0:00 - Super Mario Bros.
4:22 - Super Mario Bros. 3
8:56 - Koopa Beach
13:00 - Dire, Dire Docks
16:16 - Super Mario World
21:27 - Rainbow Road
27:05 - Thank You, Mario!
32:43 - Good Night, Mario
Annnd now for the credits, who of course are the ones making this compilation possible. If you liked this video have a look at their work and support them if you want to.
Koopa Beach and Rainbow Road are by The OneUps, purchase their music or listen for free here:
Dire, Dire Docks is by insaneintherain music, check out more of his content below:
Or if you'd like to purchase the song like I did:
And finally, the remainder of the tracks are all off the Super Mario World OST disc which you can download for free over here:
If you want the image, it's by Elizabeth Sherry and can be downloaded right here:
Or go even one step further and hang it on your wall:
- Matth: A Wonderful Masterpiece !
- Jérôme Mignault: I want the sheet music for Alto Sax so bad.
- chelomc27: Awesome🙌🏽🙏🏽✌🏽😎
- SuperGUPPYBros: thx a lot
- tame rocet pika give to me: *hey...that pretty radical*
- The B8r: Thanks, son.
- Lewis Burrows: Thank you for uploading these, I'm loving the way you set out your info too :) P.S. Hope you're doing okay after yesterdays Death fiasco :|
- Essiane Nelson: This is just amazing!
- IIIIIawesIIIII: they totally fucked up dire docks :P
- Bryann Foreman: How could so many people give this a thumbs down?
- Daniel Vasconcelos: OMG Toad is dead!
- Mollie Quiton: Me too
- Nerdy Adam: My boi Carlos here ayeee
- Swamp Hawk: This isn't relaxing. It makes me want to break bricks and murder turtles.
- Cordell Hankins: If only there actually was a radio station like this........
- Yves M.: I laughed but then got a bad conscience because it wasn't funny at all.
- Lyghtnyng: hey i have a saxoph- **its a me**
- Andrómeda: I love you Luigi, god save the pasta
- Abe J. Simpson: The illustration is awesome
- Debora Williams: I want that background!!!
- Cameron Wilhite: the most horrifying thing ive ever seen was that mushroom being cut in half on the cover
- Natey Williams: Love it. So nostalgic it almost hurts.
- Hermis Diaz: .
- Imbellis: Nice job on 'em.
- keithjohnson839: I put this on and turned the Mrs. over!
- Graphomite: I'm impressed to find someone on Youtube going out of their way to give detailed credit to the material used in their video.
- Basser: Thank you Luigi.
- Greg Kors: This is amazing wow!!!
- B Woodall: Relaxing
- Ser Ljusen I Broadway: that sweet fender rhodes tho
- Anime -: This amazing bravo 👏
- TimoDerPro: Thanks for the picture! I am now using it as wallpaper on my desktop.
- Mario Geis: Champs
- little weasel: your google image IS Luigi
- Jamie Ryan Storey: 16:16 This makes me think of Hey Arnold.
- Zachy R: I agree
- SLG64: Ha-ha! Luigi! Go Green! 😁
- The Royal Whistle: EPİC!
- Anne Feenstra: 4:22 - 4:25 Find 3 odd Miis out!
- Cordell Hankins: Ya daymed right! XD
- nether221: Another great video by the god luigi. Thanks and why do you not reply to comments???
- McChicken245: It’s so funny I forgot to laugh
- Partna EnCryme: If you like jazzy chill hip hop with advanced wordplay check out our new single For The World Ft. Breana Marin on our page
- JazeGaming official: best
- Sarah Ross: Ya like jazz?
- Gabriel Couto: How cool is this... many thanks!
- PollipopBoi: Stuff3 "i hope she made lots of *J A Z Z* "
- 1Thunderfire: Beautiful. Just what I needed.
- MakiGO: Do you like.. Smooth Jazz...
- ZacTheMusician: Valy Yeah it definitely is. :D
- anon tyran: 16:16 is the one in Joel's stream.
- Profan1ty: huh never thought id say this but ig i like jazz music
- deigning: idk about relaxing, these got me. well, jazzed, man
- Vergolophus: 21:30 "Oh it's gonna be a Game Over remix-- OHH HELLO THERE."
- Purple 64: I feel . . . R e l a x a t i o n e d
- Kawaii _never_dies: Preach
- Mario Leyva Dominguez: 8:56 Best part
- Aidan Henninger: long live luigi
- Joaquín Gutiérrez Alarcón: Amazing!!!
- trancelistic: I love it. But I wonder, how would Nintendo go vs this video? And, I also wonder if you guys be fair and answer my question, wich I never get a reply on, cuz people are usely not fair and just steal stuff and take credit for, etc etc.:P Not a hate post btw, just a fair question.. I wonder if you can answer.
- DolFox: ( ❤ w ❤ )
- Efren Aguayo The Mario Fan: WOOHOO
- The Epicgamer: lol i thought the same thing too XD
- Nick Rees: this background triggers me. plz remove
- Erik Debawse: That 1-up mushroom cross section has me fucked up
- MrSquark: Loops beach makes we want to dance salsa.
- Cordell Hankins: *GROOVY PRINCESS, GROOVY!*
- Hadyn Clark: Man this is beautiful.
- ImRuscelOfficial: 2:53 OMG!! Loved that awesome slap bass..........Jazz Fusion
- daniel Shakespeare: ?
- LaserRUN: Hey there! If you truly love Mario 1/8 as much as I, then come check out my channel and Let’s Play of Super Mario Sunshine(and other Mario classics) at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtm2Ft_YSTsbcM2nP_tP_mw/featured?view_as=subscriber Thx a bunch! - LRUN
- Bathaniel Nandy: Welcome back to the koopa troopa radio As it gets darker and the street lights begin to come on We now bring you some smooth jazz So grab yourself a drink and maybe even a freind or two and have a good time This is koopa troopa saying good night mushroom kingdom
- Ty Hill Broussard: Really relaxing
- guilhermejrmarin: Thnx Luigi,you were always the superior sibling
- JoesDogsa WebSlinger: luigi, brother <3
- L1KECLOCKWORK: 21:27. That’s some baby makin’ music right there
- Waloogi: I'd play a game called like this
- Samuel Galo: great music video bro like like like like for all your videos broo!!!!!!!!!
- Alejandro Crespo: I would of never thought of this. not a bad thing
- Mister: The credits are in the description of the video.
- PepsiSardines: I actually almost cried from the nostalgia.
- PepsiSardines: Whooo! Think about it! Mario Galaxy Bee-Mario Power-Up! Yes! Perfect!
- alexreleases: +Amplifysenpai They resolve chords, you just don't understand. I know it sounds pompous, but it's true. That's kinda what the whole joke was.
- StudioARE: Thanks for telling me that that song is called "Good Night Mario", I always wondered.
- Vince S.R.: Love it :)
- MrCaden: pls make another one I love this
- Cameron Baxter: Hey bro good job 👍
- Crunch: I'm so grateful you exist, Luigi.
- Zendo Markus: that is "smashing"
- asianese: It should be super Luigi 😀I liked it btw
- Carla Cordova: Me gusta el jazz
- Nyarome 2: Yessy
- Llefty: Luigi, you really do have the best VGM channel on YouTube. This will really help tide me over for the remaining hours until I get to play Odyssey!
- yazmin :3: this song make me feel really happy
- Deathシキキ: same autoplay is weird but thank god it exsists
- Ian Flanagan: What the weather channel plays in the mushroom kingdom. Its going to be mostly sunny with a 100% of the princess peach being "kidnapped" by bowser.
- Jake: 16:16 had me 😩
- Phillip Zoghbi: /my tw ip zm5j
- Sam [Stardew Valley] :3: this is fabulous
- Jesse_777: Thank you, Jesus. <3
- Thiago Reimao: Dire, Dire Docks is absolutely amazing
- Brzytwa: 16:16 Fav
- DJ Cat: This is gold, pure gold! ;)
- Kelvin Davis: This would make for some good Local on the 8s music.
- Israel Hayabusaryu: way to make me hate mario. fuck your jazz
- WaluigiGoesWa: Jump man and Pauline are Mario’s parents, we know mario and jump man are different people because we see both in donkey Kong Jr. That’s why there are 2 Mario’s, father and son. That would make Pauline Mario’s mother, jump man gets with her at the end of Donkey Kong.
- BSC BSC: So cool it reminds me so many souvenirs
- Kuisu: This is awesome. As a musician, this takes the soundtracks to new heights. Thank You for giving me a chance to realize this great masterpiece.
- Aculeatus: please tell me what this version of the game is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvhCFnAtlp4&t=18s
- Liberty or Death 1776: Super Mario Bros. was filmed before a live studio audience.
- Jacob Ware: Thumbs up to anyone listening to this on a wii or 3ds
- Luigi: Studying for physics right now. Perfect time to upload!
- Stefan Price-Aguirre: part 2
- Will: WAH!
- Myraseth: If making videos like this is why you're not on adventures as often as Mario, I wholeheartedly approve.
- Ethan Small: Haha I love the pic with the 1up mushroom cut open
- Sid Holland: PS. I don't main Luigi but is my second fave
- The Church History Channel: Can I get this on Spotify?
- Aron Hedberg: Meme Bakery vcch
- Mago De Hielo: God, this is fucking awesomeee!!!! I love it so much!!!!!!
- MopeyKong: Fuck it I'll eat my dog while I'm at it
- Efraim M: Just when I thought Mario's music couldn't get any better... this video comes and proves me soooooo wrong...
- El chungo: cool
- Joris Weyen: Getting addicted to this playlist, I'm listening to it now daily at work.
- NitroNick777: Llefty Month and 2 Weeks + 3 days for me from now
- bizkitgto: I could listen to this all day!
- The Majik Fireball: This is really good! Your'e the best!!
- K-leb: It's how he makes a living now that Year of Luigi is long over.
- Nerd_in_a_Nutshell: I just jazzed my pants
- Meme Bakery: Luigi Ohhhhh i thought it may have been a Mario Kart game thanks my guy
- William Lowick McNAMARA: 11:36-12:17 aaahhh
- Owen Loughlin: Did Steve Vai do that riff early on or something what
- Charisma Studios: Thank you I didn't know I needed this in my life :D
- epicgamezzzz: Your cafè sounds awesome I'd go there.
- Yaeven: Mario music and jazz are both fantastic, and I fell in love with 3D World's jazzy OST.. but still, I was not prepared for this. Damn, this had no right being this good. Please do this for other series. Pleaaaase.
- The Egg Boy: This is one of the many reasons Luigi is better than Mario, he provides us with top quality music mixes
- Hezekiah Hamlin: I love this channel, this music has honestly helped me through so much work! Thank you man.
- Neobie: It might not be easy being green... but it sure pays off to go easy sometimes, eh?
- Rocco Serpe: can someone link me to just the super mario bros 3 one?
- Petonchio Spataponchio: Damn. Those 33 minutes sure flew by quick.
- Schwammbob Spongekopf: fucking great!
- Javier Yturriaga: Who's your favorite jazz musician?
- Termination 80: I love listening to this having a shit lol
- Cameron White: I play this when ever I’m in a quiet public bathroom ... so they can’t hear me poop
- Gregory Wilkinson: This is so tight its not even funny
- Keith Flick: It s awesome
- Pipeman: So awesome, I need a relaxing donkey kong country jazz covers plz hahaha, good job :D
- 1900bib: 1:25 J’ai des petits problèmes dans ma plantation, pourquoi ça pousse pas?
- Stephanie Yates: DABBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Phillip Zoghbi: /zm5j
- saf t: gail
- Kush Husky: Luigi gets da bitches. #RosalinasDad
- Adrián Lopez: NOW THATS MUSIC LUIGI BRO .😎😎😎👌❤️
- WolfeatCappu: Wooow amazing *0*
- TbhBeyer t.t.t: whaaaaaa!
- PixelShip: Holy crud, good job Luigi! This is a sweet jazz mix we got here!
- Moisés Campos Estevão: Muito bom!! :)
- Kolten Pettay: NICE BRO LOL
- alexreleases: +Simonne Durette Some of it is absolutely brilliant, musical geniuses. People get angry at stuff that complicated though, they get frustrated and it all sounds like noise. Just like Captain Beefheart music, it's amazing stuff, but most people can't understand it.
- MAI-SA-RAH: thanks luigi !
- Liam Gallagher: https://youtu.be/GBmue9PbiOE this is a cool version of the Underground theme. Very jazzy.
- Ryner Lute: that dire dire docks though!
- Art'uro TM: Welcome to the Mushroom Tip Lounge.
- Lanyard World: OMG this is amazing. Luv the jazz
- Au T: reminds me of the first sims game...
- Gabriel: The best best best best version of this songs! This makes me cry.
- LODE: Koopa beach is the best one imo
- OuiKenji: Rainbow Road is life, omg....
- Uki/LucasVip: it is boshy time
- ajttambo: Now I understand why Matt Damon killed that guy on the boat in Italy.
- Echoplasm: Metroid Prime Music Mix next please.
- Windra: Fell in love with this once 8:56 hit~
- Matthieu Hurtubise: Thanks for another great playlist! :) You're the best, Luigi!
- Brandon Vegso: First the awesome half life mix and then so soon this? Homework has become (almost) a joy with this music <3
- SpakwiPlayz: Y.... Yo.... You li..... You like jazz? i do
- Tenpers: I love Jazz so much <3
- Mariama S Bah: This is awesome. Thx Luigi
- spagman andmore: Go to 1.25 speed XD
- DerKek 123: go weegie
- The Fresh Squid: The rest of the world already can buy it. Use a foreign account if you would like.
- acminost gaas: i love the picture, i will play smb3 after eat something.
- Clayton J Kruse: beautiful to listen to, thanks :)
- Preston Rosales: Hey Green Mario, Just want to tell you you are awesome for compiling this and your other relaxing/jazz vids. Thanks much!
- Lillian Till Dawn: 13:25 uh I thought this was supposed to be relaxing music? All it's doing is giving me flashbacks of watching mario drown lol
- Fahd Asq: #LuigiMasterRace
- Kibit.cl: Grat Music !! Thanks Green Mario ! <3
- tame rocet pika give to me: Hey that pretty rad!
- Emily Zelda: I would probably not hang up when on hold.
- Routon Gaming & Entertainment: Koopa Beach FTW! I think a nighttime version of Koopa Troopa Beach (MK64) with stands/crowd and jazz performers in the background would make a very nice track redux with this song... would y'all agree?
- Devoun: Ahhh. I see you, reading this comment, are also a man of exquisite taste in elite music.
- Don't Mind Me: Dire dire docks will always be one of Mario's top relaxing songs.
- J W: LMAO at the black people in the Ad
- JMJ Productions: Oh yes... KOOPA BEACH IS BEAUTIFUL... almost has an animal crossing feel to it ;)
- mowglycdb: He's too great for us, that's why we don't deserve him.
- Grant Dieter: I can't find the original recordings of "Thank You, Mario" and "Good Night, Mario"
- tame rocet pika give to me: *ya like ass?*
- muhammad idrees: Sid Holland .
- Ronald Reis: Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Super Mario games music was generally based in Jazz music and I always looked for a decent real Jazz work based in Super Mario games. Now, this search has finished. And this work is amazing because is not only a transposition from eletronic to accustic, but is expanding and adaptation from the original. Awesome! What's the name of this band?
- League of Exercise: Genius. Who with me? Nintendo is the most purest form of love.
- Shnouk15: Once again.. would MARIO do this? NO! Who would've thought of a mario jazz mix? Luigi, thats who
- Michael Moser: @MrMii Remember, the on hold song you'd hear would be transmitted through a 1/2 quality audio system through a bad connection. Choose carefully
- Andrew Miller: "Relaxing jazz" and soprano saxophone is kind of an oxymoron for me personally... but the covers are cool at least haha
- Trend Orchestra: I really enjoyed these!!! So sick to hear a jazzy take on the Mario songs. It really works.
- William Lowick McNAMARA: Pls do another
- Operation Whispers: "This is good as hell man. Man this is good shit... Man this is good shit is good as hell, this, is like taking a shit in hell." - Sam Hyde
- MrMii: This is not an "on hold" song I would hate to hear.
- Pokefreak54 YT: So lit
- Cailyn Aube: Thanks, Luigi. You are truly player one in my heart.
- Mustafa: Hits the spot
- 66 6: How awesome!!Thank you for the beautiful music
- thosetwodudes: OMG where has this been all my life?!?!?!?!?
- Matthias Fleischmann: Ya like jazz!?
- blackcheesyghoul: c'est vraiment d'la marde
- Tristan P: This is so relaxing! Thanks for the complication Luigi!!
- YoshiBoshi321: It's just blank for me.
- Mr. Magmar: Stay Jazzy people
- TinoC: to the five people that disliked this video.....HOW DARE YOU! good job bud, love the music.
- David Santiago: i was just listening at the music, and recognizing'em , world of water of super mario 64 was one of the best covers
- EnderHannah: koopa beach is my fav and ive never even heard it until now.
- yeet: Ya like jazz?
- Ryse Reversed: had a feeling they would add something like this into odyssey but oh well
- doodle_comments: He actually used a theme from a Pokémon route in a few passages and I lllooooovvvee it
- GamersGoin'Blind: Mario + Jazz? Two of my favorite things in one
- Aaron Hammel: Thank you for the links, bud! Big fan of jazz, and big fan of video games here. Never knew this existed. And now I'm super pumped! Good looking out!
- Dundershock: I instantly notice that insaneintherain track lol
- Crackle: Kinda reminds me of christmas
- LuigiBoy: You got that right
- MrSteverevan: Sometimes the style sounds like the mirror world in Super Mario 2 :)
- Ogaitnas900: I can totally see Luigi as a great saxophonist on the down low, playing gigs, having a reputation outside of saving the princess haha while Mario gets the mainstream antention
- Renegade Blade: Dire dire docks is a slammer
- Soap Legends: Mama Luigi would be proud...
- Neoptolemus: Awesome
- The-Jaded: +KaniTG you guys mean free jazz? it's like the best thing with improv jazz and modern piano stuff with a little post rock and ambient vibe to it
- Nebenemefwauhr: that shredded Rainbow Road needs to be in the next MK
- lettuce salad bowl: Ur right ooooof
- TheAucoin: At least give credit to who is performing the covers. The OneUps do the Koopa Beach cover and they're amazing.
- kaidigem: *all hail loogy*
- Ryanific: This is so amazing. I need more!!
- Aiden Smith: Got this recommendation from my science teacher. Thought it was funny at first, but then it was actually pretty lit. Mr. Browns, if you see this, thank you. Also can I have extra credit?
- a. Noniem: Sounds more like lounge than jazz.
- Eggo: This is amazing Luigi. Thank you so much for this and please keep up the good work
- Old Wiseman w: ''Growing up means to give up the potential to be everything.'' - Jordan Peterson
- mikiroony: I knew the F-Zero ones but those are grrrrrrrrreat!
- Carla Cordova: Me gusta el jazz yo soy Valenttino tengo 9años
- huda ijaz: Super jazzy
- JonW1987: And now, your Local on the 8s... 0:00
- Zades145: Big props for crediting the art and even linking to the etsy page for it! You da best, Luigi.
- arvidinator: It's a compilation of songs, Luigi. You didn't make them. (Fantastic compilation BTW, really helps me with studying ;))
- Insert Clever Name Here: Im early let me think of a joke (Insert funny joke here)
- Red Squirrel: This sounds like the type of music you'd hear in Dr. Mario's waiting room as you read magazines about the health benefits of mushrooms.
- Bart Boogaers: Nice
- Starwynd3: Fuck. Yes.
- Peter Francis: just what i needed
- TravellingUnicorn: Rainbow road is everything I hoped and imagined
- Starving Kid From Africa: “Now you must acquire a taste of free form jazz.” -Patrick Star
- SkullBoy64: The piano in Dire Dire docks reminds me of Doki Doki Literature Club
- K-leb: I like that the Rainbow Road cover is of the clearly superior version - the SNES version.
- Typical Auto Guy: 0:00 Thank you for calling Mario Brothers Plumbing. How can we help you today?
- something: MrMii Well, Its actually something new, You want to have something they have been using for 32 YEARS instead of something new? I actually am a fan of the balloon world, Its fun playing a minigame where you have to look ALL OVER THE KINGDOM to find it, And you only have 30 seconds or more or less. EDIT: Its challenging to the player and gives them rewards for finding something just like a moon does, It gives you COINS which you can buy MOONS with, Which can get you to anything you want to get to, So basically it gives the player something fun to do to get to the place they want to get to, So what i think is, I would be sad to see luigis balloon world go away, They did a good choice in development and alot of people enjoy the , and your the ONLY PERSON i found who doesn't like it, I could go on and on and on, But i wouldn't want to drain all your time AND because I don't have anymore reasons i could talk out, -Note Please don't start an agruement. You have your opinion and i have mine, No need to start agruements because you want to have something in that didn't get in and somebody doesn't
- Smug Sneasel: You see Luigi? This is why I like you. I can always count on you to deliver the goods.
- Josue Martinez: Exelente trabajo
- Chris Hall: Well darn, I never I needed this until just now. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!
- Abraham Hernandez: Luigi please FZERO!!!
- Saulo Weslley: Very good. Remember good times of childhood and adolescence.
- Abimelech Sanders: 16:16 Nintendo Media Exponent Productions in association with the NBC proudly presents Super Mario World!
- Yusura: this puts me on ease, nice upload
- Tyson Schmidt: I love this guy's mixtapes :)
- popdoo323: Eyy u stole my discord profile pic
- Avoozl: Should've put a garlic in the artwork ala Wario.
- Speed Grump: You're putting these playlists out so fast it makes me afraid you'll run out of content ideas :(
- theHPrendition: Okay, I'll hold
- SCHERGE: this is not real jazz
- Takahiko Maki: beautiful
- e-104 Epsilon: Thank you for calling The super Mario bros plumping service, Please hold.
- Black Ace: https://discord.gg/ne7fbCa
- Mollie Quiton: I love jazz! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- John Rippetoe: Man, that Super Mario World rendition... I felt like I was listening to the soundtrack for a 90's sitcom. Had a real Family Matters feel to it. AWESOME.
- B O N K O N T H E H E A D: I wish I could whistle along to these but they're so improvisational!
- MuteCase: Here we go, off the rails...
- Jittery sonic: Im putting this in a meme playlist so that the unlucky few who get to the end dont have to listen to memes anymore and can relax
- Nathan Horton: Dat rainbow road tho
- Rick Hardt: sounds more tropical than jazz xD (more dancing than relaxing) But it's pretty awesome
- Just Another Ninja Frog: "Do you like jazz?" - barry bee benson
- Toactwithoutthinking: Good taste vinny
- Adam Mannas: A*
- Doge Studios: Initializing Smooooooooooooooooooth jazz
- Meo Mundus: Great song for ironing a joint and rolling some clothes
- I y a n a: I love it :D
- That one shitposter that lives in your fridge: Please never stop uploading.
- syd jesus: A love supreme Music is the healing force of the universe
- Don't Mind Me: Never noticed Koopa Beach was love boat theme low key lol
- pizzamemario: You're the best, Luigi
- GuyNamedSean: Everyone’s acting like Mario music and jazz is some crazy idea or something, but Mario music was partially inspired by jazz in the first place. There’s a reason this all sounds so perfect. It was meant to be.
- L'instant des copeaux: Dude, you are a FUCKING GENIOUS ! <3 I really love your job. Really impressive !
- Joab St.Amant: This kinda reminds me of that slow music some tv stations used when they signed off for the night. Kinda makes you relaxed and ready to take a nap. Good work, Luigi :)
- Itssduck: VRchat anyone?
- Loop: Man, Luigi sure has some good music picks!
- peggy the pirate: I always thought it was yes, si, but I guess it's ya see.
- [WUT]Thomas 648: Y a L i K e J a Z z ?
- Whoppsy Dopps: I ALSO DID
- Valy: Or just listen to the music in game. It's so beautiful ! :)
- BestGardevoirLAS: I don't know why in my mind Jazz = Elevator music
- Chad Hickman: Thanks Luigi, much luv <3
- Radical Dan: as usual luigi's doing more than he gets credit for
- Mikestark1212Gaming: 600th comment
- MAD Hadr: subbed u come in at the perfect time i am studying for a chemistry exam
- MangoLucas: that sliced 1-up mushroom makes me ACTUALLY wonder. I've been lied to lol
- Aaron Hammel: Thanks man!
- NavMiguel: Ooooo....swing it, Mario.
- Cheeky Cherry: What did you do to that poor Toad?? :'O
- Steven Umana: That rainbow Road has me rocking! Fuck!
- Xavier E Hillman: # JASSlover
- Tim Poston: Keep this up man. These tracks really help me concentrate.
- Christopher Sebastian: I just wish I could remove the song at 13:00 (Dire Dire Docks) -- it sounds like it's performed by a beginner saxaphone player. Really bad phrasing and breath control.
- Robin MGP: i agre, many thanx luggy
- Alexandra B.: Omfg they cut Toad open!
- mike: Luigi you are a hero
- Ev: Thank you so much for making these
- goobs: Not going to lie this has made my Saturday
- AugustinC - Fantasy & Epic Music: I LOVE jazz & VG music.. So it's heaven on earth here : )
- Eusticom: Because you were forced to jk
- spips: Hey man, thanks. I was having a really frustrating time with schoolwork and this really helped me out.
- Ocean Cat: I'm RELAXED
- Pashnigen: Ya like jazz? Sorry I had to do it
- Lindsay McGovern: heard this on vinesauce tonight, thanks for posting
- KD666999: I listen it while cooking on the evening! Thanks! !!!
- Dim sendpie: Sp yg kesini gegara gadgetin?
- Ramniir: This is really nice
- Gabriel Armando Vivas Matos: merelaja:):):):):):):):)
- Shearman TheWeeb: Biggest eargasm I’ve ever had
- Username: UserleoGames Channel umm there is no video only picture and soundtrack
- Graham: Really not long enough :/
- Naza Echandi: 2:55 not relaxing xdd
- Julian Moore: I know right! I love that part so much!
- Whoppsy Dopps: You should check at insaneintherainmusic's eterna forest theme too (and also more, he's amazing)
- ClubMicrobio: Should have performed that one in the stage of under water sea, where were jelly fishes, of Mario Bros 1
- Robin MGP: adn thank luggy this exsists
- Gary Oak: did you make this? is this a rip?
- NeoUmbreon: I have no clue how I got here, thanks autoplay lol
- Palpas: Ok, who disliked?
- Christian Schuster: 1up
- Alexandra D: Thank you for blessing us with soothing sounds Luigi
- Braillionaire: Flames...
- Colin McHugh: Just in time for Odyssey.
- Jon Carey: I never would have thought Jazz and Mario would go together so well.
- Rodrigo Escobar: Thank you for this, Luigi.
- PepsiSardines: Think about it, who's Luigi's and Mario's parents? Weren't the bros. normal plumbers until they magically arrived to the fictional world of the Mushroom Kingdom somehow?
- playmaster,retos;tutoriales y mas: Super Mario world ending la mejor de todas
- Stuff3: nice of the princess to invite us to a jazz club, eh luigi?
- Mike Fluff: Thank you for this <3
- Ophelia Valentine: Hezekiah Hamlin No sentans iz nesesary to grow a cermet
- megan raptor: My maths teacher played this in class and everyone was like wtf 😂 but I like it
- Link&Luigi64: Luigi is the hero we need, but do not deserve.
- Gaming Chinchilla: 4 people would seem to prefer a Justin Bieber cover to Bubsy the Bobcat
- rawle stoute: just discovered this awesome mix. thanks @luigi.
- The Star Show: I love jazz music!
- Anthony Robledo: transition/intro into rainbow road is absolutely perfect
- BlueAmpharos: The last song you mean?
- Lorenzo Player: Just waiting for Mario Odyssey 😎
- Sweet Gravy: I needed this. Bless you Luigi.
- Brendon Hill: How did I get here from crystal castles?
- Natalie: Mmh, yes please. I had no idea how much I needed this until now.
- ElderFapWizard: does anyone know any other music that sounds like this? it doesn't have to be video game related, i really enjoy this type of sound.
- Smii7y Fan: Dire dire docks...makes me want to get out my old 64
- Chris Foster: I like the painting used for this. Where can I find it?
- Alex Selph Drums: Nice🤘
- djmhyde: i would love to have this in FLAC or in SACD :(
- Watafu: Koopa Beach made me smile.
- Marc Garcia Jovells: So great!! *_*
- Lightning Monkey: This is what I didnt realise I wanted but now realise I need. Thanks Luigi.
- KosmiKFead: Yay!!
- Jan Thomas Lende: Brilliant, getting a real Kingdom hearts feel from dire dire docks!
- Stephen Milazzo: When i used to think of Luigi, i thought of player 2. Now I just think sweet mixtapes.
- Mario: Dire, Dire Docks sounds perfect! :)
- Jose Luis Castaneda: 21:48 I'd love to hear this song with saxo instead of lead guitar!
- Firerod SY11: This sounds like something I’d listen to in a Coffee shop on a rainy day or inside my house in winter I love it
- mang0in: right on time :')
- doodle_comments: same
- bluedude4832: Ya like jazz?
- Snipman: Very nice, I'm glad this exists
- Luis Filipe Comparoni: Amazing
- Wel: 12:59 <3 <3 <3
- Raul Albarran: esta muy padre
- Mo Skrimps: 30 mins until the new year... this is my theme song headed into 2018..!!!
- Aaron Hammel: Luigi's hip to it. He got what you need.
- Bruno Moraes: i love the green mario
- Javier Yturriaga: Yes
- BartVanLinschoten: Where did you get the super mario bros 3 theme? I couldn’t track it in the description, not even on the linked site.
- beesavior: currently listening to do while doing homework very effective
- John Jackson: This sounds more Latin now
- Robert Grays: This is Grays, up next on the playlist, is a jazz favorite from 2017 made by none other than the underrated Luigi. That's right: The brother of the most favorite video game character of all time. Enjoy studying for that final exam, your evening commute, or spa treatment while listening to this spin-off of the original classic. Thank you for listening to Game-FM, and have a good night, everyone.
- TheLastGentleman: Hey Luigi, play the sax!
- luisguillermojg: Koopa Beach. <3
- Clysmman Ribeiro: Isso é Samba!
- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh: mama mia!
- cringey kids: yeah and its hot actually
- Starr Spells: I almost didn't notice the tanooki leaf in the pot there. Very nice!
- Jeronimo Rodriguez: So relaxing, so beautiful... I love it! Thanks again Luigi
- Meme Bakery: Man which one is *Koopa Beach* from ? I'm pretty sure its Mario Sunshine but i might be wrong
- Giuro Maduro: Luigi Numba One
- Jacob Tietjen: We need more Jazz on this channel! These covers are insanely good.
- David Chan: Ah yis 🤙 Luigi's Mix it's here
- Ruben Romero: Great work.....i've only heard the first track!!!
- Random Person: This what I will play if I had a restaurant
- TheCat: Love this video
- Gustavo Ferreira: Oh my god this is pure gold I m feeling happy because of this LUIGI KEEP UP THIS WONDERFUL JOB OF TURNING HUMAN EXISTENCE LESS MISERABLE
- Amber van Hoek: that mushroom is cut-up
- Scotty Upton: i feel much more relaxed after an irritating day
- Bart Simpson: really digging these original mixes
- ROKASniper89: Mario starts smoking some of that dank fire flower.
- Nucle4rP4nd4: Where's 2? It's like the best one!
- Spoon: Ya like jazz?
- Xiran: I am so pleased <3 <3
- muffinspuffinsEE: Good for Gwent :D
- Denzel Lagos: A wild Tenpers-san just appeared!!
- Lynn Cho: add a saxophone and any piece could become jazz
- Mario: Because I'm eating spaghetti.
- That one shitposter that lives in your fridge: i've listened to this five times by now. It helps me study a lot.
- Elijah Rickenbach: It is great thanks luigi
- MrMii: Now I think of Luigi as the one who should've been playable in Odyssey alongside Mario instead of reduced to a minigame.
- Chuck Morris: Is this Gran Turismo soundtrack?
- Brian Woo: If you play Mario games in general, a lot of the soundtracks are actually jazzy to a certain extent with the trumpets and piano pieces
- Luigi: Tracklist: 0:00 - Super Mario Bros. 4:22 - Super Mario Bros. 3 8:56 - Koopa Beach 13:00 - Dire, Dire Docks 16:16 - Super Mario World 21:27 - Rainbow Road 27:05 - Thank You, Mario! 32:43 - Good Night, Mario Annnd now for the credits, who of course are the ones making this compilation possible. If you liked this video have a look at their work and support them if you want to. Koopa Beach and Rainbow Road are by The OneUps, purchase their music or listen for free here: https://theoneups.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/4kvAB828lg5b3M8aelIAQp Dire, Dire Docks is by insaneintherain music, check out more of his content below: https://www.youtube.com/user/insaneintherainmusic/featured https://open.spotify.com/artist/62GoYifV4njTdvS8lD2yYT Or if you'd like to purchase the song like I did: https://www.amazon.com/Year-1-Remastered-insaneintherainmusic/dp/B01ABICQW0 And finally, the remainder of the tracks are all off the Super Mario World OST disc which you can download for free over here: https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/super-mario-world-arranged-original-soundtrack If you want the image, it's by Elizabeth Sherry and can be downloaded right here: http://sherryillustration.com/albums/02b8690aecdad77c650dcdd09ec783b5/content/mario-still-life-1/ Or go even one step further and hang it on your wall: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/Lizustration
- JoyStickJackGaming: This was good for cartooning class thanks I subbed
- William Hicks: It's odd- -yssey, ya see?
- Pahnfulmemes Yeet: i was waching a documentray, and i fell asleep and woke to this after 8 hours.. wtf
- Kyra Fowler: I want to be just like you! Here something for you: https://www.piskelapp.com/p/agxzfnBpc2tlbC1hcHByEwsSBlBpc2tlbBiAgMD2mMaOCww/edit
- Class-X: Beautiful!!
- spyrofan9890: Peach: this is a really good restaurant Mario Mario: thank you Peach glad you like it here
- Patricia: sounds like persona 5
- dr Oetam: Now image that it's Luigi playing the sax...
- VlaDDrakkeN: This is bloody beautiful. I love Mario music, but that jazz mix gives it that extra spice you know?
- Yuk00: You saved my life from boredom Thanks.
- Filip Winther: Mika - Lollipop
- ninja noodle: dedede pot
- epicgamezzzz: Smokin some green with my player 1 it's good to be green.
- Heytor Terra: That's Good! But no way this is relaxing ! LOL
- Torus Link: With the very first track, I am reminded of Mika's song "Lollipop."
- Jaime Wissner: Mario music is so completely and utterly grand slam planted into the jazz genre that this is basically canon music. It’s been intended to be jazz influenced since SMB
- Denzel Lagos: Thank ya Luigi, now I know that Mario Jazz covers are besto Jazz
- Uki/LucasVip: 8:56 *_I T S B O S H Y T I M E_*
- Security Camera Man: Thank you for calling Nintendo please hold
- Christian McGuire: this is why you shouldn't hate on luigi
- MVPerry: Nice, Nothing like some Luigi music to relax
- SwordOfAslan: AMAZING covers of some classic (game) music! Adding this to my playlist!
- Polokus: This is actually WAY better than i expected. Thanks a lot, Green Mario.
- dondle: koopa beach was the best
- Jubei Kibagami: damn, pretty neat!
- That Lazy Maki: And this is why you're my favorite YouTuber.
- classicmwk: This is great music! Thank you!
- playmaster,retos;tutoriales y mas: Like si lo vez en el 2018
- Pedro Schadeck: +alexreleases technically amazing yes. But it's made to please musical theoretics, not the ear. Just like a math problem that has no other purpose than being difficult to solve.
- ZacTheMusician: I just bought my copy Super Mario Odyssey, thinking I might listen to this while playing it. :)
- Jero: I love mario, I love Jazz, why didn't I find this earlier????
- Julian Moore: This is so amazing.
- ANDREW FARIA: was up
- Airon Stryder: Wait a second, that one up shroom is cut in half, I noticed this three seconds into the song. Half life 3 confirmed?
- ShoneNintendo64: I can't stop listening to rainbow road. Very great cover. It almost feels like it could fit into Marvel vs Capcom 2, maybe with a bit of tempo adjustment, or maybe not.
- Bilbo's Burgers: Luigi confirmed best brother.
- class vlogs: L was here **pounds heart**
- Arda Arsen ACER: Today I wanted to listen to grindcore metal... but I was busy with something then I realized that I have been listening to this for half an hour. Trolololo. Good stuff Luigi..
- AccidentInMyPants: According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let’s shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can’t. I’ll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I’m excited.
- Vesariius Gamerstube: What the hell! Awesome :D
- Bruno Nogueira: Então é isso que o Luigi faz no tempo livre? Muito mais interessante que ficar resgatando a madame com síndrome de estocolmo
- Crunchydogz: Ya like jazz?
- Bronabonle: 13:00 "That one water level that everyone hates"
- Kendrick Roy: This is more upbeat than relaxing. I love it
- Evan Reiser: That Rainbow Road is just dangerous.
- Itz Maggie!: I love Jazz AND Mario, I cannot right now. (♥-♥ )
- yack hudson: cmon, one of the best i have found
- Portable Trevor: Listening to this makes me realize how amazing it is that Nintendo has never went the popular route and created dubstep or EDM soundtracks. That company inspires musicians to be classy and that's awesome.
- Castelo Negro: Really liked it!! That was awsome.
- MrHedaye: vely nivce my e-fwiend :)
- Jose Luis Castaneda: LOL 1 month later I realize it was minute 21 not 41, sorry
- Impulse Ed: thanks dad
- electrobob992: Ah, the smoothest of jazz :)
- Sean Gonzalez: Rainbow road is sooooo goooooooood :D
- MegaPhone Man: Is the thing between the 2 one ups a buttplug?
- Wanaga Rahi: Neat
- SOC Bars Tv: Can I get a sub thanks!
- Skylar Lee: Anyone know where to sheet music for this alto sax part?
- Michael Christian: Mario's greatest strength is the happiness he gives to children.
- ClicClikBang: Yah like jazz?
- JerryNoTerry: Joann Jaison I don't know if you know this yet but he has recently posted one with that image. It's great too.
- Neyla Leon Barraza: Luigi I like your profile photo
- William Hicks: same thing. video, schmiteo
- Hezekiah Hamlin: Alia Shelesh was that even a sentence
- Nicklaus Books: This is like anal. Didn’t think I’d like it. Turns out I Love it.
- Nyarome 2: 32:43 cries
- Philip J. Fry II: Enjoy your pizza everybody!
- Andre_601: That's why Luigi is my favorit character...
- FloodedHedge: Insaneintherain is such a legend
- Nichijou Bot: not quite my tempo
- SnOoby: WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!
- Dusan Andrés Vilicic Held: A
- Michele Franchi: The picture is beautiful
- Goni's Youtube studio: This should be in a super mario Italian restaurant for people to hear it.
- ΜrCookie: yeah, insaneintherainmusic (the creator of the song) has a LOT of awesome jazzy VGM tracks on his channel! :) highly recommendable
- PhANUM01: https://soundcloud.com/david-haywood-strother/w-o-r-k killin the game
- Dubs The Duke: Lmao Engineering major here
- megan raptor: ❤
- odiz m: ok i can totally see this music playing at the gift shop at super Nintendo world at Universal theme parks :D
- DJSuicidalTendencies: I am SO glad I stumbled on this.
- Itachi Uchiha: wow so relaxing <3
- Sean Beebe: Me too, except my English teacher is assigning us an essay for homework tomorrow. :)
- Christopher Sebastian: This version of Dire Dire Docks SUCKS.
- Max W: this is the good stuff
- Luigi: You can get em here: https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/super-mario-world-arranged-original-soundtrack/05-thank-you-mario-.mp3 https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/super-mario-world-arranged-original-soundtrack/11-good-night-mario.mp3 They're off a soundtrack CD released years back with the Super Mario World soundtrack + a couple jazzy covers, unfortunately it's never been rereleased since.
- Sad Cate: I read the title wrong and am glad it is not what I read
- Francisco Cortés Fuentes: "Relaxing" Dude, I can't even concentrate on anything else, this is so fire to ignore
- Jose Luis Castaneda: Who else but Luigi?
- Kenny Vert: Really great!! Thank you!
- julio gonzalez: 13:00 dire dire docks make me cry!
- Shinichu Games: I just want to say that this gave me so much nostalgia that i started crying in the bath.
- Miss Mel: Legit I was just looking for nintendo jazz covers the other day for my cafe so.... thank you......
- jose suejiro: HEY GUYS PLAY THIS MUSIC ON HOLIDAYS; the perfect music for that
- Whole Food Plant-Based Man: I love it!
- ericface: Man that SMW Arrange album tho. Sweet find, thank you so much!
- Dani Leopardeye: LOVE THIS!!!!
- unknown lie: I'm not usually a mushroom guy but that looks delicious
- jackonice08: 2:54 d A d D y 's h O m E
- Dust Cloud: That saxophone. He's playing for his life.
- mason young: 21:27
- Albion Takami 多神: That Rainbow Road song is just too exquisite. Even tho I hate that map.
- Timmy time: 😘I love it !
- Sergio Gonzalez Luna - G Verdad: I love this!
- Luigi: It's from Super Mario Kart actually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE7WBWpJzaM
- Daniel Gonzàlez: I'm sooooo playing this during my wedding party for the guest! oh I would love to dance a few tunes wearing a nice tux!
- Ruki Sar: 4:22 Best song for jazz I used to imagine the song was saying "That's the name, the name of song...That's the na-ame of song..."
- Bao Vinh-khoa: this is the og stuff lol
- GamEmporium: Hi Luigi, I came across this awesome soundtrack. You gained a sub! Also, may I please use this in my background music? I have a "now playing" scrolling wheel that allows me to display who the artist is, as well as I will put the link in my description. I would love to bring you more support...:)
- Debora Williams: Cool background!!!! <3
- Mettazuki: This is so nice!! I've added it to my favourite playlist!
- q the music: "relaxing" *D U N*
- Username: Ya like jazz?
- G: I wonder why there's never been a Mario cooking game. I'd play that. Sounds like a swell adorable time.
- Anywhere With You: Check out this 6 yr old's Mario Mix! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-K0XFfoXN0
- Darrick Ayers: Is it me or the first song sounds like chance the rapper song finish line
- RealLoader: Hey Luigi, I know you don't like Mario for getting all the hype, but can you make an Odyssee best of soundtrack video?
- TerminalMontage [Jeremey]: This is A+
- kawaiipeach: Carla Cordova Te felicito. ¡Qué lindo que desde chico aprecies la buena música!
- Tyler Grant: Is there any way for me to download the whole video as audio? I would love to just listen to this on repeat everyday
- UltraSmashGamer: I left youtube playing videos by autoplay for over 24 hours and when I finally realized it, this is where I ended up.
- Needleworker's Realm: Pleeeaaase someone open a video game themed lounge bar that plays this stuff in the background! :OOO
- Max Sirius: 16:16 best track ever <3
- Nessiah: *YOU LIKE JAZZ?*
- Icelanticore: *Ya Like Jazz?*
- Jim Bird: Lol
- Hunter Swanson: I misread that as studying for psychics... "Oh yes, I need to study so that I know the answers to the fortune teller's questions."
- vlogging kid: 0:03
- TheGr8Hambino: Awesome some day I shall hack into Starbucks and play this music 😈
- Devoun: Omg when dire dire docks came on I was amazed! This is great
- Piranha Buddy: Koopa Beach Is So Lovely
- Pinguin am Suedpol: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/12/super_mario_odyssey_soundtrack_coming_to_itunes_tomorrow_cd_collection_next_year
- FrugalFellowsFashion: I liked this up until Koopa Beach...Where I couldn't contain the smiles across my face. Well done!
- NeonChileJumper: added to sex music playlist
- TOMYUトミュー: 好きな曲揃い!(≧∇≦)b
- 茶。: I love MARIO and JAZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for making this(•ᴗ•) I Love it.(´∀`)
- Lanny Shadok: Thank you ! It's very good.
- John: My only problem with this mix is that it wasn't long enough. Great stuff
- David: probably the only time I'll like rainbow road
- La Tui: omg I freakin' love you!
- something: So you are saying hes bad? because saying not deserve is basically saying: we don't need him or her or that
- Cam the Xuande: This is pretty good 'ey Luigi?
- NinjaOnANinja: So many nightmares from 13:00 water levels can bite my shiny metal booty.
- Tate: this is beautifully awesome exactly the kind of stuff i love listening to while chilling at home
- tame rocet pika give to me: You got me *fluttering* and *jumping* here man!
- Sakura Nights: Dire Dire Docks never fails to give me the chills... excellent music mix, Luigi! <3
- dynamickirby: Perfect way to celebrate Mario Odyssey’s launch!
- Mr. Meta!!: Of course the superior brother has the best taste in music! On a serious note I just want to say that your compilations are always a pleasure to the ears. I'm only a recent follower of yours but I really love what you do. Taking great songs from great games and putting them all on one incredible playlist. Please never stop doing what you're doing. P.S. I main you in Smash.
- Jorge Diaz: My inner child thanks you for making this!!!
- Samuel Desgagné Rousseau: Can i get the music sheets somewhere?
- Rafael Figueroa: Is the best version
- John Michael Warrick: This is beyond exquisite no covers do it like this serenity to my aching soul.
- Funkyman 0.1: TOP 10 Relaxing Mama Luigi Songs ^^
- Thomi: thats dope as fuck
- Daniel Bin Hujan Omar: I'm just happy that they released a free to pay nook real money animal crossing for the mobile phone
- やんばるコージー: this music player's is watanabe sadao
- Robo Lizard: this K0opa Beach Jazz mix is the greatest piece of music i've heard in the past month Warms my soul
- Jimmy Kash: YA LIKE JAZZ
- Shnouk15: Yeah I do like jazz
- Wooly Booly: This is amazing! Love how clean the musicians play!
- RobertoRK: I thought it was yessie, but why bringing this up in this video? xD
- Marco rossi: Insta sub!
- Evan Kalmokoff: Awesome music love it good for relaxing building LEGO
- Lalito: Luigi... You've done it again... Remind me why I'm subscribed to this channel...
- 1ard: ya like jazz?
- Junk Head: Awesome. Thank
- Mollie Quiton: Same
- Lanyard World: Koopa Beach is my favorite.
- Arctic Firefly: This is exactly what I need when writing an essay on the future of games! Thanks, green Mario!
- Sameer Sajid: Brilliant- all great except for the Dire Dire Docks one, really don't like that one at all : /
- Adam Duarte: I could imagine just going on in a bar while Mario's just tired on a stool drinking wine and everyone else is just getting drunk and having a good time.
- Karmic Wheel: Greetings Earthlings! 👋👽 I bring thin crust pizza for everyone. Enjoy! 🍕
- ALinktotheFutur3: OHhhhhhh SHIZ!!!!!!!!
- Rock Creek sibling: "Ya Like jazz?" - Barry B. Benson
- Woynert: tnks
- alberto gil biurrun: XD
- - (GIO22) -: that smooth jazz...might be good for someone discover another kind of music.
- Shy Guy: Why do I feel like this could work if I get a shy gal and go on a date?
- Ninja Tower Kokuteski: Dire Dire docks always brings tears to my soul :)
- Mario: Thank you Luigi, very cool!
- adamdude58: This is so awesome
- Meyaka Brown: 😂
- Jason Saprophyte: Super Mario Bros. Forever! Viva la Super Mario Bros!
- khaledking1019k2: Am I the only one that gets reminded of Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers and Fists of Furry while listening to these?
- Robert Johnson: The composition of this album was very well done, I feel like my grandmother would like the sound of this and would enjoy it as much as I did.
- Jakob Yakubik: Y O U L I K E J A Z Z ?
- K1ng PugZ: This is beautiful! I just wish it was 8 hours long. lol
- Alden Moeller: Two of my favorite things, together!
- Zeltzamer: +SCHERGE But it is.
- gratebritton: Whoever pushed dislike on this video is an absolute moron... This was so beautiful! Thank you!!
- Brantley Jessee: I knew Luigi was a sharp dresser, but I had no idea he was a sharp composer too! Way to go, Mario bro. B)
- AJR 1986: Damn, that Rainbow Road jazz version is SO FUCKING SEXY.
- Thanam Dayalan: Mr. Meta!! Vzthrh
- Paleozoic Productions: You like jazz?
- Luke Bridges: Women's rights
- Emmanuel Mondesir: Good thing we were invited to this big band, eh luigi?
- jackonice08: 16:41 j E s U s C H R is Luigi YESSSSS
- martillo de la justicia: Captain here, lyrics for 0:00 - 4:22 Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side Come on, it's time to go! Do the Mario! Take one step, and then again Let's do the Mario, all together now! You got it! It's the Mario! Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side Come on, it's time to go! Do the Mario! Take one step, and then again Let's do the Mario, all together now! Come on now, just like that!
- Kleber Pereira: This is beyond amazing!
- Sergio santiago: Preciosa, excelente muy buena
- Abandoned Void: That background is kind of awesome.
- ياسين محمد محمد: the best best best .........;D
- Dimitri Ferros: *AMO LA SENDA ARCOIRIS* PD. NO TANTO cuado te caes de ella XD
- RyanInterNet ID: I love Jazz. Soon, Jazz season is coming with christmas
- Ophelia Valentine: Hezekiah Hamlin I see a cermet
- The Spiritual Fish Lad: All y'all doing physics and I'm over here failing at Grade 10 mathematics.
- Ulrik Wyller: just.. wow!
- some stingy on the internet: Luigi is now important as the one who steals his brother’s music and puts it on his youtube channel
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Relaxing Super Mario Jazz Covers | |
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Music | Upload TimePublished on 26 Oct 2017 |
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