Octopath Traveler - Postgame Dungeon Cleared! (Builds + Strategy) - that was so funny

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019

Octopath Traveler - Postgame Dungeon Cleared! (Builds + Strategy)

  1. Florsch: Thanks :D Yeah, NG+ would be great. A question: Have you ever captured a cait/chubby cait? Haven't done this myself, but they seem to give you some OP buffs.
  2. kryzia: me seeing the octopath acronym: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THIS MAN IM NOT READY
  3. Lex Beltran: Do you have to complete all the side quests?
  4. JHgamer101: whats the benefit of running haanit for this run
  5. Steelwhale: That second fight was a NUT
  6. kryzia: Nn Li out of context 2018: "Oppression, that's fine. Oppression is okay."
  7. KurashiDragon: This dungeon's lore dump made me feel bad about killing a dragon. Like really, it just appeared out of nowhere, H'annit killed it and went about her day. But it turns out to be the very person that inspired Alfyn and the owner of Tressa's book and now I'm like, "Wow, now I feel bad. Wasn't expecting that."
  8. Phantom Blues: lol Vale and Azami are like the gothic duo. Congrats.
  9. Ningee: I’ll have to come back to this when I’ve beaten the game myself. I’m only just now starting the chapter 3s.
  10. Aaron DeVack: +YuzukiEba It would be maybe 10 times more difficult. But I would love to see people try, with atleast the support skills at just that.
  11. JHgamer101: and the last dungeon is unfair all rng and how to fuck up a good game
  12. Strago Magus: Thanks, the video would have been perfect if you had shown your equipment.
  13. Hazel Harry: Frick yeah!
  14. Birdman PB: Yeah so if you dont have the bishop staff do NOT keep casting light attacks after break. I was missing out on tons of damage, eventually realized it. But yeah, several times I got stuck in a long rotation of killing adds only to have one survive and then he spawns another etc. I ultimately lost when he cast....something on cyrus freezing him and then literally evaporated him from the battlefield.
  15. Florsch: Managed to beat son of a B. a few minutes ago. I know what you mean by: "ranging from unfair to easy." The second form almost insta-killed me with a 3-hit lightning strike, doing about 4k damage. If you don't have the right party setup, you're gonna have a bad time... The spurning ribbon....well, it would have been awesome if you could have used it in a new game+ or something. Visiting all end game areas with your lvl 5 party without having to worry about random encounters and getting all the loot :)
  16. Beef Good Sir: Idk how to send these to you but i have screenshots of my damage numbers
  17. gabriel estrella: From watching OhRichard, i learned that you can just remove your armor and lose a provoke duel and you'll always end up with 1hp
  18. David N: Thanks for this video! Fully copied your strategy after failing 5 times in a row on the final boss. XD
  19. Kiro Percelli: I find your accent annoying
  20. JD: Awesome. Now do it WITHOUT spamming items. Concoct is fine. Pokemon summons, also fine. Let’s go.
  21. Alex Shohet: What makes u start at 1 hp
  22. Talk2theHand1993: gabriel estrella Thats actually a really useful tip. Thanks for sharing :)
  23. Teo Borunda: Dang this last part of the boss is all about luck! I went in with same strategy and boss attacked me first and one hit my olberic with 6000 hp and killed everyone else but one. Kept trying to revive my guys with olive of L but he would just one hit me every time
  24. Birdman PB: I did final boss without the runelord / revitalizing jam. Still went easy enough. Second phase was hilarious. I had olberic as my warmaster. 4 battle cries and it was GG
  25. Yankee Doodle: Just spent two hours killing all the bosses. I went up the stairs to fight the final one and I had to make two parties. I had absolutely no idea what to do. To kill the 8 bosses I used: Cyrus-sorceror H'aanit-warmaster Tressa-runelord Alfyn-dancer This team was working amazing because I had Cyrus and h'aanit kill everything, Alfyn max out everyone's BP and heal everyone and I had tressa using all her runes to make us invincible and make h'aanits physical attacks even stronger. I thought I would just do this for the last battle as well. However I had to make a 2nd team. Yay. I had absolutely no plan whatsoever for the other 4. I thought I would make Olberic,prim,therion and Ophilia do the "easier" part, then I got completely destroyed. I grinded to make my original team amazing and I sort of just left the other 4. I'm kinda mad but all I can do is laugh.
  26. Nn Li: Final phase is pretty RNG. Congratz on beating it^^ I'd love NG+ for this game..
  27. Phantom Blues: Collecting all the battle-tested weapons and using all the nuts are keys to success. ^_^ Nut gives 8%-17%-35% permanent stats depending on its size. Imagine if you use every magical nut on Cyrus.
  28. Daniel: Great help! I beat it first time with your guide!!!
  29. Socello123: To be fair, it IS the grand finale of octopath traveler. Also this boss is post-game which means its not neccesary to even fight this boss. But if you are a completionist, well, I watch speedrunners to see how they quick-kill Galdera, so I guess just reaearch. Note: Bishop staff with Cyrus is important since the first phase of Galdera is weak to light, and Cyrus' divine skill + Lux congere does insane damage, even more if you add in Ophi's divine skill.
  30. GoldenBox12: JD That's probably impossible. But I actually managed to do just that yesterday with minimal items so maybe
  31. Nn Li: H'aanit Judgment Day Mode makes everything easy ^o^
  32. Ken S: Those final 8 bosses before the last were so easy I beat them all in 2 rounds. Olberic with warmaster and cyrus with sorcerer both can easily hit 100-200k with 3 bp. And all you gotta do for the final boss is keep getting olberic to use the warmaster divine skill whenever those adds pop up which 1 shot them, then break the eye which you can do easily using that axe that hits twice and 3 bp(8hits total). Then blast it down. Just have a bunch of those items that give BP which I think I had about 40 of the small 50 of the med and 25 of the large ones, so you shouldn't ever run out. Then the final boss just use Ophilia's divine skill on cyrus and break one of the 3 body parts the first round, break the next the second one(which should kill the first you broke), then just blast the one with whatever since it doesn't even need to be broken cos it's hp should be just about gone by then. Then the remaining boss will drop that 99 shield after you hit it once and with it only having 150k hp, it should only take a couple of rounds to kill it. My party members were all around lvl 60-70. Just set up those passive skills correctly to get the big damage numbers. If you got most of the good armors from the side quests you should easily be able to max out your attack on olberic for everything but staff at 999 and your elemental attack on cyrus at 999 with really any staff above 350 elemental attack. The stats though don't make nearly as big as difference as those passive skill though. 100 elemental attack only seems to do maybe 5% more damage at most while if you stack a lot of the elemental buff passive skills, you'll raise your damage output by so much more. I think at 999 elemental attack, cyrus can hit about 5-7k per hit with the sorcerer abilities, while with the passive's you can get that up to 30k+ per hit. You won't hit 30k on the final boss though cos it seems to have some epic magic defense or something but i was able to hit about 15-20k per hit without that magic def down ability. So still pretty good. H'aanit is a waste of time if you are using those low chance boss captures. It really makes no difference between H'aanit or olberic because really it's the warmaster job that does the damage. Olberic can at least lure the enemy to attack him while all of H'aanit's abilities are shit. I just stuck H'aanit with the alchemist sub and used her to use the alchemist divine skill to make items effect on all party members. You really could use any character to do anything the way the game is set up. You could make Olberic the sorcerer and cyrus the warmaster and as long as you set up the passive skills and have the right equips, the damage won't really be that different.
  33. Voice Seeker: after using your team A & B builds and dying because of ally placement not being in my favor, i used your gauntlet build on the eye and finished that phase within 10 minutes with me getting hit only once, but then team B died because of me experimenting with them. this boss feels super rnged using this strategy but it's fast. i still have not beat him but i got super close, with my downfall being me not realizing hannit was out of sp on the turn she would have killed him on.
  34. Lukas: Call me Zelda ONE moar time yeah ikr
  35. Vinh Nguyễn Lê: I thought Graham is Redeye, not the dragon. But it's still sad in the end tho.
  36. Frank Rodriguez: I agree, I'm at Lvl 72 with all my party and my MC is at LVL 80. I'm able to cheese thru all 8 bosses without fail since my current built can do damage of 40-50K. Still, I can't beat this boss! I can last a long time... Last time I checked I was just battling for two hours on the eye phase alone before he got bored with me and one-shot my entire party! Just like that, two hours were wasted and I didn't even make a dent to his health. I have a hard time when he spawns all three of them. I managed to match all the weak elements but by that time If I kill one or two of them all of my buffs or BP are gone or cleared away by the eye. Sometimes the eye will re-spawn right away the one/two souls I've killed. This is way too frustrating and ridiculously hard! Especially, when the entire game I was never killed nor had this much trouble beating a boss, not even Direwolf!
  37. Barack Bramhall: A more reliable way to farm rev jam that I found was to go to wellspring and repeatedly challenge Erhardt. I find he drops them pretty liberally.
  38. Florsch: Just gave this a try for the first time.... oh boy... I think my mistake was actually going for the weaknesses of those adds. Fought this thing for about 30 mins., I maybe did around 300k dmg to it. Then one of those things exploded and did around 8k dmg, killing my entire party..... Then I was like: "Fck u game!" XD But seriously, doing this whole gauntlet over again is very annoying. Seems the divine skills of cleric and apothecary are a necessity here
  39. everett dockery: There are 19,958,400 builds using the 8 characters and 12 jobs in a 4 member party. If you include the number of support skills the number is astronomical.
  40. izuru kamakura: Phantom Blues thanks now got to get back to doing ursula
  41. Xanndovo: Steelwhale Yeah if you attack first. But he attacked first and one shotted my whole team
  42. Dion Grant: I had to see how far you lvld up hannit. So I went back to the damn maw of the ice dragon. I found the caits, and after much avail I had to get everyone at good enough lvl. My lord. Don’t even step if hannit isn’t even near lvl 75 everyone. Manny thanks! You made the eye a cruise, but still had to hope the dice were rolled in my favor to beat the second portion. (Just got obliterated first couple times battling it/him?..) How many ppl went in there and realized they didn’t equip jobs,skills,weapons, and armor to your secondary party. Nothing like spending a solid 45 minutes beating the eye to see hannit in her hunters garb with no weapons equipped in the second half....thanks again, and a big shout out to bewildering grace that had half my party at lv 70 at chapter two lol.
  43. GarageSeller: The point of it is to badly punish you if you lose
  44. Justin Tan: goldmemberpb ;
  45. JasX: Is there a way to retry the fight after beating it? I screwed up and overwrite my data. Ahhhh
  46. Pineyy: Just the side quest with kit
  47. David N: Congrats on completing Post game. I'm still so far away since I've only just completed Chapter 1 for everyone. XD
  48. Tsunamayo: Strago Magus it’s in his H’aanit Judgement day video
  49. Frank Rodriguez: What I did is just alter Dohters with Tressa Aflyn or Therion. Tressa's Rune light transfer with the right skills can do 30-40K damage! It's too good to waste most of the time. That's why I like to alter between them. Also, just in case she dies then you don't loose it.
  50. peter sucuk: Am i the only one triggered he's using the best class to spam dohters items (runelord) while his alf does nothing? xD still good strategy i did it similarly dohters is just broken
  51. Call me Zelda ONE moar time: Ur telling me you already beat this man? HOW
  52. Nn Li: Noooo don't do it! D:
  53. YuzukiEba: Can we beat this boss without the advanced job classes. Meaning only the basic 8 classes ?
  54. Ian Crawford: For some reason I can't see any comments although it says there are 25 comments at the top. Tried closing the browser and opening again but no luck. Also if you want to skip to the build I believe it starts at 12:18 .
  55. Beef Good Sir: Using some buffing skills and armor corrosive i managed to hit for 99999 on every hit (except staff) of the warmaster divine skill
  56. Lukas: Craaazy, dude
  57. Phantom Blues: :/ I just realize today that the stats on weapons only work on the last one you've used to do basic attack in battle. I was happily stacking evasion on every weapon for Therion...
  58. Edward Stephenson: Chantal Benton Or a timestamp for where the build will be. That'd be handy.
  59. anthony sweat: I'd love to see one on the post game diary you get telling how everything is connected, I am not going to have time to go through the post game with back to school upon us .I'm starting chapter 3s and that and chapter 4s will be all I can do if I even get the 4s done
  60. T Dot T: Damn, I got my a$& handled so I watched this video and I still don’t believe I can take him on. Time for a break.
  62. Miles: How the heck do you get that much damage from haanit? I'm level 70 and can't get that much with that job class? What am I doing wrong
  63. Frank Rodriguez: I have the same Built with Haanit as Warmaster. I can go thru the 8 bosses pretty fast but for some reason I can't deal with Galdera! Too hard. I do have a similar party setup, levels and stats. So, from all the strategies I've done I think I can use yours to finally defeat this hard boss! I still love this game so much tho! It just saddens me that I can't finish it properly by defeating this boss!
  64. DeadFortune: goldmemberpb Thank you! I had no idea where to get Energizing Pomegranates from. I thought they were finite by only being available in chests and stealing/purchasing them from NPCs. If you have found a better method, please post a response.
  65. Red Rune: Literally just beat the final boss just now. Holy shit, Galdera kicked my ass 5 times. So party setup. First phase party: Hunter Olberic, Cleric Primrose, Merchant Therion, Sorcerer Cyrus Second phase party: Warmaster H'aanit, Starseer Ophilia, Thief Tressa, Dancer Alfyn. Alfric's auspice on Cyrus for first phase for all your breaking/damage needs and also Hunter Olberic is necessary for breaking top soul. Keep party up and keep bp and buffs running on cyrus and phase 1 is easy. (Also thunder resist amulets are really good) Phase 2 I just gave bp to H'aanit and buffed her for her divine. And I spammed it a few times to one shot the adds. Make sure you get buffs/debuffs off for H'aanit from Alfyn/Tressa then they can probably die, although having their bodies to soak meteor storm is nice. Ophelia and H'aanit are the main ones that need to be up. (Also, fire resistance amulets are ridiculous for the meteor storms.) Fun fight, hope to optimize it to make it safer overally
  66. Frank Rodriguez: OMG, OMG, OMG I was finally able to BEAT HIM!!!! YEEEEEES!!
  67. Frank Rodriguez: I keep getting killed with that explosion move... I use concoct a lot and it helps but sometimes it doesn't as much since the eye keeps killing the party members I buff right after in one single shot. And all my characters are around lvl 70-80...
  68. Chantal Benton: Is there a text version of this build anywhere? I am leveling and trying to build toward this but some of the builds are hard to follow.
  69. goldmemberpb: everytime i think the amount of damage i did to this boss is absurd, you somehow do 5x as much XD. never thought about using a danger mario strat for this. I just used the transfer rune/sidetep and scrambled to heal everyone up when he used the heartless angel attack or debuffed my entire party. But somehow, i managed to beat the second phase on my very first try against it.
  70. Nn Li: that works too! I'm too lazy to have to pay again for the reputation restoration, though :P
  71. Nn Li: Having all the Battle-tested weapons, plus being at 1hp while having the "Fortitude" support skill makes a huge difference.
  72. goldmemberpb: it is so unnecessary for you to have to beat the 8 bosses again just to fight the boss. it is a massive waste of time. This would be like losing to wily in a megaman game and having to start back at the boss rush again. I still can't beat this boss. Even at my level, the first form did 4k damage with its explosion attack. Those adds also have way way too much HP. You think a boosted magic attack would kill in one shot but nope. they start poisoning you, crazy magic attacks and then the eye starts buffing them or it uses that orb attack to ohko my party members. I need a way to farm some of the BP recovery items.
  73. Rxmonste: What's up with the screen borders?
  74. Robert McCurdy: he killed ha'anit and revived her with a non-boosted ressurection
  75. Rengganis Ridwan: This waaay better than other channel that (he claim to have) completed this quest first just to brag about it
  76. Mohammad Zola: Can u please show your haanit support skill and equipments? Thank u
  77. Cody Braley: I used this same setup to for the second part of the fight with Warmaster H'annit, the other 3 characters were way under leveled for this( 1 was 50 other 2 were in the 30s) and just used support items to get her in range for damage.
  78. Khuong Tran Hoang: Thank for your tips. i wachted all of them. i just beated final boss today with haanit 1hp. i failed 5 times before. Anyways, good game. P/s: i like your voice xD
  79. SoulSilver12: Just wanted to say thank you for this video. I got demolished by the final boss about 6 times. 1 Hp Fortitude H'annit made me beat the phase 2 boss in 3 turns.
  80. Marco Mendiola: it sucks that you can't save in between the 8 bosses and the final bad.. cause after losing to the final bad, I'm never going back to fighting all those 8 again just to get to him.
  81. izuru kamakura: Hey I was playing xenoblade chronicles 2 and I got 3 rare blades in a row first one was the doll lady second was Godfrey and the dark lance girl
  82. X: tried once, but failed on 2nd phase, then followed this strategy. 1-hp H'aanit is too OP :D
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Octopath Traveler - Postgame Dungeon Cleared! (Builds + Strategy)

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YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 23 Jul 2018

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