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- Disco Stew: WTF ha
- Stephen Sandoval: Wut da fucc?
- athifahmed93gmail: I swear the WWE games have the best glitches xD
- հokцƽ ρokus: 2:18 when i remember i have to be a functional member of society
- Pegi Hermawan: That is The Undertaker fastest entrance walk ever!
- technical guru: ZZ 🖐️😂😂😂😂
- Da Stormcomin: Clearly this was not thought through on 2ks part.
- King Buccs: Smackdown vs Raw still the best
- Pity Martinez: Wtf
- AFK Squad: Arianna sawyer 209 2 he’s like fuck this shit I’m out
- Alan Heyes: Azar Abbas Brock is clearly possessed.
- Juvy Estrada: Funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. Dead AF 💀 💀!!! Thanks for the laugh
- Jay: 😂😂😂
- Vixi Plays: Disco deewane wwe match
- rudy reigah: Wow what realism def gonna get this game!
- Saurav Sarkar: Einstein has left the chat
- gg Allan: 0:51 where did the ref come from?
- The Fragrance Apprentice: This is like the Gmod idiot Box.
- OneBigBugga: Look more like a Pretzel to me
- Simon Vs The World: How does this series continue to be so damn broken? Every years WWE game I consistently see something similar to this in the game.
- Prateek Attri: This is some supernatural shit going on there Brock Lesnar getting possesed and flying..... Undertaker going through the mat 🤣
- Eddie83: Glitch trash
- Fails Pakistan: Hahahahahahahahahaha most funniest scene hahaha
- Cutie Honey Club: +Rocky P You didn't get the comment
- zenmasteRQc: Lul. So many wtf moments.😂
- Sajib Chowdhury: 3:45 "I can tell you nobody is happy about it." :D :V
- cory drury: Lol gee and i was gonna say they really need to work on the announcing voice overs .. They were just talking like the ring never broke. But then again the announcing has always been horrible..
- devi putri: Wtf is going on here
- Killer Boss: How do you break the ring in the first place?
- CyberOctaneJun: Ever since 2k took over the franchise, everything has been nothing but shit.
- Anthony Thomas: This made me itchy for some reason
- Bilal Badar: "Undertaker looking mortal" - Cole *Undertaker contorting his body all around the ring ropes before vanishing through the ring. Yeah, I don't think so, Cole.
- Darth Raider: Be glad you’re not playing this tripe.
- WWE ZeeShaN: hahahahahaa
- Psycho •: 2:58 brock knows how to teleport
- SolidShark OFFICIAL: Referee magnet hands
- Bhanu vema reddy: Is it conjuring sequence 😂
- The Ambient Forge: 'I can tell you, nobody's happy about it!'
- Afzal Ahmed: Wtf
- Pranav p: Undertaker vanish😄🤣
- redneckgamer x: And this is exactly why 2K needs to stop making WWE games
- Chris McCraw: This is so funny😂 great video👌🏻
- S.A GAMING: Hahahahahaha very funny 😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😀😀😀
- Epic Potato: Watching Undertaker running with the briefcase in the hand is really a rare thing
- anamta ali: Refree have magnetic hands
- Keith Patterson: Or Creation Suite......Loljk!!!
- Shane Farley: " I can tell you nobody is happy about it " 😂😂🤣
- Elon Martin: Look like they smoke bath salt
- MrAppomatox: A fine game then... same shit since 2006
- FrogTrump YT: 😂
- MooGoesTheUnicorn: Who asked Chris brown to dance at 1:55 lmao
- Unknown Gamer: LMAO
- Kaydee: 😂😂😂😂
- AFK Squad: At 2:13 undertaker like surprise mother fucker
- Gregory Higgins Jr: Thank you for that i needed this
- Rohit Nain: I:45 undertaker vanished
- Johnny Mcclain: Lmmmaaaaaoooooooo😂😂😂😂
- Kid Behind A Computer Screen: First WWE game + Better Graphics=
- Ryan Hutchins: lol they really dropped the ball when it came to this game. i mean how to did a glitch this big/basic make it past there testers?
- monster 007: we want THQ fuck 2k
- Malce Malice: "How to break a already broken game."
- Zelice Shinoda: Wrestling meets LSD 🤣
- Maurice Fuqua: The commentary needs to be better
- Codeman1215: This game is so unrealistic. Brock never wrestles on RAW. 😂
- Humanoid Nfin8: You're drunk, WWE2k19... Go home.
- FoxxyGradius: COME LES NAR. WE BATTLE IN THE OLD WAY. *Terrifying spaghetti noises*
- Nandan Bangera: WtF is that bugs wwe thq.inc should have worked on it Think if it happens in real life
- Lord Okkult Lacerator: 3:25 I almost died the way he runs
- gobriggsy: It's a little glitchy when I did it in Universe, but I liked the result, and I spun it off into a Falls Count Anywhere stipulation for the rematch.
- Dhruba Tara Sarkar: Lol😁😁😂😂
- JackGeezy: LOL 2019 and it's still this bad
- Michael Westen: Well Lesnar crawled backstage
- shady records: Still better than fallout 76☝️😌
- A_V_P_K: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- DaShawn F. Ranklin: lol
- Trevor Hockman: It looks like they’re floating
- DLS LIFE: It's funny😂😆
- 5 Mysterious Facts: 3:21 😂😂
- Shailendra Vishwakarma: wait, this is scripted. right ?
- SevenBayz TV: 2k Sucks.
- Ace Goodheart: Perfectly normal.
- Plague Doctor Movies: Why not do the omg moment again XD
- Gabriel Cain-Martinez: It turns off gravity
- Jay Fires: Wait... how the fuck did Lesnar win?!
- Anurag Rajput: 😂😂
- Bud Bundy: LOL five star match *****
- Santa on Holidays: Taker turned into a black hole :D
- Secret purge: I've never seen undertaker run like that in my life
- ALTHAF REIGNS ALT: 2:55 Lesnar fu*king with rope 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
- Gestoni Cordova: Haha this is funny
- John Boyega: 2:22 undertaker looking mortal here *fused with ropes*
- santosh jackman: Jellyfish contest..?!
- hmood gamer: Heeey that’s my idea of the video
- Lyric X: This game sucks!!!! The ring implodes and they say "I've never seen Braun manhandled like this. WWE games have always seemed to be a little off which is why I stopped buying it.
- ijsawyer eternityinisolateoftheworld: 1:45 undertaker descendants back under the ring to probably find John Cena
- Edgewind: lmao. *zwwip* The briefcase just zips into the ref's hands.
- Alan Heyes: Steve-o 316 Define “Stroke.”
- 8D Songs: 😂😂😂😂
- Juiced Cyanide: This game is crap
- níghtshαdє 15: Undertaker was a ghost cause he went the under the stage
- Jamal: Nonsense video.
- Daxter1024: It resets the ring and plays the normal animation as if it just broke
- The Freakin' GAMEBOY: Looks like playing gang beast
- Siddharth Rajvanshi: What the falafal.....this game is a joke
- Justin Tortellini: You mean love
- Not Daniel: This is how it looked when we played with our WWE figures.
- Isaiah Sexton vlogs: How do you control a cash in. I've not figured that out and I really want to do this. Please help me
- WHYYOUSMILINGWHENYOURNEXT? huh?: An spend $500+on a psp456or7 no thanks
- JemMY Biohazard4: Alien!! Ha ha ha
- Φώτης Μ.: This is a fake video.. Undertaker's entrance was so fast 😂
- Al Mustakin: Undertaker is ghost confirmed.
- Shane Warde: Botchimania lol
- Rawb Ert: Of course Brock kicks out at 1 HAHA
- A Fury: Idk if that’s considered walking lollll
- Weight Overload: 1:44 look at that shit you call that fake eh?
- drew spalding: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Judettaja: :DD what the fuck
- J A H R E E Z Y: (Paranormal smackdown activity)
- Vijay Ra: 2:07 Brock Viper
- Prince Vegeta: 3:27
- Nami San: 1:45. Lol 😂😂
- jojo gonjalves: WTF was lesner doing in 3:19
- Andrei gg 1134: I love this
- Kaiser Loquendo: Undertaker can't control his powers
- calamorta: Well, wrestling games still look more realistic than most matches
- Mauro Silva: Trash ass game too many crashes
- Ozman Jutt: Hahaha wht a bug
- OS: Pegi Hermawan eggyfhmdhxUjeazertyuiiuiopqsddfghjiklli Bonjour
- Sock Puppet: 1:03 The referee is possessed by Kane
- Jenn J: 1:14 ew
- gurpinder warar: Best gamplay of WWE games I ever seen 👻👻👻👻👾👾👽
- LBOOGIEDAMANN: I can tell you nobodies happy about it.
- YuriY: he just went to the Infernal Realm to restore the forces. nothing special 🤷♂️
- Mr. Alvarado TV: I'll admit this is pretty funny
- Elfrian 3: This is called physics
- Reagant yaw: What a glitch
- THE KETHAN GAMEZ: Glitch 😂😂😂😂
- Akira Tenji: LOL
- Ivan D. Sequeira Jr.: Picturing undertaker on that ladder with the briefcase is alot more entertaining
- juan miguel javier: VERY FAIL. DONT BUY IT AND WASTE MONEY!
- Ivander 25: This game the worst game ever,to many bug
- Jaelon Hamilton: 48 views 24 likes and 8 comments
- Daniel Speedy: I will not buy another 2k game if they dont care to fix these issues
- Yamuna Hettiarachi: Glitch
- hmood gamer: 1:05 byron is amazed of what is he seeing 😂😂
- Sam Albret: Undertaker cant get in the ring
- Zechariah Ait Ouakrim: Shame on them, this is not even a game, big disgrace
- Kusum Pandey: Undertaker playing mind games😂😂
- John Hernandez: So you're saying I should not buy the game
- 타쿠: 1:14 WTF?????
- Ziad Al Mohammad: What happens when u cash In he'll in a cell
- Fearlessprice81: Commentary is garbage just like real life
- Verneal Lovelock: 2:54 brock was humping the ring post lol
- Jeremy Gott: Wait, the ref has telekinesis!?
- Aj MALIK: Lol😂😂😂
- Brock Bhil Virah F 5: sooooo funny i and all my friends family members laughing awesome video bro keep it up 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
- Matthew Kevin Obispo: 1:20 "The Undertaker is a Force..."
- Balls Deep: I see the commentary still trash , how come they ain’t call him undertaker when he came out🤔
- Xavier Carty: This is sad
- malebogo moapare: Brock lesnar is superman brother I mean look at him fly allover
- lewis griffin: Talk about a glitch from hell
- Ward Meeks: Wtf did I just watch?
- ben's gadget reviews: The commentary and crowd reaction basically didn't react much to ring breaking lol. Can't the people who make the games, if they're gonna do a graphic like ring breaking, automatically use a crazier crowd noise?
- millbill killbill: Lmaoo 1:03 looks like Undertaker busted a nut and it landing right in the refs hands.. Lol 1:50 Brock Lesnar popping and locking
- BhamVolFan: I was in tears.
- BhamVolFan: Hilarious
- Cagy Cylinder: Bwahahahah 😂
- Randhir Mukhiya: This is the best of glitch so far...
- World TV: wwe logic
- bhavjot singh: This shows the game is made by 2k
- musa khan13: So the glitch era is officially retiring after watching this. Yep!
- JDM BOOST: Niceeee
- joshua opont: underhanded serve of the briefcase to the referee
- Regent: Best game on Switch.
- pandazz69: QA testing at its finest.
- Shai khalon: Hhhhhhhhhh😂😂😂😂😂😂
- SidNsheW Buzz: 2:56 When your a week into no nut November and you get horny to everything around you
- Cecil Hunter: Funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen
- Imran Becks: The LED ringposts shouldn't be working after it broke away.... But damn this glitch is hilarious. Haha
- Amit Agarwal: New dance style discovered by Brock Lesnar, RING BREAK dance.
- THE ROKIEZ UNBOXER: 2:36 he is dancing
- WALRIDER -: 1:50 brock is doing his new special move
- kamalshish dande: Wtf hahahahahahahha
- PowerRangerNick: 1:12 "Brother, Help me!"
- Mark Perry: What a hooribly programmed game
- Chris Giannakis: Lol
- Josh Howatd: Brock buried Undertaker under the ring 🤣🤣
- JamBlooberry: .....and this is why I stopped purchasing WWE 2K games.
- Cuddle Bunny: Brock running on his knees had me weak 😂😂
- poojadevsharma: It is so funny
- Jithu Jithu: Flyingbrock
- Dennis Morales: Just a normal looking wwe game to me...
- Entity The Imagination: 🤔😆😆😆
- Abdullah Imran: i mean see wwe 2k15 and 2k18 barely has any difference.
- paras gour: Wtf..😂😂😂😂
- Davidson Rither: Lol the glitches is hilarious but seriously fix it
- TheSpookyBoi: That referee oversold that shit. 😂 Then he no sold it by suddenly standing up and being fine when Taker shows up.
- Gabriel Betts: The game is trash and so is wwe, why do people pay to experience fake wrestling😂
- Anup Kulkarni: Haunted arena and exorcism
- B Hall: He Really is the dead man he can Disappear and reappear
- Gautham Satheesh: Hate the glitches
- iain hewitt: Now wwe need to script this in. Haha. Especially the vanishing through the ring mat.
- The Shane L Y Experience: Just a little glitchy
- Mustafa Sohail: Under taker wwe 2k19 available bro PS4
- Anoop Kumar: Worst graphics
- Gaming Palooza Empire: What a mess... I miss the Day of Reckoning series on Gamecube. That would be great on Switch.
- ???? ????: The game is broken!!! Lol
- Akshay Gupta: Try this again after steel cage breaking
- Jaylon Anderson: L
- Anthony Martinez: Lol
- Abraham Hanhan: Glitchomania
- GamerkillahBlaze: Jo Siah lmao
- Kenzo Goodman: Undertaker hasn't ran that fast in years
- Just Me: Just like on TV , break the ring and everyone glitches , seems about right
- Filip M: WWE 2k game series, are all very glitchy
- Vansh Gandhi: How lesnar is walking at 3:20 😂😂😂😂
- Stepz97 •: Undertaker using his powers of invisibility to beat Lesnar. Along with the ref using his telekenetic powers to take the brief case. And finally Brock Lesnar teleporting all over the arena to look for Taker. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- rubix187: 0:51 the ref got the fuck back up once that undertaker gong hit 😭
- J. Dudung Unson: Rip ref
- Jae kamacho: Im glad this video popped up. This is the funniest stupiest sht ive seen in a while!! 🤣😂🤣! Got my ass laughing at work and showed my coworker and he started cracking up!! Funny sht bro!!
- That Guy Sage: What happens if you ring break the broken ring?
- roughy762004: Game breaking glitch
- Steven H: Wwe2k is so bad
- Tyson DOE: Omigod, thank God I sold my PS4. (As there's really not a difference between WWE 2K19/2K18 but some minor improvements. Definitely not worth spending $60.
- hustle&motiv8: So broken lol
- Pink Starburst: Game is trash. 2k is pathetic
- Christian Myers: Bro this is so funny 😂
- BetterKnownAsDK: How was the ring glitch not resolved before the game even came out?! If you're going to allow the ring to break you would have to know to check and make sure you can still play on the broken ring. That's ridiculous
- Kellen Moon: 1:47 Kane dragged Taker to his yard 😂😂😂
- Kenway: Worst game ever. But this video was very funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Suraj assijani: Wow i am watching paranormal activity
- Xiaolruc: I see nothing wrong here. This is obviously someone who previously worked at THQ's doing. ... And I love every minute of this.
- deuce of spades: only undertaker can throw that brief case like that
- Jeremiah Daniel: THQ did a better job at making wrestling games but even they still had butches, clipping eras, glitches, delays, etc 😒
- The Placeebo Affekt: This is your video game on Drugs. This is your game on Flakka. D.A.R.E to believe. Know your truth.
- Marcinsier: 3:20 What. The fuck.
- Ayy It's Time: please do what the other guy said and reabreak the already broken ring
- Roc Steady: That suplex by taker @1:20 was 😭😭😭😭
- James Anderson: Glitch City
- Javier_Migatte_no_Gokui 99: 😂😂😂😂😂
- OUTDOOR exploring: 3:20 to 3:26 was super funny
- WWE Modding By M&H: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Dana White's double chin: Man they need to change their engine
- Ajani Davis: Lol
- Dipyaman Chattaraj: Proof of why you shouldn't launch your games yearly with a copy paste basis.
- Emin Mahmudov: The rubbish commentary in this game is why I decided not to buy it. I love WWE games but good commentary during high impact spots in real life is sometimes the reason why I enjoy moments like these - but the piss poor commentary is why I don’t think Ill buy 2K19 at all.
- Samuel Saucedo: This is some game breaking shit man I love it
- the legendztruth: LMAO
- MosescxTV: This shit is scary idk why
- aaron s: 😂😂
- DeadliestArrow: 3:19
- Reactor/Gamer of Darkness: This is hilarious
- Forza10 Milan: Oh shit
- arod9393: Amazing animation
- Cornelius Christer: 🤣🤣🤣
- Kashif Ali: 2:41 the force was strong there.
- joneth piptne: Wtf did I just watch...man I wish I was high when I saw this crazy shit
- Scouts of Skyrim: 3:29 when you get dragged into a store as a kid
- Michael MacDonald: The wrestling is just plain horrible. No Mercy Will always be superior unless wwe marks stop eating this crap up.
- Andrew Delgado Graham: 1:50 lesnar trying to pop lock 😂😂😂😂
- C P: 2k added fun stuff but can’t even refine anything
- Moon The Gamer: 1:03 WOOSH!!
- Drakath Gaming: *World%20Wrestling%20 Entertainment.exe has stopped working*
- Irb Main: It only works because the Undertaker is a spooky wizard.
- Billy Sturrs: At 3:20 it’s funny
- Lordani66: Great game.
- RaptorX88: Somebody drugged him
- GAMEPLAY BOSS: 1:50 lesner possessd
- zman2748: So realistic 😱
- GAMING LEGEND 5K: What where is Brock is going : 02:41
- Shamdy Crook: Glitch’ola. This ain’t no Easter egg folks. Just cheap, outsourced coding imo.
- Mario Garcia: They need king and jr back!!!!
- Xzavier Hinojos: They're wrestling on acid.
- tarrannum salim: OMG what is happening
- Vrushabh Bhavsar: Too funny 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😂😂😂😂
- Gilbert Navarro: 2:36 when it’s almost winter break 😂
- Jeremy Gott: I guess that is the least of the issues with that match.
- boournscanucks: These comments are amazing
- topster888: The WWE ring is all that holds our reality together
- Paul K: 0:20 *ring breaks Commentator: man did you hear that impact? Why I won't play wwe games until the switch developers
- Mr.buddy 25: 😂👌
- Jerald GamiX: many glitch
- Siddharth Rajvanshi: Its like Exorcist walk Everywhere😂😂😂
- Aos RenAgAde: All that programming to make it pretty and yet somehow they didnt bother to make a actually decent game haha... Smh. Funny glitch though
- paras gour: Taker go in to the hell ..😂😂
- Fz_ Assassin: Grammar?
- David S.: 2:35 Me when I see a babe
- Kitami Chin: try backstage brawl match on universe mode when potential rivalry. the ending give a weird glitch
- J Tuck: Why would they add this too the game if it breaks it this bad, smh
- Darell Dally: WTH is wrong with the graphics
- Nazrin Malique: They should make the comentary more excited when doing OMG moment...they sound just....Boring
- Md Ishan Anwar: 1:40 undertaker was under the ring😂😂 There are many glitches in the game after the broken ring. Everyone seems to fly......
- Marlyn Gonzales: so funny
- the one: That was some funny shit!!!
- lGreenlRanger: Can’t stop laughing
- Chitra Basak: wtf!so bad glitches
- Shawn Greene: Wow ea must've made this game too. That was awful
- The Legend Slayer: This had me dyin
- Kyle Premian: Just Me Botchmania simulator.
- Shahi Sushil: 1:50 its like ghost caught his body
- Steve-o 316: Is the game having a stroke?
- cowscrazy: Fucking 2k glitches. They just don't give a shit. Let the players test the game. In the old days they actually had people test the games before they released them to the public.
- baraka flaka: How does this shit happen in a game this new...? What a mess.
- SBVfitness: That botch is as bad as Crown Jewel
- rayray1983: One thing I know Taker has superhuman supernatural dark powers. He can break the game too.
- Satyam Mishra: Bigger question is 'How'.
- Dennis Thomas: Worst game in centuries
- TheEVN7: What da heck? Glitch Taker run ... This ps4 collideeeeeee!!
- Domen Goldmayer Gašperin: 2K fucking sucks!
- OlFER 797: Están poseídos 😲
- Craig Tory: It's terrible you would of thought 2k would of fixed problems like this, great vid to show thou
- Foot Bones: Good thing wwe games dont get patched
- Viking Videos: Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaha
- Crow Lo: lol
- Rana Rms: Hahaha 😄😃😂😅
- Brett M: This was absolutely hilarious 😂😂 omg
- Nitin Kumar: This is what we called bug
- PizzaSkyPunk: Momentary depression curer.
- Skooty McGooty: it ain't suplex city, it's glitch city... not to forget near the end lesnar and undertaker/calaway are looking for the nearest open carls jr. 🤣🤑🤣🤟🏿
- M. Reginald Goldstein: The commentary is shit
- Fiko93: This makes the game actually fun :D
- LuffHYPERZ: I feeling uncomfortable
- Dolphers: So much about this video is unrealistic. I mean, Brock Lesnar performing in an actual match on Raw?
- Allen X: Its funny how that suplex hurt Brock Lesnar more
- HP 111: *Nani Da FK?*
- Serious Black: he’s the UNDERtaker
- Pratik Warudkar: What happen 0:51 ???
- Brandon Ahmed: Lol
- Ruben Luz: This is hilarious
- Aaron Mitchell: Brock doing the Macarena at 2:35
- Milan Shaw: This was way better than Crown Jewel😂
- Sarvesh Badhe: It was so creepy
- Anupam Saxena: Best money in the bank cashed in the WWE history 😂😂😂😂😂
- TankP0wnz: Oh shit i didnt realize this was video game for a couple moments
- Anonymous Hack: Is this spoiler for new Conjuring movie? Undertaker = Demon from underworld Lesnar = Sweet Little Innocent boy Plot = Lesnar get possessed by undertaker
- James Sinclair: Omg very glitchy lol
- FTFgamer: That's why I hate WWE games nowadays..
- _Sparky_ Sharky_: Gen add this to your Times WWE Games got really weird like what on Earth lol
- Midwest Fishing: Proof 2k sucks lol
- Sumit Upadhayay: Ok ring the bell!
- AMMAR KHALID: That's why I hate playing games. They are made up of glitches that screw me up.
- muzicstar98: I'm very disturbed
- HypnoGaming: It hasn't been fixed in the patch that came out with the New Moves Pack, so let's hope it stays unpatched.
- king kountry: Trash
- David Beckham: Still trash... Its 2019 already... Still can't even develop a proper game
- Ultra Instinct Goku: You had 1 job 2k and you fucked it up
- Matthew Kevin Obispo: The Undertaker is a Force within The Ring... well with a slide like that
- OhighO Skater: 1:03 that was a sweet toss by taker
- Jere Avila: This is the funniest thing I've seen in my life. I mean Undertaker holding the MITB lol
- Good Lucas Thing: This isn’t how I remember wrestlmania 30
- Red Hair Shanks: Wtffffff !!!
- 90AlmostFamous: This is not a glitch, it's just undertaker being goofy
- Raj Nijjer: Proper shit
- Marc Zendejas: I want a wwe allstars 2
- Wiki Chua: i cant stop laughing
- Franco D 'Agostino: Well..... good video😕 Wtf is that! !!!
- terry3218: WTF was that
- ANIMATI0N LICK: looks like they need an exorcism
- Beau Man: Wow just wow. Lmao
- Al J: Bring back here comes the pain!
- Mrhopper163: TheSpookyBoi facts
- realchevyboy: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- curious pug: So, they became a retarded and get seizure?? 🤔😂
- Bunny Bear: Wwe 2k or k2. Hmm 🤔
- Orella Minx: QWOP: WWE Edition
- Danza Entertainment: Wtf Lesnar at 3:20 lmao
- Joe Duarte: Wow what a shit game
- meifung liew: What happens if you break the ring & a larger opponent cashing in & you make a superplex opponent again?
- BibahMax: 1:51 Brock is most definitely possessed
- WINSTON MOSCOW: Wow the game looks not glitchy at all...yea. Fucking trash
- Jerico Bantillo: Babe come over. Lesnar: Can't both my legs are broken My parents aren't home. Lesnar: 3:27
- JasonGotHoes: "next gen experience"
- Nathan Millan: Can you make a fighter
- benu boi: wtf
- Rejoice Itheeng: What the fuck 😂😂😂
- Karcamo Gaming: So in a few words after you break the ring and cash in you literally break the game.
- Silenttuber PJ24: Undertaker using his dark magic
- fortnite player lmoa: Nice walk lesnar
- Contart22: Under Where?
- Be Solid: @ 3:17 What the hell was that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- anubhav singh: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Sai28 E: Damn im crying oh God 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Steven Stifler: 😂 😂 😂 👌
- Vivek Tammana: Thats some insidious possession
- Ssg Adam: To be honest this day and age this isnt good enough by any developer dont get me wrong that is fuckin funny But if your gonna put a mechanism in the game u need to make sure it works properly.
- Kala Mees: WWE must be the stupidest thing the Americans ever invented. To make a video game out of it blows my mind
- Daivari Jahar: Glitch city
- Fighters United: Idk why but it looks better on my phone when i look up gameplay videos on YouTube than when i play the actual game on my tv.
- OGKUSH 1: I’m glad I haven’t waisted my money on 2k wrestling games. Stick to nba! 2k
- Moha GamesQ8: 3:17 😂 3:25 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- MrAzplicuetaify: Lesnar literally buried The Undertaker but lost the game 😂
- Connor Engel: brocky cheese lesnark
- Beyond Euphoria: I think WWE needs to find a decent developer to make their games.
- Michael MacDonald: This game is beyond trash.
- juesebelmont: "I can tell you, nobody's happy about it." WWE 2K19
- Bk Bk: 🤣😂🤣
- Dark Chimera: 😂
- Al J: The ring collapse killed the referee
- Vinuthan J: 😂
- poserboi: I don’t know what is funnier? The referee falling, the glitches or The Undertaker with the MITB briefcase? 🤔
- may i have your cardnumber??: 3:20 that had me feeling really uncomfortable💀💀
- Narulet Anasiv: Ha ha ha!!!😆😆😆 so funny 👍
- Gilbert Moreno: I like how they were floating haha
- Alejandro Zapata: Sable: Come over! Brock: But I just broke both my feet! Sable: I'm home alone Brock: 3:22
- Grim Reaper: After 2008 this game is trash
- Phillmore Brandt: The ref rises up faster than the deadman in this video.
- KronomanWWS: 0:50 The ref gets up with tha quickness, he heard the gong and thought Taker was coming for his ass instead.
- Herve Reuter: Brock Lesnar shit his pants at 3:18
- Melba Moses Wolfenstein: 2k19 graphics + HCTP gameplay = Best wwe game ever
- navneet bagri: It is haunted match
- Gngc Gamer: Lol
- DeliriousGA2: @Justin Friedman Right? I'm more confused at some of these comments than the video.
- FrankGarrett316: Same here, I was laughing so hard my stomach and/or chest started to hurt. I haven't laughed this hard in YEARS!
- SmithsRus: WTF lol
- Leo Messi: 1:03 The force is strong with this one.
- HaRmAn BrAr BrAr: Ha..ha
- Parvesh Kalia: 🐶🐶🐶🐶
- SmokyJoe: I hope the developers see this shit. It's things like this why I won't buy another until they take some time on these games. Attention to detail is everything, forget a yearly release. Imagine how good this game could be every 2 to 3 years!? It's funny to watch but annoying as fuck when they charge so much for a broken game lol
- C641076: 1:03 will be the best YEET of 2018
- Matthew Hudson: And here I was considering buying this game. - Thanks for the laughs. :D
- Harrison Njora: waste of time
- Jai Toner: 😂😂😂 yooo wtf
- Quent Gamer: Oh Wow !!!
- AJAY ALEXANDER: Hilarious😉😂😁😁😂
- mrkennedy50: You call this a glitch RoboCop OCP President voice
- TheMakeshiftHero: What the fuck. Before the part where the ring fell apart I thought this shit was real lmao. Games are looking too good nowadays bro
- lethalfatality: 2k in a nutshell
- Richard Hoffman: Wtf hahaha
- Hollywood1651: 1:16 Undertaker: I'll never let go... I promise. 1:20 Undertaker let's go, Titanic theme plays.
- Synus: Just like every other 2K game. Perfectly done.
- Hadehuken: How you Cash in
- Devante Tucker: Undertaker: Brock I Got your Wife Sable she is with me. Brock: were the fuck are you? Undertaker: straight to hell Sable: help me baby It so dark and hot Undertaker: Brock say bye bye to sable took her soul Brock: nooooo fuck you im coming down there
- Alpha Male: 3:18 is the funniest part 😂😂😂😂😂
- Senpopai: +tom hart theres always that guy who takes everything literal.
- Adelino Gomes: WHAT A MEGA-BUG!
- Master Yoda: ikr .. it's like austin aries no sell
- Vincenzo Spavale: I like how the ref used the force to get the case
- Ebube Ogaziechi: Commentary is also important, you need a Michael Cole to hype up things like that not someone talking like he's watching golf 😂
- GrassValleyGreg: He truly is a PHENOM
- Jessica matos: wtf
- Pachabee: LOL
- Gaurav Raghav: 1:50 when brock gets possessed. 1:43 , 2:31, 2:36 , 3:27 died laughing 😂😂😂
- Reagant yaw: Its just like the game on mobile drunken wrestlers
- Md Abdul: Hahahaha I’m done I’m rolling on the floor this is too much 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Dev Daftari: 2:42 I'm like a bird, I wanna fly away
- Dante Mcwilliams: This video hurt to watch
- Sriracha Enchilada: 0÷0 = Same thing
- Abdullah Albeedh: omg i laughed so hard!
- MrSo47: What the hell was that?
- Nicolas Nidal: Fuck you 2k piece of shit
- Money Montana: One of the reasons I havent bought wwe games since wwe 13
- The Dark Lord: 😂😂
- GlobalStrikeForce: Typical Undertaker Voodoo Spooky Magic! Just as always :D
- Hasnain khan: Sooooo funy
- SWAG BABA: 😂😂😂😂🤣
- Noah Jay: it looks real this year 🤔
- Mark Williams: typical bullshit finish on raw
- OGRyder Bro: Wtf
- Hebi: And yet there's still people thinking that Wwe games are good.
- Suva bose: 2k physics sucks
- Robert Turner: Graphics are amazing but I hate button configuration so godsmn much. Bring me back smack down buttons. X to hit triangle to run etc etc
- Jay Galarza: 2k sports is trash. Why the fuck it glitches that fucking much????
- Griffin: This commentary mechanics sucks... OMG
- darkwear gt growtopia: ikr
- GianPaolo DiCocco: Wait a minute. Does the ring really break in this game?? If so, this is a must-buy!
- M P: 1:44 undertaker’s like “fuck this.”
- agreensubstance: It's like watching a real match, just more violent and realistic
- Heath Stalker: I thought 2k19 was was a upgrade with less glitches. I remain wrong
- Not Used: Love how the fans dont react smh
- lairdriver: The only gear things about WWE games is the physics fails just keeps getting better and better.
- Top Notch: Simply The Best Video Game Glitch Ever.
- taj Bonds: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Mr. Johnson: Yeah don't mess with the undertaker..Brock got possessed..looked like a horror movie
- Marco Thomas: *undertaker uses telekinesis to draw Lesnar to him* COLE: Undertaker is a FORCE to be reckoned with
- joe jeba: What's that????😂😂😂😂 3:22 Brock gone mad
- Zombie1387: Ok so nobody obviously quality controlled this section of the game haha but still funny shit. Love how the announcers don’t even acknowledge that the ring just broke lol
- Nardo Sanmero: Undertaker running and holding the mitb contract looks weird
- Jonathan Brunner: 🤣😂
- Alan Heyes: Pro 9 Well... he is The Deadman.
- Alexander Armstrong: This is cringey
- ThatOneDev: How- how was this not caught in testing? Or QA?
- Dishank Shah: So many glitches
- Quinten Dietrich: What happenes when an nxt perosn wins money in the bank
- Adam Frayne: “Undertaker looking mortal here” I mean is he?!
- marcus kim cade: wwe ghost😂😱
- Derius Person: Wow they really got Lesnar and Taker’s movements down pact. This is the most realistic I’ve seen in movement since Gang Beasts online. 🤣
- BLUEiz TRUe: glitches
- Tousiff Bhai: Lookin like contortionists.
- Daxter1024: +SEP RETURNS yes
- Ivan Augusto: friend I need a help I'm trying to do mid match run in with Bray Wyatt but I'm not getting you could do a tutorial on how to do mid match run in please
- Sanctioned Taco: Sad when a N64 can run a game better isn't it?
- Diamond Zay: Physics has left the chat
- Toppy Boss: Ok🤐
- Premi: I don't remember THQ's Smackdown v Raw series having so many bugs.And WWE still want people to pay 39-59$ for the games on steam.. GTFOH
- Abz: 2:21 undertaker looking mortal here
- Bellicoso: Wtf is this shit ? lmao
- Nasir khan: hahaha
- Ata Osmançelebioğlu: Classic 2k dude
- 1 badd apple: What the fuck is this
- Darius Damir: That will be a crazy thing and ai like that 👍
- BoxingMan 2000: 0:00-4:10 🤣🤣🤣
- 209Films: Looks like a normal WWE Match to me with those fake hits and grapples 😂🤣
- Mikey Is cool: 1:57 HOW JUST HOW
- AkA The-One: i cant stop laughing hahahahah stop stop hahahahahahaha
- TheSPEEZY99: What Michael courses at the end of the video explains everything about this video but at the end of the day 2k19 looks amazing
- korman Tharun Kumar: Weird
- David Krahl: The WWE loves this video!!
- Howard Hughes the 2nd: This game has so many issues
- Ronin 221: Glitches
- thebull Devoe: Glitchy as game
- emmanuelibus: Wow that is broken
- Ayy It's Time: lmao guys in the last video a comment asked for GEN to make this video
- Andrew Ponce: Xbox
- Brian Rugley: 400 bucks and the game software still does N64 No Mercy glitches 😂 I'm not missing anything not having a Xbox or PS4 overpriced games and system that still runs like it's brother systems 10 yrs ago cats getting robbed buying these 50 buck games for glitches
- thatfunk1: These WWE 2K games blow. A new company needs to take over.
- Roman Reigns #MEG: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Madhurja Nayan Deka: Ring Break OMG triggering won't happen again most probably...
- Andy Tait: This is some YOLO shit.
- E HMOOBVWJ: How the ref pass out from that
- Omar Tv: Fucking bugs jajaja
- RumbleyRocket: 😂😂😂😂
- Mike DePue: Christ, what an embarrassment this game is.
- tom hart: Go outside then kid
- jmacsss: Strowman is a nobody, just like the rest of the young "talent"
- Alexius Burrell: Glitches Glitches everywhere
- Andrew Burns: Talk about a handicap match
- Triplecrown 113: Most realistic fighting game of 2018, huh?
- Zeratul J. Rollins: lol?
- Chris Suev: Haters will say its fake
- Rayyan Frem: Ahhahahahaha well he is the undertaker and he has demonic powers lmfaoooo
- Gamingplayzfortnite: Love the vids pls heart me or pin
- DaRTH iNSiDiOUS: its been shit for a long time. probably since the smackdown vs raw era
- Capronic2 Dethroned: This game is filled so many bugs and I can't stop laughing
- Ryan Phillips: 1:58 Babe come over Lesnar: Can't I'm inside a video game My parent's aren't home
- Admin Vaas: He will in a cell
- Joe Turner: +Supercharmander Gamer Spoiled brat who has never worked a day in their life. Does Mommy still run your bath water?
- Gaming YT Master: Wtf
- dan Matasa: did u just break wwe 2k19 😂
- Fluent Gamer: wtf was this😳😂
- legend killer19: THQ controls is better than 2k controls in wwe games
- Brian Brown: Salvador Dali programmed this one
- Ziad Al Mohammad: +Keith Patterson huh?
- Firstname lastname: 2:12 so that’s how undertaker appears in the ring. 🤷♂️ All this time I thought he was just hiding somewhere close by.
- xIstenZo6: Make what happens if you Break the ring again after the ring breaks😂
- Kass: This is the greatest thing that has come out of a wwe 2K GAME
- Adam GSWM: Is this on universe? Or normal game play?
- Diza K: friend: do that dance me: 2:36
- mridul chopra: Never laughed so much in my entire life😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Keith Patterson: And its going to get so bad that the only this different each year is going to be the U.I. (Like how Madden is every year) Cut Copy Paste 2K19...lol!
- Jay: How u cash in 😳
- Brayan Gonzalez: That is hilarious to this day they are still modeling that ring collapse animation from the original Big Show Vs Brock Lesnar
- HisRoyalJaznness: damn, the whole game went to shit
- Lachlan Hawkings: 😂😂😂😂
- The Crash: First
- Marijus Domskis: 3:17😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Edreen Pasang: The game breaking moment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Dhruv Thakur: Its like they have tourette syndrome and at the same time possessed by the demon
- javy 1981: Brock might be on the NEXT magic mike MOVIE!!!!
- Tobias Meyer: Brock lesnar on knees 😂😂😂😂
- Smurfeco 2.3: Wtf Throw this game away 😂😂 looks like the swim 😂
- JfnDWatchesVids: Very realistic!
- Sagar Sonawane: Thata was weird 🤣🤣🤣
- WWE GAMING: How did you changed Brock Lesnar weight category can i do to in pc plz reply
- Jonathan Raynard: 1 more proof that WWE 2K19 is shit
- whoopdiddydo: How many times have you heard a WWF commentator call a finisher a "finisher"? You haven't.
- GamerkillahBlaze: Alpha Male lmfao
- Rudegamekiller: LMAO!!!! There's no way around it LMAO
- Jordan Jefe Wall: Wtf did I just watch
- Angery Boi: I love the God awful commentary
- Ruthless 28: 1:38 yeooooo 😂😂😂
- 2TZ Tv: I wonder how WWE video games would look if EA had rights to it
- travi: Pathetic this is why I can’t with these wrestling games anymore they’re just so poorly built 😂
- Nerv ClaX: "You can't see me!" - Undertaker WWE2K
- DcPower *: Why do people buy this game. Looks the same every year
- Charlotte Flair: the undertaker is a legend. he's 1 of the best wrestlers ever. braun strowman > brock lesnar. who thinks brock lesnar is overrated?
- George Babilonia: just like in real life
- Sub Zero: It's so damn sad watching this. Games valued at 70+ bucks being released with stupid shit like that with absolutely no effort been put in it. Here comes the pain might have had not the same graphics but damn, it sure was a game wich brought the attitude of Pro Wrestling to everybodys home. 2K should be ashamed to develop this crap...
- melvin jackson: What the fuck was that
- The Guy Nobody Really Likes: Undertaker buried himself in the ring.
- Gary Cardinal: 1:20 brock is like here let me help you in the ring
- Salmaan Shaik: Look, look, money in the bank can fly
- Tech Eria: After ring crash 2k18 goes buggy 😂
- Jap world: This is funny
- Diza K: its so fuckin funny
- chris rhinehart: 2018 no way
- Devin Upadhyay: 1:51 was just break dancing(literally a unique one)
- Raptor Jesus: i LOVE this game! :D
- R20XBOX: 2K more glitches
- Metalcat5: Please tag WWE devs team
- Urmila Mohite: Glitches everywhere
- Klever Ferguson: Sooo what's the difference b/t this game and real life lmao!!! Its all fake hahaha
- Mohd Haziq Baharudin: 😂😂😂😂😂
- DrJ: Brock’s new diva exit 2:55
- Blue907 Da man: I haven’t seen such amazing glitches since the good old days of sims 3
- Demi XoXo: This is weird...... but I love it💗💘
- Izmal Wahyu: Lol the uptimate glitch
- mafia game lord: Wow what r they doing
- LilDrizzy51: wtf did I just watch lmao
- gaming raja: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Rangodzz: wtf?
- De'Aaron Fox: 0:52 the ref tho
- Bello Teslim: Wtfff mehn. This is hilarious
- Tech Freezer: 😂😂😂😂
- ItsJohnOClock24: When the ref hasn't nuted in no nut november
- Silver Rayleigh: Now thats legit UNDER-TAKER
- Chevyholic 18: Trash!!
- hereticjack: this video need funny announcers!
- Daniel Tramp: I mean I knew wrestling was fake but they're not even trying to make it look real anymore
- Joey Image: I am in TEARS of laughter, from the point that the briefcase just flies into the ref's hands LOL
- The Emo Emu: I think that's the first time I've seen a guy win while under the ring.
- SEP RETURNS: +Daxter1024 did you test it
- PrimeTime Pugilistics: That was so annoying to watch
- ET phone home: Still better than crown jewel
- Bruno LK: Whats happend
- Aviral Dimri: 3:23 brock runs on knees
- AshKetchum442: i love how they chose undertaker to do this hahaha
- M yaar khan: is it wwe 2k19 or glitch 2k19
- Rodney Horsley: These games are always pure shit
- paul54734: These games still are terrible from the announcer vo to even the crowd still looking like a ps2 game lol
- ThejaRRo OnE: So you basically fight in a Down syndrome match?
- asit kisan: 🤣🤣🤣... Brock
- joeriveracomedy: They weren't selling all that well. I thought Stowman had the briefcase. I guess I need to watch raw more often.
- Ziad Al Mohammad: It glitchs
- Noop The Noob: 1:12 - 1:16 Undertaker: Help I am stuck in the ropes help... Brock: I will give you a hand *awkwardly undertaker carrying brock* Both: uhhhhhh wot are we doing right now?
- Muhammad ThePirateGamer/coaster Lover: Can you still do that in the game or no cause that shit lit
- Legend Gotta Catch Em All: I hate Michael Cole
- SosaltySereezy: *looks like they took some drugs and dont know what the phuck they doing*
- BowDownToKingRiddle: I'm the 200th like
- RedCat95: Wtf
- r1Mas: Make a boxing game 2k.
- noman's land: Omg what a bug
- Jeffrey Dotson: +ransom I was asleep you pleb scrub. Can't respond in my sleep.
- Prateek Shetty: Brock Lesnar started doing yoga?!
- Pacman Designs :v: Aprovecha el bug :v
- AUNBOMB: 2:53 I laughed so hard😂 I love how he seductively humps the ropes then flings away😂
- Saksham Arora: +Rafi Hossain nice 😂
- PLAY on TV: 3:20 poor Lesnar 😂😂😂
- Liam Catterall: The graphics are starting to get a lot better.
- Javier Escala: Jajajaja 1:15 2:41 😂😂
- Tool Fan820: Oh wow..
- DMonickFilms: Ne Breastka yea wwe fans do have autism..... lol. Learn to spell & type before you dis others. Because you make no sense.
- Alan Heyes: Sinks through the ring, possesses Lesnar. Damn, this became a gimmick match quickly.
- Görkem kiraz: 😂😂😂😂
- Cheif 69: Pause at 1:19 😂😂😂
- R K: They were haunted by ghosts 👻
- Myles Johnson: What animation are you talking about
- Anitha Suresh: Funny match
- Jack Dren: **Gets superplexed off the top rop, the ring implodes from underneath him** *BRAUN STROWMAN IS GETTING READY HERE*
- TheImperfect: WWE, if you see this, make that Taker's last match. I wanna see Brock dance and wiggle
- Sascha Berger: 2:40 I must go, my people need me!
- Master Yoda: +Vivek Tammana but they don't have an issue with jews 🙂
- XxOmegaslayerxX: Lmao that’s all you gotta do when someone cashes in the mitb just get a count out and you’ll retain your strap.
- Plasma Shade: Both hilarious and terrible
- Uni life with Rob: Best match I have seen
- Nagy Zalán: 1:02 Physics mothaf*cka
- Sik Vicious: It’s amazing to me that game developers have been making wrestling games for so long and still let bonehead slip ups like this get by and testing
- Be Solid: Wow Brock has super Power 😂
- Smalls Salome: That's Awesome
- Daniel Guerrero: So .. it becomes the Nintendo Switch version?
- Suhail Ishaq: most bs game of all time
- Gaming E: Lol .......funny
- Hans Ubas: Hahhaqhahahahhahgha
- Luis Omar Rodríguez Alonso: Glitch city
- The Placeebo Affekt: I heart you
- R3G3N3RAT3D2000: Weird because how can another match start in a broken ring. Funny because of the glitches lmao.
- Chirag Thavidaboiyna: 😂😂 see how undertaker was dying to come into the ring😂😂
- oRyan R11: 2018 and this shit exist All they care about is money
- Chris Bradley: Teddy Long is a referee in 2k
- Exiverence: They open a gateway to another dimension...
- Khamari Jenkins: It’s sooooo glitchy 😂
- lilCHIQUIS1: WWE 2K19 Exorcist Edition!
- The Handsome Fox: +DMonickFilms be quiet
- AlBert Cardenas: damn those graphics are legit AF!
- JKerns: I love how everyone is shitting on the game when the video shows intentional game breaking.
- SomeHow: Oh my. That's funny xDDD
- mg dave sweep: WWE 2k cringe moments
- Ishmeet Bharij: 2:36 brock dance 😂🤘
- Asfand Abid: Look 2K what you did there!
- Pro 9: Taker is a ghost
- Jhoan Arley: Haha
- BigBlackBootyDaddy: As usual 2k is a glitchy piece of shit
- Tiger Edge45: Glitch
- LEO OP: 3:20 brock lesnar duck walking wrrestling practice lol
- Bruno LK: Met this game
- Nota Smiler: Best match 10/10
- Wyatt Haskin: Physics have been broken
- Khaled Albatal: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Mike Ford: Can't believe they actually put out a crap game like this, man I thought madden was glitchy.
- Carlo Palladino: Jesus, what a shitty game
- M. Reginald Goldstein: Hornswoggle's under there too
- TruthXile: Rigged, seriously can't stop laughing though :3
- Jsmith12292: 3:19 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂💀
- Ultra Instinct DS: Bro.. the way the ref tumbled
- Nostalgic memories: apparently it breaks physics
- Jacob Manthe: Well one thing is for sure...commentary still sucks 😂
- Mike Werley: This game looks so unrealistic. There is way too much crowd noise and excitement. Normally in the WWE you can hear a pin drop the crowds are so lame.
- Grayston Vaz: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Requiem _: A little bit glitchy, don’t you think?
- Connor Baker 2: 😁😁😁
- Paul K: Alan Heyes you say 'if undertaker starts shooting fireballs...' like that isn't part of the script to begin with 😂😂
- WALRIDER -: TNA in a nutshell...
- little zozzy: Do what happens if you break the ring after it is broken
- Dave M: Cripple Fight!
- Stradar: Easy there where no testers :D LoL but omg what a Funny ass glitch!!!
- CHIRAG JHAWAR: 1:03 teleport 😁😂
- Roy TheRock: 😂😂😂
- Stradar: Im dead LMAO!!!!!!!
- 04mzwach: I thought they wouldn't have massive glitches like this in today's games.
- JAMES BRANDON: Already knew this
- drkahara: This is one hell of a bug. Nice work there
- The Lying Triangle: Undertaker is really the Deadman. He always goes through under the ring and appear from out of nowhere
- Game Escape: Well, that was more entertaining than the actual WWE. So is this a bug or a feature?
- Biswajit Das: wtf did i just watch
- NOOB OOF: 2:17 thats real smackdown!
- mohd apiz: hahahahhaha
- Rodzer Federer: Wtf was this 😁
- James Vincent: Lmmfao
- Kong Moua: Holy sh*t this is a demonic match...
- TerraBull23: This looks about right
- Rafi Hossain: Saksham Arora And I am the 1000th like!!
- Alfie Lynch 95 New: LOL
- LyCometz: Not sure what I was expecting...
- Facta Non Verba Designs [FREE Background-Videos]: Haha what the fuck :D
- TheSpookyBoi: So the game turns into Gang Beasts when you cash in, huh? 😂
- Hamasake Gagf: something tells me this was not intended
- MiA Zz Prodigy: 😂😂😂😂
- TheDanielShepherd: It’s like the time Jeff Hardy turned up to a match off his face.
- Samsara: What the hell have I just seen?
- Diego Taboada: Still better than the real life RAW
- Alan Heyes: MooGoesTheUnicorn Chris Brown, inadvertently producing seizure awareness PSA’s for the last five plus years.
- Mauricio AMSGLS: What happens if you cash in on your tagteam partner?
- Andy Q: That's soooooo unrealistic. Brock would never wrestle on Raw.
- EmperorMAR: Easy joke: still makes more sense than most of WWE's booking. *high fives* #crownjewel
- Rainbow Poop: Good job wwe 2k19 👏👏👏
- chetan core smash: So many glitches
- RookieOne: That's why i stopped wasting on wwe Games ... How you feels ?
- Connor Engel: 1:51 brock starts a dance off
- Khushpreet Bajwa: Wht in the world is happening right here😶😶😶
- taj Bonds: LMAOO
- RevanExarKun: Who thinks you need to get back in the kitchen
- grandson of Portuguese immigrants: This is what happens when you are a greedy billionaire and rush to pump out a game every year instead of taking your time to create a masterpiece like red dead 2. And yet that's still not enough money as they continue to brutally ass rape you and charge you for the wrestlers that already should be in the game. As long as ppl continue to give in and buy it , they will continue to pump em out each year shitty
- Chill: 1:03 the force is strong with this one
- BRAnDOn: At 3.20 I was literally Dying lolololol
- fernand cabrera: Jajaja
- Sid Gup: I cannot stop my laugh 😂😂
- Roman Fan CLUB: lol Undertaker Cash ins And running😂😂😝
- BeastMode Dragneel: Scary and funny at the same time
- Falseman Luthfi: it's logic. because of commands
- Ankit Thakor: Lol
- Josh Howatd: Slumpdertaker 🤣🤣
- That Guy: The Undertaker begins to demonstrate his demonic powers at 1:04.
- TokyoBrando: 3:20 lmao
- Jonathan Reyes: Best comment
- The Placeebo Affekt: Do you guys think this is a glitch or part of the game?
- enow messi: Lol this shit is just crazy
- o3t0r1ya: Undertaker win by count out to Lesnar who just walks away. 3 and a half star match.
- Mauricio AMSGLS: What happens if you cash in on your tagteam partner?
- arma8888: It's 2K19 and the it still looks like shit...
- Mamali Rezazi: very very bug in game ..fuck😂
- Brandon Gonzalez: the greatest glitch in a wwe 2k game of all time
- Charlotte Flair: 3:20 Brock Lesnar must do this for real ! 😂
- pablod23: People says.. Nba 2k... wwe 2k = best simulators Puajjjj dont have fucking idea
- ThisGenGaming: Thanks for watching the video! Had some issues with yesterdays video so many might have not seen it yet so make sure to check it out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuCxFKkATMw
- ViolentLee: Oh, man, that was hilarious! Thanks for posting!
- Ashish Rane: Lol
- Blake Belakis: Wow this game looks like shit and somehow the commentary has gotten worse wtf
- Franco Elias: This looks terrible
- NoseLikeIbra: Glad I don't buy wwe games anymore, absolutely terrible 😂😂
- V ROCK: Ghost in the ring
- Andrew Goss: How is it a game from early 2000's aka WWF No Mercy can play more fluid than a game in 2018? These new wrestling games look so so boring in comparison to the days of WWF No Mercy. They over complicate them with awful controls when the No Mercy, Revenge control schemes were flawless.
- Gabrielxdxd4: Whats happen when you destroy the ring after destroy the ring o.O?
- marvinlalala 1312: Wtf
- King Berserk: These wwe games are so broken
- Wyatt Haskin: +Alan Heyes -YES-
- Kashif Riley: Collision detection gone awry
- Doom Toon: Looks like a wwe gang beasts
- Dhanraj Singh: Osm
- 青の時代の士AJ_SAMURAI.: 1:16 Aikido 1:41 Gaara From NARUTO 2:16 DragonBall
- Cj O'Bear: Man this game sooo bad ....lmaooo at the glitches Bring THQ Smackdown Vs Raw Back
- Illus: Lmao
- Joel Castillo: Arianna sawyer 209 2 you’ll be fighting underground in the depths of hell and undertaker would obviously win
- Stanisław Filuś: XDDDDF
- HypnoGaming: Is it patched?
- Pasindu Kulasinghe: Undertaker won but where's undertaker😂...under the ring😂
- Luis McRotten: Lesnar humping the ring post at 2:53 and the knee walking at the end had me almost in tears :D
- Zain: Undertaker for real disappear this time
- jesse evans: this is sad nba 2k19 still has the same problems for years seems like it happens with the wwe games too
- Don't Worry: 2:40 - 2:49 made me fucking die lol.
- محمد مالك: 😂😂😂😂
- Ice N0VA: Undertaker taken under
- Paul Thongkham: Funniest glitch i've ever seen
- Mayank Sharma: Wtf is this
- MrYouarethecancer: Monotone voice: *oh man did you see the impact*
- رشا العمري: Ali -_-2612 😭😂
- Daniel Smith: Arcade crap
- Saigon Aziz: Undertaker just got undertaked🤣🤣🤣
- Reggie Coles: What the hell, 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Lovers of Game: What was this crap. Come on 2K it's 2018 and yet the game has so many glitches.
- Hoseiny Mohsen: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Bhaskar Das: It was very bad bug...but i still playing wwe 2k18 in ps4
- Dwight Schrute South Park version: 55:23
- Gaming RəBORN: Yoooooooooooooooooo The Fuck I Just Watched
- Jayson Lau: Sith Lord using force to pull him over and force choke him. Game over.
- Brandon Burden: 1:53 Brock Lesnar dancing lol haha!
- ferna2294: Just as real life.
- Codenamed Zombie: “Here comes Mr. Money in the Bank!” -Corey Graves Only if he could get in XD
- Souradeep Sen Gupta: The possession of taker and Lesnar ft. the referee.
- Amazified- yt: 1:18 lol
- Hail Lamp: Boba Fett talking about seeing someone everywhere
- Fernando Cardoso Silveira: Looks like a solid game
- Hersh TAg__boy: Lol😂😂😁😁😂😂
- AmazonDon 703: Ring breaks and the announcers don't even sell it lol
- SWAG BABA: What a glitch
- C3NSOR: Nathan Guzman 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💯😂😂😂😂😂
- panner selvam: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Daniel J: I swear guys for the first two minutes and a half I thought it was real
- Manjeet Vishwakarma: Maja aa gaya
- Saksham Arora: I gave you 999th like
- ItsJohnOClock24: When the referee reached day 19 of No Nut November
- fineDSFS: 1:03 Magneto
- Ricky Cooper: I am SCRYING 😂😂😂
- Matthew Lloyd: WWE should ditch 2K and switch to EA.
- Domenik Wagner: Just one of a few things that shows how bad this game is programmed
- Randy Quaid: This is the incompetence behind idiots who are making the games. Imbeciles
- Adam Cushing: This game looks super glitchy
- Jade2016: +Alan Heyes That would be something to see, but instead of shooting the fire balls from his hands, he shoots them from his eyes. :D
- Samuel Cernagor: haha this is very funny
- Ocu domoon: this is what happen if you have to release a new game every year. it'd be the same shit pasted over and over with different UI and maybe some small insignificant changes here and there.
- Devon McCarty: Hahaha yeah they didn't think about this one lol
- The Unbeatable: How is the victory scene
- Caleb Peacock: Idk what’s funnier Brock lesnar walking on his knees or undertaker running down with the brief case 😂
- Michael Muirhead: Is this every time or just a one off
- Pratik Warudkar: The most funniest match ever seen..... It's like dance competition everywhere....
- C Beasley: So under take sank into the ring and never came back? lol
- Glasgow Rangers 1872: Anyone who bought this game is a mugb
- sam collier: these games just seem t be getting worse
- Bruno MK2: Kkkkk
- Dre: TheSpookyBoi 😂😂😂😂
- Zoro Roronoa: Thanks for reminding me why I shouldn't buy the wwe games anymore. Saying that, I recently bought smack down here comes the pain for the ps2. The last good wwe game.
- Nathaniel Stuart: Its glitches like this that should never be fixed... They're just too god damned amazing... I always have glitches where i get reversed by a ghost thats not even there or i do a move like jumping off the top rope only to land on the opponents head and just stop in mid air for a few moments and get attacked. Also alot of random weird spasms
- Santiago Borninkhof: Accio money in the bank
- NYCrazyRob: 1:02 That time Vince tore both his quads...
- DOPE CREW MKG: Why is jhon cena interfering all the time ?
- DBrasco: Undertaker has never run a day in his life. Lmfao. 😂
- Nicholas CECERE: The ring breaks and the announcers are just chilling
- Nick Enriquez: Open caption please
- TrueLawlessVictory: This still makes more sense than Crown Jewel.
- Віталій Расихін: It this game still laggy, when you playing 6-man match on PS4 Slim(Not PRO)?
- WWE Old School: I think this is Undertaker's mind game, not bug :D
- GentleGuypro 9314: His dancing
- nareshh shetty: Under taker rest in peace in under stage n he won bcoz of that.
- Leon :D Luft :D: 😂😂😂
- Gotchism 4Life: Last WWE game I bought was 2k16. I now have Fire Pro World and am supper happy with it. I see the 2k series is still glitching
- YG khaos: 😂😂😂
- chizzy 207: Oh Sh*t that's dope...I wanna play this game bad..I havent played a wrestling game in like ten years...anybody got an extra copy they would give up for say a Xmas gift.. lol.
- Bensonezz: The comment section is almost as funny as the video itself 😂😂😂
- staylit buddy: Nathan Guzman when was that?
- Alan Heyes: Sam Albret Well, he has had numerous hip surgeries 😆
- The Freakin' GAMEBOY: Floating pinfall
- Art Vanderlay: This is so funny...the referee falls down when the ring breaks? He didn't even get hit...the glitches are great though...undertaker went to hell to recuperate...that's why he disappeared under the ring...LoL
- MrMrgrey37: Hot trash!!
- Tanuj Thakkar: 😂😂😂😂
- Kunal Mandal: Pathetic
- Moha GamesQ8: 1:44 the undertaker did his thing like 2010 when he go down the ring 😂😂😂😂
- Jokey: Fuck this shit im out 1:43
- Sumanjit Rajbongshi: 3:27 what hell he is doing🤣🤣😂🤣
- crazy gamer: This game is so glitchy
- Martin luther Kennedy III: What weak commentary. The ring breaks and nothing is said. This game prolly wack.
- Dipankar Das: Lots of glitches and this is shame for 2k gaming graphics designing team lol🖕🖕
- Kingsley ikuru: LMAO
- Justin Friedman: How are so many of you not understanding it's a joke?
- Hot Pepper: Ziad Al Mohammad Or even in a woman’s championship match cash in as a dude
- Steve Stukel: Really not that far off from how bad he is in real life.
- TheIceAnt: I lost it when Taker threw the Briefcase at the Ref. XD
- Alan Heyes: Wyatt Haskin But not on the Quantum level, hence the seemingly impossible actions these combatants performed 😆
- Dynamic Duo: Typical 2ksports, can’t do shit right
- Oisin Dunlop17: 35th
- soumitri pattnaik: This is more entertaining than RAW of present.
- Amaan Haider: 😄😄😄😄
- Wyatt F.: The game glitches out. Just like 2k intended I’m sure.
- Rinzuala Nexus: bug 😂😂
- Devon Johnson: Yoo this is too funny
- Mr. Money: *Y E E T*
- cajunasian71: Greatest Match Ever. #supernaturalpowers. 😂
- Games x Gamers: Wtf xD hahaha lol
- Dzelion Gurung: 3:19 In a parallel universe, that's one of them "viral dance moves".
- Graham Cooke: Shoulders aren't on the mat 😂😂
- Dash inkTv: The referee lmfaoooo
- RAW FUSION: Conjuring 3 came early
- Degro Max: That referees catch though lol
- Manchester is Blue: Undertaker playing mind games even in the game 😂
- megaplex2323: What a glitch lol
- aladdin706: Wtf
- Derek Clay: 3:20 Now he’s just showing off.
- marines28: The Matrix meets The Exorcist.
- C-Red: I think 2k just does horrible glitches on purpose. crazy after all these years, 2k is still a glitchy mess.
- Sujata Panda: Doesn't happen in my career
- Josh Ain't Here: 1:44 That's How He Gets Under There
- A Guy on Youtube: True
- Stubbo242: Undertaker running to the ring was funny after🤣🤣🤣
- gianluca de satis: Video osceno
- Anton Razzouk: This is exactly why I stopped playing WWE, they’re games just keep getting worse every year
- Dante Planeta: This looks like a ten year old game...
- Solavix -: Lmfao
- OTFxKenshiro: This vid is just too funny
- Ben Baxter: Break the ring Break the game
- Eder Caniggia: 😂🤣🤣
- jason byron: I can’t even cash in on xbox one the cash in system is completely broken in universe mode
- Beer Bourbon and Games: Omg this is hilariously bad.
- Edoardo Maccioni: The last entrance as world champion
- lo ng: wtf
- Palpac: 😂
- Simon Ghost Riley: The physics in this are just plain unreal
- Arnab Roy: WWE 2k and glitch, is a better love story than twilight
- DiVyam DeeP: Undertaker possessed Brock Lesnar 😂😂😂😂
- saic2k: 1:05 is that supposed to be the chock slam
- TheBackstreetArmy: *WTF*
- CODwarrior1000: Smacktalks brought this up in his "Did You Know" series and he explains how to do this, but I dont know why I cant get it tow work in play mode
- Mamo Odeh: 😂😂😂😂😂OH god
- highjim: This is one of the greatest things to have ever happened. EA need to allow "crazy physics mode" on WWF and UFC Games. That bit when lesnar started running with his knees facing outward was tremendous.
- Paul David: Is this game seriously that glitchy? I'm so confused by what I just saw. That looks unplayable.
- James Rosano: Brock went on zombie mode lol
- NASA Association: Seems legit
- CHEZZZSSS Playz: The101 already told us about this but just wanna see Undertaker cash in
- YG khaos: Andrew Burns 😂
- David Morales: Dam son
- Docs 412: Lmao commentary is so weak in this game compared to the old games
- Gunjan Mishra: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Brian Perkins: Undertaker looking mortal here 😁😂😂
- Michael Finn: Thats weird lol this isnt any different from 2k18 though but i like the elimination chamber better on 2k19 for some reason it looks newer to me
- o0PRiNGER0o: I'm going to have nightmares
- Nasrin Sultana: Glitch
- draco malfoy: 2:14 NANI!?
- siddhu gold: wtf
- Wayne Leslie: This has been edited somehow I am pretty sure 2k would not have one of there games to this like
- Eleazar Gonzalez: 😂😂
- Brian Hunter: Those graphics god awful
- Tech By Devesh: Jack Dren the commentry is never improved
- HJL JR: Oh wow this sucks. Bring me something like Wwe2007 which was good at the time. I'm glad I didn't buy this crap.
- Ivan Ong: are you all retarded, theres a default entrance for anyone who cashes in their money in the bank briefcase
- DiversifiedGamer: LMFAO
- Jovi James: There's something "off" about this match lol
- Genarel Betrayus: so what your saying is they released another glitchy game wtf though seriously lmao
- Crafty Vegetarian83: World class wizardry right there
- Killatunga: They can never get it right...
- Maliphresh: This is genius thank you
- Andy Q: Now now, he did when the pyro guy set him on fire at Elimination Chamber. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- venkat shiva: 3:18 it's called mars walk...New move 🤘 Created by wwe 2k19...
- Aryo Pandu 95: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Nadeer Shaikh: Very funny 😂😂😂😂
- Mysteriou_ z: Crazy shit happens
- Leith Keshava: lol! too funny bug! 😂😂😂
- DJ Depression: Still a better match than these two could have in 2018.
- Mike Revan: Full of Bugs who made this game should better go to school and learn programming
- Garret Snyder: Wow great DEVS lol
- David NEC: Well at least the QC process was very thorough under all scenarios and there are no glitches.
- OnSlaught: This is why I stop buying this bullshit
- Pritam Moni: 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Lol
- OneBigBugga: +Jade2016 AYE! an if undertake were here right now he'd Smite Brock with Fireballs from his Eyes and lightning bolts from his arse!
- Blake Cantos: The gravitational pull changes. Loool Wtf happened to Brock walking with his knees. Hahahaha shit us funny
- fortnite player lmoa: Awesome glitch
- HateHeart: i like this feature.
- Cha Ghba: Fucking looooool😂😂😂
- 3ric Mendez: They getting possesed
- Danozzo: Epic!!
- GamerkillahBlaze: Lmfao this game is a broken mess
- singalexsong: BRAnDOn another person who doesn’t understand what literally means.......
- The Film Effect: That is either the funniest or most disturbing thing I have ever seen.
- Colt the Bolt: Does a different cut scene happen when you select the masked man with bat and not zombie triple h
- Mohammed Ayish: They never thought of this did they!
- Umair Rizvi: Still more real then WWE
- brandon: Man im in tears
- Tacitus: That ref fell 2.3 feet and collapses.
- Akash Saini: Big bug
- Jo Siah: 1:51 I want that to be a taunt
- bluewaffle74ab: Did the ref just use the force pull to suck the case out of his hand
- Darwin Tan: 0:50 when you woke up late for work and remembered you have bills to pay.
- Jeffrey Dotson: I'm straighter then a line of coke and twice as compotent as any incel kek or snowflake sjw. Also I did vote Trump, pleb.
- Antonio xcecutor2: The game is still so bad Wtf
- Cristiano Ronaldo: Fuck this Game
- Viking Ninja dude: The Undertaker is doing his demon powers
- Gravypot Media: Tad glitchy
- Poke Sum: Lmao
- Batuhan küçük: Zaaaaaaa
- Giancola Mario: To much fails ... wazz up to the game creators !?? We got 2018 .. and they bugs are anywere wtf xD very cheap game
- lyhthegreat: 2:36 cracked me up so hard brock's like his doing some sort of weird strip tease.
- razu bolo: Paranormal activity 😰😰😰😰😰😰
- Mob Barley: TF just i saw
- Phil Kessel: Man of course the game glitches 2K are fucking trash at making games jesus
- Dicerolledan8: 1:51 watch me do my dance
- Vayne Lorde: Wtf stupid game
- DEVIDAS AHIRE: Fek game lol
- Supercharmander Gamer: Joe Turner I’m 13 stupid
- Moha GamesQ8: 😂
- John McNeill: Another Piece of shit game from 2K
- SWURRDAGOD516 SWURRDAGOD516: Undertaker under the ring doing voodoo to Brock lmao
- IAM PHILIP: I really wish I could afford a ps4 for this game
- AwesomeByrd: Wow! Even more glitches than a THQ wrestling game. :)
- Faceless ,.: I love the way Lesnar hugs the referee at 2:26
- Myou Ren: Hard to imagine that Taker, a man that can barely walk, climbed the ladder to grab the briefcase.
- Paul Long: Broke the ring AND gravity!
- Miggs'z _: Pausr at 0:51
- Randy Orton: is lesner being controlled by ghost
- Mike Riley: Why did the ref die?
- Aeroll Torres: Please don’t buy this garbage anymore!!! I mean come on, the ring breaks and all hell loose but them stupid announcers don’t even react properly. I already lost hope on this game. Fucking broken af
- hail Kozakistan: Damn ref taking 3 seconds to start counting
- Taylor Horsley: I was not expecting this.
- Lim Louis: LMAO. Hahaha.
- GG LIIK: It seems so fake how the person who did the superplex gets up b4 the ref
- Kristina Reeves: Is this a recent broadcast of raw?
- Fardous: Woah
- Kakarot: That is crazy lol.
- MegaAnubis83: finally a video that proves how terrible 2k is at fixing and improving games
- TheKumitechamp: I havnt laughed this hard at glitches in a long time!
- Skillsimon: I'd love to see a Phenomenal Forearm there!😂
- A Fury: Can’t tell if this is messed up or not
- blancomac11: Was anyone else expecting the ref to fall out of the ring, like the ref who fell out of the ring in the strowman vs big show match?
- vive la france: Haha
- Henry Meanwell: Looks like typical WWE booking to me.
- Harrick Royd: ''Under" "Taker"😂😂
- Doc Playz: Wtf am i watching xD
- Esleidin Yasser Matos Lara: omg wtf lol
- Deep Gaming: This is funny
- Smit Mandaviya: Lol
- Ty 2000: Wtf
- Ben Nicoletti: Wtf just happened 😂😂
- Md Abdul: 😂😂😂 this is hilarious
- AnEternalEnigma: That's it, I'm dead
- FlipperWolf: Oh my god I can't stop laughing xD
- amilroy4569 wowword: 1:51 BROCK LESNAR DOING A BREAK DANCE😁😁😂
- Cool Kids: 3:20 is the best
- jsinai67: This was very entertaining lol
- Rohit Nair: Whole game is funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Tru just: 2K at their best! Their greatest strengths: glitches and subpar graphics! Ruined the game. Back in the days THQ, with their own problems and glitches still made WWE games 10 times better in every aspect!! Bring back THQ for f***ks sake!!
- Reece Howell: This type of stuff is why I stopped playing WWE games the last one I played was royal rumble of N64 that was well over 15yrs ago
- Nikos Kapitsos: Hahahahaha that was so funny 😅😅😅
- bikibaws: Monstars stealing their talents
- D.S T.R: According to WWE this is the best version of game
- Aaron Vincent: Its is looking like harry potter
- Al Network: Glitched-filled as hell.
- Matt Dillon: The announcing doesn’t make any sense when the ring breaks lol. They should have recorded additional stuff for when that happens.
- Big Memo: I hate 2k 😤
- Luan Anjos: WTFFFFFF
- Daniel Sharpe: Omg that’s so funny
- Mundane05: 1:12 *Cause this is thriller* *Thriller night*
- Azhar Rehman: Lol the tod walk 😂
- GJ Battles: +Sf3 Warrior Gloriuss r/woooosh
- muhamed velic: What a bug stupid game
- Vernon Petty: @1:50 Brock doing his shinskue nakamura impersonation
- sliced banana: 3:18 Hahahahaha what trick is that
- MetalGod 1990: 90$ glitch
- EY 19: The glitch of the century
- Vaibhav SinGh: wwe 2K19 Deadman vs beast... results = Paranormal 1:14 ... 1:50 ... 3:16 😂🤣😆
- Ajay Michael's: Undertaker be like, You can't see me🖐️👋✋
- Salman Al Farisi: Lol
- Mathieu -: Brock is really willing to do anything to keep that title, even the chicken dance.
- 0thers1d3: This is good fucking content!! 😂😂😂😂
- Sheheryar Ahmad: hahhahahahahhahahahhahaha :D:'''''D
- DJ Skandalous: Wow. Bryon Saxton sounded so amazed by what he saw! Did you see the impact....ehhhh
- Pro 9: Fuss
- RonaldoIStheboy: Glitch City!!
- taj Bonds: Undertaker driving on the ropes
- trashers4cashers: That briefcase throw was perfect looool
- Lee O'Neal: Looked like Brock was getting handled by the exorcist
- Erick Amorim: So now we know that the balance of the universe depends on that ring.
- Camarrion Davis: So basically what they do in real life
- Michael Muirhead: Taker ran to the ring Taker ran
- WOOWOO WOO: you dont have to
- Kenny omega: 😂🤣
- The Mad Scientist: damn that was horrifying
- Scott Smith: What a mess
- Mayuri Panse: LoL
- Muhammad Awais: Lol
- GoldEXP: 2k btw
- Gavin Singleton: For a 2019 wwe game it really shit
- jay059756: Rito plz xD
- Jaime Tellez: First
- Himesh Komalram: Lol wtf was that😂😂
- Пользователь 123: 1:14 Help Me
- Abhijith S: 😂😂😂😂
- ravi shankar: I think lesner was possessed by evil 😈 devil 👿 😂😂😂😂😂
- Shailu __: 1:52 new kind of dance?
- Craig Cezar: Lmao
- Shankki Sharma: All Are Mental Guyz There ♥️♥️ Including Channel Owner
- Tulley Novielli: Awesome 👏🏻 video Ohhhhhhhhhh now I now what happens
- jmacsss: Lmao
- Recon Inzunza: do what if you break the ring in a royal rumble
- Dustins gaming show: Lol
- K Maan: Urr yh I won't be buying this game.
- Hazy Bear: Hate to say it but the moving thumbnail had me thinking it was the real show, these games are looking good few more years I might buy one.I just want all the old wrestlers from the 80's that's when I stopped watching cause I started looking at girls when I was 10yo.
- 콩유린: -FUCK-
- ARCHANGEL 70X: LOL!!!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
- akuma4u: LMAO so funny.
- Kakashi Hatake: 1:51 i really wanna know what is the name of this dance
- Wróbel Q TV: Wth
- tazz devil: I died when I seen the undertaker struggling to get in
- Joe Dieckmann: 0:53 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Omg this Game is soo Bad 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
- O Williams: Love how they use the ref motion this actually how a ref got injured when the ring ecploded
- Kaque Burlington: This whole video is hilarious 😂
- Ali -_-2612: WTF 😂😂😂
- ryan briggs: after watching this, I wont be getting the game lol. shitty.
- Selyman Ahmadzai: Lol lol lol
- fieldguy316: haha what the heck did i just see i'm thinking it's the glitch gremlin
- Andreas Hart: REMINDS me about that legs they have in r6.. :D
- Danny Hauger: Weird!!
- Arthur Morgan: No more wrestling after here comes the pain 😔
- malebogo moapare: 1:03 ref has a strong magnet: undertaker is like oh no I can't fit and ref says let me give u a hand😂😂😂
- wwepizzakid: A new day a new great vid #TGGFOR200K
- hector troy: This shit is funny as hell
- LUNATIC CUBAN: 3:25 😭😂😂🤣😂😭
- ARCHANGEL 70X: 😂🤣😂🤣
- Arthur McKelvie: What in the actual fuck?! Glitch city
- Ravindra singh Gautam: Big bug 🐞
- Bramasto Indradjati: looks real to me
- FTFgamer: +Justin Tortellini hate... Soo much bugs. They just add new characters and nothing. The original WWE is also dying..
- Mike Watkins: These guys have super powers!🤣🤣🤣
- samitshah1: Looks like the WWE and The Exorcist had a love child
- singalexsong: BRAnDOn not hypothetically, but figuratively.😉
- Ginger Gandalf: This is the most bizarre glitch I have ever seen
- tonydiploma: This is happening
- Robin Hood: The only thing that is not a problem with the latest version of the most beautiful girl
- Adamantios: The Force is with you dark Undertaker 😂
- Sibusiso Maboya: Worse than the glitches on assassins creed unity! This is comedy gold mixed with mk ultra the part where he is crawling pmplmao
- Mike Clarke: 2k at it again with the quality
- Professor Oak: so, basically it becomes more entertaining than anything the WWE has done in 10 years?
- Phenomenal Beast: W H A T T H E F U C K ?
- Vivek Tammana: +Master Yoda antisemitism exists in saudi bro!
- John Emrich: 3:24 trying to run in a dream
- Wertyuiop: WTF
- Dan Smith: 😅😅😅
- Et Lon: 3:20 lmao😂😂😂
- Tera Dost: *Son of Glitch*
- ihavetubes: look at that power 1:18
- Youtubas: "It's Mr. MITB! He's ready to go!" Nop, he's stuck on the ropes xD
- Biren Daftary: my stomach hurts from laughing!
- Palace Of Wisdom: The last WWE game I purchased was Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain. Doesn't look like I've missed much.
- NiranXNaruto sama: Glitch crazy!
- Exploring Tampa: A glitch in a WWE game? I did NOT see that coming!
- The nudist: What a big fat shitty game...
- tortuga388: Undertaker using his supernatural powers to teleport the briefcase into the referee's hand when his old legs leave him unable to climb into the ring. Vintage Undertaker.
- Steven Rockatansky: Bugs game
- Jackhammer: LMFAOOOOOO
- The Outsider: Supernatural shit going on here..both of em were definitely possessed..creatures of the night under the ring...God help us all
- SmoothChillen: Omg! It was a Glitch!
- rojoshow13: You'd think they would have caught this glitch during testing. It seems so bad that I don't know if it can even be patched. They might have to remove the option to cash in after the ring breaks.
- Justin Friedman: How old are you? Did you see Brock back when he started in the WWE? He was a beast.
- HUMAN s: Nani?
- Brothers of Fury: I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard in a long time
- Zeeshan Rafique: Commentary is bland as ever :|
- K Deep: Hahahahahah
- Michael S/ccsd0601: 1:50 He was losing it...
- Duane Post: 😂😂😂😂
- Mizolighters D766 PrO: What a magnet
- Luca Dynamo: Well, that’s horrific
- Master Yoda: +Vivek Tammana so what will happen if a Jew goes to Saudi ? nothing!
- Wkpninja: That shit was just hilarious 🤣
- kulit ikan: makes me laugh :v
- Rocky P: "alright lets ignore this and just remove the feature next year" 2K
- Lofi PositividaD: 2:54 magic mike
- Am I disabled: 2k For the love god never fix this glitch. This is a work of art
- MrAirmax91: One of the funniest video i saw in a while. Thanks dude 😂😂😂
- PlanetCheat: Don't expect quality from a annually released game series.
- Manny Ortiz: Is this real ? 😨😨
- PIGBOI JAY: Taker and Brock are my last 2 brain cells
- star lord: Can you do this in universe mode?
- Javier Ortiz Bultron: This is an exceptional case. Probably should just disable cash in for this case. There's not even a ring for the match to take place.
- Liam McFarlane: Well i wasn't expecting that
- The Frienemy: 1:02 *LOOLL HOW DID HE THROW THAT*
- CeeJay2K07: Wtf
- Gage Rosicky: Okay I was not expecting that lol omg thank you I needed this laugh
- Hail Lamp: Justin Friedman yeah he was good then...
- The Only Pro: First
- W x B: You would have thought the commentary would go nuts after the ring breaks, so laid back.
- Jeffrey Dotson: "This is the threat of mister money in the bank!' *knee scuttles*
- D O G O: The Undertaker using force just to give the case HAHHAA
- jojo gonjalves: I have never seen undertaker giving money in the bank suitcase like that to a referee Also the 1st move of undertaker how stupidly brock lesner gives his neck to undertaker to get beaten for free
- DVN: Lol stage 3 aneurysm
- Abhishek Lahiri: What the hall .... 😂😂😂
- Saurav Xinha: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Banana boy: 😛
- kareem qassim: Really creative. Great video!
- Big C: Yo lol Brock is drunk
- Ser Ser: Do you even physics?
- piyush parmar: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Incognito Fool: And this is why I haven't bought a WWE2K since 16. They are a complete mess
- Damarcus Henderson: Glitching
- Acerthorn: 1:02 Hey Ref! Catch!
- Ziad Al Mohammad: Ur a legend
- Icee You: Wtf😭😂😂😂😂
- LiquidPhase1307 Phase: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Luis Regalado: Funny
- ishaaq Vempalli: 1:02 see in slow motion
- Nicholas Rante: Thanks man now im gonna have nightmares
- El cactus de la muerte: For a second I thought it was bethesda who made it
- Master Yoda: 0:51 Austin Aries no sell main event - bound for glory 2018
- Dx Glitches: They still reusing that same animation from wwe 13. Lol wtf
- Islamic Tv: F**king glitch
- WarDevil666: Demonic possession?
- rey_561: Undertaker is doing a exorcism to brock lesnar
- bendang akum: If Brock Lesnar finds this out get ready for f-5
- Ryan M: This was the worst WWE game...
- Windy017: "The Undertaker is a force within the ring." He became the ring.
- Markeeey The Odd: The ref seems hes doing his job right.
- Rain Lucid: Lmao trash game haha
- Alan Heyes: The Guy Nobody Really Likes The perfect tactic. Let your opponent tire himself out as you have a tea party with Hornswoggle underneath the mat.
- Kyle Dudley: All these comments and not one mentions how shit this game is for glitching out that badly.
- Wyatt Webb: 3:45 Idk Cole I would vehemently disagree with you there..
- DOZYBE GAMER: Hahahahaha....😂😂😂😂
- Andyoshida: Want to buy this game ? 😂😂😂
- DXGypsy's Old Time Radio: Brock doing the Carlton slide is a joy to behold.
- MD. FAHIM: What the hell
- Mohammad Abushal: 😂🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
- jay v v: I bet WWE wishes those crowds were that lively and loud......
- Sights and Sounds: Announcers: “let’s not mention the broken ring”
- PLUTO OSTRICH: Na this is terrible baby🤣
- BurnTilDeath: How's the winpose screen if someone actually gets a pinfall during the cash-in? Is the ring still broken, or does it magically repair itself?
- DEAD POOL 5000: Oh wow that is brocken
- hmood gamer: Ok now what happens if you do another omg moment and break the ring again
- Vintage Console Gaming: So nice to see they motion captured Zach Gowen in this game
- Caleb Henderson-wilson: First
- Ato mas: How do you perform finisher?
- Reagant yaw: 1:42 the deadman is a real ghost Also he did some demonic powers to lesnar
- ELITE1405: xD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD 😂😂😂😂😂😔😂😂😂😂😂
- Musika Musika: undertaker went under
- Azar Abbas: It appears that not only Undertaker, but Brock Lesnar also has super natural powers.
- Josef Krause: This game looked realistic AF until 1:05
- S: I fucking died from laughing, i legit cried from laughing so much at this 😂moments like 1:04, 1:17, 1:50, 2:08, 2:24 and 2:40 killed me 🤣
- Dwight Schrute South Park version: 1:23:29
- Scott Jefferson: Glad I didn't buy this crap!!
- Preston Keel: Creepy
- অজাত শত্রু: Wtf
- Cecil Raynor: lmao....... lol.......lmao......the glitches worst then WCW MAYHAM
- Anku Wadhwani: U r great
- Reagant yaw: 3:29 😂
- all rouder guru ji say namesta: He is going in the ring
- Gucci F: Wtf?
- Геннадий Орлов: Nice work, 2K 👏
- Nobby gamers: LOLLLLL
- Dallas Cowboys: I haven't played this game since 2010 did they ever bring back manager mode???? like in 2006-08 that was fun as hell I still play it on my ps2.
- hemant: 2:38 lesnar dancing😂😂😂😂
- KTM690EnduroR #1: This must have been the Xbox version
- Hushanpreet Singh: Graphic problems this should be fixed by 2K
- Zachary Mayhew: Killer Boss OMG moment that takes 3 finishers with at least one super heavyweight that has it equipped.
- Okhomia Buoy: commentators didn't give a fuck about the ring
- Makenzie Brennan: Glitches are always in WWE games. That's part of the fun.
- taj Bonds: There walk floating thats crazy
- Adam Renfrow: This is some poltergeist shit.
- Jason Statham: look at this shit bugs trash game.
- Manuel Sotelo: wwe didnt think that one througg
- Skydrawn: The commentary is always terrible. If they make it so they can break the ring, why does it break the game itself? The effort put into these games is always terrible.
- Unreal: ubisoft is that you?
- Eagles fan since 2006.: 😭😭😭
- Reagant yaw: 3:22 hahahaha lol
- Hernan 214: Brock was possessed
- cris villegas: Jajajaja jajajaja
- OneBigBugga: 1:10 Undertaker uses his Other world dark powers to pull Brock to him and slam him to the ground with inhuman strength.
- Saket Arora: Taker as mitb winner was funny, and then that magic throw got me weakkk
- billy burnam: let the force be with u XD lol fgfgagfdg ighhgb
- Blessvin Christer: Rofl xD
- Lord Dragon: То чувство когда компания имеет не малые деньги, на игре очень сильно экономят и получается такое багованое уродство, WWE вы жмоты!!!!!)))
- Don Rafo: Very interesting.
- Baby Luwop: Undertaker sunk into the pits of hell
- Krish Tiwari: Strong magnets everywhere
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WWE 2K19: What Happens If You Cash In After The Ring Breaks? | |
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WWE 2K19 Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 27 Oct 2018 |
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