Drew McIntyre 2nd Custom Titantron ᴴᴰ "Broken Dreams" - that was so funny

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 3, 2019

Drew McIntyre 2nd Custom Titantron ᴴᴰ "Broken Dreams"

  1. Simon Nicol: Once again showing WWE could be so good but yet they are shitting the bucket my brother!
  2. Salam Dangerous.official: My favorite ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  3. Edward Raskar: He should won wrestlemania main event
  4. TheSmokinGun87: Awesome work, really well done
  5. Tim Laird: Drew McIntyre is my favorite wrestler today
  6. Hiza T: Bring back this titantron
  7. Brandon Snelling: They should seriously use that. I miss the old theme. The only reason he isn’t using it because they didn’t want to use the old titantron from his old self because old people he faced and old finisher
  8. SPIDER JOCKEY65: WWE needs to hire you, the trons will be so much better then the shitty nameplates
  9. Jeremy Williams: Wish he continued to use this song as his entrance theme.
  10. JVN: Damn that pacing was hawt!!🔥
  11. mary raeeka: this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  12. DashingRKO619: Ryan Woods TY!
  13. Josh Harhut: I hate Drew but this titantron is better then his current one.
  14. Jason Smith: Wwe if you mean what you said the three people run the show now... if the plan is for drew to win the universal title at WM he better enter Monday night with this song, if he's just going to have a regular match at WM he better enter the match with this song.
  15. Justice Hill: I like this song
  16. Kurt Crockenberg: Broken Dreams>Gallantry & Gallantry V2.
  17. Mc lovin: Drew and andrade
  18. Bhaveesh Bharathan: What is yours now is mine 👍
  19. Suncoast Warehouse: Great
  20. Justice Hill: I dream broken dreams, i make them come true, i make them for you!
  21. Khaled Chami: This is the song that suits drew the best his stereotypical scotch song is not that good This song works if he was a psychopathic heel , monster babyface , chickenshit heel , or valiant babyface overcoming the odds
  22. Claude Akel: he shoud use it
  23. Thomas Tyler: Drew 2nd.
  24. Lee Palmer: Awesome
  25. Ahmad Ramadan: Wwe must grant him a title shot before the aura around him calms.
  26. Kuroh Yatogami: This is brilliant. Hearing his old theme and seeing the new Drew, gives me life.
  27. Soldier Amv's Brasil: Drew for TOP GUY
  28. Mortal kombat Fan: He is the future
  29. auyon kabir: who else wants 'broken dreams' back as Drew's entrance song?
  30. Vinnypopper: One of my all time fav trons on YT!
  31. Manu: Please Drew, return to use this theme song!!!
  32. Zediox 2k18: Cest quoi cette merde mdrr
  33. Joseph Miller: Out of time wwe drew mcintyre is his
  34. ThatTall WhiteGuy: Am I the only one that doesn't want this theme back? It represents a different and less successful Drew McIntyre
  35. Ryranii: CFO$ is golden.. watch this: C - COLE F - FISH O - O'RILEY $ - STRONG Shock The System!
  36. Troy Baker: Usually I think Custom Titantrons are cringey but this one is great
  37. Darryl Keith Ford: Very well done my dude 👏👏👏👍👍
  38. Annie Fauss: it is a great theme song by a great band Shaman's Harvest!
  39. DashingRKO619: DemonKingEdits101 Thank!
  40. Daniel Ngo: I really want this song to be back and no more words
  41. Willyto Alzamora: DREW NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  42. Bl00dy N00b: VINCE HIRE THIS GUY PLS
  43. ARMANY ✅: Awesome , how do this effect named 00:01 please
  44. VarietyMusicLover: I want Drew to win the championship belt
  45. MegaChorro123: Becky Lynch Fan™ Hell yes man
  46. Random person: the only time he should use this song is when he wins the universal title. and it should be the night after on raw during his celebration.
  47. WWE2KAttiresXB1: This goes so well
  48. Mayovanex Rodriguez: Next universal champion
  49. REVIVAL Fitness: Makes you wonder how they botched him so badly the first time.
  50. Storm Highlights: This is just... Wow... Amazing work!
  51. INJU 619: Mind blowing
  52. Judicael Eltez: This is f-ing badass👍👍
  53. 995sean: An example of taking a negative, working hard and coming back stronger. Drew Mcintrye deserves so much respect.
  54. Epixkid 112: bring back broken dreams NOW
  55. shaiwn: This wokld be great but its too bad Vince is a cheap lazy cuck who doesnt want to oay for pyro, titantrons, good themes and rather choose to have generic ass production. For those that are saying its expensive then it doesnt matter because WWE is more profitable then they have ever been.
  56. Haryuv Bhatia: Wow!! This is awesome
  57. ComiXProvider FTW_02: I missed this theme
  58. Jeff Hardy: I wish wwe would go back to this style not the freaking name just written and here ya go fucker we want clips ffs
  59. Asshat 2016: LIT 🔥
  60. Gogeta: The best theme of all time
  61. Bullied PacificJames: Whoever made this deserves to be honoured!
  62. MultiTwentyseven: listen, if they play this at the rumble, it will be the biggest pop in history
  63. Toma Tomov: Old is gold drew 💪💪💪
  64. 1269RedJester: Just hurry up and give this Scottish stud the Universal Title already. Wrestling fans (especially the female ones) will thank you.
  65. aaronmays21: Please***
  66. Mateus Moreira De Souza mms: BACK Please 😦
  67. Yash Gulati: Good work . Bro
  68. DRMETAL1990 Jose salazar: WWE Should use this titantron
  69. ScorpionKing_PT: If someday he brings back this theme I'll cry
  70. The HR: In Kayfabe, Vince pushed Drew as the next big thing on Smackdown when he debuted. He should be pushed these next few days he has the talent.
  71. Il Grosso Sul Tubo: SvR 2011 memeories...
  72. Abomb Alexander 1: If they brought this song back for drew or a new super star I'd be ok with it
  73. LT Show: This video is awesome The titantron is awesome Drew is awesome And you are awesome
  74. Diego jrk gamer: I miss this song on wwe good job
  75. Zul Shahmi Ruslan: Although i hate Drew, but his Claymore is 🔥🔥🔥
  76. Geovane Oliveira: It was impressive, the WWE had to put this video as the official entrance theme of Drew McIntyre. Congratulations
  77. Mike T: We Need this Theme back in 2019
  78. Trung Nghĩa: Wwe theme song "Broken Dreams" by Drew McIntyre so nice and so bad.
  79. Renzo Kyle Hige: +DashingRKO619 What do u mean?
  80. Heart Break Kid: Fuck McIntyre’s current theme, we need this one! Plus he just broke up with Dolph so they should use Broken Dreams.
  81. Raven: Absolutely!
  82. DashingRKO619: Jmp Productions Thanks my man!
  83. Jack Doomsday: this song doesn't fit him anymore
  84. The Arrow: I always loved this song, way better than his current
  85. MarcusFenixKO: I miss this song but I do like him and dolph cause their characters are alike
  86. Old king cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he: Brilliant work. And love this theme as always ! Too bad now that CFO’s are in charge they’ll never allow some of the older themes to come back.
  87. RicoK11v3: he needs this song back
  88. Gamer Monster: He need to be the Chosen One again.
  89. StonerMatt: And the neeeeew universaaaaaaal champiooooooooon....
  90. King Teezy: Just got a little hard 💯😂
  91. XxCeRoxX X: No lo intentes en casa
  92. Tham 18: This is very cool
  93. ragemishima: He needs to use THIS theme for real. His current theme is incredible but it really doesnt fit a heel like this one does.
  94. Ullas Shetty: Now this is GLORIOUS!!!!
  95. Fuz Sa: 0:36
  96. kane terell: Far better than his current theme music He needs to use this again
  97. DJ Pichu: Probably one of my favorite themes. I really hope they bring this back because this song was golden.
  98. Abgox Wolf: Drew have face like knights of the zodiac (Saint Seiya) Wait.... he returned to use his old theme musi? That's good
  99. Teejhay Funakoshi: Watch 1.25x Speed.
  100. Michael Wright: Why did WWE ever cut ties with Jim Johnston? I'd take entrance music like this any day over anything CFO$ does.
  101. Shalin Sutaria: +Lion TQ everyone is saying it doesn't fit anymore
  102. Cowboy Brabo RONIN: PERFECT 10!!!
  103. Donut Life: Always be my favorite theme for him they should have never changed it
  104. CrazyIsCrazy128: BEING STUPID IDIOT’S
  105. Brandonman24: WWE gets rid of good entrance music. WWE gets rid of pyro. WWE gets rid of epic show opener videos. Cmon' creative what the hell are you doing.....
  106. lucas. M: No sé que está esperando WWE para coronar a Drew, mínimo le tienen que dar el campeonato intercontinental junto con los de tag team, ese hombre merece todo.
  107. lwvmobile: Its amazing how you took a shot for shot on the original Titantron and made it work, and also made it much better as well. I had to find the original one to compare it to, and its pretty awesome the amount of detail but with what Drew looks like now and so on.
  108. Henry Chang: Wwe should do both brand raw and smackdown.. Bring back this to drew on raw and no more words to Jeff hardy on smackdown
  109. emre kaya: Who sing this song
  110. Adrian Tomasu: your videos are nothing short of amazing
  111. Mr. Hater: You never hear the *CLAYMORE KICK* that takes you down...
  112. Nío fury: +Sharan Rashad Have you finished AC Odyssey?
  113. Zysahh: I wish he was still using this golden theme song this was Smackdown vs Raw 2011 memories
  114. Brandon Stamp: I like this!
  115. Morgan Stringz: They need to bring back this theme
  116. Donjai Mayweather: I love it you ROCK!😎😎
  117. LaToya Wrestleology: I like how in the beginning you made look like the old titantron. Nice Work! 😀👍
  118. Jeronimo Lopez Reina: Love it
  119. Malek: Love it
  120. Young Midoriya: Has Ligma I agree
  121. terry smith: somebody send this too vince mcmahon
  122. Sam Praneeth: editing 🤘
  123. Fabiola Juarez Hernandex: Wooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
  124. Sankalp Godbole: Redebut this theme at royal rumble at countdown. Smark crowd will eat it up and put it over.
  125. Has Ligma: Not u again
  126. Madvon Young: This remind me of WWE before 2014
  127. WR3D Invasion: 0:33-0:37 😍😍 Just amazing
  128. P1 DMC: Most of this video is him beating up Seth 🤷‍♂️😂
  129. sariuS: WWE should pay you for doing it. Good work man.
  130. Suckmydictionary: Can you do one where the first 10 to 20 seconds are footage of his first run and eventual demise( you know chosen one, IC belt and then 3MB)? Cause I´m still hoping that they turn him into some sort of anti-hero as the guy that was once the chosen one but got tossed aside only to come back with a vengeance, and with that footage added to it and Broken Dreams as a theme you have the perfect titantron for Drew´s new push.
  131. yazeed 99: Drew what a legend you are
  132. Nathan 4173: WWE should be embarrassed that a fan made titantron is better than anything they can ever make.
  133. Outlaw Mason: NICE👌
  134. Tauqeer Shaikh: Will Ospreay Titantron ? Next ?
  135. George B: 2019 royal rumble winner.... mark my words
  136. Seth Freakın Rollins: Old but Gold
  137. angrl martin: I hope drew wins the 2019 Royal Rumble
  138. daynner molina: Nostalgia
  139. Javier V.: This Can’t Be Put In Trash, I Think Drew Will Come Back Out To This In Wrestlemania
  140. hisham badr elgammal: How can anybody dislike this theme?
  141. Mr LX Flame: +stars black bro *Burn In My Light* is an awesome theme but i dont think Randy Orton would use it again since he once stated in a interview many years ago he did not like the song but it really did fit his Legend Killer gimmick but the Viper gimmick he has going on right now with the Voices theme song that is so awesome hopefully Randy Orton gets inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame one day
  142. Suliman Sultan: +TheViper823x then how come they are not using it then?
  143. Luis Xander Malave: I want this theme to come back so bad
  144. Kurt Crockenberg: Exactly he's Still The Chosen One.
  145. Angelo Hachem: Brock Lesnar vs Drew McIntyre : F-5 vs Claymore Kick. The best match!!!!!!!!!!
  146. jean mimi: Very good
  147. ExtremeThunderGaming: Just like the titantron back in 2010 but better
  148. Glenn not Glen: Becky Lynch Fan™ he was? tf i dont remember
  149. Amazing Guy: He should go back to this theme.
  150. Random person: also i really wanna see drew mcintyre vs triple h
  151. #1 Phenomenal One Aj Styles: Pretty nice
  152. CrimsonStallionNightmare: nope custom made from this channel i believe
  153. Random: He must be living vicariously through him because he feels like he looks like him or something lmao
  154. King Ehvion: What apps u used
  155. mr morningstar: This was his best theme
  156. Chris Arban: Beware of the claymore kick
  157. Jaylen Bowen: But
  158. NecroMind 123: 0:00 - 4:47*
  159. Super Famous Pro: Saving money lmao this is Vince we're talking about
  160. Mr. Hater: +Joe ok I did not get it other than CM Punk's ice cream bars. I'm sorrry sire but I'm absolutely glori... I mean lost on your icy comment.
  161. Shadow Meister: This is amazing! Good Job! I hope WWE uses this theme again
  162. The Black Nostalgia Nerd: This is amazing and fits his current gimmick better then his current theme which is why I still say he shoulda never change his theme
  163. Deathbat WWE: Cool!, can you make his entrance changed to this song or dubbed or whatever?
  164. Piper: +Suliman Sultan because wwe is stuuuupiiiid
  165. Pratik Mahadik: One thing is everyone has forget which wwe stopped to show entrance theme on their screen like this. They just showing the name on the screen which is absolutely boring.
  166. Norman Vargas MRS Kapplas: will win
  167. TSC News - The Sports Courier: Love it!
  168. Heel Ambrose: Always will be that jobber from Joke 3MB #FuckMcIntyre
  169. AlwaysLookCool 729: 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 6 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Screw it! 1000x STARS 😎
  170. Jafet Ortiz: There’s something about Drew McIntyre that really influences me because he grew so much
  171. Gavin Montgomery: Yes his old theme fuck i forgot Yes movements dead 😡 because the quote on quote new daniel bryan
  172. OAM Nantaphong: Nice 👍👍
  173. Leon Scourfield: This titantron actually makes the song fit his character, now I REALLY want him to use this theme again
  174. Fernando Luis Madrid: okay
  175. Tiffany Phillips: Always love this songs new ok but this is best
  176. Umar’sCookingKariWithMarcus: Did OptionCWrestling steal this from you?
  177. WWE Forever: Wonderfull
  178. DashingRKO619: Summoner Jazzy Thanks!
  179. Dean Mohamed: got beat up by his wife and got demoted, its nice to see him making it back to the top.
  180. Walter White: I hope these theme returns again and this titantron is awesome
  181. Toubz: Amazing my friend Saludos desde Argentina ojala hagas uno así de la s canciones de cm punk
  182. Suliman Sultan: Also my pick to win the royal rumble
  183. natsu93220: Just insane. How do you do the yellow effect at the beginning ?
  184. Arjun Sharma: Smackdown VS Raw 2011 background theme.. No one uses these kind of themes now.
  185. ESPJ: *B E U A T I F U L*
  186. DashingRKO619: EliteArtist Thanks, glad you enjoyed!
  187. CSO: ¡¡Drew Mcintyre!! Figura y luchador de verdad, será la cara de WWE y logrará levantar el roster ya verán.
  188. Josh Walsh Lonergan: This is what he should use!
  189. The Jethro Gameplay: I remember in this song is that the game smackdown vs raw 2011
  190. hdis uel: Great!
  191. Saqer Bdour: let the good days roll
  192. AGT WWEGamesChannel: WOW! AWESOME TRON! 2009 - 2010 MEMORIES :))
  193. Sonu Xavier: Who said broken dreams won't fit his current gimmick 💪💪😎
  195. Blinsky Goth: He still uses this theme? He didn't get a worse one like Bobby Lashley?
  196. Jason Deadshot: this is soo Awesome ^^
  197. Relinquished: The Future of WWE
  198. Alper Keke: I think this theme , the best theme ever until now +1
  199. the destroyed: Amazing thanks DASHING
  200. Lion O'Ryan: I like his current theme but this theme should be used for special occasions like hhh's king of kings theme
  201. POOP Martinez: He left cause there wasn't any credits. He wanted to be known. Unfortunately, WWE has the habit of misusing talent. Like Cody
  202. Le_Poney_Posey: Eargasm
  203. Caleb Gonzalez Ramos: Old Times
  204. DashingRKO619: Adrian Tomasu Thank you 🙏
  205. DashingRKO619: Renzo Kyle Hige The chosen one ☝️
  206. The Spawning Venom: So good! Gave me goosebumps
  207. Blood BRS: Awesome
  208. Bilguun O: Drew McIntyre has less smile now
  209. Justin Jones: If entrance video still mattered in the WWE this definitely would have been a perfect fit for Drew
  210. aaronmays21: Dang right he is
  212. HadiFaHD: I miss his old theme song
  213. King Ehvion: Pc or android
  214. John34 cm: I always believe in drew but wwe is so f stupid and they failed on wrestles all the time.
  215. samuel bainbridge: I LOVE his new finisher claymore
  216. Oscar Simon Perez: That would be perfect! You did an amazing job man,congrats.
  217. DashingRKO619: Jason Deadshot Thanks!
  218. DashingRKO619: JXEditz ! 🤙🔥
  219. Ludwig: Música incrível! Isso sim se chama música...
  220. Blaze123: That's the best theme song Drew use
  221. Jevaze: He needs this song right now
  222. Wrestle Edits: +DashingRKO619 Np
  223. Mitch Mitchell: Only reason why Drew will never have this theme again is because wwe lost the rights to this song. But i don't think it's that.
  224. Summoner Jazzy: That's so good 😍
  225. Broken Luis: OMG this is perfect 👌👌
  226. Tommy GH92: Drew Mcintyre is the only good thing this time in WWE I absolutely want this dude to be pushed to the moon
  227. Billy Bob: +XStriker 101 not anymore. It just plays the same nameplate as the stage
  228. Titanium Man!.: Believe ne that drewmcintyre Will win royal rumble match 2019
  229. Roman Reigns: I love it
  230. Playa Champion is back: Give him this damn song back....
  231. Angle: Mighty damn great.
  232. Ricardo Fonseca: Ficou sensacional! Parabéns / Congratulations!
  233. Warge: Beautiful ♥
  234. Sachman TV: What did you use to make this?
  235. Richard Rodriguez: He really doesn't want it back, because he doesn't want to remember anything of his past.
  236. John Sweetson: Great!
  237. Satria Bagas: Idk why i love this theme better than the theme he use right noe
  238. jeje jerome: Le psychopathe écossais
  239. The Gameplay Elite: 0:33 that was cool asf
  240. nebrasca r: ESTA BIEN PINCHE BONITO ALV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry I mean it's beautiful
  241. Aditya singh: Better than current gallantry
  242. Ultimate Fighter: Nice Vid. Keep it up
  243. Crash: Just slow it down a little and you'll have yourself a perfect edit.
  244. Tech OAdi: I want this back. The best theme song which suits his character. Well done buddy
  245. DashingRKO619: Last☢Breath 🔥🔥
  246. Billy Bob: +DashingRKO619 they don't even use them at live events anymore
  247. Deshonte Herron: They need to use this sooo much better!!!
  248. Cool Good Boy: 🎶I’ll make them for youuuuuuuuu🎶 HERE IS YOUR WINNER! AND THE NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!
  249. Qpr Forever: Please dear Lord let him beat Lesnar at wrestlemania for the universal title
  250. RC99 Productions: Sweet baby jesus.... that intro and how faithful it is to his actual 2010 tron is amazing!
  251. Jakub Marcjanik: Powerfull !
  252. Y Chromosome 99: This theme is AWESOME. He should go back to it as a HEEL only. I hope WWE doesn't face turn him.
  253. CRIMSON KID: Its good to see drew getting his shot to make a name for himself after being underrated
  254. Norman Vargas MRS Kapplas: will be
  255. Norman Vargas MRS Kapplas: sure
  256. Mxtt: 0:24 sounds like a hand cannon
  257. Jaidev Ramcharan: THIS IS BEAUTIFULLLLL
  258. PLUX4: Great video editing, especially when using the yellow lighting effects. It reminds me of the old Drew McIntyre titantron.
  259. webrock: That was awesome... You really beat Seth a lot in this video though😅 kidding
  260. Tahu33446: Who else is hearing the actual rest of the song for the first time instead of the chorus?
  261. Zman 12313: i prefer this over his current
  262. stars black: +Mr LX Flame I would also like Kane to make a comeback with his 2003 music slow chemical
  263. Jmp Productions: Amazing job, bro.:)
  264. Andreas Chrysanthou: Very nice theme but a completely different gimmick though. His current one fits his new aggressive style.
  265. John Strika: WWE needs to stop being cheap MFers and start paying royalties again. His new theme sucks. This would fit his new persona perfectly.
  266. gamer dude 6:12: Man I like his current theme music but Drew's best theme was this and fantastic job on his tron if he ever goes back to using Broken Dreams they should use this tron man.
  267. Ryan B exclusive: Amazing, I was waiting to see something like this one.
  268. Carl Jonhson: Warge the king!
  269. Fan de Rey Mysterio du 56: Drew McIntyre vs Brock Lesnar vs Braun Strowman at Royal Rumble 2019
  270. John34 cm: Pennequin TV no they will make him lose not worth it
  271. DragonHeart613: I like Drew's current entrance music but yeah this music makes him look & feel like a true badass!!!
  272. Dejesus Jason: They used a snippet of this theme during a video package for one of his matches. I think it was over in NXT vs Andrade
  273. Qpr Forever: The new top guy in WWE hope he beats Brock for the universal title at mania
  274. TheBestFighter: Way better than his current song
  275. Gage Taylor: "Doesn't fit anymore" my ass. This theme is Drew through and through.
  276. Ross Lee Pearson: Please bring this back!!
  277. Maxi_hbk619UC: This is the real Drew Mcintyre
  278. Bensonezz: So i used his current theme song and muted this video and played his current theme song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03aaGXSDOiQ Try it
  279. Sharan Rashad: Precious One
  280. Brandon Snelling: Good work bro seriously
  281. Gustavo Santo Lopz: A mi si me guataria ya verte con esa nueva entrada , porque a hora si esta bien reforzada para darte el, push que tu ya te mereces por derecho propio...
  282. Matthew Lomas: The Scottish Psychopath💯 DREW MCINTYRE
  283. Lewis Watson: The uncrownd universal champion
  284. LegendOfMark20: the song does not fit hi anymore
  285. superlauch25: If he wind the Universal Title or any Championship he should get introduced with this theme song again with a new video
  286. Renzo Kyle Hige: nice since 2009
  287. Luciano: If they use these tron in mania and simply let drew walk slow to the ring, people will go wild.
  288. Austin Kyle: Mr. BlkThndr: You have to understand that minimalism is the future.
  289. DashingRKO619: Vinnypopper I really appreciate that! Thanks!
  290. easy pc tutorials: Hope he brings this theme back at Wretlemania .
  291. Bastorier123: SVR 2011 Best game
  292. DashingRKO619: Tommaso-_-Ciampa ☝️☝️
  293. Andrew Nelson: This is amazing
  294. Christian Tyler: Still can’t decide which of the 2 songs is better! Both are awesome 👍👍👍
  295. zouhair aa: THE NEXT UNIVERSAL CHAMP
  296. TW: This Shit Is Beautiful.
  297. Atanas T.: If these dumb fucks didn't kill the titantrons too, this would have been perfect.
  298. Alex Baldwin: Perfect remake
  299. DashingRKO619: Omega Thank you!
  300. ADEL 2K19 GAME: Love it i shared in instagram @wwe_officielle_fanpage
  301. DashingRKO619: UPLOAD KING'S Production I’m not sure lol
  302. Slim Jim: Feel like Drew would be more of a badass if he brought this back
  303. Fernando Luis Madrid: universal champ
  304. vlogingwithjag !!: Best fan made titanton eva
  305. big dog: They should bring back the old theme music the new one sucks
  306. Katy Tinder: This is the Man who takes down his oppositions especially his best friend Dolph Ziggler at the cage match just like the time when Bayley got mad at Sasha Banks at the Women's Elimination chamber,but they're back being besties,but I still think that Drew Mcintyre's pretty foxy to me.
  307. Avé Lukas: AWESOME !
  308. Angel The King: Beautiful. Nice call back to the old titantron and theme. Only better
  309. RPGamer: Amazing Job
  310. Kurt Crockenberg: Drew McIntyre is Still The Chosen One and Always Will Be.
  311. Kry Kry Stott: +deoclasher88 same asf bruh
  312. DashingRKO619: Jeronimo Lopez Reina Thanks!
  313. JazzBliss Channel: This is 🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!! I never liked Drew McIntyre back in the days but since his return to WWE I started to like him 😄😄!!!
  314. 2Stv 2STOOPIDTV: Epic
  315. Pedro Henrique do Carmo: the neewwww WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!!
  316. Hyer Womba: the creative team is busy finding new ways to make a shitty show thats what they are doing
  317. Kry Kry Stott: Same bro
  318. Nick Danger/ /NicktheHedgehog: The opening reminds me of one of his old titantrons and I’LL BE DAMNED IT IS PERFECT
  319. Sun Shower: Lyrics?
  320. ARMANY ✅: DashingRKO619 thanks a lot ❤
  321. Ian Townsend: The chosen one ☝️
  322. Egg Ward: I still have the game on my ps3
  323. Awesome MVS: Amazing!🙌
  324. CrazyIsCrazy128: At least he is better than your sorry butt
  325. Manuel Solano: 👍👍👍👍
  326. SACHIN SC: Which softwear do you use for editing
  327. Ronnie D: This entrance titantron is amazing Bruh. Can you do Jeff Hardy’s next?
  328. DemonKingEdits101: Oh man. This is why people wants to see DashingRKO619 vs. GoldenSkulls. This is a decent job.
  329. Joe: Mr. Hater chocolate sundae
  330. Suce Pute: ❤️🔥
  331. PepsimanEnemyofCrime98 4ever: Another talent wasted by WWE.
  332. GabrielHorse: THIS IS FIRE!!!!! I like Gallantry DM more, and I should've loved a tron with that song, but hey, this is actually FUCKING AMAZING.
  333. Tyler Whistler Review Show: My favorite wrestling theme song ever
  334. OfficialYT Customs: Imagine at Wrestlemania 35 Lesnar vs McIntyre next thing lights go out Then the strumming begins and then lights return to see shaman harvest playing this and then Drew McIntyre comes out with like a Spiked Scottish quilt attire with the jacket and a mask mmmmm this would be a lit ass wrestlemania entrance along with the fact if he beats Lesnar and becomes universal champion #choosenonehasarrived
  335. RB26DETT: Fuckin’ amazing work dude!!!
  336. JuanDiego Garzon: Drew mcintyre in royal rumble 2019 amazing with is song carajo
  337. Woken Broken: Awesome
  338. Faheem Hasan: This is Legendary! ✨
  339. DashingRKO619: Drew Mcintyre Fan Thank you!!
  340. VolteoXx BloxX: This is perfection :3
  341. Dante Robinson: I swear this should be used in 2019. This would be his break from Dolph to become WWE Universal Champion.
  342. SCP 049: They need to bring this theme back
  343. ningenslayer 27: Well he broke up with Ziggler so there's that
  344. Kaleb Cenite: BAD FUCKING ASSS!!!!!!
  345. Toni Gamer: I don't know why but I think this song would suit on Buddy Murphy better than in McIntyre
  346. Jaylen Bowen: Omg favorite theme of the old days when drew was the chosen one
  347. Fan de Rey Mysterio du 56: Drew McIntyre future Universal Champion
  348. Jaylen Bowen: +Jason Jones i agrre 100 percent people say he us bad ass and so is that theme it may not but it is one of my favorite themes
  349. DashingRKO619: 🤙🤙🤙
  350. HBK Sway: Perfect 😈
  351. Ace Raid Havin: Masterpiece this is what you call art
  352. Stick 34: Next Universal Champion at Wrestlemania please !!!
  353. EliteArtist: Best tron I’ve ever seen
  354. Egg Ward: This would definetely fit him better than his current theme song
  355. satro mohd: Gave me a lot of chills, thanks!!!
  356. Lorenzo Tilocca: AMAZING
  357. VarietyMusicLover: Man been forever I wanted to see Drew get that belt
  358. Lozza Da Fatman: When he eventually turns face he could use this theme
  359. Norman Vargas MRS Kapplas: WWE please watch there comment
  360. Fath: خرا
  361. Wrestle Edits: Amazing video
  362. Mack Eazy: I've always thought this was 1 of the best modern day theme song
  363. Laxus FT: I miss Broken Dreams so much
  364. XenoKnight: From an arrogant noble to a ruthless black knight.
  365. XStriker 101: Isn't there a thing above the ring that shows the trons?
  366. Ryan Woods: Nice
  367. Val Gonzalez: Yo this is perfect wish he see this
  368. x DoRiTo: hisham badr elgammal 63 John Morrison dislike
  369. Fun masti,wwe And cricket: Who is it
  370. Qassami آدم: The chosen One still in 2019
  371. JustForFunGaming: Honestly one of the best theme songs of any wrestler ever
  372. Gerardo Lopez R: Gallantry v2 is awesome
  373. Kurt Crockenberg: Everyone when it's far from true. It Fits Him Now More Then Ever. It was Written for him.
  374. Tony White: I missed this song.
  375. Salvatore Ritacco: Simply perfect
  376. Mu'taz Al-Shdooh: so freakin amazing !! omg 10/10
  377. MekTH MJ: Respect For Drew McIntyre.
  378. Melchard Caranto: This is why he should still have this theme. Hiw exactly did you do that effect at the beginning?
  379. ery luria: Pretty cool just needs the title. Lol.
  380. Wrestling News Side: Just for this upload, you have uploaded what I’d consider a rare gem of beauty amongst the other titantron makers of this community. You’ve earned my seal of approval AND a follow from me. Keep up the good work and hard effort for your entrance videos, man.
  381. Channel of T.W.O (Trevor World Order): Lose the beard and make this your song again please.
  382. Juno2000: Please you Son of Bitches WWE let Drew use his old Borken Dream badass theme song it makes Drew feel confident & pumped up for his next move & matches that he gonna come out and kickass.
  383. Shalin Sutaria: You create better titantron video than WWE
  384. Chris THE BLUE LION: +CrazyIsCrazy128 😂😂
  385. ChugMitchChug: Fuck yeah 🤘🏻
  386. raquel brito castaño: Rey mysterio custom titatron
  387. gg Allan: I wish WWE used entrance videos again :(
  388. Matt Lopez: Looks like it was made by were amazing job
  389. Sean McAdam: Do you know how cool he would look walking slow with the univers title and this song
  390. Terrence mcnally: Shoot if you can if drew MCINTYRE has a fb page send it to him.
  391. Kreanj: I miss those good old titantrons with real footages in it...
  392. Becky Lynch Fan™: SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 memories.
  393. nooraldeen abunasser: Next goat 😍😍😍😍😍
  394. Gerardo Lopez R: This song doesn’t fit him anymore
  395. Nachon XD: Oficial???
  396. Jota Robles: Smackdown vs Raw 2011 This version is more good.
  397. Mjrmz AR: Stephen Morales exactly!
  398. Mario Campozano: This is so gay
  399. TheAvistar1: This will forever be one of my favorite themes
  400. Astaroth The Dark Human: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  401. Ahimelec Mangual: Why was there a dick on his chest at the beginning of the video js
  402. Alejandra Hernandez: Ikr
  403. SloydiX: My god ! This is perfection !!!
  404. Shivam Bhattacharya: Just Wow!
  405. A Destroyer17: Drew Mcintyre Fan do you think Drew will ever use this music again ?
  406. ريان مكاوي: Yup he neeeeeeed that
  407. Sorrow Hill: I hope they will use this theme in the upcoming Wrestlemania. Imagine the pop he will receive.
  408. Omar Martinez: Man, what a theme song😍 i wish he uses it again in the future, i don't watch raw, but i will tune in just to see drew entrance with this theme song every monday lol
  409. EveryonesKouhai: The only thing you can hate about this theme is the dumbasses that think Johnston made this song
  410. Jalen Vann Scott: Drew McIntyre should use this for a special entrance at Wrestlemania 35
  411. Indian Phenom: WOW this is awesome
  412. Xavier Machado: I mean nxt used pieces of the song during the promo between Drew Mcintyre and Bobby Roode
  413. DashingRKO619: DRMETAL1990 Jose salazar if only they used entrance videos on live tv again :\
  414. Bernie miklasz: CLAPPING EMOJI
  415. Miguel Paez Galicia: Wargeeeeee
  416. Archangel Leonhart Gamer: Like Lashley needs his "hell will be calling your name" theme... Yeah, we need that back too _^_
  417. Stephen Morales: Drew needs to use this theme for his wrestlemania entrance.
  418. Christian Silva Videos: I bet Drew is going to turn on Dolph pretty soon
  419. kevin lin: WWE should bring back Shaman's Harvest to do a rendition
  420. DashingRKO619: JR I really do appreciate that!
  421. Joshua Hardy Lee: ese si era un temazo :'v los temas de hoy solo son instrumentales que horror
  422. EC3: Now make a 3mb version
  423. Kurt Crockenberg: 3MB will never happen again He's Vince's Chosen One and Triple H's He will never get buried again.
  424. Blak Ops: Drew alway was the chosen one <3
  425. ayyachris: WWE titantron = ResidentSleeper Fanmade titantron = PogChamp
  426. partyj7: Song is cool and the video too. But stop requesting this song for him. Now he is a new wrestler far from his worst moments. #TeamGallantry
  427. SlimyLama: God I wish he would use this again current theme sucks
  428. Drew Mcintyre Fan: This is gold
  429. nasser all abdi: raw is mcintyre
  430. Bung The Booce: If he ever turns face they should use this
  431. Ace Raid Havin: At least jim johnston made a gem for us before leaving called "i bring the darkness" (end of days)
  432. Augusto O: Awesome great job
  433. perezm8383: R.I.P Old Drew McIntyre,he had potential and used to be in the 3MB But All Ended in 2016
  434. Jelani Aurelus: Damn, this is so good. How do you people make titantrons like this?
  435. Vr37: Another great Tron from you, this is really good!
  436. Muscle Hamster: I know I'm late, but holy shit this is absolutely incredible! Great job!
  437. THEONETRUETMAN: Drew macintire turns face in 2020 Faces brock for universal championship Overall 91 Wins universal championship with this theme song BOOK IT VINCE
  438. Drew Mcintyre Fan: +A Destroyer17 never in a million years
  440. Virtual_Viking: To think, back in his original run, nobody wanted him anywhere near their WWE TVs. And now, he's the guy everyone wants to see main eventing a Wtestlemania.
  441. jordieboy 18: Love the video loved this theme
  442. aaronmays21: Pray it happens 🙌Jesus
  443. chase vlogs: Bring this song Back
  444. Ggg Sgl: I want drew vs lesnar wm 35 main event no holds bared
  445. John Hanifin: Bring back this theme
  446. Knight: SvR 2011 CAC theme right here with! Where my broken dream theme users at????
  447. Thank you Roman: Claymoooooooore 👊
  448. Diego Leo Félix: Great job
  449. Dork n' Beanz: Drew needs this theme again. This song kicks ass!
  450. Godzilla 26: Best wwe theme ever he needs to bring this theme back
  451. Tommaso-_-Ciampa: Wow...just WOW!
  452. Γιώργος Τζανακης: drew the next universal champion for sure
  453. BulletClub 2015: Future of the wwe now
  454. Dustin Martin: Drew should still be having this theme right now.
  455. Zysahh: Manu I know right we loved this theme more than gallantry
  456. Blood Red Dead: Awesome love this titantron
  457. booilk oner Rey: Warge chinga tu madre jajaja
  458. Serious Black: He really should have came back with this theme, it works even better with his current character on the show now.
  459. Nino y su barrio: I love this song
  460. XxxKingxxxMaster Cancer: Royal rumble 2019: number 29 : drew comes out with this !
  461. crash groovy: Jim Johnston was still around for this theme?
  462. Travis Walsh: This goes far better with the Scottish Psychopath character
  463. jonhalo9117 lopez: I miss his *Broken Dreams* theme, but this titantron is epic
  464. León Tischer: Awesome
  465. Terrence mcnally: Send this to the wwe
  466. Husseine Abdo: This is just perfect👌
  467. TheViper823x: +Suliman Sultan they do.
  468. xXTheGoldenBoy17Xx: Hope he wins the Royal Rumble 2019 he needs the big push ASAP!!
  469. Death the Kid: Vincent Kennedy McMahon- “I present to you! The Chosen one! Drew McIntyre!!”
  470. DEAN23: You pair him up with Randy Orton, and it's pretty much the apocolypse; it's done, it's over....
  471. Suave Jode: If they bring this song back that would be a holyshit moment
  472. Luke Moran: YES
  473. Muhammad Prabowo Negoro: Should be his babyface theme in the future
  474. HoRror Sound And Music: Best theme 1st drew theme 2nd triple H all theme 3rd Christian theme 4 randy orten theme 5 edge theme 6 evolution
  475. RemyLeBeau: One of the best themes ever in wrestling, great video too
  476. Taker 99: This is legendary!! Keep up the good work
  477. Matt: Your comment = YIKES
  478. Kaxeldin: Wow ! That's so great ! Really good job <3
  479. ec3 nx3: Nice
  480. Gogeta: Yep this is so nostalgic
  481. Ali Zahran: very very good 👍👍👍
  482. Freddymega x: Drew really hates Seth Rollins
  483. juan daniel paredes hidalgo: What type of editing does it have?
  484. Carrington Copes: One of the greatest theme songs in wwe history .....
  485. DashingRKO619: Renzo Kyle Hige Oh, I thought we were talking about Drew lol
  486. DashingRKO619: WJ Thanks man!
  487. jaspher noone: ABSOLUTELY PERFECT
  488. Tristian Sanchez: I'm wet
  489. JR: Awesome! You're one of the best out there!
  490. DashingRKO619: Wrestle Edits Thank you!
  491. Suliman Sultan: The chosen one
  492. Aaron: perfect <3
  493. Nío fury: 0:33 looks awesome(Like having a level up in assassin's creed odyssey )😀😀
  495. dragon hell: Best for business
  496. DashingRKO619: Wrestle Maniak 🔥🔥🔥
  497. CARLOSGAMING YT: Perfecto
  498. Alex Ligot: Badassssssssss
  499. Olraidtwinder: My good, this is seriously beautiful!
  500. Kurt Crockenberg: And they to need to stop copying TNA. Nameplate Entrance videos are TNA's thing.
  501. Saygın Zeytin: This is awesome
  502. Le Hai: Amazing <3
  503. MrHarleymonteiro: 3MB babayyyyy !!!!
  504. Divy sapra: This is legit sick bro 🔥 this is awesome. 🔥🔥
  505. Shadowlugiaxd007: Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s followed drew since back in the day and not jumping on the bandwagon when he joined nxt
  506. Has Ligma: +Last☢Breath no u
  507. Demon Hunter 27: He should bring back this theme song
  508. Black Boy: Non- og's will never know
  509. Alan Cormack: And people said this theme doesn't fit his character anymore....
  510. Feder Martin: masterpiece
  511. arkonte valladares: El dios warge
  512. Ciro Velasquez: Wished that he kept this theme cause the one has now sucks
  513. LaToya Wrestleology: Ikr! 😀
  515. leandro Guina santos: I hope drew win at Royal rumble, destroy lesnar and win the universal title
  516. Skye Bynes: SO GOOD!
  517. Skiddy: This is amazing man! Especially the editing in the first few seconds, keep up the good work dude
  518. Johnny TakeOver: Masterpiece.
  519. Everything Pro Wrestling: Well done @DashingRKO619
  520. James Cisco: This is awesome and I hope that drew brakes up with dolph and used this song in 2019 when he is the unversal champion pleas wwe make it happen pleas vince
  521. Titanium Man!.: I think that wwe drew mcintyre will win the royal rumble match 2019
  522. HoodWrestlingFan 364: Wonderful
  523. Blasta 231: If only WWE would do this.
  524. No Plate: This is sick
  525. Greetings. Have a nice day.: Wwe should steal this from you and use it. He should have kept his old theme anyway. I don't even know why they don't use this theme with him anymore. Shame.
  526. DashingRKO619: TW Thank you!!
  527. DarkSaiyan: Stephen Morales or if he ever wins the Universal Championship
  528. Justin Schenck: Good theme and an awesome titantron, good job!
  529. Thomas Davis: He needs to bring this song back!!
  530. kenterminatedbygoogle: I don't mind McIntyre getting a huge push at the end of this year BUT....... Why couldn't WWE use this theme again? IT IS SO BAD ASS!!!!!!
  531. Devin Williams: Perfection
  532. DashingRKO619: SOULFROST X 2.0 🙏
  533. Lord Of Vengeance: https://youtu.be/dxGB0dC4Ceg this song was used by Him in 2009-10. he was originally a "chosen one" dubbed by Mr. McMahon.
  534. Rockston Noray: Wish he used this as his theme for WrestleMania
  535. Peach Tube: This deserves waaay more views than what it actually has💯
  536. LeanyMcMeany: Damn thats nice
  537. alex abanto castillo: Él ya es una de las caras de wwe
  538. Kristopher Victorian: Awesome
  539. Nite Owl: Great work man.
  540. Stefano Carella: make McIntyre IC Champion and give Rollins the Universal Title
  541. Grim TheFangKing: I miss Shaman's Harvest!
  542. Last☢Breath: BLOCKED
  543. I GOT FREE N-WORD PASSES HMU: Literally world's better than his music/entrance rn. Don't know why they didn't use this song when he came back.
  544. Suliman Sultan: +Mayovanex Rodriguez indeed
  545. alejandro david campos: Beautiful
  546. Gage Taylor: Remember the last time we all wanted somebody pushed to the moon? We got some of the worst booking in wrestling history through roman reigns.
  547. AJPeytonRoyce: This is AMAZING, i love this 💖
  548. HellBlazer *: Absolutely love theme, but why does some parts of his titantron look like it's been painted/drawn with some kind of dog poo💩especially the start
  549. The Desultory TV: Make him THE FACE OF RAW.
  551. Mr. BlkThndr: WWE needs to step up with the entrance videos. I don't like the nameplate videos.
  552. WJ: Amazing bro!
  553. Lion TQ: Who said this doesn't fit anymore? This thing is perfect
  554. AgenteXOfficial: Great job!!!
  555. Fiuzen: I missed this titantron so badly. That WOW me bro. Fine job u put on this video!
  556. Gaming Brothers: Maybe i dont like su much Drew but this music is lit and reminds me of WWE Raw Vs Smackdown 2011 holy shit good times
  557. ParisXGames: Daaaaamn
  558. Francesco Coppola: It doesn't fit him anymore.
  559. SouperMovieCritic: This should be his titan tron.
  560. Eric Sanchez: Hes not going to use this again quit dreaming. Sorry to break your dream everyone. He can go back to using the similar kind of music he used in the indies the hard rock stuff he used was epic.
  561. Kurt Crockenberg: Call Drew McIntyre what you want. Scottish Terminator, Scottish Psychopath, The Prodigal Warrior, The Prodigal Son to me he's Still The Chosen One and always will be.
  562. Michael Morales: This is awesome
  563. Zephyr: He doesn't need Dolph he's champion ship calber
  564. Tyess Francis: l like this theme song better then Drew's 2018/19 theme song
  565. “The Total Package”: Make him the guy
  566. Subscribe Or Get DELETED: Calling it now 2019 Royal Rumble winner!
  567. Brandon DeLarge: One of the best theme songs of the last ten years, quite possibly of all time, and a damn great custom titantron to boot. Nice work.
  568. Kry_Tech: this gave me goosebumps
  569. saud al arfaj: This is so great
  570. Eduardo Madrigal: The chosen one
  571. SMDKyrie 11: WWE should bring back this theme for Drew.
  572. Auto Town: I swear this song is in wwe 13 but you can't use him in that game.
  573. Jimmy Skaggs: This is absolutely amazing! Well-done. 👏🏻
  574. marvin gonzales: Ojalá volviera Drew a usar este Thema
  575. FatimaBliss WWE: I Love The Vídeo ❤️ ^^
  576. S 'Predator: Fucking Epic !
  577. Edward Kenway: Just awsome
  578. Henry Truong: As Red Foreman would say, they're "dumbasses!"
  579. Bullet - Fortnite: This was so cool when I was about 8. Can’t believe it’s been 8 years+ since this. I remember watching Friday night smack down with my aunt if I slept over her house or with my dad and I really should have cherished those moments more than I did but I was too young. I wish I can go back 8 years ago. I miss being a little kid watching wwe and that’s when the superstars were like superheroes in my eyes.
  580. Pierell Mark Que: Drew is like a badass but if he become a universal champion iwant drew vs heel ambrose in wrestlermania for a universal champ
  581. Ggg Sgl: My fav pg superstars are drew dolph and seth those guys can make great matches and great promos but wwe is wasting them
  582. an Le Nhat: He would be more badass if they bring back his Future shock DDT
  583. Rj A: EliteTV Elias is over a fuck also.
  584. SportsLiveInTheAtl: WOW WELL DONE
  585. Deepak Kumar: hart touching them song. I love that song.
  586. Anees Sarwar: WR3D Invasion the viper
  587. Jovens Fritos: Drew McIntyre vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 35
  588. Bayazid Islam: He will be the next universal champion .
  589. Joe: Archangel Leonhart Gamer lmao
  590. the qasim: Brilliantly made
  591. casey james: Why did wwe stop using titantrons?
  592. Rebel Heart: Amazing.. Just amazing.. Thank you for this art.
  593. Gatlin Costello: Bro this song use to be lit asf still is tho wish drew would use it again brings back good memories
  594. The Official NuKe Clan: this is such a better theme than the current one Please bring it back.
  595. Omega: This is really damn good
  596. The Black Nostalgia Nerd: WWE didn't start the high lighted entranve video thing either but I get your point
  597. King TMac: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  598. Old king cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he: Unfortunately with cfos music in charge that’s never going to happen.
  599. Maniak: So hot❤️❤️
  600. Rj A: EliteTV Seth can wrestle more than great. He’s one of the best on the roster
  601. stars black: +Mr LX Flame and Burn In My Light for Randy Orton
  602. Becky Lynch Fan™: He was DLC that's why
  603. Sun Shower: This is incredible, but does he wanna really wanna break from the British Isles themed theme he has now with the bag pipes?
  604. agusrofer98: Anazing job man, hope this song returns to be Drew's entrance theme again.
  605. DashingRKO619: Astaroth The Dark Human 👍
  606. Zach Yoke: Very well done!
  607. James Clements: This is Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️😢😢😢 tears of Joy best Titration ever
  608. Oregon Wrestling Observer: Drew McIntyre should use this theme song just for WrestleMania for one night that would be amazing.
  609. Bhaveesh Bharathan: What is yours , now is mine 👍
  610. anupam tripathi: DOPE
  611. Jeffery Phillips: Somehow, the song actually works better for him now than it did back then. XD
  612. Hiza T: Future shock *if you know what I mean
  613. Jeremy T: This is a lot better then what they having him use now.
  614. Maxoninhooo: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  615. Oneill Ramírez: I love this, great job!
  616. Dustin Rhome: He needs to go back to this theme
  617. naturbur: if drew doesn't win the royal rumble we riot 🦖
  618. Itchywitch: +THEONETRUETMAN He should be universal champion in the future just not now.
  619. Random person: :13-17 wow good work
  620. SOULFROST X 2.0: This is abso-freaking-lutely amazing holy guacamoly!!!!!
  621. Ahsan Ali: Amazing song
  622. thomas flores: I like this and it’s kinda funny watching this video! This video made Drew look like the best tool in WWE!
  623. MegaChorro123: This is awesome *clap clap clap clap clap*
  624. Al's Variety: *Badass*
  625. MegaChorro123: OfficialYT Customs “Out of time, so say goodbye. What was yours, now is mine.” Ahhh FUCK those lyrics would fit so good for Drew vs Brock!!!!!!
  626. Bullet Club Fanatic: This is my favorite Drew theme but it doesn't really suit him anymore.
  627. Bret Johnson: Nice job yo!
  628. jensen boles: this should be his theme again
  629. arkonte valladares: Amazing, good job
  630. Zysahh: Well gallantry doesn't fit him either they need to bring this theme song back in 2019 when he becomes universal champion or something
  631. Charl1eSheenWIN: He needs this theme back
  632. Sharan Rashad: Hi5 AC Lover
  633. Yes Aasim: He is better when he is a face him as a heel teamed up with dolph is ruining his career
  634. twistidtimmer: Damn good song.
  635. James Orbase: wow cool awesome drew McIntyre is my favorite wrestler in wwe
  636. Chronik101: He attacked Dolph Ziggler on raw so they’ve definitely broke them up now
  637. Arron Kay: +RoasteR MonsteR I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not. Joe's theme? Iconic? The majority of what you've just named are loop tracks.
  638. A. Κηροπήγιος: *Incredible*
  639. Thor The God of Thunder: I dream broken dreams, I make them come Drew.
  640. Electric2Shock: The best fucking titantron ever
  641. Kevin Trump: TNA actually saved his career... think about that. His work there as Drew Galloway was fantastic
  642. Jason Jones: This is really great
  643. xDeFeL كبدة قنبلة البناء: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💟
  644. Paula Uptegraph: They should have drew turn on dolph and bring back broken dreams
  645. onmas909: This is amazing work. Too bad WWE is too lazy to make their own creative titantron videos anymore and also too stupid to not give Drew McIntyre this song back LOL I think this video is great!
  646. DragonHeart613: Call him what you will, Scottish Psychopath, Scottish Terminator, but to me Drew McIntyre is STILL The Chosen One!!! Mark my words, Drew will go on to become either WWE Champion or Universal Champion in 2019 :)
  647. Jack DX: I miss so much that titantron
  648. Ryan Brown: Awesome I like Drew , he needs to be the next universe champion. 2019 The Chosen One Drew McIntyre I'm predicting should be a good year for him
  649. Kry Kry Stott: Preach
  650. Gustavo Santo Lopz: Ya yo quiero verte como campeon universal , patiandole el tracero a Brock Lesnar...
  651. Filip Sencio: Future Shock should come back :D !
  652. Romedawg: You wanna talk about art, aesthetics and great editing. This custom has it. Well done, sir.
  653. Raven: I think that "Gallantry" should be his face theme and "Broken Dreams" should be his heel theme
  654. MEXICO: wow👏🏻
  655. DashingRKO619: Toonit on After Effects
  656. DashingRKO619: TheChosenLean Thanks!
  657. Johnathan Allen: Future champ
  658. Renzo Leandro Romero Vargas: AWESOME thanks
  659. MegaChorro123: Mr. BlkThndr Exactly man. I’ve always hated how they don’t show their titantron movies and just some led design smh
  660. bill Azm: He is going to use it at wrestlemania
  661. Raphael França: Que foda
  662. Maxi_hbk619UC: Dalee color oh !! 😂😂 👉👌
  663. Terrence mcnally: DING,DING, DING The following contest is scheduled for one fall First making His way to the ring. From Ayr Scotland Weighing in at 265lbs DREW MCINTYRE!!!!!!
  664. The Anvil: Just awesome, this was necessary
  665. Suliman Sultan: +Piper raw been in a sucking stage so far we demand change
  666. Last☢Breath: Amazing :pray: :clap:
  667. Pisce X: I hope this theme returns at WM where he takes the universal title from Lesnar
  668. antoine morales: Running it on an emulator right now
  669. Mauricio Rojas: Great Job🔥
  670. Yes Aasim: This video deserves more likes and he this guys channel should have more than t series subs
  671. TheLorenChristopher 101486: Best pro wrestling walkout theme, ever.
  672. jr.: drew McIntyre is the one is going to dethrone lesnar sooner or later #TheChosenOne
  673. Uruguayo de Descendencia Polaca y Alemana AHRE: yo te conozco
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Drew McIntyre 2nd Custom Titantron ᴴᴰ "Broken Dreams"

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Entertainment Broken Dreams Upload TimePublished on 23 Nov 2018

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