi Wicaksono: Chloee Agius that pet name is cute AF best girl 11/10
- thatquirkyredhead: Y'know...I've never considered letting anyone step on me... *But if it was her...*
- Mikozee: D R . L E G S.
- 2nd Empire: Wheres my goth/punk Doctor gf at? 😢😢😢
- Arcrombie: Does anyone have a lead on Tae Takemi body pillows?
- 『J』『0』『K』『K』『R』: Lets be honest guys we all kept replaying the animation where it shows takemis legs to the hp and sp recoves
- NinjaSoulz: Ill be honest. I wanted to go with the Ann route during the first playthrough of the game because first run gotta stick with basics im thinking. Next thing i know i have every bond rank with Tae and like 3 for Ann and im like "I like healing items.... >_>"
- Stingy: Isaac YES
- LegBreakingNora: Sees Nurse Goth looks up Romance Guide immidiantly
- ArtiZombi: SAME
- Thom Boss: Is it just me or does this song have similarities to Our Beginning
- UsuriousCactus8: +Shane Stapley Animation Station which one?
- Dayle Owens: Do I buy SP recovery 3 or eat tonight?
- Robin Hede: sp adhesive 3
- King Toasty: A punk girl? Atlus, you spoil me.
- Brendan9140: DeviHyuga I see, you're a man of culture as well
- Themsaltybois: adam t you only need rank 2 guts.
- that one lesbian from persona 5: makoto and futaba are over rated THOTS. shinya oda is best waifu
- saltypepper: Dr. Takemi is best waifu
- ʂąɬąŋąɛƖ ɀմʂҟąէօའӠᎠ ჯ: I love how every person who says that Futaba isn't waifu material says she's way too young, she's one year younger than Ren, ONE YEAR younger get it? Oh, she's too emotional? well during the confession(depending if you choose to romance her) she'll try to better herself, I mean she went to buy something alone, ALONE, where's if you didn't romance her you'll join her in buying what she wanted. (I forgot what it was lol)
- Arthur C.: Her japanese voice is smoooooth.
- Rorta: what the fuck do you want to buy
- Sianostrakarenrenren: That's a funny way of spelling Futaba. Cradlerobbing plague doctor is hot tho
- PGM991: my very first girl that I romance with in 1st play through :D
- DoseofRich: My god this is some good ass work music! Love the game as well. It's that type of music you would listen to while writing a paper online or solving a rubiks cube. Some nice, chill music to listen to while thinking of ideas. Really good concentration music
- Gangers: oh.....This woman her theme and her legs are lovely
- Cerberus89: >enter clinic >best girl music starts playing
- FallenStar: I'm glad I romanced Tae so quickly, before I even got to Futaba and the others... I dodged a bullet in a way ^^''
- Elevolna: it's really funny playing this game as a straight girl, cause I want to date myself if I could xD but sadly I couldn't choose between male and female at the beginning of the game
- Donny: love bc SPA3
- Josh Lawson: Late reply, but I was hoping someone would ask. I always thought it was a shift in meter, and it turns out that in the notes from the various composers for the soundtrack, that's exactly what's happening. The song starts out in that nice quadruple meter, and hangs in it until the "chorus" section, which is when it shifts over into triple meter. The effect at 1:12 is due to the song shifting back into quad meter, but the rhythm staying in triple, causing the organ notes to fall on an "odd" beat. Definitely a nice trick.
- Themsaltybois: and Naoto is the high school detective princess.
- pepmiman: She always says "Buuuuut..." when you're choosing items from her store.
- 김두현: I knew I could find someone who could spell Takemi the right way. So many people seem to spell it wrong
- 『Zoey』: Sniperwarper Why do you have such a serious look on your face?
- Bob Doe: dat time signature
- tony head: LEGS
- Mohammed Sultan: watashi no morumotto
- Marcos Rosales: My little guinea pig!!!......
- Naransolongo Boldbayer: Kristrace RPG *Goro
- Maxwell Stein: that one lesbian from persona 5 lo fucking l
- Ugy Boogie: I need one of those, please
- StarioHD -Fantasy 101: Kristrace RPG Yusuke and Goro are guys tho. I get the joke tho😅😅😅😅
- Sigurd's BBQ: i love Ann, but damn does Tae come close
- INSTANT RAMEN: Nokia 3310 sounds fucking awesomeeeeeee! XD
- Rawkit_Surgeon: For somebody who plays Persona you're dishonest with yourself. I can clearly tell you're one of those people with a superiority complex that needs to be addressed.
- Raphael Sanding Jr: 1:10 holy shit those polyrhythms...
- Big Boss: I'll be her little guinea pig any time.
- ThatChainmecha: this is good studying music
- Honey OTU: just passing by to say that futaba is best girl
- 귀신뽀뽀: I love it so much I love takemi too
- Dj Zero Alexandros Apollo KOF Kai Art Of Fury: Great Song Bro😎
- PixelleHearts: Joker: "I dunno, you tell me doc ;D"
- Johnny Joestar: Well, that makes sense for you.
- 909 Revo: 👌
- Gillian N.: Kiba Kasuga If Persona and the Trauma Center series (NOT YOU, NEW BLOOD) are any indication, Atlus just has games with great sound tracks
- MegaLordZXA: am in the only one who hears Heaven?
- Eliean Lopez: Leg.
- KLightningBolt: A normie during sex: “Yeah, that’s right, who’s your Daddy?” Me, an intellectual: “Yeah, that’s right, who’s your little Guinea Pig?”
- CraftyJ: sp adhesive 3
- The Doc English: Hell yeah!!!
- Corey Smith: Best girl in the whole game in my opinion.
- Yet Another Keyblader: Iwai basically needs max guts to finish. so it rather counts as 1 social stat. Hifumi needs Charm 3 and knowledge I don't know how high. I only really finished her in the NG+ when all stats were already maxed
- Ghoststorm: That feeling when you find out Tae is voiced by the same actor that plays Yukino in the first two Persona games.
- Husk: combine that 6 and 9 and you get a 69 BOOM
- Sonny FIRESTORM: Tae? Is that how people write "bae" these days?
- CrazyGamerGirl 97: Japan why do you always make me question my sexuality?
- Wat: ...Heall all foes, @Joseph Luo ?
- Fozzy W: +Si_Dice_Daz000n Why can't I like a comment more than once?
- umbrellashotgunman: Persona's actually pretty restrained about the androgyny; there's only one androgynous-looking dude in the bunch, and they gave him a deep-ass voice in the original Japanese. As for the girl in the image, she's very much a woman, complete with long exposed legs.
- Lazzlo Shiva: "Well..."
- Ulqui_210: "Huh. This particular song heavily reminds me of Trauma Center. I wonder why?" >Looks up the net to find out that the soundtrack for the Persona series and Trauma Center series are composed by the same guy "... Huh. Go figure."
- Astaroth: Best grill
- Is this face of happiness?: Those legs...Damn...
- Zeavan: Anyone notice the part at 0:46 sounds like a part of Heaven from Persona 4? You'll know exactly what part if you even remotely remembered it.
- charky larky: Everyone's talking about Tae but can we just appreciate how aesthetic the UI here is? I mean I know all the Persona 5 UI's are aesthetic but I fucking love this one
- Ed Cowley: i feel sorry for tae her momentos request is hard as well
- Djinn Hoopa: Cause you have bad taste?
- Juan Jose Briones Romero: did anybody else notice that it sounds a lot like the song x and y from coldplay?
- Snappy: Unlike Mess Effect Andromeda, you can romance the sexy nurse, Tae/10 thank you Atlust
- Clearly not an Eldritch Horror disguised as an anime character!: Doctor, doctor, give me the news I've got a bad case of lovin' you No pill's gonna cure my ill I've got a bad case of lovin' you!
- siddbastard: I really tried to not seduce her, i really did. For approx. 10 seconds.
- Ren Amamiya: "Why do you have a serius look on your face?"
- Felipe Fernandes: 0:40 reminds me of macintosh plus for some reason
- Beep Beep420: even though my waifu is haru if I need to pick a waifu that isn’t a persona user I’d chose tae she’s pretty cool and her personality is like one of those personalities like she can be trustworthy even though she’s kinda sketchy
- SummerWithSai TM: Can you please do the Exam Music as soon as possible? Thank You!
- Arizona: Ann is pretty good too.
- MeRuleDaWorld: +SamBeta20 Dear god not Trish
- mohammad amaan: A gothic nurse? HELL YESSS!!!!!!!!!
- Jungly Bush: She's a doctor, but yes. I decided to go Makoto for a first playthrough since she's a Phantom Thief but now I can't decide between Tae or Hifumi for a second playthrough.
- PixelleHearts: That moment when the motif for "Hoshi to Bokura to" hits you like a truck and you just don't know it for the whole game until the end.
- Albert Deng: BEST GIRL
- Nairu: T'was an old username and I'll change it soon. Congrats, you're the bottom comment.
- Hunterman SK: me ?
- mcdonkey500: please head to the exam room
- Axel Trainwagon: best grill
- Z Oprich: even the guys are all best girls
- Tom Price: When each subsequent girl gets best girl status you know you have a good cast. except Ann, she doesn't really do much for me
- Gillian N.: and it lowkey reminds me of some of the themes from Gabes levels dhhdfbf
- Phoenix: *ahem* Turn it into a harem.
- Noise Marine: Gothic Librarian with a dark sense of humor
- chihiro: get it~ it's worth it!!
- derrick rogers: Thats fine, i guess...
- Naheem Quattlebaum: Best Girl Music.
- Mustafa Hussain: Bud, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you really ought to curb it.
- Tivoli: YES PLEASE
- MiDuWay: sp adhesive 3
- Themsaltybois: and now I feel sad because I love Tae along with every single character in this game. (yes, even people like Akechi.)
- 701468392523816070046289411368222507496286869371438642749038614J: Dat level 10 social link doe...
- Sora744: Sigurd's BBQ truer words, never spoken
- tecul1: die
- Ed Cowley: now now be nice this doesn't beed to be a slaming match
- Hcrdfju: Red Rocket Rider lol
- Arandomguy XD: Hellooooo Nurse!
- SCARYGHOST: Uh..... The Base Drop..... Sound so GOOOD!!!
- Kidd: It's Lord Popo for you, maggots ann is the cutest :)
- BuckMarley: Makoto or Takemi !?!?!? I can't decide!!!
- Dnetwork7: She got some good "medicine". ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Samuel Savary: THAT NOSE THOUGH +SpookyBeverage
- Hunterman SK: well it was fun to read so theres that
- Bergonath: Gotta get dem SPs.
- haloboy217: Why do you have that serious look on your face?
- Kohaku Games: its an old joke, and its close enough right?
- Obsidian Wasp: I'll reveal... true form... zzzzzzz...
- flamehiro: z_z nurse comes way before makoto for dating option
- JUJUOJUOJUOJUJUO IS JOKE: Neck cannot be found
- Davide Pilla: Dem Thighs still in my mind ahhh
- One Campania: *please head to the exam room*
- captshavers: I still can't help seeing the similarities between Takemi and Marie...
- 60secondrhymes: Fantastic Song
- Ender Z: Please head to the exam room
- Thefreddiem: Friendzoned in lvl 9 ;(
- Nick _: Anmarite? More like amrita, amrita?
- Flamerider: I feel like you have a different vibe going on.
- ShycoWar: Why do you have such a serious look on your face?
- Kuroi Hunter: After two playthroughs dating only Makoto, I decided that NG++ will be for Tae alone.
- The Dead Texan: I maxed her romanace confidant while my romance maxed temperance made me coffee.
- Kazuto Kirigaya: 49 people lost loved ones to Takemi's remedies
- Naransolongo Boldbayer: King Toasty It's a punk nurse aswell. So win-win.
- BgXERO: Finally beat this amazing game. I knew from the get go Takemi was my favorite. Romancing her was so sweet on Valentines day. You having her "wait" for so long just tugged my heart.
- Matmix: my first confidant i reached rank 10^^
- Neko Chiyu-ryoku: Well Helllllooooooooooooooooo Nurse!
- iMYX: Homopathic Needleaphobes might not be a bad idea being stabbed here
- Teriyaki Chicken666: I love walking left and right in front of her cause she turns her head whenever you move. And I love how she looks cause she's like, "dafuq is wrong with this kid? "
- Vance: Atlus please take more of my money
- Kag Meister: <3 Mommy <3
- Run Lin: Mastermind6425 it's either the teacher, or the clinic 😜
- Jugg and Finesse: All other waifus in Persona 5 are inferior to Ann and Dr. Takemi
- enzo lumare: Gillian N. But this game is better tho. At least, the more funky/jazzy style of music makes it my favorite persona soundtrack
- Karishma Changlani: I like em all though ;-;
- Based Esidisi: I play it too, weebs.
- GameDag: Why do you have such a serious look on your face?
- Kanyime: Uhhh yeah hi, I'm here for my weekly dose of being step on by a cute goth doctor.
- RaiKageRyu: best character theme for me.
- Dxsmp: she fine she maybe top 5 in p5 sexy list
- GeneralVan: Best Confidant alongside Sun, Moon, Temperance, and Strength. Tower is good for getting crits with your gun and dat Yoshitsune
- falloutfreek1992: I would go for Futaba, Tae, Makoto, and Haru.
- Ion: Shinsatsushitsu ni do~zo
- Pseudonyme F: Dead.
- Michelle E.M: "Why do you have such a serious look on your face?"
- Will Mulcahy: These are all weird ways to spell Makoto
- Chair-kun: No
- Paladin Leeroy: I can't be the only one who prefers the Japanese voice for Tae :S
- Max T: 1.25 speed to jam tf out
- Hans von Ludwig: Getting that check up if ya know what I mean **Insert lenny face**
- Taipolar: +Raúl Perez Ryuji was the day-1 homie.
- Itsa Me, Mirio!: Good luck with that...
- Mega Mijit: 9:18 best part!
- Kingsy: > Plays P5 "I think I'll date Makoto, she's pretty cool." > A hot goth doctor appears > Throws Makoto in the trash
- waitwhatwhothis: Makoto is best girl fuck you all
- Skye: Hottest character in Persona 5 by FAR!
- Nate: I love to have a cute punk doctor in my alley too.
- doodlebug: Not reporter chick*
- Admiral Kuroh: Best Girl in Persona 5? Only 2 acceptable answers Makoto Niijima and Take Takemi If you pick Ann you're basic but Ann is top 5 If you pick Futuba you're into incest.
- Wellington Santos: Do you have a extension from the song Luxury Liner?
- BADVIBES: 7:10 my favorite part, idk it just sounds amazing
- ThatChainmecha: i want to meet a girl like her
- Sergio Ortiz: I'm here for that snare drum!!!
- Abandoned Hope: greengamer ew a communist
- Kid Named Tornado: Listening to this while doing a biology project.
- Johnny Joestar: tecul1 Mm hMMMMMMM. And, I agree. Makoto ain't all she's cracked up to be. For the most part, I don't like most of the main female cast. Ann is boring, but funny and sassy when peeved. Futaba is annoying, but has entertaining dialogue. Makoto just seems like a lame brain girl, but she has a big heart and I find that very redeemable. And Haru...Uh, also boring, but very sweet. Personally, I think all the side ladies (Kawakami, Tae, Ohya, Hifumi etc) are the most interesting.
- TheMasterEmerald: Short hair club where u at?
- Justin Richter: Gohoe M
- theultimategamer95: That Tameki pic is adorbs <3
- SupGuy: Smell the SP from here
- Nonoctoro: I Believe I'm God, or his human puppet body, and that YHWH or Allah are impostors. You, recognizing an usurpator makes me offended, please, stop, or your soul should be eated by a Demon of the shadows, living an Eternal suffering and the lose of your individuality, the punishment to never joining your loved ones in the sea of Souls of the Beri'ah realm, and joining the Great Consciousness. Allah is no different than the other djinns, a spiritual being from Assiah believing to be God, a power angry pig-face spirit, one of the thousands other Spirits proclaming themself to be Gods. Praying to him make you weaker as your life Energy nourishs him, and when you die, after living only for him, He will turn you into a Djinn, a slave for eternity, you aren't pure like Malaks are. And his nemesis, YHWH, the Angel upon all Angels of Shamayin in the Yetzirah Realm, him and Lucifer were once one, the sons of Yaldabaoth, the one who rules over the Light of Formation, opposed to his "Sister" from the Realm of Sheol below, Queen of Destruction. He is himself a parasyte using the life Energy of prayers as food. Jesus was him in disguise, The roman deities, Jupiter, learned about him and tried to stop him spreading his control over the Humans. The Truth, you should find it by yourself, the other voices spread lies.
- TheZondaS: Entering the clinic like "Tae-chan... I don't feel so good..." *PROCEEDS TO FULL BODY EXAMINATION WITH HOT GOTH DOCTOR*
- Amber: the very special thoth that takes 500+ damage from melee attacks, ah yes
- 0% Pride: I'd cuff her...
- oli g: *TAKE CARE*
- NoksNonsense: Just coming by to say Makoto is not best girl and I don't see why people think she is.
- Chloee Agius: I love how she calls you her little guinea pig :3 I'll be her guinea pig any day xD
- chrystianp1: N
- ゆめ幻: >Buy SP Adhesive 3 for 4 people >heal everyone >Grind forever
- Aldo Morales: Shinya Oda I can’t tell if your pulling a meme or being legitimate
- DoombotBL: Punk rockin smokin hot doc lady with a heart of gold, and she isn't even clearly best girl. How the f is this possible. Persona 4 was so much easier, Yukiko was easily head and shoulders above everyone else.
- Ice Bear: Etika's babe
- Hunter Z-B: As a metalhead who knows other metalheads who love takemi, we'd like to have a word with you ;)
- StormRider2: She was amazing probably one of the sexiest women in the game.
- greengamer: +Abandoned Hope didn't i see you somewhere else before?
- Miroo Kim: Idk why for me the picture is moving
- Christian: idk if its just me but it sounds cool on x1.25
- senjuromon: The rapid pan on the electric piano is ASMR delight.
- Aiden Atwood: All these thirsty ass weeb niggas in the comments and I just wanna listen to some groovy jazz
- Megidolaon: MMMMMMMOMMY!
- Darling Njai: Hahaha
- Nevermind: Well, Iwai still is the hottest one
- Joel Sasmad: Really picks up for me around 0:40
- Kane: Why do you have that SERIOUS look on your face xd
- Big - Nut Of Grisaia - T: Let me ask ya a question. Have you ever seen a woman so beautiful you wanted her to step on you? *THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SCROLL BACK UP!*
- yzoooon: Her hair wow
- Filip Melzacki: Ding dong, you all are wrong. Toranosuke Yoshida is the only true waifu.
- nopelolsorry: HooOOooo Boy;;;
- Ender Z: Punk girls are pretty great, obviously I had Akira get with Takemi
- FreezyCastform: Both are owned by Atlus, so highly likely
- DimaSTR: God I thought I was being weird seeing dem legs.
- __: Once again, pls extend sunset bridge :)
- dandykip: i want tae to sit on my face
- Gothic: Gothic nurse. Yes, 100% yes.
- Papai Champanhe: TEAM RYUJI
- Michael Morgan: Thaaaat... _should_ work.
- Memento Despair: except for one
- James Haynes: Me: HELLOO NURSE?! Tae: hi Me: I like your blue head Tae: thanks you. Me: you welco- Hey WHAT THE-?!?/ >:( (Tae laughed) "She laughed at me and my girlfriend she going to kill me AGAIN?!?"
- Reize: I will always remember Tae as the woman who never became mine. She taught me hesitation wouldn't put one anywhere in romance. I've taken a firm stance and has been taking care of Futaba since. Thanks for the trials Doctor. I've learned a lot!
- FreezyCastform: but Kawakami would suck tho. She'd always be tired. I'm sure Takemi has some enery to spare...
- Vade: new p5 nutshell pl0x
- Fozzy W: Debatable.
- Zlyab: Futaba? Way, WAY too young. She's like elementary school in terms of emotional development. I like Kawakami/Takemi/Ohya, but they're like 10 years older than MC. It's bound to fail. So it's Hifumi/Makoto/Ann for me. P.S. Chihaya doesn't even enter the competition. Does anyone even like Chihaya?
- Mocha: For real Atlus, please just let us date the boys lol
- enzo lumare: FrostyFroakie 64 No Makoto? This is actual cancer. Jk
- Arcrombie: *H I G H H E E L S!*
- Lukazaide99: Me: "I really like Tae! Best girl for sure!" *Meets Makoto* "..." *Meets Futaba* "..." *Meets Kawakami* "ATLUS I AM TRYING TO BE FAITHFUL DONT DO THIS"
- ぼっち系モナカン: 武見さんエロい 毎日治験しに行きたいよ
- Rafael Sanchez: ooooooooooooohhhhhh
- Lemonov: Ann is boring and will probably end up being fat in 2 years. Too bad Mika is not a confidant.
- MyVanir: This reminds me of a track from a previous game... don't remember which though.
- FreezyCastform: not for me. Makoto is best girl AND I WILL DIE ON THIS ROCK IF I HAVE TO
- Parrotus: 1:12 woah that groove is nasty. what actually is going on there rhythmically? Definitely some kind of polyrhythm type thing?
- sieg5857: This is the only accessory
- It's Lord Popo for you, maggots: Makoto and Tae. Two best waifus in this game. Rest are shits, maggots.
- __: best fucking girl.
- Tensay Gamer: she's its my punk nurse. I love this girl.
- 『J』『0』『K』『K』『R』: Sp addrehesive 3
- FourEyes: bobbywrtm Well, it is. Have fun.
- Jr B: The waifu wars in the comments LMAO Why cant we all make love not war? Harem option is the key to world peace
- swygster: Be my butterfly, sugar, baby.
- Navvy Nav: "Why do you look so serious?"
- Jinquan Xu: The end game theme share part of the melody of this song
- D Comb63: This is some 'Grocery Store Music circa 1995" for me, jeezus. In a good way though
- Here comes the thot patrol: Y O U W A N T T H A T O N E ?
- Daniel Masterson: Waifu Wars of 2017
- BigPapaD: My NiBBa
- 909 Revo: Sigurd's BBQ You got good taste my guy
- Deus7447: I got the hots for the Plague Doctor
- final boss: Not a nurse. She is a doctor
- Oreonask: Why do you have such a serious look on your face...?
- Ian Morris: Almost been a year,,, God help us
- Char Aznable: One word Legs
- CrescentMoonNinja18: Kawakami was bae for me. Or maybe I just had fantasies in school which she satiated. lmfao
- Maxwell Stein: ShahzDane not a nurse.
- tecul1: iwai best husbando
- Blue Zircon: Ace Attorney: Futaba is best girl, hands down, but if these characters existed irl, I'd easily be dating Tae, no questions asked.
- Osiris: Aye
- darkdustfortress: Just your friendly neighborhood punk-rock-doc
- okey: she should be the doctor in the diagnostic portions lmao
- They Told Me I Could Become Anything, So I became an Eggplant: Doctor Sexy Legs amirite?
- Jeigo Lim: Come on don't tell me you're one of those people that use the word butthurt when someone hits you where it hurts the most. I'm completely calm, I should be asking you that. Anyways, I've got better things to do. Have a good day mate /
- Clara Parker: I hear the final boss theme around 40 seconds in...
- FreezyCastform: Makoto, Hifumi, Tae in that order. Futaba would've been here too, but for me she's just there to protecc
- FreezyCastform: CNN Come Find Me jeeeeesus
- SamBeta20: Maki is still my top medically inclined character for being a therapist.
- Cris P. Bacon: Your choice dude, but Hifumi's romance was very sweet. I'm kinda torn now between Tae, Chihaya and Makoto for my NG+ myself
- Firman Hakim: omg I freakin love this!!
- Tysamu Jonashii: Having almost finished the game, I've noticed why all of the encounter-able women of persona 5 are waifu in some form or another; for me at least it is because they're all hugely relatable or highly respectable in their own ways. Most notably later on down the line of their social links save for Ann, Futaba, and Haru who i respected/related with from the very start.
- yzoooon: A doctor and hot
- Pragmatik: You're a bad doctor.
- Tweetug 36: In Japan,15-16 is high school first years so it does not feel that creepy and Joker is only 16.
- Crabmancer: Mo' like Tae Take Me ahahahhahahahahahahaha I'll see myself out.
- Extra-Spoopy Horror Games: My friends call me leader My peers call me strange The public eyes calls me a terrorist Morgana calls me hero But my girl calls me *GUINEA PIG*
- HarukaKishi: "Yes please"
- Zachary S: anybody clean their room to this?
- Zane 94: *You're not going to buy anything* ?
- SugaWithSomeTea: *everyone's talking about Makoto or Ann or anyone else, and I'm sitting there like, Ryuji amirite;-;*
- Huu Nguyen: I just thing about her legs when i hear this song 😏
- _ Tylireous _: Hyde Lawless PHD* sorry
- Khalid Tai: go watch ecchi anime you probably need it
- Luck And Pluck: Ready to get stepped on.
- Note by Note: I was humming this shit for forever and I forgot where it was from. Whoops.
- Gamer Nation: Futaba is not too young lol. She is a nerd and she's only a little bit younger than the main character. FUTABA ALL DAY BRO. Also, I like Chihaya. I almost dated Chihaya because she is a great character.
- AnointedFlow: This song gets you sucked in right here.
- Astro Nova: More like Mass Defective.
- Hyde Zach: Clearly not an Eldritch Horror disguised as an anime character! So fucken perfect
- Vegas Martino: Persona 5 - -Clinic Theme- Dr. Legs Theme (Extended)
- 黃偉大: I like her
- Cairo Zemen: My little guniea pig
- Rekis rax: amilyester m
- The Dark Enigma: Tae: so why are you here? Me:i'm feeling ill Tae: well step into the office and i'll sort tou out Me: okay. (a couple minutes pass) Tae: you're fine, why are you actually here Me: i need you to like me so i have more power. Tae: what? Who told you something like that? Me: an old dude with a long nose. Tae: okay .... i think you might need a medication i don't have.. Me: trust me. I believe in the nose. Please like me so i can get cheaper stuff from you Tae: okay now you're trying to haggle me? Me: is it working? Tae: no. Anyway i'm closing up soon so get going. And only come back if your actually sick.. Me: but.... my confidant rank....... Tae: what? Me: nothing.... (leaves) Tae: Odd kid.... this some kind of game to him? Ah whatever, I've stuff to do... (Outside) Me: Damn, knew i shoulda brought mandrake..... (grabs phone) hey ann you free tomorrow? Ann:(through phone) yeah sure... where should we meet up? The Buchiko statue? Me: sure, also.... (morgana comes up to me) Me: never mind.. see you tomorrow. (ends call puts phone away) hey morgana whats up? Morgana: you know what time it is? Me: 6:35pm? Morgana: yes. It's late.' you should get some sleep. Me: morgana.... it's not that late Morgana: Joker, YOU SHOULD GET SOME SLEEP.. Me: fine... i'm finding a way to ditch you in the next cycle. Morgana: the next what? Me: doesnt matter... i'm off back to leblanc (internally) i almost broke the wall there..... Well this happened. Poor grammar included. I just kinda started typing and ended up typing all that... oops.
- Hard Gay: P5 really went overboard with the top tier waifus. Thankfully, the "you got caught cheating" scene was hilarious.
- SockPuppetTrevor: Interesting choice of name for this piece, Butterfly Kiss
- Lalit Mavuduri: *S P A D H E S I V E 3*
- Futaba Sakura: Can I enter the examination room? I think i'm sick. c:
- Ziro: was takemi anyone elses first confidant max?
- SaigaTenshi: damn, this chick is the only confidant i didnt get the chance to have a romance. i mean, she might create a medicine called "viagra" if that happens
- Yi Jen Liew: I havent played this but its already sooo good that I even risked myself to listen on youtube, the most spoiler-filled place.
- FreezyCastform: Well, I had to increase mine for Makoto. And now, on my second playthrough, I don't have to increase anything anymore because I maxed out everything. Which is good, because Hifumi takes not only charm at I think Lvl 3, but also Knowledge at Lvl 5(?). So yeah... that's nice
- Graffels: Abandoned Hope FUҀЖIИG ҀАЬITAГIST
- Colin Kerwin: My 'older women' fixation was definitely satisfied between Takemi and Ms. Kawakami.
- Yusuke Kitagawa: Actually you can be 15 in high school not middle school. 15 - 16 for 1st years in some countries and I know this for a fact in America 14 - 15.
- Dork Mac: *k*
- Sparrow: TAE STEP ON ME
- Kanna Brobayashi: Goho M
- Mike Strider: How is every girl the best girl in this game. I couldn't have imagined this would happen.
- Johnny Joestar: Your name is perfection.
- Overlord Laharl: oooh the 3d audio
- TheMasterEmerald: Persona 5 easily made top 5 favorite games of all time. Love it
- Typed on Twos.: I love this tune. It's kinda slow but it has this sort of, idk, that pulls me in.
- 12345678abracadabra: Her SP Recovery 3s made me finish palaces in just a day! Worth the yen.
- Sonic171000: They really need to make her a PS4 theme with this music playing in the background. I love it so much. At times I go into the Clinic just to listen to this music.
- teamhebi13: i kind of wish there was more romance in the game damn doctor is so hot if she only was real lol
- stukakke: 1.1k likes saying she is a nurse. When it is clear from the start she is a doctor. People are so stupid.
- greengamer: >capitalism >not being a proletarian >not voting for the COMMUNIST PARTY >being sent to the gulag for not doing so
- Shadowfear The Best: Clearly not an Eldritch Horror disguised as an anime character! Damn it!!! You beat me to it!!!
- Fallion Moon: Tae: *Why do you have such a serious look on your face?* Joker: *baby i seat here all day...* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Hyde Zach: In my opinion she's pretty damn hot, heh she's the hot and sexy plague doctor
- Christoffer Toyberg: P L E A S E H E A D T O T H E E X A M R O O M
- EvanYes.: legs for days. This theme has me going (* ^ *)
- Arcrombie: Let's not forget that, in the last game, also, you could get the succ from a sexy nurse if you did the Devil social link. I too would like to point my disapointment in the lack of boipussy in these games of late, though. I wanted to romance Yusuke in my first playthrough.
- Isaac: Choosing between Makoto and Tae was the hardest part of the entire game
- Itsa Me, Mirio!: Every time I entered the doctor's office: Me: Sup, Tae. I want to do a clinical trial. Don't get the wrong idea, I don't like you or anything, I just want a drug discount.
- __: god jajg save up for ps4 dude, the exclusives and library are worth it now.
- navergamingr: Never seen persona 5.Let me see if my edge is not rusty.That girl is a guy,right?
- 27ratedrko: This song makes me buy all Takemedic-Z you got!!
- asd asdas: no wonder I can't look away from the art. It's from my god ilya \o/
- Oskar: im so pissed i missed the romance option because i chose "sounds good".
- HYPERTiZ: I pressume playing on safe was smash easy though sometimes tense as hell.
- Energii Radioactive: It does remind me of a certain David Bowie but In robotic version. If ya know who he is.
- MioRaem: Come here, my Guinea Pig.
- The Shrekster: Pffftt, *_what about Haru, the only big thing she has is her fOrEhEaD!_*
- MidniteZer0: Can't seem to find the art at the linked deviantart page :/
- choochurro: you just have to prepare for Valentine's Day tho
- that one lesbian from persona 5: i think you need to go see a doctor about your identity crisis
- Fingers998: Iwai hahaha
- Hyde Zach: Kieran Rolfe Doctor* she got her PHB damnit
- Mega Mijit: its just you
- ChrisObscuris: tkpantol I know, I decided to romance Tae my first playthrough and when I met Haru and maxed her link, I was torn from her reaction to me saying I just wanted to be friends. Like cmon atlus, don't actually make me feel bad for being monogamous.
- Stingy: VivaVideo User lol going in there stressed the FUCK out looool
- The Demon Mercenary 03: Vaporwave
- BuTcHeR X: There is a very cryptic sexsual sound to this song. But the funky beat makes it hard to catch. Great track. AND SHE IS A1 TO ROMANCE!
- SamBeta20: Guess I'm the only one who flashes back to Mr. Tomi of persona 2 when you think back ally doctor. Tae atleast seems to have better intentions so more of a medium between Tominaga Chirpractic and HIiragi Psychotherapy. Kinda disappointed that we will never have anyone as bad as Trish again though.
- Polite Cat: Morgana is best waifu.
- Humblescrub: "Why do you have such a serious look on your face?"
- Armando Montes: You misspelled Kawakami.
- NotAnAdmin: Expiriment on me Takemi UwU
- creapsmantic: Those Legs ...... hiiinnnnnn
- Roberto Da Silva: Just realised that guitar part is the same tune as with the stars and us
- ALL SUNDAY: Makoto is best girl
- James Sunderland: I've reached rank 9 of her social link :3
- VivaVideo User: "Why do have such a serious look on your face?" -cuz your medicine is frickin expensive,Takemi.
- SchwaAkari: Problem with SP Adhesive 3 is that you can't wear something else instead. Kawakami is Best Girl compared to Takemi because her infinite coffee supply trumps this flaw. Just sayin' ♪
- stukakke: 245 retards thinks she is a nurse LOL.
- Roy Famacion: how come she looks like Elizabeth and Marie combined? even though i only have P3P and P4G on my PS VITA. i'm glad of have that portable that you can play from P1,P2,P3P,P4G, and P5(Remote Play)
- Themsaltybois: cнυrcн oғ ѕojιro oғ ѕojιro she's really useful for everything except for special reading. special reading Is just pointless
- 分Fumio: Daniel Rojas bruh i know it sounds weird for me
- flamehiro: +TheWiztard Link coffee with soijiro and plants you can harvest with haru too
- Bryson Chatman: Brynhildr no I don't think you understand 15 is like middle school age, I know 2 15 year old girls in middle school
- Pax Alquiza: HOO BOI
- John Egbert: Ahh yes, the feeling of a butterfly kiss you get when you enter the clinic when your strapped for cash but you remember that you maxed out the Takemi's confidant and you have a discount so you can buy all the SP recovery items
- 1aundulxaldin: You could easily appreciate the music for its value alone, but the tone, the restrained subtle messages and cynical but kind power, you can easily tell this was made specifically to be Tae Takemi's theme.
- Freshizzle: Please head to the Exam Room
- can u feel it now mr krabs: DoombotBL nah yuiko trash all bout dat NATO
- Blacmorecito: Theme of best girl.
- Keetele Keet: + 7
- Jason Delaney: Best girl.
- Native Drummer: HiroProtagonest i know the that was was a month ago i learned from my mistakes
- XxRokusasuxX: +no one cares about this name Ryuji for best husbando. >: ( Atlas PLS in Persona 6 just GIVE THIS TO ME.
- HexaBlast: ChrisObscuris Take my chocolate please. Before I crush it.
- Mike Austin: Tae takemi is like hebbie from NCIS
- SmtFan: keeper of lust Extension please?
- Mastermind6425: Persona 5 ost - Butterfly Kiss (Legs Theme) [Extended]
- Tomoe Hikage: Been listening to this for 2 hours straight Perfect study music before finals and it's best girl's theme
- The Reality Bin: This just makes me depressed that I've played Persona 5, and that I'll likely not replicate that feeling in my lifetime. It was nearly 10 years going from 4 to 5 :()
- Andi Fauzan: this part 2:56 sounds like that heaven song in persona 4
- Bill Qiu: It's common for a lot of games and even movies to have similar but paradoxically different melodies, it's great :)
- NicDoesDumbThings: That didn't stop me from spending the end of every single day going to the bathhouse and making sure to read every charm book and watch every charm DVD to romance her
- SecretlyAnAmoeba: LEGS
- JM Adlao: goth loli is better
- KB3594: Came for the medicine,stayed for the legs
- Spiral God King: Dr. Feelgood
- Itachi Uchiha: I can understand Tae but you'd really choose Makoto over Futaba?
- John Bread: *internal screaming *
- no one cares about this name: +Queen is my favorite band Thats where you're wrong chief
- ホワット ア ワンダフル ワールド: Oh my...
- Andre Baxter: +GravityZero well, u get ur ass whooped at the end if you aren't lol
- Yang Koete: Dr. Legs For Days.
- The Atomic Cherry: Well, I can’t date them all. ...can I?
- Fozzy W: Makoto would like a word with you.
- Sage Stephens: Listen, we all enjoy our waifus, the real thing we should be arguing about is how we’re going to make Altus let us date ryuji
- jettmanas: Music comment time- This is a seriously funky medical jam right here. Sounds so good when extended- nice for focus.
- Amber: she fuqqed dat boi
- FranK: "Uuhhh should work"
- Kazuto Kirigaya: Takemi you sexy yet dangerous woman
- yogoshun: Romancing Tae felt weird to me; A good kind of weird.
- Darryl Vaughn: Those legs in the shop menu...
- Tora Chan: Those legs ❤️
- Zcumbag: Best Girl
- TheMaxsherwin3000: persona and trauma are related.
- SuperPiposaru: Why do you have such a serious look?
- Snow: this song remember me of another one but it has vocals
- William Reed: Tae is a quality waifu, but she's no Makoto. Anyone who disagrees FITE ME!
- Dillon Sheil: "Please head to the exam room."
- Rawkit_Surgeon: Apologies. I'm an ENTP.
- Arin sirichart: Tae is Bae
- Noel Vermillia: BEST GIRL
- Naransolongo Boldbayer: BuckMarley You can always flip a coin. Then whoever you don't go for you can get on your second playthrough
- Andrew Sukovich: Tae is bae
- kiss shot: makoto and tae are like chie and marie all over again i love it
- Joseph Luo: I dont recall any other previous social link that requires two abilities to be high enough in order to proceed her social link.. first you need to have the guts then you need to be charm enough to continue :/
- Narc dad: I can't choose between Haru and Tae.
- Solitary Stranger: "Cof cof im so sick please fuck me"
- Sean Whatever: I swear to god I end up standing in that room for thirty minuted plus every time I enter it.
- Rainy Toaster: Spoiler: Takemi is the final boss
- AlanS10: Black Zeref or a pedo
- S Rate Entertainment: Mmmmm shady doctor o////o She may be my favorite.
- Lightz: Making me choose between Kawakami and Taekemi was the hardest decision in my life.
- Cris P. Bacon: If it wasn't for Hifumi and Makoto (in that order), Tae would be my next choice for best girl. Nurses are already fine as they are, but nurses who are Goths? Well, that's a pretty sexy kind of poison I should say. Tae could've just been a Goth and that'd be awesome, but nurse and Goth? Hell yeah
- Bonafide Monafide'd!: Wow
- Fozzy W: Easily Tae. Makoto is like Coca Cola. It's pretty good, but there are better options.
- SwimmingSwampert: butterfly kiss? you mean butterfly kick, right? *right?* *r i g h t ?*
- Shiny Gekkouga: Low thought: Ann is my waifu Medium thought: Makoto is my waifu Highest level of thought: Persona 5 is a mature, Japanese Role-Playing Game created by Atlus, not a simulator for weebs to claim Waifus.
- Cody H: Plus.. the only one who says she'll actually come and visit you on her days off.
- zenoisapen: The most challenging aspect of this game is choosing a waifu. They're all so perf.
- ThatKid Kay: I'll be her guinea pig any day 😘
- Zhengkang Vijaya: abit of p4 i see
- Taipolar: well then.... i never saw that coming
- Juan Ramirez: “Please head to the room to be examined”
- Christian Dietsch: take your updoot and go
- Erogama: The REAL best girl here
- mads_in_zero: I've started a playthough of Persona 5. I'm planning on romancing Tae, she's cute.
- CelesNihility: F***** All these vids just makes want to get a PS4 just to play persona 5................... WHHYYYYY
- youngdefiant: Takemi is bae
- Chibi Ninja Gaming: Getting Gran Turismo 3 Vibes from this.
- Daniel L.: It's good. until valentine's. the cheating scenes were painful in Persona 4. I imagine they are too in this game.
- Mozata: I stuck with Ann as best girl pretty early on but BOY WAS THIS A CLOSE SECOND
- MrCactuar13: <3 Takemi's thighs
- Tenshi Foxx: Are we not gonna mention that you can hear the chorus rhythm of Hoshi To Bokura To in this track
- tkpantol: Why is every waifu so perfect in this game?!
- Yusuke Kitagawa: Futaba also once said in the game that she graduated middle school last year to Sojiro.
- Varis Thunderheart: Hot goth gf
- Bergonath: Yer goddang roight.
- D3Enigmas: Anyone else still waiting on ATLUS to release the next Trauma game?
- connothecowboy: Gee joker how come you get to have 3 best waifus
- KinglyRed: Turning her down after getting with Makoto was *REALLY HARD*
- Alien Moth Probe: Subscribed.
- Gamma_B: After playing persona 3 and fes and persona 4 i really wanna play throught his game one more time man, gives me the feels thats for sure
- Bryson Chatman: I was gonna choose futaba, but then I realized she was 15....
- John Egbert: IKR?!
- Gillian N.: Alfred haber did you fucking just
- seg162: Misread this as "still trying to get *nuts* high enough"
- AyaneOfDeath: The best Legs in Videogame History ( i tought Peach in melee had the best :D )
- ThatFreakingCat: This isn't covered under my insurance. ... I'll pay straight cash~
- NeroDante89: What the hell do you guys mean? The only way to play Persona 5 is with THE JAPANESE VOICES!
- matt mordey: they made her hot AND romanceable Atlus are doing gods work
- flamehiro: z_z damn when the urge comes back I end up playing for 50 more hours, I already have 250 hours in this game
- boumboe: ODAEJINI ! MY GUINEA PIG !!! - Tae
- MeRuleDaWorld: +Yi Jen Liew You are a brave one
- TheWiztard Link: SP RECOVERY ITEMS EXISTED IN THIS GAME? I found maybe 3 SP recovery things and those were: Soma, the one that recovers all your SP for 1 ally and ryuji's chocolate
- powerful being: "Hey doc..l e m m e s m a s h"
- ITAmich: Tae is Bae
- Aegis: I say Makoto second since you'll already have maxed Charm on your second playthrough if you transfer your NG+ stats.
- JBo-Z: God, this song is incredible
- SolidSnake: GUINEA PIG!
- KeybladeKnight14: Probably best Persona 5 Waifu next to Makoto
- Itsa Me, Mirio!: Other than in Nier Automata, yes.
- TheMaineOne: Love the Beat🔥😍
- efreet schneid: I dunno why but this song played in 1.5x the speed also sounds pretty darn cool. totally different feel.
- Tsomi Moots: "Please head to the exam room..."
- DeviHyuga: Tae, Futaba, Kawakami in that order.
- minnie: anyone notice the hoshi to bokura to motifs?
- GifttheGiver: “Where’s your room? Upstairs? ...Is your guardian home?” ouch
- adam t: still trying to get guts high enough to continue this social link
- stukakke: Futaba is in grade 9 you pedo
- HiroProtagonest: SP Adhesive 3 with price discount is literally the best.
- Toppu10 - Seu Canal Semanal de Cultura Japonesa!: LMAAOOO
- Carlos Medina Saldivar: She is not a nurse, but a physician, thou :v
- Jøshïrø Mazakay: And then she just talks to you while you purchase items from her. "Why do you have such a serious look on your face...? Oh? You changed your mind? Try not to sustain any unnecessary injuries. I want the data I collect from you to be of use."
- Anna Gabrielle: 1:29 my favorite part
- Red Rocket Rider: Typed in "Dr. Legs Theme" and this was the first result. You done good, youtube
- Matthew burnett: I played over 180 hours of this game and I didn't even notice there was a separate theme for the clinic. Either I am very stupid or atlus did great hiding different songs into the different locations
- 『J』『0』『K』『K』『R』: DeviHyuga tae futaba makoto
- Grey Fox: *I am here for the music* >>reads comment section *regretting to read comments*
- oasis_kihi: PLeasE HeAd InTO ThE EXam RoOm
- totalwar179: Sounds like Reasoning from Persona 4.
- Spinny Spinnington: "Please head to the examine room."
- Marvin: Futaba is damn well OVERRATED TBH
- Johnny Joestar: Nah, Iwai is my only waifu.
- stukakke: They should have added male relationships that would be funny asf
- Jim Tiberius: let them give us a good practitioner for once lol
- Nathan Alexander: Is it me or is anyone else getting hints of "Blame It On The Boogie" By The Jacksons? The central riff sounds exactly the same, just slowed down.
- FourEyes: im not alone anymore
- Gracenote Eleven: Non-Main Party baes all the waes seriously this game was all about dem NPC girls
- Toppu10 - Seu Canal Semanal de Cultura Japonesa!: I always thought this had a very Persona 4 vibe to it
- Fozzy W: Makoto=👎
- Haywire95: Groovy.
- KINGPOOLORD: Futaba best girl no question!!
- emperor empoleon: Underrated theme tbh
- Emu🐦 ✔️: What’s up Doc?
- bean: I have to take shelter somewhere because of the Waifu Wars in the comments.
- Kidd: tecul1 it's been six days. How do u feel?
- ToastieGhost: The P5 ost gives good feels altogether, but this track in general hits a soft spot for me. My boyfriend and I bonded over listening to this games soundtrack and he would play this song whenever I was about to snooze. Now any time I visit the clinic it just gives me, well..butterflies~
- Roxas The Nobody: We all need a punk doctor gf in our life.
- Dat Tran: Best girl
- ZfreeZe: (°~°)
- weofparadigm: Never wanted to leave the clinic
- Kos aka Kosm: my guinea PIG
- Shadowfear The Best: The time signature changes a bunch in this track.
- Arthur Tiongson: I haven't chosen yet, but does her hair remind us all of Chie's
- stukakke: She always does the wrong buffs for me. at least the auto hold up and map scan are nice.
- Daniel Miller: My First Waifu. When I seen her, I made up my mind those long legs were gonna be mine. Damn I love Tae Takemi
- Wyv: Tae has S T A N D A R D S
- Timbus2516: No love on Ann?
- Themsaltybois: I wasn't even considering Tae for my romance. I was considering either Haru, Futaba, of Kawakami. (ended up choosing Kawakami.)
- Omega Squad: isnt her neck way too thin? i mean it 3 fingers breadth...
- tecul1: she is in fact a low tier girl
- notsid3: Tae Takemi? more like Bae Take-me anmarite?
- Cap'n Pepe: H I G H E R F E E L S.
- Quantum Lasagna: Porno music?
- MathiasAblazed: Leg so hot it fry an egg
- Roberto Da Silva: *i like it when she calls me her guinea pig*
- J Prez: +Yet Another Keyblader Items are items. Items can be anything even weapons. That extends to real life as well. Not that any of it matters to people without OCD.
- yogoshun: Those SP recovery items are awesome.
- HCSR2: Hearing a little bit of Heaven from P4 on this one.
- Brad Washington: sp adhesive 3
- Admiral Kuroh: AlanS10 well I'm 22 and most of the P5 girls are underage lol but yeh
- John Bread: THOUGHTS*
- Prize Cow: >Butterfly Kiss >Clinic theme Trauma series reference??
- Yet Another Keyblader: Man, first I had to spend the first half of the game to get guts, knowledge and proficiency to medium and know they expect my kindness and charm to get even higher to get Makoto's, Futaba's and Takemi's social links? Goddammit, I never saw THAT comin' (also, never trust edited comments)
- neonblackbeast: "Thorough examination" that threw me outa my chair😳😵🍆👌🔥 I'll take a thorough examination ANYDAY ANYTIME u don't even need to ask DOMINATE ME PLEASE USE ME IN ANYWAY U WANT IM ALL YOURS I BELONG ONLY TO YOU!!!!! SCGFAGEGJSFGJCFGJGFVHCRUFBHNMTGJETHDBTJDJ
- Diego Guillén: Yay, Invigorate 3 at (pretty much) the start of the game!
- BlueNumber77: “Why do you have such a serious look on your face...?”
- Auzzie Wingman: I mistook this for a P3 track
- Priya Klinkhachon: My little guinea pig!
- TheoryCL: DEM LEGS
- MrDiegofux: best girl2
- Queen is my favorite band: SugaWithSomeTea ryuji is a bro, this comment section is waifu wars. wrong place dude
- T'was an old username and I'll change it soon.: We need a spin-off where 18 year-old Tae wields personas!! I mean she looks like a badass!
- Kosmos: Thom Boss now that you say it I can kinda hear it
- Based Esidisi: My first waifu, I had to really resist the urge to romance Tae on NG+.
- Ray: 100% agreed.
- Gamma Ray: I keep fusing death type when I realise you need death type to deepen the bond with her zzz
- 『J』『0』『K』『K』『R』: WIlliam Reed i will fight u across the street kidd. Get it Captain kidd. Sry
- BrandiDarken: best girl!
- Vance Johnson-Beal: Tokyo daylight please.
- bobbywrtm: If polygamy is possible, I would marry Tae, Makoto, and Ann
- The Doc English: Dem LEGS THO!!! 😍
- Andrew: Tfw no goth waifu to fix my illnesses
- humanLucifer: Doctor, Doctor, give me the news, I've got a bad case of loving you.
- Amber: you need level 4 charm after that to get past rank 7
- Red Rocket Rider: The Jungkookie Rapmonster dafuq is wrong with you, kid?
- Hee/ Ho/ Motherfucker: *L E G S*
- Stingy: I love this theme idk why it’s so groovy
- Gramble Gumple: Am I the only person who picked Kawakami immediately? I know everyone prefers Takemi but I loved Kawakami's talks
- FreezyCastform: what song is this? kinda sounds like Bon Jovi just going by the lyrics
- Opressor Retrógrado: my ps4 died lol, now i am playing ps3 version on ps3 emulator, runs better tham ps4 (but looks ugly, 720 trash) i cheat engine the sp acessories at lvl 1 , LOL
- Samurai Reflection: atlus are all so talented...I just wish people would put their faces on the credits like vanquish game so I know who makes what.
- ThatChainmecha: muda
- TheWiztard Link: +flamehiro oh yeah sojiro's coffee but i never talked to haru XD
- Johnny Joestar: Goro Akechi Now with extra syrup Ikr? That sweet voice gets me half chubbin' every time.
- Tofu san: So damn UPSET i missed her romance route :( new game plus i guess
- Daniel Ho: I love this nurse and the music. It will be my dream come true.
- Skip B.: Hottest girl in the game, I committed to making her bae the moment I saw her.
- Fozzy W: Fightin' hard boi. 💪💪😤👊👊🔥🔥🔥
- Aegis: I don't see anything wrong with that. I mean, Joker is only a year or two older. Ann and Makoto are probably in the 16-18 range, too. I find the adult romance options (besides Takemi because she's great) to be really creepy, personally.
- Gu the Tanuki: Waifu wars in comments... Man i'm just here for my SP items...
- navergamingr: There's more people talking about waifu wars than actual waifu wars
- Matt: I have to be a human guinea pig to improve relationship? This game has got to be the most immoral game since Manhunt.
- Slickaria: It's on PS3 as well
- Rorschach The Vigilante: She is a punk's dream girl, man. Literal 10/10
- Jet Jenkins: The waifu wars in the comments
- PhosFox: Takemi Tae? More like Take me, Tae!
- memilio: DOCTOR DEATH
- Amari Tate: god damn shes a cutie 😍👌
- Valentyn Lyevyentsov: Yeah, but no guy on guy action doe so they're tied.
- Dylan Farrow: Thems were the holy thighs that killed Miwa-san
- HiroProtagonest: StarioHD -Fantasy 101 Are you forgetting that Goro is the second Detective Prince?
- Lone Lion: For those of you referring to Takemi as a nurse, it's doctor Takemi! She didn't take those extra four years of medical school for nothing you know.
- Ryan Murray: Godlike loop
- Vance: L E G S
- Game Bean: >Butterfly Kiss >Doctor >Sells recovery items *DEATH PERSONA*
- Khalid Tai: nah u dumb asf
- Blazing Coal: *Thigh* Takemi.
- Gillian N.: l e g g y
- Naheem Quattlebaum: dat discount tho
- Brian Lee: Shinsatsushitsu ni dozo~~
- Ilham Arfakhsadz: Prize Cow OH MY GOD I NEVER SEE THAT COMING!!
- Alex Liu: This has 777 likes I don't want to touch this
- R Ashlock: The best romance option. Tae is a classy act.
- Kolinichu: 10/10 would date IRL.
- god jajg: Fuck me had to be a exclusive. Atlus i dont deserve this.
- Ben Reynolds: Thaaaaaat...should work...
- Rafael Sanchez: please head to the exam room
- Man in Tidy Whities: Makes me want to go back and play Trauma Center, another Atlus game
- VenomLeon: Just a thought, but it would be cool if she was featured in a new *Trauma Center* or *Trauma Team* game, especially the latter.
- Naheem Quattlebaum: SP Adhesives for the win.
- smiffwilm: Tbh, I'm surprised this wasn't used in some way in P5DIS along with Layer Cake.
- Kiba Kasuga: God there really isn't a track in the soundtrack I don't like. I'm in love with all of them. Now I want a "full body examination" though
- Rave Shaolight: I'm at 7 last time I checked
- Kidd: Gentleman Gamer true 😍
- SugaWithSomeTea: *sob* That I know but they ain't real :O
- Nick Parker: amilyester finally someone who played jp version
- Denny Den: kawakami is hot as a teacher as a maid she looks absolutely revolting
- Amir: the real question is how you managed to encounter Takemi after you encountered Makoto
- Platinum Rage: Edgy Doctor
- Louis Pastis: The only thing sexier than a nurse... and it had to be a goth nurse. Praise be upon to Atlus....
- Raúl Perez: Transcendental thought: *Ryuji* is the *one* and *only* bromance option
- Johnny Joestar: Aldo Morales Me? I'm being legitimate.
- Noise Marine: Sounds like someone wants to play doctor
- noutube: sp adhesive 3
- Hifumi Togo Yugi queen: notsid3 you're genius, a genius with good tastes
- Chaos Order: Waifu
- PopeTheRevXXVIII: I don't have enough time left to get the necessary charm to put her in my Harem.
- SuneEnough: Am I the only one just here for the music?
- John Smith: Chibi Ninja Gaming Persona and the PS1-PS2 Gran Turismo games have sort of similar vibes. There are some tracks from gt5, gt6 and sport that have the cool feel too Definitely two game series with amazing soundtracks
- Death Fish Of Earth: Part of it sounds like Youthful lunch from Persona 4
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Persona 5 ost - Butterfly Kiss (Clinic Theme) [Extended] | |
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Persona 5 Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 17 Apr 2017 |
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