I know a lot of people like this one
All credit to 4LeafStudios and Nicol Amarfi
- Aeir Soulhaven: It's probably meant to be the 'tense' bass / drum beat. Not quite in the background, but not quite in the foreground. It's just loud enough to stand equal with the melody.
- Lilly satou: No, no i don't.
- TheGmodkilla: Stop using logic!
- TheGmodkilla: This has been explained before. Your actions are useless.
- Gaming Arcania: Stagnating same
- mujari: dat bass part
- Michael Archer: Best song from the game IMO
- Otael: *tear*
- Raxius: Those feels, even after one year
- OnewingedMasios: I love this song so much idk why...
- Zerotic: Such an enchanting melody.
- alex bel: Ethan Goldstein aka its the perfect song, am I wrong? ;)
- UsernameMadeNChina: Yeah ;_;
- Mike Beck: I agree. I would have used more dissonant harmony.
- Zakhara: I only now just noticed that some of this is an upbeat remix of Wiosna. That's...stunningly appropriate.
- mgsmuhammad: Sounds like someone's jimmies got molested hard.
- henriquedematos: I know right? ;_;
- stickmanymickmany: What's so fun with trolling like an idiot?
- Keegan F: arrhythmia could kill you, I'd honestly, if I had to pick, prefer to lose both legs
- Stagnating: There is just something I really like about this song... Makes me feel nostalgic.
- Pandakiid: I just played it yesterday...man I am hooked to this game lol. I've been told then feels will come down on me
- GrayHyaena Denovo: I know that feeling, mate. Katawa shoujo came in my life when it was going bad(and I broke with a girl before ks too)
- Luiz Henrique Rolim Antonio: Best song in the game, especially the beggining
- Professor Lemur: Four months down the line, how were your feels?
- Kelohmello: Does this remind anyone else of Besaid Island from Final Fantasy X-2? I think this song is surely influenced by it, it starts of the same, percussion comes in around the same time, and a few other noticeable bits.
- ViperXG1: I get the feeling you're from KSG.
- Shames James: I started playing KS a little while ago and now I'm hooked. I love every thing about this "game". The characters feel like real people. The visuals really do add something to this game, and the music! I will be playing this sound track until the day I die. KS seems to have a song for every real life situation. This is "game" is easily one of the best experiences with this kind media.
- clockworkTailbeast: You could also just launch up the game and open the Extras, so you get the direct source...
- Kayton: +Justin Good Lord He's Awkward Yeah, the beginning is epic
- Fucktardickis: @pokeplat HHHHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG
- Adrián Rivera: Generation a generation
- nutyforduty: i finished the game with emi without bad ending with rin withouth bad ending than trying to reach lilly's ark i discovered that kenji could have killed me
- joeypie96: In the beginning this song scares the shit out of me, it sounds like I made a wrong choice or something and now somebody's gonna flip on me.
- Bartosz Lenarczyk: This game made me run. Which is good. I'm happy I played it. There are no bounds, and I tell you, my knee surgery will not stop me from running, I promise this to the people who watch this comment and loved Emi.
- Bartosz Lenarczyk: I'll clear your doubt by saying what is it. (:
- Wah My: In a heartbeat...I see what you did there.
- Vana Skiller: @Judgementofsaturn Rin: I can't... Me: T^T
- The Adam Grace: It's that beautiful sound of fingers sliding on guitar strings. Same reason that I love Bellflower from Baten Kaitos.
- Kevin Ruelas: No
- Nafi Napkin: This track fill me with DETERMINATION
- Heartsickruben: Rin's route was so frustrating ! But I enjoyed it very much
- Bontacoon: i fucking cried like a bitch after Lilly's good ending. Those feels man.
- Judgementofsaturn: I'm sorry you feel that way bro =/
- OSTkid: @TheDude9491 Yeah, I tried listening to it at the pc in school this way. For a moment I had frozen because I thought someone was playing the piano in the room :P
- John Smith: "this song sums up hisao in a 'heartbeat'" I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR
- SpeedsMcRonalds: ... Holy shit, how did I not notice that?!
- Sachiko The Ex-God Knight: I smell nostalgic! ^u^ best game I play.
- HighLevi: Cause they're both VN's
- King'sFieldFan97: tell me how can i go for other people i got emis i finished it i dont want6 to start hers again
- Sceyef: This is my jam
- Perposterown: .... I love you Lilly. You will always be in my heart ;_; Thank you for staying with me instead of going back to Scotland.
- TheGmodkilla: How?
- Xanderia: Could somebody please tell me what instruments are used for these OST's? I guess it's piano and guitar, with a few other ones, but I can't tell if they're synthesized or done in real life.
- Psycho the Klown: @flam3boy1337 I think Hokabi would suit Emi better.
- casper9042: Well written I'd give you a hug I read this when i first finished my first route and cried a little and later when i tried to find this comment again I couldn't it took me months but it finally came back to me at 4 am lol! thank you for this
- Xcrysis: If only Lucio played this instead of club music
- FreakkyMinty: exacty the same with me. KS made me stronger.
- NewtMcgoot: My favorite theme, oh man.
- HotLooP: When I hear this theme in game, at first it feels like there's gonna be trouble, then it calm down a bit like everything's going to be alright.
- pokeplat: @underdog353777 Hehehe.......Hisao........Heartbeat
- Rubem Evangelista: IDK why this song scares the hell out of me even more than any other song in this game. Maybe it's because it played so often in Rin's path and it was entirely depressing af. Also the way it plays with the sad notes and then change the tune to a more happily one must get its credit too. Still, I'm most addicted to it than any other song in the game.
- Anthony Hill: apparently this theme is filled with a sinister undertone, which explains the use it has in some of the scenes that it's played in. i'm having trouble finding the "sinister" undertone the song has, though...
- Sam C: It reminds me of Phoenix Wright a little
- RengeHouswagkuji: This reminds me of Emi a lot... Then again, so does everything.
- Kevin Ruelas: Hate this song
- Judgementofsaturn: this is true
- Judgementofsaturn: @Jiurke it plays in rins too.....rin....please smile ;_;
- Joffrey Abeilard: This game. Seriously. Love It. #feels
- Judgementofsaturn: Type in (katawa shoujo walkthrough map) in images, you should see a bigass flowchart detailing all possible routs.
- dracomanm: Hanako was amazing in both her own and Lily's arc, heck, the whole game made me laugh, cry and feel unlike I ever did in my entire life
- Ivan Ramirez: I agree
- masterparko: Good for you, dude/dudette. Good for you.
- Ethan Goldstein: This track fill me with conflicted feelings. On one hand, the track feels lighthearted and upbeat. On the other, this track can be played at some of the more tense scenes in the game.
- Hiro Ushio: why do i feel like i have heard this in FFX2
- DuckieMcduck: I hate this one. Shit always happen.
- Guy Gurgi: It sounds so dramatic at firat but then... Then it turnes into a cheery tune
- TheGmodkilla: I was gonna explain myself but now I don't want to.
- stickmanymickmany: -_- Well it's a bit unfortunate for you as well, as this is Youtube not iamafuckingdouchebagsite.
- Alan Trujillo: lool all you fgts fkin crying, i baww thot his game all day too... feels good man
- Marbrave_Otaku: Esta música me fascina. Es que siempre que la oigo en el juego, aunque ya miles de veces ya la haya oído, siempre me toma por desprevenido. Es que empieza muy tenso, como si se presentase un problema, lucharas por superarlo y al lograrlo te recompensará con la siguiente melodía más relajante después de la tensión x,D. O así lo percibo, por eso me parece espectacular ;3.
- Theshockmaster5eva: Dem pixels
- TheToxicSis: "Sums up Hisao in a heartbeat." Even Lilly sees what you did there.
- Ano Hito: Cheerful and motivating music
- bleep bloop: I personally thought that Kenji's ramblings were hilarious. But I did get his Bad End three times in Act 1...
- Igor: @OSTkid woah... 1080p (best sound quality available) + good headphones = perfectly clear music thats awesome.
- GekkouKitsune: This triggers my anxiety since the first time I heard it
- Jacobontherun1: Happy Birthday Hanako <3
- Larfe517exe: @underdog353777 lol, heartbeat
- Justin Good Lord He's Awkward: +Sceyef Lol. Mine too! That start is insane.
- pseudogenesis: It's all synthesized, I think. Barring maybe the cinematic themes. The composer plays piano, so he might've done all the piano by hand, but as far as I know it's all synthesized.
- The Problem Must Be In Your Pants: Fantastic music that fits neatly within the game
- roverse: It's a good song, I won't argue about that, but the beginning sets the wrong mood about what is actually going on, even if it's supposed to mean what you guys are saying
- Ryan Matas: Those feels man
- Zekros: Emi ftw <3 She was my first route, loved her to bits. Her personality made me laugh at times and then those really heart wrenching moments. Simplistic as it seems, this rollercoaster of emotions I felt as if I was Hisao just made this game such an amazing experience for me as if I was in love myself. Alas I haven't found love yet but one day I hope I do so in RL and hope I feel the same way I did when I finished Emi's route with a happy ending. So glad I found this game, best thing ever.
- Mister lnferno: The start-up of this song sounds like Besaid island from Final Fantasy X
- OSTkid: Listening this with the headphones. DAT BASS.
- idol1506: felt the same... then came Clannad
- stickmanymickmany: There is so much behind the path itself, as you basically have to replay it to actually understand it all. That is it's flaw but also it's greatness: some love that replay factor, while others just want to play it through with all the cards on the table at once. I am of the latter category, unfortunately.
- BloodiedShingle: The first time I heard this, I listened and listened for the end, before the fact that the loop was pretty much perfect hit me square in the face. That made it all the more difficult for me to progress to the next scene, since I couldn't time it with the end of the song. I didn't want the darn thing to end. Amazing piece. My first stop anytime I open up the jukebox for a few minutes.
- stickmanymickmany: *.*
- NicolasGamer LoL: this song is very good djchwdhsfbcjsjdb im no't speak englesh
- RackJacked: Every time I heard the start of this song my heart dropped, it sounded like something really bad was about to happen. But then it breaks off into a much happier tone. This song still scares me.
- Ravenholme: I know what you mean, kinda made me realise that my ex breaking up with me was a good thing, if a VN could make me feel more strongly than she did in the latter two years of our relationship. And now I've found someone who makes me feel far more strongly than I did whilst playing KS
- Mordin mdkmi: This song plays through like 80% of emis route, barely recall it at all in hanakos route. If "Standing Tall" wasnt Emis official theme i would've thought this was.
- Ivan Ramirez: Me too, it's my favorite theme of KS
- Sam C: idk... just does
- underdog353777: This song, it starts out in a stumbling melody. Barely keeping pace, and when it seems to take its last fall... It goes on. Pushes past its problems, supported by a beat that keeps it moving. And it moves in stride, only getting stronger as it progresses. This song sums up Hisao in a heartbeat. Reminding us that after all, things do turn out alright. One just needs a little support...
- LukeDude759: I can definitely hear it in the intro, but the rest feels too upbeat in comparison.
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Katawa Shoujo OST - Stride | |
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