In the process of getting the rest of the soundtrack sorted into video format like this. Also getting screencaps of non-spoiler CG that I can use for background images.
All credits to the KS Team, 4LeafStudios. Thanks for an amazing game guys.
- Justin Gilbuena: Kinda reminds me of Scribblenauts music
- Arkus: "These are the eyes of a man who has seen things. A shaman's eyes. Terrible things, that you can't imagine."
- Erik Louwagie: oooh, do Rin's neutral, it's definitely the best non-good ending in the game. Hanako's bad is also rather good.
- MisterHayt: Those feels ... please take me back in Yamaku
- Peter Soja: Aw, that's so sweet. Best of luck to you as well.
- Ninja Viking Supreme: Hisao is about to fuck Hanako, and Hanako knows it. Lilly can't see shit.
- Crush1084: Prelude to Hisao being a freakin idiot. I like the catchy, upbeat nature of the song though.
- krieggz: I've always said and will keep on saying that this game sort of taught me how to love. It's taught me that it's not about how someone is, but that if you like someone and that person is willing to open up to you, you can only be thankful and give your everything. Its not about the characters you meet, fortunately they were not made to be perfect and so they're realistic, but every single person is unique, it would be better to learn off your feelings and be able to give them to someone you love
- Zerotic: Just as I was about to start my second playthrough, I load up to this song on one of my saves, and just sit and stare at the screen. ;_;
- MrIronJustice: Probably my favorite song in this game. Really captures perfectly the odd bittersweet feeling of this game.
- Nesther: the best one indeed.
- XetojExperience: It's the experience that matters :) As long as you hold those memories, and makes you feel the way you do, that's good enough.
- aultinbarltino: +TopKirby8305 i've got +TheAnimeMan to thank for starting a playthrough of this game. watched the first episode, and went straight to downloading it.
- Rising Tsun: @davrox07 how do I get it?
- FatalZodiac: That music :3!
- Burntcheese: +Eric Lueck How did you lose your eyesight, if you don't mind me asking?
- Zeldamaster93: I really love this song. It's so calming and peaceful...makes me want to sit in a quiet room with two cute girls and drink tea.
- Mr.Orange: +Torin Williams Emi's looks are so damn inconsistent. In-game she's actually really hot, and can actually pass as a 19 year old. But in nearly all of the Cutscene frames (or whatever you call them), and the animated scene, she looks like a 12 year old Bunny-human crossbreed.
- virgil592: this syncs up with damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
- Placido Penitente: Just as Lilly said: We're like a family... (and if you chose Lilly's route it makes perfect sense)
- Lilly satou: Mwah XX
- taxujr: I just finished yesterday my first storyline: good ending with Emi... damn the feels.
- WarPigsLukesWall: Like the wall that's right in front of you?
- Corey Cheung: Excuse me while I go cry tears of happiness, curl in a ball and sleep
- Nao: its more of.... interactive book than a game. but i agree with you point.
- Techman98: Love it
- krчgσs: it been 3 years is he still forgetting it ?
- Joshua El-Samalouti: Ah, yeah, I know the Effect you describe. Watching subbed Anime only ^^
- 40Fear: did you forget it yet?
- Skaju: Just finished Hanakos (best girl) story, good ending, a true heart warming story, a bit sad too. Best VN I ever played
- Gizmo Blini: Yeah, I know. Thanks for reminding me. I forgot how cancer was the KS community, sorry.
- Adoozy: <3333
- maninblack992: Tear jerker. One of the best VN I played
- Kaan Dogru: Finished Hanako route, go on, finished Rin route, okay. Finished Lily route and never touched the game again.
- virgil592: Well yeah. I guess you're right.
- cypressnirvana: I feel sad that I chose to do Hanako and Lilly's route first, because they were the two that immediately got my attention when I first started playing... I know Shizune, Rin and Emi are probably great routes too... But I can't shake the depressed feeling of never being able to experience those fantastic feels again...
- Rising Tsun: @davrox07 serious??
- Zorther Turner: Memories
- LtSolidus: Anybody notice, the black circles, under Misha"s eyes?
- You are face byurifur: This is the best song out of the whole series, which in my opinion, suits the best girl among the bunch: Lilly Satou.
- kase sucks: sounds like the instrumental to Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta
- Spika: I played ks first time about 3 years ago or so. I think I got hanako good ending. I downloaded it again a few days back, and I went for lilly, got her bad ending and I never touched that game again. The feelings. I cant explain how real Lilly and her story that she gives you feel. I mean. People might talk shit, but I felt that character, whoever made her, its just so real. I could feel her even tho its just a VN. Imma go back to dark souls and try to be manly again. Peace.
- Gizmo Blini: K. I'm officially starting my comments chain on the Katawa Shoujo OST. Afternoon. Since my phone has listed all the tracks with the alphabetic order, I've got this track first, and this is really no problem. This track is probably the one I would hate the most, but I can't, it's just too beautiful.
- SkyDefender: So much feels.
- Handcactus Fappington: Sam got a top comment? This is just plain wong....
- Chrektm8 - Hat Fancier: Now i'm on a feeling train down through all the OST, the feels and nostalgia is so real in this trip, and its only been 2 years since my first experience in this VN
- El Javi: this should be the "summer calm afternoon with tea" anthem
- Shizune Hakamichi: He made sure to bring a condom
- Den Neo: Tell me, who knows what musical instrument, except the piano, is used? I hear something like a flute, but I can not understand which one? Help determine, very interesting
- Carolling Botan: +Mr.Orange I finished Shizune's first, then Hanako and lastly Rin, and I can say without a doubt; Rin's was the most feels there for me. I seriously cried. it was the only one that could make me do that. Well, next will be Lilly, so let's see huh?
- JL: dat hanako
- Kane917: One does not simply forget Katawa Shoujo
- Weedmoose Hecarim: Only VN I've played so far Except my nights are filled with this and coffee
- Valcio DRG: Yea I played trough Hanako's Neutral and Good and Rin's Bad and good in that order, I cried like a little girl the night after, right now im on a break from it untill my head puts itself together, then im going for a 100% completion :p
- Trottek2: Got that game yesterday... And man it's awsome
- Ravenholme: @OriginalZero Yup, definitely agree with you there.
- Frozen Flame: When this track comes on during the game, I don't want to play anymore, I just want to sit and listen to it :)
- David Collinson: r-a-dio . com /ks/ thank me when you've seen all the trueend pics + music
- Luckyo Jhihi: When you think katawa Shoujo is a vanilla pure visual novel
- Jacob LaJoie: ;-; They need something else like this... Same characters but a different or longer story to them.. I mean I love plying through this as much as the next guy.. But you never get the feels quite like that first time. Hisao may be able to meet Hanako over-and-over.. But I can't....
- AhKneeKey: Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
- a cat: sup bitches
- Isaac Vires: +Stolanis The reason why Hisao did nothing for Rin when Nomiya (I think that's how his name is spelled) was yelling at her, was because he remembered that he yelled at her as well, and he found it to be hypocritical, so all he was able to was wait for him to get done, as he did. Hisao was probably at his most mature when he walked into the art room and held Rin while she cried. He didn't do anything to the teacher because there was nothing he COULD do.
- Ivan Rybakov: Punkero245 KENJI DIES
- SpeedsMcRonalds: I sure as hell ain't ever gonna forget it. It's one of the few games to ever get emotions out of me. And at such a degree, too...
- Hylian Wolf: Nobody cares...
- Dangerously Convenient: You know, this game was amazing. I actually spent as long as I could without choosing to romance the other girl of any of the groups, because, after how close I got to one, I could never let myself ignore her for her friend.
- Josiah Tolentino: i did lily then hanako and imo you learn about hanako a bit more in lilys route and i appreciated her more so go for it dude!
- Mike Oxlong: That is the most relatable thing I have ever read
- Gizmo Blini: +Farticus Maximus Well it's not really dedicated to everyone 8)/
- virgil592: clearly someone has not played the game yet.
- TheGardeneer: Her route is great! After I started a new game and she bumped into me, I had to resist a sudden urge going for her again...
- onehundred10million: This song not only makes me nostalgic for 2012 (the year In played KS) it also makes me nostalgic for my high school years (which ended in 2004) I miss the days of relaxing afternoons, looking forward to the weekend to watch anime and play vidya, and of course, relaxing. Fun with friends, hope for the future...shit's changed...
- Shinmiri: Lilly's route really gave me a perspective and shown the quirks of interacting with a blind person. Was the part with the chat about dreams really true or were they exaggerated? It was about how people with vision can't really smell in dreams, but Lilly was able to in some of her dreams.
- Carolling Botan: This is the best OST of KS <3 <3 <3 I love it when it plays, I feel very happy while listening!
- Sam Wong: This game has shown us what we really want in girls. Not a girl that's perfect. A girl that's just as imperfect as we. In all the right ways. That is what makes her so beautiful.
- AoChrine: No more likes or dislikes on this comment please. The number is perfect.
- Jurou Tenshi: I've always said that. I want that to go into some sort of history book. Imperfection is true perfection.
- razorknight92: I'd like to point out that this sounds like "D*** It Feels Good To Be a Gangsta" by Geto Boys If someone can get only the vocal audio and mash it with this, then that'd be fantastic. "D*** it Feels Good to Be a Cripple" ???
- The Memessiah: This game has shredded all prejudices I may have had.
- Lucius Faust: Yamaka, or the place calls : "the Haven without thots, have a great day"
- Laumaile Hardy: This song plays in my mind so fucking loud during tests that I can't even get past 5 questions with full concentration... DAMN YOU KS!!!!!!!
- Thor Klauson: And to think this novel originally derived from 4chan :P You are right. The moment that music box started playing in Lilly's story.. The tears just couldn't be stopped. That whole game was one big feels trip, no movie could compare to this. I would love to find another visual novel similar to this one, I haven't managed to yet. I think many of us wish to end up in a similar circumstance such as the one Hiaso found himself in (perhaps even despite his physical condition), in which you have a chance to meet up with one of those people who are willing to break through whatever problem you have (and vice versa) without any prejudice or preconception, and just be there for each other. We hope for the best for you as well :)
- Hisao Katawa: I don't know where i am suppose to begin. This music makes me cry everytime. When i hear it, i immediatly think about KS and the story i choosed. I don't have a lot of friends and i am most known for having lost faith in everything a long time ago, and beeing a "geek" who think this world is full of selfish parasites. But when i played KS, and finished the Lilly story (my favorite), and listened to that song, the only thing i was able to do was crying like a baby for all the things this made me feels. I don't care what people will think, i am also crying while writing this, but what i want to say is that, KS, even if it is only fiction and i know that, teached me to be a little stronger and to hold on a little more. I just wish and dream that one day, i will meet my "Lilly" who will save me from my "Hanako" syndrome. So i can love her and take care of her for the rest of our lives. Whoever you are, if you come to this page and read this, i assume that you will manage to understand what i try to say (even if you may have guessed that i don't speak in my mother language), and from the heart i thought i had lost long time ago, i sincerely wish you the best for your future.
- Seviry: Katawa Shoujo- Came for the story, stayed for the music.
- Thomas 16.04: Fuckin Anime fags
- Mateusz: me too
- Kane917: THIS SONG. Omg I saw I had a comment reply, so when I checked it, took me here. I NEEDED THIS SONG! Got me to just talk to a chick I like so yay!
- Dastric Pastrificus: Favorite song on the soundtrack <3 SO GOOD :3 I love Katawa Shojou so much xD 1.Emi/Hanako/Lilly/Rin 2.Hisao/Misha 3.SHIZUNE UGHHHHHH
- Dastric Pastrificus: +IDONTGETTHEPOINT because I love them equally xD
- Taikuri: This track is so goddamn loud ingame
- Uri Artwork: Happy to sad so quick in this game :(
- Ravenholme: @Dudester567 I don't know if you guys can see the bulletins I post on my channel, but there is a megaupload link in there with the mp3s I made of the soundtrack for uploading it.
- AuraofLight: I'm not into blondes really... My first ending was banging Emi. I for the most part played with what I'd actually do. Rin, Shizune, Kenji and Lilly kind of bug me. Hanako is ok...
- alexveldin: <3
- Valcio DRG: I played this game once, I died in my first try.
- IDONTGETTHEPOINT: +Hunter Fjeld Why do you have four girls on number one?
- Swedenrockn: Been almost 3 years since last time I've played this. Still the feels are too great. Amazing how a game without animations or simply voiceovers can be so touching. To this date this game still is the ONLY vg I've ever cried to
- thunder_gun1: i've played through Hanako's, Emi's and Shizune's stories. I have cried at all 3 XD. Hanako's and Emi's are definately the saddest, although Shizune's is quite cheery but the ending has a concept that is quite a trigger for me as i'm worrying about the same situation.
- MisterHayt: I want this music if one day, I marry with a woman ...
- Froad: +Hunter Fjeld no
- Denis Kudritskiy: Try Lilly mate, i've done Hanako->Lilly->Emi, i was so emotional to help Hanako, was so sad that she is so closed it, and i liked ending, but when i went lilly's route she was so pleasing, but then i started crying for 10 minutes, got myself up, and started crying again in 5 mins of story. Emi's route gave me some emotional attachment too, but i'm since i got completely addicted to Lilly, wasn't that sad for me.
- Samantha Chase: I just want to hug Lilly. Don't know why... I.. Just... gotogodosomething! *rushes into screen and hugs Lilly*
- Melted Sherbert: +Batman11838 I've seen what It's like to pound emi if you know what i mean
- Salt: >tfw 1:09
- youthnando91: Damm it feels good to be gansta......
- Syrahl696: Is it just me, or does this remind anyone who has played Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days of the track 'At Dusk, I Will Think Of You'?
- Tackington: OH! I get it! Heartbeat! Because of the Arrythmia? Right? right...?
- fireball111121: I agree with you, but on Hanako. Though, I wrote a similar comment on another video, got like 100 thumbs up, and to this day I still get annoying ass holes trying to prove me wrong -_- Don't care though, I can lover her if I want to.
- I love Anal: I want a death battle between rin and emi
- Alex Melik: Outside of character themes, this song is probably my favorite.
- Kaz: +Torin Williams Yeah, that point you brought up about the art teacher being a dick in Rin's route is something I forgot. When the guy actually started shouting at her I was expecting Hisao to man up, march in and give the teacher what-for on behalf of his lady, but apparently he has as little spine as he has balls. The entire feeling of Rin's route is one of just floating around without direction - which is how you end up choosing her route so it isn't as though you aren't warned, but still. At least Rin's route had a better sex scene than Hanako's: it was actually quite touching, the way Rin is completely destroyed emotionally and is reaching out for something, any kind of closeness; even though she barely says anything it's clear that she wants it, unlike Hanners. Ah well. Although, just so I'm not bagging on Hanako, I did like the climax of her story - which is to say that scene in the park where both her and Hisao break down together, and then somehow slowly build each other back up. I must admit, I like a good cry, and the way their grief allows them to finally open up to each other completely is very heart-warming. It's definitely one of the best scenes in the game, as far as I'm concerned. I can kinda understand you being put off by Emi's appearance, especially as +Mr.Orange said because she looks almost a whole decade younger in some of the extra artwork. I never found it an issue, perhaps because I just found it impossible to think of someone who acts like she does as a child. At least, I *hope* that's the reason. >.> And finally, it's wonderful to meet a fellow Lillybro. Personally I'm surprised that not every KS fan acknowledges the all-encompassing grace of the Blind Ojou-sama, but I guess there's no accounting for taste. Best Grill 4 Lyfe. <3
- Chomusuke: r u gay son?
- Farticus Maximus: your name is literally fuck off, you aren't any better
- skudger: oh jesus
- Kira Dina: Beautiful
- David Collinson: r/a/dio has a full archive of the pictures + music etc.
- TheVery AverageGamer: I always hum along to this song.
- Carolling Botan: +MikeMicraft MikeMinecaft Me too!
- RaptorNomad: THAT. FEEL.
- Shinmiri: I think those particular mentions and uses of "see" are just to add a bit of tact to her character; it is a story after all. Still, I think it's amazingly well written and even trumps some other visual novels that are actually retailed in shops.
- Saber is love, Saber is life: When I first heard this song, I let it play for a while. Great music and great game. Team Lilly!
- Daniel Alexander: The picture of orange-tinted sky over Yamaku's courtyard immediately forms in my mind
- Abyssal78: @OriginalZero same way i feel about hanako truely is an amazing game if it can make people feel this strongly about the characters in it
- thebrownpixl: Whenever this played I always felt like it was such a nice break from all the tension in the story
- Yolo Swaggins: 1. Lilly, 2. Emi, 3. Hanako(loved the animations for Hanako though), 4. Rin, 5. Hisao, 6. Shizune.
- johnnyk7: it has been one year now and i still cry when i hear that songs WHY
- Farticus Maximus: It's the most comfy VN I have ever read.
- le Hoarderz Al-Shekelsteins: dont forget play offensively ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Farticus Maximus: Ugh the nostalgia is real. I don't know how I have nostalgia for something that only happened 2 years ago but it's there.
- noideac: funny how my friend mentioned this game to me a few months back i basically cringed. I finally downloaded it a couple of nights ago and I've been hooked on it nonstop. Seriously, the creators of this game did one hell of a job
- godofal: same, just ignore that and go for it again the best stuff is in the other 3 chapters, first act is mostly introduction to characters and path choosing
- Roy Revant: how is it now
- Conquerer13: That moment in the field when Lilly repeatedly tells you she loves you... And nothing else matters.
- rho070170527: you sir made my day. :D
- ViolinSnowKid2: Damn it feels good to be a gangsta...
- Vitaly Volkov: One doesn't easily forget Katawa Shoujo... Once you've seen, you can't unsee!
- Peter Soja: Hisao Katawa Your English is beautiful :))
- Eric Lueck: Speaking as a blind player, I've been enjoying this immensely. So far it's been Emi first, then Shizune, then Lilly. SHizune was my favorite, though I love all of them. I was glad to see they got Lilly right, most fiction either treats blind people like they're an overpowered supernatural badass and avoid any difficulties or flaws whatsoever. Or the opposite direction where they're nothing more than a disadvantaged pity sponge where the normal viewer gets to feel good about themselves and be condescending, which is just as offensive.
- maninblack992: I finished Emi and Lilly. Now halfway through Hanako and my feels are getting destroyed.
- Kasper Nørgaard: Reading the comments why do I feel like I'm going to die? I just started playing this game.
- Stefanos Tzellas Koukas: +Airen the Fart i just feel ya brah! it was a kinda lonely year for me (3 years ago) i used to spend my nights playing KS and drinking hot tea... i feel rather nostalgic of these safe and sound nights
- Rice Mage: One playthrough, and I felt like setting forth on a quest to find that scarred, broken girl, wrap my arms around her, and just... make everything alright. This game. It makes you feel feels that you didn't know you could feel.
- Nicole Swisher: +Melted Sherbert _Lemons_
- Punkero245: I want to read the comments but I'm afraid I will get spoiled, ugh, better not.
- Banjoing: @ViolinSnowKid2 I'm glad I'm not the only one.
- Holy: guess I will need to say something just to inexplicably keep this gag going, forgotten yet?
- Ravisoki Roasc King Of Knights: dam it feels Good to be a gangster
- Cyctorn: Sounds like something that would come out of Drawn to Life.
- Shizune Hakamichi: Hisao's smiling cuz he know he fucked them both
- Mihai Teodor: They use violin,piano,flute and I believe tambourine but I might be wrong
- SakeChan: I wish Hanako exists... She's like an Idol to me, she really toutch my heart... I can understand her so well, the pain.. the hatred about people, she's identical to me... I really felt in love with this charecter... She's like a cute bunny with purple eyes *-* I ADORE YOU HANAKO IKEZAWA!!!!!!
- Hupuable: Whole OST makes me depressive
- SpiffyGamer: I miss you, Lily. You set the groundwork for the boyfriend I always dreamed of, and the girlfriend I wanted so badly as well. Thank you, Four Leaf Studios, and all of 4chan!
- Jumbo Jimbo: +MikeMicraft MikeMinecaft Imagine getting kicked in the ass by one of those metal prosthetics! Now that'd hurt.
- Mako Eve: I have this song saved onto my mp3. When I was walking around school with my earphones, I decided to play this. Dem feels pierced my heart like a shish kebab.
- Kori Y: Right in dem feels T-T. Lilly T-T
- raven lord: This is my favorite song from the game. Thank you for uploading it ^_^
- Don Sergio Salazar: Yeah. I didn't commit to any girl because I wanted to keep my options open. I was still debating which one I wanted to go for first (tossup between Rin and Hanako). I went up to my roommate afterwards (he introduced me to the game) all pissed saying "How the hell do you die in a game like this?!"
- Callum Jones: ;( Damn... right in the feels...
- Dr. Acula [student]: Hanako you beautiful butterfly you.
- Calobrin: Just finished playing this for the first time. wound up going through Emi's route. damn I feel like it ended too soon. and I would almost feel bad if I tried again and DIDN'T go her route.. oh what to do. Definitely a great VN. would recommend to anyone. now I feel like getting up early every morning to go running. :)
- Eric Lueck: +Shinmiri At least for me, I've never been able to I tend to only feel things in dreams, occasionally see, but that's only because I've had vision once. The only thing I didn't care for was her insistence on finding replacements for the word "see". Some do that to be sure, but for the most part it's such a common expression it's just needlessly awkward not to use it.
- JeyVGaming: My top 3 best routes: 1. Hanako 2. Lilly 3. Emi.. god i wish theres a anime of this ;P
- You are face byurifur: Oh my god. Please be my waifu.
- Ic33 Sn0wman: This game made me fall in love with every character, but Rin and Hanako was where my heart went to most. Their stories just made feel like I wanted to protect them.
- Fragz: In all honesty , I don't. This visual novel was so absolutely perfectly made it left nothing for me to desire. I was really moved.
- turbo pascal: I found Emi's path really emotional. That's by the way the first path I played, making decisions which seemed right, before I even realised what my choices really affected. Emi very nearly made me cry, even though being legitimately crazy and doing all the stuff she did. For me, it wasn't about the shallow "romance" at all. It was about Emi's personality and... well, the story (sorry, no spoilers).
- Mr.Orange: Without spoiling anything, how good do you believe each romance is? I just finished Lilly, and i couldn't be more satisfied. I'm mostly interested in Rin and Hanako next. I feel like Hanako will emotionally wreck me the most though, so i'm a bit scared :o
- thunder_gun1: Yeah, i just finished the other 2 stories. Rin's story had to be the least sad, although there was a lot of conflict between her and Hisao, by the end it becomes very cheery. You were definately right about Lilly, i think i cried the most during her story. I cried twice during her ending alone.
- Xerazal: This is one of the few games that makes me like almost every character to a point where when they are upset, I want to cry. I seriously fell in love with Lilly, she's everything I want in a girl. If I ever met anyone as tender and caring as her, blind or not, I'd ask her out in a heartbeat.
- TopKirby8305: +Zeldamaster93 Hehehe, same here! +NeoMegaMan is responsible for me falling in love with this masterpiece. :3
- Isaac Vires: Yeah, and Rin would pound Emi >.>
- いぬとかねことか: .....never forget
- Richie Nielsen: The picture's perfect for this track. It shows the same expression I wear on Hisao every time I hear this, and I think of said picture here when I do hear it. Not a minute goes by where I don't think of being with Lilly and walking down the hill into town with her...
- Shadow51423: Scribblenauts?
- Mackan: Dem feels for Hanako <3
- SJtheMFZB: Impressive
- Tamas: I still keep thinking about all the routes I took, all the good endings, and how almost all of them cried, which broke the heart I once encased in stone to keep my emotions locked in a cage. Now they're broke loose, and I've never felt more alive...except the fact that I am mildly depressed still. My hopes are still high on recovering from it whatsoever.
- Szelenas: Comon brain, forget this already, i cant stand it anymore.
- R. Aziz: I always hope this plays when it's afternoon in the game.
- LeoArctica: I felt the same for Hanako ^^
- Cats are Gods: +Zeldamaster93 And chess... don't forget chess...
- MrShuthefukup: Agreed but i fell for hanako ; _ ;
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Katawa Shoujo OST - Afternoon | |
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Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 6 Jan 2012 |
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