![Routes 3-10 & 16-22 [Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Oxrar0EPIV4/hqdefault.jpg)
Disclaimer: I do NOT own any part of this video. All music and images belong to their respective owners. Music is composed and arranged by
- Darkest Black: Still the best version. Nothing can top this one.
- GlitchxCity: Best arrangement of this route theme, hands down
- Ern_Dawg89: +Ducktective Duck JR shut up gen 5 bitch
- Agent John: Good q
- 7GamerMinutes: +Mr. Quilava It's my fault, actually. I didn't put the route numbers as tags, so you wouldn't be able to get it as a result. Sorry about that, I will fix it.
- AznPr1des: do you think you can upload route 11 please :( thats one of my favorite ones
- cangjie12: They ruined the original music by putting all these silly fake orchestral effects with all the squealing and trembling sounds. The original red, blue and yellow music was so good and beautiful.
- SuperLeopold64: Epic theme but I kinda prefer the GB version
- Juan Montalvan: T_T
- A.R Baig: No matter how old I get this theme takes me 14 years back, can see myself coming back home from school, turning on my gameboy and running into some random ratatta for my charizard to face.
- Darkest Black: I agree. This version >>>> rby, let's go, hgss, & gsc
- Horns122122: The music of nostalgia
- MpCaptainRuby: Oh yeah its true, its damn true
- Greninja 316: Can someone please make a 30 minute of this masterpiece
- Glitch0005: Really makes you think you're starting an adventure of a lifetime.
- Anxious Dilemma: Ah, FireRed. Amazing memories, amazing game
- ZombieSMT: One of my favorite Route themes along with Route 207, but something about the GBA/DS soundfonts were great. Fire Red was my first game and this was my favorite route theme. :)
- Player Hater of The Year: Theres something about fire red and leaf green that screams vintage pokemon. The score is arranged so well that I can see myself traversing the routes with such adventurous music.
- Harold Burton: Childhood and Nostalgia: The Movie. Coming to an arcade near you. Rated G
- GBA64TCZ3: It's that song from Jirachi Wish Maker! :D Not too much of a Pokemon fan, but I loved that movie very much. :)
- 7GamerMinutes: I thought I did, but I'll go check.
- TomboyPlayer1993: Punchy Primeape *Correct. Its playing the original Kanto soundtrack while Johto is playing the remix version of Kanto music. If you're going to complain about it, I'm not gonna waste my breath.
- 7GamerMinutes: I have it, just type "Silence Bridge" on the search bar on my channel. :)
- Dominic Zannin: Best part is 00:01-00:04
- TomboyPlayer1993: Gen I/III Are the original ones. II/IV are the remixes to their prequels.
- VIZ TOONS By vishal: what
- Nazish Talati: Wow. Nostalgia. In my memories it sounds a lot less pixelly and more... real, somehow, like it was a real journey rather than in a game. Probably a testament to how much I let myself get involved with the whole thing. Love this, thank you.
- Luke Williamson: Let's Go's Route 3 is better, as is "The Matter's Settled" from the Pokémon show.
- Marco Martinez: Nostalgia
- Wyzarka: I like the one from GSC better. But this is pretty good.
- Setsuna: amazing!
- BizerkPixel: IMO the best route theme of all time
- Mr. Quilava: Is it possible you can extend Route 11's music too?
- Miles Quickster: Listen. It's the Invincibility theme from Sonic CD (Japan/Europe)
- Eder Rafael: Music?
- DeltawolfZ Guerra: 😢 I'm 25 wow my childhood
- John Philipp Polak: i love 0:20
- Soham Roy: I like the original version but wish they extended the middle part a bit more like this version, either way one of the best route themes and would love to listen to a remix of it by you Glitch :)
- BBDeathz: I prefer the original if I wanna feel nostalgic, but this is great too. Well, FrLg were also a part of my childhood
- VolcanoCraftz: Route 1 and 3 music is the best in pokemon ;)
- ANDROXUS FOR SMASH: BizerkPixel LMAO routes 22/23/10 from Unova & routes 225/201/206 Say hi.
- Antonio Fagà: Bitch please: https://youtu.be/n7we8lnxSsw
- windwaker0rules: that is because it binds many pokemon generations together gen 1, 2, 3, and 4
- TomboyPlayer1993: This original music is better than the remixed version in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
- Darkest Black: I just turned 18 today, this song takes me back :'/
- Punchy Primeape: +TomboyPlayer1993 Wrong. Gen 3 and 4 are remixes to their respective originals if you want to get pedantic.
- SoulMaru24: i love love LOVE this theme! Thanks a lot 7! :D
- Jellyfish Swag: Routeas!!! LOL
- AznPr1des: omg thank you lol. you should include "route 11" in the tags too :P
- The Mario Medic: +TomboyGamerGal Guess I can see that.
- Magma: One of the easiest ways I know for me to feel nostalgic and cry
- KendoGunSop: Nostalgic
- Matt Cobalt: I know, right? Try hearing it only with speakers. It actually sound more natural that way.
- SoulMaru24: @7GamerMinutes :D
- Pbb: the feels ;_;
- Nintendoman1998: My favorite route theme.
- Mr. Quilava: +7GamerMinutes Thanks! I don't know why, but it doesn't show up when I search Route 11 itself.
- 7GamerMinutes: @SoulMaru24 You're very welcome! ;)
- 7GamerMinutes: +Mr. Quilava https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf8-OCU86Mc
- MpCaptainRuby: Imma cry tears of joy now
- The Mario Medic: +TomboyGamerGal Then it's not original. It's a remake.
- True Warrior: Nostalgia bomb!
- Kirby Vacuum Collector & Fixer: Omg this is my favorite Pokémon theme!
- Shadowpatrick_1007: One of the best route themes in the series right here.
- Júnior José Carlos Dos Santos: Route 3 theme>>>>>>>> all themes Digimon :)
- Silver Wyvern: They play this same song in every single Pokémon movie made so far, usually somewhere in the beginning. I watched the Genesect vs. Mewtwo movie and they played it after the main series theme. I was like, "OMG! THAT'S THE MUSIC FROM KANTO ROUTE 3!!!" So I just HAD to look it up. Thanks, 7!!!
- Enemy Birds: I never played the originals, but I did have LeafGreen. The game is pretty nostalgic, but something about this route theme . . . it reaches deeper than just LG nostalgia, somehow.
- SistersOrMisters: La lala man this song keeps getting stuck in my head I love it
- catmushroom101: Nostalgia
- Kaique Silva: Simplesmente nostálgico :')
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Routes 3-10 & 16-22 [Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen] | |
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YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 11 Jul 2011 |
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