Composer(s): Michiru Yamane, Brenton Kossak, Blaine McGurty, Geila Zilkha
Developer: Reverge Labs/Lab Zero Games
Publisher: Autumn Games/Konami
Soundtrack is out now, so go and get it already!
- Celestial Vocalist: "You can't stop my wish!"
- Roze Z: That moment she has 1 hp and you have like full health and she spams everything like she's button mashing and you just stand there blocking hoping the chip doesnt kill you... but it does.. then she taunts you like it wasn't a struggle... ; - ;
- Ice Bear: When you starts making your final exam and you need make it perfect *this music plays*
- Gum Seirin: +Manases S. Matsuzaki me too
- Sir Gustav: pls I need the lyrics
- dancingwholeness: Needs a crap ton more views.
- joneken Wong: Her theme should have be Megalovania and i wanna see Sans fight her!
- Rach Frisella: I know nothing about Skullgirls but OH. MY GOSH. This piece is fantastic! Is Bloody Marie supposed to be that voice singing? Because that would be awesome. Based on her theme she sounds like she's been through some tragic stuff, but over all she's one ticked off beast who will happily give you a whooping more than anything else.
- Sir Kinsella98: Feng Lockheart Flithy Frank:Just stop.
- Mario Valdeolivar: 2spooky4me
- Warlord SteelShroom: _Don't think I'll go easy on ya!_
- Raiden Shibou: +Yuki Terumi Arrite, gonna need source of that video, you know. For research.
- Arko: Maybe you're right :P
- Saturnix: "Know your fucking place you little cuntwad."
- trolling Mexican: Fun fact: zone ran also made porn of skullgirls, no big surprise there
- Kaede Akamatsu: SKULL HEART i wish i never read this comment
- Quickman: I swear they use this epic music just to distract you and make the hard fight even harder
- DSBREAKER ATNC: Try to beat Mary 300
- EdxSarxNatxChoc: It's a fighting game between girls. So yea, you see some panty shots pretty often.
- CrymeScene: i hear them too.
- Velvet Sparrow: Fun fact: ZONE-Tan actually helped make the game, CASE CLOSED!!!
- TheRockDK: thumbs up!
- ıllıaυraтιcıllı: Skullgirls its in the title m8
- Xilofone: oooOOOOOAAAA *boom* *boom*
- Fleebl: Am I the only person who came looking for this after hearing it on Zone-Sama's Skullgirls game?
- comatose kitty: Make it flashy guys! Action!
- l Chris l: "Patricia..."
- Xallanch: You can't stop my wish!
- Neon Rain: A I handle her best with Fuuka
- Kaede Akamatsu: +Goodstar 63 Pretty sure it's Jontron, dude.
- rockleeownsu: loop is right around 0:15
- 064razor: +秀吉シノブ *true love we're making
- Absolute Lunatic: Nice, they went and mixed the main theme in with it. Love it when games do that.
- Glue factory54: If its a girl her name better be Mary
- EndLessDream: I love the 3rd eye similarity
- Heian eln: she is way too cheap with the 2nd form T-T*
- MforMovesets: +Anime Factory And the funniest thing: Noone paid for it and Zone will starve.
- EmiL: "Say your vitamins and eat your prayers." - Beowulf
- alex rango: S E E H O W W E A K Y O U A R E
- ShadowGamer765: same
- Ice Bear: Somecallmejohnny brought me here lol
- ali faruqui: Marie : you dare challenge me shao kahn : you weak pathetic fool Marie : -__-
- DEV-EPIC: +Deadpool I know. I was just making a joke. By the was who do you think is hotter valentine or Eliza?
- VenomLeon: "KNOW YOUR PLACE.." *Pauses game, goes to the nearest corner and sits there :(
- 064razor: I do now, i've played again and found out
- Boey812: Apparently your baby is the next skullgirl. Better keep a close eye on her
- Steel Assimo: 20 people can't see how weak they are (x5)
- vFGG l Brofisto: this music is p bad
- TheLalchi: Hard boss ! But not impossible. I love Marie <3
- Kodai Advance XR: This is true love we're making!!! FIGHT!
- Thomas Foster: The vocals at the beginning have the same cadence as Stevie Wonder's Part Time Lover.
- MadNut321: Good. Let it flow through you.
- Crossbreed Priscilla: 7 people don't know their place.
- cuppashit: No... You cannot.. defeat... MEMES
- El Gertz: ya decia que era conocido el thema ya que la compositora es michiru yamae
- SilencedShadow 1HK: I hear the voices of marie. I love this song and the game
- ScoutKirby: **insert screaming child Undertale fans upon hearing "bad time"** Which is why I'm here.
- Nojical: I'm the opposite. I feel like after that minute passes, things get fucking serious.
- TheKremant: Me too.
- Carlos Calderon: what michiru yamane??? really?
- Blinker 182: My favorite song from this game.
- ankrisiv: I knew that this had a Castlevania-e feeling to it and then I noticed that one of the composers is Michiru Yamane, This is one brilliant piece of music.
- Boey812: Marie better be a playable character I wanna throw skulls at people dammit
- Zeneeba Pyra: I used the bowser themes on my nephew. so I don't blame your taste in lullaby music <3 if it works it works.
- mcarlinod: 18 guys don't see how weak they are
- King Of Canopy: 400
- Mr4500k: Nooooooooooooo (you lose)
- soulblade :3: :|
- Adonis: Heheheh
- Adam Jensen: Come you formidable giant, prove your worth to me! Oh wait, wrong game.
- Ice Bear: I just love your profile picture with this comment.. It's so good!!!
- Master memer 108: Zone brought me here
- Abel Hernandez: Spenic know your place. Know your place, KNOW YOUR PLACE
- R3M11X: if u thought she was cheap then, try Marie 300... its just going bald there...
- ShadowGamer765: +Manases S. Matsuzaki same
- Mega Mix Jam: +Alex Minnikin-Loft I often visit japanese websites and I haven't found anyone who can beat her legit. Parace is the Hardest boss there is in a fighting game.
- DynoSkrimisher: If you listen closely, you can hear Marie button mashing.
- The InfiDeer: K N O W Y O U R P L A C E
- reaperofthedamned07: you just know this is from M.Y.
- Youka Naze: My waifu is Peacock -._-.
- Kodai Advance XR: Nobody blink..... S H O W T I M E ! ! !
- ShadowGamer765: same "that" brought me here
- TheHanako - Music: KNOW YOUR PLACE
- Uzay Topakoğlu: Reinhardt... Pretty close :D
- Best Version of Hercules: My favorite theme from the game. Too bad Marie is so cheap. THAT SHADOW.... I beat her with Peacock. Almost died on easy.
- Absol Lover: As acknowledgement Squigly's 15th color pallet is Zone-Tan
- Random Randumbness: 19 people saw how weak they were.
- TacticalNerd1963: +DEV-EPIC Wrong Character, try taking a look at the mask. And your life depends on you NOT using the words "Spider-Man." This is NOT reverse psychology.
- spino bro: when you open the door for a bunch of feminist
- Allard: +Александр Шалаев If the MK Wiki is correct, MKAK's MK2 is glitched with the AIs receiving player inputs before the player character, so they react much quicker than they are supposed to.
- Mangos of Doom: +Manases Iracheta Sanchez SAME!
- santiago brito: Know your place
- Bora AYDIN: I always wondered how sausage was made!
- Ismail Abd Khalil: This theme + Squiggly's intro animation = epic
- 1000Eyes: yes
- Vendettas Clan: Ah oc
- El Mamaní :v7: Pinche rolon la gran ptm, larga vida a Skullgirls :'v/
- Blade Brent: +paul duncan Might want to have thought out that last sentence a bit more, but yeah, Fukua is awesome. I understand wanting the guys though. Who could give up a guy called "TankFist" who has a Tank on his fist. Issac also had an awesome idea for the gameplay mechanic. I was surprised to see that even Adam had some fans,despite kinda boring given every other character on the roster, and my friend wanted to see Stanley the shark in game. I wish they had known that they couldn't give Eliza that blood mechanic, then maybe someone else would have won. I recall on a stream, that Mike Z said his vote would have gone to Minette if he could vote. Although, if you're referring to Juju when you say #13, she's beside Panzerfaust
- Marcos Cruz Herran: After reading the comments on this video, im glad to not be the only one who think's that Bloody Marie is hard...
- Carol 9Ball: +Prince Serenity why? This in fact is quite relaxing :3 My niece of four years old loved the song too :)
- Lightning5182: true dat
- Abel Hernandez: Spenic JUST A MOMENT
- ScoutKirby: When I saw the Skeleton with the Gun... I immediately thought "I've got a BONE to pick with you! NYEHEHEHEHEHEH!"
- Zed C: "Everything I say is a catchphrase!" - Beowulf, Skullgirls
- Emmarel: +Matt Stephenson I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but no one really cares about what you want to see or don't want to see in a comment chain. There are a bunch of people on the interwebs and you're going to encounter lots of them that have different viewpoints than you, and these said people are going to do what they enjoy and comment on whatever account they want to comment on.
- paul duncan: +Blade Brent Hate to break it to you but, http://skullgirls.wikia.com/wiki/Juju#Juju
- MasterCrazy: Probably, ''Satori maiden- 3rd Eye''
- Capureeya: *KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE!* Managed to beat the 300% version with a lot of swearing though
- Annokh: "Know your place!.." Arghhhh... *goes back to MK*
- Spenic: ladies and gentlemen it`s show time
- Nobu Nobu: This is Tuna with bacon?? Fight!!!
- LRiv C: Александр Шалаев Rugal.... or thah Igniz bastard...
- WebkinzLover995: My sister thinks she's hard too XD
- •V2•: H I
- Catherine The Succubus: Hehehe... Really Peacock? ZONE-tan Brought on This Majestuous Music.
- mmazingace: I swear, a good song can turn any less-than-scary boss into a terrifying nightmare. This boss and Baby Bowser from Yoshi's island along with their songs are perfect examples; Not scary on their own, but together with their final battle themes they become equal parts terrifying and intimidating.
- Corva: *See how weak I am in japanese*
- Soinc The Hadjug: This needs to be the new E X T R A T H I C C.
- Omar Francisco: Y O U C A N T S T O P M Y W I S H
- dεкuЪคε 煤: Marie:"You Dare Challenge Me?" Me: I do But i will die hard Bitch That skullheart Is mine
- DAY 15: Yeah
- Blade Brent: +paul duncan Thats a shame. Oh well. There are cooler characters on the roster anyways
- Black Knight 323: someone else wishes for a sequel of the game?
- Navi, The Real Fairies Queen Former YANG.: No care, Only here for the actual game and Two Best Friends Play.
- Arko: I'm the only one that hear Marie's taunts whenever i play this theme? I swear that I can hear "Die", "Go slave" ,"Know your place" ", "See how weak you are" , "So sure you can defeat me?", "Fear me" , "Be afraid", "Serve your new master" as the music go.
- Jugdjay: That might be because Michiru Yamane is one of this game's music composers
- Catherine The Succubus: ZONE
- Kaede Akamatsu: ... no, I still think Shao Kahn is cheaper than her.
- TheHybridGryph: This theme lasts longer than the battle. The later parts are also even better... (I really like this theme)
- Stürmb: Fun-fact: It took me 3 hours to beat this boss as Peacock with no breaks.
- Magolor: POYO
- Ulises-MainRakan:B: Ladys and gentlemen... ITS SHOOOWTIME!
- R3M11X: +Manases S. Matsuzaki second that on filia. tho nightmare mode was a pain in the ass to beat.
- Cell-chan Kikuhara 8: The hardest boss ever I died so many times beating her 😰
- MoGek0n: 12 People don't know how weak they are.
- stiffy kitsune: nice B,B hod avatar
- ScoutKirby: You don't get the joke, do you.
- Catherine The Succubus: This Music is 4 Words and "Tan" ZONE-tan brought me here
- Steven Insertlastnamehere: 12 people don't know their place.
- Squiddy Pearl: Patricia... go away please...
- Arael Angel: Sir, u deserve my like
- KatanaBladeNeko: Am I the only one here who think Marie IS NOT hard?
- VulxaniSolas: I love the beginning to this track. I fucking love it. With that said, I can't fucking stand anything after it until it loops back to the beginning. I know, I know, I'm probably going to get some flack for this, but I don't care. I've said my piece.
- ñots: 0:00 "Were you not told? This is not over."
- launch base zone: "everything I say will be quoted throughout history." - Super Kami Guru, DBZ Abridged
- The Great Kur-Ta-Wii-Gee: MAKE ME BITCH!!
- KLuigee: Lyrics please!
- RagingSalamence: I'd say she is literally worse than Shao Khan.
- Kokichi Ouma: are you one of them?
- Catherine The Succubus: And Filia
- Fernando A Nieves: Baron Saladfork Familiar waifu lesson number 1: never talk about ur waifu's age ever
- Jonathan W: +Raiden Shibou head to newgrounds and use your imagenation on what it can be
- Magical Girl Piplup: OMG this song rocks
- kbbbbbb: +paul duncan Wow, there are some odd picks for characters... I mean, the tutorial lady?
- Nurse Valentine: MforMovesets Valentine is my waifu,she's so hot,but pretty dangerous sometimes (always). XD
- Queen Bloodriana: *Avery
- The Shaboodle: I DON'T WANT TO KNOW MY PLACE ;~;
- VenomLeon: Now now, Marie.. That's no way to talk to adults, little girl. xD
- ↑ýr: +Chiaki Nanami Can you let me defeat you so I can wish the same thing?
- EdxSarxNatxChoc: +ChrisCube Jude Once but not twice.
- H'aaztre hupadgh Yog-Sothoth: A great game that you should play
- TacticalNerd1963: +DEV-EPIC Valentine. With her, its 10% easier to get a pantyshot.
- TheKremant: This Music its realy epic if you ask me.
- 064razor: +Marcos Cruz Herran her normal form is easy, stay in the hair and occasionally guard against her minor skulls, but keep an eye out when she sets up a skeleton bomb or uses the major skull attack, once she's about to enter phase 2 quickly guard. Phase 2 is the most difficult phase, she'll use her shadow to attack you, it'll automatically punch you if you fight her head on too long, she'll send in some other skeletal assists to fight for her, but after you get past phase 2, she's practically dead after that. She won't attack as often but will take more damage and randomly use any attack from the 2 other phases.
- LRiv C: Zed C know your place!
- soulblade :3: its jontron
- Slashbash: No one cares.
- Chris Knapp: You shouldn't be here.
- Shark witch 2: BEST FINAL BOSS THEME EVER!!!!
- Pepsi Man: +R3M11XxNATIONS If you challenge Marie 300, you're gonna have a bad time.
- Yoko The inkling: Yeah, like you.
- Imma Xehanort: I can't think of this the same way after Zone's flash.
- Ice Bear: KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE!!! *mash the attack buttons*
- Derek Walsh: Now it's 17 lol
- Bass Canon: How come all the "am I the only one" comments are never the only one and are highly relatable
- Jonathan W: +ChromaLuke trust me, if you don´t know then we should not pollute your pure mind with that. trust me on this one
- Catherine The Succubus: ZONE-tan
- Chu E.: trolling mexican that's what got them the job.
- lansingwolverine: Ahhhhhh Ahhhhh Ah Ahhhhhh Ah Ahhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhh I think that's what it is...
- LRiv C: Scruffy0105 And also for Big Band.
- TacticalNerd1963: I hope I meet peacock someday, we have so much in common
- ZewdPlays: Who the hell know what this game is, byt It's got damn good music.
- Tanooki: +Shriek Your profile picture just fits perfectly with the text you wrote xDD
- Catherine The Succubus: Me Too.. i heared This Majestuous music in The Hentai Game of ZONE-SAMA
- cardboardclock4: Make yourself usefull
- Awalys: What kind of twisted abomination do you keep?
- Chuchuca: Sounds like Castlevania
- shibomu: BB Hood would be a dope guest character
- Yumoe Yuki: the intro remember me a bit of satori theme , but anyway sounds cool :3
- Sir Kinsella98: vFGG l Brofisto Nope.
- Hidden Flare: ScoutKirby Marie: Not many people come around here, last one was him and he's died...
- Anonomous: Kaede Akamatsu accurate
- Faust: It's the kind of comments attention whores make. If you ask yourself "am i the only one that/who ..." you can be pretty sure you ain't.
- kingofthering24: Know your place! Serve your new master!
- DAY 15: I can't beat that fucking boss with fuckin anyone except the one with the arm-hat!
- Anime Factory: I Listen this song in the Hentai Parody of ZONE-SAMA ZONE BROUGHT ME HERE!!
- Moaz Nasr: Albertkyoka part time lover by Stevie Wonder
- El Mamaní :v7: There it's tuna with bacon ACTION!!!
- Nqnt41: Aaaaaaaahhh. I get it. Bloody Marie. Bloody Mary. Clever.
- Jonathan W: i can´t listen to this with a straight face after seeing "that" video. quite the shame as it is a kick ass theme
- Prosciutto Cotto: is this how the story ends?
- Catherine The Succubus: ZONE-SAMA
- Gum Seirin: The last time I heard this song was when Record Skullgirls hentai video on my channel , ah good times
- Drjhordan: +VulxaniSolas Nope, nope, I'm pretty much with you. For me it is more natural a music have a good pay-off after the build up. This track does the exact opposite. Goes all out in the first 50 seconds, then..... I feel nothing for the rest 2m10s, unless I am actually in the game.
- Vendettas Clan: Aeris ah Oc
- Xilofone: Quiet on the set! Action!
- Carol 9Ball: seriously..? Even in a Skullgirls video you guys make the favor of bringing up freaking Undertale.......?
- The Great Kur-Ta-Wii-Gee: Aku may be dead but his meme will never die
- Dio Brando: Shriek ZA WARUDO
- SugokuSiij: +Drjhordan I completely agree, just listen to the first minute on loop lol
- Arcadia The IV: Not Bad...
- zummone: Metipocalypse That's kinda of what I did with Squigly, after discovering that airborne HK was OP as fug I did the fight in one take, still pretty engaging tho.
- NamiRocket: Sounds like Wonder Boy III to me.
- Ethan Lang: This thread is sad to read lmao
- Shinysaur -: Mattias Djärv *_SEE HOW WEAK YOU ARE_*
- Fernando A Nieves: Baron Saladfork Familiar she is actually 16
- Ice Bear: "You dare challenge me?"
- DonCon206 and Hedgie: Is it bad iplayed this to a sonic boss
- ali faruqui: I T S O F F I C I A L Y O U. S U C K
- Awalys: *Make yourself useful!*
- eltiolavara9: same
- eltiolavara9: This boss... So many ragequits... the music is still awesome
- ıllıaυraтιcıllı: Illias... didnt you die?
- STUFF: +EdxSarxNatxChoc i can beat nightmare once
- A: This boss is hard even on easy, but the four characters I know can win no problem are peacock, valentin, ms.fortune, and cerabela.
- tyjr12: thx i was looking for this song!
- Rav: Zone didnt send me, but I still heard it in the filia flash :^)))))
- Twisted NateProductions: ...i know your pain.
- Shadaloo Vile: Has that amazing mix between the classic songs from Castlevania and Capcom's 90s fighters (Especially Onslaughts theme with obviously Darkstalkers) all mixed into a beautiful piece of music.
- joneken Wong: welp im sorry.... i knew i was very cringey.....
- ZarosianCabbage: MOM, I'M PLAYING VIDEO GAMES.
- Pedro Marenssi: D I E
- Alberto Torres Raya: from 0:10 to 0:20 remainds me about another song, I guess they made a remix for the game or something like that, can anyone one help me with that? :( what's the name of the original song? T^T
- Green Asteroid: I get flashbacks of the zonetan animation listening to this
- Kyle Stubbs: I'd just like to point out that Marie has 2.5x the health of whichever character you fight her with. Both phase changes come after one and two "regular" health bar's worth of damage is dealt to her.
- Not Steven The Beaver: launch base zone I'm pretty sure it's "I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say."
- the rocking goomba: Explains a lot about the character designs.
- Nojical: 1:17 Marie is pissed at how not dead you are by this point.
- Gamerdude854: Easiest way to win is 2 or 3 hit combo, block, rinse and repeat
- milky: Not really. I can beat her at about hard mode.
- Glyphayel Talseek: +Deadpool You have NO IDEA. ...Actually you kinda do, but yeah Deadpool and Peacock would be best buddies.
- Ear Rape is my ASMR: +Yumoe Yuki So I'm NOT the only one who thinks that!
- Chris Knapp: Now you work for me.
- 1Nanalo: I use this song to make my baby sleep
- Goodstar63: papyrus good one
- Alberto Torres Raya: Zubstanze no :/
- salvador 001: +Yuki Terumi good ol' Lemmy
- Robert Pugh: The music is awesome on its own, but in my personal opinion it is the combination of the music and the voice of the character throughout the entire fight that really drives the effect home, they compliment each other perfectly.
- Leatherhead: 1:17 is this how the story ends?
- Tuskor: Best choice for a banger tho
- Moto Eleven: Blasting the TV while fighting Marie.... to this theme... Epic...
- muhammad nur al hafiz: Marie:you dare callenge me? Steel ronin: bring me a callenge
- Awalys: This music isn't P and it DEFENITELY isn't bad.
- MadNut321: Ew
- IHopeHopelessChangesOverTime: KNOW YOUR PLACE ELIZA GOD!
- Drakorphobia: Ulises-BlueDF Gentlemen and ladieses*
- APersonNamedJune: *K N O W Y O U R P L A C E*
- EdxSarxNatxChoc: Depends on what mode you played her in and the tactic you used. Very Easy after tons of hours into it? Or Nightmare mode with a really cheap tactic?
- Squiddy Pearl: *Insert mettaton here
- 1Nanalo: know your place
- MforMovesets: Worst choice for a waifu.
- Heian eln: Cerebella?
- TacticalNerd1963: if I was a character in this game, that woman would be dead in 3 seconds flat!
- DEV-EPIC: but you are in the game!... as a little girl with robot arms, lazers, killer cartoons, no eyes, and a tophat! :3
- PorkyTheKing: And it's in the can!
- Cee mcneil: love it
- Team carrot cake: Dio brando + Marie = sakuya izayoi
- familthethe: See how weak you are!
- Kaede Akamatsu: +↑ýr Absolutely.
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Skullgirls: The Skullgirl ~ VS Bloody Marie | |
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Cars & Vehicles | Upload TimePublished on 25 Apr 2012 |
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